direct print and decals
direct print and decals
Tableware Collection Zgodovina zgodovina | history Steklo je Ëudovita prozorna ali barvna snov, ki kot trda in hkrati krhka in kot drag kamen ponuja vedno nove moænosti oblikovanja in uporabe. Steklo je umetnost. V starem Egiptu je bilo steklo okras najviπjih druæbenih slojev, ki so mu pripisovali lepoto draguljev in izkazovali sakralno Ëast. TisoËletja pozneje, z razvojem tehnike pihanja stekla, je namen stekla presegel oblikovanje dragih in redkih posod za pitje. Pretekla so æe stoletja, da je steklo postalo vsakdanji uporabni predmet, katerega lepoto skozi oblikovanje razliËnih izdelkov πe danes Ëastimo kot umetnost. V zaËetku 17. stoletja so v slovenskih gozdovih nastajali prvi zametki steklarske umetnosti, tako imenovane “glaæute” (Glashuette). Steklarna Hrastnik leta 1909. Steklarna Hrastnik in 1909. Steklarna Hrastnik je bila ustanovljena leta 1860 in æe po dobrem desetletju je prerasla v eno najveËjih steklarn tedanje Avstroogrske. Z uvedbo generatorskega plina za pogon steklarskih peËi v letu 1873 si je pridobila sloves najsodobnejπe steklarne v pokrajini. Prvotni proizvodni program Steklarne Hrastnik so predstavljala votla stekla, torej kozarci, steklenice in podobni uporabni predmeti, veËkrat oplemeniteni s slikanjem in bruπenjem. Iz zaËetne, izkljuËno roËne proizvodnje, se je ob izteku preteklega stoletja v Hrastniku zaËela razvijati proizvodnja izdelkov s pomoËjo stiskalnic. Do druge svetovne vojne je podjetje v proizvodni proces vkljuËilo tudi polavtomatske proizvodne linije, ki so bile namenjene predvsem proizvodnji embalaænega stekla. Izdelki iz stekla so bili najrazliËnejπih barv. Leta 1959 so v Steklarni Hrastnik pognali avtomatski stroj za izdelavo drobne steklene embalaæe, ki je prvi korak podjetja h kasnejπemu samostojnemu obratu avtomatske proizvodnje drobne steklene embalaæe, kozarcev, stekleniËk in drugih izdelkov. Letu 1977 je steklarna vpeljala prvi elektronsko krmiljen steklarski stroj. Z razpadom jugoslovanskega trga v letu 1991 je Steklarna Hrastnik v trenutku izgubila skoraj edini veËji prodajni trg. Podjetje je prodajne priloænosti poiskalo na evropskem trgu, kamor je uspeπno prodrlo z razvojem velikoserijske Glass is a beautiful transparent or coloured substance that is both hard and fragile or as precious as a gem, thus offering new possibilities of formation and use. Glass is an art. In the ancient Egypt, glass was an ornament of the highest social classes, as it was attributed the beauty of jewels and shown a sacral honour. Thousands of years later, with the development of glass-blowing techniques, the purpose of glass exceeded the formation of precious and rare drinking vessels. Centuries passed before glass became an everyday useful object, the beauty of which can still be worshipped as art through the formation of various products. In the beginning of the 17th century, in Slovenian forests, history witnessed the very beginning of the art of glass - i.e. the so-called “glaæute” (Glashuette). Steklarna Hrastnik was founded in 1860 and one decade later grew into one of the largest glass industries on the territory of the then Austro-Hungarian Empire. With the implementation of the generator gas for operating glass furnaces in 1873, Steklarna Hrastnik gained the reputation of the state-of-the-art glass industry in the area. The initial production programme of Steklarna Hrastnik included hollow glasswork, i.e. drinking glasses, bottles and similar useful items, which were mostly ground or adorned with various images. At the end of the 19th century, the initial, exclusively manual production in Hrastnik developed into production using presses. Until the Second World War, the company’s production process also included semi-automatic production lines, which were mostly focused on the production of glass packaging. Glass products were made in different colours. VrË za pivo - roËno pihano (1905). Beer jug - hand blown tecnology (1905). tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 3 zgodovina Nagovor direktorja nagovor direktorja | letter from the chairman of the board | history proizvodnje, zniæevanjem proizvodnih stroπkov in izgradnje prodajnih procesov na temeljih ekonomije obsega. Strategija prestrukturiranja je bila hitra in uËinkovita, zato je πe dodatno razvila proizvodnjo stekla v Hrastniku. V letu 2000 je priËelo s poslovanjem hËerinsko podjetje Steklarna Hrastnik - Opal d.o.o., podjetje za proizvodnjo steklenih komponent svetil, ki je prevzelo vso roËno in polavtomatsko proizvodnjo podjetja. V okviru Steklarne Hrastnik je ostala vsa visoko avtomatska proizvodnja za proizvodnjo embalaænega stekla in stekla “pogrnjene mize”. Leta 2005 je z obratovanjem priËela nova tovarna za proizvodnjo specialne steklene embalaæe, poslovna enota Special. Jedro Steklarne Hrastnik predstavlja poslovna enota Vitrum, ki je specializirana za proizvodnjo namiznega stekla. Izjemen izdelek iz polavtomatske stiskalnice - skleda in kroænik. Izdelka verjetno datirata izpred druge svetovne vojne. Exceptional products from semi-automatic press - bowl and plate. These products are probably dated from before the second World war. In 1959, Steklarna Hrastnik witnessed the start-up of the automatic machine for the production of small glass packaging, which was the company’s first step towards the later independent facility for the automatic production of small glass packaging, drinking glasses, bottles and other products. In 1977 the company introduced the first electronically-controlled glass equipment. Following the downfall of the Yugoslav market in 1991, Steklarna Hrastnik instantly lost almost the only large sales market. The company saw sales opportunities on the European market, where it successfully penetrated with the development of high-volume production, decreased production costs and the creation of sales processes based on the economy of scale. The restructuring strategy was fast and effective that it additionally developed glass production in Hrastnik. In year 2000 the subsidiary company Steklarna Hrastnik - Opal d.o.o. was established, company which produces glass components for lighting and which has taken over the entire manual and semi-automatic production of the company. Steklarna Hrastnik still manages all the highly-automatic production processes for the production of glass packaging and glass tableware. In 2005, a new factory was established for the production of special glass packaging - i.e. the Special business unit. The core of Steklarna Hrastnik is represented by the Vitrum business unit, which specialises in the production of table glassware. RoËno pihan in bruπen vrË izjemne oblike in kakovosti. Datira v Ëas pred drugo svetovno vojno. Hand-blown and cut glass pitcher of exceptional form and quality. Dated before the second World war. Cenjeni kupci, dragi prijatelji. Precious customers, dear friends. Vsak odliËen izdelek je najprej ideja. Pot od ideje do odliËnih izdelkov, ki jih najdete v naπem novem katalogu, pa je vËasih polna izzivov, sprememb, kreativnih premislekov in tudi preskakovanja na videz nepremostljivih ovir. Vemo, kaj hoËemo. Ves Ëas. NiË manj kot izjemno kvaliteto in vrhunsko izdelavo, ki πe poudari tako brezËasne oblike kot trendovsko oblikovanje. To, kar cenite tudi vi. V Steklarni Hrastnik smo prilagodljivi in vedno odprti za nove ideje. IπËemo sveæ design kot tudi vedno hitrejπe reπitve za izdelavo in dostavo. Intenzivno razvijamo nove izdelke in zagotavljamo vsestranski servis. Fleksibilnost