Alazar`s Summer Basketball Camp


Alazar`s Summer Basketball Camp
Spring 2016
Your Prayerful Support Will Help Others
A free summer basketball camp will be
provided July 18--22 beginning at noon
with lunch. Children ages 9 -11(those
born in 2005, 2006 and 2007) are invited
to come for a week that will focus on
basketball basics, fun, games, prizes,
lunch and learning about Jesus. This
camp is possible through YOU the donors
providing the financial donations, time
and prayers for Sunday Breakfast Mission,
enabling us to open our doors to the youth
in our community.
Alazar’s Summer Basketball Camp is
in its second year. This camp is a dream
of Rev. Tom and Janice Laymon to honor
their son, Alazar, who went home to be with
Jesus, August 2013. They wanted to honor
Alazar with something that he learned and
loved to do when he came to the United
States from Ethiopia in 2012, which was to
shoot and play basketball.
Rev. Newell Smith, who is experienced
in facilitating inner city basketball camps in
Philadelphia, will bring the basketball courts
at Sunday Breakfast Mission to life July 18 –
22. Coach Newell takes time from his busy
schedule as a District Superintendent of the
Church of the Nazarene to roll up his shirt
sleeves to serve three of his greatest passions
-- basketball, kids, and Jesus. YOU can help
with the camp by giving time to assist with the
basketball drills, games, and other activities.
Sending Delaware Students
to School with God
It is YOUR donations that allow SBM to
provide this camp, which will offer a healthy
environment and model for the youth in
our city. YOU and your support aid the
SBM in an effort to stop children and youth
from using drugs and alcohol. It is because
of YOU the children of Wilmington can be
given hope and encouragement to follow
Jesus this summer.
Call (302) 652-8314 x111 to request a
registration form or register the first day
of the event. Bring proof of your child’s
birth date.
The journey from kindergarten and needs these supplies will have
to eighth grade can be difficult for them! Your generosity enables
many students, but YOU have been SBM to meet the needs of students,
making it possible to dramatically from elementary to eighth grade,
help needy families
with the costs related
We need
to the start of a new
New Castle, Newark,
Backpacks, and beyond. YOUR
school year, which gives
hundreds of children
right here in Delaware
students advance in
Paper and Math and English, and
the tools they need to
be successful in school.
gives them confidence
Every year for the past
in Science and History
14 years, Sunday Breakfast Mission classes. YOUR investment lays the
has been impacting the lives of foundation for students to focus
needy children through a Back-to- on important things, like achieving
School Rally. Because YOU give Honor Roll, instead of wasting
liberally, every student who attends energy worrying about having the
Listen to Rev. Laymon on Sunday 9:15 a.m.
WDEL 1150 AM or online at
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Spring 2016
Graduations are the Best
– Thank You!
basic materials they need to succeed.
Individuals like YOU not only donate financially,
but also volunteer time and energy to distribute
the backpacks directly to students. YOU take time
to talk to the students and their parents and pray
with them before the new school year begins. Many
communities and families have been torn apart and
devastated by drugs, alcohol, and trauma, therefore
SBM will once again bring a positive message at the
rally, God loves you – there is hope in the Gospel.
You can help us reach the goal of distributing
over 1,400 backpacks loaded with supplies to our
local elementary and middle school students;
supplies they desperately need to achieve academic
success. We cannot do this without YOUR help!
We believe that together we can make an impact,
right here in Delaware, by providing our children in
need with school supplies. SBM depends upon the
donations, support and volunteerism of every single
one of YOU. Together we can show the love of
Christ to these young people by sharing the Gospel
message through ministry coupled with meeting
their material needs. A list of supplies needed is
provided below. Please let us know how you would
like to partner with us again this year. THANK YOU
Back Packs for children and youth
Pocket folders
Scissors, blunt and sharp
Wide and college ruled Notebook paper
Wide ruled spiral notebooks
Wide ruled compositions books
3 ring binders
Pens, pencils and pencil pouches
Pencils sharpeners
Glue sticks & washable glue
Washable markers and colored pencils
Small Tissue packs
Index cards
Tab Dividers
Mechanical Pencils
We look forward to each
graduation of our Men’s and
Women’s Discipleship Programs.
