Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:47 Page1 GUYING SYSTEMS for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:47 Page2 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:47 Page3 SUMMARY Introduction..............................................p.3 1 – Mechanical principle ...........................p.4 2 – General configuration .........................p.6 3 – Technical data 3.1 – Wooden pole dimensions ...............................p.7 3.2 – Contributions of guying ..................................p.8 3.3 – Geometry of guying ........................................p.9 4 – Soils classifications ..........................p.10 5 – Catalog 5.1 – Earth anchoring............................................p.11 5. 2 – Attachment of guy wire................................p.20 5. 3 – Guy wires - Guy wire protection Guy wire insulation ......................................p.22 5. 4 – Pole anchoring ............................................p.24 5. 5 – Guy wire tension adjustment .......................p.26 5. 6 – Universal pole mounting system for rock .....p.28 5. 7 – Temporary guying........................................p.30 6 – Typical Poles 6.1 – Typical poles in France Typical poles in Canada................................p.32 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:47 Page4 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks INTRODUCTION Guying is a mechanical principle for strenghtening a structure by linking the top of it to the earth. The name of this technic comes from the wire used as link which is called guy wire. Guying has been used for many different applications along history. The most common applications are the followings : Historically, guyed constructions have been the tallest built by mankind. The most spectacular example is the Warsaw radio mat, built in 1973 and culminating at a height of 646 meters, it was for decades world’s tallest structure ! Suspension of guyed deck bridges Reinforcement of boat masts Maintainig tall radio mats 4 Guiding tree growth Reinforcement of plane wings Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:47 Page5 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks Introduction Mechanical principle MECHANICAL PRINCIPLE The poles used for construction of overhead electrical distribution lines and telecommunication networks are subject to many different strains. The most critical one is often the traction force resulting from the line (conductor linear weight, snow, ice,...). This strain induces a very important moment of flexion at the base of the pole that can result either in breaking or falling of the pole. Given its specific shape (great height, small cross section), a force applied at the top of the pole will be multiplied by a lever arm equivalent to its height. Strength 5,5 to 8,5 time > There are different methods to reinforce a pole but the most efficient one is to guy it. By linking the top of the pole to the earth by the mean of a wire, all the resulting efforts from the line are taken off the pole and given to the guying system. As a result, the pole is protected and its mechanical strength is greatly enhanced, by a multiplier factor from 5,5 to 8,5 times ! = To obtain an equivalent strength from a simple pole without any guying, its cross section should be multiplied significantly and would result in higher wood volume, hence greater costs for fabrication, transport and installation. L ≥ 0,7 x H <=> α ≤ 55° F { M(H2 + L2) T = F <=> T = F x L cos α } 0 ≤ α ≤ 55° => F ≤ T ≤ 1,75 x F => T max = 1,75 x F H T F is the traction force resulting from the line. T is the force in the guy-wire. H is the pole's height. Guying the poles is a simple, efficient and economical method for reinforcing the structure of overhead lines. L is the distance between anchor point and pole base. α is the angle between α L the guy-wire and the ground. 