brochure eng 4 - Agedo Palermo
brochure eng 4 - Agedo Palermo
UNITED TOWARDS THE CHANGE VOLUNTEERS AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA PAG 2 PAG 8 INDEX - U .T.C . - CO OR D PAG 11 - INA TO RS WH E AN D RE PAG 1 PAG 1 PAG 2 PAG 3 2- 4- ? WH O THE &H OW SEM INA 6- 0- EFF EC R TS YO UTH IN A CTI ON 2 PAR TIC IPA N TS WH TC? U Y s teer n u l a o : V create d e g han orn to ngage c eir the as b ons e h t s w i d rd " at owa phobia associ ple an T ited homo ntary iring peo n u U q " t u T c l a nd i n s o f vo GB s a i a L g t c a A ork rt of ro j e p h o b i h t h e w t p o e e p n f th h o m o h r o u g a n d sup . o e n t i s ilies in them fi g h t r o p e c t i c e rtance m a f ma l s t o n E u p r a e impo ge. e h o i d T n h to ia g o o re of t ial cha b w o e f n sph g e o awa he soc n a g r n t a ein th in t h b c , e x egies f you t o stra e role of th 3 U.T.C. GOALS: STARTUP - 75 days WEB SEMINAR - 70 days. to compare the experiences of organizations active in the fight against violence and discrimination in order to analyze the weaknesses of the various territories and the differences in accessibility to rights, goods and services.; to identify networks of contacts, to develop effective practices, to support, train and inform the young users and to rebuild the spirit of community of LGBT youth; Creation of an online forum, organization of the seminar, promotion of the project. SEMINAR - 5 days Exchange of views via the web, discussing the basics for a future project to be implemented under the program "Youth in Action" with the aim of extending the network of partners. Topics: FOLLOW UP •Homophobic bullying prevention and educational interventions. Thanks to the cooperative work done during the project it was possible to make this brochure and a short video to share the UTC experience. A web spot was produced to encourage young LGBT people and their families and inform them about support services available. The focus of activities is on the concept of wellness, developed according to the themes: 1 - How to support LGBT youth and their families. 2 - Which contact and communication strategies are good to increase the visibility and spread the mission. 3 - What methods can be used by voluntary associations to educate and train in the respect for differences of gender identity and sexual orientation. 4 - How to intervene in public policies for social recognition. 2 •The importance of youth workshops. The promotional material as a communication bridge with young people. •The self-help groups and support strategies. •The main socio-legal actions in Europe regarding LGBT issues. •The European funding channels for youth. •Sharing the final report. 3 I N VO LV E D C O U N T R I E S A N D ASSOCIATIONS Associations from 6 different countries form the UTC partnership. The countries involved are Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom. The participant groups come from countries that have implemented optimally European directives on non-discrimination and equal opportunities for LGBT people and from countries that accept slowly or reluctantly those directives; some associations work on issues concerning the LGBT community and others are dealing with youth policy. This heterogenity has created a positive group; the syner gy among the 24 participants of different cultures, creeds, generations, has proven the importance of diversity. 4 AGEDO PALERMO Agedo Palermo is a voluntary organization whose aims are the prevention and fight against violence and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Agedo-Palermo helps families to find harmony in relationships through a mediation work. The sectors in which Agedo-Palermo works are: suicide prevention, suppor t and counseling, culture, research and training. Pa l e r m o A g e d o - o r g a n i ze d c r e a t i ve workshops, training sessions with students and teachers of secondary schools and university faculties, visibility information campaigns targeted at youth. FFLAG FFLAG is a national voluntary organisation and registered charity. dedicated to supporting parents and their lesbian, gay and bisexual daughters and sons. FFLAG offer support to local parents groups and contacts, in their efforts to help parents and families understand, accept and support their lesbian, gay and bisexual members with love and pride. We provide a central point for exchange of information between parents groups and local parent contacts. FFLAG supports the full human and civil rights of lesbian, gay and bisexual and transgender individuals. FFLAG speaks out and acts to defend and enhance those human and civil rights LAMBDA WARSZAWA Lambda War szawa association was established in 1997, it’s mission is to build a positive image of homosexual, bisexual and transgender people by creating a climate of social acceptance. Lambda Warsawa’s members are mostly volunteers and professionals who spend their time working on our projects. Lambda Warszawa statutory aims are: building a positive identity among homosexual, bisexuals and transgender people. promoting social tolerance for LGBTQ people. combating HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases. fighting discrimination, especially with regards to sexual orientation. 