2017 Annual-ISSUE - International Freelance Photographers
2017 Annual-ISSUE - International Freelance Photographers
the Make Money with your Camera Magazine Photographer TODAY'S 2017 Annual International BEAt the LIGHtING Challenge PAGE 7 How to SHoot SPEED AND ACtIoN PAGE 20 CUBA INSIDE PAGE 5 SIDELINES world Class winners PAGES 11 & 14 SHootING straight from the CAPtURE PAGE 23 My PASSION FoR PRESS PHotoGRAPHy LED ME to PRESIDENtS AND MoRE PAGE 28 Digital Photography Instructions on DVD With Brian Ratty, world famous photographer and educator (#DVD01,DVD02, DVDLP bundle of 3) 4 Hours #DVD04 - $139.95 DVD01 Digital Photography: the Camera 85 min $54.95 Digital photography has changed the way photographers create images with a new sense of imagination that can be instantly changed and improved. Digital Photography, the Camera is about teaching the fundamentals of this new creative tool. If you’re new to photography or an experienced film user you will find this useful program full of practical information, creative ideas and instruction on digital imaging. 14 Educational Chapters: Introduction, f-Stops, Shutter Speeds, Digital History, How Digital Works, How to Choose a Digital Camera, Using Your Digital Camera, Files & Memory, BONUS - Text Files: Key Terms, Digital Glossary, Teacher’s Guide, Quick Quiz (30 Questions), Using Light, Lenses, Depth of Field, When to Use Digital, Exposure Control, Your Digital Images, Digital Pathways. $54.95 oUtA’ tHE GAtE: GULFStREAM PARk RACE tRACk IN HALLANDALE, FLoRIDA MArCELLA MIrANDE-KETCHAM IFPO BOCA rATON, FL DVD02 Digital Photography, Crafting Images 98 minutes $54.95 Teaches the fundamentals of the ‘art and craft’ of making, not taking, digital images. This 98 minute program includes 32 key photographic concepts and 56 specific digital shooting tips. This interactive program will help develop good photographic techniques and provides inspiration on starting to ‘see’ photographic images that are all around us. 10 Educational Chapters: Introduction, The Camera (review), Properties of Light, Exposure Control, Photographic Design, Critiquing Images, Visual Themes, Visual Subjects, Shooting Accessories, The Gift of Photography. $54.95 DVDLP4 Learn to Critique Photography, Film & Digital 60 minutes $54.95 THErE ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 1-800-654-9557 or use ORDER FORM on page 47 IS NOTHING AS ExCITING AS THE HOrSES BrEAKING OUT OF THE STArTING GATE. (MOrE ON PAGE 14) ©2015 MArCELLA MIrANDE-KETCHAM IFPO To be successful, a photographer must learn to critique photography. This program examines over 100 images to understand why some pictures work and why others don't. If offers the critical skills needed to craft the most dynamic images possible. Eleven educational lessons: Visual themes, Light, Color, Focus, Design, Seeing images, People Photography, Action Photography, Travel Photography, Nature Photography and Candid Photography. 60 minutes, DVD format $54.95. www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 1 Contents MAKE YOUR IFPO AFFILIATION WORK WITH BUSINESS CARDS USPRESSCoRPS.oRG Business Cards (Available only to holders of uSPreSSCOrPS.OrG Credentials) toDAy’S PHotoGRAPHER INtERNAtIoNAL rOuNd Out yoUR USPRESSCoRPS.oRG CREDENtIALS wItH FULL CoLoR BUSINESS CARDS USPRESSCoRPS.oRG Business Cards $59.95 $9.00* $68.95 oRDER toLL FREE 500 CARDS (ALLow 3 -4 wEEkS FoR DELIVERy). 14 PoINt GLoSSy CARD StoCk 11 wItH FULL CoLoR LoGo FAX: 1-336-468-1899 Use ORDER FORM on page 47 SHootING wINNERS 14 1-800-654-9557 AI Business Cards CoMPLEMENt yoUR AI NEwS SERVICE UNIVERSAL PRESS CREDENtIALS wItH IMPreSSIve BUSINESS CARDS $59.95 (AVAILABLE oNLy to CURRENt HoLDERS oF AI UNIVERSAL PRESS CREDENtIALS) Choose your own title AdvertISe yoUR Freelance Specialty wItH IFPo MEMBER BUSINESS CARDS PER SEt oF 500 (ALLow 3 -4 wEEkS FoR DELIVERy). AI Universal Business Cards/Color AI Logo #55UN-M $59.95 $9.00 $9.00* S&H totAL $68.95 *Foreign shipping $28 FEATURES Item #54USP.O S&H totAL *Foreign shipping $28 $59.95 2017 ANNUAL Vol. 32, Number 1 11. GRAND PRIX DE MoNACo 2015 (MoNtE CARLo) wINNER. 14. CAPtURING GREAtNESS: OrB WAS ON HIS WAY TO WIN THE 2013 KENTUCKY DErBY WHEN I SHOT THIS PHOTO IN 2013 AT THE GrADE I FLOrIDA DErBY AT GULFSTrEAM PArK IN HALLANDALE BEACH, FLOrIDA. ©2013 MArCELLA MIrANDE-KETCHAM IFPO, BOCA rATON, FL. 44. SNAPSHot oF A SUPERStAR: AS A PHOTOJOUrNALIST THE OPPOrTUNITY TO TAKE A PICTUrE OF THE WOrLDS BEST SOCCEr PLAYEr LIONEL MESSIWAS THE MOST IMPOrTANT EVENT IN MY PHOTOGrAPHIC HISTOrY. © 2015 DIEGO PIETrO IFPO, HOUSTON, Tx oN tHE CoVER: 2015 FIM MotoGP woRLD CHAMPIoNS, VALENCIA, SPAIN. JOHANN zArCO #5. © 2015 IGOr CANO IFPO, AVILA, SPAIN 48 $49.95 © 2015 ANETT PATrICE VAN YOrK, IFPO MONTE CArLO, MONACO DANNY KENT #1, JOrGE LOrENzO #99, 44 IFPo Member Business Cards/Color AI Logo #5511 $49.95 S&H $9.00* totAL $58.95 *Foreign shipping $28 for 500 Cards 500 CARDS PER SEt o 5511A-C......Member FREELANCE Photographer ..................... $49.95 ea o 5511B-C......Member SPORTS Photographer ............................ $49.95 ea. o 5511C-C .....Member CONCERT Photographer...........................$49.95 ea. o 5511D-C .....Member WEDDING Photographer..........................$49.95 ea. o 5511E-C......Member PORTRAIT Photographer.........................$49.95 ea. o 5511F-C......Member WILDLIFE Photographer ..........................$49.95 ea. o 5511G-C .....Member NATURE Photographer ............................$49.95 ea. o 5511H-C .....Member GLAMOUR Photographer ........................$49.95 ea. o 5511J-C ......Member MODEL Photographer ..............................$49.95 ea. o 5511x-C......Member Photographer ........$49.95 ea. OTHEr (SPECIFY) ANY 2 SETS ABOVE #5512-2 ..........................$89.95 tot. CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING 2 Today's Photographer International 14 PoINt GLoSSy CARD StoCk 25 $49.95 PER SEt oF 500 wItH FULL CoLoR LoGo (ALLow 3 -4 wEEkS FoR DELIVERy). oRDER toLL FREE 1-800-654-9557 FAX: 1-336-468-1899 Use ORDER FORM on page 47 www.ifpo.net www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 3 19 28 TIPS AND AWARDS 7. BEAt tHE LIGHtING CHALLENGE: DAY AND NIGHT 11. EVENtS: FOrMULA ONE, FASHION, rEGATTAS AND rOYALS 17. PRotECt yoUR RIGHtS AND PHotoS: IMAGES HAVE VALUE 19. MAkE A GooD IM-PreSS-IoN: PrESS PHOTOGrAPHY 20. CAPtURE SPEED AND ACtIoN: TIPS FOr MOTOr SPOrTS I 23. SHoot FRoM tHE SIDELINES: INSIDErS VIEW 45. FASHIoN PHotoGRAPHy: TIPS THAT WOrK 48. SHootING MARtIAL ARtS: PAYS AGAIN AND AGAIN ON ASSIGNMENT 5. INSIDE CUBA 7 6. SoCCER 12. PARIS FASHIoN wEEk 12. SAILING tHE MEDItERRANEAN CIRCUIt 17. wHy SHoot RUNwAy MoDELS? 27. MALtA: CoMMoNwEALtH HEADS MEEt 28. PRESS: AwARDS AND PRESIDENtS GALLERY 8. CLEARwAtER RIVER VALLEy FIRE 23 28 At LASt YOu CAN PUt A LINk to yoUR HoMEPAGE on IFPo toP PHotoGRAPHERS SItE A Link to your Homepage from the IFPO’s Top Photographers Site guides potential clients in your area to click directly to your Home Page to see your work, find your contact information, pricing and other important information. Your listing on Top Photographers includes Your Name or Business Name, City, State/Province, and Country. Go to www.ifpo.net/topphotographers for examples of listings. ONLY $19.95/year. Register for this valuable service at: http://ifpo.net/toplinks.html With your Credit Card CALL 1-800-654-9557 with the URL (LINK ADDRESS) to your Web-Site. 4 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net INSIDE CUBA 2016 was luckily among twentyfour photographers from all over the U.S. to tour Cuba with Bill Bachmann Tours in the spring of 2016. We visited Havana for four nights and stayed in the historic old Nacional Hotel. We then went to the Pinar Del Rio area and spent an afternoon exploring Vinales, Cinfuegos, Australia, Trinidad, Isobel and traveled around the beautiful country side. The people are incredibly poor and have so little, yet they willingly share anything they have! They smile and make the best of what they've got and help others less fortunate, even sharing rides in town and on highways. City streets are very narrow and crowded and we saw big tour buses, old and new taxis, pedi-cabs, horsewww.ifpo.net CUBAN WOMAN WITH CIGAr ©2016 Jan Jenson IFPO By Jan Jenson IFPO, Matthews, NC drawn carriages and bicycles... all sharing the same space and managing to avoid accidents everywhere we traveled! They often The Cuba Group and Jan Jenson IFPO (in the circle). make extra money by posing for photos, what we consider important. expecting a CUC (about 80 cents) Lessons learned almost outeach time you shoot them or rent- weighed our photographic experiing out their old classic cars and ence. Another tour is planned for taking people all over the city, 2017. A long lead time is required even island tours! It was an amazing photojournal- for applications but more than istic experience -- a step back in worth it. Ω time to 60 or 65 years ago. It was Jan Jenson, photographer, writer, stunning to learn what happy peo- publisher, 60+ years experience. ple the Cubans are with so little of www.vizualexplorations.smugmug.net Today's Photographer International 5 SoCCER FC Cincinnati, a first-year team is receiving international attention. In a recent friendly against Crystal Palace FC (EPL), 35,000 fans showed up in Cincinnati -more than the capacity of the Crystal Palace stadium! Ω DEFENSEMAN HArrISON DELBrIDGE HEADS A BALL AWAY FrOM GOAL FOr FC CINCINNATI IN A MATCH AGAINST N EW Y OrK r ED B ULLS II IN JULY 2016. ©2016 Jerry Frisch iFPO FRoM tHE PUBLISHER We are announcing a very different format for future issues of Today’s Photographer International magazine. Beginning with this issue all upcoming issues will allocate more pages for editorial material which will increase the publishing opportunities for IFPO members. IFPO programs and services, which have always taken many pages in the magazine, will be listed in the IFPO Members Directory of Services on page 37 with the internet links to complete information and how to join each program. Many other programs are still offered on pages listed below. We believe this new design will be more attractive to IFPO members who are eager to get their work published. Jack M. Gallimore IFPO MEMBERS DIRECTORY OF SERVICES page 37 Editorial Submission Guidelines IFPO Auto Emblems & Freelance Field Kit IFPO Business Cards IFPO Press Hats and Emblems IFPO Business Forms IFPO Directory of Complete Member Services IFPO Distributor Program IFPO Membership Information and Specialty Certificates IFPO Press Programs IFPO Field Kit and Crew Tag ID IFPO Hall of Fame Information IFPO Master Photographer Information IFPO Membership Update Cards IFPO Order Form Stock Gallery Program Press Correspondent’s Chase Kit 40 42 2 10 16 37 43 38 39 26 36 41 46 47 18 22 toDAy’S PHotoGRAPHER INtERNAtIoNAL Publisher Jack M. Gallimore Editor in Chief Vonda H. Blackburn Editorial Staff: Cass Kerrington Ray Bream Editors at large: Dennis Hodges Elliot (Ed) Doering LYNDON JOHNSON MArCELLA-MIrANDA KETCHAM DIEGO PIETrO rOY SPELLEr Sr. SIMON SALT HENrY SMITH ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK JOSEPH zAHNLE Today’s Photographer International Magazine is published by American Image Press in Hamptonville, NC 27020. Send advertising and editorial correspondence to: Today’s Photographer Magazine, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 USA. Subscription is free to IFPO members. Please send change of address forms as well as subscription correspondence to Today’s Photographer Magazine, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 USA. Allow at least six weeks for the change of address to become effective. COPYRIGHT AMERICAN IMAGE, INC., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 Today's Photographer International to BEAt tHE LIGHtING CHALLENGE CoNCERt PHotoGRAPHy By Becky Hullar IFPO, Dothan, AL Operations Staff: Liz Bloom Elie Bragg Dee Cass IFPO COrrESPONDENTS George Austin, Greenville, KY Jerome Dorn, Atlanta, GA Keith Cephus, Virginia Beach, VA Keith Gibson, Malta Becky Hullar, Dothan, AL Henry Smith, Warwick, NY Arthur Wiegman, The Netherlands IFPO PHOTOGRAPHERS PUBLISHED IN THIS ISSUE VINCENT BrOWN STEPHANIE CAMPBELL IGOr CANA JULIO CANA ELLIOT DOErING JErOME DOrN KEITH GIBSON BECKY HULLAr JAN JENSON How Mail Preference: On occasion subscriber names and addresses are made available to carefully screened companies whose products or services we feel may be of interest to readers. To be excluded from these mailings, contact us via one of the following: Mail: PO Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 FAx: 336-468-1899 Phone 336-468-1138 Today’s Photographer International Magazine AMErICAN IMAGE PrESS PO BOx 42, HAMPTONVILLE, NC 27020 (336) 468-1138 • FAx (336) 468-1899 www.ifpo.net My first feature on concert photography was published in this magazine several years ago featuring Willie Nelson at a festival in Ozark, Alabama. Since then I have shot a lot of local and regional festivals every year for lots of different reasons. First, they are great fun. Secondly, attendees often ask me to shoot their pictures so I get a few indirect sales plus the names of future potential clients. More important I often book other events to shoot later or at least get leads for other projects. I am always amazed at the number of fans who request my business cards and how to contact me later! ChingChing!! Covering festivals as a member of the media is absolutely one of the best investments of my time to promote my photography business. I like to get my work published frequently (again to promote my photography business), so I always submit my festival photos and articles to several different appropriate news outlets to be considered for publication. My goal recently was to do a lighting study at the Toadlick Music Festival in my hometown of Dothan, Alabama. This is a family oriented event held yearly and one of the biggest music festivals held in the great state of Alabama. It attracts some of the most popular entertainers in the music world. Festivals go on for days and nights in all kinds of CONTINUED PAGE 30 www.ifpo.net BECKY HULLAr IS A MASTEr PHOTOGrAPHEr WITH OVEr 30 YEArS OF FrEELANCE PrOFESSIONAL PHOTOGrAPHY ExPErIENCE IN ALMOST EVErY VENUE IMAGINABLE. HEr WOrK HAS BEEN PUBLISHED TOday’s PhOTOgraPher MAG- LOCALLY, rEGIONALLY, NATIONALLY AND INTErNATIONALLY (INCLUDING AzINE SINCE 2006). SHE ATTrIBUTES HEr SUCCESS TO MANY YEArS OF LEArNING ON HEr OWN AND THE MANY MENTOrS MET ALONG THE WAY. SHE STArTED SHOOTING SErIOUSLY AT THE AGE OF 17. Today's Photographer International 7 GALLERy FIrES FrOM THE SUrrOUNDING STATES OF WASHINGTON AND OrEGON HAD A MASSIVE CLOUD OF SMOKE DrIFT CLEArWATEr rIVEr VALLEY IN THE SUMMEr OF 2014. THIS PHOTO WAS SHOT WHILE I WAS SHOOTING BOATS, rAMPS, INTO THE PEOPLE AND SCENErY ON CLEArWATEr rIVEr BUrEAU AND LAND MANAGEMENT (BLM) SPrING 2015 SPOrTING GUIDE. IT WAS ALSO USED BY A LOCAL TV STATION. THE FOr THE “OTHEr MEDIA OUTLETS ArE MOrE WILLING TO CONSIDEr AND ACCEPT MY PHOTOGrAPHS NOW THAT IFPO ID CArDS AND VErIFICATION.” JOSEPH zAHNLE IFPO OrOFINO, ID HAVE MY 8 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International I 9 P R E S S P H OTO G R A P H E R S ’ S U RV I VA L G E A R Order Form on Page 47 * Credit Card Orders Call FREE 1-800-654-9557 ROYAL B LUE H AT AI N EWS S ERVICE H a t $19.95 $19.95 CottoN PoPLIN USPRESSCoRPS.oRG Hats & Patches Item # USPHat-01 AVAILABLE ONLY to USPRESSCoRPS.oRG PHotoGRAPHERS PATCHES $9.95 Item # AI-Hat-1A AI News Services Accessories are available to AI Press Photographers only. Enhance your Credentials with Embroidered Patches. red, White and Blue with Silver Metallic Accents. Designed for Jackets Shirts and Camera Bags EA. Item # USPRESS-PCH-1A 2 1/4 X 4” EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY $9.95 AI News Service 3” Patch ANETT PATrICE VAN YOrK, IFPO MONTE CArLO, MONACO FoRMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DE MoNACo 2015 (MoNtE CARLo) wINNER EA. Black and White with Metallic Gold Embroidery Item # AI-PCH-1A Press Hats, Patches and Stickers AVAILABLE to ALL IFPo PRESS PHotoGRAPHERS PRESS Public and event officials will instantly recognize your status Windshield Stickers adhere to inside of windshield or window. #781A - 2 for $9.95 PRESS PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER OFFICIAL BUSINESS PHOTOGRAPHER 127 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PRESS H a t $19.95 Patches and Stickers $9.95 ea 127 #Press PCH-1A ...