ryrlgrys sl.m - The Church Lady Blogs
ryrlgrys sl.m - The Church Lady Blogs
' K. JEANES _ I'IICHAEL f,lerk_oftheSuperioi Court BySean Dordroe, kuty W/L?mnTire12:10:]{, _ Date Ihscriptinn nnunt CtE0H-67p- .-- _:--- Cffit$ I -;'" !1' I QCtrM.Durrant#001?63 c.r.t^!ESPrE, gHrELnse DURRANT .. - '' 73 I 9 North_l6" Street,zuiii t O-O2 Phoenix, AZ 85020 Telephone:(602) 870-9700 3 Facsimile:(602) 4 sl.m ryrlgrys-_-_-mi:elTornAr{oril{i 870-9783 rldunant@sillaw.com ftceiltflAZ4StrJj m_ailcourt documentsto : 5 Mailroom@gillaw.com 6 Attorneysfor Plaintffi 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATESSUPERIORCOURT 9 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARICOPA t 0 couple,Joqy and Derek Gallasher as caseNo' cv2o1g-oss?zg ll COMPLAINT t2 Jody.andDerek Gallagher.a married next bestfriend on behalfof Ashten Crawley, Blpkg Gathglir ni,rtn t;auagner, thelr minor children"rO l3 t4 t (Tort, Non Motor Vehicle) Plaintiffs. (Jury Tiial Requested) and l5 LgeMctr'arlan4,Apd S_andra _Dsle Kay McFarland,husband ina *ilJ; n"Oi"ot unurctrAssembly Of God,anArizona. t 7 cgrporatlon; ArizonaDistrictCouncilOf ThCAssem-Ulies 1 8 corporation, Of God-,ilii;;;' l6 19 '20 2l Defendants. Plaintiffs JoDY GALLAGHER and DEREK GALLAGHER, husbandand wife, and Jody and Derek Gallagheras next bestfriend on behalfof Ashtencrawley, Blake Gallagher 22 andAustin Gallagher,their minor children, for their 23 l. 24 2' 26 3. complaintagainstDefendantsallege: Plaintiffs are residentsof yavapai county, Arizona; Defendant,Dale Lee McFarland,And Sandra Kay McFarlandare husbandand 25 wife anda residentsof MaricopaCounty, Arizona; Defendant,RADIANT cHuRcH AssEMBLy oF GoD, is an Arizona 2 7 corporationlocatedin and doing business in Maricopacounty, Arizona; I 4. DEfCNdANg ARIZONA DISTRICT COL'NCIL OF THEASSEMBLIES 2 GoD, is an ,A,rizonacorporationlocatedand doing businessin Maricopa 3 5' 4 Arizona; s 6' OF County, Arizona; The actsandeventshereinafterdescribedtook placein Maricopa County, Plaintiffsexperienced seriousfamily traumain 2010whentheir thirteenyearold 6 daughter,Ashten,waspreyeduponby a youthministerin a.,christian,,church prescott. in 7 This youth ministerattempted,successfullyfor a time, to persuade Ashtento accuseher 8 parentsof sexualmistreatmentandto be takenfrom their homeby CpS for her protection, but 9 with the underlyingobjectiveof havingher move into his home. It was later learnedthat he l0 had senther over fiffy pagesof text messages in a period of four days,at all times of the day l1 and night and hadpersonal,one-on-on€counselingwith Ashtenwithout t2 or consentin his grossefforts to get her to abandonher parentsand her parentsknowledge every other adult having 1 3 influencein her life.. This despicable behaviorwasuncoveredandAshteneventually moved t 4 backhome. Ashtenconfessedher dishonestyand manipulationby the youth l5 l6 minister and the family beganits recoveryandreconciliationprocess,includingseekingprofessional help. 7' BeginningAugust2010,asan importantpart of the recoveryandreconciliation t 7 gffort, Plaintiffs contactedand counseledwith DefendantDale Lee McFarland (hereinafter 'McFarland" 18 or'?astor Lee'), who had beenknownandadmiredas their trustedand 1 9 honorablepastorby Jody andDerek GallagherbeforePlaintiffs movedto the prescott area. 20 Derek andJody had beenparishionersof RadiantChurchunderMcFarland,spastorship for a 2l 22 periodofsevenyears. 8' The initial counselingsessionwaswith JodyandAshtenat McFarland,s offrce in 23 Radiantchurch. Thereafterfor a periodof 11 monthsMcFarlandcontinued'his counselingof 24 Jodyby email,phone,text messaging and facebookmessages.Regularly, 25 to Jody.wouldbe severaltimesin oneday includingfrequentlate night 26 9' his counselingtexts contacts. McFarlandknewthat Plaintiffs,Jodyand Derekwereboth vulnerable and 27 hurtingfrom the haumaresultingfrom the unconscionable breach of trust by the pedophilia, 1 faithlessand.manipulative PrescottPastor.McFarlandalsoknewthat plaintiffs, in their 2 3 4 grieving,desperatelyneeded,wantedand expectedhonest,honorable and caring counseling andspiritualguidancewhich he agreedto offer. l0' McFarlandknew that JodyandDerekGallagherwerein a stateof vulnerability 5 and deepdespair' He alsoknew that Jody was deeplyiqjured,honestlyhurting, 6 openlypleadingfor his guidanceas her trustedpastor.He knew that he w.asin position . a of kust andconfidencewith Jodywhensheemptiedher hbartandtold McFarland everyconcern,. 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 13 and was insecurityand feeling shehad in orderto get desperatelyneededhelp with her personal devastation,profoundtraumaand the family tragedy. Il' McFarlandbreachedhis duty asa pastorand counselorwhenbeganmanipulating a wlnerable Jodyfor his personi.l,pervertedsexualpleasures.He skillfully formulated and executedhis maliciousand effectiveplan to isolateher from Derek. 