Every Round Matters.
Every Round Matters.
2007 PRODUCT CATALOGUE <m\ipIfle[DXkk\ij% ® 2007 Collection ® J`eZ\(0(+#N`cjfe_Xj`ejg`i\[^fc]\ijf] XccX^\jkf[`jZfm\iXe[`dgifm\k_\`i^Xd\% N\Ëm\gifm`[\[k_\i`^_k\hl`gd\ek]fi \m\ip^fc]\i#XdXk\liXe[gif]\jj`feXc#Xe[ ]fi\m\ipj`klXk`fe%=fiXepfe\n_fcfm\jk_\ ^Xd\f]^fc]#n\gifm`[\k_\d\Xejkf^\kk_\ dfjkgc\Xjli\gfjj`Yc\% Wilson | 2, 3 DXiZlj9i`\i 8ek_fepNXcc GX[iX`^?Xii`e^kfe AfjDXel\cCXiX CONT E N T S Introduction to Wilson Golf 04 - 05 Irons 06 - 11 Irons / Drivers 34 - 35 Balls 40 Drivers & Woods 12 - 14 Putters 36 Bags 40 - 41 Putters 41 Logo products 42 Tour / Dynafit / Demo 43 Hybrid Utilities Balls 36 Wedges 16 - 17 Gloves 37 Putters 18 - 19 Bags Balls 20 - 21 ProStaff for Women Bags 22 - 25 Gloves Wilson Staff Accessories 15 26 27 Wilson Staff for Women 28 - 33 Wilson Staff for Juniors 44 - 45 37 38 - 39 Technical Specifications 46 - 47 2007 Collection ® N`cjfe`jhl`k\j`dgcpfe\f]k_\dfjki\Zf^e`j\[YiXe[j`enfic[jgfik% E\XicpXZ\eklipf]\og\ik`j\_XjdX[\N`cjfeXc\X[`e^YiXe[`e^fc]% K_ifl^_flkk_\)'k_Z\eklipN`cjfen\i\`ek\^iXckfk_\[\m\cfgd\ekf]k_\ df[\ie^Xd\%:fejkXek`eefmXk`feXe[X[\\gle[\ijkXe[`e^f]k_\^Xd\ _\cg\[kfZi\Xk\gif[lZkjk_XkZ_Xe^\[k_\nXpn\gcXp% N`cjfenXjk_\ÔijkYiXe[kf`em`k\c\X[`e^jgfikjd\eXe[nfd\ekfY\Zfd\ X[m`jfij`ek_\[\m\cfgd\ekf]gif[lZkj%K_`ji\cXk`fej_`gZfek`el\jkf[Xp n`k_Z_Xdg`fejjlZ_XjIf^\i=\[\i\iXe[GX[iX`^?Xii`e^kfe_Xm`e^X[`i\Zk `emfcm\d\ek`egif[lZk[\j`^eXe[k\jk`e^% N`cjfeJkX]]`jk_\gi\d`ldYiXe[f]N`cjfe>fc]%8ccN`cjfeJkX]] gif[lZkj`eZfigfiXk\k_\cXk\jk[\j`^eXe[k\Z_efcf^p%K_`jYiXe[f]]\ij XZfdgc\k\gif[lZkc`e\Zfm\i`e^XccXjg\Zkjf]k_\^Xd\% GifJkX]]_XjYl`ckXe\em`XYc\i\glkXk`feXjXYiXe[n_`Z_ f]]\ijXZfdY`eXk`fef]c\X[`e^k\Z_efcf^pXe[X]]fi[XYc\ g\i]fidXeZ\%=fi)''.k_\i\`jZfdgc\k\cpe\nXe[ \ok\e[\[iXe^\f]GifJkX]]\hl`gd\ek% Wilson Staff | 4, 5 Padraig Harrington, Wilson Staff Touring Professional LckiX_XjXcnXpji\gi\j\ek\[^i\XkmXcl\Xe[ [liXY`c`kp%K_\j\mXcl\j_Xm\Y\\eYl`ck`ekfk_\ e\nXe[\ok\e[\[)''.c`e\lg% 2007 Collection ® E\n]fi )''. -Q DISTANCE IRONS K_\j\Xi\`ifejlec`b\Xepfk_\ijpflËm\gcXp\[Y\]fi\%=fi^\kpfligi\m`flj [`jkXeZ\j$k_\j\Xi\k_\cfe^\jk#dfjk]fi^`m`e^`ifejn\Ëm\\m\idX[\Xe[ n\Ëm\Y\\e[f`e^k_`j]fie\XicpXZ\eklip%N\_Xm\[\j`^e\[k_\j\ZclYjn`k_X j_Xccfn\i]XZ\Xe[n`[\ijfc\n_`Z__Xjglj_\[k_\:\eki\f]>iXm`kpcfn\iXe[ ]lik_\iYXZb`ek_\_\X[$k_\i\jlck#dfi\[`jkXeZ\Xe[Zfekifc%Kfihl\Zfekifc _XjY\\e[\j`^e\[`ekfk_\;`.Ëjj_X]kj[\c`m\i`e^flkjkXe[`e^]fi^`m\e\jjfef]]$ Z\eki\_`kj%=`eXccpk_\i\XiZXm`kpf]k_\`ifej]\Xkli\Xe<cXjkfd\i`Z;Xdg\e`e^ CXp\in_`Z_i\[lZ\jm`YiXk`fe]fiXjf]k]\\c% =fi^\kXcck_\ZcX`djf]k_\fk_\iYiXe[j$ ;\dfk_\;`.Xe[pflËccY\c`\m\% • Lower profile pulls CG LOWER promoting a higher ball flight for greater distance. • Wider sole moves CG DEEPER promoting head stability for straighter ball flight. Lower Profile Lower Amplitude = Less harsh feel on mis-hits. Lower, Deeper CG AMPLITUDE Centre of Gravity TIME Shorter Vibration Duration = Less propagation up the shaft Wider Sole GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS Golf Pride® Decade II® ProForce V2 SHAFT UST ProForce V2 True Temper TX105FS PROFILE Distance 4-SW FLEX Steel - Uniflex Graphite - R RL True Temper TX105FS SPECIFICATIONS WGR1374W0 WGR1384S0 WGR1375GW WGR1375W0 WGR1375S0 WGR1385S0 WGR1387S0 WGR1388S0 FS Di7 Steel Shaft FS Di7 Steel Shaft FS Di7 Graphite Shaft FS Di7 Graphite Shaft FS Di7 Graphite Shaft FS Di7 Graphite Shaft FS Di7 LH Steel Shaft Di7 LH Graphite Shaft Uniflex Uniflex R & RL flex R & RL flex R flex R & RL flex Uniflex R flex Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set 4-PW 4-SW 5-GW 4-PW 5-SW 4-SW 4-SW 4-SW Wilson Staff | 6, 7 IRONS Elastomeric Coating • Reduces vibration by 1/3 • As featured in the award winning Ci6 iron 85% of all shots are hit centre-to-toe on an iron. Shots struck toward the toe cause the clubhead to twist open. Wider shaft tip diameter reduces torque - less twisting on off-centre hits. Standard Tip Geometry 2007 Collection ,Q :`-$Mfk\[ 9\jk@ifejYp >fc]DX^Xq`e\ )''- CONTROL IRONS K_\:`-`jk_\d`[_Xe[`ZXgg\ijY\jk]i`\e[#gifm`[`e^ dXo`dldZfekifc]fidfi\gi\Z`j\`ifej_fkj%Mfk\[ Y\jk`ifejYp>fc]DX^Xq`e\`e)''-#:`-`ifejZfdY`e\ ZcXjj`Zcffbj#ledXkZ_\[]\\c#Xe[^ifle[Yi\Xb`e^ k\Z_efcf^pkfgifm`[\k_\dfjkgcXpXYc\`ifej\m\idX[\% ÈGcXp\iËjZclYcffb Ylk^Xd\`dgifm\d\ek g\i]fidXeZ\%É )''-N`cjfeJgfik`e^>ff[j:f%$8ZklXchlfk\j]ifd@IFEK<JK#DXp)''-`jjl\f]>fc] DX^Xq`e\ Elastomeric Dampening Layer A thin, resonant reduction layer applied to the back cavity dampens the overall resonant frequency of the head and provides 1/13 more vibration dampening. Translated, this means a softer impact. Taper Tech Steel Shafts A Progressive tip design transitions from high tip flexibility in the long irons for higher launch, to a stiff tip in the mid-to-short-irons for lower launch and maximum control GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS Golf Pride® Decade® SHAFT True Temper II CL Steel Taper Tech II CL Steel UST ProForce V2 ProForce V2 PROFILE Control 3-PW FLEX RL R S SPECIFICATIONS WGR13720 WGR13820 WGR1382S WGR1379W0 WGR1389W0 WGR1389S0 Ci6 Steel Iron Ci6 Steel Iron Ci6 Steel Iron Ci6 PF RV2 Graphite Iron Ci6 PF RV2 Graphite Iron Ci6 PF RV2 Graphite Iron R Flex R & S Flex R Flex R & RL Flex R Flex R & RL Flex Set Set Set Set Set Set 4-PW 3-PW 4-SW 4-PW 3-PW 4-SW Wilson Staff | 8, 9 IRONS 8jgcXp\[Yp GX[iX`^ ?Xii`e^kfe 9Q PERFORMANCE IRONS K_\le`hl\YXZbn\`^_k`e^f]k_\G`, [\j`^e^f\j]ifdXele[\iZlkZXm`kp `ek_\cfe^`ifejkfXjkXe[Xi[ZXm`kp YXZb`ek_\j_fik`ifej%K_`j[\j`^e gif^i\jj`m\cpdfm\jk_\:>cfZXk`fe ^`m`e^gcXp\ijXeXij\eXcf]X[mXekX^\j $]ifdX_`^_\iÕ`^_kn`k_dfi\ ]fi^`m\e\jjkfXcfn\i#dfi\Zfekifcc\[ YXccÕ`^_k]fidXo`dldj_fkdXb`e^ ZXgXY`c`k`\j$Xccn`k_k_\jf]k]\\cf] +*(jkX`ec\jjZfejkilZk`fe%K_\G`,`j gcXp\[fekfliYpGX[iX`^?Xii`e^kfe Xe[A\jg\iGXie\m`b% Perimeter weighting Each iron in the Pi5 series is designed to move a precise amount of mass to the club’s periphery, creating maximum forgiveness during off-center hits. Thin top-lines The compact head design features thinner top-lines and progressive sole widths from the short to long irons, offering a more traditional iron appearance. True Temper Dynamic Gold Shaft Tour-proven and meticulously weight sorted shafts maximize control and accuracy. GRIP SHAFT OPTION Golf Pride® Decade® Velvet SHAFT Dynamic Gold Steel True Temper Dynamic Gold Steel PROFILE Tour Proven 3-SW SPECIFICATIONS FLEX R1780 R1783 R S Pi5 Steel Iron Pi5 LH Steel Iron R & S Flex R Flex Set Set 3-PW 3-PW 2007 Collection <jhl`i\dX^Xq`e\ ZXcc\[k_\d È@ejkXek:cXjj`Zj%É /Q FORGED IRONS =\n^fc]ZclYj_Xm\^\e\iXk\[k_\ \dfk`feXci\jgfej\Xjk_Xkf]N`cjfe JkX]]kfliYcX[\j%K_\(0,+fi`^`eXc DljZc\9XZb%K_\(0-(Yfi\$k_il =cl`[=\\c%K_\mXlek\[(0/( =>$(.