Sistemi di controllo Control systems something new in the air Innova has developed a comprehensive range of electronic controls for its terminals. Their characteristics have been designed to adapt perfectly to the outstanding performances expected of our company’s products. The controls include: PID modulating models and the more conventional three or four fan speed models. Electronic controls with PID adjustment The control panels EB0371II/ ER0372II / EM0373II / EB0374II and ER0375II are advanced electronic systems for managing the functions of a modern heating and air conditioning terminal. Via a series of specially developed functional algorithms, machine operation is adapted according to necessity, ensuring maximum comfort. The serial port enables integration with innovative control systems, meeting the requirements of the most exacting user or the professional sector. The fan speed setting is modulating according to PID logic (algorithms based on proportional–integral–derivative mathematical functions of the temperature trend), not according to fixed steps as with the majority of conventional fan coils. This advanced temperature control criterion enables greater precision and stability. Via a serial interface to be connected to a PC or via programming keys, it is possible to set or edit many operating parameters to perfectly adapt the controller to the type of system. Controllers that envisage wall-mounted installation are equipped with a RS485 serial port through which broadcast communication is managed via the wall-mounted remote control EM0373II and electronic controls for remote control of ER0372II or ER0375II. The serial communication protocol is “Modicon Modbus” in ASCII mode. Through this serial port a network can be created with a maximum of 31 peripherals suitably programmed and fitted with RS485, connected to a single master device. To meet Building automation requirements, a card has been specially designed, supplied as an accessory, which enables the terminal to be connected to a normal wired or wireless LAN. The main functions performed by this special controller are: • Supervision and control in local or remote network • Weekly, summer and winter programming with three temperature intervals • Programming using intervals enables a margin of correction to be left without the need for access from PC • Manual operation that enables Bi2 to be used freely • The on-board machine controller can be completely locked to prevent incorrect use in areas accessible to the public • Uses a network interface like that of PCs, not proprietary Bus systems All of these controllers also come with: • Motor modulating speed setting with feedback via Hall cell for automatic adjustment and precise maintaining of programmed fan speed ranges. • System water temperature sensor for disabling ventilation in the event of water temperatures too low for heating or too high for air conditioning. With this sensor and appropriate algorithms, the panel can also be programmed to switch automatically from summer to winter mode. • Outputs for controlling valves in both 2 and 4 pipe versions. The 2-pipe versions have a 230V output for controlling the summer and winter solenoid valve and an output for the servodrives of the movable intake panel of the full-flat versions, whereas 4-pipe versions have two independent 230V outputs for controlling a summer and a winter solenoid valve. • Independent free contacts for controlling a chiller and a boiler according to room demand • Programmable energy saving inlet for switching to standby (e.g. window contact or hotel room presence badge) or for the saving function with variation of set