May 2016 - Living Hope Lutheran Church


May 2016 - Living Hope Lutheran Church
May 2016 Newsletter
Letter from the President
Dear Friends,
It has been a busy time for council these last months as we embark upon our interim period, a time of reflection and
discernment as we seek to understand what we are called by God to be and do in this community as a church. One of our
first orders of business was to revisit our budget so that we could provide the synod with a more realistic salary figure for
our interim pastor and for our next called pastor. (During this time we were confronted with a water quality issue and
notification that we would need to make an expensive water pump replacement and well flushing to correct the problem. It
was frankly a relief to not have to wonder how we were going to pay for the repairs.) Once this was done we interviewed 3
candidates for the interim position and following this were able to hire Pastor Kimberly (see her bio elsewhere in this
newsletter) on a half time basis. She will provide worship every Sunday and assist in worship planning, she will continue to
meet with the HWG children weekly for Jesus and Me time and she will hold office hours one half day a week. She will
respond to pastoral email and mail and the pastoral needs of our membership and she will assist the congregation complete
the prescribed steps required during the interim process to move us toward the goal of calling our next pastor. We feel she
brings a positive and nurturing spirit to this interim time and are very happy to have her with us.
We have started to build a visioning team to work through the steps needed to complete a Mission Exploration Team report
and Ministry Site Profile. Once these documents are completed and accepted by the synod we can transition to the call
process. Joe Georgeson and Andy Krueger are the first two members of this group, we are looking for a few more people to
round this group out.
We have also started to think creatively about how we can continue to have a vibrant ministry with our currently
available resources. It is more difficult to find qualified pastors who are willing to work part time and it is harder to achieve
the things we dream of with a part time pastor. It has also been very challenging to sit on council these last few years being
as overextended as we have been financially. Many, many churches in our area are trying to answer the same questions, this
is a trend that we have seen coming our way for a long time. We have met with council leadership of St Peters UCC to start
looking at potential areas of mutual interest. From that conversation sprung a synergistic collaboration for this years
vacation bible school. We have also had conversations with St Paul's ELCA in Random Lake and Christ the King in Port
Washington. I want to be very clear that no major decisions will be made without congregational discernment and
approval. This is exactly what we will be working on as a congregation in this interim period. I also want to share with you
that I haven't been so excited about our future in all of my 6 years of leadership to this congregation. For the first time we
are having some big conversations about hopes and dreams and possibilities, and Pastor Joy's resignation while very sad for
us gave us the chance to develop a more fiscally manageable approach to pastoral care.
I invite you to be open to dreaming about what it means to be the church and to be open about how we might creatively use
existing resources to become that vision. I invite you to pray about this. Change is difficult for all people, but change is going to be necessary to meet the challenges of the future and to thrive in this current environment. We do not know what the
future holds but I believe God does. I will leave you with words from Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you
declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Thank you for your support of this congregation. It has been my pleasure to serve you.
Your sister in Christ,
Alex Pieper
Shannon Stoker, Parish Administrator
Beki Tetzlaff & Dawn Zirtzlaff, Here We Grow Directors
Email: · Phone (262)284-4070
We are surprised to find we are at the completion of another school year and
the hope of warmer weather is upon us. Congratulations to the HWG Preschool
Graduation Class of 2016! The Graduation ceremony for the Star Room Children
who will be moving on to kindergarten in fall will take place on May 26 at 10:30 in
the Living Hope Sanctuary with lunch to follow. The final day of Preschool for
the 2015/2016 is May 27. Summer Preschool is from June 3 to August 31. We
have got many fun programs for our School Age Summer Camp Program. We plan
to include, yoga, gardening, beginner martial arts/safety, nature crafts, pickle
ball and many more fun activities.
If you have a hobby or interest you would like to share with elementary
age children during the summer months
please contact Beki or Dawn.