prodajne izvedbe zahteva vrhunsko znanje s podroËij oblikovanja in razvoja novih izdelkov, konstrukcij orodij za proizvodnjo, obvladovanja proizvodnje z zagotavljanjem visokega nivoja tehniËne in vizualne kakovosti, pa tudi ustreznega, najbolj racionalnega pakiranja in transporta izdelkov. Toda pri vrhunski kvaliteti stekla, ki jo zagotavljamo s skrbno izbranimi surovinami evropskega izvora, ne poznamo in ne dopuπËamo odstopanj ter niËesar ne prepuπËamo nakljuËju. V steklarni cenimo tudi tisto, kar je poleg fleksibilnosti, vrhunske kvalitete, sveæega oblikovanja ter nenehnega narekovanja novih trendov verjetno najbolj pomembno - naπe zaposlene. Njihove inovacije, zavzetost in neizmerno steklarsko znanje. Letos smo se sodelavcem za njihovo delo zahvalili med drugim tudi s pridobitvijo certifikata Druæini prijazno podjetje. Briljantno Ëisto steklo, zdruæeno z bogato, veË kot petnajst desetletij dolgo tradicijo ter nenehnim razvojem in sodelovanjem z naπimi partnerji je garancija za kupca, da je dobil tehnoloπko in kakovostno dovrπen izdelek z dolgo æivljenjsko dobo. Ponosni smo, da smo uspeli poveËati prepoznavnost lastne blagovne znamke Vitrum. V letu 2012 vam predstavljamo tudi novo blagovno znamko izdelkov specialne steklene embalaæe High glass. Z obema imamo velike naËrte in trdno verjamemo v njun uspeh. Na programu roËne izdelave steklenih izdelkov pa premikamo meje mogoËega v izdelavi dimenzijsko in po teæi izjemnih izdelkov. Strokovno, profesionalno, predano, zavzeto ter predvsem z velikim posluhom za kupca bomo delovali tudi v bodoËe. In ob tem nikakor ne bomo pozabili na druæbeno odgovornost, racionalizacijo porabe naravnih virov, trajnostni razvoj, kakovost ter vedno nove spodbude za sodelavce. Z dosedanjim delom in preudarnim naËrtovanjem smo uspeπno na poti k naπi poslovni odliËnosti. Each excellent product starts with an idea. The way from an idea to the excellent products, which you can see in our new catalogue, is sometimes full of challenges, changes, and creative considerations, and may even resemble jumping across seemingly insurmountable obstacles. We know what we want. Always. What we want is nothing less than top quality and first-rate production, which further emphasises timeless shapes as well as a trendy design. It is what you appreciate. At Steklarna Hrastnik, we are adjustable and always open for new ideas. We are always looking for a fresh design and even faster solutions for the production and delivery. We are intensively developing new products and ensuring versatile service. The flexibility of sales implementation requires only the best knowledge in the areas of design and development of new products, construction of tools for production, management of production by ensuring a high level of technical and visual quality, as well as appropriate, most rational packaging and transport of products. For the first-rate glass quality, which we ensure with carefully selected European raw materials, we do not have or allow any deviations and leave nothing to coincidence. At our glassworks, we also appreciate what is probably the most important besides the flexibility, top quality, fresh design and continuous dictation of new trends - our employees. Their innovative minds, engagement and immense glass-working knowledge. This year we thanked our co-workers also by obtaining the Family Friendly Company certificate. Brilliant clear glass combined with a rich, more than fifteen decades long tradition and continuous development with our partners is a guarantee that a customer has received a technologically perfected and top-quality product with a long useful life. We are proud to have managed to increase the recognition of our trademark Vitrum. In 2012, we are presenting a new trademark of special glass packaging products, called High glass. We have big plans for both trademarks and we firmly believe in their success. As for the programme of handmade glass products, we are surpassing the limits of the possible in terms of the creation of products that are exceptional as regards the dimension and weight. In the future, we will continue working professionally, with devotion, commitment, and most of all with an ear for customers. Doing so, we definitely will not forget about our corporate responsibility, the rationalisation of natural resources consumption, sustainable development and quality, and will continue motivating our co-workers. With the work done so far and our careful planning, we are successfully heading towards our business excellence. Best regards, Andrej BoæiË Chairman of the Management Board of Steklarna Hrastnik d.d. S spoπtovanjem, Steklarna Hrastnik danes. Steklarna Hrastnik today. 4 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Andrej BoæiË Predsednik uprave Steklarne Hrastnik d.d. tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 5 Kazalo kazalo VR»I ZA PIVO | BEERMUGS Berna Clear Berna Star, Tudor, Europa 8-10 8 9 10 KOZARCI ZA PIVO | BEER TUMBLERS 11-14 11 12 13 14 Mars Polite, Praga Golding Willy, Goldstar VR»I IN KOZARCI ZA PIVO | JUGS AND BEER TUMBLERS Friends, Max TOPLI NAPITKI | HOT DRINKS Mocca, Liberty Barchetta, Angelo, Julia, Monaco, Julius Venezia, Dalia, Boston SADNE KUPE | ICE CUPS Stephanie, Dalia Max, Hip , Rock Impilabile, Classico, Mars, Elega, Sunrise KOZARCI | TUMBLERS Stephanie Stephanie optic Stephanie Stripes, Rondo, Rondo optic Tavola, Zip, Maxim Mars Polite, Onda, SodËek Geo Amantea, Omega 15 15 16-18 16 17 18 19-21 19 20 21 22-29 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FRIENDS COLLECTION Friends Bricks, Dolomite 30-31 30 31 DALIA COLLECTION 32-33 MAX COLLECTION 34-35 IMPILABILE COLLECTION 36-37 KOZARCI | TUMBLERS 38-39 38 39 Tina Spirits 6 kazalo | index steklarna hrastnik tableware collection | index VR»I | JUG Dalia, Friends, Max, Impilabile 40 40 VAZE | VASES 41-42 41 42 SVE»NIKI | CANDLEHOLDERS 43-44 43 44 Rondo, Flora, Conic Flute, Qube, Rondo box, Crater Digit, Rondo, Carmen, Trixy Depot, Tavola, Narvik, Freedom PEPELNIKI | ASHTRAYS 44 44 VR»I | JUGS 45 45 Ashtray, Rondo, Trio Ben, Wine Jug KARAFE | CARAFES Frak Belgium caraf, London caraf Stefan 46-48 46 47 48 LEGENDA | LEGEND 49 OZNAKE PAKIRANJA | PACKING CODE 49 Kozarci | Tumblers Pepelniki | Ashtrays Sadne kupe | Ice cream cups Skodelice | Pots Sklede | Bowls SveËniki | Candleholders Vaze | Vases Razno | Miscelaneus Exclusivity ITEMS AVAILABLE PER ORDER 50-59 50-53 53 53 54 55 55-56 57 57 58-59 DEKORACIJA | DECORATION Direktni tisk in odlepne slike | Direct print and decals Brizganje | Spraying KemiËna obdelava stekla | Frosting Dodatne storitve | Additional services 60-61 60 61 61 61 PRETVORBENI FAKTORJI | CONVERSION FACTORS 62 VOLUMSKE OZNAKE | VOLUME MARKS 63 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 7 8 vrËi za pivo | beermugs vrËi za pivo | beermugs Berna Clear Berna Berna 0,5L clear Berna 0,4L clear Berna 0,3L clear Berna 0,25L clear* Berna 0,2L clear Berna 0,5L Berna 0,4L Berna 0,3L Berna 0,25L * Berna 0,2L 1940050 63 cl/ 21.3 oz 910 g ø 85 mm/ 3.3 inch h 185 mm/ 7.3 inch B6 PQ: 450 1940040 50 cl/ 17 oz 770 g ø 79 mm/ 3.1 inch h 172 mm/ 6.7 inch B6 PQ: 540 1940030 39 cl/ 13.2 oz 570 g ø 73 mm/ 2.9 inch h 155 mm/ 6.1 inch B6 PQ: 756 1940020 33 cl/ 11.2 oz 500 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch B6 PQ: 756 1940010 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 400 g ø 68 mm/ 2.7 inch h 124 mm/ 4.9 inch B6 PQ: 882 1930050 63 cl/ 21.3 oz 970 g ø 85 mm/ 3.3 inch h 185 mm/ 7.3 inch B6 PQ: 450 1930040 49 cl/ 