temperature if no one is in the room. • Serial connection for editing of operating parameters both via PC and programming key. Main functions selectable by user • Setting of desired temperature • AUTO function that determines automatic adjustment of fan speed according to the difference between ambient temperature and set temperature. • SILENT function that runs a program similar to that indicated above but with a reduction in maximum speed to make the machine extraordinarily silent. • NIGHT-TIME function that runs a program similar to the silent program by further reducing noise and modifying the temperature set point to better adapt it to the night-time. • MAX function that enables desired temperature conditions to be reached rapidly when occupying very cold rooms in winter or very hot rooms in summer english CONTROLS english Independent on-board electronic control kit for 2-pipe EB0371II and 4-pipe EB0374II versions This controller makes the terminal entirely autonomous. The appliance’s on-board panel features all the controls for selecting the required functions. The other characteristics are common to electronic controls with PID adjustment. H2 H4 AIR C1 M1 S1 Y1 Y2 L-N E F FF CP X (*) hot water temperature sensor cold water temperature sensor (*) air temperature sensor condenser fan motor grill safety microswitch (SL version only) hot water solenoid valve (output powered at 230V/50Hz 1A) cold water solenoid valve (output powered at 230V/50Hz 1A) (*) 230V/50Hz electric power supply connection boiler go-ahead output (free contact max 1A) chiller go-ahead output (free contact max 1A) movable intake panel servodrives (output powered at 230V/50Hz 1A) energy saving inlet (if closed, the set point is reduced or increased by 2.5°C according to which mode is active) components mounted on board machine present only in EB0374II panel for 4-pipe version Electronic control for broadcast remote control for 2-pipe ER0372II and 4-pipe ER0375II versions The control has a LED that indicates the operating status and any faults, and a key for temporary isolation of the network. The main operating parameters, the set point and the ambient temperature, are transmitted from the remote control EM0373II, which must therefore be connected to this control at all times. A single wall-mounted controller EM0373II can be connected to up to 31 broadcast remote controls. The most common applications are, for example, single hotel room with fan coil built into false ceiling or large area where a single thermostat is used to control several terminals connected in parallel. H2 H4 AIR C1 M1 S1 Y1 Y2 L-N E F FF CP X (*) hot water temperature sensor cold water temperature sensor (*) air temperature sensor condenser fan motor grill safety microswitch (SL version only) hot water solenoid valve (output powered at 230V/50Hz 1A) cold water solenoid valve (output powered at 230V/50Hz 1A) (*) 230V/50Hz electric power supply connection boiler go-ahead output (free contact max 1A) chiller go-ahead output (free contact max 1A) movable intake panel servodrives (output powered at 230V/50Hz 1A) energy saving inlet (if closed, the set point is reduced or increased by 2.5°C according to which mode is active) components mounted on board machine present only in ER0375II panel for 4-pipe version O (B0373) YVUPJH :PSLUaPVZV LS :JVU YLSH K2T HUKV [HaPVUL KP)P OL KIT V LYZPVUZ LTVKL ZLY[LKPU J[YVUPJZ 2T[V JVK)VWLYSL]LYZPVUPH[\IP) 7VZZPIPSP[nKPJVU[YVSSVÄUVH\UP[n :LSLaPVULKLSSLTVKHSP[n4H_(\[VÇ:PSLUaPVZV L5V[[\YUV:VUKHHTIPLU[LPUZLYP[HULS JVTHUKV*VT\UPJHaPVULKP[PWV)<:JVU S»LSL[[YVUPJH0SJVTHUKVW\~JVUZLU[PYLSH YLHSPaaHaPVULKP\UHULSSVS\UNVÄUVHK2T PJH]PKL]VUVLZZLYLZJOLYTH[P0SJVTHUKV