mount carmel area school district activities calendar 2013̶2014
mount carmel area school district activities calendar 2013̶2014
ACTIVITIES CALENDAR 2013̶2014 Nurturing the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of each child. Coordinator: Diane Rumbel 339-1500 ext. 3135 Email: Created August 1, 2013 Updated February 21, 2014 MCASD 2013 -2014 School District Activities Calendar MOUNT CARMEL AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 Fri Sat 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 Golf NSchuylkill 1PM H August 17 VFB Schuylkill Haven 10AM A (Scrim) BS OLOL 12PM A (scrim) School Board Mtg 7PM 18 ES Open House 19 K Orientation 9:30— 11:30AM Gr 1-3 6:00-7:30PM Golf Jim Thorpe 2PM A ES Open House 20 HS Open House 21 Gr 4-6 6:00-7:30PM Gr 7-12 6-8PM Golf Tamaqua 2PM H Golf Pottsville 2PM A GS Upper Dauphin 4:30 PM A (scrim) Teacher In-Service 22 Teacher In-Service 23 24 Golf Blue Mt 2PM H VFB Blue Mt 6PM (Scrim) Members of the Big Red Band brass section toot their horns during the pre-game show. July 2013 Su 25 26 First Day of School 27 BS Pine Grove 4:15PM H (scrim) 28 XCtry Schuylkill Haven 4PM H (scrim) GS NSchuylkill 4:30 PM H (scrim) 29 Golf NSchuylkill 2PM A 30 31 School’s Closed Pep Rally 1:030AM Life Geisinger, Kulpmont BS Line Mt Tournament VFB Shikellamy 7PM A 3:30PM A Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: SEPTEMBER Sun Mon Tue 1 2 Schools closed 8 9 GS Jersey Shore 4:30PM A JVFB Lewisburg 6PM H GVB Upper Dauphin 7PM @OLOL 15 FALL SPORTS: @OLOL Preparation Respect Irntegrity Dedication Effort 22 We XCtry 5 Team s 4PM H BS Loyalsock 4:30 PM H Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM GVB Mahanoy Area 7PM A Citizenship Day 17 Fri 4 GS Warrior Run 4:30PM H GVB Tri-Valley 7PM @OLOL WKMC-TV 8PM Patriot Day 11 Golf Pottsville 2PM H GS Loyalsock 4:30PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 18 Sat 5 Golf Tamaqua 2PM A BS Montoursville 4:30PM H 8FB Williamsport White 5PM A GVB Schuylkill Haven 7PM @OLOL 12 8FB Shamokin 5PM A GVB Pine Grove 7PM A BS Hughesville 7PM A Talk like a Pirate Day 19 GS SullivanCty 4:30PM A GVB Williams Valley BS Warrior Run 4:30 PM H MCA LIVE 7:40AM 7PM A 8FB Bloomsburg 5PM H XCtry Jersey Shore 4PM A WKMC-TV 8PM GVB Tamaqua 7PM A GVB Pottsville 7PM@OLOL School Board Mtg 7PM BS Central 7PM A Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 Full Act 80 Day: No School XCtry @Warrior Run 4PM GS Warrior Run 4:30PM Students BS Jersey Shore 4:30PMH A GVB Blue Mt. 7PM A WKMC-TV 8PM GS Mifflinburg 4:30PM A Golf Girls Schuylkill League JVFB Loyalsock 6PM A TBA GVB Jim Thorpe7PM@OLOL Golf Boys Schuylkill League -TBA PTA 6:30PM ES August 2013 Mon Tu 10 Thu 6 Pep Rally 1:30PM HS VFB Lewisburg 7PM H 13 Pep Rally 1:30PM HS VFB Southern 7PM H 29 7 GS Southern 11AM H BS Hughesville 1PM H 5K Walk/Run Dog Trot 20 21 POW/MIA Recognition Day VFB Loyalsock 7PM A 26 27 Golf Schuylkill League-TBA 8FB Central 4PM A BS Shamokin 7:00PM A GVB NSchuylkill 7PM @OLOL Pep Rally 1:30PM HS VFB Montoursville 7PM H—Homecoming Xctry PIAA Tourn Hershey 9AM A GVB Shamokin Tourn.10:30AM A BS OLOL 11AM H GS OLOL 1:30PM H 28 XCtry NEPA Invita tional 9AM TBA 4 Diamonds MCA Mini-Thon 9AM –9PM 30 Picture Day—HS PTA Book Fair BS Montoursville 4:30PM A JVFB Montoursville 6PM H GVB Millersburg 7PM@OLOL 14 Xctry DeSalles 9AM A GVB Minersville 12:30PM A GS Shamokin 12:PM H TORNADO VFB: Varsity Football JVFB: Junior Varsity Football 8FB: Eighth Grade Football XCtry: Varsity Cross Country GS: Girls Soccer BS: Boys Soccer GVB: Volleyball (w/OLOL) Golf (w/OLOL) Su 16 Golf Blue Mt 2PM A JVFB Southern 6PM H GS Hughesville 7PM A GVB Panther Valley 7PM Alison Varano ‘14 takes control of the ball during a girls’ soccer match against Hughesville Lady Spartans. 