$9.95 ea. Press Patch Black & White Today's Photographer International PrESS HAT: solid black cotton twill cap with braid. One size fits all. One COLOr: Black (with white embroidered emblem) Order in quantity for YOUrSELF AND ASSISTANTS and save. USE tHE oRDER FoRM oN PAGE 47 Mail check or money order to: #1410C...$9.95 PRESS Dash Card 10 Item # PRESS Hat-1A INTErNATIONAL MEDIA SWArMS THE FOrMULA 1 GrAND PrIx DE MONACO 2015 (MONTE CArLO) WINNEr MErCEDES’ NICO rOSBErG. rOSBErG UPSET HIS TEAMMATE LEWIS HAMILTON LATE IN THE rACE AFTEr A VErY COMPETITIVE rUN. ©2015 Anett-Patrice van York, IFPO PRESS. PO Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 to order by credit card: CALL 1-800-654-9557 (MOrE ON PAGE 13) or Fax: 1-336-468-1899 www.ifpo.net www.ifpo.net Today’s Photographer International 11 FASHIoN BY ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO, MONTE CArLO, MONACO Shooting fashion is at the heart of my photography. I have been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years, studying at the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, the best Haute Couture school in the world and the Syndic that organizes the world's number one fashion week - Paris! I know what excellent couture is about and which designers have found their edge (most of them never do). To find new techniques and styles today in fashion is very hard. Almost everything has been done already. What you hope to see is innovation. Some of the most exciting fashion techniques are coming from places you never expect. Especially the poorer countries where young designers create fabric from whatever they can find. Having no money or other resources makes them extremely creative! Their creations were just amazing. During London's Fall/Winter 2015 fashion week Serbian designer Marko Mitanovski, who is inspired by animal shells symbolizing shields of protection and surviving the cycle of life, impressed me with his embossed leather creations. So look out for countries where you never usually look for fashion! To find them go to unknown designer showcases and London’s young designer Fashion Scout’s presentations especially ‘The Ones to Watch.’ during Fashion Week. You always find treasures there. There just might be another Lee Alexander McQueen emerging one day from there! Ω Les Voiles d'Antibes the annual sailing regatta in Antibes, France, hosted its 20th edition this year with a selection of the most beautiful classic yachts in the world! The racing took place with 74 registered magnificent yachts, along the coastline between the bay of Antibes and JuanLes-Pins. Competing were some of the most beautiful Vintage Yachts built before 1950, Classic Yachts built before 1976, Spirit of Tradition Yachts and Classic Metric - 6MJI 8MJI and the 12MJI, competing in America's Cup from 1958 to 1987, which have shaped the history of yachts since the late nineteenth century! Ω MOTOR SPORTS SErBIAN DESIGNEr MArKO MITANOVSKI’S ExQUISITELY PLEATED AND EMBOSSED LEATHEr CrEATION AT LONDON FASHION WEEK FALL/WINTEr 2015 ©2015 ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO LES VoILES D'ANtIBES - tRoPHEE PANERAI oNE oF tHE PRIME SAILING EVENt oF tHE MEDItERRANEAN CIRCUIt! CLASSIC YACHT MArIQUITA (LADYBIrD SAILS 8) BUILT IN 1911 IS PrOBABLY THE LAST 19M IN ExISTENCE. MOONBEAM VI (SAILS C1) BUILT IN 1914. BOTH DESIGNED BY ArCHITECT WILLIAM FIVE. ©2015 ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO 12 Today’s Photographer International www.ifpo.net MAJOr SPOrTS ArE DOMINATED BY MEN -- INCLUDING MOST OF THOSE BEHIND THE CAMErAS! AS A WOMAN PHOTOGrAPHEr INTIMIDATED. I WAS ONE OF ONLY A FEW WOMEN IN THE LINE UP OF PHOTOGrAPHErS (ABOVE) COVErING THE 2015 FOrMULA PrIx DE MONACO (MONTE CArLO). ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO SHootING tIPS If you are an event photographer you mostly have to shoot events in the area where you live. Because I live in Monaco, and the FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DE MONACO (Monte Carlo) is one the most important and appreciated worldwide events of the year, it is high on my agenda. Although I have been in the fashion industry for 30 years and cover the world' s number one fashion week in Paris as well as the one in London and others, I was always interested in fast cars! I love challenge sports and the F1 racing events are some of the most challenging in motor sports. Sailing is another one of my passions. I am a sailor and luckily live near the areas of Cannes, Antibes, St. Tropez and Monte Carlo) where the world class regattas attract the most beautiful sailing yachts from all over. the world. It’s beauty for the eye and the soul. Like the F1 Grand Prix, the best of the best worldwide participate. The elite of the elite compete and www.ifpo.net those are exactly the type of events I love to shoot! Shooting almost any high profile I AM NOT 1 GrAND event is very competitive. From high fashion to racing to regattas, the first challenge always is to get access and CONTINUED PAGE 34 CHECK UP BY THE FErrArI TECHNICAL TEAM BEFOrE THE FINAL rACE IN MONTE CArLO. © 2015 ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO Today's Photographer International 13 CAPtURING GREAtNESS My ALL tIME FAVoRItE PHoto: oRB, tHE 2013 kENtUCky DERBy wINNER. MArCELLA MIrANDE-KETCHAM IFPO, BOCA rATON, FL MY LUCKY DAY. I WAS THErE ON MArCH 30, 2013 WHEN OrB STArTED AS THE 29/10 SECOND FAVOrITE FOr THE grade i FlOrida derby AT GULFSTrEAM PArK IN HALLANDALE BEACH, FLOrIDA. HE WAS SETTLED IN FIFTH PLACE BEFOrE MOVING UP ON THE OUTSIDE TO TAKE THE LEAD INSIDE 2 3/4 This race was not his maiden THE FINAL FUrLONG AND WON BY LENGTHS. but IT WAS ONE OF HIS MOST IMPOrTANT WINS ON HIS WAY TO WINNING THE 2013 KenTucKy derby JUST 2 MONTHS LATEr. ©2013 Marcella Mirande-Ketcham IFPO As a press photographer my goal is to capture their greatness from the very beginning. Marcella Mirande-KeTchaM iFPO PADDY’S FLIGHT, A YOUNG TWO YEAr OLD FILLY, BrOKE HEr MAIDEN IN HEr FIrST rACE AND PrOUDLY PrANCED TO THE WINNEr'S CIrCLE AT GULF STrEAM PArK rACE TrACK IN JULY 2015. ©2015 MArCELLA MIrANDE-KETCHAM IFPO My love of photography, horses and racing are so entwined that it is sometimes hard for me to keep them separated. I do not really know which one drives me most but in the end my goal is to capture each horse at its best. Through years of experience I have recognized a great horse or two in the making -- one went on to win a Kentucky Derby. My goal always is to get a great photo of the winner crossing the finish line. If it is breaking its maiden, it’s even more exciting. 14 Today's Photographer International After many years of covering racing the most exciting moment for me still is when I see all the horses coming to the top of the stretch for home, and I see the first time starter pull to the front of the pack and head for the finish line to win its first race. Breaking its maiden is extremely exciting, especially when I am capturing that emotional moment. The excitement continues because the horse knows it has won and proudly prances to the winner's circle with head held high with the jockey patting its neck in praise. My excitement continues as I see them go on to win more prestigious races. Presently I am watching Honor Code and Paddy's Flight. To watch a talented horse run like Honor Code is magical for me. In 2015 he won the Florida Derby in April and the Whitney Stakes at Saratoga in August coming from last to first -- an unbelievable run. To see a horse move from dead last to win the race is simply phenomenal. He is a great horse -- truly a www.ifpo.net HONOr CODE WITH JOCKEY JAVIEr CASTELLANO WON ITS MAIDEN TrACK IN JULY 2015. ©2015 MArCELLA MIrANDE-KETCHAM IFPO www.ifpo.net AT GULF STrEAM PArK rACE thing of beauty and poetry in motion. Paddy's Flight is a new young filly with potential being raced by Pinnacle Stables (I shoot for them). She's basically a baby -- only 2 years old. She has only run two races, winning the first and losing the second, but it takes time to develop a young horse. I was there for her first win to break her maiden so I am anxious to see if she can win more since she started out so well. I am also partial to the greys, so she caught my eye right away. She’s a beauty and her dad Paddy O'Prado, now retired won many races. My passion is shooting these horses as they start their careers at Gulfstream and go on to be the greatest athletes in this sport. Following them and knowing that I captured their FIRST win gives me a great sense of connection and pride. Every time they win an important race, I am excited, proud and emotional sometimes to the point of tears, with the happiness I feel for them. It’s a special connection that is hard to describe. My passion and my love for them is beyond words. They are truly amazing animals. My mission is to capture their greatness from the very beginning. Ω Today's Photographer International 15 LIFETIME SUPPLY Business Forms Masters $39.95 contracts - checklists - releases Not-PERSoNALIZED reproducible Forms Masters #15MA for $39.95 plus $9 shipping PERSoNALIZED reproducible Forms Masters #15PR $69.95 plus $9 shipping FORMS MASTERS Photographers’’ Forms Reproducible MASTERS $39.95 Not PERSoNALIZED ❏ 15MA-61 ❏ 15PR-61 $69.95 PERSoNALIZED ❏ 15XX-61 $89.95 1 Set of Each Above ❏S&H $9.00 1st Class Mail John Doe Smith Wedding Photography Specialist Home Town, USA Telephone: 000-111-2222 email: jdsweddings@thisplace.com FULL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY PLAN People and Places Shooting Plan, page 1 of 4 (Foreign ship $24.75) USE ORDER FORM ON PAGE 47 HOW TO BUY INDIVIDUAL FORMS: $9.95 for EACH Form (packs of 100 ) (NOT-Personalized) $24.95 for ANY 3 Forms (packs of 100 ) (NOT-Personalized) $39.95 for ANY 5 Forms (packs of 100 ) (NOT-Personalized) Packet of 100 Individual Forms for $9.95 each FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER’S’ CONTRACTS AND CHECKLISTS: F120 PHOTOGrAPHEr’S JOB CONTrACT F121 PHOTOGrAPHEr’S rIGHTS/COMMISSIONS CONTrACT F159 PHOTOGrAPHEr’S JOB INVOICE F160 PHOTOGrAPHEr’S JOB ESTIMATE WOrKSHEET F157 POrTrAIT PHOTOGrAPHEr’S JOB CONTrACT F158 POrTrAIT PHOTOGrAPHEr’S INTErVIEW FOrM F301 PHOTOGrAPHEr’S ON-ASSIGNMENT CHECKLIST F141 INSURANCE PHotoGRAPHER’S INVENTOrY rECOrD F169 wEDDING PHOTOGrAPHY JOB CONTrACT F170 WEDDING PHOTOGrAPHY CHECKLIST F171 Full Wedding: People and Places Shooting Plan (1 of 4) F172 Full Wed.Pre-Ceremony, Ceremony Shooting Plan (2 of 4) F173 Full Wedding: Post Ceremony Shooting Plan (3 of 4) F174 Full Wedding: Shooting Appointments Plan (4 of 4) F165 MoDEL PoRtFoLIo JOB CONTrACT F163 MODEL POrTFOLIO SHOOTING CHECKLIST F164 MODEL INTErVIEW FOrM F140 VIDEOGrAPHEr’S JOB CONTrACT F142 VIDEOGrAPHEr’S WEDDING CHECKLIST RELEASES AND SUBMISSIoN AGREEMENtS F191 MODEL rELEASE pocketform F192 PUBLICATION rELEASE pocketform F193 PrOPErTY rELEASE pocketform F147 PUBLICATION SUBMISSION pocket form F224 rIGHTS TO PUBLISH AGrEEMENT NEwS PHotoGRAPHERS’ PLANNERS AND REPoRtS F210 HOT NEWS CHECKPOINTS F211 DAILY ACTION PLANNEr oRDER toLL FREE 16 1-800-654-9557 or FAX: Today's Photographer International F212 F213 F214 F220 F221 F222 F201 F202 F203 F204 F223 HOT CONTACTS: LOCAL PUBLICATIONS QUICK rESPONSE PrOCESSING LABS FIELD DIrECTOrY NOTESS QUICK STEP PUBLICATION rELEASE pocketform QUICK STEP MODEL rELEASE pocketform QUICK STEP PrOPErTY rELEASE pocketform NEWS rEPOrTEr'S LOG & EVALUATION NEWS rEPOrTEr'S ACCIDENT rEPOrT CLIENT NOTIFICATION FOrMS pocketform QUICK rESPONSE NEWS LOG INSTANT NEWS rEPOrT FOrM PHotoGRAPHERS’ LoGS F125 35mm ExPOSUrE LOG F146 PHOTO SHOOTING LOG F126 DArKrOOM: FILM DEVELOPING LOG F127 DArKrOOM: CHEMICAL USAGE LOG F128 DArKrOOM: ENLArGEr CALIBrATION LOG F129 DArKrOOM: PrINT MAKING LOG F130 DArKrOOM: 35mmTEST STrIP LOG MISCELLANEoUS FoRMS F101 IFPO MEMBErSHIP APPLICATION F102.a IFPO MEMBEr'S INFOrMATION FOrM F102.b IFPO rEFErrAL PrOGrAM FOrM F103 IFPO OrDEr FOrM F104 ASSIGNMENT DATA BANK rEGISTrATION F105 PHOTO CONTEST rULES AND ENTrY FOrMS F106 EDITOr'S SWEEPSTAKES & SUBMISSION INFO F107 IFPO MEMBEr'S ADVErTISING rATES F108.a IFPO HOME PAGE PrOGrAM KIT #1 F108.b IFPO HOME PAGE PrOGrAM KIT #2 F108.c IFPO HOME PAGE PrOGrAM KIT #3 P109 PICTUrE AWArD PrOGrAM 1-336-468-1899 7 DAyS • order Form on page 47ß www.ifpo.net why Shoot Runway Models? Simon Salt IFPO, Fairburn, GA In the past fashion shows have often been secretive affairs. Private events that, in some cases excluded the media and certainly weren’t welcoming to outsiders. That is changing with social media, the rise of the blogger and the desire for designers to reach even larger audiences. An increasing number of shows are now opening their doors. This provides an excellent opportunity for freelance photographers to capture images in what is still a fairly exclusive environment. As a fashion photographer having runway images in my portfolio shows potential clients that I am committed to the world of fashion and that I am on top of new trends. Fashion is a lifestyle whether you are a designer, model or photographer and being able to illustrate how involved you are is essential to getting assignments, collaborations with agencies, models and commercial work. Your first runway shoot can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t normally shoot live events. My best advice is to rely on your skills and what you know. Preparation makes for the best images. Light is everything (so bring a speedlight), and don’t let anyone steal your place in the press pit! Simon Salt – Atlanta based freelance fashion photographer M Ho w To Protect Your Rights a nd Pho tos any times over the years a photographer has called or written to report that his or her photos have been used without permission, or with permission but without payment, photo credit or other related problems. In ninety-nine percent of the reports the problems could have been avoided by using a cover letter or a simple agreement in writing or using an IFPO Business Form. The following steps should provide protection for most situations. 1) Copyrights are inherent to the photographer. However, an inventory list of images with the copyright notice (Ex:©2014) is a friendly reminder that the work is protected by copyright laws. Also a short notice such as, “All rights reserved” could be added. 2) Each time a photo or digital image leaves your possession, it should be accompanied by signed and dated permission for use with terms and conditions stated. This is the first step to a contract for use -- even if no payment is involved. KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR FILES. 3) Digital images require even more protection. NEVER send your original files. Not even just for someone to consider. Send a copy of digital images in very low resolution along with text files of the first two items above. 4) Follow up by phone or email within 5-8 business days to see if your images arrived and if there is interest etc. Mention that complete information is in the package. www.ifpo.net By Vo nd a H. Bla ckb urn, Editor 5) ALWAYS send a postage paid return envelope when submitting by mail if you expect your work to be returned. 6) Submissions by email are just “out there” in an unknown domain. It is much safer to mail a disc with your name and copyright notice on the disc. We are not suggesting that you never email an image but you should know and trust the receiver and believe that terms for an agreement can be made. 7) Once there is an agreement for how an image is to be used, the terms must be set before the use occurs. Example: One photo may be used once for $25 or any amount that is satisfactory. You may even want the benefit of having your photos published without payment. If so, that should be agreed upon up front. 