12- McFarlandtold Jodythat he was recbivingdirectionfrom God regardinghis t 4 counselto her andtold her thatDerekhadabandoned her emotionally. l5 13. Concurrentlywith his'adviceto Jodythat Derekwascausingher perpetual t 6 emotionaldistressandtelling her of God's counselthatDerekwasno goodfor her, McFarland t 7 "love bombed"Jodywith romanticdeclarations telling her of his love for her andGod,s l8 l9 approvalof him andJodybecomingsexuallyinvolved. This resultedin greatconfusion to Jody and causedher to distanceherselfemotionallyfrom Derek which causedadditional 20 emotionalproblemsfor Derekwho couldnot understand Jody'sactionsin drawingherself 2l 22 a\trayfrom him. 14. During this sameperiodfrom September, 2010untilApril Z1Il,Jody, at 23 McFarland'srequestmadeweekly or bi-weekly trips from Prescottareato Radiant churchon 24 Sundaysto attendMcFarland'ssermons.Every time,prior.tothe servicecommencing, 25 McFarlandwould seekout Jodywherevershewassitting,hugher intimately, tell, her how 26 beautifulshewas and that he lovesher. During the servicehe would text her askingher to 27 meetwith him againafterthe service. ThesemeetingsbecameMcFarland,s opportunity to I "counsel"briefly with Jodyfaceto face,tell her of his growinglove for her andgive extended ) hugsbeforeJody went backto prescottarealater in the day. l5- 4 Beingdevastated overthe fact that their marriage*as clearlydisintegratingfor reasonscompletelyunknownto Derek,he aranged to get his own personalcounseling from 5 McFarland,his trustedpastor. Derek met with McFarlandat his office in Radiantchurchin 6 March,2011. Derekpouredout hisheartto McFarland,tellinghim of his love for Jodyandhis 7 childrenand his completeinability to understandwhy his farnily was falling apartandJody : drawing away from him. 5 I 9 16. After his counselingmeetingwith Derek,McFarlandtold Jodythat Derekwas l0 the most dangerousand violent man he had ever seenand that he was personally..scaredto ll death"of Derekduringhis counselingsession,andevenaddedthat in alt of his fourteenyears t 2 of beinga pastorhe was neverso physicallyafraidof someonethanhe wasof Derek. He l3 stronglyadvisedJody to changethe locks on.thehousefor the safetyof herselfand their t 4 children. McFarlandcounseledJodythat sheshouldaccomplishtheseactionswith all haste. 1 5 for the protectionof Jody andthe children. l6 l7 that Derekstay . 17- Jodyreliedon andfollowedMcFarland'scounsel,demanded away from their homeand filed for speedydivorcealthoughshehad recentlydiscoveredthat. t 8 shewaspregnant. l9 18. McFarlandknewthat Derekhadalsolookedto him ashis trustedspiritual 20 professionaladvisor,PastorandCounselor. 2l 19. Derekhonestlyandsincerelytold McFarlandon severaloccasionsoin,, personal 22 concemsandneeds,to his concernfor his family, aswell asto his surpriseandconcernthat 23 Jody's love for him seemedto be disappearingmysteriously. 24 20. McFarlandknewthatDerekreliedon him to providesupfort duringthis 25 vulnerabletime. 26 21. ' Ratherthanprovidingthe supportDerekneeded,McFarlandintentionallyand 27 maliciouslymisrepresented the informationDerek entrustedto McFdrlandin his reportto Jody, I accusingDerekof dangerous, violent andabusivetendencies.McFarlanddid this knowing 2 that it would exacerbate Jody'sexistingconfusionandmultiply hel fearsand insecurities. .3 4 . 22. Concurrently,while in McFarland'scounselwith Derek,McFarlandminimized 5 the marital and family traumaDersk was so devastatedwith. McFarlandtold Derek that he had not had any contactor communicationwith Jody after the initial counselingsessionwith 6 Jody and Ashten. He falsely proclairnedhe had no infofmationregardingthe marital crisis 7 otherthan what informationDerekprovided. McFarlandevencunninglyand deceptively I offeted Derek falsehope,including inappropriatemedicaladviceall while he was secretlywith 9 forethoughtand malice orchestratingthe destructionof Jody and Derek's marriageand the l0 l1 dissolutionof their family unit. 23. McFarlandknew that Jodywas despondent becausesheandDerekhadlost their t 2 homein the valley throughforeclosureand had beenreluctantto move from her comfortable 1 3 homein the valley to the Prescottarea. Jodyievealedto him in confidencethatshehadnever t 4 cometo full reconciliationwith the moveandits effectson her personalfeelings.. l5 l6 24. McFarlandknew of Jody'sserious.concerns abouther daughterAshtbn,who had beenbehayedby a "Christian" youth ministerand for a time droveAshten from her family. t 7 McFarlandfurther knew that the victimization of theii daughterby the Prescottyouth pastoras I E well as their move to Prescotthad a placeda strain on their marriage. 19 25- Takingadvantage of her vulnerability,McFarlanddeclaredhis .,love"to Jodyin 20 perpetualtext messages to herphone,messages to her Facebookpage,e-mailsto her,gifu, 2r moneyandregularin-personcontacts.McFarlandintentionallymanipulatedJodyusing 22 bombardments of proclaimedromanticlove,complimentsand flattery.Altwhile falsely 23 disparagingDerek as well asdisparaginghis own wife in a calculatedand successfuischeme 24 compromiseJody'sdmotionalwlnerability andgainher empathy.McFarlandbeinga 25 seasoned pastorof over l4 yearsis andwas acutelyawuueof thepower imbalancebetweena 26 pastorandhis parishionersandchoseto exploitthis powerimbalancewith bothJodyand 27 Derekasis his practicedroutine. I 26. As his messages becamernoregraphicaridpersonal,McFarlandgradually 2 increasedthepornographicstyleof his communications andevenpersuaded Jodyto sendhim a J nudepicttuesof herselfandto exchangenudepicturesof himself. He proposedclandestine 4 meetingsat motels,including one in PrescottnearwhereJody lived, andprovidedher cashfor ) suchpurposes.He describedin crudeandrudetermshis desire1serp***r:her on his Harley 6 and told of his visions of her private'1vet" body partsand "Ah-m azing,,otherbody features 7 8 that he describedin crudeways and intimatedetail.McFarlandsharedhis fantasiesand dreamsof the trvo of them having a future togetherasa couple,vacationingtogether,having 9 sexualexploitson sunsetbeachesand sharingcoffeetogethereyerymorning at the breakfast l0 ll table. 