paving - Clinician`s Choice Dental Products, Inc.
paving - Clinician`s Choice Dental Products, Inc.
PAVING THE PATHWAY FOR BETTER DENTISTRY HEALTHCARE E S S E N T I A L S CLINICAL PROBLEM: TISSUE MANAGEMENT Gingival tissue that turns black during tissue retraction procedure/retraction cord that frays and does not stay where you place it/organic debris/(smear layer) embedded in your impression. With its viscous gel formulation, it is no wonder TISSUE GOO™ has been called the easiest and most pleasant hemostatic agent to use. When compared with runny liquid hemostatic agents, TISSUE GOO stays where it is placed, providing effective hemostasis in cases of mild to moderate bleeding, while also acting as a lubricant during packing of the retraction cord. TISSUE GOO contains 25% aluminum sulfate which is kinder on soft tissue than ferric sulfate or aluminum chloride hemostatic agents that can irritate or discolor the soft tissue (a particularly unpleasant side effect when used during veneer cementation). TISSUE GOO will not inhibit your impression material from setting or negatively affect adhesion of adhesives and cements. Packing retraction cord can be tedious and often frustrating for many dentists. Today’s retraction cords are difficult to handle: the first half of the packed cord often pops out of the sulcus during placement of the remaining half. Often the cord frays when cut or gets caught in your bur during preparation, reducing its ability to move tissue effectively. FIRST STRING™ Retraction Cord is a unique, 100% cotton braided retraction cord that features a tight weave for easy handling. Unlike many cords, non-impregnated FIRST STRING holds its shape as you manipulate it throughout the placement procedure, maximizing tissue retraction. You’ll notice a significant difference when working with FIRST STRING – it actually stays where you place it! FIRST STRING gives you superior tactile feel to ensure you do not disrupt the connective tissue fibres, which in turn ensures that you prevent gingival recession and biologic width impingement. To further eliminate the “frustration factor” that comes with most cords, FIRST STRING strands simply will not separate and will not fray when cut. And you won’t risk penetrating the cord or seizing strands with your packing instrument. Hemostatic agents based on ferric sulfate or aluminum chloride – and even the powder in your latex gloves – contain sulfur. Sulfur contamination is one of the primary reasons your impression material won’t set, has voids, or air bubbles. Additionally, organic debris often gets picked up in your impression, causing inaccuracies. These clinical challenges can force you into multiple retakes of the impression. Contaminated preparation site Freshly cut preparation (smear layer) containing blood, hemostatic agent, and possibly handpiece oil. All of these can prevent an accurate and properly cured impression. Clean preparation site In just 7-10 seconds, DETAIL removes the contaminants and surface debris, leaving the dentin tubule plugs in place, and allowing for a clean, decontaminated preparation site. DETAIL™ Pre-Impression Cleansing Gel guarantees a clean, decontaminated prep site and consequently, an accurate impression every time. In just 7-10 seconds, DETAIL will lift organic debris and contaminants like sulfur and methacrylate residue from your prep site. Rinse away DETAIL, and the impression surface left behind will be squeaky-clean. In only 7-10 seconds, Detail leaves behind not only a clean preparation, but also a hydroactive surface – both will yield the cleanest, most detailed impression you’ve ever seen! Detail CC035904 - $135 Tissue Goo CC241904 - $135 $108 First String CC640107 - $25 $20 $108 Another common cause of an imperfect impression is uncured methacrylate (from your temporary material) left on the prep site. You may think your air/water syringe cleans the prep site adequately, but it often does not. These kinds of chemical or biological interferences occur more often than any dentist is willing to admit, and unfortunately, the blame is often placed on the impression material when impressions go wrong. A clean preparation will give you a more accurate impression; however, DETAIL does more than just clean the prep site. DETAIL also lowers the surface tension of the preparation so your impression material contacts the surface more intimately. TISSUE MANAGEMENT | CLINICIAN’S CHOICE CLINICAL PROBLEM: IMPRESSION Distortion of your impression material causing frustration during the insertion/cementation of a single crown with multiple units of a bridge. CLINICIAN’S CHOICE® AFFINITY™ Hydroactive Impression Material takes impression accuracy to the next level with its exclusive 3rd Generation chemistry. AFFINITY is the only material to use branched resin chemistry with a grafted surfactant. This branched resin chemistry provides 3-dimensional cross linking, creating a more dimensionally stable material. Clinically, this results in improved tear strength, giving the material the ability to jump undercuts, and produces more highly defined margins and interproximal detail. AFFINITY’s unique grafted surfactant gives the material the ability to perform more effectively in the presence of moisture, making it especially effective for subgingival impressions. Moreover, having the surfactant as part of the actual chemistry (versus a floating component) means the material will cure to 100%. Previous generation materials are limited to an approximate 94-96% cure, leaving impressions vulnerable to distortion, inaccuracy, and tearing. AFFINITY’s resin chemistry provides yet another benefit over other filler-based materials. Where these other materials rely on added filler to achieve a rigid cured state, AFFINITY establishes both flow and cured durometer hardness through its resin chemistry. Because AFFINITY’s Inflex and Heavy Body tray materials’ fluid states are matched to the viscosity of the AFFINITY Light Body material, more of the Light Body stays on the preparation site and is not over-displaced by the tray material. When the preparation is captured more in light body, your impression will yield greater accuracy (8-10 microns vs. 40-60 microns if the preparation was captured in tray material). Independent working and set times will also increase procedural efficiency. Use only what you need of the working time and the set time remains the same. Regardless of how much working time you need, your set time will always be less than 3:00 minutes. With AFFINITY, you also have a choice of Regular Set (working time 1:45 minutes) and Fast Set (working time 1:10 minutes). AFFINITY is available in 7 viscosities; all designed for your particular technique, whether it be a closed-bite impression with a dual-arch tray (InFlex and Light Body), full-arch impression (Heavy Body and Light Body), edentulous impression (Monophase), bite registration (Quick Bite), or putty impression (AFFINITY Putty). Unlike all other VPS materials on the market, with AFFINITY’s Spectrum Pack, you can mix any combination of viscosities in packs of 12. Affinity 12-pack $399 Affinity 2-pack - $99 .20 $79 Crystal 2-pack - $125 .75 $93 IMPRESSION | CLINICIAN’S CHOICE CLINICAL PROBLEM: IMPRESSION Remakes and occlusal adjustments caused by distorted dual-arch impressions/trays. Most dentists use either a putty or heavy body tray material for their everyday impressions. While both are clinically acceptable, they lack the ideal flow and/or durometer hardness to ensure an accurate and distortion-free impression when used with a dual-arch impression tray. Both heavy body and putty materials are intended for impressions when a standard or custom full arch tray is used. They are designed to create good hydraulics, while not being so rigid that it is difficult to remove the full arch impression from the patient’s mouth. These are features that are contra-indicated for creating distortion-free impressions with a dual-arch tray. THE IINFLEX DIFFERENCE InFlex™ Maximum Support Tray Material is the only material in the industry specifically designed for the dual-arch impression technique, and is clinically proven to consistently create distortion-free impressions. BETTER FLOW FOR BETTER ACCURACY InFlex flows slightly more than a traditional heavy body, and far more than putty, which results in ideal hydraulics, easily moving the light body into the sulcus and around the prep site and adjacent dentition. InFlex will not over-displace the light body like heavy body and putty will, so improved accuracy is virtually guaranteed. InFlex will not displace tissue either, a characteristic that is extremely important in implant impressions. INCREASED RIGIDITY TO PREVENT DISTORTION When compared with heavy body and putty, InFlex also cures to a more supportive 80 durometer. Higher cured rigidity prevents distortion often caused by the rebound and elastic memory of plastic dualarch trays. If a sideless tray is used (metal or plastic), InFlex becomes the sidewalls once cured and will not distort during model pouring. Regardless of whether you use plastic trays or the more effective metal Quad-Tray, InFlex will result in a better, more accurate, and distortion-free impression – we guarantee it! Plastic dual-arch