3 Golf Jim Thorpe 2PM H XCtry Tri-Mt Shikellamy 4PM A GS Minersville 4:15PM H Labor Day National Grandparent’s Day Wed Mount Carmel Area District Policies can be found in the MCA student handbook available on the school website. Sun Mon Tue -AP SHARING DAY 10/14 SCHEDULE: -English at Southern Columbia -Calculus at Berwick -Physics at Central Columbia -Biology at Central Columbia -US History at Warrior Run -Chemistry at Mifflinburg 6 Child Health Day 7 Wed Thu 1 Picture Day—HS PTA Book Fair GS Southern 4PM A XCtry @Milton 4PM A GVB Schuylkill Haven 7PM A Mobile Dentist-ES 2 PTA Book Fair Banking Day ES BS Loyalsock 4 PM A GVB Shamokin 7PM @OLOL WKMC-TV 8PM 8 Mobile Dentist-ES BS GS Loyalsock 4PM H BS Central 4PM H Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM GVB Halifax 7PM A GVB Pine Grove JVFB Central 7PM A 7PM @OLOL Fri Mobile Dentist-ES 9 Banking Day ES BS Warrior Run 4PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 3 PTA Book Fair Golf Team District IV TBA GS Jersey Shore 4PM H 8FB Montoursville 5PM H GVB Mahanoy Area 7PM @OLOL Mobile Dentist-ES 10 GS Hughesville 4PM H 8FB Danville 5PM A GVB Panther Valley 7PM A Sat 4 Yom Kippur PTA Book Fair VFB Central 7PM A Mobile Dentist-ES OCTOBER 5 Golf Indiv Districts IV TBA GS Shamokin 2:30PM H BS Hughesville 4:15 PM H 11 Pep Rally 1:30PM ES VFB NSchuylkill 7PM H Senior Night “Red Out” for AHA 12 GS Line Mt. 10AM A NCCTC Open House 6PM 13 National School Lunch Week Oct 14-18, 2013 14 15 Columbus Day Teacher in-service: No Picture Day—ES School Students GS Shamokin 7PM A AP Sharing Day BS Jersey Shore 4PM A JVFB NSchuylkill 6PM A 20 PMEA Dist 8 Chorus PreAuditions 27 21 Golf PIAA States TBA JVFB Hughesville 6:00PM A 28 JVFB Selinsgrove 6PM H 16 Nat’ Boss’ Day Picture Day—ES Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM BS Shamokin 4PM H WKMC-TV 8PM 22 23 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM PTA 6:30PM ES 17 Picture Day—ES GS Mifflinburg 4PM H 8FB Milton 5PM H School Board Mtg 7PM 29 30 Banking Day ES JHGBB Shamokin 5:30PM H (HS) WKMC-TV 8PM Last Day 1st Marking Period 24 XCtry DistrictIV Meet @ Bloomsburg 9AM 8FB Williamsport Cherry 5PM H Halloween 31 Act 80 Day - Early Dismissal-Students Costume Parade 9:30am ES 8FB Warrior Run 5PM H First Day 2nd Marking Period 18 Picture Day—ES VFB Hughesville 7PM A 25 Pep Rally 1:30PM HS VFB Selinsgrove 7PM H Band Senior Night “Pink Out” 19 XCtry @Shikellamy Invitati 9AM A 26 Elementary students, Kyra Stickler ‘20 and Tyler Winhofer ‘20 show off their gourd and pumpkin creatures. JHGBB Line Mt Tourn. November 2013 Su Mon Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 *Sporting events –dates, times, locations—-are subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent updates: Sun NOVEMBER Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Pep Rally 1:30PM HS VFB Shamokin 7PM A 3 4 Daylight Savings JHGBB Shamokin Time Ends 5:30PM A 10 11 6 Banking Day ES JHGBB Milton 4:30PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 12 Veteran’s Day 17 5 8FB Southern 5PM H HS Veteran’s Day Program 9:30AM JHGBB Southern 5:30PM H (HS) Students Brianna Ryan ‘19 and Kayla Wesloskie ‘19 demonstrate patriotism during the Elementary School’s Annual Veteran’s Day Program. Election Day 18 JHGBB Danville 5:30PM H (HS) 