Fria radikaler och antioxidanter
Fria radikaler och antioxidanter
KAPITEL 1 Fria radikaler och antioxidanter Ett omfattande material ingår i ”Den Nya Medicinen”, upplaga II 2008. Här skall jag i stället redovisa ämnet i en mera vetenskaplig form i tre artiklar på engelska. 1. Hur modellen utvecklades. 2. Analys av erytrocytskörhet. 3. Behandlingsresultat. -4- A MODEL FOR ANTIOXIDANT TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES PART I. HOW THE MODEL WAS DEVELOPED DOES CURRENT RESEARCH ON ANTIOXIDANTS HAVE SERIOUS FAULTS? Per-Arne Öckerman MD, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Biochemistry University of Lund, Sweden Suddeviksvägen 12 S-430 94 Bohus-Björkö Sweden -5- SUMMARY Free radicals play a role in many chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases. In accordance with this knowledge, many studies have been published of the effect of antioxidant treatment. Absence of a positive effect in such studies has often been taken as evidence that antioxidants in the form of supplements are of no value, even deleterious. Taking into consideration own bed-side observations in patients as well as known facts of mechanisms of action for antioxidants a method was developed for assay of free radical activity, suitable for use in clinical practice and an effective antioxidant treatment program was designed. This program, involving control by free radical assay that increased oxidative stress is successfully diminished by a broad spectrum of high-dose antioxidants, has been used as basis in controlled studies and to monitor treatment in the individual patient. Highly positive treatment results will later be described in many chronic diseases. It is suggested that this may indicate a possibility to change medicine, both by more effective therapy and by a more active prevention and that most of the studies published on treatment with antioxidants must be redone. Future research must use a broad spectrum of antioxidants and control the effect by analysis of free radicals. -6- INTRODUCTION When it was understood that free radicals play a role in many chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases, great hopes were awakened that antioxidants could help to prevent and even treat such disorders. Today it is generally considered that these hopes have not been fulfilled and it is often stated that antioxidants in preparations are ineffective or even dangerous (1-3) Antioxidants in food on the other hand have been found to be more active and this has been explained as an effect of the more complex composition of food (1,4-5). Own bed-side observations in patients and considerations of known facts about mechanism of action of antioxidant gave motive to reconsider the conclusions in the literature and find a model for more effective treatment with antioxidants. MATERIAL AND METHODS Patients: This is a retrospective study of all patients (n= 5000) from my practice in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) during the years 1988 – 2005 (October). These patients came asking if there was a CAM treatment for them. They had all been thoroughly examined medically in the established system, but were not satisfied with diagnosis, lack of diagnosis or treatment propositions or results. There was a very broad spectrum of diagnoses among these patients. All patients were analyzed for free radical activity. If an increased activity was found, they were offered antioxidant treatment with repeated assays of free radical activity as control of the effect of treatment. Results presented here originate from 2400 patients, who have had a full antioxidant treatment and free radical assay as well as adequate clinical control during 1995 -2005. Analyses: Assay of free radicals was performed using the following methods: 1. 8-OH-deoxyguanosine in urine (6) 2. Malondialdehyde in urine (7) 3. Micronucleus induction in erythrocytes (8) 4. FRAS 3 (9) 5. Erythrocyte fragility test (10-11). Simple facts about the methods: Method 1 measures damage to DNA and can be said to be a reference method with which other methods can be compared. -7- Method 2 assays peroxidation to lipids. Method 3 estimates fragmentation of nuclear materal. Methods 1-3 are not suited for routine clinical use, while Methods 4 and 5 are easily applicable in clinical practice. Method 4 evaluates coloured products of free radical reactions. Method 5 is based on the following principle: An excess of free radicals peroxidizes lipids in cell membranes, including erythrocytes. When