Africana Womanism Society - College of Arts and Science
Africana Womanism Society - College of Arts and Science
2nd National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit March 26-27, 2010 Charlotte, North Carolina “ Africana Man, Woman & Child: I n I t T ogether” National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Coordinator & Program Director Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems *** National Co-Coordinators Mr. Aubrey Bruce, Pittsburgh, PA *** Pastor E ileen R obinson, Pittsburgh, PA * AWS University/College Campus Chapter Advisors C alifor nia State U-L B —Dr. L aR ese Neferet H ubbard * C lar k-A tlanta U--Dr. Alma Vinyard, Chair, Dept. of English ** K ean U—Dr. B arbara Wheeler, Former Chair, Africana Studies T exas Souther n U—Dr. L inda J ohnson-B urgess UM C —Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems *** U of M D-E aster n Shor e—Dr B etty T aylor T hompson, Chair, Engl Dept U of Z imbabwe—Dr. I tai Muwati, Dept. Chair, African Lang. & Lit V ir ginia State U—Dr. Pamela D. R eed W ayne State U—Dr. Daphne W. Ntiri * 2 2nd National Annual Africana Womanism Society (AWS) Summit March 26-27, 2010 Charlotte, North Carolina B lake H otel 555 S. McDowell Street AWS Summit Session Topics: 1. Spirituality--Our Time Is NOW: With God in F ront, H and in H and, We Will Survive-- Opening Plenary 2. Africana Womanism, the Race Factor & the Media 3. 1st Lady and the President: Reciprocity & Collective Potential—Closing Plenary Day 1 4. Parental/R acial E mpowerment: Challenging Systems/Answering Calls 5. F rom E mmett T ill to the K atrina Disaster to H aiti: T he R ace F actor and E xpressions in Music 6. Family Centrality: Africana Man/Woman--In It Together in Combating Societal Ills 7. Africana Male-Female Relationships & Genuine Sisterhood 8. The Africana Womanist Health Nurturer: Natural Cures & Preventions—C losing Plenary Day 2 9. “ Naming/Defining Ourselves outside of De-womanization, De-feminization, Dehumanization & Poverty” —K eynote M ember ship: Regular--$30 Senior Citizen (65/over)--$15 Student--$10 Life Membership--$250 R egistration: • • • • • • • • • Professional--$50 General Public--$25 Senior Citizens (65 & over)—$15 Students (with ID)--$10 Children under 17--Free, except banquet. Late on-site registration $5 extra Opening Receptions—Free w/registration Banquet--$25 Vendors--$100 per day and $150 for both days Other A ctivities as follows: 1. Opening Reception-Honoring the Elders—led by Dr. Alveda King, Friday, 7-9 pm 2. Special Africana Womanism Girls Society & AWS U/C Campus- Chapter Inductions with Dr. Alveda King (Opening Reception) 3. Poetry Slam, Open Mic, with “King C-Los” (Opening Reception) 4. Banquet featuring AW Honorees—Outstanding Africana Men/Women—6-8 5. Africana Womanism National Membership Drive (During Entire Summit) T he Underscores R epresent AW Descriptors. 3 Africana Womanism Signature Poem *****Dedicated to All Africana Womanists***** Africana Womanism: “ I Got Your B ack, B oo” Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems *** Don’t you know by now, girl, we’re all in it together; Family-Centrality—that’s it; we’re going nowhere without the other. That means the men, the women, and children, too, T ruly collectively working-- “ I got your back, B oo.” R acism means the violation of our constitutional rights, Which frees us from on-going legal and even physical fights. This 1st priority for humankind is doing what it must do, E choing our 1st lady, Michelle--“ I got your back, B oo.” Classism is the hoarding of financial privileges, Privileges we must all have now in pursuit of happiness. Without a piece of the financial pie, we’re doomed to have a coup, R emember, each must protect the other--“ I got your back, B oo.” Sexism, the final abominable sin of female subjugation, Is a battle we must wage right now to restore our family relations. All forms of sin fall under one of these three offenses (racism/classism/sexism); Africana Womanism--“I got your back, Boo”--corrects our common senses. A pril 19, 2009—for A fr icana W omanism Society Summit A ttendees 4 Message from Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems, President & CE O, Africana Womanism Society & Conceptualizer of Africana Womanism *** T he 1st National A fricana W omanism Society Summit (A W SS), A pril 21-22, 2009 in Pittsburgh, PA , repr esents the continuing gr owth and development of A fricana W omanism (A W ), further advancing its presence outside A cademe, where it has r esided for well over two decades. W hile interdisciplinary research on the subject and invitations for me to speak on it globally support the theoretical pr emise, its applicability to our every day lives in the wor ld place clear ly validates its relevancy. Dr. Delores P. Aldridge, Grace T. Hamilton Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies at Emory U, is one of the leading Africana Womanist scholars, having endorsed AW theory with jacket blurbs and a Forward, as well as promoting it in her books and articles. She has communicated its urgency, necessity and usefulness as an authentic tool of analysis, which has also been documented by other AW publications (books, chapters, articles, etc) dating back to the 1980s. As