WF West High School - Chehalis School District


WF West High School - Chehalis School District
W. F. West High School
Parent Bulletin
342 SW 16th Street • Chehalis, WA 98532
(360) 807-7235 • (360) 807-7235 (FAX)
Bob Walters, Principal
Wendla Balmer, Assistant Principal
Thomas Elder, Assistant Principal
Jeff Johnson, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
January, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope the winter break is enjoyable, and that the New Year gets off to a great start for each of our Bearcat families. It will be good to come back rested and ready to focus on a strong finish for the first semester. The finals schedule is published in this parent bulletin.
The second semester will be an opportunity for each student to build on achievements, and might also be a time for
students to find a new direction and develop support systems for academic challenges. Students and parents/guardians should contact his/her student’s counselor to make plans for second semester success if there are specific
academic needs. All students are urged to make the most of Study Hall, Mondays through Thursdays, from 10:05 to
10:30, to improve their academic standing. Math tutoring continues to be available, and dates and times are published
in this bulletin. Good attendance is linked to success in the classroom; nine absences, excused or unexcused are the
equivalent of ten percent of the classroom time in a semester. Today’s classroom instruction is focused on active
engagement. It becomes very difficult for students to keep up when they aren’t in class. For our seniors, parents and
families, the graduation finish line is ahead. Encourage your seniors to attend and finish their high school education by
staying academically strong.
Business Week for our juniors was a success. What a
wonderful community partnership opportunity for our
students as they work with our local business leaders in
Winter Ball is coming up!
real life business scenarios. Truly, I continue to be amazed
All students are invited. It is scheduled for
with what this community is doing for our students K-12, in
Saturday, January 30th, from 8-11:00pm.
delivering first class educational opportunities and support for college and career preparation. In December, I
Get your tickets before it’s too late!
had the opportunity to meet with the Chehalis Foundation
Tickets may be purchased in the ASB office.
to share our work at the high school related to the Che$15/single or $25/couple.
halis School District Student Achievement Initiative. The
Chehalis Foundation and many private donors are giving
All tickets must be purchased prior to the dance.
tremendous gifts to our students that empower students
There will be no tickets sold at the door.
of all abilities and levels to achieve and set goals for their
futures. It is gratifying to be a part of this school district This is the only formal dance open to the entire student body and is sponsored by FCCLA.
and community.
Winter Ball
Students and their parents and guardians are our most
important partnerships. We appreciate our work with you.
We are proud of our Bearcat students and their endeavors
for growth in the classroom, in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, and in service to the community.
Bob Walters
Photographer Katia Hudson will be at the dance to
capture your beautiful memories.
You have the option to sign up for your photo time
when you purchase your tickets or just see the
photographer at the dance.
If interested in being a chaperone at the dance, please
contact Mrs. Minor! We’re looking forward to seeing you all
Bits ‘n’ Pieces
School Board
Musicians Galore!
January is School Board
Appreciation Month, and we
want to thank our school
board for their hard work
and dedication to our
students, schools and
Please congratulate the following students for being selected
to perform in the 2016 All-State Honor Ensembles. These students were selected via an audition process in the fall and will
spend three days in February rehearsing with a collegiate-level
conductor and performing with top student musicians from
around the state.
Brennan Bailey, President
Joe Clark, Vice President
Vicki Daniels
Colleen State
Dr. Brian Roberts
Nathan Avery, 10th Grade, Trumpet
Dylan Jensen, 9th Grade, Trombone
Tyler Mason, 11th Grade, Clarinet
Grace Redmon, 11th grade, Tuba
Counseling Center News
Scholarship season is gearing up. We have many scholarships available through the counseling center including the W. F. West and John Freeman Coffman scholarships. Make sure your students check every month to see
what opportunities await them. If you have any questions
about scholarships please feel free to contact the counseling center or the Career and College Readiness Center.
The PSAT test scores should be available online at the
first of the year and in paper form in early February.
The PSAT will determine our National Merit Scholars for
Juniors. Students will receive a personal code which will
allow them to access information online about colleges,
careers, and personalized SAT practice tests. Please
contact the counseling center with any questions about
test results.