5 LISTAG (Families of LBGT in İstanbul) Since January 2008, LISTAG have been working as a support group for family member s of LGBT individuals, on a completely voluntary basis, in Turkey. We organize: Meeting, every Saturday afternoon, where we meet new additions to our group and plan our forthcoming activities.; Monthly dinner parties where LGBT persons may attend with members of their families whom they are out to; Informative debates on the first Thursday of every month, organised by volunteer psychiatrists at the offices of the Society for Sexual Education Treatment and Research, for members of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons, on subjects like biological gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, sexual roles and behaviour, and gender; Special meetings with family members who need to meet our parents in private.; Discussion panels in cooperation with other NGO’s or univeristies in Turkey; A blog that advertises our activities, and where interviews with the medias featuring members of our group are collected alongside essays written by LISTAG members: Booklets for family members of LGBT people 6 YPCSD " Yo u n g Pa r t n e r s f o r C i v i l S o c i e t y Development" was established in 26 of april 2004 and is one of the biggest youth organizations from Romania. YPCSD has more than 2500 members with age between 15 and 25. The work of YPCSD is based on the principles of non-formal education, learningby-experience and intercultural learning. It tends to contribute to the development of civil society in Romania, with a special accent to young people’s place in the social events and processes. We expect that the activities of YPCSD will result in development of creative young people involved in the process of decision – making in their local communities. YSPDB T h e Yo u t h S o c i e t y fo r Pe a c e a n d Development of the Balkans members are students, professionals, young people and citizens, who work for: strengthening the stability on the Balkans and South East Europe; Encouraging and promoting of the creative process in arts and sciences; Encouraging and promoting the Bulgaria Cultural Heritage; Creation of new practices of sustainable development; Establishing of new models in the area of secondar y, higher and civil education; Improving the intercultural dialogue and overcoming of ethnic differences; Respecting the human rights; Improving the dialogue between NGOs and local and national authorities. Youth office The mission of Montijo’s Youth Office is to promote, execute and develop all the policies related with youth by promoting their par ticipation in projects with European dimension, though the promotion of the creation of formal youth groups and also by increasing volunteering actions and programs. To pursue this end the Office promotes and develops educational actions regarding the development of cultural and social activities mainly oriented to youth stimulating their active par ticipation in this area of development. The main focus goes to the Municipal Plan for Citizenship and National Contest of Poetry and Narrative Fiction. The Youth Office also promotes Youth European mobility throughout the promotion of exchanges, seminars and international training courses, all under the Communitarian Program “Youth in Action”. The Youth Office also promotes professional training courses under another existing Communitarian Program, “Leoanrdo Da Vinci”. 7 CO S R O T A N I D R O LAU C TO r T O P ist, ade C AP ps le olog x t, se ksho wor hologis pist). c (psy hothera psyc PR DIO A EW. A SK rapher W A R hotog MOitator, p facil ITI rator. V E PR eo ope O P vid FILIP staff, or t supp DRO N SA ation LES mmunic t A I o ojec T r ual c EVI vis ep r t in or of th e p ex dinat r coo US R I C DI r . sor) fes de ity pro a e l N RI kshops univers wor iologist, (soc AL 8 AGEDO PALERMO Francesca Marceca Miryam Messina FFLAG Susan Allen Sorrel Atkinson LAMBDA WARSZAWA Mateusz Urban Łukasz Lesiuk Agnieszka Gorska Dorota Bregin PAR T IC IP ANT S 9 . YPCSD Teodora Larisa Gaenta Lixandru Oana Rodica Daniela Bratu Bogdan Eugen Radulescu YSPDB Emiliya Troshanova Irina Zapyanova LISTAG Omer Ceylan Pinar Ozer Günseli Dum Boysan Yakar Hasan Metehan Özkan Sema Yakar 10 YOUTH OFFICE Deolinda Correiu Maria Alice Lihéu PALERMO E H W ? E R The project took place in an ancient monastery located in the historical center of Palermo, at the Casa di Accoglienza Religiosa Il Carmine - Via Giovanni Grasso 13 A. All around the monastery lies the Ballarò market, with its sounds, colors and scents. Palermo has always been a laboratory for possible partnerships; crossroads of cultures, peoples and religions. There was a time when Jews, Muslims and Christians lived peacefully together, a time when different architectures have been merged into a unique style called the ArabNorman. This city that welcomed different people and ethnic groups has been a symbolic place to start immagining a Europe that is inclusive of the differences of gender identity and sexual orientation. AYS W