we continue our debates on critical issues relative to Black life globally, we place up front our quest for workable solutions to those problems confronting our current and future survival. At this year’s Summit, we will launch a major resource tool—The Africana Womanism and Male J ournal--with articles by and for our world conscious thinkers, as we continue to mentor our people and our leaders of tomorrow. The Premier Issue, which will maintain guest status at host institution(s) until its permanent home is identified, will be released this Fall 2010, consisting of papers from the 1st & 2nd AW Annual Summits. Subsequent issues will include select AW Summit papers. Also, during the Opening Reception of this Summit, the A W S U/C Campus Chapter will be officially launched. Dr. M aulana K arenga, Professor and F or mer C hair of A fricana Studies at C alifornia State University-L ong B each, was the fir st to suggest in the 1990s that I develop and host a national A fricana W omanism C onference, which took some time, but it did ultimately come to fruition. I n A ddressing our critical concerns globally, this year’ s Summit will pick up wher e we left off in 2004, with the I nauguration of the A fricana W omanism C harter C hapter in Pittsburgh, with my initiative, along with A ubrey B ruce and his late wife, J ennifer H insey B ruce. T hat event evolved later in the 1st A fricana W omanism Summit (2009), which I organized, along with A ubrey and Pastor E ileen R obinson. M any burning topics were debated then and now, we witness a continuum. A mong the burning issues for debate for this year’ s event include the role of A fricana women and men in a concerted mission to r emove the wedge between them, which has divided our families. A s our children are our future, we will continue to focus on them, as highlighted by the Africana Womanism Girls Society, Y oung G irls of the A fr icana Diaspor a, launched last year. T hese pre-teen/teen-age budding A fricana W omanists of character constitute the flip side of the male-female coin, which command our commitment to proper ly preparing them for conscious responsibility and accountability. T he E mmett T ill M urder C ase, the K atrina Disaster and H aiti are additional hot topics for debate relative to the global plight of our people. T he time is NOW ! W elcome to an event of a lifetime, indeed, a rendezvous with our mission and destiny. L et’ s reclaim, reexamine and reincorporate our rich legacy of collectivity, leader ship, integrity and accountability. WE CAN NOT AF F OR D T O WAI T ! “ Sankofa! ” --G o back and fetch the lessons of our past! 5 Africana Womanism Society Africana Womanism Society U/C Campus Chapters (AWSUCC) For Students both inside and outside the United States—Start an Africana Womanism Society Chapter at your institution, NOW! United States Chapters and Advisors: California State U-LB—Dr. LaRese Neferet Hubbard, Africana Studies Clark-Atlanta U—Dr. Alma Vinyard, Chair of Dept of English Kean U—Dr. Barbara Wheeler, Former Chair of Africana Studies Texas Southern U—Dr. Linda Johnson-Burgess, Dept of English U of Maryland-Eastern Shore—Dr. Betty Taylor-Thompson, Engl Dept Chair UMC—Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems—Conceptualizer of Africana Womanism Virginia State U—Dr. Pamela D. Reed—Dept of English, Columnist Wayne State U—Dr. Daphne W. Ntiri—Dept of Interdisciplinary Studies Outside US U of Zimbabwe—Dr. Itai Muwati—Dept C hair, A frican L anguages & L iteratur e Dr. Zifikile Mguni-Gambahaya, A frican Studies Dr. Tavengwa Gwekwerere, A frican Studies Africana Womanism Society Community Chapters (AWSCC) United States Dover, DE--Roxie Smiley-Carter, Pres., NAACP Central DE Branch 2028 Jackson, MS—Georgia Cohran, Director of the Arts Klassical, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA —Pastor E ileen R obinson, Open Door Urban M inisters, I nc. Outside U. S.: Lagos, Nigeria—Dr. Patrick Akinbola St. Croix/St. Thomas, Virgin Island—Daisy LaFond A fr icana W omanism G ir ls Society and the Y outh in G ener al United States Aubrey B ruce, Executive Director, American Youth Journalism Corps Niecy Dennis, Pres/Founder WDGA, Global Youth Initiative Coach Carlos C-Los Vinson, Toussaint L’Ouverture Middle School/Academy Basketball Team 6 Positive/Negative Male-Female/Relationship* 1. Love 2. Friendship 3. Trust 4. Fidelity 5. Truth 6. Mutual Respect 7. Support 8. Humility 9. Enjoyment 10. Compassion 11. Sharing/Caring 12. Complimentary 13. Security 14. Interdependence 15. Spirituality Contempt Rivalry Distrust Infidelity Deception Disrespect Neglect Arrogance Mean-Spiritedness Callousness Selfish/Egotism Negative Criticism Insecurity Dependence Non-Spirituality *From Africana Womanism & Race & Gender in the Presidential Candidacy of Barack Obama, with explication, and Africana Womanist Literary Theory, with explication. 