the cells are exposed to air on a glass slide they are haemolysed, which can be seen in a microscope at low magnification as white “lakes”. The area of the “lakes” is used on a scale from 0 to 50 as an estimate of damage by free radicals. This method is further described in DISCUSSION and in (10-11). Fig. 1 A-B. Erythrocyte fragility test -8- The Erythrocyte fragility test is easily applicable in clinical practice, is extremely sensitive, and could, in fact, easily be used at any patient visit to a practician as well as a research tool. Clinical evaluation was performed with normal procedures according to diagnosis, when available taken from specialist reports. RESULTS Treatment. How a model was developed. Bed-side observations: When I started to make analysis of free radicals in my patients in 1988, I noticed several patients who were taking what was then considered high doses of antioxidants (e.g. selenium, 200 ug, vitamin E, 400 mg -9- and vitamin C, 1 g). Yet, they did not feel well and came to me, hoping to get a more effective treatment. I noticed a high degree of damage in the erythrocyte fragility test and gave them a broader spectrum of antioxidants with effect both on their symptoms and on the analysis. Theoretical considerations: I studied the literature, talked to colleagues with experience of antioxidants and, not least, learnt from the results in my patients and started to compose a model for effective antioxidant treatment. This model is still developing. The principles can be described thus: Model used. 1. Give all vitamins, trace elements and minerals in recommended daily intake doses (RDI). This is because it is impossible by analysis to exclude all deficiencies and in order to avoid imbalance and deleterious effects that can be caused by giving high dose of single components. Iron is given only when a deficiency has been proven, since iron in excess counteracts the anti-free radical effect. 2. Give enough magnesium to counteract the overacidity that exists in most patients. 3. Give much higher doses of the B-vitamins and of the antioxidants vitamin C and E and selenium. 4. Give a broad spectrum of natural non-vitamin antioxidants: lycopene, citrus bioflavonoids and pollen extract. 5. The program must be effective in most patients in 1-3 months. 6. It must not be more complicated or more expensive than absolutely necessary. Practical aspects. This is how I give antioxidants to patients: 1. All normal medical procedures including diagnosis and treatment must first have been performed. 2. Assay of oxidative stress has demonstrated an excess activity of free radicals. When no such excess is present, no antioxidant treatment is given. 3. Effective antioxidant treatment is given in the dose needed until maximum effect is obtained. Effect is measured as decrease of free radical activity and clinical symptoms and signs. 4. Antioxidants are given for as long as needed at the minimum dose that has full effect. - 10 - A positive effect on clinical symptoms and on erythrocyte fragility test is usually seen after one to three months, sometimes even earlier, in severe cases it may take longer. Treatment must in most cases continue for a very long time. If in doubt whether treatment is really effective or whether the dose used is necessary, stop treatment or decrease dose. In my experience symptoms will usually reappear within one week, if antioxidants are still needed. DISCUSSION Erythrocyte fragility test. It has been demonstrated that oxidative stress induces haemolysis of erythrocytes(12-14) by decreasing surface charge density(14) and that antioxidants can restore erythrocyte membrane integrity (12,14). In the Erythrocyte fragility test the cells are exposed to air, which involves a strong oxidative stress to the erythrocytes. Erythrocytes that have already been damaged in vivo by an excess of free radicals would be more prone to haemolysis than intact cells. In the method used such haemolysis is seen as lacunae in the microscope at low magnification. The fact that there is a concordance between positive clinical effect and a decrease in the erythrocyte fragility test, as demonstrated in the following parts in this series adds credibility to the use of this test. Meta-analysis in The Lancet. In a recent and very much discussed article (15), a compilation of many scientific studies of antioxidants has been published. The following conclusions have been drawn in this meta-analysis. 1. Antioxidants do not protect against gastro-intestinal cancer. 