27, He told Jodyrepeatedlythat sheis the'onlywomanfor him andthat sheis his t 2 dreamgirl forever.Jodylookedto.McFarlandasher trustedadvisor,someoneshecouldal 1 3 trust. However,insteadef offering her sound,reasonableadviceand directionthat could t 4 benefither, he purposefullyintroducedher into his life of depravedpornography,adultery, l 5 scheming,lies andthe abandonrnentof her marriageandfamily with thi intent that it would l6 leadto the destructionof her marriageand family, which he knew would be going against T 7 everythingsheeverbelievedin or truly desired. 18 I9 28. McFarlandintentionallyandcleverlymixedselectedpastoraladvicewith messages of personalpornography.He repeatedlyassuredJody that he hasbeenreceiving 20 regularinspirationfrom God regardinghis counselto Jody and evenassuredher that not many 2l people'makehis personalprayerlist, but sheis on top of it. He repeatedly"wamed,,Jodywith 22 predictionsof extremedangerfrom Derek and fabricatedwarningsof Derek'spropensityfor 23 violenceto her andthe children. He did this aspart of his plan to succumbher into an 24 extftrmaritalaffair with him. Theseunrelentingefforts were effectivein causingJody to 25 believethat her spiritual leader,the tnrited PastorLee, loved her and dangerousDerek must be 26 put out of her life. 27 t 29. 2 to leavetheir homeand filed for divorce. J 30. 4 .5 6 7 8 , .9 McFarland'spervertedschbmewassuccessful to the extentthatJodydid ask McFarlandeventuallymanipulatedthe vulnerableand confusedJody into having physicalsexualrelationswith him in the innersanctumof thepastor'schambersafterhe anangedfor all staff to be absent.This beingthe very sameplacewhereMcFarlandprovided Derek marriage.ounr.iing just daysafterhaving sexualrelationswith Derek,swife Jody. 31. It waspartof McFarland'smaliciousplan to separate Derek'andJody,s counselingby doing the bulk of counsellngUy.phoneor text messages, so that he could create an illusion of trust to Derek andJody separately,and facilitatehis misrepresentation to Derek l0 andJodyfor thepurposeof achievinghis manipulation.of Jody.McFarland'stenacityin ll driving Jodyaway from her husbandand childrenwas supportedby his frequentproclamations t2 to Jodythat he was doing everythingin his power to get her movedback down to Surprise. l3 32. McFarland'sabuseof Jodyandhis misrepresentation to Derekdid not ceaseuritil t4 his pervertedactswerediscoveredby DerekaroundJuly l5s, 201l, H: caniedon his clever, l5 clandestine, maliciousschemefor in excessof eleven(11) monthsof continuousabuseof l6 Plaintiffs, Evendufinghis misrepresentations andpretenses of beinga trustedcounselorto t7 Derek,McFarlandcontinuedto manipulateJody in an effort to continuehavingphysicalsexual l8 relationswith him. l9 33. Plaintiffsexperienced greatemotionatdistressasa resultof McFarland,s 20 maliciousacts. 2l 34, Althoughtheyhavediscovered McFarland'slow-life legerdemain andhave 22 beguneffortsto rebuildtheir lives,to this dayJody,Derekandtheir family arestill undergoing 23 counselingandtherapyin an effort to recoverfrom this betrayal.Suchcounselingwill 24 probablycontinueindefinitely 25 35. As a resultof McFarland'smaliciousactsandrecklessbehavior,McFarland 26 placedDerek underenonnousstress,which causedDerek to developsevereanxiety and 27 chronictensionheadaches in additionto exacerbating a latentneurologicalconditionwhich his I doctorstell him he will strugglewith for the remainderof his life. The shessevencaused 2 Derekto call into questionwhosebabyJody was carrying,addingto the fact that the baby has 3 Down syndromeandhadothercritical ailmentsduringgestation,furthercausingDerekto 4 emotionallydetachfor a periodof time from the preciouschild his wife was carrying.Derek 5 exertedgreateffort to believethis developingchild to be his andto love him deeptyregardless 6 of the challengeshe knew would be thereafter the child was born. 7 36. AshtenCrawley,QlakeGallagherand Austin Gallagher,the minor children in E family, were shockedand severelytraumatizedby the breakup of their householdwhen the I 10 1l divorcewas filed and their fatherwas forced to move out. 37. Plaintiffshaveincurredand iontinue to incur muchexpensein lost work time, alternativehousingcosts,legalfees,medicalbills andpersonaland family counseling- all due t 2 to McFarland'sunconscionably gross,purposeful,ruli.iour, intentionalactsand l 3 misrepresentation. l4 38. Throughoutthe time of the abuse;the DefendantArizona District Council of the l 5 Assembliesof God (hereinafter"Assembliesof God") andDefendantRadiantChurch 1 6 Assemblyof God (hereinafter"RadiantChurch")hadnoticeof McFarland'smalicious t 7 characterfrom various'sources includinga commentabouthim to a newsbrticleregarding l8 RadiantChurchand reportsfrom staff at RadiantChurch.Afte.rdiscovering.theabuse,Derek. l 9 spokewith PastorMike Cool of theLife PointeChurchAssembliesof God in prescottValley. 