We will be handing out second semester schedules on
January 29th. Your students may fill out schedule change
forms, however, schedule changes will be limited. You
can check your second semester schedule online through
family access. Second semester begins February 1st!
We will be holding a Financial Aid Workshop on January 11th from 4:30-6:30pm in the tech center. This is a
great opportunity to get on-site professional assistance
for filling out the Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FASFA). Please plan to bring your 2015 tax return
if one was filed or 2015 income info (W2s or last pay
stubs). We will be filling out the FASFA at the workshop.
The online process generally takes about an hour so you
can stop by when it’s convenient for you. Hope to see you
all there! If you want to expedite your time at the workshop, you may log onto and create
your login and password (both you and your student will
need your own login), before the workshop.
9-12th Grade
(You should already know if you have received a College
Bound Scholarship when you signed up in Middle School.)
We are having a College Bound Scholarship Information
Night and food will be provided on January 20th at 5:307pm. You will find out what is required of the scholarship,
how to apply for Financial Aid and How to get to college.
If you attend, you might even win a Door Prize.
EOC (End of Course) Exams
For those students who have failed an end of course
exam for math (algebra or geometry) and Biology, we
will be having make up exams January 13th for Math and
January 14th for Biology. Your name will automatically be
listed to test. It will be in the Commons at 8:15am the
morning of the test. If you have any questions, please
feel free to sign up to talk with your counselor.
January Scholarships 2016
GE Reagan Foundation Scholarship - For students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship. Apply online at
Deadline Jan. 7.
WA Consortium for Liberal Arts - H.S. Seniors planning on
pursuing a liberal arts education. Go online at: http://www.
Deadline for submission is January 15.
WA NASA Space Grant Consortium Scholarships - for seniors
planning to study STEM fields at University of Washington.
Apply online at Deadline is January
National Multiple Sclerosis Society - For students with MS or
who have a parent who lives with MS. Application available
at Deadline January
Optimist International Essay Contest - For ALL H.S. Students
Application in Counseling Center and deadline is January 16.
Elks National Foundation - Legacy Awards Scholarship - Seniors who are children or grandchildren of Elks member.
Apply online at Deadline for
submission is January 28.
American Indian Endowed Scholarship - Applicants must have
close social and cultural ties to an American Indian Tribe and
demonstrate financial need. Download application at www., and mail to addresses listed. Applications must be
postmarked by February 1.
Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation - Numerous scholarships
awarded in a variety of categories. For further information,
visit Once there, click on the
scholarship link and choose Washington State. This will open
up all of the scholarships available. Read requirements for
each to see if you qualify. Deadlines up to February 1.
Washington State Employees Credit Union – Open to any
WSECU member in good standing. Applications online at Deadline Feb 12.
Only need to fill out one application for both
Coffman and West scholarships below:
The John Freeman Coffman Scholarship Fund - Current W.F.
West Senior with a 2.5 GPA or higher and financial need.
Due to counseling center no later than Feb. 28.
W. F. and Blanch E. West Educational Fund - Current W.F.
West Senior with a 2.5 GPA or higher and financial need.
Must have been a resident of Lewis County for at least two
years prior to graduation. Due to counseling center no later
than Feb. 28.
Washington State Leadership 1000 Scholarship - for students who will attend an eligible 4-year college in WA state,
income and GPA requirements. Application opens on January
4 and closes February 24.
Washington State Opportunities Scholarship – For students
entering a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math)
field as well as health care in college with at least a 2.75
GPA. Helps low - middle income WA residents earn a bachelor’s degree. Packets available in counseling center with list
of approved majors and income guidelines. Application opens
on January 4 and closes Feb. 29. Application online at www.
Washington State Governors’ Foster Youth Scholarship - For
senior students meeting dependency requirements who have
lived in WA for past 3 years, have GPA of at least 2.0, and
plan on enrolling in WA State college program. Application
opens on January 4 and closes February 29. Check online at
Washington State Foresters Foundation Scholarship – Students planning to pursue Forestry education at approved 2-4
year college. Form in Counseling Center and must be emailed
to SAF contacts listed. Due March 1.