7 8 9 10 T he Africana Womanism T rilogy—Clenora H udson-Weems Africana Womanism & R ace/Gender in the Presidential Candidacy of B arack Obama Africana Womanism: R eclaiming Ourselves Africana Womanist L iterary T heory 11 2nd National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Africana Man, Woman & Child: I n I t T ogether Summation of Two-Day Schedule of Events F riday, March 26, 2010 R egistration—8:00 am-6:00 pm Opening Plenary—9:30-10:30 am Networ king—10:30-12:00 am Lunch (on your own)—12:00-1:30 pm Special B uffalo Soldier Display—Willie E dley—1:30-2:00 pm Plenary I I —2:00-3:30 pm Closing Plenary Day I —3:30-5:00 pm B usiness M eeting—5: 00-6: 00 pm (F or M ember s Only) Opening R eception—Dr. Alveda King—Elder/Inductions/Poetry Slam –7:00-9:00 pm. Membership Drive, B ook Signing & V endors during entire Summit Saturday, March 27, 2010 R egistration—8:00 am-1:00 pm Plenary I V —9:30-10:30am Plenary V—10:30-11:30 am Plenary VI—11:30-12:30 Lunch (on your own)—12:30-2:00 pm Plenary VII--2:00-3:30 pm Closing Plenary Day 2—3:30-5:00 pm B anquet –Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems, Keynote Speaker—7:00-9:00 pm 12 2nd National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Africana Man, Woman & Child: I n I t T ogether Day O ne--F r iday, M ar ch 26, 2010 R egistr ation—8: 00 am-6: 00 pm Opening Plenary—9:30-10:30 am Invocation: Pastor E ileen R obinson, Open Door Urban Ministries, Inc. Co-Coordinator, 2010 AWSS; Co-Chair, AWS Northern Region * National “ L ift E very V oice and Sing” —J ohnson C. Smith University Choir B lack A nthem Moderator: Prof. Marsha Walker, Dept. of English, Johnson C. Smith University W elcome: Carolyn Mints, Senior Director of Operations, Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture Sherrill H ampton, J D, Assistant to President & Director of Center for Applied Leadership & Community Development, Johnson C. Smith U Opening R emar ks: Aubrey B ruce, Co-Coordinator, AWSS; Chair, AWS Northern Region AYJC/Pro Football Writer of America. (New Pittsburgh Courier)*** R eading; I ntro: Dr. B arbara Wheeler, Prof/Former Chair, Africana Studies, Kean U Africana Womanism Signature Poem, “I Got Your Back, Boo” by CHW Address: Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems, Pres/CEO, Africana Womanism Society & Conceptualizer of Africana Womanism—“ Spirituality--Our T ime I s Now: With God in F ront, H and in H and, We Will Survive ” *** Dedication: The late Mrs. J ennifer H insey-B ruce—Africana Womanism Charter Member ** Closing: R ev. H oward B rown, Christ Central Church, Charlotte, NC Networking, etc. Break--10:30-12:00 ******************************************************************** Lunch (on your own)—12:00-1:30 pm Special B uffalo Soldier Display—Willie E dley—1:30-2:00 pm ***************************************************************** 13 Plenary II—2:00-3:30 pm Africana Womanism, T he R ace F actor and the Media M oderator: Aubrey B ruce, Co-Coordinator, AWSS; Chair, AWS Northern Region AYJC/Pro Football Writer of America. (New Pittsburgh Courier)*** Panelists: Denny Dressman, Author of The Eddie Robinson Biography—“ Civil R ights and the Media L illian Smith, Pres/CEO, LS Production Works, Award-Winning Former Producer, DONAHUE—“ T he R ole of the Media in Affecting the T otality of B lack L ife” * Closing Plenary Day 1—3:30-5:00 pm Our F irst L ady and the President: Authenticity, R eciprocity & Collective Potential M oderator: Sherrill H ampton, J D, Assistant to President & Director of Center for Applied Leadership & Community Development Panelists: Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems, Prof/Author—“ Africana Womanism & B arack & Michelle Obama: T he F amily in Charge R epresenting Our F amilies at L arge” *** Niecy Dennis, WDGA Founder/Pres: The Global Youth Initiative-“ Molding Our Children for F uture Possibilities” * Dr. Anne Steiner, Prof. Emerita & Former Assoc.VP, Central State U—“Frances Watkins Harper—Pre-eminent Africana Womanist” B rittany Smotherson, Thurgood Marshall Grad Student, U. of Missouri— “ T he Africana Womanist: T he B attle for Self Naming/Defining” A fricana W omanism Society M eeting—5: 00-6: 00 pm (For Members Only) ******** Opening R eception—“ F amily L ove Gathering” 7: 00 pm-9: 00pm 14 “I’m So Excited!” W on’ t you join me, too. W e’ ld be so much delighted I f you’ ld help make this come true. (Clenora H udson-Weems, F eb 2010)*** Dr. Alveda King,* niece of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. & author of The King Legacy, will pay tribute to the Elders and lead the Africana Womanism Girls Society and the Africana Womanism Society Campus Chapter Inductions; the Poetry Slam, Open Mic, featuring the Black Ink Monks for Soul Resurrection (JCSU) and L ive B roadcast with C arlos “King C-Los” Vinson, WGNU Radio, host for “Rasta Resolutions,” Official MC for Ocean State Reggae Festival. T he National Africana Womanism Membership Drive and V endors during entire Summit. Saturday March 27, 2010 Registration--8:00 am-1:00 pm Plenary I V —9: 30-10: 30 am Parental/R ace E mpowerment: Challenging Systems/Answering Calls M oderator: Cynthia H arris, Financial Aid Officer, Houston Community College Panelists: Charles Potter, Executive Director, Developing Future Scholars—“12 Steps to College Success” Min. Yusuf Muhammad, Charlotte Rep, Min. Farakan--“Why Must We Control Ed. of Our Children? If We Don't Somebody Else Will” Plenary V—10: 30-11: 30 F rom E mmett T ill to the K atrina Disaster to H aiti: T he R ace F actor and E xpressions in Music M oderator: Dr. Cheryl B utler-B rayboy, Prof