20 2l 39- Defendant,SandraKay McFarlandknewabouther husband'sadulterous behaviorand his penchantfor pursuingvulrierablewomen congregantsof his flock, marriedor 22 unmarriedandwascomplicitin his behaviorby choosingto allow it to continue,knowing 23 otherwomenwould be harmedandvictimized. 24 2s 40. Assembliesof God exercisesand hasthe rightsto controlnademarks,signage, writtenmaterials,publicationsandselectionor retentionof pastorsfor RadiantChurch. 26 Assembliesof God receivesproceedsfrom RadiantChurchandpublishesguidelinesfor 27 operation. 1 ) 3 4 '5 6 7 8 9 l0' l.l r2 41.. Assembliesof God andRadiantChurchalsohavenoticeprior to the incident basedon McFarland'sstaff.assistants'previous attemptsto reachout to other.Assemblies of God pastorsregardingMcFarland's inappropriatebehavior. 42. McFarlandis or wasthe CEO,Presidentand thepublic facefor RadiantChurch. 43. RadiantChurchis a prominentmemberof the Assembliesof God.. 44' Assembliesof God and RadiantChurchrecognizeandendorseMcFarlandas a pastorfor Radiantchurch andthe Assembliesof God organization. 45' . Assembliesof God recognizesand endorses RadiantChurchasa membeichurch of its organizatior.. 46' Assembliesof God and RadiantChurchknew or reasonably shouldhave ' known ' that McFarlandengagesin counselingfor congregantsof Radiant church. 47' RadiantChurchandAssembliesof God knew of Lee McFarland,sphilandering l3 andpastoralabusebut choseto facilitatehis abuseby leaving him in his positionashead I 4 pastorof RadiantChurchwithout taking any correctiveor disciplinary actionbecauseof Lee l 5 McFarland'sremarkabtecharismaticability to bring in congregantsand substahtial financial l 6 contributions,and by so doing putting profit beforethe safetyandrights of their congregants. l7 IE qL.dIMS FOR RELIEF l9 20 48' 2l 49-' COUNT T: BREACH oF FIDUCIARY DUTY Plaintiffs incorporateby referenceall the allegaiionsaboveas if restaiedherein. DefendantMcFarlandwasactingasa counselorto plaintiffs betweenAugust 22 2010andJuly15,2}tt. ' 23 50' McFarland knewthatPlaintiffssoughtmaritalandpersonal counseling fromhim 24 shortlyfollowinga difificultandemotional traumaPlaintiffsandtheirfamilyhadexperienced 25 in Prescott. 26 27 5l ' McFarland knew that Jody was emotionally vulnerable when she met with him for counselingand as their remote counselingcontinued for nearly a full year. I 52. McFarlandknew that Derekrelied on him as a trustedpastorand confidantwhen 2 Derekmet with him for counselingandthereafterin their phoneandemailcounseling. 3 McFarlandalsoknew thatDerekwasemotionallyvulnerableandbrokehbecauseof Derek's 4 forthright and full descriptionof his marital concernsand his personaldistressarising therefrom. 6 53. McFarlandknew that the parishionersPlaintiff trustedhim and expectedfrom 7 him a duty of loyalty and duty to exercisehbnorable,profes5ionalskill andcare,including a 8 duty of confidentiality 9 l0 l1 54. McFarlandknew that Plaintiffs expectedhim to counselthem in a mannerthat would servePlaintifPsbestinterests. 55., McFarlandbreachedhis fiduciaryduty to Plaintiffswhenhe usedthe infiorrnation r2 he had obtainedfrom his counselingsessions with DerekandJodyto facilitatehis l3 manipulationof Jody into an extramaritalaffair with him. t4 56. McFarlandalsobreachedhis fiduciaryduty to Plaintiffswhenhe usedthe 1 5 informationhe had obtainedfrom his counselingsessionswith Derek to fabricatea story to t 6 Jodyand instilledin,herthat Derekwasdangerous, proneto violence,anda threatto her and l7 l8 her ch.ildren. 57. McFarlandalsobreachedhis fiduciaryduty to Plaintiffswhen,insteadof t 9 . counselingthemandassistingthem in resolvingtheir maritalandpersonalissues,he 2A maliciouslyusedthe informationobtainedfrom his individualcounselingsessions*ith them 2 T fabricatea web of lies designedto andsuccessfulin breakingtheir marriageapait. This, in 22 turn, causedprofoundemotionaltraumato their children,eachof whom were already 23 strugglingto recoverfrom their family's previoustrauma. Thesesuccessfulattemptsby 24 McFarlandto not only destroythe Gallagher'smarriage,but to crushanddissolvetheir entire 25 far4ily unit, seriouslycausedsetbacksin their recoveryand forcedinto them u *hol. n"* 26 world of deep, deep trauma and insecurities. 27 I 58. JodyandDerekwere alreadystrugglingto re-buildtrustin their childrenthat not 1 all pastorsareevil men.'Now, this may actuallyhavebecomeimpossible,sinceMcFarland's J actionwent againsteverythingJody andDerek havetaughttheir ehildrenand againstwhat they 4 haveformerly believed. Thp Gallagherfamily hasbeenso profoundly damagedat the J purposefulhandsof MoFarland,neitherJody,Derekor their,childrenwill everlikely developa 6 trustingrelationshipwith a spiritual leadernor enjoy the.benefitsof attendingchurchtogether 1 asa family astheyhadpreviouslyroutinelyenjoyed. 