13 Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 19 JHGBB Central 5:30PM H (HS) 7 2 XCtry PIAA States 9AM Hershey JVFB Shamokin 11AM H 8 9 ES Veterans Day Program @ HS 9:30AM 14 15 16 22 23 29 30 JHGBB Bloomsburg 5:30PM A 20 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 21 School Board Mtg 7PM December 2013 Su Mon Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 Dist8 Band PreAuditions 25 PTA Book Fair 26 Act 80 Day Early Dismissal Students VGBB Williams Valley 6PM A (scrim) PTA 6:30PM ES *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: 27 Schools Closed WKMC-TV 8PM Thanksgiving 28 Schools Closed Schools Closed JHGBB Lewisburg 11AM H (Elem) VGBB Old Forge 12:30PM H (scrim) Sun Mon AIDS Awareness Day 1 Tue 2 Schools Closed VBB Meadowbrook Christian 6PM A (scrim) 8 3 Thu Fri 4 Keystone Exams W1 JHGBB Southern 5:30PM A 16 SR HIGH Holiday Concert 7PM HS 10 Keystone Exams W1 Swim Danville 4:30 A Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM JR HIGH Holiday Concert 7PM HS Chanukah 11 Keystone Exams W1 Banking Day ES JHGBB Shikellamy 5:30PM H (HS) VGBB NSchuylkill 6PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 17 18 Swim Williamsport 4:30H Banking Day ES VBB Montoursville 6PM H JHGBB Central 5:30PM Elem Band Concert H (Elem) 6:30 PM ES VGBB Central 6PM H WKMC-TV 8PM PTA 6:30PM ES 6 Keystone Exams W1 13 Keystone Exams W1 7 Pennsylvania Admission Day 14 VW Zigarski Memorial Tournament 9AM H VGBB Sunbury Christian 5PM A VBB Sunbury Christian 6:30PM A 19 JHGBB Blue Mt 5:30PM H (Elem) JHW Danville 5:30PM H VW Danville 7PM H School Board Mtg 7PM Nat’ Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day VW @DKI Invitational 9AM VGBB NE Bradford 5PM H 12 Keystone Exams W1 JHGBB Bloomsburg 5:30PM A VBB NSchuylkill 6PM H VW Benton 7PM A DECEMBER Sat 5 Keystone Exams W1 Keystone Exams W1 Keystone Exams W1 JHGBB Shamokin 5:30PM Banking Day ES JHGBB Danville 5:30PM A H (HS) ES Holiday Concert Assembly HS 9:30am VBB Selinsgrove 6PM H (scrim) Gr 3&4 Holiday Concert 6:30pm HS WKMC-TV 8PM 9 15 Wed 20 Act 80 Day Early Dismissal Students VBB Lewisburg 6PM H Winter Solstice 21 Schools Closed VGBB Lewisburg 6PM H VBB Bloomsburg 6PM A Students perform songs in the holiday spirit during the Elementary school’s annual holiday program. 22 23 Schools Closed Schools Closed VGBB Loyalsock1PM A VBB Minersville 6PM A 29 Schools Closed 30 Schools Closed VGBB Shikellamy 6PM A 24 Schools Closed New Year’s Eve Schools Closed Christmas Day 25 Schools Closed 31 Happy New Year! Kwanzaa Schools Closed 26 27 Schools Closed 9JHBB– Freshman Holi day Tourn Miflinburg 11:30AM VGBB Bloomsburg 6PM A WINTER SPORTS: VBB– Varsity Boys Basketball JHBB—Jr. High Boys Basketball VGBB—Varsity Girls Basketball JHGBB: Jr High Girls Basketball VW: Varsity Wrestling JHW: JR High Wrestling Swim: Swimming & Diving 28 Schools Closed VGBB Marion Catholic 6PM H VW Southern 7PM A January 2014 Sun Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: JANUARY Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 New Year’s Day Keystone Exam Subject Areas: Algebra 1 Biology Literature Fri Schools Closed WKMC-TV 8PM Sat 2 VGBB Meadowbrook Christian 7PM H 3 VBB Loyalsock 6PM A 4 VBB Mahanoy Area 5PM A @Lebanon Valley National Eye Care Safety Month 5 6 JHBB Shamokin 5:30 PM(Elem Gym) VGBB Benton 6PM A 12 7 13 JHBB Danville 5:30PM H (Elem) 8 Swim Montoursville Banking Day ES 4:30PM A VGBB Southern 6PM A JHW Hughesville5:30PM A WKMC-TV 8PM VBB Southern 6PM A VW Hughesville 7PM A 14 Swim Central 4:30 H Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM VBB Central 6PM A 15 Banking Day ES JHBB 9 Minersville 5:30PM A VGBB Montoursville 6PM A 9 District 8 Chorus JHW Lewisburg5:30PM A VW Lewisburg 7PM A 16 Swim Danville 4:30 H JHW Montoursville 5:30 PM H VW Montoursville 7PM H School Board Mtg 7PM Winter Track runners keep fit and ready for the Spring season by running year-round. 