5 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:48 Page6 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks GENERAL CONFIGURATION Pole anchoring Guy wire tension adjustment Attachment of guy wire (top) Guy wire insulation Guy wire Attachment of guy wire (ground) Earth anchor 6 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:48 Page7 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks General configuration Technical data TECHNICAL DATA 1. Wooden pole dimensions Poles are designed to offer a constant strength, depending on their height. The the higher the strenght of a pole, the bigger its diameter at the top and bottom. The available strenght corresponds to the strain applicable at pole top. GEOMETRY OF GUYING POLE HEIGHT (m) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 110 115 120 120 120 120 130 130 130 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 155 165 175 185 190 200 210 215 225 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Available strength (N) 1 000 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 130 130 140 140 140 140 150 140 150 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 170 185 190 200 210 220 230 235 245 255 260 265 270 275 285 290 Available strength (N) 1 400 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 145 150 155 155 155 155 165 165 165 170 170 170 180 180 180 180 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 275 280 285 295 300 310 315 Available strength (N) 1 900 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 165 170 170 170 170 180 180 180 190 190 190 200 200 200 200 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 305 310 320 330 335 340 Available strength (N) 2 550 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 180 190 190 190 190 200 200 200 210 210 220 220 220 230 230 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 235 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 335 345 355 365 370 Available strength (N) 3 250 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 200 210 210 210 210 220 220 220 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 260 270 285 295 305 315 325 335 Available strength (N) 4 300 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 220 230 230 235 235 245 245 250 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 280 290 305 320 330 340 350 365 Available strength (N) 5 500 7 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:48 Page8 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks 2. Contribution of guying The table below shows the dimensions of guyed pole and their corresponding resulting strengths. We can compare the available strength of a single pole with the strength of the same size of pole reinforced with guying. GUYED WOODEN POLES HEIGHT (m) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 140 140 140 140 150 150 150 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 190 200 210 220 230 235 245 10 000 Available strength (N) 8 000 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 150 155 155 155 165 165 165 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 16 000 Available strength (N) 12 500 10 000 Min .Ø at pole top (mm) 170 170 170 170 180 180 180 Min. Ø at 1 meter from pole bottom (mm) 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 20 000 Available strength (N) 16 000 CONTRIBUTION OF GUYING STRENGTH OF A SINGLE POLE (N) 1 400 1 900 2 550 STRENGHT OF A GUYED POLE (N) From 8 000 to 10 000 From 10 000 to 16 000 From 16 000 to 20 000 MULTIPLIER FACTOR From 5,7 to 7,1 From 5,3 to 8,4 From 6,3 to 7,8 Depending on the type of installation, the guying system will increase the pole strength by 5,3 to 8,4 times. This significant increase of strength is due to the fact that the mechanical strains are taken by the guying system (extremly resistant to traction) instead of the pole itself. 