Surrendering All Into the God-Self
Surrendering All Into the God-Self
HEART to HEART Consciousness speaking to Consciousness Vol. 31 No. 12 The Association of Happiness for All Mankind September 2010 Surrendering All Into the God-Self Heart of the Matter It’s a very natural thing, really. Remain with the magnetic current of the Heart, rather than efforting or struggling. Then, when you are in that, you begin to feel the Heart is really pulling everything in, including the body-mind, or the “self” you think you are. Arunachala Ramana You may think and feel, “Wait a minute! Everything is going? but I just want the bad stuff to go. I don’t want the good stuff to go too!” It is like pulling weeds out of the garden. It pulls out everything! The problem seems to be, or the strategy that comes up as a resistance to that, is that the body-mind has a lot invested in all its conditioned concepts, by association with all of that for so long, and now, what’s going to be thrown is all of that – EVERYTHING! But you see, all of it is a collection of the mind. The Self is prior to the mind. It is not a collection of anything. The mind is a collection of everything, including the nothing. So, prior to nothing and everything is the Self that is neither everything nor nothing. It is that in which both everything and nothing occur. The argument may still persist: “But wait a minute! I’m giving up everything?” Yes! Give it up! And, at the same time, you’re giving up nothing. What remains is you, the Self, which is what you are wanting to begin with. You, the Self, totally free, totally clear, absolutely happy! Isn’t that what you want? Do you feel that? So really partake of that quality, remain in this quality of Pure Being – you, the Self – and you become cognizant as it – not of it, but as it. You can’t be cognizant of it, do you get that? If you are cognizant of it, that’s like there are two “I”s, one that is cognizant of the other. That’s not it, see, that’s the reflection. You are identified with the reflection, trying to see the sun coming up. You want to BE the sun, not SEE the sun. ❤ from Consciousness Being Itself...pp. 191-192 Love Note From Elizabeth “Let go and let God.” from Living From The Heart pp. 101-106 What does that really mean? Let go into your true Being, into what is...before anything else can be...which is the Truth of who we are. And then let God run your life. Let the Heart run your life. Let it conduct the symphony. Just relax into it all... The beauty of this teaching is that all is being conducted by the Heart, not toward the Heart. So anytime we are working on those areas conditioned in the body-mind, first make sure that we’re Here – already present in the Heart. And then allow whatever is there that needs to be cleared in the bodymind to occur from the Heart. It’s not, “I’m going to clear this situation to finally be in the Heart.” It is “I’m in the Heart now.” Elizabeth MacDonald AHAM’s Spiritual Director Then look and see what situation needs clearing and focus the Light of Awareness on it, like shining a bright light into a dark area. And in the very presence of this Light it gets cleared out naturally. Maintaining commitment to your spiritual work gives you the ability to live easily and effectively in the world. You are able to shine the Light on those areas that need conscious understanding, very distinctly, very directly. That is really “working on ourselves.” Eventually the distractions of the world will not be coming up quite so often, because we’ve cleared out the negative and limiting patterns. It is easier if you don’t have to be all alone in the practice, especially when you get to the place of the final merging with the Self. Often there are some very subtle areas that block the way or distract and detour us from our final goal. It’s important to be in Conscious Company, being present with those already living the Heart, awake and alive. You can ask questions and receive the Truth directly, at the right time, so that you’re not distracted whatsoever. It’s a pure focus the entire time. Right now...are you in the Self? ❤ Teachings of Bhagavan Ramana Forty Verses on Reality Verse 23 The body does not say “I.” In sleep no one admits he is not. The “I” emerging, all else emerges. Inquire with a keen mind whence this “I” rises. Ganesan’s Interpretation: The Maharshi cuts at the very root of the fundamental folly of man, who believes he could realize the Self through intellectual studies. The mind that comes out to search for the Self is itself the Self. Unaware of this simple truth, it makes enormous efforts to behold the Self outside itself, like an object, which is absurd. The Maharshi humorously puts it, “Self knows no others and mind knows only others!” Where the mind has volunteered to be totally inoperative, there the Self shines lustrously, brilliantly. S.S. Cohen’s Interpretation: The body, being insentient, knows nothing about “I” and “not-I,” yet the “I” persists with or without a body – in the waking state or in sleep. When one wakes up the whole world wakes up, and when one sleeps the whole world sleeps. To know the true nature of this perennial “I,” we have to conduct an inquiry into its source. Verse 24 This inert