results - Shiloh Christian Children`s Ranch


results - Shiloh Christian Children`s Ranch
“Helping Victims Become Children Again”
Since 1977 ~ Spring 2015
A Maga-Letter Published for those who support and/or are interested in knowing the PROGRESS of children in
need of alternative home care living at Shiloh Christian Children’s Ranch.
Lisa Schoonover, Editor
Whatever you do, do it heartily,
as to the Lord.
Colossians 3:23
ur wonderful and devoted homeparent staff wholeheartedly do
everything to glorify the Lord. These parents help to teach grace by
loving and caring for children here at Shiloh. Without donors like you
none of this would be possible. n
Shiloh Christian
Children’s Ranch
601 N. Center, Box 606
Shelbina, Missouri 63468
Telephone 573-588-2191
Fax 573-588-7730
Mark Adkison................ Executive Director
“As we work with and teach
them, every small change
brings us joy”
They have accepted our love and they have started a new life and
they are in full bloom and it’s ever so beautiful.
Board of Trustees
his spring we have really enjoyed and looked forward for new
life, baby calves, puppies, fresh turned dirt and planting season, and
t h e pastures turning to a lush green from a drab brown. In the same way
God has blessed
us with a whole
new look at life.
It is something
we never want to
take for granted.
changes whether
we want it to
or not. Our
children grow
up and they
leave us. As we
get the kids here
later in their life
Karen & Robert Tuley & Kids
it makes it more
challenging with less time. Some have pain and suffering, some bad habits,
and some are used to taking care of themselves. They protect their heart
from being hurt by making their’s hard so they are more in control of
the pain. As we work with them and teach and show them truth,
every small change brings us so much, joy just as new life in the
spring. It is overwhelming with some of these kids who really figure out
what life and truth is. To really step up to the plate, accept their lot in life
and move forward. They have accepted our love and started a new
life. They are in full bloom and it is ever so beautiful. n
Jim VanSchyndel, Chairman...Mexico, MO
We always want to thank our dear supporters.
Dan Butcher, Vice-Chairman..Burlington, IN
In Christ’s Love,
The Tuleys
Jay Craig............... Director of Stewardship
Tim Craig..................... Stewardship Officer
Amy Bishop.......... Account/Financial Mgr.
Sharon Utz.............Receptionist/Secretary
Angie Hays.......... Executive Admin. Assoc.
Jim Thomas....................Promo Field Rep.
Lisa Schoonover......Stewardship Associate
Kevin & Denice Blew............. Homeparents
Ken & Beth Penfield.............. Homeparents
SCS Administrators
Kirk & Dennae Moore........... Homeparents
Wayne & Peggy Ledbetter..... Homeparents
Robert & Karen Tuley..................Relief HP
Jon & Joy Bethel..........................Relief HP
Trisa Redington..........................Counselor
Greg Lowes..................................Counselor
Jessica David...............................Counselor
Carol Brookhart................. SCS Supervisor
Becky Colvin................................. SCS Aide
Roy & Donna Fancher...........Grandparents
Don Harris............................. Grandparent
Scott & Alyce Montgomery...Grandparents
Bob Vickers, Treasurer......... Shelbina, MO
Stan Moore, Secretary..........Burlington, IN
Dr. Jim Tritz.................. Jefferson City, MO
Pete Million.................................Quincy, IL
Jim Schaefer...............................Callao, MO
Nathan Plumb....................... St. Louis, MO
Page 2
Welcoming Sabrina
“We’ve seen how hard everyone works to make
Shiloh the great place it’s known for.”
reetings everyone!! We are the Kolars. It’s
a pleasure to introduce ourselves, and it’s been
a pleasure and joy meeting everybody thus far. We
received (and still are receiving) a hearty welcome to
Shiloh. Everybody made us feel right at home. Thank
you so much!
Misty and I (Todd) have been married 14 years
and have 4 kids—3 biological: Titus (13), Makenna
(12), Asher (9), and Sabrina, (18), who we recently
welcomed into our home. Prior to Shiloh I worked
in the engineering department at Digital Ally, Inc. in
Lenexa, KS. Misty covered the Johnson County, KS
area as a real estate agent. A year ago neither of us
ever would have imagined we’d be homeparents today.
But it’s been just over a month since we rolled in on a
cold, snowy day in February from Gardner, KS, and
each day we are loving more and more our decision to
come here. We are finally settling in to our home and
busy with day-to-day Shiloh activities.
In the past month we’ve seen how hard everyone
works to make Shiloh the great place it is known
for. The joy of the Lord and the joy that comes from
serving Him is evident here. We are glad to be part of
this ministry, and looking forward to all that we will
experience at Shiloh. n
The Kolars
on’t think we could ever top end of last
year’s gross farm receipts. We ended up
cashing in all but 4 of our best cows and fall
pasture was good into December. Now we have
over half of our hay left so trying to sell it. By
10th of April we’ll be about done with hay for
grass is coming on strong. We held back and
bred 5 of our heifers and purchased 8 more
heifers. We are in the thick of calving season.
We have 12 yearlings to sell this fall. Our
new heifers are so docile it sure makes tagging
newborn calves easy. Sure wished we could
have gotten some wheat planted but it didn’t
work out. So we’ll be planting soybeans again
this year. If we don’t move our hay quickly, we
won’t fertilize hay ground this year. n
The following list includes needs and giving opportunities
of Shiloh’s families. The needs will be fulfilled for the
children and homeparents as funds arrive.
Shiloh School
Funding for new Shiloh school uniform shirts and t-shirts
Educational puzzles and games for
elementary students
Card stock colored paper
McDonalds $5 gift Card (Merit award)
Indoor Activity Games (rainy PE days)
Household Items
Paper Goods (Toilet Paper, Paper Towels,
Kleenex, Napkins, Cups)
Trash Can liners
Laundry Detergent
Drink mixes
Hand garden spades and trowels
White sport socks ( most kids wear shoe size 7-11 since they are early to late teens)
Work gloves (for when work groups come and for work around the farm) Water bottles
AA Batteries
Beach towels
Christian T Shirts
Recreation Area Equipment
Igloo Coolers…………………. $50
Picnic Tables……………………$150
Equipment Purchases
15-Passenger Van.........................$23,000
14-Passenger Van.........................$14,000
Weed Eaters ………………………… $150
Hopeful Construction of Future Homes (??)