8) Others conditions must also be met. Will you get photo credit? Will you get a copy of the work published? Can you buy extra copies if you need them? 9) When is payment made? Upon publication? Within 30 days? At the end of the publishing cycle? It really doesn’t matter as long as you understand and agree to it. 10) Finally, all terms and conditions should be confirmed in writing and signed by both parties. Sounds like too much work? Not so. Two copies of a simple cover letter can do the job for you. Simple business forms can do the job for you even better. (See the offer for a lifetime supply of IFPO Business Forms on pages 2 and 3 for $39.95) What happens if you have released your images without an agreement for use and learn they have been used? Contact the user. Try to work through the steps listed here. Most everyone understands that copyright infringement can be serious business. In most situations, something fair and equitable can be negotiated even after photos have been used. It’s much easier to take the simple steps required to protect your work at the time it leaves your possession than to try to get control of it after use. Keeping a log of photo packages, digital images etc that are in the hands of potential users helps you track usage, payments and packages that should be returned. It also often serves as a reminder of where your best work is located and where and why you should submit it elsewhere. Using business forms designed especially for photographers not only help protect your work, it’s a short cut to learning about copyrights, rights to use, terms and conditions. Just select the form that seems to match your job and complete it! You should never have to worry about protecting the use of your photos again. Finally, posting photos on social networking sites is not recommended. If you post a photo of a logo or trademark (pro sports uniforms etc) without permission of the owner of such, you are violating logo and trademark regulations which could get you into trouble. Don’t do it -- even though you own the copyright to the photo. You can submit such photos for editorial purposes to a recognized publisher, TV or broadcast outlets as a news item or a feature story. So always remember to protect yourself as well as your work. Ω Today's Photographer International 17 Still Making A Good Im-PreSS-ion SELL PHOTOS YOU ALREADY HAVE! S TA RT S E L L I N G YO U R P H OTO S Successful stock libraries contain HIGH QUALITY images of everyday life situations. IFPO members shoot such images everyday as a matter of course. However, unless a photographer has hundreds or thousands of images, he may be shunned by the large stock houses. This could happen for two reasons, he simply may not be recognized as a successful stock photographer or his stock of a few dozen images is too small for an agency to consider. The IFPO Stock Listing service removes these barriers totally and opens doors to the international sales market. IFPO’s Stock Listing Service The following elements clearly distinguish the differences in the IFPO Stock Listing Service and a stock agency: 1. The service provided to IFPO members is a STOCK PHOTO LISTING SERVICE and NOT an agency. 2. Each photographer manages his own sales. 3. No commissions will be charged ever. 4. Image buyers will browse the IFPO image bank on the internet, select the photos, get the price, index number and contact information to order directly from the photographer who owns the images. 5. Members may set their own pricing for each photo sold. 6. Complete copyright standards will be available at the site for image buyers and IFPO member photographers (the sellers). 7. Image searches by buyers may be made by subject. 8. The most important part of any Stock Photo Service is its indexing system that allows an image buyer to identify a photo for purchase. • there are no commissions ever -- unlike Members are asked to identify their pictures by agencies who always take at least 50 pertheir 5 digit member number plus a 5 character cent of sales. code of their own choosing. Example: IFPO • Income from sales is instant and all member 99999 might use Index Codes of yours -- very different from agencies 99999-KID01, 99999-KID02, etc. where payment usually follow sales by 6 to 8 months. DVANtAGES oF tHE A IFPo StoCk GALLERy SERVICE www.ifpo.net/stock.html • List only the number of quality images • Current and new clients can see your you wish to list -- not 10,000 to 50,000 as fresh images instantly and contact you to required by agencies. buy -- which could never happen with a • you can add fresh images at your convestock agency. nience. No minimums are required -- such • the more images you list with the IFPO as the 1000 new images per year by many Picture Listing Service the more likely you agencies. are to make money -- which is the same as • there are no contracts, exclusive or with an agency. otherwise -- to tie up your images for • the more SUBJECtS you list with the years as with an agency. IFPo Picture Listing Service, the more • the price you set is what you get -likely you are to make money over the long could never happen with an agency. haul -- which is also true with an agency. STOCK GALLERY REGISTRATION FORM (IFPO MEMBERS ONLY) name IFPO Member # business name (optional) address city, state, zip, country contact name: contact method: • Model and other applicable releases are required for stock images listed with IFPO -- the same as with an agency. tERMS AND CoNDItIoNS Credit Card Orders: when you submit your stock gallery materials, your credit card will be billed for the set-up fee only. Then your credit card will be billed monthly on the first of the month beginning with the first FULL month your photos are ON-LINE. Your first partial month is FREE! Minimum 12month commitment required. After 12 months, monthly charges will continue until member cancels with a 30-day notice. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima accepted. Checks or Money Orders: when you submit your stock gallery materials, enclose a check or money order for the amount of the set-up fee PLUS $59.70, the first six months of the monthly fee. You will then be billed at 6 month intervals. By Henry Smith IFPO, Warwick, New York Two years since my first “Making A Good Im-PRESS-ion” article was published here, I returned to the venue that set me on the path of becoming a photojournalist on assignment for a great news organization. The assignment is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the news organization is American Image Press. Similarly as in 1990, I approached a police officer, showed my new hard card American Image Press Credential, and was given access to cover the 2015 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. It really felt nostalgic to cover this parade again; yet also entirely new. This time I had THREE professional grade Sony DSLR cameras, each fitted with a different zoom lens from wide to short telephoto. In 1990, I only had ONE Minolta film SLR camera. Other notable “im-PRESS-ions” include being placed on DemoDEMOCrATIC PrESIDENTIAL cratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s press mailing list. Being asked perCANDIDATE HILLArY CLINTON 2016. sonally by Amy Helm, the legendary Levon Helm’s daughter, to photograph her concerts and ©2015 HENrY SMITH IFPO access to photograph NASCAR Sprint Series at Watkins Glen. Upcoming assignments include the RailRiders/Yankees Triple A Affiliate baseball games, Pirelli World Challenge/US Formula 1 Races and The Star Trek 50th Anniversary. After twenty six years as a member of the working press, I continue to enjoy how this organization, and especially its Editor In Chief; Vonda Blackburn have made an imAMY HELM DUrING HEr CENTrAL PArK SUMMEr STAGE CONCErT. PRESS-ion on me. Ω MArCOS AMBrOSE IN THE WINNEr’S CIrCLE AT WATKINS GLEN 2014. ©HENrY SMITH IFPO I agree to the above terms and conditions. I enclose my photos: #ST31, 12 photos, set-up fee $29.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 #ST32, 24 photos, set-up fee $49.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 (phone, fax, or email) signature IMPOrTANT: Allow 30 days for IFPO personnel to scan your images and post them for sale in the Stock Gallery. Be sure to add the Stock Gallery UrL (www.ifpo.net/stock) to your business cards, letterhead and all your promotional material. mail to: IFPO Po BoX 42, HAMPtoNVILLE, NC 27020-0042 view the stock gallery on the internet at http://www.ifpo.net/stock.html Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # FOr EACH PHOTO: (make as many copies as you need) expiration date INFoRMAtIoN PHoto INFoRMAtIoN PHoto INFoRMAtIoN PHoto (complete 1 for each photo) (complete 1 for each photo) (complete 1 for each photo) Image #________- _________ Image #________- _________ Image #________- _________ price price price (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ 18 (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ Today's Photographer International (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ www.ifpo.net www.ifpo.net BrOOKLYN JUMBIES’ PIrATE FLOAT, MACY’S 2015 THANKSGIVING PArADE ©2015 HENrY SMITH IFPO Today's Photographer International 19 I am fortunate to have photographed the famous Lemans 24 Hours Car Endurance race, in Lemans, France twice, plus the German Touring Car (DTM) races at the Norisring, Zandvoort and Nurburgring. SPEED AND ACtIoN: tHE CoRNERStoNES oF MotoR SPoRtS PHotoGRAPHy By Elliot Doering IFPO, Shorewood, WI Elliot Doering IFPO My exposure to photography and motorsports began in the 1960s, through a friend whose father had good 35mm cameras. Yearly, my pal and I went to the old United States Auto Club (USAC) Stock Car and Indy Car races, at the famous Milwaukee Mile in my hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. That’s where I developed my interest in photography and motorsports. After serving in the military I was in California during the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. I owned a small motorcycle and became interested in the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) Mile Flat Track races such as the San Jose Mile, Cal-Expo Mile and Stockton Mile. I also photographed AMA Road Racing events at Laguna Seca and Sears Point. Additionally, at that time, I started applying for photo passes but, without backing from a recognized magazine or photographic association such as we now have with IFPO, things were a bit difficult. In 1976, I returned home to Milwaukee, a wise move as most of the AMA motorcycle races were then centered in the Midwest. I was shooting mainly for myself, developing portfolios to offer racing teams but in the 1980’s, joined IFPO, which greatly opened doors for me, and made press access a lot easier. My greatest photographic experience came in 2004, when I gained an official assignment from a small motorcycle related magazine to spend 5 months in Europe, covering the prestigious MOTOGP series. This series is the equivalent of Formula One, only for motorcycles. I jumped from country to country, operating out of a hostel in London – GREAT FUN! I have been fairly successful as a motorsports photographer. I take great pride in recognition of my work and have won photo awards. I have also enjoyed seeing my work published, especially through IFPO. These days money is tight so I am sticking to races around Wisconsin and the Midwest, saving up to return to do some of Europe’s great events. I now have two Canon EOS-5D digital cameras, a new EOS-7/D, Canon 28-300mm telephoto, 500mm Tamron telephoto, and a Tamron 18-135mm wide angle/light zoom. That along with a good photo vest is the extent of my photo gear. I find photography, especially motorsports, relaxes me. I can get into my own “zone” or “space”, without distractions and just totally immerse myself in the cars, bikes and the whole racing atmosphere. It’s been very good to me since the 1960s. I hope to continue it into old age. I’m now 68 and still shooting. Ω 20 Today's Photographer International Speed. Action. Two simple little words, yet they epitomize the very heart and soul of motor sports photography. Photographing a moving vehicle is so very different from any other form of portrait photography, and usually requires more specialized equipment. The reason for this is yet another simple little word – control. In portrait photography, the photographer can easily control the location, distances, time of day, and to some www.ifpo.net FRANCE’S SEBAStIAN BoURDAIS SCoRED tHE 2015 INDyFESt wIN IN HIS HyDRoXyCUt CHEVy - 9 yEARS AFtER HIS LASt wIN At tHE MILwAUkEE MILE CANON EOS-7/D, CANON 28-300MM TELEPHOTO LENS. CrEATIVE MODE, 1/500, F/11 degree, the lighting. The action photographer doesn’t enjoy such luxuries. The motor sports photographer must adapt to the racing environment, because he/she has less control of the distances between the camera and subject, and often, that distance is great. Gaining press passes through IFPO will usually enable you to get close to www.ifpo.net ©2015 ELLIOT DOErING IFPO the action yet you are kept at a safe distance from the action. Also, the photographer can’t control when the race is run or where the sun will be relative to the track. And if the exposure is off on a fabulous action sequence, the chance to get the same series of shots will never occur again. What all this means is that the seri- ous motor sports photographer has to have specialized equipment and skills. The modern digital SLR format is the tool of most photographers today because it is especially suited for capturing action and speed. Many of the modern digital SLRs are equipped to accept motor drives which enables the Continued on page 32 Today's Photographer International 21 S ’S PREOS T N DE N ESP COR R SURVIVAL GEAR BREAKING NEWS CHASE kit! The Pursuit Package: The Breaking News Chase Kit is composed of three vital parts. The Pursuit Package gets you on the scene; the Action Package gives what you need at the scene; the Instant Response Package gets your news story to the right news outlet instantly. WHAT YOU GET WHO CAN GET IT The Action Package: WHAT IS IT? • Three (3) fully assembled laminated NEWS CORRESPONDENT’S accreditation ID’s each with your name and Assignment Verification Code. They are custom made to use with your current Press Passport, Press Badge and Press Wallet I.D. Card. • The Pursuit Guide prepares you to gather, record and distribute breaking news stories. 1. If you are an IFPO member with GOLD PRESS or UNIVERSAL PRESS CREDENTIALS you QUALIFY and may order the Breaking News Chase Kit. 2. If you are an IFPO member, but not yet a member of a press program, TO QUALIFY you must order one of the press programs (page 10 & 11) before or at the same time you order the Chase Kit. Accreditation Certificate Use with chain or clips with 402A press badge card (pg 21). The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a NEWS The Instant Response Package: • A Field Directory of HOT contacts. • 3 Quick Step Releases • Instant Reporter’s Delivery Forms • Rights to Use Contract & Fee Contracts All forms include reproduction rights so you always have a permanent supply. 