17 oz 805 g ø 79 mm/ 3.1 inch h 172 mm/ 6.7 inch B6 PQ: 540 1930030 39 cl/ 13.2 oz 580 g ø 73 mm/ 2.9 inch h 155 mm/ 6.1 inch B6 PQ: 756 1930020 33 cl/ 11.2 oz 500 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch B6 PQ: 756 1930010 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 430 g ø 68 mm/ 2.7 inch h 124 mm/ 4.9 inch B6 PQ: 882 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 9 kozarci za pivo | tumblers vrËi za pivo | beermugs Star Star 0,5L Star 0,5L optic Star 0,2L 1917030 70 cl/ 23.6 oz 860 g ø 102 mm/ 4 inch h 156 mm/ 6.1 inch B6 PQ: 360 1917031 65 cl/ 22 oz 880 g ø 102 mm/ 4 inch h 156 mm/ 6.1 inch B6 PQ: 360 1917020 29 cl/ 9.8 oz 480 g ø 84 mm/ 3.3 inch h 112 mm/ 4.4 inch B6 PQ: 672 Mars Europa Tudor Tudor 0,5L Tudor 0,3L Europa 0,5L Europa 0,3L 1950050 67,5 cl/ 22.8 oz 863 g ø 98 mm/ 3.8 inch h 160,5 mm/ 6.3 inch B6 PQ: 432 1950030 41,5 cl/ 14.0 oz 530 g ø 83 mm/ 3.3 inch h 135 mm/ 5.3 inch B6 PQ: 756 1943001 62,2 cl/ 21 oz 920 g ø 86 mm/ 3.4 inch h 213 mm/ 8.4 inch B6 PQ: 264 1943030 39,2 cl/ 13.2 oz 570 g ø 73,5 mm/ 2.9 inch h 182 mm/ 7.2 inch B6 PQ: 630 10 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Mars 0,5L Mars 0,4L* Mars 0,3L Mars 0,25L* Mars 0,2L Mars 0,2L 4064050 63 cl/ 21.6 oz 534 g ø 78 mm/ 3.1 inch h 249 mm/ 9.8 inch B6 PQ: 504 4064040 50 cl/ 16.9 oz 480 g ø 67 mm/ 2.6 inch h 216 mm/ 8.5 inch B6 PQ: 504 4064030 38,1 cl/ 12.8 oz 340 g ø 66 mm/ 2.6 inch h 211 mm/ 8.3 inch B6 PQ: 624 4064025 32,2 cl/ 10.8 oz 322 g ø 64 mm/ 2.5 inch h 191 mm/ 7.5 inch B6 PQ: 960 4064020 30,2 cl/ 10.2 oz 315 g ø 64 mm/ 2.5 inch h 184 mm/ 7.2 inch B6 PQ: 960 4064010 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 305 g ø 64 mm/ 2.5 inch h 173 mm/ 6.8 inch B6 PQ: 960 *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 11 kozarci za pivo | beer tumblers kozarci za pivo | beer tumblers Polite Polite 0,5L Polite 0,4L Polite 0,3L Polite 0,25L Polite 0,2L 4053050 67 cl/ 22.6 oz 585 g ø 82 mm/ 3.2 inch h 250 mm/ 9.8 inch B6 PQ: 504 4053040 53 cl/ 18 oz 500 g ø 77 mm/ 3 inch h 220 mm/ 8.7 inch B6 PQ: 504 4053030 41 cl/ 13.9 oz 350 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 210 mm/ 8.3 inch B6 PQ: 624 4053025 33 cl/ 11.1 oz 325 g ø 66 mm/ 2.6 inch h 184 mm/ 7.2 inch B6 PQ: 960 4053020 27 cl/ 9.2 oz 305 g ø 63,7 mm/ 2.5 inch h 164 mm/ 6.5 inch B6 PQ: 1296 Praga Golding Praga 0,5L Praga 0,4L Praga 0,3L Praga 0,25L Praga 0,2L Golding 0,5L Golding 0,4L Golding 0,3L Golding 0,25L Golding 0,2L 4024050 65,5 cl/ 22.5 oz 366 g ø 82,5 mm/ 3.2 inch h 197 mm/ 7.7 inch B6 PQ: 630 4024040 50,4 cl/ 17 oz 365 g ø 77 mm/ 3 inch h 183 mm/ 7.2 inch B6 PQ: 570 4019030 36,5 cl/ 12.3 oz 270 g ø 69 mm/ 2.7 inch h 165 mm/ 6.5 inch B6 PQ: 1044 B12 PQ: 1080 40190250 32,5 cl/ 9.1 oz 315 g ø 69 mm/ 2.7 inch h 151 mm/ 5.9 inch B6 PQ: 1050 B12 PQ: 1008 4019020 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 200 g ø 63 mm/ 2.5 inch h 148 mm/ 5.8 inch B6 PQ: 1050 B12 PQ: 1008 0055050 65,5 cl/ 22.5 oz 380 g ø 83 mm/ 3.3 inch h 185 mm/ 7.3 inch B6 PQ: 570 B12 PQ: 960 0055040 48 cl/ 16.2 oz 300 g ø 75 mm/ 2.9 inch h 172 mm/ 6.8 inch B6 PQ: 900 B12 PQ: 960 0055030 39 cl/ 13.2 oz 275 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 160 mm/ 6.3 inch B6 PQ: 1044 B12 PQ: 1404 0055010 35 cl/ 11.8 oz 268 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 148 mm/ 5.8 inch B6 PQ: 1500 B12 PQ: 1404 0055020 26 cl/ 8.8 oz 200 g ø 62 mm/ 2.4 inch h 141 mm/ 5.5 inch B6 PQ: 1500 B12 PQ: 1680 12 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 13 kozarci za pivo | beer tumblers vrËi in kozarci za pivo | jugs and beer tumblers Willy Friends New New Willy 0,5L Willy 0,4L Willy 0,3L Willy 0,25L Willy 0,2L 1006060 62 cl/ 21 oz 370 g ø 81 mm/ 3.2 inch h 185 mm/ 7.3 inch B6 PQ: 630 B12 PQ: 960 1006050 49 cl/ 16.5 oz 305 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 165 mm/ 6.5 inch B6 PQ: 900 B12 PQ: 960 1006040 37,7 cl/ 12.7 oz 260 g ø 71 mm/ 2.8 inch h 148 mm/ 5.8 inch B12 PQ: 1404 B6 PQ: 1050 1006030 32,5 cl/ 11 oz 200 g ø 66,5 mm/ 2,6 inch h 142,5 mm/ 5,6 inch B12 PQ: 1680 B6 PQ: 1050 1006020 26,7 cl/ 9 oz 195 g ø 62,5 mm/ 2.5 inch h 137 mm/ 5.4 inch B12 PQ: 1680 B6 PQ: 1050 Friends jug 1,5L Friends SLD 0744150 170 cl/ 57.5 oz 1759 g ø 128,3 mm/ 5.0 inch h 241 mm/ 9.5 inch 0744050 63 cl/ 21,3 oz 595 g ø 96 mm/ 3.8 inch h 165 mm/ 6.5 inch Max Goldstar Goldstar 0,5L* Goldstar 0,3L 4043050 65,5 cl/ 22.5 oz 360 g ø 85,4 mm/ 3.4 inch h 168,5 mm/ 6.6 inch B12 PQ: 540 4043030 43,5 cl/ 14.7 oz 260 g ø 75 mm/ 3 inch h 148 mm/ 5.8 inch B12 PQ: 864 B6 PQ: 1050 14 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order Max JUG 1,5L Max XXL Max SLD 0729150 160 cl/ 54.1 oz 1702 g ø 131,4 mm/ 5.1 inch h 230 mm/ 9 inch C1 PQ: 160 B1 PQ: 160 B6 PQ: 144 0729070 66 cl/ 22.3 oz 675 g ø 98,5 mm/ 3.9 inch h 174 mm/ 6.8 inch C4 PQ: 336 B6 PQ: 360 0729060 55 cl/ 18.6 oz 565 g ø 92 mm/ 3.6 inch h 162 mm/ 6.4 inch B6 PQ: 480 B24 PQ: 480 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 15 topli napitki | hot drinks topli napitki | hot drinks Mocca Barchetta Mocca Latte Macchiatto Mocca Cappucino 1181000 270 ml/ 9.1 oz 325 g ø 74 mm/ 2.9 inch h 118 mm/ 4.6 inch B6 PQ: 768 C6 PQ: 768 C2 PQ: 144 set Mocca Espresso Mocca Saucer 1184000 75 ml/ 2.5 oz 120 g ø 52 mm/ 2 inch h 72 mm/ 2m8 inch B6 PQ: 3024 1180000 260 g ø 152 mm/ 6 inch h 20 mm/ 0.8 inch B6 PQ: 2730 1182000 300 ml/ 10.1 oz 270 g ø 103 mm/ 4 inch h 70 mm/ 2.7 inch B6 PQ: 792 C2 PQ: 144 set Mocca Espresso Saucer 1183000 145 g ø 117 mm/ 4.6 inch h 19 mm/ 0.7 inch B6 PQ: 3240 Liberty Barchetta Barchetta saucer Barchetta espresso cup Mocca Espresso Saucer 1223000 22 cl/ 7.4 oz 235 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 95 mm/ 3.7 inch B6 PQ: 1026 B24 PQ: 768 1222000 150 g 140 x 120 mm/ 5.5 x 4.7 inch h 22 mm/ 0.9 inch B6 PQ: 2016 C2 PQ: 216 set 1223020 8 cl/ 2.7 oz 100 g ø 62 mm/ 2.4 inch h 58 mm/ 2.3 inch B12 PQ: 2880 1183000 145 g ø 117 mm/ 4.6 inch h 19 mm/ 0.7 inch B6 PQ: 3240 Angelo Julia Monaco Julius Liberty XL Liberty L Liberty M Mocca Saucer Angelo 1207000 42 cl/ 14.2 oz 385 g ø 90 mm/ 3.5 inch h 115 mm/ 4.5 inch B6 PQ: 588 B24 PQ: 480 1208000 27,5 cl/ 9.3 oz 275 g ø 80 mm/ 3.1 inch h 100 mm/ 3.9 inch B6 PQ: 1026 B24 PQ: 768 1210000 23 cl/ 7.8 oz 210 g ø 84 mm/ 3.3 inch h 68 mm/ 2.7 inch 1180000 260 g ø 152 mm/ 6 inch h 20 mm/ 0.8 inch 1290000 33 cl/ 11.2 oz 345 g ø 80 mm/ 3.1inch h 111 mm/ 4.4 inch C6/8 PQ: 864 B24 PQ: 576 B6 PQ: 864 16 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Julia 1284000 17 cl/ 5.7 oz 200 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 96 mm/ 3.7 inch B6 PQ: 1500 C6/8 PQ: 1680 Monac0 Julius Mocca Saucer 130600 37 cl/ 12.5 oz 312 g ø 86 mm/ 3.4 inch h 98 mm/ 3.8 inch B6 PQ: 960 1310000 36 cl/ 12.5 oz 400 g ø 92 mm/ 3.4 inch h 101 mm/ 3.8 inch B6 PQ: 960 1180000 260 g ø 152 mm/ 6 inch h 20 mm/ 0.8 inch tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 17 sadne kupe | ice cups topli napitki | hot drinks Venezia Dalia Boston Stephanie Dalia Venezia Venezia optic Venezia Small* Dalia grog Boston Stephanie Stephanie STRIPES* Dalia Dalia high 1902000 23 cl/ 7.8 oz 390 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 148 mm/ 5.8 inch A2/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 684 B12 PQ: 504 B24 PQ: 480 B36 PQ: 684 1906000 22 cl/ 7.4 oz 410 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 148 mm/ 5.8 inch A2/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 684 B12 PQ: 504 B24 PQ: 480 B36 PQ: 684 1894000 11 cl/ 3.7 oz 210 g ø 60 mm/ 2.3 inch h 110 mm/ 4.3 inch