sept. edition


sept. edition
VOL. 8
CAPSI/APDI Delegation meets President of India
Dear Friends,
This is the preconference issue of The
Security Post and I would
like to advice all fellow
professionals to MUST
attend our 3rd National
Conference, as it is a ReUnion of all friends and fellow professionals.
This will also give you an opportunity to share
your views with stalwarts of our twin industry
and also to gain knowledge from eminent
speakers; those have gained excellence in
their field of specialization. Only through such
inter-actions, you would be able to improve
your skills and enterprise management.
Through such National Conferences we have
been impressing upon Central and State
Governments to take care of our welfare and
create win-win situation so that we can
provide excellent services to our end-users
and also help the respective Governments in
their relentless fight against terrorism. Our
sincere offer to National Disaster
Management was very well received by the
organisation and now we are expecting close
working relationship with them. The State
Government of Orissa has worked out a MoU
with us to recruit and train guardsmen and
women from the state. This will certainly
improve our standards of services. I am
expecting five more States to follow the suite.
Her Excellency Smt. Prathiba Devisingh Patil,
Hon'ble President of India showed very keen
interest in the functioning of Private Security &
Investigation Industry. She was very happy to
know that how CAPSI is generating job
opportunities for rural youth of India. She has
very kindly invited entire National and State
leadership of CAPSI & APDI , over a cup of tea
at the Rashtrapati Bhawan. This will give all of
us an opportunity to share our views with her
and seek her blessings.
I hope and trust that all of you will participate
in the National Conference and move forward
to achieve new heights of professionalism
through knowledge.
With best wishes.
Kunwar Vikram Singh
HH Maharaja Bhanu Prakash
Singh, Former Governor &
Union Minister, Chief Patron,
CAPSI & APDi along with
Kunwar Vikram Singh,
Chairman, CAPSI & APDi and
Mr. Praveer Bagchi, Advisor,
CAPSI & APDI met Her
Excellency Smt. Pratibha
Devisingh Patil, Hon’ble
P re s i d e n t o f In d i a a t
Rashtrapati Bhavan on 25th
September, 2008. The
Chairman, CAPSI & APDI
gave a detailed briefing to
the Hon’ble President on the activities of the CAPSI & APDI. He also handed over a copy of the
Report of the 2nd National Conference to the Hon’ble President. Kunwar Vikram Singh also
apprised the President of India about the forthcoming 3rd National Conference to be held at
Bengaluru on the 13th & 14th October, 2008.
Her Excellency Pratibha
Devisingh Patil, Hon’ble
President of India
appreciated the efforts of the
Chief Patron & the Chairmen
in promoting the activities of
Industry in the
Country. She also thanked
HH Maharaja Bhanu Prakash
Singh, Chief Patron of CAPSI
& APDI and others for having
met her to apprise about the
Security Industry and about
the forthcoming 3rd National
Conference. She also invited
the entire National & State level leadership of CAPSI & APDI for tea at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Kunwar Vikram Singh elected “Director” of WAD at Denver Conference
The 83rd Annual conference of World
Association of Detectives Inc. was held from
September 16-20, 2008 at Hotel Westin in
Denver, Colorado, USA. More than 200 super
sleuths from various countries participated in
this conference. Besides being annual
conference it was also an International
Symposium for Human Rights Awareness
convened to celebrate the 60th Anniversary
of the United Nation Universal Declaration.
Ms. Julia Ormond, an internationally famous
actress addressed the delegates and made
an impressive presentation about her experiences in dealing with issues related to human
slavery and trafficking. She is Founder & president of ASSET, the Alliance Stop Slavery and End
Trafficking. She played lead role in film “Surveillance”, “Legend of the Fall”, “First Knight” and
many more.
World famous retired tennis star Ms. Andrea Jaeger was the star
attraction at the welcome reception. Mr. Florian Schlosser from Germany
held a special session on Human Trafficking and his efforts in reintegration into society. He was assisted by her wife. Mr. Robert
Amsterdam, an internationally renowned human rights attorney made
an impressive presentation. Mr. Larry Gassin and Ms. Dottie Laster of
Strike Force Training gave presentation on International parental Child
Abduction which got equally support from WAD President Mr. Allen
CAPSI & APDI - 2nd State Conference
2nd State
Conference of
Ta m i l n a d u &
chapters was
held on 30th
August 2008 at
H o t e l S avoy,
theme “youth
for Homeland
Security”. The
Conference was
inaugurated by Thiru. K. Venkatapathy- Hon'ble Minister of Law &
Justice for State, Government of India by lighting the Kuthu Vilakku.It
was attended by a record of 90 Security Companies from Tamilnadu &
Pondicherry Chapter. Total of 175 members participated, which
included Press, Guests and Security Professionals from other
Corporation and Government Organization.
