on the bright side of life: international efforts to accelerate market


on the bright side of life: international efforts to accelerate market
On the bright side of life: International
efforts to accelerate market adoption of
LEDs while avoiding the pitfalls of CFLs
Peter Bennich
The Swedish Energy Agency
Box 380 69
S-100 64 Stockholm
Michael Scholand
N14 Energy Limited
42 Conway Road
London, N14 7BE
United Kingdom
Nils Borg
Borg & Co AB
Sveavagen 98, 4 tr
113 50 Stockholm
lighting, best practice, accreditation, international negotiations,
LED, policy instruments, test laboratory, performance tier
The introduction of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) has in
many ways been successful, but greater market penetration
could have been realised if the road was not lined with poor
products and unhappy consumers. The introduction of light
emitting diode (LED) lighting products faces a similar challenge: The technology is brand new, relatively expensive, test
methods and standards are not harmonised, and laboratories
have little experience with LED testing. Overall, quality and
performance criteria are not fully defined, and many consumers, importers, retailers and manufacturers don’t understand
the technology. There are harmonisation activities among
manufacturers as well as in the standardisation bodies (e.g.,
Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage (CIE), International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)), but these processes are
slow or don’t address all the issues, such as product quality and
performance. Here, governments can play a crucial role in addressing these gaps.
This paper discusses how several governments are working
together to accelerate processes to establish performance criteria and quality assurance methods. The IEA 4E Solid-State
Lighting (SSL) Annex was established in 2010 under the framework of the IEA’s Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment (4E)
Implementing Agreement. The SSL Annex is working to support governments who wish to accelerate market adoption of
high-quality solid-state lighting (SSL) products. Sponsoring
countries include: Australia, Denmark, France, Japan, Korea,
Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. China also
participates as an expert member of the SSL Annex. In other
words, most major lighting markets are covered.
The SSL Annex1 has three major tasks: 1. Develop multipletier performance criteria for quality assurance, which can form
the basis for regulations or programmes in different regions;
2. Determine the robustness of SSL test procedures through
an international laboratory testing campaign; and 3. Support
the development of an accreditation framework for laboratories. The harmonised test methods developed for the testing
campaign have already influenced the on-going standardisation work by CIE, an indication of the potential impact of the
This work underpins domestic and regional programmes in
the Annex member states and elsewhere to support the adoption of voluntary and regulatory programmes that will accelerate market adoption of energy-efficient LED products. The IEA
4E SSL Annex is a model for international cooperation around
the introduction of new energy efficient technologies.
Lighting is a significant factor contributing to our quality of
life and productivity of our workforces. Artificial illumination
extends the productive day, and enables people to work in enclosed dwellings, offices, buildings and factories where there is
no natural light. Lighting, however, also consumes resources,
both in the manufacturing and the operation of lighting equipment. And, as our economies are growing and populations expanding, our demand for lighting increases. Indeed, a study of
1. The SSL Annex website is: http://ssl.iea-4e.org/.
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6. Appliances, product policy and ICT
energy and services data spanning 300 years found that, as a
country develops, its consumption of light also increases until
it reaches a saturation point. This study estimated that the production of light consumed approximately 6.5 % of total global
primary energy, or approximately 16 % of end-use electricity
(Waide & Tsao, 2010).
There are literally thousands of manufacturers who work
to supply the equipment to meet this ever-expanding appetite
for light. However, the lighting industry itself is undergoing a
transformation, just as a disruptive, new technology – solidstate lighting (SSL) – is entering the market. In the past, the
lighting industry has been characterised by two main distinct
segments: lamps (light sources) and luminaires (fixtures). Conventional light source manufacturers were a small number of
large, global suppliers whose majority of business has been the
sales of replacement lamps. On the conventional luminaires
side of the industry, there were a large number of companies,
who are application- and regionally-focused, specialising in
production of relatively small batches of a large variety of luminaires.
With the advent of SSL, these boundaries between the lamp
and luminaire businesses have blurred. SSL brings the potential
for ultra-long life light sources, which will gradually eliminate
the replacement lamp business. And, the flexibility of SSL light
engines is such that many new small companies specialising
in SSL technology are entering the market, developing niche
market plays with their intellectual property and capitalising
on the next generation lighting technology.
