3rd Qtr - Philippine Statistics Authority
3rd Qtr - Philippine Statistics Authority
NSO celebrates its 65th anniversary Administrator and Civil-Registrar General Carmelita N. Ericta in her message during the NSO Anniversary program, pushed for the continuance of the agency’s legacy of delivering quality public service and challenged everyone to further efforts in making this quality public service even better. This is in justification of the fact that as the agency’s performance improves, the public’s expectations grow notches higher. Consequently, Administrator Ericta congratulated all NSO employees for job well done and enjoined them to work even harder. NSO holds a thanksgiving mass before its anniversary celebration program in Quezon City. The National Statistics Office celebrated its 65th founding anniversary with activities and festivities in August 2005. With the theme “Patuloy na Paglilingkod, Taos-pusong Handog,” the agency commemorated its fruitful years of public service and recognized the dedication and hard work of its employees. AHSOM6 convenes in Manila The 6th ASEAN Heads of Statistical Offices Meeting (AHSOM6) convened on August 16 to 17 at the Century Park Hotel, Manila. The two-day meeting was participated by heads and officials of statistical offices of the 10 ASEAN countries (Brunei Darrusalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) and South Korea. Officials of the ASEAN Secretariat, UN ESCAP, UN SIAP, ADB, Paris21 and a consultant for ASEAN project were also in attendance. The month-long celebration kicked off with the unveiling of an exhibit that encapsulated all the 65 years of the agency. Weekly trivia contests were also held along with a sports fest with events consisting of chess and volleyball. A danceinterpretation contest of the Birth Registration Project jingle “Iparehistro” was also showcased during the Anniversary program. Moreover, loyalty awards were given to employees who devoted substantial years in NSO. countries and exchange views on recent global and regional concerns in statistics. AHSOM5 was held in Luangphabang, Lao PDR in January 12 to 13, 2004. AHSOM7 will be held in Brunei Darussalam in late 2006. The meeting was also attended by a number of delegates from the following statistical agencies in Manila: National Statistics Office, National Statistical Coordination Board, Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics, and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. The AHSOM is being held yearly to review statistical developments and progress of cooperation among member Participants of AHSOM6 meet at the Century Park Hotel, Manila last August. Anniversary Message Adm. Carmelita N. Ericta Good morning to all of us! Today, the Philippines National Statistics Office turns 65 years old. Ako ay nagagalak na maging kabahagi, kaisa, kapuso, at kapamilya ng NSO lalo na sa natatanging pagdiriwang na ito. Kayo, masaya ba? Kung masaya kayo, pwede ba batiin ninyo ang inyong katabi sa kaliwa’t kanan, harap at likod ng Happy Anniversary ng may ngiti sa labi. I am very pleased to see that NSO has grown into an organization that marks excellence and quality service in the fields of statistics and civil registration. In the recent past, we have used technology solutions in many of our achievements in both statistical and civil registration services. In statistical operations, we have innovated survey solutions to sustain and capture the quality of data that we produce and disseminate. We have strengthened capabilities of the field staff to process data. We do this by engaging in quality processes in the manual and machine procedures for the timely release of the survey results. With this, we enhance the dependability and credibility of the statistics that we release. Through the years, our statistics remained stable, independent, and reliable despite the many questions. Those of you who have been reading the newspapers lately may have read that the revisions on foreign trade statistics had been receiving negative write-ups to the point of questioning NSO’s capability and integrity. While we know and feel comfortable that the revisions were done in utmost honesty and transparency, there will be sectors who will remain dissatisfied with these necessary changes. But this should not lead us to complacency. We should be more active, more vigilant to ensure that our statistics can stand the emerging concerns and challenges of the times. And we have the long history of 65 years of NSO to back us up. This week, the PNSO hosted the 6th AHSOM… In civil registration, we have pioneered change solutions in the process flows by capitalizing on technological advancements. With