2. Antioxidants might even cause premature death. - 11 - In my opinion, these conclusions are correct, but the authors and even more so, the media, do not follow normal logics. What has been shown is actually: 1. One, two or three antioxidants have no protective effect against gastrointestinal cancer. 2. High doses of one, two or three antioxidants may even be dangerous. But, when it is stated, that antioxidants have no positive effect, the authors do not follow normal logical rules: You can never prove that a thing does not exist. It can quite reasonably be a fact that all studies referred to studied antioxidants in the wrong way. The study might only demonstrate how not to perform studies on antioxidant effects in patients. Principles for antioxidant treatment. The purpose of keeping free radical damage at bay is to avoid all such factors that increase production of free radicals, e.g. smoking, toxins, too much food or too much exercise, infections, etc. and to get enough antioxidants through food or food supplements. Antioxidant treatment is indicated in any situation, where an increased activity of free radicals has been found by blood test. In practice this can occur in nondiseased individuals, as well as in patients with a very large number of different diseases, e.g. all chronic degenerative diseases, all autoimmune diseases, patients treated by cytostatics, and so on. The important thing here is to understand that consideration of free radical damage has very little to do with consideration of a diagnosis of a “specific” disease. The antioxidant conflict. It has long been pointed out that oxidative stress is of importance in many diseases, but antioxidant treatment has in most cases been of much less value than hoped for. Many doctors, therefore, to-day state that buying antioxidants is to throw your money away. In my opinion, most scientific studies have been performed in a way that does not take into consideration important known facts. Because of this unmotivated conclusions have been drawn. - 12 - 1. Most studies have used only one or a few antioxidants. However, one single antioxidant cannot solve the problem. Many antioxidants are needed in order to get full protection against all the different free radicals. 2. The doses have been too low. 3. In any study of antioxidant effects, analysis must be performed of oxidative stress (free radical activity). This has not been done. If the included patients did not have increased oxidative stress or did not during treatment obtain normalised values for free radicals, the treatment cannot be evaluated. In the meta-study (15) this is actually mentioned as a weakness. - 13 - REFERENCES 1. Kris-Etherton PM, Lichtenstein AH, Howard BV, Steinberg D, Witztum JL; Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism. Antioxidant vitamin supplements and cardiovascular disease. Circulation 2004;110(5):637-41. 2. Lee IM, Cook NR, Manson JE, Buring JE, Hennekens CH. Beta-carotene supplementation and incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease: the Women´s Health Study. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999; 91(24): 2102-6. 3. Ascherio A, Rimm EB, Hernan MA, Giuvannucci E, Kawachi I, Stampfer MJ,Willett WC. Relation of consumption of vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids to risk for stroke among men in the United States. Ann Intern Med 1999;130(12): 963-70. 4. Joshipura KJ, Hu FB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Speizer FE, Colditz G, Ascherio A, Rosner B, Spiegelman D, Willett WC. The effect of fruit and vegetable intake on risk for coronary heart disease. Ann Intern Med 2001; 134(12): 1106-14. 5. Joshipura KJ, Ascherio A, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Speizer FE, Hennekens CH, Spiegelman D, Willett WC. Fruit and vegetable intake in relation to risk of ischemic stroke. JAMA 1999;282(13): 1233-9. 6. Tagesson C, Källberg M, Leanderson P. Determination of urinary 8hydroxydeoxyguanosine by coupled-column high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection: a non-invasive assay for in vivo oxidative DNA damage in humans. Toxicol Methods 1992;1: 24251. 7. Tagesson C, Källberg M, Wingren G. Urinary malondialdehyde and 8hydroxydeoxyguanosine as potential markers of oxidative stress in industrial art glass workers. Int Arch OccupEnviron Health 1996;69: 5-13. 8. Abramsson-Zetterberg L, Zetterberg G, Bergqvist M and Grawé J. Human cytogenetic biomonitoring using flow-cytometric analysis of micronuclei in transferrin-positive immature peripheral blood reticulocytes. Environ Mol Mutagen 2000; 36: 22-31. 