uKV[H[VKP\U[YHZMVYTH[VYLKPHSPTLU[HaPVUL = 3HTVKHSP[n(\[VuYPMLYP[HHSSLZVSLM\UaPVUPKP)P PSJVSSLNHTLU[VJVUPSJH]V9:uWVSHYPaaH[VYPZWL[[HYL SLPUKPJHaPVUP¸(¹L¸)¹Z\VNUPWLYPMLYPJHJVSSLNH[HWLY SHJVUULZZPVUL\[PSPaaHYLWYLMLYPIPSTLU[L\UJH]VIPWVSHYL ZJOLYTH[VJVUZLaPVULTPUPTHKPTT ;OLJVUULJ[PVU^P[O[OL9:JHISLPZWVSHYPZLKYLZWLJ[ [OL(HUK)PUKPJH[PVUZVULHJOJVUULJ[LKWLYPWOLYHS MVY[OLJVUULJ[PVU\ZLHZJYLLULKIPWVSHYJHISL^P[OH TPUPT\TZLJ[PVUVMTT Schema elettrico per B0373 Wiring diagram for B0373 WALL-MOUNTED REMOTE CONTROL KIT (B0373) >HSSTV\U[LKJVU[YVS[VILJV\WSLK[V LSLJ[YVUPJZJVK)VYMVYWPWL]LYZPVUZ ER0372/ER0375 ER0372/ER0375 EM0373 )7VZZPIPSP[`VMJVU[YVSSPUN\W[V \UP[Z4H_(\[VÇ:PSLU[HUK5PNO[[PTLTVKL ZLSLJ[PVU9VVT[LTWLYH[\YLWYVILPUZLY[LKPU JVU[YVS)<:JVTT\UPJH[PVU^P[OLSLJ[YVUPJZ ;OLJVU[YVSJHULUHISLHYPUNVM\W[V2T[V ILJYLH[LK"JHISLZT\Z[ILZOPLSKLK ;OLJVU[YVSPZÄ[[LK^P[OH=WV^LY Z\WWS`[YHUZMVYTLY The wall-mounted remote control EM0373II is an electronic thermostat (equipped with temperature sensor) that can control one or more fan coils/ fan radiators (up to a maximum of 31) fitted with electronic control for remote control of ER0372II or ER0375II. Supplied with a 230/12 V transformer for powering the controller. Web server Bi2 (\[VTVKLYLMLYZZVSLS`[V)PM\UJ[PVUZ PSJVSSLNHTLU[VJVUPSJH]V9:uWVSHYPaaH[VYPZWL[[HYL SLPUKPJHaPVUP¸(¹L¸)¹Z\VNUPWLYPMLYPJHJVSSLNH[HWLY SHJVUULZZPVUL\[PSPaaHYLWYLMLYPIPSTLU[L\UJH]VIPWVSHYL ZJOLYTH[VJVUZLaPVULTPUPTHKPTT ;OLJVUULJ[PVU^P[O[OL9:JHISLPZWVSHYPZLKYLZWLJ[ [OL(HUK)PUKPJH[PVUZVULHJOJVUULJ[LKWLYPWOLYHS MVY[OLJVUULJ[PVU\ZLHZJYLLULKIPWVSHYJHISL^P[OH TPUPT\TZLJ[PVUVMTT Web server board Schema for network control (Building automation) EB0544II elettrico per nuova versione elettronica autonoma B0374 KIT COMANDO ELETTRONICO AUTONOMO A BORDO PER BI2 VERSIONE 4 TUBI A LED (B0374) 0SJVTHUKVYLUKLJVTWSL[HTLU[LH\[VUVTV PS[LYTPUHSL+PZWVULKLSSLTVKHSP[n4H_(\[V :PSLUaPVZVL5V[[\YUV0SJVTHUKVuHKH[[VWLY S»PUZ[HSSHaPVULHIVYKVTHJJOPUHZ\SSL]LYZPVUP :39L:3+PZWVULKPK\L\ZJP[LH=WLYPS controllo delle elettrovalvole, di due contatti puliti per il comando di un refrigeratore o di \UHJHSKHPHLKP\UPUNYLZZVLULYN`ZH]PUN 3HTVKHSP[n(\[VuYPMLYP[HHSSLZVSLM\UaPVUPKP)P Wiring diagram for new standalone electronic version B0374 CP F E V^LY TONOMO UBI A LED [VUVTV 4H_(\[V HKH[[VWLY ]LYZPVUP =WLYPS ontatti re o di H]PUN UPKP)P RONIC D S` 5PNO[ VY ]LYZPVUZ MVY contacts HU Schema elettrico per nuova versione elettronica autonoma B0374 Wiring diagram for new standalone electronic version B0374 INDEPENDENT ON-BOARD ELECTRONIC CP CONTROL KIT FOR BI2 4-PIPE LED F VERSION (B0374) E ;OLJVU[YVSTHRLZ[OL[LYTPUHSLU[PYLS` H\[VUVTV\Z4H_(\[VÇ:PSLU[HUK5PNO[ [PTLTVKLZ;OLJVU[YVSPZZ\P[HISLMVY PUZ[HSSH[PVUVUIVHYK[OLTHJOPULVU]LYZPVUZ :39HUK:30[OHZ[^V=V\[SL[ZMVY controlling solenoid valves, two free contacts MVYJVU[YVSSPUNHJOPSSLYVYHIVPSLYHUKHU LULYN`ZH]PUNPUSL[ / ZVUKH[LTWLYH[\YHHJX\HJHSKH / ZVUKH[LTWLYH[\YHHJX\HMYLKKH (09 ZVUKH[LTWLYH[\YHHYPH * JVUKLUZH[VYL 4 TV[VYL]LU[PSH[VYL : TPJYVPU[LYY\[[VYLZPJ\YLaaHNYPNSPHZVSVZ\]LYZPVUP:3L :39 @ LSL[[YV]HS]VSHHJX\HJHSKH\ZJP[HPU[LUZPVULH= /a( @ LSL[[YV]HS]VSHHJX\HMYLKKH\ZJP[HPU[LUZPVULH= /a( 35 JVSSLNHTLU[VHSPTLU[HaPVULLSL[[YPJH=/a , \ZJP[HJVUZLUZVJHSKHPHJVU[H[[VW\SP[VTH_( - \ZJP[HJVUZLUZVYLMYPNLYH[VYLJVU[H[[VW\SP[VTH_( -- ZLY]VTV[VYPWHUULSSVHZWPYHaPVULTVIPSL\ZJP[HPU [LUZPVULH=/a( *7 PUNYLZZVZLUZVYLWYLZLUaHZLJOP\ZVPSZL[WVPU[]PLUL ridotto o incrementato in funzione del modo attivo di * X ? JVTWVULU[PTVU[H[PHIVYKVTHJJOPUH)P 7YLZLU[PZVSVULSWHUULSSV)WLY]LYZPVUL[\IP X / OV[^H[LY[LTWLYH[\YLWYVIL / JVSK^H[LY[LTWLYH[\YLWYVIL (09 HPY[LTWLYH[\YLWYVIL * JVUKLUZLY 4 MHUTV[VY : NYPSSZHML[`TPJYVZ^P[JO:3HUK:39]LYZPVUZVUS` @ OV[^H[LYZVSLUVPK]HS]L=/a(WV^LYLK