Services - Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group
Services - Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group
MAY 17, 2007 719 329.5236 31 E. Platte, Top Floor Monday through Friday, 8:30-5 Reach over 70,000 readers! Deadline: Noon Tuesday! Rates vary, call for details. Prepayment is required. 3 line minimum. Please check your ad the first week of publication and call by noon the following Tuesday with chanegs or corrections. This paper is not liable for errors after the first publication of an ad. Colorado Publishing Company is not liable for the content of advertisements. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968. We do not endorse any product or service and we reserve the right to refuse any advertising we deem inappropriate. 3 Lines FREE for active-duty, retired military, and their dependents as well as civil service employees. 3 Ways to place your ad! Online at Call (719) 329-5236 or fax this form to (719) 329-5237 Name____________________________________ Address _________________________________________ Category: __________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Zip ____________________________________________ Grade ____________________ Unit ____________ Signature ________________________________________ My signature certifies that this advertisement is for the purpose of selling my personal property as a convenience to me or my dependents. It is not part of a business enterprise, nor does it benefit anyone involved in a business enterprise. Any real estate advertised is made available without regard to race, color, religious origin or sex of any individual. Free ads in accordance with military regulations must be non-commercial and for personal property offered by local base or unit personnel without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or religious origin. FREE ADS are limited to one ad per household at 3 lines max. The editor and publisher reserve the right to edit ads, and/or not publish ads. NO DUTY PHONE NUMBERS WILL BE PRINTED. DEADLINE: Noon Tuesday EDUCATION HAULING THIS AIN’T NO BULL! LOW COST COMMERCIAL TAX VALUATION TOO HIGH? I CAN HELP! DIVORCE BANKRUPTCY Roosevelt Edison (grades K-5) 205 Byron Dr. Colorado Springs Emerson Edison (grades 6-8) 4220 E. Pikes Peak Colorado Springs Enroll for the 2007-08 school year. Tuition-free schools that offer: • Full Day Kindergarten. • Music, Art, Physical Education, Spanish, Technology. • Extra- Curricular Sports (Middle School) • English as a Second Language (ESL) • Free Tutoring • Rich and challenging curriculum • Highly qualified staff that cares • Longer school day and school year • Uniforms required for all students Roosevelt Edison Charter School 719-637-0311 Emerson Edison Academy 719-570-7822 FREE HAULING of unwanted appliances & metal. Fountain, Security & Ft. Carson areas. Please Call 460-1279 I’ve been doing successful tax appeals since 1991! You benefit twice. Save tax dollars. Increase your building’s value. Call Bob Hoff @ 719-630-2277 APPLE 2 bedrooms: $100 3 bedrooms: $130 4 bedrooms: $160 CARPET CLEANING (Extra charge for stairs) ALL STAINS FREE For Military whether you are on or off Base. Pet Treatment Available. Services DIVORCE Priced for Our Service Men and Women Call Now 233-3641 or 632-2382 AUTO SERVICES Turn Prospects Into Customers With Contact Management System Call 538-6015 or visit our website for information and training schedule TRAINING • CONSULTING • CUSTOMIZATION MILITARY DISCOUNTS AMERICAN ENGINE INSTALLATIONS 391-0444 GENERAL REPAIR ENGINE REPLACEMENT IMPORT OR DOMESTICS 1504 S. Corona A & P Automotive - All your automotive needs! MILITARY DISCOUNTS! On B-street behind Subway, Yellow Building, Est.1976, 576-0283 BUSINESS SERVICES Another Look Home Inspection ITA/NACHI certified, Military Discounts.Call 719-963-1894 after 4pm. Join us on Thursday June 7th 6pm-8pm “Learn how to get on top of Google” To register call 719-302-3194 CHILDCARE 24 hour Childcare close to Shriever in the Falcon/Peyton area. Call 719-502-9686 for an appointment. NEWLY Remodeled Child Care Ctr. Close to PAFB & Ft. Carson. 12mos 12yrs, Military Discount. Certified Staff at 719-392-1290 $50-$350 Fast & Easy! Same Day Svs. Avail. 21 yrs. exp. Payment Plans. PARK PARALEGAL 608 S. Nevada. 632-1985 Ft. Carson Soldiers: ACAP ASAP Call 526-1002 Need some Power behind your advertising message? Call: (719) 329-5236 Colorado Power Classifieds The Daily Transcript can publish your Notices of Guardianship (precurser notice to adoption) For more info call 634-1048 MAY 17, 2007 $AVE from 25% - 80% PREMIERE MEDICAL AND DENTAL PLANS $59.95/$11.95 Windjammer 22nd Annual Garage Sale Saturday, May 19th 8am-3pm. (The Mother of All Garage Sales) Over 75 homes between Lexington and Union. South of Research Park Way. Don’t Miss This One!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAY SPECIAL, ONLY: 1ST MONTH “FREE” WITH PURCHASE OF DENTAL FAMILY PLAN Test Drive for 30 Days EDUCATION HEALTH SERVICES HIGH VALUE/INSTANT SAVINGS! • Great for children that have aged-out of parent’s med plan. • Very Affordable For Retirees • Accepted in 48 States • Low Cost Employee Retention Aid • Group Enrollment Accepted. • 100% Satisfaction GUARANTEED! call for info: 719.574.0839 Discounts Are NOT Insurance HOUSE CLEANING Christian lady offering weekly or bi-weekly housecleaning. Retired military. Call Shirley, 637-2938 Hair Stylist Needed for our Ft. Carson Salons. Licensed in any of the 50 States. Immediate openings, call 303-518-4383 or fax resume 866-377-8533 Wanted: Part-time nanny for 5 & 2 yr old on USAFA. 4 hours/day M-F, daytime. Call 472-9810. SCHOOLS GENERAL A new career is just around the corner. Get the career training you need. IntelliTec Medical Institute Call today! 1-800-510-0514 Financial Aid is available for those who qualify. Day and evening classes. Programs approved for veterans. Accredited Member, ABHES CONSTRUCTION HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING 800-257-8750 PLAN B CLEANING SERVICE DRIVERS Rochelle Miller Home Interior Representative. If you need candles, pictures, est. Call 559-7890 or 433-2390 LEGAL SERVICES DIVORCES-$150-$175. Bankruptcy 7 $275. I have all forms/delivery. Available 7 days week. Mary’s Typing Service. Credit Cards Accepted. Call 392-9624 PAINTING AND PAPERING INTERIORS BY CHRISTIAN Professional Wallpapering/Removal, Painting, & Faux. Call 684-2061 PET SERVICES Farrier Services Quality Respectful Service One Horse at a Time 1-719-406-2478 Let your pets stay at home while you travel. Bonded/retired AF house sitter. Long/short term. Please Call 229-0400 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care needs volunteers who will support patients and families in their homes in the Widefield/Security/Fountain area. We have many veterans who live in this area and need help during this difficult time of their lives. Training is provided. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Volunteer Services at 633-3400 ext. 600 or e-mail Sally Archuleta at CHURCH DIRECTORY New Horizons Lutheran Church,ELCA Grace-filled Worship Banning Lewis Ranch Academy 5605 N Marksheffel Rd Worship Service 10:00am Sunday School 9:00am Pastor Tim Singleton 719-495-0706 PERSONALS Wanted: Families to host Korean students. Receive generous room & board stipend. Enjoy cultural exchange! Call Sandy 719-531-6464 GARAGE SALES 4406J Bighorn Dr., USAFA baby clothes/items,appliances, furniture, & more 8am-??? Employment Associated Training Services Denver, CO INTERIOR DECORATING ACCOUNTING FINANCE CONTROLLER For the USAF Academy Association of Graduates. Provide leadership and coordination of company financial reporting, budget preparation and management. Oversee the system of internal accounting controls. Must have a thorough knowledge of GAAP, finance, accounting, budgeting, cost control principles and understand automated financial and accounting reporting systems, preferably Financial Edge; knowledge of statutory reporting requirements; demonstrated ability to analyze financial data and prepare financial reports, statements and projections; short and long term budgeting, forecasting and analytical superiority. Successful candidate will possess professional, effective written and verbal communications skills; proven time management skills and ability to capably multi-task; Bachelors Degree in Accounting/Finance, 2+ years of public accounting experience - preferably with a not-for profit emphasis-are required and a CPA is desired. Background check required. Great Benefit Package. Salary DOE. No phone calls please, email your resume, cover letter and salary requirements to through 5/20/07. EOE BEAUTY & FITNESS BOOT CAMP INSTRUCTOR Genesis Fitness, the premier fitness boot camp provider in Colorado, is looking for fitness instructors with a military background to teach civilian fitness boot camps in the south Denver area. Previous PT leadership experience a must. NCO or officer experience preferred. We are looking for fit, enthusiastic, and team oriented individuals. 303-837-1234 HUGE SALE. Sat, May 19, 8a-11a. 7610 Julynn Rd. (80919). Clothes, kids/baby items & misc. Moving Sale 5/25-5/26 7:30-2 furn, elect, toys, clothes etc. 12146 Mt Baldy Dr off Voyager MOVING SALE! 7am - ??? May 19 All items must go .... 9341 Pony Gulch Way 80925 Moving Sale! Misc hshd items, furn, kids items. May 19 8-2 2650 Frazier Ln 80922 Yard Sale, Sat. May 19. 8:00 a.m. 53 Hourglass Drive, Lwr Ute Hill, Ft. Carson. For more info, visit our website Dental Assistant PROGRAM INCLUDES: Ý%HFRPLQJFHUWLßHGLQGHQWDO radiology (CO) • Training on digital X-ray systems • Hands-on training in dental materials, chairside and infection control Driver CDL Training: $0 Down/No Worry Financing! Experienced or Not - Career you Deserve is @ Central Refrigerated 800-521-9277 EDUCATION Instructors Needed Retiring? Looking for a new career? New Horizons is looking for you! Teach the latest technologies & be part of a cutting-edge team. We’ll teach you to train! Email resume to Melissa @ KINDERCARE LEARNING CENTERS Accredited Member, ABHES Call Today! 