8 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:48 Page9 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks Technical data 3. Geometry of guying The table below defines the minimal distance from the anchoring point to the pole base, depending on its height. It also gives the minimum length the guying should have. GEOMETRY OF GUYING POLE HEIGHT (m) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN ANCHOR POINT AND POLE BASE (m) MINIMUM LENGTH OF GUYING (m) (Not only the guy-wire but all the guying system 7 4,90 8,54 8 5,60 9,76 9 6,30 10,98 10 7,00 12,2 11 7,70 13,42 12 8,40 14,64 13 9,10 15,86 14 9,80 17,08 15 10,50 18,3 16 11,20 19,52 17 11,90 20,74 18 12,60 21,96 19 13,30 23,18 20 14,00 24,4 21 14,70 25,62 22 15,40 26,84 In order to ensure a good stability and an optimal strength of the pole, distance between anchoring point and pole base must be at least 70 % of the pole height, hence a minimal length of guying of at least 122 % of pole height. The depth of anchoring depends of course from the type of pole used and the characteristic of the soil where it is installed. A general rule is that the anchoring depth should be at least 1,3 meters for pole with a nominal strength of 1 400 N, 1,5 meters for poles with a 1900N nominal strength, and 1,6 meters for poles with 2 550 N nominal strength. 9 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:48 Page10 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks SOILS CLASSIFICATIONS The mechanical strength of any anchoring system depends of different parameters, like its geometry of installation or the soil properties (type, thickness of sediments, geotechnical properties). In order to choose the best anchoring method and to estimate its mechanical strength, it is therefore essential to take in account the nature of the soil where the guying system will be installed. The example below shows the classification of soils used in European countries as defined by Eurocode8. Depending on the country of reference, the classification of the soils will change but the logic stays the same (only the names and the numbers of category change). PARAMETERS CLASS OF SOIL DESCRIPTION SYNTHESIS A Solid rock or any geological formation of this type with a surface layer of not more than 5 m of weaker material. Sound hard rock. B Dense sand, gravel or very hard clay with at least Soils with good mechanical tens of meters thickness, characterized by a gradual resistance, homogeneus increase with depth in mechanical properties. and compact. C Medium dense coarse sand and gravel or stiff to Soils with medium mechanical very stiff clays with thickness from tens to hundreds resistance, medium dense or 180 - 360 of meters. weathered rock. D E Loose to medium dense soil (with or without coherent soft layers) or with a majority of soft to firm cohesive soils. Profil of soils with a surface layer made of silts with vs values as per class C or D and a thickness between 5 m and 20 m, lying on a stiffer material with vs > 800m/s. Soils with low mechanical resistance, soft-firm clays, swamp march,… vS,30 (m/s) NSPT low/30 cm) Cu (kPa) > 800 360 - 800 < 180 > 50 > 250 15 - 50 70 - 250 < 15 < 70 Soils of class C or D lying on solid rock. Vs,30 is the speed of shearing waves, NSPT is the number of strokes per normalized penetration test, and Cu is the resistance to shearing of the undrained soil. The nominal strength of a given anchor will greatly varies with the class of soil. As an example, an expanding