The graduations are a time to
honor the hard work of the men
and women, who with God’s help
have their lives back to begin again.
Lives that now seek to glorify God
in all that they do and give thanks
and praise for His grace and
mercy as He leads them into a new
chapter of life filled with hope. It
is also a day for us to give thanks for
YOU, the supporters of the work of
the mission. Thanks for both your
financial support as well as your
faithful and dedicated prayers
for the Mission and the men and
women being transformed to live
fruitful and productive lives. On
March 22, 2016, we saw 3 women
and 9 men graduate to the cheers
and excitement created by the
family, friends and staff. Highlights
of the stories of two graduates, Ed
Shavers and Cornelia Potts, and the
impact the Mission has had on their
lives are included on this page.
Their stories are just a sampling
of lives changed. Graduate
after graduate has made
it clear that if they could
say one thing to YOU, our
donors, it would be “Thank
you for saving my life!”
Belinda Hammond
Jean Lee
Cornelia Potts
Walter Meluskey
Edward Shavers
Matthew Venteresca
Craig Thornton
Edward McFeat
Michael Diaz
Ernest Bernard
Michael Palughi
charge that I came to the Mission.
I received Jesus Christ here at the
Mission and was baptized at the
last graduation. The great pastors
here have discipled me in reading
and study of the Bible, education,
and prayer. God has used them to
change my life, especially Pastor
Alex. The sentencing day came
for my crime; I was turning myself
in ready to accept my punishment.
It was by the grace and mercy of
God that my 25 year sentence was
reduced to three days! I know now
what it means to have God, to have
Jesus as Savior in my life.”
Cornelia Potts
“When I came into the mission,
I did not have friends, and I quickly
saw why. I did not speak nicely to
people who disagreed with me, I
had an attitude that was not good.
My bad attitude had always driven
Thank you for your faithful
people away; if I disagreed with you
support of the SBM
I would curse you and even fight
Residential Discipleship
you to prove my being right. Since
Program. Lives are changed
receiving Jesus upon coming into
the Mission, people tell me now
because of you.
how I am a totally different
person. I thank Jesus for
what he has done and my
counselor, Pam, for being
there and walking with
me. It was how the women
in the program and staff
Ed Shavers
loved me that I grasped
“Before getting into
how I could love others.
the Mission Program I was
Sunday Breakfast Mission
living life the way I thought
has grown me to be able
was the right way. Getting
to now go back and ask for
in to trouble, scrapes with
forgiveness from those I
the law, and using drugs. It was when I was let out had not loved, and say how wrong I was. Thank you
on bail after being incarcerated on a very serious Sunday Breakfast Mission.”
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Spring 2016
Easter Sunday at Sunday Breakfast Mission
Every day at Sunday Breakfast Mission we celebrate
the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is the
foundation of our hope and of our love extended to
the homeless and hurting; we are blessed by YOU to
serve. On Easter morning this spring we shared the
joy of Jesus being alive with our overnight guests and
the men, woman and children in residence. YOU
through your donations provided for the morning
to begin with a special breakfast of eggs, sausage,
pancakes, French toast, various pastries, and lots of
coffee. All who donate the hygiene items in Hope
Totes provided the means for SBM to give a gift to
each of the 110 plus men and women joining us
Easter morning. They were given a purple Hope
Tote bag filled with socks and hygiene products. The
serving of breakfast and distribution of the Hope
Totes was handled by volunteers, who like so many
Your Dinner
Can Support
When you dine at one of the two
Bertucci’s in our area, Bertucci’s will
make a donation to Sunday Breakfast
Mission. Bertucci’s is sponsoring a fund
raising effort on May 30, 31 and June
1. Bertucci’s will donate to Sunday
Breakfast Mission 15% of what you
spend at their establishment. You need
to clip the coupon and take with you
to one of their two locations. So while
you enjoy a wonderful meal, a portion
of the cost of your meal is donateds.