of Lang and Lit, Johnson C. Smith U Panelists: L illian Smith, Pres/CEO, LS Production Works, Award-Winning Former Producer, DONAHUE—“ B lack Music R eflecting L ife and R acism * Carlos “ K ing C-L os” V inson, WGNU Radio, host for “Rasta Resolutions,” Official MC for Ocean State Reggae Festival— “ T he K atrina Disaster and H aiti: E mmett T ill Continuums” * Plenary V I —11: 30-12: 30 15 F amily Centrality: I n I t T ogether in Combating Societal I lls M oderator: M oderator: Dr. Carol A. Davenport—Prof. of English, Johnson C. Smith U Panelists: Dr. Alveda K ing, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King; Author of The King Legacy; former GA State Rep; Civil Rights/Pro Life Activist--“ L ove Women in the Movement: T hey K eep the Dream Alive” * Denny Dressman, Author of The Eddie Robinson Biography—“ Separate but Unequal: B lack Athletes under the Cloud of R acism” *********************************************************************** Lunch (on your own)—12:30-2:00 pm *********************************************************************** Plenary VII--2:00-3:30 pm Africana Male-F emale R elationships & Genuine Sisterhood M oderator: Dr. L inda J ohnson-B urgess, Prof of English, Texas Southern U Panelists: T iffanydenise, Entrepreneur & Wellness Professional (NY)—“ H ealthy R elationships between Men & Women: Unconditional L ove” Minister Amon Muhammad, Muhammad Mosque #34, Durham--" Promoting Positive R elationship B etween the Sexes: B asis of Proper Male/F emale R elationship” Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems, Professor & Author—“ Male-F emale Compatibility & the Sanctity of Sisterhood ” *** Closing Plenary Day 2—3: 30-5: 00 pm The Africana Womanist Health Nurturer: Natural Cures/Preventions M oderator: Georgia Cohran, Director of Arts Klassical, Inc., Jackson, MS * Panelists: Sherry B anks, Telecommunications Supervisor, Pittsburgh VA Medical Center, “ B e Well and Create Wealth with Ardyss I nternational” Percy White, Pres/CEO, C. Percy White & Associates, Phila/NJ—“ Asea: I t Works” * Dr. Anne Steiner, Prof. Emerita & Former Assoc.VP, Central State U— “ Melaleuca: Achieving Physical & F iscal Wellness” *** ** * Africana Womanism Society Charter Chapter & 2009 AWS Summit Attendee Africana Womanism Society Charter Member 2009 Africana Womanism Society Summit Attendee 16 2nd National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Africana Womanism AWAR DS B ANQUE T PR OGR AM—7: 00-9: : 00 pm Lillian Smith*/Aubrey Bruce***—Mistress/Master of Ceremonies Opening Prayer Pastor E ileen R obinson, Open Door Urban Ministries Co-Coordinator, 2010 AWSS; Co-Chair, AWS Northern Region * “ L ift E very V oice and Sing” Audience Welcome Dean Zenobia E dwards, Met College/JCSU History of Africana Womanism (R eflections & a reading) Dr. L inda J ohnson-B urgess, Eng Prof TSU Dr. Pamela R eed, Prof, Virginia State U The Future of Africana Womanism (“Are You Your Sister’s Keeker”) Mrs. Lena Hopkins-Jackson, Cartoonist Ms Chauncey Muhammad, Mental Health Case Manager E ntertainment B roken Chainz--H ip H op Dancer E nsemble, Johnson C. Smith University Introduction of Keynote Speaker Master & Mistress of Ceremonies Keynote Address Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems, Author—A W & Barack Obama—“ Naming/Defining Ourselves outside of Dewomanization, De-feminization, De-humanization & Poverty” *** Introduction to Honorees Dr. Anne Steiner, Prof Emerita, & Former Assoc. V. Pres., Central State U Dr. Carol A. Davenport—Prof. of English, Johnson C. Smith U Give-A-Ways Master and Mistress of Ceremonies Closing Remarks Master and Mistress of Ceremonies 17 AWSS Mistress of Ceremonies Lillian Smith * LS PRODUCTION WORKS! Contact: 201-453-0086/ 917-771-3876 (mobile)/,,, Executive Producer/Media Consultant/Marketing/Production Services. Lillian Smith’s career began in the field of communications when she joined “DONAHUE” the Emmy® Award-winning talk show. Her experience as a Senior Producer and Executive Producer ranges from producing live television productions, to conceiving, developing, and launching new television programs. She is an Emmy Award winning producer and has successfully launched two national television talk (magazine) shows. She was named Journalist of the Year, NY, by her peers with the NY Association of Black Journalists. Lillian Smith is the Executive Producer/Dir. of Media Relations representing BSE RECORDINGS, LLC. She served as one of the Executive Producers of BSE RECORDINGS LLC artist ARIKA KANE’s CD Release, WHY DID WE FALL N LUV. Visit: AWSS Master of Ceremonies Aubrey Bruce *** Senior Sports Columnist, New Pittsburgh Courier. Aubrey Bruce has been a music promoter, performer and composer for the majority of his adult life. He wrote a full four movement symphony, ‘Summertime Symphonique’ (symphonique is an original definition coined by Bruce meaning; “unique symphony”) at the age of 17, (copyright: PAu000216065/1980-07-16). He has been a member of BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.) as a writer and publisher since 1980. His partner in Seastorm Publishing Company is the great New York City bassist, Christopher Dean Sullivan. After attending Temple University and a brief stint in professional