%<XZ_Xk`d\c\jj[\j`^e% K_\=`,i\gi\j\ekjk_\cXk\jk`ek_`j \oZclj`m\ZclY%<jhl`i\dX^Xq`e\ ZXcc\[k_\dÈ@ejkXek:cXjj`Zj%É <og\i`\eZ\n_p% Progressive Weighting The CG location moves from lower in the long irons to higher in the short irons. This is accomplished by concentrating weight in the sole of the long irons, perimeter weighting in the mid irons and pure muscleback weighting in the short irons. Forged Carbon Steel for ultimate feel. True Temper Dynamic Gold Shaft Tour-proven and meticulously weight sorted shafts maximize control and accuracy. GRIP SHAFT OPTION Golf Pride® Tour Velvet Cord Dynamic Gold Steel SHAFT True Temper® Dynamic Gold 0.355” PROFILE Classic Forged 3-PW FLEX R S SPECIFICATIONS R1784 Fi5 Steel Iron R & S Flex Set 3-PW Wilson Staff | 10, 11 IRONS 7K ÈK_\pXi\fe\f]k_\ Y\jkcffb`e^j\kj X`d\[Xkk_\kfg\e[ f]k_\dXib\kÉ Kf[XpËj>fc]\i NANO-CARBON IRONS K_\EZ-i\gi\j\ekjk_\jkXk\$f]$k_\$Xik`eZclY[\j`^e Xe[X\jk_\k`Zj%K_`j`jXle`hl\dlck`$Zfdgfe\ek ZclY_\X[[\j`^e%K_\lckiX$k_`edXiX^`e^]XZ\`j cXj\in\c[\[kfk_\(.%+jkX`ec\jjjk\\cYf[p Zi\Xk`e^fe\f]k_\cXi^\jkjn\\kjgfkj`e k_\^Xd\Xe[dXo`dld\e\i^pkiXej]\i kfk_\YXcc%<XZ_ZclYk_ifl^_k_\j\k ]\Xkli\j`e[`m`[lXccpn\`^_k\[C$gf[jkf \ejli\k_\fgk`dldcXleZ_kiXa\Zkfip% M`YiXk`fejXi\XYjfiY\[Ypk_\cXi^\KGL :Xm`kp`ej\ikZi\Xk`e^Xjdffk_#jf]k]\\cXk `dgXZk%K_\Yfi\k_ifl^_j_X]k[\j`^eXccfnj ljkfgcXZ\k_\\okiXn\`^_kn_\i\`kËje\\[\[# cfn\i`ek_\ZclY_\X[% K_\j\Xi\ZclYjkfY\jXmfli\[% Multi-component head design L-pods concentrate the weight lower in the club head for excellent shot making GRIP SHAFT OPTION Golf Pride® Dual Durometer® ProForce V2 SHAFT UST ProForce V2 PROFILE State-of-art FLEX R RL SPECIFICATIONS WGR18700 WGR18800 Nc6 Graphite Iron Nc6 Graphite Iron R & RL Flex R & RL Flex Set Set 5-AW 4-SW 2007 Collection -L È>ff[]fi[`jkXeZ\ Xe[]fi^`m\e\jj Xe[fe\f]k_\ jkiX`^_k\jkfek\jkË >fc]Dfek_cp DISTANCE DRIVER Flidfjk]fi^`m`e^[i`m\ialjk^fk]i`\e[c`\i#efn ]\Xkli`e^k_\kfligifm\eLJKGif=fiZ\M)j_X]k% K_\<K=]iXd\ZXgkli\j\e\i^pXe[i\[`i\Zkj`k kfnXi[k_\]XZ\#[flYc`e^k_\j`q\f]k_\DXo`dld :FI?fkQfe\%Le[\ie\Xk_#i\Xi$gfj`k`fe\[ C$Gf[j[\c`m\iX_`^_\icXleZ_Xe^c\%K_`j k\Z_efcf^p`jZfdgc\d\ek\[YpXZfeÔ[\eZ\$ `ejg`i`e^+-'ZZ_\X[#dXb`e^k_\Xcce\n;[- g\i]\Zk]fik_\gcXp\ij\\b`e^dXo`dld[`jkXeZ\ n`k_]fi^`m\e\jj% L-Pod Weighting ETFTM Technology Rear positioned Nickel Tungsten L-pods deliver a higher launch angle. Redirects Energy back to the club face effectively doubling the max COR hot zone. GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS Golf Pride® Decade® ProForce V2 Graphite SHAFT Aldila NVS-DL 65 UST ProForce V2 Graphite LOFT 8.5° 10.0° 10.5° 11.5° 13.0° FLEX R RL S NVS-DL 65 SPECIFICATIONS WGW752000 WGW753000 WGW74100 WGW74100 WGW741010 WGW741010 WGW741010 WGW750900 Dd6+ MW Dd6+ Offset MW Dd6 NVS-DL 65 MW Dd6 NVS-DL 65 MW Dd6 Pro Force V2 MW Dd6 Pro Force V2 MW Dd6 Pro Force V2 MW Dd6 PF LH V2 MW R flex R Flex R Flex S Flex R Flex RL Flex S Flex R Flex Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 10.5,13.0 12.0 10.0,11.5,13.0 8.5,10.0 10.0,11.5,13.0 11.5,13.0 10.0 10.0,11.5 Wilson Staff | 12, 13 DRIVERS È;feËkYlpXefk_\i [i`m\in`k_flk kip`e^fe\f]k_\j\É EXk`feXc:clY >fc]\i 9L 7L PERFORMANCE DRIVER N`k_X[\\g]XZ\+('ZZ_\X[Xe[d`[$jfc\C$Gf[jKD#k_\ e\nG[-g\i]fidXeZ\[i`m\i[\c`m\ijXcfn\i#k`^_k\i kiXa\ZkfipXe[dXo`dldj_fk$j_Xg`e^Zfekifc%GX[iX`^ ?Xii`e^kfe_`kk_\cfe^\jk[i`m\`e<lifg\Xe_`jkfipn`k_ _`j%:_ffj\]ifdX]lccj\c\Zk`fef]jkfZbXe[Zljkfd j_X]kj#Xe[j\\n_XkpflZXe[fn`k_pflij% DISTANCE DRIVER K_\E[-`eZfigfiXk\jk_\cXk\jkk\Z_efcf^p`e^fc] ZclY[\j`^ekf[\c`m\idXkZ_$n`ee`e^g\i]fidXeZ\% K_\E[-j_Xi\jk_\jXd\dlck`$Zfdgfe\ek ZfejkilZk`feXj`kjjkXYc\$dXk\k_\EZ-`ife% 9Xj\[Xifle[Xk`kXe`ldYf[pk_\E[-]\Xkli\j <K=k\Z_efcf^p[i`m`e^k_\\e\i^pcfjkXk`dgXZk YXZbkfnXi[jk_\]XZ\Zi\Xk`e^XcXi^\Xe[gfn\i]lc _fkqfe\%Fgk`dldYXccÕ`^_k`j^\e\iXk\[Ypk_\ X[[`k`fef]XZXiYfeZifneXe[k_\gcXZ\d\ekf]X ))^Kle^jk\eC$gf[cfnXe[YXZb`ek_\ZclY_\X[% K_`j`jk\Z_efcf^pk_Xk[\c`m\ij i\jlckjpflËi\^f`e^ ÈK_\YXccZfd\jf]] kfcfm\% k_\ZclYjfjn\\kcp pflnfeËknXekkf glk`k[fneÉ EXk`feXc:clY >fc]\i GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS GRIP SHAFT NV-PL 65 Aldila NV-PL 65 LOFT SHAFT OPTION Golf Pride® Dual Durometer® Golf Pride® Decade® CUSTOM SHAFT OPTIONS AVAILABLE Grafalloy Nano SHAFT Grafalloy Nano LOFT 8.5° 10.0° 10.5° 11.5° 9.0° 10.0° 11.0° FLEX FLEX R S R S SPECIFICATIONS WGW71070 Pd6 MW WGW71070 Pd6 MW R Flex S Flex Each Each 10.5,11.5 8.5,10.0 SPECIFICATIONS WGW74120 Nd6 Graphite MW R Flex WGW74120 Nd6 Graphite MW S Flex Each Each 10.0,11.0 9.0,10.0 2007 Collection ÈI\Zfdd\e[\[É >fc]Dfek_cp -N DISTANCE FAIRWAY WOODS 8cjf]\Xkli`e^<K=k\Z_efcf^p#k_\;]- ]X`inXpnff[j]\Xkli\cXi^\_fkqfe\j ]fiZfej`jk\ekcpcfe^[`jkXeZ\%I\Xi$ gfj`k`fe\[C$Gf[j[\c`m\i Xjc`^_kcp_`^_\icXleZ_Xe^c\jf k_fj\jfXi`e^]X`inXpj_fkj cXe[jf]kcpfek_\^i\\e% L-Pod Weighting Rear positioned Nickel Tungsten L-pods deliver a higher launch angle. GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS Golf Pride® Decade® SHAFT ProForce V2 UST ProForce V2 Aldila NVS-DL 75 NVS-DL 75 LOFT 15.0° 19.0° 22.0° 25.0° FLEX RL R S SPECIFICATIONS WGW74190 WGW74190 WGW751500 WGW751500 WGW751600 Df6 NVS-DL 75 Graphite FW MW Df6 NVS-DL 75 Graphite FW MW Df6 Pro Force V2 FW MW Df6 Pro Force V2 FW MW Df6 LH Pro Force V2 FW MW R Flex S Flex R & RL Flex S Flex R Flex Each Each Each Each Each 3,5,7 3,5 3,5,7 3,5 3,5 WGW75130 Pf6 FW R & S Flex Each 3,5 FAIRWAY I Wilson Staff | 14, 15 HYBRID ÈFe\f]k_\Y\jk n\Ëm\\m\ik\jk\[É >fc]Nfic[ -P DISTANCE HYBRIDS N`k_cf]kj\c\Zk`fejk_XkdXkZ_k_\`i jk\\cp`ifeZflek\igXikj#k_\;_- j\i`\jf]_pYi`[jlj\jXcfn\i:>kf ^\kk_\YXccX`iYfie\]Xjk#n_\k_\i ]ifdXk`^_k]X`inXpfik_\[\\g ifl^_%=\Xkli`e^fli <K=k\Z_efcf^p% Lower CG ETFTM Technology Internal back sole weight moves CG lower for better launch angle. Redirects Energy back to the club face effectively doubling the max COR hot zone. GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS Golf Pride® Decade® ProForce V2 SHAFT UST ProForce V2 Aldila NVS-DL 85 LOFT 15.0° 19.0° 22.0° 25.0° FLEX R RL S NVS-DL 85 SPECIFICATIONS WGW61240 WGW61250 WGW61280 WGW612900 WGW761600 WGW761900 WGW762200 WGW762500 WGW622300 Dh6 NVS-DL 85 Graphite Dh6 NVS-DL 85 Graphite Dh6 NVS-DL 85 Graphite Dh6 NVS-DL 85 Graphite Dh6 Pro Force V2 Graphite Dh6 Pro Force V2 Graphite Dh6 Pro Force V2 Graphite Dh6 Pro Force V2 Graphite Dh6 LH Pro Force V2 Graphite R & S Flex R & S Flex R & S Flex R Flex R & S Flex R,RL & S Flex R, RL & S Flex R & RL Flex R Flex Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each #2 #3 #4 #5 #2 #3 #4 #5 #4 2007 Collection E\n]fi )''. =_ TOUR WEDGES Kn.N\[^\jÆN`k_k_\ZcXjj`Zj_Xg\ f]XN`cjfen\[^\`eZfdY`eXk`fen`k_ df[\iek\Z_efcf^pk_\Kn.j\i`\j^`m\ X^^i\jj`m\^fc]\ijXgi\Z`j\`ejkild\ek% DX[\]ifdjf]k+*(jkX`ec\jjjk\\cXe[ ]\Xkli`e^j_Xig[\\g^iffm\jk_\Kn. [\c`m\ijlck`dXk\ZfekifcXe[ Xifle[k_\^i\\ej% Kn. Cf]k9fleZ\ Tour Grooves Grooves cut as sharp, deep and wide as USGA® standards allow provide maximum spin and control around the green. >Xg ,)²-² JXe[ ,+²/² ,-²!