9. Franzini A, Luraschi P, Pagani A. Direct measurement of reactive oxygen metabolites in blood serum: analytical assessment of a novel method. Biochimica Clinica 1996; Suppl.1/5-6:89. 10. Öckerman PA. Free radicals in electromagnetic hypersensitivity: A simple and sensitive method for assay of damage to erythrocytes caused by free radicals. Clinical Practice of Alternative Medicine 2000; 1: 81-87. - 14 - 11. Öckerman PA. A model for antioxidant treatment of chronic degenerative diseases. Part II. Erythrocyte fragility test. Interpretation of microscopic slides. eCAM 2006….. 12. Gupta V, Gupta A, Saggu S, Divekar HM, Grover SK, Kumar R. Anti-stress and adaptogenic activity of L-arginine supplementation. eCAM 2005; 2(1): 93-97. 13. Bureau A, Lahet JJ, Lenfant F, Bouyer F, Petitjean M, Chaillot B, Freysz M. Optimization of a model of red blood cells for the study of anti-oxidant drugs, in terms of concentration of oxidant and phosphate buffer. Biomed Pharmacother 2005; 59(7): 341-4. 14. Sangeetha P, Balu M, Haripriya D, Panneerselvam C. Age associated changes in erythrocyte membrane surface charge: Modulatory role of grape seed proanthocyanidins. Exp Gerontol 2005;40(10): 820-8. 15. Bjelakovic G, Nikolova D, Simonetti RG and Gluud C. Antioxidant supplements for prevention of gastrointestinal cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2004; 364: 1219-1228. - 15 - A MODEL FOR ANTIOXIDANT TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES PART II. ERYTHROCYTE FRAGILITY TEST INTERPRETATION OF MICROSCOPIC SLIDES Per-Arne Öckerman MD, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Lund, Sweden Suddeviksvägen 12 S-430 94 Bohus-Björkö Sweden - 16 - SUMMARY Assaying damage to erythrocytes by free radicals in the Erythrocyte fragility test involves interpretation of microscopic slides. How this is performed is described, including requirements on the properties of the sample, artefacts and method of score calculation. - 17 - SAMPLING AND INTERPRETATION Capillary blood is taken by a special technique from a finger. The sample can be analysed after 5-10 minutes in the microscope. The number of “lakes” is assayed and shown directly to the patient on a TV monitor. This means that there is extremely good communication between doctor and patient. The patient will really understand what the test means. If the doctor cannot interpret the sample, it can be sent by post to a laboratory for analysis. This assay is very well suited for an appraisal of the amount of excess free radical activity in the individual at each time. I think this test should be performed at every patient visit to a doctor. Any increased value motivates a discussion of cause and antioxidant treatment. As described below, five drops are put on the slide from one drop on the fingertip. Each drop on the slide is given a figure for signs of damage (“lakes”) from 0 – 10 according to the scale presented in Fig. 1-31. The figures for all five drops are added to obtain a scale from 0-50 arbitrary units. Most healthy individuals demonstrate measurable damage with this method, having values between 0 and 15. Any value above 15 can indicate a problem and an indication for discussing cause and antioxidant treatment. This method also is well suited for controlling the effect of treatment. Erythrocyte fragility test demands skill in capillary blood sampling and in interpreting the slides in the microscope. Erythrocyte fragility test Sampling technique Material: A clean and dry glass slide with frosted part for name. Cleaning solution and wad. Dry wad. Lancet for sampling of capillary blood. Must be small and round, not triangular (low-flow type). The usual lancets (normal-flow type) give an incision that is too big. Gloves to avoid infection risk for the sampler. - 18 - Sampling: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prepare one glass slide by writing patient´s name and sampling date. Sit directly opposite to the patient. Clean the finger-tip (finger III or IV). Dry with a clean wad. Take the patient´s finger between your own thumb and index finger. Stretch the skin slightly. 6. Make a small incision at the side of the finger-tip. The incision should be smaller than usual. 7. Press slightly to obtain a drop. Wipe off this first drop. Press slightly to obtain a new drop. Let this drop stay for 15 – 20 seconds. It must not increase in size. Thus this is different from the normal sampling technique, where free flow is important. 