1-800-510-0514 2345 North Academy Blvd. • Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Day and evening classes • Financial Aid is available for those who qualify Approved by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (ADA) • Program Approved for Veterans are currently hiring for the following locations: Monument, Northgate, Cheyenne Meadows & Briargate. We have the following positions available: • Infant Supervisors •Qualified Group Leaders with documentation •Cooks •Bus Drivers •Assistant Directors Please apply in person: 1004 Middle Creek Pkwy or fax resume attn Kelley to: 719-487-3095 GENERAL Attention: College Students! Ext. house painting. $2500-$4000/Summers after taxes. Apply online at Wanted experienced Program Manager and Postal Support personnel for Government Postal and Communications facilities. Program Manager must have central post office experience and strong Program Management experience with government contracts. Support personnel must have experience in central postal facilities. Secret or above security clearance is a plus. Please email resumes to Worship Leader Worship Leader needed for contemporary worship service. Must be vibrant, familiar with modern worship music & able to lead worship with a band or solo. This is an amazing opportunity & unique for the Colorado Spring area. For more information about this part time position call Patrick at 650-6249 BIG SALE! Everything must go! Furn., clothes, books & misc. May 18-19, 8a-5p. 1643 S. Canoe Creek Dr. (80906) Garage/Moving Sale. Huge 4 Family. May 18-20, 8a-5p. Tools, furn, appls, lawn & more. 4282 Brush Ridge Dr. Receive the skills necessary for a rewarding career in a profession that’s perfect for you. CHILDCARE Magic Touch Prof. Cleaning Service Clean weekly, biweekly, monthly, move in’s & move out’s. Free estimates. 596-6059 or 641-3345 For a Clean Home or Business, Choose “PLAN B”...IT’S A GUARANTEE! We are Insured and Experienced and We Would Love to Talk to You. Give Us A Call! 719-219-9723. www.planbcleaning Military Disc. & Move-Out Specials. FOCUS. TRAIN. BUILD YOUR FUTURE! Registered Nurses – ED & ICU Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, currently has ED & ICU opportunities for RNs. Practice your profession in a world-renowned medical center where nursing practice is closely integrated with advanced education and research programs. Apply at Phone: 800-562-7984 Email: Mayo Clinic is an affirmative action and equal opportunity educator and employer. Post-offer/pre-employment drug screening is required. 1045 West 6th Street • Pueblo, CO 81003 Do you need a prescription for a new career? Are you a compassionate and caring person that enjoys helping people and wants a rewarding job? If so, then check out Express Scripts! • Now hiring for Patient Care Advocates • Paid Training &RPSHWLWLYH6DODU\%HQH¿WV • Beautiful work environment • 24-hour/7 day a week, Patient Contact Center • No Sales, No Telemarketing Apply online at: **Possible side effects: May give you a successful and rewarding career with a Fortune 200 Company! MAY 17, 2007 Need a better balance between your professional pursuits, and the quality of life you desire? Come join our team at the Colorado Department of Corrections where quality of care and quality of life are truly enjoyed! Current opportunities for Primary Care Physicians, Internists, Nurse Practitioners, Certified Physician Assistant’s, and Dentists are available throughout Colorado with these quality benefits: PHYSICIAN II: - No hospital privileges necessary - Minimal call schedule - B/C or B/E - Competitive salary and benefits. MID-LEVEL PROVIDERS: (Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistant’s) - Generous on-call pay depending on job location - Rare weekend shifts - Competitive salary and benefits. DENTIST: - Part-time and Full-time positions - Excellent employee benefits - Competitive Salary For more information, call Anna Marie Campbell, 719-2264536; e-mail her at, or check the web at The State of Colorado is an equal opportunity employer. HEALTHCARE PUEBLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE Dental Hygiene/Dental Assisting Supervising Dentist - Full-time position responsible for providing direct supervision in clinical sessions and consulting on patient treatment care. Complete vacancy announcement and PCC application can be accessed at: employment/. Submit PCC application, resume, unofficial transcripts, and letter expressing interest and addressing listed qualifications to: Human Resources, Pueblo Community College, 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004. Telephone (719)549-3220, FAX (719)549-3127. AN EEO/AA EMPLOYER HUMAN SERVICES FOSTER PARENTS for children 0-18. All medical & other expenses paid + tax-free stipend (ranging from $200 to $1500/mo.) Maplestar, 271-9644 INSTITUTIONAL FOOD STEWARDS The Denver Sheriff Department is seeking candidates for the position of Institutional Food Stewards at the County Jail and Pre Arraignment Detention Facility in Denver. The salary range is $30,432.00 - $44,424.00 annually. This position leads and trains inmate helpers in high-volume food preparation & food service work including proper sanitary procedures & food preparation security. For more information, please visit our website at JANITORIAL Part Time Janitors wanted evenings 15-20 hours per week. 719-532-1129 Please Recycle Healthcare REAL ESTATE EMPLOYMENT EMBEDDED REALTORS NEEDED at Fort Carson & the area Air Force Bases to service our very deserving military family customers. A great income & service opportunity for licensed active & retired military and spouses. Bilingual agents a plus! Contact Glenda Miller at 548-0400 or 459-1540 or Email: RETAIL Part-time Merchandiser Needed American Greetings is seeking PT merchandisers to service greeting card departments in local area stores. Previous retail experience is helpful, but not required. Training is provided, flexible hours. Approximately 4 - 10 hours per week to start with additional hours available after training. $7.15/hr./DOE. Call 1-800-543-4110 and reference territory #2823 or Email: SALES / MARKETING Advertising Sales Executive El Paso, Teller Counties. Base plus commissions, benefits, paid training. $45,000-$95,000 first year. Fax resume: 266-6222 or email: The Daily Transcript can publish your Notices of Guardianship (precurser notice to adoption) Ft. Carson Soldiers: ACAP ASAP Call 526-1002 For more info call 634-1048 Seeking Medical Professionals with Orthopedic/Sports Medicine Experience Take Your Career The Right Way to OrthoRx OrthoRx, Inc. is actively looking for highly motivated medical professionals with an orthopedic / sports medicine background to work in a fast-paced clinical environment, able to multi-task, exceptional customer services skills, excellent verbal and communication skills, and knowledge of durable medical equipment preferred. TriWest Healthcare Alliance manages and administers quality healthcare services for our nation's active and retired uniformed military service members and their families, through a contract with the Department of Defense. We currently have the following opportunity available at our Colorado Springs location: CLASSIFIED ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Colorado Publishing Company, publisher of the Colorado Springs Business Journal, The Ft. Carson Mountaineer, The Peterson Space Guardian, The Schriever Satellite Flyer and The USAFA Academy Spirit is looking for someone with sales experience to help grow our classified advertising section. Perfect for an independent, self-starter that isn’t afraid to make cold calls. Newspaper sales experience helpful, but not required. The winning candidate will thrive in a deadline driven, fast-paced, fun environment. CPC is a division of Dolan Media, one of the fastest growing communications companies in the nation. Competitive pay (Base + commission), 401K, health, vacation, etc. Background check required. EOE. Send resume to: or fax to (719) 329-5237 SELF EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS OPP GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY! USA/Austraila. Summer ‘07. Eager Market. 400% annual growth. 719-495-1869 SECONDARY STREAM OF INCOME If we could show you a business that made TOTAL sense and had: NO investment to speak of; NO risk; NO selling of products; NO running around trying to sell products to your friends; NO multi-level marketing schemes, and you could add an extra $20k-$30k to your income this year, Would you spend some more time with us to get the details? If you are a motivated, self-starting individual with an entrepreneurial spirit, go to our website, fill out the contact page and we will contact you about an appointment. XANGO Health • Wealth • Freedom Requires an unrestricted CO-licensed RN with a minimum of 3 years of clinical experience. Managed Care experience is preferred, but we will train candidates with strong clinical, computer and telephonic skills. If your qualifications meet our minimum requirements, please submit your resume at: or email your resume directly to: To see a list of our outstanding benefits, please visit our website at: We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants must be able to pass a drug test and a DoD-mandated background investigation. INVESTMENTS MEMORIAL WEEKEND Hotel-Bed And Breakfast Cripple Creek Area FOR SALE-LEASE TO OWN FOR MORE INFO WWW.VICTORMALLHOTEL.COM BUSINESS FOR SALE MUSIC BOX STORE Excellent location in Old Colo. City. Real estate can be included with sale of business. Health problems. RE Broker, 290-7745 or 471-2726 MERCHANDISE APPLIANCES Couch and oversized chair $150; Whirlpool side-by-side refrigerator, $600 719-325-9890 GAS DRYER. Estate by Whirlpool. 