B12 PQ: 1152 B6 PQ: 1044 1309030 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 363 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 172 mm/ 6.8 inch A2/6 PQ: 420 B6 PQ: 600 1901000 26 cl/ 8.8 oz 385 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 150 mm/ 5.9 inch A2/6 PQ: 540 B12 PQ: 588 B24 PQ: 576 B36 PQ: 648 0688060 32,2 cl/ 10.9 oz 400 g ø 98 mm/ 3.8 inch h 128 mm/ 5 inch A2/12 PQ: 576 B6 PQ: 768 0688063 30,5 cl/ 10.3 oz 419 g ø 98 mm/ 3.8 inch h 128,8 mm/ 5 inch 1309020 46 cl/ 15.5 oz 340 g ø 123 mm/ 4.8 inch h 116 mm/ 4.6 inch A2/6 PQ: 288 B6 PQ: 486 1309050 33 cl/ 11.1 oz 345 g ø 83,5 mm/ 3.3 inch h 162 mm/ 6.3 inch A2/8 PQ: 384 B6 PQ: 576 18 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 19 sadne kupe | ice cups sadne kupe | ice cups Impilabile Hip Rock Max ice cup high Max ice cup high low Hip Rock* 0729080 34,5 cl/ 11.8 oz 395 g ø 81,5 mm/ 3.2 inch h 165 mm/ 6.5 inch A2/8 PQ: 288 B6 PQ: 576 0729090 29 cl/ 9.8 oz 295 g ø 93 mm/ 3.6 inch h 120 mm/ 4.7 inch A2/8 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 672 4054100 45 cl/ 15.2 oz 280 g ø 100 mm/ 3.9 inch h 108 mm/ 4.3 inch A2/6 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 648 0813070 26,9 cl/ 9 oz 380 g ø 108 mm/ 4.3 inch h 104 mm/ 4.1 inch A2/8 PQ: 384 B6 PQ: 480 20 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order Mars Impilabile ICE CUP* Classico Mars 0800000 41 cl/ 13.6 oz 380 g ø 130 mm/ 5.1 inch h 128 mm/ 5 inch A2/8 PQ: 192 B6 PQ: 336 0739000 28 cl/ 9.5 oz 306 g ø 122 mm/ 5 inch h 135 mm/ 5.3 inch A2/8 PQ: 192 A3/4 PQ: 216 B6 PQ: 378 0794000 35 cl/ 11.8 oz 370 g ø 142 mm/ 5.6 inch h 123 mm/ 4.8 inch B6 PQ: 288 Elega Max Classico Sunrise Elega Sunrise 1288000 20 cl/ 6.8 oz 210 g 148 x 66 mm/ 5.8 x 2.6 inch h 91 mm/ 3.6 inch B1/24 PQ: 720 B6 PQ: 990 1254000 35 cl/ 11.8 oz 356 g ø 114 mm/ 4.5 inch h 65 mm/ 2.6 inch B6 PQ: 780 *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 21 kozarci | tumblers kozarci | tumblers Stephanie Stephanie optic Stephanie JUICE Stephanie LD Stephanie WATER Stephanie WINE Stephanie SPIRIT* 0688050 36 cl/ 12.2 oz 385 g ø 75 mm/ 2.9 inch h 146 mm/ 5.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 0688040 24 cl/ 8.1 oz 260 g ø 67 mm/ 2.6 inch h 125 mm/ 4.9 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1218 0688030 30 cl/ 10.1 oz 290 g ø 84 mm/ 3.3 inch h 94 mm/ 3.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1140 B12 PQ: 960 B24 PQ: 768 0688020 20 cl/ 6.7 oz 270 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 85 mm/ 3.3 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1650 B24 PQ: 864 0688010 5 cl/ 1.7 oz 83 g ø 47 mm/ 1.8 inch h 62,8 mm/ 2.5 inch B6 PQ: 5760 22 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order Stephanie JUICE optic 0688051 34,5 cl/ 11.7 oz 405 g ø 75 mm/ 2.9 inch h 146 mm/ 5.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 798 B6 PQ: 756 B24 PQ: 576 *available per order Stephanie WATER optic 0688031 28,6 cl/ 9.7 oz 379 g ø 84 mm/ 3.3 inch h 94 mm/ 3.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1140 B12 PQ: 960 B24 PQ: 768 Stephanie WINE optic 0688022 21,3 cl/ 7.2 oz 275 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 85 mm/ 3.3 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1650 B24 PQ: 864 Stephanie SPIRIT optic* 0688012 5 cl/ 1.7 oz 92 g ø 47 mm/ 1.8 inch h 62,8 mm/ 2.5 inch B6 PQ: 5760 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 23 kozarci | tumblers kozarci | tumblers Stephanie Stripes Tavola Stephanie Juice STRIPES Stephanie LD STRIPES Stephanie WATER STRIPES Stephanie WINE STRIPES Stephanie SPIRIT STRIPES* 0688053 35,5 cl/ 12.2 oz 380 g ø 75 mm/ 2.9 inch h 146 mm/ 5.7 inch B6 PQ: 798 0688043 24 cl/ 8.1 oz 285 g ø 67 mm/ 2.6 inch h 125 mm/ 4.9 inch B6 PQ: 1218 0688033 30 cl/ 10.1 oz 313 g ø 84 mm/ 3.3 inch h 94 mm/ 3.7 inch B6 PQ: 1140 0688023 21,5 cl/ 7.2 oz 260 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 85 mm/ 3.3 inch B6 PQ: 1650 0688013 5,3 cl/ 1.8 oz 90 g ø 47 mm/ 1.8 inch h 62,8 mm/ 2.5 inch B6 PQ: 5760 Rondo Tavola LD Tavola WATER Tavola WINE 0756030 37 cl/ 12.5 oz 395 g ø 85 mm/ 3.3 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 0756020 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 295 g ø 86 mm/ 3.4 inch h 100 mm/ 3.9 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 864 0756010 16 cl/ 5.4 oz 205 g ø 74 mm/ 2.9 inch h 85 mm/ 3.3 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1500 Zip Rondo optic Maxim Rondo LD* Rondo WATER* Rondo LD* Rondo WATER* Zip LD Zip WATER Maxim big Maxim small 0787040 42 cl/ 14.2 oz 425 g ø 82,4 mm/ 3.2 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 0787030 36 cl/ 12 oz 340 g ø 88 mm/ 3.5 inch h 97 mm/ 3.8 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 960 0812040 42 cl/ 14.2 oz 425 g ø 82,4 mm/ 3.2 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 0812030 36 cl/ 12 oz 340 g ø 88 mm/ 3.5 inch h 97 mm/ 3.8 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 960 0757040 28 cl/ 9.5 oz 385 g ø 77 mm/ 3 inch h 145 mm/ 5.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 0757030 22,5 cl/ 7.6 oz 280 g ø 85 mm/ 3.3 inch h 80 mm/ 3.1 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1254 B24 PQ: 864 0849022 42,5 cl/ 14.3 oz 410 g ø 88 mm/ 3.5 inch h 142 mm/ 5.6 inch B6 PQ: 798 0849012 29 cl/ 9.8 oz 320 g ø 90 mm/ 3.6 inch h 96 mm/ 3.8 inch B6 PQ: 1048 24 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 25 kozarci | tumblers kozarci | tumblers Polite Mars Polite 0,3L Polite 0,25L Polite 0,2L 4053030 41 cl/ 13.9 oz 350 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 210 mm/ 8.3 inch B6 PQ: 624 4053025 33 cl/ 11.1 oz 325 g ø 66 mm/ 2.6 inch h 184 mm/ 7.2 inch B6 PQ: 960 4053020 27 cl/ 9.2 oz 305 g ø 63,7 mm/ 2.5 inch h 164 mm/ 6.5 inch B6 PQ: 1296 Onda SodËek Mars 0,25L* Mars 0,2L Mars 0,2L Onda LD Onda WATER SodËek 0,2L 4064025 32,2 cl/ 10.8 oz 322 g ø 64 mm/ 2.5 inch h 191 mm/ 7.5 inch B6 PQ: 960 4064020 30,2 cl/ 10.2 oz 315 g ø 64 mm/ 2.5 inch h 184 mm/ 7.2 inch B6 PQ: 960 4064010 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 305 g ø 64 mm/ 2.5 inch h 173 mm/ 6.8 inch B6 PQ: 960 4002040 35 cl/ 11.8 oz 335 g ø 71,4 mm/ 2.8 inch h 150 mm/ 5.9 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1050 B12 PQ: 864 B24 PQ: 576 4002030 34 cl/ 11.5 oz 270 g ø 82 mm/ 3.2 inch h 100 mm/ 3.9 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 960 B12 PQ: 864 B24 PQ: 768 1039020 20 cl/ 6.7 oz 170 g ø 63,5 mm/ 2.5 inch h 106 mm/ 4.1 nch B12 PQ: 1512 26 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 27 kozarci | tumblers kozarci | tumblers Amantea Geo Amantea LD Amantea WATER 4009040 35 cl/ 11.8 oz 275 g ø 72 mm/ 2.8 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 798 4009030 34 cl/ 11.5 oz 230 g ø 84,3 mm/ 3.3 inch h 94 mm/ 3.