anchor of 200 mm diameter (8 inches) will hold a traction force up to 12 000 daN (26 500 lbs) in a class B soil but only 4 500 daN (10 000 lbs) in a class D soil, so 3 times less. 10 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:49 Page11 CATALOG 1 Earth anchoring Earth anchor There are different anchoring methods to link the guy wire to the Earth. Each of them has its own advantages depending on the conditions of installation and nature of the soil. ANCHORING METHOD ELEMENTS Metallic sole 1 Sole anchoring Anchor rod with washer Anchor Plate 2 Plate anchoring Anchor rod Expending anchor 3 Expending type anchoring Anchor rod Curved washer (+ wood log) 4 Log anchoring Anchor rod 5 Screw type anchoring 6 Anchoring in rock Screw anchor Rock anchor Wedge 7 Anchor extension Anchor extension 8 Pole bearing plate Pole bearing plate The use of a metallic sole associated with an anchor rod is a simple way of anchoring a guy wire to the earth. The sole is directly burried into the ground with the rod attached to it, only the tip of the rod stays out to attach the guy wire. The sole can take all the traction strains because of its wide surface in contact with the earth. 11 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:49 Page12 CATALOG Sole anchor METALLIC SOLE PA-300 A e a b Part Number mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches PA 300 300 (11.81) 6 (15/64) 28 (1.10) 50 (1.97) PA 400 400 (15.75) 10 (25/64) 28 (1.10) 50 (1.97) PA 600 600 (25.62) 12 (15/32) 35 (1.38) 50 (2,56) ANCHOR ROD TA 28-2300 D Ø L Part Number mm inches mm inches mm inches TA 20-1900 20 (25/32) 22 (55/64) 1 900 (74.8) TA 27-2300 27 (1.06) 22 (55/64) 2 300 (90.6) PA 2-31/6 PA 3-31/6 ANCHORING SYSTEM FOR TELECOMS TA 31/5 Length mm inches PA 2-31/6 200 (7.9) PA 3-31/6 300 (11.8) TA 31/5 12 ØD Part Number mm inches 1 700 (66.9) Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:49 Page13 CATALOG 1 Earth anchoring Plate anchoring ANCHOR PLATE P-400P A Tensile strength Surface Part Number mm inches daN lbs P-256P 406 16 7 000 (15 419) (165 161) 256 P-400P 508 20 10 000 (22 026) (258 064) 400 P-900PHQ 762 30 36 000 (79 295) (580 644) 900 ANCHOR ROD Double thimble eye Rod Ø mm Single Double Triple Quadruple inches thimble eye thimble eye thimble eye thimble eye For rod with Ø sq. mm sq. inches inches (16-19) 5/8 - 3/4 (16 - 19 - 25 - 32) 5/8 - 3/4 - 1 - 1¼ (32) Triple thimble eye Max wire Ø mm 1-1/4 Quadruple thimble eye Length Tensile strength mm inches mm feet daN lbs (15,9) 5/8 P-586ST P-586DT (9,5) 3/8 (1,8) 6 (6 680) 15000 (15,9) 5/8 P-587ST P-587DT (9,5) 3/8 (2,1) 7 (6 680) 15000 (15,9) 5/8 P-588ST P-588DT (9,5) 3/8 (2,4) 8 (6 680) 15000 (19,0) 3/4 P-347ST P-347DT P-347TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,1) 7 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-348ST P-348DT P-348TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,4) 8 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-349DT P-349TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,7) 9 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-3410DT P-3410TT (9,5) 3/8 (3,1) 10 (10 240) 23000 (25,4) 1 P-18DT P-18TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,4) 8 (16 030) 36000 (25,4) 1 P-19DT P-19TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,7) 9 (16 030) 36000 (25,4) 1 P-110DT P-110TT (7,9) 5/16 (3,1) 10 (16 030) 36000 (31,8) 1-1/4 P-1148TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,4) 8 (22 270) 50000 (31,8) 1-1/4 (11,1) 7/16 (2,7) 9 (22 270) 50000 (31,8) 1-1/4 (12,7) 1/2 (3,1) 10 (22 270) 50000 P-1149QT P-11410TT 13 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:49 Page14 CATALOG Expending type anchor EXPENDING ANCHOR P-135X Hole Ø Anchor surface mm inches sq. mm