OVK ONLINEREPORT 2014/01 Overview of figures and trends ud eation s t r C K V O 2013 y CONTENTS 3 Foreword 4 Method change 6 Comparative study of online advertising 8 Monthly development of net advertising investment 10 Online advertising according to sector 11 Top 10 online advertising formats 13 Trends in online advertising formats 14 Reach of the Internet in Germany 15 Reach of mobile Internet in Germany 16 Reach of the OVK marketers 17 Reach of online media in an average month 18 Reach of online media in an average week 19 Online activities of Internet users 20 Overview of potential customers to reach online by sector 21 Open-mindedness regarding advertising 22 Opinion formers and multipliers 23 Trendsetters 24 OVK Creation study 2013 25 Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the BVDW 30 The Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft e.V. – German Association for the Digital 32 Economy (BVDW) The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online Forschung (AGOF) e.V. – Working Group for Online 33 Media Research (AGOF) Online media planning and more with AGOF 34 Notes on the AGOF method 35 Notes on the methodology of the OVK advertising statistics 36 Publishing information 38 5 FOREWORD DEAR READERS, For 2013 the net advertising spending on online and mobile display ads comes to €1.32 billion. This corresponds to an increase of 9.3 percent compared to the previous year and illustrates the uninterrupted rele- Starting with this OVK Online-Report we will be offering you a more vance of digital communication. Advertisers value the large bandwidth transparent picture of the online advertising market by using the of online advertising formats and the associated options for interactive PWC (Pricewaterhouse-Coopers) reports extrapolated on to the dialogue with target groups as a firm component in their communica- German market – and so presenting for the first time the net spen- tions strategy. ding on digital display advertising (online and mobile). This means we Paul Mudter, are meeting the demands made for years by market partners to make In view of the positive market dynamics, the OVK also assumes incre- the OVK online advertising statistics reflect the media and advertising asing net investment in digital display advertising for the current year market as realistically as possible. 2014. With the assumed growth rate of 8.4 percent, the net advertising volume this year would amount to €1.43 billion, a new record. Chairman of the Circle of Online Marketers At the same time, these new OVK advertising statistics raise the pro- With the growing spending on display advertising, the demand from (OVK) in the BVDW file of the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the German Associa- advertisers and agencies for comprehensive evidence of the adverti- tion for the Digital Economy (BVDW), as we are now concentrating sing impact obtained and for optimisation approaches has increased at exclusively on our original core business of display advertising and the same time. For this reason, the OVK has as part of its study “The have stopped showing search and affiliate sales. Power of Creation” addressed a central problem in this connection: What is the significance of creation in advertising success? The inve- In order to maintain the validity of the OVK advertising statistics and stigation is currently the largest German study on awareness and the obtain a retrospective view of current results, in addition to showing impact of creation in the online area. The main results of the study are the net advertising investment in 2013 for digital display advertising present on pages 25 to 29. (online and mobile) we have also calculated the 2012 spending retrospectively on a net basis in exactly the same way as the forecast for We hope you enjoy reading the OVK Online-Report 2014/01. the current year 2014 is based on net figures. Only individual trends, such as the ranking of advertising investment by format and industry, will continue to be covered in the OVK Online-Report by the existing Paul Mudter Nielsen data, as data of this granularity does not (yet) exist on a net Chairman of the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) within the BVDW data basis. Moreover, when considering the trends the relationship between the individual industries and formats is more relevant than the absolute sales. 7 METHOD CHANGE EXPLANATIONS OF NEW METHODOLOGY IN THE OVK ONLINE ADVERTISING STATISTICS One consequence of this change is that the new online advertising market figures (net) are no longer comparable with the previous reports (gross). Links and comparisons in any form – “before-after“ comparisons, comparisons of increases or decreases in printed adverts on a quarterly or annual basis, etc., are factually incorrect and Showing the net spen- The Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) intends to reflect the current ding on digital display media and advertising market in the OVK online advertising statistics. advertising ensures This can only be achieved by continuously adapting the statistics to Only individual trends, such as the ranking of advertising investment greater transparency. match changing circumstances in the market. by format and industry, will continue to be covered in the OVK consequently inadmissible. Online-Report by the existing Nielsen data, as such net data of this The advertising investment in digital display advertising will therefore be shown on the extrapolated PWC basis (Pricewaterhouse Coopers) with immediate effect. The PWC statistics contain the monthly reports from all OVK marketers on the net advertising expenditure generated from digital display advertising on marketed online and mobile advertisers. This includes the net advertising expenditure for all income that resulted in an accounting transaction with the marketing companies. The net figures reported to PWC for digital display advertising (online and mobile) are extrapolated in the next step to represent the entire German market (including agency commissions). The data do not contain any search results or technical sales (e.g. ad servers). They simply state the sales revenue generated in Germany. The portrayal of search and affiliate sales in the OVK online advertising statistics has been dropped as part of the change. The new OVK advertising statistics focussing solely on the overall digital display advertising (online and mobile) also represent a raising of the profile of the OVK. granularity does not (yet) exist in the PWC report. 