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1140 Omega Geo LD Geo WATER Geo Hotel* Geo big Geo small Omega 0,3L* Omega 0,2L* Omega WATER* Omega WATER* 4065040 36 cl/ 12.2 oz 328 g ø 77,7 mm/ 3.1 inch h 147 mm/ 5.8 inch B6 PQ: 882 4065030 28 cl/9.5 oz 296 g ø 84 mm/ 3.3 inch h 101 mm/3.9 inch B6 PQ: 1260 4065031 28 cl/ 9.5 oz 296 g ø 84 mm/ 3.1 inch h 101 mm/3.9 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1260 4065190 33 cl/11.1oz 356 g ø 74 mm/ 2.9 inch h 158 mm/ 6.2 inch B6 PQ: 756 4065180 25 cl/ 8.4 oz 291 g ø 79 mm/ 3.1 inch h 101 mm/4.0 inch B6 PQ: 864 4041060 37 cl/ 12.5 oz 305 g ø 70 mm/ 2.5 inch h 163 mm/ 6.4 inch B6 PQ: 1044 4041050 26 cl/ 8.8 oz 225 g ø 62,7 mm/ 2.5 inch h 144 mm/ 5.6 inch B6 PQ: 1116 4041040 36 cl/ 12.2 oz 320 g ø 85,3 mm/ 3.3 inch h 99 mm/ 4 inch B6 PQ: 960 4041030 32 cl/ 10.8 oz 312 g ø 85,3 mm/ 3.3 inch h 90 mm/ 3.5 inch B6 PQ: 1140 28 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 29 FRIENDS COLLECTION FRIENDS COLLECTION Friends New Bricks New Dolomite Friends jug 1,5 L Friends jug 1 L Friends SLD Friends LD Friends WATER Bricks LD Bricks WATER* Dolomite LD* 0744150 170 cl/ 57.5 oz 1759 g ø 128,3 mm/ 5.0 inch h 241 mm/ 9.5 inch 0744100 120,4 cl/ 40.7 oz 1237 g ø 125,6 mm/4.9 inch h 209 mm/ 7.9 inch 0744050 63 cl/ 21.3 oz 595 g ø 96 mm/ 3.8 inch h 165 mm/ 6.5 inch 0744040 36 cl/ 12.2 oz 350 g ø 80 mm/ 3.1 inch h 139 mm/ 5.4 inch B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 0744030 30 cl/ 10.1 oz 300 g ø 88 mm/ 3.5 inch h 98 mm/ 3.8 inch B6 PQ: 1140 0744041 34,4 cl/ 11.6 oz 411 g ø 80 mm/ 3.1 inch h 139 mm/ 5.4 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 0744033 31,5 cl/ 10.6 oz 300 g ø 88 mm/ 3.5 inch h 98 mm/ 3.8 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1140 0744043 35 cl/ 11.8 oz 380 g ø 80 mm/ 3.1 inch h 139 mm/ 5.4 inch B6 PQ: 798 30 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 31 DALIA COLLECTION DALIA COLLECTION Dalia jug 1 L Dalia LD Dalia grog Dalia ice cream low Dalia ice cup high 1309100 119,2 cl/ 40.3 oz 1250 g ø 130 mm/ 5.1 inch h 248 mm/ 9.8 inch A1/6 PQ: 144 B6 PQ: 144 C2 PQ: 48 set 1309050 33 cl/ 11.1 oz 375 g ø 83,5 mm/ 3.3 inch h 170 mm/ 6.7 inch A2/8 PQ: 384 B6 PQ: 576 1309030 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 374 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 172 mm/ 6.8 inch A2/6 PQ: 420 B6 PQ: 600 1309020 46 cl/ 15.5 oz 357 g ø 123 mm/ 4.8 inch h 116 mm/ 4.6 inch A2/6 PQ: 288 B6 PQ: 486 1309050 33 cl/ 11.1 oz 375 g ø 83,5 mm/ 3.3 inch h 170 mm/ 6.7 inch B6 PQ: 576 32 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 33 max COLLECTION max COLLECTION Max JUG 1,5L Max JUG 1L Max XXL Max SLD Max stackable Max LD 0,3L Max LD 0,2L Max D.O.F* Max WATER Max SPIRIT 0729150 160 cl/ 54.1 oz 1702 g ø 131,4 mm/ 5.1 inch h 230 mm/ 9 inch C1 PQ: 160 B1 PQ: 160 B6 PQ: 144 0729100 120 cl/ 40.6 oz 1315 g ø 120 mm/ 4.7 inch h 215 mm/ 8.4 inch B1 PQ: 180 C1 PQ: 180 B6 PQ: 192 0729070 66 cl/ 22.3 oz 675 g ø 98,5 mm/ 3.9 inch h 174 mm/ 6.8 inch C4 PQ: 336 B6 PQ: 360 0729060 55 cl/ 18.6 oz 565 g ø 92 mm/ 3.6 inch h 162 mm/ 6.4 inch B6 PQ: 480 B24 PQ: 480 0729130 39 cl/ 13.2 oz 512 g ø 82 mm/ 3.2 inch h 159 mm/ 6.3 inch B6 PQ: 756 0729040 34 cl/ 11.5 oz 360 g ø 78 mm/ 3 inch h 138 mm/ 5.4 inch B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 0729110 27 cl/ 9.1 oz 340 g ø 76 mm/ 3 inch h 117 mm/ 4.6 inch B12 PQ: 840 0729030 36 cl/ 12.2 oz 385 g ø 97 mm/ 3.8 inch h 100 mm/ 3.9 inch B6 PQ: 960 0729020 26 cl/ 8.8 oz 290 g ø 86 mm/ 3.3 inch h 90 mm/ 3.5 inch B6 PQ: 1254 B24 PQ: 768 0811000 4,5 cl/ 1.5 oz 66 g ø 49 mm/ 1.9 inch h 57 mm/ 2.2 inch B6 PQ: 4446 34 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 35 impilabile COLLECTION impilabile COLLECTION Impilabile JUG 1937000 125 cl/ 42.3oz 1270 g ø 120 mm/ 4.7 inch h 230 mm/ 9 inch C1 PQ: 180 B1 PQ: 180 B6 PQ: 192 Impilabile SLD bubble 0797010 46 cl/ 15.5 oz 400 g ø 87 mm/ 3.5 inch h 145 mm/ 5.7 inch Impilabile JUG optic 1938000 125 cl/ 42.3oz 1270 g ø 120 mm/ 4.7 inch h 230 mm/ 9 inch C1 PQ: 180 B1 PQ: 180 B6 PQ: 192 Impilabile SLD optic 0803050 45 cl/ 15.2 oz 400 g ø 87 mm/ 3.4 inch h 145 mm/ 5.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 36 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Impilabile LD optic 0809040 37,5 cl/ 12.6 oz 430 g ø 82 mm/ 3.2 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 648 Impilabile WATER optic 0803030 36 cl/ 12.2 oz 340 g ø 96 mm/ 3.8 inch h 90,5 mm/ 3.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 960 B24 PQ: 768 Impilabile SLD 0797000 45 cl/ 15.2 oz 380 g ø 87 mm/ 3.4 inch h 145 mm/ 5.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 Impilabile LD bubble 0785043 38 cl/ 12.6 oz 400 g ø 82 mm/ 3.2 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch Impilabile LD 0785040 38 cl/ 12.8 oz 400 g ø 82 mm/ 3.2 inch h 140 mm/ 5.5 inch A3/12 PQ: 432 B6 PQ: 798 B24 PQ: 576 Impilabile WATER 0785030 36 cl/ 12.2 oz 340 g ø 96 mm/ 3.8 inch h 90,5 mm/ 3.7 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 960 B24 PQ: 768 Impilabile WINE 0785020 27,5 cl/ 9.3 oz 240 g ø 86 mm/ 3.3 inch h 84 mm/ 3.3 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1254 B24 PQ: 864 Impilabile WATER bubble 0785035 37 cl/ 12.5 oz 336 g ø 96 mm/ 3.8 inch h 90,5 mm/ 5.5 inch Impilabile WINE optic 0803020 26 cl/ 8.8 oz 240 g ø 86 mm/ 3.3 inch h 84 mm/ 3.3 inch A3/12 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1254 B24 PQ: 864 Impilabile ICE CUP 080000 41 cl/ 13.6 oz 380 g ø 130 mm/ 5.1 inch h 128 mm/ 5 inch A2/8 PQ: 192 B6 PQ: 336 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 37 kozarci | tumblers kozarci | tumblers Tina Tina 20 Tina 25 Tina 22 Tina 31 * Tina 32 0020000 19 cl/ 6.4 oz 235 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 79 mm/ 3.1 inch B6 PQ: 1650 B48 PQ: 1440 0025000 25 cl/ 8.4 oz 255 g ø 75 mm/ 2.8 inch h 88 mm/ 3.4 inch B6 PQ: 1500 B24 PQ: 864 A3/12 PQ: 1800 A3/6 PQ: 864 0022000 22 cl/ 7.4 oz 200 g ø 55,3 mm/ 2.1 inch h 143 mm/ 5.6 inch B6 PQ: 1332 B24 PQ: 1296 B36 PQ: 1296 0031000 29 cl/ 9.8 oz 260 g ø 62 mm/ 2.4 inch h 141 mm/ 5.5 inch B6 PQ: 1116 B12 PQ: 1680 B24 PQ: 576 B48 PQ: 960 A3/12 PQ: 648 0032000 31 cl/ 10.4 oz 260 g ø 60 mm/ 2.3 inch h 166 mm/ 6.5 inch A6/6 PQ: 648 B6 PQ: 1296 B12 PQ: 1296 B24 PQ: 1080 B48 PQ: 960 A3/6PQ: 810 Spirits Spirit Spirit Spirit Max SPIRIT 0686000 3,5 cl/ 1.2 oz 100 g ø 45 mm/ 1.7 inch h 71 mm/ 2.8 inch B6 PQ: 4608 0680000 6 cl/ 2 oz 125 g ø 52 mm/ 2 inch h 89 mm/ 3.5 inch B6 PQ: 2940 0681000 6 cl/ 2 oz 125 g ø 52 mm/ 2 inch h 89 mm/ 3.5 inch B6 PQ: 2940 0811000 4,5 cl/ 1.5 oz 66 g ø 49 mm/ 1.9 inch h 57 mm/ 2.2 inch B6 PQ: 4446 Tina 26 Tina 4018 Tina 4005 Tina 4013 Stephanie SPIRIT Stephanie SPIRIT optic* Gorki Parma 0026000 26 cl/ 9.8 oz 250 g ø 59 mm/ 2.3 inch h 146 mm/ 5.7 inch B6 PQ: 1116 B36 PQ: 1296 4018000 25 cl/ 8.4 oz 255 g ø 57 mm/ 2.2 inch h 151 mm/ 5.9 inch B6 PQ: 1596 4005000 17 cl/ 5.7 oz 190 g ø 54 mm/ 2.1 inch h 122 mm/ 4.8 inch B6 PQ: 1332 4013000 25,5 cl/ 7.6 oz 255 g ø 57 mm/ 2.2 inch h 153 mm/ 6 inch B48 PQ: 960 0688010 5 cl/ 9.1 oz 83 g ø 47 mm/ 1.8 inch h 62,8 mm/ 2.5 inch B6 PQ: 5760 0688012 5 cl/ 1.7 oz 92 g ø 47 mm/ 1.8 inch h 62,8 mm/ 2.5 inch B6 PQ: 5760 0697010 15 cl/ 5 oz 470 g ø 58 mm/ 2.3 inch h 144 mm/ 5.7 inch B6 PQ: 1332 3608000 5.3 cl/ 1.8 oz 130 g ø 41 mm/ 1.6 inch h 111,5 mm/ 4.4 inch B98 PQ: 2352 38 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection *available per order *available per order tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 39 vrËi | jugs vaze | vases Dalia Friends New Dalia jug 1 L Friends jug 1,5 L Friends jug 1 L 1309100 119,2 cl/ 40.3 oz 1250 g ø 130 mm/ 5.1 inch h 248 mm/ 9.8 inch A1/6 PQ: 144 B6 PQ: 144 C2 PQ: 48 set 00744150 170 cl/ 57.5 oz 1759 g ø 128,3 mm/ 5.0 inch h 241 mm/ 9.5 inch 0744100 120,4 cl/ 40.7 oz 1237 g ø 125,6 mm/4.9 inch h 209 mm/ 7.9 inch Max Max JUG 1,5L 0729150 160 cl/ 54.1 oz 1702 g ø 131,4 mm/ 5.1 inch h 230 mm/ 9 inch C1 PQ: 160 B1 PQ: 160 B6 PQ: 144 Impilabile Max JUG 1L 0729100 120 cl/ 40.6 oz 1315 g ø 120 mm/ 4.7 inch h 215 mm/ 8.4 inch B1 PQ: 168 C1 PQ: 168 B6 PQ: 192 40 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Impilabile JUG optic* 1938000 125 cl/ 42.3oz 1270 g ø 120 mm/ 4.7 inch h 230 mm/ 9 inch C1 PQ: 180 B1 