8. After 15 – 20 seconds press the glass lightly against the drop of blood five times in rapid succession. See to it that the drops and the patient´s name come on the same side of the glass. The glass must be parallel to the skin surface. The glass should just touch the skin. If you only touch the drop of blood, but not the skin, the drop on the glass will become too thick. If you press too hard against the skin, the drop on the glass will be too thin with uneven circumference. 9. Put the slide on an horizontal surface, until all the drops are completely dry. 10.Then, look at all the drops. None must be too thick (seen as a red, raised circle at the border with less color in the middle). The last drops must not be too small or be flowing out. 11.Control that you have written name and sampling date on the slide. 12.The slide must be protected from mechanical damage by being kept in a glass container. It can be sent by post in a small plastic container. It can be kept for several years. In order to be able to interpret the slides with blood samples a detailed knowledge of what can be seen in the microscope is necessary. - 19 - Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Drop is much too thick. Cannot be interpreted. - 20 - Fig. 3 This drop is too thick in the periphery. ”Lakes” just inside the peripheral ring are artifacts. This drop cannot be used. - 21 - Fig. 4 Same as last picture, but slightly less evident. - 22 - Fig. 5 This drop is a little bit too small. Can be interpreted. - 23 - Fig. 6 Small drop. - 24 - Fig. 7 Very small drop. Do not use for interpretation of free radicals. - 25 - Fig. 8 Technically OK. Artefact in the form of a fibre. Do not use the area near the fibre for interpretation. - 26 - Fig. 9 Artefact in the form of a small grain. - 27 - Fig. 10 This drop has been squeezed. The ”lakes” in the squeezed area are artefacts. Do not interpret. - 28 - Fig. 11 Scale for free radicals (FR). This is FR=0. - 29 - Fig. 12 FR=1. - 30 - Fig. 13 FR=2. - 31 - Fig. 14 FR=3. - 32 - Fig. 15 FR=4. - 33 - Fig. 16 FR=5. - 34 - Fig. 17 FR=6. - 35 - Fig. 18 FR=7. - 36 - Fig. 19 FR=8. Too thick with a peripheral ring. However, the lakes are not only just inside the ring, but are evenly distributed (and there is the same picture in the following drops, see next slide). - 37 - Fig. 20 FR=8. Slide 2 from the same patient as in the previous slide. - 38 - Fig. 21 FR=9. - 39 - Fig. 22 FR=10. - 40 - Fig. 23 Indicates intestinal toxicity or detoxication work in the liver. - 41 - Fig. 24 Same as previous. - 42 - Fig. 25 A larger black area in the middle than normally. Indicates toxicity. Radial elongated lakes called spokes. Indicates calcium imbalance (Serum calcium is normal). - 43 - Fig. 26 The large number of small, round or oval lakes in the middle indicate mental stress. Normally seen in drops 2-3. - 44 - Fig. 27 Parts with less red colour. Smaller degree of free radical damage. - 45 - Fig. 28 Black star-like figures thought to indicate some kind of hormonal disturbance, unclear what. - 46 - Fig. 29 Uneven pattern of the fibrin. Importance not clear. - 47 - Fig. 30 Very small round lakes seen in all small drops. Possibly allergy-indicator. - 48 - Fig. 31 Brownish colour. Often seen together with spokes. Do not use such drops for interpretation of free radicals. REFERENCE 1. Öckerman PA. Free radicals in electromagnetic hypersensitivity: A simple and sensitive method for assay of damage to erythrocytes caused by free radicals. Clinical Practice of Alternative medicine 2000; 1(2):81-87. - 49 - A MODEL FOR ANTIOXIDANT TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES PART III. POSITIVE EFFECT OF POLLEN EXTRACTS IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Per-Arne Öckerman MD, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Biochemistry University of Lund, Sweden Suddeviksvägen 12 S-430 94 Bohus-Björkö Sweden - 50 - SUMMARY Groups of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were treated for one month with three different preparations of pollen extract. Over-all well-being and fatigue were measured by self-estimation. Free radical activity was assayed on erythrocytes as lipid peroxidative damage and as micronucleus induction. A highly significant reduction of fatigue as well as a highly significant improvement of over-all well-being was noted with all preparations. Also damage to erythrocytes by free radicals was significantly decreased in all treatment groups. No significant changes were