The SSL market research company Strategies Unlimited estimates that the global market for LED packages2 in 2012 was
approximately $12.7 billion (Whitaker, 2012). And although
revenue growth has slowed, unit sales have grown rapidly in
percentage terms. As manufacturing innovations enable further cost reductions and performance improvements, prices
for 4,000 K white LED packages were, on average, approximately $4/kilolumen (equivalent to 250 lm/$) by the end of
2012. And the research is continuing to drive the market,
with projections by Seoul Semiconductor of $0.50/kilolumen
(equivalent to 2,000 lm/$) operating at 180 lm/W by 2015.
Strategies Unlimited projects that the combined market for
LED lamps and luminaires will grow at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 17 % in revenue terms, between 2011
and 2016.
In the context of this expanding demand, the changing
business models and a rapidly-changing new lighting technology entering the market, how should governments around the
world prepare for these changes? What steps should be taken to
protect their constituents, encourage growth and facilitate transition to less carbon-intensive technologies like LEDs? Individual countries or regions can take local action, such as adopting
supportive policies including performance requirements and
labelling, but are there greater benefits to be gained by working
at an international worldwide level? Indeed, the SSL industry
is no longer a local business. Products are manufactured and
sold on a global basis, and thus product quality issues such as
lifetime, colour quality and efficacy in one economy affect others who are supplied from that same manufacturer.
It was in response to these developments that the International
Energy Agency’s (IEA) 4E Implementing Agreement decided to
create an Annex focused on SSL. Indeed, it is widely recognised
that SSL has the potential to revolutionise the lighting market
through the introduction of highly energy-efficient, longer-lasting, versatile light sources, including high-quality white light.
SSL products are now successfully competing with conventional
general illumination technologies including incandescent and
fluorescent lamps. SSL can be found in directional lamp fittings
such as down-lights and under-cabinet lighting; in area light fittings such as recessed ceiling fixtures and roadway lighting; and
in niche applications such as commercial refrigeration display
lighting and automobile headlights. SSL is already well established in signage and display technologies.
As SSL technology continues to advance at a rapid pace,
manufacturers will continue to make improvements in efficacy, light quality, and operating life. In addition, manufacturing
improvements and market competition are putting downward
pressure on prices for SSL technology, making it less expensive
relative to fluorescent and other light sources. This trend will
benefit consumers and result in SSL penetrating many more
lighting applications; however the speed of penetration will
depend on the quality of the first products the consumers buy.
Therefore, it is crucial to set quality requirements and carry out
a large amount of international laboratory testing by harmonised methods.
2. A LED package refers to an assembly of one or more LED chip(s) and a wire
bond or other type of electrical connection. A packaged LED may also contain
optical controls, and is often mounted and used in a LED module. The packaged
LED requires a driver to operate.
•• Lack of information on, or the low priority given to the en-
IEA 4E SSL Annex Formation and Structure
The goal of the SSL Annex is to develop simple tools to help
governments and consumers in various parts of the world to
quickly and confidently identify which solid-state lighting
(SSL) products have the necessary quality and performance
levels to effectively reduce lighting energy demand. The Annex
aims to work internationally to support the work that is being
done on a national and regional level to address challenges with
SSL technologies. It is a collaborative approach by a group of
countries who share this common interest in SSL: including
Australia, Denmark, France, Japan, Korea, Sweden, the United
Kingdom and the United States. China also participates as an
expert member of the SSL Annex.
Forming the IEA 4E Initiative
At the Gleneagles Summit in 2005, G8 leaders addressed the
challenges of climate change, clean energy and sustainable development. They agreed to act with resolve and urgency, and
therefore adopted a Plan of Action which included energy-efficiency in buildings, appliances, transport and industry. Since
that time, research by the IEA has shown that improving energy-efficiency is the most cost-effective concrete action governments can take in the short term to address climate change and
energy security concerns and to reduce energy consumption.
(IEA, 2006 and 2011). The IEA’s research found that the update
of efficient products and equipment is hampered by multiple
market barriers, including:
ergy performance of appliances, buildings and automobiles;
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Figure 1. US DOE Actual and Projected Packaged LED Efficacy.