3 ID’s, FIELD kit & PURSUIT Guide! John Q. Smith Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a NEWS Accreditation Certificate The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a CORRESPONDENT John Q. Smith Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI Accredited: January 14, 1998 Accredited: Fits in wallet with Gold Press wallet card (page 10). NEWS CORRESPONDENT John Q. Smith Assignment Verification D E00001SMI OCode: T IO N CJanuary 14, 1998 AAccredited: IC IF R E V www.aipress.com/news.html ENT M N IG S S A Fits inside Gold Press Passport. (pg H YOUR N O W W IT AMERICAN IMAGE PRESS 10). CHASE KIT ™ $10 S & H #452A - $39.95 PLUS ACTION Package INSTANT PURSUIT Package CHASE kit RESPONSEForms Masters: CHASE kit ™ CHASE kit ™ ™ ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 22 Package reporter's Log & Evaluation Accident report Client Hot Sheets & Notification Quick response News Log News Event Checkpoint List Daily Action Planner Hot Local Contacts Quick response Labs Field Directory Notes Quick Step Publication release Quick Step Model release Quick Step Property release Instant News report rights to Publish Agreement CHASE kit 1-800-654-9557 Today's Photographer International Q&A I already have Press Credentials. Why do I have to buy the Chase Kit? You DO NOT. The Chase Kit was simply designed to make the breaking NEWS CORRESPONDENT’S job easy. It gives you everything you need on the spot to do the job, do it right and get it to your nearest editor. The Chase Kit actually serves as your assistant to make sure you collect all the facts and then get them to the right place. What is a Chase photographer; what do they chase? SIDELINES BY STEPHANIE CAMPBELL IFPO, LAKE WINNEBAGO, MO I SHOOT THE KANSAS CITY CHIEFS AND MISSOUrI UNIVErSITY HOME FOOTBALL GAMES. MY PrIMArY GEAr IS A CANON 1Dx CAMErA WITH A 300MM F2.8 LENS ON A MONOPOD. We consider any photographer who is in search of breaking news events to be a “Chase Hound”. He chases sports, entertainment, fires, accidents, storms, natural disasters, plane crashes, train wrecks, press conferences and even goodwill tours. sTePhanie caMPbell iFPO Will the Chase Kit be recognized? PLUS 14 Reporter's Forms Masters Accreditation Certificate CORRESPONDENT January 14, 1998 • Action Scene Reporters Log • New Client Hot Sheets • Accident Report Forms • Quick Response Information Forms PRO SS G OPT RAM ION PRE StRAIGHt FRoM tHE ™ or use Police will recognize the Press Credentials which must be used with the NEWS CORRESPONDENT accreditation part of the Chase Kit. Will Today’s Photographer publish these news stories? Today’s Photographer WILL publish stories about YOU covering these stories. The breaking news stories themselves need to go to daily newspapers and wire services. How do I find out if a newspaper or TV station can use my news photos? Let’s use an auto accident as an example. You have photographed the wreck and are leaving the scene without having seen any other photographers or news teams. Pick up the nearest phone (using the numbers listed in your Reporter’s Field Directory) to notify news agencies that photos of the accident are available even though the film has not been processed. Breaking news is HOT and should be reported immediately. ORDER FORM on page 47 www.ifpo.net I began shooting photos in high school focusing on sports. I have continued through the years mainly shooting football because I truly love the game. That love has been key because I’ve learned that you have to be passionate about your subject and understand the game in order to be successful. Shooting for IFPO has opened many doors and allowed me to take my photographic talent and assignments up several levels. Last year 2015 was my fourth season covering the Kansas City Chiefs. Each year I learn more and more about shooting professional sports. It is imperative that you know everything (or as much as you can) about the sport you are shooting. www.ifpo.net Continued on page 24 Today's Photographer International 23 SIDELINES Continued from page 23 You not only have to understand the game, you have to be aware of how the coaches react in certain situations depending on the other team and their coaching staff. This includes how each coach is most likely to use his players in this particular game. While this is not an exact science, being able to reasonably predict what a team is likely to do in specific situations will enhance your chances to be in the right place to get your best shot -- maybe that perfect shot. The 2014 season was exciting for me. My goal that year was to cover Justin Houston #50 as he chased both the Kansas City Chiefs sack record held by the late great Derek Thomas set back in 1990, as well as the total NFL single season sack record. Houston broke the Chiefs single season record and missed the NFL record by just one half sack. Following Houston carefully all that season and understanding the game played a big role in how I positioned myself on the field to capture a winning shot of his success. As I prepare for each game, I make sure I know which player is hot and which one might be the play maker. I go through a pre-game checklist. I check the weather and most importantly the lighting so I know how the shadows may affect my shots. Just like the players I come out in pre-game warmups to take test shots evaluating the lighting and con- ditions. With all preparation in place, the bottom line still is that you must have good equipment to do the job. NFL games happen at NFL speed. Sometimes you don't get a chance to look though the viewfinder before the play is over. So, before each play I set my camera setting and focus so when the play comes right at me, I am ready. I shoot with a Canon 1DX with a 300mm f2.8 lens on a monopod. I also carry around my neck a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70mm f2.8 lens for the close ups. And on stand by, I have a 70-200mm f2.8 lens as well as a fish eye for those special ‘artsy’ shots. Each is set up and ready to go at a seconds notice. After the game, I share some of my shots with the players and they always are grateful for my work. Sports photography is like everything else in life -what you get out of it usually equals about what you put into it. If you have a passion for shooting sports and spend lots of time practicing with the right equipment, you will rise up and become successful at it. My final advice is to practice, refine your skills and develop your shooting techniques by shooting little league or high school sports. You will learn to capture the same kind of action as in the big leagues. It’s a sure thing that the NFL sidelines are not the place to learn to shoot. Ω wINNER oF GRAN PREMIo RED BULL DE ESPAñA 2016 VALENto RoSSI (#46 ABoVE) CLAIMED HIS 7tH wIN At JEREZ. PHOTO ©2016 JULIO CANA IFPO AVILA, SPAIN RED BULL GRAND PRIX oF SPAIN - JEREZ 2016 CIrCUITO DE JErEz IS WELL KNOWN TO THE MOTOGP rIDErS - IT'S BEEN HOME TO THE SPANISH GrAND PrIx SINCE 1987 AND HOSTS PrE-SEASON MOTO2 AND MOTO3 TESTING. THE WEATHEr IN APrIL OFTEN HOLDS UP WELL FOr THE 250,000 FANS OF FOrMULA ONE EVENTS. edItOr’S NOte: IFPO PhOtOGrAPherS IGOr CANA (ON COver) ANd JuLIO CANA (PhOtOS thIS PAGe) ALSO COvered the 2015 FIM MOtOGP WOrLd ChAMPIONS 2015 vALeNCIA, SPAIN. eveNt IN oNE oF My FAVoRItE PHotoS: KANSAS CITY CHIEFS LINEBACKEr JUSTIN HOUSTON WAS PrETTY ExCITED AFTEr BrEAKING THE FrANCHISE SINGLE CHArGErS FINISHING WITH 20.5 SACKS FOr THE 2014 SEASON. ©2014 sTePhanie caMPbell iFPO SEASON SACK rECOrD AGAINST THE 24 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net RACE FoR tHE FINISH LINE At CIRCUIto DE JEREZ: SCott REDDING #45, LoRIS BAZ #76, JACk MILLER #43, tItot RABAt #53. PHOTO ©2016 JULIO CANA IFPO AVILA, SPAIN www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 25 CREw tAGS for LUGGAGE - EQUIPMENt oRDER FoRM Your LUGGAGE and EQUIPMENT Can Gain Access Too!. Solid PVC Plastic Crew Tags with Your Contact Information Personalized on the Back USPRESSCoRPS.oRG Crew tags ITEM CODE CT01 Blue CT02 White PrICE Contact Information Printed On Back of Tags DESCrIPTION $19.95 $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps CT03 Gold $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps CT04 White PrICE DESCrIPTION $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps IFPo Freelance Photographer Crew tags ITEM CODE CT05 Green CT06 White PrICE DESCrIPTION $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps IFPo Master Photographer Crew tags ITEM CODE CT07 Blue CT08 White PrICE DESCrIPTION $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps $19.95 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps IFPo Hall of Fame Crew tags ITEM CODE CT09 Silver CT10 White PrICE $19.95 DESCrIPTION 3 Tags + Leatherette Straps SHIPPING USA $7.00 ($24.75 All other foreign shipping) TOTAL ENCLOSED BY KEITH GIBSON IFPO, ST PAULS BAY, MALTA in addiTiOn TO cOvering i FashiOn PhOTOgraPhy, news evenTs alsO dO PageanTs and AI NEwS SERVICE Crew tags ITEM CODE COMMONWeALTH HeAdS OF GOVeRNMeNT MeeTING style CT01 style CT02 style CT03 style CT04 style CT05 style CT06 style CT07 style CT08 style CT09 style CT10 actual size = credit card size cOncerTs in aid OF cancer awareness. KEITH GIBSON IFPO IFPo PHoto CREw FIELD kIt IFPo PHoto Crew Field kit ITEM CODE PCK-1 PrICE $27.95 DESCrIPTION 2 Badges 2 Badge Clips 2 Crew Tags 2 Leatherette Straps Identify equipment or individuals when you don’t have time to get personalized tags and badges. Keep these with your camera gear or in the glove compartment of your vehicle. 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ Credit Card orders phone: 1-800-654-9557 or fax 1-336-468-1899 Mail Orders: IFPO, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville NC 27020-0042 USA 26 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net QUEEN ELIZABEtH AND tHE DUkE oF EDINBURGH SPENT THrEE DAYS IN MALTA FOr THE COMMONWEALTH HEADS OF GOVErNMENT MEETING IN NOVEMBEr 2015. THEY WErE WELCOMED BY MArIE-LOUISE COLEIrO PrECA (CENTEr), THE NINTH PrESIDENT OF THE rEPUBLIC OF MALTA. IT IS BELIEVED THAT THE QUEEN SPENT PErHAPS THE HAPPIEST YEArS OF HEr MArrIED LIFE IN MALTA. THE DUKE WAS BASED THErE WITH THE rOYAL NAVY IN THE EArLY YEArS OF THEIr MArrIAGE. IT ALLOWED THEM THE SOrT OF CArEFrEE ExISTENCE DENIED TO THEM EVEr SINCE THE QUEEN’S ACCESSION ON JUNE 3, 1953. ©KEITH GIBSON IFPO www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 27 PP H oRt oEG R S S APHy By Jerome Dorn IFPO, College Park, GA JErOME DOrN ©2015 Robert Herbert IFPO tHE 2015 NAACP 46tH ANNUAL AwARDS ENTErTAINEr OF THE YEAr AWArD WENT TO TArAJI P. HENSON (PHOTO rIGHT). SHE ALSO CAPTUrED OUTSTANDING ACTrESS IN A MOTION PICTUrE FOr HEr rOLE IN nO gOOd deeds. CANADIAN PRIME MINIStER’S oFFICIAL StAtE VISIt to tHE wHItE HoUSE IN MARCH 2016. 2015 BEt AwARDS ABC'S BLACk-ISh STArS ANTHONY ANDErSON AND TrACEE ELLIS rOSS ON THE rED CArPET (BELOW) PrIOr TO HOSTING THE 2015 BET AWArDS. PHOTOS ©2016 Jerome Dorn IFPO One of my most recent press assignments was at the White House with President Barack Obama hosting Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on March 10, 2016. It was the first official visit by a Canadian prime minister in almost 20 years. The boyish-looking Trudeau is the 44-year-old son of a former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau. Over the years I have also covered other White House events including the President honoring NBA title winners the San Antonio Spurs and NFL Super Bowl Champions the New England Patriots. I also have covered the 2015 Stellar Awards; 2015 BET Awards; 2015 Trumpet Awards; UNCF Evening of the Stars and the 50th Anniversary of the March on Montgomery. Recent festival coverage included the Baltimore African American Festival and the 40th Anniversary ODUNDE Festival. AND I also landed a contract with Jet Magazine! Jerome Dorn Ω PrESIDENT BArACK OBAMA AND CANADA'S NEW PM JUSTIN TrUDEAU AT THE OPENING CErEMONIES OF THE STATE VISIT TO THE WHITE HOUSE IN MArCH 2016. PM TrUDEAU AND HIS FAMILY WErE HONOrED WITH FULL STATE DINNEr. WHErE "TrUDEAUMANIA" WAS IN FULL SWING. ©2016 JErOME DOrN IFPO OFFICIAL FIrST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA WOrKS WITH CHILDrEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE GArDEN PHOTOS © 2015 JErOME DOrN IFPO 28 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 29 CoNCERt PHotoGRAPHy CHASE RICE MIDMoRNING IDEAL DAyLIGHt HoURS. ©BECKY HULLAr FrOM PAGE 7 weather so it takes a lot of know how to shoot under constantly changing conditions. I was honored to be approved for media clearance for the Toadlick Festival and very appreciative for the professionalism shown to me by the event staff. However, due to the strict regulations, only the artists’ personal photographers were allowed access to the prime pit area and on stage. I along with BREtt ELDREDGE LAtE AFtERNooN SUNLIGHt oN HIS RIGHt SIDE GAVE A wARM GoLDEN GLow. ©BECKY HULLAr JANA kRAMER MIDMoRNING PERFECt LIGHt. ©BECKY HULLAr 30 Today's Photographer International the other media at large were vying for shooting positions where ever we could find them. Having covered many concerts that go on all day and into the night, I know that shooting under the ever changing lighting conditions can be a challenge. This one was especially so, since I had just purchased a new Nikon and wasn’t quite sure how to utilize all the intricate settings on this fabulous camera. I decided to just ‘go with the flow.’ I started out midmorning during ideal daylight hours. I was very pleased with the ease of photographing Chase Rice, my first artist. The light was perfect for shooting on auto settings or experimenting with different settings. I had no problem at all shooting at any angle regardless of settings. Very little editing was needed later. I shot Brett Eldredge in the mid to late afternoon period. The sunlight was coming from his right side but much to my surprise it gave him a warm golden glow when shot at the right angle. Always remember no matter how excited and caught up in the moment you are to keep the sun at your back. Even with contrast and bright shadows, great images can be made! I photographed Jana Kramer’s performance the next day about mid morning. Again, the lighting was perfect. There was no need for flash www.ifpo.net and I set my camera on manual settings to achieve maximum exposure to preserve her delicately tanned skin tone. All the photos were excellent at almost any setting. Shooting early in the day is much more versatile than mid to late afternoon when the light is harsh and shadows are hard to avoid -especially those horrible shadows cast by ball caps and cowboy hats that many artist tend to sport on stage. By the time some of the legends came on stage it was already pitch dark outside. Again due to the strict event regulations for the media, I had to shoot with my long lens of 70200mm. Most shots were taken at a high ISO along with a high aperture. It was not an easy when you are only 5 feet tall and competing with media -plus fans trying to get shots with their cell phones! However, after properly introducing myself to the fans and reassuring them I would be out of their viewing space after just a few shots, they were more than accommodating. I even had a few young men to offer to lift me up to shoot!! Erring on the side of safety, I opted to shoot from the www.ifpo.net ground using my “aerial technique.” I learned the aerial technique from one of my mentors with Easyriders magazine. Simply place your camera on continuous shooting mode. Hold it at arm’s length up in the air as high as possible. Tilt your camera downward slowly as you shoot continuously. Trust me, you are bound to get at least one great shot! After doing several aerial shots and experimenting with different speeds and apertures, I was very pleased with the results. (Remember to shot both vertical and horizontal formats.) The last area I wanted to focus on was shooting in less than desirable lighting…colored spot lighting! UGH!!! I hate this kind of lighting but found after playing with settings and simply letting the camera do its job, colored lighting can give a different perspective and unique appearance as seen in the image of the long time country music legend, Merle Haggard. Although most of my night images shot from far away in were a tad grainy, I still think they turned out pretty well. The reds, pinks and blues of light cast on the artist gave an interesting look. If the colors are just too off the wall, you can always convert your images to black and white. I always shoot in RAW image size because you record all of the data from the sensor. This gives the highest quality files. The difference when you shoot in JPEG format is that the camera does it’s own processing to convert the RAW information into a JPEG. However, your camera is nowhere near as smart as your brain, nor is it as powerful as your computer. When you shoot RAW, you are able to do that processing yourself. So if you do need to make corrections on exposure or other areas, you have many more options available. Afterwards, you can convert to jpegs and adjust size. I use Adobe Photoshop CS-5 for editing but there are several other good editing software apps on the internet available for free! Remember, although the lighting might not be what you would wish for, it’s all in shooing from different angles and settings to get those great shots you dream about!! Ω CoUNtRy MUSIC LEGEND, tHE LAtE AND GREAt MERLE HAGGARD IN tHE DARk wItH CoLoRED SPot LIGHtING. ©BECKY HULLAr Today's Photographer International 31 SPEED ACtIoN CoNtINUED FRoM PAGE 21 photographer to accomplish fantastic action and speed shots in rapid sequence. Also, the digital SLR opens up all kinds of avenues for quick application of lenses, and the speed at which those can be changed. Occasionally in the pits, or on the starting grid, a normal or wide-angle lens can be used. However the nature of most tracks is such that a telephoto or zoom is an absolute must because the camera to subject distance varies so much. In the beginning telephoto lenses may seem intimidating but it usually boils down again to two simple things. First, the relative depth of field for a telephoto lens is short which can cause problems if the subject is moving toward, or going away from your camera. Thanks to auto-focus digital SLRs, the photographer no longer has to try to focus the lens to match the subject’s speed and action. And, your subject will be rendered in the appropriate depth of field. I own a Canon EOS-7/D digital SLR. There are two programs within this camera that I most often use in motor sports photography. First, in Fully Automatic shooting mode, I can simply aim the auto focus frame over the selected target. Several auto focus points within the camera, will then be incorporated to automatically focus, and usually the closest subject will be in perfect focus. Second, the Creative Auto Mode enables the photographer to easily change the picture’s brightness, depth of field and color tones, all extremely important. By simply setting the mode dial to the Creative Auto mode, and selecting a function, I can also move the index marks for altering the background which will look a bit more blurred, to create an illusion of action and speed. I can also use index marks to either set the image darker or lighter. If I use the Time Value mode, I can set a given shutter speed, usually at 1/60th to 1/125th, and use panning techniques to also achieve those nice blurred backgrounds. 