L AS A ORY H MO BORAT R E L “PA A LA BLE N I BEE POSS IPS; H F FOR TNERS DS O ES PAR SSROA, PEOPL CRO TURES IONS.” CUL RELIG D AN 11 Countries involved who&how? 16 17 18 19 20 8% 21% 17% 21 The project formed a heterogenic group; At the seminar were present participants of different ages, gender, sexual orientation, from 7 different countries and from associations with different aims (from specific LGBT suppor t groups to youth and culture development groups), the volunteers who participated carry out various professions: psychologists, volunteers, students, teachers, lawyers, graphic designers, photographers. But all are bound by the idea of a Europe that is democratic and strong of respect for human rights. T h e d i ve r s i t y o f i n t e r e s t s , c u l t u r a l backgrounds, skills and experience was the deepest resource of the seminar as it offered a wide spectrum of analysis. Agedo Palermo Italy FFLAG England Gdac Portugal Lambda Warszawa Poland Listag Turkey YPCSD Romania YSPDB Bulgaria 8% 17% 8% 21% Females - Males Agedo-Palermo 42% 58% 3 FFLAG 1 1 Youth office 1 1 LAMBDA WARSZAWA 2 LISTAG 3 1 3 YPCSD 2 YSPDB 0 2 0 12 2 1 2 2 3 4 5 13 R A N I M E S THE 14 ULTURES C T N E R "... DIFFE S ARE E G A U G AND LAN RRIER BUT A NOT A B STIMULUS; A RATHER D OF THE N AT THE E E FELT AS IF W SEMINAR EACH OTHER WE KNEW G TIME." N FOR A LO DIARY OF THE SEMINAR FIRST DAY The seminar begins on April 16th 2011. After a long time spent chatting via web, it is a strong emotion to meet live. As participants arrive, the first thing that catches attention is the diversity of the group: different ages, women and men, different backgrounds and languages. To accommodate everybody in the rooms is not easy, because everyone is looking for the closeness of their acquaintances, of those who speak the same language, of who has a similar age. Finally, we are in the comfortable and spacious conference room. The video projector, the flip chart and the rest of the equipment are ready and in place. The conductors of the meeting Dr. Claudio Cappotto and Dr. Cirus Rinaldi, invite us to give a circular array to the chairs. Almost everyone speaks English, so English is the language of communication. Only few parents from Turkey, from Italy and a polish girl do not speak English and use the communication facilitators. Each participant tells about their association and the individual role within the association. FFLAG, AGEDO-PALERMO and LISTAG are associations of parents of homosexual and transsexual per sons; L A M B D A WA R S Z AWA i s a L G B T association; YSPDB, YPCSD, YOUTH OFFICE are associations working in the field of youth. The coordinators present the main points to be discussed at the meetings as it had been decided during the preparation phase of the project; the timetables are distributed together with some materials. As the work finishes, the linguistic barriers are overcome by the warmth that spreads within the group. SECOND DAY During the morning of the second day the group discusses on the issue of transphobic and homophobic bullying prevention and on educational interventions. The association of Italy, England and Portugal present their activities in the field: the youth workshops, the training courses for teachers, cooperation with institutions in the field of public education, thus sharing a set of best practices that can be an incentive for all. Agedo-Palermo presents the work carried out within the art workshops for students of secondary schools. 15 In the exchange of experiences it turned out that to educate young people toward the respect of the differences, it is important to use different methods, using diverse creative languages that directly involve the young audience as protagonist of the change. The perspective is that of peer education. still very strong, that there is a lot of work that must be done in the education field and that there are strong resistance and ostracism to overcome. Representatives of associations of Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Turkey say that in their countries prejudices about LGBT people are 16 The afternoon seminar is dedicated to the promotional material as a bridge of communication with young people. Each association has its own promotional material aimed at youth. FFLAG members show us an educational car toon that through a synthetic language , effectively presents the various forms of love and provides correct information about homosexuality and transsexuality. AGEDO-Palermo distributes a comic book made by students of secondary schools during the AGEDO-Palermo art workshop. The comic book outs the real doubts, fears and hopes of a group of young people that were involved or saw bullying within their schools. reads to the group current statistics and results of researches on the topic. The exper t in visual communication Alessandro Previti opens a discussion on the importance for a voluntary association of having an effective and planned graphic and the decisive role of advertising to spread the mission. Each association brings its own contribution, showing the work developed during the year and discussing about the most