•• Tax incentives and subsidies that promote wasteful energy
use (e.g. tax breaks that encourage car use);
•• Split incentives between investors and end-users with re-
gard to the performance of energy-using equipment (e.g.,
for building technology choices); and
•• Failure to incorporate fully the energy security risks in mar-
ket prices.
It was recognised that creating programmes to facilitate international co-operation and coordination would be vital to
ensuring coherent, efficient action. The need for further global
co-operation and development of energy efficiency policies is
widely recognised by the IEA, the G8, the Asia-Pacific Partnership (APP) Initiative, the Marrakech Accord, the European
Commission (EC) international energy efficiency initiative and
others. Governments recognised that a platform was urgently
needed to enable countries to share expertise, and to ensure
coordination of international initiatives aimed at implementing
efficiency improvements in electrical equipment. To help fill
this gap, the IEA Implementing Agreement for a Co-operative
Programme on Efficient Electrical End-use Equipment (4E) is
one of those programmes that was created as a result of these
Forming the Solid State Lighting Annex
To any seasoned veteran of the energy-efficiency community,
it should come as no surprise that introducing a new, energyefficient technology to market often presents challenges. The
introduction of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs), for example, has been used as a case-study of pitfalls to avoid when
introducing a new technology to the market (PNNL, 2006).
Market barriers, including availability of technology, awareness
in the market, access to the products, affordability of the product and ultimately acceptance of its form and function have
also been studied in the context of CFLs (Delves, 2004).
Figure 1 (USDOE, 2012) shows the current and projected
efficacy of LEDs, which at the package level already exceed
the performance of incandescent (10–15 lm/W), halogen
(15–25 lm/W), CFLs (50–65 lm/W) and ceramic metal halide
(90–130 lm/W) lamps. Experts project that further efficacy
gains will be realised for LEDs, with the colour-mixing products achieving 250 lm/W by 2025 (US DOE, 2012). Of course,
when these packaged LEDs are incorporated into a lamp or luminaire, and the system experiences driver and optical losses,
the efficacy will be lower. However, some commercially-available LED systems already produce light that is more efficacious
than incandescent, halogen, CFLs and some ceramic metal
halide lamps.3
SSL has the potential to provide artificial lighting much
more efficiently than commonly available conventional technologies at lower life-cycle costs. However the wide variation
in performance of SSL sources in the market threatens consumer confidence in SSL, and could delay market acceptance.
Given the speed at which SSL is entering the market and the
importance of avoiding the mistakes of the CFL introduction,
the member countries participating in the IEA 4E decided to
create the SSL Annex.
The SSL Annex was created to support to development of
simple tools to help government and consumers quickly and
confidently identify which SSL products have the necessary efficiencies and quality levels to effectively reduce energy consumption for artificial illumination. The SSL Annex works
internationally in support of work at the national level, addressing some of the challenges associated with SSL. These include,
for example, a lack of reliable, internationally-recognised test
methods for measuring SSL quality and little information for
policy makers on the important quality parameters.
3. Figure 1. US DOE notes on this diagram: (1) “Qualified” data points are confirmed to satisfy the following criteria or may have been normalized for current
density if not reported at 35 A/cm2; (2) Cool White: CRI 70-80; CCT 4746-7040K;
(3) Warm White: CRI 80-90; CCT 2580-3710K; (4) Current density: 35A/cm2; (5)
These results are at 25°C package temperature, not steady state operating temperature. Thermal sensitivity may reduce efficacies by as much as 24 per cent or
so in normal operation, depending on luminaire thermal management.
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Organisational structure
The SSL Annex is overseen by the Management Committee4,
which is made up of representatives from each member country, thus ensuring that the work of the Annex is representative
of the funding governments’ priorities. At the time of this paper, the Chair of the Management Committee is Peter Bennich,
from the Swedish Energy Agency (STEM) in Stockholm. The
Management Committee oversees all the decisions and actions
taken by the Annex, as well as providing strategic direction on
future work.
Under the Management Committee are the SSL Annex
Experts. This is a group of 20 technical experts5 from around
the world who are involved in the technical consultations and
projects conducted by the Annex. The Experts meet twice
yearly at plenary events to review progress and set tasks for the
next six months.