Welcome Address by Capt Shibhu
Capt. Shibu Isaac
Chairman- CAPSI,
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry
Chapter said that, it is a
great honour for me, as
Chairman of CAPSI & on
behalf of APDI, to bring
the Security Industry
c l o s e r t o t h e
Government. All these
years, this industry lay at
the bottom of the market, in terms of its status. Now with the
promulgation of the PSAR Act 2005, we are all standing up with our
Heads up and spirits high. Our intended Job mela would be a boon to
the government and the Families whose kith & kin get Jobs with us.
The Jobs we offer guarantees Minimum wages with ESI & PF benefits. I
am confident, Hon’ble Minister that we have your Support, in realizing
this dream theme YOUTH FOR HOMELAND SECURITY through Job
Melas. Second, by bringing the Security Services industry under the
Essential Services Maintenance Act, 1981……Sir, our Government
would be able to harness the resources of 5 lakh Security personnel,
working across the State. Third, being a 24 hour Service, we have 5
lakh pair of eyes & ears, watching & listening, a resource which can be
beneficial to the Government, especially the Police Department, for
gathering intelligence and information. I, on behalf of CAPSI & APDI &
16 delegates from India participated in this conference. Kunwar Vikram its members, welcome you, Sir, as our Honoured Guest. With the
Singh, Chairman & Mg.Director of Lancers Network Limited was notification of the TN Private Security Regulation Rules -2008, on
unanimously elected “Director” of the WAD. Mr. Gregory Scott from USA August 11, 2008. Your support will ensure that Tamilnadu gives to the
was elected President of WAD. Mr. Rashid Malik from Pakistan was market, world class Security & Detective Agencies. I also sincerely
elected First Vice President; Mr. Vladimir Solomanidin from Russia was welcome our honoured Guest Thiru. Anbarasan, Minister for Labour,
elected Second Vice President. Ms. Siti Naidu from Malaysia was elected Government of Tamilnadu. I am also immensely pleased to welcome
Third Vice President of WAD. Mr. Allan Cardoza was promoted to the Thiru. Sekar, Commissioner of Police, Chennai. I also welcome our
position of Chairman of the Board. Mr. Ajit Singh from India was National Chairman Kunwar Vikram Singh. I also welcome the Press &
appointed Sergeant-at-Arms. He took over this position from Mr. Media who have come. On a very high note, let me welcome each one
Sivindra Pratap Singh from India. Mr. R P Chauhan is also serving on the of you as members of CAPSI & APDI who have come from all parts of
Executive Board of the WAD. Prominent participants from India include the State and your presence here makes it more momentous &
historic. You are aware that Honourable Chief Minister, Tamilnadu has
Mr. V M Pandit, Ms Taralika Lehari, Mr. Gurdeep Singh Arora, Mr
now called the Investment Citadel, with investments nearing 30,000
Kanwaljeet Singh, Mr.R P Chauhan, Mr. Sachit Kumar, Mr. Vivek kumar,
crores. Tamilnadu is shining and we are realizing the vision of our
Mr. Shivindra Pratap Singh, Mr. Ajit Singh, Mr. Raghubir Singh Jadeja.
honourable Chief Minister making Tamilnadu the Numero UNO state in
our Country. While I finish, I only have this great saying from
The next Mid Term meeting of the WAD will be held at Ft. Lauderdale, Thirukkural in mind “Muyarchi thiruvinay aakkum muyatrinmmai
Florida ,USA on March 26-28, 2009 and the 84th Annual Conference will I n m a i p u g u t h t h i v i d u m .” Va a z h g a Ta m i z h , Va l a r g h a
take place on September 22-26, 2009 at Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil.
Tamizhagam,Valarattum Namadhu Kootamaippu. JAI HIND”
Cardoza who gave his narration about many cases handled by him. The
83rd Annual conference of World Association of Detectives Inc. was held
from September 16-20, 2008 at Hotel Westin in Denver, Colorado, USA.