3 yrs old. Works great! Asking $100obo. Call 632-0255 GE 21.7cu ft refrigerator white excellent cond $200. GE W&D $150 obo 322-4327 or 382-0644 GOOD PRICES GOOD SERVICE GOOD PEOPLE SINCE 1970 Ft. Carson Soldiers: ACAP ASAP Call 526-1002 Quality, reconditioned stoves, refrigerators, washers & dryers. *Up to 2 year warranty *Whirlpool - GE - Kenmore *Visa, MC, checks welcomed *Professional Delivery Team Choose from over 150 at our clean, spacious showroom. 2200 East Platte Ave., 442-2233 ite GE Electric Stove, exc cond, $175.00 OBO. Dimenisons 29 3/4” x 25” w/handle 27”. 596-2382 KENMORE 14.1CF Upright Freezer, flash defrost, exc cond. With 4½ yrs warr on comp. $150 firm. 360-0065 Need some Power behind your advertising message? Call: (719) 329-5236 Colorado Power Classifieds Utilization Management Specialist – RN You will be responsible for conducting utilization review and focused studies for in/outpatient settings in the civilian and direct care systems. Additional activities include coordinating discharge planning and identifying needs for potential case management. BUSINESS/FINANCIAL DUPREE USED APPLIANCES We offer an exciting career path and competitive salary and benefits package. For more information, contact: Kristina Heifferon, OrthoRx Inc. Phone: 1-800-641-4033 Fax: 419-878-3799 Classifieds Quality of Life ~ Quality of Care in COLORADO REFRIGERATOR, brand new Kenmore, Top mount w/icemaker, stainless steel, 1 yr old, $400obo. Call 559-9930 Whirlpool 25cu ft side/side Black fridge, blt 6/06, exc cond. 641-8748 ANTIQUES/COLL antiques @ the aud “antique show & sale” Old Historic City Auditorium 221 E. Kiowa (downtown Co. Spgs.) June 2-3 Saturday, 9a-5p & Sunday, 10a-4p $3 admission, Jewelry Appraiser & Glass Grinder Info: Jo Peterson 719*596-8839 FOCUS. TRAIN. BUILD YOUR FUTURE! This is my Dream Buffalo Soldiers orig s/n le print “Tracking Victorio” by Don Stivers. 719-282-9327 BABY CHILDREN’S ITEMS OFFERING PROGRAMS IN: • Dental Assistant • Expanded Duty Dental Assistant • Massage Therapist • Medical Administrative Assistant • Medical Assistant • Medical Laboratory Technician Call Today! 1-800-510-0514 4 highchairs $10-25, Graco Blue DuoGlider Double Stroller $35 Call (719) 287-6670 7 in 1 Game Table. Brand New In box. $70 OBO. Call 219-9638 Accredited Member, ABHES 2345 North Academy Blvd. • Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Financial Aid is available for those who qualify • Day and evening classes • Program approved for veterans Children’s books from $.50 - $4.00, Bikes $10. 719-472-8761 LITTLE TIKES Playground Gym, 4 levels, 6’ wavy slide, Tunnel, like NEW! $430. Call 472-0245 Medela PumpNStyle w/extras $135 2 Paradise Gallery Dolls $15 ea (Amanda&Michelle) call 651-1322 MAY 17, 2007 Spiderman bicycle $18. Eddie Bauer Child’s car seat $20. Rescue Hero’s Mission Control Center $100. 472-0725 Toddler Bed - White with Siderails. $45Mattress not included. Call Danielle @ 719-492-7374 BICYCLES 06’ Trek 4900 Disc Brake MTB Great Shape! $450 OBO. Gloves & helmet inc. Rob @ 719-200-6536 Sears X-Cargo rooftop luggage carrier, $25. 719-559-8838 Mastiff/Boxer Mix, 6 mo. old, house/crate trained $275 obo crystal: (719) 538 5687 anytime 7-Piece Bedroom Set. Solid Oak w/ Queen bed. Great Condition $299-Can email pix 937-681-5711 SILVER PLATED Punch bowl with ladle & 12 cups. Call 597-5469 Mini Dachshunds 1 female & 2 males all black and tan, ready to go May 7. 1st shots & dewormed 719-632-0525 BLACK METAL FRAME BUNK BEDS TOP A SINGLE, BOTTOM A FULL W/MATRESSES, 719-559-6058 Sofa Bed $300; Lawn Mower $150. Lawn Mower $100. 27in TV $75. Two window A/C $700 takes both 200-7096 Pomeranian puppies w/papers. 2 male, 2 female, white/cream, $500 ea. Ready June 2, taking deposit now. 380-0028 Boys 3pc bdrm set. Grt con, bed w/storage, dresser, night std $350.00, call 719-661-0802 Sofa hide-a-bed double, $225. Canopy bed w/mattress, box, headboards, $75. Lg 6’5’’ latter, $10. Call 260-7602 Registered Yellow Lab, 5 yr old neutered male $125 obo w/ crate to approved home 719-559-5343 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Rottweiler female pups, German block head, CKC registered, tail docked, due clawed, 1st shots, excellent temperaments. $500 will deliver. 719-947-3847 Computer Desk $30, Computer Cabinet $ 40, Ent. Center $30 OBO for each; Call: 573-5498 GERMAN DINING TABLE with 5 chairs & matching hutch, solid wood, $500. Call 391-8606 Boy’s 20in BMX style bike $20. 472-8608 German Oak Shrunk, $4950, 12 ft wide, corner 4 ft, 86”H, Curio, China, B/S, Bar, 719-572-5876 ROAD BIKE: Specialized Sequoia Silver, Like New, 27 Gears, XS, $450 obo. Call 719-260-0648 Glass Table 4 chairs $150, 2 en d tables and coffee $100, 2 bar stooles $25 (719)559-5440 Two Girls Giant 20 inch bikes 1x gear, normal wear, garaged $150 pr, $95 ea, 472-0611 5-8p Large Sofa + Love Seat $100.00 2 Entertainment Ctr. $50.00 ech Coffee tab set $60. 719-314-8021 COMPUTERS Large TV Entertainment Center $100; Kenwood 600W Surround Sound System $100; 719-661-0267 HP PAVILION Laptop, 200 GB hard drive, 1 GB RAM, wireless, barely used, $1000. Call 1-706-615-3100 Norton Internet Security and Antivirus 2007, New in Plastic $60/both call 638-1030 LEATHER SOFA, reclining chaire & glass top table, $300; Loveseat, chair table & 2 end tables, $450; 596-1318 LOG BEDS-HANDCRAFTED ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Aspen & Pine. Queen $299; King, $399. Queen Canopy, $425. Other Log furniture. Call 477-9880 2- 12’’ Kicker Subwoofers, Sony Amp, in a custom box! MUST SELL Best offer-Kaela @ 351-8093 Love Seat, like new neutral colors. $150 Call 210-2535 2 Tower Speakers - Kentwood Approx. 3’ High incl. sub woof. $100.00 719-492-7374 Sirius sportster receiver and home sterio dock with 50’ antenna extension $75 487-9297 Need some Power behind your advertising message? Call: (719) 329-5236 Colorado Power Classifieds FIREARMS Beretta .40 cal pistol, INOX self-lubing finish, nite sights 2 10-rd. mags, $650. #360-6688 BUSHMASTER M4-A2 Rifle, 2 Mags, only 200 rounds fired, $700obo. Call 719-502-5489 New in box Stoger 2000 semi 12 gauge 3 inch 4 chokes. Cost new at Dicks $439.00 719-598-8926 MAPLE DINETTE SET $150 Table with 4 Chairs. Still Boxed. Must Sell! Military Discounts Available. Can Deliver. Call 393-0829 Drum Set - 5pc Ludwig w/hi-hat Great Starter Kit, $200.00 obo 638-4353 Piano, Good Condition, Great deal for $200 Call 686-8266 POTTERY POLISH POTTERY (Ceramika Boleslawiecka) ZAL Galleries invites you to our pottery sales: May 26-28th: 2217 W.Colorado Ave., in Colorado Springs May 31th 07-June 3rd: BX Buckley AFB, Aurora June 4-10th: PX Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs June 11-17th: BX Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs Call us at 303-477-5800 with any questions Our Denver store will open soon SCRAPBOOKING MILITARY SCRAPBOOKING Supplies. Shop our online store! SPORTS EQUIP Moving Sale! Lg Ent. Ctr: $300, sofa slper/lovst: $60, 10/20lb dumbbells $5; call: 963-4035 CALLAWAY, HEAVENWOOD, Hybrid, graphite lite, 1, 2, 3, 4. Five wood, new w/cover. Paid $180 ea - selling for $130/ea. 574-6147 OUTDOOR FURNITURE SET, 4 chairs dining table, umbrella with stand only $99. Call 321-8434. SKIS-LADIES, 2006 K2 Burnin’ Luv, 167 cm long w/Solomon S711 bindings, $350. Very good cond. Call 481-2520 POOL TABLE $1200. 8’ 1” slate. All accessories included. New, still in box!! Retail $3500. Call 244-5256. TICKETMART QUEEN PILLOWTOP Innerspring Set. $120. Must Sell! Delivery available. Military Discounts! 391-2130 Shop smith $1000. Sectional $500 Computer Amourie $200, Chaise Lounge $150. Call Dena 550-9072 Baseball tickets -25 courtesy passes for $125 or 50 courtesy passes for $250. Must use before 26 Aug 07, 380-0950 For Sale - 2 tickets to Martina McBride, May 25th at World Arena. $136 both Call 719-231-1462 Indy 500 - 4 tickets, section H, aisle seats, $70 a piece (face value). 597-3210 HEALTH & FITNESS Sleeper sofa, love seat, chair/ ottoman. Excellent condition! $899 o.b.o. 904-422-7437 Bowflex Motivator with leg extension $350 O.B.O. 719-596-9779 UNFINISHED CHERRY BAR, handmade, 60Wx36Dx50T, exc cond., must sell. $400obo. Call 559-5206 CATS HOT TUB White (futon) bunk bed $150, sm “bar” w/2 stools $40, coffee table $30, 2 ATV 576-9033 FREE CAT, 6 yr old male, domestic short hair, grey, current on shots, neut., Call 302-2680 2007, seats 6 lounger, chemical free. Hydro therapy, waterfall, new still in wrapper with warranty & cover. Cost $7698, take $3795. Call 244-5256 New Never Been Used! Treadmill $200 Ab Lounge $50 Laura or Kelly 559-7577 PCSing MUST SELL! WEIDER 9400 Pro Series, home gym, $300 or best offer. Call 282-2109 HOME FURNISHINGS $150 KING PILLOWTOP SET! Brand new w/warranty. Can Deliver. Military Discounts! Call 391-2130 $450 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT. Stain resistant with Lifetime Warranties! New in box, delivery available. Military Discounts! 393-0829 $105 FULL PILLOWTOP SET Innerspring Mattress Set with warranty! Military Discounts! Can Deliver. Call 391-2130 $250 CHERRY SLEIGHBED Solid wood new in box! Can Deliver. Sacrifice! Military Discounts! 393-0829 ‘07 #1 Orthopedic Mattress Set • $179 - Queen Plush • $250 - King Plush New in Plastic w/wrty. 244-5256 Military Discount Available LAWN & GARDEN LAWNMOWER: Cordless electric, Black & Decker, 19”, 24 volt, like new, $195. Call 392-9315 PATIO, BENCH SWING, 2-seater, $40. Call 573-9229 PETS Free to good home - 2 male cats, neutered, all shots current, black and white, good natured, great with kids, very loving. Moving overseas. 719-390-2938 Manx kittens for sale.Beautiful colors.Call day time 495-8018 evng 495-2000 Asking $150-200. DOGS MISC FOR SALE 36”TV w/ Cabinet, Kenwood Spkrs 26”Bike, TopFlight Woods x3, Kids Snowboard Pkg Sz5 482-4231 8 ft C Band Satellite Dish and Motorola 4DTV Digital Receiver. Make offer. Call 599-7535 AIR CONDITIONERS 12,000 & 5,000 BTU’s-$150 for both, call Mary 382-6782 ATV 2006 Roketa 250, great for kids $1000. Lowes giftcard w/ $370.00 on it askin $300 382-8184 Blake leather recliner chair $40 Electric cook top, black, Kenmore $50. 