PQ: 180 B6 PQ: 192 Rondo Impilabile JUG* 1937000 125 cl/ 42.3oz 1270 g ø 120 mm/ 4.7 inch h 230 mm/ 9 inch C1 PQ: 180 B1 PQ: 180 B6 PQ: 192 *available per order Flora Conic Rondo vase Flora Conic 17 1249000 160 cl/ 54.1 oz 1600 g ø 130 mm/ 5.1 inch h 211 mm/ 8.3 inch C1 PQ: 160 B1 PQ: 160 B6 PQ: 192 1240000 1650 g ø 130 mm/ 5.2 x 5.2 inch h 199 mm/ 7.9 inch C1/6 PQ: 144 B6 PQ: 192 1230000 785 g ø 125 mm/ 4.9 inch h 170 mm/ 6.7 inch B6 PQ: 324 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 41 vaze | vases Flute sveËniki | candleholders hand made Flute Qube Rondo box Qube 1243000 1710 g ø 150 mm/ 5.9 inch h 145 mm/ 5.7 inch B1 PQ: 210 42 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Rondo box* 1273000 92 cl/ 31.1 oz 815 g ø 119 mm/ 4.6 inch h 131 mm/ 5.1 inch C1 PQ: 324 B4 PQ: 288 Crater 562 150 - 1300 g ø 70 mm - 120 mm h 100 mm - 1000 mm Digit Digit Crater 1274000 140 cl/ 47.3oz 1400 g ø 160 mm/ 6.3 inch h 175 mm/ 6.9 inch B1 PQ: 140 1272000 220 g 120 x 52 mm/ 4.7 x 2 inch h 30 mm/ 1.2 inch B6 PQ: 2688 *available per order Rondo Rondo 1258000 14 g ø 66 mm/ 2.6 inch h 35 mm/ 1.4 inch C4 PQ: 2880 B6 PQ: 3480 Carmen Carmen 1305000 505 g ø 90 mm/ 3.6 inch h 80 mm/ 3.1 inch B6 PQ: 1152 Trixy Carmen 1305010 250 g ø 67 mm/ 2.6 inch h 60 mm/ 2.4 inch B6 PQ: 2520 Trixy 1177000 370 g ø 82 mm/ 3.2 inch h 52 mm/ 2.0 inch B6 PQ: 1560 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 43 sveËniki | candleholders Depot Depot 12 1261000 815 g ø 130 mm/ 5.1 inch h 120 mm/ 4.7 inch B6 PQ: 384 Narvik Narvik 17 1199000 1305 g 163 cl/ 55.1 oz ø 140 mm/ 5.5 inch h 170 mm/ 6.7 inch B1 PQ: 240 B6 PQ: 216 Tavola Depot 8 1260000 234 g ø 86 mm/ 3.4 inch h 80 mm/ 3.1 inch B6 PQ: 1122 Tavola 0756010 16 cl/ 5.4 oz 205 g ø 74 mm/ 2.9 inch h 85 mm/ 3.3 inch B6 PQ: 1500 Ben 1L Ben 0,5L Ben 0,3L 2697000 114 cl/ 33.8 oz 900 g ø 122 mm/ 4.8 inch h 192 mm/ 7.6 inch B6 PQ: 210 2697010 59 cl/ 19.9 oz 500 g ø 98 mm/ 3.8 inch h 153 mm/ 6 inch B6 PQ: 396 2697020 36 cl/ 12.1 oz 300 g ø 83,4 mm/ 3.3 inch h 130 mm/ 5.1 inch B6 PQ: 672 Freedom 11 1211000 600 g ø 115 mm/ 4.5 inch h 130 mm/5.1inch B6 PQ: 378 Ashtray 0934020 580 g ø 145 mm/ 5.7 inch h 40 mm/ 1.6 inch B12 PQ: 864 Ben Freedom pepelniki | ashtrays Ashtray standard 14 cm vrËi | jugs Wine Jug Rondo Trio Ashtray standard 10 cm Rondo ashtray 11 Trio small Trio big 0934010 270 g ø 107 mm/ 4.2 inch h 35 mm/ 1.4 inch B12 PQ: 1176 0942000 320 g 113 x 59 mm/ 4.4 x 3.7 inch h 37 mm/ 1.5 inch B12 PQ: 1620 0937010 210 g ø 92 mm/ 3.6 inch h 22 mm/ 0.9 inch B6 PQ: 1290 0937020 600 g ø 130 mm/ 5.1 inch h 32 mm/ 1.2 inch B6 PQ: 1092 44 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection hand made Wine Jug 1L Wine Jug 0,5L Wine Jug 0,3L Wine Jug 0,2L 0173100 100 cl/ 33.8 oz 500 g ø 116 mm/ 4.5 inch h 187 mm/ 7.3 inch B6 PQ: 312 0173050 50 cl/ 16.9 oz 320 g ø 93 mm/ 3.6 inch h 155 mm/ 6.1 inch B6 PQ: 864 0173030 30 cl/ 10.1 oz 180 g ø 78 mm/ 3 inch h 120 mm/ 4.7 inch B6 PQ: 1296 0173020 20 cl/ 6.8 oz 150 g ø 70 mm/ 2.7 inch h 105 mm/ 4.1 inch B6 PQ: 1296 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 45 karafe | carafes karafe | carafes Belgium caraf London caraf Frak Frakelj Frak 0,5L Frak 1L Belgium caraf 1L Belgium caraf 0,5L London caraf 1L London caraf 0,5L 0104004 5 cl/ 1.7 oz 70 g ø 46 mm/ 1.8 inch h 116 mm/ 4.6 inch B36 PQ: 2592 0104005 53 cl/ 17.9 oz 500 g ø 104,7 mm/ 41,2 inch h 220 mm/ 8.7 inch B6 PQ: 264 0104006 105 cl/ 35.5 oz 700 g ø 128,5 mm/ 50.6 inch h 270 mm/ 10.6 inch B6 PQ: 144 3001001 100 cl/ 33.8 oz 735 g ø 97 mm/ 3.8 inch h 275 mm/ 10.8 inch B6 PQ: 216 3001000 50 cl/ 16.9 oz 500 g ø 79,4 mm/ 3.1 inch h 211 mm/ 8.3 inch B6 PQ: 504 3937000 100 cl/ 33.8 oz 750 g ø 108 mm/ 4.2 inch h 260 mm/ 10.2 inch B6 PQ: 180 3937001 50 cl/ 16.9 oz 750 g ø 87 mm/ 3.4 inch h 211 mm/ 8.3 inch B6 PQ: 384 46 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 47 karafe | carafes Stefan legenda hand made 1 Code | legend VITRUMOVA πtevilka artikla | VITRUM article code number Primer | Example 2 Artikel Ime in opis artikla | Name and description of article 1 3 Volumen do roba v cl in oz. | Rimful capacity in cl and oz. cl/ oz 5 Maksimalni obseg izdelka v mm/ inch | Maximum diameter of the item in mm/inch Cx Ax/y Bottle Stefan 2L Bottle Stefan 1L Bottle Stefan 0,5L 0106050 500 cl/ 169 oz 1800 g ø 174 mm/ 6.8 inch h 415 mm/ 16.3 inch B1 PQ: 77 0106040 300 cl/ 101.4 oz 1250 g ø 146 mm/ 5.7 inch h 350 mm/ 13.7 inch B1 PQ: 120 0106030 200 cl/ 67.6 oz 900 g ø 132 mm/ 5.2 inch h 330 mm/ 13 inch B1 PQ: 120 0106020 100 cl/ 33.8 oz 570 g ø 100 mm/ 3.9 inch h 285 mm/ 11.2 inch B1 PQ: 360 0106010 50 cl/ 16.9 oz 370 g ø 80 mm/ 3.1 inch h 240 mm/ 9.4 inch B1 PQ: 576 Bx 48 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection 37 cl/ 12.5 oz 4 335 g 5 Ø 71,4 mm/ 2.8 inch 6 h 150 mm/ 5.9 inch Skupna viπina izdelka v mm/ inch | Total hight of the item in mm/inch oznake pakiranja Bottle Stefan 3L 3 Teæa izdelka | Weight of the item 6 h Bottle Stefan 5L 2 Onda LD 4 g Ø 400204 | packing code Darilni karton z x- πtevilom izdelkov v darilnem kartonu CLOSED GIFT BOX with X - number of items in gift box Odprt darilni karton z x - πtevilom izdelkov v darilnem kartonu in y- πtevilom darilnih kartonov v transportnem kartonu OPENED GIFT BOX - SLEEVE with x - number of items/sleeve y - number of sleeves per transport carton Navaden bel/ rjav karton z x- πtevilom izdelkov v kartonu BASIC BROWN/WHITE BOX with X - number of items in box HP Visoka paleta High pallet PQ: ©tevilo izdelkov/ setov na Euro paleti (1200 x 800) Number of glass items/sets per EURO pallet tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 49 items available per order* items available per order* Kozarci kozarci Kozarci kozarci | tumblers Friend art. 0732000 300 ml ø 89 mm h 108 mm Friend art. 0733000 300 ml ø 89 mm h 108 mm Friend art. 0734000 300 ml ø 89 mm h 108 mm Berny LD art. 0704040 250 ml ø 65 mm h 140 mm Berny WH art. 0704003 240 ml ø 72 mm h 92 mm Scilla VI art. 048000 310 ml ø 66 mm h 140 mm Pacific LD art. 4015040 350 ml ø 76 mm h 139 mm Pacific WH art. 4015030 240 ml ø 83 mm h 88 mm SodËek 0,1 art. 1039010 100 ml ø 53 mm h 81 mm Friends LD art. 0781000 320 ml ø 80 mm h 132 mm Conic WH art. 4033000 320 ml ø 88 mm h 98 mm Raindrop SLD art. 0737050 520 ml ø 89 mm h 162 mm Raindrop LD art. 0737040 340 ml ø 83 mm h 134 mm Conic SLD art. 4028000 420 ml ø 80 mm h 150 mm Conic LD art. 4031000 380 ml ø 78 mm h 139 mm 50 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Berny VI art. 704020 185 ml ø 68 mm h 82 mm Raindrop WH art. 0737030 330 ml ø 87 mm h 107 mm Medici WH art. 0694030 200 ml ø 78 mm h 88 mm Cario LD art. 0822000 360 ml ø 78 mm h 146 mm * Minimum order quantity one production | tumblers Soho LD art. 0768040 330 ml ø 72 mm h 145 mm Soho WH art. 0768030 320 ml ø 85 mm h 85 mm Disco LD art. 0736040 330 ml ø 65 mm h 146 mm Disco WH art. 07367030 260 ml ø 78 mm h 90 mm Disco campari art. 0736050 260 ml ø 60 mm h 150 mm Claudia LD art. 0052040 400 ml ø 72 mm h 147 mm Claudia WH art. 0052030 290 ml ø 77 mm h 95 mm Claudia VI art. 0052020 240 ml ø 72 mm h 85 mm Disco spirit art. 07360100 40 ml ø 40 mm h 65 mm Spirit art. 072700 50 ml ø 48 mm h 57 mm Spirit art. 068500 30 ml ø 44 mm h 67 mm Ice Goblet LD art. 083300 300 ml ø 82 mm h 207 mm Oliver art. 0731010 300 ml ø 68 mm h 148,5 mm Juice art. 078300 245 ml ø 80 mm h 122 mm Lucy 20 art. 4042020 300 ml ø 65 mm h 166 mm Lucy 10 art. 4042010 290 ml ø 64 mm h 161 mm Fresh LD art. 0795042 265 ml ø 75 mm h 135 mm Fresh LD optic art. 0795041 350 ml ø 75 mm h 