More than 200 super sleuths from various countries participated in this
conference. Besides being annual conference it was also an
International Symposium for Human Rights Awareness convened to
celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the United Nation Universal
Declaration. Ms. Julia Ormond, an internationally famous actress
addressed the delegates and made an impressive presentation about
her experiences in dealing with issues related to human slavery and
trafficking. She is Founder & president of ASSET, the Alliance Stop
Slavery and End Trafficking. She played lead role in film “Surveillance”,
“Legend of the Fall”, “First Knight” and many more. World famous retired
tennis star Ms. Andrea Jaeger was the star attraction at the welcome
reception. Mr. Florian Schlosser from Germany held a special session on
Human Trafficking and his efforts in re-integration into society. He was
assisted by her wife. Mr. Robert Amsterdam, an internationally
renowned human rights attorney made an impressive presentation. Mr.
Larry Gassin and Ms. Dottie Laster of Strike Force Training gave
presentation on International parental Child Abduction which got
equally support from WAD President Mr. Allen Cardoza who gave his
narration about many cases handled by him.
Notes From Secy. General
Key Note Address by Chairman ADG Police, Tamilnadu for the PSAR ACT
Dear Friends
We are passing through
an auspicious and crucial
month of the year.
Auspicious because of
the festivals following in
this month and crucial
because of various
activities by the unsocial elements which are
attracting the focus and concentration of
our Law Enforcing Agencies to maintain
peace in the Country. Today, common
citizen carries an element of fear while
visiting the crowded markets for purchases
associated with the festivals for his family.
Even the religious places have become
targets for the unsocial elements to create
panic and horror in the minds of citizens.
I shall like to urge my security professionals
to please offer maximum cooperation and
support to the local Law Enforcement
Agencies, responsible for maintaining law
and order in their respective areas of
operations. I am sure that all my security
professional would have already taken
adequate measures of supervising the
deployment of their Security Forces at
various locations, with the basic aim of
providing the comfort level to their
clients/end users.
I wish all of you safe and secure activities
connected with the various festivals, falling
in the month of October. Hope to meet most
of you in person during the 3rd National
Conference at Bengaluru.
Mahesh C. Sharma
Secy. General - CAPSI & APDI
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Kunwar Vikram Singh, Chairman, CAPSI &
APDI emphasized that 60 lakh working force
of India would be the right force to
supplement the Police, in terms of looking
after the State while the Police themselves
would be in a better position to concentrate
on Law and Order, as their task is to bringing
in Safety. He emphasized that Security
Industry growth rate is 25% and the actual
requirement is more than 1 million people
per year. The Delhi Police has solicited the
service of Security Industry from CAPSI for
the forthcoming Common Wealth Games to
be held in Delhi. He requested the City Police
Commissioner Thiru. R. SEKAR to form a
Joint Committee, to make the Security
Industry to tackle various problems of law
and order in the city of Chennai.
Thiru R. Sekar, IPS-ADGP & Commissioner of
Police addressed the gathering. Mr. Sekar
started by saying that at one point of time
there was an apprehension about Security
Agencies, but today the importance of the
Security Agencies has been identified by all
and of that lot of Orderliness has come in to
this Industry. He emphasized that our Guest
of the day, Thiru .K. Venkatapathy, would be
the right person, who could bring in the
changes in the Act that could change the
Industry. Thiru.Sekar IPS explained that only
a thin line of difference exists between the
Police and Private Security & Detective
Inaugural address by the Chief Guest
Shri Thiru K. Venkatapathy
Minister of Law and Justice for State,
Government of India started the speech by
appreciating the work of CAPSI & APDI in
terms of the number of people employed by
the Industry and the tremendous service,
we are rendering to our Youth. He
encouraged to go full-fledged with Job
Melas and assured his total support. He
emphasized that it is not the State that
gives Security to all which was the thought
at one point of time, whereas the time has come that we all have to remember it is the
Private Security Industry that can play a larger role in serving the Society in larger needs. He
emphasized all the Youth who have studied up to High School and go around looking for Jobs
depend on the Government and in the failure of getting the Job, they move away from the
main stream, thus many of them becoming anti socials. It is clear that the Security Industry
can make submittal change for the Young people of the Country. He glorified the status of
the Security Guard by saying, that a man is able to present himself in a dignified manner with
a clean uniform, perfect hair cut, neatly shaven, looking trim and he is also able to give a
decent salary back to his home. The Security Industry should be credited, which was
applauded a lot by the audience.