The Annex is currently working on three specific Tasks,
which are described below. These three tasks each have a task
leader and small group of experts from the SSL Annex Expert
team. The tasks are the focus of the Annex’s work, and constitute the day-to-day activities being conducted to support the
market for SSL.
The Annex also has an Operating Agent who consists of Nils
Borg from Borg & Co in Stockholm and Michael Scholand from
N14 Energy Limited in London. The Operating Agent’s work is
to carry out the logistical and management tasks of organising
calls, conferences, maintaining a website and sharing information between experts, the management committee and other
stakeholders not directly involved in the work of the Annex.
Main activities of the Annex
As indicated above, the main activities of the Annex are divided
into three specific tasks, Tasks 1, 2 and 3. Task 1 addresses with
quality assurance and intends to define performance tiers for a
number of product categories, as well as gather and analysing
available information on environmental and health effects of
SSL technologies. Tasks 2 and 3 are closely related to each other,
whereas Task 2 aims at promoting an international, harmonised test method for SSL products (at the time of this writing,
this does not exist). The Annex developed an interim global test
method, which is based on the most stringent requirements of
regional test methods from around the world. The test method
is used for the global 2013 Interlaboratory Comparison (2013
IC) programme, involving around 100 SSL laboratories globally. Task 3 is working to promote a system of mutually recognised accreditation for laboratories. By using the results of
the Task 2 test based on the SSL Annex test method, it is hoped
that accreditation bodies can use the results of the 2013 IC as
a proficiency test for a laboratory that has passed this test. The
test method is not aimed to be used as a method for evaluating
4. At the time of this writing, the Management Committee of the 4E SSL Annex
includes: Peter Bennich, Daniël Bos, David Boughey, Bjarke Hansen, Richard Karney, Jin Soo Kim, Yoshihiro Kudo, Bruno Lafitte, Norihiko Ozaki, Michael Rimmer,
and Melanie Slade.
5. At the time of this writing, the Technical Experts of the 4E SSL Annex include:
Daniël Bos, Steve Coyne, Carsten Dam-Hansen, Masanori Doro, Jeong-Su Kim,
Casper Kofod, Yoshihiro Kudo, Marc R Ledbetter, Keum Lee, Christophe Martinsons, C Cameron Miller, Koichi Nara, Yoshi Ohno, Seil Park, Liu Qian, Elena Revtova, Thomas Sandvall, Hua Shuming, Christofer Silfvenius, Zhang Wei, Tatsuya
Zama and Georges Zissis.
6. Appliances, product policy and ICT
SSL products in the future, and once a globally recognised test
is available, that one should ideally be used both for evaluating lighting products and for proficiency testing (see Figure 2).
Task 1. Develop SSL quality assurance
All of the Annex Task 1 activities are led by Dr. Georges Zissis.
Task 1 is focused on developing generic performance tiers for
various SSL products as well as making life-cycle and health
impact analyses of SSL technology. In August 2012, the Annex
published Solid State Lighting (SSL) performance tiers for four
•• Non-directional Lamps for Indoor Residential Applications.
•• Directional Lamps for Indoor Residential Applications.
•• Downlight Luminaires.
•• Linear Fluorescent LED Replacement Lamps.
For each of these products, several performance tier levels were
set to address the various priorities and needs from each country. The performance tiers contain requirements for luminous
efficacy, colour temperature and tolerance, chromaticity tolerance (Du’v’), colour maintenance, colour rendering index, lag
start time, lumen maintenance, lamp lifetime, flicker, power
factor, harmonic distortion, endurance test and other factors.
The Annex is also now finalising a set of performance tiers for
street lighting luminaires, and is also developing new performance tiers for planar luminaires, linear panel troffer retrofit kits
and high-bay/low-bay luminaires.
Task 1 is expected to help participating governments to
define minimum performance of SSL products for bulk procurement contracts and incentive schemes as well as in their
national energy policies and regulation. The SSL Annex is continuing to monitor the market and the appropriateness of these
published tier levels, and fully expects that additional levels will
be added in the future as SSL technology advances. It should be
noted that these performance tiers are not mandatory energy or
performance regulations, but are aimed as a guide that provides
unbiased information on realistic SSL performance levels.
Task 2 Harmonise SSL performance testing
All of the Annex Task 2 activities are led by Dr. Yoshi Ohno.