body does not say “I.” The ever-existent consciousness is not born (thus cannot say “I”.) In between the two, something emerges as “I.” It is this that is known as bondage, soul, subtle body, ego, mind and so forth. Forty Verses on Reality continued... Ganesan: The inert body is incapable of proclaiming itself as “I am,” likewise, the ever-existing, unmoving life-principle utters not “I am.” Yet, in between the inert body and the movementless being, there arises a sensation which declares itself as “I.” This “I” principle brings the insentient body and the ever-existing life-principle together, mysteriously. As such, it is called “the knot between body and Self.” S.S. Cohen: Somehow the intelligence, under the compelling power of ignorance assumes a body, comes to identify itself with this body and to call itself “I,” thus tying together body and soul in a knot, which is known as the knot of ignorance in the heart. It is an extremely hard knot which defies centuries of births, but breaks of its own accord when Self-realization is achieved, and bondage and ignorance are destroyed forever. Verse 25 Know that this formless ghost (the ego or “I”) springs up in a body. Taking a form it lives, feeds and grows. Leaving a form it picks up another, but when it is inquired into, it drops the form and takes to flight. Ganesan: The Maharshi draws the attention of the seeker, slowly but steadily, to the one and only obstacle – the mind – on the way to Self-realization. He lays threadbare the various disguises the mind puts on camouflaging the Self, so that the seeker is weaned off delving too much on this non-existent phantom. S.S. Cohen: The ego is a veritable ghost. A ghost is a disembodied spirit that takes on a shad- owy appearance to play the living being and hoax people. The ego also is formless spirit – but it picks up a body and without knowing it, hoaxes others as well as itself. It begins its career by identifying itself with the body. It reaps the retribution of falling into abysmal ignorance, losing memory of its true nature. But when the time of its realization draws near, it undertakes an investigation into its real nature, sheds its identification with the body, transcends its previous illusions and becomes free once again, full of the bliss of Self-discovery. ❤ Making a Connection AHAM’s “Wake Up” Call EXPERIENCE MEDITATION ON THE TELEPHONE Try it this Sunday! Learn to bring stillness and peace into your life A FREE (only your own long distance charges apply) one-hour phone call with guided meditation, sharing, fellowship, and answers to your questions. Call begins at 7:30 pm EST. Call (213) 417-2120 + code 482-3766# Do not say your name when prompted. Simply press the # key to enter the call. DAILY MESSAGES AHAM sends out Daily Messages for transforming the mind and realizing the true nature of the Self, or real God, based on the Teaching of Sri Ramana Maharshi. If you wish to receive these FREE daily messages, Monday through Friday, simply e-mail your request to the AHAM Center at: ❤ Most Photos in Heart to Heart are by Jim Dillinger Photography HEART WATCH Every four hours, during our Heart Times, one of our staff sits in silent meditation in our sanctuary and consciously envisions a successful conclusion of the particular need of each person for whom a request has been made. If you would like to have a request placed in our Heart Watch book, then phone, mail, or e-mail your prayer request to the AHAM Center Phone: (336) 381-3988 Mailing Address: 4368 Hwy. 134 Asheboro, NC 27205 Sunday Interlude with AHAM Our Reflection Lake Connect with the Heart You are Invited... for a time of reflection and renewal Come to our Center by 9:45 am for our program or connect with us over the Interlude bridgeline call. Call and reserve for either: (336) 381-3988 on Sunday morning 10:00 – 11:30 am (EST) Please Join Us... for our pot-luck lunch after the program ❤ AHAM’s Prison Ministry On the next page is a letter from an inmate in Massachusetts. Read it and you will see why AHAM has a Prison Ministry. This kind of response is not an everyday occurrence, but It is these moments of pure, heart-to-heart connection that say it all. Doug High ❤ What is AHAM’s Prison Ministry? It is a program for sharing Bhagavan’s teachings with those who are incarcerated. It is not a “pen pal” activity. Who’s involved in the Ministry? Claire Rogers and Doug High are the only ones involved with the Prison Ministry at the moment, and they would love to have assistance from anyone in the community, no matter where you live. Anyone who chooses to assist will neither be sending nor receiving prisoner mail from their home. It will all go through AHAM Our role in corresponding with the inmates is to “buddy” them as they are “being with” the materials they’ve requested from us. We do not discuss personal matters with them unless they pertain specifically to meditation or Bhagavan’s teaching. We do not teach or preach; we share from our own direct experience. Those of you willing to assist would be asked to respond to the letters we receive. We would scan the inmate’s correspondence into the computer and e-mail it to you. You would write a response and e-mail your response to us (in the