We had a fun and successful Week of the Young Child during April. Children had
fun dress up days, taco Tuesday lunch, a Kiwanis group evening activity for the
community, and teacher appreciation day included 15minute massages for each
teacher and lunch from Subway. Special thanks to Deb Gilbertson for sharing
her musical talents for the second time in April. The children and an adult
special needs group from Prime Horizon with Melanie Clausing had a joint
sing-along in our fellowship hall lead by Deb. We plan to continue this fulfilling
and fun event on a bi-monthly basis!!
We pray for God’s continued Blessings upon Here We Grow and Living Hope
In Jesus name,
Beki & Dawn
The questions we keep hearing from HWG parents and Living Hope members:
Here is the answer. We are collecting a certain item each month to help us keep costs
down. The items for the next few months are listed below and we will post reminders at
the beginning of each month. Feel free to bring more than one of the listed items if you’re
May-masking tape
June-bottle of glue
July-glue stick
When I was born my father was the solo pastor of a Baptist church in St. Claire Michigan. When I was two, he
accepted a teaching position at the London Baptist Bible College in London Ontario. I have such fond memories
as a young child running around the buildings there and interacting with all of the students. My father taught
Greek, Hebrew, Theology, and the New Testament and was a regular guest speaker at many congregations during
my childhood, which exposed me to a lot of different churches and worship styles.
I was twelve when my parents got divorced—I watched as my father’s relationship with the school soured over
the issue. Years later when my father got remarried, the church let him go for not representing the time honored
values of the church to their students. The politics involved with the religious institution of faith has always been
a turn off for me. I have never been involved with a church where I have seen Jesus’ message and spirit
emanating from its council. So when Pastor Joy a year ago asked me to consider joining council I laughed and
said no way. I wanted to be involved where I felt the Lord’s spirit most strongly present and that was when I was
in fellowship with other church members, in the sanctuary, sharing with other members in a book club, and
around the fireplace after service just getting to know people better. I walked away expecting that to be the end of
the conversation. However, the seed of that request had been planted and the tendrils of that seed grew and
occupied my thoughts regularly over the next couple weeks.
I decided to treat the issue like my biblical namesake, and armed with my personal faith and low expectations, I
made a difficult decision and accepted the nomination. Besides, we had just got a new pastor so I was certain to
avoid any crazy politics anyway, right? Well the budgeting process wasn’t fun, but I was inspired by the
commitment of our congregation and by the willingness of Here We Grow to aid us in a time of great need. We
headed to our council retreat this spring with optimism and drive to focus on how Living Hope could start again
living out her mission in the community, but of course that retreat went a different direction…
So here we are, once again in a time of transition, but I believe stronger in our community for the joint effort
we’ve made to make our congregation sustainable. I am optimistic and excited about the creative conversations
we are having with other congregations, and I am seeing a swell of support for exploring new ways to share
ministry with other churches.
This is where you come in! First I would like to request your prayers for our council. Pray that we can continue
to lead this congregation in a manner keeping with the spirit of Christ, pray they we can keep our ears and hearts
open looking for the Spirit of God at work in our community and pray that God will help us find ways to answer
that call. Secondly, we have many ways you can help us here in the trenches. Here are a few areas where we
need support. I would ask you to prayerfully consider joining us on council, joining our visioning team as we
reexamine our call materials, or if you feel moved to do so, join our ecumenical conversations as we explore
creative and exciting ways to revolutionize Christian ministry in our community. I can’t imagine a more exciting
time to get involved with a church. I look forward to serving with you.
Yours in Christ,
Daniel Colwell
Council Vice-President
Meet Our New Interim Pastor on May 15th!
The Rev. Kimberly Kolstad Jordan grew up in the small west central Wisconsin city of Arcadia. She is a 1983
graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a 1995 graduate of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
She enjoyed a brief teaching career after college and before beginning her seminary studies.
Pastor Kim has served as pastor of Maria Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania; Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
in La Crosse, Wisconsin; as Director of Pastoral Care at Bethany Lutheran Homes in La Crosse, Wisconsin;
and most recently as interim pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fort Atkinson.