719-380-0332 Both 40R Coat & 32R Trousers. Will sell for $70 each set o.b.o. Call @ 719-433-2070 1yr Old, Brn & Wht Female Boxer Spade, House Broke, Good w/kids $350obo Call Jason @ 201-6540 2yr old tan m chihuahua. Needs lotsa TLC, no pprs/shots. NOT YET hsbrkn. PLZ CL (719)244-4826 AKC ESS puppies for sale. 4 tri males, 2 tri females, OFA, CERF, Great line, avail 14 May, $550, 382-5858. Australian Shep/Bord Collie Mix 4 mos gold coat, kennel, spayed, shots house trained $200obo 352-9619 Bassett Hound, 1 year old, male, papers, kennel, tri colored must sale $200 obo 719-659-2095 Black Lab, 3 month old female, AKC, up to date on shots, will need one more. $500 Please Call 282-4094 2 swivel rocking chairs w/ ottoman, $80. 3 seater couch, $110 obo. Kid’s metal bed frame $75 obo. 392-9775 Grill for sale, charcoal and gas, $30. Ph: 637-3089 BOXER/LAB MIX, 10 mo old. Great with kids & pets. Cage included. $250 or best offer. call 209-0757 36” TV & cabinet $350, folding wood table & 4 chairs $100, 527-4950 Korean Blk Lacquer Inlaid w/mother-of-pearl And shell tea table. $500. Swing set $30. Call 650-3366 BRITTANY SPANIEL, 9 mos old female, spayed, current on shots. Liver/white spots. $300neg. 502-7278 3-piece maple entertainment center, $600 obo, oak dining set w/ 6 chairs $500 obo 719-640-8998 LCD Samsung $50/MAG $50, Cable Modem $20, Child carseat $15, MS Wireless adapt $15. 282-7845 DOBERMAN PINSCHER, 3 yr old male, good with kids, current on shots $250 obo. Call 229-3131 4-peice sectional, 2 recliners, hideabed and corner unit. Rust color, very good condition. $250 382-5301 Mess Dress, shirt, cumber bun, shirt & cuff links, Lt Col rank $50 obo, 719-650-3255 ENGLISH BULLDOG-AKC, 3 months, utds, female, white/2 brindle eye patch, $1600. Sweet Girl. 719-459-6725 5 PIECE CHERRY BEDROOM SET. $450. Brand New in box. Military Discounts! Can Deliver. 393-0829 Poker Table-hand crafted padded arm rests, speed felt David 237-3043 after 5pm Jack Russell Terriers for sale. 10 weeks old. $375 each. Only 2 left. Call 719-502-1767 ROTTWEILER pups, 8 mos old. 3 females. All shots done. $700, UKC. 719-287-7095 SHIBA INU, 8 mo old male, neut., current shots, good with kids. $450 w/accessories. Call 302-2680 SIBERIAN HUSKY, 6 mo old male, housetrained, pure white, $350. Call 510-5381 PETS Love birds, 1 Blue, 1 white; Huge cage, stand, toys, food. Fun pets. $125.00 for all obo. 333-9775 or 488-5860 Sugar Gliders, 1 male/1 fem, both 2 yrs old. Must go together. Cage & accessories incl. $300. Melissa 559-5284 UKC SHI TZU blk/wht male/female $500 call to view 719-314-8925 Taking deposits for May LG COMMERCIAL LOT. Central. 1.03ac. Zoned PBC. Corner of Circle/San Miguel. Price reduced to $295K. Patrick, Co. Pride Realty, 232-5583. RANCHES/FARMS 38+ AC HORSE FARM w/11 stall barn, tack rm, hay barn, gar. & house. Riding arena, corrals, trees, 719-347-2232 Apache Creek Preserve 35 Acres w/stream-beaver pond big views-very private 1½ hrs from Colo. Spgs. $79,900 w/easy terms 719-598-7267 BRAND NEW OPPORTUNITY Eight 35 Acre Tracts 40 miles North East of C.S. One mile off Hwy. 24 Close to Black Forest Mountain and Lake Views Small down - $360. mo. 719-598-7267 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SERVICES REAL ESTATE WANTED HEADACHE HOTLINE Had Enough? Trade Your Equity For Cash! Sell Now! Quick Close! Call 719-235-7446 2SHQ+RXVHV SOLID PINE CRIB w/mattress, bedding & attachments for qn size bed. Pd $650, sell $325. Call 392-4008 6’ Oak Entertainment Ctr - pd $800 - selling for $250 OBO call 574-5431 BRIARGATE Buys & Sells Houses CASH! FARM & RANCH Casey 244-3420 HORSES LET ME HELP YOU MEET YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! Open House Sunday 5/13 noon-3PM 2255 Norwich Dr 80920,3+br/3ba/ 2C,2500sqft,$245,900, 205-7347 SECURITY AQHA Reg. Gelding, 2 y.o., great bloodlines, $2500. 481-6405 or Real Estate Safety1st DOUBLE BABY STROLLER Ask $150 (Pd $300)/ Excellent Condition/ CALL 719-559-9657 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE I Provide the Highest Level of Customer Service! I specialize in first time homebuyers! It’s easier than you think! Give me a call, I can help! Call Patrick at Co. Pride Realty, 232-5583 LOCAL VETERAN PAYS CASH FOR HOUSES! Call 719-593-2283 x 32 Your Real Estate Information Source SOUTHWEST Saturday, 12-3pm 1233 Canoe Creek Dr. 80906. 3bd/2.5ba, 2500sf, lg yds w/big trees. $244K. 719-761-0292 RESIDENTIAL FOR SALE BLACK FOREST HEART OF BLACK FOREST! 4br on 4.89 treed acres. Tranquil setting. Newer paint, carpet, well pump. Fenced dog area, outbuildings, D-20! Sue Gindhart, ABR CRS GRI Rawhide Co REALTORS 719.495.4746/339.8346 Marty Mindnich Zero Down payment Mtn Views 4.85 acres 5 bdrms/3 baths 2 car garage & workshop 719-321-8194 ask for Sally www. CMSgt, USAF (Ret) Broker Associate, GRI BRIARGATE FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL SPC Beautiful 3bedroom, 2.5 bath, finished basement, 2 car garage, all appliances, move-in condition $230k 330-5717 NEW BUSINESS/OFFICE at Prestwick Brownstones. 3500SF ground level w/rear office, ¾ba, service kitchen, courtyard, a/c, T-1, $2000+utils. Avail 5/23. 719-896-0374 “Don’t Forget to Call Home” FOR SALE BUILDING 570-1015 New Ofc/Retail 4 Sale Downtown! Gross 2900 sf w/1000 sf Class ‘A’ ofc suites & 825 sf of prime corner retail in prestigious Prestwick Village. $665K. New Vista Real Estate Dan or Phil at 633-0886/499-8622 Open House this Sat. 5/19, 1-3 pm 4944 Durasno Ter., Security, CO 3 bedrooms 1 bath new paint, carpet and vinyl flooring. Call Becky Morehouse (719) 460-5286 CANON CITY CENTRAL DOWNTOWN: Cute and charming dollhouse, wood floors, new deck, 1 car detached garage. $144,900, For more info call Colo. Pride Realty Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie 648-0476 FOR LEASE OFFICE SPACE Ground level, great space w/parking, phone, T-1 line & utilities included. Plenty of room for 1 person, or perhaps 2. Scheduling & phone answering could be available. Terms to be negotiated. Please call 578-0405 if interested. Historical Alamo Building For lease 1,000-4,500 square feet. $14-$16 gross. 720-251-0797 WANTS TO HELP YOU BUY A HOME! Not sure what you can afford? Get pre-approved to know just what you can afford before shopping for your new home. LEHMAN OFFICE space for lease. Lehman/Academy. 3000SF. $3000/mo. Call Mark with Duke Assets, 459-1658 Call us toll free or go online to see how easy it is to get a NO-COST approval. Office Space-Academy & Austin Bluffs, from 900-2300sf, turnkey or empty. Call Mark at 634-4999 866-686-3098 719-495-7915 CONDOS TOWNHOMES (2) 4-PLEXES available, great income producer, live in one unit and rent the other units out. Great investment for the VA buyer. $279,900 & $289,900. Call Colorado Pride Realty, Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie 648-0476. 3 BR, 2 BA, new carpet, firepl, vltd ceilings, w/d, A/C, 2-car grg + carpt, gated community, pool, gym, clubhouse, view of Pikes Peak, Close to Peterson/Schriever, 1 mi to shopping, movies, restaurants, $154.9K, 719-930-4362 to schedule viewing! LAND LAND FOR SALE 35 acre ranch land S. of Pueblo adjacent to Green Horn Mountain. Power, phone and well permit. Owner financing. $320 per month. 719-332-3320. Sat., 10a-2p. Sun, 10a-12p. 1130 N. Wahsatch. 3br, 1ba, 1c gar, Adorable downtown charmer, lots of architectural details. Just reduced to $204,900 move in today! Call Patrick, Colorado Pride Realty, 232-5583 or Stephanie, 648-0476 4356 Otero Vista Pt. 2br, 2ba condo. Seller incentives up to 11% for closing costs & interest buy down. 640-3787 MAY 17, 2007 Condo for Sale S/E conveniently located to Fort Carson, Peterson and Shrieber Air Force bases. New carpet throughout and new tily in kitchen views of Pikes Peak and front Range, pool and clubhouse behind unit. Call Becky Morehouse, (719) 460-5286. CUSTER COUNTY OFF POWERS: Quality furnished T/H in golfing community. 2-3br, 4ba, 2100SF, immaculate. 719-271-8300 EAST FOUNTAIN 2515 MEADOW LARK LN., 1025SF, 3br, 1ba, 1c gar, 6100SF fenced lot. $152,999. MLS #567253. 1st Time Buyer Special! Military discount of $500 towards closing costs. Gloria Stivala, Remax Prop. Inc, 719-337-4453 570 CORTE AMINO: 1792SF; 4br, 2 ba, 2c gar, 10K SF lot, fenced. $165K. MLS # 427806. 