Centralia College Scholarships – APPLY NOW! CC offers a
variety of need and merit-based scholarships, Scholarship
deadline is March 1st. Online application is available now
html. Students are not able to submit their completed application without a CC student ID.
WA State School Retirees’ Assoc. - Seniors with at least 3.0
GPA who plan to have a career in the “field of education”. Degree could be in areas of teacher, counselor, speech therapist,
occupational therapist or psychologist. Apply online at www. Deadline is March 2.
Ewing C Kelly Scholarship – Applicants will be judged based on
citizenship, academic achievement, and financial need. Application packets can be picked up in the counseling center but
must be mailed to the Foundation and postmarked by March
Washington State Assoc. for Justice – WSAJ Past Presidents
Scholarship – Based on academic achievement, financial need,
victim of injury or having overcome a disability, continue in career to help others. Application available in counseling center.
Due (postmarked no later than) March 18.
Washington State Assoc. for Justice – American Justice Essay and Video Scholarship – Seniors who plan to start college
within the next two years. Prompt is “The power to change a
life, or to save a life: Why should we care about Jury Duty?
Application available in counseling center. Due (postmarked no
later than) March 18.
Cancer Unwrapped Teen Writing Contest - $1,000 cash prize.
Open to all High School students, Essay for students who
have survived cancer or had a loved one deal with cancer.
Flyer in Counseling center or go to
Deadline is March 20
Timberland Bank Scholarship - Open to all Seniors planning on
pursuing their education, who have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Must have 100 hours of community service. Additional criteria and application available online at www.timberlandbank.
com/100th-anniversary-scholarship. Applications also available in counseling center. Deadline is March 31.
Centralia-Chehalis Emblem Club #163 - For H.S. Seniors.
Please email your interest and request for application and
rules to: See flyer in counseling
center. Mail application prior to the deadline of April 1.
The Smart Choices Scholarship – For student athletes with a
minimum 3.2 GPA. Criteria for scholarship is a combination
of athletics, academics, leadership and citizenship. Deadline is April 1st. Apply online at
Chehalis Education Association - Students wishing to pursue a
degree in education. Application packet available for pick up
and return in the counseling center. Deadline is April 15.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation - Variety of scholarship opportunities for Exceptionally Promising Students with financial need.
Learn more at Various deadlines.
Alert Magazine - Seniors with 2.5 GPA or higher. Pick up flyer
in counseling center. No Deadline
January Sports
Boys’ Varsity Wrestling
1/1 @ PAC Coast Trny
1/2 @ PAC Coast Trny
1/8 w/Tillamook
1/9 Bearcat Invit.
1/14 @ Tumwater
1/16 @ Ellenburg Invit
1/21 @ B Hills
1/23 @ B Hills Invit
1/28 w/Centralia
Boys’ JV Wrestling
1/2 @ Elma Trny
1/14 @ Tumwater
1/16 @ Napavine
1/21 @ B Hills
1/28 w/Centralia
1/30 @ Tumwater
Girls’ JV/V Basketball
1/5 @ Kelso
1/7 w/Ft. Vanc.
1/9 @ White River
1/12 @ Tumwater
1/14 w/Centralia
1/19 @ B Hills
1/20 “C” @ Aberdeen
1/22 w/Col. River
1/26 @ Prairie
1/29 w/Tumwater
Girls’ Varsity Wrestling
1/14 @ Tumwater
1/16 @ Napavine
1/21 @ B Hills
1/28 w/Centralia
Boys’ JV/V Basketball
1/5 w/Kelso
1/8 @ Ft. Vanc.
1/12 w/Tumwater
1/15 @ Centralia
1/19 w/B Hills
1/22 @ Col. River
1/26 w/Prairie
1/29 @ tumwater
Boys’ C/Frosh Basketball
1/5 “C” w/Kelso
1/6 Frosh @ Olympia
1/7 Frosh w/Castle Rock
1/8 “C” @ Ft. Vanc.