32 Today's Photographer International I use two techniques for capturing speed and action. One is to establish a zone on the race track ahead of time. With the modern digital SLR, and using the aforementioned modes, the camera will determine the depth of field, make all the proper camera settings, and once the subject enters the zone, the correct photograph will be perfectly rendered. For capturing stopped action, your background will be relatively steady, but not necessarily sharp, depending again on your depth of field. To stop and freeze the subject in your picture, a very fast shutter speed is required. In the aforementioned modes, the modern digital SLR takes the old development for an instinctive feel for the proper shutter speed, and sets it automatically to keep up with subjects traveling at 200 miles per hour. While most motor sports photographers still position themselves in corners of a race track, where speeds are a bit slower, the subject’s speed relative to the camera will also be a bit slower, allowing the photographer to freeze the stopped action. Another favorable technique is panning. To pan, the photographer moves the camera along with the moving subject, keeping the subject in a more or less fixed position in the viewfinder. This allows a slower shutter speed, as I mentioned in using the Time Value Mode, since the subject is not moving relative to the camera. Since the background here is moving, it consequently will be blurred. As noted, 1/60th to 1/125th shutter speed is a good starting point for panning, but it will depend on the subject’s speed and your distance from the subject. The real beauty of panning is that it virtually guarantees a photograph that displays speed and action. It’s really the only technique that works with modern digital SLRs. When using the panning technique, one must be certain to start the panning movement well ahead of the shutter release and continue the move- ment after the shutter is released. If you stop following the subject as soon as the shot is taken, the subject and background will be blurred. It’s not an easy technique, but again, the modern digital SLR makes it much easier than in the old days of film SLRs. Perfecting shooting techniques is important but practically useless if you do not have access to the venues. I mentioned the IFPO press programs up front which is key, but you also must develop the skills of a press photographer. To cover major events in addition to a press card you need to have a mission which means you need www.ifpo.net MArCO ANDrETTI IN THE SNAPPLE HONDA DICES WITH SCOTT DIxON’S COTTONELLE CHEVY AT INDYFEST CANON EOS-7/D, CANON 28-300MM TELEPHOTO LENS. CrEATIVE MODE, 1/500, F/11 ©2016 ELLIOT DOErING IFPO to be well informed about each event. For example earlier this summer by keeping up with the Verizon Indycar Series, I learned that INDYFEST was scheduled in July, at my home race track – the famous Milwaukee Mile-the oldest, continually operating race track in North America, dating back to the 1890s. I did my internet research, and found that an on-line press pass application was available through the Indycar channels. I completed it, and then contacted my IFPO press editor to for an official assignment letter to www.ifpo.net be submitted with my application. Shortly thereafter, I was granted press access for this outstanding event. I arrived early to pickup my passes, track map, and list of the cars and drivers entered in this race. This is a vital move that motor sports photographers must utilize. You must be up to speed on the hot action zones of the track, and which cars to focus on. I made my way to turn three, one of the real action zones on this one mile paved oval, and found that I was allowed access to an old flagman’s platform, from which I could easily shoot right down onto the passing cars. From this vantage point, I eliminated those troublesome concrete walls or fences that always seem to get in the way of a nice, clean shot. I was extremely fortunate that I was the only person using this platform throughout the entire race! I own a Canon 28-300mm telephoto, an 18-150mm wide angle to small telephoto, and a Tamron 500mm zoom. Being quite close to the action Continued on page 40 Today's Photographer International 33 SHootING tIPS CoNtINUED FRoM PAGE then compete for shooting positions on the scene to get the job done. Back up and support from an editorial staff is mandatory to get access; the press badge only is hardly sufficient. However, preparation is key. Most major sporting events are dominated by men including the men behind the cameras. Getting full access to a F1 event is very hard -being a woman makes it even harder. So I was delighted to be granted an all 13 access pass. I am absolutely NOT intimidated by men even when they sometimes comment negatively about my equipment. My highly digital system camera is much faster and more powerful than many of their big cameras. I am always certain that I have the right tools and that I am ready to meet the demands of my own efficient and personal techniques. To achieve that confidence I always prepare carefully FINAL LINE UP IN THE STAND AFTEr THE LAST TECHNICAL CHECK UPS BEFOrE THE STArT OF THE FINAL rACE. © 2015 ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO NO FENCE SHOOTING zONE PrOVIDED SOME OF THE BEST SHOOTING OPPOrTUNITIES IN THE rACE BUT IT IS rEALLY HIGH rISK BECAUSE HOT TIrE SHrEDS ArE FLYING EVErYWHErE. © 2015 ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO 34 Today's Photographer International for each assignment. Prep time depends on the magnitude of the event but the following steps should be considered for every event: • Start early to get access. Know the deadlines and make sure you meet them. Get the name of the person who is in charge of media and find out what they need from you. Send as much information as possible about yourself (assignment letter from your publication, copy of your press badge, website of your publication, your own updated website, related photos and previously published articles of yours.) Also be aware that the media relations for the American press is very different than for the European press. Make sure you understand each process and follow completely. • Upon approval find out exactly when and where you pick up your passes and press guidelines. It’s not always indicated. This is the point where you will learn where you are allowed to shoot and if there are restricted areas. Be sure you understand the guidelines and attend press orientation meetings if available. • Dress appropriately on the day of the event while focusing on comfort. It is especially important to wear comfortable shoes for standing or walking miles as at the F1 Race. Be prepared for hours in the sun, so pack sun blockers, a hat and lots of drinking water. Also pack several chip cards and charged batteries for your camera and lens cleaning tools. • Determine the areas which are the best for shooting regarding distances, angles and the direction of the sunlight before the event actually starts. For racing cover the qualifying rounds for your test shoot. Find out exactly where the major events within the event are happening. Be certain that you can be in the right position to reach them all within the time limits (distances can be very long during the F1 Grand Prix of Monaco). Always make sure that you are shooting in areas that are NOT cut off from other event areas because of cross over security paths. www.ifpo.net • Edit your work during the event (it’s too late after it’s over). Divide your photos into categories of best, good and maybe. You can tell which areas give the best results so those are where you want to shoot next. Try to be better tomorrow than you are today and you will become one of the best! • After the event follow up with the media relations people so that they will remember you and invite you for the following year. Send them a few pictures and ask to be placed on their press list. • You don’t need a big camera to be a great photographer! Have a good eye, choose your angles, subjects, lights and frames right, and don’t be afraid of risks. My camera is an Olympus E-M5 High Speed Digital System with 150mm lens (15 pics per second). It is a fast very efficient camera and very handy to carry around (perfect for fashion shows). When the lens gets dirty use a lens cleaning pen. When the lens gets wet (during regattas) and the pen is not sufficient, an eyeglass cleaning fabric will work. Make sure it’s kept in clean plastic wrap where no dirt can enter to scratch your lens. If you want to be a great photographer, you have to take risks. Out of all of the registered photographers for the F1 Grand Prix, I was the only woman along with two men who dared to shoot in the allowed danger zones (but never all of us at the same time). I had hot rubber tire shreds flying into my face, but I got some of my best pictures in these zones. Always make sure to assess your risks carefully and err on the side of safety. Cover events that are well known and appreciated worldwide and important for your city. If you are new in a city, like me in Monte Carlo, go to the specific public relations office of each organization ask for their event program for the year. This is a good time to offer a few prints from one of your most important recent events. Ask if they would like for you to cover certain events on their behalf. Maybe in the beginning they only invite you to attend and you will be on www.ifpo.net your own (good for connections), but eventually they will take you in, and you will be able to add another important client name to your profile. Your goal is to get global acceptance as quickly as possible! I am honored that my photos PrINCESS CHArLENE, PrINCE ALBErT II AND MAYOr GEOrGES MArSAN are recognized AFTEr THEIr SPEECHES AT THE 10TH ANNIVErSArY CELEBrATION OF THE PrINCE OF MONACO. and admired by rEIGN OF H.S.H. ALBErT II SOVErEIGN ©2015 ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO many important associations here in Monaco -since I moved here one year ago. Soon after the F1 event I was invited by the Monaco press office (I was registered there) to cover the 10th Anniversary PrINCE ALBErT II AND PrINCESS CHArLENE GrEET THE SELECTED MONTECelebration of GASQUE VIP CrOWD IN FrONT OF THE GrIMALDI PALACE AT PrINCE the reign of ALBErT II 'S 10 YEAr CELEBrATION. ©2015 ANETT-PATrICE VAN YOrK IFPO H.S.H. Prince Albert, Sovereign Prince of Monaco. 30 years plus my studies at the I was one of only a few photographers 'Chambre Syndicale de la Couture allowed to go up to the palace for the Parisienne' prepared me to shoot high ceremony. Needless to say it was a fashion all over the world. great experience. Afterwards I providAs a sailor I understand the intricate ed photos to the Palace and to the techniques of sailing and how to capMonaco government’s main press ture a great sailing photo. My interest office. in fast cars enhanced my knowledge The Automobile Club of Monaco in motor sports and who’s who in that also recently asked for my F1 Grand industry. Prix photos which was another vote of You can achieve your goals as a confidence for my work. I am also on photographer. Work hard and set tartheir VIP press list now. gets that may seem unachievable and Right now I am shooting the kind of you will end up at the top! Believe in events I’ve always aspired to shoot. yourself, have knowledge of your subGetting to this point was not short jects, continue to stretch beyond your lived or accidental. It took years of limits and you will succeed! Ω study and working plus in-depth knowledge and interest in my many Editor’s note: To see more of subjects from fashion to racing. anett-patrice van york’s work go to: www.anett-patrice-van-york.com Working in the fashion industry for Today's Photographer International 35 IFPO FReeLANCe PHOTOGRAPHeRS HALL OF FAMe eSTAbLISHed IN 2008 TO COMMeMORATe THe 25TH ANNIVeRSARY OF IFPO M ore than seven years ago to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of IFPO many things were considered. The intent was to commemorate our first 25 years in a way to honor the contributions of the members who had been the driving force and heart of the organization. After long deliberation it was determined to induct those still active charter members and other deserving members into a permanent Freelance Photographer’s Hall of Fame and to award each an Honorary Degree of Distinction title. When the International Freelance Photographers Organization (IFPO) was founded in 1983, no one could have possibly foreseen 25 to 30 years into the future. Now, 30 some years later, the original mission of IFPO -to be the primary source of support for the universe of freelance photographers -- has stood the test of time and has surely grown beyond the wildest imaginations of the original founders and members. IFPO’s first member was actually enrolled on January 9, 1984. From that day forward IFPO evolved into a member driven organization. That simply means that members asked for services and support and IFPO responded with research and development. That process evolved over the years to make IFPO what it is today, the longest continuing central source of support for freelance photographers around the world. Fortunately, it was easy to identify the original Hall of Fame candidates. Since day one IFPO has maintained a transactional data base that records every single activity of each IFPO 36 Today's Photographer International 1983- 2015 member. That includes program participation, editorial submissions, press assignments, photo contest entrants and other information such as publishing credits, internet home pages URLs and more. Many members have shared their success stories outside IFPO which is also noted in our membership records. The original process pinpointed 3319 IFPO members (out of 78,656 at that time) to be permanently inducted into the IFPO Hall of Fame. The first Hall of Fame IFPO members were inducted on January 2, 2008. Each one was notified