9 COMPAR ATIVE STUDY OF ONLINE ADVERTISING STABLE GROWTH FOR NET SPENDING IN DIGITAL DISPLAY ADVERTISING In 2013 the net volume With the change in presentation of the advertising investment, the for digital display OVK advertising statistics will in future concentrate on digital display advertising (online and advertising, while the portrayal of search and affiliate sales will be mobile) amounted to a dropped. The spending is extrapolated for the entire market in total of €1.32 billion. Germany on the basis of the net figures for digital display advertising (online and mobile) reported via PWC. For a better arrangement, the new basis for the data will come into effect not just for the past year 2013, but also for the previous year 2012. Further information on the mobile advertising market figures can be found in the latest MAC report 2014/01. The net volume for digital display advertising (online and mobile) last The importance of digital display advertising is due principally to the advantages of digital communication specific to the medium: Target group dialogue can be conducted interactively and without media discontinuity, optimum campaign targeting is ensured by comprehensive planning data and the possibility of optimising campaigns at any time. Transparent tracking tools also facilitate detailed analysis and cost control. Advertising effect research to accompany the campaigns furthermore documents successes and its advertising impact indicators help with rating the campaign and the direction to be taken by future planning. Further optimisation approaches are provided by studies such as the current OVK study “The Power of Creation”, which gives practical design tips for a sustained boost to the potential of online advertising media – further details can be found as from page 25 of this report. year was €1.32 billion. This figure shows the real sales revenue, and for the first time the OVK statistics show the actual volume of the online advertising market. The net spending on digital display advertising OVK advertising statistics for total digital display advertising from 2012 to 2013, with a forecast for 2014 rose by €112 million compared to the previous year, corresponding to growth of 9.3 percent – proof of the growing importance of the Internet as an advertising medium. 1.450 1.430 (+8.4 %) 1.400 In view of the uninterrupted strong demand for digital display adver- 1.350 tisings, the Circle of Online Marketers is assuming a similarly positive 1.300 1.319 (+9.3 %) outlook for 2014. Taking the starting level into account, the OVK forecasts continued stable growth of 8.4 for the display advertising market in 2014. This would bring the net volume of Internet advertising up to €1.43 billion. 1.250 1.200 1.207 1.150 1.100 1.050 OVK statistics for 2012 OVK statistics for 2013 OVK statistics for 2014 Source: Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.: OVK report (extrapolation of the net figures reported to PWC for digital display advertising (online and mobile) on the total market (including commission)) / data for the German market in €m 10 MONTHLY DEVELOPMENT OF NET ADVERTISING INVESTMENT MONTHLY INVESTMENTS IN DIGITAL DISPLAY ADVERTISING CONTINUE TO INCREASE AT A HIGH LEVEL In 2013 the monthly The chart showing the net advertising investment and consequently net spending broke the the more valid illustration of market conditions shows the high €100 million barrier in importance of digital display advertising and the high demand for eight months and was this form of advertising unchanged on a month-by-month basis. only just below it in the following two months, Compared to the previous year, the monthly net advertising invest- thereby exceeding the ment in 2013 was higher in every month with one exception. A new previous year‘s level in record was set each month in the traditionally strong fourth quarter almost every month. in particular, until the top monthly value for the whole of the past year was achieved in December at €136.0 million. CONVENTIONAL ONLINE ADVERTISING IS IN DEMAND IN ALL INDUSTRIES As stated at the outset in this report, individual trends, such as the Classic online adverti- ranking of advertising investment by industry, will continue to be sing belongs to the me- covered by the existing Nielsen data, as data of this granularity does dia mix in all industries, not exist in the PWC report. The following advertising spendings are and the share for the therefore gross values. majority of the industrial sectors considered The analysis of the gross spending on online advertising in 2013 by industry sector shows that advertisers in all industries value the wide variety of options in conventional online advertising as an important component in their communication mix. At the same time, the target group potential represented on the Web (see also page 21) make the Internet an increasingly-important advertising platform for companies from every branch of industry. Monthly development of net advertising investment in digital display advertising overall When compared with each other, the different industries show different degrees of strength in their commitment to online advertising. 112.0 106.5 117.6 135.6 136.0 miscellaneous advertising – this includes charitable organisations and corporate advertising. With 42.0 percent, more than four out of ten euros are spent on conventional online advertising. In the financial sector, the online share of the media mix with 18.3 percent accounts 91.4 93.3 103.1 113.0 for almost one fifth of the total. In the automotive industry (14.9 78.8 102.1 111.7 110.1 101.0 114.0 81.4 80 93.4 77.9 82.5 100 89.2 86.3 120 125.8 131.8 130.9 By far the highest online share in the media mix comes in the field of 140 percent), the services sector (14.8 percent), the tourism and catering industry (13.6 percent) and the telecommunications industry (13.5 60 percent) too, the proportion of online advertising in the media mix is already in the two-figure range as a percentage. Only for four of 40 the top 10 industries – namely retailing and mail order, personal care, 20 food and media – does the advertising investment in conventional on- 0 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. line advertising still remain in the single-figure range as a percentage. 2012 77.9 89.2 101.0 93.4 102.1 103.1 81.4 78.8 106.5 112.0 125.8 135.6 € million 2013 82.5 86.3 114.0 110.1 111.7 113.0 93.3 91.4 117.6 130.9 131.8 136.0 € million Source: Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.: OVK report (extrapolation of the net figures reported to PWC for digital display advertising (online and mobile) on the total market (including commission)) / data for the German market in €m 11 ONLINE ADVERTISING ACCORDING TO SECTOR was in double digits. 12 ONLINE ADVERTISING ACCORDING TO SECTOR In terms of absolute online advertising investment, the miscellaneous advertising sector takes first place with €602 million gross. The automotive industry (€330 million) and the services sector (€321 million) both spend more than 300 million online. The retail and mail order 13 TOP 10 ONLINE ADVERTISING FORMATS MAC-ANBIETERÜBERSICHT WALLPAPER IS BY FAR AND AWAY THE MOST POPULAR ONLINE ADVERTISING FORMAT industry (€242 million) and the financial sector (€240 million) both break the €200 million barrier. The gross advertising investments in The ranking of the top 10 online advertising formats for 2013 remains Advertisers value online advertising by the media, telecommunications, personal care, based on gross advertising investment. Generously-sized presentation generously-sized and tourism and catering industries are still in the three-figure range. areas are in demand: With €393 million, wallpaper holds first place presentation areas Only the food industry with its online investments of €99 million is among the top 10 advertising formats in 2013 by a wide margin, having with enough space slightly below this level. attracted more than €34 million than in the previous year. Next for complicated adver- comes the banner with €276 million, which is €104 million more than tising messages. Overall both absolute spending and its share of the respective media in 2012 and the highest-ranking absolute growth. The ad bundle in mix shows that advertisers from all industries are using the Internet third place showed the second largest growth with an increase of €82 as an advertising platform as a matter of course, and the digitisation of million, totalling €263 million last year. communication has arrived in every branch of industry. Overall, only three of the top 10 advertising formats last year were below the €100 million mark, and six formats – the pre-roll, rectangle and halfAdvertising investment in online advertising analysed by area of business for 2013 (top 10) 0 20 40 Miscellaneous advertising 60 % 42.0 % Automotive market Services Retail and mail order 240 18.3 % Personal care Medium rectangle 193 4.5 % Telecommunications 7.8 % Food 5.1 % 0 182 13.5 % Rectangle 158 Microsite 200 127 94 84 Leaderboard 72 48 Halfpage Ad 99 100 146 Skyscraper 139 13.6 % Tourism and catering 173 300 400 500 600 700 m Values in millions of euro Values as a percentage of online share of the media mix Source: Nielsen Media Research (Online Advertising, data valid as of January 2014). Data for the German market in millions of euro in millions of euros 2012 0 50 393 276 181 Ad bundle Pre-roll Finance Media 172 Banner 242 8.6 % 359 Wallpaper 321 14.8 % Top 10 online advertising formats 602 330 14.9 % page ad in addition to the three mentioned already – recorded real growth. 