sq. inches mm inches P-135X (203) 8 (87 097) 135 (16 - 19) 5/8 - 3/4 P-200X (254) 10 (129 032) 200 (19 - 25) 3/4 - 1 P-300X (305) 12 (193 548) 300 (25 - 32) 1 - 1-1/4 ANCHOR ROD Double thimble eye Triple thimble eye Rod Ø mm 14 Anchor rod Ø Part Number Single Double Triple Quadruple inches thimble eye thimble eye thimble eye thimble eye Max wire Ø Quadruple thimble eye Length Tensile strength mm inches mm feet daN lbs (15,9) 5/8 P-586ST P-586DT (9,5) 3/8 (1,8) 6 (6 680) 15000 (15,9) 5/8 P-587ST P-587DT (9,5) 3/8 (2,1) 7 (6 680) 15000 (15,9) 5/8 P-588ST P-588DT (9,5) 3/8 (2,4) 8 (6 680) 15000 (19,0) 3/4 P-347ST P-347DT P-347TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,1) 7 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-348ST P-348DT P-348TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,4) 8 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-349DT P-349TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,7) 9 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-3410DT P-3410TT (9,5) 3/8 (3,1) 10 (10 240) 23000 (25,4) 1 P-18DT P-18TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,4) 8 (16 030) 36000 (25,4) 1 P-19DT P-19TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,7) 9 (16 030) 36000 (25,4) 1 P-110DT P-110TT (7,9) 5/16 (3,1) 10 (16 030) 36000 (31,8) 1-1/4 P-1148TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,4) 8 (22 270) 50000 (31,8) 1-1/4 (11,1) 7/16 (2,7) 9 (22 270) 50000 (31,8) 1-1/4 (12,7) 1/2 (3,1) 10 (22 270) 50000 P-1149QT P-11410TT Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:49 Page15 CATALOG 1 Earth anchoring Log anchoring CURvED WASHER P-9966CW Dimensions Hole Ø Thickness Part Number mm inches mm inches mm inches P-9966CW (152 × 152) 6×6 (28,6) 1-1/8 (15,9) 5/8 P-9977CW (178 × 178) 7×7 (34,9) 1-3/8 (19,1) 3/4 ANCHOR ROD Double thimble eye Rod Ø mm Single Double Triple Quadruple inches thimble eye thimble eye thimble eye thimble eye Triple thimble eye Max wire Ø Quadruple thimble eye Length Tensile strength mm inches mm feet daN lbs (15,9) 5/8 P-586ST P-586DT (9,5) 3/8 (1,8) 6 (6 680) 15000 (15,9) 5/8 P-587ST P-587DT (9,5) 3/8 (2,1) 7 (6 680) 15000 (15,9) 5/8 P-588ST P-588DT (9,5) 3/8 (2,4) 8 (6 680) 15000 (19,0) 3/4 P-347ST P-347DT P-347TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,1) 7 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-348ST P-348DT P-348TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,4) 8 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-349DT P-349TT (9,5) 3/8 (2,7) 9 (10 240) 23000 (19,0) 3/4 P-3410DT P-3410TT (9,5) 3/8 (3,1) 10 (10 240) 23000 (25,4) 1 P-18DT P-18TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,4) 8 (16 030) 36000 (25,4) 1 P-19DT P-19TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,7) 9 (16 030) 36000 (25,4) 1 P-110DT P-110TT (7,9) 5/16 (3,1) 10 (16 030) 36000 (31,8) 1-1/4 P-1148TT (11,1) 7/16 (2,4) 8 (22 270) 50000 (31,8) 1-1/4 (11,1) 7/16 (2,7) 9 (22 270) 50000 (31,8) 1-1/4 (12,7) 1/2 (3,1) 10 (22 270) 50000 P-1149QT P-11410TT 15 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:50 Page16 CATALOG Screw type anchoring SCREW TYPE ANCHOR P-346SA Helix Ø Rod Ø mm inches mm inches mm inches P-346SA (152) 6 (19,1) 3/4 (1 676) 66 P-347SA (178) 7 (19,1) 3/4 (1 676) 66 P-180SA (203) 8 (25,4) 1 (1 676) 66 P-11410SA (66) (254) 10 (31,8) 1-1/4 (1 676) 66 P-11410SA (254) 10 (31,8) 1-1/4 (2 438) 96 Anchoring in rock ROCK ANCHOR P-112RA 16 Length Part Number Rod Ø Length Part Number mm inches mm inches P-112RA (25,4) 1 (305) 12 P-118RA (25,4) 1 (457) 18 P-11W Wedge only Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:50 Page17 CATALOG 1 Earth anchoring Anchor extension ANCHOR EXTENSION P-343AE Rod Ø Length Tensile strength Part Number mm inches m feet daN lbs