by letter or e-mail. If you were not notified, but believe you may qualify, you may check to see if your name is listed as a Hall of Fame member at www.ifpo.net/halloffame. Enter your member number plus the first 3 characters of your last name (8 characters total). If you were inducted your name will appear on the list. It is possible that there are deserving Hall of Fame Members that we were not able to identify from our extensive records and other research who should be honored. If you did not receive notification of your induction and feel that you should be considered, please call 336-468-1138 to update your records and discuss your potential to be inducted. To further honor and recognize the Freelance Photographers Hall of Fame members, IFPO created a unique, definitive Hall of Fame Portfolio exclusively designed to share the Honorary Degree of Distinction with clients and the most discerning friends and family. Each item in the portfolio is graced with the distinctive IFPO Hall of Fame Logo. IFPO Members’ Directory of Services The International Freelance Photographers Organization (IFPO) was founded in 1984. Now, thirty one years and more than 80,000 members later, the original mission of IFPO -- to be the primary source of support for the universe of freelance photographers -- has stood the test of time and has surely grown beyond the wildest imaginations of the original founders and charter members. Now by popular demand freelance journalists and other media professionals are also taking advantage of IFPO's unique programs. Membership is open to everyone. Because of the broad range of services developed over the years to meet the extensive interests of the membership base, our programs and services are now fully explained on the internet along with the items that are included in each program. In this Directory of Services we have listed each program with a brief description and direct link to the internet. Optionally, you can go to http://www.ifpo.net/ and click around to find the very same list of services. IFPO Lifetime Membership Information and application: http://www.ifpo.net/application.html IFPO Members Replacement cards: http://www.ifpo.net/membersonly/index.html Press Credentials (available to IFPO members only) http://www.aipress.com/press.html T h e portfolio includes 1 Commemorative 25th Anniversary IFPO Hall of Fame Lapel Pin of silver inlaid into a field of black, 1 IFPO Hall of Fame Honorary Degree of Distinction Diploma and Charter in a Leatherette Presentation Case plus 1 IFPO Hall of Fame Member Passport distinctly marked. The Freelance Photographer’s Hall of Fame will be permanently located on the IFPO internet site. Each Hall of Fame member’s record will be also marked permanently. But it is the Hall of Fame Portfolio -- The Lapel Pin, Honorary Degree of Distinction Diploma, Charter and Passport ... that convey the prestige of being inducted into the IFPO Freelance Photographer’s Hall of Fame. Congratulations to each of you. It was your lasting interest and ceaseless suggestions that drove an organization from its infancy in 1983 to more than 82,000 plus members strong with international recognition in 2016 ... and still growing. With your continued interest the IFPO Hall of Fame will continue to review members’ qualifications and induct even more members in the next twenty-five years. Ω www.ifpo.net Gold Press Credentials: http://ifpo.net/pressgold.html AI News Service Universal Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/univ/index.html AI News Service Global Press Certification: http://www.ifpo.net/global/index.html AI News Service Sports Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/aisports/index.html AI News Service Motor Sports Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/motorsports/index.html USPRESSCORPS Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/uspressaa/index.html Press Renewals: http://www.ifpo.net/membersonly/pressren.html Other Member programs: IFPO Assignment Data Bank: http://www.ifpo.net/assignment.html IFPO Business Forms and Contracts: http://www.ifpo.net/forms.html IFPO Distributor Program: http://www.ifpo.net/distr/distributor IFPO Glamour Elite: http://www.ifpo.net/glamourelite/index.html IFPO Group Memberships: http://www.ifpo.net/group/ IFPO Hall of Fame: http://www.aipress.com/hof/index.html Hats, Patches, Magnetic Signs: http://www.ifpo.net/hat/index.html IFPO Lifetime Distinction of Honor program: http://www.aipress.com/diploma/index.html IFPO Master Photographer Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/pmaster.html IFPO Model Consulting/New Discoveries Program: http://www.ifpo.net/mc/index.html IFPO Stock Gallery: http://www.ifpo.net/stock.html IFPO Top Photographers: http://www.ifpo.net/toplinks.html Group Affiliates List: http://www.ifpo.net/groups/index.html Today's Photographer International magazine: http://www.ifpo.net/tpmag.html To verify a member in specific programs: AI News Service Press Verification: http://www.aipress.com/ains IFPO Member verify: http://www.ifpo.net/indverify.html Gold Press verification: http://www.aipress.com/verify Hall of Fame: http://www.aipress.com/halloffame/index.html Master photographer: http://www.aipress.com/masterverify New Discoveries Verification: http://www.ifpo.net/discoveries/ US PRESS verification page: http://www.uspresscorps.org/ www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 37 International Freelance Photographers organization MEMBERSHIP FORM IFPO Press Programs http://www.aipress.com/press.html (For Members Only) GAIN ACCESS to SPORTS, CONCERTS, BREAKING NEWS and More Enroll me as an IFPO Lifetime Member and Send My Membership Packet including: • Hard Card Membership Photo I.D.* with Custom Title (Ex: Photographer, Journalist, Photojournalist etc) • Hard Card Badge Photo I.D.* with Lanyard with Custom Title • Membership Certificate and Charter in Handsome Portfolio Folder. • First issue of your subscription to Today’s Photographer magazine. • Member’s Guide to IFPO American Image Gold Press • USPReSSCORPS.ORG • AI News Service Universal * Hard Card ID’s are similar to your driver’s license, your photo is manufactured into the card. Almost any photo will do. We can crop, size or mask out backgrounds. Email your photo to homeoffice@ainewsservice.net with your name in the subject line or mail your photo to IFPO, PO Box 42, Hamptonville NC 27020. IFPO Sponsors 3 Press Credential Programs for members only. All three press programs are FULLY SUPPORTED by the editorial staff at American Image Press and Today's Photographer International Magazine. IFPO member photographers, journalists, photojournalists, reporters, broadcasters, and others who need media access may participate in these programs. FULLY SUPPORTED means that our editors (with more than 30 years of experience) are available to answer your questions about how to use your press credentials, approach an assignment or answer questions related to an assignment. For most events, you will simply show up early with your press card. For other more competitive events we provide more specific instructions with your credentials. I Enclose $84 plus $5.85 USA shipping and handling ($89.85 total) for IFPO LIFETIME Membership and Subscription to Today’s Photographer Magazine. NOTE: Foreign shipping and handling is $26.50 USD. ____________________________________________________________________________ name ____________________________________________________________________________ (optional) business name • My membership packet will include details on how I can participate in IFPO's PROVEN PROGRAMS for getting PUBLISHED, making MONEY and gaining PRESS ACCESS with my camera. ____________________________________________________________________________ address ____________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ____________________________________________________________________________ phone number/FAX number ____________________________________________________________________________ (optional) email address ____________________________________________________________________________ TITLE Choices: Freelance Photographer, Photojournalist, Journalist, Professional Photographer, etc. ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR PAY BY MAJOR CREDIT CARD Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # by mail: IFPO, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 USA OR use your credit card and: CALL FREE expiration date RECOGNITION INTE ZA TI O N GR NI AP HERS ORGA actual size: PHOTOGRAPHER 3" x 3" IFPO GR NI AP HERS ORGA Windshield Stickers #791A - 2 for $9.95 adhere to inside of windshield or window. Credit Card orders: Mail orders: Call Free: 1-800-654-9557 Use the oRDER FoRM on page 47 (Issued for 3 years) USPReSSCORPS.ORG: U.S. PReSSCORPS: http://www.ifpo.net/uspressaa/index.html Designed for instant recognition and to open the toughest barriers, gates and doors. In addition, members report that wearing the hard card badge with lanyard while traveling can yield preferential treatment with airlines, hotels and restaurants. You are a member of a distinct and impressive group: the U.S. Press Corps. In many situations, these cards can carry more clout than the other credentials because of their name appeal. Again, experienced members will come to know which works best in each situation. USPRESSCORPS.ORG is permanently limited to 1500 experienced IFPO press photographers and journalists. USPReSSCORPS.ORG CREDENTIALS $159 plus $10 USA s&h (Issued for 3 years) UNIV-M UNIVERSAL PRESS CREDENTIALS $199 plus $10 USA s&h ZA TI O N R INTE N CE Today's Photographer International LA 38 IFPO IFPO N AL FR EE TIO NA MEMBER PHOTOGRAPHER TO PHO Be sure to give your name as you wish it to appear on the certificate(s). IFPO members only! Give your 5-digit I.D. number when ordering. TO PHO ABOVE #57XX for only $39.95 R CATeGORY N CE Cat# ❏ ....573A ........Freelance Photographer ❏ ....573B ........Sports Photographer ❏ ....573C ........Concert Photographer ❏ ....573D ........Wedding Photographer ❏ ....573E.........Portrait Photographer ❏ ....573F.........Wildlife Photographer ❏ ....573G ........Nature Photographer ❏ ....573H ........Glamour Photographer ❏ ....573J..........Model Photographer ❏ ....573K ........Model Portfolio Photographer ❏ ....573L.........Nude Study Photographer ❏ ....573X ........OTHER (SPECIFY) $9.95 each or ANY 5 CERTIFICATES LA √ GOLd PReSS PROGRAM: http://ifpo.net/pressgold.html This was the first gain access program inaugurated in 1986. Thousands of IFPO members still swear by the this program and would never use anything else. The Gold Press Credentials will get you and your camera where you could never go alone - behind the scenes at sports, entertainment and breaking news events. The backbone of this unique program is Today's Photographer International magazine and American Image Press. Member photographers and journalists are on assignment for the magazine. If needed, the editorial staff will help you gain access to the events you choose. American International News Service UNIVeRSAL Program (A.I. News): http://www.ifpo.net/univ/index.html Historically, American International News Service and Universal Credentials were "birthed" from the Gold Press Program users who had become so experienced in press photography that they were pushing the Gold Press Credentials to the "outer limits." IFPO's veteran press members were pushing into global calamities and war zones from Hurricane Katrina, the Haitian Earthquake, Indonesian Tsunami, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, Sudan Civil Strife and more. These members asked for a complete program with more items and international recognition to get them into the biggest news events around the world. The AI News Universal is the most complete press program offered by IFPO. For veteran photographers and journalists. MAKE YOUR AFFILIATION WORK FOR YOU! N AL FR EE TIO NA MEMBER On weekends and holidays assignments may be verified by calling 1-800-654-9557 or using the internet verification site which is set up for you as one of the numerous support systems for your press credentials. 401-GP-II GOLD PRESS CREDENTIALS $109 plus $10 USA s&h 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-336-468-1899 CERTIFICATES IFPO Press photographers control their own assignments and the release of thier work: • Choose assignments that are convenient. • Retain all rights to their photos and are encouraged to also submit their work to multiple media outlets. • Are on assignment for Today's Photographer International magazine. • Submit their photos and articles to be considered for publication in Today’s Photographer International magazine • Photographers may join IFPO and enroll in one of the press programs at the same time. • IFPO membership fee is lifetime - you pay only once. Embroidered 3" Patches Item# 7021 7022 7023 Multi Color for hats, Price $9.95 $14.95 $19.95 Description 1 patch (3") 2 patches (3") 4 patches (3") www.ifpo.net (Issued for 3 years) Other Specialized Press Programs: AI News Service Global Press Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/global/index.html AI News Service Sports Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/aisports/index.html AI News Service Motor Sports Credentials: http://www.ifpo.net/motorsports/index.html For complete information go to: http://www.aipress.com/press.html • email: homeoffice@ainewsservice.net USE the Order Form on Page 47 Credit Card orders phone: 1-800-654-9557 • Fax 1-336-468-1899 www.ifpo.net MAIL OrDErS: IFPO PRESS OFFICE, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 USA Today's Photographer International 39 best for getting large images in my viewfinder and enabled close cropping. From keeping well abreast of the Indycar Series, I had learned that the points battle for the Indycar Championship was now extremely tight. So, I focused on getting good shots of those cars and drivers in the heat of the points chase, always a very good strat- SPEED ACtIoN CoNtINUED FRoM PAGE 33 egy no matter what series of racing you cover. The Internet is a valuable resource to keep you updated on developments within motor sports in your interest. This is essential if you want to develop into a professional motor sports photographer, because it will allow you to be aware of those teams and drivers to which you can offer your photographic services and land you additional assignments. Also your photos will have more appeal to publications if you focus on potential news makers. I hope you will gain something from this basic approach to capturing action and speed in motor sports photography -- as well as improving your skills as a press photographer. And as always, good luck, and good shooting. Ω The American Image Press Photographer’s Code of Ethics A press photographer’s reputation is based on his own code of ethics. Although getting the story is the ultimate goal, ethical standards can “make or break” a career. It is the duty of a press photographer to document newsworthy happenings — never altering circumstances or interfering with action to enhance your photographs. Your photos should tell a story just as it happened. Meeting the high standards of press photography requires patience, determination and strong ethics. First, foremost and always remember that Press access is a privilege not to be abused. Use the following Code of Ethics to guide you: • Arrive early — at least 45 minutes before an event is scheduled to begin — to find the press area, check out the stage or facility layout and choose a vantage point. • Never show up unprepared. Not only should you have all the proper equipment, you should have a basic knowledge and understanding of the event. Do your homework! • try to work with promoters and authorized officials not against them. • Conduct yourself in a professional manner. Photographers who complain or cause problems aren’t likely to be admitted again. • Don’t just start shooting. Think about what you’re covering. • Stay within the boundaries of the press area. Never interfere with the action, criticize a player or performer or interrupt an official. • Exercise patience. resist the urge