trays are prone to distortion due to their inherent elastic properties. Conversely, the aluminum QUAD-TRAY® Xtreme™ from CLINICIAN’S CHOICE® is designed to not distort during placement, or rebound upon removal from the patient’s mouth. Ultra-low sidewalls and a wide arch design eliminate palatal impingement, axial roll, and burn-through of the tray, while a thin distal bar minimizes retromolar pad interference. The end result is the virtual elimination of occlusal adjustment time, and no more re-makes! The QUAD-TRAY Xtreme is memory-free, unlike plastic, is customizable to suit any arch. USING QUAD-TRAY XTREME, AFFINITY INFLEX AND LIGHT BODY HF (HIGH FLOW) TO CREAT E A SINGLE CROWN IMPRESSION 1. Affinity Light Body HF is applied in a 360° motion twice. Be sure to keep impression tip submerged to avoid air entrapment. Inflex - $99 .20 $79 2. Use an ample amount of Light Body HF. In order to ensure ideal coverage, be sure to allow the material to lead the way while syringing. 3. Simultaneously, the Quad-Tray Xtreme is loaded with Affinity InFlex Maximum Support Tray Material. 4. Use enough InFlex to encompass the tray walls on the buccal and lingual Quad-Tray CC048050 - $175 .50 $131 5. The opposing arch is removed first by holding the tray against the prep side while the patient slowly opens. Then, in a rocking motion to prevent tearing of the impression material, remove the preparation side. The margins and entire preparation, covered entirely in Light Body, are easily recognized – an extremely accurate prosthesis will be the final result. IMPRESSION | CLINICIAN’S CHOICE CLINICAL PROBLEM: IMPRESSION Impression distortion and inadequate dental result in excessive occlusal adjustment and lost chair time. Heavy Body TRAY MATERIAL - PREDICTABILITY IS PARAMOUNT The tray material is used for full arch impressions should provide ideal hydraulics to move the light body beyond the preparation margins and into the sulcus. Putty and most heavy body materials on the market today provide too much hydraulic pressure, leaving little (if any) light body to encapsulate the preparation. Ideally, you want a heavy body tray material that is easily dispensed and effective at moving the light body while not overdisplacing it. Once cured, the heavy body should exhibit just enough flexibility that it won’t tear upon removal, especially when undercuts are involved. 3rd generation AFFINIY™ Heavy Body from Clinician’s Choice delivers on all counts. Incorporating a unique resin-based chemistry with three-dimensional cross-linking, AFFINITY Heavy Body delivers results superior to previous generation materials and putty, specifically; a high rigidity (sets to a 72 durometer), a 100 percent cure and greater dimensional stability. Also important, AFFINITY Heavy Body provides a slightly lower, fluid viscosity to drive AFFINITY Light Body with overdisplacement. Because light body material provides 8-10µm of accuracy, versus a heavy body’s 30-40µm, clinically you’ll achieve better results if the preparation is encapsulated more in light body. The result you’ll receive is a high detailed, highly accurate impression that is flexible enough to resist distortion and tearing upon removal. New HEATWAVE™ Customizable Impression Trays from CLINICIAN’S CHOICE® represent a noteworthy evolution in impression trays, by taking truly anatomically designed trays and adding the ability to self-customize chair-side. The result is a precise fit with vertical drive that rivals that of a custom tray (but without the inconvenience and cost involved to make a custom tray) for perfectly precise impressions every time. With HEATWAVE, the clinician can easily self-customize the thermoplastic trays by hand after immersing them in water for 60 seconds at 70°C. The tray can then be shaped by hand and moulded to a patient’s particular arch size and contour. After adaption, the tray will assume its normal rigidity at room temperature or by running under cold water, allowing for a precision impression. Heatwave Trays CC188908 - $99 $81 1. Immerse selected tray in a water bath of 70°/158°F for 1 minute. 4. Light Body material syringed around preparation. 