October 2015 Legislative Agenda - Rose Tree Media School District
October 2015 Legislative Agenda - Rose Tree Media School District
ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Agenda October 22, 2015 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. B. III. Transition Program from Springton Lake Middle School to Penncrest High School: Ralph Harrison and Sarah Graham Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. VII. Eagle Scout Award – Jonathan Cotton Nancy Fronduti – Board of School Director Recognition Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. VI. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2015 Educational Presentation A. V. Roll Call Presentations and Awards A. B. IV Pledge of Allegiance RTMEA – Susan Howe Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. Agenda Rose Tree Media Residents 1 October 22, 2015 VIII. Old Business A. IX. New Business A. B. X. None Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Degree Advancement b. Unpaid Leave of Absence c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts d. Supplemental Contracts – See Attachments A and B e. Salary Change f. Create a New Position g. Other – See Attachments C, D, E and F Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School students to Hickory Run State Park 2. Penncrest High School Orchestra – Chicago, IL 3. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team – Ithaca, NY 4. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team – Juniata College Finance A. B. Agenda Purchasing 1. None General 1. Advanced Refunding of Series A of 2010 and Series 2011 BondsRBC Capital – See Attachment G 2. Change Orders 3. Budgetary Transfers 4. Walnut Street Theatre 5. Music Theatre International 6. Media Borough Improvements 7. Emerson Network Power – See Attachment H 8. Delaware County Intermediate Unit 25 Internet Service Agreement See Attachment I 9. Contract with Devereux Schools – Brandywine Campus 10. Contract with Timothy School 11. Contract with Green Tree School 12. Contract for Nursing Services for a student at George Crothers Memorial School 2 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. C. D. XI. Contract with Jeanne Kluger Arabia Contract to Provide ABA 1:1 Services Contract with Elwyn Therapeutic Camp Contract with Elwyn Davidson School Agreement Between RTMSD and Child Guidance Resource Centers Financials for September 2015 Bill Lists for September 2015 Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Meeting of November 19, 2015, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative Meetings are recorded on tape. Agenda 3 October 22, 2015 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 www.rtmsd.org Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary October 22, 2015 Minutes of the September 24, 2015 Legislative Meeting I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call ____________________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: William O’Donnell – Vice President Tracy Barusevicius Nancy Fronduti John Hanna Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen Harry Postles Elizabeth Schneider Bill Tyson Absent: Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Maintenance and Operations Peter Barry, Interim Principal IL Michelle Britton, Asst. Principal SLMS Eric Bucci, Principal Glenwood Anne Callahan, Director of HR Donald DiPaulo, Asst. Principal SLMS William Dougherty, Asst. to the Superintendent Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Ron Harris, Network Specialist Mack Johnson, Mgm. Systems Admin Thomas Kelly, Esq., Solicitor Bonnie Kinsler, Supervisor of Transportation Patti Linden, Director Technology Kim McCann-Roller, Info. Tech. Spec. Robert Salladino, Principal SLMS Christine Seeley, Acting Principal SYA Sharon Sweeney, Asst. Principal PHS James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 1 October 22, 2015 II. Approval of Minutes A. Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2015 Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Postles second a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 32 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015. In Official Minutes of September 24, 2015. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: III. Presentations and Awards A. IV Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports – In Official Minutes of September 24, 2015 School Reports – In Official Minutes of September 24, 2015 Superintendent’s Report – In Official Minutes of September 24, 2015 Solicitor’s Report – In Official Minutes of September 24, 2015 President’s Report – In Official Minutes of September 24, 2015 Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. VII. Spartan Pride – Ready, Respectful, Responsible & Resilient: Dr. Salladino. Dr. DiPaulo and Mrs. Britton Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. VI. None Educational Presentation A. V. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None RTMEA – Susan Howe Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. Adam Kiadel – Superintendent Wigo Susan Shubert – Superintendent Wigo Lee Herzog – Superintendent Wigo Annemarie Meo – Superintendent Wigo Liz Corra – Superintendent Wigo Marybeth Malone – Superintendent Wigo II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 2 October 22, 2015 VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) - continued Chris Garriga – Penncrest Program Cynthia Sabatini – Liability Robin Anderson – Superintendent Wigo Jim Coyne – Superintendent Wigo Rekha Kutty – Superintendent Wigo VIII. Old Business A. IX. None New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Supplemental Contracts Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 33 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional 1. b. Jennifer Brotman, Spanish Teacher, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 11, 2015. Non-Instructional 1. Joann Raport, Office Clerk I, Indian Lane Elementary, retirement effective June 30, 2015. Ms. Raport joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1999. She is retiring after 16 years of dedicated service. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 3 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations b. 2. Non-Instructional 2. Dana Birney, Substitute Bus Aide, resignation effective August 31, 2015. 3. Veronica McCarthy, Support Staff II, Springton Lake Middle School, retirement effective September 7, 2015. Ms. McCarthy joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1976. She is retiring after 39 years of dedicated service. 4. Keisha Davis, Cafeteria Worker, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 4, 2015. 5. Michele Durkee, Substitute Cafeteria Worker, resignation effective August 25, 2015. 6. Terry Mawson, Cafeteria Worker, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective September 8, 2015. 7. Derrick Smith, Support Staff II, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 17, 2015. 8. Christine Cropper, Cafeteria Worker, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 6, 2015. Nominations a. Professional 1. Mark Williams, Night School Teacher for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $40.00 per hour. 2. Recommend the Board recognize the following personnel for attainment of tenure, effective August 31, 2015: Mark Crossman Kelly Piecara Marietta Rizzone Maureen Shields Dennis Smyth II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 Springton Lake Springton Lake Penncrest Media Media/Indian Lane 4 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 3. b. Lisa Klein, .7 Special Education Teacher, effective November 9, 2015 at the annual salary of $37,733.70, Master’s Degree/Step 3 pro-rated. Ms. Klein received her Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State University and her Master’s Degree from St. Joseph’s University. She comes to us from Upper Darby School District where she served as a Special Education Teacher. Ms. Klein is assigned to the SYA. NOTE: Ms. Klein is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. Non-Instructional 1. Liza Raspa, Support Staff II, effective September 25, 2015 at the rate of $16.10 per hour. Ms. Raspa is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. NOTE: Ms. Raspa is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 2. Brian Litwa, Substitute Custodian effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. 3. Recommend Board approval for the follow to serve as Theme Readers for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $300.00 per month: John Prichard Elaine Prizzi Nancy Wooding 4. 3. 1 position 2 positions 2.5 positions Marion Brower, Substitute Nurse, effective September 25, 2015 at the rate of $140.00 per day. General a. Classification Change 1. Kathleen Tangradi from Bus Aide to Bus Driver effective September 1, 2015 at the rate of $22.85 per hour. 2. Brian Litwa from Bus Driver to Substitute Bus Aide effective September 1, 2015 at the rate of $15.02 per hour. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 5 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. b. c. Classification Change 3. Aimee Kimmel from Substitute Cafeteria Worker To Cafeteria Trainee effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $11.77 per hour. Ms. Kimmel is assigned to Indian Lane replacing Nancy Sands who was reassigned. 4. Linda Hibberd from Substitute Cafeteria Worker to Cafeteria Trainee effective September 8, 2015 at the rate of $12.34 per hour. Ms. Hibberd is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Terry Mawson who resigned. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. Michelle Cunningham requests an unpaid leave of absence effective January 22, 2016 through January 29, 2016 for the purpose of child rearing. 2. Stacy Gallagher requests an extension of her unpaid leave of absence through June 30, 2015 for the purpose of child rearing. Degree Advancement 1. Recommend Board approval of the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries effective August 31, 2015: Caitlyn Carminito Mary Dempsey Julie Fetsch Sean Graham Sean Hobdell Brittani Lutterman Kevin Nolen Paul Norris Laura Osborne Lora Rigatti Kathleen Sandiford Sandy Staiger Erika Yepremian Master’s+20/Step7 $61,071.00 Master’s+20/Step7 $61,071.00 Master’s+20/Step8 $61,437.00 Master’s+20/Step5 $60,344.00 Master’s+20/Step6 $60,707.00 Master’s+20/Step11 $70,639.00 Master’s+40/Step15 $95,512.00 Master’s+40/Step15 $95,512.00 Master’s+40/Step8 $68,052.00 Master/s+20/sTep6 $60,707.00 Master’s+20/Step7 $61,071.00 Master’s+20/Step15 $92,274.00 Master’s+60/Step 8 $75,379.00 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 6 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. e. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. Rescind appointment of Sharon Williams as .5 Special Student Activities for the 2015-2016 school year. 2. Rescind appointment of Caitlin Judge as 6th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year. 3. Rescind appointment of Alex Tyska as 6th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year. 4. Rescind appointment of Megan Rozinski as Jr. Variety Show Assistant Director for the 2015-2016 school year. 5. Rescind appointment of Brian Lynch as a 1.0 8-2 Team Leader for the 2015-2016 school year. 6. Rescind appointment of Henry Strowbridge as Assistant Football Coach at Springton Lake Middle School. Supplemental Contracts 1. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as New Teacher Mentors for the 2015-2016 school year: Lindsi Ciuffetelli Elizabeth Coulter Bridget Hefferan Shirley Huebner Karen Kerr Brenda Millette Carin Newsome Jayne Walker Glenwood Media Media Indian Lane Penncrest Media Springton Lake Media $ 580.00 $1,216.00 $ 580.00 $1,160.00 $ 580.00 $ 580.00 $ 608.00 $1,296.00 2. Meghan Kowalchuk, Boys Swim Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $4,495.00. Ms. Kowalchuk is assigned to Penncrest High School. 3. Judith Raichek, 8th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $725.00. Ms. Raichek is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 7 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 4. Brittani Lutterman, 6th Grade Homework Club Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $725.00. Ms. Lutterman is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 5. Sherre Gaertner, (.5) Special Student Activities Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $362.50. Ms. Gaertner is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 6. Alexandra Tyska, (.5) Game Attendant for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Ms. Tyska is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 7. Caitlin Judge, (.5) Game Attendant for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Ms. Judge is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 8. Robert Brown, Girls Head Track Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $6,318.00. Mr. Brown is assigned to Penncrest High School. 9. Robert Brown, Girls Head Indoor Track Coach for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $5,508.00. Mr. Brown is assigned to Penncrest High School. 10. Sean Van Horn, Assistant Freshman Football Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $3,625.00. Mr. Van Horn is assigned to Penncrest High School. 11. Tracy Jackson, Human Relations Club Sponsor for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $1,384.00. Ms. Jackson is assigned to Penncrest High School. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 8 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 12. Marietta Rizzone, Junior Class Advisor at the annual salary of $2,900.00. Ms. Rizzone is assigned to Penncrest High School. 13. Brian Lynch, (.5) 8-2 Team Leader for the 1st semester of the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Mr. Lynch is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 14. Diane Stern, Dance Club Manager for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,216.00. Ms. Stern is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 15. Devon Hartzell, (.5) 8-2 Team Leader for the 2nd semester of the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $435.00. Ms. Hartzell is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 16. Margie Gilroy, 6th Grade Homework Club for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $725.00. Ms. Gilroy is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 17. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as Intramural Leaders for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $27.00 per hour: Vince Eppolito Joseph Fisher Kelly Henry Mark Homan Jessica Levy Brittanni Lutterman Brian Lynch II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 Mark Nixon Paul Norris Maureen Reuther Megan Snyder Sean Spratt Jonathan Stroup Andy Virtue 9 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 18. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School staff to serve as Event Chaperones for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $21.25 per hour: Catherine Blackburn Jennifer Blythe Jean Davis Leslie Douglas Anita Garber Rebecca Gilliard Patricia Kelly Maureen McCormick Joyce Wolfe Kathleen Cook 19. Brian Perlswig, .15 Assistant Football Coach for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $783.00. Mr. Perlswig is assigned to Penncrest High School. 20. Derek Benedict, .85 Assistant Football Coach for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $4,437.00. Mr. Benedict is assigned to Penncrest High School. 21. Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest High School Staff to serve as Game Workers for the 2015-2016 school year: Jennifer Alleva Tim Brown Sandy Carter Craig Casner Michael Clark Jennifer Clarke Elizabeth Clements Alicia Commale Stephan Dashkiwsky Jean Davis Paul DelPrato Mary Dempsey Jerry Diaz Laura Diksa Brian Dougherty Michael Doyle Svitlana Duffy Tom Durant Suzannah Emmons Elise Ettien Missy Finsterbusch Lindsay Groy Will Harmon Robin Heckman Robert Higgins Winnifred Host Andy Ikeler Greg Jacobs Elaine Jay Emily Kelley Joan King Christiana Kuntz II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 10 Beth Lacock Heather Ludwig Kristen Manderachi Charlene Merk Steve Mescanti Dave Miller George Munro Laura Nemec-Osborne Christine Nolan Evan Pettit Sharon Williams Steve Silva Jeremy Smith Diane Stern Patty Stokes Mark Williams October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Supplemental Contracts 22. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as Event Chaperones for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $42.50 per event: Azeff Baker Bucci Cliff Crossman Debessay Deleo Ekstrom Eppolito Fisher Fritch Gaertner Gilroy Going Griffin Hartner Hartzell Heckman Hemenway Henry Howe Judge Kutney Laubach Lazarow Levy Lutterman Lynch 23. Alexis Jacqueline Kylee Shawna Mark Sarah Michael Jennie Vince Joseph Tracey Sherre Margie Nancy Sue Kristin Devon Robin Sue Kelly Susan Caitlin Adrienne Bridget Jason Jessica Brittani Brian Maguire McLeod Megow Patton Perilli Pfeiffer Piecara Prior Rago Raichek Ruckle Shaw Simmington Snyder Snyder Somerville Spratt Stern Stroup Turicik Tyska Virtue Viso Wasserman Williams Williams Kathy Jennifer Carleen Mary Belle Ali Amanda Kelly Sharon Britt Judy Jody Michelle Phoebe Barbara Meg Amy Sean Diane Jonathan Ashley Alexandra Andy Alexis Megan Courtney Sharon William Blubaugh, Indoor Drum Line for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,450.00. Mr. Blubaugh is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Mr. Bluebaugh is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 11 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. f. Salary Change 1. Recommend Board approval of Lindsi Ciuffetelli’s salary to $54,207.00, Master’s Degree/Step 4 which was incorrectly reported on the August Board agenda. 2. Recommend Board approval of Michelle Kirk salary to $66,075.00, Master’s+20/Step 10 which was incorrectly reported on the June Board agenda. 3. Recommend Board approval of salary correction for Jessica Levy, 7th Grade Soccer Coach to $3,344.00 to include 1 week of pre-season coaching. 4. Kristine Heery, .5 Long Term Substitute Title I Reading Teacher to $26,366.86, pro-rated for 191 days. Ms. Heery is assigned to Media Elementary. Create New Position 1. g. Recommend Board approval for the creation of 2 new Bus Aide positions. Two new Bus Aide positions are needed: One to service a special needs student at Indian Lane who recently returned to Rose Tree Media School District. Another position is needed due to the need for an additional wheelchair bus run. Other 1. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and Cynthia Garvin-Parks, t/a Mission Achievement to provide student relation services at Penncrest High School for the 2015-2015 school year at the rate of $59.55 per hour not to exceed $30,000. See Attachment A in Official Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 12 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3 General g. Other 2. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and CVS Pharmacy, Inc. for the administering of on-site influenza vaccinations during the 2015-2016 school year. There is no cost to the District. See Attachment B in Official Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015. 3. Recommend Board approval of the 2015-2016 Game Worker rates for Springton Lake Middle School: Game Worker Position Rate Crowd Control Scoreboard Operator Timer Starter 4. Approximate Hours $30.00 $40.00 $30.00 $50.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Hourly Rate $15.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 Recommend Board approval of the 2015-2016 Game Worker rates for Penncrest High School. GAME WORKER POSITION Approximate Hours per Event DISTRICT Hourly Rate NONDISTRICT 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 $51.50 $51.50 $40.50 $41.00 $43.50 $41.00 $43.50 $41.00 $56.50 $43.50 $43.50 $61.50 $56.50 $28.50 $56.50 $43.50 $61.50 $39.00 $49.50 $42.50 $17.17 $17.17 $13.50 $13.67 $14.50 $13.67 $14.50 $13.67 $18.83 $14.50 $14.50 $20.50 $18.83 $18.83 $18.83 $14.50 $20.50 $13.29 $14.14 $12.14 $45.50 $45.50 $35.50 $36.00 $38.50 $36.00 $38.50 $36.00 $49.50 $38.50 $38.50 $56.50 $49.50 $24.50 $49.50 $38.50 $56.50 $39.00 $42.50 $36.50 V Football Timer V Football Announcer V Football Tickets V Football Chains JV Football Timer JV Football Chains FR Football Timer FR Football Chains V/JV Hockey Timer V Boys Soccer Timer V Girls Soccer Timer Soccer Timer Night V/JV Volley Ball Timer FR Volley Ball timer V/JV Girls Lacrosse Timer V Boys Lacrosse Timer Lacrosse Timer Night Track/Dual Head Timer Track Tri Head Timer Track/Dual Attendant II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 13 October 22, 2015 Track/Tri Attendant V/JV Boys Basketball Timer V/JV Boys Basketball Scorer V/JV Boys Basketball Tickets V/JV B. Basketball Crowd Control FR Basketball Timer FR Basketball Scorer V/JV Girls Basketball Timer V/JV Girls Basketball Scorer V/JV Girls Basketball Tickets V/JV G. Basketball Crowd Control V/JV Wrestling Timer/Announcer V/JV Wrestling Tickets V/JV Wrestling Crowd Control 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 $13.29 $19.17 $19.17 $17.75 $12.83 $10.50 $14.50 $19.1 $19.17 $17.75 $12.83 $22.60 $14.20 $14.60 $46.50 $57.50 $57.50 $35.50 $38.50 $31.50 $38.50 $57.50 $57.50 $35.50 $38.50 $56.50 $35.50 $36.50 $9.51 $49.50 $59.50 $33.50 $33.50 $27.50 $38.50 $49.50 $49.50 $33.50 $33.50 $49.50 $33.50 $33.50 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: IX. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Hershey, PA 2. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Orlando, Florida 3. Penncrest High School Wrestling Team – Hershey, PA 4. Penncrest High School Track Team – Shippensburg, PA 5. Penncrest High School Swim Team – Bucknell University Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 34 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Hershey, PA Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Cheerleaders to attend the PIAA Cheerleading Championships in Hershey, PA on 1/22/16-1/23/16. This trip would only occur if the Cheerleaders did not qualify to compete at the national championship in Florida referenced below. Substitute fees totaling $204.00 are being paid by the District. The Boosters are paying the registration fee. The approximate cost to students is $250.00. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 14 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business B Overnight Trips 2. Penncrest High School Cheerleaders – Orlando, Florida Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve a provisional request for an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Cheerleaders to attend the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida from 2/4/16-2/8/16. The Cheerleaders will be competing in a regional championship at Kutztown University in December, 2015 to determine if they place to compete in the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida. Substitute costs totaling $306.00, transportation for one coach (Flight to Orlando) and the District will pay hotel/meals totaling approximately $1,000.00. Approximately $1,000.00 for hotel/meals/registration will be paid by students and the Boosters. 3. Penncrest High School Wrestling Team – Hershey, PA Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Wrestling Team to compete in the PIAA State Wrestling Championships in Hershey, PA from 3/9/16-3/13/16. District costs will be $1,912.00 for substitute fees ($612.00), transportation ($300.00), and hotel/meals ($1,000.00). 4. Penncrest High School Track Team – Shippensburg, PA Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Penncrest Track Team to compete in the PIAA Outdoor State Track and Field Championships in Shippensburg, PA from 5/26-28/16. Total District costs are $2,622.00 and include $204.00 for substitute costs, $2,100.00 for hotel/meals, and $420.00 for transportation (rented vans). 5. Penncrest High School Swim Team – Bucknell University Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for the Boys and Girls Penncrest Swim Teams to attend the State Swimming Championships at Bucknell University from 3/16-3/19/16. District costs total $1226.00 and include substitute fees of $306.00, transportation (rented vans) of $320.00, and hotel/meals of $600.00. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 15 October 22, 2015 X. Finance A. B. Purchasing – None General 1. Change Orders 2. Budgetary Transfers – None 3. Donations 4. Service Projects 5. Use of Facilities 6. MTI Contract 7. Edgmont Country Club Agreement 8. YMCA Camp Tockwogh Contract 9. Philadelphia Outward Bound School Contract 10. School Based Access LEA Agreement to Participate 11. Fuelmaster Maintenance Agreement 12. Paradise Farm Agreement 13. All Around Entertainment Contract 15. CPR and AED First Aid Training 16. Transportation Reimbursement Contract 17. Settlement Agreement 18. Settlement Agreement 19. Settlement Agreement Mr. Postles moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 35 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance: 1. Change Orders Change Orders are acted upon in accordance with Resolution 1997-98 – 124, as approved by the Board of School Directors on April 23, 1998. Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following change orders: a. Cooks Service in the amount of $3,944.50 to supply and install BACnet Gateway controls for HVAC equipment at Media Elementary School. b. GEM Mechanical in the amount of $3,413.00 for a permit fee. c. S. B. Conrad, Inc. in the amount of $8,242.50 for the replacement of broken sidewalks at the Springton Lake Middle School. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 16 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers – none 3. Donations Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Girl Scout donation of an exterior bench in the bus loop area as well as picnic tables and benches being donated in memory of two Indian Lane teachers. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. 4. Service Project Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a service project at Media Elementary School. Students and Staff members will be working with Values in Action, a non-profit community group to beautify the school grounds by planting flowers and bulbs. The project will be incorporated into the students’ lessons. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. 5. Use of Facilities Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the rental rates for the new turf field. The District will charge $165/hour for Rose Tree Media community organizations and $300/hour for non-community groups for a minimum of 2 hours rental time. The rental fee includes a fee for a grounds crew staff member to be on site during rentals. Full day rental requests will be reviewed by the Board. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. 6. MTI Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with MTI in the amount of $435.00. This contract pays for royalty fees and materials for the Aristocrats musical being performed by Media Elementary School students. Funding for this contract is through the General Fund. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 17 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 7. Edgmont Country Club Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Edgmont Country Club in the amount of $2,700.00. This agreement is for a membership for the Penncrest golf team. Funding for this agreement is through the Athletic budget. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 8. YMCA Camp Tockwogh Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with YMCA Camp Tockwogh in the amount of $16,675.00. This contract is for Penncrest student leadership. Funding for this contract is through the student activity account and is at no cost to the District. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 9. Philadelphia Outward Bound School Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with Philadelphia Outward Bound School in the amount of $2,000.00. This contract is for SYA student leadership. Funding for this contract is through the General fund. This item was discussed at the September 8, Finance Committee meeting. 10. School Based Access LEA Agreement to Participate Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the School Based Access LEA Agreement to Participate. By signing this agreement, the district agrees to comply with all of the requirements for participation in the ACCESS program. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 11. Fuelmaster Maintenance Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Fuelmaster Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $918.75. This is an annual extended maintenance agreement for the CNG station located at the transportation garage. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 18 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 12. Paradise Farm Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Paradise Farm Agreement in the amount of $4,080.00 for Springton Lake Middle School student team building. Funding for this agreement is through the Student Activity account and is at no cost to the District. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 13. All Around Entertainment Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the All Around Entertainment Contract in the amount of $4,200.00. This contract is for DJ services and a photo booth for the Springton Lake Middle School dances. Funding for this contract is through the Student Activity account and is at no cost to the District. This item was discussed at the September 8, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 15. CPR and AED First Aid Training Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for Jenelle Pyle and Christine Loughry to provide CPR and AED First Aid training for 23 paraprofessionals. Costs are $68.00/person. This certification is required by the Medical Access program. 16. Transportation Reimbursement Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract to reimburse a parent of a special needs student to provide transportation home for their child from the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy, located at 4400 Baltimore Pike, Philadelphia, PA. Reimbursement is at the rate of $360.00/year for insurance and labor, annual mileage X the IRS standard mileage rate, and $3.00/1,000 miles. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 19 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 17. Settlement Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition and related services at a private school for children with learning disabilities not to exceed $37,000.00 for the 2015-2016 school year. Attorney fees not to exceed $3,000.00 are included in these costs. The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA. 18. Settlement Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition at a parentally-selected private school not to exceed $153.00/diem for the 2015-2016 school year. Reimbursement is in place of providing education at a PA-approved private school (APS). The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA for the 2015-2016 school year. 19. Settlement Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition and related costs at a parentally-selected private school not to exceed $8,350.00 for the 2015-2016 school year and $8,150.00 for the 2016-2017 school year, and reimbursement for up to $1,100.00 for mandated school uniform purchases for the term of the agreement. The agreement releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 20 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 14. PSBA Elections Roll Call Vote RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 36 Roll Call vote for President, Mark B. Miller John Hanna Yes Bill O’Donnell Tracy Barusevicius Yes Harry Postles Nancy Fronduti No Elizabeth Schneider Nancy Mackrides No Bill Tyson Susan Nolen No No No No No Motion Does Not Carry Roll Call Vote for President, Mary Birks John Hanna Yes Tracy Barusevicius No Nancy Fronduti Yes Nancy Mackrides Yes Susan Nolen Yes Bill O’Donnell Harry Postles Elizabeth Schneider Bill Tyson Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion Carries Roll Call vote for Vice President, John Love John Hanna No Bill O’Donnell Tracy Barusevicius No Harry Postles Nancy Fronduti No Elizabeth Schneider Nancy Mackrides No Bill Tyson Susan Nolen No No No No No Motion Does Not Carry Roll Call vote for Vice President, Robert Schwartz John Hanna No Bill O’Donnell Tracy Barusevicius No Harry Postles Nancy Fronduti No Elizabeth Schneider Nancy Mackrides No Bill Tyson Susan Nolen No No No No No Motion Does Not Carry II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 21 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 14. PSBA Elections Roll Call vote for Vice President, Michael Faccinetto John Hanna Yes Bill O’Donnell Tracy Barusevicius Yes Harry Postles Nancy Fronduti Yes Elizabeth Schneider Nancy Mackrides Yes Bill Tyson Susan Nolen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion Carries Roll Call vote for Eastern At Large, Larry Feinberg John Hanna Yes Bill O’Donnell Tracy Barusevicius Yes Harry Postles Nancy Fronduti Yes Elizabeth Schneider Nancy Mackrides Yes Bill Tyson Susan Nolen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion Carries Resolve, the Board of School Directors have elected the following candidates for the Pennsylvania School Board Association: President-Elect Mary Birks Vice President Michael Faccinetto Eastern At Large Larry Feinberg II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 22 October 22, 2015 X. Finance C. Financials for August 2015 Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 37 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Financial Reports: C. Financial Reports August 2015 Treasurers Reports August 2015 Investment Reports August 2015 Summary Expenditure Status Report August 2015 Revenue Status Report The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: X. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Finance D. Bill Lists for August 2015 Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 38 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Bill Lists: II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 23 October 22, 2015 D. Bill Lists for August 20156 August 2015 General Fund Bill List $ 2,072,813.66 August 2015 Capital Fund Bill List $ 1,041,579.79 August 2015 Bond Series 2011 Bill List $ 120,596.80 August 2015 Bond Series 2013 Bill List $ 20,408.00 August 2015 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 9,887.05 $ 3,265,285.30 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: XI. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None Adjournment Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 39 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board of School Directors, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson None None _____________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2015 24 October 22, 2015 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 www.rtmsd.org Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary 10-22-2015 Minutes of the Special Legislative Meeting – October 13, 2015 I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call ____________________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius Nancy Fronduti Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen William O’Donnell Harry Postles Absent: John Hanna Elizabeth Schneider Bill Tyson Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Director of HR William Dougherty, Asst. to the Superintendent Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services II. Patti Linden, Director of Technology Sharon Sweeney, Asst. Principal PHS James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) Mr. Nicely, Middletown Township – Student II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2015 1 Ocrtober 22, 2015 II. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations 2. Nominations a. Professional Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Nolen seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015-2016 40 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Personnel: a. Professional 1. John Reid, Principal, effective with completion of his preemployment paperwork at the annual salary of $131,308.00. Mr. Reid received his Bachelor’s Degree from Allegheny College and his Master’s Degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He comes to us from Coatesville Area School District where he served as Director of Pupil Services/Data and Assessment. Mr. Reid is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary replacing Bill Bennett who resigned. NOTE: Mr. Reid is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell and Harry Postles None John Hanna, Liz Schneider and Bill Tyson II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2015 2 Ocrtober 22, 2015 III. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations 2. Nominations a. Professional Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 41 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Personnel: 2. Laura Spaulding, Long Term Substitute Guidance Counselor effective with the completion of her pre-employment paperwork, at the annual salary of $53,562.00, Master’s Degree/Step 1 pro-rated. Ms. Spaulding received her Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester University and her Master’s Degree from Eastern University. She comes to us from Bensalem School District where she served as a School Counselor. Ms. Spaulding is assigned to Glenwood Elementary replacing Dana Vellios-Miller who is on leave. NOTE: Ms. Spaulding is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell and Harry Postles None John Hanna, Liz Schneider and Bill Tyson II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2015 3 Ocrtober 22, 2015 III. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations 2. Nominations a. Professional Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 42 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Personnel: 3. Marcia Vela, Spanish Teacher, effective with the completion of her pre-employment paperwork at the annual salary of $47,074.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 6 pro-rated. Ms. Vela received her Bachelor’s Degree from Temple University. She comes to us from the Philadelphia School District where she served as Spanish Teacher. Ms. Vela is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Jackie Baker who was reassigned. NOTE: Ms. Vela is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: IV. Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell and Harry Postles None John Hanna, Liz Schneider and Bill Tyson Any Other Business to Come Before the Board II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2015 4 Ocrtober 22, 2015 XI. Adjournment Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 42 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board of School Directors, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell and Harry Postles None John Hanna, Liz Schneider and Bill Tyson _____________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2015 5 Ocrtober 22, 2015 III. Presentations and Awards A. Eagle Scout Award – Jonathan Cotton Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Jonathan Cotton for achieving Eagle Scout Rank. B. Nancy Fronduti – Board of School Director Recognition Resolve, the Board of School Directors recognize Nancy Fronduti for her fifteen years of service to the students, staff and community members of the Rose Tree Media School District. Nancy served as President of the Board of School Directors for three years and Vice-President for three years and chaired many committees. We would like to thank Mrs. Nancy Fronduti for her years of service to the entire Rose Tree Media School District educational community and we wish her the very best in her future endeavors. III. Presentations and Awards 1 October 22, 2015 OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION TO: Members of the Board of School Directors Mr. James M. Wigo, Superintendent of Schools FROM: William Dougherty, Assistant to the Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction DATE: October 13, 2015 RE: October 14, 2014 Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mrs. Linda Kinsler-Fox Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles, Nancy Fronduti, William O’Donnell Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Patti Linden, William Dougherty, Jim Wigo, Patti Linden, and several members of the community. Penncrest Classes Enrolled Under 15 Sharon Sweeney, Assistant Principal at Penncrest, presented the classes at Penncrest currently enrolled with under 15 students. The classes and enrollments are AP Chemistry (13), AP Environmental Science (13), Advanced Beginner French (13) Beginner French I (9), Beginner Spanish (12), and AP Music Theory (12). Comprehensive Planning Report Update Mr. Dougherty commented that the professional development efforts of the district are focused on student learning and aligned to the comprehensive plan. Public Comment There was no public comment. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 www.rtmsd.org Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: October 9, 2015 Subject: October 15, 2015 Finance Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill O’Donnell ______________________________________________________________________ Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides Sue Nolen, Bill O’Donnell and Harry Postles Absent: John Hanna, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Bill Dougherty, Grace Eves, Patti Linden, Ken Phillips, RBC Capital, Sharon Sweeney and James Wigo. 1. RBC Capital – Ken Phillips Ken Phillip from RBC Capital gave a presentation on the potential savings on the advanced refunding of Series A 2010 and Series of 2011 bonds. A parameters resolution will be prepared for the October Legislative meeting. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 2. Budgetary Comparison Report The District has expensed 58% of expenditures and has received 69% of revenue. State revenue is less this year for the month of September due to the budget impasse in Harrisburg. Action: Discussion 3. Budgetary Transfers FY 16-2 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Instruction – Salaries $14,246.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction – Software $14,246.00 Dedicated to Excellence RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the cost for 34 students to take Latin Class. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 4. Agreements/Contracts • • Walnut Street Theatre The contract in the amount of $745 is for two assemblies at the Springton Lake Middle School. Music Theatre International The contract in the amount of $760 is for royalty and materials fees for the Lion King Kids musical for Indian Lane Elementary School. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Public Comment: Eight members of the public were present. The next Finance Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 www.rtmsd.org Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: October 15, 2015 Subject: October 13, 2015 Operations Committee Minutes Chairperson: Harry Postles _____________________________________________________________________ Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides Sue Nolen, Bill O’Donnell and Harry Postles Absent: John Hanna, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Anne Callahan, Grace Eves and James Wigo. 1. Capital Project Updates The majority of the 15/16 capital projects have been completed with the exception of punch list items. Improvements to the tennis courts at SLMS should be completed within the next few weeks. Broken guardrails at the Springton Lake Middle School will be removed by the Maintenance department after the completion of the fall sport season. Action: Discussion 2. Change Orders • GEM Mechanical’s change order M-01 in the amount of $535 is for the permit from Middletown township for the leak remediation project at Indian Lane Elementary School. • S B Conrad completed various projects at the Springton Lake Middle School. The change order in the amount of $7,935 is for additional paving to reduce ponding in the driveway. There is a credit change order in the amount of $5,520 for the deletion of work that was removed from the project. The net change order is $2,415. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Dedicated to Excellence 3. Media Borough Improvements for Barrall Field and Basketball Courts Media Borough is requesting permission to repaint the basketball court and hang new nets at Media Elementary School’s playground. They also will add lights over the doors of the bathrooms and replace a missing sign at Barrall Field. The improvements are at no cost to the District. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 4. Bus Bid The District transferred $400,000 to the capital reserve account for the purchase of buses. The District currently owns 5 wheelchair lift buses that are used every day and is in need of purchasing an additional wheelchair lift bus to meet transportation needs. Two 29 passenger buses and one 36 passenger bus were purchased in 2005 and need to be replaced. The administration will solicit bids for replacement buses. Action: Discussion Public Comment: Seven members of the public were present. The next Operations Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent of Schools Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 www.rtmsd.org Anne D. Callahan Director of Human Resources To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent From: Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources Date: October 16, 2015 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting – October 13, 2015 Tracy Barusevicius, Chair Board Members in attendance: T. Barusevicius, N. Fronduti, N. Mackrides, S. Nolen, W. O’Donnell, H. Postles Also in attendance: A. Callahan, J. Wigo, G. Eves, and Members of the public I. Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan Mrs. Callahan reviewed personnel items to be included on the agenda of the October Legislative Meeting. Action: The Committee agreed to place resolutions for these items on the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. II. Request for One-on-One Instructional Assistant – Indian Lane Elementary Mrs. Callahan requested the addition of a One-on-One Instructional Assistant to serve the needs of an Indian Lane kindergarten special needs student. Action: The Committee agreed to place a resolution for this item on the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. III. General Healthcare Resource Contract Mrs. Callahan presented a proposal to contract with General Healthcare Resources to provide instructional assistant substitutes. The contract has been reviewed by Mr. Kelly. General Healthcare Resources will also provide special education teacher, occupational therapist and nurse substitutes when our current substitute provider is not able to obtain an appropriately certified or qualified substitute. Action: The committee agreed to place a resolution for this item on the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. IV. Executive Session An executive session was held to discuss matters of personnel. The next session of the Personnel Committee will be held on November 10, 2015, in the Board Room at the Education Center. Committee meetings begin at 6:30 PM. James M. Wigo Superintendent of Schools Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.565.5317 www.rtmsd.org Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, PhD Director of Pupil Services and Special Education To: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent of Schools From: Dr. Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Director of Pupil Services and Special Education Date: October 13, 2015 Subject: October 13, 2015 Pupil Services/Special Education Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Ms. Nancy Fronduti Overnight Field Trips A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for Penncrest students to explore PA deciduous forest and river areas at Hickory Run State Park (back up is the Delaware Water Gap) from Nov. 6-8th, 2015. The registration fee of $61.00, transportation costs of $580.00, and campsites/meal costs of $550.00 are being paid by the students. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for Penncrest orchestra students to attend the Invitational Festival of Gold in Chicago, Illinois from 4/17-4/21/2016. Substitute costs of $856.00 are being paid by the District. Transportation costs of $150.00/student and hotel/meal costs of $650.00/student are being paid by the students. Student costs will be offset by fundraising. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for members of the Science Olympiad Team to attend the Invitational Tournament for the Science Olympiad Team at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York from 2/5-2/6/16. The registration fee of $100.00 is being paid for by the District. Transportation, lodging, and meal costs are being paid for by students (approximate cost to student is $91.00 dollars/student) and are offset by fundraising activities. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for members of the Science Olympiad team to attend the State Championship Tournament for the Science Olympiad Team at Juniata College from April 22-24, 2016. Substitute costs of $408.00, transportation costs of $960.00, and hotel/lodging costs of $1728.00 are being paid by the District. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board Contracts A contract has been submitted for a special education student to attend the Devereux Schools-Brandywine Campus for the 2015-2106 school year. Tuition costs are $209.00/day. Approximate annual costs are $37,620 if student is in full attendance for the school year. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board Five contracts have been submitted for five special education students to attend the Timothy School for the 2015-2016 school year. Tuition costs are $65,150.00/student/year. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A contract has been submitted for a special education student to attend the Green Tree School for the 2015-2016 school year. Tuition costs are $168.51/day. Approximate annual costs are $30,331.80 if student is in full attendance for the school year. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A contract has been submitted to provide nursing services to a RTMSD student at George Crothers Memorial School for 2 hours/day during the 2015-2016 school year. The fee is $32.50/hour. Approximate annual costs are $11,700.00 if student is in full attendance for the school year. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A contract has been submitted to engage Jeanne Kluger Arabia as a private investigator for residency issues on an as needed basis. Costs are $500.00/case which includes up to 10 hours of investigation and 100 miles per case. Costs for investigative hours beyond 10 hours are paid at the rate of $60.00/hour and $ .35/mile. This is a renewal contract with the same terms as the previous contract. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A contract has been submitted to provide ABA 1:1 services for the length of the school day to a student for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $ 50.00/hour with an additional 4 hours/week of behavior consultation at the rate of $95.00/hour. Approximate annual costs are $37,620.00 if student is in full attendance for the school year. Approximate annual costs are $76,285.00 if student is in full attendance for the school year. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A contract has been submitted by Elwyn Therapeutic Camp to provide ESY services for the 2015 summer term for 5 students. The total cost of the contract is $17,100.00 dollars. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board A contract has been submitted for an Elwyn resident student to attend the Elwyn Davidson School for the 2015-2016 school year. The tuition cost is $274.64/diem. Approximate annual costs are $49,435.20 if student is in full attendance for the school year. The cost of the student’s tuition will be reimbursed to the District by the student’s parents’ resident school district. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board Agreement An affiliation agreement between the RTMSD and Child Guidance Resource Centers has been submitted. The agreement supports the cooperation and coordination of services between the District and CGRC. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 www.rtmsd.org James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent of Schools Patti Linden Director of Technology and Information Science To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent From: Patti Linden Date: October 16, 2015 Subject: Technology Committee Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2015 Chairperson: Mrs. Susan Nolen Board members in attendance: Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Nancy Mackrides, Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Harry Postles Also in attendance: Jim Wigo, Patti Linden, Grace Eves, Anne Callahan, Sharon Sweeney, several members of the community ~ Renewal of Service Agreement for Liebert UPS Battery The renewal of the service agreement for the Emerson-Liebert Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) was presented to the Board. The service agreement includes full preventive maintenance service as well as essential services in the form of emergency response, 100% parts coverage, and labor and travel coverage. This service agreement is presented each year. Last year’s cost was $1,675.00, and this year’s cost is $1,710.10, resulting in a $35.00 increase. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. ~ Renewal of DCIU Internet Service Agreement The Delaware County Intermediate Unit 25 Internet Service Agreement was presented to the Board. This agreement is for a secondary Internet connection to our district in the event our primary Internet Service Provider fails. This connection ensures uptime for the many district dependencies on access to the Internet across all of our buildings and all of our functions. The DCIU has increase the bandwidth that we had with them last year from 100 mb to 250 mb of service. That has resulted in an increased cost for this year. The six month cost for this agreement is $7,650 with the remaining 6 month cost to be determined by E-Rate reimbursement. Action: This item will be moved to the October 22, 2015 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Next meeting: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – October 22, 2015 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten Glenwood Kindergarteners celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day. They learned all about how helpful Johnny Appleseed was to our country! They rotated around 4 stations where they delivered an apple to an adult in the building and stenciled an apple, played apple bingo, wrote a sentence about the type of apples they like best and ate an apple-themed snack. Kindergartener’s LOVE apples and Johnny Appleseed. Kindergarteners are working hard learning how to form their upper case letters and numbers one to five. First Grade First grade is off and running with reading workshop. We are reading for at least twenty minutes in school every day to build our reading stamina. By building our reading stamina we are strengthening our reading muscles and becoming strong, confident readers. We are also learning to read with a partner and talk about books. We know that the best way to become a great reader is to read, read, READ! Second Grade Second graders finished up their study of nutrition and moved on to our first social studies unit of the year. We study map skills and communities. As part of this unit, we learn that communities are a place to live, work, and play. Our unit will culminate with a field trip to Downtown Media to put our map skills to use as we navigate to various landmarks in our community. Third Grade Glenwood’s Third Graders have begun studying Colonial Pennsylvania in Social Studies. Students have been spending time reading and learning about various aspects of life in the Pennsylvania colony, such as typical daily chores, activities, trades, and toys. Each small group of students will research a specific colonial trade and create a poster or artifact to share with the class. Later in the fall, all third graders will go on a field trip to the Colonial Plantation for a special day of hands-on learning experiences. School Reports 1 October 22, 2015 Fourth Grade Glenwood’s fourth grade is off and running with new curriculum and learning activities. In math, the students have been learning about place value, estimation, and problem solving strategies. Students are enjoying the read aloud Winn Dixie and practicing walking in the characters shoes, thinking like the characters, and applying inferencing skills to analyze choices made by the characters in their books. In science and social studies, the classes are working in units on ecosystems, map skills and geography, and learning about the social sciences. Everyone is excited about the upcoming fall festivities Fifth Grade As the fifth grade enters October, they continue to move forward with their new math curriculum. In Math, the fifth grade is taking a deeper look at decimals, place value and estimation. In Reader’s Workshop, they continue to take a deeper look at strategies to best read works of fiction In Writer’s Workshop, students are developing a deeper appreciation and understanding of what makes a good personal narrative. Here, the focus is on writing a good story line, building suspense, adding dialogue, internal thought and using a variety of well-crafted sentences. In grammar, the fifth grade is taking a closer look at the various types of sentences and, also, what constitutes a good sentence. In science they are discussing the importance of the scientific method in experimentation. In social studies, they are taking a closer look at reading maps and, also, the migration of the first peoples to America 15,000 years ago. Intramurals More than 45 students have chosen to participate in the Glenwood Intramural sports program, meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout the fall. Offered to fourth and fifth grade students, the program is following a traditional model. Each session serves as an extension of the activities featured in the fifth grade curriculum, with the fourth grade students benefitting from an early introduction to these activities. The boys and girls have enjoyed several weeks of tennis and are looking forward to soccer and flag football. They will also have an opportunity to play hockey, volleyball, and other net games and have been eagerly anticipating an “extra turn” on the Halloween Obstacle Course. INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Message from our Principal The students have been earning Bobcat Brags and quickly filled up our paw print. It is wonderful to see our students strive to be ready, respectful, and responsible each day. Once the paw print was filled, students earned Pajama Day. News on the Lane, Indian Lane's morning announcements, began streaming to our classrooms. Parents can watch live at 8:55 each morning through a link on our website (under Site Shortcuts, choose "Watch News on the Lane"). Parents can also watch the recorded broadcasts by School Reports 2 October 22, 2015 selecting "Broadcast Archives." It has been a great first month of broadcasting the news. Our Bobcat Pride Breakfasts have been set up for the year and parents were encouraged to sign up for a month that they can attend with their children to celebrate their Bobcat pride. The goal is to enable every student to participate and celebrate with their families. Kindergarten The kindergarten students are excellent readers! They have been learning to look for popcorn words when they read. When we come across a popcorn word the students read the words they know. The children started partner reading and are learning how to help each other read books. They also started The Wheel. During The Wheel the children visit three stations to practice phonemic awareness, handwriting, and writing. The kindergarteners are learning new vocabulary words during math time. They have been comparing numbers, learning about sets that have more or fewer objects, equal, greater than, and less than other set. Middletown firefighters visited our classrooms to talk about fire safety. We then went outside to see the fire truck, learn about the tools on the truck, and sit in the truck to feel like a firefighter. We ended the week with fire prevention stations. We learned how to use the Mac Books and then used them to practice fire safety on the internet. To see some photos, visit our Happenings page. First Grade First graders are learning all about different ways to grow stronger as a reader and writer. We now know that it’s so important to know all of our letter sounds in order to read and write. One of our big phonics focuses has been discriminating between /c/ and /k/ at the beginning of a word. We learned that /c/ is a round friend; therefore, usually precedes a round vowel like a or o. /K/ is a stick friend; therefore, usually precedes a stick vowel like i. We reviewed the marriage of Q and U and we spent a good amount of time practicing the use of –ck at the end of a word. In Science, first graders learned some animals migrate to warmer climates when the air get cooler and the days get shorter. Well, the days are getting shorter and the air is getting cooler so we spent time identifying more signs of fall’s arrival. We made cool F-A-L-L flip-books. We traced stencils to spell the word FALL, and under each letter we wrote a sentence or two describing the sights, sounds, smells and activities of the season. The students enjoyed tracing, cutting and finally dyeing leaves with spray starch and Kool-Aid. Check out our display of these two projects in our hallway. Second Grade In Reading Workshop, we discussed ways to help us monitor our comprehension while we read. We created an “anchor chart” listing these strong reading behaviors to keep posted in the room. An anchor chart is a class created poster with newly learned information that we want to “hold on to” like an anchor, as we continue to gain new skills and strategies in the future. We also discovered how to retell the main parts of a book. We practiced growing “big ideas.” Strong readers do this by staying on the same topic when sharing with their partner. Then, they are to keep digging deeper! We also discovered what it means to be an independent problem solver when it comes to reading. Additionally, we practiced what to do when we come to unknown words. We are discovering how to be strong readers of informational books. We are searching for text features and learning how they can help us fully understand the content we are reading. In Math, we focused on knowing how doubles facts helps us to know “near doubles” facts. We used two-colored counters and ten-frames as tools to reinforce this concept. We School Reports 3 October 22, 2015 identified and analyzed patterns to help us memorize our math facts. Investigating these patterns also allows us to see the relationships between numbers, specifically between addends and their sums. We are using the strategy of making a ten first in both addition and subtraction. In Writing Workshop, we created “heart maps” and “expert pages” to keep in our writer’s notebooks. These will be wonderful sources of writing ideas at our fingertips! We are immersing ourselves in small moments, both by reading them and writing them. We are investigating the techniques of master writers such as Jane Yolen and Angela Johnson in order to discover what makes a powerful story. We are making our stories more powerful by stretching our stories and by magnifying the most important parts. In Social Studies, we are working on our Communities unit. We identified the definition of a community and brainstormed what a community needs to function properly. We are discovering what features are found in a community. We are then creating 2dimensional versions of these features to include in our own communities. In groups, the children will be creating four separate communities and the process of city planning. We are making important decisions that will impact our completed communities. Our goal will be to have the physical representation of their community completed and hanging in the hallway by conference time! Our culminating activity will be our Media Walking Tour field trip. Third Grade Third graders started learning about different strategies to solve division problems. We have been working on division as sharing and as repeated subtraction. We have also been practicing some more of our cursive lowercase letters. Students have been working to memorize their multiplication facts. Specifically, we have been learning our zero, one, two, five, nine, and ten facts. During Reading Workshop, third graders have been building their reading stamina, and developing strategies for becoming better readers such as noticing figurative language, awakening themselves to the text, and setting reading goals. We continue to read Stone Fox and practice our “Good Reader” reading habits. Third graders are learning how to “Stop and Jot” on sticky notes as we read. We also learned about KidBiz this week! In Writing Workshop, we have been developing our small moments and checking our progress as we write. We continue to develop our personal narratives by rehearsing our writing, writing different leads, writing discovery drafts, and getting to the heart of our stories. We finish our day by learning about the continents and the oceans. We are looking forward to learning more about Words Their Way and Student Council elections next week! In Social Studies, we have been measuring the distance between Media and a variety of landmarks around the United States using a scaled ruler. Fourth Grade Fourth grade finished up Chapter 1 in Social Studies learning why the study of the social sciences is important to understanding human behavior. Students discussed artifacts from the perspective of each of these social science traditions: economics, geography, political science, and history. Also, fourth grade has been integrating technology to teach the children how greater numbers are written, how place values are related, and how to compare numbers. Everyone will become more proficient with technology as we study adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers in our next topic. Classes are working to complete their first personal narrative. Students are learning about “show, not tell, developing good leads and endings, and the heart of the story. Students are being challenged with the writing process, especially revising and doing more than one draft. School Reports 4 October 22, 2015 Most students have completed their first assessment in Word Study focusing on various patterns within words. Fifth Grade In Reader’s Workshop, we are working to develop all that we know into predictions and theories about characters. We will continue to work on writing meaningful and thoughtful sticky notes that reflect student thinking. In Writer’s Workshop, we are working to develop personal narratives with catchy leads, meaningful endings, character thoughts, actions, dialogue and setting descriptions. Students will continue to work on revising and editing writing partners to bring out the hearts of their stories. In Math the Envisions math classes have just completed their first unit on place value. They are now working to add and subtract decimals. We are using models to demonstrate how to add and subtract. The Big Ideas math group has just completed the first unit on numerical expressions & factors and are working on multiplication and division of fractions. So far our pacing seems to be strong and steady! We have started switched classes for social studies, science and seminar. Students are working on the transitions from one class to another. Fifth Graders will be going to Chadds Ford to see the John Chadd House and the Barnes Brinton house. Art First graders are exploring pattern and are exploring painting with watercolors. Second graders are practicing curved and wavy lines for their Banyan Trees and identifying positive shapes and negative space. Third graders are creating implied texture with tissue paper washes to celebrate prehistoric art. Fourth graders are using acrylic paint to add color to their clay and assembling a book honoring the regions of the United States. Fifth graders are using plastic straws to add volume to their wire form trees based on their drawings. Gym First and second graders are playing tag games. Third and fourth graders started soccer. Fifth graders began football skills. Library Kindergarten students continue to learn library rules and procedures. They began to check out books for the very first time. First and second graders enjoyed the book, Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk and Olivia by Ian Falconer. We discussed that characters can appear in several books, usually by the same author. Some classes read additional Olivia books such as Olivia Forms a Band and Olivia Goes to Venice. One message of the story is that everyone can be an author. Third, fourth, and fifth graders learned and reviewed basic searches on Destiny, the online library catalog. Students could then use iPads to practice searches on Destiny. Mrs. Hatton has been working with Mr. Jason from the Middletown Free Library on the first of many Indian Lane Nights at the Middletown Free Library. At the first meeting students were encouraged to attend and share stories around the “campfire.” Parents and kids are encouraged to come with stories to share. And, what campfire would be complete without S’mores? Music First graders sang their first solos and have started playing a steady beat on Orff metalophones. Second graders moved to a steady beat with the help of John Philip School Reports 5 October 22, 2015 Sousa marches. They are composing rhythm patterns and also discovering how Ludwig van Beethoven composed his 7th symphony around a melody of tahs and titis. Third grade began reading mi-re-do on the music staff in preparation for their recorder playing in January and students are working on singing rounds (a great introduction to part singing). Finally, recorders and recorder books are being handed out in 4th and 5th grade. It’s an important responsibility for students in those grades to learn to bring those materials to class on the days they have music. Fourth grade is learning about form with a hand clapping game and Fifth grade has begun to prepare for their Halloween dance! Both Fifth grade music enrichment groups (Fifth Dimension & Bobcat Ensemble) started with a room full of enthusiastic students. Each group will rehearse before school and then show their talents at our all-school holiday concert. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MES Is Off and Running! After a great start, the Media Mustangs have now settled in for a rigorous year of learning. We thank our PTG families for the terrific Harvest Fair and look forward to the Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Below is a quick “snapshot” of MES Happenings! Kindergarten and Reading! Kindergarten was able to visit the Media Theater to reference some future lessons on character study and playwrights from TCRW. We also visited Milky Way Farm to integrate our Science unit with the five senses and to expose the children to a type of community (farming) which we study in the later part of the year. Additionally, our formal small group instruction is in full swing as we rotate around our “wheel” to learn handwriting skills, reading skills and how to become an author! We are looking forward to our upcoming visit tomorrow from our Grandparents and Special Friends. We are certain to hear how different school was “back in the day!” First Grade’s Small Moments! This month, first grade students at Media Elementary School engaged in writing small moment stories. These stories were written as personal narratives. Students wrote about self-selected topics as well as engaged in the editing process. They also shared their stories with class members. This was a wonderful way to learn more about each student in the classroom. Students recently started working on a spider unit in science. Throughout this unit, students are researching facts about spiders, creating a spider web, and completing a cause and effect activity based on the book Diary of a Spider. As a culminating activity, students will work with a partner to construct a spider out of various materials and will write a story containing the facts they have learned throughout the unit. Second Grade Community Builders! Second Graders are very busy preparing for Community Day. We have been learning about communities and the people in them. Our walking tour of Media will be taking place soon with each student using his/her map skills to find and mark places on their own map. Each class will prepare a three-dimensional town and elect mayors for the classroom community. Community Day will be held at Media Elementary School on November 12, 2015 at 9:15 and will be followed with a Parent Showcase for the students. It is a fun and exciting day for the students to demonstrate their knowledge of communities and the people who live and work in them. School Reports 6 October 22, 2015 Third Grade Scientists at Work! Students in third grade have begun their scientific discoveries. They examined which types of classroom materials are attracted to magnets. They have now begun to construct electrical circuits with light bulbs and motors. Students are examining how electricity flows and what happens when a circuit “opens.” In reading, students have started working with reading partners. They began by interviewing them to learn about their reading lives. Students meet with their partners daily to talk about their reading goals, give book “buzz” suggestions, and provide feedback on how students are using skills taught in minilessons. This type of dialogue is incredibly valuable to the students in regards to deeper thinking about the text. Fourth Grade Scientists! Fourth grade students recently traveled to Tyler Arboretum to support several of the science units we are studying this year. Students took part in a pond study and an animal study using a variety of different scientific instruments to complete their studies. Fifth Grade Geographers and Writers! In keeping with the common core state standards and in helping to prepare for the National Geographic Geography Bee, our fifth grade students have been studying the basic skills needed to understand the geography of the United States and the World Globe. In Writer’s Workshop, they have been revisiting narrative writing. The transfer of all they know from prior years of work is emphasized. Our writers carry with them, and draw from, a repertoire of strategies. Upon that background, we are building the skills to create powerful narratives. In fifth grade, we rally students to tackle narratives of personal significance. Additionally, there are high expectations for new levels of productivity, as is fitting for students on the brink of entering middle school. Art is Alive and Well! Fifth Grade: Students in fifth grade worked to develop keen observation skills, vital to 21st century learners. They created contour-line compositions of shells drawn from observation. Students had the opportunity to observe works by Albrecht Durer whose highly realistic renderings appear almost photographic. The students added color to their shells with watercolor pencils and used patterns to fill all negative space. The students’ final works of art exhibit sharp attention to detail, a quality that was vital before the invention of photography and is still critically important in the 21st century. Fourth Grade: Students in fourth grade focused on the art element of texture when creating ceramic owls inspired by John James Audubon, a naturalist known for his renderings of over 700 species of North American birds. Students used a variety of tools and objects to replicate the visual texture of feathers and other parts of the owls. Third Grade: Students in third grade began their study of the history of Western Art by creating mixed-media works reminiscent of prehistoric petroglyphs carved from rock. Students used a mixture of white paint, glue, and tissue paper to replicate the texture of rock before creating a drawing on the faux-rock surface inspired by prehistoric carvings. Second Grade: Students in second grade began their study of the art and cultures around the world by observing examples of the national tree of India, the Banyan tree, a tree known for its use as a shady, community meeting place. Students learned about line weight and warm and cool color families and incorporated these concepts into a drawing of a Banyan tree. First Grade: First graders learned about a fundamental element of art: line. They learned the School Reports 7 October 22, 2015 terminology related to varieties of lines, drew lines, identified lines in famous works of art, and created drawings about lines. Library: “New Books!” In the Library, boys and girls are being introduced to the new authors and titles that were added to the library for the start of the new school year. A select group of fifth graders are acting as, “book guinea pigs,” for some of these books. These student volunteers read the new novels and participate in a book talk about them with Mrs. Matusow, who is very grateful for the feedback! Music: “Building Repertoires!” Grade five just completed a mini unit on American composer Charles Ives, which included a critical listening of Ives’ Variations on America. We learned that Ives was an independent thinker and liked to experiment with sound. The word dissonant has been added to our vocabulary. We then applied some of his techniques and created our class variations on Hot Cross Buns. In addition to building our recorder repertoire, fifth graders are rehearsing their parts for the musical The Aristocats, which will be presented the second week in December. Our first graders are experiencing an introduction to composition and performance through the seasonal and tasty theme of Apples! We have written songs with the pitches Do - Mi - Sol and played the songs on Boomwhackers. We performed The Apple Tree song, tasted 3 colors of apples, and even learned a bit about John Chapman, America’s “Johnny Appleseed”. Physical Education: “Getting Fit! We have continued to learn fitness related activities to build cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility throughout the month. We have shared and discussed game strategies using appropriate vocabulary such as faking/dodging, moving to open spaces and personal space through various lead-up games and tag games. The students have been identifying and recognizing positive and negative interactions of small group activities such as roles (leader, follower), cooperation/sharing, and on task participation Red Ribbon Week MES will celebrate Red Ribbon Week. We will kick-off the week by inviting all students and staff to wear red while introducing them to this year’s official Red Ribbon theme, “Respect Yourself, Be Drug Free.” Students are invited to participate in daily activities focused on the theme. Additionally, on Tuesday each classroom will take the drug free pledge and sign the Red Ribbon, which will be displayed outside their classrooms. ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten The Kindergarten students had a visit from the Rose Tree Fire Company in recognition of Fire Prevention Week. The students were excited to meet local firefighters as well as Chief Mancil. The students got to see what firefighters wear so that they don’t get scared if they see firefighters in a real emergency. Students also learned about the tools firefighters use when fighting fires. To cap off the visit, the fire company raised the ladder and Firefighter Matt climbed the ladder. It was a thrilling and informative presentation! School Reports 8 October 22, 2015 First Grade First grade students have had a busy month. They enjoyed a visit from Rose Tree Fire Company as part of our fire safety lessons for National Fire Prevention Week. The first grade students are learning about skills that good readers use to build good reading habits. Second Grade Second grader students participated in Apple Day, in recognition of John Chapman's birthday. The students compared and contrasted the fiction and nonfiction components of the topic, with a focus on the tall tale of Johnny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg. Classes collected data through a survey, and created and interpreted a bar graph on apples. The children participated in parent-led stations to identify characters in The Giving Tree, "purchase" apple products to practice their money skills, measure the circumference of their apples and other round objects and read/respond to a Weekly Reader on Johnny Appleseed. It was an enriching activity for the fall season! Third Grade Third grade students have been working on combining and dividing equal groups as we delve into the properties and processes of multiplication. The students are building fact fluency through daily fact practice and review. They completed their study of maps and geography, with a focus on the climate and natural resources of our region. The students are exploring the concept that story characters change over time by reading chapter book series. This experience is coupled with the structure of reading partnerships. The children were proud to type and publish their narrative writing piece. Fourth Grade Fourth grade students have been studying the social sciences. Throughout this social studies unit, students studied the jobs of geographers, economists, political scientists, and historians. As a culmination of their studies, students have completed a social science artifact project. Each student was asked to gather artifacts that would be studied by each of the social scientists. Some of the artifacts included old photographs, coins, leaves, receipts, and newspaper articles. These artifacts were presented to the class and then displayed in the classroom. Students will be asked to apply the social scientist skills during future social studies units this year. Submitted by Sara McKelvey Fifth Grade The fifth grade students are learning about the weather and catastrophic events with a particular emphasis on the hurricane season. In Social Studies, students are discovering the reasons and motivations for European exploration of the New World. Students are exploring the world of Geography and making their own maps. The enVisions math program is up and running with both teachers and students liking the new program. Submitted by Matt Moore Music In the general music classroom, first grade students continued experiencing piano and forte through differentiated means. The students also explored the music of Joseph Haydn and his use of piano and forte in the famous piece “Surprise Symphony.” They took their first assessment piece and are enjoying some Halloween songs and School Reports 9 October 22, 2015 instruments. The second grade students continued rhythm reading and began the history of “America” (My Country ‘Tis Of Thee). They discussed key lyrics in the song and their meaning in the song such as liberty, founding fathers, and the Liberty Bell. Select students will get to play the cymbals as they watch the conductor. Students completed a scarf movement to “Morning” from Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite. The activity was focused around the musical articulation of an accent. Third grade students continued identifying the fundamentals of musical notation if preparation for recorder. They read music for the first time using boom-whackers and the mallet instruments. Fourth and fifth grade students continued progressing in of their recorder books. Fourth grade students just learned the high D on recorder and are preparing for their first assessment aligned with the life and music of Beethoven while fifth grade students continued rehearsing selections for their winter concert. Fifth grade students also discovered form in music and applied it to their concert selections. Rehearsals continued after school with the Rose Tree Rumblers and the Hand Chime Choir. Library Third, fourth, and fifth grade students demonstrated the ability to locate fiction titles using the Online Destiny Catalog and locating those books on the library shelf. These students also demonstrated the ability to locate fiction titles using subject topics in the Destiny Catalog and locating those books on the library shelf. Kindergarten, first and second grade students were able to compare and contrast fiction and non-fiction books. Physical Education During the month of October, first and second grade students finished the Body Movements Unit and began working on a Tag Unit. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students finished their fall pre-test for the Elementary Fitness Challenge. Third and fourth grade students started a Soccer Skills Unit, while fifth grade students started a Football Skills Unit. Art The art room at Rose Tree Elementary is buzzing with excitement! Students are close to finishing their first projects. First grade students have explored different types of lines and created a marker work showcasing their expertise. Second grade students have traveled across the world to look at the art and culture of India. Students have shown interest in learning about a special tree in India that helps to create community amongst Indian people. Students have drawn this tree and added warm and cool colors to make it brilliant! Third grader students have traveled back in time to study Prehistoric art. Inspiration was drawn from Cave paintings and Petroglyph drawings to create their own pieces. Fourth grade students are finishing up studying Pennsylvania artist, John James Audubon. Students have mimicked Audubon by painstakingly drawn owls. Now they are beginning to transform their drawings into clay replications. Fifth grade students have been exploring the art of observation drawing. By examining seashells, students have been learning to draw using lines and shapes, while creating a throwback piece remembering those warm days of summer. Come visit Rose Tree Elementary to view their finished products within the coming weeks. Academically Gifted Program The third grade AGP students are currently working through their Advertise Yourself Unit of Study. The students are analyzing what makes them unique, developing a product that School Reports 10 October 22, 2015 reflects who they are and creating a short commercial about their product. The fourth grade AGP students are currently working through their Immigration Unit of Study. The students are creating their own family tree and comparing and contrasting immigrants experience at Angel Island and Ellis Island. The fifth grade AGP students are currently working through their Architecture Unit of Study. The students are in the process of researching prominent buildings throughout the world. Reading Grade-wide assemblies were held to honor students for their many hours of summer reading. New books were inscribed with the names of the summer readers and dedicated to the school. Best-selling author Sarah Mlynowski visited Rose Tree Elementary for a presentation in third and fourth grades. She spoke about the writing process and brainstormed with students about creating one’s own fiction. Students were delighted with the chance to meet the author of the new Upside-Down Magic series. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL The following Students of the Month for October will be honored at a breakfast with their parents/guardians and teachers on Thursday, October 29: Team 6-1: Adam Carliss and Giana Stevens; Team 6-2: Shauna Mulhern and Chase Sims; Team 6-3: Anastasia Ciminera and Christian Messam; Team 7-1: Sage Forsythe and Jackson Schweitzer; Team 7-2: Sydni Page-Williams and Marc Rubin; Team 7-3: Shayna Polsky and Robert Furlan; Team 8-1: Kyle May and Rachel Bolen; Team 8-2: Julia Mullaney and Willem Guenther; Team 8-3: Jackson Sweeney and Elizabeth Egan Art Ms. Sycz’ grade eight students have completed drawing in pencil their layout of an artwork which focus is to use the principles of design to demonstrate the effects balance, planned pattern, contrast and emphasis has on a composition. Students creatively decided upon specific images to support a unified theme in their work. Now that the elements of line and shape have been arranged according to these principles, students are now arranging color according to these principles of design including the principle of unity. Colored pencils are being used to color their composition showcasing their skill in using this art material. In the creation of making a portrait, grade seven students continue to see the importance of using the elements of line and shape along with the principle of proportion to render a realistic image. At this time, all students have completed drawing the person being guided by the classic proportions of the human face. Students are seeing how these elements and this principle of design assist in the drawing of the background images as well as the main image. Before the students began drawing the background, guidelines about creating space behind the drawn figure were given being supported by seeing past student work captured on the IPad. Grade six students are continuing to see the importance of arranging a work of art by seeing that their arrangement of simple shapes in a radial design has produced a dynamic design. In addition to seeing the principles of design in their own work, students are observing the work of their classmates. Students are now seeing that their color choices also must be arranged according to the same principles of design such a balance, pattern and contrast to maintain their exciting composition. Students are also learning to make decisions as they decide upon where to use colored pencils and oil pastel in their artwork after having School Reports 11 October 22, 2015 seen a demonstration showing the possibilities and strength of both materials. Due to an overwhelming sign up, after school Art Club at Springton Lake will run two days instead of one! After school creativity begins mid-October at the Lake. Mrs. Going's classes begin the year reviewing the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in unique project assignments. All three grades connect their work style to twentieth century artists! Eighth grades develop a painting based on the art of Henri Matisse and a Pop Art design based on the work of Andy Warhol. Each assignment concentrates on the development of a balanced, strong composition and strengthening skills using different materials to complete the art piece. All students have interviewed either Henri Matisse or Andy Warhol in a writing assignment geared to researching the artist and presenting the information into an unusual and fact filled method. Seventh grades study the art of American artist, Georgia O'Keeffe and her technique of "Abstraction.” As the seventh grades paint their "O'Keeffe" based paintings, students work on "good habits create great work" and developing an eye catching painting, using an analogous and complementary color scheme. Sixth grades complete a design based on the work of Russian artist, Wassily Kandinsky. They now understand what the elements of art do and how the principals of design work. They have developed a composition using line, shape, color and space and have developed an area of emphasis with a balanced composition showing contrast and using patterns for more pizazz! Mrs. Prior’s sixth graders having learned how to draw objects using one point perspective are now learning how to create the space of a room using one point linear perspective. Students are sharpening their measuring skills as part of the process. As inspiration, students observe paintings along with video clips that show perspective drawings of basic and more complex rooms. Seventh graders are creating their “Names in Space.” By practicing how to make shapes three-dimensional using one-point perspective, students are now able to conquer the difficult task of making the letters of their names dimensional. Some students are even taking on the challenge of incorporating their names into a cityscape or changing the size and style of their letters. Eighth graders are drawing scenes using two-point perspective. Some students have chosen scenes from Media including some of the elementary schools, the hospital, restaurants or businesses. Students are using reference photographs that Mrs. Prior took using her Ipad. The Ipad, Mac, and projector have all been useful tools for the students during this assignment. When the images are projected on the board, we are able to find the horizon line and vanishing points, to plan how to draw the basic structure of the buildings, rooms, or hallways along with the various objects and details. Furthermore, students have been able to observe artists at work drawing several different kinds of buildings from various points of view. During this assignment, students are transferring their knowledge from their practice work along with using problem-solving skills to create the illusion of space on paper. Guidance The guidance department at Springton Lake has been busy helping thirty new students get settled in their new school. Buddies were assigned and Springton Lake students have been commendably welcoming. Counselor, Susan Howe, started her developmental lessons with eighth grade. The students explored conflict resolution and applied the strategy to different conflict scenarios. As a result of the lesson, some students would like explore mediation further and become peer mediators. School Reports 12 October 22, 2015 Language Arts Sixth grade teachers in Language Arts have launched writing workshop and are teaching the craft of effective narrative writing. Students are learning how to write powerful personal narratives and have set their own writing goals. Throughout the unit, teachers have introduced mini-lessons and strategies for generating personal narrative topics. Teachers introduced mentor texts and the students had the opportunity to underline and annotate them, marking up specific things done well. Sixth grade students have come up with ideas for their own personal narratives by thinking about small moments that matter deeply. Often writers generate story ideas by thinking of places and meaningful episodes that occurred in them. Students have continuously revised their work adding sensory details, making sure they are keeping within the writer’s point of view, and developing their characters. During the month of October, the seventh grade Language Arts students continued their focus on elements of literature. They examined figurative language and explained how the author’s use of figurative language enhanced their understanding of the text. The students developed connections to the texts and evaluated the author’s use of inference and symbolism. Students participated in reading partnerships and collaborated to create a Literary Text Analysis for their chosen book. Students in eighth grade Language Arts have been working diligently on their memoir unit. Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a complete story in six words. He wrote, "For sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn." We studied many six word stories based upon Hemingway's six-word premise and then applied our knowledge to our own lives, writing our own personal story in six words. The final pieces were profound. Our work in the unit continued with the analysis of longer memoirs in the form of essays taken from longer works. Students have been critiquing what makes a piece of writing work, as well as what doesn't. This assessment will lead into the creation of their memoir writing experience as we end the month. Math After a rather easy, yet very important ride through Chapter 1: The Essentials of Geometry, this comfort may dwindle a bit with Chapter 2: Reasoning and Proof (Logic). It happens every year--”I thought math involved numbers!” and “Why do I have to prove something that is already true?” are common comments/questions. This may be the first time that your child will have to think “beyond the math-box.” We promise to make it easy for them. In chapter 2, your child will be introduced to more postulates and theorems that they will use throughout the year. Our algebra 1 students are finishing up with Chapter 1: Solving Linear Equations (in one variable) and moving into graphing and writing linear equations--now with two variables. Your child will be introduced to different forms of a linear equation and solve the linear equation using a table, a graph, and an equation. The material is getting more complicated, so please encourage your child to speak up--let me know what I can do to help clarify something. Remember, I am available after school for help on Tues. and Thurs.