Pastor Kim met her husband, Lindsay Paul Jordan, while they were classmates at Luther Seminary. They were
married in 1994 and are the parents of two sons-- Paul, 18, and Sam, 16--who are students at Kettle Moraine
High School. Pastor Lindsay Jordan serves at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Delafield.
Pastor Kim's interests include: her sons; sports and music activities, entertaining, travel, reading, movies,
theatre (Community through College through Broadway and London's West End), music, scrap-booking and
spending time with her family. The Jordans are avid Brewer, Packer and Badger fans.
She is looking forward to serving with and among the good people of Living Hope Lutheran and Here We
Grow Preschool.
Please help us welcome her at worship on May 15th- she invites us to wear red that day for Pentecost!
Next Sunday, May 15th, please help us celebrate
It is the Day of Pentecost and we will be
welcoming Interim Pastor, Kimberly Jordan
Our annual congregational meeting will be held following the worship service on
Sunday, May 22nd. The council will present a revised budget for congregational
approval in addition to the usual May business. Please plan to attend so that you can
be part of the decisions during this transition period for Living Hope.
Living Hope’s Council would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Noah Irish for
the work that he planned and completed as part of his Eagle Scout Project. The
work he did both improved the function of the parking lot drive and the beauty of
the grounds of our church. Thank you Noah for your talents and dedication in
service to your church community.
Vacation Bible School Saturday, June 4th
This year, we are collaborating with St. Peter’s UCC to
host VBS. We will hold a VBS Volunteer Meeting on
Thursday, May 19th at 5:30pm at the church. If you’d like
to help in some way, please plan to attend.!
VBS will be held at Living Hope on
Saturday, June 4th from 9am-2:30pm
We will share what we learned at VBS during the
Sunday Celebration on June 5th at the 9am service
Questions? Contact Shannon at 262-284-7177
Complete and return the registration form (at the back
of this newsletter) and payment to the church office at
your earliest convenience—thank you!
Please include our request for the items needed at the pantry in your church bulletins or newsletters.
May 8, 2016
Instant Gravy
Ramen Noodles
Suddenly Salad
Dish Soap, 24 oz.
Pancake Mix
Kidney Beans
Shampoo, 12 oz.
Baked Beans, Lg.
Diapers 4, 5, 6
May 22, 2016
Individual Mac & Cheese
Diet (Lite) Fruit
Soup for One
Tooth Paste
Cookie Mix
Diapers Size 4, 5, 6
Salad Dressing
Pickles & Olives
Please support the Letter Carrier Food
Drive next Saturday, May 14th. Thanks!
May 15, 2016
Skillet Dinners
Meals for One
Large Canned Tuna
Hand Soap
Instant Gravy/Broth
Mandarin Oranges
Mexican Dinners
May 29, 2016
Beef Stew
Cake Mix/Frosting
Tomato Sauce
Tomato Paste
Diet Pudding/Jell-O
Fruit Cocktail
Apple Sauce
Oil, 16 oz.
Diet (Lite) Soup
Misc. Vegetables
Acoustic Open Mic Live
New Location for May 6th
Since the church is closed for property maintenance, we have a cool
new location for the open mic--Acoustic Open Mic Live will be at the
Saukville Moose Lodge 193 East Green Bay Avenue, Saukville WI.
Lodge opens for a fish fry at 5:00pm and I will set up the Mic at
6:00pm. Come have some food and stay for the Music. Who knows?
You may see a moose!
John Higgins
Relay for Life of Ozaukee Lakeside – June 17-18, 2016
Theme: Knock Cancer Off the Board- Board Game Themed Relay!
Team: Living Hope Lutheran Church
Where: Saukville YMCA
Time: 5:00 PM Friday through 8:00 AM Saturday
(you can come when you can—there is no need to stay for the entire event)
Join our awesome team to help raise funds and have fun!