Thank you for your support and we
look forward to seeing you at Bertucci’s.
give of their own time in order to share the love of because of your donation, provided an Easter egg
Jesus, willing to be used to provide a gift of hope to hunt. The smiles and squeals of joy filled the Women
the hurting and homeless in our community.
and Children’s Center gym, halls ways and the
The morning continued with
outside playground. Not a piece
a time of worship that featured
of candy or surprise filled egg was
It is your support left at the end of the hunt. Your
a message from Rev. Laymon
encouraging every man, woman, and donations that donation made the day possible and
and child with the victory found in
very special for the children. Your
the resurrection and the trust that make it possible for donation of Easter baskets topped
can be placed in the faithfulness the Mission to share off the morning of celebration as
of God to overcome evil. A study
every child and youth in residence
the love of Jesus received an Easter basket filled
of the historical evidence of the
resurrection rounded out a morning
with all kinds of toys, candies, and
worship filled with that which is presented everyday games. It is your support and donations that make
-- what a Savior we have in Jesus.
it possible for the Mission to share the love of Jesus
The morning was made very special for our on this special day that we celebrate the resurrection
resident and neighborhood children. They were, of Jesus.
Bertucci’s Dining for Do
Fundraiser Coupon
May 30, 31 and June 1 ON
Bertucci’s Dining for Dollars to Support
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Monday, May 30th, Tuesday, May 31st and Wednesday, June 1st
Bertucci’s is partnering with Sunday Breakfast
Mission to provide hope for the homeless and
hurting by contributing 15% of your dining proceeds
to its work.
Christiana Town Center
201 West Main Street
Newark, DE 19702
3596 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE 19803
two restaurants listed. Then present it to your
server for SBM to receive a donation of 15% of your
total bill whether dining in or carry out.
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Spring 2016
SBM Resources/Understanding
the Heroin Epidemic
The explosion of the drug trade in Delaware is affecting families,
men, women and children across the spectrum; this epidemic has
ravaged and torn families apart. Our President and CEO, Rev. Tom
Laymon, is always open to opportunities to present the mission
and ministry of Sunday Breakfast Mission through invitations to
your adult Sunday school classes, congregational meetings, church
services, mission conferences and other gatherings. If you would
like to hear a clear and concise message outlining how this epidemic
is not limited to a select few but progresses through each and every
community, you need to make a call to set up an appointment. You
can reach Rev. Laymon by calling his Administrative Assistant at
(302) 652-8314 x105 to set up an engagement for your next mission/
ministry outreach.
You Can Donate Online – AGAIN
You may have noticed during a six week period
you were greeted on the donation page with a notice
that the donor page was down and not accepting
donations. The good news is that the redesigned
donor page is back online for your convenience with
an extra security step when donating. The new page
provides SBM better protection.
At the end of February our donor page was
hacked. None of our donor information or data
was ever at risk. The data and information is stored
with an outside company on a server independent
of the SBM server, which is the location of the web
page. A sophisticated group from Brazil took control
of the donor web page. The activity was focused
on seeking to find a credit card number, (this was
information stolen from elsewhere) which was still
active. They used our donor page to test the cards using
various addresses, names, and information seeking to
hit on an active card. While the gateway prevented any
card from being processed, the hackers were able to try
over 30,000 times to find an active card.
We incurred from the gateway provider fees of
over $10,000. Every time the donate button is
used a fee is charged to examine the information
and determine if the card is a fraud or legitimate.
So while no cards appeared to be processed, this
fraudulent activity took your money away from
mission programs. Rev Laymon has sought to make
this known, not only because of what happened
to SBM, but to make other non-profits in your
community aware of such threats.
WE THANK YOU for your patience, prayer support,
and encouragement to trust that what man means for
evil God will use to bring glory to himself. We want
to encourage our online donors to come back and
visit the web page to make your regular donation.
You can also help us by prayerfully considering if you
would be willing to give an extra gift to help us make
up the loss created by this criminal activity and to be
used by God to provide hope to those in need.
1. Use this LINK TO DONATE: https://www.
2. Provide your information and donation
3. Select one-time or monthly recurring
donation box and give card info.