P-343AE (19,1) 3/4 (0,9) 3 (8 240) 18 500 P-344AE (19,1) 3/4 (1,2) 4 (8 240) 18 500 P-345AE (19,1) 3/4 (1,5) 5 (8 240) 18 500 P-1143AE (31,8) 1-1/4 (0,9) 3 (31 530) 70 800 Pole bearing plate POLE BEARING PLATE A B Dimensions C Thickness Part Number mm inches mm inches PL-AC-OCT-9.5-900 900 × 900 (35,4 × 35,4) (9,5) 3/8 A PL-AC-OCT-9.5-1200 1200 × 1200 (47,2 × 47,2) (9,5) 3/8 A PL-AC-OCT-9.5-762 762 × 762 (30 × 30) (9,5) 3/8 B PL-AC-OCT-9.5-600 600 × 600 (23,6 × 23,6) (9,5) 3/8 C PL-AC-OCT-9.5-750 750 × 750 (29,5 × 29,5) (9,5) 3/8 C Type 17 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:50 Page18 CATALOG Clevis CLEvIS M3D M13AD M518 Pin Ø Opening Part Number mm inches mm M13AD 12 (15/32) M3D 14 M518 20 Tensile Strenght inches Number of wire accomodated daN lbs 15 (19/32) 1 4 000 (8 810) (35/64) 26 (1.02) 1 7 500 (16 520) (25/32) 35 (1-3/8) 2 12 000 (26 430) CLEvIS FOR TELECOMS CH16S 18 Pin Ø M10-35 Opening Part Number mm inches mm M10-35 10 (25/64) M12-45 12 G2130 7/16 CH16S Tensile Strenght inches Number of wire accomodated daN lbs 20 (25/32) 1 900 (1 980) (15/32) 26 1-1/32 1 1 900 (4 190) 12.5 (31/64) 19 (3/4) 1 4 000 (8 810) 16 (5/8) 20 (25/32) 1 12 000 (26 430) Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:58 Page19 CATALOG 2 Attachment of guy wire Guy thimble GUY THIMBLE A B C Wire Ø Part Number Type 208S mm 8 inches (5/16) 210S 10 (25/64) A 212S 12 (15/32) A 310S 10 (25/64) B P-14GT (6.3) 1/4 C P-516GT (7.9) 5/16 C P-38GT (9.5) 3/8 C P-12GT (12.7) 1/2 C P-58GT (15.9) 5/8 C A GUY THIMBLE FOR TELECOMS A Part Number B Wire Ø C Type D10 mm 10 inches (25/64) CC70 (D12) 12 (15/32) A D16 26 (1.02) A D22 30 (1.18) A A D26 30 (1.18) A CCC18 18 (45/64) B TCB35GR 12 (15/32) C 19 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:51 Page20 CATALOG Clamp GUY CLAMP A B Wire range Part Number mm Type inches SC14 10 (25/64) A P-5GC (4,7 to 9,5) 3/16 to 3/8 B P-30GC (4,7 to 11,1) 3/16 to 7/16 B P-50GC (7,9 to 12,7) 5/16 to 1/2 B GUY CLAMP FOR TELECOMS SC 2B SC 3B Wire range Tensile strength Part Number mm inches daN lbs SC 2B 3 to 6 (1/8 to 15/64) 2 000 (4 410) SC 3B 6 to 13 (15/64-33/64) 3 000 (6 610) AUTOMATIC CLAMP PHA 100 20 Wire range Tensile strength Part Number mm inches daN lbs PHA 100 10 to 11 (25/64 to 7/16) 7 000 (15 420) Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:51 Page21 CATALOG 2 Attachment of guy wire AUTOMATIC CLAMP FOR TELECOMS 270 PHA 66 Releasable rigid bail Wire range Tensile strength Part Number mm inches daN lbs PHA 46 4 to 5 (5/32 to 13/64) 1 500 (3 300) PHA 66 6 to 7 (15/64 to 9/32) 1 500 (3 300) Guy Grip PREFORMED GUY GRIP Wire range Length Part Number mm inches mm inches P-7140GE (6,3) 1/4 (635) 25 P-7516GE (7,9) 5/16 (762) 30 P-7380GE (9,5) 3/8 (889) 35 P-7716GE (11,1) 7/16 (965) 38 P-7120GE (12,7) 1/2 (1 143) 45 P-7916GE (14,3) 9/16 (1 397) 55 P-7580GE (15,9) 5/8 (1 626) 64 21 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:51 Page22 CATALOG Guy wire GUY CLAMP CHA10 40 P-78014GW Wire Ø Strand Ø Breaking Strength Part Number mm inches mm inches daN lbs P-78014GW (6,3) 1/4 7 (2,0) 0,08 (2 850) 6 400 CHA 6,6 (17/64) 7 2,2 (0,09) 3 080 (6 780) P-78516GW (7,9) 5/16 7 (2,6) 0,10 (4 990) 11 200 P-78038GW (9,5) 3/8 7 (3,0) 0,12 (6 860) 15 400 CHA10 10,0 (25/64) 19 2,0 (0,08) 8 250 (18 172) P-78716GW (11,1) 7/16 7 (3,7) 0,15 (9 260) 20 800 P-78012GW (12,7) 1/2 7 (4,2) 0,17 (11 980) 26 900 P-78058GW (15,9) 5/8 7 (5,3) 0,21 (18 880) 42 400 Stranding Guy wire protection P-700GG PLASTIC GUY GUARD Profil P-700YG 22 Length Part Number m feet P-700YG (2,1) 7 Yellow P-700GG (2,1) 7 Green Color Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:51 Page23 CATALOG 3 Guy wires / Protection / insulation Guy wire insulation PORCELAIN STRAIN INSULATOR NT2 