--several kids have already stayed for help! Although it may seem like seventh and eighth grade are dragging our way through Chapter 1: Integers, it is important for your child to have mastered the concepts introduced and practiced in this unit. If they can work with integers--add, subtract, multiply, and divide; as well as evaluate expressions involving integers, they will be more School Reports 13 October 22, 2015 successful when we throw into the mix other rational numbers--specifically fractions and decimals. Sixth grade students studied numerical expressions and factors. Students began by identifying keywords that indicate a specific operation. After choosing the appropriate operation, students practiced solving real-world whole number operation problems. Students then solidified their knowledge of powers and exponents in order to extend this knowledge to the order of operations. Students discovered the importance of having a specific order of operations and also created interactive notes to help organize and visualize the order. Prime factorization was then used to find greatest common factor and least common multiple. Music Currently there are 220 students enrolled in band in Springton Lake. New this year!!! Seventh and Eighth grade Jazz Band/Concert Band hybrid section to get jazz instruction worked into the normal school day. This will allow for more focus on higher levels of jazz harmonization and improvisation as well as improvement rhythmic and stylistic performance. Katie Coyne was involved with a summer weekly flute choir and glee club run by Julia Petters at Beam's School of Music. The summer sessions culminated with a session at the World Cafe in Philly. This year’s school musical, The Sound of Music, will take place on March 3, 4 and 5. The Springton Lake Jazz Band and Select Choir will perform during pregame at the 76ers game on November 16th. The Springton Lake PTG will be selling tickets for this event. Physical Education The 2015-2016 school year for Physical Education has started well for all of the students. Each class was given the expectations and an outline for the school year for Physical Education. Students were able to see the various units they will experience throughout the year. The students will have the opportunity to try a variety of activities in Physical Education and will have exposure to individual, team, adventure, swimming, multicultural, traditional and other activities. In addition, all students participated in the fall fitness tests. Students will use their scores as a baseline to see how they can either improve or maintain their own fitness levels as well as use the various activities in future classes to aid in their development over the course of the school year. Students received their gym lockers. Students who were here the previous year were able to keep the same lockers and students new to the school took over those from the eighth grade class of last year. The students in addition to the locker rooms were able to take tours of the many facilities available for use in the Physical Education curriculum. Science Sixth grade science students were introduced to microscope use. Students prepared slides and viewed different objects under the microscope. The students discovered the characteristics that all living things share and applied their knowledge by doing a living things card sort activity. Cells were introduced and students were able to differentiate between a plant and animal cell by examining elodea and cheek cells under a microscope. Atomic structure was explored with the seventh grade science students. Models were used to depict the subatomic particles (protons, electrons, and neutrons) of the atom. The students investigated various properties of selected atoms within the School Reports 14 October 22, 2015 laboratory setting. An introduction to the periodic chart was utilized to further understand the basic structure of atoms. In eighth grade science, we spent most of the month learning about basic properties of matter---mass, volume and density. Students have been doing a variety of hands-on activities to learn how to measure mass using a triple beam balance, how to measure volume with a graduated cylinder, and how to do both as accurately as possible. Students were challenged to determine how to find the volume of an irregular solid—in an inquiry-based format, to understand the process of displacement. This led us to density, where students had to determine why certain objects sink and float, as well as having the opportunity to create their own density column with various liquids. We also began understanding phase changes and states of matter with an exciting day of demonstrations and activities with dry ice for Halloween! Social Studies The sixth grade students have been studying physical features and significant examples of each feature from around the world. In addition, the students have used globes to simulate the earth’s movements and to discuss how the movements affect their daily lives. Also, the students have used interactive maps and geography resources, such as Google Earth, to investigate the geography of Europe and its effects on people’s lives. The investigation of European Geography includes the study of the changing map of Europe throughout the 20th Century. In seventh grade social studies, students are examining how our nation was born and how difficult it is a design a framework for citizens that not only protect them, but also allows them certain freedoms. Primary sources such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution will be interpreted and analyzed through web quests and group activities. Students will be participating in a mock Constitutional Convention and a video game entitled Decisions, Decisions. This provides students the opportunity to work collaboratively to decide what actions would work best when designing a new nation and how important compromise was and continues to be an essential aspect of running a nation. Students will use the Decisions, Decisions game to role play and better relate to history that took place over two centuries ago. Eighth Grade World History Students have been in the MAC Lab evaluating online sources to prepare for their Early Human-First Civilizations Project. They have been using ABC Clio and Student Resources that provide reliable academic online articles for their research. These resources are funded by Rose Tree Media School District. Students are also learning or relearning how to write a MLA style Works Cited or bibliography. In addition, World History Classes have been analyzing early societies and defining the characteristics of civilization. They have been looking at photos of the early inventions of Mesopotamia, reading about them, and evaluating how these early invention impacted human life. The students used the interactive program, Decisions, Decisions: Ancient Empire by Tom Snyder to learn about early civilizations and problem solve. The Early law and justice system of Hammurabi, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” will also be examined. Special Education Students in Ms. Viso’s seventh grade math class have been working hard on the first chapter of the new Big Ideas Math Program: Integers. Students have been using number lines and integer chips for visual models of integer operations. After collecting data based on visual experimentation, students are able to identify patterns and formulate their own rules for integer operations. To help with the acquisition and retention of these rules, students have written song lyrics, incorporating various movements for each operation. School Reports 15 October 22, 2015 Research has proven that through the use of movement and hands-on experimentation, students are able to attain these skills with a deeper level of understanding and can more easily identify the application of integer operations in real life scenarios. World Language Last month the Spanish exchange students spent part of their day interacting with the Springton Lake students who study Spanish. Sra. Kutney, Sra. Diaz, Sra. Williams, and Sra. Baker brought their classes to the cafeteria where Spanish and Springton students played language games and had conversations together. Students who chose to stay after school to play a trivia game and enjoy American snacks with the Spanish students. PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL Academic Excellence Penncrest hosted the annual Academic Excellence program. The top students from each grade, based on cumulative GPA from last school year, were recognized. The Keynote Speaker for the evening was Kenneth Nichols, PHS Class of 1998. Mr. Nichols shared with the students and all in attendance, how Penncrest High School prepared him for his career as an attorney and facilitated his desire to give back to the community in which he works through Pro-Bono legal work. Congratulations to the students and their families who attended! Hall of Fame The annual Rose Tree Media School District Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame Induction brunch was held in the library. Three distinguished alumni were inducted into the Hall of Fame and presented their stories to our 9th and 10th graders in an assembly shortly after the brunch. We even had one of our inductees judge the Lion’s Cheer at the Pep Rally! Please check out our inductee’s bio’s on our website. This is an extraordinary opportunity to hear from exceptional graduates who sat in the same seats not too long ago! My message to the students prior to the assembly was for them to listen and identify the common themes from our inductees that led to the success they are experiencing, process these themes and then make it part of what they do! Homecoming Activities Pep Rallies have evolved over the years. Enthusiasm is only surpassed by creative entrances of teachers for each class to lead them in the Lion’s Cheer at the end of the pep rally. Our students have taken the event to another level and it is fun to watch. Pride points are earned through a variety of categories during the pep rally. These points are combined with pride points earned throughout the year for grade-level attendance, honor roll and discipline referrals. The culminating activity, Pride Day, is the final opportunity to earn points to be crowned Pride Day Champions for the year. Friday evening we held the Homecoming ceremony in the gym and the change in venue was well received and well attended! It was nice to be dry and warm! The cheerleaders and the entire marching band joined in the festivities with a packed gymnasium as the 2015 Homecoming court was introduced and the King and Queen were crowned. The Homecoming Football game followed in the driving rain. It was a tough game against Upper Darby, but the Lions played hard throughout and never gave up. The week culminated with the Homecoming Dance. Over 500 students attended the dance and had a great time. School Reports 16 October 22, 2015 Chalk Talks Penncrest High School students have been invited to use the extended lunches in a series of "Long Lunch Chalk Talk" opportunities. Seniors were invited to a workshop on college application essay writing with Mrs. Sweeney; 9th graders met with Mrs. Sweeney to review academic life at Penncrest; Mr. Harple led a workshop with Jeremy Branch, an admissions office from Penn State Brandywine, to discuss the college application process; Mrs. Kirk held a makeup MAP testing session for 9th grade English students. Students continue to use the Library and the Penncrest Testing Center during their lunches and the Music department holds sectional rehearsals at those times. Simon Youth Academy The Rose Tree Media Simon Youth Academy is proud to announce that Ronni Miller, our math and science teacher was nominated for 2015 Simon Youth National Teacher of the Year. As a nominee, Mrs. Miller is "recognized as someone who ignites hope in students and whose work has positioned Simon Youth Foundation to be a national leader in nontraditional education and student retention." If Mrs. Miller is selected as the winner, then she will be honored during this year's SYF Annual Conference, October 25-28 in San Antonio, TX. The winner will receive a SYF scholarship to attend the conference and a $1,000 SYF Enhancement Grant to benefit RTMSYA. Additionally, the recipient will be invited to present at the 2016 SYF Annual Conference. Mrs. Miller is an integral member of our RTMSYA Team and she focuses on who matters most, our students. English Department Pi Lamda Sigma (Penncrest’s chapter of the National English Honor Society) had its induction ceremony. The WillPower Shakespeare group came here to work with students in the morning and to perform Julius Caesar in the afternoon. Jake Metzger and Chad Cohen will be attending the KYW news study program. Art Department Art teacher, Michele Kania, of Penncrest, was recognized by Hunter Faddis (2014) during his Eagle Scout Ceremony. Michele received a mentoring pin during the Ring of Honor Ceremony and Hunter made a brief speech recognizing her and explaining she was the reason he chose to go into art and study interior design. Math Department AP Calculus Classes - We will be participating in the American Scholastic Mathematics Association (ASMA) contest this year. The AP Calculus classes will have the opportunity to come after school to take a 7-question/35 minute exam on a variety of non-routine mathematics topics. The competition runs once per month through March. Last year, our school placed third in this competition and we are hoping to improve on that finish this year! 1 Geometry Classes Philosophy and Geometry teachers are doing some cross-curricular collaboration. The philosophy teacher is planning to sit in on the Level 1 Geometry class when inductive and deductive reasoning is being taught (if p then q type statements). He will be looking to see what connections he can make with logic taught in geometric proofs and the way the logic is used in his Philosophy class. School Reports 17 October 22, 2015 SAT Boot Camp More cross-curricular collaboration: Mrs. Kuntz has recruited Mr. Peleckis to spend a class period with each of her SAT Boot Camp (English) classes going over the new Math section of the SAT. Mrs. Lammert will be hosting two after school PSAT prep sessions (math) to help prepare our students for the newest version of the PSAT’s. Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) We are tweaking the tutoring service offered by Mu Alpha Theta. Starting in a couple of weeks, students that need help will be able to enter their contact info in an online form and a tutor will respond with a time and place to meet. We will also continue the strategy of summoning tutors via text message when needed at a teacher's request. The officers have already developed the form that will be shared with and explained to new and returning members. World Language Department 26 Spanish Exchange students from Tavernes de la Valldigna, Spain arrived at Penncrest. These students have each been paired with a Penncrest student who is currently studying Spanish 4 or AP Spanish 5. While visiting RTM, the 26 Spanish students and 4 chaperones took daily trips to local historical and cultural sites including the Philly Food Tour, a tour of Lincoln Financial field, Olde City, and the Franklin Institute. They will also took an extended day trip to Washington D.C. There were many tears as the students said goodbye for now. Spanish teachers Anna Wiegner, Donna Montich and Laura Nemec-Osborne will take 26 Penncrest students to Spain in March 2016. Students interested in the Phyllis Kavanaugh scholarship to travel/study abroad attended an information meeting. The 2015 recipient, Kelly Flood shared an inspiring video of her abroad experience this past summer in Nice, France. Latin students in Beginner through Advanced levels have begun their online coursework. The feedback from students so far has been favorable. An interest meeting was held for parents and students for the biannual French Immersion trip to Quebec. Travel is planned for March 9-13th, 2016. Students in Intermediate and AP French recently received e-pals from a French high school in the Brittany region. Over the year, students will alternate correspondence in French and English on various cultural topics. 4 World Language teachers will attend the PSMLA conference in King of Prussia. In addition, one member of the department will be presenting a session on the French subjunctive at the conference. Student Leadership Ten Penncrest students attended The Harbor by Jostens Interhigh Leadership Conference at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The Interhigh Leadership Conference is a pep-rally style, multi-school event that brings together student leaders and advisers from multiple schools in our area. The conference promotes leadership skills and inspires students to change the culture of their schools in a positive way. The conference will feature a keynote presentation from Mike Smith, followed by small group activities focused on more specific topics around leadership and school culture. Mike Smith is a self-proclaimed “professional teenager” who is an expert at inspiring teens. He is the founder and Executive Director of a non-profit indoor skate park/youth outreach center called THE BAY and its offshoot, Skate For Change, both of which have School Reports 18 October 22, 2015 received national acclaim. Smith has been a professional speaker for the last five years and youth worker for over ten years. He is an expert at communicating with young adults and encouraging them to make good decisions that lead them to follow their dreams. Youth Leadership Conference Eighteen Penncrest 11th and 12th grade students participated in Congressman Patrick Meehan's annual Youth Leadership Summit at Marple Newtown High School. Along with Ms. Heaton and Mr. Silva, students had the opportunity to hear from a variety of speakers about different leadership styles and philosophies. Speakers included Nicole Brewer, CBS Philly Anchor and Miss Pennsylvania 2005, Cheryl Colleluori, President of the HEADstrong Foundation, Vince Papale, author and former Philadelphia Eagle, and Jay Wright, Head Coach, Villanova Men's Basketball Team. Throughout the day, the speakers encouraged students to reflect on their own leadership opportunities and apply them to improving their schools. PHS Leadership Retreat is Approaching The annual student leadership retreat at Camp Tockwogh will take place Saturday 11/21Monday 11/23. This three day-two night trip gives students a chance to learn and expand their leadership and team building skills and get to know peers and staff in a unique environment. The retreat includes three programs that operate concurrently: a program for students attending the retreat for the first time, a program for students attending the retreat for the second time and a special program for a select group of students who are attending the retreat for third or fourth time. School Reports 19 October 22, 2015 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” September 24, 2015 October 1, 2015 October 13, 2015 October 22, 2015 There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Session of November 19, 2015, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. Presidential Announcement 1 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional 1. b. Non-Instructional 1. 2. Darlene DeMarse, .4 Special Education Teacher, SYA Penncrest High School, resignation effective August 18, 2015. Athena Valavanis, Secretary I, Education Center, resignation effective October 2, 2015. Nominations a. Professional 1. Carolyn Heaton, Night School Teacher for the 20152016 school year at the rate of $40.00 per hour. 2. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Homebound Instructors for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $46.00 per hour: Alexis Azeff Tiffany Bendistis Jennifer Clarke Alicia Commale Susan Coyne Kathleen Devine Dorothee Diaz Tom Durant David Enterlin Kim Enterlin Vince Eppolito Crystal Grace-Green Christopher Grouzes Sean HObdell Jason Lazarow Anthony Lombardo Jeanine Williamson IX. New Business 1 Theresa Long Ronni Miller Laura Nemec-Osborne Amanda Pfeiffer Kelly Piecara Catherine Poulos Debbie Schnaars Lynda Seery Lee Sitkowski Jeremy Smith Amy Somerville Betsy Spardel Jodi Strevig Sharon Williams Sue Williamson Michele Woodward October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. IX. New Business Non-Instructional 1. Lisa Brechemin, Substitute Cafeteria Worker, effective October 23, 2015 at the rate of $11.20 per hour. 2. Alexander Penman, Support Staff II, effective October 23, 2015 at the rate of $16.99 per hour. Mr. Penman is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Mr. Penman is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 3. Melissa Sabatino, Math Tutor, effective October 23, 2015 at the rate of $16.00 per hour. Ms. Sabatino is assigned to Media Elementary. 4. Terri McCabe, Support Staff I, effective October 23, 2015 at the rate of $13.43 per hour. Ms. McCabe is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Linda Rowley who resigned. 5. Donna DiSantis, Bus Aide, effective October 23, 2015 at the rate of $15.02 per hour. Ms. DiSantis is assigned to Transportation. This is a new position. 6. Karen Potts, Support Staff I, effective October 23, 2015 at the rate of $13.43 per hour. Ms. Potts is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Dale Soring who was reassigned. 2 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. Degree Advancement 1. Recommend Board approval of the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries accordingly effective August 31, 2015: Kelly Henry ThaiFaa MayfieldPinket Kelly Piecara Andrea Rachubinski Theresa Shannon Dennis Smyth b. IX. New Business Dana Vellios-Miller requests an unpaid leave of absence effective February 23, 2016 through June 30, 2016 for the purpose of child rearing. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. d. $54,861.00 $85,506.00 $49,205.00 $59,985.00 $59,271.00 $55,080.00 Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. c. Master’s/Step7 Master’s+40/Step13 Permanent/Step4 Master’s+20/Step4 Master’s+20/Step2 Master’s/Step 8 Rescind appointment of Emily Ferdon as 1.0 Mathematics Building Coordinator for the 2015-2016 school year at Indian Lane Elementary. Supplemental Contracts 1. Kristin Hartner, New Teacher Mentor for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $870.00. Ms. Hartner is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 2. Emily Ferdon, (.5) Mathematics Building Coordinator for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,450.00. Ms. Ferdon is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. 3. Nancy Novello, (.5) Mathematics Building Coordinator for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,450.00. Ms. Novello is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. 3 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. IX. New Business Supplemental Contracts 4. Jacqueline Baker, Assistant Girls Lacrosse Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $3,625.00. 5. Sandra Dinnella, Saturday Detention Sponsor for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $46.00 per hour. Ms. Dinnella is assigned to Penncrest High School. 6. Timothy Fink, Intramural Leader for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $21.26 per hour. Mr. Fink is assigned to Media Elementary. 7. Jennifer Alleva, Junior Variety Show Assistant Director for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,450.00. Ms. Alleva is assigned to Penncrest High School. 8. Alicia Commale, Emanon Theatre Assistant Director for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $1,595.00. Ms. Commale is assigned to Penncrest High School. 9. Colleen Hoy, (.5) New Teacher Mentor for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $580.00. Ms. Hoy is assigned to Penncrest High School. 10. Antoinette Lyons, District Music Coordinator for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $5,928.00. Ms. Lyons is assigned to Penncrest High School. 11. Kimberly Riviere, District World Language Coordinator for the 2015-2016 school year at the annual salary of $5,928.00. Ms. Riviere is assigned to Penncrest High School. 4 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts 12. 13. Recommend Board approval for the following Indian Lane Elementary Personnel to serve as Club Advisors for the 2015-2016 school year: STUDENT COUNCIL R. LEWIS $152.00 STUDENT COUNCIL J. ARBUTINA $162.00 STUDENT COUNCIL S. HENDRIXSON $145.00 STUDENT COUNCIL L. SITKOWSKI $152.00 BOARD GAMES CLUB J. FRIEDGEN $456.00 BOARD GAMES CLUB K. DEVINE $290.00 BOARD GAMES CLUB E. ARIAS $290.00 BROADCAST CLUB K. BATTAVIO $1,216.00 BROADCAST CLUB T. HATTON $1,216.00 GARDEN CLUB K. DEVINE $290.00 READING OLYMPICS CLUB S. HENDRIXSON $217.50 READING OLYMPICS CLUB A. WASHINGTON $228.00 READING OLYMPICS CLUB T. HATTON $228.00 READING OLYMPICS CLUB C. CARMINITO $217.50 SCRAPBOOKING CLUB S. HUEBNER $608.00 SKETCHBOOK CLUB K. DEVINE $1,216.00 LEGO/ROBOTICS CLUB D. SMYTH $290.00 BOBCAT ENSEMBLE CLUB K. BATTAVIO $580.00 BAND DIRECTOR J. BOYLE $608.00 ORCHESTRA DIRECTOR J. WALLS $304.00 MUSICAL CLUB K. BATTAVIO $1,160.00 THE FIFTH DIMENSION K. BATTAVIO $1,160.00 Recommend the following Indian Lane Elementary personnel serve as Intramural Instructors for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $21.26 per hour: Caitlyn Carminito Ryan Lewis IX. New Business 5 Jeff Leahan October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts 14. IX. New Business Recommend Board approval for the following Glenwood Elementary Personnel to serve as Club Advisors for the 2015-2016 school year: HANDBELLS K. HONG NEWSPAPER CLUB C. GRACE-GREEN $1,216.00 STUDENT AMBASSADOR A. FIZZANO $1,160.00 LEGO/ROBOTICS CLUB A. GRISILLO $304.00 ENVIRO CLUB A. GRISILLO $456.00 READING OLYMPICS R. PINSLEY $456.00 READING OLYMPICS A. BARRY $435.00 RHYTHM IN MOTION K. HONG $760.00 RUNNING/WALKING A. FIZZANO $290.00 RUNNING/WALKING A. BARRY $304.00 ASTRONOMY A. GRISILLO $152.00 SCRABBLE E. LUTZ $228.00 SCRABBLE R. PINSLEY $228.00 BAND DIRECTOR A. BUGOSH $608.00 ORCHESTRA DIRECTOR J. WALLS $304.00 ART CLUB K. SHARP $725.00 RUBIKS CUBE CLUB C. KEELER $290.00 VIDEO CLUB C. GRACE-GREEN YOGA CLUB K. MAZZELLA $217.50 YOGA CLUB E. YEPREMIAN $217.50 MAGIC CLUB C. KEELER $290.00 CHEMISTRY CLUB C. KEELER $145.00 ARTS AND CRAFTS CLUB M. WHALEN $145.00 ARTS AND CRAFTS CLUB M. SALERA $72.50 ARTS AND CRAFTS CLUB H. GALLAGHER $72.50 READING LAB F. MATHIS $290.00 READING LAB M. OMLOR $290.00 READING LAB L. LISTA $580.00 6 $145.00 $1,160.00 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. e. Supplemental Contracts 15. Recommend Board approval of the Penncrest High School Winter Athletic Supplemental contracts for the 2015-2016 school year. See Attachment A 16. Recommend Board approval of the Springton Lake Middle School Winter Athletic Supplemental contracts for the 2015-2016 school year. See Attachment B Salary Change 1. f. Dolores Taylor, Food Service Worker, pay rate correction to $13.21 per hour. Create a New Position 1. Resolve the Board approve an additional Support Staff II position to serve as a One-on-One Personal Instructional Assistant at Indian Lane Elementary. Background An additional Instructional Assistant is required for a special education student who has transitioned from outside of the District to the Intensive Learning Support Classroom at Indian Lane Elementary. This position was discussed at the Personnel Committee Meeting. g. IX. New Business Other 1. Recommend Board approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Rose Tree Media School District and Administrators and Supervisors I. See Attachment C 2. Recommend Board approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Rose Tree Media School District and Administrators and Supervisors II. See Attachment D 7 October 22, 2015 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General f. B. Other 3. Recommend Board approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Rose Tree Media School District and Administrative Assistants and Confidential Secretaries. See Attachment E 4. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and General Healthcare Resources, Inc. for the 20152016 school year. GHR will provide substitute services for Paraprofessionals, Nurses, Special Education Teacher, Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists. See Attachment F Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Students to Hickory Run State Park Resolve the Board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip submitted for Penncrest students to explore PA deciduous forest and river areas at Hickory Run State Park (back up is the Delaware Water Gap) from Nov. 6-8, 2015. Background The registration fee of $61.00, transportation costs of $580.00, and campsites/meal costs of $550.00 are being paid by the students. 2. Penncrest High School Orchestra – Chicago, IL Resolve, the board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip submitted for Penncrest orchestra students to attend the Invitational Festival of Gold in Chicago, Illinois from 4/174/21/2016. Background Substitute costs of $856.00 are being paid by the District. Transportation costs of $150.00/student and hotel/meal costs of $650.00/student are being paid by the students. Student costs will be offset by fundraising. IX. New Business 8 October 22, 2015 X. New Business B. Overnight Trips 3. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team – Ithaca, NY Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip submitted for members of the Science Olympiad Team to attend the Invitational Tournament for the Science Olympiad Team at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York from 2/52/6/16. Background The registration fee of $100.00 is being paid for by the District. Transportation, lodging, and meal costs are being paid for by students (approximate cost to student is $91.00/student) and are offset by fundraising activities. 4. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team – Juniata College Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip submitted for members of the Science Olympiad team to attend the State Championship Tournament for the Science Olympiad Team at Juniata College from April 22-24, 2016. Background Substitute costs of $408.00, transportation costs of $960.00, and hotel/lodging costs of $1728.00 are being paid by the District. IX. New Business 9 October 22, 2015 X. Finance A. Purchasing - None B. General 1. Advanced Refunding of Series A of 2010 and Series of 2011 Bonds- RBC Capital Resolve, that the Board of School Directors approve the parameters resolution for the advanced refunding of Series A of 2010 and Series of 2011 bonds. See Attachment A Background This item was discussed at the October 13, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 2. Change Orders Change Orders are acted upon in accordance with Resolution 1997-98 – 124, as approved by the Board of School Directors on April 23, 1998. Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following change orders: a. GEM Mechanical in the amount of $535.00 for a permit fee for Middletown Township. b. S. B. Conrad in the amount of $2,415.00 for additional paving to reduce driveway ponding in the amount of $7,935.00 as well as a credit in the amount of $5,520.00. Background This item was discussed at the October 13, 2015 Operations Committee meeting. 3. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612…(Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. X. Finance 1 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 16-2 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Instruction – Salaries $14,246.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction – Software $14,246.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed for the fee for 34 students to take Latin Class. Background This item was discussed at the October 13, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 4. Walnut Street Theatre Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement for Walnut Street Theatre in the amount of $745.00. This agreement is for an Anti-Bullying program at Springton Lake Middle School on January 21, 2016. Funding for this agreement is through the General Fund. Background This item was discussed at the October 13, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 5. Music Theatre International Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with MTI in the amount of $760.00. This contract pays for royalty fees and materials for the Lion King Kids musical being performed by Indian Lane Elementary School students. Funding for this contract is through the General Fund. Background This item was discussed at the October 13, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. X. Finance 2 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 6. Media Borough Improvements Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the request from Media Borough to make improvements to Barrall Field by adding lights over the doors and replacing a missing sign and making improvements to the playground at the Media Elementary School by repainting the basketball court and hanging new nets. The improvements are at no cost to the District. Background This item was discussed at the October 13, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. 7. Emerson Network Power Resolve, the Board approve the Proposal for Service between Emerson Network Power, Liebert Services, Inc. and the Rose Tree Media School District. The Service Proposal includes essential and preventative maintenance service for Nfinity Uninterruptible Power Systems located at Penncrest High School. The one (1) year proposal will commence on November 15, 2015, with payment not to exceed One Thousand Seven Hundred Ten dollars and ten cents ($1,710.10). See Attachment B Background The background for this Proposal was reviewed at the Technology Committee meeting on October 13, 2015. Solicitor, Tom Kelly, has reviewed and approved this proposal. 8. Delaware County Intermediate Unit 25 Internet Service Agreement Resolve, the board approve the Internet Service Agreement between the Delaware County Intermediate Unit 25 and the Rose Tree Media School District for Internet access service via the fiber wide area network. The term of the agreement begins July 1, 2015, and continues through June 30, 2016 with payment not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($15,300.00). See Attachment C Background The background for this Proposal was reviewed at the Technology Committee meeting on October 13, 2015. Solicitor, Tom Kelly, has reviewed and approved this proposal. X. Finance 3 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 9. Contract with Devereux Schools- Brandywine Campus Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for a special education student to attend the Devereux Schools-Brandywine Campus for the 2015-2106 school year. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Tuition costs are $209.00/day. Approximate annual costs are $37,620 if student is in full attendance for the school year. 10. Contract with Timothy School Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve five contracts that have been submitted for five special education students to attend the Timothy School for the 2015-2016 school year. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Tuition costs are $65,150.00/student/year. 11. Contract with Green Tree School Resolve the Board of School Directors approve a contract submitted for a special education student to attend the Green Tree School for the 2015-2016 school year. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Tuition costs are $168.51/day. Approximate annual costs are $30,331.80 if student is in full attendance for the school year. X. Finance 4 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 12. Contract for Nursing Services for a student at George Crothers Memorial School Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract submitted to provide nursing services to a RTMSD student at George Crothers Memorial School for 2 hours/day during the 2015-2016 school year. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The fee is $32.50/hour. Approximate annual costs are $11,700.00 if student is in full attendance for the school year. 13. Contract with Jeanne Kluger Arabia Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract submitted to engage Jeanne Kluger Arabia as a private investigator for residency issues on an as needed basis. Background Costs are $500.00/case which includes up to 10 hours of investigation and 100 miles per case. Costs for investigative hours beyond 10 hours are paid at the rate of $60.00/hour and $.35/mile. This is a renewal contract with the same terms as the previous contract. 14. Contract to Provide ABA 1:1 Services Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract submitted to provide ABA 1:1 services for the length of the school day to a student for the 2015-2016 school year. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Cost of $50.00/hour with an additional 4 hours/week of behavior consultation at the rate of $95.00/hour. Approximate annual costs are $37,620.00 if student is in full attendance for the school year. Approximate annual costs are $76,285.00 if student is in full attendance for the school year. X. Finance 5 October 22, 2015 X. Finance B. General 15. Contract with Elwyn Therapeutic Camp Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract submitted by Elwyn Therapeutic Camp to provide ESY services for the 2015 summer term for 5 students. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The total cost of the contract is $17,100.00. 16. Contract with Elwyn Davidson School Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract submitted for an Elwyn resident student to attend the Elwyn Davidson School for the 2015-2016 school year. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The tuition cost is $274.64/diem. Approximate annual costs are $49,435.20 if student is in full attendance for the school year. The cost of the student’s tuition will be reimbursed to the District by the student’s parents’ resident school district. 17. Agreement between RTMSD and Child Guidance Resource Centers Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an affiliation agreement between the RTMSD and Child Guidance Resource Centers. Background The agreement supports the cooperation and coordination of services between the District and CGRC. This contract was discussed at the October 13, 2015 Pupil Services Committee meeting X. Finance 6 October 22, 2015 10/16/15 2015-2016 PENNCREST ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTALS WINTER Attachment A 2015-2016 STEP 2015-2016 UNITS BASKETBALL BOYS VARSITY COACH BASKETBALL BOYS ASST COACH BASKETBALL BOYS ASST COACH BASKETBALL HEAD FRESH COACH M. DOYLE S. SPRATT Q. GREDIC VACANT 10+ 2 4 4 1 1 1 173 145 152 145 44 31 31 27 $7,612.00 $4,495.00 BASKETBALL HEAD GIRLS COACH BASKETBALL ASST GIRLS COACH BASKETBALL ASST GIRLS COACH BASKETBALL FRESH GIRLS COACH (.5) BASKETBALL FRESH GIRLS COACH (.5) R. HIGGINS T. BROWN S. PETTIT S. DINNELLA R. STROUP 10+ 2 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 173 145 145 145 145 44 31 31 13.5 13.5 $7,612.00 INDOOR TRACK BOYS HEAD COACH INDOOR TRACK BOYS ASSISTANT INDOOR TRACK GIRLS HEAD COACH INDOOR TRACK GIRLS ASST COACH G MUNRO VACANT ROBERT BROWN MIKE CLARK 10+ 4 3 3 4 173 162 162 173 34 26 34 26 $5,882.00 SWIMMING GIRLS HEAD COACH SWIMMING BOYS HEADCOACH DIVING COACH J. LEVY M. KOWALCHUK M. SCHLEGEL 3 1 10+ 1 1 4 145 145 173 31 31 20 $4,495.00 WRESTLING HEAD COACH WRESTLING ASST COACH WRESTLILNG ASST COACH G. JACOBS S. GRAHAM W. HARMON 10 2 4 4 1 2 173 145 152 44 24.8 31 $7,612.00 CHEERLEADING HEAD WINTER COACH CHEERLEADING ASST WINTER COACH KELLY HENRY VACANT 2 1 1 145 145 23 19 $3,335.00 9 $4,712.00 $4,495.00 $4,495.00 $1,957.50 $1,957.50 $5,508.00 $4,498.00 $4,495.00 $3,460.00 $3,596.00 $4,712.00 10/16/15 2015-2016 SPRINGTON LAKE WINTER ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTALS 2015-2016 Attachment B STEP 2015-2016 UNITS SALARY BASKETBALL BOYS - 7TH GRADE BASKETBALL BOYS - 8TH GRADE W. CARR A. VIRTUE 7 10+ 3 4 162 173 21 21 $3,402.00 BASKETBALL GIRLS - 7TH GRADE BASKETBALL GIRLS - 8TH GRADE J. DIAZ P. NORRIS 10+ 10+ 4 4 173 173 23 21 $3,979.00 $3,633.00 WRESTLING HEAD COACH WRESTLING ASST COACH D. PUCKETT Vacant 10+ 4 1 173 145 21 17 $3,633.00 $2,465.00 CHEERLEADING COACH WINTER J. BLYTHE 7 3 162 18 $2,916.00 $3,633.00 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT, Delaware County, Pennsylvania ________________________ RESOLUTION ________________________ INCURRING NONELECTORAL DEBT TO BE EVIDENCED BY ONE OR MORE SERIES OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF TWENTY SIX MILLION ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($26,170,000), TO CURRENTLY REFUND ALL OR A PORTION OF THIS SCHOOL DISTRICT’S OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES A OF 2010, GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES OF 2011, AND PAY THE COSTS OF ISSUING THE REFUNDING BONDS; ACCEPTING A BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT; SETTING FORTH THE PARAMETERS, SUBSTANTIAL FORM OF AND CONDITIONS FOR ISSUING THE BONDS; PLEDGING THE FULL FAITH, CREDIT AND TAXING POWER OF THIS SCHOOL DISTRICT TO SECURE THE BONDS; APPOINTING A PAYING AGENT AND SINKING FUND DEPOSITORY; PROVIDING FOR REDEMPTION OF THE REFUNDED BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING RELATED DOCUMENTS AND ACTIONS. ________________________ WHEREAS, Rose Tree Media School District, located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania (the “School District”), is a school district of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (the “Commonwealth”), and is a “Local Government Unit,” within the meaning of the Local Government Unit Debt Act, 53 Pa.C.S. Chs. 80-82 (the “Debt Act”), governed by its Board of School Directors (the “School Board”); and WHEREAS, The School Board, by its resolution adopted on April 17, 2006, as supplemented on September 28, 2010 (the “2010 A Bonds Enabling Resolution”), authorized and secured its General Obligation Bonds, Series A of 2010, dated as of October 29, 2010, in the original aggregate principal amount of $14,850,000 (the “2010 A Bonds”), for capital projects described in the 2010 A Bonds Enabling Resolution, and which 2010 A Bonds are subject to optional redemption on or after February 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, The Department of Community and Economic Development (the “Department”) of the Commonwealth approved the debt proceedings of this School District related to the increase of nonelectoral indebtedness evidenced by the 2010 A Bonds, which approval was evidenced by Certificate of Approval No. GOB-16332, dated July 13, 2006; and WHEREAS, The School Board, by its resolution adopted on June 23, 2011 (the “2011 Bonds Enabling Resolution”), authorized and secured its General Obligation Bonds, Series of 2011, dated as of July 25, 2011, in the original aggregate principal amount of $8,300,000 (the “2011 Bonds”), for capital projects described in the 2011 Bonds Enabling Resolution, and which 2011 Bonds are subject to optional redemption on or after August 1, 2016; and 1000187.1 WHEREAS, The Department of Community and Economic Development (the “Department”) of the Commonwealth approved the debt proceedings of this School District related to the increase of nonelectoral indebtedness evidenced by the 2011 Bonds, which approval was evidenced by Certificate of Approval No. GOB-17871, dated July 18, 2011; and WHEREAS, The School Board has determined to retire all or a portion of the outstanding 2010 A Bonds and the 2011 Bonds (collectively, the “Refunded Bonds”), as described in a refunding report (the “Refunding Report”) prepared for this School District by RBC Capital Markets, LLC, serving as underwriter or placement agent to this School District (the “Purchaser”), at such time as the present value of the debt service savings to this School District resulting from refunding any of the Refunded Bonds, net of any resulting reduction in Commonwealth reimbursement, and after using proceeds of the Bonds to pay all costs of issuing the Bonds, equals at least 2% of the aggregate principal amount of the Refunded Bonds being retired (the “Required Savings”); and WHEREAS, The School Board contemplates issuing one or more series of general obligation bonds, in the maximum aggregate principal amount of Twenty-Six Million One Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($26,170,000) (the “Bonds”), with the proceeds to be applied to currently refund the Refunded Bonds, and pay the costs of issuing the Bonds (the “Refunding Project”), all in accordance with the Debt Act; and WHEREAS, The School Board has determined that the Bonds: (a) shall be offered in a private sale by negotiation, and (b) shall be offered for sale at a net purchase price of not less than 95.0% nor more than 115% of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds issued (including underwriting discount and net original issue discount or premium), plus any accrued interest (the “Purchase Price”); and WHEREAS, A Bond Purchase Agreement, dated October 22, 2015 (the “Proposal”), to purchase the Bonds has been received from the Purchaser, containing financial parameters for, and conditions to, the purchase and issuance of the Bonds, which are consistent with the maximum yields to maturity and maximum principal payment amounts by fiscal year set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the “Bond Parameters”), which will be supplemented by an Addendum to the Proposal (the “Addendum”) containing the final terms and conditions of the sale of the Bonds, within the Bond Parameters and producing the Required Savings; and WHEREAS, The School Board desires to accept the Proposal, award the sale of the Bonds to the Purchaser, authorize the issuance of nonelectoral debt, and take appropriate action in connection with the Refunding Project all in accordance with the Debt Act; and WHEREAS, The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., with offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Dallas, Texas, or such other bank or trust company having a corporate trust office in Pennsylvania as shall be acceptable to the School Board, shall serve as paying agent, sinking fund depository and registrar for the Bonds (the “Paying Agent”). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board, as follows: -21000187.1 SECTION 1. The School Board hereby authorizes and secures the issuance of the Bonds pursuant to this Resolution, in accordance with the Debt Act, to undertake the Refunding Project. Rhoads & Sinon LLP is retained by this School District as its bond counsel in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. SECTION 2. The School Board finds that it is in the best financial interests of this School District to sell the Bonds in a private sale by negotiation and determines that the debt to be incurred pursuant to this Resolution shall be nonelectoral debt. SECTION 3. The Refunding Project is authorized by Section 8241(b)(1) of the Debt Act (reduction in total debt service over the life of the issue). The reasonably expected remaining useful life of the capital projects or facilities originally financed or refinanced by the 2010 A Bonds is at least eight (8) years, with the aggregate principal amount of Bonds equal to the separate cost of each facility being stated to mature prior to the end of such useful life. The reasonably expected remaining useful life of the capital projects or facilities originally financed or refinanced by the 2011 Bonds is at least eight (8) years, with the aggregate principal amount of Bonds equal to the separate cost of each facility being stated to mature prior to the end of such useful life. The first maturity of principal of the Bonds is not being deferred beyond two years from the date of issue. SECTION 4. The School Board accepts the Proposal of the Purchaser, and the President or Vice President of the School Board is authorized to sign the Proposal on behalf of this School District. The School District’s Business Manager is hereby authorized to direct the Purchaser when to market the Bonds, to approve the Addendum containing the final terms and conditions of the Bonds within the Bond Parameters, and to prepay interest due on the Refunded Bonds, if applicable, and to take other related actions to achieve the Required Savings. The Addendum to be presented by the Purchaser, so approved, shall be executed and delivered by the President or Vice President of the School Board and included as a part of the Proposal accepted by this Resolution. SECTION 5. School District. The Bonds, when issued, will be general obligation bonds of this SECTION 6. The Bonds shall be issued as one or more series, as fully registered bonds, without coupons, in denominations of $5,000 principal amount or any integral multiple thereof. Each of the Bonds shall bear interest from the interest payment date next preceding the date of registration and authentication of such bond, unless: (a) such bond is registered and authenticated as of any interest payment date, in which event such bond shall bear interest from such interest payment date; or (b) such bond is registered and authenticated after a Record Date (hereinafter defined) and before the next succeeding interest payment date, in which event such bond shall bear interest from such next succeeding interest payment date; or (c) such bond is registered and authenticated on or prior to the Record Date next preceding the first interest payment date, in which event such bond shall bear interest from the dated date of the Bonds; or (d) as shown by the records of the Paying Agent, interest on such bond shall be in default, in which event such bond shall bear interest from the date to which interest was last paid on such bond. Interest on each of the Bonds shall be payable initially on a date selected by this School -31000187.1 District, and thereafter, semiannually, until the principal sum thereof is paid or provision for payment thereof duly has been made. Except as to distinguishing series or subseries, numbers, denominations, interest rates and maturity dates, the Bonds and the Paying Agent’s certificates of authentication shall be substantially in the forms and shall be of the tenor and purport hereinafter set forth, with insertions and variations (including CUSIP numbers) approved by this School District, the Purchaser and the Paying Agent, as may be appropriate for different series, denominations and maturity dates. Principal, premium, if any, and interest with respect to the Bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America. The principal of and premium, if any, on the Bonds shall be payable to the registered owners thereof or their transferees, upon presentation and surrender of the Bonds at the place or places set forth in the Bonds. Payment of interest on the Bonds shall be made by check mailed to the registered owners thereof whose names and addresses appear at the close of business on the fifteenth (15th) day next preceding each interest payment date (the “Record Date”) on the registration books maintained by the Paying Agent on behalf of this School District, irrespective of any transfer or exchange of any Bonds subsequent to the Record Date and prior to such interest payment date, unless this School District shall be in default in payment of interest due on such interest payment date. In the event of any such default, such defaulted interest shall be payable to the persons in whose names the Bonds are registered at the close of business on a special record date for the payment of such defaulted interest established by notice mailed by the Paying Agent on behalf of this School District to the registered owners of the Bonds not less than fifteen (15) days preceding such special record date. Such notice shall be mailed to the persons in whose names the Bonds are registered at the close of business on the fifth (5th) day preceding the date of mailing. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on any Bonds shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day on which banking institutions in the Commonwealth are authorized or required by law or executive order to close, then the date for payment of such principal or interest shall be the next succeeding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day on which such banking institutions are authorized or required to close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the nominal date established for such payment. SECTION 7. This School District and the Paying Agent may deem and treat the persons in whose names the Bonds shall be registered as the absolute owners thereof for all purposes, whether such Bonds shall be overdue or not, and payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owners thereof or their legal representatives, but registration of a transfer of ownership may be made as herein provided. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon the Bonds, to the extent of the sum or sums so paid, and neither this School District nor the Paying Agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. SECTION 8. Registration of the transfer of ownership of Bonds shall be made upon surrender of any of the Bonds to the Paying Agent, accompanied by a written instrument or instruments in form, with instructions, and with guaranty of signature satisfactory to the Paying Agent, duly executed by the registered owner thereof or his attorney-in-fact or legal -41000187.1 representative. The Paying Agent shall enter any transfer of ownership of any of the Bonds in the registration books and shall authenticate and deliver, at the earliest practicable time, in the name of the transferee or transferees, a new fully registered bond or bonds of authorized denominations of the same series, maturity and interest rate for the aggregate principal amount that the registered owner is entitled to receive. Bonds may be exchanged for a like aggregate principal amount of Bonds of other authorized denominations of the same series, maturity and interest rate. SECTION 9. If Bonds shall be subject to optional redemption or mandatory redemption prior to stated maturity, this School District and the Paying Agent shall not be required to register the transfer of or exchange any of the Bonds then considered for redemption during the period beginning at the close of business on the fifteenth (15th) day next preceding any date of selection of such Bonds to be redeemed and ending at the close of business on the day of mailing of the notice of redemption, as hereinafter provided, or to register the transfer of or exchange any portion of any of the Bonds selected for redemption in whole or in part until after the redemption date. SECTION 10. This School District shall cause to be kept, and the Paying Agent shall keep, books for the registration, exchange and transfer of Bonds in the manner provided herein and therein so long as Bonds shall remain outstanding. Such registrations, exchanges and transfers shall be made without charge to bondholders, except for actual costs, including postage, insurance and any taxes or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect to the same. SECTION 11. The Bonds shall bear interest, each with yield(s) to maturity, and principal maturing or payable upon mandatory sinking fund redemptions in the maximum annual amounts, in each fiscal year as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. SECTION 12. The Bonds may be subject to optional redemption by this School District prior to maturity, on such date or dates and under such terms as may be determined in the manner described in Section 4 hereof. The Bonds may be subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity, to be set forth in the Addendum, not in excess of any annual principal payment amount set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. SECTION 13. This School District appoints the Paying Agent as the paying agent with respect to the Bonds and directs that the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds shall be payable at a designated corporate trust office of the Paying Agent, in lawful money of the United States of America. Any corporation or association into which the Paying Agent, or any appointed successor to it, may be merged or converted or with which it, or any appointed successor to it, may be consolidated, or any corporation or association resulting from any merger, conversion or consolidation to which the Paying Agent shall be a party, or any corporation or association to which the Paying Agent, or any appointed successor to it, sells or otherwise transfers all or substantially all of its corporate trust business, including its functions under this Resolution, shall be the successor paying agent hereunder, without the execution or filing of any paper or any further act on the part of the School District, and thereafter references herein to the “Paying -51000187.1 Agent” shall refer to such resulting corporation or association, or to such transferee, as the case may be. If the Paying Agent at any time shall resign or shall be removed by this School District, the Board of School Directors shall appoint a successor paying agent that is duly qualified in accordance with the Act to serve as paying agent for the Bonds and sinking fund depository with respect to the Sinking Fund created herein, and the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds shall be payable, when due, at a designated office of the successor paying agent located in the Commonwealth and at such additional payment offices as the successor paying agent shall designate. Upon acceptance of such appointment and the transfer by the Paying Agent to the successor paying agent of the appropriate documents, records, and funds, references herein to the “Paying Agent” shall thereafter refer to such successor paying agent. SECTION 14. The form of the Bonds, including the form of Assignment and the form of the Paying Agent’s Certificate, shall be substantially as set forth in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and made part hereof, with appropriate insertions, omissions and variations. SECTION 15. The Bonds shall be executed in the name of and on behalf of this School District by the manual or facsimile signature of the President or Vice President of the School Board, and the official seal or a facsimile of the official seal of this School District shall be affixed thereto and the manual or facsimile signature of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the School Board shall be affixed thereto in attestation thereof; and said officers are authorized to execute and to attest the Bonds. SECTION 16. No bond constituting one of the Bonds shall be entitled to any benefit under this Resolution nor shall it be valid, obligatory or enforceable for any purpose until such bond shall have been registered and authenticated by the Certificate of Authentication endorsed thereon duly signed by the Paying Agent; and the Paying Agent is authorized to register and authenticate the Bonds in accordance with the provisions hereof. SECTION 17. This School District covenants to and with registered owners, from time to time, of the Bonds that shall be outstanding, from time to time, pursuant to this Resolution, that this School District shall: (i) include the amount of the debt service on the Bonds, for each fiscal year of this School District in which the sums are payable, in its budget for that year, (ii) appropriate those amounts from its general revenues for the payment of the debt service, and (iii) duly and punctually pay or cause to be paid from the Sinking Fund (hereinafter identified) or any other of its revenues or funds the principal of and interest on each of the Bonds at the dates and places and in the manner stated therein, according to the true intent and meaning thereof; and, for such budgeting, appropriation and payment, this School District shall and does pledge, irrevocably, its full faith, credit and taxing power. As provided in the Debt Act, the foregoing covenant of this School District shall be specifically enforceable. SECTION 18. There is created, pursuant to the requirements of the Debt Act, one or more sinking funds for the Bonds (collectively, the “Sinking Fund”) including, if applicable, multiple series or subseries, or a mandatory sinking fund. The Sinking Fund shall be administered in accordance with applicable provisions of the Debt Act. -61000187.1 SECTION 19. This School District appoints the Paying Agent as the sinking fund depository with respect to the Sinking Fund. SECTION 20. This School District covenants to make payments out of the Sinking Fund, or out of any other of its revenues or funds, at such times and in such annual amounts, as shall be sufficient for prompt and full payment of all obligations of the Bonds when due. SECTION 21. If applicable, the School Board hereby authorizes the preparation of a Preliminary Official Statement for use in the marketing of any series of the Bonds and authorizes the Superintendent or Business Manager of the School District to approve the form of such Preliminary Official Statement and the form of a final Official Statement with respect to the Bonds of the School District, with such insertions and amendments as shall be necessary or appropriate to reflect the final terms and provisions of the Bonds, the accepted Proposal and this Resolution. The School Board authorizes the President of the School Board to affix his or her signature to the final Official Statement approved as described above, and such execution of the final Official Statement shall constitute conclusive evidence of the approval thereof by the School Board. SECTION 22. The President or Vice President and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the School Board are authorized and directed, as required, necessary and/or appropriate: (a) to prepare, to certify and to file with the Department the debt statement required by the Debt Act; (b) to prepare and to file with the Department any statements required by the Debt Act that are necessary to qualify all or any portion of the debt of this School District that is subject to exclusion as self-liquidating or subsidized debt for exclusion from the appropriate debt limit of this School District as self-liquidating or subsidized debt; (c) to prepare and to file the application with the Department, together with a complete and accurate transcript of the proceedings for the required approval relating to the debt, of which debt the Bonds, upon issue, will be evidence, as required by the Debt Act; (d) to pay or to cause to be paid to the Department all proper filing fees required in connection with the foregoing; and (e) to take other required, necessary and/or appropriate action. The School Board authorizes and directs that an appropriate borrowing base certificate be prepared for filing with the Department as required by the Debt Act. The President or Vice President and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the School Board are hereby authorized to prepare and to execute, or to authorize the preparation and execution of such borrowing base certificate. SECTION 23. If applicable, as determined from the Addendum, the School Board authorizes and directs the purchase of municipal bond guaranty insurance with respect to the Bonds. The officers and agents of this School District are authorized and directed to take all required, necessary and/or appropriate action with respect to such insurance, as contemplated in the Addendum, including the payment of the premium of such insurance. SECTION 24. The President or Vice President and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the School Board are authorized and directed to contract with the Paying Agent for its services as paying agent for the Bonds and as sinking fund depository in connection with the Sinking Fund established for the Bonds. -71000187.1 SECTION 25. It is declared that the debt to be incurred hereby, together with any other indebtedness of this School District, is not in excess of any limitation imposed by the Debt Act upon the incurring of debt by this School District. SECTION 26. The officers and agents of this School District are authorized to deliver the Bonds and to authorize payment of all costs and expenses associated with issuance of the Bonds as provided for in the Proposal, but only after the Department has certified its approval pursuant to the provisions of the Debt Act or at such time when the filing authorized to be submitted to the Department pursuant to the Debt Act shall be deemed to have been approved pursuant to applicable provisions of the Debt Act. SECTION 27. This School District covenants to and with purchasers of the Bonds (or any portion thereof intended to be exempt from federal taxation) that it will make no use of the proceeds of such Bonds, or of any other obligations deemed to be part of the same “issue” as any portion of such Bonds under applicable federal tax regulations, that will cause such Bonds to be or become “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of Section 103(b)(2) and Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and the regulations implementing said Sections that duly have been published in the Federal Register or any other regulations implementing said Sections, and this School District further covenants to comply with all other requirements of the Code if and to the extent applicable to maintain continuously the Federal income tax exemption of interest on such Bonds. This School District further covenants to and with purchasers of the Bonds that it will make no use of the proceeds of the Bonds, of the proceeds of any other obligations deemed to be part of the same “issue” as the Bonds under applicable federal tax regulations, or of any property or facilities financed with the proceeds of the Bonds or of any such other obligations deemed to be part of the same “issue” as the Bonds, that will cause the Bonds to be or become “private activity bonds” within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code and the regulations implementing said Sections that duly have been published in the Federal Register, and this School District further covenants to comply with all other requirements of the Code if and to the extent applicable to maintain continuously the Federal income tax exemption of interest on the Bonds. If applicable, the President or Vice President of the School Board is authorized to represent in a certificate delivered when the Bonds are issued, that this School District does not then reasonably expect to issue tax-exempt obligations that, together with all tax-exempt obligations reasonably expected to be issued by all entities that issue bonds on behalf of this School District and all “subordinate entities” (within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3)(E) of the Code) of this School District, in the aggregate, will exceed Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) (excluding obligations issued to refund (other than to advance refund) any obligation to the extent that the amount of the refunding obligation does not exceed the outstanding amount of the refunded obligation) in the calendar year of issuance and, accordingly, thereby designate the Bonds (to the extent they are not “deemed designated” under Section 265(b)(3)(D)(ii) of the Code), on behalf of this School District, as “qualified tax-exempt obligations,” as defined in Section 265(b)(3)(B) of the Code, for the purposes and effect contemplated by Section 265 of the Code. SECTION 28. This School District does elect to retire the Refunded Bonds, by optional redemption prior to stated maturity, on the redemption date as provided in the 2010 A -81000187.1 Bonds Enabling Resolution and the 2011 Bonds Enabling Resolution, as applicable (each a “Redemption Date”) in accordance with the Refunding Report and the rights reserved to this School District therein and in the Refunded Bonds. Officers and agents of the School Board are hereby authorized and directed to give irrevocable instructions to the paying agent and bond registrar for the Refunded Bonds to redeem the Refunded Bonds in accordance with this election of the School Board, following the acceptance of the final terms and conditions of the Bonds and Addendum as described in Section 4 hereof. Upon issuance and delivery of the Bonds, the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to instruct The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the “Escrow Agent”), as escrow agent and paying agent for the Refunded Bonds, to issue a proper notice of redemption to effect the redemption of the Refunded Bonds on the Redemption Date. Such instructions may be embodied in a Bond Retirement Agreement hereinafter mentioned. SECTION 29. If applicable, this School District, simultaneously with delivery of the Bonds to the Purchaser, shall enter into a bond retirement agreement or an escrow agreement (the “Bond Retirement Agreement”) with the Escrow Agent. The Bond Retirement Agreement shall provide for a deposit of Bond proceeds into an escrow account with the Escrow Agent sufficient to pay the debt service due on such Refunded Bonds through the Redemption Date. The President or Vice President and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the School Board are authorized and directed to execute, to attest, and to seal, as appropriate, and to deliver such Bond Retirement Agreement simultaneously with such delivery of the Bonds. The School District approves the Bond Retirement Agreement in form satisfactory to the Solicitor and Bond Counsel for this School District and as shall be approved by the officers of the School Board executing the same. Such approval of such officers shall be conclusively presumed to have been given by their execution of the Bond Retirement Agreement. The officers and agents of this School District are hereby authorized and directed to take all such actions as may be necessary and appropriate to accomplish the redemption and retirement of the Refunded Bonds. SECTION 30. If applicable, the President, Vice President or Treasurer of the School Board, or the Superintendent or Business Manager, respectively, of this School District is each hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver agreements, orders or subscriptions for purchase of United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Notes or Bonds, State and Local Government Series (“SLGS”), other securities of the United States of America, collateralized certificates of deposit or other investments satisfying the requirements of 53 Pa.C.S. §8250, as described in the Refunding Report, from proceeds of the Bonds and Notes and, if applicable, other funds to be deposited under the Bond Retirement Agreement, and to do, to take and to authorize such other acts as shall be necessary or appropriate to provide for retirement of the payment of principal and interest on the Refunded Bonds, as described in the Refunding Report and this Resolution. SECTION 31. If applicable, the Secretary of the Board of this School District is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to submit to the Pennsylvania Department of -91000187.1 Education, promptly following settlement for the Bonds, the appropriate application and other documents and information necessary to obtain state reimbursement with respect to the debt service on the Bonds (including the filing of the appropriate PLANCON Parts, as applicable). SECTION 32. If applicable, this School District shall enter into, and hereby authorizes and directs the President or Vice President of the School Board to execute, a Continuing Disclosure Certificate (the “Certificate”) on behalf of this School District on or before the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds. Such Certificate shall be executed and delivered to satisfy the terms and conditions of the accepted Proposal for sale of the Bonds and Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12, and shall be substantially in the form presented to this meeting, which is hereby approved, together with any changes therein made and approved by the executing officer of the School Board, whose execution and delivery thereof shall constitute conclusive evidence of such approval. A copy of the Certificate shall be filed with the Secretary of the School Board and shall be and hereby is made part of this Resolution. This School District hereby covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Certificate. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution, failure of this School District to comply with the Certificate shall not be considered an event of default with respect to the Bonds; however, any registered owner of the Bonds may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandamus or specific performance by court order, to cause this School District to comply with its obligations under this Section and such Certificate. SECTION 33. If applicable, the Bonds shall be made available for purchase under a book-entry only system available through The Depository Trust Company, a New York corporation (“DTC”). If applicable, at or prior to settlement for the Bonds, this School District and the Paying Agent shall execute or signify their approval of a Representation Letter in substantially the form on file with DTC (the “Representation Letter”). The appropriate officers of this School District and the Paying Agent shall take such action as may be necessary from time to time to comply with the terms and provisions of the Representation Letter, and any successor paying agent for the Bonds, in its written acceptance of its duties under this Resolution, shall agree to take any actions necessary from time to time to comply with the requirements of the Representation Letter. SECTION 34. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Resolution, if the Bonds are being sold in a public offering, the Bonds shall initially be issued in the form of one fully-registered bond for the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds of each maturity, and the following provisions shall apply with respect to the registration, transfer and payment of the Bonds: (a) Except as provided in subparagraph (g) below, all of the Bonds shall be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC; provided that if DTC shall request that the Bonds be registered in the name of a different nominee, the Paying Agent shall exchange all or any portion of the Bonds for an equal aggregate principal amount of Bonds of the same series, interest rate and maturity registered in the name of such nominee or nominees of DTC. (b) No person other than DTC or its nominee shall be entitled to receive from this School District or the Paying Agent either a Bond or any other evidence of ownership of the - 10 1000187.1 Bonds, or any right to receive any payment in respect thereof, unless DTC or its nominee shall transfer record ownership of all or any portion of the Bonds on the registration books (the “Register”) maintained by the Paying Agent in connection with discontinuing the book-entry system as provided in subparagraph (g) below or otherwise. (c) So long as any Bonds are registered in the name of DTC or any nominee thereof, all payments of the principal or redemption price of or interest on such Bonds shall be made to DTC or its nominee in accordance with the Representation Letter on the dates provided for such payments under this Resolution. Each such payment to DTC or its nominee shall be valid and effective to fully discharge all liability of this School District or the Paying Agent with respect to the principal or redemption price of or interest on the Bonds to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. In the event of the redemption of less than all of the Bonds outstanding of any maturity, the Paying Agent shall not require surrender by DTC or its nominee of the Bonds so redeemed, but DTC (or its nominee) may retain such Bonds and make an appropriate notation on the Bond certificate as to the amount of such partial redemption; provided that DTC shall deliver to the Paying Agent, upon request, a written confirmation of such partial redemption and thereafter the records maintained by the Paying Agent shall be conclusive as to the amount of the Bonds of such maturity which have been redeemed. (d) This School District and the Paying Agent may treat DTC (or its nominee) as the sole and exclusive owner of the Bonds registered in its name for the purposes of payment of the principal or redemption price of or interest on the Bonds, selecting the Bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed, giving any notice permitted or required to be given to holders of Bonds under this Resolution, registering the transfer of Bonds, obtaining any consent or other action to be taken by holders of Bonds and for all other purposes whatsoever; and neither this School District nor the Paying Agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. Neither this School District nor the Paying Agent shall have any responsibility or obligation to any participant in DTC, any person claiming a beneficial ownership interest in the Bonds under or through DTC or any such participant, or any other person which is not shown on the Register as being a registered owner of Bonds, with respect to (1) the Bonds, (2) the accuracy of any records maintained by DTC or any such participant, (3) the payment by DTC or any such participant of any amount in respect of the principal or redemption price of or interest on the Bonds, (4) any notice which is permitted or required to be given to holders of the Bonds under this Resolution, (5) the selection by DTC or any such participant of any person to receive payment in the event of a partial redemption of the Bonds, and (6) any consent given or other action taken by DTC as holder of the Bonds. (e) So long as the Bonds or any portion thereof are registered in the name of DTC or any nominee thereof, all notices required or permitted to be given to the holders of such Bonds under this Resolution shall be given to DTC as provided in the Representation Letter. (f) In connection with any notice or other communication to be provided to holders of Bonds pursuant to this Resolution by this School District or the Paying Agent with respect to any consent or other action to be taken by holders of Bonds, DTC shall consider the date of receipt of notice requesting such consent or other action as the record date for such consent or other action, provided that this School District or the Paying Agent may establish a special record date for such consent or other action. This School District or the Paying Agent shall give - 11 1000187.1 DTC notice of such special record date not less than 15 calendar days in advance of such special record date to the extent possible. (g) The book-entry only system for registration of the ownership of the Bonds may be discontinued at any time if either (1) after notice to this School District and the Paying Agent, DTC determines to resign as securities depository for the Bonds, or (2) after notice to DTC and the Paying Agent, this School District determines that continuation of the system of book-entry transfers through DTC (or through a successor securities depository) is not in the best interests of this School District. In either of such events (unless in the case described in clause (2) above, this School District appoints a successor securities depository), the Bonds shall be delivered in registered certificate form to such persons, and in such maturities and principal amounts, as may be designated by DTC, but without any liability on the part of this School District or the Paying Agent for the accuracy of such designation. Whenever DTC requests this School District and the Paying Agent to do so, this School District and the Paying Agent shall cooperate with DTC in taking appropriate action after reasonable notice to arrange for another securities depository to maintain custody of certificates evidencing the Bonds. SECTION 35. The President and Vice President and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the Board are authorized and directed to perform such acts as may be necessary to facilitate the marketing and settlement of the Bonds and the refunding of the Refunded Bonds. SECTION 36. Any reference in this Resolution to an officer or member of the School Board shall be deemed to refer to his or her duly qualified successor in office, or other authorized representative, if applicable. SECTION 37. In the event any provision, section, sentence, clause or part of this Resolution shall be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair any remaining provision, section, sentence, clause or part of this Resolution, it being the intent of this School District that such remainder shall be and shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 38. This Resolution shall be effective in accordance with the Debt Act. SECTION 39. All resolutions or parts of resolutions, insofar as the same shall be inconsistent herewith, shall be and the same expressly are repealed. - 12 1000187.1 DULY ADOPTED, by the School Board, in lawful session duly assembled, this 22nd day of October, 2015. ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT, Delaware County, Pennsylvania By: (Vice) President of the Board of School Directors ATTEST: (Assistant) Secretary of the Board of School Directors (SEAL) 1000187.1 EXHIBIT A ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT Delaware County, Pennsylvania $26,170,000 Maximum Aggregate Principal Amount General Obligation Bonds EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 1000187.1 EXHIBIT B (FORM OF BOND) [The following Legend is to be printed on any Bonds registered in the name of The Depository Trust Company or Cede & Co., its nominee: “Unless this certificate is presented by an authorized representative of The Depository Trust Company, a New York corporation (“DTC”), to the Issuer or its agent for registration of transfer, exchange or payment, and any certificate issued is registered in the name of Cede & Co. or in such other name as is requested by an authorized representative of DTC (and any payment is made to Cede & Co. or to such other entity as is requested by an authorized representative of DTC), ANY TRANSFER, PLEDGE, OR OTHER USE HEREOF FOR VALUE OR OTHERWISE BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS WRONGFUL in as much as the registered owner hereof, Cede & Co., has an interest herein.”] Number $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF DELAWARE ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, SERIES __ OF 201__ INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE DATE OF SERIES CUSIP % REGISTERED OWNER: CEDE & CO. PRINCIPAL SUM: ________________________________ DOLLARS ($________) ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT, located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania (the “Issuer”), a school district existing under laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (the “Commonwealth”), for value received, promises to pay to the order of the registered owner named hereon, or registered assigns, on the maturity date stated hereon, upon presentation and surrender hereof, the principal sum stated hereon, unless this General Obligation Bond, Series __ of 201__ (the “Bond”), shall be redeemable and duly shall have been called for earlier redemption and payment of the redemption price shall have been made or provided for, and to pay initially on __________, ____, and thereafter semiannually on _________ and ________ of each year, to the registered owner hereof, interest on said principal sum, at the rate per annum stated hereon, until said principal sum has been paid or provision for payment thereof duly has been made. Interest on this Bond shall be payable from the interest payment date next preceding the date of registration and authentication of this Bond, unless: (a) this Bond is registered and authenticated as of any interest payment date, in which event this Bond shall bear interest from such interest payment date; or (b) this Bond is registered and authenticated after a Record Date (hereinafter defined) and before the next succeeding interest payment date, in which event this Bond shall bear interest from such next succeeding interest 1000187.1 payment date; or (c) this Bond is registered and authenticated on or prior to the Record Date next preceding __________, ____, in which event this Bond shall bear interest from __________, _____; or (d) as shown by the records of the Paying Agent (hereinafter defined), interest on this Bond shall be in default, in which event this Bond shall bear interest from the date to which interest was last paid on this Bond. The interest on this Bond is payable by check drawn on ______________________________ (the “Paying Agent”), or its successor. The principal of and premium, if any, on this Bond, when due, are payable upon surrender hereof at the designated corporate trust office of the Paying Agent. Payment of the interest hereon shall be made to the registered owner hereof whose name and address shall appear, at the close of business on the fifteenth (15th) day next preceding each interest payment date (the “Record Date”), on the registration books maintained by the Paying Agent, irrespective of any transfer or exchange of this Bond subsequent to such Record Date and prior to such interest payment date, unless the Issuer shall be in default in payment of interest due on such interest payment date. In the event of any such default, such defaulted interest shall be payable to the person in whose name this Bond is registered at the close of business on a special record date for the payment of such defaulted interest established by notice mailed by the Paying Agent to the registered owner of this Bond not less than fifteen (15) days preceding such special record date. Such notice shall be mailed to the person in whose name this Bond is registered at the close of business on the fifth (5th) day preceding the date of mailing. Principal, premium, if any, and interest with respect to this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. This Bond is one of a series of bonds of the Issuer, known generally as “General Obligation Bonds, Series __ of 201__” (the “Bonds”), all of like date and tenor, except as to numbers, denominations, dates of maturity, rates of interest, and provisions for redemption, in the aggregate principal amount of ____________________________ Dollars ($___________). The Bonds have been authorized for issuance in accordance with provisions of the Local Government Unit Debt Act, 53 Pa.C.S. Chs. 80-82 (the “Debt Act”), of the Commonwealth, and by virtue of a duly adopted resolution (the “Resolution”) of the Issuer. The Debt Act, as such shall have been in effect when the Bonds were authorized, and the Resolution shall constitute a contract between the Issuer and registered owners, from time to time, of the Bonds. The Issuer has covenanted, in the Resolution, to and with registered owners, from time to time, of the Bonds that shall be outstanding, from time to time, pursuant to the Resolution, that the Issuer shall: (i) include the amount of the debt service for the Bonds, for each fiscal year of the Issuer in which such sums are payable, in its budget for that year, (ii) appropriate such amounts from its general revenues for the payment of such debt service, and (iii) duly and punctually pay or cause to be paid, from the sinking fund established under the Resolution or any other of its revenues or funds, the principal of and interest on each of the Bonds at the dates and place and in the manner stated therein, according to the true intent and meaning thereof; and, for such budgeting, appropriation and payment, the Issuer has pledged and does pledge, irrevocably, its full faith, credit and taxing power. This Bond shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Resolution, nor shall it be valid, obligatory or enforceable for any purpose, until this Bond shall have been authenticated by the Paying Agent. 1000187.1 The Bonds are issuable only in the form of registered bonds, without coupons, in the denominations of $5,000 principal amount or any integral multiple thereof. Bonds may be exchanged for a like aggregate principal amount of Bonds of other authorized denominations of the same maturity and interest rate upon surrender of such Bonds to the Paying Agent, with written instructions satisfactory to the Paying Agent. The Issuer and the Paying Agent may deem and treat the registered owner hereof as the absolute owner hereof (whether or not this Bond shall be overdue) for the purpose of receiving payment of or on account of principal hereof, premium, if any, and interest due hereon and for all other purposes, and the Issuer and the Paying Agent shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. This Bond may be transferred by the registered owner hereof upon surrender of this Bond to the Paying Agent, accompanied by a written instrument or instruments in form, with instructions, and with guaranty of signature satisfactory to the Paying Agent, duly executed by the registered owner of this Bond or his attorney-in-fact or legal representative. The Paying Agent shall enter any transfer of ownership of this Bond in the registration books and shall authenticate and deliver at the earliest practicable time in the name of the transferee or transferees a new fully registered bond or bonds of authorized denominations of the same series, maturity and interest rate for the aggregate principal amount which the registered owner is entitled to receive. The Issuer and the Paying Agent shall not be required to issue or to register the transfer of or exchange any Bonds then considered for redemption during a period beginning at the close of business on the fifteenth (15th) day next preceding any date of selection of Bonds to be redeemed and ending at the close of business on the day of mailing of the applicable notice of redemption, as hereinafter provided, or to register the transfer of or exchange any portion of any bond selected for redemption until after the redemption date. The Bonds stated to mature on or after ___________, _____, are subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the Issuer, as a whole, on __________, ____, or on any date thereafter, upon payment of the principal amount thereof, together with accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. The Bonds stated to mature on or after ___________, ____, are subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the Issuer, from time to time, in part, in any order of maturity selected by the Issuer, on ________, ____, or on any date thereafter. If less than all Bonds of any particular maturity are to be redeemed, the Bonds of such maturity to be redeemed shall be drawn by lot by the Paying Agent. Any such redemption shall be upon payment of the principal amount to be redeemed, together with accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. The Bonds stated to mature on ____________, ____, are subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity, in the amounts and on _________ of the year(s) set forth in the following schedule as drawn by lot by the Paying Agent in behalf of the Issuer: 1000187.1 Year Amount $ $ . Any such redemption shall be upon application of money available for the purpose in the Mandatory Sinking Fund established under the Resolution and shall be upon payment of the principal amount to be redeemed, together with accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. In lieu of such mandatory redemption, the Paying Agent, as sinking fund depository, in behalf of the Issuer, may purchase, from money available for the purpose in the Sinking Fund established under the Resolution, at a price not to exceed the principal amount plus accrued interest, or the Issuer may tender to the Paying Agent, all or part of the Bonds subject to being drawn for redemption in any such year. In the case of any partial redemption of Bonds of any maturity that is subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption, the Issuer shall be entitled to designate whether the amount to be redeemed shall be credited against the principal amount of such Bonds due at maturity or credited against the principal amount of such Bonds scheduled to be called for mandatory sinking fund redemption on any particular date or dates, in each case in an integral multiple of $5,000 principal amount. If this Bond is of a denomination larger than $5,000, a portion of this Bond may be redeemed. For the purposes of redemption, this Bond shall be treated as representing the number of Bonds that is equal to the principal amount hereof divided by $5,000, each $5,000 portion of this Bond being subject to redemption. In the case of partial redemption of this Bond, payment of the redemption price shall be made only upon surrender of this Bond in exchange for Bonds of authorized denominations of the same maturity and interest rate and in aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion of the principal amount hereof; Provided, however, that should this Bond be registered in the name of The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) or Cede & Co., as nominee for DTC, or any other nominee of DTC, or any other successor securities depository or its nominee, this Bond need not be surrendered for payment and exchange in the event of a partial redemption hereof and the records of the Paying Agent shall be conclusive as to the amount of this Bond which shall have been redeemed. Notice of redemption shall be deposited in first class mail not less than 30 days prior to the date fixed for redemption and shall be addressed to the registered owners of the Bonds to be redeemed at their addresses shown on the registration books kept by the Paying Agent as of the day such Bonds are selected for redemption. Failure to mail any notice of redemption or any defect therein or in the mailing thereof shall not affect the validity of any proceeding for redemption of other Bonds so called for redemption as to which proper notice has been given. On the date designated for redemption, notice having been provided as aforesaid, and money for payment of the principal, premium, if any, and accrued interest being held by the Paying Agent, interest on the Bonds or portions thereof so called for redemption shall cease to accrue and such Bonds or portions thereof so called for redemption shall cease to be entitled to any benefit or security under the Resolution, and registered owners of such Bonds or portions thereof so called for redemption shall have no rights with respect thereto, except to receive 1000187.1 payment of the principal to be redeemed and accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption, together with the redemption premium, if any. The Issuer, in the Resolution, has established a sinking fund with the Paying Agent, as the sinking fund depository, into which funds for the payment of the principal of and the interest on the Bonds shall be deposited not later than the date fixed for the disbursement thereof. The Issuer has covenanted, in the Resolution, to make payments from such sinking fund or from any other of its revenues or funds, at such times and in such annual amounts as shall be sufficient for prompt and full payment of all obligations of this Bond. It hereby is certified that: (i) all acts, conditions and things required to be done, to happen or to be performed as conditions precedent to and in issuance of this Bond or in creation of the debt of which this Bond is evidence have been done, have happened or have been performed in due and regular form and manner, as required by law; and (ii) the debt represented by this Bond, together with any other indebtedness of the Issuer, is not in excess of any limitation imposed by the Debt Act upon the incurring of debt by the Issuer. [This Bond has been designated by the Issuer as a “qualified tax-exempt obligation”, as defined in Section 265(b)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), for purposes and effect contemplated by Section 265 of the Code (relating to expenses and interest relating to tax-exempt income of certain financial institutions).] 1000187.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer has caused this Bond to be executed in its name by the manual or facsimile signature of the President of the Board of School Directors, and its official seal or facsimile thereof to be affixed hereto and the manual or facsimile signature of the Secretary of the Board of School Directors to be affixed hereto in attestation thereof, all as of the Date of Series. ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT, Delaware County, Pennsylvania By: President of the Board of School Directors ATTEST: Secretary of the Board of School Directors (SEAL) _____________________ 1000187.1 (FORM OF PAYING AGENT’S CERTIFICATE) CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION; CERTIFICATE AS TO OPINION; AND CERTIFICATE AS TO INSURANCE It is certified that: (i) This Bond is one of the Bonds described in the within-mentioned Resolution; (ii) An original Opinion issued by Rhoads & Sinon LLP, dated and delivered on the date of the original delivery of, and payment for, such Bonds is on file at our designated corporate trust office, where the same may be inspected; and (iii) ___________________________________________has issued its municipal bond insurance policy as stated in the Statement of Insurance printed upon this Bond, a copy of which policy is on file at our corporate trust office, where the same may be inspected. _________________________________________, as Paying Agent By:_______________________________________ Authorized Representative Date of Registration and Authentication: _____________________ 1000187.1 STATEMENT OF INSURANCE [TO BE PROVIDED BY BOND INSURER] 1000187.1 (FORM OF ASSIGNMENT) ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ________________________________________, undersigned, hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the _______________________________________________________________ (the “Transferee”) Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Address Social Security or Federal Employer Identification No.________________ the within Bond and all rights thereunder and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints ______________________________________________, as attorney, to transfer the within Bond on the books kept for registration thereof with full power of substitution in the premises. Date:____________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Guaranteed: NOTICE: No transfer will be made in the name of the Transferee unless the signature(s) to this assignment correspond(s) with the name(s) appearing upon the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change whatever and the Social Security or Federal Employer Identification Number of the Transferee is supplied. If the Transferee is a trust, the _______________________________ names and Social Security or Federal NOTICE: Signature(s) must be Employer Identification Numbers of the guaranteed by an institution that is a settlor and beneficiaries of the trust, the participant in a signature guarantee Federal Employer Identification Number program recognized by the Securities and date of the trust and the name of the Transfer Association. trustee must be supplied. _______________________ 1000187.1 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, (Assistant) Secretary of the Board of School Directors of ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT, located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania (the “School District”), certify that: the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution that duly was adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board of School Directors of the School District at a meeting duly held on October 22, 2015; said Resolution duly has been recorded in the minute book of the Board of School Directors of the School District; a notice with respect to the intent to adopt said Resolution has been published as required by law; said Resolution was available for inspection by any interested citizen requesting the same in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Unit Debt Act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and such notice; and said Resolution has not been amended, altered, modified or repealed as of the date of this Certificate. I further certify that the Board of School Directors of the School District met the advance notice and public comment requirements of the Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.C.S. §701 et seq., by advertising the time and place of said meeting, by posting prominently a notice of said meeting at the principal office of the School District or at the public building in which said meeting was held, and by providing a reasonable opportunity for public comment prior to adoption of said Resolution, all as required by such Act. I further certify that: the total number of members of the Board of School Directors of the School District is nine (9); the vote of members of the Board of School Directors of the School District upon said Resolution was called and duly was recorded upon the minutes of said meeting; and members of the Board of School Directors of the School District voted upon said Resolution in the following manner: John Hanna William O’Donnell Harry Postles Tracy Barusevicius Nancy Fronduti Susan Nolen Nancy R. Mackrides Bill Tyson Elizabeth Schneider - . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and affix the official seal of the School District, this 22nd day of October, 2015. (Assistant) Secretary of the Board of School Directors (SEAL) 1000187.1
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