seen in the placebo groups. It is concluded, that, if larger studies can verify the present results, pollen extracts may help patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition otherwise considered difficult to treat. - 51 - INTRODUCTION Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by persistent, severe fatigue and numerous other symptoms involving CNS, intestines, muscles and other systems. The etiology of CFS remains unclear; however, recent studies have indicated that oxidative stress may be involved in its pathogenesis (1-3). A variety of treatments have been studied, of which graded exercise and cognitive behavioural therapy have been considered to show some positive results (4). In an earlier controlled, double-blind study it was shown that a pollen extract had a significant effect on several symptoms in patients with CFS(1). These results motivated further studies to find out the optimum dosage as well as possible differences between available pollen extracts. In this study a comparison has been made between three different pollen preparations in controlled, double-blind, simulated, single-blind mode as well as in open studies. MATERIAL AND METHODS Patients: All patients had CFS as defined (1,5). This means that they had for at least six months had a more than 50 per cent decrease of their capacity due to fatigue, that they had at least six other symptoms from various organ systems and that thorough clinical investigation had been unable to find any other disease that could explain their symptoms. Inclusion criteria: A diagnosis of CFS. Age 20-70. Symptom score 5 or higher (See below). Erythrocyte fragility score: 15 or higher (See below). Exclusion criteria: Smoking. Treatment with other antioxidants or drugs. Analyses: Symptom score was estimated by the patient for energy/fatigue and quality of life as described in SF-36 Health Survey (6). This system has been demonstrated to be applicable to Swedish patients (6). The scale was inverted compared to SF-36 and simplified to go from 0 (=no symptoms) to 10 (=extremely severe symptoms) (1). The patients were asked to give a figure from 0 to 10 describing their own estimation of how tired they were (fatigue) - 52 - and how they rated their health problems (quality of life, here called total wellbeing or over-all symptoms). It is not possible to describe exactly the meaning of these figures, but any change of a figure during treatment should mirror a change in self-estimated symptoms. Erythrocyte fragility test was used as an indicator of an excess of damage from free radicals on red blood cell membranes, on a scale from 0 (=no damage visible on erythrocytes) to 50 (extreme damage) (1,7). This method shows acute increase of free radical activity within a few days. However, when free radical activity is counteracted by effective antioxidant treatment, damaged erythrocytes are not healed, but only disappear in accordance with their normal life-span of four months. Thus, this method can be used to demonstrate short-time changes by increased free radical activity (7). For studies of antioxidant effects treatment time must be longer, preferably one month. More information on this method will be given separately (8). Damage to nuclei by free radicals was assayed by micronucleus induction in erythrocytes as described by Abramsson-Zetterberg and co-workers (9). Statistics: All comparisons are made by a paired two-sample student´s t-test. Pollen preparations: Three different pollen preparations were used. All preparations were produced by Allergon AB, Välinge 2090, SE-262 92 Ängelholm, Sweden. This company has a unique technique for producing allergen-free pollen extracts. All extracts are produced in a similar way and contain a slightly variable mixture of water- and lipid-soluble components. Since all contain a complex mixture, an exact description of “specific” ingredients is not possible (10). 1. Royal Sport extract. This is a water-soluble extract, distributed by Beauty Pollen Co.,Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. 2. MIROR SOD. This is a preparation of cracked pollen in tablet form distributed by MIROR, Blanc Int´l Co. Ltd, Taipei, 10456 Taiwan. It contains Polbax pollen extract. Polbax is a registered product of waterand lipidsoluble extracts. This is the preparation used in an earlier study (1). A very low dose of Polbax was used as a simulated placebo at a dose of 1 % of the dose used in the MIROR SOD-group. This is the same preparation as used at a 14 times higher dose in an earlier study (1). 