Support our team or a member on the team by giving your treasures
Donate a Silent Auction Item
Buy a Luminary in Honor of or Memory of a Loved One
Come to the event and be MOVED
Take a water bottle to your work to collect change
Sign up for this year’s Relay for Life of Ozaukee Lakeside online at
See Julie Irish for more details or any questions you may have. or 262-268-0818
Our Elderly Neighbors Need You
Imagine being elderly, isolated, unable to drive. Your children don’t live
nearby and your friends are in similar situations. These seniors need an
occasional ride to the doctor, grocery store, pharmacy, etc. Can you spare
an hour or two a month to help so they can remain living in their own
home? If so, contact Ozaukee Family Services at 262-376-7774 or visit
Living Hope Lutheran Church-Saukville
When I logged onto the site, other businesses were listed. Can I shop there as well?
As of Feb. 1 2016 they sent out a message saying that just Amazon purchases would count.
They apparently are slow to update their web site to reflect this change.
Do I need a special certificate or reference number?
No just log into the site from home and select your Amazon purchase as you would normally
do. The site will credit our account.
How will I know if my purchases count?
There will be a monthly running total published so that you can see how much we generated and
how many visits were credited to our account. I am not aware of a way to specifically name the
16 people who shopped on Feb. 2.
Visits for this period: 1/1/2016-4/9/2016
Earnings per 100 visits:
Earnings for this period:1/1/2016-4/9/2016
My daughter lives in Madison and is not a member of Living Hope. Can she shop using
the Impact Shopping/LHLC link?
Most definitely Tell all your family and friends, this is an easy way to generate money for our
church. Anyone who uses this link will have their purchases credited to Living Hope.
Financial Update
March ended with about $2000 more in expenses than contribution income. This is the last month we will
be paying Pastor Joy, so fortunately, this negative situation should not continue. Year to date through
March we are at break even, including a substantial gift to fund Sunday School.
Please be sure to attend the annual meeting on May 22nd where, among other things, we will be reporting
on re-instituting prior year expense sharing on several items with Here We Grow.
Scrip Profit through March was $ 344.63.
May 2016
Remembering His words, “Love one another,” Hearts to Hands regularly meets to knit and crochet for others while sharing
fellowship and devotional time. We continue to meet at church on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month. We will share
fellowship time at 6:30 PM and begin our study about 7:15 PM followed by prayers, concluding about 8:30 PM.
Join us! All are welcome, even if you don’t knit or crochet. We encourage you to come, participate in the fellowship and
Bible/devotional study. Please feel welcome to come, share in fellowship and grow in faith. If you are in need of child
care in order to attend, please let us know. If you have any other questions, please call Cathy at 262-236-9928 or Julie at
262-268-0818. We look forward to having you join us!
Please note the following dates:
Thursdays, May 5 & 19
Thursdays, June 2 & 16
Thursdays, July 7 & 21
We continue to
with Patsy Clairmont! (See below.)
By Patsy Clairmont
Patsy Clairmont loves a good twirl. The kind that will make you fall to the ground, squeal with
laughter and then want to get up and spin in circles some more! However, there is a twirl where
busy schedules and urgency create a different and unwanted variety of dizzy in our
lives. Though hurry-up is part of the dilemma and certain seasons bring more of it than others,
if it becomes a lifestyle you might find yourself on the slippery slopes of bitterness, sadness
and depression. Patsy hopes to help us maintain a dynamic view on life – with activities and
choices that lead to renewal and peace. So come take a little stroll with her through Twirl, and
allow her unique perspective and deep well of biblical wisdom to realign your spin on life.
Some of us from Hearts to Hands plan on attending the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool
Festival in the fall. If you knit, crochet or loom knit, you might be interested
in attending these events. If you would like to join us, contact Cathy Higgins
(414-406-4217) or Julie Irish (262-268-0818).
Check out the following websites for more details:
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
September 8-11, 2016
Jefferson Fair Park, Jefferson, WI
Please note that Hearts to Hands uses the Living Hope mailbox, #166.
Living Hope Calendar
Please visit us on Facebook or on
our church website for more
information on upcoming events: