Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation Newsletter 2014
Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation Newsletter 2014
Building Hope and Filling Needs Col. Mike Edmondson and Capt. Danny Honeycutt unveil the name of the new chapel . Construction of the new chapel at the State Police Barracks is under way, but we need your help to finish this important project. Over the past two years, our team has completed land surveying, soil testing, structural engineering, dirt work and the foundation. We are now erecting the metal building. We have sufficient funds to secure a roof over the enclosed building, but the time is now to complete and furnish this chapel. Changing Hearts and Lives By Building Chapels in Louisiana’s Prisons The staff and inmates at the Police Barracks have worked hard and waited patiently. We need your help. On page 3, you will find a Wish List of supplies. Please consider helping us put the finishing touches on this chapel. Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation We have received a donation to build a designated space for the Bible College at Angola. Plans are underway and work should begin in January 2015. We continue to explore options of partnership with other entities to spread the Kingdom of God within correctional facilities and hope to discover other ways we can strengthen and build relationships with families and other ministries. Phone: 225-931-7023 The continuation and growth of God’s work in Louisiana’s prisons is dependent on your prayers and your financial support. Please consider making a gift to the Louisiana Chapel Foundation before year’s end. 527 North Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Fax: 225-344-0142 Email: lpcf@chapels.org Website: www. chapels.org Feature Article on work of the Foundation from The Baton Rouge Advocate Follow this hyperlink to view article: http://tinyurl.com/cmqohz2 Page 2 December 2014 Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation Building Hope Besides building chapels in Louisiana prisons, the Louisiana Chapel Foundation plays another vital role in the state’s correction system – we are a vital liaison with the faith community, ensuring that they feel connected to the facilities in which they serve. The foundation helps make them more effective in their ministry. The Chapel Foundation also helps spread the good news about how moral rehabilitation or restoration has changed the way Louisiana incarcerates people. Many times, the foundation lends an understanding ear to families of incarcerated individuals. Those family members are usually innocent bystanders who have been devastated and alienated by the crime of their loved one. They often need someone to understand their struggles and help them understand how the corrections system works and provide counsel on how to navigate it. Our yearly operating budget not only funds the oversight of chapel construction, but all the other important work described above. All of that costs approximately $65,000 a year. This covers one salaried employee, insurance, postage, printing, computer and software, professional services, website management and telecommunications. At the end of 2014, we will be $25,000 short of balancing our annual budget. The Foundation’s administrative costs are 10 percent of donations. Ninety percent of every dollar goes to building and furnishing chapels. In recent years, as we near the end of our scheduled building projects, we have found ourselves with a deficit. If you believe the work and ministry of the chapel foundation should continue and extend beyond the simple building of chapels, please consider helping us with a financial contribution. Our director, Cindy Mann, or any board member, would be happy to speak with you and answer your questions about the work of the foundation. Yes, I would like to support operations so we can continue to Build Hope. Name:______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________________________ Email address:______________________ Telephone: ________________________________ Gift in Honor or Memory of: ____________________Address:______________________________ Please make checks payable to Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation and place “Building Hope” on the memo line. 527 North Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70802 225-931-3664 Donate online by credit card at www.chapels.org Contributions are deemed charitable under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501(c)3. Federal Tax ID #72-1314979 Christmas Wish List Building Materials for New Beginning Chapel at State Police Barracks Erect Metal Building Insulation Doors and Hardware Install Electrical Line Transformer Electrical and Lighting HVAC Finishing Supplies $5,750.00 $5,000.00 $7,500.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $31,500.00 $16,500.00 $23,500.00 TOTAL: Ceiling Materials Flooring Paint and Supplies Steeple Sound System Altar Sheet Metal Code Fees $7,500.00 $8,775.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $1000.00 $300.00 $300.00 $152,625.00 *In the event that donations of supplies have been received in excess, remaining funds will be applied to other building materials. Yes, I would like to help provide building materials for the New Beginning Chapel . Name:______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________________________ Email address:______________________ Telephone: ________________________________ Gift in Honor or Memory of: ____________________Address:______________________________ Please make checks payable to Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation and place State Police Barracks on the memo line. 527 North Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70802 225-931-3664 Donate online by credit card at www.chapels.org Contributions are deemed charitable under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501(c)3. Federal Tax ID #72-1314979 Page 4 Changing Lives Avoyelles Correctional Center Cottonport, Louisiana C. Paul Phelps Correctional Center DeQuincy, Louisiana Elayn Hunt Correctional Center St. Gabriel, Louisiana David Wade Correctional Center Homer, Louisiana Louisiana State Penitentiary Camp D Angola, Louisiana Louisiana State Penitentiary Camp C Angola, Louisiana Louisiana State Penitentiary Main Prison Angola, Louisiana Louisiana State Penitentiary Camp F Angola, Louisiana Winn Correctional Center Winnfield, Louisiana Dixon Correctional Institute Jackson, Louisiana Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women St. Gabriel, Louisiana Rayburn Correctional Center Angie, Louisiana Forcht- Wade Correctional Center Keithville, Louisiana Avoyelles Correctional Center Expansion Cottonport, Louisiana St. Augustine Chapel Renovation Angola, Louisiana Our Lady of Guadalupe at Main Prison Angola, Louisiana Pointe Coupee Detention Center New Roads, Louisiana Louisiana State Police Barracks Zachary, Louisiana Bible College Angola, Louisiana Allen Correctional Center Kinder, Louisiana Completed 2001 Completed 2002 Completed 2002 Completed 2002 Completed 2002 Completed 2002 Completed 2006 Completed Oct. 2006 Completed March 2007 Completed May 2008 Completed April 2009 Honorary Chairpersons Governor and Mrs. Bobby Jindal Honorary Board Members Former Governor Kathleen B. Blanco & Mr. Raymond S. Blanco Former Governor and Mrs. Murphy J. Foster, Jr. George E. Foreman Board Members Richard A. Johnson, III President Completed Nov. 2010 Charles H. Chatelain Completed April 2011 Jeffery E. Travis Treasurer Michael R. Holland Completed July 2011 Completed Dec. 2011 Completed Dec. 2013 Under Renovation Under Construction Under Construction Vice-President Secretary N. Burl Cain Donovan K. Hudson Rev. C. Dana Krutz Richard L. Stalder Troy N. Terrell Executive Director Cindy Mann If you would like to receive newsletters or notification of upcoming events, please email Cindy Mann at lpcf@chapels.org
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