to inconvenience other photographers by changing positions. Your opportunity will come. • Although it is necessary to get a good position, courtesy pays. Other photographers are usually willing to share their space -- if you share yours. Develop good relations with other members of the press. • Always live up to your obligations to promoters and publications. Press photos are for editorial purposes only -- not to be sold commercially nor to be posted on social media sites. • Posting press photos on social media sites violates this code. • Always clean up after yourself -- snack wrappers, water bottles etc. • Never photograph anyone in a compromising situation (backstage, locker rooms) unless it’s a public figure in a public place which qualifies for news. Never abuse the privileges of the press. • Remember you are a photographer on the job -- not a spectator. Finally, the nature of breaking news makes preparation impossible. However, you should use the same ethical standards as for scheduled media events. With practice and common sense, high ethical standards should come as naturally as clicking the shutter. Ω E d i t o r i a l Submission Guidelines USe THIS FORM to submit ARTICLeS, PHOTOS, and TIPS to be considered for publication in Today's Photographer. USe THIS FORM and follow these guidelines to make sure your submission package is complete. Look At tHE MAGAZINE!! When you look at examples of what is actually published in the magazine, it's like looking at the test answers before taking the test!! How to SUCCEED is what we are all about! How to make money, gain access and get published. How did you get the celebrity to let you get the picture. How did you get the model to pose for you. What surprise barriers were you able to overcome? How did you get those death defying pictures right from your car window? INSPIRAtIoN is the word our readers use most to describe the magazine and it's content! Have you had some success with your camera or an idea that would inspire others? SELDoM SHootERS: So you only picked up your camera once or twice in the past few years, shot a lot of film for an afternoon or a week, then let it get away from you. What was so important that caused you to pick your camera up? Family reunion? Your kid's big soccer game? Beach trip of a lifetime? Favorite group finally came to town in concert? House down the street caught fire? 2 weeks in Yellowstone? Big celebration at work? DIFFERENt DRUMMERS: Maybe you have a story with a different slant — submit it. You may inspire us to expand our editorial range. Consider an editorial submission even if you have never made a one before. Publishing your story and/or photos is another way for us to reward our readers who share a special bond in their passion for succeeding as photographers ... and making money. Again, our resolution is to support that effort in every issue and to make sure that Today’s Photographer “works” for you. 40 Today's Photographer International IFPO Member# _____________ Editorial Submission CHECKLIST ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ A photo of YOUrSELF (suggestions: with your camera, at the scene, with someone important, etc.). A text file or clearly hand-printed copy of your Make Money Article, Sidetrip, Success Story, Tech Tip or Gain Access story. PrINTS, TrANSPArENCIES or digital images (jpeg) that illustrate your story. A list of captions or titles for each photo. Tell us about your past awards, publishing accomplishments, hobbies, or even a funny story that would interest a reader. Do you shoot part time or full time? Your submission including all of the above items may be mailed on disk to the address below. Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ ❏ ❏ Keep this submission and make it AVAILABLE for publication in all future issues. I HAVE inclosed a rETUrN MAILEr with adequate POSTAGE. Please consider this submission for publication for the next ______ issues ONLY, then return it to me. Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City / State: _________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code/ Country ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________ Submission of my entry grants Today’s Photographer permission to publish my story or photos. signature ______________________________________________________ date _______________________________ Editorial Submissions, PO Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 www.ifpo.net You May Qualify as a Master Photographer IFPO members who have been active for more than 10 years or have been published 5 or more times are qualified to participate in the IFPO Master Photographer program. Others who can offer different validating criteria may also apply. Photographers only apply once for Master Photographer status. It is suggested that the actual credentials be updated every 3 years for validation purposes. (Images of the credentials are not shown here for security reasons.) However, satisfaction upon arrival is guaranteed or a full refund will be issued. Master Photographers are assigned a verification code which can be used to verify members’ status by anyone with that code 24/7. Also, we provide instructions for you to update your own Platinum Master verification site as often as you wish. The Platinum Master Photographer Portfolio is offered in two parts to give IFPO members more options. The Platinum Master Diploma Portfolio (item #PMA for $99) includes a Master Diploma and a copy of the IFPO Master Charter. Each is signed by two founding directors and printed on 8 1/2 x 11" parchment paper, embellished with the Master Photographer logo and presented in a fully padded leather textured case. A laminated wallet size replica of the Master Diploma is also included. It is not necessary to update this portion of the portfolio every 3 years. The Platinum Master Photographer Credentials Portfolio (item #PMB for $99) includes a full set of badge and wallet ID’s plus internet verification and a Master Photographer 3" Embroidered Patch. The credentials are issued for 3 years. A new set of credentials with updated photos are issued with each renewal. The Platinum Master FULL Portfolio (item #PMF for $198) includes everything in the two options above. Go to http://www.ifpo.net/pmaster.html/ or use the order from on page 47. Ω www.ifpo.net AVAILABLE ONLY to IFPo MAStER PHotoGRAPHERS Master Photographer Hats and Patches Full color, custom designed. Complements your Master Credentials. $9.95 EA Embroidered 3” Patches $19.95 EA ITEM # MASTEr -PCH -1A ITEM # MASTEr HAT -1A oRDER toLL FREE 7 days 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 5 4 - 9 5 5 7 or use oRDER FoRM on page 47 Become a Photographer for Glamour Elite magazine GExx Glamour Elite Bundle: . . . . . . . . . . . $99.00 - Wallet Hard Card - Badge Hard Card + Lanyard - Glamour Elite Passport USA SHIPPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00 (ALL other foreign shipping $24.75) totAL ENCLoSED IFPO Member# __________________ or enclose dues (see page 17 for membership information) name __________________________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ______________________________________________________________________________ phone/FAX ____________________________________________________________________________ Use Check, Money Order, Or Credit Card: Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date 1-800-654-9557 or fax 1-336-468-1899 signature____________________________________________________________________ credit cards: CALL FREE mail orders to: IFPo order Dept., Po Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 Today's Photographer International 41 MAGNEtIC PRESS AUto EMBLEMS YOUr CAr CAN GAIN ACCESS TOO! Magnetic car Emblems are an effective tool to get you past road blocks, police barricades and into choice parking spots. AI NEwS SERVICE Auto Emblem ITEM CODE AI-MAG-1A PrICE $39.95 DESCrIPTION 1 Magnet Auto Emblem AI-MAG-2A $69.95 2 Magnet Auto Emblem Set ITEM CODE USP-MAG-1A PrICE $39.95 DESCrIPTION 1 Magnet Auto Emblem They tell officials that your car is on official Press business. They are weather-resistant, durable, flexible, and easy to place and reposition. They will stay where you put it, but will also peel off when you need to remove it, and are 40 mil magnet material with UV resistant laminated finish printed outdoor quality vinyl. AI NEWS SErVICE USPRESSCoRPS.oRG Auto Emblem USP-MAG-2A SHIPPING USA $69.95 2 Magnet Auto Emblem Set $9.00 ($19 foreign shipping) TOTAL ENCLOSED ____________________ actual size 11 3/4 inch diameter 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ USPrESSCOrPS.OrG AUTO EMBLEM name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ Credit Card orders phone: 1-800-654-9557 or fax 1-336-468-1899 Mail Orders: IFPO, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville NC 27020-0042 USA FR11 Freelance Photography FIELD kIt Hard Card Credentials are made from the highest quality PVC plastic just like your driver’s license or credit cards. Your photo is manufactured into the card. Email your photo as an attachment to homeoffice@ainewsservice.net with your name in the subject line. We can crop, size or mask out the background in the photo. No email? Mail your photo to IFPO, PO Box 42, Hamptonville NC 27020. If we have your photo on file, we will use it. city/st/zip ______________________________________________ phone/fax ______________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ________________________________________________ Custom Flag. ________________________________________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED 42 Today’s Photographer $9.00 HOW IT WORKS An IFPO Distributorship is an exceptional opportunity for IFPO members to achieve success and make money by taking advantage of the millions of dollars and 15 years of research that have gone into developing the IFPO / Today's Photographer Magazine Concept. The modest distributor's fee gives you the value of MILLIONS of dollars that have been invested in 15 years of advertising IFPO’s dependability, quality and services. Today's Photographer Magazine and its associated products gets more exposure than any other photography magazine. It is advertised regularly in display space advertising in Popular Photography, Photographic, Outdoor Photographer, American Photographer and Shutterbug. As a distributor, you get the direct benefit of this advertising. Today's Photographer is sold on Newsstands throughout the United States, Canada, and around the world. IFPO is recognized in more than 140 countries on all continents of the world and has more than 67,000 members. Today's Photographer Magazine is currently being distributed to more than 80,000 photography enthusiasts 4 times a year. Typically, distributorships or franchises that give a distributor this kind of exposure, promotion and value are priced from $10,000.00 to $150,000.00. •You can reap the profits from more than 2.5 million dollars already spent on advertising in all the major photography and video magazines. Let these IFPO advertising dollars work for you and your business by building name recognition for the IFPO products and programs that you sell. address________________________________________________ (All other Foreign shipping $24.75) THE ADVANTAGE •You can start a new business and coast in the wake of the IFPO flagship. Let its research, product development, name recognition and dollars spent on advertising make money for you. Let IFPO's rapid success plan turn into financial growth for you. name _________________________________________________ SHIPPING USA IFPO DISTRIBUTOR YOU CAN: 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ Freelance Field Kit (Fr11). . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . $49.00 1 - Wallet Hard Card I.D. with Custom Photo and Custom Flag. 2 - Badge Hard Card with Custom Photo and Custom Flag. 3 - Lanyard For Badge Card. 4 - Crew/Gear Tags (set of 3) with Personalized reverse Side. YOU CAN BE AN Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ Mail check or money order to: IFPO, PO Box 42, Hamptonville NC 27020-0042 To use your credit card: CALL 1-800-654-9557 or fax: 1-336-468-1899 http://www.ifpo.net www.ifpo.net •You can offer IFPO products and programs to your clients without spending a penny for market research or product development. IFPO is constantly upgrading its products and services to maintain its leadership position in the international marketplace. •You can guarantee satisfaction for each product and program you offer. That customer satisfaction is backed up by IFPO and is a vital part of the IFPO success story. _________________ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: http://www.ifpo.net/dfaq 1. DISTRIBUTOR DISCOUNT: You are entitled to order products and services from a current issue of Today's Photographer at a only 50% of the listed standard price. For example: multiply list prices by 0.5 (a $68 membership would be $34.00). Half of $39.95 for example, would be $19.98 (rounded off to the nearest cent). 2. QUANTITIES AND SHIPMENTS: Order in any quantity. IFPO will ship to you or your customer direct. No minimums or quotas. 3. EXCLUSIONS: You CANNOT apply your distributor's discount to: USA or Foreign shipping • Workshop programs • Quantity discount packages such as 3R0X, 3VVX, item numbers containing “X”, or special offers with expiration dates • Classified and display a dvertising • Items in out-of-date issues may no longer be valid • Items not sold by IFPO/American Image are excluded. Items not sold in Today’s Photographer magazine are excluded. MAKE MONEY: •A distributor could sell only 2 videos a week and net up to $2000.00 a year. He could build his business up to 200 videos a week and be pulling in potentially $200,000.00 per year. •A distributor could set up a network of 100 Model Consultants "talent scouts" in an area. He would make nearly $15,000 just on the model consultant kits and IFPO memberships, then would make more on the videos, forms, books and other items that consultants frequently buy. •A distributor could sell to schools and educational institutions. IFPO's instructional videos are very popular with schools of all kinds (Junior Highs, High Schools, Colleges, Trade Schools, etc.). Schools typically purchase in larger quantities, often 10 to 20 videos at a time. Currently, about 100 schools are purchasing from IFPO. There are tens of thousands more in this country alone. •Recreational groups sponsored by government or other non-profit groups. For example, Military bases have recreational programs that include self-help and how-to programs on video. Currently, IFPO does a brisk business with military base purchase orders from only a few bases. •Many other groups sponsor recreational programs that would be very interested in photography instructional videos. Groups plan trips. Vacationers use cameras and camcorders. •Photographer's swap meets or flee markets are ideal places to set a booth and market IFPO products. In these situations, having merchandise to sell (like videos) is a plus. But if you don't have the merchandise, be sure to get the name, address, and phone number of each person that stops by your booth. Each one is a prospective customer for the future. If you run WHY YOU? •You may wish to purchase many IFPO programs or services for yourself. A distributorship will save you 50%. •You may be associated with a group such as a camera club, family members or close associates who may want to participate in IFPO products and services at discount prices. •If you have a photography studio or similar business may wish to arm all of your staff members with memberships and press program credentials from IFPO to make them more competitive. An IFPO Distributorship would enable them to do this at reduced costs to the studio or company. •You may want to start down the road of being your own boss with an IFPO distributorship. You can start small, order in any quantities, part time or full time. Most of all, you may have a few hours a week to invest in your financial future. out of copies of Today's Photographer at your booth, you can always mail them one in