135 mm Fresh WH art. 0795030 265 ml ø 78 mm h 87 mm Units LD art. 078000 270 ml ø 92 mm h 80 mm Samantha LD art. 0692040 290 ml ø 65,5 mm h 139 mm Samantha WH art. 0692030 270 ml ø 76 mm h 92 mm Samantha VI art. 0692020 180 ml ø 68 mm h 78 mm * Minimum order quantity one production tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 51 items available per order* items available per order* Kozarci kozarci Country fruits LD art. 0762040 320 ml ø 80 mm h 139 mm Kozarci kozarci | tumblers Country fruits WH art. 0762030 250 ml ø 86 mm h 90 mm Country fruits VI art. 0762020 170 ml ø 74 mm h 81 mm Country leaves LD art. 0763040 320 ml ø 80 mm h 139 mm Country leaves WH art. 0763030 170 ml ø 80 mm h 81 mm Country leaves VI art. 0763020 170 ml ø 74 mm h 81 mm Be Free LD Be Free WH art. 01237000 356 ml ø 86 mm h 140 mm art. 1236000 252 ml ø 86 mm h 84 mm Tina 31 optic art. 4022000 290 ml ø 62 mm h 141 mm Pepelniki pepelniki | tumblers Tina 32 optic art. 4023000 310 ml ø 60 mm h 166 mm | ashtrays Quadro art. 94000 87x87 mm h 47 mm Vip art. 93800 ø 100 mm h 40 mm art. 93600 ø 92 mm h 22 mm Trio art. 0709000 ø 124 mm h 102 mm Sadne kupe sadne kupe Tania LD art. 0030040 310 ml ø 62 mm h 148 mm Tania WH art. 0030030 250 ml ø 72 mm h 88 mm Tania VI art. 0030020 200 ml ø 69 mm h 79 mm Mateja LD art. 0700040 230 ml ø 63 mm h 127 mm Mateja WH art. 0700030 280 ml ø 75 mm h 92 mm Mateja VI art. 0700020 220 ml ø 72 mm h 82 mm Pisa Wave WH art. 0818020 174 ml ø 65 mm h 90 mm Pisa art. 0782000 270 ml ø 74 mm h 146 mm Tina art. 0027000 330 ml ø 62,5 mm h 157 mm Tina art. 0054000 300 ml ø 62 mm h 145 mm Tina art. 0058000 290 ml ø 60 mm h 161 mm Tina art. 0059000 250 ml ø 61,5 mm h 126 mm Tina art. 1030000 265 ml ø 59,5 mm h 149 mm Tina art. 4005000 170 ml ø 54 mm h 122 mm Tina art. 4016000 580 ml ø 77 mm h 174 mm Tina art. 0728000 300 ml ø 67 mm h 140 mm 52 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection * Minimum order quantity one production | ice cream bowls Rimini art. 0702000 ø 135 mm h 142 mm Prisma art. 0703000 ø 119 mm h 151 mm MAXI Ice Coffee art. 0807000 375 ml ø 85 mm h 180 mm Sky art. 0740000 ø 134 mm h 113 mm Capri art. 0699000 ø 101 mm h 102 mm Astoria art. 0808000 250 ml ø 105 mm h 97 mm Holliday art. 1227000 340 ml ø 117 mm h 113 mm Holliday VI art. 1224000 275 ml ø 83 mm h 136 mm Holliday WATER art. 1225000 390 ml ø 83 mm h 158 mm Holliday MAXI art. 1226000 670 ml ø 146 mm h 143 mm * Minimum order quantity one production tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 53 items available per order* items available per order* Sklede Skodelice skodelice Caffee Tasse art. 1201000 200 ml ø 85 mm h 69 mm sklede | pots Grog art. 194200 230 ml 0 ø 76 mm h 148 mm Adrina big art. 1294100 250 ml ø 66 mm h 138 mm Adrina art. 1294000 120 ml ø 54 mm h 110 mm Star Cup art. 1300000 155 ml ø 61 mm h 83 mm Sugar Pot Adrina art. 1294500 205 ml ø 80 mm h 106 mm Milk Pot Adrina art. 1294400 210 ml ø 81 mm h 86 mm | bowls Ultra art. 1114000 ø 260 mm h 83 mm Sunrise bowl art. 1275000 690 ml ø 144 mm h 81 mm Rona big art. 1296020 320 ml ø 82 mm h 141 mm Sugar Pot Classic art. 1299500 238 ml ø 82 mm h 117,5 mm Rona small art. 1296010 138 ml ø 63 mm h 108 mm Milk Pot Classic art. 1299400 220 ml ø 80 mm h 88 mm Elina art. 1295000 160 ml ø 67 mm h 121 mm Classic art. 1299000 148 ml ø 56 mm h 110 mm 54 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Irena art. 1298000 160 ml ø 67 mm h 120 mm Elegance art. 1289000 180 ml ø 68 mm h 105 mm Sugar Pot art. 1297030 ø 99 mm h 42 mm Florida art. 128500 225 ml ø 72 mm h 97 mm * Minimum order quantity one production Ultra art. 1114000 ø 200 mm h 67 mm Breakfast bowl art. 1235000 405 ml ø 114 mm h 76 mm Ultra art. 1114000 ø 150 mm h 50 mm Ultra art. 1114000 ø 130 mm h 48 mm Impilabile bowl 20 art. 1265000 168 cl ø 200 mm h 89 mm Impilabile bowl 17 art. 1247000 107 cl ø 170 mm h 72 mm Impilabile bowl 13 art. 1257000 44 cl ø 135 mm h 50 mm Mondo art. 1252000 ø 140 mm h 173 mm Mondo optic art. 1253000 ø 140 mm h 173 mm Clip art. 1263000 131x131 mm h 170 mm SveËniki sveËniki | stormlights Mondo 17 art. 1241000 ø 137 mm h 173 mm Mondo 9 art. 1242000 ø 86 mm h 95 mm Narvik 11 art. 1212000 ø 104 mm h 115 mm Sven art. 122900 ø 90 mm h 115 mm * Minimum order quantity one production tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 55 items available per order* items available per order* Vaze SveËniki sveËniki Elegance art. 3732000 ø 52 mm h 164 mm vaze | candleholders Elegance art. 3731000 ø 52 mm h 127 mm Light art. 3735000 ø 52 mm h 220 mm Light art. 3734000 ø 50 mm h 170 mm Alfa art. 1232000 ø 70 mm h 143 mm Alfa art. 1233000 ø 70 mm h 70 mm Alto art. 1234000 ø 77 mm h 225 mm Tulip art. 1256000 ø 92 mm h 71 mm | vases Parsley 14 art. 3674020 ø 72 mm h 140 mm Parsley 19 art. 3674010 ø 90 mm h 190 mm Cylindric art. 3630000 ø 78 mm h 270 mm Cosmos art. 3072000 ø 48 mm h 280 mm Conic 21 art. 1204000 ø 110 mm h 210 mm Phoenix art. 2157000 ø 120 mm h 183 mm Margherita art. 3542000 ø 85,3 mm h 138 mm Razno razno Orbit art. 1216000 ø 115 mm h 32 mm Like 12 art. 1254000 ø 114 mm h 65 mm Orbit art. 1217000 ø 140 mm h 26 mm Like 14 art. 1255000 ø 144 mm h 81 mm Lucia art. 1211000 ø 72 mm h 72 mm art. 1126000 ø 94 mm h 32 mm 56 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection art. 1171000 ø 68 mm h 51 mm Capri art. 1130000 ø 96 mm h 87 mm Mini art. 1789000 ø 80 mm h 65 mm Vito art. 1189000 ø 120 mm h 105 mm Take it art. 1193000 ø 100 mm h 36 mm Mickey art. 1198000 106x90 mm h 37 mm | miscelaneus Phillip art. 1278000 ø 106 mm h 54 mm Twin art. 1214000 ø 48 mm h 34 mm * Minimum order quantity one production Solitaire art. 1127000 ø 238 mm h 25 mm Solitaire Blume art. 1128000 ø 225 mm h 21 mm Underplate Hilton art. 1123000 ø 125 mm h 13 mm Be Free egg cup art. 1238000 ø 119 mm h 21 mm Egg holder COLUMBUS art. 1194000 ø 64 mm h 12,5 mm Marmelade dish art. 1167000 99x80,5 mm h 86 mm * Minimum order quantity one production tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 57 reference items reference items Exclusivity Exclusivity exclusivity exclusivity Sobieski LD art. 0828030 280 ml ø 75 mm h 145 mm Sobieski WH art. 0828020 230 ml ø 85 mm h 90 mm Sobieski spirit art. 0828010 40 ml ø 44 mm h 80 mm Stock LD art. 0839030 350 ml ø 77 mm h 145 mm Stock WH art. 0839020 250 ml ø 83 mm h 88,7 mm Stock spirit art. 0839000 53 ml ø 47 mm h 64 mm Wave art. 0784000 280 ml ø 65 mm h 160 mm Bubble art. 0777000 265 ml ø 79 mm h 118 mm Pisa modificato art. 0830000 154 ml 67,3x58 mm h 79 mm Stamper art. 08320000 20 ml ø 38 mm h 100 mm Picher art. 0834000 54 ml 56x44 mm h 64 mm Wyborowa art. 0837000 45 ml ø 44 mm h 76 mm Mountain art. 0836000 90 ml ø 53 mm h 93 mm Spirit art. 0690000 29 ml ø 44 mm h 90,5 mm Johnnie Walker art. 0823000 325 ml 80x80 mm h 95 mm Max stackable art. 7029120 308 ml ø 75 mm h 146 mm Nestea art. 4049000 354 ml ø 71 mm h 141 mm Pfalzbecher art. 4063000 250 ml ø 78 mm h 99 mm Wieckse art. 4061000 400 ml ø 80 mm h 235,6 mm Kapuziner art. 4060500 500 ml ø 85,8 mm h 240 mm Krouvi art. 1934000 500 ml ø 100 mm h 116 mm 58 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection Flick Flack art. 1239000 ø 68 mm h 75 mm Glackoch art. 0935000 121x159 mm h 33 mm Space art. 1302000 ø 118 mm h 58 mm Systema art. 1220000 60x60 mm h 60 mm Welle art. 0939000 ø 110 mm h 49 mm Tampere art. 1231000 ø 93,7 mm h 60 mm Stapelacher art. 944000 100x100 mm h 30 mm Polo art. 1188000 ø 105 mm h 130 mm Polo art. 1192000 ø 150 mm h 170 mm Dolphin art. 1244000 ø 135 mm h 30 mm Freedom