Ground-Source Heat Pump Examples Warmtepompen
Ground-Source Heat Pump Examples Warmtepompen
Studiedag Warmtepompen Technologisch Instituut vzw / Ingenieurshuis Antwerpen, 7.12.2005 Ground-Source Heat Pump Examples Warmtepompen-Vorbeelden Dr. Burkhard Sanner European Geothermal Energy Council, Brussels Geothermische Vereinigung e.V., Geeste, Germany Geothermal Energy Definition: Geothermal Energy is energy stored in the form of heat beneath the surface of the solid earth (This definition is official in Germany, in guideline VDI 4640) Graph from Geothermal Education Office, California 1 Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heat and Cold The various shallow geothermal methods • horizontal loops • borehole heat exchangers (vertical loops) • energy piles • ground water wells • water from mines and tunnels Rohre in Graben 1.2 - 2.0 m depth 10 - 250 m depth 8 - 45 m depth 4 - 50 m depth Verteiler im Haus BHE Grundwasserspiegel Pumpe Groundwater wells Serienschaltung Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heat and Cold The various shallow geothermal methods • horizontal loops 1.2 - 2.0 m depth • borehole heat exchangers 10 - 250 m depth (vertical loops) about 80 % of all systems • energy piles 8 - 45 m depth • ground water wells 4 - 50 m depth • water from mines and tunnels Rohre in Graben Verteiler im Haus BHE Grundwasserspiegel Pumpe Groundwater wells Serienschaltung 2 Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heat and Cold Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) First GSHP plant in 1945 in Indianapolis, USA (after Crandall, 1946) GSHPsystems (after Kemler, 1947) Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heat and Cold GSHPsystems (after Kemler, 1947) 3 Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heat and Cold Small factory for optical glass fibres „Verolum“ in Schwalbach near Wetzlar, built in 1980 and heated by a GSHP 22 kW heat, 8 BHE (coaxial) each ca. 50 m deep Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heat and Cold Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) for cooling Schematic of first GSHP plant with direct cooling from borehole heat exchangers in Wetzlar, 1987 (from Sanner, 1990) 4 Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heat and Cold Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) for cooling Schematic of GSHP plant with direct cooling from borehole heat exchangers via cooling ceiling Example: Commercial building “Geotherm” Linden, Germany, built 1991 Research plant SchöffengrundSchwalbach, Germany 1985-89 Similar activities in the 1980s in Elgg ZH, Switzerland, USA and Canada Research plant for investigating the heat transport in the underground and the geothermal energy use with borehole heat exchangers 5 Examples • • • • • Residential houses Residential areas Small commercial buildings Large commercial buildings Specialties, Europe • Some info on planning tools, licensing and quality control in Germany Residential house in Delbrück, Germany - Living area 331 m2 - Floor (slab) heating, supply temperature max. 35 °C (ca. 60 % ) - Radiators, supply temperature max. 50 °C (ca. 40 %) New two-family-house (1998), 2 floors, high insulation standard, the heat pump serves for heating and domestic hot water 6 Residential house in Delbrück, Germany Heizung (FB + Radiatoren) - Brine-to-water heat pump with 13.6 kW heating output - 2 Borehole heat exchangers (doubleU), each je 99 m deep 2 EWS - The Underground consists of Cretaceous Marls PS WP WW WP: Wärmepumpe PS: Pufferspeicher WW: Warmwasser Residential house in Delbrück, Germany Energy data for 1999: Heat pump electric power consumption 7,62 MWh/a Heat delivered 29,48 MWh/a Seasonal Performance Factor β = 3,87 Energy