the future with a special offer flyer of some kind. REPEAT CUSTOMERS The best opportunity you have to make money as a distributor is to give your customers a REASON to do business with you. You can use your own liberal distributor discount to your advantage. If you can give your customers a 5 or 10% discount by purchasing through you, then they have a reason to order with you instead of ordering directly through mail order with IFPO. Your own margins may be a little slimmer, but your volume would be much higher. Now you could consider distributing Today's Photographer Magazines liberally with your business card attached and a notice that offers your own 5% or 10% discount if they order through you. In this way, you would get the full advantage of repeat orders from the same customers. Here is a sample list of schools and institutions that have already placed large orders directly with IFPO: AFETA, Camp Peary, VA; Miami Killian Senior High School, Miami, FL; Leon County Schools, FL; River East School Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Aims Community College, Greeley, CO; CBN University Library, Virginia Beach, VA; Southwest State University Library, Marshall, MN;University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; NAF Fort Sam Houston, TX; Stockton Unified School District, Stockton, CA; Phillipsburg Board of Education, NJ; Roberts High School, Florence, CO; Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL; Greenville Technical College, SC; Curtis Jr High School, Tacoma, WA; Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District, MA; Ferris State College Library, Big Rapids, MI; Maricopa Community College, Phoenix, AZ; Southeastern Mass. University, MA; Sparta Senior High School, Sparta, WI; and many, many more. The List Price of the IFPO Distributor Program is $387. For a limited time, the price is reduced to $187 plus $12 shipping ($24.75 USD Foreign Shipping) but will only remain at this special price for a limited time. call the IFPO office at 336-945-9867 or 1-800-654-9557 with your credit card www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 43 FASHIoN PHotoGRAPHy TPI EDITOrIAL STAFF SNAPSHot AS A PHOTOJOUrNALIST THE OPPOrTUNITY TO TAKE A PICTUrE OF LIONEL MESSI, THE BEST SOCCEr PLAYEr IN WHOLE WOrLD, WAS THE MOST IMPOrTANT EVENT IN MY PHOTOGrAPHIC HISTOrY. HIS rECOrDS ArE MANY -THE BEST WAY TO LEArN HIS STOrY IS TO GO TO WIKIPEDIA. diegO PieTrO iFPO, hOusTOn, TX oF A Leo Messi (blue shirt number 10) WAS PLAYING FOr ArGENTINA'S NATIONAL ArGENTINA WON AGAINST BOLIVIA IN HOUSTON,TExAS AT DIEGO PIETrO IFPO GAMES AND TrAININGS. 44 Today's Photographer International SUPER StAR UNITED STATES TOUr. I WAS THrILLED TO COVEr THE BBVA COMPASS STADIUM WITH A FINAL SCOrE OF 7 - 0. ©2015 TEAM ON THE THE www.ifpo.net T he digital age has literally changed the way the world thinks and does business. In photography we are literally light years away from how we operated just a short time ago. Especially, photographers working with models. Models can still be found almost anywhere there is a client base of support. In the old days they built portfolios from their work in local runways, editorial, catalog, magazines, trade shows, conventions, and other assignments. Now the same types of freelance models can easily promote themselves on Facebook and other social media sites in addition to model web hosting sites on the internet. What has not changed is that they still need an experienced photographer to create the images for their successful promotion. Today’s challenge is still linking the right photographer to the right model. Most successful photographers who find themselves at the foot of the major runways have spent years building their own portfolios while shooting local model portfolios and composites. While most fashion photographers dream of shooting the major fashion shows in New York, London and Paris, that’s the height of achievement and not where you start. Shooting at that level requires skill and technique that often takes years to develop. IFPO has a model consulting program available to members to solve DESIGNEr DESIGUA SPrING FASHIONS AT THE NYFW 2016 HELD AT SKYLIGHT MONAHAN the age old problem of finding models STATION. NYFW rEPLACES THE MErCEDES-BENz FASHION WEEK AT THE LINCOLN CENwithout spending an arm and a leg TEr. ©2015 Roy Speller Sr. IFPO, Bronx, NY. with a modeling agency and without ly free so most serious models have a a photographer with a solid backpotential models being skeptical of the website or post their portfolios on ground and fresh ideas with a specialty photographer’s intentions. And it gen- hosting sites. Photographers can in fashion, swimsuit, design or other. erally does not require spending search for models available in their Consulting and planning are key to a money for advertising which takes local areas for assignments or to fur- successful venture for both parties. away working capital. ther develop the model’s portfolio or IFPO model consultants have the tools Internet advertising today is virtual- their portfolios. Most models look for and know how to make that happen. Ω www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 45 722A IFPo Membership Update kit Long-Time Members Can Get The New Hard Card Membership Kit! Update your I.D. Card and Certificate to the NEW IFPO Membership Kit with Hard Cards and Portfolio. Made of Hard Card stock just like your drivers license or credit cards. WE WILL PLACE YOUr PHOTO on the Hard Cards for you! Email your photo as an attachment to: homeoffice@ainewsservice.net with your name in the subject line. No email? Mail your photo to IFPO, PO Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020. ❏ IFPO Member# ____________________ name ___________________________________________ address__________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________ email ________________________________________________ CUSTOM Title _______________________________________ ❏ Cat# Description 722A Membership Update Kit $39.95 MAIL OrDErS: this is a new address, please update my records IFPO MEMBEr# $9.00 expiration date 723A IFPo Membership Passport phone/fax/email CHECK or MONEY ORDER Enclosed ($15 service charge on all returned checks) card By Popular Demand following the recent IFPO Update Kit offering. We will place your photo for you! Here's how: Email your photo as an attachment to: homeoffice@ainewsservice.net with your name in the subject line. No email? Mail your photo to IFPO, PO Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020. We may already have your photo on file! email ________________________________________________ CUSTOM FLAG ______________________________________ ❏ Price EA. $39.95 + Optional Contact Information + Optional Flag of your choice (we have all national flags, U.S. State flags, Canada Province flags, UN flag and EU flag in our library) (All other foreign shipping $24.75 USD) $9.00 signature MEMBEr# rEQUIrED!! NEw address ABoVE (in “SHIP TO:”), OLD address BELow ADDRESS CHANGE print old address, city, state, zip INFORMATION or CUSTOMER SERVICE: For GENERAL INFORMATION or to check ORDER STATUS or errors: 1-336-468-1138 weekdays 10:00 -5:00 Eastern time (except holidays) or use our 24 hr FAX 1-336-468-1899. Mail your requests or queries to: Customer Service, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 quick service, but do not wish to use a credit card. C.O.D. orders will be accepted ONLY by calling Customer Service, 1-336-468-1138. Customer Service is open 9 to 5 Eastern time weekdays. C.O.D. orders will NOT be accepted by MAIL, FAX, or on the 800 number order line. You will be required to pay a fee to cover the shipping and C.O.D. fee charged by the carrier. For orders under $100.00, the C.O.D. handling and shipping charge is $15.00. For orders $100.00 or more, the charge is $20.00. When you place your order, our customer service representative will give you the total charges for the order. C.O.D. means “Cash On Delivery.” When your package arrives, you must pay the carrier in cash or money order! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All of our merchandise is 100% guaranteed. If for any TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ Mail Orders: IFPO, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville NC 27020-0042 USA Today's Photographer International exp. date SHIPPING & HANDLING: Shipping & Handling charges must be added to each order. Credit Card orders phone: 1-800-654-9557 or fax 1-336-468-1899 46 o Visa, o Mastercard, o American Express, o Optima C.O.D. ORDERS: C.O.D. orders will be accepted for the convenience of customers who want USA Shipping Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # (needed for “MEMBEr ONLY” items or include dues, see page 17) CREDIT CARD ORDERS Long-Time and New Members Can Get The New IFPO Passport name ___________________________________________ address__________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________ PrICE zip/country Mail Orders: IFPO, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville NC 27020-0042 USA 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ DESCrIPTION city/state signature __________________________________________________________________ 723A IFPO Passport Credential ITEM# address TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ❏ ORDERED ITEMS business name (All other foreign shipping $24.75 USD) Description Information or Customer Service calls: 336-468-1138 name USA Shipping Cat# IFPo order Dept. P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 USA SHIP TO: Credit Card orders phone: 1-800-654-9557 or fax 1-336-468-1899 Update your Membership Credentials to include the New IFPO Passport-style Credential. (has NO Expiration Date) or fax: 1-800-654-9557 1-336-468-1899 Price EA. + Wallet Hard Card with Custom Photo + Badge Hard Card with Custom Photo + Lanyard for Badge Card + Membership Certificate + Charter + Ready-To-Display Portfolio Folder for Certificate and Charter + Full Internet Verification Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # oRDER FoRM Credit Card orders phone: www.ifpo.net reason you are not satisfied, we will refund your money or send a replacement, no questions asked. Call Customer Service at 1-336-468-1138 about RETURNS, EXCHANGES or REFUNDS. Shipping or C.O.D. charges will NOT be refunded under any circumstances. Refunds will not be made for used merchandise or items held by the customer for more than 30 days. Video Cassette Returns may be subject to a restocking fee. To qualify for a refund, merchandise must be returned in the same condition it was received with packing slip within 30 days. Postage due packages will not be accepted. Send returns via US MAIL to Customer Service, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042. MAIL OrDErS: SHIPPING & HANDLING DEPENDABLE DELIVErY BY THE U.S. POSTAL SErVICE. (Delivery by other carriers by special request only) USA order total 1st Class/Priority $0 - 25.00................$7.00 25.01 - 75.00................$9.00 75.01 - 150.00..............$12.00 150.01 and up..............$17.00 (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) NEXt DAy DELIVERy: add $24 to above fees. INTeRNATIONAL (including Canada/Mexico) order total International Priority $0 - 25.00..............$26.50 25.01 - 75.00..............$26.50 75.01 - 150.00..............$38.00 150.01 and up..............$48.00 (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) TOTAL ORdeR AMOUNT IFPo order Dept. P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 USA ORDER FORM OrDEr TOLL FrEE www.ifpo.net complete IFPO Programs and Catalog 47 SHOOTING TAE KWON-DO Learn Photography PAYS Again and Again With Brian Ratty, world famous photographer and educator BY VINCENT BrOWN IFPO, EAST STrOUDSBUrG, PA I have been shooting tae kwon-do events for several years. I am now the official photographer for the Korean Martial Arts Group (KMAG) located in Bronx, New York. I love photographing the young students. I see their self confidence grow and the proud expressions of the parents as they see their child learn control and perseverance. My challenge as a photographer is to capture these moments. I give credit to a coworker, who is $54.95 each THE NEW YOrK GOVErNOr'S CUP, TAEKWON-DO CHAMPIONSHIPS 3rD MANHATTAN OPEN AT HUNTEr COLLEGE IN NOVEMBEr 2015. ©2015 VINCENT BrOWN. red belt student of KMAG, for my current position. He introduced me to Master William Martinez, a 7th degree black belt. He saw my portfolio, and loved it. I now photograph all the school’s events including student testing, promotional testing, demonstrations and tournaments. Last year I received permission and had the privilege to put together a book KMAG Here and Now for the school. It was available for parents and COVEr OF BOOK kMAG here ANd NOW (UPPEr LEFT) PrODUCED FOr KMAG, BrONx, NY. The 2015 Queens Tae Kwon-do Tournament (above) was held at Queens College, NY. ©2015 VINCENT rOWN IFPO 10BToday’s Photographer International 48 Today's Photographer International GREAT FOR CLASSROOMS BU Y! IFP Or thisecomm ser end ies s #DVD-4 LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY With the advent of inexpensive cameras the world of photography has been opened to millions of new image makers. Film & Digital $54.95 This DVD is the starting point for any person wanting to learn the fundamentals of photography. 16 Educational Lessons, Bonus Teacher Files, TRT 87 Minutes. families to purchase. I also made several mouse pads which were also for sale. Shooting for KMAG tae kwon-do school is very profitable for me. I not only make profits from the school and parents but the recognition of my work leads to other assignments in the tae kwon-do world and beyond. I have attracted wedding assignments, sweet 16 parties, and shooting other sports at other schools. I have also had freelance assignments for newspapers such as The Bronx Times covering accidents, fire scenes and other breaking news. These assignments have led to other professional assignments which paid well. I believe the secret to my success is having self-confidence in my craft, improving my skills shooting martial arts, as well as being in the right place at the right time! If you love is shooting sports, you must have an in depth knowledge of the sport in addition to the shooting skills required. Then you have a chance to knock it out of the park! Ω www.ifpo.net www.ifpo.net #DVD-5 LEARN PHOTOGRAPHIC LIGHT Film & Digital $54.95 You know that you are serious about your photography when you start studying light. This DVD is the starting point for any person wanting to learn the fundamentals of photographic light. 13 Educational Chapters, 28 Key Concepts, Bonus Teacher Files, TRT 72 Minutes. #DVD-7 $99.95 DVD-4, DVD-5 bundle : 2.75 Hours • 41 Chapters Credit Card orders phone: or fax: 1-800-654-9557 1-336-468-1899 IFPO, P.O. Box 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 USA MAIL OrDErS: information or customer service calls: 336-468-1138 www.ifpo.net TODAY’S PHOTOGrAPHEr P.O. BOx 42, Hamptonville, NC 27020-0042 PrSrT STD US POSTAGE PAID BANGOr ME PErMIT NO 112 IFPo CREDENtIALS woRk AGAIN! By Lyndon Johnson, IFPO Photojournalist, AI News Service Press, Goldsboro, NC NOPI NATIONALS, MYrTLE BEACH SPEEDWAY, MYrTLE BEACH, SC: THANKS TO IFPO AND THE AI NEWS PrESS PrOGrAM I WAS ABLE TO COVEr THIS EVENT. OVEr 700 CArS, MOTOrCYCLES, AND TrUCKS COMPETED AT NOPI (NUMBEr ONE PArTS, INC.) NATIONALS CAr, TrUCK AND BIKE SHOW AT THE MYrTLE BEACH SPEEDWAY. OVEr 2000 SPECTATOrS ATTENDED THE EVENT. I WAS GIVEN ACCESS TO THE BEST POSITIONS TO SHOOT WITH THE rEST OF THE PHOTOGrAPHErS AND MEDIA STAFF. I HAVE USED THE AI PrESS PrOGrAM FOr VArIOUS SPECIAL EVENTS FOr YEArS AND IT HAS WOrKED FOr ME 100% SO FAr. rIGHT NOW ONE OF MY IMAGES FrOM THIS EVENT IS THE ADVErTISING BANNEr FOr NOPI’S FACEBOOK PAGE. ( More at ljimages.com/nopimb2015) tANDEM DRIFtING DEMoNStRAtIoN At NoPI TWO CArS TAKE TUrNS AS THE LEAD CAr AND THE CHASING CAr FOr AN OFFENSIVE/DEFENSIVE SETUP DESIGNED TO FIND OUT WHO CAN DrIFT BEST UNDEr PrESSUrE. A DrIVEr WHO SPINS OUT Or CAUSES CONTACT AUTOMATICALLY LOSES THE TANDEM rUN. ©2015 Lyndon Johnson, IFPO