Shri Thiru K. Venkatapathy criticized the manner in which the PSAR Act was passed and very
enthusiastically stated that he, in his right, as a Minister would do everything possible to
bring about the needed amendments in the Act including the co-ordination that is to be done
with the Central to increase the importance of Security Agencies. He also informed that he
would be a continuous source of support to the Industry in every way possible. He also
stated that he would spear head in organizing the Job Mela, all over Tamilnadu with the
support of CAPSI. He encouraged the Security Industry endeavors' to employ People with
the right backgrounds. He appreciated the size of industry and it would be the significant
force in the country. Copy of the 2nd National Conference proceedings (Hard Copy & CD)
were handed over to the Minister by our National Chairman Kunwar Vikram Singh.
*Conditions Apply
Rajendran for better coordination between
the Police Force and the Private Security Guards.
Chairman-APDI applauds the efforts of Kunwar Vikram Singh
Mr. K. Ragothaman, Chairman APDI, Tamilnadu & Pondicherry
Chapter appreciated and
congratulated Kunwar Vikram
Singh-National Chairman, for
all the efforts taken by him in
passing the PSAR Act- 2005. He
informed that because of
Kunwarji's effort, all the Private
Detective Agencies are now
benefitted and also informed that Kunwarji is still struggling to do much
more amendments. Mr. Ragothaman explained briefly the difference
between Customs Act, Centralization Act, Enforcement Act and the Self
Regulating Act. He requested the participants to share the support and
efforts of Kunwarji by the way of joining the CAPSI. He informed that
the scope for Private Security Agencies is growing. He expressed his
willingness in conducting the Conferences in every two months with the
support and coordination from the Security Agencies.
Thiru T. Rajendran, IPS, IGP
Training emphasized that Law
and Order can be maintained
only by the Joint Venture. He
insisted that people should be
trained for acting against
terrorism, extremism and all
anti social elements. He
expressed his dissatisfaction on
equipping the Force. He also
insisted that they should be well
equipped. He clearly stated that Police Officers are not the competitors
to Security Agencies, but with a joint preparation of both the force, the
Society can be well preserved. His speech was highlighting on the
coordination between the Police and Security professionals. His speech
was precise. He raised very relevant / pertinent issues, which need to be
addressed. With effect from 09/09/2008, Mr.Rajendran promoted as
DGP, Law and Order, Tamilnadu and Mr.Radhakrishnan as IG- Training,
IGP Home Guards-Tamilnadu applauds CAPSI & APDI
Thiru T. Radhakrishnan IPS, IGP, Home Guards and Civil Defence delivered his speech by explaining his
relationship with Security Professionals and also the service rendered by the Private Security Agencies.
He emphasized that the basic responsibility of the Police lies in preventing crimes, regulating the traffic,
giving protection to the Society and he insisted that it is the Private Security Agencies who help the
Police in all these responsibilities. He insisted that the Private Detective Agencies should be well trained
to look after the work of preventing the anti-social, crimes and even the terrorism. He applauded the
Private Detective Agencies and Security Agencies by saying that they work for the Society and live for
the Society. He questioned why the Security and Private Detective Agencies are not recognized
uniformly throughout the Country? He emphasized that it is the duty of Senior Police Officers to
dispense such kind of misguiding from the minds of those lower level Police Officers and the Security
Agencies should be treated and recognized uniformly in all the States of the Country.
He also insisted that monthly coordination meeting of Police should also include Security Agency's representatives to discuss the details of the
crime taking place in Chennai and also to share the other information of City. He insisted that it is the duty of the Senior Officers to utilize the
services of Security guards and agencies in a proper way, as the goal of both Police Officers and Security Agencies is to regulate the law and order.
He appreciated the commitment of Security Agencies / Guards towards their duty. He insisted that Police Officers should come forward to make
use of the Security Agencies professionals as they are well trained. He also insisted that Security Agencies Professionals should offer their services
for the welfare of the Society, voluntarily. He expressed his willingness in training the Security Guards and he requested the chapter Chairman
Capt. Shibu Isaac to formerly invite him for training the Private Security Agencies Guards, so as to get the permission from the higher authorities.
He concluded his speech by saying that a day will come soon when, both the Police and the Security Agencies will join together in protecting the
Society. Thiru T. Radhakrishnan's speech was enthusiastic and also encouraging to all the Security Professionals, involved in Security Business.