the CRS-ITP, we have made a landmark in the efficient delivery of civil registration services. We have the entire country covered with the rollout of CRS outlets in Metro Manila, in the regional offices and in select provincial offices. We also partnered with local government units through the Batch 2 Request System (BReqS). We also have used the telephone and the Internet as alternative means of awaiting ecommerce transactions. However, sustaining this improved service in civil registration is even more crucial. While there has been positive recognition of our clients of the better service, we have noticed that satisfaction rating has been decreasing in the past six months, last June 2005, satisfaction rating dropped to about 59% from a high of 74%. Maybe our clients had raised their level of expectations from us, maybe, but nevertheless, the decreasing satisfaction rating that we are getting should serve as a new challenge for us to improve more. In both statistical and civil registration activities, we engineered the technology of partnership and participation by building alliances with other agencies. With this, we have managed to package and promote the NSO into a world-class provider of statistics and expert in civil registration. The technological advancements and innovations and the partnerships that NSO had were even more highlighted because of its people. I am grateful and I feel blessed for being a part of this agency where human resources remain as its major resource. The growth and success of NSO can be attributed largely to the undying commitment and dedication of all its employees. While the 65th anniversary of the NSO provides an opportunity for us to reflect on its achievements, it is equally important to be forward looking and face head on its challenges. I look forward to an NSO that plays a major role in the statistical community not only here in the country but globally as well. Sixty-five years is the mandatory retirement age of a working person in the country. To most retirees, this is the time of calm and respite. But for the NSO, 65 years were years of learning and growing up as an organization that seeks excellence in public service. And in the search for excellent public service, there is no retirement, no calm, no resting. Lastly, let us always remember that God, however you conceive Him to be, is always with us all these years and it is but fitting to give back our gratitude to God by doing our work well, no matter how high or low our positions are, all for His greater glory. Happy 65th anniversary to all! Mabuhay ang NSO! 4NCSO Highlights opening ceremonies emceed by Regional Director Rosalinda Bautista of NSO Region 4-A. Paper presentations started in the first day’s afternoon session followed by a whole second day of lectures. Discussions and fora ended by early morning of the third day. A complete list of the 4NCSO paper presentations is provided below: Paper Presentations Administrator Ericta awards a plaque of appreciation to Bacolod City Mayor Evelio Leonardia during the 4NCSO’s opening program. The nation’s solemnizing officers and civil registrars converged for the Fourth National Convention of Solemnizing Officers (4NCSO) last August 9-11, 2005 at the Bacolod Convention Plaza Hotel. “New Procedures in Registering the Authority to Solemnize Marriage” - Editha R. Orcilla - Chief, Document Management Division “CENOMAR: As a Requirement for Legitimation and Issuance of Marriage License” - Atty. Maribeth C. Pilimpinas – Chief, Legal Services Division “A Profile of Servant Leadership” Tomas P. Africa – Director, United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific After a parade of colors by the Philippine Navy Reserve Command of the John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation, doxology, National Anthem and Negros Occidental Hymn sung by the provincial government employees’ choir, Bacolod City Mayor Evelio Leonardia welcomed Convention participants. “Marriage Registration Procedures Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 1993” Olivia Gulla – Regional Director, NSO-CAR Mayor Leonardia who led Bacolod to be one of the 10 most outstanding cities in the Philippines, expressed his delight in hosting this year’s Convention and stressed the importance of the family in the solidarity of our nation. He also emphasized that marriage given our Catholic background, will keep its sanctity despite the popularity of divorce in other countries. The Mayor also invited Convention participants to visit Bacolod for the celebration of the Masskara Festival in October and take part in the SEA Games in November. “Marriage Registration Procedures for Muslim