1/8 Frosh w/Elma
1/11 Frosh w/Montesano
1/12 Frosh @ R Ridge
1/12 “C” w/Tumwater
1/15 “C” & Frosh @ Cent. 4:00/5:30
1/19 Frosh w/Adna
1/19 “C” w/B Hills
1/20 Frosh @ Aberdeen
1/22 “C” @ Col. River
1/25 Frosh @ Montesano
1/26 “C”w/Prairie
1/27 Frosh w/Centralia
1/29 “C” @ Tumwater
Dates to Remember
Jan. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return to School
Jan. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clubs
Jan. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAFSA Workshop at 4:30
Jan. 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MLK Assembly
Jan. 16-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCCLA Rummage Sale
Jan. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MLK Day - No School
Jan. 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College-Bound Scholarship Meeting
Jan. 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little Shop of Horrors
Jan. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little Shop of Horrors
Jan. 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little Shop of Horrors
Jan. 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final Period 6
Jan. 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final in Periods 1, 4, & 5
Jan. 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finals in Periods 2 & 3
Early Release 12:40
End of First Semester
Jan. 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Winter Ball
The weather
outside is
frightful . . .
Is there school
We are quickly approaching
the time of year when our
area might experience snow
storms and/or severe rains.
Announcements on school
closure will be made starting
at 6:00 a.m. on
local radio stations. If you
suspect that
the weather/road
might result
in a school
or delay,
please listen to one
of the following stations for
this information:
KELA - 1470 AM
KITI - 1420 AM
KMNT - 104.3 FM
Live 95 - 95.1 FM
You can also check online at and click on
Rivers/Roads/Schools to obtain this information. If it is
announced that school begins
one hour late, classes will
start at 9:15. If school is to
start two hours late, classes
will begin at 10:15. There
will be no zero hour classes
on these days. Have your
student check with their bus
driver in advance to find out
what impact snow or flooding will have on their route
should either of these situations occur.
Students of the Month
English Department
Emma Lund
The December Student of the Month
for the English Department is Emma
Lund. Emma has truly excelled in the
Bridge to College Course. Every assignment has attention to detail and it
shows that she truly cares about the
work that she produces. On her first
writing assignment, she took the time
to ensure that every detail was correct and that her message was clear.
A team of teachers, including a writing
professor from Eastern Washington
University, were extremely impressed
with the quality of her writing. Way to
go Emma!
Art Department
Sadie Jerome & Hailey Burger
Sadie Jerome and Hailey Burger are
the Art Department’s two students
of the month. Both Sadie and Hailey
are in beginning pottery, but both
students stretch their projects into
realms of creativity that surpass many
advanced pottery students. Both Sadie and Hailey constantly think outside
the box, and both do a great job paying
attention, not only to the basic assignment requirements and adding extra
features, but also in their craftsmanship–both make beautifully cleaned up
projects that anyone would be proud
to display in their homes.
Math Department
Lexis Haller & Colby White
As students of the month for December of 2015, Mr. Corrigan would like
to recognize Lexis Haller and Colby
White for their outstanding work in
Geometry. Both of them always turn
in high quality work and continually put
forth their best effort in all they do.
In addition, they are both outstanding
citizens in the classroom.
Music Department
Isaiah Freeborn
Choir student of the month is Isaiah
Freeborn. Isaiah is a very dedicated
and committed music student. His enthusiasm for singing is evident as he
consistently works hard to be prepared, improve his skills and contribute to the music ensemble. Isaiah has
a terrific attitude, always happy and
willing to help.
Social Studies
Cody Miller
This months Social Studies Student of the month is Cody Miller. Cody has
done a terrific job in Sociology. He shows an interest in the topics shared in
class and often participated in discussions. But this accommodation comes
to him as a result of his participation in our “Fire Sides”. He is great at
bringing up topics to discuss. But what helps him stand out is his down -toearth wisdom. Shared with humility and deep understanding. Way to go
Cody, your participation in Sociology is appreciated.