Length L Width D Ød Tensile strength Part Number mm inches mm inches mm inches daN lbs P-54.1STRAIN (89) 3-1/2 (64) 2-1/2 (36) 1-3/8 4 500 (9 910) P-54.2STRAIN (108) 4-1/4 (73) 2-7/8 (50) 2 5 300 (11 670) NT1 140 (5-1/2) 75 (3) 27 (1-1/16) 10 000 (22 030) P-54.3STRAIN (140) 5-1/2 (86) 3-3/8 (44) 1-3/4 9 000 (19 820) NT2 170 (6-3/4) 95 (3-3/4) 32 (1-1/4) 15 000 (33 040) P-54.4STRAIN (171) 6-3/4 (89) 3-1/2 (32) 1-1/4 9 000 (19 820) FIBER GLASS ROD INSULATOR Part Number ISOHAUB Tensile strength daN lbs 15 000 (33 040) Possibility to adjust the characteristics to your needs. Flashover voltage under rain 16 kV Creepage distance mm inches 400 (15,7) 23 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:51 Page24 CATALOG Pole anchoring POLE BAND CA 80-165 Fig.I Fig.II Material : galvanized steel Pole Ø Band width Part Number mm inches mm inches CA 80-135 135 (5,3) 80 (3,1) I CA 80-165 165 (6,5) 80 (3,1) I CA 120-200 200 (7,9) 120 (4,7) II CA 120-240 240 (9,4) 120 (4,7) II Type UNIvERSAL ANCHORING BRACKET FOR TELECOMS Material : High mechanical characteristics aluminium alloy. 30° 24 Part Number Minimum tensile strength (F) CASHT 2 700 daN or 5 950 lbs F Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:52 Page25 CATALOG 4 Pole anchoring GUY HOOK Material : galvanized steel Assembly with bolts Bolts Ø Tensile Strength Part Number mm inches daN lbs P-1GH (15,9 to 19,1) 5/8 to 3/4 6000 (13 490) 25 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:52 Page26 CATALOG Turnbuckles ROUND EYE TO ROUND EYE Material : galvanized steel Rod Ø Eye Opening Stroke length Tensile Strength Part Number mm inches mm inches mm inches daN lbs TL 10 OO 10 (25/64) 14 (35/64) 80 (3,10) 2 000 (4 410) TL 12 OO 12 (15/32) 19 (3/4) 100 (3,90) 3 200 (7 050) TL 14 OO 14 (35/64) 19 (3/4) 115 (4,50) 4 000 (8 810) TL 16 OO 16 (5/8) 24 (15/16) 130 (5,10) 5 000 (11 010) TL 18 OO 18 (45/64) 26 (1,02) 150 (5,90) 6 500 (14 320) TL 24 OO 24 (15/16) 28 (1,10) 185 (7,30) 13 500 (29 740) HOOK TO ROUND EYE Material : galvanized steel 26 Rod Ø Eye Opening Hook opening Stroke length Tensile Strength Part Number mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches daN lbs TL 10 OC 10 (25/64) 14 (35/64) 12 (15/32) 80 (3,1) 500 (1 100) TL 12 OC 12 (15/32) 19 (3/4) 15 (19/32) 100 (3,9) 750 (1 650) TL 14 OC 14 (35/64) 19 (3/4) 16 (5/8) 115 (4,5) 950 (2 090) TL 16 OC 16 (5/8) 24 (15/16) 21 (53/64) 130 (5,1) 1 200 (2 640) Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:52 Page27 CATALOG 5 Guy wire tension adjustment JAW TO JAW Material : galvanized steel Rod Ø Jaw opening Stroke length Part Number mm inches mm inches mm inches TL CC 10 to 25 (3/8 to 1) 14 to 33 (35/64-1,31) 152 to 457 (6 to 18) Tensile Strength daN lbs 2 720-22 700 6 000-50 000 FOR TELECOMS TL 12 OC Material : galvanized steel Rod Ø TL 12 OO Eye Opening Tensile Strength Part Number mm inches mm inches daN lbs T50 10 (25/64) 15 (19/32) 360 (790) TL 12 OC 12 (15/32) 22 (55/64) 510 (1 120) TL 12 OO 12 (15/32) 22 (55/64) 1 600 (3 520) 27 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:52 Page28 CATALOG Universal pole mounting system for rock (Tri-Anchor®) POSSIBLE CONFIGURATIONS P-9UT P-9VM Pole Ø mm inches Number of legs vertical type P-9vM (200 to 305) 8 to 12 3 Inclined type P-9UT (200 to 305) vertical type P-9vM (280 to 405) 11 to 16 4 Inclined type P-9UT (280 to 405) vertical type P-9vM (355 to 510) 14 to 20 5 Inclined type P-9UT (355 to 510) 16 to 30 4, 5 ou 6 Type of legs Inclined type (transmission) P-12UT (405 to 760) 28 P-12UT Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:52 Page29 CATALOG 6 Universal pole mounting system for rock TRI-ANCHOR MECHANICAL STRENGTH Pole Ø mm inches (200) 8 Number of legs Moment on ground line to obtain a 5 degres