3. Mini-G. This is a preparation of cracked pollen in tablet form distributed by MIROR, Blanc Int´l Co Ltd, Taipei, 10456 Taiwan. 4. Placebo. This preparation did not contain any material from pollen. - 53 - Study groups: Treatment time in all groups was one month. 1. Controlled, double-blind, crossed-over study: Fifteen patients were given 3.2 g of Royal Sport extract or placebo in the form of granules for one month. After two weeks without treatment (wash-out) they were given placebo or 3.2 g of Royal Sport extract for one month. Analysis was made of symptom score and free radical damage to nuclei (9). 2. Open study. Patients were given 3.2 g of Royal Sport. Analysis of symptom score and erythrocyte fragility. Number of participants (n)=184. 3. Simulated placebo. A very low dose of Polbax was used as a simulated placebo. n= 20. 4. Mini-G.. Dose used was 2.4 g per day (12 tablets) for one month. n=20. 5. MIROR SOD. Dose was 1.5 g (2 sachets) per day. n=20. 6. Combination of Mini-G + MIROR SOD. In this part the patients took both preparations in the same dosage as in 3 and 4. n=20. This thus means that an even higher dose was used than in groups 4 and 5. Most of the participants in study groups 3 - 6 were the same. There was a wash-out time of at least one month, before an individual started in a new study group. Normally, the effect of treatment tended to disappear within one week. Study groups 1 and 2 consisted of participants separate from those in 3-6. RESULTS Controlled study. High dose Royal Sport. In the controlled study (test 1) there was a significant decrease in over-all symptoms as well as in free radical damage to nuclei (Fig. 1). There were no significant side-reactions noted. Fig. 1-18. Change in symptom score and free radical activity. Patients with Chronic fatigue syndrome were given treatment with three different pollen extracts as described in Materials and methods. Analysis was made of over-all condition and fatigue on a self-estimation scale (1) and of free radical damage to erythrocytes by a microscopic method (8) or by assay of micronucleus induction in erythrocytes (9). Scale was from 0 (no symptoms)-10 (extreme - 54 - symptoms) for over-all condition and fatigue and from 0-50 for free radical damage to erythrocytes. Values given are mean values (+/-SD) before any treatment and after each individual treatment. - 55 - Royal Sport Controlled Study. (Fig. 1-4) There was a highly significant decrease of over-all symptoms and a significant decrease of micro-nuclei in the verum group, but no significant change in the placebo group. Fig.1. Royal Sport, verum, over-all symptoms Royal Sport controlled study 9 8 7 Symptom score 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 Time Mean SD p Change 7.85 1.72 6.23 2.55 *** - 21% - 56 - Fig.2. Royal Sport, verum, micro-nuclei Royal Sport Free radicals 1,8 1,6 1,4 Micronuclei 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 1.55 0.67 1.11 0.55 * - 28% - 57 - Fig.3. Royal Sport, placebo, over-all symptoms Royal Sport placebo 8 7 6 Symptom score 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p 6.63 2.30 6.65 2.27 n.s. - 58 - Fig.4. Royal Sport, placebo, micro-nuclei Poyal Sport placebo Micronuclei 1 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p 1.43 0.54 1.32 0.50 n.s. - 59 - Royal Sport Open Study. (Fig. 5-6) There was a highly significant decrease of over-all symptoms and in the erythrocyte fragility test. Fig.5. Royal Sport, open study, over-all symptoms Royal Sport open study 8 7 6 Symptom score 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 Time Mean p Change 6.80 3.82 *** - 44% - 60 - Fig.6. Royal Sport, open study, erythrocyte fragility test Royal Sport open study 25 Ery-frag. score 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 Time Mean p Change 23.0 10.8 *** - 53% - 61 - Simulated placebo. Very low dose Polbax. (Fig.7-9) There was no significant change during treatment with extremely low-dose Polbax (test 3). Most patients did not register any change in symptoms. There were no side effects noticed. Fig.7. Simulated placebo. Over-all symptoms Simulated placebo Symptom score 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p 7.23 1.42 7.15 1.34 n.s. - 62 - Fig. 8. Simulated placebo. Fatigue Simulated placebo Fatigue 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p 7.46 1.34 7.15 1.68 n.s. - 63 - Fig. 9. Simulated placebo. Erythrocyte fragility test Simulated placebo 30 Ery-fragility 20 