baseball and football he returned to college and refined his musical training at the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC). He was the first African American editor-in-chief of The Allegheny View of CCAC, Allegheny Campus newspaper. He continued his studies at the University of Nassau, Bahamas, where he met h is late wife, Jennifer. He was a lifestyles writer for the McKeesport Daily News. He has also been published by the New Yorker and the San Francisco Chronicle. Presently, Mr. Bruce is a senior sports columnist with The New Pittsburgh Courier. He covers both The Steelers and The Pirates, including Super Bowl XL and XLIII and the 2006 AllStar game and the MLB World Series. He is also co-pastor, alongside Pastor Eileen Robinson, at Open Door Urban Ministries Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. Mr. Bruce is chair of the Africana Womanism Society Northern Region, AWS Chair, and Event Co-Coordinator. 18 K E YNOT E SPE AK E R DR . CL E NOR A H UDSON-WE E MS *** “ Naming/Defining Ourselves outside of De-womanization, De-feminization, De-humanization” Clenora H udson-Weems, PhD , President & CEO of the Africana Womanism Society (AWS), is a Professor and Public Intellectual. She is the author of several books, including the Africana Womanism Trilogy: Africana Womanism & Race & Gender in the Presidential Candidacy of Barack Obama (2008,9); Africana Womanism: Reclaiming Ourselves (1993); Africana Womanist Literary Theory (2004); two books in her Till Trilogy (the 1st to establish Till as catalyst of the CRM): Emmett Till: The Sacrificial Lamb of the Civil Rights Movement (1994; 2006); The Definitive Emmett Till: Passion & Battle of a Woman for Truth & Intellectual Justice (2006); editor of the 3rd of the Till Trilogy--Plagiarism—Physical & Intellectual Lynchings: An Emmett Till Continuum (2007). In addition, she is the editor of Contemporary Africana Theory, Thought & Action: A Guide to Africana Studies (2007) & co-author, with Dr. Wilfred D. Samuels, of Toni Morrison (1990). Her current work is continuing scholarly activities on Africana Womanism, the reclamation of Africana women, including budding Africana Womanists via Girls Society, the expansion of the Africana Womanism Society, and the development of AWS Chapters worldwide. After over 20 years of nurturing her 1988 original Till Ford Doctoral Dissertation (U of Iowa), her work has inspired an Operatic commission of Emmett, the Opera, by Lyric Theatre, a New York/New Jersey Production Company. Her project partner of over 20 years, Barry Morrow, Oscar Award-Winning co-writer for Rain Man, remains constant in all her Till endeavors. 19 Esteemed speaker and fellow Africana Womanist Dr. Alveda C. K ing, politician and activist, is a niece of the civil rights icon, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A former member of the Georgia House of Representatives, she is also founder of King for America, and is currently a Senior Fellow at the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, a conservative think-tank in Washington, D.C. She holds an M.A. degree in Business Management from Central Michigan University and received her Honorary Doctorate from Saint Anselm College. In 2005, Dr. King released a CD called “Let Freedom Ring” and has appeared in film and television. She has been with the Africana Womanism Society since, 2009 and facilitated the Outstanding Africana Men and Women Awards Banquet, the culminating event for the First International Africana Womanism Society Summit that year in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For this year’s Africana Womanism Summit, Dr. King, in addition to serving on a panel and speaking on “Love the Women in the Movement: They Keep the Dream Alive,” will pay tribute to the Elders and lead the Africana Womanism Girls Society and the Africana Womanism Society College/University Campus Chapters Induction Ceremonies during the Opening Reception. 20 DEDICATIONS This Program is dedicated to: The mother of Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems, Mrs. Mary Cohran Pearson, her model Africana Womanist--Our Elders, Our Legacy; To the late Mrs. J ennifer H ensey-B ruce, wife of Mr. Aubrey Bruce; Pioneer organizer--AWS Pittsburgh, PA. ** “Our Children, Our Future” Coach Carlos “ K ing C-L os” V inson & the B lewett Middle School Girls B asketball T eam (2009), St. Louis, 1St Girls Society, Young Girls of Africana Descent—1st Members * 21 Africana Womanism Awards Banquet 2010 Honorees—Outstanding Africana Men& Women Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems—Distinguished Honoree, Africana Womanism Conceptualizer, Author of the Africana Womanism Trilogy *** Dr. L inda J ohnson-B urgess—1st Africana Womanism Dissertator (2007); Prof. TSU Dr. B arbara Wheeler—Africana Womanism Queen Mother, Professor & Former Chair, Africana Studies, Kean U 2nd National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Participants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. The Black Ink Monks for Soul R esurrection, Johnson C. Smith U B roken Chainz--H ip H op Dancer E nsemble, Johnson C. Smith University R ev. H oward B rown, Christ Central Church, Charlotte, NC Aubrey B ruce, Co-Coordinator, 2009 & 2010 AWSS *** Dr. Cheryl B utler-B rayboy, Prof of Lang and Lit, Johnson C. Smith U Georgia Cohran, Director of Arts Klassical, Inc.