Filipinos” Razulden Mangelen – Provincial Statistics Officer, NSO-Maguindanao Administrator and Civil Registrar General Carmelita Ericta introduced Secretary Luwalhati Pablo of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).Secretary Pablo’s message which was read by DSWD Region 6 Director Teresita Rosales, pointed out the vitality of the roles of solemnizing officers in building the family. An intermission rendered by the 2004 champions of the Masskara Festival Street Dance Competition ended the “Marriage Registration Procedures for Indigenous Peoples/ Indigenous Cultural Communities” Matilde L. Alejandro, OIC-Regional Director NSO-Region 2 “Issues and Concerns in the Marriage Registration: Office of the Civil Registrar General – Civil Registration Department Experience” Lourdes J. Hufana – Director, Civil Registration Department, NSO “Issues and Concerns in the Marriage Registration: City/ Municipal Civil Registrar’s Experience” Wilma P. Bayas, City Civil Registrar, Tagaytay City “Issues and Concerns in the Marriage Registration: Solemnizing Officer’s Experience” Joy M. Vingno, Senior Minister of the Christian Brethren Church, Bacolod City “Effects of Court Decisions and Legal Instruments Concerning Marriage” Atty. Geronimo L. Sy, State Prosecutor, Department of Justice (Continued on p. 5) 3 NSO and JICA conduct MSP Forum Aimed to increase the awareness of manufacturing establishments on the Monthly Survey of Production (MSP), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in cooperation with the Industry and Trade Statistics Department (ITSD) held the 2005 MSP Consultative Forum last August 3, 2005 at the Dusit Hotel Nikko, Ayala Center, Makati City. The event was participated by Mr. Yasushi Nakamura, consultant from JICA, and Mr. Teruyuki Ishida and Mr. Noriyuki Seshimo, Deputy Directors of Research and Statistics Department of Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan. On the part of the NSO, attendees were Administrator Ericta, Deputy Administrator Paula Monina Collado, ITSD Director Estela de Guzman, ISD Chief Lourdes Homecillo, SSOD Chief Elsie Solidum and statisticians from ISD. Representatives from MSP sample establishments and other government agencies were also invited. ITSD plays host to Thai National Accounts officials To help improve the system on national accounts of Thailand, the NSO, through ITSD and Personnel Development Section (PDS), organized a lecture last August 15-17, 2005 to the representatives of National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), Thailand. In attendance were Mr. Nopporn Manoonpol, Mr. Kecmar Manchoo, Mr. Suriya Junkrajang, Mr. Virot Nararak, Mrs. Jutarat Shompoopun, Ms. Saowanee Phoosakul and Ms. Somjit Junyapong. On the part of NSO, attendees were Director Estela T. de Guzman, ISD Chief Lourdes V. Homecillo and EIID Chief Rosie B. Sta.Ana. The lecture included the functions, projects and activities of the ITSD. Administrator Ericta gave the opening remarks. She mentioned that the forum focuses on three goals. First, the forum attempts to bring together the industry associations and the government agencies in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS). Second, it brings into sharper focus the relevance of industrial statistics in decision-making. And third, it highlights the full commitment of the office, as well as the data suppliers, to the MSP and improve its use to assess developments in the Philippine Business environment. The program included a presentation on the Industrial Production Index in Japan by Mr. Seshimo, presentation on the Background of Monthly Survey of Production in the Philippines by Director de Guzman and the Design and Initial Results of MSP by Ms. Homecillo. An open forum was also conducted and participated by guests with Ms. Solidum presiding to entertain their questions regarding the project. NSO officials with National Accounts representatives from Thailand. Food for Thought If you spend an hour in worthwhile actions there is 1,000 fold gain. If you waste an hour in useless actions there is 1,000 fold loss. Brahma Kumaris 4 Library launches online catalog 4NCSO...Continued from p. 3 The NSO marked another milestone when it launched its library’s first-ever Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) last August 31. With the new system, bibliographic records of books, serials, periodicals and other documents can now be electronically accessed. Replacing the card catalog, the OPAC provides library users as well as librarians with convenient access to catalog and book loans information. Administrator Carmelita N. Ericta expressed optimism that with projects like OPAC, the NSO will continue