('² CfY ,/²()² -'²/² !`e[`ZXk\jC_fgk`fej GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS Golf Pride® Decade® Velvet II Dynamic Gold SHAFT True Temper® Dynamic Gold 0.355” LOFT SPECIFICATIONS Gap Sand Lob WGW869200 WGW869300 WGW869400 WGW869500 WGW869600 WGW869700 Tw7 Gap-52 Wedge Tw7 Sand-54 Wedge Tw7 Sand-56 Wedge Tw7 Lob-58 Wedge Tw7 Lob-60 Wedge Tw7 LH-56 Sand Wedge Each Each Each Each Each Each Gap Sand Sand Lob Lob Sand Wilson Staff | 16, 17 WEDGES È9\jkfeK\jkÉ >fc]Dfek_cp /_ FORGED WEDGES EfZclY`ejg`i\jdfi\Zi\Xk`m\ j_fk$dXb`e^fgk`fejk_Xek_\ dlZ_$Zfg`\[N`cjfeJkX]]]fi^\[ n\[^\%;iXn`ejg`iXk`fe]ifdk_\ c\^\e[Xipdfd\ekjXZZfdgc`j_\[ n`k_k_\]fiY\Xi\ijf]k_`jj\i`\j Xjpflj\kkc\fm\ipflie\ok Z_Xcc\e^`e^XggifXZ_j_fk% =nCf]k9fleZ\ Fluid Feel® Bore-Thru Shaft The exclusive bore-thru shaft shifts weight to create its renowned fluid feel and response. >Xg! ,)²-² JXe[! ,-²('² CfY! -'²/² 8620 Carbon Steel Each Fw6 wedge is handcrafted from the softest 8620 carbon steel for the ultimate in feel and shot feedback. !`e[`ZXk\jC_fgk`fej GRIP SHAFT OPTIONS Golf Pride® Full Cord SHAFT Dynamic Gold True Temper® Dynamic Gold 0.355” LOFT Gap Sand Lob SPECIFICATIONS WGW86770 WGW86790 WGW86910 WGW86920 WGW86930 WGW86940 Fw6 Gap-52 Wedge Fw6 Sand-56 Wedge Fw6 Lob-60 Wedge Fw6 LH Gap-52 Wedge Fw6 LH Sand-56 Wedge Fw6 LH Lob-60 Wedge Each Each Each Each Each Each Gap Sand Lob Gap Sand Lob 2007 Collection 4K KIRK CURRIE PUTTERS ;\j`^e`e^glkk\ij]fidXepf]k_\^Xd\Ëj ^i\Xk\jkgcXp\ijfm\ik_\gXjk(,p\Xij _XjkXl^_kB`ib:lii`\k_XkÔk#dfi\k_Xe Xepk_`e^\cj\#`jk_\_XccdXibf]X^i\Xkglkk\i% Jf`kËjefnfe[\ik_Xk_`jgXk\ek\[9XcXeZ\=`k Jpjk\di\gi\j\ekjk_\dfjkZfdgi\_\ej`m\ glkk\iÔkk`e^jpjk\d`ek_\nfic[%N`k_Ôm\ gi\Z`j`fe$d`cc\[glkk\i_\X[jXe[(/^i`gXe[ _\X[n\`^_k`e^fgk`fejkfZ_ffj\]ifd# pflZXeYl`c[pflig\i]\Zkglkk\i% Step One Shaft Length and Lie Angle Using the Kc System Putter measurements are taken to establish the optimum combination of shaft length and lie angle to suit your putting stroke. ÈK_\BZZflc[Y\ Y`cc\[Xjk_\dfjk `e^\e`fljglkk\i \m\iÉ Kf[XpËj>fc]\i Step Two Choose your Style Step Three Adjusting the Lie Now select the type of putter head you prefer. Using the Kc System Stand the lie of the putter is adjusted by a trained technician, so that the head sits perfectly at address. Removing the sole weight Step Four Balance Fitting the Putter The Kc Balance Fit System allows weight to be added to the grip and the sole of the putter giving you greater control in different putting conditions. Three different sole plates are available - Light, Medium and Heavy and up to 100 grams can be added to the grip. Adding the sole weight Grip - light weight Grip - heavy weight GRIP Wilson Staff Winn® Grip SHAFT True Temper LENGTH 34” or 35” BZ, SPECIFICATIONS WGR83360 WGR83370 WGR83380 WGR83390 WGR83410 WGR83420 KC IV MKII Putter KC V Putter KC VI Putter KC VII Putter KC VIII Putter KC IV MKII LH Putter Each Each Each Each Each Each BZ- BZ. BZ/ BZ+d) LEFT HAND OPTION AVAILABLE PUTTERS Wilson Staff | 18, 19 E\n]fi )''. !! È8Yi`cc`Xekcp\o\Zlk\[ i\efmXk`fe¿I\Zfdd\e[\[É >fc]Dfek_cp 88 SERIES PUTTERS K_\//')jkXe[jXjfe\f]k_\dfjki\Zf^e`q\[ glkk\ij`ek_\_`jkfipf]k_\^Xd\%K_\XnXi[$ n`ee`e^//-'j\i`\jf]glkk\ij_XjY\\e jki\e^k_\e\[n`k_k_\`ekif[lZk`fef]*df[\ie [\j`^ej]\Xkli`e^jf]kKGLLi\k_Xe\`ej\ikj]fi lck`dXk\]\\c% TPU Eurothane Insert for 8870 series. Anodized Soft Aluminum for the 8860 series. E<N E<N E<N //.( //.* //., Performance Grip New proprietary Wilson Staff Winn AVS wrap grip GRIP Wilson Staff Winn® AVS® Wrap SHAFT True Temper Double Bend / Straight Temper SPECIFICATIONS WGW88610 WGW88620 WGW88650 WGW887100 WGW887300 WGW887500 WGW8861L 8861 Putter 8862 Putter 8865 Putter 8871 Putter 8873 Putter 8875 Putter 8861 LH Putter Each Each Each Each Each Each Each //-( LEFT HAND OPTION AVAILABLE //-) //-, 2007 Collection -`<WN\ DISTANCE BALL 2 PIECE CONSTRUCTION 8I\mfclk`fe`e;`jkXeZ\Xe[=\\c% @dgifm\[ 3 PIECE CONSTRUCTION 9` PERFORMANCE BALL =\Xkli`e^k_\jf]k\i#`dgifm\[@fefd\iZfm\i#k_\Go* _fc[jdfi\^i\\ejn`k__`^_\ijg`ee`e^#Ylk[f\jeËk jXZi`ÔZ\k_\[`jkXeZ\pflËm\Zfd\kf\og\Zk]ifd N`cjfeJkX]]g\i]fidXeZ\%I\$\e^`e\\i\[n`k__`^_\i jg`eXe[Xjf]k\i]\\c% Wilson Staff | 20, 21 BALLS E\n]fi )''. K_`j`jk_\?fcp>iX`cf]^fc]YXcc[\j`^e$ZfdY`e\k_\c\e^k_f]X [`jkXeZ\YXccn`k_k_\jf]ke\jje\\[\[Xifle[k_\^i\\ejÆk_`jnXj k_\Yi`\]n\^Xm\kffli[\j`^ek\Z_e`Z`Xej%?\i\Ëjk_\i\jlck$k_\ ;o)Jf]kn_`Z_`jk_\jf]k\jk[`jkXeZ\YXccfek_\dXib\kkf[Xp% 9pi\$\e^`e\\i`e^k_\EXefGXik`Zc\j`ek_\Zfi\n\_Xm\Zi\Xk\[X YXccn_`Z__XjX,'Zfdgi\jj`fe#fm\i))jf]k\ik_Xek_\e\Xi\jk Zfdg\k`kfi`ek_`jj\Zkfif]k_\dXib\kYlk_\i\Ëjk_\Zi`k`ZXcgXik$`k `jaljkXjcfe^Xj`kËjgi\[\Z\jjfik_\;o)% ))jf]k\iXe[efcfjjf][`jkXeZ\$cfe^[fnek_\]X`inXp#jf]kXe[ i\jgfej`m\Xifle[k_\^i\\ej%:cfj\kfg\i]\Zk`fe% K_`jYXcc_Xjj\kXe\nY\eZ_dXib`e^fc]YXcc[\j`^e% 8mX`cXYc\1 -$[fq\e;o):flek\iJ_`gg\i @dgifm\[ 4 PIECE CONSTRUCTION =` TOUR BALL K_\Ko+_XjXe\nZfm\i[\j`^ek_Xkgifm`[\jX[[\[jg`e Xe[^i\Xk\i[`jkXeZ\%Kfli$ZXc`Y\ig\i]fidXeZ\]\Xkli`e^ dlck`cXp\iZfejkilZk`feXe[k_\e\nk_`egi\d`ld li\k_Xe\Zfm\i%Efndfi\i\j`c`\ekZfm\iYc\e[gifm`[\j X[[\[jg`eXe[`dgifm\[gX`ekX[_\j`fe]fi[liXY`c`kpXe[ i\j`jkXeZ\kfj_\Xi`e^% 2007 Collection E\n]fi )''. +IO[ TOUR Tour 9.5” and 11.5” • • • • • • • 9.5” and 11.5” 6 way top available 7 large enclosed pockets. Extra large clothing pocket Large ball pocket Insulated cool pocket Robust durable materials Also available in white Tour Carry • • • • • • • Ergo top with 6 full length dividers. Integrated carry handle Quick hood Ball drop pocket Swivelmax strap Back/hip pad Large ball pocket BAGS +IO[ Wilson Staff | 22, 23 LEVITATOR Levitator Cart • • • • • • • • 14 full length Diamond dividers Rounded back for perfect cart fit Large No H2O pocket Full length clothing pocket Detachable valuables pouch Front umbrella holder Large cool pocket Quick hood 9cXZb 9cl\ ;XibI\[ Levitator Carry • • • • • • • 5 way dividers Swivelmax strap Quick hood Large No H2O pocket Full length clothing pocket Detachable valuables pouch Large base pocket ;\\gI\[ 9cXZb 9cl\ Diamond Top The unique diamond top ensures that the club shaft is forced to rest in a corner of the diamond, no matter what the carrying angle . 