effective visual strategies. Ever yone agrees that homophobic and transphobic bullying cause psychological distress which results in school dropout, depression and in extreme cases in suicide. The conductor of the meeting, Mr. Cappotto The expert helps us to understand how important it is to have a coherent graphic image for the association, as it strengthens the professional appeal. We start comparing social awareness campaigns of the world. We understand clearly how an approximative graphic work is not just uneffective but counterproductive as it c o m mu n i c a t e s a m b i g u o u s ly, a n d we understand how important is to use clear and intuitive images to reach the target. Today we are guesting a visitor Mr Davide Faraone, member of the Sicilian Regional Assembly and Ferdinando Siringo, president of the Centre for Voluntary Services in Palermo. They join the activities, ask questions and appreciate the work done by the associations in favor of integration, social cohesion and the exchange of experiences between different European countries. THIRD DAY The seminar in the morning is about the psychological support for LGBT people and their families, conflict prevention and resolution. AGEDO - FFLAG - LISTAG - LAMBDA WARSZAWA are associations that have enabled support windows for LGBT people and their families. Dr. Claudio Cappotto leads a discussion about the issues related to the discovery of homosexuality or transsexuality of offspring by the parents, examining the psychological and relational dimension; the discussion followed this schedule: • Coming out: how to respond to the crisis and which behaviors to adopt; examples from true stories. • Coming out as an ignition for the family evolutionary processes. • Prejudices around which families build their own concerns. • The resources activated by the families. • Possible policies, suggestions for families. • Prospects for action: possible community empowerments, social actions and political interventions. These points may seem cold, but interacting with the real experiences of the parents and LGBT youth that are present at the seminar, they become emotional and engaging, the discussion mixes technical information and personal narrations. Mothers and fathers of the association LISTAG (Turkey) tell how courageous has been to declare publicly to be parents of LGBT people, and that they have done that aware of having to fight for the right of their children to have visibility and a decent life. They are the first group of Turkish parents to come out to defend their own and others' children. I know this feeling since I and few other parents were the first to found a 17 support group in southern Italy; we tell to the group how hard it was to overcome stereotypes and prejudices and to give a name to what was considered as a secret to hide, how difficult it was to deal with the Don Quixote feeling, the disapproval and indifference of the society. The FFLAG group (Great Britain) discusses that the coming out is not a single moment but a continuous process, not only for the children but also for the parents. A certain envy is expressed toward Great Britain and Portugal who have advanced legislation that recognizes the rights of homosexual couples, while in other European countries is difficult even to achieve a law against homophobia or transphobia. All parents consider that the life conditions of LGBT people should be the same all over United Europe. Tears start running, hugs, some say that we must create a European network of parents, because outside the European Union there are parents who mourn their children 18 killed or imprisoned (in 80 countries, homosexuality is punished by imprisonment in 8 countries and applies the death penalty). It's lunch time, everyone is at the table, but we are not hungry. Luckily during the afternoon there is a cultural tour to Palermo. We would not have been able to work more. We are all out together. We make a tour of the historical center of Palermo and we visit some landmarks. Everyone is charmed by the Arab Norman architecture of the cathedral of Palermo, and again, admiring Piazza Quattro Canti and the baroque church of Casa Professa, and the beautiful fountain in Piazza Pretoria, called in ancient times as Piazza della Vergogna (square of the Shame) because of the profusion of nude statues. The historical center of Palermo is populated by countless workshops, from puppets makers to the restorers of wax votive statues. Between all those workshops there is the a leather workshop run by a transgender person and his companion (one of the founders of Arcigay in Palermo), together by more than 34 years, that thanks to their courage and their serenity they managed to live fully included in the social neighborhood. The visit has great significance as it gives an idea of the inclusive potential of Palermo. Then we walk to Piazza Marina, enjoy together arancine, sorbets and ice creams. Everybody are thrilled by the food in Palermo! Jokes, laughter, good humor prove the integrity and cohesion achieved by the group in a short time. We feel like friends, united by common ideals and experiences. FOURTH DAY The morning begins with a seminar on the main socio-legal action in Europe on LGBT issues. In the afternoon, we guest the national president of the group Arcigay-Deaf-LGBT Monica Catalano and her partner Katya Trinari. Among the many languages present, this afternoon there is another: sign language. The girls read lips and speak Italian. Thanks to the work of translators the meeting begins. They explain that deaf LGBT people are victims of multiple discrimination. They remain cut off from the main channels of information. Just a minority of the deaf population has a good understanding of spoken or written language of the country in which they live. Simple and effective texts are needed, while the information are always complex and difficult to find and sign language is not widespread. Monica says that in order to offer opportunities for deaf LGBT people to get out of isolation, is needed to develop new ways to communicate: creating sites with support for sign language, with lots of pictures and videos. The basics of Sign Language should be taught at school. The LAMBDA WARSZAWA group in the past had tried to open a window for deaf LGBT, but the project could not reach the potential user s. Dur ing the meeting, representatives of LAMBDA WARSZAWA share their experiences. Monica explains that the difficulties encountered by the group most probably were due to the used forms of communication that could not reach a minority of population that is excluded from the society. Dorota Bregin, the president of LAMBDA WARSZAWA, rich of this new knowledge, expresses her will to reopen the support group. The meeting concludes with a long applause in sign language. After dinner, we guest the the representative of the group Ali d 'Aquila , Mr Marco Siino. Ali d’Aquila is a group of christians homosexual which is active in Palermo. The meeting is very interesting; we discuss on the relationship between homosexuality and faith, both in relation to the Christian religion and to Islam. The discussion develops analyzing the weight of religious dictates in the life of individuals and in the development of laws protecting LGBT people. 19 Finally, we all agree that is positive, although sometimes difficult, to keep open channels of communication with representatives of different faiths and that it is desirable a world where faith is not in a conflict with the rights of LGBT people and where a person is not victim of a conflict between identity and faith. communicate through gestures, sounds, strange faces and improvised doodles on napkins. The group is more integrated every day, cultures and languages are not a barrier FIFTH DAY In the morning we have a seminar on European funding streams dedicated to youth. The team shares the first proposals for a new project to be implemented under the youth program with a view to extending the network of partners. Meal times are always great fun. Every day in the dining room we exchange places, we take advantage of every moment to get to know each other better. The food is tasty. The informal asset makes it impossible to rely on the communication facilitators, so we 20 but rather a stimulus, at the end of the seminar we feel as if we knew each other by a long time. The last planned activity is the art workshops led by Alessandro Previti. The activities now take place outdoors, in the beautiful cloister of the monastery. Together we make a video spot against homophobia, the project includes one representative from each association to read a portion of a text in their own language. We split into groups, one for each association. Each group is given a task, who has to write the intro, who the body of the text, who the finale. The atmosphere of the cloister, spacious and sunny, rather than being a distraction, creates a r e l a xe d a n d p e r fe c t atmosphere for working together in a creative project. Alessandro oversees the groups and inter venes when necessary, it happens that the groups have different points of view about the main messages that the spot should contain, but in the end we understand how to combine the ideas and the result is amazing. Few hours passed and we finish writing, comparing and combining the ideas. It's time to make the spot! Ewa Morawska takes care of the shooting. Not to laugh in front of the camera is really difficult sometimes, so we are taking over and over. During the recording we have a surprise: the television station TRM is here to interview us, they want to know about our work as they consider the project of public interest; this for us is a small but important achievement. The evening comes, the material for the spot is ready, we are tired but happy of the work done. The seminar ends and we salute each other with emotions. For a while the monastery was our world; now what we have learned, gathered, produced will become fertile ground for us and for others, on which to sow and reap new fruits. Francesca Marceca. 