5 min. from Ft. Carson. Military discount of $500 towards closing costs. Gloria Stivala w/Remax Properties Inc, 719-337-4453 3bd/1.5ba Tri-level, fenced backyard, security system, appliances available, new carpet,windows & siding, $150K. Call 719-634-1207or 719-237-8841 PINON SUN CONDO: 2br, 1ba. Great development with clubhouse, pool, mature landscaping, close to Austin Bluffs/Academy. $123,400 Call Patrick, Colorado Pride Realty, 232-5583 or Stephanie, 648-0476 Country Living on 35 Acres TOWNHOME FOR SALE, $167,900. Built in ‘03. Call 719-351-6946. Listed $5K below purchase price. New 4 bed, pond, big views, $274,900. Cathedral ceiling, appliances, attached garage, many upgrades. Good grass, excellent water rights, great for horses or small business. WESTSIDE CONDO: 2br, 2ba, Unfin. bsmt, this great condo is minutes from downtown & trails next door! Amazing views from upstairs balcony. $129,900 Call Patrick, Colorado Pride Realty, 232-5583 or Stephanie, 648-0476 Need some Power behind your advertising message? Call: (719) 329-5236 Colorado Power Classifieds See photos of The best new homes From $100’s. Neighborhoods too. Visit: 4BDRM, 3BA, 2c gar, beautiful home priced to sell $239,900, close to military installations, well maintained home located on large lot. For more info call Colo. Pride Realty Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie 648-0476 PULTE TOWNHOME located in Spring Creek, 3br, 3ba, 1500SF $179,900. For more info call Colo. Pride Realty Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie 648-0476 Ft. Carson Soldiers: ACAP ASAP Call 526-1002 100’S of NEW Homes VA $0 DOWN $0 CLOSING COST Jim - 719-475-0517 DOUGLAS COUNTY CASTLE ROCK T/H: 3br, 3ba, 2c gar. Nice development, walking distance to Red Hawk Golf Course, close to outlet mall. $198K. Call Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie, 648-0476 at Colorado Pride Realty, CALL US... We specialize in helping Military Families achieve the American Dream! NEW WINDOWS & NEW CARPET 3/2.5/2 Nice Area $225,500 Call Birdie @719-439-4527 Nice 3 BR/ 2.5 bath/ MUST SEE! unf.base/corner/stucco/$218,500 close to PAFB/SAFB 574-8630 ELLICOTT/YODER FALCON 17420 Sage Crest Road $249,900 ... a simple process ... easy and stress-free ... with little $$$ and OK credit (719) 227-7200 Country living on 2.5 acres just min from the city! Lovely stucco raised rancher w/open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, bay window, 6-panel doors, ceiling fans, TWO master bedroom suites (one on each level) plus 2 additional bedrooms. Tiled vestibule & sunroom, multi-tiered deck, 2-car garage + 1-car garage outbuilding. Fresh air, open space & panoramic Pikes Peak views! Call Susan Cuddeback @ 229-1909 ERA Shields Real Estate Falcon, Pristine cond 3BR/2.5BA 2078sf tot FP/air/hardwood/tile MLS# 426188 495-9214 $219,900 To All Service Men and Women, Thank You. 9$ )UHH3UH )UHH3UH )UHH3UH4XDOLILFDWLRQ 4XDOLILFDWLRQ )LQG<RXU+RPH$QG/RDQ:LWK 7KH6DPH3URIHVVLRQDO VW7LPH+RPH%X\HU 6SHFLDOLVW &RQYHQWLRQDO/RDQV$YDLODEOH 3HUVRQDO6HUYLFH*XDUDQWHHG 8320 Brooke Valley Dr. Like new home, 2871sf, neutral colors, fin bsmnt w/home theater, upgraded kit, pre-wired for sound on main, central vac system, landscaped, fncd yd, $284K. Donna, Thompson Properties. 719-510-2125 BUY WITH NO MONEY DOWN Free list of Properties available with NO Down Payment. VISIT: Brought to you by: John Clark Re/Max Properties, 719-226-9152 HIGH GATE FARMS. 5br, 3ba, 3c gar. New construction! Beautiful - tons of upgrades, $338,000. Call Patrick, Colorado Pride Realty, 232-5583 or Stephanie, 648-0476 &$// &$// As a former Air Force member, I’m familiar with the military move. If you’re looking to buy or sell a home, or even real estate for investment, I’d like to help. Also, I can provide a free comparative market analysis of your current home. Michael H. Phan Broker Associate Direct: 719-440-5016 For information, please call WOODMOOR District 38 Schools 2 story 4 bed/3 bath Totally remodeled and updated $365,000 RUTH BOLAS Attorney & Realtor 719-488-3026 DON’T BUY NOW! Unless You Know How to Take Advantage of Today’s Buyers Market. 719-640-3787 QUICK POSSESSION Newer 4 Bedroom Home! Close to PAFB & Ft Carson, etc! Very Open & Bright Floor Plan Has A/C, Main Level Laundry, Entertainment Niche-Gas F/P, & Comes With ALL Kitchen Appliances! Custom Decorator Colors, Completely Landscaped Including Fenced & Sodded B/Y! Also, Enjoy 4 BR’s on Upper Level, 2 ½ Baths & 2 Car Garage! Call For Appointment! $189,900! MLS #448630 Call Cathy Riggs, (719) 331-8161 or Toll Free (888) 428-4663. Always There for You ® JEFF MASON Broker Associate Mobile: 719.232.1098 2I¿FH 719.488.1100 7ROO)UHH 888.488.1105 E-Mail: Website: 1710 Jet Stream Drive, Suite 100 • Relocation Services • Buying a Home • Selling a Home • Market Analysis Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921 (DFK(5$2I¿FHLV,QGHSHQGHQWO\2ZQHGDQG2SHUDWHG EXCELLENT RANCHER! 3br/2ba, almost new! $169,000. Comes with all appliances, move-in ready, easy access to all military bases & I-25. Call for your showing today: Deb Atencio, Re/Max Advantage, 719-964-6274 9530 Penstemon Court $389,900 • PineCreek area in Briargate • 5 bed/4 bathroom • Finished Walk-out basement with wet-bar • AC, Pikes Peak views, main level study Check out virtual tour at FLORENCE PROPERTIES •Lovely 2600SF rancher with park-like setting. $223,000 •Victorian 4 + 2½, new carpet & paint 1638SF, $118K. or 1-719- 784-3303 +RPH/RDQV 8VH<RXU9$%HQHILWV*UHDW/RDQ *UHDW5DWHV1R6FDU\)LQDQFH *LPPLFNV&DOO $QG$VN)RU 6KDQQRQ0HUULOO 6KDQQRQ0HUULOO 6KH+DV$QVZHUV Townhouse Two bedroom, one bath Garage, New carpeting/flooring/ appliances. $129K. 382-3398. $SSO\2Q/LQHRU%\3KRQH $SSO\2Q/LQHRU%\3KRQH +RPHRZQHUVFXVWRPPRUWJDJHFRP +RPHRZQHUVFXVWRPPRUWJDJHFRP Martha Marzolf Broker Associate Office: 719-593-1000 Cell: 719-440-5764 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 5696 Preminger Drive $159,900 2bd/1ba/2c gar rancher w/lg great rm & bay windows. Kitchen opens to dining w/2nd bay window. Master offers walk-in closet & attached full bath. 2nd bd w/wall-to-wall closet + more storage in hall linen/coat closets & crawl space. A/C, W/D, fridge & freezer all stay. Enjoy CO sunshine in great fenced yd w/patio and matching storage shed. Call Susan Cuddeback @ 229-1909 ERA Shields Real Estate FSBO:5 MINS. TO FT. CARSON. $25,000 in down payment assistance. Nice 3br, 2ba ranch. 2784SF. 2c gar, full bsmt. Call 648-1405 or 382-8411 Price Reduced!! <RX6HUYH8V +RPHRZQHUV&XVWRP/HW8V6HUYH<RX 0RUWJDJH&RUS It’s a Good Life! I Know. Call Me Today. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2C Garage, 30X50 Barn, Like New on 35 Acres REDUCED-$182.4K, 719-390-3980 Buying a Home is... We are... Jorgette & Boris Krsulic of Colorado Casa REALTORS® 4BDRM, 3BATH, 2 car garage, awesome kitchen w/hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, 5pc master bath, large fenced in backyard, immaculate home, convenient to school, parks, shopping, easy access to military installations. $239,900. Call Colo. Pride Realty, Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie 648-0476. Schneider Properties, LLC 700 Rye Ridge Rd $194,900 4bd/3ba, 2-car garage, 2354 sq ft, corner lot, new hardwood floors, new kitchen appliances, new hickory cabinets, central air, new energy-efficient furnace and hot-water heater, and finished basement. Jennifer Withers, Keller Williams Clients Choice Realty 719-337-1301 Where do YOU Want to Be? Close to Golf Course & AFA 5 beds, 3 baths, 3 car garage, Gorgeous stucco rancher features 3300SF. Gourmet Kitchen, beautiful hardwood floors. Den with French Doors. $350,000 Gleneagle Townhome 4 beds, 3 baths, 2 car garage, Light, Bright, Nicely Updated. Take a peek at I have others, call for a showing, Direct 719-482-6389, My Military Cash Bonus is the Best! Cher DeCoud Email: MAY 17, 2007 719-573-8878 Member or not we will beat the USAA Buyer/Seller Bonus Program. Military Saves Big! Contact Glenda Miller 719 548-1266 or 548-0400 or visit Heritage Realty MANUFACTURED/ MOBILE HOMES SPRINGS HOMES AT HOT PRICES! • 6102 DESOTO (MLS# 598668) $164,900, 2Bd/1Ba/1Car Affordable & Immaculate! • 2211 WARWICK (MLS# 507368) $209,900, 4Bd/ 3Ba/2Car Fantastic Rancher • 943 SKYWAY (MLS#599928) $229,900, 4Bd/2Ba/1Car D-12, Mature Trees $45k or rent $595. 3 bed 2 ba 1064 sq ft, 2 car drive, shed, fence, porch (719) 290-2968 Ron Sommers 32x60 3/2 1740sqft $50,000 gorgeous home many extras very close to bases call Joe 3394807 Moble Home near Peterson AFB: 14’ by 70’. 3bd, 2ba. w/d, dishwasher & 10’ by 10’ shed included. access to pool and playground, Some minor repairs needed. $3000 232-4488 • 7954 FEBRUARY (MLS#586748) $239,900, 3Bd/3Ba/2Car Built in 2006 - Like NEW! MIDWAY • 8460 BOXELDER (MLS#536716) $249,000, 4Bd/3Ba/2Car Backs To Park! D-20 WOW! Built 2000, 6.6 acres, close to Carson. 4bd/3ba/4car, 2000+sf. Mt. views, must see. $179,900 Call Donna, Re/Max Properties, 540-6404 • 6628 SHOWHORSE (MLS#532809) Maintenance Free Living $254,900, 2Bd/2Ba/2Car MONUMENT • 7215 AMBER RIDGE (MLS#573986) $279,000, 4Bd/3Ba/2Car Fin. Walk-out Bsmt. • 4025 ASCENDANT (MLS#559061) $339,900, 5-6Bd/4Ba/2Car A/C, Wet Bar, Wood Flrs • 4259 THORNBURY (MLS#514025) $389,900, 6Bd/4Ba/3Car Backs To Golf Course! SOUTHWEST USAA MEMBER DISCOUNT NEW 3BR, 3BA, 2c gar, amazing views, all appls incl, military PCS must sell! 1-719-250-5731 (Dial area code) N/E AREA STARTER HOME & STARTER PRICE! GENDRON RANCHER 1/2 Acre Lot & No HOA Fees Pristine Condition Thru-Out This 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 CG Home That Has New Main Level & Family Room Level Pergo Floors. Gourmet Kitchen Includes ALL Appliances. Gas F/P, Decent-Sized Fenced B/Y, & Room for 4th BR & 3rd Bath in Unfin. Lower Level. Furnace, H2O Heater, Appliances ALL 3 Years Old or Newer! Still Includes Home Warranty! Your New Home Awaits. Call Now! $192,000. MLS#576438 Call Cathy Riggs, (719) 331-8161 or Toll Free (888) 428-4663. Don’t Be Crammed Under Neighbors! Two-Year Old 5 BR Home w A/C, Expanded Finished Bsmt, O/S 3-Car Garage & Lots of Upgrades! Main Level 5-Pc Mstr Suite, Formal LR-DR & Family Room! Large & Spacious Gourmet Kitchen Has Slab Granite Counters, Soaring Decorator Shelves, Desk, etc. etc. Tons of Storage! Enjoy the Space Inside & Out! Close to Bases! Call or E-mail Cathy For Your Private Showing Now! Only $364,900! MLS #436609 Call Cathy Riggs, (719) 331-8161 or Toll Free (888) 428-4663. POWERS NORTH-END –Handyman special, great investment property with so much potential needs some TLC. Priced to sell $112,900. Call Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie, 648-0476 at Colorado Pride Realty, NORTHGATE Gleneagle Townhome for Sale, 3bd/3ba, 2044sq ft, new windows, carpet, paint & counters. Vailted ceilings, frpl, 2 car gar. $214,900 (719)576-5489. NORTHEAST 5483 Spoked Wheel Drive $329,900 Peak views & model-home perfection on nearly ¼-acre fenced corner lot close to community center & excellent schools. 