BOPPOLYhortnews - Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
BOPPOLYhortnews - Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
April 2012 BOPPOLY hortnews Jan Bell Post Harvest Level 4 National Certificate in Horticultural Level 4 Advanced - Post Harvest Strand within an organisation and the impact their work has on others. 2012 sees the Polytechnic running a Post Harvest option for students pursuing careers in this burgeoning sector. All students start the cadet programme by completing their National Certificate in Horticulture Level 2, giving the students a good grounding in general horticultural principals. Students can then choose the Post Harvest option or the Fruit Production option. The benefit to a student is that they have more job opportunities - both within the kiwifruit Industry and in other industries. The benefit to a business is that they gain an employee with knowledge of basic horticulture and an understanding of compliance, auditing, supervision and pack house systems. They become a more versatile employee. Industry has indicated the need for quality people with both horticultural and industry knowledge. Knowledge does not come free and without effort, it requires an investment of time and money from both the employer and employee. Learning how other processes function, the difficulties they face and the compliance issues they have helps people see the operation as a whole and makes them conscious of their role If you don’t have staff at the skill or knowledge level you require then take a look at Bay of Plenty Polytechnic’s Cadet Programme. The aim of the Post Harvest strand is to help people obtain an overview of Post Harvest processes and to help them transition into other areas of their work place. NCH LEVEL 4 (Year 3) NCH LEVEL 2 (Year 1) NCH LEVEL 4 (Year 2) (Post Harvest) (Post Harvest Advanced) Basic Horticultural Science Post Harvest Operations Post Harvest Management Know the science behind production Understand & be able to work in various processes Frontline Supervision and Management Certificate in Kiwifruit Orchard Skills The industry endorsed popular Orchard Skills course has been running since 2006. To keep the programme relevant and up-to-the-minute, we consult widely with industry ensuring it is continuously updated. In keeping with this, the programme now includes current KVH hygiene protocols. Employed at Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, Academic Staff Member - Horticulture The programme has been developed to give orchard workers an opportunity to gain a qualification and to recognise valuable skills. All training and assessment is completed on orchard. This practical programme is independently assessed and is competency based. Helping people to progress their careers, the orchard skills certificate leads on to the part-time Fruit Production programme offering a national Certificate Level 4. Please contact us at anytime we look forward to meeting you. Western Bay of Plenty: Marlia Fraser, 0800 BOP POLY ext. 6863, or 027 234 2534, email: Eastern Bay of Plenty: Paul O’Brien, 027 467 2384, email: My Journey in Quality Control I began working in the Kiwifruit Industry more than 15 years ago. I worked on an orchard on a casual basis doing any work required - pruning, thinning, tying down, mowing, summer pruning and quality work. It was great but I felt I needed to move myself up the pay scale, so with that in mind I moved into quality control work in the kiwifruit industry. I liked quality work, there was always plenty of work to be done and the experience was good but on the downside the pay rates are not terrific and there wasn’t much scope to advance. I felt I had gone as far as I could in kiwifruit at that time. So I enrolled in a Post Graduate Diploma of Quality Management. Studying was not easy... It was a big learning curve! I was not supported by my employer so study had to be fitted in and around earning money. I did as many papers as I could in any year. The investment and effort paid off. I am able to apply for jobs in other industries that I would never have considered previously. I earned back what it cost in study fees in less than one year! My knowledge of my subject has increased immensely. I learnt self discipline and self motivation as universities don’t accept excuses for late work, lack of research or poor presentation. In my role as a horticultural tutor with Bay of Plenty Polytechnic I am encouraged and supported into developing the skills necessary for my job. My advice: Take a minute to look up and see where you are heading; if you don’t like the direction then find a way to change it. If you require further education then get it. Select the study that will help you achieve your goal and attack it. Don’t wait for somebody to provide it for you or energise you. Accept you may find it difficult, accept setbacks, but carry on regardless. Never think you are too old, not intelligent enough and especially don’t use the word can’t. Jan Bell Freephone 0800 BOP POLY | For more info visit Hort Cadet Programme Update Our 2012 part-time classes are up and running with a fresh group of energetic and focused students. As the kiwifruit harvest approaches we will be scaling down classes. Our new Eastern Bay intake is completing the part-time certificate on a block course model which is working well. The Western Bay students are enjoying our new student facilities while coming to grips with plant and weed identification, health and safety, and study skills. The second year, Level 4 fruit production students (Eastern and Western), completed summer canopy management, harvest supervision, and propagation of fruit tree units. We were kindly hosted by Copperfields and Tharfields nurseries where the students gained valuable knowledge and skills in budding and grafting. Awesome! Year 2 students with Avocado grafts. The Level 4 post harvest strand is also underway (as outlined above). All students have been given training in the Polytechnic online learning option ‘Baylearn’ which will be used to re-enforce the classroom based learning. The introductory sessions were fun and showcased the usefulness of this educational tool. Congratulations to James MacKenzie for gaining a $500 HortNZ Industry Trainee Scholarship! Year 2 students at Copperfields Citrus Nursery – budding citrus. For more info email Full-time students and staff in the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Street Parade 2012 Dates to diarise events coming up! Young Fruit Grower of the year competition 20 June Horticultural Cadets Level 2 - next intake: 14 June Fruit Production for Profit programme 26 June Chainsaw courses (1 and 5 day) May-June Freephone 0800 BOP POLY | For more info visit