59. McFarlandalsobreachedhis fiduciaryduty to Plaintiffswhenhe, knowingthai I ' 9 Plaintiffs expectedtheir communication with him to be confrdential,betrayedthat trust and 1 0 breachedthe confidenceby'pretendingto providesincereandhonestpersonalcounseling 1 1 servicesto Derek in orderto obtain informationfrom him which McFarlandusedto fabricate t 2 the most effectivestoriesto feed into Jody's fearsand insecuritiesand inducedher into his. 13, manipulation.Furtheraddingto the breach,anotherfernalecongregantreachedout to Jody and l 4 Derek,repeatingconfidentialinformationregardingthe Gallagher'swhich McFarlandhad 1 5 sharedwith her. I6 ' 60. McFarlandis liableto Plaintiffs,in an amountto be setby thetrier of facts,but t 7 which shouldbe a substantialamount,no lessthana total sumof $6,650,000.00 18. 61. McFarland'sactionsarea clearexampleof an evil handguidedby an evil mind t 9 in its questto destroya marriage,in which the lives of multiple innocentchildren andan 20 innocentfamity unit was involved,andsatisS his own carnaldesires.For his breachof 2l fiduciaryduty to Plaintiffs,McFarlandshouldbe assessed exemplarydamagesin an amountto 22 be setby the trier of facts,but which shouldbe in an amountto discouragesuchoutraleous 23 behaviorby McFarlandand otherssimilarly situatedin the future,no lessthan a total sum of 24 $6,650,000.00. 25 26 27 COUNT II: 62. INTENTIONAL-INFLICTION OF EMOIIONAL DIsTRESs Plaintiffs incorporateby referenceall the allegationsaboveas if restatedherein. I 2 63. Plaintiffs,Jodyand Derek,andeachof their children,havebeenexposedto intenseemotionaldistressbecauseof the intentionalactsof DefendantMcFarland. McFarland 3 executedthis depravedfancywith the well plannedintentof assaulton eachmemberof thb 4 Gallagherhousehold,effectivelyexecutedwith well practiced,experienced precisionthat 5 resultedin the continuedemotionaltraumaleavingeachmemberof the Gallagherhouseholdin ,6 a endlessstateof chronictrepidationanduncertainty.McFarlandactedwith intentand malice 7 whenhe seducedJody,andactedreiklesslyin sendingher sexuallyexplicit messageand 8 emailsin the hopesof seducingher and destroyingher marriagewith Derek. 9 64'. McFarland'sconductwasextremeandoutrageous as he intentionallyisolated 1 0 Derek and Jody in orderto facilitateand carry out his plan to makeher ll further vulnerableby contaminatingher mind with groundlesslies aboutDerelg evenafter knowing that Jody had t 2 becomepregnant. t3 65' McFarland'sconductwasextremeandoutrageous ashe took advantageof Jody,s t 4 vulnerablestateof mind andbombardedher with a mix of pastoral adviceand perverted l 5 "spiritual" messageswith the intent to slowly deceiveJodythat was he her,.goodpastor,,who t 6 wasdeeplyin love with her,all for thepurposeof deceivingher into havesexwith him. t7 l8 19 66. Jodysufferedfrom severeemotionaldistressandhadto.undergo,and is still undergoing,extensiveandexpensivecounseling. 67. The minor childrenhavesufferedand continueto suffer severeemotional di 20 as the result of McFarland'sunconscionablebetrayaland the devastatingeffectson the family. 2l McFarlandknew therewere minor childrenwhoselives and securitieswould be destroyed,but 22 he continuedto pursuehis'sexualgratificationswith Jody in spiteof suchknowledge. 23 '24 68' Dereksufferedfrom severeemotionaldistressandhad to undergo,and is still undergoing,extensiveandexpensivecounseling.In addition,to the mentalandpsychotogical 25 damage,McFarland'sconductcausedDerekto losework becausehe has developedsevere 26 anxietyandchronictensionheadaches andexperienced the exacerbation of a latent 27 conditionwhich will affecthim for the restof his life. l2 I '2 3 69. McFarlandis liableto Plaintiff s for causingtheir severeemotionaldistressin an amountto be setby the trier of facts,no lessthana total sumof $6,650,000.00. 70- 'McFarland'sactionsarea clearexampleof an evil handguidedby an evil mind 4 in its questto deshoya marriage,in which the lives of multipleinnocentchildrenandan 5 innocentfamily unit was involved,andsatis& his own carnaldesires.For his breachof 6 fiduciaryduty causingintentionalemotionaldistressto Plaintiffs,McFarlandshouldbe 7 assessed exemplarydamagesin an amountto be set by the trier of facts,but which shouldbe in I an amountto discouragesuchoutrageousbehaviorby McFarlandand othErssimilarly situated 9 in the future,no lessthana total sum of $6,650,000.00. l0 CdUNTITI:-NEGLIGENTINFLIcTIoN oF EMoTIoNAL DIsTREss t1 7L. Plaintiffs incorporateby referenceatl the allegationsaboveas if restatedherein. t2 72. Plaintiffs, Jodyand Derek haveboth beenexposedto intenseemotionaldistress t 3 becauseof the negligenceof McFarland. t4 l5 l6 73. McFarlandknew that Jody was emotionallyand mentally fatiguedand wlnerable from the prior.eventsthat initialiy led her to seekhelp from him. 74. McFarlandknew or shouldreasonablyhaveknownthat his maliciousactswould t 7 posean unreasonable risk of distress. l8 75. JodyandDerekexperienced distressasa resultof McFarland'sactsthatcaused 1 9 suchemotionalandmentaltraumathat Jody andDerek had to g0 through andcontinueto go 20 throughlengthycounselingto begin to recover, 2l 76. JodyandDerekalsosufferedand developedgnxietyandchronictension 22 headachesas a resultof the intensedistress.As a result of the traumaexperiencedby Derek 23 his latentneurologicalconditionwasexacerbated which requireshim to takea regimentedhost 24 of pharmaceuticals that arehighlyrisky with putativeprofoundsideeffects. 