2. Once heated, the tray can be adapted by hand. 7. Tray material loaded into tray. 3. Keep desired form stable for 5 seconds. Check fit in the mouth and repeat the moulding procedure if needed. If fit is achieved, run the tray under cold water for 5 seconds to set form. 6. A precise impression is achieved. IMPRESSION | CLINICIAN’S CHOICE CLINICAL PROBLEM: T E M P O R I Z AT I O N Wasted chair time adjusting provisional restorations The TEMPTRAY ™ is one of those inexpensive, yet extremely invaluable products that every clinician simply must have in their practice. Developed for sectional arch impressions when fabricating a temporary matrix, the rigid metal TEMPTRAY prevents insertion and removal distortion commonly experienced with flimsy plastic trays, ensuring an accurate impression. Alginate is too flexible, takes too long to set, and clean-up is time-consuming. Putty is too thick, takes too long to set, and lacks detail. So to fabricate a matrix for temporary crown and bridge work, what is the most efficient solution? TEMPLATE™ Ultra Quick Matrix Material from CLINICIAN’S CHOICE®. TEMPLATE is a silicone material that sets in 30 seconds and flows easily into the finest morphology to capture more detail, especially when compared to conventional materials like putty, significantly reducing finishing time. TEMPLATE cures to a rigid 68 durometer but releases easily from the mouth, and maintains its form indefinitely. Beyond temporary matrix fabrication, TEMPLATE is also the ideal solution for finishing the difficult lingual aspect of Class III and IV restorations, allowing you to pre-shape and refine the lingual surface while you are restoring the tooth. TempTray CC046050- $115 $92 Extremely versatile, the TEMPTRAY will accommodate any quadrant in the mouth—anterior and posterior, upper and lower. High adjustable sidewalls can adapt to virtually all crown lengths and can be narrowed or widened to a patient’s particular arch dimensions, and even misaligned teeth. To reduce the time you spend fabricating your temporaries, try TEMPTRAY s with TEMPLATE® Ultra Quick Matrix Material. LINGUAL MATRIX TECHNIQUE 1. Template is loaded into TempTray. 1. Apply a thick layer of Template on the lingual aspect of the centrals and laterals. Be sure Template flows over the incisal edge. 3. Replace Template matrix and hold in position. 2. New Class IV preparation with long bevel. 4. Renamel Universal Microhybrid, Occlusal White (Cosmedent) is packed against the Template matrix to form the lingual shelf. 2. TempTray and Template are seated intraorally (30 seconds). 3. An accurate and detailed matrix is created. Notice the sharp interproximal detail. Template - $160 $128 5. Renamel is light-cured for 20 seconds. 6. Renamel Microfill (Cosmedent) is placed to complete the restoration, cured, and polished. T E M P O R I Z AT I O N | C L I N I C I A N ’ S C H O I C E CLINICAL PROBLEM: Dentistry’s only “hybrid” temporary cement, CLING2® is a quick setting, resin-optimized, non-eugenol temporary cement with a zinc oxide formulation that contains a small amount of carboxylate resin. The addition of carboxylate resin gives CLING2 superior adhesion plus sealing and soothing properties for the tooth. Once set, excess material can be easily peeled from the margins and although adhesion is optimal, when required, CLING2 is easily removed from the preparation. Because it effectively seals the preparation, CLING2 also prevents bacterial build-up (and the resulting unpleasant odor) from occurring under the temporary, all the while maintaining the health of the tissue. You need a temporary material that is strong, functional, and fracture-resistant for both crowns and bridges. Your patients are looking for uncompromised esthetics and reliability. A self-cure, bisacyl tempary composite material, TEMPTATION™ is the only material that will consistently meet these high standards. 2. Final Temptation temporary bridge. • TEMPTATION is the “flexible temporary material”. It exhibits a lower modulus of elasticity compared to other temporary materials. Competing materials have a modulus as high as 4,100 MPa, while TEMPTATION’S is just 2,700 MPa. Where other materials fracture under normal occlusal forces, TEMPTATION flexes slightly under load and resists fracture, much like a flowable composite. • TEMPTATION offers better working and set times compared to acrylic materials. Acrylic temporaries require hand-mixing which is not only a time-consuming task, if it’s not done properly, can create air bubbles. TEMPTATION can be removed from the mouth in just 2:15 minutes, and fully cures extraorally in just minutes. CLING2 has a 30-second working time, sets in 60-90 seconds, and comes in a paste-paste, auto-mix syringe, making it as efficient as it is effective. PLACEMENT 1. Temptation temporary crown and bridge material is loaded into the Template matrix and reseated into the patient’s mouth. Intraoral cure time is 2:00 minutes. Remove from the mouth and allow 7 minutes of extra-oral cure time. 1. Cling2 sets quickly - in just 90 seconds. • TEMPTATION generates minimal heat and has virtually zero shrinkage (less than 0.45%). • TEMPTATION matches the VITA shade guide better than other materials. Choose from A1, A2, A3.5, B1. Temptation - $240 $192 2. During the gel phase excess Cling2 is easily removed. 