deflection Failure moment on ground line N.m ft.lbs N.m ft.lbs (35 940) 26 460 (65 900) 48 510 (40 440) 29 767 (76 380) 56 228 (44 930) 33 075 (86 860) 63 945 (230) 9 (255) 10 (280) 11 (49 420) 36 382 (97 350) 71 663 (305) 12 (53 910) 39 690 (107 830) 79 380 (280) 11 (47 920) 35 280 (89 860) 66 150 (305) 12 (57 510) 42 336 (98 840) 72 765 (330) 13 (67 090) 49 392 (107 830) 79 380 (355) 14 (76 680) 56 448 (116 810) 85 995 (380) 15 (86 260) 63 504 (125 800) 92 610 (405) 16 (95 850) 70 560 (134 790) 99 225 (355) 14 (104 830) 77 175 (134 790) 99 225 (380) 15 (112 320) 82 687 (140 280) 103 268 (405) 16 (119 810) 88 200 (145 770) 107 310 (430) 17 (127 300) 93 712 (151 260) 111 353 (455) 18 (134 850) 99 275 (156 750) 115 395 (485) 19 (142 270) 104 737 (162 240) 119 438 (510) 20 (149 760) 110 250 (167 730) 123 480 3 4 5 29 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:53 Page30 CATALOG Temporary guying of damaged supports GUYING ROD Ø Length Weight Part Number mm inches mm feet kg lbs CRAHAUB1 40 (1,57) 1 000 (3,3) 10 (22) CRAHAUB1.5 40 (1,57) 1 500 (4,9) 15 (33) TEMPORARY MOUNTING CONFIGURATION (EXAMPLE) Attachment to the pole Guy thimble + Clevis Guy wire Insulator Guying rod Pole 30 Guy clamp Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:53 Page31 CATALOG 7 Temporary guying Companies worldwide at the service of mankind OVERH L ED IN TR A ON NETWOR SSI KS MI NS IBUTION ISTR N ET W ENERGY EA D COMPR ES SI O KS OR N OLS TO ON TRIBUTION N ET DI S W & PROTECTI ND NS GR OU ICA L TY FE SA UNDER & TERM I N AT IO ELECTR KS OR www.sicame.com 31 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:53 Page32 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks TYPICAL POLES IN FRANCE TYPE OF NETWORK BARE CABLE HS190 INSULATED CABLE Rep Type of pole HS 140 HS 255 HS 325 1 Anchor rod with anchor plate Ø20 × 1 900mm HS190 2 Anchor plate 3 Clevis 4 Guy wire 5 Guy Thimble 4 3 6 Cable clamp 4 2 7 Strain insulator Rm = 15 000 daN (×1) 8 Turnbuckle Ø18 9 Pole band Ø165 Ø20 × 1 900mm Ø27 × 2 300mm HS 255 HS 325 Ø27 × 2 300mm Depending on the class of soils, width 300, 400 or 600mm 2 1 Ø10mm (19×20/10) – Doubled guy wire – Required length = 2,6×h Ø24 Ø165 Ø18 Ø200 Ø240 9 8 3 5 6 4 7 4 6 5 3 1 2 32 HS 140 Ø165 Ø24 Ø165 Ø200 Ø240 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:54 Page33 Guying systems for overhead distribution lines and telecommunication networks Typical Introduction Poles Mechanical principle 6 TYPICAL POLES IN CANADA REF DESCRIPTION TYPICAL DIMENSIONS 1 Anchor rod with square nut Rod diameter and number of thimble depending on number of guy wire 1 bis Anchor rod extension Diametre en fonction du nombre de hauban 2 Anchor plate Plate area depending on number of guy wire and class of soil 2 bis Curved washer Width 6 or 7 inches 2 ter Rock anchor Length 12 or 18 inches 3 Preformed guy grip As per guy wire diameter 4 Guy wire Typical Ø : ¼ – 5/16 – 3/8 – 7/16 5 Guy hook One guy hook per guy wire 6 Bolts, nuts and washers Bolts with 5/8 or ¾ diameter, depending on requirements 33 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:54 Page34 ! This documentation is not as per agreement. Items represented are proposed while stock lasts. SICAME GROUP reserve the right to stop production or modify specifications without prior notice. Non-contractual pictures © 2013 SICAME GROUP. All rights of reproduction (in full or part), adaptation and translation reserved for any country. Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:54 Page35 Haubanage ok_SICAME GROUP 07/02/13 16:54 Page36 Groupe Sicame B.P. N°1 - 19231 Pompadour Cedex - France Tél. : (33) 05 55 73 89 00 Fax : (33) 05 55 98 53 79 Email : info@sicame.fr www.sicame.fr
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