19 February 2014 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: 20 Snow make-up day 1 JHBB Southern 5:30PM H (Elem Gym) 1 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Day 26 21 Swim Shamokin 4:30 H VBB Montoursville 6PM A 27 JHBB Central 5:30PM A VBB Shamokin 6PM A 22 Banking Day ES VGBB Central 6PM A VW Hamburg 7PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 28 VGBB Loyalsock 6PM H PTA 6:30PM ES 29 Banking Day ES VBB Loyalsock 6PM H WKMC-TV 8PM 23 PMEA District 8 Orchestra Swim Blue Mtn 4:30 H JHW Warrior Run 5:30 PM H JHBB Bloomsburg 5:30PM A VW Warrior Run 7PM H Last Day 2nd Marking Period 30 Swim Lewisburg 4:30 H District 8 Chorus 10 VBB Hughesville 6PM A 17 JHBB 9-Southern Tournament 5PM A JHBB 7&8 Sullivan Cty 5PM H VBB Warrior Run 6PM H 24 PMEA District 8 Orchestra JHBB 7&8 Tri-Valley 5:30PM H (Elem ) VGBB Lewisburg 6PM A First Day 3rd Marking Period 31 VBB Lincoln Leader ship 5PM A JHBB 9 Minersville 5:30PM H (Elem) District 8 Chorus 11 JHBB 9-Southern Tournament A VGBB Warrior Run 6PM A 18 JHBB 9-Southern Tournament 8AM A VW Juniata Tournament 10AM A VGBB Hughesville 6PM H 25 PMEA District 8 Orchestra JHW Tornado Tournament 9AM H JHBB 7&8 Line Mt Tournament 9AM A VBB Lewisburg 6PM A Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri FEBRUARY Sat Coaches VS Cancer 1 JVGBB Southern 3PM H JVBB Southern 4:30PM H VGBB Southern 6PM H VBB Southern 7:30PM H 2 3 4 JHBB Shamokin 4:30PM Swim Jersey Shore A 4:30 A VBB Mifflinburg 6PM A VGBB Warrior Run JHWR Shamokin 6PM H 6PM H VW Shamokin 7PM H 5 Banking Day ES VBB Hughesville 6PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 6 PMEA District 8 Band JHBB Danville 5:30PM A JHW Central 5:30PM A VW Central 7PM A Boy Scout Week Feb. 2-8, 2014 9 10 JHBB Southern 5:30PM A 16 President’s Day 11 Swim Bloomsburg 4:30 A VGBB Hughesville 6PM A Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM 17 12 Banking Day ES VBB Warrior Run 6PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 18 JHBB Central 5:30PM H (Elem) 19 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM Regional Chorus 13 JHBB Bloomsburg 5:30PM H (Elem) 7 PMEA District 8 Band JHW Shamokin Tourna ment of Champs A TBA JHBB 8-Southern Tourna ment All Day A VGBB Montoursville 6PM H Valentine’s Day 14 Regional Chorus Act 80 Day Early Dismissal Students 20 School Board Mtg 7PM 21 VW Districts Williamsport 5PM A 8 PMEA District 8 Band JHW Shamokin Tourna ment of Champs A TBA JHBB 8-Southern Tour nament All Day A VBB Central 6PM H Regional Chorus 15 VW Sectionals 7AM TBA JHBB 7th Gr BB Classic Tourn. 9AM H (HS&Elem) 22 VW Districts Williamsport 10AM A Alyssa Menko ‘17 prepares team props for the Odyssey of the Mind Competition. Snow make-up day 2 March 2014 23 24 25 PTA 6:30PM ES 26 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 27 Region IV&V Orchestra 28 Region IV&V Orchestra JVBB Southern 4:30PM H VW Regional Champion ships Williamsport 5PM A Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: MARCH Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 SPRING SPORTS: VBB Varsity Boys Baseball JVBB—Jr Varsity Baseball VSB-Varsity Girls Softball VT– Varsity Track & Field JHT– Jr High Track & Field 2 Read Across America Day 9 National Nutrition Month National Women’s History Month 3 4 Mardi Gras 1st Day of Lent 5 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins Region IV&V Orchestra VW Regional Champion ships Williamsport A 11 12 Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM Banking Day ES ES Spring Concert 6:30 HS WKMC-TV 8PM Daylight Savings Time Begins 6 VW PIAA States 5PM Hershey A Region IV Band 13 7 8 Snow make-up day 3 VW PIAA States Hershey A Musical 7:30PM HS Region IV Band 14 VW PIAA States Hershey A Musical 7:30PM HS Region IV Band 15 Girl Scout Week Mar 9-15 16 St. Patrick’s Day 17 18 VBB Tri-Valley 4:30PM A In honor of Read Across America Day and Dr. Suess’s Birthday, Cassandra Luke ‘24 helps Varsity Baseball Coach, Ray Bettleyon read the baseball-themed book Hit the Ball, Duck to the class. 19 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 20 21 School Board Mtg 7PM 22 VBB Minersville Tournament All Day A April 2014 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 23 24 25 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 VT Milton 4:00PM A 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PTA 6:30PM ES 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 30 31 VBB Shamokin 4:30PM H *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: 26 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM PMEA State Festival Last Day 3rd Marking Period 27 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 PMEA State Festival First Day 4th Marking Period 28 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 PMEA State Festival VBB Warrior Run 4:30PM A 29 Region IV&V Orchestra PMEA State Festival VBB Minersville Tourna ment All Day A Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 April Fools Day PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 VT Southern 4:00PM H JVBB Warrior Run 4:30PM A 6 7 PSSA Writing Grades 5, 8 VBB Lewisburg 4:30PM A 13 14 JVBB Midd West4:30PM H Easter 20 8 21 Easter Vacation schools closed 9 22 Mobile Dentist-ES VT Central 4:00PM A JVBB Hughesville 4:30PM A 16 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM Admin. Profession’s Day 28 PSSA Science Grades 4,8 VBB Shamokin 4:30PM A 17 4 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 VBB Hughesville 4:30PM H 5 VT Selinsgrove Invitation al 7:00AM A 11 12 PSSA Writing Grades 5, 8 VBB Loyalsock 4:30PM A VT Susquehanna Invita tional 7:00AM A JVBB Line MT 10AM A VBB NSchuylkill 11AM H JVBB NSchuylkill12:30PM A (both @Shamokin) Mahoney Bros HS 7PM 18 19 Snow make-up day 4 Easter Vacation JHT Shamokin 4:30PM schools closed H JVBB Shamokin Breslin Invitational 3PM 4:30PM A H School Board Mtg 7PM 23 Arbor Day 24 25 Mobile Dentist-ES Mobile Dentist-ES VT Dallastown Invita JHT Danville 4:30PM H tional 3:00PM A JVBB Southern 4:30PM VBB Warrior Run A 4:30PM H PMEA Elem Chorus Festival Mobile Dentist-ES Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM PTA 6:30PM ES 27 10 APRIL Sat 3 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 JHT Jersey Shore 4:30PM H First Day 3rd Marking Period PSSA Writing Grades PSSA Writing Grades 5, 8 5, 8 Banking Day ES JHT Curtin 4:30PM A VBB South Williamsport 4:30PM H WKMC-TV 8PM 15 VT Midd West 4:00PM H JVBB Hughesville 4:30PM A Fri 2 PSSA Math & Reading Grades 3-8 Banking Day ES VBB Central 4:30PM H WKMC-TV 8PM Last Day 3rd Marking Period PSSA Writing Grades 5, 8 VT Danville 4:00PM A JVBB Shamokin 4:30PM H Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM Tax Day Passover Day 1 Thu 26 Desirae Derk ‘16 balances herself during physical education class as her class mates hold the walking sticks during a teambuilding activity. JVBB Central 10:00AM A JVBB Bloomsburg 12:30PM A Symphonic Band Concert 7PM HS May 2014 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 29 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PSSA Science Grades 4,8 VT Montoursville 4:00PM H JVBB Lewisburg 4:30PM H PSSA Science Grades 4,8 Banking Day ES JVBB Central 4:30PM A WKMC-TV 8PM 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: Sun MAY Mon Tue Wed Thu 5 Cinco de Mayo PTA Book Fair VBB Lewisburg 4:30PM H Mother’s Day 11 18 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 *Sporting events subject to change; check the MCA Athletics Calendar for the most recent changes: Memorial Day Schools Closed 14 Keystone Exams Track & Field Day ES Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 20 Keystone Exams 21 Keystone Exams K Grad 6:30 p.m. Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 26 27 PTA 6:30PM ES 28 Banking Day ES WKMC-TV 8PM 2 PSSA Science Grades 4,8 PTA Book Fair PMEA Middle School Chorus Festival VT Schuylkill Relays 3:00PM A JVBB Hughesville 4:30PM A 7 PTA Book Fair Banking Day ES JVBB South Wil liamsport 4:30PM A ES Band & Chorus Spring Concert 6:30 PM HS WKMC-TV 8PM 13 Keystone Exams Track & Field Day ES JVBB Loyalsock 4:30PM H Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM 19 Keystone Exams SR High Chorus Spring Concert 7PM HS 25 6 National Nurse’s Day 12 Art students Abigail Young ’17 and Timothy Glowatski ’17 use chalk pastels to create unique works of art in preparation for the annual MCA Art Show. June 2014 PSSA Science Grades 4,8 PTA Book Fair VBB South Wil liamsport 4:30PM A JR High Spring Concert 7PM HS Keystone Exams Track & Field Day ES VBB Shamokin 4:30PM A Sat 1 National Physical Fitness & Sports Month 4 Fri 8 PTA Book Fair JHT Shamokin 4:30PM A 15 Keystone Exams Track & Field Day ES (rain date) School Board Mtg 7PM 22 Keystone Exams Jazz Band 7PM HS VT PIAA Champion ships 29 3 Snow make-up day 8 12th Gr only 9 PTA Book Fair VBB Loyalsock 4:30PM H 10 VT PHAC Champion ships TBA 16 Snow make-up day 7 Track & Field Day ES (rain date) Armed Forces 17 Day VT District IV Championships 9:AM TBA 23 Keystone Exams VT PIAA Champion ships 30 24 VT PIAA Champio ships Prom 31 Sun Mon Tue 1 Baccalaureate 7pm HS 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Class Night 7pm HS Fri 5 Snow make-up day 5 WKMC-TV 8PM 8 9 Snow make-up day 8 (K4-11) Last Day of Classes Last Day 4th Marking Period 10 11 JUNE Sat 6 7 Snow make-up day 6 HS Graduation 7PM Last day for seniors 12 13 19 20 Flag Day 14 WKMC-TV 8PM Teacher In-Service No school Students Teacher In-Service No school Students Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM Father’s Day 15 16 17 18 WKMC-TV 8PM 21 Summer Solstice School Board Mtg 7PM Alyvia Williams ‘22 enthusiastically participates in the Elementary track and field day activities. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WKMC-TV 8PM July 2014 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ju ly 2 0 1 4 Sun 6 Mon 7 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Canada Day Independence Day 8 9 10 11 12 Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM 13 14 15 16 17 School Board Mtg 7PM 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Keystone Exams 29 Keystone Exams 30 Keystone Exams 31 Keystone Exams 1 Keystone Exams A u gu s t 2 0 1 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21School 22 23 29 30 Band Parent Mtg 6:30PM 17 18 19 Board Mtg 7PM 24 31 25 26 27 28 It is the vision of the Mount Carmel Area Educational Community to create a safe learning environment that nurtures the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of each child. START AND DISMISSAL TIMES: Regular Schedule: A..M. Session 8:30-11:15 a.m. P.M. Session 12:30-3:15 p.m. Early Dismissal Times: • Junior-Senior High: 12:20 p.m. • Elementary: 1:20 p.m. MARKING PERIODS 1st Period: Aug. 26--Oct. 30 2nd Period: Oct 31--Jan. 17 3rd Period: Jan. 21-March 26 4th Period: March 27--June 4 Makeup Days: • 1st—Jan. 20, 2014 • 2nd—Feb. 17, 2014 • 3rd-March 7, 2014 • 4th April 17, 2014 All subsequent days will be made up at the end of the school year. The Keystone Exam testing windows: Winter Wave 1 Dec 2-13, 2013 Wave 2 Jan 8-22, 2014 Spring: May 12-23, 2014 Summer: July 28-Aug 1, 2014 PSSA Exam testing windows Grades 3-8 Math & Reading March 17-28, 2014 Writing Mar 31-April 4, 2014 Science April 28-May 2, 2014 Mount Carmel Area District Policies can be found in the MCA student handbook available on the school website. 600 West Fifth Street Mount Carmel, PA 17851-1897 570-339-1500 ext.3004 Mr. Bernard Stellar, Superintendent Corrina Lesko, Office Manager Lisa Varano, Curriculum Coordinator Gary Trefsger, Systems Manager Bettie Carpenter, Administrative Assistant Kathy Jepko, Administrative Assistant Tara Purcell, Administrative Assistant Lorrie Shearn, Administrative Assistant Eileen Zarski, Administrative Assistant Board of Directors: Mrs. Donna James, President Mr. Robert Muldowny Vice President Mr. Charles F. Mannello, Secretary Mr. Michael Rovito, Treasurer Mr. Michael Brinkash Mr. Thomas Ditchey Dr. Raymond Kraynak Mr. Raymond Kraynak Mr. Joe D’Andrea Atty. Edward Greco, Esq., Solicitor , Mount Carmel Area Elementary School 630 West Fifth Street Mount Carmel, PA 17851-1607 570-339-1500, ext. 3002 • Susan Nestico, Principal Tina Meredith, Secretary Gloria Slater, Secretary • Carleen Zlockie, Guidance Counselor 339-1500, ext. 3171 • Kelly Ryan, Nurse 339-1500, ext. 3103 • Ana Ditchey, Public Relations 339-1500 Mount Carmel Area Junior-Senior High School 600 West Fifth Street Mount Carmel, PA 17851-1897 570-339-1500 ext. 3001 • Lisa Varano, Senior High School Principal • Peter Cheddar, Junior High School Principal • Kristy Sieklicki, Assistant Curriculum Coordinator, Pre-K Counts Coordinator 339-1500, ext. 3180 • Marcy Miriello, Secretary • Deb Parkansky, Secretary Guidance Office • Eileen Frank, Guidance Counselor 339-1500, ext. 3122 • Anne Darrup, Guidance Counselor 339-1500, ext. 3123 Special Education Office 339-1500, ext. 3145 • Dr. Monica McKerns-O’Donnell, Special Education Coordinator • Marlene Fisher, Secretary • Kelly Crissman, School Psychologist 339-1500, ext. 3169 • Ruth Gregory, Nurse 339-1500, ext. 3129 • Carole Lubeskie, Social Worker 339-1500, ext. 3147 Office of the Athletic Director 339-1500, ext. 3125 • Greg Sacavage, Athletic Director • Sharon Stankiewicz, Secretary 339-1500, ext. 3172 WKMC TV Studio • David McFee, Technical Coordinator 339-1500, ext. 3136 • Diane Rumbel, Public Relations, News Reporting 339-1500, ext. 3135 • Patti Rovito, Attendance Secretary 339-1500, ext. 3134 2013 -2014 School Year • Junior-Senior High School: 7:40 a.m.--2:20 p.m. • Elementary School Gr K-6: 8:45 a.m.--3:20 p.m. • PreK Counts: MOUNT CARMEL AREA DISTRICT OFFICE
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