notching more gains in improving the delivery of quality statistical and civil registration products and services. She then urged every NSO employee to strive harder in serving the public and help the agency live up to its 65th anniversary theme this year “Patuloy na paglilingkod, taos pusong handog.” On the other hand, IRD Director Valentino Abuan underscored the relevance of creating more projects that are anchored on information technology. He then lauded the team responsible in making OPAC project possible. After the speeches, Librarian Doris Robles demonstrated how the OPAC works. Those who attended the soft launching were given the chance to familiarize themselves with the new system afterwards. Above: (seated from left, UNSIAP Director Africa, Administrator Ericta, Mayor Leonardia and Deputy Administrator Collado with NSO regional directors, guests and speakers of the 4NCSO. Right: 4NCSO participants sing “Hand in Hand” in the event’s closing program. Closing Ceremonies A fitting closing ceremony was held to celebrate the success of the 4NCSO. Onset was the doxology and the singing of the National Anthem by the provincial government employees’ choir. In her closing remarks, Administrator Ericta stressed the importance of the family and the institution of marriage and linked it to the role of the solemnizing officers in ensuring and preserving the inviolability of these components of the society. She also thanked the provincial government of Negros Occidental led by Governor Joseph Marañon and Mayor Evelio Leonardia as well as the people of Bacolod City for their hospitality and support for the biennial event. Deputy Administrator Paula Monina Collado introduced the guest speaker Governor Marañon, who is also the Director of the National Federation of Sugarcane Planters, Northern Negros Planters Association, Incorporated. In his message read by Sangguniang Bayan Member of the 5th District of Negros Occidental, Atty. Emilio Yulo III, the Governor reiterated the significant role of the solemnizing officers in promoting peace and nation building. He also recognized the NSO’s effort to formulate new procedures in marriage registration for Indigenous People and Muslim Filipinos. The ceremony was capped with the singing of “Hand in Hand.” 5 EDITORIAL BOARD: Carmelita N. Ericta Administrator Patuloy na Paglilingkod, Taos-Pusong Handog Paula Monina G. Collado Deputy Administrator Valentino C. Abuan Director Information Resources Department EDITORIAL TEAM: Ethel Cacatian-Sia Editor-in-Chief Vilma S. Malumay Managing Editor REPORTERS: Roel Victor T. Cruz (IRD) Menchie B. Cuerdo (IRD) Sheila Marie V. Moreno (IRD) Honeyleen N. Novilla (IRD) Evelyn F. Ogbinar (GAD) Cristy A. Oliveros (AO) Glen Polo (ITSD) Erlinda G. Silang (HSD) ARTIST: Gerry I. Labatorio (IRD) The NSO Reporter is the official quarterly newsletter of the National Statistics Office, with address along R. Magsaysay Blvd. Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines Also downloadable in portable document format from the NSO website. http://www.census.gov.ph/data/ aboutnso/nsoreporter For your contributions, queries, comments, and suggestions, get in touch with us at: (632)713-70-81/ 715-64-30 Telefax (632) 714-17-15 nso.reporter@census.gov.ph 6 Celebrating 65 Years of Unwavering Public Service It was 1940, that period of time when it seemed that planting seeds of labor is an exercise in futility. The very same year when Commonwealth Act (C.A.) No. 591 was approved leading to the creation of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics. Despite the turmoil of the Second World War and many tumultuous years, and being renamed twice, the agency survives to this date. Now known as the National Statistics Office (NSO), the agency continues to produce and provide quality statistical and civil registration products and services for the Philippine Government and Citizenry and the rest of the world. With determination and hard work, some of the seeds that were planted by the agency have managed to sprout and bloom and entangle their roots with the sands of time. Some of these milestones are: Ø The Yearbook of Philippine Statistics now known as the Philippine Yearbook was released in 1940; Ø The conduct of the first census under the Republic of the Philippines as authorized by the Census Act of 1946; Ø The installation of the first computer system at the BCS in 1965 which hasten the processing of data gathered during the 1967 Economic Census; Ø The entry of microcomputers (PCs) into the office in 1984; Ø The Philippines became the first developing country to process Census using microcomputers; Ø NSO became the first national line agency to receive