V\[W\[ @ JVSK^H[LYZVSLUVPK]HS]L=/a(WV^LYLK V\[W\[ 35 =/aLSLJ[YPJHSWV^LYZ\WWS`JVUULJ[PVU , IVPSLYNVHOLHKV\[W\[MYLLJVU[HJ[TH_( - JOPSSLYNVHOLHKV\[W\[MYLLJVU[HJ[TH_( -- ZLY]VTV[VYTVIPSLHZWPYH[PVUWHULS=/a( WV^LYLKV\[W\[ *7 WYLZLUJLZLUZVYPUW\[PMJSVZLK[OLZL[WVPU[PZ YLK\JLKVYPUJYLHZLKKLWLUKPUNVU[OLHJ[P]LTVKLI` * ? JVTWVULU[ZTV\U[LKVUIVHYK[OL)PTHJOPUL 6US`WYLZLU[PU[OL)WHULSMVYWPWL]LYZPVUZ The Web server board enables terminals fitted with electronic control with PID logic to be connected to a normal wired or wireless LAN (with the appropriate optional accessory). La scheda Web server consente di collegare il Bi2 a unaMain normale rete LAN cablata o wireless (con l’apposito principles • Supervision and control in local or remote network accessorio opzionale). • Weekly, summer and winter programming with three temperature intervals (\[VTVKLYLMLYZZVSLS`[V)PM\UJ[PVUZ Il funzionamento programmazione Principali funzioni Facendo click sul pulsante “Programma” si attiva la programmazione oraria. / ZVUKH[LTWLYH[\YHHJX\HJHSKH / ZVUKH[LTWLYH[\YHHJX\HMYLKKH (09 ZVUKH[LTWLYH[\YHHYPH * JVUKLUZH[VYL 4 TV[VYL]LU[PSH[VYL : TPJYVPU[LYY\[[VYLZPJ\YLaaHNYPNSPHZVSVZ\]LYZPVUP:3L :39 @ LSL[[YV]HS]VSHHJX\HJHSKH\ZJP[HPU[LUZPVULH= /a( @ LSL[[YV]HS]VSHHJX\HMYLKKH\ZJP[HPU[LUZPVULH= /a( something new in the air 35 JVSSLNHTLU[VHSPTLU[HaPVULLSL[[YPJH=/a , \ZJP[HJVUZLUZVJHSKHPHJVU[H[[VW\SP[VTH_( - \ZJP[HJVUZLUZVYLMYPNLYH[VYLJVU[H[[VW\SP[VTH_( -- ZLY]VTV[VYPWHUULSSVHZWPYHaPVULTVIPSL\ZJP[HPU [LUZPVULH=/a( *7 PUNYLZZVZLUZVYLWYLZLUaHZLJOP\ZVPSZL[WVPU[]PLUL ridotto o incrementato in funzione del modo attivo di * ? 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JVTWVULU[ZTV\U[LKVUIVHYK[OL)PTHJOPUL 6US`WYLZLU[PU[OL)WHULSMVYWPWL]LYZPVUZ • Programming using intervals enables a margin of correction to be left without the need for access from PC • Manual operation that enables Bi2 to be used freely • The on-board machine controller can be completely locked to prevent incorrect use in areas accessible to the public 25 • Uses a network interface like that of PCs, not proprietary Bus systems Supervisione e comando in rete locale o da remoto Control and supervision instruments Programmazione settimanale, estiva e invernale con tre intervalli di temperatura • Double web interface integrated one for PC and one optimised for PDAs and Windows Mobile smart-phones La programmazione tramite intervalli consente•di lasciare un margine di correzione senza bisogno SOAP Server for developing personalised applications • EasyControl Software di accedere da PC Funzionamento manuale che consente di utilizzare liberamente il Bi2 Energy saving By connecting the digital input window” Bi2 switchesscorretto off automatically È possibile bloccare completamente il25controllo• bordo macchina per“Open inibire l’utilizzo in when a window is opened and switches back on when the window is closed. zone accessibili al pubblico • For hotels and offices, the digital input “Presence” connected to a universal switch for cards or keys enables the terminal to switch off automatically when the Non utilizza sistemi Bus proprietari ma un’interfaccia di rete come quellaleaves dei the PCoffice. guest vacates the room or the employee Questa funzionalità consente tramite la tabella di programmazione settimanale di limitare l’impostazione del setpoint entro degli intervalli prefissati oppure di bloccare il funzionamento nello stato Off. Nel web server si possono memorizzare due tabelle, una con la programmazione estiva e una con la programmazione invernale. a. Fare click su “Pagina iniziale”. Se la tabella non è visibile fare click sul pulsante “Programma” Go-ahead signal to boiler or chiller • Via