Regional Commissioner - EPF generated
interests in the participants
Cdr Jagadeesan talks about the DSC
Cdr. S.Jagadeesan - Naval Coastal, Marshall
at Chennai spoke on the topic of 'Private
Security Agencies in Defence Services'. He
gave the detailed presentation of Defense
Security Corps and the changes in their
status, cost etc., in a very approachable
manner. His speech included the details of
DGR Sponsored Private Security Agencies
and the problems being faced in that
M r. K . S r i n i va s a n - E P F, Re g i o n a l
Commissioner started his speech by
explaining the working details of EPF and
the security provided to society by them.
He explained the EPF, EDLI and pension
scheme in a detailed manner and also
about the deduction, percentage of PF
deducted. Kunwar Vikram Singh raised
some questions related to problems faced
with EPF. Mr. K.Srinivasan accepted to
highlight the problem faced towards EPF to the higher officials. An
interactive session was conducted, where the Security Agencies who
came as guests questioned EPF Commissioner and clarified their
doubts. The way the EPF Commissioner addressed the gathering and
clarified the doubts was extremely applaudable. This interactive
session was very useful for even the small Security Agencies and also
for the newly started Agencies.
He applauded the Security Agencies for the wonderful service
rendered by them towards MNC and IT Clients and also informed
that even CISF cannot give that kind of service. He insisted on the
fact of bringing in amendments in the PSAR Act. He also insisted on
the training the Security Guards and thanked MR.T.RadhakrishnanIPS for the acceptance given by him for training of the guards.
Secy. Gen. Offers Vote of Thanks
CAPSI Delegation invited by Haryana
Vote of Thanks was given by Mr.
S. Mohanraj,
G e n e ra l , C A P S I & A P D I
Chapters. He thanked each one
individually and collectively for
making the 2nd State
Conference of the Tamilnadu &
Pondicherry Chapter a grand
success. Mementoes were given
to all 28 sponsors by Chairmen,
CAPSI/APDI during the concluding session.
This time, it is Haryana bracing up to implement the PSAR Act 2005
which would make it imperative for every Private Security Guarding
Business to obtain license to operate in Haryana from the designated
authority and to operate within the scope of the rules and regulations
being framed for training and business conduct. It is indeed laudable
that the State of Haryana is tackling the issue methodically and
professionally. CAPSI was invited for an Industry Meet held by
Inspector General of Police (Crime) Shri Surjeet Singh Deswal who had
traveled particularly for this meet from Police Headquarters in
Panchkula (Haryana).
RAJ Skill - 2008 Summit at Jaipur
M r. M a h e s h C .
Sharma, Secy. Gen.,
attended the
Rajasthan Skills &
Employbility Summit
(RAJ Skill-2008) on
30th August, 08 at
Hotel Rambagh
Palace, Jaipur. The
s u m m i t w a s
inaugurated by Mrs.
Vasundhara Raje,
Hon’ble Chief Minister, Rajasthan by lighting the lamp. The industrial
houses of the corporates were invited by the Govt. Of Rajasthan for
this prestigious summit. A total of 120 CEOs of big industrial houses
attended the summit for better understanding of public private
partnership. The Industrial Houses came forward with their
recommendations for the employment of the youth from Rajasthan in
their respective organisations.
Government contribution for Vishvakarma pension scheme award was
presented by the Hon’ble Chief Minister to Sh. Ram Kishore Meena,
Hon’ble minister for Labour & Employment, Govt. Of Rajasthan during
the inaugural session of the Raj Skill 2008 summit. Number of MoUs
between the Corporates and the Govt. Of Rajasthan were signed
during the Summit. Mr. Lalit K Pawar, Principal Secretary, Labour &
Employment, Govt. Of Rajasthan thanked one and all for their active
participation during the Summit while proposing vote of thanks.
Orissa Govt. Invites CAPSI
Mrs. Shubha Sarma, Director, Employment, Govt. Of Orissa invited
CAPSI leadership for a meeting with Chief Secretary, Orissa at
Bhubaneshwar on the 11th of Sept., 2008 at the State Secretariat. Col.
Jagat Trikha, Executive Director, CAPSI & APDI participated in the
meeting which was also attended by Secretary, Employment & Labour,
Govt. Of Orissa. Col. Jagat Trikha briefed about the activities of CAPSI
& APDI with special reference to the MoU having been signed with the
Govt. Of Rajasthan, Encouraging results from the Rozgar Sahayata
Shivirs conducted at the divisional head quarters of Rajasthan in close
coordination with CAPSI and the employment to the youth with the
member Security Agencies on completion of their successful training
from the Punjab Security Training Institute at Jahankalan, Hoshiarpur,
Punjab, being managed by Punjab Police Security Corporation.