263 234 180 179 117 120 123 70 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 m 2013 Source: Nielsen Media Research (Online Advertising, data valid as of January 2014). As the marketers SONSTIGE, HI-MEDIA and EBAY (in part) do not provide data at advertising slot level, they have not been included. Data for the German market in millions of euro 14 TRENDS IN ONLINE ADVERTISING FORMATS SPENDING ON ONLINE MOVING IMAGE ADVERTISING STOOD AT 305 MILLION EUROS IN 2013 The gross investment The top 3 online moving image advertising formats are pre-roll, in moving image for- mid-roll and post-roll. Pre-roll accounted for the majority of gross mats increased by 28 spending in 2013 with €234 million, an increase of 35.3 percent or percent compared to €61 million compared to the previous year. The gross investment the previous year, an for mid-roll almost doubled between 2012 and 2013, and now indication of its growing amounts to €52 million. The picture is similar for post-roll, albeit importance amongst at a lower level, which accounted for €7 million gross last year, an advertisers. increase of 75 percent. 15 REACH OF THE INTERNET IN GERMANY MAC-ANBIETERÜBERSICHT OVER 55 MILLION GERMANS ARE INTERNET USERS Since autumn last year, “internet facts” has included teenagers The basic population between 10 and 13, and expanding the basic population taken into of “internet facts” now consideration to the resident German-speaking population over 10 covers over 73 million years of age. This group consists of 73.36 million people. 76 percent persons after the of this basic population, some 55.77 million people, used the Net in expansion to include the reporting period of “internet facts”. The widest group of users teenagers between 10 (WNK, people who used the Internet within the last three months) and 13. covered 75.1% of the population, equating to 55.09 million people. The expansion of the basic population shows how teenagers today grow up with the Internet as a matter of course. The 10 to 19-year olds are virtually fully represented in the Web. The percentage of non-users amongst 20- to 39-year olds is also in the low single-figure range. Among 40 to 49-year olds, nine out of ten are on the Internet; while among 50 to 59-year olds the figure is three-quarters. Even among the over 60s, around four out of ten are online, although this group still registers the highest share of non-users compared to the Top 3 online moving image advertising formats (in millions of euros) other age groups. 173 Pre-Roll Online penetration by age group 234 100 28 Mid-Roll 4.1 1.7 2.0 3.8 11.1 22.4 80 52 60.5 60 95.9 Post-Roll 98.3 98.0 96.2 40 4 7 88.9 77.6 20 39.5 0 in millions of euros 0 2012 50 100 150 200 250 300 m 2013 Source: Nielsen Media Research (Online Advertising, data valid as of January 2014). As the marketers SONSTIGE, HI-MEDIA and EBAY (in part) do not provide data at advertising slot level, they have not been taken into account. Data for the German market in millions of euro 10–13 14–19 20–29 Internet users (WNK)/Other Internet users 30–39 40–49 50–59 60+ years old Non-Internet users Example: 95.9% of 10 to 13-year olds are Internet users (WNK and other users) and 4.1% of 10 to 13-year olds are non-Internet users. / Based on: 106,770 cases (Internet users from the age of 10 in the last three months)/387 cases (other Internet users)/10,435 cases (non-Internet users) / Data in %//as a percentage / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market 16 REACH OF MOBILE INTERNET IN GERMANY MAC-ANBIETERÜBERSICHT ALMOST FOUR OUT OF TEN GERMANS ARE MOBILE USERS “mobile facts 2013-II” According to AGOF mobile facts 2013-II, 26.68 million adults from provides data on the the age of 14 years are Mobile Users. This means that 37.9 percent reach and structure of the German-speaking resident population from the age of 14 have for 89 mobile-enabled accessed a mobile-enabled website or a mobile app in the one- websites and 105 month survey period. The mobile Internet therefore continues its applications from 18 advance unabated. It has become indispensable for over 38 percent marketers. of users, whether they use it as intensively as the landline Internet or even more frequently. This user behaviour simultaneously under- Internet-enabled smart- lines the growing importance of the mobile as a communication and phones are used for a advertising platform. variety of purposes, 17 REACH OF THE OVK MARKETERS REACH OF THE OVK MARKETERS “internet facts” reports the net reach of the marketers operating “internet facts 2013-11” together in AGOF. The table below shows the net reach of the mar- includes data from a keters organised in OVK based on the advertising media compiled total of 58 marketers. in internet facts 2013-11. A marketer‘s net reach does not always include their entire portfolio. Net reach of OVK online marketers (alphabetical) Average month September – November Reach in % (based on Marketer Internet users from the last Net reach in millions three months) of unique users including communi- At present, the mobile Internet is still being used predominantly by cations, searches and men and relatively young target audiences: 55.3 percent of mobile Axel Springer Media Impact 57.8 31.83 information, banking users are men, and 68.4 percent are aged between 20 and 49 years. BAUER MEDIA 14.2 7.84 transactions and The level of education of mobile users is also above-average, with 38.1 purchases. percent having passed school-leaving exams. And with 68.9 percent, the broad majority of mobile users are in full employment, with 36.3 percent of users having a monthly net household income of €3,000. Mobile users in Germany Unique Mobile Users and app users in the last 30 days: Total population: 70.33 million** Mobile phone users: 63.18 million** 26.68 million* Example: 26.68 million persons from the age of 14 years are mobile users, that is, 37.9 percent of the German-speaking resident population from the age of 14 has accessed a mobile-enabled website or a mobile app within the last 30 days. Based on: * 34,892 cases or ** 112,028 cases / German-speaking resident population in Germany from 14 years / Data in millions Source: AGOF e.V. / * AGOF mobile facts 2013-II or ** internet facts 2013-07 / Data for the German market eBay Advertising Group Germany 49.0 26.98 G+J Electronic Media Sales 40.1 22.09 Hi-Media Deutschland 28.8 15.87 InteractiveMedia CCSP 65.2 35.92 IP Deutschland 48.6 26.78 iq digital 32.6 17.95 