(1) Full Time Home ……………..$450,000
(2) Relief Home …………………$300,000
Please call the Shiloh office
for additional information
Page 3
Mercy is finishing her sophomore year
She has been elected to an office in three clubs.
here to start… first off,
THANK YOU! You are
such a blessing to us. I thought I
would share a funny story with you.
Think of one house mom, with five
kids under 8, walking into the local
farm store during chick days. The
kids can barely stay behind the
mom in their anticipation of getting
to the chicks to see them and pick
the ones they want. Yes, I was just
that crazy one Wednesday night.
As you can imagine the usually
quiet store was full of laughter,
pointing, chirping, and cackling.
On Wednesday nights it is just me
(Dennae) with the younger kids.
We try to do something fun.
This week it was a trip to
McDonald’s and to pick chicks.
The best part was that while
we were looking and deciding
on which ones to buy, an older
gentleman came walking by. Not
knowing whether he would find the
children cute or annoying, I tried
to keep them to a low roar, and out
of his way. This was, of course,
impossible. I decided he wasn’t too
upset by them when he passed by a
second and third time. He smiled
as they pointed at which chick they
wanted plucked up for them and as
I tried to impart wisdom on what
color eggs they produced. Finally
we had 16 chicks in a box. Titus
proudly carried them to the front
walking beside me, pushing the
cart with Luke and a bag of chick
feed inside.
When we got to the register,
there stood the man. He motioned
for me to go ahead. After three
passes all he had in his hand
was a socket wrench, which I’m
pretty sure didn’t take three
passes through the store to find. I
insisted he go first as it would take
a minute for us. On the way out
Page 4
another gentleman held the door
and snickered as we walked out.
The chuckle was part pity and part
amusement. We have overall
done well with the chicks.
We lost a couple, and the
kids learned some valuable
lessons. They have also learned
about what it takes to raise an
animal, and are excited that these
will lay eggs and not provide meat.
Thank you for the opportunity
to teach our kids life lessons
through farming and living in the
Dennae & Kirk Moore
The greenhouse and
the animals in particular teach so
many valuable lessons for life and
greenhouse, there is a lot
growing in there right now.
The kids have planted flowers. The
older girls are growing a few things
for 4-H. It is beginning to look like
spring. Every time I go out I am
reminded of how we are to plant,
but God makes things grow. Oh,
how true!
This spring Heaven has
learned to ride a two wheel bike
with no training wheels. She is still
working on the details of turning
and stopping, but can go well.
Grace is full of excitement and
always looking for the fun in life.
She is excited for summer ball to
start. Titus is also excited for ball
and for his two meat goats for 4-H
that he is purchasing. He has been
a huge helper with the chicks, and I
think he will do well with his goats.
Hunter is loving being outside. He
likes to ride bikes and play in the
sand box. Ezra just loves to be
at home with everyone. Nothing
makes his day more then to know
we will all be here with him to play.
Luke is crawling after everyone
trying to get picked up or searching
for any scraps of food that the
other kids drop. He is growing too
Another kid that is growing
too quickly is Mercy. She is
finishing up her sophomore
year, and was recently elected
to an office in three clubs.
That along with praise band,
campus bowl, church, and studies
is keeping her on her toes. She is
almost ready to try for her license.
It seems like yesterday she was
the one ready for summer ball and
riding bikes. Sierra is getting the
final details ready for her junior
prom. She is very excited. She
found the dress she had wanted,
purple, poofy, and with a little
bling. She is enjoying her culinary
arts classes, and hopes to continue
on in food service after high school.
Spring is…fun, full, busy,
muddy, amazing. All these words
sum up the last few weeks in our
house. As the weather has turned
warmer we are outside quite a bit.
With so many little ones running
around it has been nice to be able
for them to run outside. The older
girls are doing some running as
well, to and from school events,
and in the morning to help work
on a healthier life style.
Kirk is staying busy getting
ready for summer work groups that will be here before
we know it. I am just trying to get the kids clothes
changed over before they outgrow the summer clothes
I have for them. Plus keep all the activities straight.
Most days are full, but we are blessed. Much of that
blessing has to do with your generosity, love, and
prayers. We are so grateful for your support, because
without it we would not be able to minister so fully to
the kids the Lord brings to our/your home. n
The Moores
“We welcome Mary
She asked dad if there was any wood we could cut
and split.
e want to open with a big thank you for all of
our extended family, the ones who pray, call us
to encourage us and those who give of time and money
to support the ministry of Shiloh. God has been very
good to us and often we fail to realize how much He
loves us. Christmas is over but the spirit of Christmas
never leaves when you believe in the birth of a loving
Savior who was born of a virgin and died for our sins
and rose from
the grave three
days later! We are
thankful for all
of the wonderful
gifts to our home
and individuals.
It seems that
the cold temps and
snows are gone
and spring is now
here. The grass is
greener Peggy & Wayne Ledbetter
each day and the trees are starting to bud. Soon we
will be planting a garden, watching the flowers grow
and looking forward to summer and the many loving
people that come to lend us a hand during our work
groups. Many come back and become a part of our
extended family. We have even been blessed to be able
to stop in and see a few of them on some of our trips
home to Indiana. It is a blessing to walk into a church
for the first or second time and be greeted by name
by over twenty people! It is like a homecoming…..
just think of that day when we will be called home
to be with Jesus and will be welcomed home to our
Heavenly home! Like the song says, “O glorious day!”
We recently welcomed Mary back to our
home. It amazes us how much she remembers about
her time here at Shiloh, not just about other children,
but the little things about our home...the meals, the
routines, the ranch life. She asked Dad the other day
if there was any wood that we could cut up and split
as she was wanting to work outside. She is enjoying
getting back into the routine of school which is very
different from a large city public school. Shiloh
Christian School allows students to work at their own
pace in a quiet but loving environment.