art. 1205000 ø 140 mm h 170 mm Barchetta art. 941000 90x140 mm h 35 mm tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 59 Dekoracija dekoracija Barve razkrivajo veË, kot si upamo pomisliti. Ni nakljuËje, kakπno barvo izberemo ali katere barve nas privlaËijo. Razkrivajo skrivnosti, ki so obiËajno zavite globoko v podzavesti posameznika, z izdelkom pa lahko postanejo kristalno Ëiste. Barve ustvarjajo prijetno okolje, delujejo vzpodbudno in pomirjajoËe ter imajo velik vpliv na naπ naËin æivljenja. Dekoracija dekoracija | decoration Colours reveal much more than we dare to realize. The colours we choose and the colours we are attracted to are never just by coincidence. They reveal secrets that are usually hidden deep within our subconscious, but with certain pieces, those secrets can become crystal clear. Colours create a pleasant environment, have a supportive and calming effect and create a huge influence upon our everyday life. | decoration brizganje spraying Igra barv je od ustvarjalca do ustvarjalca drugaËna in odraæa svojevrstnost in enkratnost njegovega izraæanja. Z brizganjem lahko poljuben steklen izdelek pobarvamo z æeljeno barvo, s Ëimer dobi videz obarvanega stekla. Barvna paleta je zelo πiroka in zadovolji πe tako zahtevnega naroËnika. The play of colour is varied from designer to designer, reflecting the uniqueness of their expression. Using the spray technique, any item can be decorated with a chosen colour, giving it the appearance of coloured glass. We offer an extensive range of colours that will satisfy even the most discerning clients. frosting direct print and decals The chemical treatment of glass provides pieces with a unique, almost non-transparent appearance and a texture that feels similar to velvet. In combination with other techniques, frosted pieces are transformed into something very special. When we combine colours using new patterns of thinking, we create products that express how we see the world. For us, processed glass that has been shaped using various techniques is a profound experience and sometimes a challenge, but in the end, it is always rewarded when we experience the satisfied looks of our customers. Our production capacity offers a wide range of decorations in the area of promotional glass for the beverage industry as well as for tableware collections. direktni tisk in odlepne slike Kadar zdruæimo barve z novimi miselnimi vzorci, dobimo izdelek, ki izraæa dojemanje sveta. Oplemeniteno steklo v razliËnih tehnikah je za nas posebna izkuπnja, vËasih tudi preizkuπnja, ki je na koncu vedno okronana z zadovoljstvom potroπnikov. Naπe proizvodne zmogljivosti nudijo πirok spekter dekoriranja, tako na podroËju industrije pijaË, kot na podroËju pogrnjene mize. S tehniko direktnega tiska ali odlepnimi slikami lahko zagotovimo visoko odpornost tiska in fotorealistiËen izgled dekorja. Prav tako pa lahko ustvarimo reliefni dekor v prozorni ali obarvani izvedbi. 60 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection With direct print and decals, we are able to ensure a high level of print resistance and a photorealistic appearance of the decoration. We are also able to create relief decorations in a transparent or coloured version. kemiËna obdelava stekla S kemiËno obdelavo stekla lahko doseæemo poseben, skoraj neprosojen izgled steklenega izdelka, ki je na otip rahlo æameten. V kombinaciji z ostalimi tehnikami pa lahko takπen izdelek postane zares nekaj posebnega. dodatne storitve Oblikovalci in drugi strokovni sodelavci Steklarne Hrastnik vam lahko pomagamo pri izvedbi vaπe lastne dekoracije na izbrane steklene izdelke. Z veseljem vam bomo svetovali, pripravili veË predlogov in idejnih reπitev pri namenskem dekorju po æeljah podjetja ali posameznika, promocijskih izdelkih in pripadajoËi embalaæi ter pri oglaπevalskih akcijah. additional services Designers and other expert employees at Steklarna Hrastnik can help you with creating your own decorations for the glass products of your choice. It will be our pleasure to give you advice and offer suggestions, ideas and solutions for decorated pieces for companies or individuals, including promotional products and related packaging and pieces for promotional campaigns. tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 61 pretvorbeni faktorji | conversion factors volumske oznake | volume marks prostornina | volume Steklarna Hrastnik je edini certificiran ponudnik æigosanja gostinskih kozarcev v Sloveniji. V letu 2004 je podjetje pridobilo certifikat, ki potrjuje izpolnjevanje zahtev evropske direktive MID, ki ureja podroËje merilnih instrumentov. Ustreznost izvedb æigosanja in podaljπevanje veljavnosti certifikata preverja Urad Republike Slovenije za meroslovje (MIRS). Steklarna Hrastnik is the only certified provider of restaurant glass stamping in Slovenia. In 2004, the company acquired a certificate confirming that company meets the requirements of the MID (European Measuring Instruments Directive). Compliance is monitored by the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (MIRS), which carries out annual control examinations and extends the certificate’s validity. Certificirani æigi Steklarna Hrastnik so: Certifies stamps used by Steklarna Hrastnik are: Pravila æigosanja zahtevajo oznaËitev izdelka tudi z oznako CE, letnico izdelave in πtevilko proglaπenega organa, ki izvaja nadzor nad ustreznostjo æigosanja. Kot certificiran izvajalec æigosanja izvajamo storitve tudi za zunanje naroËnike. Stamping legislation requires that the product must carry a CE mark, the year of manufacture and the number of the notified body that monitors the compliance of the stamping. As we are a certified stamp manufacturer we offer our services to our clients. KubiËni palci v kubiËne centimetre | Cubic inches to cubic centimetres KubiËni centimetri v kubiËne palce | Cubic centimetres to cubic inches KubiËni Ëevlji v kubiËne metre | Cubic feet to cubic metres KubiËni metri v kubiËne Ëevlje | Cubic metres to cubic feet KubiËni jardi v kubiËne metre | Cubic yards to cubic metres KubiËni metri v kubiËne jarde | Cubic metres to cubic yards KubiËni palci v litre | Cubic inches to Iitres Litri v kubiËne palce | Litres to cubic inches Galone v litre | Gallons to Iitres 16.39 0.06 0.03 36.32 0.76 1.31 0.02 61.03 4.55 Litri v galone | Litres to gallons 0.22 Litri v ameriπke galone | Litres to U.S. gallons 0.26 Ameriπke galone v litre | U.S. gallons to Iitres TekoËe unËe v mililitre | Fluid ounces to millilitres Mililitri v tekoËe unËe | Millilitres to fluid ounces dolæina | lenght Palci v centimetre | Inches to centimetres Centimetri v palce | Centimetres to inches Palci v milimetre | Inches to milimetres Milimetri v palce | Milimetres to inches povrπina | area Kvadratni palci v kvadratne centimetre | Square inches to square centimetres Kvadratni centimetri v kvadratne palce | Square centimetres to square inches teæa | weight UnËe v grame | Ounces to grams Grami v unËe | Grams to ounces Funti v kilograme | Pounds to kilograms Kilograme v funte | Kilograms to pounds 62 steklarna hrastnik tableware collection 3.79 30.77 0.33 2.54 0.39 25.40 0.04 64.51 0.15 28.35 0.04 0.45 2.21 tableware collection steklarna hrastnik 63 Steklarna Hrastnik d.d. Cesta 1. maja 14 | SI-1430 Hrastnik | T: +386 3 5654 600 | F: +386 3 5644 418 | | E: Produkcija: Steklarna Hrasnik d.d. | Tableware Collection Version 8 | januar 2012 | oblikovanje: Fronta d.o.o. | fotografa: Janez PukπiË, Branko KlanËar | tisk: Gorenjski tisk storitve | naklada: 2000 izvodov