MAIRDUMONT MEDIA 17.5 9.62 Microsoft Advertising 14.1 7.77 10.55 netpoint media 19.1 OMS 46.325.50 SevenOne Media 51.5 28.36 SPIEGEL QC 27.0 14.87 TOMORROW FOCUS MEDIA 50.1 27.62 Unister Media 16.7 9.21 United Internet Media 51.8 28.52 Yahoo! Germany 29.3 16.14 Number of Unique Users (in millions) and percentage for an average month in the period under investigation – September to November 2013 / Based on: 106,770 cases (Internet users from the age of 10 in the last three months) / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market 18 REACH OF ONLINE MEDIA IN AN AVERAGE MONTH MAC-ANBIETERÜBERSICHT 19 REACH OF ONLINE MEDIA IN AN AVERAGE WEEK AVERAGE MONTHLY REACH OF THE TOP 20 ONLINE ADVERTISERS AVERAGE WEEKLY REACH OF THE TOP 20 ONLINE ADVERTISING MEDIA Apart from data on “internet facts 2013-11” provides data on reach and structure for Amongst the online sites by reach in an average week, eBay.de is in In addition to data on reach and structure, 772 online advertisers and 3,888 advertising slots. first place with 13.84 million Unique Users (25.1 percent), followed the average month by T-Online (13.55 million or 24.6 percent) and WEB.DE (8.16 milli- and the average week, “internet facts” also contains key data The league table of websites according to their reach in an average on or 14.8 percent); gutefrage.net (7.07 million or 12.8 percent) and “internet facts” also about Internet use, month is headed by T-Online with 26.24 million Unique Users (47.6 GMX (6.68 million or 12.1 percent) occupy fourth and fifth places provides data about target audiences and percent), followed by eBay.de (25.65 million or 46.6%) and gutefrage. respectively. individual months and e-commerce. net (17.99 million unique users or 32.7%). Fourth and fifth places are individual days in the occupied by WEB.DE.de (14.34 million or 26.0%) and BILD.de (13.99 reporting period. million or 25.4%). AGOF ranking of the top 20 online advertisers in Germany in an average month AGOF ranking of the top 20 online media offerings in Germany in an average week T-Online 26.24 eBay.de 25.65 gutefrage.net 17.99 WEB.DE 14.34 BILD.de 13.99 eBay.de T-Online WEB.DE gutefrage.net 8.16 7.07 GMX 6.68 CHIP Online 13.82 BILD.de computerbild.de 13.63 SPIEGEL ONLINE GMX 11.75 6.62 5.27 CHIP Online 5.16 11.38 Yahoo! Germany 5.10 SPIEGEL ONLINE 11.37 computerbild.de Yahoo! Germany 11.19 CHEFKOCH.de CHEFKOCH.de DasTelefonbuch.de 10.38 FOCUS Online 9.70 4.98 4.01 MSN 3.83 wetter.com 3.66 RTL.de 9.14 RTL.de 3.55 DIE WELT 9.04 FOCUS Online 3.45 8.92 DasÖrtliche wetter.com meinestadt.de DasTelefonbuch.de 3.25 8.55 DIE WELT 3.21 8.44 DasÖrtliche 2.84 Süddeutsche.de 7.38 mobile.de 2.83 Glam Vertical 7.35 Süddeutsche.de 2.71 Unique users in millions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Number of Unique Users (in millions) for an average month in the period under investigation – September to November 2013 / Based on: 106,770 cases (Internet users from the age of 10 in the last three months) / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market Unique users in millions 0 13.84 13.55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Number of Unique Users (in millions) for an average week in the period under investigation – September to November 2013 / Based on: 106,770 cases (Internet users from the age of 10 in the last three months) / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market 20 ONLINE ACTIVITIES OF INTERNET USERS MAC-ANBIETERÜBERSICHT 21 OVERVIEW OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS TO REACH ONLINE BY SECTOR THE WIDE RANGE OF INTERNET USES REFLECTS THE DIVERSITY OF THE DIGITAL WORLD LATEST POTENTIAL VIEWED BY SECTOR BASED ON “INTERNET FACTS 2013-11” Communication, As part of internet facts, Internet users from the age of 14 were of 14 (WNK) to be found on the Internet for specific sectors visible. information and asked about a total of 22 topics and main areas of use. Sending and transactions – the wide receiving private e-mails and using search engines came top with variety of main areas of over 80 percent of the list of services used at least occasionally. use is evidence of how They were followed by online advertising offers, online shopping, in- firmly the Internet has ternational news, regional or local news, and online banking. Other become established in main areas of use focused on useful areas such as product test people‘s daily lives. results or communication services such as communities and fora. The AGOF sector analyses make potential customers from the age Sector potentials for prospective customers looking for information online and for online purchasers; based on widest group of online users (WNK): 52.22 million Unique Users from the age of 14 Internet users in % Information Shopping 81.3 55.1 76.9 58.9 65.8 48.7 54.9 22.7 45.3 13.9 43.1 24.1 42.5 26.1 27.4 12.0 26.4 8.3 20.9 6.6 Travel sector Entertainment sector Fashion sector Entertainment electronics sector A look at the user structures within the individual areas of emphasis Automotive sector reveals certain gender-specific preferences: the great majority of Cosmetics sector users of sports results/reports, flirting and dating, test results, blogs Computer sector and international news is male, whereas users of services such as horoscopes, celebrities, families and children, food, drink, leisure and employment sites are predominantly female. Unique users in millions FMCG food and beverages sector Insurance sector Finance sector Online information gathering 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 42.43 28.79 40.16 30.74 34.36 25.43 28.66 11.83 23.64 7.27 22.50 12.56 22.17 13.64 14.29 6.28 13.81 4.31 10.91 3.44 100 % m Online purchases Main areas of use – top 10 Example: 81.3% of Internet users from the age of 14, which equates to 42.43 million Unique Users, have gone online at least once in the past to find information on travel products. /// Based on: 101,343 cases (Internet from the age of 14 users over the last three months) / “For which of the following products have you ever used the Internet to look for information?” / “Have you bought any of the following products over the Internet in the past twelve months?” / Data expressed as a percentage and in millions of Unique Users / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market Sending and receiving personal e-mails 86.5 Search engines 85.6 The products studied in the context of the relevant sector analysis can be subdivided as follows: Weather 73.1 Travel: Rail tickets, flight tickets, hotels, hire cars, holidays/last-minute trips Online shopping 71.5 International news 71.5 Entertainment: Computer and video games, tickets, films on DVDs/videos/Bluray, music CDs, chargeable music/films to from the Internet Regional or local news 65.2 Online banking 58.4 Test results 44.3 Communities and fora 41.6 Eating, drinking and leisure 41.3 0 25 50 75 100 Values in % Example: 85.6% of all Internet users from the age of 14 (WNK) use search engines at least occasionally. / Based on: 101,343 cases (Internet users from the age of 14 in the last three months) / “How often do you use the following sources of information or offers: frequently, occasionally, rarely or never?” / Top-two box shows frequent or occasional usage / Data in percent / Top 10 shown from a total of 22 subjects / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market Entertainment electronics: flat-screen TVs, DVD or Bluray players/recorders and/or hard-disk recorders, home cinema/surround-sound systems, digital cameras, navigation