body of your e-mail). We then print your letter on AHAM stationary, and mail it to the inmates with any articles that seem appropriate or with one of our free books. Typically we get about 8-10 letters per week, and that number is growing steadily. To put it into perspective, if we got 500 letters in a year, 50-75 would respond to our initial card, and we would send them a book and a Ramana article. Out of those 50-75, we would hear from 20-30 with whom we would occasionally correspond. AHAM’s Prison Ministry...continued Eric’s Letter to AHAM The inmates are so grateful that they sometimes include a postage stamp to cover our costs. The most poignant one was from an inmate who had $39.00 in his prison canteen account. He enclosed a money order for $3.90 made out to AHAM as his tithe (“The Gift of the Magi”). Now can you see why AHAM has a Prison Ministry? Want to join us? We’d love to have you. ❤ Words of Wisdom on Surrendering To surrender willfulness and positionality is the greatst act and doorway to infinite love and freedom. As long as you mistakenly look to the mind for Truth, it will continue to haunt you to no end. The best course of action is to look and see for yourself that nothing in the mind is ultimately true, real or existing. What seems so real to you is only imagination. The question actually leads you into silence. Adyashanti The ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle: Totally fascinated by the realm of the senses, it swings from one desire to the next, one conflict to the next, one self-centered idea to the next. If you threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go. Let desires go. Let conflicts go. Let ideas go. Let the fiction of life and death go. Just remain in the center, watching. And then forget that you are there. Lao Tzu Simply Divine It is juicy Peach Season Peach peach peach peach peach peach peach peach in southeastern United States. Enjoy the scent and succulence of a fresh, ripe peach! pie jam cobbler chutney ice cream cake salad crisp We wish you were here to enjoy this wonderful “seems like native” fruit with us. Everywhere we ride along our country roads we see bushels of peaches for sale. Ginger Peach Crumble A spicy-sweet topping of crumbled gingersnaps turns peaches into a warm, tasty dessert without the high fat content of pies and crisps. 3 cups peeled fresh peach slices or 1 pound frozen unsweetened sliced peaches 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Serves 4 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup crumbled gingersnaps Preparation time: 15 minutes frozen yogurt (optional) Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Baking time: 20 minutes Evenly distribute the peach slices in the bottom of a 9-inch pie plate or 8 inch square baking dish. Sprinkle the peaches with the brown sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice. Top with the crumbled gingersnaps. Bake for about 20 minutes, until the peaches are bubbling and tender when pierced with a fork. Serve warm or at room temperature with plain or frozen yogurt. This crumble is so easy to make that it can be a last-minute addition to almost any meal. Many thanks to the Moosewood Kitchens The A. Ramana Archive Project The Conscious Intention of the A. Ramana Archive Project is – ❤ Ramana’s talks, writings and photos are efficiently archived and preserved. ❤ Everything needed manifests perfectly. ❤ Ramana’s work spiritually nourishes people worldwide. Archival/Development Mastermind Meeting July 30-August 1, 2010 For information on how you can support this vital project contact Saroja at Theresa Morton, Tess Amoruso, Vivian Zelig, George Lutman Masterminding where to put Inventory George, Theresa, Vivian, Tess Moving Inventory to the Main House. Karen Stewart and Anna Scott Preparing a delicious meal. David Stewart archiving ❤ Anna working on CD/DVD Inventory CD/DVD Selection of the Month Simple Presence By A. Ramana This profound and transformative Sat Sanga with A. Ramana is an invitation to experience what it is to be in conscious company, in Awareness, prior to the mind, prior to the body. Recorded during Sat Sanga on January 24, 2006 at the AHAM India Ashram. 60 minutes. CD’s $10 and DVD’s $20 plus S&H. Purchase helps support the A. Ramana Archive Project. In this talk, Ramana addresses what true contentment is – the cessation of desire, rather than the fulfillment of the desired object. Ramana also stresses that we not lose sight of the Awareness that I AM (we are), and remain in this I AM-ness, this Awareness either by being in conscious company or by constant Self-Inquiry (or both). This is a significant recording for anyone who is ready to awaken to the dream, and abide in that Awareness that is not the knowing, but the Being. A different selection will be featured in each month’s HEART to HEART. Place a subscription for the year and get one month free. NNP Graduates Share Left to right: Stan Davis, Karen Stewart, Chad Johns, Vivian Zelig, John Shelor “I would recommend the NNP Workshop to anyone. It enhances and deepens the process of Self-Inquiry and also deepens the awareness and connection with the Divine.” Karen Stewart, Hillsborough, NC “I got more than I expected