Yearbook Sales
Yearbook sales closed on Dec. 18 and won’t open again until after spring
break when the price goes up to $55. Senior parents, be thinking of buying a
brag ad for your senior to let them how proud you are of them. Prices start
at $35 for a business card size ad to $265 for a full page. Combine friends/
relatives in the same ad to save money. Find an order form online under W.F.
West’s page or pick a form from the offfice or the library. Deadline is the
end of February.
Dear Chehalis Community:
Although we often hear about teens in trouble, there are many stories
of teenagers accomplishing great tasks. The Leadership program at W.
F. West this year sponsored a Food Feud against Centralia and were able
to collect over 3000 pounds for the Chehalis Food Bank. My classes
decided to have an in-school competition during this drive, and they collected $387 toward the food drive. That money generated just short
of 400 pounds of the total. The food drive was a huge success, and the
parents and community should be proud of the students’ accomplishment.
Following immediately after the food drive, my classes agreed to be
involved with the Salvation Army in the Adopt-a-Family program for
Christmas. This year we received a family of eight with seven children
ranging in age from four to eighteen. We were given a list of gift wishes. The classes were able to fulfill all the wishes for the family and add
additional gifts, food and gift cards to ensure this family would have a
happy holiday season.
I want to extend my sincere thanks to my students, their parents, and
W. F. West staff members for their help in making the holiday bright
for a local family. The holidays seem so much more joyful when people
join together to share with others.
Happy Holidays to all!
Mrs. Janelle Williams
English Department
Bits ‘n’ Pieces
New Ornaments
for the
Lewis County
On December 3, 2015, 63 handmade ornaments
were delivered to the Lewis County Courthouse to be displayed on the County Christmas
tree located in the lobby of the Lewis County
Courthouse. The ornaments were made by
W. F. West’s advanced pottery/mixed media
students and will become part of a permanent
collection of county ornaments.
Senior Brag Ads
It’s time to start thinking about senior brag ads in the upcoming yearbook for your graduating senior. Ads are $35
for an eighth of a page (about the size of a business card) with a photo of your choice and up to 50 words of praise
from you.
Make checks payable to W. F. West High School and send them to: The Annual, W.F. West High School, 342 SW 16th
Street, Chehalis, WA 98532. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you want your photo back. The deadline
for senior brag ads is February 29, 2016. Forms and layout suggestions are available online at the school’s website
and in the front office.
Study hard for those semester finals on
January 27, 28 & 29!
January 27
6th Period Final
January 28
1st, 4 th, & 5th Period Finals
January 29
2nd & 3rd Period Finals
Math Tutoring Available
Monday & Wednesday -- 2:45 - 4:00
Tuesday & Thursday -- 2:45 - 3:30
The Math Center is located in the W. F. West Tech Center. It is a place where students can get together with classmates to study and get help with math classes. Math teachers and peer tutors are available to help.
It is run informally and is designated for easy drop-in usage. It works best to use the Math Center as a study room.
It’s a good place to meet up with your study partners and work on homework. If and as students need help, they ask
one of the peer tutors or math teachers. It’s as easy as that!
THANK YOU to our Gold Card Participating Businesses!
Gold Card
The following businesses honor the Gold Card Academic Achievement Winners in the Adna, Napavine, Lewis
County Adventist, St. Joseph School, Onalaska, Centralia, Pe Ell and Chehalis School Districts. Students
enrolled at these learning institutions are eligible to earn this card.
A Gold Card is earned by a student achieving a 3.5 gradepoint average (GPA) for the latest completed
semester in school OR who has raised the GPA by .5 over the GPA of the previous semester and have at
least a 2.0 GPA.
A & C Flag Co.
Alderson’s Awards
West-Printwares, Inc.
Anderson’s True Value
Armory Hills Public Golf Course
Banister Shoes #110
Benny’s Florist
Billie’s Designer Fabrics
Bodacious Beauty Salon
Book ‘N’ Brush
Brunswigs Shoe Store
Camera Exchange
Carquest Automotive, Inc.