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p 24.2 8.36 23.2 8.07 n.s. - 64 - Mini-G or MIROR-SOD (Fig. 10-15) Treatment with Mini-G or MIROR-SOD (tests 4 and 5) highly significantly diminished both over-all symptom score, fatigue and erythrocyte fragility. Fig. 10. Mini-G. Over-all symptoms. Mini-G Over-all symptoms Symptom score 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 6.92 1.66 4.92 1.93 *** - 29% - 65 - Fig. 11. Mini-G. Fatigue Mini-G. Fatigue. Fatigue score 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 7.42 1.46 4.68 1.80 *** - 37% - 66 - Fig. 12. Mini-G. Erythrocyte fragility test Mini-G. Ery- fragility Ery-frag 30 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 23.7 7.30 14.5 6.78 *** - 39% - 67 - Fig. 13. MINOR-SOD. Over-all symptoms MIROR-SOD symptom score Symptom score 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 7.71 1.46 5.14 2.28 *** - 33% - 68 - Fig. 14. MIROR-SOD Fatigue MIROR-SOD Fatigue Fatigue score 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 7.86 1.29 4.86 1.76 *** - 38% - 69 - Fig. 15. MIROR-SOD Erythrocyte fragility test MIROR-SOD Ery-fragility 30 Ery-frag 20 10 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 23.7 6.93 11.1 7.31 *** - 53% - 70 - Combining Mini-G and MIROR-SOD (Fig. 16-18) Combining both preparations (test 6) gave an even better result with a highly significant reduction of over-all symptom score, fatigue and erythrocyte fragility. Fig. 16. Combining Mini-G and MIROR-SOD. Over-all symptoms Combination. Symptom score. 10 9 8 Symptom score 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 Time Mean SD p Change 8.00 0.89 4.57 2.42 *** - 43% - 71 - Fig. 17. Combining Mini-G and MIROR-SOD. Fatigue Combination. Fatigue. 10 9 8 Fatigue score 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 7.71 1.19 4.43 1.63 *** - 43% - 72 - Fig. 18. Combining Mini-G and MIROR-SOD. Erythrocyte fragility Combination Ery-fragility 30 25 Ery-fragilty 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 Time Mean SD p Change 24.0 6.37 10.6 3.60 *** - 56% - 73 - Side-effects There were no significant side effects in any of the tests. A few of the patients noticed a difference between the two preparations, preferring either one or the other. The combined treatment in test 6 gave a similar effect as the individually best preparation in tests 4 and 5. In some patients an even better effect was noted in test 6 than in either test 4 or 5. DISCUSSION It has earlier been demonstrated that pollen extracts contain a broad spectrum of highly active antioxidants (1, 10-11). In this study further proof is presented that pollen extracts do, indeed, give a significant reduction of symptoms, when damage by free radicals on erythrocyte membranes or reticulocyte nuclei is reduced. It is generally accepted that an excess of free radicals gives rise to oxidation of DNA and peroxidation of unsaturated fats in cell membranes. This damage would lead to problems with cell and cellular organelle functions. Possibly, improvement of such functional damage may explain the findings in this and earlier studies in this series (1, 11). Comparison between the preparations: All preparations gave significant improvement of symptoms and reduction of damage to red blood cells caused by free radicals, measured with two different methods. In the semi - open studies slightly better results were obtained as compared to the controlled, double blind studies (this and my earlier paper (1)). A comparison between all tests included in this paper and in ref.1 demonstrates that the tested extracts are highly effective. Dose and treatment time are of importance: High dose and treatment time until effect is obtained may be needed for full effect. The highly significant effect demonstrated here indicates that pollen extracts after only one month of treatment can help patients with a chronic disease, earlier considered very difficult to treat. Of course, this has to be verified in larger, controlled studies. - 74 - Since CFS is a common condition, such larger studies of treatment with pollen preparations can be considered indicated. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The controlled, double-blind part of these studies was accepted by the Research Ethical Committee of Göteborg University. Dr. Jan Grawé, Stockholm University, performed the assays of micronucleus induction in erythrocytes. REFERENCES 1. Öckerman PA. Antioxidant treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. 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