4. Check the reCaptcha and submit.
SBM 2016 Calendar
July 18-22th
Alazar Memorial Basketball Camp
October 16th
Food Drive Begins
November 7th
Thanksgiving Box Call-In Registration
December 4th
Second Annual Carol/Hymn Sing
July 11th-August 13
Volunteers needed – BTS Rally preparations
October 24th - November 19th
Volunteers needed for
Food Box preparations
November 17th
Evangelism Training
December 15th-16th
Christmas Shop
August 20th
Backpack Rally
November 21st & 22nd
Thanksgiving Box Distribution
November 24th
Great Thanksgiving Banquet
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Spring 2016
Hope Tote Donations
Sunday Breakfast Mission is so thankful to
many individuals, companies, schools, and
churches that have participated in collecting
toiletry items for Hope Totes. YOUR generous
and kind donations made it possible to supply
the Mission’s overnight guests a purple bag full
of Hope on Easter. But it does not stop there.
All year long we will be distributing these Hope
Totes to the homeless and impoverished in
our community. Pictured below are just a few
of the groups that supplied items and labor
for Hope Totes during this spring’s campaign.
How beautiful and humbling it is to see such
generosity displayed by YOU, our donors. We
thank God for you.
Luther King
MLK Volunteer Day brought
out families and numerous
volunteers to help in the
warehouse, office, kitchen,
and to provide a special
activities for the women and
children – BINGO. What FUN
everyone had and so much was
accomplished. THANK YOU FOR
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Spring 2016
Black Rock Financial Delaware
Touches the Lives of Children
Rev. Laymon speaks to the Black Rock Financial employees and guests
Black Rock Fund Raising Event benefits SBM
Black Rock Capital hosts a company fundraiser each year, in which the
proceeds from the event are split between two nonprofits. This year Sunday
Breakfast was chosen as one of the two nonprofits supported. At the event
Rev Laymon highlighted the generosity of Black Rock employees and
company in the past towards SBM. He explained how they are providing
the Mission the ability to provide additional health care to the resident
children at SBM.
The evening activities centered on sharing a meal and then participating
in rounds of a very competitive form of Trivial Pursuit with a winner gaining
bragging rights for the next year. The Black Rock Capital event resulted in a
contribution to the Mission of $3290. Black Rock Capital of Delaware matched
the funds raised, so the total contribution of Black Rock Capital to the work of
the Sunday Breakfast Mission was $6580.
We want to thank the Black Rock family for their compassion and generosity,
which helps so many in need of a foundation of hope and provides for the needs
of families in residence.
YOUR Kids serving SBM Kids – sure to
bring a smile to any parent’s face.
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Spring 2016
YOU Can Collect a “TON of FOOD”
A Barclaycard Team sorts food to later be packed for
distritribution to families in need.
Volunteers help serve food YOU provide.
“Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those
who need them, and do not hide from those who need your help”. Isaiah 58:7
organization or social group – way easier than it sounds! YOU will be among
a special group of individuals who see the need and “share your food with the
hungry” and “do not hide from those who need your help!”
Vegetables, Canned Soups, Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta, Peanut Butter and Jelly…
just to name a few items that will fill empty stomachs of the hungry and hurting
in our community. Collecting a TON of FOOD is not difficult. Simply start by
gathering a few items each day and you will be amazed at how quickly it piles up!
It’s rewarding to know that YOU have helped someone who is hungry receive
a warm nutritious meal; to know that YOU have helped a hungry child sleep
well, without feeling the pain of an empty stomach. When you shop for food,
or reach into your pantry for a can of tuna or a jar of peanut butter, won’t you
grab one more and set it aside for SBM? It’s so easy! Before you know it, you will
have a TON of FOOD, and YOU will help turn a time of need into a winning
summer season for all. Call Rev. Nancy Wheeler at 302-652-8314 x172 today to
get started.
As the days get warmer, SBM is also warming up for a winning summer
season of feeding the 500 men, women and children who depend on us each
and every day for a warm, nutritious meal. While we appreciate the generous
outpouring of donations we receive during the winter holiday season, the
need for food donations is even greater during the summer months! Family
hunger often increases during summer when children no longer have access
to free and reduced school breakfasts and lunches. At the same time, SBM
experiences a decline in food donations during the warmer months (maybe
due to traveling, summer vacations and/or lack of holiday giving.) Regardless,
we are asking YOU to help us intensify our food collection efforts and to help
us fulfill our mission.