5BR, 4BA, hardwood floors, decorator paint, bay windows, upgraded lighting, 6-panel doors, custom window coverings, A/C. Formal living/dining rms, family room, eat-in kitchen, huge master suite, finished bsmt w/guest suite, office, lg rec room, Trex deck. Call Susan Cuddeback @ 229-1909 ERA Shields Real Estate Beautiful 4Bd 4Bath in Stetson Hills Dist 49 close to schools Quiet $229.900 (720) 281 4771 DONNA WEBSTER UPSCALE GATED PATIO HOME IN D-20 Secure & Maintenance-Free Yard, Beautiful Views & Close to USAFA! Like New, Air Conditioned 4 BR, 4 BA, 2 CG in Immaculate Condition! Gourmet Kitchen Has Slab Granite Counters & All Appliances. Main Level 5-Pc Master w Walk-In Closet, Main Level Laundry & More! Terrific Layout Has 2 Upper Bedrooms w/ Jack’n’Jill Bath and Bsmt. 4th BR, Full Bath & Exquisite Wet Bar in Family Room!! Perfect for Guests, Family, etc. Home Wrty Included! $359,900. MLS# 485773. Call Cathy To See This Wonderful Home! Cathy Riggs, (719) 331-8161 or Toll Free (888) 428-4663 Re/max Properties, Inc. 570-9722 Immaculate 2600 sf, 4 lvl home, 4bd, 3ba, North end only 10 min from South gate of AFAB. Call Norm 719-388-3721 NORTHWEST BEAUTIFUL 3,480SF custom passive solar home in Mtn. Shadows. 6br, 4ba. Energy efficient construction. ½ ac lot with panoramic views from 47’ deck. Award winning schools. $349,900 Patrick Lawrence, Prudential 210-6584 719.201.8455 Proudly Served as a Military Spouse for 21 years • Relocation • First-time Home Buyers • New Homes • Investment Property CONDO in the Trees, 2bed/1bath 888sf. $132 HOA dues. NO yard work. Open floor plan. $147,000. Please call Dinky Smith 238-3338 McGinnis RE Great 2 story home 4bed/3bath/3car on corner lot w/ Mnt views.$350K Also, 4 custom lots in Mtn Shadows over-looking Flying W Ranch Patti 471-1465 x2 3bd, 2ba Rancher, 3200 sf, full unfin bsmnt w/walk-out, near elem school, upscale, many extras. Shows like model! $250K Call 597-8150 Pete & const. 3bd/2.5ba, 2car, 2760sf, double deck, large yard, walkout bsmt, fplc 761-5463 $220,000 Ridge View @ Stetson Hills–Beauty Built in ‘04. 2 Story w/ Fin Basement. 5/4/2-Views-Great Location-Good Layout-Immaculate-Upgrades & Extras-3165sq’. $286k. Robin w/ CBRB 719-331-4051. Springs Ranch- 2-stry, 3607sf, 5-6bd/4ba/2.5car, gorgeous & loaded, Close to PAFB, $349,000 573-9229 Springs Ranch Easy Living – Immaculate 2BR/2BA condo w/ detached garage. Maintenance-free gated-community main-level ranch. Pristine condition. Open living area. Kitchen w/ pantry & all appliances – even washer & dryer. Spacious bdrms each w/ walk-in closet. Wide doorways throughout. No stairs. End unit with mtn views from the front. Exceptional location close to beautiful club house w/ pool, hot tub, rec, theatre & exercise rooms. $149,900 CBRB Robin 331-4051 SPRINGS RANCH: 2Br, 2ba adorable ranch home with lovely study w/french doors (could possibly be 3rd bedroom) located in quiet cul-de-sac, walking distance to elementary school, minutes to Peterson AFB & Powers corridor, Priced to Sell! $189,900. Call Stephanie, Colorado Pride Realty at 648-0476, Fabulous Views & SUNROOM! Upgraded to the Hilt! New Roof, Granite /Tile, Fence, Fixtures, Carpet, Appliances, Diamond Level Garage Flooring & MORE! Large Formal LR & DR, Piano Room or Office! Spacious Eat-In Kitchen, Huge Family/Rec Room & Wet Bar For Pool, Parties & More! Amazing Laundry Room, Craft Room & Large Yard! Comes w 4 BR’s 3 Full Baths & 2 ½ Car Garage! Stucco Exteior, etc. Call to See This Custom Quality Home! Listed at $369,900. MLS#587409 Call Cathy Riggs, (719) 331-8161 or Toll Free (888) 428-4663. OUT OF STATE WHEN EXPERIENCE COUNTS Specializing in Home Sales & Property Management DAVE SWINT Broker/Owner USAF (Ret.) ABR, GRI, PE Swint Realty CO, LLC 6189 Lehman Drive, Ste 200 • Colo. Springs, CO 80918 592-9700 • Cell: 964-5612• 1ST TIME OFFERED NEW MEXICO RANCH DISPERSAL 140 ACRES - $99,900 RIVER ACCESS Northern New Mexico. Cool 6,500’ elevation with stunning views. Great tree cover including Ponderosa, rolling grassland and rock outcroppings. Abundant wildlife, great hunting. EZ terms. Call NML&R, Inc. 1-866-356-5263 PEYTON PICTURESQUE 35AC horse property. Partially treed, stunning views. 4br, 2 ba stick-built home w/wrap-around porch. 5 cross-fenced pastures, 5 stall barn, huge workshop. $364,900. Patrick Lawrence, Prudential 210-6584 SOUTHEAST FOR SALE BY OWNER Remodeled 4bd, 3bath, 2car 5 minutes to Ft. Carson Asking $224,599 719.310.8090 FOR SALE District 12 Townhome. 2/2/2 New paint, Pergo floor. $172,500. Contact Properties of Colorado Jim 339-3435 / Kathy 338-1911 Price reduced! $233,5000 - 3/3/2 mtn views, across from elem. sch., gourmet kitchen, all appl stay, a/c, close to Carson & shopping. A Must See! 310-3138 TRILAKES 517 Talus Road $339,900 One year new & ready for YOU! Beautiful home w/hardwood floors, kitchen w/Corian counters, 2-story family room, formal living & dining rooms, study w/French doors, master suit w/5-piece bath & bountiful closet space. Beautifully landscaped w/stamped concrete path and patio. Close to parks & schools and surrounded by mountain views. Call Susan Cuddeback @ 229-1909 ERA Shields Real Estate WEST DUPLEX FOR SALE. 1920 West Yampa St, Colorado Springs. Leased with good Cash Flow. $175,000. Wayne Curtis, RE/MAX Properties, Inc. 719.487.6108. Westside Near Old Colo City. 2bd/1ba, w/d, fenced, RV parking, recently remodeled. $195K. 524-3261 or 471-8527 WIDEFIELD 1895sf of living space in this 5bd/2ba tri-level home in good neighborhood. $142k. Jane w/ Grisham 303-798-2373 WOODLAND PARK 4BR, 2BA, 2c gar, incredible views, charming, mountain living at its best! Reduced to $279,900. Call Patrick, Colorado Pride Realty, 232-5583 or Stephanie, 648-0476 STETSON HILLS, Blt 2005 4bd/3ba 4584sf 2 story. Formal LR/DR Gourmet kitchen. Giant master BR 3 car tandem Walkout unfin’d basement $376,900 Dinky Smith 238-3338 McGinnis RE Must See Home in Ridgeview 4bd 3bth 2car - 2744 sqft $248,900 Close to Park, Shops & Ice Cream More Info – MLS # 555040 Call 719-641-9957 PUEBLO WEST STUNNING D-20 FORMER MODEL HOME! Northeast: Montebello Dr. 2 br, 1 ba apt, $500/mo. ONE MONTH FREE RENT. Fidelity Real Estate 667-4343 Attention Home Buyers Save thousands of Dollars when you buy your Home. Order the FREE Special Report to find out how. Bought to you by: John Clark Re/Max Properties, 719-226-9152 3BR, 2½BA on upper-lvl, 2br, 1ba-bottom lvl, big kitchen, dining rm, office/den, sunroom, 3c gar, separate shop. 1 ac +. Beautiful trees, view lot Pueblo West. Call 1-719-547-0517 4BR, 2BA, 2c gar, pride of ownership in this ranch/stucco home, fully landscaped, nice neighborhood, upgraded berber carpet, and so much more all for $159,900. Call for more info Patrick 232-5583 or Stephanie at 648-0476. SECURITY FSBO. 3br, 2ba, theater room, remodeled. Corner Lot. Military Incentives. 100% Financing. Call 338-3838 FSBO/RENT:3br, 2ba home, 2car, $174,900 or $1300/mo. Great cond. Close to bases! Kid friendly area. Walk to elem. school. Call 719-244-3254 SOUTHEAST **MOVE-IN TODAY/HURRY - LOWEST RENTS EVER** Bring in this Ad for one FREE Application Fee (a $30.00 value) $99.00 Security Deposits. No Security Deposit for Military. Section 8 welcome at all props. (Prices reflect concessions) SOUTHEAST •Chelton/Fountain, St./1x1/2x1/2x2, $295. 471.1440 •Monterey/S. Circle, Eff/St./1x1/2x1, $285. 475.2101 •Academy/Pikes Peak, 1x1/2x1, $450. 596.4970 •Academy/Fountain, 1x1, 2x2, $390. 597.1245 •Airport/Chelton, Eff/Jr/1x1/2x1, $315. 596.1636 •Murray/Platte, 1x1/2x1, $435, 574.7392 •Jetwing/Academy, 1x1/2x1, $325, 392.4433 •Airport/Circle, Jr/1x1/2x1/2x2, $405, 635.8551 NORTHEAST • Academy/Flintridge, Eff/1x1/2x1, $405, 598.4456 SOUTHWEST 10 min. TO CARSON Hunter’s Meadow Apts. 850 E. Cheyenne Rd. 719-577-4254 One (1) Two (2) and (3) Bedrooms $499.00 $599.00 $699.00 2 Months FREE with 13 Month lease! No application fee MILITARY DEPOSIT $99.00 Ft. Carson/Broadmoor Area $295 MOVE IN SPECIAL 2&3 Br Apts for immediate move in. Prices start @ $590/$642 per month 719/632-7762 Southgate area - Affordable Housing Prog, 2br/1ba, no pets, w/d hkups, $484 + up/mo Fidelity Real Estate 667-4343 SPECIAL MILITARY RATE! 2BR, $600. Most utilities pd. Super Area! No Fees! Pets nego. Call Tom, SRIC, 632-4800 WEST Westside: 26th & Modes Roomy 1br, 1ba, apt, $425/mo Fidelity Real Estate 667-4343 APARTMENT RENTALS CENTRAL EXCEPTIONAL, CHARMING 3br, 1ba, at best location downtown. Many extras, must see! 1280SF. $950/mo. 201-7006 or 231-7835 EAST Airport Value Inn & Apts RELOCATION SPECIALISTS Main Gate Peterson AFB. Rooms/Suites/Apts avail Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Free Cable TV, Wireless Internet & Coin W/D. 6875 Space Village Ave. 596-5588 3235 Tail Spin Dr. 194,999 3bd/3ba/2 LOTS of upgrades Delaina Odell 719-310-3858 NEAR PETE FIELD Clean 2bedroom/1ba, all appls, incl washer/dryer. Special Military Rate. $495. Call Tom SRIC, 632-4800. 4BR/2BA, bi-lvl single family home on corner lot $135,000 won’t last long. Call for details, 719-761-8899 FOUNTAIN MAKE OFFER! 4br, 2ba, 2203SF, bi-lvl, lg yd, new windows/floors/ paint. Close to bases. $161,900. 494-9513 FREE RENT! Reduced to $238,000 3BD,2.5BA 2-story w/loft and basement Call 719 243-1832 for info. NORTHEAST Northeast: Montebello Dr. 2 br, 1 ba apt, $500/mo. ONE MONTH FREE RENT. Fidelity Real Estate 667-4343 Rentals GENERAL Big, clean apts, close to Ft. Carson. 1-2 bdrms, studios, starting from $350. Call 231-7835 or 201-7006 HOMES FOR RENT 4-PLEXES DON’T MISS this amazing Fountain 4-plex. $495/mo. Call 866-449-6415 x76. for 24-hr recorded message. FOUNTAIN:CLEAN 2br, 1ba unit. 163 Wellington St. New windows, paint & floor. No pets. Section 8 Welcome! Avail now. $550mo. Call 338-5123 Near PAFB. Spacious, clean, 2br, 1ba units, w/fpl. Coin Laundry, $450 & Up. Call 533-0321 SIMPLY LIVING - 2 BR, 1 BA, 4-PLX makeover w/ new paint, carpet, vinyl,blinds, coin-op w/d, off street parking, storageroom, deck. 1450 Hathaway Dr #D $495/395 dep HALEY REALTY 634-3785 BRIARGATE 4bd 2Ba 2car D20, AC, DW, stove Quiet, near school, shop, bases 1200/mo+dp, av:7/1 303-882-5295 BRIARGATE: CLEAN 3br, 3ba, 2car, tri-lvl, fpl, range, dw, sprinkler, lg fenced yd, $1100/mo. + dep. NO Pets. Avl 4/15. Call Wini’s R.E.S., 597-7750 COMPLETELY furnished turn-key, 4500SF, 2-lvl, 4br, 4ba, 2c gar. Short term lease. (5 mos). 