Task 2 is actively working to harmonise SSL testing around the
world, by developing an approach to compare and ultimately
accredit laboratories for their ability to measure LED products.
The underlying motive for task 2 is the fact that testing of SSL
products is in many ways different from testing conventional
light sources and a lab that reliably can test conventional light
sources may not necessarily be able to provide accurate test
results for SSL products.
In essence, Task 2 is built around four so-called Nucleus Laboratories: the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) in the USA; the National Lighting Test Centre (NLTC)
in China; the National Metrology Institute of The Netherlands
(VSL) in The Netherlands; and the National Metrology Institute
Japan in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology (AIST, NMIJ) in Japan. Each of these nucleus laboratories will act as the regional core of a group of laboratories
to be tested. In total, about 100 laboratories are expected to be
compared in this international testing programme.
6. Appliances, product policy and ICT
This work is centred around (1) assessing a range of existing
SSL test procedures; (2) building a testing system that is manageable, robust and acceptable to a broad range of stakeholders; and (3) increasing the quality and confidence of SSL test
results around the world. Part of the reason for this work is in
recognition of the benefits from the harmonisation of testing
methods, including:
•• Lower development costs for preparing a test methods, es-
pecially for emerging products such as solid-state lighting;
•• Comparative test results for products sold domestically and
in neighbouring economies;
•• The ability to transpose and adapt analyses from other mar-
kets to determine appropriate domestic efficiency requirements;
•• Adopting minimum performance thresholds and apply-
ing them as a starting point in a domestic regulatory programme;
•• Adopting a common set of upper thresholds that can be
used for market pull programmes such as labelling and incentive schemes; and
•• Faster and less expensive testing – for compliance and other
purposes – as harmonized testing creates a larger choice of
laboratories who can conduct product tests.
In August 2012, the Annex published the results of the comparison testing between the four Nucleus Laboratories.6 The
results from the nucleus laboratory testing show that the four
laboratories have acceptable agreement within the stated expanded uncertainties, confirming the measurement accuracy
of these four laboratories and their collective capability to
measure the performance of the test sample lamps. The current
measurement for solid-state lighting products appears to have
a larger potential for error than suggested by the uncertainty
budgets. A few of the laboratories are conducting research in
this area by controlling the system impedance. The results of
this research are expected to be incorporated into new standard
test methods.
In mid-October 2012, the 2013 Interlaboratory Comparison
(2013 IC) testing programme was launched. This programme
invites lighting laboratories from around the world to participate. All of this work in Task 2 is carefully designed to be in
compliance with ISO/IEC 17043. This is to ensure that if successful, the work may be acceptable to an Accreditation Body
(AB) as evidence of Proficiency Testing for any SSL method of
measurement currently being used or in draft.
Task 3 Standards and accreditation
All of the Annex Task 3 activities are led by Dr. Koichi Nara.
Task 3 is focused on disseminating the results of Task 2, and
supporting laboratories who wish to apply for LED lamp testing
accreditation to their respective accreditation bodies. In the design and operation of the aforementioned 2013 Interlaboratory
Comparison, the Annex agreed to conform to ISO/IEC 17043.
6.A PDF copy of this report can be downloaded by following this link: http://ssl.iea4e.org/files/otherfiles/0000/0047/4E_SSL_Annex_-_Nucleus_Laboratory_Comparison_Report_final..pdf
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The four Nucleus Laboratories are all National Metrology Institutes or National Testing Institutes and possess their own primary measurement standards and have developed a measurement method and validated it. All of the relevant measurement
services carried out by them were accredited by International
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition
Agreement (ILAC/MRA) signatories or peer reviewed against
ISO/IEC 17025 and registered to Appendix-C, CIPM/MRA.
Therefore, the basic competence of the institutions related to
the measurements has been established.