By offering to host a TON of FOOD drive, YOU can help us prevent hunger
in our community. It’s simple to host a food drive at your school, church,
WSFS Team pack food boxes.
A successful food drive was held by Tall Oaks Classical School.
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Spring 2016
About us
Making Decisions
That Bring Peace
“Some questions we’ll probably never have answered this side of heaven. Why
are there interstate highways in Hawaii? Or, how does the guy who drives the
snowplow get to work in the morning?” (Excerpt from Leadership Journal and
Christian Reader.)
While these questions are somewhat tongue-in-cheek, there are plenty of
areas in life that can create real feelings of uncertainty, but Scripture promises
that certainty is possible because God is faithful. According to 2 Corinthians
1:20, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.”
He definitively honors His Word and can be trusted.
As many people approach retirement, they often wonder how moving to a
fixed income will affect their lives. The good news is a Charitable Gift Annuity
can provide the certainty and security they seek. CGAs are part investment and
part gift to a ministry like Sunday Breakfast Mission – a wise decision that will be
good for years to come!
God doesn’t want you to struggle with feelings of uncertainty about your
financial future. Ask God for wisdom and whether a CGA could be right for you.
For the full version of this article, request a FREE copy of “Experiencing Certainty
in Uncertain Times” by contacting Rev. Tom Laymon at Sunday Breakfast Mission
at (302) 656-8542 or – or bless your family
today with a God-honoring Will at
Vehicles Needed
At Sunday Breakfast Mission we
want graduates of our program to
be successful as they re-establish
employment relationships that will
enable them to become financially
independent once again. Holding
down a job is essential and to do that
they must be able to get to work and get
there on time. That is one reason why
YOUR donation of cars is so important
to our goal of financial independence
for graduates. With more vehicles, we
the homeless,
not onlyBreakfast
help graduates,
but serves
the impoverished
in our
addicted and impoverished through Christthat makes sense to their situation, and in special cases,
to meet their spiritual,
nothing atprograms
YOU give
much and
we giveOur
for all those
gifts you provide from the goodness of your heart and
is to restore people to right relationships to
from the prompting God places in you. If you happen to
their families
in possession
of a vehicle
which you no longer have
a need, please, pray about donating it to Sunday Breakfast Mission. YOUR
generous gift can return the dignity, independence, and a sense of self worth to
these men and women, who have done without for so long.
Call Mike for details
877-306-HOME or go to our website at
110 N. Poplar Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
P.O. Box 352 Wilmington, DE 19899
(302) 652-8314
Follow us on:
Our Mission Statement
Sunday Breakfast Mission serves the homeless, addicted and
impoverished through Christ-centered programs to meet their spiritual,
social and physical needs. Our primary goal is to restore people to
right relationships to God, their families and society.
To designate your United Way giving to Sunday Breakfast
Mission, use the United Way Code: 9141
Sunday Breakfast Mission
Donation Form
Here’s my tax-deductible gift to help Sunday Breakfast
Mission bring shelter, nutritious meals and life-changing
recovery programs to the homeless and near-homeless of
greater Wilmington and lower Delaware Valley.
Sunday Breakfast Mission Donation Form
__$15 __$35__$50__$150
Sunday Breakfast ____Other
Mission Donation
__$15 __$35__$50__$150
is Enclosed ___Charge
my Credit
is Enclosed ___Charge my Credit Card
Security Code_______(on card reverse)
Set me up as a monthly
and charge my credit
Exp. Date__________
(on card reverse)
$________ each month.
Email Address_______________________________________
I would like a copy of your stewardship bulletin
I would like a copy of your bulletin entitled “Experiencing
I would
a copyTof
gift is in
you will
be sent abulletin
for your records. Please make checks payable to
Your gift isSUNDAY
tax deductible.
you will
be sent a receipt
for your records. Please make checks payable to
Please return
to: PO Box
352 Wilmington,