3. Cling2 resin reinforced chemistry provides superior adhesion. REMOVAL T E M P O R I Z AT I O N Premature fracturing of your temporary bridges/temporary restoration that dislodge prematurely. $76 Cling2 10ml CC158910 - $135 $108 Cling2 5ml CC158900 - $95 1. Crown and bridges cemented with Cling2 are easily removed but will not prematurely dislodge. 2. Cling2 carboxylate resin component maintains ideal tissue health and prevents bacterial contamination which facilitates adhesive bonding. T E M P O R I Z AT I O N | C L I N I C I A N ’ S C H O I C E CLINICAL PROBLEM: POLISHING Polishing brushes that damage too easily/Confusion + increased costs when stocking one polishing system for hybrids and another for porcelain. Define, Shape & Create Shine With a Single Polisher! DuFINE™ SHAPE & SHINE™ Polishers have the ability to shape and contour cured composite material, and create an unrivaled polish, all in a single step. Diamond-impregnated, SHAPE & SHINE Polishers feature 45 micron sized diamond particles that can conservatively contour hybrid and nano-filled composite when additional pressure is applied. During polishing, these diamond particles continuously breakdown, becoming smaller in seconds, to provide a high luster finish when using gentle pressure. Are your polishing brushes losing bristles after just a Dentistry’s First Diamond Primary Polisher few uses or exhibiting wear after a handful of autoclave Each Primary Polisher (purple) is imbedded with diamond cycles? If you’re not using GROOVY Diamond® Polishing particles (average particle size 45 microns) to help you Brushes from CLINICIAN’S CHOICE®, chances are create a smooth surface topography on you’re replacing your brushes more often than needed. hybrid composites and porcelain and to get a great Diamond-impregnated GROOVY brushes feature Kevlar initial shine in one easy step. High Shine At Double The bristles, making them more durable than other polishing Speed After the initial polish comes the final high shine brushes. Where other polishers wear out after minimal polish. Because D◆FINE Double Diamond Final High Shine uses, you’ll get at least 40 uses from a single GROOVY Polishers (orange) have a small 5 micron brush when used with gentle pressure (between diamond particle size and more diamond particles than 1,000 and 3,000 rpm). And because they’re diamond any other polisher, they give you a better shine in less time. impregnated, with GROOVY brushes, you’ll achieve a Unmatched Flexibility D◆FINE Double Diamond polishers higher shine and in less time than with silicone carbide are designed to be flexible. When applied properly, the brushes. GROOVY brushes polish within the grooves of polishers will splay, closely hugging the surface topography your hybrid and nano-composite restorations, porcelain, and olishing (without the risk of ditching) the gingival and CEREC without removing anatomy or leaving behind margins. Increased Cost-Efficiency While many polishers the flat, lifeless surface that disc systems can create. wear out quickly after only a single use, D◆FINE Double Get more polishes for your money and a high shine in Diamond Polishers are autoclavable up to 275°F, and each less time with REALITY 4-Star rated GROOVY Diamond polisher is designed to give you multiple polishes without Polishing Brushes. compromising the performance. Using gentle pressure will CC650124 - $275 CC650126 - $275 CC650603 - $120 6-pack - $120 20-pack - $315 $220 $220 $100 $100 $250 1. Upper right central incisor labial veneer preparation. 2. Renamel Nano Light Cured Nanofill Composite (Cosmedent) veneer adapted and light-cured. 3. Initial labial lobe form shaping to contour with pointed #08 Shape and Shine. 4. To mimic the adjacent central, the Shape & Shine #02 wheel is used to create a flat surface topography. extend the life of the polisher. CC130916 - $199 CC131906 - $150 CC132906 - $150 $175 $135 $135 CC415906- $280 Refills - $210 5. Final high luster composite surface created using the Shape & Shine polishers. $165 $155 POLISHING | CLINICIAN’S CHOICE HEALTHCARE E S S E N T I A L S Healthcare Essentials PO Box 14-421 Kilbirnie Wellington For orders and information Phone toll free: 0508 802 5577 Fax: 04 387 1724 Email: Or Contact your local representative: Auckland: Mary 021 818919, Valerie 021 922014, Waikato: Jocelyn 021 899729 Wellington region: Liz 021 450655 South Island: Marie 021 796360