With the absence of a global test method, it has not been
possible for the international accreditation system to set up a
system for mutual recognition of regional accreditation programmes. Up to this point, it has been difficult for many Accreditation Bodies (ABs,) to carry out SSL Proficiency Testing
(PT) as part of their ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. While some
ABs like CNAS (in China) or NVLAP (a US programme) carry
out SSL PT or comparison test, the test is not within the scope
of the ILAC MRA, and it is not possible for these PTs to be
accepted globally. Thus, due to the global fragmentation and
disparities in SSL Test methods, accreditation and PT for SSL
products has been held back. It is our hope that in the future a
robust programme for SSL PT can be established when there is
a new international published test method, possibly the draft
CIE (International Commission on Illumination) standard
currently in the final stages of development. In this interim period, carrying out this Interlaboratory Comparison work will
help reduce the risk and uncertainty of SSL testing so that governments and consumers can have reassurance on global SSL
testing quality. The diagram below depicts the anticipated way
in which Tasks 2 and 3 can help as an interim solution to address some of the problems of the past while also preparing the
market for the adoption of a new international proficiency test.
We are aware that in general, PTs are designed for a specific
test method. However, since the SSL Annex has demonstrated
that it is possible to create a harmonised test method between
these very similar test methods, it is our hope that the 2013 IC
test method will be seen as a PT or valid evidence of the competence of the laboratory for regional test methods, thus enabling
the accreditation of laboratories for testing LED products.
Value of IEA 4E SSL Annex – Governments working
The SSL Annex serves as an excellent case study for the benefits
of international cooperation around the introduction of a new,
energy-efficient technology. This section discusses some of the
direct benefits realised through the cooperative action of the
SSL Annex, including leveraging resources for mutual benefit,
protecting consumers, establishing a forum to exchange ideas
and discuss issues, collaborate on international programmes
and provide technical support to policy-makers.
Leveraging resources for mutual benefit
The Annex participants have found there are significant advantages to engaging in collaboration between member countries
to develop a consensus on harmonized approaches to SSL quality and performance. This work was needed because it represented an area that had not been addressed by relevant international organisations. The output of the Annex collaboration can
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6. Appliances, product policy and ICT
Figure 2. SSL Annex IC2013 Serves as an Interim Solution for Laboratory Accreditation.
be used, for example, to establish national government policy
on SSL quality and performance levels while also benefitting
industry by facilitating a harmonisation across national programmes and requirements (avoiding the costly problem of a
patchwork of different regulations).
The tiered performance requirements developed by the Annex can, for instance, be used as the basis for national or regional minimum performance requirements that help protect both
the consumer and the reputation of SSL as a reliable, efficient
and quality lighting product. Where possible, harmonised minimum performance requirements and higher voluntary levels
can ensure that a broad range of quality products are available
to consumers in many countries.
The SSL Annex recognises that the relevant international
standards organisations (including the IEC and CIE) are leading the development of international testing standards, metrics
and performance definitions for lighting products including
SSL products. However, at this time only the SSL Annex has
effective minimum performance levels or tiered performance
levels for SSL products. In December 2012, the European Commission published regulation No. 1194/20127 that established,
among other things, minimum quality performance requirements for LED lamps under the ecodesign directive. These requirements will take effect on 1 September 2013.
nex is helping to accelerate market adoption and enabling higher
energy savings from this technology to be achieved.
Through the work of the Annex in Tasks 1 through 3, there
are several broad benefits that will accrue to SSL markets
around the world, including:
•• Support for the development of minimum quality and per-
formance levels;
•• Support for the development of multiple tier quality and
performance levels;
•• Development of an SSL test methodology cooperatively be-
tween governments and incorporating the most stringent
requirements from current and draft SSL test standards
from around the world;
•• Assistance with the development of laboratory experience
testing SSL products; and
•• Potential recognition by accreditation bodies as evidence of
the competence of laboratories for measuring SSL products.
While the first priority of the SSL Annex is to provide advice
to governments participating in the Annex, there will also be
a ‘spill-over’ effect where Annex work will contribute to the
development of quality and performance levels in non-member
countries around the world.
Protecting consumers
It is fair to say that buyers want to know what they are paying for,
especially when it comes to lighting. Most buyers would never
accept that the performance of a car or a TV could vary so much
from the stated performance, as do some LED or CFL products.
By establishing quality criteria on lifetime, efficacy, colour quality and other performance attributes, as well as helping to ensure
product testing and compliance, the Annex work will protect
consumers and corporate end-users. And, in doing this, the An-
Forum for discussion of challenges/issues
The Annex itself is a forum for regular discussion of challenges
and issues that policy-makers face when working with SSL.