Mr. A. K. Tripathy, IAS, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Orissa appreciated the
efforts of CAPSI. He suggested for holding of job melas in the state of
Orissa to generate employment for the rural youth in the Security
Agencies with the help of CAPSI. Col. Trikha also briefed Add. Chief
Secretary and Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister in subsequent
meetings organised during the day. Mr. Ashok Kumar Tripathy, IAS,
Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Labour & Employment suggested Col.
Trikha to initiate draft MoU based on the discussions during the various
meetings and sent to him for consideration and approval at his end.
As in the past, CAPSI Chairman Kunwar Vikram Singh devoted his
valuable time to attend to industry cause and have fruitful lengthy
discussions with Shri Deswal and his team. CAPSI office bearers
Mahesh Sharma Secretary General, Jasbir Singh Wasu Chairman
CAPSI D.C., Vishal Sawara Convener CAPSI Haryana Chapter and
other prominent members and industry players like Harsh WardhanPresident & CEO of TerraForce, Arjun Walia of Walsons, Capt. Rohit
Baswani of Vijayant Security, G4S representatives and others were
present during discussions at the PWD Guest House, Civil Lines,
Gurgaon on the 10 September 2008.
Shri Deswal was very proactive and left no stone unturned to
understand the nuances of the industry workings and patiently heard
every delegate. He was kind enough to elaborate the government
concerns and over an inter-active session made notes of industry
concerns and dispelling industry apprehensions assured CAPSI
delegates that the committee assigned for licensing under the aegis of
the Director General Police, Haryana and consisting of Addl. DGP (Law
& Order) and others would proactively consider industry concerns on
training, recruitment, verification of personnel, arms licensing etc. and
formulate rules for licensing that would not obstruct business but
regulate it and raise standards so that the Private Security Industry
(PSI) could thrive in Haryana and offer the desired scale of
performance to the citizens and Government of Haryana.
CAPSI Chairman, Kunwar Vikram Singh elaborated to Shri Deswal the
progress that CAPSI has made with other states such as Rajasthan,
Punjab, Orissa, etc. in the terms of training and recruitment. He also
emphasized on private outsourcing of various non-core police
functions to the PSI. Shri Deswal, IPS invited CAPSI to forward copies
of their MoU and proposals for consideration by Haryana Government.
The meeting ended on a pleasant note with Kunwar Vikram Singh
thanking Shri Deswal for his time, hospitality and cooperation
Rajasthan Rozgar Sahyata Shivir was organized by Rajasthan
Government at Pali on 25th Sep, 08. The Shivir was inaugurated by
Mr. H.S. Bhati, Director, Rozgar Mantrlaya, Jaipur and by Mr. P.L.
Nagora, District Rozgar Officer, Pali.
Mr. Rajesh Kr. Singh- Secretary General, APDI - Rajasthan Chapter
represented CAPSI and APDI associations during the Shivir at Pali.
Royal Guards, Jaipur (Raj), BSA Security Services, Jaipur, Skylark
Security Group, Gurgaon, Maa Vaishnav Devi Security Service
Jodhpur (Raj.), Checkmate Security, Jaipur (Raj.), Perigrine
Guarding-Gurgaon, and “SEDI” a Training Institute of SecurityJetaran, Pali participated in the Rajasthan Rozgar Shivir at Pali.
The Security Agencies short listed approximately 1500 candidates
for the employment with them as the outcome from this Shivir.
Notes from the ED's Desk
1. 4th Annual retail Loss Prevention Europe 2008 will be held on 78 October 2008 at Central London, UK. For more details, visit
3rd National Conference of the CAPSI & APDI
with theme “Homeland Security-A Determined
Approach” is being held at the hotel The Grand
Ashok, Bengaluru and my thanks go to the
member security agencies, which have been
generous in sponsoring the National
Conference in various befitting ways. The 3rd
National Conference will have unique occasion
for its third time consecutive inauguration by Shri Shivraj Patil, the
Hon'ble Home Minister of India, which shows the concerns and the
affiliation of the Hon’ble Minister towards the Security and the
CAPSI & APDI. The topics and the speakers have been drawn
keeping in mind the theme of the National Conference.