25 77. McFarlandis liableto Plaintiffsfor causingtheir severeemotionaldistressin an 26 amountto be setby the trier of facts,but which shouldbe no lessthana sumof $6,650,000.00. 27 l3 I 78' McFarland'sactionsarea clearexampleof an evil handguidedby an 2 in its questto destroya marriageand loving 3 own carnaldesires' For his negligentinfliction 4 McFarlandshouldbe assessed exemplarydamagesin evil mind family unit for the solepu{poseand satis& his of seveieemotionaldistressto plaintiffs. an amountto be setbv the rtrier of facts, but which shouldbe in an amountto discourage suchoutrageousbehaviorby McFarlandand 5 otherssimilarlysituatedin thefuture,no ressthan a totarium of $6,650,000.00. 6 7 . 8 COUNT IV: ACTUAL FRAUD 79. Plaintiffs incorporateby referenceall the allegations aboveas if restatedherein. 9 80. McFarlandmadea representationto Jody that Derek was dangerous,violent and. 1 0 . posedgreatthreatto Jody and her children. 81' McFarlandmadetheseallegationsknowingthat theywereuntrueand completely t 2 fabricatedby him. .ll 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 82' Theseallegationswerematerialin distortingJody's impressionof Derekduring her vulnerablestate. ' 83' McFarlandclearlyintendedto distortDerek'simage andmisguideJodyso that he could.manipulateher. 84' Jody trustedMcFadandand believedhis lies to 1 8 becauseof his position as her long time pastor and l9 85' 86. 23 87' counseror. Jodyreasonablyand reliedon theseallegations as'beingtrue 20 divorceagainstDerek as aresult of theselies. 2l be true; her trust was reasonable and filed for . Both Jody and Derek and their childrensuffered emotionaldistressand financial . 2 2 loss from this fraud, 24 25 26 27 McFarlandis liableto Plaintiffsfor the 6motional distressand financialloss. McFarlandis liable to Plaintiffs, in an amount to be setby the trier of facts,but which should be a substantialamount,no lessthana totar sumof $6,650,000.00. 88' For his fraudulentactionto Plaintiffs, McFarland shouldbe assessed exemplary damages'His actionsarea clearexample of an evil handguidedby an evil mind in its quest to I destroya marriageand satisfr his own carnaldesires. For his intentionallyfraudulent 2 representations anddeceptionMcFarlandshouldbe assessed exemplarydamagesin an amount 5 to be set by the trier of facts,but which shouldbe in an amountto discouragesuch outrageous 4 behaviorby McFarlandandotherssimilarly situatedin the future,no lessthan a total sum of ) $6,650,000.00. . 6 COUNTV: CONSTRUCTM FRAUD 7 89' 8 90. 9 l0 Plaintiffs'incorporate by referenceall the allegationsaboveas if restatedherein. McFarlandowesa fiduciary duty to Jody andDerek as their pastorand counselor.He hasa duty of loyalty andconfrdentiality, which he breacheddishbnestlyand camally. ll 91. McFarland'sbehaviorviolatesthattrustandduty; and'asa pastor,his actions t 2 violate the confidencethat Jody andDerek, aswell as mernbersof the public, would expect 1 3 from him. L4 92: McFarland'sactionnot only broughtJodyandDerekpersonal'injury,it also t 5 injuredthepublic's view andimageof onein a positionof minister,.pastoror religiousleader. T6 t7 l8 93. JodyandDerekwerejustified in relyingon McFarlandto be honestandtruthful. as suchreliancehasbeenlong establishedin the heartsof the public throughhisiory and ' societalexpectations. l9 94. Thus,by breachingthis confidenceandduty, McFarlandhdscommitted 20 constructivefraud on Jody and Derek 2I 95.' Both Jody andDerek sufferedemotionaldistressand financial loss from this 22 fraud. 23 , .96. McFarlandis liableto Plaintiffsfor the emotionaldistreisandfinancialloss. 24 McFarlandis liable to Plaintiffs, in an amountto be set by the trier of facts,but which should 25 be a substantialamount,no lessthana total sumof $6,6s0,000.00 26 97- His fraudulentactionsarea clearexampleof an evit handguidedby an evil 27 in its questto destroya maniageandsatis$ his own camaldesires. For his fraudulent mind action l5 I to Plaintiffs,McFarlandshouldbe assessed exemplarydamagesin an amountto be setby the 2 trier of facts,but which shouldbe in an amountsufficient to discouragesuchourrageous J behaviorby McFarlandandotherssimilarly situatedin the future,no lessthana total sum of 4 $6,650,000.00. 5 COUNT VI: LOSS OF CONSORTIUM 6 98. 7 99. 8 '9 l0 1l l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 Plaintiffsincorporateby referenceall the allegationsaboveas if restatedherein. Plaintiffswerecounseledby McFarland 100. McFarlandwas in a fiduciarypositionof trustandconfidencewith plaintiffs. 101; McFarlandbreachedthis duty of trustandconfidencein counselingJody to take herselfand her childrenaway from Derek. 102. JodyandDereksuffereda lossof consortiumwhenJodytook McFarland's adviceand kept Derek out of the houseand frled for divorce. 103. In addition,McFarland'ssexualmisconductwith Jodythroughhis cunning deceptioncausedfurtherinjury to JodyandDerek'scordialand intimaterelationship. 