cost for 1999: total: specific: 666,17 /a 2,01 /m2/a 7 Residential house in Wermelskirchen, Germany Historic house Kolfhausen, from 17th century Heat pump in old vault, with designer and owner (photo: Lund) Installed capacity 70 kW 10 BHE each 80-100 m deep Residential areas Dortmund-Mengede, Rittershofer Straße Werne, Am Fürstenhof Construction areas with heating by individual BHE and Ground Source Heat Pumps 8 Residential areas 200 Wärmeleitfähigkeit des Untergrunds 2 W/m/K 160 Zeithorizont 30 Jahre 120 80 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Abstand zwischen den Erdwärmesonden [m] 45 Required prolongation of BHE (reduction of geothermal yield) in dense construction Residential areas Construction on the site in Werne, and drilling for BHE 9 Geothermal hotel in the Black Forest, Germany New Annex to Hotel „Schlehdorn am Feldberg“ in Altglashütten, Geothermal HP, 3 BHE 210 m deep Photos: systherma gmbh Sport facility, Hessisch-Oldendorf, Germany Sports-hall (Gym) Hessisch Oldendorf • GSHP heating output 21 kW • 3 BHE, each 90 m • Warm water by solar collectors • Waste heat from solar collectors is used to recharge ground temperature 10 Commercial building in Wetzlar, Germany The two-storey building from 1992 with laboratories and offices is heated by radiators and fan-coil-units. • • • Heating with brine-to-water heat pump, 47 kW nominal heating output 8 vertical BHE (double-U), 80 m deep Geology: Paleozoic sediments (devonian / upper carboniferous greywackes) Commercial building in Wetzlar, Germany The two-storey building from 1992 with laboratories and offices is heated by radiators and fan-coil-units. • • • Heating with brine-to-water heat pump, 47 kW nominal heating output 8 vertical BHE (double-U), 80 m deep Geology: Paleozoic sediments (devonian / upper carboniferous greywackes) 11 Commercial building in Wetzlar, Germany 3 heating circuits: Radiators north and south (supply temperature ca. 45 °C) Ventilation (central air handling unit, blowing into the central corridor, and fan coil units in some selected rooms) Direct cooling with cold water from the borehole heat ex-changers is provided through the central air handling and fan coil units Commercial building in Wetzlar, Germany (166.7 MWh) Energy Use 100 % Electric power transmission losses 1% Losses in power plant 35 % End Energy 23 % (46.1 MWh) 3% Transport to Primary Energy power plant 62 % (128.6 MWh) oil / conv. AC Cold from the ground 19 % (50,1 MWh) GSHP Geothermal Heat 58 % (70.6 MWh) Energy supplied to the distribution system is 100 % Energy flow diagram for one year, between July 1995 and July 1996 Partic. SO2 NOx CO CxHy CO2 Comparison of GSHP-system in UEG laboratories, Wetzlar, to a theoretical conventional system for the same building 12 Commercial building in Aachen, Germany Office building „VIKA“, Aachen - Floor area 2100 m2 - Heating and cooling through BHE Heating with heat pump Direct cooling from BHE - 28 BHE each 43 m deep - Annual heat and cold production 133 MWh with only 19 MWh electric power consumption - On top of the BHE-field today a parking lot is located Commercial building in Aachen, Germany A Thermal Response Test was done to determine the Thermal Properties of the ground View of the BHE field before connecting the pipes 13 Commercial building in Aachen, Germany Photo: EWS The building „VIKA“ almost completed, the BHE field in the foreground to the left Medium commercial building in Wetzlar, Germany BHE for Thermal Response Test, λ = 2,7 W/m/K January February March April May June July August September October November December total Heating [KWh] 63718 52677 36469 19276 9761 5199 3586 3619 7320 14 19560 12 36011 10 8 59665 6 4 316860 Fluid temperature [ºC] Month Viterra