2007 Collection +IO[ PERFORMANCE Performance Feather • • • • • • • Mini Ergo top with 3 dividers Mini flip stand Swivelmax strap Extra large side clothing pocket No H2O pocket Large ball pocket Detachable hood >i\p 9cXZb ;XibI\[ Performance Carry • • • • • • • Ergo top with 6 full length dividers. Integrated carry handle Quick hood Ball drop pocket Swivelmax strap Back/hip pad Large ball pocket ;XibI\[ EXmp Ergo Top Unique handle configuration makes the transition from carry to stand easy and painless. 9cXZb Wilson Staff | 24, 25 BAGS Performance Cart Deluxe • • • • • • • • Helix top with 14 full length dividers Built-in putter well Strap loop to secure bag on cart Wheel base for easy movement Quick hood No H2O pocket Large side pockets Large insulated pocket 9cl\ ;XibI\[ 9cXZb KXe KXe EXmp EXmp Performance Cart • • • • • • Helix top with 14 full length dividers Strap loop to secure bag on cart Quick hood No H2O pocket Large side pockets Large insulated pocket >leD\kXc Helix Top Both Cart and Cart Deluxe models feature a unique Helix top that protects clubs and aids in organisation. 2007 Collection GLOVES ACCESSORIES Cloli`fljcpjf]k#XdXq`e^cp[liXYc\# ZcXjj`ZXccp[\j`^e\[%K_\j\c\Zk`fe f]N`cjfeJkX]]^cfm\j]\Xkli\gi\$ Zlim\[Ôe^\ij]fik_\lck`dXk\`eÔk# KXZb$K\Z_KDkXee`e^]fig\ijg`iXk`fe i\j`jkXeZ\Xe[*DJZfkZ_^Xi[]fi jf]ke\jj#ifle[X]k\iifle[%:_ffj\ ]ifdk_\Yi\Xk_XYc\GifJf]k#k_\ `eefmXk`m\;lXcJf]kfik_\[liXYc\ >i`gJf]k% Pro Soft • Breathable DuPont® Lycra® over knuckles keeps the hand cool • Absorbent terry wrist sweatband keeps the hand dry • Premium Stay Soft® cabretta leather for soft touch and feel • Tack-Tech tanning for perspiration resistance • 3M® Scotchgard® stays soft longer Dual Soft • DuPont® Lycra® mesh on knuckles and gussets for optimum fit • Full leather index finger for maximum grip • Premium Stay Soft® cabretta leather palm combined with advanced microfibre back delivers great feel at affordable price • Tack-Tech tanning for perspiration resistance • 3M® Scotchgard® stays soft longer Grip Soft • High performance microfibre delivers maximum durability and optimum fit • Soft cabretta leather palm patch adds durability in stress point • DuPont® Lycra® in stress points provides improved fit and moisture management • Absorbent terry wristband keeps the hand dry GLOVES I Wilson Staff | 26, 27 ACCESSORIES Relaxed Cap Fitted Series Caps Golf Mittens Levitator Holdall Microfibre Towel Wilson Staff Towel (Small) (Large) Wilson Staff Low Visor Rain Floppy Wilson Staff Practice Ball Bag Tour Umbrella Wilson Staff Travel Cover :fcc\Zk`fe)''. Women’s Collection | 28, 29 ® 5L 2007 Women’s Collection WOMEN’S DRIVERS E\n]fi )''. +-'ZZ =fccfn`e^fe]ifdk_\jlZZ\jjf]k_\*-'ZZC[-[i`m\i ]fiNfd\e#N`cjfeJkX]]efnX[[k_\e\n+-'ZZC[-[i`m\i% >f`e^kf^i\Xkc\e^k_jkf\ejli\pfl^\kk_\dfjk]ifdpfli jn`e^C[-[i`m\ij]\Xkli\k_\jXd\<K= k\Z_efcf^pXjk_\ d\eËj[i`m\ij#_fn\m\ik_\j`d`cXi`k`\jjkfgk_\i\%K_\e\n +-'ZZ_\X[^\kjk_\YXccX`iYfie\]Xjk#n_`c\k_\^iXg_`k\j_X]k `j/^iXdjc`^_k\ikf_\cg^\e\iXk\^i\Xk\iZclY_\X[jg\\[% Supplied with blue and pink Headcovers SHAFT OPTION Nano Flex GRIP Golf Pride® Decade® SHAFT Nano Flex 0.350” FLEX L LOFT 14.0° ETF™ Technology L-Pod™ Weighting Redirects energy back to the club face effectively doubling the Max COR hot zone. Nickel Tungsten L-Pods are set in a rear sole position, moving 12 grams – and the CG – further back for a higher launch angle. SPECIFICATIONS WGW62140 WGW661400 Ld6 360cc Graphite MW Driver Ld6 460cc Graphite MW Driver 5Q Each Each 1-14.0 1-14.0 WOMEN’S IRONS <m\ip[\kX`cfek_\e\nC`-nXj[\j`^e\[jg\Z`ÔZXccp]fi XnfdXe%Cf]kjk_ifl^_flkXi\jc`^_kcp_`^_\i#k_\j_X]k `jc`^_k\i#k_\^i`g`jjdXcc\i%<m\ek_\Zfjd\k`ZjXi\dfi\ i\Ôe\[%K_\i\jlck6K_\dfjkgcXpXYc\`ifeN`cjfe_Xj \m\idX[\]finfd\e2Xe[k_XkËjjXp`e^Xcfk#Zfej`[\i`e^ n\Ëm\Y\\e[f`e^k_`j]fidfi\k_Xe.,p\Xij% SHAFT OPTION Nano Flex GRIP Golf Pride® Decade® PROFILE 5-SW SHAFT Nano Flex 0.370” FLEX L SPECIFICATIONS WGR17680 WGR17780 WGR17880 Li6 Graphite Iron Li6 Graphite Iron Li6 Graphite Iron Set Set Set 6-SW 5-SW 4,5 Hybrid+6-SW DRIVERS I IRONS 5N I FAIRWAY I Wilson Staff | 30, 31 HYBRIDS WOMEN’S FAIRWAY C\Xm\k_\Zfej\imXk`m\cXp$lgkf pflid\e2`kËjk`d\kf^f]fik_\ ^i\\en`k_k_\e\nC]-j\i`\jf] ]X`inXpnff[j%Cf]kfgk`fejf](.# )(#),#)0gifdfk\X_`^_\i cXleZ_Xe^c\jfXggifXZ_j_fkj cXe[jf]kXe[_fc[^i\\ej% Supplied with blue and pink Headcovers SHAFT OPTION Nano Flex GRIP Golf Pride® Decade® SHAFT Nano Flex 0.350” LOFT 17.0° 21.0° 25.0° 29.0° FLEX L SPECIFICATIONS WGW631600 Lf6 Graphite FW MW Each 3,5,7,9 5P WOMEN’S HYBRIDS Cfe^`ifej_Xm\cfe^Y\\ek_\e\d\j`jf]jcfn\i jn`e^jg\\[j%K_XkËjn_pdfi\Xe[dfi\nfd\e Xi\fgk`e^]fi_pYi`[i\gcXZ\d\ekj%N`k_gi\Z`j`fe cf]kjf]))#),#Xe[)/k_\j\Y\Xlk`]lc_pYi`[ ZclYjXi\k_\g\i]\ZkZ_f`Z\]ifdYfk_k`^_k ]X`inXpjXe[ifl^_ifl^_j% Supplied with blue and pink Headcovers SHAFT OPTION Nano Flex GRIP Golf Pride® Decade® LOFT 22.0° 25.0° 28.0° SHAFT Nano Flex 0.370” FLEX L SPECIFICATIONS WGW662200 WGW662500 WGW662800 Lh6 Graphite Lh6 Graphite Lh6 Graphite Each Each Each #4 #5 #6 2007 Women’s Collection 4K KIRK CURRIE PUTTERS :cXjj`Z?\\c$kf\[\j`^e 9cXZbd\cfe`k\Ôe`j_ E\n8MJN`ee^i`g E\n]fi )''. BZM@@ !! LADY PUTTER E\n]fi )''. :fdgXZk_\\c$kf\n\`^_k\[dXcc\k 9XZbZ`iZc\YXccXc`^ed\ek //.