systems Fashion: ladies‘ or gents‘ clothing, footwear Automotive: Used cars, new cars, hire cars Computers: Computer hardware or accessories, computer software excluding games Cosmetics: cosmetics for women/men, perfume for women/men, body care, haircare or dental care products Insurance: Health insurance, life assurance and private pension schemes, other insurance such as car, household or indemnity insurance FMCG food and beverages: non-alcoholic drinks, beer, other alcoholic drinks and spirits, frozen products and ready meals, dairy products, confectionery and savoury snacks Finance: investments, shares, securities, funds, loans 22 OPEN-MINDEDNESS REGARDING ADVERTISING 23 OPINION FORMERS AND MULTIPLIERS MAC-ANBIETERÜBERSICHT INTERNET USERS VALUE ADVERTISING AND BRANDED GOODS ALMOST 17 MILLION INTERNET USERS SEE THEMSELVES AS LEADERS IN DISCUSSIONS More than four in every 23.04 million people, which equates to 44.1 percent of Internet users As well as the open-mindedness for advertising and branded goods, About one-third of ten Internet users from the age of 14, have more frequently become aware of interesting many Internet users have another characteristic that makes them Internet users from the consider themselves products or new ideas through advertising. This means that young users valuable for advertisers as opinion formers and multipliers: Almost age of 14 take the lead to be open-minded in particular aged between 14 and 29 with 51.4 percent, and women every third Internet user (32.1 percent) from the age of 14 claims in discussions. towards advertising and with 45.9 percent, demonstrate above-average susceptibility to Internet usually to take the lead in discussions – which equates to 16.74 are very interested in advertising messages. At 44.7 percent, the 30 to 49 age group is slightly million people. This means that these users frequently influence the its content. above the figure for Internet users as a whole, while men come in just opinions of their friends and acquaintances and make recommenda- below at 42.6 percent of Internet users. Just under four out of ten In- tions to them about buying or using products – an effect that can be ternet users over 50 (37.3 percent) are stimulated by online advertising. of long-term benefit to branded companies. The overall high level of open-mindedness regarding advertising, 14 to 29-year olds are the group most likely to take the lead with together with the pronounced brand consciousness of Internet users, 40.9 percent, followed by men with 34.2 percent. The 30 to 49-year underlines the high branding potential of online campaigns. For ex- olds, with 31.7 percent, are slightly below the level of Internet users ample, more than half (56.8 percent) of Internet users are convinced overall, while women and the over-50s are somewhat more reserved that branded goods are generally of a higher quality and four out in discussions, with 29.7 and 25.1 percent respectively. of ten (40.8 percent) voluntarily mention brands where purchasing security is concerned. Open-mindedness regarding advertising Discussion leadership Advertising has more frequently drawn my attention to interesting products or new ideas. I usually take the lead in discussions. Widest group of Internet users (WNK) 44.1 % Widest group of Internet users (WNK) Men 42.6 % Men Aged 30 to 49 10 20 31.7 % Aged 50 and over 37.3 % 0 40.9 % Aged 30 to 49 44.7 % Aged 50 and over 29.7 % Aged 14 to 29 51.4 % Aged 14 to 29 34.2 % Women 45.9 % Women 32.1 % 30 40 50 60 % Example: 44.1% of all Internet users from the age of 14 (WNK) have more frequently become aware of interesting products or new ideas through advertising. / Based on: 101,343 cases (Internet users from the age of 14 over the last three months) / The top-two box is absolutely or predominantly correct. / Values in % / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market 25.1 % 0 10 20 30 40 % Example: 32.1% of all Internet users from the age of 14 (WNK) are usually the leaders in discussions. Based on: 101,343 cases (Internet users from the age of 14 over the last three months) / The top-two box is absolutely or predominantly correct. / Values in % / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market 24 TRENDSETTERS MAC-ANBIETERÜBERSICHT ALMOST 12 MILLION INTERNET USERS LIKE TRYING OUT NEW TECHNOLOGY Roughly a quarter of Another characteristic of Internet users from the age of 14 is their Internet users from interest in new things – with 22.8 percent, almost a quarter of them the age of 14 are what are known amongst their acquaintances as being the first to try are called first movers out new technology. This means that 11.91 million can be regarded when it comes to using as first movers when it comes to using new technological develop- new technology. ments. This applies particularly to the 14 to 29-year olds and to men, who with 30.6 and 29.4 percent respectively are well above the general level for Internet users. The 30 to 49-year olds and the 50year olds, with 20.2 and 19.4 percent respectively, are slightly below the level of all Internet users, while women with 15.1 percent turn out to be clearly below average as technical trailblazers. THE POWER OF CREATION How must online advertising be created to have the optimum effect? The OVK study “The The OVK study “The Power of Creation” of the Circle of Online Power of Creation” un- Marketers (OVK) addresses this central problem. This is currently derlines the importance the largest and most comprehensive study to examine the awareness of creation for success- and impact of online display creations in the German market. ful advertising and is currently the largest The study shows the objective and numerical significance of crea- German study to tion of standard advertising material in the online field, and within examine awareness and the examined attributes provides a design “corridor” to effectively the impact of creation boost the potential of online marketing activities. in the online area. Creation here is defined as that aspect of an advertising medium that relates to the degree of freedom with respect to design and The low level of anxiety regarding new technologies on the part of many Internet users makes them particularly open-minded to new products or unusual development – a factor that advertisers in completely disparate industries can turn to their advantage in their online communication. content that can be utilised regardless of technical or legal restrictions. In other words it deals with the design flexibility that exists regardless of the product, price and media plan. In concrete terms it comprises the layout, placement, size, colour and use of individual elements, as well as the length and prevailing mood applied to an advertising medium. The study is divided into two parts methodologically: The first part consists of the results of a live study with 100 Internet users Open-minded to new technologies between 25 and 45 years old to measure the awareness components I am often one of the first in my circle of acquaintances to try out new technologies. Widest group of Internet users (WNK) of four different standard display advertisements on nine premium websites by means of eye tracking. Eye contact with the advertising 22.8 % Men medium and its duration were recorded. This part of the study 29.4 % Women focussed on 1,850 live advertising contacts with 365 creations from 15.5 % 334 brands. Aged 14 to 29 30.6 % Aged 30 to 49 20.2 % Aged 50 and over 19.4 % 0 5 10 The data from the second part of the study came from a benchmark analysis of over 270 studies and 40,000 interviewees on the advertising impact of standard display advertising media as regards rating, 15 20 25 30 % Example: 22.8% of all Internet users from the age of 14 (WNK) are often the first among their acquaintances to try out new technologies. / Based on: 101,343 cases (Internet users from the age of 14 over the last three months) / The top-two box is absolutely or predominantly correct. / Values in % / Source: AGOF e.V./ internet facts 2013-11 / Data for the German market 25 OVK CREATION STUDY 2013 creativity, memory, image, incentive to buy, message and attraction. 