* Dr. Carol A. Davenport—Prof. of English, Johnson C. Smith U Niecy Dennis, WDGA Founder/Pres: The Global Youth Initiative * Denny Dressman, Author of The Reggie Robinson Biography Willie E dley--B uffalo Soldier Representative, Greater North Carolina Chapter Dean Zenobia E dwards, Met College/Johnson C. Smith U Sherrill H ampton, J D, Assis to Pres/Dir, Cent, Applied Leadership/Com Dev Cynthia H arris, Financial Aids Adm, Houston Community College Lena Hopkins-Jackson, Cartoonist, Charlotte, NC Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems Pres/CEO, Africana Womanism Society*** Dr. L inda J ohnson-B urgess, Prof of English, Texas Southern U J ohnson C. Smith University Choir Dr. Alveda K ing, Author of The King Legacy, niece of Dr. Martin L. King * Carolyn Mints, Sen Dir, Harvey Gantt Center for African-Am Arts + Culture Minister Amon Muhammad, Muhammad Mosque #34, Durham Chauncey Muhammad, Mental Health Case Manager, Lexington, NC 22 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Minister Yusuf Muhammad, Charlotte Rep. for Minister Farakan Charles Potter, Executive Director, Developing Future Scholars Pastor E ileen R obinson, Open Door Urban Ministries * L illian Smith, Pres/CEO, LS Production Works, Producer, DONAHUE * B rittany Smotherson, Thurgood Marshall Grad Student, U. of Missouri Dr. Anne Steiner, Prof. Emerita & Former Assoc. VP, Central State U T iffanydenise, Entrepreneur & Wellness Professional Coach Carlos “ K ing C-L os” V inson, Host, “Rasta Resolutions” * Prof. Marsha I . Walker, Prof of Lang & Lit, Jonson C. Smith U Dr. B arbara Wheeler, Prof/Former Chair, Africana Studies, Kean U Percy White, Pres/CEO, C. Percy White & Associates, Philadelphia/NJ * Note: T he economy has hit hard and due to this factor, and other emergencies, including a conflict due to our schedule change (from April to March), many of our staunch Africana Womanist Scholars, Activists, and Supporters, who were initially committed to attending this year’ s AWS Summit, were ultimately unable to do so. I want to thank all of them whose collective spirit was nonetheless with us—Dr. L aR ese Neferet H ubbard, Professor, California State U-L ong B each (“ Anna J ulia Cooper and Africana Womanism: Some E arly Conceptual Contributions” ); , Dr. Daphne W. Ntiri, Professor, Wayne State U. (“ Africana Womanism: Prioritizing R ace, Class and Gender” ); Paula Peobles, Chair, Phila. National Action Network (“ I nvesting in Our Children” ); Dr. Pamela D. R eed, Professor, V irginia State U. (B arack H ussein Obama: T he Question of B lackness and Power” ); and our sisters from the University of Zimbabwe--Dr. I tai Muwati, Dr. Zifikile Mguni-Gambahaya and Dr. T avengwa Gwekwerere (“ Africana Womanism and African Proverbs” )--whose paper was to be read for them at this year’ s Summit, and more important who are committed and thus, now preparing to attend next year’ s event. 23 1st National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Honorees 2010 Honorable Mentions DISTINGUISHED HONOREE--Ivan “Ike” Taylor--Starting Corner Back, Pittsburgh Steelers* Dr. Molefi Asante, Conceptualizer of Afrocentricity; Professor, Temple University Blewett Middle School Girls Basketball Team, St. Louis Mr. Aubrey Bruce, Senior Sports Columnist, New Pittsburg Courier Mr. Herman Francois, Personal Trainer/Guardian of “Ike” Taylor using the Francois Method as demonstrated in Sports Illustrated Mr. Bill Hillgrove--The Voice of the Steelers & the Pitt Panthers Dr. LaRese Neferet Hubbard, Prof/Anthologist, CSULB Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems, author of Africana Womanism & Race & Gender in the Presidential Candidacy of Barack Obama Dr. Alveda King, author of Sons of Thunder: The King Family Legacy; niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr; daughter of Rev. Dr. A.D. King Ms. Alysia Logan, author of Drama High Series Dr. Daphne W. Ntiri, Author/Professor, Wayne State University Ms. Lillian Smith, Pres/CEO LS Productions/Former Ex. Producer-DONAHUE ************************************************* Acceptance Speech * ************************************************* 24 1st National Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Participants 2010 Invitees Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, Author, Conceptualizer of Afrocentricity, Temple U. Diane Banks--Event Coordinator Dr. Kwame Botwe-Asamoah, Author, Assoc Prof, Africana Studies, U of Pittsburgh Ms. Gloria D. Brown--Advertisement Coordinator Mr. Aubrey Bruce, Assistant Senior Sports Editor, New Pittsburgh Courier Dr. Tameka L. Cage, Visiting Assist. Prof, Dept. of Africana Studies, U of Pittsburgh Ms. Georgia Cohran, Executive Director of Arts Klassical, Inc., Jackson MS Dr. Tommy J. Curry, Post Doctoral Fellow, Penn State University Ms. Niecy Dennis, The Global Youth Initiative Mr. John Harris, NFL Sports Columnist, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Ms. LaVerne Baker Hotep, Talk Show Host, WellWoman Radio Retreat Dr. LaRese Neferet Hubbard, Assist. Prof/Anthologist, Africana Studies, CSULB Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems, Author & Conceptualizer of Africana Womanism Jazz Summit Mr. Kamau Khalfani—WBAI 99.5 FM Radio, New York City Dr. Alveda King, Author and Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Macrina Lelei, Author, Assoc. Dir., African Studies Program, U of Pittsburgh Rev. Linwood Lewis—Benediction; Solid Rock Ministries Ms. Alysia Logan, Author, Drama High Series Dr. Ama Mazama—Author, Professor, Temple University Dr. Daphne W. Ntiri, Author, Assoc. Prof., Africana Studies, Wayne State U. Ms. Kelly e. Parker, Activist, Artist, Storyteller, Poet & Musician Ms. Paula Peebles, Pres/CEO, Renaissance Community Develop Corp, Philadelphia Pastor Eileen Robinson--Chair, 1st Annual Africana Womanism Society Summit Ms. Lillian Smith, President/CEO, Executive Producer, LS Production Works; Former Executive Producer, DONAHUE Mr. David Steele, Author, Silent Gesture: Tommie Smith Story; Sports Columnist, Baltimore Suns Mr. “Ike” Taylor--Starting Corner Back, Pittsburgh Steelers Ms. Sonya M. Toler, Exec. Dir, Governor’s Advisory Commission, African American Affairs Mr. Carlos “King Clos” Vinson--Former Host, “Rasta Resolutions,” Official MC Mr. Stan West, Host, Award-Winning WNUA, City Voices—Chicago; Author & Prof., Columbia College & Aurora U. Mr. Percy White, 3rd Generation Pres., C. Percy White & Associates, Philadelphia/NJ 25 T he Africana Womanism and Male J ournal V olume 1, Number 1--F all 2010 M anaging E ditor Dr. Clenora H udson-Weems, UMC E ditorial A ssistant (Journal home base personnel) J ournal C oordinator (Journal home base personnel) E ditorial B oard Dr. Delores P. Aldridge Emory University Dr. Molefe K ete Asante Temple University Dr. Mark Christian Miami University-Hamilton Dr. Annette I vory Dunzo Howard University Dr. L aR ese Neferet H ubbard Cal State U-Long Beach Dr. Maulana K arenga Cal State U-Long Beach Dr. Daphne W. Ntiri Wayne State University Dr. Pamela D. R eed V irginia State University Dr. Anne Steiner C entral State University (E merita) Dr. B arbara Wheeler K ean University A dvisory B oard Aubrey B ruce Pro Football Writer of America; Senior Sports Ed., New Pittsburgh Courier Atty. Alvin O. Chambliss, J r., L ast Original C.R . Atty. in America.; Charles Hamilton Houston Chair, NCCU School of Law Paula Peebles Orig Prog C oordinator, Million Women Marc/ Chair, Phila Chap, Nation’ l Action Network L illian Smith Pres/CEO, L. S. Production; Former Executive Producer, DONAH UE 26 The Africana Man, Woman and Child: In It Together Articles Naming/Defining Ourselves outside of De-womanization, De-feminization, De-humanization & Poverty C lenora H udson-W eems Africana Womanism and African Proverbs: Theoretical Grounding of Mothering/ Motherhood in African Culture Itai Muwati Zifikile Mguni-Gambahaya Tavengwa Gwekwerere The End of Feminism II: The Dogma of Racial Normativity in Black Feminism— The Africana Womanist Alternative T ommy J . C urry R eclaiming A fricana W omanist W ritings in A cademe Linda Johnson-Burgess The Importance of Maintaining Generational Coherence thru Africana Womanist Lineage A lysia L ogan African Male Perspectives on Africana Womanism K wame B otwe-A samoah Love the Women in the Movement: They Keep the Dream Alive Alveda King The Global Mission--The Two in Concert: An Africana Womanist Principle A ma M azama H ealthy R elationships between M en & W omen: Unconditional L ove T iffanydenise B ook R eviews Africana Womanism & R ace & Gender in the Presidential Candidacy of B arack Obama Pamala D. R eed AW& R & GPCB O M ark C hristian 27 I n C elebration of Dr. C lenora H udson-W eems’ A fricana W omanism B y: Dr. Pamela D. R eed, dedicated to T he Africana Womanism & Male J ournal M uch is said and written about A fricana W omanism, but many do not know the historical backstory that inspired its creation. E xactly what prompted H udson-W eems to walk into the firing line of the for midable feminist lobby that dominates the A merican body politic—and the A cademy? On this, the occasion of the 2nd A nnual I nternational A fricana W omanism Summit, a brief look back is in order. A s far back as 1851, when Sojourner T ruth delivered her groundbreaking “ A in’ t I a W oman?” speech at the A kron W omen’ s C onvention, non-W hite women have pointed out the cultural and class limitations of feminism, then in its earliest stage, commonly r efer r ed to as “ F irst-W ave F eminism.” A t this time, the primary foci of women’ s r ights efforts wer e univer sal suffrage, the right to own property, and ending “ chattel” mar riage—wherein women and children were the “ property” of mar ried men. Of course, the ear ly feminist movement of the 18th and ear ly 19th centuries was necessarily focused on W hite, middle class women, since no other race of people had any rights under A merican law—particular ly A frican A mericans, who were initially enslaved and later subjected to the state-sanctioned system of segr egation and discrimination called J im C r ow. Not to mention Native A mericans. Since T ruth—one of the ear liest forebear s of A fricana W omanism—women of various cultural backgr ounds have followed suit, carving out their own ver sions of feminism. H ence, we have B lack F eminism, C hicana F eminism, J ewish F eminism, L atina F eminism, Native