719-594-6840 D-20, 3-4bd/2ba/2 car, cul-de-sac, A/C, fenced yard, fireplace, $1,195/mo + dep. Sm dog ok. Avail 6/10 719-201-0730 RANCH STYLE w/mtn views. 4br, 3ba, open liv. room, eat-in kit.. $1250/mo. 8440 Williamsburg Dr. Call 528-6206 CENTRAL AFFORDABLE - 1BR, Remodeled, security doors, carpeted, oak cabinets, coin-op laundry, downtown C.S. $455/400 dep. Call Haley Realty to see 634-3785. BRICK BEAUTY duplex 2br, 1ba, covered patio, carport, W/D hookups, ST, RF, DW, Big trees, close to schools. 1021 E. Columbia $595/495 HALEY REALTY 634-3785 MAY 17, 2007 CENTRAL-Near schools. 2 BR, 1 BA 4PLX. kitchen/bath. 1 level,R-30 insul. Storm windows, W/D hookups in pantry. Inclds ,RF,DS,ceiling fans. $555/400dep. HALEY REALTY 634-3785 2/2.5, breakfast bar, 2 car gar DW, Refrig w/icemaker, Wa/Dry, Quiet, Clean $925 719 6834243 Beautiful 3br/2ba condo - Gated A/C, Fireplace, W/D, $975/Month Near PAFB, 201-9499 or 596-2300 2BR/1BA, $600/mo, W/O Utilities. Ready Now! 3010 E Bijou Apt. #4B. POC Mr.& Mrs. Hawkins 238-7290 New! 2 br/2ba, FP,A/C,pool,gym, walk-in closets,gated community $900/mo. 719-231-1948 2BR, 1BA, new appls, w/d in unit, some utils pd, extra storage. No pets. Avail now. $625/mo. + $400/dep. 576-8393 New,1500sf TH,2 Br, 2 1/2 BA All Apps inc, AC, Gated, 2C Gar Woodman/Powers, $12K/M 271-9616 TOWNHOME-SW, New, 3br, 2½ba, 2car gar, $1050/mo., $1050/dep. 4296 Prestige Pt. Call 964-6406 CONDOS TOWNHOMES FOR RENT 3bd/2ba/2car+carport, new carpet, FP, vaulted ceilings, w/d, A/C, gated community, pool, gym, clubhouse, peak view, close to Pete, Schriever, everything! avail 11/1, $1100/mo, 1-3yr lease avail, 719-930-4362 128 W. ROCKRIMMON BLVD., #102, 2br, 1½ba, FR w/fpl., kit. w/bar, Wd flrs., $775/mo. RPM, 964-3823 Need some Power behind your advertising message? Call: (719) 329-5236 Colorado Power Classifieds CUTE,CLEAN,CARED FOR,NEAR DWNTWN, 2 BR, 1 BA , inclds W/D hookups,storm windows, yard/trees/flowers, ready for you! 629 E. Boulder, $645/545. HALEY REALTY 634-3785 506 Comanche Village Dr., Fountain, CO 80817 Home 4 Rent 1840 sqft. $1250/mo 3 BR/2.5 BA Fireplace 2 car gar Mil. Discount call 505-650-9005 719-382-3200 FIR Y WITH SE EA A E RL •10 minutes from Ft. Carson •Washer/Dryer Hookup •Views/Lush •On-Site Landscape •Air Laundry EAST 4560 BRAMBLE, 3bd/1ba, 2car, FP, great neighborhood! Pets ok. $895/mo. Call Denise at Century 21, 574-5000 MESA VISTA APARTMENTS $ST9M9ONTH Wonderful Southwest Condo, 2bd/2ba, 1100 + sf, vaulted ceilings, neutral paint, excel cond, pool, tennis, exercise room included, $825/mo. Lani 330-2333 Conditioning RENT-TO-OWN OR OWNER CAN FINANCE. 3br, 2ba, 2car. 4415 Settlement $995/mo with small down. Call Julie, 686-7595. ELLICOTT/YODER •Dishwasher ELLICOTT CUSTOM 20ac Ranch Burm home 2 levels 3br+3ba, 3700SF, lots of trees & amenities, bring your horses! $1000/mo + $1000 security 1 year lease. Call (978) 362-2758 TWO BEDROOM APTS AVAILABLE NOW FALCON VIP Property Management (719) 390-7824 CLOSE TO SCHRIEVER. 3br, 2ba. Horse property on 5acs w/barn, home completely remod. $1100/mo. Avl 6/1. 14925 Russell Dr. Call Carol 528-6206 FOUNTAIN 7 MIN. FROM FT. CARSON. 3bdrm, 2½ ba, 2 car garage, W/D $950/mo. Must see! 573-7925 Lots of House for Little Money ADDRESS AREA 1765 Old Stage Road Broadmoor 525 W. 8th Street Pueblo 225 Vine Street (4 plex) Fountain/Ft. Carson 4510 Adieu Village Seven 935 Saturn Drive (condo) West 4310 Webster Place Central 1145 Lindstrom Drive Fountain/Ft. Carson BED BATH AVAIL. 4 3 1 4 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 now now now now now now now 4br/2ba 2700SF, new carpet/paint/fcd yd. Close to Ft. Carson. Lots of storage. $850/mo. Call Julie @ 719-686-7595. MINS. TO Carson, 3br, 2½ba, 3c gar. 2500+SF, lg master w/2 walk-in closets, lots of storage. $1350/mo. 440-9148 GENERAL Aurora CO: 360 Granby Way #C, 3br, 2½ba. Pics @ $1300$1500 mo/$750 dep. 720-949-0271 PHOTOS OF COLORADO SPRINGS ON THE WEB Rent To Own! See 1000’s of photos of Colorado’s Pikes Peak Region See Military Bases, Neighborhoods Skiing, Downtown, Fishing, Golf Courses, Garden of Gods, Pikes Peak and more, SEE IT ALL! Visit: The Pictorial Magazine of The Pikes Peak Region and Beyond CLOSE TO FT. CARSON 413 CHATFIELD DR. Beautiful 2 bed 1 bath home 1 car garage $995 monthly close to Fort Carson 4328 HORIZON POINT DR 3 bed 3 bath 2 Car garage 10 min from fort Carson, Great views of the peak $1,225 Monthly 4548 CLINEBELL 4 bed 2.5 bath 2 car Garage, New carpet new paint $1,195 monthly 3130 RIVER VALLEY 3 bed 3 bath 2 car, Close to Peterson $1,250 Monthly 4401 PRESTIGE POINT 3 Bed 2.5 Bath 2 car garage, Incredible views of Pikes Peak! $1275 monthly CLOSE TO FT. CARSON, PETERSON, AND SCHRIEVER 2855 HAYSTACK Spacious home in great location, 3 Bed 2.5 Bath 2 car garage $1,175 Monthly 680 WELSH CIRCLE New carpet and paint, 3 Bed 2.5 Bath 2 car garage $1,150 Monthly All of our properties are available rent to own Tri-level for rent 4bd/3ba, hot tub, covered patio, fenced backyard, 2 car detach/1 car attached garage, new paint, no pets. $1200/mo. 1st & last month required. Call 531-0878 NORTHWEST 3 minutes from USAFA - High end 3bed/3bath patio home, gated community, $2000 + Utilities. 303-204-3807 Pulpit Rock area, 4bd/2.5ba, quiet, views. 6295 Wicklow Circle East. $1300/mo $800dep. 310-1234 Ranch w/ fin bsmt, 3bd/2ba, hardwood floors, D/W. No smoking 3907 N. Chestnut St. 310-1234 / 265-5231 ROCKRIMMON JR. EXEC - 3BR, 2BA, 2GAR,lg deck, all appls, island, dining room, carpeted, gated community/includes lawncare. Small pets w/dep. 6330 Perfect View. $1250/1150 dep. HALEY REALTY INC. 634-3785. Rockrimmon TH nice end unit 3br/3ba/2carpts, fpl, all appls $950.00 + dep. No pet. 282-8795 POWERS 6705 FOWLER. 3br, 2ba ranch kit eat-in all appls incl w/d, FR w/fpl. Fcd, cul-de-sac, $1100/mo. RPM, 964-3823 3br/2ba/2cr garage, split level 5 min from peterson, updated $895/mo, pets ok, 719-210-7556 4bd/2.5ba 2000 sqft. Basement, 3 car garage, fenced yard. A/C & more! $1295/mo 719-638-7038 COLO COUNTY lg 4br, 3ba, 2car, 2900SF. Incl a/c. All custom upgrades fam rm w/fpl & lg den. $1300+dep. Pet nego. Call Wini’s R.E.S. 597-7750 LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY! 4br+loft, fin bsmt w/workout room, 3ba, 2c gar, a/c, fcd bkyd. $500/dep. Avail now! Call 1-719-565-0723 Springs Ranch Gated Condo, brand new on top floor. 3bed/2 bath/1 car, fit center, pool/yr round hot tub, walk out to park, views. $1150 – will consider furnished, and longterm- Canadian. Call 719-574-4988 Stetson Hills - Great Views. Cul-de-sac4bed- 4bath-3car, 3400 sqft- huge mstbedrm w/great views, will consider furnished and longterm- Canadian. Call 719-641-9957 Studios from $299 1 BRs from $425 2 BRs from $475 3 BRs from $575 Single Family Homes and Town Homes also available start at $595! All prices, All locations! Sunflower Management LLC. Call 719-634-6490 VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN COLORADO SPRINGS! 1-2-3-4 brs & more. Apts and Houses. From $425-$1395. Call Clark at 964-4628 MANUFACTURED/ MOBILE HOMES Grandview in Ellicott. Homes for rent or lease w/option to buy. Owner financing. 683-4695 or cell 243-2909 & 331-6102. NORTHEAST Rent to Own nearly new 3/2/2 house on 1 acre, Nice Views. 30 min South of Ft. Carson $1100/M. Please Call 238-5821 Rent-To-Own Homes with guaranteed owner financing. Call 719-439-1485 SOUTHEAST 3bd, 2ba Home, 1c garage, fully furnished with furniture and lots of extras, fenced yard, close to Carson & Pete, perfect for single soldiers. Hurry it won’t last! Only $1,150 a month call 393-5066 NEW PULTE TOWNHOME 10 Minutes to FT. Carson. 15 Minutes to Peterson AFB. Beautiful two story. 3 BR/2.5baths. Nice community. New appliances. Rent $950. (719)329-8820 Southeast 3bd/1.5ba/1c gar, fncd yd, $895/mo, not pets. Section 8, appl included. Call 719-390-1268 Southeast: Near Peterson AFB 2 bd, 1 ba apt, $500/mo. Fidelity Real Estate 667-4343 SOUTHWEST 3bd/2ba/2 car Patio Home, w/d hookups, quiet private area, across from lg park. 873 San Antonio $925/mo + utilities. Day 475-9131, Evenings 636-2149 Call Now 719 393-9222 7974 SCARBOROUGH. 4br, 4ba, 2c gar + upgrades! $1650/mo. Avail July 1st. 1-3 yr lease. RPM, 964-3823 4BR, 3Ba, 2800 SF with AC, hot tub, fenced yd, nice nbrhd 2mi N. of Carson. 579-6920. $240k VWSHUVRQDFFHSWHGRQDUHQWWRRZQKRPHZLOOUHFHLYHDÀDWVFUHHQ79 Must be active duty and present this ad to qualify. Beautiful home in private neighborhood 4br/3ba Formal Living/dining room, double gar. & yard. $1200/mo + $1200 dep. 719-287-3043 or 719-321-7058. Beautiful 4bd + office, 3.5ba, 3car gar home, in The Spires. D-12 Schools, $2650/mo includes lawn care and security system. Call 719-576-1335 CAREFREE LIVING PROPERTY with a fin. bsmt. 4br & den. Brand new! 3169SF. $2295/mo incl HOA. Health Club Opt. Avail June 1st. 1 yr lease. Call Moe, Homestead USA, 287-7802 Cheyenne Meadows: Spacious 3br T/H, 2½ba, 2c, nr. Ft. Carson & PPCC. $1000/mo. 4209 Prestige Pt. 238-3598 Or visit us on line at Are You Making Payments On A House That Just Won’t Sell? Hundreds Have Sold To Me And Are Now Worry Free. 719-393-9111 24 hour recorded message Luxury Sunset Mesa, 4100sf, 4bd 4ba/3car, 5pc/jetted, $2550/mo 5550Canvasback Ct, 229-7284 The Daily Transcript can publish your Notices of Guardianship (precurser notice to adoption) PUEBLO WEST MONUMENT 2500sf, 4bd,3ba, 3c garage, skylights and vaulted ceilings, sprinkler system. $1350/mo. Call 719-200-7387 Sponsored by Tri-level home w/fin bsmnt, 3bd/2.5ba, 2c gar, 2000sf, fncd yd. D-49, Stetson Hills. $1195/mo. Call 719-597-3275 SECURITY NO BANKS NEEDED, ANY CREDIT OKAY, OWNER FINANCING 8277 MEADOWCREST DR. 5 minutes from Ft. carson, 3 bed 2.5 bath 2 car garage $1,450 monthly NORTHWIND 3br, 2ba, 2c gar, has tastefully remod. kitchen w/center island, pantry & 18” ceramic tile floor. Lg fam rm w/fpl. Huge master. Trees & water fountain on nearly 1/3 ac lot in cul-de-sac. $1150/mo. 3673 Summer Breeze Dr. Donna, Co. Spgs. RE Center, 531-6060 CLEAN NEWER 2-story Townhouse. 