Carroll’s Photography
Centerville Western Stores
Central Automotive Supply
Centralia Rollerdome
Centralia Shell
Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of
Chehalis Deli
Chehalis Parks & Recreation
Ciao Bella
Columbia Bank
Corning Revere
Country Cousin Restaurant
Coyne Chiropractic Center
Dairy Dan Drive-in
Deco Gifts
Discount Bridal and Formal Wear
Edward Jones
El Sabor De Mexico
Entertainment Plus (Bag Lady)
Eubanks Glass
Fairway Lanes
Figaro’s Pizza
Forever Greens Florist
Geier Glove Co.
General Nutrition Center
Giske Image Design
Hag’s Automotive
Harry Ritchie’s Jewelers
Helly Hanson
Horizon Photo, Inc.
Inspire Clothing
Katie’s Candies, Inc.
Kit Carson Restaurant
Kresky Auto Repair & Electric
Lewis County Chemical
Lewis County Eye and Vision
Mail Plus Chehalis
Matrix Coffee House
Muffler Man
Newaukum Valley Golf Course
Novus Auto Glass
Papa Murphy’s Take ‘n Bake Pizza
Papa Pete’s Pizza
Party Connexion, LLC
Payless Shoe Source
Pioneer West
Platinum Tan
Powersports Northwest
Precision Printing & Copy Depot
Quiznos #4372
Ramblin Jacks Ribeye
Reliable Enterprises
Reynolds Signature Portraits
Rite Aid Drugs
Rose’s Furniture
Sahara Pizza
Salewsky’s Jewelry
Sign Pro
Soft Touch Car Wash/Pearl
Street Express Lube
Southwest WA Dance Center
Spiffy’s Restaurant
Sweet Inspirations
Taco Bell
The Bath Depot
Thorbecke’s FitLife Centers
Tires, Inc.
Trisha Goldsby, D.D.S.
Twin Cities Printing
TwinStar Credit Union
Uhlmann I-5 Motors
Veterans Memorial Museum
Wal*Mart #2249
Wells Fargo Bank
Willie’s Sport Shop
Wilson Auto Parts
The Gold Card Program is sponsored by the Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce.
W. F. West High School
342 SW 16th Street
Chehalis, WA 98532
Habla Espanol? El distrito escolar
de Chehalis ofrece servicios de traducción al Espanol a nuestros padres
y familias. Por favor comuniquese
con Maria Schneider al 360-8077225, o al correo electrónico a
Starting January 4, 2016
​ he ASB office and the Athletic office will be able to accept
credit and debit cards for all transactions done in these offices.​
Chehalis School District Annual School’s Report
Chehalis School District and the State of Washington believe that important information about local public schools should be provided to educators, parents, community members and the general public. The combined support of these various stakeholders ensures
the success of all students. Information regarding current and past test scores, demographics, teacher qualifications, graduation
and dropout rates for secondary students and the status of school improvement can be obtained from the following website: http:// Search for Chehalis School District and click on the school of choice.
Chehalis School District Community Newsletter -- The School District’s community newsletter, “The Learning Network,” can now be
accessed online through the district’s website at:
Printed copies of the annual schools’ report or newsletter may be obtained from the Chehalis School District Office at 310 SW 16th
St., Chehalis, WA 98532, or call 360-807-7200.
Want to receive the latest Chehalis School District news? Join our Key Communicators! Sign up by sending an email to:
Have your family and friends sign up, too!
Equal Opportunity Notice
Chehalis School District is an equal opportunity education system and employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or
identity, marital status, or qualified individuals with disabilities including the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or
the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, and provides equal access to designated youth groups.
All employees must, at all times, be aware of the spirit and principle of equal employment opportunity and cooperate fully to assure
the success of the Affirmative Action Program.
Inquiries regarding compliance or appeal procedures may be directed to the School District’s Title IX Officer, Mary Lou Bissett
Assistant Superintendent, Chehalis School District, 310 SW 16th Street, Chehalis, WA 98532, (360) 807-7200, option 1 or the
Section 504 Officer, Loretta Duncan, Director of Student Support Programs, 1265 S. W. Pacific Ave, (360) 807-7245