This forum facilitates the exchange of ideas, test results, campaign methods, the ability to discuss issues around regulations
and enforcement challenges; and to share best practices on
voluntary and regulatory programmes designed to accelerate
market adoption of SSL technology.
International harmonisation
7. Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1194/2012 of 12 December 2012 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with
regard to ecodesign requirements for directional lamps, light emitting diode lamps
and related equipment.
The lack of agreement on test standards and lack of an international accreditation scheme creates trade barriers and increases
overhead costs of doing business which will slow down the
6. Appliances, product policy and ICT
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Figure 3. The Problems Associated with Poor Harmonisation in SSL Testing.
Figure 4. The Ideal Scheme – Harmonisation of SSL Testing.
adoption of LEDs and result in lost energy savings. In each of
the three regions shown in Figure 3, a hypothetical situation is
shown where four completely different proficiency tests (PT)
are used in each region to assess laboratory’s competence for
measuring the performance of LED lamps, and no other region
accepts the test results from a different region.
One of the critical functions of the Annex is to address these
issues and establish a consistent foundation on which lamps
can be tested and compared, which will provide mutual recog-
nition of accreditation programmes across the various regional
markets. Figure 4 represents an illustration of the ideal scheme
that the SSL Annex is working to achieve.
Technical experts on demand
The Annex has a technical advisory committee that spans the
globe, and taken together represents more than two hundred
years of experience in lighting. The SSL Annex Experts cover
lighting design, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and regula-
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tory and supportive policy development. These experts are
available to all the member countries whenever their expertise
is needed on a particular issue or point, a question is circulated
and experts comment, contributing their understanding and
knowledge to the issue.
Future work
The Annex had been scheduled to complete its work in mid2014, however the Management Committee is currently considering extending the Annex for five more years to continue
the existing work and take on new responsibilities that will
support the market and member countries. At the time of this
writing, internal discussion has just started on potential future
work for the Annex, and some of the ideas include: (a) developing performance criteria for more products under Task 1;
(b) developing more collaborative work on standardisation;
(c) assisting members with consumer awareness and/or information; (d) supporting market monitoring, verification and
enforcement; (e) different performance criteria for lifetime
testing and (f) data base of lamps test data. The Annex may
also develop activities to address technical challenges for the
introduction of SSL technology, e.g., dimming problems (in
direct replacement products) and colour rendering problems
with some products that remain formidable barriers to market
Any additional ideas or comments that readers of this paper
have would be gratefully received by the authors.
Delves, 2004. Five A’s: Barrier Classification and Market
Transformation Program Design for Energy Efficient
Technologies; Katherine N. Delve and Anne Wilkins, Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada and
Federico Garcia-Lopez and Michael J. Scholand, Navigant
Consulting, Inc.; Paper #241 at the 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Link: http://
6. Appliances, product policy and ICT
IEA, 2006 and 2011. World Energy Outlook 2006, Energy
Technology Perspectives (2006), Light’s Labour’s Lost
(2006), and Clean energy Progress Report IEA input to
the Clean Energy Ministerial (June 2011), IEA, 9 rue de la
Fédération, 75739 Paris Cedex 15, France.
PNNL, 2006. Compact Fluorescent Lighting in America: Lessons Learned on the Way to Market Prepared by Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory for U.S. Department of
Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Building Technologies Program, June 2006.
USDOE, 2012. Solid-State Lighting Research and Development Multiyear Program Plan for 2012; prepared
for: Lighting Research and Development, Building
Technologies Program, Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy;
prepared by: Bardsley Consulting, Navigant Consulting,
Inc., Radcliffe Advisors, Inc., SB Consulting, and Solid
State Lighting Services, Inc.; April 2012. Link: http://
Waide & Tsao, 2010. The World’s Appetite for Light: Empirical Data and Trends Spanning Three Centuries and Six
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Society of North America, Vol. 6, No.4, April 2010.
Whitaker, 2012. “Strategies in Light Europe focuses on growth
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The authors would like to thank the governments of Australia,
China, Denmark, France, Japan, Korea, Sweden, the United
Kingdom and the United States for their sponsorship of the SSL
Annex and their on-going support in overseeing and guiding
the activities of the Annex.