( 5` WOMEN’S BALL Cloli`fljg\i]fidXeZ\#)$g`\Z\ ZfejkilZk`fe%K_\Co)f]]\ijX [`jk`eZk`m\g\Xic\jZ\ekZfm\i k_XkjgXibc\jc`b\pfli^Xd\% PUTTERS I I BALLS Wilson Staff | 32, 33 ACCESSORIES WOMEN’S COLLECTION BLUE & PINK 9cXZbEXmp Pony Cap EXmp 9cXZb>i\p 9cXZbG`eb L Performance Cart 9cl\ 9cXZbG`eb L Performance Feather G`eb Wilson Staff L Glove Levitator L Cart 9cXZb G`eb L Performance Holdall Wilson Staff L Cap 9cXZb Wilson Staff L Towel Wilson Staff L Umbrella 2007 Men’s Collection Passion for golf isn’t limited to professionals and scratch amateurs. You can take the game seriously, even if you don’t take it on tour. Wilson ProStaff provides every opportunity to improve your game in a price range that won’t diminish your passion. Every round matters, and so does the equipment you play with. By combining advanced materials with the latest technologies in the game, ProStaff helps you improve every shot. Wide soled irons keeps weight low and back. Extensive player testing has shown it to improve contact, distance and accuracy. The enormous sweet spot driver will surprise you by launching your tee shots longer and straighter. Aerodynamic headshape woods and hybrids increase headspeed and feature a phenomenal Deep Blue finish. CLUBS I ProStaff | 34, 35 CLUB SETS WOODS (1,3,5) Hybrids (17˚ and 21˚ lofts replace traditional #3 and #4 iron) Irons (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,PW,SW) DRIVER • Cold Forged Titanium Matrix • Maximum Legal Size 460cc HYBRIDS • Much easier to hit than long irons • 17-4 stainless steel Irons • 431 Stainless Steel • Left hand options available SHAFTS • Woods / Hybrids feature 100% graphite shaft with reinforced tip • Irons feature True Temper ™ steel iron shaft, and graphite 2007 Men’s Collection ProStaff® 360 Max Distance • High launch angle for maximum flight time • Maximum USGA-allowable initial velocity • Low compression and soft feel ProStaff® 360 Tour Performance • High spin off irons • Maximum soft feel • Excellent distance ProStaff Putters ProStaff putters feature a deep face pocket filled with polymer and double milled flat across the entire face. Pro Staff I Pro Staff II Pro Staff III Pro Staff IV BALLS I BAGS I GLOVES ProStaff | 36, 37 New for 2007 ProStaff Ti ProStaff Dry Grip ProStaff Polar • Microfibre technology with Stay Soft leather palm patch and thumb for enhanced grip, feel and durability • UKT system on rear of fingers for optimum fit while playing • DuPont Lycra adds comfort and removes moisture • Microfibre technology for soft feel and enhanced durability • Synthetic palm patch • UKT system on rear of fingers for optimum fit while playing • DuPont Lycra adds comfort and removes moisture • Advanced 2 sided Polar Fleece fabric for maximum warmth • Synthetic palm for improved grip and feel • DuPont ThermaStat in the gussets to keep hands warm and dry • Available as a pair only ProStaff Cart ProStaff Carry • Diamond top with 14 dividers • 8 closed pockets • 2 open pockets • External putter well • Quick hood • Cool insulated front pocket • Valuables pocket • Diamond top with 10 dividers • 9 closed pockets • 1 open pocket • Swivelmax strap • Quick hood • Cool insulated front pocket • Valuables pocket Black/Orange Blue/Black Black/Orange Black/Lime Black/Grey Black/Grey Blue/Black Black/Lime 2007 Women’s Collection ProStaff is the best-selling set of women’s clubs in history. Classic lines and fashion conscious designs, setting its owner apart before you take your first swing. The ProStaff is a sleek, smart choice for your regular foursome. Make every round matter. for Women This is not just a men’s set with a different paint job. ProStaff is designed from the ground up just for women. Extremely wide sole irons make quality ball contact easier and an undercut cavity produces better ball flight and more distance. ProStaff Women’s Ball • High launch angle for maximum flight time • Low compression and soft feel Woods (1,3,5 and 7) Hybrid (4,5) Irons (4,5,6,7,8,9,PW and SW) Driver • Higher Lofted • Cold Forged Titanium Matrix • Fairway woods #3,5 and 7 Hybrid • Much easier to hit than long irons • Very low center of gravity CLUB SETS I PUTTERS I Irons • 431 Stainless Steel • Deep undercut cavity • Extremely wide soles and large face Shafts • All clubs feature lightweight graphite shaft with reinforced tip ProStaff Women’s Gloves • Advanced microfibre technology for soft feel and enhanced durability • Synthetic palm patch • DuPont Lycra adds comfort and removes moisture BALLS I ProStaff | 38, 39 GLOVES ProStaff Women’s Putter ProStaff putters feature a deep face pocket filled with polymer and double milled flat across the entire face. BALLS I ULTRA® GOLF BALLS 24-ball pack ULTRA® ULTIMATE DISTANCE • The best selling distance ball - now even longer X31 Cart • Cart friendly top with 7 dividers • Tube construction • 6 closed pockets • 2 open pockets • Padded shoulder strap • Umbrella Black Grey Red Grey Blue Black BLACKJACK PUTTERS Blackjack 2 Blackjack 4 BAGS PUTTERS I BAGS Ultra | 40, 41 Ultra Carry Ultra Cart NEW top for ‘07 - 10.5” x 7” • 6 dividers • Lightweight stand • Polyester/Nylon • Tube construction • 5 closed pockets NEW top for ‘07 - 10.5” x 7” • Will fit well on a cart • 6 dividers • Polyester/Nylon • Tube construction • 5 closed pockets EXTRA FEATURES: • Large pockets • Padded shoulder strap • Back umbrella holder • Towel ring • Tee holder • Rain hood • Weight: 4.4 lbs. EXTRA FEATURES: • Large pockets • Padded shoulder strap • Back umbrella holder • Towel ring • Tee holder • Rain hood • Weight: 4.7 lbs. Navy Silver Black Gold Black Gold Black Red Navy Silver Black Red X31 Carry • • • • • • • 7 divider top Lightweight stand 6 closed pockets 2 open pockets Padded double strap Umbrella holder Rain hood Black Grey Red Grey Blue Black Blackjack 5 Blackjack 7 LOGO PRODUCTS Logo Products Making the right impression Corporate golf day, club tournament, sales incentive or team building - no matter what the event Wilson Golf offers a complete range of golf equipment that can be printed or embroidered to communicate your brand and message. Wilson golf equipment makes use of the latest fabrics and materials to deliver lightness and durability. Long recognised as one of golf’s leading innovators Wilson Staff premium golf balls incorporate unique technologies to deliver a performance that will make your event or promotion one to remember. Our printing techniques for balls and gloves offer full four colour reproduction of your logo or emblem. Our modern print techniques and rigorous quality control ensure sharp consistent results. Our bags and accessories can be embroidered in up to 15 colours to deliver a crystal clear reproduction of you logo. It’s no accident that many of the world’s most recognised brands choose Wilson Staff. Shouldn’t you? For logo order information and nearest logo supplier please e-mail logoenquiries@amersports.net TOUR I DYNAFIT I 2007 Collection | 42, 43 DEMO @QT[WV<\INNWV=W]Z A\jg\iGXie\m`b$<lifg\ EXk_XeB\ek$8ljkiXc`X 8aXp>lgkX$8j`X 8dXe[\\gAf_c$8j`X ;XeepQXiXk\$8j`X =`ifq8c`$8j`X 9iX[DZcekfj_$8ljkiXc`X KXbXj_`BXd`pXdX$AXgXe 8pXbfL\_XiX$AXgXe DXik`eX<Y\ic$<lifg\ 8jJ\gk\dY\i)''- DXiZlj9i`\i GX[iX`^?Xii`e^kfe 8ek_fepNXcc AfjDXel\cCXiX -aVI/Q\ Pflijn`e^`jXjle`hl\XjpfliÔe^\igi`ek%K_XkËjn_pk_\N`cjfe JkX]]ZljkfdÔkk`e^jpjk\ddXkZ_\jpfliZclYjkfpfli`e[`m`[lXc jn`e^Z_XiXZk\i`jk`Zj%@efi[\ikfdXo`d`j\pfli^Xd\#pfliZclYje\\[ kfY\ZljkfdÔkk\[kfpflig\ijfeXcjn`e^Xe[ZclYgi\]\i\eZ\%K_\ Ôkk`e^jpjk\df]]\ijgc\ekpf]c`\Xe[c\e^k_mXi`XYc\jXe[ZclY_\X[ gi\]\i\eZ\jkfZ_ffj\]ifd% -MUW.