27 OVK CREATION STUDY 2013 THE QUALITY OF THE CREATION IS OFTEN CRITICAL FOR ITS SUCCESS CREATION QUALITY HAS A POSITIVE IMPACT ON CENTRAL ADVERTISING IMPACT INDICATORS 47.3 percent of the The central results of the study for the first time provide concrete The length of time for which a standard display advertising medium The length of time awareness of digital figures showing the immense importance of creation for the success is viewed is also almost one-third (30.1 percent) determined by the a standard display campaigns is due to the of online advertising. The study analysed the role of creation in creation factor. The result of the study show that a high-quality crea- advertising medium creation factor. standard advertising media with respect to two central elements tion can increase the duration of the user‘s eye contact by a factor is viewed is 30-per of awareness – eye contact and length of viewing. In order to analyse of up to six (5.8 times). This extended viewing time is critical for cent dependent on the the effect of attentiveness without the risk of confounding variables, awareness of online display format advertisements and therefore for quality of the creation formal conditions such as the form of advertising (standard display campaign success, as the consumer spends significantly longer on the and can be increased up advertising medium) and environment (premium websites) were kept advertising medium and therefore absorbs the message for longer. As to sixfold by the use of constant and statistically controlled. well as the quality of the creation of an advertising medium, individual a high-quality approach, personal characteristics of the viewer are also important during the and a consumer‘s viewing time, as the figure of 32.8 percent shows. inclination to buy can Just under half (47.3 percent) of the likelihood of digital campaigns being perceived in premium advertising environments is due to be doubled by a high- the creation factor. Individual characteristics of the viewer play A well-made creation not only holds the user‘s attention on it for a subordinate role with only 10.7 percent. This means that the longer, but also has positive effects on the central advertising impact design of the advertising medium plays a critical part in determining indicators. Overall, an increase in the total impact of 62 percent was whether eye contact is made with the advertising medium or not. found, which is reflected above all in the impact dimensions of rating quality creation. (+54 percent), image (+56 percent) and incentive to buy (+93 percent). Whether an advertising medium will be viewed at all depends very much on its creation. How long an advertising medium was viewed was one-third dependent on the creation itself. Share of explanations in % Share of explanations in % Creation Creation 47.3 % 30.1 % Eye contact with the Length of viewing of advertising medium the advertising medium (in %) (in ms) Person Person 10.7 % 32.8 % Basis for data: 1,850 advertising contacts, 365 creations, 9 domains, 4 formats; controlled for influence of format and environment Basis for data: 1,850 advertising contacts, 365 creations, 9 domains, 4 formats; controlled for influence of format and environment Source: Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.: Power of Creation Study 2013 Source: Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.: Power of Creation Study 2013 29 OVK CREATION STUDY 2013 SUCCESS FACTORS FOR WELL-MADE CREATIONS CREATIVITY IN DISPLAY ADVERTISING IS WORTH IT Clear tips for designing The second part of the study uses benchmark analysis to determine The overall rating of an advertisement increases as the number of In order to make the well-made creations the most important creation elements for a positive overall impact brand elements increases, with the impact dimensions of impact, ra- greatest possible use can be drawn from of display advertising. The OVK study therefore provides important ting and attention most strongly associated with the number of brand of the potential impact these findings. insights into the design “corridor” for a lasting creation optimisation elements used. However, this does not mean simply displaying the of online advertising, in order to increase ad awareness and impact in online campaigns. logo frequently, but rather integrating the various brand elements into greater emphasis must the story of the creation by means of products and good slogans. be placed in future on They cannot provide a 100-percent set One central aspect for a positive impact is a clear storyline that of instructions for a quickly and succinctly conveys the advertising message with high- However, stills used online in the same way as in print ads, the quality of the advertising perfect online creation, quality visuals. Other factors contributing to success are well-mat- use of too many colours, long and elaborate rotations and a text medium. however, as this always ched animation effects and a properly-explained product presenta- information overload were all found to be counterproductive to the involves the new, tion with the right key visuals, including the use of surprise effects advertising impact. The use of teasers resulted in a poorer rating in the unique and the and actors. For example, drawn or animated figures increase the most cases as well. Only the use of prizes had a positive effect at all surprising. overall rating enormously. Showing friends leads to the best impact levels. Deadlines also showed a positive effect sometimes – in parti- overall, while pictures of couples generate the strongest attraction cular, they increased attentiveness due to the underlying psychologi- and communicate the campaign message best. cal principle of scarcity. focusing on the creation SUMMARY Which attributes have the most influence? The results of the OVK study “The Power of Creation” show that Storyline Animation far too little attention is being paid at the moment to the design Branding General tone Product presentation Number of brand elements of the content and form of online advertising. The study shows Teasers Colour Text/picture Relationship between actors unequivocally that creation is a key element for the success of online Product placement Logo placement and logo size campaigns. However, it also shows that advertisers must focus Surprise Originality Length Product Actors Key visuals Visuals Claim Degree of elaboration Use of humour High quality far more on well-made digital creation in conjunction with other factors, such as the importance, form and environment of individual advertisements in order to achieve a high degree of attentiveness and impact with online advertising. Strength of influence on the performance of a creation Source: Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.: Power of Creation Study 2013 31 CIRCLE OF ONLINE MARKETERS (OVK) IN