the Philippine Quality Award in 1998; Ø NSO launched E-Census in 2001 in partnership with Unisys and Pilipinas Teleserv; Ø The agency won Overall Excellence Award and Best in E-Filing Category in 2002. Indeed, in its 65 years of existence, NSO has proven its unwavering efforts in delivering the best quality public service possible. Anniversary Highlights Presentation of Mr. and Ms. CEMCO candidates Major Winners in the 65th Anniversary Colored TV – Lourdes Homecillo I-Pod – Alejandro Guevarra DVD Players – Ronel Pacanan and Mae Almonte Microwave oven – Nilo Cabasag Encyclopedia – Lolita Melo Elizabeth Elevado Imelda Gile Electric fans – Olivia Advincula, Babylyn Castro Rice Cooker – Alma Salazar Flat Iron – Teresita Miranda List of Official Candidates CRD - Christopher U. Ladines Maribeth M. Gasilan GAD - Sherwin S. Martin Rowella C. Maglente HSD - Ronel P. Pacanan Ma. Lucia SM. San Pablo IRD - Aristophanes C. Ramos Julie P. Picache ITSD - Ralph P. Bariata Mari-belle D. Dy NCR - Abdulmuin L. Alba Catherine A. Aguilar Winners of the NSO Building Design Contest Two-Storey Building Category One-Storey Building Category First place: Rommel M.Rago Western Mindanao State University Entry Number: 35 Overall rank: 1.94 First place: Kay Lenz B. Sol Far Eastern University Entry number: 5 Overall rank: 2.41 CEMCO Conducts Meat Processing Seminar Census Employees Multipurpose Cooperative (CEMCO) conducted two batches of livelihood seminar on m e a t processing last August 25 and 26, 2005 at the Soledad Building. Each batch composed of twenty-four participants from different departments and two representatives from neighboring barangays. The program gave priorities on elder members and retirees. The one-day seminar had 24 participants from CRD, NCR, GAD, HSD, ITSD, IRD and AO/DAO. No registration fee was required and all materials needed were provided by the cooperative. A certificate was awarded to those who successfully completed the course. 7 NEWS BRIEFS Employees benefit from 3KMK Project The Gender and Development Committee organized the “Kapwa Kawani Ko, Mahal Ko” project in connection with the continuing efforts of the NSO to extend assistance to its employees in providing better education to their children. School materials such as used uniforms, shoes, pencils, ball pens, bags, notebooks, etc. were donated and were made available to employees with child/children studying in elementary or high school. The project started in July and the distribution of collected goods was made during the anniversary month celebration of the agency in August. e-Census credit card payment expands coverage The e-Census has expanded its online credit card payment facility to three more countries namely Japan, Australia and New Zealand. This system is being processed thru the KabayanCentral.com. This will bring NSO’s civil registry services to more Filipinos outside the country and offer a more convenient way of paying for document requests. Previously, the online credit card payment facility was limited to credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover Cards issued in the United States, Canada and Europe. 14th PSQ reels off NSO employees gather to claim school materials for their children in the agency’s library last August. Members of this year’s National Steering Committee includes Administrator Ericta as Chair; Dr. Jose Ramon G. Albert of the PSA as co-chair; and, Ms. Nelia R. Marquez of PSA, Dr. Romulo A. Virola of the National Statistical Coordination Board, Director Gervacio G. Selda Jr. of Statistical Research and Training Center as members. Also in the said committee are representatives from the Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Commission on Higher Education, Department of Science and Technology and Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. The provincial eliminations for the 2005 PSQ will start in September while the regional championships will be on the 15th of November. The national finals will be on December 6 in the BSP Assembly Hall in Manila. The NSO and the Philippine Statistical Association (PSA) announced that preparatory activities for the 2005 Philippine Statistics Quiz (PSQ) are now on after the National Steering Committees and the various working committees having been formed and convened. The PSQ is a countrywide competition among college freshmen, which aims to instill the value of statistics among Filipino youth and to win greater public cooperation in government statistical activities. Due to his voluntary assistance to the needy, Mr. Bernard V. Corrales, Legal Assistant II of the Legal Services Division was awarded a Plaque of Recognition as a Blood Galloner by the