104. As a resultof this injury, the couplehavebeenandstill areattendingmarriage counseling,andarestill strugglingto recoverandrebuildtheir onceloving dndtrusting T 7 relationship. IE l9 20 2l 22 105. The marital relationshipwas harmedenoughto warrantrecoveryfor loss of consortium 106. McFarlandis liable to Plaintiffs for causingthis greatloss in an amountto be set by the trier of facts,no lessthana total sum of $6,650,000.00 107. McFarland'.sactionsare a clear exampleof an evil handguidedby an evil mind 23 in its questto destroya marriage,in which the lives of multiple innocentchildren andan 24 innocentfamily unit was involved, andsatis8 his own carnaldesires.For his breachof 25 fiduciaryduty to Plaintiffs,McFarlandrt oula be assessed exemplarydamagesin an amountto 26 be setby the trier of facts,but which shouldbe in an amountto discouragesuchoutrageous 27 r6 I behaviorby McFarlandandotherssimilarlysituatedin the future,no lessthan a'total sum of 2 $6,650,000.00. 3 4 ) . couNT vII: J0INT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY (A.R.s. t2-2506) 108. Ptaintiffs incorporate.byreferenceall the altegationsaboveas if restated herein. 109. McFarlandwasat all timespertinentheretothe Presidentand CEO of Defendant 6 RadiantChurch,and a public faceof the RadiantChurch; 7 I l0' RadiantChurchandAssembliesof God haveconfenedapparentlyauthority . on Lee McFarlandto presenthimselfastheir authorizedagentby placing him in the pos.itionof leadpastorof bneof the majorchurchescarryingthe Assembliesof God nameandtradename, I 9 l0 trademark,or servicemark. They havepublishedhis articlesin their publications and il encouraged his continuin! serviceasheadpastorandtheir public face. t2 I I l. McFarlandis an agentfor DdfendantsRadiantChurchandAssembliesof God. 13. ll2'. RadiantChurchis the one of the largestand fastestgrowing congregationwithin l 4 ihe Assembtiesof God organizationin the United States.It hasdeeppublic associationwith 1 5 . the Assembliesof God organization. l6 t7 IE l9 113. The Assembliesof God organizationendorsesandrecognizes RadiantChurch and its pitstorsasmembersof its organization. ll4. It is clearthatthe public viewsMcFarlandasa representative and agentto the Assembliesof God organizationandthe RadiantChurch;it is alsoclearthat the Assembliesof 20 God endorsesMcFarlandas its agentwhen it acceptedRadiantChurchas a member-church 2l 22 and McFarlandas its pastor. 115. It is alsoclearthat McFarlandcouldnot havebeenableto causeharm to 23 Plaintiffsif it werenot for his positionasPastorfor RadiantChurchandtho Assemblies of 24 God,andthe existenceof this agencyrelationenablinghim to causesuchharm to 25 suchreliancefrom Plaintiff. 26 27 t7 andinduce .1 116: Thus,Defendants RadiantChurchitself is jointly andseverallyliable,andthe 2 3 Assembliesof God isjointly andseverallyliable underA.R.S. l2-2s06 for any damagesand injuriescausedby McFarland. 4 COUNT VIII: NEGLIGENT SUPERVISTON 5 ll7. Plaintiffsincorporateby referenceall the allegationsaboveas if restatedherein. I 18. Defendants RadiantChurchandAssembliesof God hadprior knowledgeof 6 7 McFarland'sinappropriate behaviors. 8 9 I19. Staffmembersof RadiantChurch:hadtold otherAssembliesof God pastors regardingMcFarland'sinappropriatebehaviorslong prior to his chicanery and debauchery l0 with Plaintiffs. l1 t20. Defendants RadiantChurchandAssembliesof God failedto investigateand interferewith McFarland'sperverseandharmfulconduct. t2 l3 l2I. As a resultof the failureto overseeandpreventsuchpredatorybehavior, T 4 DefendantsRadiantChurchandAssembliesof God allowedand facilitatedMcFarland,s . t 5 opportunityto contactandinjure Jody and Derek andtheir children. 16 122. Defenrlants RadiantChurchandAssembliesof God are liableto plaintiffs for t 7 failing to superviseMcFarlandand ultirnatelycausingtheir.severeemotionaldistressin an 1 8 amountto be setby the trier of facts,no lessthana total.sumof $6,650,000.00. l9 ' 123. For their failureto supervise, DefendantsRadiantChurchandAssembliesof God 20 shouldbe assessed exemplarydamagesin an amountto be setby the trier of facts, 2l but which shouldbe in an amountto discouragesuchoutrageousbehaviorby RadiantChurch and 22 Assembliesof Godandotherssimilarlysituatedin the future,no lessthan total a sumof 2 3 . $6,550,000.00. 24 25 26 ' couNT IX: INTENTIONALFA,TLURE To supERvIsE 124' Plaintiffsincorporateby referenceall the allegationsaboveas if restatedherein. 125' DefendantsRadiantChurchand Assembliesof God havethe duty to supervise 27 PastorLee (McFarland). IE I ' 126' DefendantsRadiantchurch and Assembliesof God knew of McFartand,s 2 perverseandharmful behavior'They knew of McFarland'sbizarreactions,includingriding to 3 churchon his Harley,preachingin fadedbluejeans, pubricrygiving intimatehugsto attracfive 4 femalecongregants,and preachingin an overtly charismaticfashionin order to enticegreater 5 attendancein orderto increasecontributions. 6 127 ' staff members of RadiantchurchhadtoldotherAssemblies of Godpastors 7 regardingMcFarrand's inappropriate behaviorslongprior to theincident. 8 128' Defendants RadiantchurchandAssemblies of Godknewor reasonably should 9 haveknownthatthetypeof harmsufferedby Plaintiffswascertainor substantially certainto l 0 resultfromMcFarland'spervenieandharmfur behavior. ll 129' DefendantsRadiantchurch t 2 and ignoredprior noticesbf suchrisk. l3 I4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 andAssembliesof God disregardedthis known risk 130' DefendantsRadiantchurch andAssemblies of God's consciousandpurposeful inactioncauseddamagesandharmsuffered by Plaintiffsas it allbwedand facilitated McFarland'sschemeand opportunityto contact and injure Jody and Derek and their children. 