THE BVDW CIRCLE OF ONLINE MARKETERS (OVK) UNITS AND LABS IN THE OVK The OVK creates The Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) is the central body of on- Four units make up the OVK: the Ad Technology Standards unit, the standards and line marketers in Germany. Nineteen of the largest German online Market Figures unit, the Mobile Advertising (MAC) Unit and the Ad- transparency. marketers have come together under the umbrella of the BVDW vertising Impact and Market Research unit. The units have experts (Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft e.V. or German Association for from the relevant specialist areas working with them. the Digital Economy) to steadily raise the profile of online advertising. optimisation of market The Association‘s primary aims are to increase market transparency The Ad Technology Standards unit is the main body for developing and planning reliability as well as to draw up standardisation and quali- the standards for promotional products. These standards are to be ty assurance measures for the online marketing sector as a whole. enforced by all members of the OVK and serve as a guide for the whole online advertising sector. The aim is to make the production To this end, the OVK works continuously to standardise advertising and delivery of online campaigns easier and to make the going-live formats and the processes which can help to make the production, process run smoothly. These standards are constantly being exten- delivery and monitoring of online campaigns easier. These standards ded and adapted to the needs of the market. The Unit works on the are constantly being extended in due consideration of changing best solution for the German market while working closely with market requirements. international bodies and associations. The OVK also implements key projects such as conferences, studies One of the main jobs of the Market Figures Unit is the collection and development measures. The organisation is involved with national and evaluation of market fi gures. The data can be used for orientati- and international bodies for the further development of the sector. on purposes and also indicates trends and areas with potential. This unit works very closely with companies and organisations such as Nielsen Media Research and the AGOF. The Advertising Impact and Market Research unit was conceived in order to develop and jointly analyse wider studies relating to more than just an individual marketer. The experts in this circle also work on models for qualitative performance indicators and on ideas for standards in cross-marketer studies. The Mobile Advertising Unit (MAC) is the successor to the Mobile Advertising Circle (MAC). This project group was set up to take account of the specifi c interests of network operators, mobile marketers, operators of mobile platforms and online marketers with mobile units. The fine Arts of digital Media Continuous development BUNDESVERBAND DIGITALE WIRTSCHAFT (BVDW) e.V. 32 BUNDESVERBAND DIGITALE WIRTSCHAFT (BVDW) e.V. The BVDW is the organisation that represents the interests of companies in the field of interactive marketing, digital content and interactive added value. The BVDW has interdisciplinary roots, and therefore has a comprehensive overview of the issues facing the digital industry. It has taken on the task of making the efficiency and the benefits of digital media transparent, thereby promoting their use in the economy as a whole, in society, and in government. BVDW is engaged in continuous dialogue with politicians, the media and other interest groups, and supports the dynamic development of the sector in a results-oriented, practical and effective way. The BVDW sees its role as being to bring together the skills of all its members, and combine them with the defined values and principles of the Association. We are the Internet. 33 THE WORKING GROUP FOR ONLINE MEDIA RESEARCH (AGOF) E.V. WITH “INTERNET FACTS” AND “MOBILE FACTS”, AGOF DELIVERS DIGITAL CURRENCY FOR THE GERMAN MARKET The role of the Working Group on Online Research (AGOF) is to ensure transparency and practical standards in the research of online media offerings, remaining independent of the interests of individuals. It does this by compiling the requisite performance indicators in collaboration with the market and makes these indicators available in relevant studies – and it performs this role not only for the conventional Internet, but also for other digital media segments. The leading German marketers represented in AGOF are organised into sections for this purpose and together with their market partners, they forge ahead in their respective segments with the planning, provision and further development of market reach research and planning parameters. With its market media study “internet facts” and the unique user The AGOF market (UU) performance indicator contained therein, AGOF has established media studies enable the currency of consistent Internet reach as the basis for Internet me- market-oriented planning dia planning in the market by transferring the reach section and sub- of digital media based on mitting it to the methodological authority of “agma” (Arbeitsgemein- conventional standards. schaft Media-Analyse e.V.). The study itself, of which the section on reach also appears as “ma Online” on agma, is published by the Internet section of AGOF. “internet facts” shows data on structure and reach for over 750 Internet media offerings used by participants in the “internet facts” study. The Mobile section of AGOF takes responsibility for the market media study “mobile facts” and publishes it. The study publishes planning data about mobile reach and the structure of mobile products, thereby supporting the further establishment of the mobile reach currency. In this way “mobile facts” has already reached the level of a standard for mobile reach comparable in significance and quality to “internet facts” in the online field. ONLINE MEDIA PLANNING AND MORE WITH AGOF 34 THE AGOF BRAND FAMILY OFFERS A WIDE RANGE OF ONLINE MEDIA PLANNING AND ONLINE MARKETING SERVICES The “connect” Web service is an IT solution suitable for industries and media and intended to simplify communication and data transfer As well as its market- between marketers and agencies. Information required for booking media studies and the online advertising can be interrogated, exchanged and integrated TOP planning tool, directly in the agency systems over a central interface. The interdisci- AGOF provides the plinary Web service is complemented by a database which keeps price “connect” Web service lists, discount modalities, bookable advertising media and advertising for the automation and slots ready. “connect” was designed and developed by AGOF and the standardisation of on- Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the BVDW. line booking processes in conjunction with the Further information and a registration facility for marketers and OVK. agencies can be found at www.agof.de/connect/. The AGOF Academy is a logical extension of AGOF‘s market-oriented activities. The aim is to provide the knowledge associated with the use of TOP, AGOF‘s market media studies and online media planning to all market partners. The AGOF Academy is a logical extension The continuous and further training programme was relaunched for of AGOF‘s market- 2014 and considerably expanded. The well-liked seminars on the use oriented activities. The of the TOP evaluation and planning tool will now be offered at three aim is to provide the different levels (basic, advanced, professional) with the emphasis on knowledge associated “Digital media planning” or “Marketing digital media services”, with with the use of TOP, immediate effect. AGOF‘s market media studies and online Completely new further training courses on the advertising market, media planning to all media management and marketing will be offered. Other highlights are market partners. the training courses available for the first time this year on basic selling, self and stress management, and sales approaches to customers. The complete seminar matrix can be found at www.agof.de/seminarinhalte/. 