2. Europe Conference on the Information Security Solutions (ISSE
2008) will be held from 7th to 9th October 2008 at Madrid, Spain.
For more details, please visit
3. Security Essen 2008 will be held from the 7th to 10th October
2008 at Essen, Germany. For more details, please visit
4. 3rd National Conference of CAPSI & APDI “Homeland Security- A
Determined Approach” will be held on the 13-14 October 2008 at
the Hotel-The Grand Ashok, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
I am not only confident but sure that most of our members of the
CAPSI & APDI will make it a point to attend the 3rd National
Conference to be held at Bengaluru on the 13-14 October along
with their associates and other Security Professionals from their
respective areas/ locations.
5. Sfitex 2008 will be held on the 15-18 October 2008 at
St.Peterburg, Russia. For more details, please visit
Happy reading and hoping to meet you all at Bengaluru.
6. IFSEC -2008 will be held on the 16-18 October 2008 at the
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. For more details, please visit
Col. Jagat Trikha
Executive Director - CAPSI & APDI
Best Wishes On The
Birthdates Of The Members
7. RSA Conference Europe 2008 will be held at ExCel, London on
the 27-29 October 2008. For more details, please visit
We would like to extend our best wishes to our esteem members,
whose birthdates fall during the month of October 2008:-
8. ISC EAST will be held on the 29-30 October 2008 at Jacob Javits
Convention Centre, New York, USA. For more details, please visit
01 October
01 October
05 October
Welcoming The New Members
The following new member have joined the respective association as
mentioned against their names during the month of July 2008:-
09 October
10 October
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Partner-Cum-Director
Royal Detectives, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
10 October
10 October
10 October
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Properietor, BSA
Security Services, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
12 October
14 October
15 October
Mr. Nirpat Kumar Singh, Director, Vanya
Security Services (P) Ltd., Kanpur (U.P.)
15 October
17 October
18 October
21 October
22 October
28 October
30 October
1. Mr. Harsh Wardhan, President & Chief Executive Officer,
TerraForce Security Services Pvt. Ltd has been appointed as
the Governor on the CAPSI Board of Governors.
Mr. Girja Shankar Gupta, Managing Director, Alsecure & Protection
Mr. Suresh Rajaram Kelkar, Manager Operations, United
Exservicemens & Detective Agency, Bangalore.
Mr. B.R. Lohia, Managing Director, Eagle Hunter Solutions Ltd.
New Delhi.
Mr. Sanjay Kaushik, Vice President, Pinkerton Consulting &
Investigations (I) Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon.
Mr. Vemuri Rama Koteswara Rao, Managing Director, Agile
Security Force (P) Ltd., Hyderabad.
Capt. Kuldip Singh, Chairman, S.D.S.Security (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
Mr. P. Ravindranath, Director, Private Eye (P) Ltd. Bangalore.
Lt.Col. Vinod Kumar, Managing Director, Corporate Services Group,
New Delhi.
Mr. Madhu.V, Managing Partner, Private Security Services,
Mr. Robinder Ohri, Executive Director, Group 4 Securicor, Gurgaon.
Mr. R.N. Pimple, Chairman, Central Investigation & Security
Services Ltd. Mumbai.
Mr. Sridhar Babu, Managing Director, S.K.N. Safetywings (P) Ltd.
Major Mandeep Singh Garewal, Director, Force Tech Security (India)
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Major Inderjeet Singh, Director, Sigma Security Service Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
Mr. Ajay Sinha, Proprietor, Nexus Security Services Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur.
Col. G.V. Rao, Proprietor, ACE Security Systems, Bangalore.
Mr. B. Suresh, Managing Partner, Serve Security Services, Chennai.
Sub. Major D. Kanthioh, CEO, Proprietor, Asian Security Force,
2. 3rd National Conference of the CAPSI & APDI will be held at
the Hotel the Grand Ashok, Bangalore, Karnataka on the 1314 October 2008.
For More Details, Please Contact Col. Jagat Trikha, Executive Director, 09810797556
3. Mr. Vishwanath Khetam, Prop. - Flash Services, Mumbai has
been appointed as the chairmen APDI Maharashtra Chapter.
Association of Private Detectives and Investigators
Central Association of Private Security Industry
B-7(Extn.)/103, 3rd Floor, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029
Ph. : +91-11-32472987 Telefax : +91-11-46027863 E-mail : |