contact for maximum compatibility with third party devices • Via wired or wireless Ethernet, to chillers with web server english Wall-mounted remote control EM0373II 42 Schema elettrico per B0542 U[H[VHIVYKVTHJJOPUHJVUZLU[LKPNLZ[PYLPS Wiring diagram for B0542 VYLJVU]LSVJP[nÄZZL"W\~LZZLYLPUZ[HSSH[V \ZP]HTLU[LZ\SSL]LYZPVUP)P:3L:30L LZZLYLHIIPUH[VHPJVTHUKPJVU[LYTVZ[H[V mpia Splendid e a tutti i comandi presenti in A Schema elettrico per B0542 TTLYJPV Wiring diagram for B0542 english Multi-speed electronic and electromechanical controllers B For more conventional applications, Innova has developed a series of electronic and electromechanical controllers. A C C B The multi-speed electronic controllers EB0543II are easily applied to our terminals with no specific settings required. They are equipped with inlet for the motor speed sensor with Hall cell, thus enabling perfect ventilation adjustment. The ambient temperature is accurately maintained, thanks to a special algorithm implemented inside the microprocessor, which enables a minimal level of ventilation to be maintained once the set point is reached. This guarantees that the ambient temperature D sensor always detects the correct temperature, avoiding errors typical of conventional adjustments influenced by the convection currents generated by terminals. A special function enables effective dehumidification in summer without a noticeable lowering of the temperature and natural convection heating in winter without the help of ventilation. E D As regards electromechanical controllers, our range includes a 6-speed autotransformer that enables a broad selection of ranges for connection to the multi-speed thermostats. Our range includes electronic thermostats for wall-mounting with several speeds for conventional step adjustments. F 542 4V\U[LKVUIVHYK[OLTHJOPULP[ UHNLZ[OLTV[VY^P[OÄ_LKZWLLK"P[JHUVUS` UZ[HSSLKVU[OL)P:3HUK:30]LYZPVUZHUK ILJVUULJ[LK[VJVU[YVSZ^P[OHU6SPTWPH LUKPK[OLYTVZ[H[VYHU`V[OLYJVU[YVSZ SHISLVU[OLTHYRL[ ( E JVSSLNHTLU[PKLSSL[YL]LSVJP[nPUM\UaPVULKLSTVKLSSV ( JVUULJ[PVUZVM[OL[OYLLZWLLKZKLWLUKPUNVU[OL \ZJP[H=TH_( TVKLS=V\[W\[TH_( =$]LSVJP[nTHZZPTH =$TH_PT\TZWLLK =$]LSVJP[nTLKPH =$TLKP\TZWLLK =$]LSVJP[nTPUPTH =$TPUPT\TZWLLK B ponte per impianto F con una sola elettrovalvola ) Q\TWLYMVYZ`Z[LT^P[OQ\Z[VULZVSLUVPK]HS]L * TVYZL[[PLYHKPJVSSLNHTLU[V * JVUULJ[PVU[LYTPUHSIVHYK + PUK\[[HUaHT\S[P]LSVJP[n + T\S[PZWLLKPUK\J[HUJL , WYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSV:30 , VUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLS:30 - TPJYVWYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSP:3L:39 - TPJYVVUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLSZ:3HUK:39 ,=LSL[[YV]HS]VSHJHSKV\ZJP[H=TH_( ,=OV[ZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( ,=LSL[[YV]HS]VSHMYLKKV\ZJP[H=TH_( ,=JVSKZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( JVSSLNHTLU[PKLSSL[YL]LSVJP[nPUM\UaPVULKLSTVKLSSV M motore ( JVUULJ[PVUZVM[OL[OYLLZWLLKZKLWLUKPUNVU[OL M motor ( EB0543II on-board electronic controller with speed selection, thermostat, summer/winter selector and frost protection function \ZJP[H=TH_( =$]LSVJP[nTHZZPTH =$]LSVJP[nTLKPH =$]LSVJP[nTPUPTH B ponte per impianto con una sola elettrovalvola * TVYZL[[PLYHKPJVSSLNHTLU[V + PUK\[[HUaHT\S[P]LSVJP[n 43 KIT ELETTRONICO A , COMANDO WYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSV:30 TPJYVWYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSP:3L:39 RDO- CON SELEZIONE DI VELOCITÀ, ,=LSL[[YV]HS]VSHJHSKV\ZJP[H=TH_( RMOSTATO AMBIENTE, SELETTORE EST/ ,=LSL[[YV]HS]VSHMYLKKV\ZJP[H=TH_( M motore E TERMOSTATO DI MINIMA TVKLS=V\[W\[TH_( =$TH_PT\TZWLLK =$TLKP\TZWLLK =$TPUPT\TZWLLK ) Q\TWLYMVYZ`Z[LT^P[OQ\Z[VULZVSLUVPK]HS]L * JVUULJ[PVU[LYTPUHSIVHYK + T\S[PZWLLKPUK\J[HUJL , VUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLS:30 - TPJYVVUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLSZ:3HUK:39 ,=OV[ZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( ,=JVSKZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( M motor Schema elettrico per B0543 Wiring diagram for B0543 THUKVHIVYKVTHJJOPUHJVUZLSL[[VYL LSVJP[nL656--HW\SZHU[L[LYTVZ[H[V IPLU[LYLNVSHIPSLKHH*ZLSL[[VYL te inverno e funzione di minima temperatura YUHSL0SJVTHUKVuHKH[[VWLYS»PUZ[HSSHaPVUL Schema elettrico per B0543 VYKVTHJJOPUHZ\SSL]LYZPVUP:39L:3 Wiring diagram for B0543 WVULKP\UH\ZJP[HH=WLYPSJVU[YVSSVKP LSL[[YV]HS]VSH SENS. MOTOR MOTOR REMOTE M4 1-2 Y1 @ 4 * : sonda aria air probe Y1 sonda aria air probe Schema elettrico per B0542 Fan controller Wiring diagram for B0542 LSL[[YV]HS]VSH TV[VYL JVUKLUZH[VYL TPJYVPU[LYY\[[VYLWLYZPJ\YLaaHNYPNSPH AIR LSL[[YV]HS]VSH TV[VYL JVUKLUZH[VYL TPJYVPU[LYY\[[VYLWLYZPJ\YLaaHNYPNSPH sonda acqua water probe @ 4 * : M1 AIR S1 sonda acqua water probe M4 1-2 H2O VUS` HUK PH M1 REMOTE NL Alimentazione el. 230V/50Hz 230V/50Hz electrical supply [PYLPS SH[V @ 4 [H[V* : i in S1 MOTOR 43 ON-BOARD ELECTRONIC NTROL KIT WITH SPEED SELECTION, ERMOSTAT, SUMMER/WINTER LECTOR AND FROST PROTECTION NCTION IVHYKTHJOPULJVU[YVS^P[OZWLLKZLSLJ[VY 656--I\[[VU[OLYTVZ[H[HKQ\Z[HISL ^LLUHUK*Z\TTLY^PU[LYZLSLJ[VY MYVZ[WYV[LJ[PVUM\UJ[PVU;OLJVU[YVSPZ HISLMVYPUZ[HSSH[PVUVUIVHYK[OLTHJOPULVU PVUZ:39HUK:3 H=V\[SL[MVYZVSLUVPK]HS]LJVU[YVS Alimentazione el. 230V/50Hz 230V/50Hz electrical supply SENS. MOTOR H2O NL On-board machine controller with speed selector and ON/OFF button, thermostat adjustable between 5 and 30°C, summer/winter selector and winter frost protection function. The control is suitable for installation on board the machine on all versions except built-in ones. Has a 230V outlet for solenoid valve control. HJ[\H[VY MHUTV[VY JVUKLUZLY TPJYVZ^P[JO with speed steps for remote BB0542II adjustment @ 4 * : HJ[\H[VY MHUTV[VY JVUKLUZLY TPJYVZ^P[JO A B BB0542 C D E F ( JVSSLNHTLU[PKLSSL[YL]LSVJP[nPUM\UaPVULKLSTVKLSSV \ZJP[H=TH_( =$]LSVJP[nTHZZPTH =$]LSVJP[nTLKPH =$]LSVJP[nTPUPTH B ponte per impianto con una sola elettrovalvola * TVYZL[[PLYHKPJVSSLNHTLU[V + PUK\[[HUaHT\S[P]LSVJP[n ( A V1= V2= V3= B C D E F EV1 EV2 M connection of three speeds according to model (230V output max 3A) maximum speed medium speed minimum speed bridge for system with single solenoid valve connection terminal board multi-speed inductance on model SLI only micro (on models SL and SLR only) hot solenoid valve (230V output max 3A) cold solenoid valve (230V output max 3A) motor JVUULJ[PVUZVM[OL[OYLLZWLLKZKLWLUKPUNVU[OL TVKLS=V\[W\[TH_( =$TH_PT\TZWLLK =$TLKP\TZWLLK =$TPUPT\TZWLLK ) Q\TWLYMVYZ`Z[LT^P[OQ\Z[VULZVSLUVPK]HS]L * JVUULJ[PVU[LYTPUHSIVHYK + T\S[PZWLLKPUK\J[HUJL Mounted on board the machine, it manages the motor with fixed speeds. It can only be installed on versions SL and SLI and can be coupled to controls BM0151II and BM0152II and to all controls available on the market. OSTATO, COMANDO A PARETE CON TERMOSTATO, SELETTORE ESTATE/INVERNO E SELETTORE VELOCITÀ (B0151) ;LYTVZ[H[VKP[PWVLSL[[YVUPJVJVUZLSL[[VYL65 6--ZLSL[[VYLH[YL]LSVJP[nLZLSL[[VYLLZ[H[L PU]LYUV0SJVTHUKVW\~LZZLYLHIIPUH[V HSSL]LYZPVUP:3L:30KL]LLZZLYLHJJVWWPH[V JVUS»H\[V[YHZMVYTH[VYLJVK)*HTWVKP YLNVSHaPVUL[LTWLYH[\YHKH*H* (SPTLU[HaPVULH=+PZWVULKPK\LJVU[H[[P W\SP[P\UVLZ[P]VL\UVPU]LYUHSL OYLLZWLLK LJVU[YVS 4\Z[IL *[V* VU[HJ[Z [LY TE/ À (B0152) HZZVJVU VJP[n VW\~ 0KL]L TH[VYL Z[HSSH[PVU Electronic thermostat with ON/OFF switch, three-speed selector and summer/winter selector. The controller