Linesheet - Alissa B Custom Jewelry
Linesheet - Alissa B Custom Jewelry
Gemstone Beaded Ring Collection ABrinTO Tastefully Tourmaline Rings are not elastic and will not stretch. Suggested sizes for wholesale orders is size 7-9. Half sizes available. Band Color options: Black,, Purple $25.00 ABrinTQ Timelss Turquoise Radiant Red Coral 117 x 86 117 x 86 $25.00 Band Color options: Black, White, Brown, Rust, Eggshell $25.00 $25.00 ABrinCA Classy Carnelian ABrinAP Amazing Apatite ABrinTI Tigers Eye Band Color options: Black,Brown, Rust $25.00 $25.00 Band Color options: Black, White, Eggshell Band Color options: Black, Gold ABrinCI 117 x 86 117 x 86 ABrinGA Gorgeous Garnet $25.00 ABrinSQ Smokin Smoky Quartz ABrinAQ Pristine Aquamarine Citrine Dream Band Color options: Black, Gunmetal Band Color options: Black, Gold, Eggshell $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 ABrinPER Pretty Peridot ABrinAM Exquisite Amethyst ABrinSwirl Smoky Quartz & Freshwater Pearl Band Color options: Black, purple $25.00 $25.00 ABrinLP Lovely Lapis Playful Pink Coral ABrinPEA Freshwater Pearl Band Color options: Rust, Brown, White, Eggshell $25.00 Band Color options: Black, White, Eggshell Band Color options: Black, Gunmetal, Gold $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Alissa B. custom jewelry | | | (413) 531 5723 pg 1 Copper Earring Collection Stone Codes: TQ Turquoise, MOP-Mother of Pearl, SQ-smoky quartz, AM-Amethyst, LP-Lapis, CU- Citrine, KY-Kyanite, CR-crystal (cr-small crystal accent), GA-garnet, LB-labradorite, GO-Green Onyx, PQ- Pink Quartz Size Codes : XS-extra small, SM- Small, MD-Medium, LG-Large, XL-extra large Stones: TQ, MOP, SQ, AM, KY AB.E.C.oval.Lg.TQ Stone Options: TQ, SQ, CI, MOP Sm: .75”wide 1.25” long Md: 1” wide 2” long $24 Sm: $22 Md: $24 Sm: .5”wide 2.5” long Lg: 1”wide 3.25”long Sm: $23, Lg: $24 (mop $19,$23) Stones: TQ,MOP,SQ, AM, CR Stone Options: MOP, SQ, AM .75”wide 1.25” long Size: 1”wide 2.25” long $23 $23 1”wide 2” long AB.E.C.hoop.TQ.lava Stone options: LB, CI, GA, AM, CR, GO, SQ, PQ, Size: .5”wide 2.25” long $21 AB.E.C.hoop.Xl.SQ AB.E.C.hoop.Lg.TQ Stone Options: TQ, SQ Md: 1.25”wide 3” long Lg:1.5” wide 3.25”long Xl: 2” wide 3.5”long AB.E.C.hoop.xl.MOP: $28, $30, $33, $36 $25, $28, $31 $28 Sm: 1”wide 2.75”long Md: 1.25”wide 3” long Stone options: CI,MOP, TQ, AM Sm: .75”wide 3” long Md: 1.25”wide 3.5”long Lg: 1.5”wide 4.25”long Xl: 2”wide 4.75”long Stone Options: TQ, AM 2”wide 3.5” long Stone Options: CI, GA, Lab, GO, TQ, AM, CR, Size: .75”wide 2” long Size: .5”wide 2.25” long Sm: $24, Md: $25 Alissa B. custom jewelry $29 (CR-$27) $19 | | | 413 531 5723 pg 2 Copper Earring Collection Stone codes: BLK-black coral, RED- red coral, MOP-Mother of Pearl, TQ-Turquoise, KY-Kyanite, KYs-kyanite sticks, CI-Citrine, LV- lava rock, AM- Amethyst AB.E.C.hoop.Blk: AB.E.C.hoop.Red: Size: Sm,Md,Lg,XL AB.E.C.tear.MOP.Blk: AB.E.C.tear.MOP.Red Size: Sm, Md $22,$23,$24,$25 Sml: .75”wide 3.5” long Med: 1” wide 3.5”long $29, $32 AB.E.C.tear.TQ.Blk: AB.E.C.tear.TQ.Red: Size: Sm,Md AB.E.C.tear.Blk: AB.E.C.tear.Red: Size: Sm,Md $24,$25 AB.E.C.oval2.lg.CI 1”wide 3”long $25 AB.E.C.tear.Kys AB.E.C.hoop.Kys Sml, Med $23,$24, Hoop lg $26, Hoop XL$27 Alissa B. custom jewelry | AB.E.C.tear.MOP.KY .75”wide 3” long $28 AB.E.C.simpleStone Options: AM,MOP, SQ, CR, LP, LV 1.5”long $12 Sml: .75”wide 3.5” long Med: 1” wide 3.5”long $29,$32 Sml: .75”wide 3.5” long Med: 1” wide 3.5”long $27, $28 AB.E.C.hooplet.CI Stone Options: MOP, TQ, AM,SQ 1.25” wide 3.25” long AB.E.C.hooplet.MOP Stone options: TQ, CI 1.5” wide 4”long AB.E.C.hooplet.TQ Stone options: MOP, CI 2” wide 4.75”long $35 $35 $39 | | (413) 531 5723 pg 3 Sterling Silver Earring Collection Stone codes: Rut-Rutilated Quartz, PQ-Pink Quartz, LP-lapis, CO-Coral, LB-labradorite, AM-Amethyst, CA-carnelian, GA-garnet, MOP-Mother of Pearl, RED-sponge coral, BLK-black coral CI-citrine, GO-green Onyx, TQ Turquoise, SQ- Smoky Quartz AB.E.S.hoop.xl.TQ Stone Options: SQ, MOP, AM 2” wide 3.5”long Size Options: Xs- .5”wide2.25”long Sm-.5“wide 2.5” long Md-.75”wide 3.25”long Lg-1”wide 3.5”long AB.E.S.oval.Kys.CI Size Options: XS-.5” wide 2.25” long Sm-.5“wide 2.5” long Md-.75”wide 3.25”long Lg-1”wide 3.5”long $34 AB.E.S.2Hoop.xl.SQ: $20,$24, $28, $32 $20, $24, $28, $32 Stone Options:: GO,TQ 2.25”wide 2.75” long $38 AB.E.S.clstr.Red 2.5” long AB.E.S.longH: Long Hooks $25 Sm:.75”wide 2”long Md: 1”wide 2.25 long Stone Options: LB, CI, AM, GO, CR, TQ, MOP, PQ 2.25” long $24 AB.E.S.tear.Md.TQ Sm: $22 Md: $24 Sm:.75”wide 2”long Md: 1”wide 2.25 long lg:1.25” wide 2.5”long Xl: 1.75”wide3.25”long AB.E.S.drop.CO $23 $25, $29,$34 Red Coral Drops AB.E.S.tear.xl.PI AB.E.S.oval.xl: Mini Marquise Stone Options: PQ, CI, GO, LB, CR, AM, GA, MOP, TQ 1/3”wide 2” long Sm:.75”wide 2”long Md: 1”wide 2.25 long lg:1.25” wide 2.5”long Xl: 1.75”wide3.25”long 3.25” long $27 $20 (MOP, TQ-$16) $23 $25, $29,$34 1.25” wide 4”long Stone options AM, TQ, SQ, MOP, Lap, Lab,CR $12 .5”wide 1.75” long $25 Alissa B. custom jewelry AB.E.S.simple AB.E.S.hoop.xs.RUT AB.E.S.hoop.xs. TQ Hammered Mini hoops $20 | | | (413) 531 5723 pg 4 Sterling Silver Earring Collection Stone Codes: PP-Peach Pearls, SP-silver pearls, YE-Yellow Chalcedony GC-Gold Coral, Mop-Mother of Pearl, TQ-Turquoise, CI-Citrine, BLK-black coral, RED-red coral AB.E.S.tear.MOP.blk Pearl Options: SP, PP, BP (baroque shape pearl), BPP (baroque peach pearl) AB.E.S.clstr.CI Gemstone Cluster Drops .75”wide 3.5” long $29 1.5” long $23 Stone Options: See Ring page (all stones available) AB.E.S.tear.TQ.blk AB.E.S.drop.PEA 2” long $27 .75”wide 3.5” long 3” long AB.E.S.clstr.PP Pearl Cluster Drops Pearl Options: SP, PEA, BP (baroque shape pearl) BPP(baroque peach pearl) $29 $25 2” long $27 AB.E.S.oval.lg.GC Stone Options: see separate listings for Ky-CI and Tq-CO above AB.E.S.clstr.KE 1” wide 3.5” long $32 AB.E.S.hoop.TQ.lava xs: .5” wide 2.5”long sm: .75”wide 2.75”long md: 1” wide 3.25”long lg: 1.25” wide 