3bd, 3ba, 2 car, a/c. Look out & walk out to rec. area. incl. refrig, oven, DW. Elegant, ONLY $1050 + dep. N/S. Call Wini’s RES, 597-7750 For more info call 634-1048 MAY 17, 2007 COLORADO POWER CLASSIFIEDS WORK! I rented my house in 1-week! Call 329-5236 House for Rent, 3bd/2.5ba, no deposit. Close to Ft. Carson $1000/mo. Call Lindsay 7196609158 ROOMS FOR RENT Female Roomies Wanted Quiet home w kchn lndry TV $350/mo share utils 659-3334 ROOMMATES WANTED Crisp, Modern, Quiet! New 2bdrm House, Stetson Hills. A/C, Grg, prvt bath. $500/month! 482-6100 Looking for an elderly woman to share my home, willing to offer transportations $400/mo. 244-6007. M/F to share, 3br furn home w/hot tub. Security, CO. 7 mi from Ft. Carson. $350/mo. N/P. Debbie, 392-0436 TRANSPORTATION Mins from AFA. Furnished LL of walkout ranch, 1bd/1ba, FP w/ sep. entry. $400/mo+dep+utils. NS/NP 651-3242 TRANSPORTATION ATV’S “Antique” sofa & chair (match) $600, white (futon) bunk bed $150, computer amoire $300, small “bar” w/2 stools $30, coffee table $30, 2 ATV 576-9033 AUTOS WANTED Inexpensive car or small truck for student so we can see them on weekends 232-3247 AUTO ACCESSORIES & PARTS (4) 22x 9.5 MB Jump Rims on 285/35R BFG G-Force TA Tires Ex. Con. $1,900 Firm, 683-4667 2004 SILVERADO TRUCK, cover, white, tri-wing. Asking $500 or best offer. Call 338-1987 Set of 4 Rozzi 22” chrome rims w/tires. Nitto 285/45r22 114h. Like new. Must see. $1800 obo. 2002 Ford F-250 Power stroke Diesel w/ extended cab, 2003 26’ 5TH WHEEL Insbrook Trailer, many extras. Well maintained, Combination $34,000 (Pueblo) 719-543-5298 2004 Viking pop-up camper, has stove, heat, screen room, used twice, asking $5200 OBO 719-559-7371 SUN-LITE, sleeps 3, brand new canvas, 2-way fridge, 2-burner stove, sink, clean/well kept. $3000obo. 597-3365 CHEVROLET 1982ChevyBlazer FS-Trans-Prblms rebuilt-motor,gd proj. truck #559-4706 ask for Corey/lydia 2004 Chevy Trailblazer EXT LS V6, Gold, Seats 7, 1 Owner, 40k Exc Cond $17K - 719-596-1552 DODGE MISC. TRANSPORTATION 2005 Coachmen Concord 225RK MH like new, full warranty, 15K mi Loaded! $55K 719-472-9585 MITSUBISHI 2002 Harley Davidson Deauce Softtail, fuel injected, 1550cc, Screaming Eagle heads, ignition & air intake. $15k 633-4132 Lots & lots of chrome! 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer Oz Rally Carbon Fiber Hood, High Spoiler $7400.00 OBO. 238-8230 2003 HD Road King Anniversary ed. 7,600 miles, black, extended warranty. Touring package, $16,000 502-5820 NISSAN/DATSUN 2004 HARLEY DAVIDSON DYNA Low Rider, 1 owner, clear title, 2820 mi, luggage rack, $12,000. 264-1292 2002 Frontier Supercharged 4x4 truck. Good cond., reliable, bed cover, 68k mi, $16,000 (below book) 930-0864 PLYMOUTH 1999 Voyager V6, auto, all power, 4dr, New brakes & Michelin tires. Looks & runs great! $3950obo. 550-9211 PONTIAC 01 DODGE NEON SRT, $6000 obo 5-Spd 18’AlloyWheels, Sirius Sd ask for Regina 719-310-5400 2005 Pontiac Vibe, 14,900 miles, pw pl, AWD, roof rack, 30MPG Hwy, new condition, $14,800, call 574-9784. 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Great options, $18,000 Call 719-472-8545 SATURN FORD 03 Ford F-350, FX4, 4x4, diesel excellent condition, 36,000 mi. $25,000, 719-406-1834 1966 FORD MUSTANG, $6250. Call 1-720-839-7075 or 1999 Saturn SL2- Low Miles! $5500 OBO, white, automatic,4dr only 58,000 miles! 719-472-8704 SUBARU 2005 Subaru Legacy RS Wgn 29mi Excellent Cond - $14750/OBO Call 492-1852 for showing 1994 Ford SHO $1,995 OBO, power/fast, engine rebuilt, new clutch. Howard 719-390-6471 2007-1995 SUBARUS Foresters, Outbacks, Imprezas, WRXs, See Pic at Great Prices. 1 year Warranty 481-9900 2002 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab Good Condition $7200 OBO call 719-302-2651, 719-360-7379 92 Subaru Loyale, wagon, 4WD, good body, A/T, runs good. $1100 Obo George 260-0177 2004 F-150 FX4, Supercrew, Ylw, Pw everything, Loaded w/leath, like new$26500obo, 719 360-0043 2006 F-250 SD Lariet 4x4, V-10 fully loaded. Remote start, DVD, $34,000 obo. 719-264-1803 2006 FORD F350 diesel, PCS move, hate to see it go! Smokin Deal on a Smokin Truck! Call 287-5638 TOYOTA 03 Toyota Prius 46K miles New tires, 7YR/100K warr 48 MPG $16K 332-4871 ‘95 Camry XLE Loaded, 103K Mi Runs great! Looks great! $4,100 OBO Geoff 597-0922 TRUCKS HONDA Honda Prelude SI, 1991, Red 165K miles, Sunroof, Reliable $2200 OBO (719) 650-6262 JEEP 1994 Kawasaki Jet Ski. 2 seater Trailer, 3 life jackets, incl. $1000 obo 302-4006 1979 CJ7, V-8, 81K, 3” lift, new BFG, mud terrains, $6K obo. Call Will, 659-8868. Need to see! 1988 Wrangler YJ 350TBI V8 Conversion; highly modified Asking $8000, 719-573-8357 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.9TSI Approx. 85,000 miles, good cond Asking 8,500, call 510-0572 KIA 2003 KIA SEDONA EX, 45K, leather, dumping debt, must sell, $9,000 obo. Call George at 1-661-220-9178 00 Toyota Tundra - Loaded, 4WD V6 w/super chgr, 5spd, lift kit 73K, $14,900, 660-3503 2002 F-150 Supercrew Lariat FX4 Low milage, red w/gold 2-tone Call Scott or Noni @ 596-2049 UTIL. TRAILERS FLATBED TRAILER: 6 x 12, 5,000 lb axle, must sell! $1200. Great for ATV’s! Call 659-9052 VANS 2005 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Dlx 1294cc/V4/Wtr Cooled Cruiser 4400 miles $10,500:659-2787 2006 Honda Goldwing, 9700 miles, $16,500 negotiable. 719-391-0615 2006 Yamaha Royal Star 1100cc Only 100mi, pearl white. $11,200 OBO 282-8772 97 CR250 runs great, 1yr on new top end, needs nothing,$1,500 call Derek 719-237-8605 lv msg WATERCRAFT VOLVO 1991 Volvo 940 GLE SRS Gray, sun roof, interior fair, $140,975. Lv. Msg. 719-576-4646 WINDOW TINTING SPECIALS: 2001 NAVIGATOR, exc. cond., fully loaded, new tires, blue book $15K, asking $14Kobo. Must Sell PCS. 573-4052 MOTORCYCLES MAZDA ‘03 HD XL 1200 Custom Anniv Ed. 3500mi, lots of chrome, ssy bar 3 yr wrty, $8000, 719-351-1949 1999 Green Mazda Miata, leather loaded, only 25K mi, extras Must see, $10,500 331-3703 1974 Honda CB550 Four 7000 mi A classic ready to make perfect $800 635-0510 MERCURY 1997 1100 RT, red, immaculate condition, 30K mi. New tires. Electric windshield, heated grips, cc, bags, ABS brake system, garaged. $6500. 495-2345 Save Your Deductible! (719) 473-3980 Custom Paint ...and save lives! 1977 INVADER TRIHOLE, 165 Merc Cruiser, I/O, $4000 invested, asking $2250. Call for more info, 649-6632 ‘97 Maxum BOAT, 17’, Mint Cond Lots of xtras; call for details $7,800obo / Vic (719) 213-4604 BEAUTIFUL 1999 18’ Stingray boat, I/O, Merc cruiser, fully winterized, tape deck, cover, Hercules trailer, exc cond. $7500. Call 590-4879 or 499-1550 Rinkerbuilt16ft 85hp outbd 4cyl assessories, trailer. Like new, garage kept 3k obo 719-494-0756 RVS 1998 Jayco Eagle 10-LD Pop-up Camper. Clean/stove/sink/fridge/heater. NADA blue book $2500obo 271-2724 Did you know that the Daily Transcript can publish your PROBATE NOTICES 2004 Itasca Spirit 29B, 10K miles 2 slides, bunk over cab, slps 8 Mint Cond! $56K, Tony 494-7204 2005 Airstream Westfalia diesel, 24 MPG, all self contained, many extras, 2800 miles. 596-6059 or 641-3345 2005 Jamboree Classy 25”, low mileage, generator, a/c, bed in back, sleeps 6, wont last! $49,995 offer. 576-2490 34 ft,Wrkhorse Chassis, 8.1 eng 3 slides, 2 furnaces, 2 ACs $80K OBO 719 661-6878 News for the Legal & Financial Community For more information call 634-1048 America is at War... ...and a tradition continues. Blue Star Service Banners are Back 1997 Honda CBR 600F3, low miles Corbin Seat, 2 Bros Exhaust, many extras, $4800 OBO 648-0456 U.S. Auto BODY • PAINT • COLLISION • FRAME “Approved Insurance Estimates” Free Mobile Estimates Be A Blood Donor... 02 Passat GLX 4Motion, loaded! new tires, leather, sun roof, Auto, 76K mi, $13900, 337-1349 2002 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR, gold, 46K mi, DVD player, 2 screens, 22” chrome whls, $23,500 obo. 597-8369. 1999 Mercury Mountaineer 80K mi 5.0L V8, AWD, Luxury package $8500 OBO call 719-648-8547 2005 Suzuki SV650S Motorcycle, only 615 miles, never been laid down, practically new asking $4900! 310-0981. VW trunk lid, fits 95-99 Lumina or Monte Carlo, red w/spoiler, $75 or $150 installed, 390-1437 Coleman Rio Grande pop up sleeps 6, galley, canopy w/room clean, $2500, call 597-7078 2005 Honda CBR600RR $7500 Red, Perfect Cond.1723 miles Come test drive! Call 660-3629 97 Dodge Ram 2500 Van,new tires AT,AC,cruise, AM/FM/Cass,low mi quad seats,$4000OBO,238-6716 LINCOLN CAMPERS 2005 HD Low Rider, Blue Only 4K miles, Windshield 231 8824 $15,000 OBO 2009 Toyota Sienna CE 44,000 mi roof rack, dual A/C & heat great cond! $14,000 OBO 719-302-5424 Triumph Bonneville new stock pipes, 2 gas caps, 2 seats for sale. 719-238-2391 $129 special for 35% on any car! (up to 7 windows) $70 special for 2 windows on any truck or SUV! Or 10% off any complete premium tint over $150 Performance Autotint 719-638-7739 2000 Ducati Monster 750 - $4500 Excellent Condition, 4132 miles Fun to Ride! Call Soon! 719-338-0244 Please Recycle homes will remind us of the perMen and women in military uniforms are on the front lines of our sonal sacrifices being made to preserve our way of life. war on terrorism. In wars past, a Blue Star Banner in From the more than 4 the window of a home million men and women showed a family’s pride in of The American Legion, their loved one serving in the American Legion the U.S. Armed Forces and Auxiliary, the Sons of The reminded others that preAmerican Legion...and all serving America’s freedom your fellow demands much. Americans...we say, “Thank you.” Every neighborhood has someone serving in the current war on terrorism. As we steel ourselves for a long and difficult war, the sight of the Blue Star Banner in
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