35 NOTES ON THE AGOF METHOD VALID REACH AND STRUCTURE DATA THANKS TO MULTI-METHOD APPROACH AGOF supply data and performance indicators on various sectors With its market media within the digital economy as a basis for high-quality online media studies, internet facts planning, e.g. for the (conventional) Internet and for mobiles. and mobile facts, AGOF provides a compre- The AGOF studies make a decisive contribution in establishing the hensive data base for respective digital advertising media in the media mix, as they make all market partners in the performance figures of the online advertising media comparable the digital advertising and therefore provide a valid planning basis. All the performance market. indicators for the websites participating in the AGOF measurement and its subcategories, known as the advertising slots, are available and The data records of enable online advertising to be planning using comparable standards internet facts and mo- to conventional advertising. bile facts are available within AGOF‘s TOP The methodological basis of internet facts is a three-pillar model, evaluation and planning with technical measurement of usage (grass-roots survey) at its tool. centre supplemented by an on-site questionnaire and a telephone survey amongst a representative sample of the population – hence the term “three-pillar model”. Only when all three pillars interact is it possible to determine data on reach and structure of online advertisers. The three pillars are linked together in an innovative way for this. A detailed description of the method can be found at: www.agof.de/methode-internet/ The methodological basis of mobile facts for a measurement suitable for media combines three survey approaches: a technical measurement, a panel survey, and preset elements from AGOF internet facts representative of the population. This methodological model delivers – taking into account methodological requirements and economic restrictions – the greatest possible data depth at the present time and meets the high validity requirements of reliable mobile media planning. In so doing, it combines the advantages of (incorruptible) technical measurement and fruitful personal data collection (panel survey) with the modern analysis methods of market research. A detailed description of the method can be found at: www.agof.de/methode-mobile/ 37 NOTES ON THE METHODOLOGY OF THE OVK ADVERTISING STATISTICS CALCULATIONS OF NET AND GROSS ADVERTISING SPENDING PWC reports and The advertising investment in digital display advertising will from 2014 Nielsen data as the be shown on an extrapolated PWC basis (as is the case for the MAC data basis report as well). For this, the net figures reported via PWC for digital display advertising (online and mobile) are extrapolated for the overall German market (including commissions). The presentation of search and affiliate sales will be dropped for 2014. Individual trends (ranking of advertising investment by format and industry) will continue to be covered in the OVK report by the existing Nielsen data, as such data of this granularity does not exist in the PWC report. The calculation of gross advertising volume in conventional online advertising is based on the online advertising statistics from Nielsen. This in turn is currently based on reports from 23 marketers who every month register the gross advertising spending recorded in the accounting systems and ad servers – i.e. the data are not based on so-called crawler statistics, so that qualitative attributes in particular of online advertising campaigns such as targeting, CPC business or advertising in password-protected areas can be illustrated more accurately. All the data is evaluated gross with reference to the applicable price lists and the media performances achieved. This approach enables direct comparisons to be made with printed adverts in other types of media that are covered by the Nielsen advertising statistics; the printed adverts are likewise evaluated gross. DEFINITION OF THE SEGMENTS The OVK advertising revenues are based on an extrapolation of the Advertising revenues, net figures for digital display advertising (online and mobile) reported online display adver- via PWC for the entire market (including commissions). The data do tising, mobile display not contain any search results or technical sales (e.g. ad servers). The advertising data only state the sales revenue generated in Germany. Display advertising is a form on online advertising in which an advertiser‘s campaign is displayed on a website using graphical advertising formats (display ads). Display ads can contain text, graphics, video and audio information. All advertising revenues (by the definition given above) that are not allocated to the mobile category are counted as part of this category. Advertising revenues are allocated to the mobile category if a provider recognition for mobile access is present (e.g. mobile-enabled websites, mobile apps). Recognition is effected by including a mobile tag, sensor or library. In addition, at least one of the following criteria must be met: potential mobile advertising media present according to the MMA and IAB definition, mobile domain, e.g. m, mobile, wap, and separate preparation of the content for display on mobile end devices. PUBLISHING INFORMATION 38 OVK ONLINE-REPORT 2014/01 Place and date of publication Düsseldorf, April 2014 Publisher Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. Berliner Allee 57 40212 Düsseldorf Telefon: 0211 600456-0 Telefax: 0211 600456-33 E-Mail: info@bvdw.org Internet: www.bvdw.org Directors Christoph N. v. Dellingshausen Tanja Feller President Matthias Ehrlich Vice-Presidents Harald R. Fortmann, Achim Himmelreich, Ulrich Kramer, Burkhard Leimbrock Contact Online-Vermarkterkreis (OVK) im BVDW Katharina Brandt, Leiterin Digital Marketing E-Mail: brandt@bvdw.org Registration number Register of Associations Düsseldorf VR 8358 Legal information All data and information in this publication has been carefully researched and checked by the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. This information is a service provided by BVDW. Neither the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. nor the companies involved in the production and publication of this document can accept any liability for whether the information is accurate, complete or up-to-date. The contents of this publication and/or any references to material belonging to third parties are copyright protected. Any duplication of information or data, particularly the use of documents, parts of documents, images or other types of content, requires prior consent from BVDW or the relevant copyright owner (third party). Published by In co-operation with Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. Berliner Allee 57 | 40212 Düsseldorf Tel 0211 600456-0 | Fax 0211 600456-33 info@bvdw.org | www.bvdw.org