21 TO START A CHANGE For me it was a very interesting opportunity to see how people deal with the same problems under different circumstances (since we work in organizations from different countries, we could observe how the change happens in the different territories). We had many meetings and wor kshops which brought tears and smiles, and knowledge on how to start the change, or how to keep up with our work, to not let the past achievements to fall apart. This was extremely valuable from my point of view. We had a lot of positive energy from british delegation; as it seems their country is few steps ahead with the level of acceptance and tolerance. We had moments of sadness when we heard how hard it is to be LGBT person in Turkey. We also had some information from deaf people - this was very valuable too, since they live in a very closed society. Overall with all 22 emotional and cognitive experiences i do think, that project was very successful and I’m looking forward new ones. HOW TO ACCEPT THAT PEOPLE ARE AS THEY ARE Łukasz Lesiuk YSPDB celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and we normally evaluate what we have done during the years. Amongst many useful initiatives for the young people in our region and Bulgaria we like to think that we help youngsters to better understand others and to build their belief in one better world. But how is this possible to believe in that without ensuring that our world is democratic and tolerant towards all t h e p e o p l e t h a t fe e l themselves different. This April, my colleague Irina and I had the most powerful experience on how to accept the difference. The Seminar U n i t e d To w a r d s t h e Change was more than a simply stating one’s experience in fighting homophobia in their societies; it was even more than sharing thoughts in this very sensitive topic. It was a lesson. A lesson how if you are ready to be as you are you can find support, understanding and love. A lesson that no matter how different you are it doesn’t mean you are less important and that as long as you are in peace with yourself you can be in peace with the others. Homophobia is very hard topic in my country. Acceptance and tolerance are not often for LGBT people, or any other people considered different. And being able to take part in this event really made me think how can I, or how can my organization contribute in creating better conditions, for those who are afraid and feel different. What we can do for sure is to make changes through small things – making discussions with our youngsters, challenging them to think openly and to share what they really think, not what society makes them think….and other small but important steps. What I brought home from this seminar is that sometimes “One person can make all the difference” and I will add on that – sometimes one smile is worth 20 words. Emiliya Troshanova LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED As an organisation FFLAG has always worked with our friends in Europe. We realise how fortunate our gay sons and daughters are in the UK compared to some of their peers across the world. Participating in UTC allowed us to cement the links we have made in the past and to make new and enduring friendships. By meeting with other parents and sharing our stories we are able to move forward feeling stronger and more united to address the challenges and difficulties that our children often face. There is no substitute for personal contact, for hearing at first hand the experiences of other parents; of the difficulties they face; of the bravery they show in standing up for their children; of the love that conquers those difficulties. We are now determined to carry on the work started in Palermo. FFLAG is setting up an International Support page on its website. Organisations supporting parents and families of LGB/T people are asked to submit text in their country’s language giving details of support contacts, websites and a message of support. FFLAG is actively participating in Pride events across Europe. We are delighted to be part of a European family saying ‘Love is all you need’ Sorrel Atkinson 23 SHARE YOUR EMOTIONS Par ticipating in UTC was a deep and wonderful experience of sharing between people from different cultures and countries all linked by the same m i s s i o n : fi g h t i n g homophobia. During the seminar week I understood the power of personal stories, true emotions and real feelings. Those facts are crucial for wellbeing of LGBT community and their relatives and surrounding. The openness and the warmth that we all could experience created a strong connection between us.Our experience in a small group could be applied to the society; showing emotions favors integration and real understanding. I think that if we want to change the society we must start from the emotional level. Ewa Morawska 24 25 S T C E EFF , AND MULTIPLIC ATION ECT” “SNOWBALL EFF TC HAS “WORKING IN U OF BEEN A MOMENT HE GROWTH FOR T D AND PEOPLE INVOLVE HAS BEEN A O CORNERSTONE T PE IMAGINE A EURO THAT ENSURES RIGHTS RESPECT, EQUAL ITIES AND OPPORTUN .” FOR LGBT PEOPLE 26 EUROPEAN DIMENSION Since 1960, the European Union makes of the fight against discrimination one of its most important tasks and often raised its voice in defense of LGBT people since LGBT people in many states are prevented, on the basis of arbitrary