3.75”long Keishi Pearl Clusters Stone Options: KY 2” long $24, $28, $30, $34 .5”wide 2.5” long $29 $27 AB.E.S.clstr.CR-grey Mini Cluster Drops CR (crystal) color options: Red, Teal, Turq, Blue, Pink, lavendar, maroon, champagne Stone Options: TQ,SQ, AM 1.5” long $23 Alissa B. custom jewelry | AB.E.S.tear.MOP.KY 1.2”wide 2.5” long .75” wide 3” long $26 $28 | | (413) 531 5723 pg 5 Supplemental Linesheet Page Spring/Summer 2016 Collections (413) 531 5723 Infinite Love Collection AB.E.S. infinity. $23 Available in: AM, GA, LAB, GO, CI, RQ,, TQ,, Lep (lepidolite), RTQ- rutilated Quatz Chalcedony ($24): Fuchsia, Blue, Pearly, Aqua, Yellow Healing Gemstone Necklaces AB.c.neck.heal. $19 AB.s.neck.heal $24 Available in: AM, GA, Ci, Moon, Lab, TQ, Ky, Aqua, coral, Lap, SQ Long Chain Necklaces AB.E.C.tear2.KY(green) - $27) AB.E.C.hoop3.KY(green) - $27 AB.E.S.Ovalsm.KY.Cit (gr) - $24 AB.E.S.ovalmd.KY AB.copp.long.chain1 $24 AB.copp.long chain2 $29 ~ 32” long. available in: GO, LAB, AV, CA, TQ Spike Collection AB.E.spikes $24-$28 Available in: AV – Aveneturine (tan) AZ- Amazonite, GTQ – Green Turquoise, TMQ – Tourmalated quartz, FCORpin – Fossilized coral pink, FCORred – Fossilized coral red BO- Black onyx RO – red onyx RH- rhodonite RQ-rose quartz PET – petrified wood Fall 2010 Alissa Bennett Phone: 1 (413) 531 5723 Fax: 1 (262) 437- 5723 Order Sheet Date: _______________________ Invoice # _______________ Store Name:______________ Buyers Name: ________________ Phone #: __________________ Payment Type: ____________ Email:_____________________________________________ Shipping Address _____________________________________ __________________________________________________ Item Number Name Quantity Size Stone Price Payment Info Opening order minimum of $200, reorder $100. Company Check, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, or Net30 terms as established. First orders must be prepaid before shipping. Subtotal Alissa B. custom jewelry Price | | | (413) 531 5723 Unique gemstone beaded jewelry handcrafted by Alissa Bennett in Santa Cruz, California website: Email: Phone: 413 531 5723 Address: 518 Trevethan Ave., Santa Cruz CA, 95062 Terms & Conditions - Wholesale Policies Order Minimum: $200 USD for initial order, $100 USD for reorders Payment: Company check (made out to Alissa B.), Paypal (, CC (Visa, Mastercard, Amex), or Net30 terms as established Shipping : Most items will be handmade to order, and therefore can take up to 3 weeks depending on the size of order, but could be as little as 3 days. All items will be shipped USPS. Orders under $400 will cost $15. Orders between $400-$500 will cost $20. Orders above $500 will be quoted depending on weight. Re-orders of $100 will cost $10. Return Policy: If an item is received in damaged condition, full refund of the wholesale price will be provided once returned to Alissa B. No shipping costs will be refunded. Please contact Alissa B. within 5 days of receipt of items for returns.