Wayne has been tearing out the carpet on the boys’
side of the house and repainting the bedrooms as we
prepare to get new carpet in that area of our home.
Things like new carpet would not be a possibility
without donors like you. We were also blessed to get a
newer minivan this past winter. What a blessing to be
able to have the needed items that are available thanks
to all of our loving supporters!
I (Peggy) lost a nephew unexpectedly in early
January. We know our life is but a vapor but we
are again reminded of that when a loved one dies,
especially the younger ones that were not expected
to die so early. It makes us reflect on our life. What
have we done for Christ? Are we praying and reading
God’s Word like He wants us to? These are questions
that Wayne and I ask ourselves each day. Many times
the Bible talks about our words. Are we using words to
build up our Christian brothers and sisters? Are they
bringing people to Christ? Like the old hymn says,
“What will you do with Jesus? Neutral you cannot be:
someday your heart will be asking, ‘What will He do
with me?’”
We are again focusing on health. As a diabetic,
I found my A1C level higher in early February than
it’s been since knowing I was diabetic in the last three
years. I read statistics that talk about one out of three
children born after the year 2000 have a chance of
becoming diabetic. That is alarming! We are not only
focusing on the inward man by reading God’s Word,
praying and doing daily devotions but are teaching our
children to focus on the outside by making healthier
choices and getting outside and getting active! If you
drive by our Kahoka Shiloh site these days, you may
see some of us walking or even doing a little jogging
or running! (Well, if you see someone running, it will
more than likely be one of the kids!) Again, thank you
for helping us make a difference in children’s lives. n
By His grace,
The Ledbetters
Wayne, Peggy and Mary
Page 5
Dorcas has completed her first year of College
She mentors at Head Start and is studying social work.
ure did seem like it was a
L-O-N-G winter! Know in
actuality it was the same amount
of time as every year, but sometimes those freezing temperatures,
when it’s too cold to let the kids be
outside long, add more days to the
calendar! The boys have LOVED
the warmer temperatures and
have pretty much lived on their
bikes! Well, they are actually like
the mailman….no rain nor snow
will usually keep them from riding
their bikes! Probably why they literally ride them till they fall apart
but you couldn’t find bigger smiles
than when they’re riding.
The cold days did find us
doing a lot of puzzles, reading, and card games in our free
time with the kids. Martin has
fallen in love with “chapter
books” and loves to pour into a
new one during quiet time or van
rides. The girls also love to curl
up with a good book so we have
even gone back to weekly library
trips at our school to keep up. We
love teaching them to find entertainment in what some may call
“old fashioned” things that don’t
depend on batteries or wifi.
Trenton has definitely improved his ping pong skills and
now enjoys shooting hoops with
Dad P. It’s such a joy seeing
them improve their coordination and grow up. And growing
up he is! He’s at the stage where
every time we find jeans that fit,
he sprouts up again! He loves
listening to Christian music,
especially Matthew West and
other artists from our local Christian station. I love when he puts
in his earphones and sings along,
forgetting that his voice may be
louder than the music and everyone around hears him. Think both
Page 6
Beth & Ken Penfield
boys have talked about one day
being on “The Voice” or “American Idol” singing Christian music
and each time I tell them we will
be right there cheering them on.
Jordyn is our newest – a
13 year old girl who has fit
in our family well. She was
a little intimidated with the
chickens her first time doing
chicken duty but says now that
she is the “alpha chicken” and
doesn’t let them scare her. When
she arrived, she said she was a
picky eater and only ate particular things. That has changed and
she has learned to stretch her
horizons. Jordyn did crack me
up when she said I cooked weird
(made homemade lemonade from
lemon juice for them…she said I
was supposed to use the powder
Ashley turned 14 in November and has been doing
well in school this year. While
some curriculum has been a little
more challenging for her, it has
pushed her to do beyond what she
thought she could. She is always
full of energy and laughter…well,
maybe not when it’s time to do
some cleaning! She loves sing-
ing and can usually be heard
every night at shower time!
Haylee is 16 with beautiful
long brown hair. She loves being around kids and making them
laugh. This past Sunday a cute
toddler joined our pew and kept
Haylee entertained making faces…
well, actually it was a mutual
activity! Not sure the sermon hit
home that day but do know she
made a new friend when the little
girl rushed over after church to
give her a big hug!
At 17, Maddie is the oldest this
year. She loves to run...something
I wish would rub off on me! She
will tell you she doesn’t like kids
but on Wednesday nights, her
enthusiasm sure does rub off on
kids as she does the actions to the
songs at Kidz Rock! She is very
anxious to go to her first prom this
month..says she feels like Cinderella when she gets all dressed up!
Dorcas has almost completed her first year of college
and has been quite a busy girl.
After morning classes, she mentors at Head Start then heads
to work most days. She is studying social work and plans to
return to SCC in Burlington again
this fall.
By the time you read this,
we should have a new
Aaron took a semester off but
returned to college this semester at John Wood and still works
pretty much full-time at Pizza Hut
as cook/driver/night manager….
pretty much wherever needed.
He’s really enjoying his coaching
class this semester but still thinks
he is more than ready to start
camp season again at Lamoine
Christian Service Camp.
By the time you read this, we should have a new
grandbaby…Leah’s third child. Love how all our
kids adopt our grandchildren as their own
niece/nephew and to see how excited they are for this
little one to arrive as well! In our book, you can never
have too many aunts or uncles!!!!
As spring is bringing new tulip blooms and life to
our flower bed, we are anxious to see new life in our
children through the seeds you all help plant! Thank
you for all you do for our families to make that happen! Enjoy the season! n
In His service,
Ken & Beth & kids
Justin will attend a
Christian College to
study preaching
“One of our children from the past called and
now understands what we tried to teach her
years ago”
ow can it really be spring? Time is going by
so fast. We can tell that spring is in the air just
because of so many smiling faces. It is amazing to me,
once we begin to see the sun and feel its warmth after a
long winter, how it impacts our frame of mind. We see
it in ourselves, the kids and even people on the streets.