Building for Philips in Wetzlar; Cooling [KWh] 432 667 3861 14031 20777 23926 28951 21679 15338 6904 2069 292 138927 2 demand data after simulation, EEDcalculation for BHE design 0 -2 -4 JA N FEB MA R Base load A PR MA Y JUN JUL Y ear 25 A UG Peak cool load SEP OCT NOV DEC Peak heat load 14 Medium commercial building in Wetzlar, Germany Viterra Building for Philips in Wetzlar; Drilling in December 2004 32 BHE each 110 m deep New headquarter of German Air Traffic Control (DFS) Headquarter of the German Air Traffic Control (DFS) in Langen near Frankfurt, architects´s concept; completed 2002 Total area 57.800 m2 Cooling output from BHE 340 kW Heating Output from HP 330 kW 154 Borehole Heat Exchangers (BHE), each 70 m deep 15 New headquarter of German Air Traffic Control (DFS) 1000 800 Cooling with chillers Cooling with Borehole HX Heat from District Heating Heating with Heat Pump 600 400 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Heating and cooling demand, data from simulation New headquarter of German Air Traffic Control (DFS) Design: Determination of Ground Thermal Conductivity using Thermal Response Test Equipment on site in Langen Photo: UBeG, Wetzlar 16 New headquarter of German Air Traffic Control (DFS) Chinese delegation on the construction site Placement of Borehole Heat Exchangers New headquarter of German Air Traffic Control (DFS) (LEO: Low Energy Office) 900000 800000 700000 Energy cost Maintenance cost Investment cost 600000 500000 Large heat pump in the DFS building 400000 300000 200000 100000 Annual total cost (after Seidinger et al., 2001) 0 LEO DFS LEO without Borehole HX Standard WSO 95 17 Large commercial building in Frankfurt/Main, Germany High-rising building „West-End Duo“ or „Tower 24“ in Frankfurt, with groundwater heating and cooling system Rücklauf Heizung Vorlauf Heizung reversible Wärmepumpe Wärmetauscher (Wärmepumpe) Wärmetauscher Verpressbrunnen Förderbrunnen Quartär Tertiär AQUIFER Förderpumpe Filterstrecke ca. 85 - 140m Filterstrecke ca. 85 - 140m UBeG GbR Dr. E. Mands & M. Sauer - Zum Boden 6 - 35580 Wetzlar - Schema geothermische Grundwassernutzung Tower 24 Large commercial building in Frankfurt/Main, Germany Mining field for „Tower 24“ Förderbrunnen Förderbrunnen Reserve Schluckbrunnen Schluckbrunnen Reserve Schluckbrunnen N 0m 25 m 50 m 18 Large commercial building in Frankfurt/Main, Germany Well-drilling for „Tower 24“ Tourism in the extreme North: Hotel Storforsen, Sweden 19 Tourism in the extreme North: Hotel Storforsen, Sweden Cooling machines refrigerators freezers Swimming pool HX Heat pumps (2 x 113 kW) primary circuit HX Schematic of Hotel Storforsen shallow geothermal plant HX: Heat Exchanger E-boiler: Electric heating (peak/back-up) TD: Towel Drying HW-St.: Hot Water Storage Floor heating secondary circ. HX Recharge Cooling (room air) 33 Borehole heat exchangers each 160 m deep E-boiler warm tap water HX E-boiler cold tap water HWSt. TD DHW GSHP in the warm South: Supermarket in Mersin, Turkey Well drilling for the Underground cold storage system in Mersin (spring 2001) Number of wells Depth of wells Distance between the wells Type of aquifer: 2 100 m 81 m sandstone Flowrate 4 l/s (14.4 m3/h) Cooling load 2401.5 kWh/day Design made within IEAco-operation, by Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey 20 GSHP in the warm South: Supermarket in Mersin, Turkey Yonca Supermarket in Mersin in October 2001 GSHP test sites New test sites in: •Paderborn (Germany) •Mechelen/Mol (Belgium) •others? German assistance during installation of the research plant, in Daejon, South Korea, April/May 2003 Photos: hp system tech 21 Planning and design Design software for GSHP layout 21,1 m Simplified software now is in use in North