A merican F eminism, A frican F eminism, F rench F eminism, A sian-A merican F eminism, W omen of C olor F eminism, so-called T hird W or ld F eminism, etc. B ut perhaps nothing has challenged the 28 primacy of feminism like the theory of A fricana W omanism, as espoused by Dr. C lenor a H udson-W eems of UM C . A s the editors of the classic collection Call and R esponse: T he R iverside Anthology of the African American L iterary T radition (1997) note, the release of the theory of A fricana W omanism in the mid-1980s, and its further explication in 1993, with the publication of H udson-W eems’ seminal wor k, A fricana W omanism: R eclaiming Our selves, “ launched a new critical discour se in the B lack W oman' s L iterar y M ovement.” A fricana W omanism states that history and cultur e demand that B lack women not be feminists, focused solely on gender issues such as female empowerment, “ but rather A fricana W omanists who prioritize race, class and gender in a collective liberation struggle with the entir e A fricana family, men included, for race empower ment.” T his tension between gender and race played out in full view of the wor ld in 2008 during the Democratic presidential campaigns of then Senators B arack H ussein Obama and H illar y C linton, which is the subject of H udson-W eems’ latest project [book], Africana Womanism & R ace & Gender in the Presidential Candidacy of B arack Obama. A nother often over looked challenge confr onting today’ s feminism is that of the generation gap. Plainly put, many of today’ s young women are, to bor row a phrase, just “ not that into” feminism. M or eover, in retrospect, many now view the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s— which has come to define the movement—as a failed exper iment. I could not agree mor e. A nd for her keen insight and tireless wor k toward repairing the damage and strengthening the B lack family unit, the entire A fricana wor ld owes a debt of gratitude to our sister, Dr. C lenora H udson W eems. L ong live A fricana W omanism … and its progenitor! (A dapted fr om “ F eminism at the C r ossr oads,” M ay 2009, in I nsight into Diversity, for mer ly the Affirmative Action R egister). 29 L ift E very Voice and Sing Words—J ames W. J ohnson (1899) Music—J ohn R . J ohnson L ift every voice and sing, till earth and H eaven ring, R ing with the harmonies of liberty; L et our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies, L et it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; F acing the rising sun of our new day begun, L et us march on till victory is won. Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod, F elt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet, Come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered; Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, T hou Who hast brought us thus far on the way; T hou Who hast by T hy might, led us into the light, K eep us forever in the path, we pray. L est our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met T hee. L est our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget T hee. Shadowed beneath T hy hand, may we forever stand, T rue to our God, true to our native land. 30 31 32 33 34 The Story of Passion The Story of Passion is a site for previewing and ordering the book, "A Path Called Purpose- Can Only Be Traveled By Passion" and other complementary materials such as personal coaching, seminars, workbook/journal, Passion's Poetry, Passion's story when as a small child and eventually the Passion doll. "Passion" is the metaphor for the energy and passion that is necessary to fuel our dreams to reality. Health & Wealth Development Institute's Mission is to help one individual at a time to access the path of purpose. 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Cynthia Harris Financial Aid Administrator Houston, Texas Empower your family, school, church, civic club, employees, and any group of concerned parents. Our DFS Seminars are great community service projects for your students. Let us show you how. Schedule yours today! Call: 800 962-DFS1 E-mail: Become Empowered!! Get your copy now!! You will learn: How your child can earn $37.50 per hour NOW! How the works! Financial Aid Formula How to choose the best school for your child! Which colleges and universities offer the most financial aid! This book is the brainchild of Charles Anthony Potter Sr., a Houston businessman and educational consultant with a twenty year track record of college-funding success. He has helped more than 3,000 students receive over 60 million dollars in financial aid. Mr. Potter has combined his extensive knowledge into one place: “Developing Future Scholars’ 12 Steps to College Success A Parental Empowerment Program”. Mr. Potter usually charges 12 hundred dollars for his personal one-on-one consultations but you won’t pay that much. Not a $1000. Not $500. Not $250. Not even $100. For just $19.95 you will receive the Africana Womanism Society rate for the Book. Get yours now! 37 T he Africana Womanism T rilogy—Clenora H udson-Weems, PhD Africana Womanism & R ace/Gender in the Presidential Candidacy of B arack Obama Africana Womanism: R eclaiming Ourselves Africana Womanist L iterary T heory 38