can be coupled to SL and SLI versions, and must be coupled with the autotransformer cod. BB0542II. Temperature adjustment range from 5°C to 30°C. 230V power supply. Has two free contacts, one summer and one winter. C D E F H Schema elettrico per B0151 Wiring diagram for B0151 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WALL-MOUNTED THERMOSTAT KIT WITH SUMMER/WINTER AND SPEED SWITCH (B0151) G ,SLJ[YVUPJ[OLYTVZ[H[^P[O656--[OYLLZWLLK HUK:<44,9>05;,9ZLSLJ[VYZ;OLJVU[YVS JHUIL\ZLK^P[OTVKLSZ:3HUK:304\Z[IL JV\WSLK^P[OH\[V[YHUZMVYTLYJVKL) ;LTWLYH[\YLYLN\SH[PVUYHUNLMYVT*[V* =WV^LYZ\WWS`/HZ[^VJSLHUJVU[HJ[Z VULMVYZ\TTLYHUK[OLV[OLYMVY^PU[LY VWLYH[PVU A B ( JVSSLNHTLU[PKLSSL[YL]LSVJP[nPUM\UaPVULKLSTVKLSSV \ZJP[H=TH_( =$]LSVJP[nTHZZPTH =$]LSVJP[nTLKPH =$]LSVJP[nTPUPTH B ponte per impianto con una sola elettrovalvola * TVYZL[[PLYHKPJVSSLNHTLU[V + PUK\[[HUaHT\S[P]LSVJP[n , WYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSV:30 - TPJYVWYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSP:3L:39 G collegamento opzionale per gestione funzione di minima in riscaldamento mediante la sonda temperatura HJX\HWYLZLU[LHIVYKVKLS]LU[PSJVU]L[[VYL,= LSL[[YV]HS]VSHJHSKV\ZJP[H=TH_( ,=LSL[[YV]HS]VSHMYLKKV\ZJP[H=TH_( M motore ,MML[[\HYLPSJVSSLNHTLU[VHSSHZVUKHKLSS»HJX\HWYLZLU[L HIVYKVKLS]LU[PSJVU]L[[VYL[HNSPHUKVULPSJVUUL[[VYL YHWPKVYPM/ ( JVUULJ[PVUZVM[OL[OYLLZWLLKZKLWLUKPUNVU[OL TVKLS=V\[W\[TH_( =$TH_PT\TZWLLK =$TLKP\TZWLLK =$TPUPT\TZWLLK ) Q\TWLYMVYZ`Z[LT^P[OQ\Z[VULZVSLUVPK]HS]L * JVUULJ[PVU[LYTPUHSIVHYK + T\S[PZWLLKPUK\J[HUJL , VUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLS:30 - TPJYVVUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLSZ:3HUK:39 . VW[PVUHSJVUULJ[PVUMVYTHUHNPUN[OLTPUPT\TM\UJ[PVU PUOLH[PUN[OYV\NO[OL^H[LY[LTWLYH[\YLWYVILVU IVHYK[OLJVVSLYJVU]LJ[VY ,=OV[ZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( ,=JVSKZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( M motor 4HRL[OLJVUULJ[PVU[V[OL^H[LYWYVILVUIVHYK[OL JVVSLYJVU]LJ[VYI`J\[[PUN[OLYHWPKJVUULJ[VYYLM/ C COMANDO AD INCASSO CON TERMOSTATO, SELETTORE ESTATE/ INVERNO E SELETTORE VELOCITÀ (B0152) ;LYTVZ[H[VKP[PWVLSL[[YVUPJVHKPUJHZZVJVU ZLSL[[VYL656--ZLSL[[VYLH[YL]LSVJP[n E F LZLSL[[VYLLZ[H[LPU]LYUV0SJVTHUKVW\~ LZZLYLHIIPUH[VHSSL]LYZPVUP:3L:30KL]L LZZLYLHJJVWWPH[VJVUS»H\[V[YHZMVYTH[VYL JVK)*HTWVKPYLNVSHaPVUL ( JVSSLNHTLU[PKLSSL[YL]LSVJP[nPUM\UaPVULKLSTVKLSSV [LTWLYH[\YHKH*H*(SPTLU[HaPVULH \ZJP[H=TH_( =$]=+PZWVULKP\UJVU[H[[VW\SP[V LSVJP[nTHZZPTH Schema elettrico per B0152 Wiring diagram for B0152 =$]LSVJP[nTPUPTH B ponte per impianto con una sola elettrovalvola * TVYZL[[PLYHKPJVSSLNHTLU[V + PUK\[[HUaHT\S[P]LSVJP[n , WYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSV:30 - TPJYVWYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSP:3L:39 G collegamento opzionale per gestione funzione di minima in riscaldamento mediante la sonda temperatura HJX\HWYLZLU[LHIVYKVKLS]LU[PSJVU]L[[VYL,= LSL[[YV]HS]VSHJHSKV\ZJP[H=TH_( ,=LSL[[YV]HS]VSHMYLKKV\ZJP[H=TH_( M motore ,MML[[\HYLPSJVSSLNHTLU[VHSSHZVUKHKLSS»HJX\HWYLZLU[L HIVYKVKLS]LU[PSJVU]L[[VYL[HNSPHUKVULPSJVUUL[[VYL YHWPKVYPM/ =$TPUPT\TZWLLK A ) Q\TWLYMVYZ`Z[LT^P[OQ\Z[VULZVSLUVPK]HS]L * JVUULJ[PVU[LYTPUHSIVHYK B + T\S[PZWLLKPUK\J[HUJL Electronic thermostat built into standard electrical boxes with ON/OFF switch, , VUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLS:30 C - TPJYVVUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLSZ:3HUK:39 three-speed selector and summer/winter selector. . VW[PVUHSJVUULJ[PVUMVYTHUHNPUN[OLTPUPT\TM\UJ[PVU PUOLH[PUN[OYV\NO[OL^H[LY[LTWLYH[\YLWYVILVU The controller can be coupled to SL and SLI versions, and must be coupled IVHYK[OLJVVSLYJVU]LJ[VY with the autotransformer cod. BB0542II. Temperature adjustment range from ,=OV[ZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( D ,=JVSKZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( 5°C to 35°C. 230V power supply. Fitted with free contact M motor 4HRL[OLJVUULJ[PVU[V[OL^H[LYWYVILVUIVHYK[OL JVVSLYJVU]LJ[VYI`J\[[PUN[OLYHWPKJVUULJ[VYYLM/ D G H ( JVUULJ[PVUZVM[OL[OYLLZWLLKZKLWLUKPUNVU[OL TVKLS=V\[W\[TH_( Built-in controller with thermostat, =$TH_PT\TZWLLK summer/winter selector and speed selector BM0152II =$TLKP\TZWLLK =$]LSVJP[nTLKPH F E Schema elettrico per B0152 Wiring diagram for B0152 ELECTRONIC-MECHANICAL BUILD-IN H ( THERMOSTAT KIT WITH SUMMER/WINTER AND SPEED SWITCH (B0152) ,SLJ[YVUPJ[OLYTVZ[H[MVYYLJLZZLKPUZ[HSSH[PVU ^P[O656--[OYLLZWLLKHUK:<44,9 >05;,9ZLSLJ[VYZ;OLJVU[YVSJHUIL\ZLK ^P[OTVKLSZ:3HUK:304\Z[ILJV\WSLK^P[O H\[V[YHUZMVYTLYJVKL) ;LTWLYH[\YLYLN\SH[PVUYHUNLMYVT*H* =WV^LYZ\WWS`/HZVULJSLHUJVU[HJ[ HaPVULH D-IN /WINTER G A B L[[VYL65 LLZ[H[L H[V JVWWPH[V *HTWVKP * LJVU[H[[P OUNTED WINTER Schema elettrico per B0151 Wiring diagram for B0151 A JVSSLNHTLU[PKLSSL[YL]LSVJP[nPUM\UaPVULKLSTVKLSSV \ZJP[H=TH_( =$]LSVJP[nTHZZPTH =$]LSVJP[nTLKPH =$]LSVJP[nTPUPTH B ponte per impianto con una sola elettrovalvola * TVYZL[[PLYHKPJVSSLNHTLU[V + PUK\[[HUaHT\S[P]LSVJP[n , WYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSV:30 - TPJYVWYLZLU[LZVSVZ\TVKLSSP:3L:39 G G collegamento opzionale per gestione funzione di minima in riscaldamento e di massima in raffrescamento TLKPHU[LSHZVUKH[LTWLYH[\YHHJX\HWYLZLU[LHIVYKV KLS]LU[PSJVU]L[[VYL ,= LSL[[YV]HS]VSHJHSKV\ZJP[H=TH_( ,=LSL[[YV]HS]VSHMYLKKV\ZJP[H=TH_( M motore ,MML[[\HYLPSJVSSLNHTLU[VHSSHZVUKHWYLZLU[LHIVYKV KLS]LU[PSJVU]L[[VYL[HNSPHUKVULPSJVUUL[[VYLYHWPKVYPM / ( JVUULJ[PVUZVM[OL[OYLLZWLLKZKLWLUKPUNVU[OL TVKLS=V\[W\[TH_( =$TH_PT\TZWLLK =$TLKP\TZWLLK =$TPUPT\TZWLLK ) Q\TWLYMVYZ`Z[LT^P[OQ\Z[VULZVSLUVPK]HS]L * JVUULJ[PVU[LYTPUHSIVHYK + T\S[PZWLLKPUK\J[HUJL , VUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLS:30 - TPJYVVUS`WYLZLU[VUTVKLSZ:3HUK:39 . VW[PVUHSJVUULJ[PVUMVYTHUHNPUN[OLTPUPT\TM\UJ[PVU PUOLH[PUNHUK[OLTH_PT\TPUJVVSPUN[OYV\NO[OL^H[LY [LTWLYH[\YLWYVILVUIVHYK[OLJVVSLYJVU]LJ[VY ,= OV[ZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( ,=JVSKZVSLUVPK]HS]L=V\[W\[TH_( M motor 4HRL[OLJVUULJ[PVU[V[OLWYVILVUIVHYK[OL JVVSLYJVU]LJ[VYI`J\[[PUN[OLYHWPKJVUULJ[VYYLM/ B C D F E ( JVSSLNHTLU[PKLSSL[YL]LSVJP[nPUM\UaPVULKLSTVKLSSV \ZJP[H=TH_( =$]LSVJP[nTHZZPTH =$]LSVJP[nTLKPH =$]LSVJP[nTPUPTH B ponte per impianto con una sola elettrovalvola * TVYZL[[PLYHKPJVSSLNHTLU[V A V1= V2= V3= B C D E F G H EV1 EV2 M ( JVUULJ[PVUZVM[OL[OYLLZWLLKZKLWLUKPUNVU[OL (*) TVKLS=V\[W\[TH_( =$TH_PT\TZWLLK =$TLKP\TZWLLK =$TPUPT\TZWLLK ) Q\TWLYMVYZ`Z[LT^P[OQ\Z[VULZVSLUVPK]HS]L * JVUULJ[PVU[LYTPUHSIVHYK connection of three speeds according to model (230V output max 3A) maximum speed medium speed minimum speed bridge for system with single solenoid valve connection terminal board multi-speed inductance on model SLI only micro (on models SL and SLR only) optional connection for management of minimum function in heating and maximum in cooling via water temperature sensor on board the fan coil (*) hot solenoid valve (230V output max 3A) cold solenoid valve (230V output max 3A) motor Connect to water sensor on board the fan coil by cutting its rapid connector (ref. H). 27 english Wall-mounted controller with thermostat, summer/winter selector and speed selector BM1151II w w w . i n n o v a e n e r g i e . c o m I N N O V A s . r. l . F r a z . S t r a d a , 1 6 - 3 8 0 8 5 P I E V E D I B O N O ( T N ) - I TA LY tel. +39.0465.670104 fax +39.0465.674965
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