^MV\[ N`cjfeJkX]]i\Zf^e`j\jk_Xk[\df\m\ekjgifm`[\ k_\g\i]\Zkfggfikle`kp]fiZfejld\ijkfk\jkk_\`i \hl`gd\ekXe[n`cc_Xm\dfi\k_Xe)'''[\df[Xpj feXp\XicpYXj`j%K_`jp\Xik_\N`cjfeJkX]]K\Z_MXe n`ccXgg\XiXkmXi`flj[\df[Xpjk_ifl^_flkk_\p\Xi Xe[_Xjk_\XY`c`kpkfZljkfdÔknff[j#`ifej#n\[^\j Xe[glkk\ijn`k_\og\ikj\im`Z\%=fi]lcc[\kX`cjXe[ c`jk`e^jm`j`kn`cjfe%Zfd% 2007 Collection 3Z[ BOYS’ GIRLS’ YOUTH =fikf[XpËjpfle^\i^fc]\ij# k_\i\Ëjefk_`e^hl`k\XjZffcXj cffb`e^c`b\X^ifnelg#Y\`k dfd#[X[#fiX]Xmfli`k\Kfli gcXp\i%K_\Xcce\nN`cjfeJkX]] Ale`fi\hl`gd\ekj\i`\j[\c`m\ij \oXZkcpk_Xkn`k_j\kj[\j`^e\[ jg\Z`ÔZXccp]fipfle^\ijn`e^j% :fdgc\d\ek\[Ypgi\d`ld XZZ\jjfi`\j#k_\N`cjfeJkX]] ale`fic`e\`jk_\Y\jknXpkf^\k k_\djkXik\[% ProStaff® Junior Package Set Using the design technologies used in the adult ProStaff set, this set is designed to match youth swing speeds. This set includes each type of club the beginner golfer will need and a lightweight stand bag with padded double shoulder straps. Set Configuration Wood, Hybrid, Irons (5 and 7), Sand Wedge, Putter, Bag and Headcovers Jr. Boys’ Package Set (suggested ages 9-11) Set Configuration 15˚ driver, 25˚ fairway wood, 31˚ hybrid, 6 & 8 Irons, Wedge, all-graphite shafts, Putter, Stand bag CLUB SETS Juniors | 44, 45 Youth Package Set (suggested ages 6-8) Set Configuration 18˚ driver (graphite shaft) 6-Iron, Wedge, Putter, Stand bag Jr. Girls’ Package Set (suggested ages 9-11) Set Configuration 15˚ driver, 25˚ fairway wood, 31˚ hybrid, 6 & 8 Irons, Wedge, all-graphite shafts, Putter, Stand bag Girls’ Hat Boys’ Standard Hat, Visor and Glove 2007 Collection WILSON STAFF PUTTERS WILSON STAFF CLUBS KC IV MKII Putter KC V Putter KC VI Putter KC VII Putter KC VIII Putter KC IV MKII LH Putter WGR83360 WGR83370 WGR83380 WGR83390 WGR83410 WGR83420 Each Each Each Each Each Each Putter Putter Putter Putter Putter Putter 5-GW 4-PW 5-SW 4-SW Wilson Staff 8861 Putter Wilson Staff 8862 Putter Wilson Staff 8865 Putter WGW88610 WGW88620 WGW88650 Each Each Each Putter Putter Putter Wilson Staff 8861 LH Putter WGW8861L Each Putter Set 4-SW WGR1388S0 Set 4-SW R&S R1780 Set 3-PW Wilson Staff 8871 Putter Wilson Staff 8873 Putter Wilson Staff 8875 Putter WGW887100 WGW887300 WGW887500 Each Each Each Putter Putter Putter R R1783 Set 3-PW WILSON STAFF JUNIOR Wilson Staff Fi5 Steel Iron R&S R1784 Set 3-PW Staff JR. Set - Boys 2 x Wood, 1 x Hybrid, 3 x Iron, Putter + Bag + H/Cover WGR73600 Set Wilson Staff Ci6 Steel Iron Wilson Staff Ci6 Steel Iron Wilson Staff Ci6 Steel Iron R R&S R WGR13720 WGR13820 WGR1382S Set Set Set 4-PW 3-PW 4-SW Staff JR. Set - Girls 2 x Wood, 1 x Hybrid, 3 x Iron, Putter + Bag + H/Cover WGR73610 Set Wilson Staff Ci6 PF RV2 Graphite Iron Wilson Staff Ci6 PF RV2 Graphite Iron Wilson Staff Ci6 PF RV2 Graphite Iron R & RL RR & RL WGR1379W0 WGR1389W0 WGR1389S0 Set Set Set 4-PW 3-PW 4-SW Staff JR. Set - Youth 1 x Wood, 2 x Iron, Putter + Bag + H/Cover WGR73620 Set Wilson Staff Nc6 Graphite Iron Wilson Staff Nc6 Graphite Iron R & RL R WGR18700 WGR18800 Set Set 5-AW 4-SW DESCRIPTION FLEX STOCK NO BUOM OPTIONS Wilson Staff Di7 Steel Iron Wilson Staff Di7 Steel Iron Uniflex Uniflex WGR1374W0 WGR1384S0 Set Set 4-PW 4-SW Wilson Staff Di7 Graphite Iron Wilson Staff Di7 Graphite Iron Wilson Staff Di7 Graphite Iron Wilson Staff Di7 Graphite Iron R & RL R & RL R R & RL WGR1375GW WGR1375W0 WGR1375S0 WGR1385S0 Set Set Set Set Wilson Staff Di7 LH Steel Iron Uniflex WGR1387S0 Wilson Staff Di7 LH Graphite Iron R Wilson Staff Pi5 Steel Iron Wilson Staff Pi5 LH Steel Iron WILSON STAFF IRONS WILSON STAFF DRIVERS / FAIRWAY DESCRIPTION STOCK NO BUOM Wilson Staff New TX 4 Wilson Staff New PX 3 Wilson Staff New DX 2 Soft Wilson Staff New Dx2 Soft Shipper WGWC083 WGWC086 WGWC04300 WGWC99920 Doz Doz Doz 6 Doz Wilson Staff Dd6+ MW R WGW752000 Each Wilson Staff Dd6+ Offset MW R WGW753000 Each 12.0 Wilson Staff Dd6 NVS-DL 65 MW Wilson Staff Dd6 NVS-DL 65 MW R S WGW74100 WGW74100 Each Each 10.0,11.5,13.0 8.5,10.0 WILSON STAFF BAGS Wilson Staff Dd6 Pro Force V2 MW Wilson Staff Dd6 Pro Force V2 MW Wilson Staff Dd6 Pro Force V2 MW R RL S WGW741010 WGW741010 WGW741010 Each Each Each 10.0,11.5,13.0 11.5,13.0 10.0 DESCRIPTION STOCK NO Wilson Staff Dd6 LH P/F RV2 MW R WGW750900 Each 10.0,11.5 Wilson Staff Tour 11” Wilson Staff Tour 9.5” Blac Wilson Staff Tour 9.5” White Wilson Staff Tour Carry R WGW74190 Each 3,5,7 S WGW74190 Each 3,5 R & RL S WGW751500 WGW751500 Each Each 3,5,7 3,5 WGB61720 WGB61730 WGB61740 WGB62830 WGB6283D WGB61760 WGB720000 WGB62740 WGB62750 WGB62760 WGB720100 WGB720300 Wilson Staff Df6 NVS-DL 75 Graphite FW MW Wilson Staff Df6 NVS-DL 75 Graphite FW MW Wilson Staff Df6 Pro Force V2 FW MW Wilson Staff Df6 Pro Force V2 FW MW 10.5,13.0 WILSON STAFF BALLS Wilson Staff Df6 LH Pro Force V2 FW MW R WGW751600 Each 3,5 Wilson Staff Pd6 MW Wilson Staff Pd6 MW R S WGW71070 WGW71070 Each Each 10.5,11.5 8.5,10.0 Wilson Staff PF6 FW Wilson Staff PF6 FW R S WGW75130 WGW75130 Each Each 3,5 3,5 Wilson Staff Pd6 LH Offset MW R&S WGW71070 Each 10.0 Wilson Staff Nd6 Graphite MW Wilson Staff Nd6 Graphite MW R S WGW74120 WGW74120 Each Each 10.0,11.0 9.0,10.0 R&S WGW61240 Each #2 Hybrid WILSON STAFF HYBRIDS Wilson Staff Dh6 NVS-DL 85 #2 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff Dh6 NVS-DL 85 #3 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff Dh6 NVS-DL 85 #4 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff Dh6 NVS-DL 85 #5 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff Dh6 Pro Force V2 #2 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff Dh6 Pro Force V2 #3 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff Dh6 Pro Force V2 #4 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff Dh6 Pro Force V2 #5 Graphite Hybrid Wilson Staff LH Dh6 Pro Force V2 #4 Graphite Hybrid R&S WGW61250 Each #3 Hybrid R&S