13l' DefendantsRadiantchurch andAssemblies of God are liableto plaintiffs for failing to superviseMcFarlandand ultimately causingtheir severeemotionaldistressin an amountto be setby the trier of facts,no less thana total sumof $6,650,000.00. 132' For their failureto supervise,Defendants Raoiantchurch andAssembliesof God shouldbe issessedexemplarydamagesin an amountto be setby the trier of facts,but which shouldbe in an amountto discouragesuch outrageous behaviorby Radiantchurch and Assembliesof God and otherssimilarly situated in the future,no lessthana total sum of 23 $6,65o,ooo.oo. 24 25 26 27 couNT x: EsroppEL/osrENsIBLE AcENcy/vIcARIous LIABILITY/APPARENTAUTHORITY 133' Plaintiffsincorporate by reference all theallegations aboveasif restated hereih. 134. RadiantChurch; I I a) 2 SponsoredpastorLee McFarland as its leadpastor; b) PaidPastorMcFarland; 3 c) AdvertisedpastorMcFarrand's sundayand other servicetimes and subjects; d) PublishedpastorMcFarrand's articres,seffnonsandcomments on its website; 4 ) 6 7 e) E D 9 l0 il personality; t2 g chbse the time for pastorMcFarrand,s sunday and weekday appearances; h) Constructedfacilities to accommodatepastor McFarland,s followers; D Providedstaf{ ushersand collateral servicesto supportpastor McFarland. l3 14 l5 l6 HeldPastorMcFarrand out to thepubricasits officiarspokesman; capitalized onpastorMcFarrand's personar procrivities suchas ridinga HarleyDavidsonmotorcycre andpresenting himserfin brue jeansin orderto attract congregants whorelated.tosucha I7 l8 l9 2A 135. Assembties of God: a) 2l 22 b) 23 c) 24 25 d) 26 'e) 27 AuthorizedRadiantchurch to usethe nameand trademark. tradenameor servicemark of Assembliesof God: Exercisedcontrorover the generar natureof meetingsand services; Held controloverwhethe;Radiant church courdutilize or continue to utilize a particularpastor; Exerciseddisciplinarypower over pastorsoconduct; Publishedmaterialsfor guidance of congregations usingits name and trademark,tradenameor servicemark; 20 t D Encouraged RadiantChurchto continueusingpastorMcFarland 2 despiteknowledgeof his predatorypracticeregarding women 3 congregants becauseof his charismaticability to bring in followers 4 andmoney; 5 6 136' Radiantchurch andAssembliesof God areliable plaintiffs to underthe doctrine of apparentauthority,vicariousliibility and ostensible agency,eachof which is a counterpart 7 of the other' Radiantchurch andAssemblesof God are estoppedto deny their position as I "principal" liable for the actionsof their "agent" Pastor McFarlandfor the samereasonsas 9 thosesupportingtheir liability asostensible/apparent principalsandpastorMcFarlandas l 0 ostensible/apparent agent. ll t2 l3 137' RadiantChurchandAssembliesof God are liable for all actionsanddamages causedby PastorMirarlano asheretoforeallegedfor damagesnot lessthan $6,650,000. 138' McFarland'sactionsarea clearexampleof anevil handguidedby an evil mind T 4 in its questto destroya marriage,in which the lives of multiple innocentchildrenand an 1 5 innocentfamily unit was involved,andsatisryhis own camal desires.For his breachof 1 6 fiduciaryduty to Plaintiffs,McFarland, \adiant church andAssembliesof God shouldbe t 7 assessed exemplarydamagesin an amountto be set by the trier I E an amountto discouragesuchoutrageousbehaviorby of facts,but which shouldbe in McFarlandand otherssimilarly situated 1 9 in the futuie,no lessthana total sumof $6,650,000.00. 20 WHEREFORE,Plainiiffs respectfullydemandjudgment againstDefendantsas follows: 2l l' For breachof fiduciary duty in an amountto be found by the trier of facts,but no 22 lessthanthe sumof $6,650,000.00. 23 2' For IntentionalInfliction of EmotionalDistressin an 24 trier of facts,no lessthana the sumof $6,650,000.00. 25 3' For NegligentInfliction of EmotionalDistressin an 26 trier of.facts,no lessthan'thesumof $6,650,000.00. 27 zl amountto be found bv the amountto be foundby the ) .!. I 2 4' 4 5 6 7 of facts,no lessthanthe sumof $6,650,000.00 5' .3 For Actual Fraudin an amountto be foundby the trier For constructiveFraudin an amountto be foundby the trier of facts,no less thesumof $6,650,000.00. 6'. For Loss of Consortiumin an amountto be foundby the trier of facts,no less thanthe sum of g6,650,000:00 7' For Jointand SeveralLiability of any damagesandinjuries cairsedby 8 McFarland 9 l0 n r2 t3 l4 l5 8' For NegligentSupervisionin an amountfo be found by the trier of facts,no less thanthg sumof 96,650,000.00. 9' For IntentionalFailureto supervisein an amountto be foundby the trier of facts, no lessthanthe sumof $6,650,000.00 l0' For punitivedamagesin an amountto be setby the trier of fact in an amount calculatedto detersuchoutrageousbehaviorin the future, no lessthan the sum of $6,650,000.00. l6 I l' t8 12. For costsand feesincurredherein. t9 13' For suchotherand furtherrelief asis availableunderthe For vicariousliability in an amountto be found by the trier of fact, but not less T 7 than$6,650,000.00. facts. 20 2l Datedthis dayof September ,2012, 22 23 GILLESPIESHIELDS.&DURRANT. 24 Bv D"an Attorneysfor Plaintiffs 25 26 27