Department of Health, National Voluntary Blood Services Program Unit, PCMC Pediatric Blood Center. For more information about this year’s PSQ, contact the PSQ Secretariat at telephone numbers 715-6502/713-7074 or email at PSQSecretariat@census.gov.ph. The awarding was part of the “Pagkilala at Pasasalamat 2005” program of the DOH on July 14, 2005 at the Occupational Safety and Health Center, OSHC Auditorium, Quezon City. 8 DOH commends NSO employee Citation Resolution No. 3320-2005 Author: Hon. Victor A. Maambong Co-Author: Hon. Raul D. Bacaltos COMMENDING THE NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE (NSO) IN CONDUCTING NATIONWIDE SURVEY OF EMPLOYMENT. WHEREAS, the nationwide survey of the National Statistics Office (NSO) is in response to the priority program of the government, “BEAT THE ODDS’ specifically that of creating opportunities to six million jobs; NSO disseminates 2004 FPS results The 2004 Family Planning Survey (FPS) data dissemination forum was held in August 15 at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Manila. The forum was the eighth in a series of family planning surveys conducted by the NSO nationwide since 1995. Approximately 150 guests from different government and private agencies were present. Dr. Socorro D. Abejo, OIC-Director of the Household Statistics Department discussed topics on family planning while Ms. Benedicta A. Yabut, OIC-Chief of the Demographic and Social Statistics Division tackled topics on maternal and child health. Findings from the 2004 Family Planning Survey: * Thirty-five percent of married women used modern contraceptive methods (female/male sterilization, pill, IUD, injectable, condom, mucus/billings/ovulation methods, standard days method and lactational amenorrhea method). * One out of 10 married women (14%) used traditional methods (calendar method, rhythm or periodic abstinence, and withdrawal method). * Five out of 10 (51%) were not using any contraceptive method at all. * Contraceptive pills and female sterilization remain the leading modern contraceptive methods. * About nine percent of married women were ligated and 16 percent were using contraceptive pills. * Public sectors provided supplies of modern methods to the majority of users. * Two-thirds of all users of modern methods obtained their supplies and services from the public sector. WHEREAS, the survey involves the gathering of data on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population; WHEREAS, finding of the survey will provide a quantitative framework plan preparation and policy formulation affecting the labor market, provide statistics on levels and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment for the regions and the country; WHEREAS, the nationwide survey is intended for the projection of future manpower as well as help identify employment and training needs; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Member, HON. VICTOR A. MAAMBONG, duly seconded by Majority Leader, HON. RAUL D. BACALTOS, be it, RESOLVED to commend, as it is hereby COMMENDED, the National Statistics Office (NSO) in conducting nationwide survey on employment; RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be furnished to the National Statistics Office (NSO), for its information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Note: A total of 25,949 women were identified as FPS eligible respondents. Of these, 24,231 women aged 15-49 years were successfully interviewed or a response rate of 93.4 percent. NSO consultants are David Megill and Tomas Mc Devitt, Population Studies, U.S. Bureau of Census. Funding assistance was provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and technical assistance, by the International Programs Center of the U.S. Census Bureau. 9 CONGRATULATIONS!!! Poetry Regional Director Commando Pilimpinas by Glen Polo For completing his Master’s Degree in National Security Administration at the National Defense College THOUGHTS TO PONDER Today, before you think of saying an unkind word, Think of someone who can’t speak Before you complain about the taste of your food, Think of someone who has nothing to eat Before you complain about your husband or wife, Think of someone who’s crying out to God for a companion Today, before you complain about life, Think of someone who went early to heaven Before you complain about your children, Think of someone who desires children but they’re barren Before you argue about your dirty house; some didn’t clean or sweep, Think of the people who are living in the streets Before whining about the distance you drive, Think of someone who walks the same with their feet And when you are tired and complain about your job, Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning others, Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one Maker. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down, Put a smile on your face and thank God you’re alive and still around. --- Anonymous 10 If If by chance we part, dear And in the fog you lose your way Would you mind to stop for a while, And look at me who was left behind? If by chance you find someone, Whose love and care is more than mine, Remember that I’m not unkind, I’ll set you free to your desire. And if someday he breaks your heart, And leaves you to a thorny part, Stop for a while and turn your back, Co’z I’ll be there with an open heart. God’s Memorandum Take counsel, I hear you cry, You refused to live and chose to die, Don’t degrade yourself, you are important, You have a body, soul and a heart. Don’t think your life has been that bad, Your future lies on your own hands, Do not corrupt and pollute your mind, Look ahead instead of behind. You’re not just a product of experimentation, You are done with great perfection, Why have you valued yourself for a Penny? When you are worth a king’s ransom. You are the most rare among the rare, You are far beyond compare, If you would only do your best, You will have the sweetest success. You said your life has been a misery, But have you discovered its mysteries? If to the Lord you would only cling, You’ll see that life is not as bad as you think. 1 C R O S S W O R D 2 3 4 7 5 6 8 9 10 13 16 11 14 17 15 18 22 24 12 19 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 31 27 30 32 33 34 35 ACROSS 1. yearly 5. prices, costs 7. used as a function word to indicate position, preposition 8. period, age 11. a large deer 13. manganese 15. _ _ _ Vegas 16. relating to or involving a tube 19. RP’s first female president 22. brief biographical sketch DOWN 1. eventhough 2. negative reply 3. one, Spanish 4. stage, position 5. standing, status 6. measure the extent of 9. Philippine Yearbook 10. aspirational, goal 14. North Atlantic Treaty Organization 17. ultra violet 18. one who practices law 19. archaic, bend 20. things opposite to or excluded by something else 21. Republic Act 24. a bluish white metallic element 27. tidy, fussy 32. lieutenant, abbreviation KEY TO LAST ISSUE’S PUZZLE s 23. Magna _ _ _ _ _ 25. haul, drag along 26. used to express delight or relief, interjection 28. _ _ _tiative, lead 29. affirmative reply 30. close, proximate 31. old, slang 33. krypton 34. opposite, contradictory 35. aggregate, total E L L A A O A K M W P H L A E A R N A K A I A V O I E I L G I M E N X B A O P S I C B E R O T B I C R N R E N A X A S E I E S E S U P S S U H F M E M O H E L D GALL BLADDER STONE REMOVAL – The Natural Way by Dr. Lai Chiu-Nan Gallstones may not be everyone’s concern. But they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. “Cancer is never the first illness,” Chiu-Nan points out. “Usually, there are lots of other problems leading to cancer. In my research in China, I came across some material which say that people with cancer usually have stones.” One of the symptoms of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal. You feel like you can’t digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area.” So if you think you have gallstones, there are methods to remove them naturally. The treatment is also good for those with a weak liver, because the liver and gallbladder are closely linked. Procedure: For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice everyday. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally. On the sixth day, take no dinner. At 6pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water. At 8pm, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts. At 10pm, take 2 tablespoon of olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice (or calamansi juice). Mix it well then drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease its passage. The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. Usually, it floats. 11 1 4 7 2 3 5 8 6 Events 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 9 12 10 Administrator Ericta awards plaque of recognition to Guard Nector Ogalino for honesty in the performance of duty Tour of the NSO Data Capture Center Online Public Access Catalog Launching Demographic and Statistical Analysis Workshop NSO Directors’ Conference Indonesian guests visit NSO 65th Anniversary Exhibit “Kapwa Kawani Ko, Mahal Ko Project” Employees join the anniversary trivia contest Pakistan’s Civil Registrar General meets with NSO officials Administrator Ericta graces the Field Officers In-Service Training 11
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