WGW61280 Each #4 Hybrid R WGW612900 Each #5 Hybrid R&S WGW761600 Each #2 Hybrid R, RL & S WGW761900 Each #3 Hybrid R, RL & S WGW762200 Each #4 Hybrid R & RL WGW762500 Each #5 Hybrid R WGW622300 Each #4 Hybrid Wilson Staff Fw6 Gap-52 Wedge Wilson Staff Fw6 Sand-56 Wedge Wilson Staff Fw6 Lob-60 Wedge WGW86770 WGW86790 WGW86910 Each Each Each Gap Sand Lob Wilson Staff Fw6 LH Gap-52 Wedge Wilson Staff Fw6 LH Sand-56 Wedge Wilson Staff Fw6 LH Lob-60 Wedge WGW86920 WGW86930 WGW86940 Each Each Each Gap Sand Lob Wilson Staff Tw7 Gap-52 Wedge Wilson Staff Tw7 Sand-54 Wedge Wilson Staff Tw7 Sand-56 Wedge Wilson Staff Tw7 Lob-58 Wedge Wilson Staff Tw7 Lob-60 Wedge WGW869200 WGW869300 WGW869400 WGW869500 WGW869600 Each Each Each Each Each Gap Sand Sand Lob Lob Wilson Staff Tw7 LH Sand Wedge WGW869700 Each Sand WILSON STAFF WEDGES Wilson Staff Tour Wheel Bag Wilson Staff Feather Bag Wilson Staff Performance Cart DLX Wilson Staff Performance Cart Wilson Staff Performance Carry Wilson Staff Levitator Cart Wilson Staff Levitator Carry WILSON STAFF GLOVES DESCRIPTION STOCK NO Wilson Staff Pro Soft MLH White Wilson Staff Pro Soft MRH White Wilson Staff Pro Soft LLH White Wilson Staff Pro Soft MLH Black Wilson Staff Dual Soft MLH White Wilson Staff Dual Soft MRH White Wilson Staff Dual Soft LLH White Wilson Staff Dual Soft MLH Black Wilson Staff Grip Soft MLH White Wilson Staff Grip Soft MRH Wilson Staff Lady Grip Soft LLH Wilson Staff Lady Grip Soft LRH Wilson Staff Grip Soft MLH Black Wilson Staff Junior Glove Wilson Staff Lady Grip Soft Pack Wilson Staff Lady Grip Soft Pack G510W G511W G514W G510B G520W G521W G524W G520B WGG620W0 WGG621W0 WGG634W0 WGG635W0 WGG620B0 WGG660W0 WGG634P0 WGG634B0 WILSON STAFF ACCESSORIES DESCRIPTION STOCK NO Wilson Staff Fitted Cap solid 6pk Wilson Staff Fitted Cap 2 tone 6pk Wilson Staff Relaxed Cap 6pk WGH701000MIXC WGH702000MIXC WGH60210BCHR WGH60210SRED H5004 BCHR WGH60240BLACK WGH60270LAR WGH60250BLACK WGA60340 WGA703000GREY A5020 WGA60440 WGA60400 WGB61790BLAC WGB720400BLAC WGB6721300BLAC Wilson Staff Visor 6PK Wilson Staff Junior Cap 6pk Wilson Staff Rain Floppy 6pk Wilson Staff Junior Visor 6pk Wilson Staff DC 34” Tour Umbrella Wilson Staff Microfibre Towel Wilson Staff Large Towel Wilson Staff Travel Cover Large Wilson Staff Mittens Wilson Staff Practice Ball Bag Wilson Staff Levitator Holdall Wilson Staff Performance Feather Cover OPTIONS S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,L S,M.ML,L,XL S,M.ML,L,XL S,M.ML,L,XL S,M,L S,M.ML,L,XL S,M.ML,L,XL S,M.ML,L,XL S,M,L S,M,L S,M.ML,L,XL Specifications | 46, 47 SPECIFICATIONS WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S COLLECTION DESCRIPTION FLEX STOCK NO PROSTAFF HYBRIDS BUOM OPTIONS Set Set Set 6-SW 5-SW 4,5 Hybrid+6-SW WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S IRONS Lady Wilson Staff Li6 Graphite Iron Lady Wilson Staff Li6 Graphite Iron Lady Wilson Staff Li6 Graphite Iron WGR17680 WGR17780 WGR17880 WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S DRIVERS / FAIRWAY Lady Wilson Staff Ld6 Graphite MW Driver Lady Wilson Staff Ld6 460cc Graphite MW Driver WGW62140 WGW661400 Each Each 1-14.0 1-14.0 Lady Wilson Staff Lf6 Graphite FW MW WGW631600 Each 3,5,7,9 WGW662200 WGW662500 WGW662800 Each Each Each #4 Hybrid #5 Hybrid #6 Hybrid Wilson Staff Lady 8871 Putter WGW887600 Each Putter Lady KC VII Putter WGR83400 Each Putter WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S HYBRIDS Lady Wilson Staff Lh6 #4 Graphite Hybrid Lady Wilson Staff Lh6 #5 Graphite Hybrid Lady Wilson Staff Lh6 #6 Graphite Hybrid WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S PUTTERS WCWC09200 Doz WGB721200 B6273 WGB720200 WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S GLOVES Lady Wilson Staff Grip Soft LLH Lady Wilson Staff Grip Soft LRH Lady Wilson Staff Grip Soft Pack - pink Lady Wilson Staff Grip Soft Pack - blue WGG634W0 WGG635W0 WGG634P0 WGG634B0 S,M,L S,M,L Lady Wilson Staff Towel Lady Wilson Staff Performance Duffle Bag WGH60300MIXC WGH60320BLUE WGH60280MIXC WGA60380 WGA60380PINK WGA60390 WGA60390PINK WGB62710BPIN WGB62710NAVY WGB62710BGRE STOCK NO ProStaff Junior Set Set ProStaff Cart ProStaff L Cart ProStaff Carry X31 Cart X31 Carry WGB720500 WGB720600 WGB720700 WGB730800 WGB730900 ProStaff Dry MLH White ProStaff Dry MRH White ProStaff Dry MLH Black ProStaff Ti MLH White ProStaff Ti MRH White ProStaff Women’s LLH Blue ProStaff Women’s LLH Pink ProStaff Rain ProStaff Winter MLH ProStaff WInter LLH WGG730W00 WGG731W00 WGG730B00 WGG720W00 WGG721W00 WGG744P00 WGG744PB0 WGG750B00 WGG70B00 WGG764B0 S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,L S,M,L S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,ML,L,XL S,M,L STOCK NO BUOM WGB731200 WGB731300 WGB731400 ULTRA BALLS BUOM OPTIONS WGD140000 WGD148000 WGD140100 WGD148100 WGD140200 WGD148200 WGD148300 WGD140400 WGD147400 WGD140500 WGD147500 Each Set Each Set Each Set Set Each Set Each Set 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,W,S 4-SW 4,5,6,7,8,9,W,S 4-SW 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,W,S 4-SW 4-SW 4,5,6,7,8,9,W,S 5-SW 5,6,7,8,9,W,S 5-SW WGD141000 WGD141000 WGD141100 WGD141100 WGD141200 WGD141200 WGD141400 WGD141400 WGD141500 WGD141500 WGG140100 WGG140200 WGG140300 WGG140400 WGG140500 WGG140600 WGG140700 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 1/2 Set 1/2 Set 1/2 Set 1/2 Set 1/2 Set 1/2 Set 1/2 Set 1 3,5 1 3,5 1 3,5 1 3,5,7 1 3,5,7 WGD888500 WGD888600 WGD888700 WGD888800 WGD888900 Each Each Each Each Each Ultra Ultimate Distance White Ultra Ultimate Distance White Ultra 24 ball pack Distance White Ultra Ultimate Distance Yellow Ultra Ultimate Distance Yellow WGWA3410 WGWA341B WGWA46100 WGWA3420 WGWA342B 15Pk Bulk 2 Doz 15Pk Bulk D8931A D8933A WGD89340 WGD89350 Each Each Each Each BLACKJACK PUTTERS PROSTAFF PUTTERS Pro Staff I Pro Staff II LH Pro Staff III Pro Staff IV Lady Pro Staff I WGG620800 PROSTAFF JUNIOR Ultra Cart Ultra Cart - HOPE Ultra Cart PROSTAFF DRIVERS Pro Staff Graphite MW Pro Staff Graphite MW Pro Staff LH Graphite MW Pro Staff LH Graphite MW Pro Staff Steel MW Pro Staff Steel MW Lady Pro Staff Graphite MW Lady Pro Staff Graphite MW Lady Pro Staff LH Graphite MW Lady Pro Staff LH Graphite MW Pro Staff Graphite MW #3 I #5,7,9,S + Put Lady Pro Staff Graphite MW #5 I #5,7,9,S + Put Pro Staff Graphite MW #3 I #5,7,9,S + Put + Bag Lady Pro Staff Graphite MW #5 I #5,7,9,S + Put + Bag Pro Staff LH Graphite MW #3 I #5,7,9,S + Put + Bag Lady Pro Staff LH Graphite MW #5 I #5,7,9,S + Put + Bag Pro Staff Steel MW #3 I #5,7,9,S + Put + Bag ProStaff 360 Max Distance White ProStaff 360 Tour Performance ProStaff Lady 360 White ProStaff Distance 4-Ball Shipper ULTRA BAGS PROSTAFF IRONS Pro Staff Graphite Pro Staff Graphite Pro Staff LH Graphite Pro Staff LH Graphite Pro Staff Steel Pro Staff Steel Pro Staff LH Steel Lady Pro Staff Graphite Lady Pro Staff Graphite Lady Pro Staff LH Graphite Lady Pro Staff LH Graphite 15Pk 15pk 15pk 8 Doz PROSTAFF BALLS DESCRIPTION PROSTAFF DESCRIPTION WGWA3150 WGWA3650 WGWA4260 WGWA3280 #3 #4 #3 #4 #4 #5 #4 #5 ULTRA WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S ACCESSORIES Lady Wilson Staff Pony Cap 6pk Lady Wilson Staff Junior Cap 6pk Lady Pack Dozen Mix Lady 30” L Umbrella Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each PROSTAFF GLOVES WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S BAGS Lady Wilson Staff Performance Feather Lady Wilson Staff Performance Cart Lady Wilson Staff Levitator Cart WGD141700 WGD141800 WGD142100 WGD142200 WGD141900 WGD142000 WGD142300 WGD142400 PROSTAFF BAGS WILSON STAFF WOMEN’S BALL Lady Wilson Staff New LX 2 Pro Staff Graphite Pro Staff Graphite Pro Staff LH Graphite Pro Staff LH Graphite Lady Pro Staff Hybrid Graphite Lady Pro Staff Hybrid Graphite Lady Pro Staff LH Hybrid Graphite Lady Pro Staff LH Hybrid Graphite Blackjack LH Putter Blackjack Putter Blackjack Putter Blackjack Putter #2 #4 #5 #7 WILSON DESCRIPTION STOCK NO BUOM WILSON BAGS Polar Cart Polar Carry Trail Pak Cart Trail Pak Carry Reflex Cart Reflex Carry Cart Plus Cart Plus - HOPE WGB730000 WGB730100 WGB730200 WGB730300 WGB730400 WGB730500 WGB731000 WGB731100 WILSON RANGE BALL Range White Range Yellow WP115 WP116 24 Doz 24 Doz WILSON ACCESSORIES Wilson Wheel Travel Cover Wilson DC Umbrella 34” WGA703400BLAC WGA60470BLAC © 2006 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Wilson, W, 1200 Gear Effect, Progressive, ProStaff, Smart Core, and Ultra are registered trademarks of Wilson Sporting Goods Co. W, Wilson, Fluid Feel, Hope, Levitator, Proforce, ProStaff, Quick Hood, Staff, and Ultra are registered trademarks of Wilson Sporting Goods, Co. Ergo-top, ETF, Harmonized, It’s A Girl Thing, L-pod, Muscle Back, Nano Ti, Nanalon, and Rookie Tour are trademarks of Wilson Sporting Goods, Co. Dynamic Gold is a registered trademark and True Temper is a trademark of Emhart Industries, Inc. Esquire is a registered trademark of Hearst Corporation. Golf Magazine is a registered trademark of Time4 Media, Inc. Golf Digest is a registered trademark of Conde Net, Inc. Golf Pride and Tour Velvet are registered trademarks of Eaton Corporation. Grafalloy, and MicroMesh are registered trademarks and Prolaunch Blue is a trademark of Grafalloy Corporation. LPGA is a registered trademark of the Ladies Professional Golf Association. PGA is a registered trademark of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America. Swivlemax is a registered trademark of i-Concept International Limited. Tungsten Weighing is a registered trademark of Slotline Golf Corp. USGA is a registered trademark of the United States Golf Association. WINN is a registered trademark of Winn, Inc. BCRF is a trademark and Prevention and Cure in our Lifetime is registered trademark of The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. UST is a trademark of United Sports Technologies, Inc. SUBSIDIARIES EUROPEAN / UK OPERATIONS AND CUSTOMER SERVICES Amer Sports UK Ltd Ayr Road Irvine Ayrshire Scotland KA12 8HG Tel: +44 1294 316270 Email: customer.service.internet@amer.de WILSON AUSTRIA Atomic Austria GesmbH Wilson Lackengasse 301 A-5541 Altenmarkt Austria Tel: +43 6452 3900 Email: wilsongolf.austria@amersports.net WILSON CZECH REPUBLIC Amer Sports Czech Republic s.r.o. V Chotejne 700/7, 102 00 Praha 10 Czech Republic Tel: +42 02 72700963-4 Email: michaela.bambouskova@amersports.net WILSON FINLAND Amer Sports Suomi Oy Valimotie 7 FIN -01510 Vantaa Finland Tel: +3589 875 87420 Email: jorma.honkonen@amersport.fi DISTRIBUTORS WILSON HOLLAND BELGIUM Amer Sports Netherlands Plesmanstraat 1 La Leusden 3833 Netherlands Tel +33 432 0314 Fax +33 432 0297 Sablon Sport 2 Avenue Reine Astrid B-1430 Wauthier-Braine Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 366 9970 Email: golf@sablon.com WILSON ITALY NORWAY Amer Sports Italy Via Priula 78, 31040, Nervesa Della Battaglia Treviso Italy Tel + 39 0422 1821 110 Email: miriam.cibien@amersports.net Torinor Sport AS Osteroyveien 41 Postboks 2114 3202 Sandefjord Norway Tel: +47 33 465 690 Fax: +47 33 465 802 Email: harald@torinor.no WILSON SOUTH AFRICA Amer Sports Africa & Middle East Peltier Road No 5 Sunninghill Office 2196 Sunninghill Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27112345665 WILSON SPAIN/PORTUGAL Amer Sports España SA C/ del Atlantic 115 Nave A 5 1 08040 Z A L Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 262 5100 Email: info.wilsonspain@amersports.net WILSON SWEDEN/DENMARK Amer Sports France ZAC Parc Technologique 63, rue Condorcet. BP 128 38093 Villefontaine Cedex France Tél : +33 (0) Email : xavier.morisson@amersports.net Amer Sports Sverige AB Åsboholmsgatan 16 504 51. BORÅS Sweden Phone number: +46 020 86 00 10 Fax number +46 33 233 740 E-mail: Sweden - info.sweden@amersports.net Denmark - info.denmark@amersports.net WILSON GERMANY WILSON SWITZERLAND Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH Wilson Golf Hainbuchenring 9 82061 Neuried, Germany Tel: +4989 8980102 Email: wilson.golf@amersports.net Amer Sports Switzerland AG Verkaufsleiter Wilson Golf Bachtalen 33 CH6332 Hagendorn Switzerland Tel: +41 41 784 26 26 Email: Pascal.Schweiger@amersports.net WILSON FRANCE n`cjfe%Zfd POLAND PPH Fordex Sp. z o. o. Ul. Winogrady 149 61-626 Poznan Poland Tel: +48 61 81-43-449 Fax: +48 61 81-43-481 Email: tomasz.jakoniuk@wilson-poland.pl www.wilson-poland.pl RUSSIA ZAO Amer Sports Mega Mall, Office 208 Kaluzhskoe Shosse 21 km Leninsky District, Moscow Region Russia 142704 Tel: +7 095 641 2646 Fax: +7 095 641 2645 Email: andrei.chruljev@amersports.net SLOVENIA Planet Sport Brodisce 5 1236 Trzin Slovenia Tel: 386 1 5302300 Email: info@planetsport.si
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