from NNP. I am experiencing selfacceptance and love of myself... exactly as I am. No more feeling alone or separate.” Chad Johns, Williamsburg, VA “I am feeling such gratitude for this program. It gives one the ability to truly live from Being, as love and compassion. I highly recommend this program.” Vivian Zelig Awaken to Awareness Retreats September 3-5 & October 1-3 Enjoy 3 days in quiet retreat abiding in the clear consciousness of Pure Awareness! AHAM’s tranquil, 40-acre Meditation Retreat and Spiritual Training Center Transform your Life! Receive personal guidance in the transforming process of Self-Inquiry, the simple “eyes open” meditation you can practice anytime, anywhere! Call the AHAM Center 336-381-3988 or e-mail: Come and experience deep peace solitude relaxation AHAM’S 2010 PROGRAMS September 3-5 Awaken to Awareness Retreat 18-26 Intensive Self-Inquiry Training/Retreat October 1-3 Awaken to Awareness Retreat 6-10 Neutralizing Your Negative Past Vancouver Island, BC 13-17 Neutralizing Your Negative Past November 5-7 Awaken to Awareness Retreat 13-21 Intensive Self-Inquiry Training/Retreat December 3-5 Awaken to Awareness Retreat 19 Community Christmas Celebration 31 New Year’s Eve Celebration 2011 January - February/AHAM India Jan 8-16 Intensive Self-Inquiry Training/Retreat The “Barn” at AHAM Jan 23-Feb 13 Pilgrimage for NNP Graduates AHAM’s electronic-HEART to HEART Publication – published monthly by AHAM, Inc. Its main purpose is to spread the teaching of AHAM, which is primarily Self-Inquiry and the Pure Teaching of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. Self-Inquiry is the core and central theme of AHAM’s own pure teaching. HEART to HEART is a wonderful way for readers to be connected with AHAM and its pure teaching, especially if you cannot come often to the AHAM Center in the USA, or to our ashram in India. It is AHAM’s ongoing spiritual mission to assist one and all in transcending and ultimately eliminating all emotional pain, suffering, conflict, contradictions, and confusion seen and felt in their lives and in the world, which is caused by identifying with the body-mind and one’s ego appearing in the world of time and space. It is to bring about real and lasting peace, freedom, and happiness for all who are ready and willing to receive it. AHAM is here to share the Highest Truth – that there is not now, never has been, nor will there ever be a single, separate, individual being. There is always only this One Self, or One Reality, appearing as all the apparent “others” and revealing this One Self to Itself. This is a free publication. However, your donations, gifts, or contributions to its continuation are very welcome and assist us in the operation of our two centers. Please feel free to pass this publication on to friends, and send us any questions you may have regarding either AHAM or your spiritual practice (sadhana). Please give us permission to print both your question and our answer in the HEART to HEART. All comments and suggestions are always welcome. E-mail us at <> Mailing Address: 4368 Hwy. 134 Asheboro, NC 27205 Phone: (336) 381-3988 Fair Use Notice In legal terms: This newsletter may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The material in this publication is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. Most photos are by Jim Dillinger Photography Note: It has often been difficult to contact the artists or copyright owners of the art, recipes, or photos in the newsletters. Please consider it a compliment that your work has been selected. Past issues starting with January, 2008 can be found on our website: In loving service, AHAM Publications THE ASSOCIATION OF HAPPINESS FOR ALL MANKIND (AHAM) is a non-profit organization, incorporated in the state of North Carolina. AHAM has been serving the worldwide spiritual community with its curriculum of conscious-transforming programs since August 1978. All is constantly being blessed by A. Ramana, AHAM's Founding Spiritual Director (1978-2010). Co-Founder and Spiritual Director................................ Elizabeth MacDonald Executive/Operations Director.....................Stan Davis AHAM India Ashram Manager...................Jan Sundell AIC Coordinator....................................Linda Swanson Outreach Director.........................................Stan Davis Finances...................................................Jeanie Rehder Kitchen............................Vivian Zelig & Lina Landess Audio/Visual Production...........................Jim Dillinger Gardens and Grounds..........................Teresa O'Connor Maintenance..............Chuck Rehder & George Lutman Publications.........................................Steven Jacobson HEART to HEART................................Esther Fisher Prison Ministry.............................................Doug High Board of Trustees and Advisors: President...................................................... Stan Davis Vice President/Treasurer.......................Linda Swanson Secretary..........................................Barbara Steinacker Other Board Trustees and Advisors: Carol Stewart-High, John Shelor
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