anuary - Santa Barbara Outrigger Canoe Club


anuary - Santa Barbara Outrigger Canoe Club
Wednesday, January 7, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Waterfront classroom,
125 Harbor Way, Santa Barbara
I. Opening of Meeting—Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m.
1. Roll Call – members, alternates, guests
a. Present: Pat Marr, Michelle Rainville, Teresa Dayrit, Rachelle
Pegg, Molly Thomson, Stepanie Frost, Tom Schultz, Mark
Christman, Christine Bergamin, Jamie Jaynes, Cathie Padler-Pare,
Gina De Los Reyes, Steve Barnhouse, Barb Zirretta and Sabrina
b. Absent: No one
c. A quorum was determined to be present (eleven voting
II. Words of wisdom from past board members
1. Sabrina – Stay positive, stay on track with agenda, if something new
comes up put it on agenda for next meeting
2. Pat - Robert’s Rules of Conduct, reply to all on group emails so
everyone is in the loop and reply to the last email
3. Michelle – Know the mission, reason we are a competitive club has to
do with IRS designation, if we change the mission to offer recreational
paddling we would take a big financial hit
4. Teresa – There should be one person talking at a time
5. Christine – Reach out and delegate to club members outside of board
6. Rachelle – Read the manual, if you don’t understand something, bring
it up at next meeting
Past committee chairs need to update the google doc with statuses: password: Nakolo81
III. Board Positions
1. Explanation of Duties
a. President – Chief Executive Officer, represents the club and
ensures it runs by bylaws and policies
b. Vice President – Kisses babies and cuts ribbons, assumes role
of president if the president is no longer able
c. Head Coach - In charge of club athletic programs, supervises,
selects and supports coaching staff, educates and updates
d. Treasurer – Monitors financial condition of organization
e. Secretary – Time consuming (mostly at the beginning of the
season), must have good computer skills, compose club-wide
emails, collects waivers and forms, takes meeting minutes,
keeps records of meetings, policies and membership
f. Board Members –must be active participants, attend meetings
and promote the club’s mission, spokespeople for members,
present to the board
2. Appoint Secretary
a. Stephanie Frost volunteered, Molly Thomson volunteered to do
minutes and assist
IV. Monthly Reporting by Officers, Head Coach and SCORA Director
1. Financial Report – Barb Zirretta
a. IRS had sent SBOCC a notice demanding penalty fees, Barb
wrote a letter to the IRS asking for an abatement, they are
working on it. It’s probably not an issue, we are just waiting for
b. Received State Sprints payment from SCORA
c. Sold boat for $5000, Barb proposed to put the money in
savings, a suggestion was made to set up separate accounts for
specific items we want to purchase so we are accounting for
AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING – discuss what we want to
(it was noted that the secretary should ask board members for
agenda items 2 weeks before and email the agenda 2 days
before the meeting)
d. Checks have been given to Charlie. Mark said boats are ready,
we are paying $100 for him to deliver Bradleys and pick up
Mirages. (decals are being payed for separately - Christine to
email Barb). We need help at beach Saturday the 10th at 7am
unloading and de-rigging boats. Stephanie to send out email to
e. Proposed a club credit card, Barb to investigate
2. SCORA Report – Mark reported since he attended last meeting
a. Added new Keiki division, 14 and under
b. Senior Masters is now 50-60
c. New masters unlimited division
d. Jamie said SCORA waivers need to be in by April, no one
getting in boats without one
(Determined that Stephanie will collect membership forms and
waivers, make a copy of waivers for SBOCC and give Jamie wet
ones. Christine to update membership form. Molly to post on
website. Rachelle mentioned possible student rate. Discussed
that we are already cheap compared to other clubs and that
students aren’t often retained.
3. Head Coach Report – Rachelle Pegg
a. Recruitment event: Tuesday, February 10 and Wednesday
February 18 at 6pm. Location is Paddle Sports Channel Island
Outfitters. It’s a free venue and the he has a lot of SUPers and
kayakers he will recruit. Need to discuss budget for food.
Rachelle needs help with Powerpoint slides and updated
slideshow/video – Rachelle to contact Nancy
b. Rigging Clinic: February 21st - bribe membership with beer
c. Wet Recruitment: February 28th. BBQ
V. Form Committees for 2015
1. Every board member must be on a committee, can be on multiple,
don’t have to chair, but you must report on your committee to the board
2. Sponsorship Committee
a. Reach out to Simon and Nancy
b. Raised $1000 with Paul last year, hope to do that again
c. Gear sponsorship towards certain items to get more
d. Push new decals, (talk to cruises?) Rachelle to update docs
e. Rachelle Pegg, Cathie Padler-Pare, Christine Bergeman
3. State Sprints
a. Teresa Dayrit - Chair, Mark Christman. Teresa will handpick
people to delegate
4. Safety
a. Steve Barnhouse - Chair, Gina De Los Reyes and Pat Marr
5. Recruitment
a. Rachelle Pegg - Chair, Cathie Padler-Pare, Sabrina Kranz,
Christine Bergeman, Gina De Los Reyes
6. PR/Marketing
a. Christine Bergeman – Chair, Molly Thomson – website updates
7. Nominations
a. Stephanie Frost
8. Membership
a. Redundant with recruitment, board decided to nix
9. Governance
a. Beer Tom – Chair
b. Need to change bylaws and present them to entire
membership for vote (electronic option will yield more results)
10. Equipment –
a. Mark Christman – Equipment Manager, Steve Barnhouse, Gina
De Los Reyes
11. OC1/OC2
a. Barb Zirretta – Chair, Cathie – training, Mark – repair, Molly –
(note to secretary: you can place time limits on agenda items)
VI. Return to Pier
1. Rachelle will help with Registration. Cheance is not going, Beer Tom
to contact Cheance about laptop for registration, otherwise
investigate PaddleGuru payment and using Square
2. Mark is gluing yellow Huki seat, will be ready for race. Blue huki is
supposed to be delivered that day
3. Stephanie to send out email to club about boats – contact Rachelle if
you need a boat or have a boat
4. Rachelle bringing another stove, Molly to check storage shed against
google doc on Friday
5. Need to figure out support boats, Sabrina and Tom to discuss
6. Short on pint glasses, 144 have been ordered
Decided to use both of the two available Independent print ads for recruitment
event. Other advertising suggestions were Edhat and Noozhawk
AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING: Company Challenge date
VII. Adjournment