criteria, to live a full social life. The European Union has repeatedly expressed the need to protect homosexual and transexual persons. EU urged the planning and execution of cognitive studies and sector projects targeted at the promotion of equal oppor tunities, insisting on the relevance of operating in network between LGBT associations already working in the field and public institutions. On 18 January 2006 the European Parliament passed a resolution on homophobia, where homophobia is equated to racism and antisemitism. The convergence of public action, third sector and the European Union has proved crucial in improving the quality of life of LGBT people. Starting from the guidelines established by the Treaty of Lisbon, our project has as reference the protection of human r ights, the comparison and dissemination of social inclusion policies for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people, the dissemination of good practices across Europe. The achievement of the objectives listed above has been pursued through the modality of work and the topics of discussion and analysis. The participants were confronted in daily workshops and seminars. During each meeting the participants were able to share, explain and illustrate experiences and techniques to improve the level of integration and participation of young people LGBT to the social life. The active participation, through horizontal and democratic debate, increase awareness in LGBT young people and can actually affect social development and culture of their country. Our project has developed a network of associations involved in promoting the rights of LGBT people and involved associations working generally on the equal opportunities and respect toward the differences. 27 SHARE, LEARN The methodology of work inside the seminar was based on cooperative work groups, activities in circle time, creative activities. This allowed the free and equal expression and has encouraged the establishment of a climate of collaboration and friendship. The main value of the interventions derived from the continuous transition from the theoretical to the real life experience and to the sharing of emotions. Participants have come into contact with different realities in Europe, exchanged good practice, different working methods and strategies to prevent and combat violence , exclusion and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Volunteer associations are a component of the development of the civic life of the territory in which they operate, as they are able to contextualize the educational and support interventions. Overcoming prejudice and stereotypes can only take place through a gradual process based on lifelong education, through 28 processes that respect the local cultures and bring renewal and transformation. Working in UTC has been a moment of growth for the people involved and has been a cornerstone to imagine a Europe that ensures respect, equal rights and opportunities for LGBT people. MULTIPLYING EFFECT The project led to the construction of a multilevel network of associations, this network has already given its first fruits, associations AGEDO-Palermo and LISTAG attended together the gay parade of 2011 in Istanbul; LISTAG during the project showed great interest in projects relating young people and upper primary school students, CESVOPPalermo and AGEDO-Palermo invited the President of LISTAG as a guest for the final manifestation of tavolo minori (a network of voluntary associations located in the province of Palermo that work with youth and that annually organize a co-operative event open to citizens where they present their activities). The associations involved in UTC are always in a open discussion for future possible exchanges and cooperative works. LAMBDA Warszawa has decided to reopen the window for LGBT deaf people. The effects of the project results are manifested in many and many ideas that bloom every day. The impact on the public happens through the cooperation and interest of associations and medias during the seminar, thanks to a series of products resulting from the project. This brochure, the video-story of the project, the informative video-spot on the internet, and the extensive photo gallery are always available online for free. 29 ion act n i h t u o Y This project was made possible thanks to the support of the Youth in Action program, which funded the project for a total of: € 13,635. The PROJECT UTC belong to the action Action 4.3c – Support to youth workers’ mobility and exchanges. € 240.00 € 4,655.00 € 6,120.00 € 1,995.00 € 2,620.00 Transports 80% Transports 70% Activity costs Accomodation Food Extra (visa) 30 Project leader: Agedo-Palermo Special thanks to Mr Ferdinando Siringo, Mr Davide Faraone, Mrs Monica Catalano, Mrs Katya Trinari and Mr Marco Siino for their contributions, M r s H a s a n M e t e h a n Ö z k a n , M r Ta r k a n F e n e r c i o g l u , M r s S e m a Ya k a r f o r t h e i r participation, to Cesvop for their precious support and help. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Photos & cover design: Ewa Morawska Graphic design: Alessandro Previti 31 32