America and USA; example with EED 30,4 m Numerical simulation is used since the mid 1980s for design of large GSHP; example with TRADIKON-3D Fluid temperature [ºC] 20 0,0 m 0,0 m 15 Base load Peak cool load Peak heat load 10 5 0 -5 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Year 5 Planning and design Design guidelines for GSHP layout VDI 4640 „Thermal Use of the Underground“, Part 1-4 Part 1 General / Licenses / Environment, status 2001, under revision Part 2 Ground Source Heat Pumps, status Dec., 2000, under revision Part 3 UTES, status 2000 Part 4 Direct uses (cooling, air-heat-exchanger), status 2004 22 Planning and design Design guidelines for GSHP layout VDI 4640 „Thermal Use of the Underground“, Part 1-4 Part 1 General / Licenses / Environment, status 2001, under revision Part 2 Ground Source Heat Pumps, status Dec., 2000, under revision Part 3 UTES, status 2000 Part 4 Direct uses (cooling, air-heat-exchanger), status 2004 ASHRAE GSHP Design/Data Manual IGSHPA Design guidelines Planning and design Design guidelines for GSHP layout VDI 4640 „Thermal Use of the Underground“, Part 1-4 Part 1 General / Licenses / Environment, status 2001, under revision Part 2 Ground Source Heat Pumps, status Dec., 2000, under revision Part 3 UTES, status 2000 Part 4 Direct uses (cooling, air-heat-exchanger), status 2004 ASHRAE GSHP Design/Data Manual IGSHPA Design guidelines …and Europe? 23 Planning and design Design guidelines for GSHP layout VDI 4640 „Thermal Use of the Underground“, Part 1-4 Part 1, General / Licenses / Environment, status 2001, under revision Part 2, Ground Source Heat Pumps, status Dec., 2000, under revision Part 3, UTES, status 2000 Part 4, Direct uses (cooling, air-heat-exchanger), status 2004 Planning and design Design support from state agencies Details from CD-ROM with geological data (NRW state, Germany) and map with suitable locations (Hessen state, Germany, right) 24 Quality Quality control measures DVGW W 120 G: Certification of drillers for closed-loop BHE BWP (maybe together with GtV, FIGAWA and others) is preparing a certificate for Borehole Heat Exchangers Some statistics for the shallow geothermal sector (after data from IZW, Hannover and BWP, Munich) 10000 Number of units Annual heat pump sales in Germany, according to heat sources 9249 9000 Water 8000 Ground 7349 7000 6653 6799 2001 2002 6000 4744 5000 3720 4000 2889 3000 2000 3945 1792 1000 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2003 2004 Heat pumps used for hot tap water only are not included Data for 2004 preliminary 25 Some statistics for the shallow geothermal sector Heat Pump installations in Sweden (from SVEP) Development of GSHP installations in Switzerland, in MWth (from Kohl et al., 2002) Geothermal Energy Use in the EU 2004 (Heat) Annual Heat Production 10000 9000 Geothermal Heat 7000 Data from WC 2005 6000 5000 4000 doubtf 3000 2000 United Kingdom Ireland Spain Portugal Belgium Greece Netherlands Slovenia Poland Czech Republic Finland Austria Germany Slovak Republic France Italy Hungary 0 Denmark 1000 Sweden Annual Production GWh/a 8000 26 Shallow Geothermal Energy chauffage du bâtiment extraction du chaleur de la terre pompe à chaleur electrique Solar Absorption Cooling and Geothermal Heat Pump for the Renewable Energy House, Bruxelles 230 / 400 V chaleur solaire système de refroidissement d´absorption rejets de chaleur dans la terre 4 sondes terrestres à 115 m ventilation du bâtiment 4 sondes terrestres à 115 m Shallow Geothermal Energy Drilling at REH on 18.11.05 Solar Absorption Cooling and Geothermal Heat Pump for the Renewable Energy House, Bruxelles 27 For more information: Thank you for your attention! 28
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