Resurrection Sunday is almost here!!! Our Lord
is risen! Because He lives, we can face today and
tomorrow. Amen and Amen! Before He arose, He
went to the cross. Christ took my sins, our sins upon
himself, so we might be forgiven. I’m a sinner, saved
by undeserved amazing grace. I recently shared with
a young person not to follow me, but to follow Christ.
With Christ as your example and you live the way He
lived and do His will, you will please Him. In turn you
will than please others.
We have shared with our kids that we, as
adults, parents and friends, will all fail you. The
only one that will not fail us is our Heavenly Father.
This is so very hard for them to grasp. It is not hard
for them to grasp that people will fail them. That
idea is not hard because they have experienced
that more often than not in their young lives. It is
hard for them to grasp the reason why we should seek
to please Him and why He even loves us. So that is
why we share the message of His love and grace. He
loved us so much that He died in our places, so that we
might live. He loves us and desires our hearts to be in
relationship with Him. Our hope is that we can live
this and it be reflected in our lives each and every day.
As parents it is hard to believe that we actually
have a senior in high school, much less that his senior
year is almost over. Justin will be graduating
on Sunday, May 17th from Clark County High
School. We know that there are many of you that have
been a part of his life and ours, from different times
in his life, from various churches, work groups and
such. We would love you to share in celebrating his
accomplishments on Saturday, May 16th from 1-4 pm.
Justin plans on attending Lincoln Christian
University to study Psychology and Preaching.
As the seasons come and go, day by day we
often wonder are we making a difference in the lives of
our kids. As we look at the day to day situations with
them, it becomes discouraging at times. However,
when we reflect and see the differences in them from
when they first came to us we can see the positive
changes. We recently got a call from one of our
past kiddos. She admitted she understands
now what we were trying to teach her back
then. She also
shared that she
still had things
she needed to
work on. She
now has a child
of her own and
wants things
to be different
for her child.
Lord, that she
desires change
Joy & Jon Bethel
still in herself
and for her child! So we need to hold onto the hope
that we find in Jesus and that He is working in each of
our kid’s hearts. Also, that He continues to work in my
heart, our hearts. I’m so thankful that He is not done
with me.
We thank God for each of you and for all
your love and support. We ask that you continue to
remember us and our kids in your prayers. That we
never forget that we serve a risen Savior and the love
He has for us. God bless you. n
In Christ’s love,
The Bethel Bunch
Page 7
Shiloh Snapshots
Kirk is leading devotion time with little one’s intently listening.
Matthew 19:14 Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.
Penfield family enjoy a nice night out
Ken is leading an object lesson on sin and how it overtakes us,
yet God repels sin from us. He used an illustration with pepper,
water, and dish detergent.
Kahoka Home E.C. class made a delicious meal of chicken and
noodle soup and peanut butter sheet cake with peanut butter
Page 8
Shiloh youth enjoying a game of Hungry
Hungry Hippo during Wednesday night
youth group at Shelbina First Christian
March for Life was held at our
Nation’s Capital in Washington,
D.C. this year. Kevin and Denice
Blew along with Shiloh children
walked in memory of those lives
Penfield Family is using a cold winter P.E. day to warm up a game of
Minute to Win It.
Shawn and Nova are helping carry
wood during a work day out with
volunteers from Campus House.
Shiloh kids enjoying Winter Jam.
Winter Jam was held in Kansas
City Missouri-an incredible evening
of live concerts by the top artist in
Christian music, plus worship and
ministry. A fun time was had by all.
Page 9
Blanchard family makes it back home to celebrate Easter!
Ashley’s team placed first in
their division!
Justin earns highest state award
with FFA.
Shiloh’s children are both good
citizens and models for other
students. These two Shiloh kids recently gave blood at the local high
school’s Red Cross Bloodmobile!
Page 10
Brittany Robinson placed 3rd in job interview for FBLA District 3
Leadership Conference held on Feburary 12 in Kirksville. Congratulations Brittany!
Learning to care for God’s World!
Shiloh girls helping prepare fundraising
Don Harris, “Grampa” to Shiloh’s Kahoka site children, he is 86
years old.
Took our ladies from Shiloh Christian
School to hear Kris Hall speak during
the Liberty First 2015 Tour. They were
challenged to learn more about the Constitution and to stand up for the gift of
liberty. Very enlightening!
Mercy, back row, second from left is on this year’s SSHS Scholar
Bowl Team. Congratulations on all your hard work.
Page 11
“We’ve restarted visits to
Horizons soup kitchen in Quincy
and volunteer there”
We love teaching our students to serve.
t’s been a busy semester at our school! While 2015 started off with
bitter cold temperatures and a few days too cold to have our teachers
venture out, we are now back on track with only a few weeks of the school
year left…when did that happen?!
All of our families attended the Missouri Christian Convention in
March. Our boys loved their classes and wanted it to go on several more
days! The girls enjoyed meeting kids from Christian colleges and
hearing them ask about their future plans.
We’ve had a lot of fun projects in our mastery class where our students
learn how to master a variety of activities…everything from science
experiments to art class to seasonal crafts to beginner Spanish and more.
We had guest teachers as Wendy, from the local Missouri Extension office
taught us about health/nutrition. Mrs. Ledbetter led several classes on
recycling and took them on a trip to the local recycling plant. We made
a terrarium that resembles Jesus’ empty tomb…..took winter
pictures of cool ice or snow scenes around the school….and more!
One field trip Mrs. Brookhart and I took the junior high/high school
girls to hear Krisanne Hall during her Liberty tour 2015. She travels around
the nation teaching what the Constitution really says about freedom and
how our founding fathers felt about God in our nation. It was a very
enlightening speech and inspired the girls to learn more about history.
We were able to restart our visits to Horizons soup kitchen in
Quincy and volunteer there now each month. We love teaching our
students how to serve and are always amazed at how God touches as even
more than those we may touch. A kind gentleman observed our t-shirts
(“walkin’ the walk!” and the name of our school)….and without knowing
it, he paid our lunch bill that day. His kind gesture touched our staff
and students but also sent message you never know who is watching or
message you are sending by what you do.
We finish up the year with Stanford tests, raising baby chicks from
eggs in our incubator, and a few extra special activities. It’s been another
great year and we are so appreciative of our school, our teachers, and
you….our supporters! We hope you understand the difference it makes in
our students’ future!
In His service,
Ken & Beth
Shiloh Christian School Administrators
“Wished we could do more.
Thank you for what you
are doing for these kiddos.
We enjoy reading your
newsletter. May God richly
bless your service to him.”
- K.S.
“I am certain there isn’t anything that grieves our Lord
more than a hurting child.
Thanks for being a part of
the answer!”
- D.H.
“ We praise the Lord for
all the children. The least
we can do is to help with
finances. We thank all of you
for your compassion for the
Follow Us On “Facebook”
Our Homeparents Cherish Your Daily Prayers!
Page 12
Shiloh alums from years ago, the Blanchard
children visited on Resurrection weekend
Jordan will be graduating in May with the degrees!
ear Friends,
“He Is Risen!”
Back on Resurrection
proclaimed that. It
occurred to me on that
glorious morning that
he is just as Risen the
next Sunday, every
Sunday, every other
Day. I asked myself,
Denice & Kevin Blew “Will I commit to that
truth with such joy and passion tomorrow, even 24
hours later?” If not, how am I so much better than the
cheering crowds at his Palm Sunday Parade, the soon
jeering, sneering “Crucify Him” mob, or the cowering,
fearing Disciples?
To my credit, I generally love Easter season even
more than Christmas. In the spiritual world, it rivals
Independence Day, which is my favorite patriotic
holiday. As a believer in Christ, the Passion Week and
Empty Tomb eclipses the Fourth of July, because it
sets me truly free for literally forever. Suddenly, I’m
pondering pyrotechnics in our Easter services next
This Resurrection Sunday, we led off with a great
blend of dynamic older and newer music, followed by
a powerful, emotional drama called, “Have You Seen
My Son?” Five women portrayed mothers urgently
searching for their beloved sons at the time of the
Crucifixion. Karen Tuley was the mother of 10 year old
John Mark and Denice was Judas’ mom. Also featured
were the mothers of James and John, Barabbas, and
Jesus. The impact was tremendous!
It was a special reunion weekend as we
had all four of the “Blanchard Kids,” fully
grown, with their own kids, and back for the first
time in ages. What a joy to have them all here
for church, meals, and laughter! Shane and
Michelle and the girls also made it over from Quincy,
and Jordan was back from her final semester
at Missouri Western. By the way, Jordan
will be graduating in May with degrees in
Communications, Business and Spanish. The
journey of life continues and it will be exciting to see
where the road leads.
Nova will also graduate in May from South
Shelby High School. From there, she might be
heading on a mission trip for a few months and
possibly service in the Army. Pray for her and us
as this delightful young lady makes decisions about
her future. While her future may be a bit uncertain,
her recent past is quite clear.
Spring brings more than Easter and diplomas.
Grass emerges in emerald splendor. Tulips, daffodils,
and jonquils poke through the soil looking for sunlight.
Trees, once barren, now show forth small buds and
eventually become lush leaves. You can get so busy
with the daily routines that you routinely miss the day.
So, as we leave early on a Saturday for Ashley’s
Bible Bowl meet, we admire the tangerine skies of
sunrise. When we’re heading down the road for one of
Sean and Brittney’s track meets, we try to appreciate
how much greener the roadsides have become since
even the day before. Those green pastures along the
roads especially grab the attention of an FFA Chapter
Degree holder like Jeremiah. He anticipates a time
when the cows will be able to graze without extra hay
being carried to them.
Some of the most resplendent array arrives in
spring in the form of Junior/Senior Prom. We had
four this year: Jade, Brittney, Nova and Sean and they
each looked fabulous! It is amazing to see them in
formal attire compared to the casual appearance that
so often accompanies school aged teens.
We have a full house of girls with the arrival
of Makena, age 15, back in late January. Sean and
Jeremiah have room for a few new guys on their end
of the house. We are also thrilled to be welcoming
our new neighbors, Todd and Misty Kolars and their
kids. Please join us in wrapping them in the sunlight
of your prayers as they start this ministry adventure.
They’ve arrived in the slightly less chaotic part of the
year, so this gives them a chance to acclimate before
the blessed summer frenzy. We are so grateful
for your prayers and support throughout the
year and throughout the years. None of this
happens without the sustaining power of
Christ’s Spirit applied through the faithfulness
of His people. n
Cherish the Day,
The Blew Crew
Page 13
Caldarello, Louis
Denise Caldarello
Cegas, Sandra
Jay & Marge Craig
Cernea, Joe
Judy, David & Jeff Kinder
Chouser, Jayne
The Jim Lincoln Family
Cockrell, Robert Sidney
Lineville-Mercer Christian Church
Craig, Jane
Jeanne & Ben Carr
Dellenbach, Linda
Jay & Marge Craig
Bud Schardein & Mary
Jack & Joni Jessup
Darwin, Margie & Craig Knoche
Judith & Boyd Ellerbruch
Rinehart Farms
Ellen Mitzner
Eric & Elizabeth Walton
Gene Ehling
Jim Corwin
Carl & Joanne Schield
John & Laverne Rosenberger
Jerry & Donna Broadus
David & Kathleen White
Suzanne Prickett
Myron Hunt
Ramsey Repair
Virgil & Mildred Rush
Mr. & Mrs. Toss Bachus
Frances Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knoefel
Karen Snay
Jacob Mitzner
Larry & Luwana Davisson
Wanda Jones
Doris Cobb
Melvin & Mary Walton
Ted & Linda Kyle
John & Joyce Welker
Bill & Betty Murphy
Gene & Ramona Jean Kile
Jeffrey & Denise Welker
Michael Ehling
Robert & Lavonne Farney
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Roberts
Debra Ehling
Ron & Roxanne Johnson
Roy & Bev Johnson
Darrell & Paula Johnson
Gregg & Gail Holcomb
Nelson Buckwalter
Pat Brant
Rodney & Mary Susan Bergkamp
Harold & Ernestine Dennis
Thomas & Gayle Delzer
Russell & Ann Day
Harvey & Joan Ulmer
Carol Grove
Frances Poland
Stacy & Norma Slagle
Gary & Kathy Dunn
Kim & Pamela Krehbiel
Max & Susan Fesler
Walter & Lynne McIver
Rick & Darci Barker
Joann Danley
William & Lois Gallaugher
Charles & Mildred Eubank
Warren & Phyllis Sturgeon & Family
Page 14
In Loving Memory
Janet Crandall
Bonnie Steele
Jim & Susan Holsapple
Warren & Charlyne Wilt
John & Judy Polson
Earl & Mary Brown
Tommy & Lola Mae Barclay
David & Shirley Schmidt
Dinkheller, Mary
William Dinkheller
Dodd, Gene
L. C. & Margaret Turner & Kim
Dorsheimer, Lois
Dennis Dorsheimer
Janis Kunze
Daryl Dorsheimer
Dotson, William Robert & Sue
Freedom Bible Church
Drebenstedt, Jim
Robert & Karen Tuley
Drebenstedt, Pat
Robert & Karen Tuley
Edwards, Eleanor “Bea”
Lavon & Dawn Moore
Emo, Dorothy
Al & Grace Wortman
Wayne & Juanita Lynn
Fagen, Charlotte
Kirk & Rhonda Eggleston
John & Lea Ann Mercer
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Stem
Francis, Shirley
Pam Holt
Susie Hutchings
Franke, Anna Belle
Larry & Beth Primm
The Jim Lincoln Family
Carol Schofield
Jeanette Foreman & Family
Graber, Ben
Mike & Ruth Smith
Greenly, Hortense
Mr. & Mrs. Gilvie Franke
Hapke, Ralph
Jay & Marge Craig
Harrington, Jagger Watts
Larry & Edith Fletcher
Atlanta Christian Church
Lavon & Dawn Moore
Larry & Shara Thrasher & Sons
Basil & Marsha Hammons
Herndon, Faye
Larry Joseph Johnston
Connie Anthony
Dr. Jeff Snodgrass
Hoffer, Lee Neva
Jack & Elsie Baker Jones
Ron & Mary Joanne Harris
Leon Obert
Tom & Nancy Friye
Mark & Cheryl Dickerson
First Bankers Trust Services
James, Arlene
Sharon Utz
Jay & Marge Craig
Kemp, Bob
Glenn & Joie Mitts
Kesner, Ron
Donna & Steve Bowdish
Kilgore, Flip
Fay Shearer
Killen, Grace
L. C. & Margaret Turner & Kim
Killen, Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Gilvie Franke
Lake, Rev Steve & Lorraine
Freedom Bible Church
Lasswell, Odema Ruth
Larry & Shara Thrasher
Blaine & Kim Moore
Crystal Baker & Boys
Lavon & Dawn Moore
Maddy, Neva
Ernest & Norma Esry
Martin, Gregg
Jay & Marge Craig
McConnell, Robert L.
L. C. & Margaret Turner & Kim
McWilliams, Ronnie
Sharon Utz
Meredith, Gee
Annette Walton
Meservey, Helen
Mark Gladbach
Mark & Marlene Lummis
Guy & Marilyn Seckman
Gene Knapp’s Garage
Stanley & Ruth Ann Ebersold
Bill & Grace Smith
Robert & Patricia Smith
Dennis & Rebecca McDonald
Charlotte Gunter
Eric & Rochelle Woodard
Janice Meservey
Marian Campbell
Patchwork Investments
Max Oyler
David & Linda Gillilan
Mrs. J. W. Kilburn
John & Mary Sue McCullough
Leah Dunkin
Harold & Sandra Bullard
William & June Dockery, Sr
Wallace & Jacky Mack
Miller, Bob
To make a LIVING MEMORIAL GIFT in honor of a friend or loved one contact:
Shiloh Christian Children’s Ranch
LIVING MEMORIALS • Shelbina, Missouri 63468
Rush Line - (573) 588-2191
Each gift will be promptly acknowledged.
The amount of gift is never disclosed.
David & Phyllis Doctorian
Larry & Beth Primm
Michael & Candice Mueller
Alan & Nancy Dixson
Martha Marie Huse
Jerry & Pat Shultz
Charla Page
Mr. & Mrs. Gilvie Franke
Plevna Christian Church
Miller, Dixie
Elsie Happel
Robert & Linda Gaines
William & Ramona Boren
Paul & Betty White
Colleen Anderson
Jack & Sherry Glover
E. L. & Marilyn Prange
Kenneth & Barbara Rainey
Jared & Amber Summers
Church of Christ, Quincy, IL
Morris, Ralph
Roberta Gates
Nisly, Becky
Mike & Ruth Smith
O’Laughlin, Madeline
Gene & Pat Hatcher
Perry, Bob
Dawn Stelle Buck
Helen McDuffee
Margy Harris
Gene & Pat Hatcher
Jay & Marge Craig
Jerry & Judy Haydon
M. G. & Nyla Conrad
Randy & Cheresa Stelle
Tandy & Sharla Hawkins
Nona Keith Troyer
Jack & Sherry Glover
Jeff & Lou Ann Werr
Don & Linda Vanover
Phil & Theresa Marley
Juna Wilt
Gary & Mary Kay Prange
Jerry & Rachel Brown
Steve, Ken, Rick & Troy Disselhorst
Jesse & Diana Schwanke
Benjamin & Nancy Coleman
Robert & Linda Gaines
Mr. & Mrs. David Stewart
Mike & Stacy Geisendorfer
Chad & Colleen Abbott
Bob & Virginia Lister
Kathleen Perry
Michael & Christa Jackson
Perry, Edna Mae
Jay & Marge Craig
Earl & Susan Gard
Dorothy & Jim Hunt
Becky Billings
Glen & Charlotte Little
Curtis Robbins
Tammie & Brian Kleemeyer
Beverly Robertson
Charles Hoehne
Billy & Susan Coons
Fred & Karen Meyers
Dallas & Mary Elliott
Dennis & Donna Graupman
Dwayne & Ellen Goodwin
Marion & Bonnie Slates
Jack & Donna Thornburg
Jim & Audrey Dent
In Loving Memory
Carl & Loretta Redmon
Mark & Jane Vollrath
David & Nancy Gottman
Roger & Marilyn Sublette
Bill & Jeanette Pope
Perry & Lenore McElwee
Loren & Melba Wickert
Sydenstricker Farm & Lawn
Darrell & Shirley Comstock
James & Sandra Lake
Raymond & Doris Vollrath
Ronald & Karen Gleckler
Larry & Sarah Edmunds
Don & Cathy Vance
Karl & Sandra McElwee
Clint & Linda Reeves
Kurt & Lora Hillman
Poor, Elizabeth
Mr. & Mrs. Gilvie Franke
Prange, Helen
Jay & Marge Craig
Rennolds, Donna
Ernest & Norma Esry
Rev. Seth Wheeler’s grandmother
Vincil Lou & Janet Kaylor
Ricker, Freddie, Sr.
L. C. & Margaret Turner & Kim Rhoades
Ridgeway, Barbara
Jay & Marge Craig
Ring, Bill
Carl & Wanda Kurtz
Robbins, Nadine
Gayle Liebig
Robert Lee Roy
Jay & Marge Craig
Roberts, Sixty
Sharon Utz
Rowland, Virginia
Karen Yates
Barbara Butler
Jay Butler
Dr. David Kress
James & Judy Anderson
Mary Hanson
Elaine Street
Michael & Priscilla Fox
Ronald Ellwing
Lois Victoria
Lorraine Modrcin
Jerilyn Powers
Steven & Mary Rose Zoller
Dorothea Buller
Diane Siko
Melissa Cordes
Mary Elaine Meyers
Eileen Breen
Juanita Cox
Barbara Seier
Anthony & Katherine Palmisano
Tamika Cherry
Allstate Insurance, Charlotte Express Office
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Erdmann
D. M. Stockdale
Jan & Frank Berardi
Anita & Rick Cohen
Brian & Jo Ann Moore
Dave St. Claire
David & Marilyn Seiler
Lois Simek
Simmons, Barbara
L. C. & Margaret Turner & Kim
Lyle & Anna Louise Van Houten & Family
Plevna Christian Church
Smith, Emma Belle
Ernest & Norma Esry
John & Mary Werr
Faye Boyles
Robert & Linda Gaines
E. L. & Marilyn Prange
Becky Novinger
Stevens, Tom
Robert & Karen Tuley
Stroppel, John
L. C. & Margaret Turner & Kim Rhoades
Teufel, David
Jay & Marge Craig
Vivrett, Scot
Bill & Jeanie Vivrett
Wagner, Damien
Norbert & Sandy Frankenbach
Ward, Wayne
Tara Byrd
Marilyn Chamberlain
Janet & Delbert Scranton
John & Donna Kearns
Robert & Sharon Pratt
Gena Hoaglin
Robert & Velynna Spangler
Stewart & Rhonda Cunningham
George Claus
Ona Day Johnston
Gale & Marilyn Pool
Robert & Bonna McKee
Mark & Melissa Still
Herschel & Carol Carter
Earl & Sharon Loyd
Brent & Margaret Roe
Donald & Dianna Foster
William & Jane West
Kathy & Brad Willman
Sherry & Morris Ottwell
Phil & Linda Bradshaw
Ron & Estelene Hayden
Pittsfield Class of 1950
Wayne & Judy Dunham
Scott & Lois Payne
Rob & Angie Ottwell
Mary Lea Prentice
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lovegreen
Joan & Russell Renoud
Barb, David, Ken, Chad & Melissa Mason
Mike & Jane Woolfington
Louise Baker
Jay & Marge Craig
Wood, Lois
Jay & Marge Craig
Wortman, Norman
Jan Wortman
Al & Grace Wortman
Yuhasz, Steve
Carl & Wanda Kurtz & Family
Peggy Bacon’s 65th birthday................................................. Rodney Bacon
Anson Fancher’s birthday.......................................... Roy & Donna Fancher
Roy & Donna Fancher...........................................Jesse & Rebecca Fancher
Kelly Wilson Family...................................................... James & Audrey Dent
Lewin Davis’s 70th birthday....................................Crayton & Jan Achelpohl
Honor Roll
South Shelby Middle School
Principal’s Honor Roll: Titus
Regular Honor Roll: Makenna
South Shelby High School
Principal’s Honor Roll: Mercy
Regular Honor Roll: Brittney
Tri-County Christian School
Heaven and Titus
Shiloh Christian School
3rd quarter: Martin - A Honor Roll
Trenton – B Honor Roll
Clark County High School
Justin and Jared
Page 15
She saw love from her homeparents
Shiloh donors played a role.
esterday I received something special in
the mail. It’s an invitation to a wedding.
You may wonder what’s so special about that. People plan a wedding ceremony and invite guests all the
But I think you’ll agree this one’s special for good
reason. Shiloh donors played a vital role in it. I’ll even
go so far as to say, people like you are making it possible.
The groomto-be is Jonathan
Platt. He never
lived at Shiloh.
He never needed
He comes
from a loving
home led by Godly parents.
But his mom
is a Godly woman because carTim Craig
ing Shiloh donors
gave her a caring home when she desperately needed
In the first 16 years of her life she endured abuse
and heartache. But because of heroes called Shiloh
donors she discovered a new hope at Shiloh.
Shiloh’s caring donors gave Tonia this opportunity to sit on the 50 yard line of a good
She saw love from her homeparents. They
cooked her nutritious meals. Listened to her sad story. Urged her to receive God’s grace. But Tonia also
saw the love that her homefather and homemother
share with one another. A sacrificial love of giving and
serving each other.
To a young lady who watched her mom and
dad enter and exit marriage about 17 times, a
stable marriage like her homeparents’ meant something significant.
Although she lived at Shiloh no longer than
two years, the commitment Kevin and Denice made
to each other won out over the poor example her birth
parents set for her.
Shiloh’s caring donors gave Tonia this opporPage 16
tunity to sit on the 50 yard line of a good marriage.
She learned how to care for someone like God would
have her to. This golden lesson wasn’t lost on Tonia.
This year she’s enjoying her and her husband’s 18th
year of marriage. A marriage that has produced three
Christian children.
This world’s a better place because you help
hurting children discover God’s love.
In a few days she gets to see her oldest take the hand of his bride and promise his
complete devotion to her.
Your gifts to Shiloh matter. Because you give,
children get to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
They get to learn how to make a contribution to people
around them by working hard at a job. They get to see
love between a husband and wife.
This world’s a better place because you
help hurting children discover God’s love. A good
work-ethic. And a loving home. n
As the year draws to a close, it is an ideal
time to make special gifts to your favorite
charities. Making these gifts could result
in significant tax savings next April. For
instance a gift of appreciated stock directly
to a charity, results in a tax deduction for
the donor for the full value of the stock and
the donor is not liable for tax on the capital
gain being given to the charity.
Other ways to remember your favorite
charity could be by Will, IRA account,
Insurance policy, etc. Take advantage of
your giving options by discussing your
financial plans with your advisors.
“We show them there is
a loving God who loves
We are blessed with supporters.
he church small group that I
lead is studying Mark Batterson’s
All-In: You Are One Decision from a
Totally Different Life. The premise of
the study is to make the decision to go
“all-in” and decide to give God your all
for Him. Batterson shares that so many
times we stand on the sideline and wish
to be in the game, but hesitate to step
on the playing field of a fully devoted
Christian life. Batterson’s desire is
Mark Adkison
for each of us to become a committed
participant instead of a spectator in our Christian daily walk.
The decision to do so is one that is life changing and so impactful
for Christ.
At Shiloh, that decision has been made. Shiloh is blessed
with staff members, homeparents, and counselors who have
decided to go “all-in” for our children, each other, and the
ministry. We are equally blessed with supporters, donors,
and prayer warriors that prove each day that they are “allin” for the mission and vision of our ministry. This support and
faithfulness is so important as we serve and exemplify Christ’s
example for our children.
Unfortunately, our children do not have the same desire to
go “all-in.” For the majority, our children have never had
anyone go “all-in” for them. The concept of completely
trusting and giving their life to something or someone is not
an easy concept. But our Shiloh family wants to change that
perspective of each child we are entrusted with. We strive to
show them that there is a loving God Who loves them
so much that His Son, Jesus went “all-in” for each one of
them and wants to love them the same way, “all-in.”
I want to thank you for your willingness to go “all-in” for
our Shiloh children! Thank you for your hours of prayer, your
gifts and resources you share, and your time that you give the
children you come into contact each day. You see, if more would
go “all-in” for Christ, we could have more working to break
the terrible cycle of abuse, neglect, and at-risk situations that
children face each day.
If you want know more ways to go “all-in” for Shiloh, please
do not hesitate to call our office and I would love to speak with
you on how you can do so. Go “all-in” for God and for a child
today! n
In Christ’s love,
Good News and
Bad News
You are part of The Shiloh Family.
minister is
standing in
the pulpit and tells
the congregation,
news, good news,
and bad news.”
words, he hears
a groan from his
Jay Craig
The bad news is There is a hole in
the church roof and it’s going to cost
plenty to repair it.” The people in the
pews groan again. “The good news is”, the
preacher says, “we have plenty of money
to repair the hole.” The preacher hears
a resounding “Amen” from the people.
“Then,” says one of the church deacons,
“what could be the other bad news,
preacher?” “Ok,” says the minister, “The
bad news is the money is still in your
Funny. This one has been around a
while, but is still good for a laugh and
for a thought. When you think about
it, the cute story actually ends in good
news, because the church people all know
where the money is and where it must
come from, and because the people are
members and have a sense of involvement
and ownership for their church building.
Because of those reasons, they will surely
chip in to repair the roof.
As a church depends on its members
to repair a roof, so the Shiloh children
depend on you and me to help “repair”
damage done to them and their families.
Often playing in the back of my mind is
that verse in the book of James that tells
us we are to provide for orphans and
Thank you for helping our
homeparents carry out that mission here
at Shiloh. You are part of the Shiloh
family, and are helping save the souls and
lives of children. n
Yours for Christ’s kids,
Page 17
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How probate can burden your family and Shiloh
ost of us prefer not to talk about death.
But we know God has numbered our days and
as Christians we look forward to Heaven. As Paul proclaimed in Philippians 1:21, “To live is Christ, and to
die is Gain!” Only Enoch and Elijah are recorded in
the Bible to not experience physical death and were
taken directly to heaven.
When we die, our stuff remains. Property, homes, cars, boats,
trailers, investments, and banking
accounts simply don’t automatically retitle themselves; it needs to be
done legally. Unfortunately 70% of
us don’t plan for this and our stuff
(estate) passes through the probate
court to our heirs. Sounds simple
and logical, but not a pleasant pro- Philip Marley
cess and can cause the following outcomes:
• Your estate will lose 8-10% of its value with attorney’s fees and court costs
• Your heirs will endure the process 9 months
to 2 years in most circumstances
• The inheritance will be withheld from your
heirs and kept in an estate account till the estate is closed
• Your “interested” neighbors and others will have access to what you owned and where
it eventually went since probate is
publically recorded
• If you had minor children, the court will
decide the guardianship of your children
You have the opportunity to avoid the “Pitfalls
of Probate” by creating a Living Trust, which if
properly prepared, will avoid the need for probate.
Shiloh partners with Philip Marley, Estate
Consultant with Financial Planning Ministry. This
ministry has over 16,000 member families who have
established their living trusts. Not only do they help
individuals to be the best steward to their families, but
also to the ministries they have
passion for. Through Financial
Planning Ministry, over $700
million in gift designations
have been made to Christian
Ministries including Shiloh
Christian Children’s Ranch.
Contact Jay or Tim to schedule an estate planning
presentation at your church. Shiloh offers this as a
service. Families utilizing FPM have no cost, no sales
pitches, and the peace of mind that their estate plan is
prepared which protects their heirs and ministry. n
Find out more about Living Trusts at FPM.Org