1 D64 Health Reminder - Park Ridge
1 D64 Health Reminder - Park Ridge
Carpenter Elementary School, District 64 300 N. Hamlin Ave., Park Ridge, IL 60068 Phone: (847) 318-4370 Fax: (847) 318-4201 Web: http://www.d64.org/subsite/ces Principal: Mr. Brett Balduf Assistant Principal: Mrs. Stephanie Daly Focusing on Civil Behavior and 21st Century Learning CARPENTER COURIER – MARCH 20, 2014 Dates, Dates, Dates . . . Mon. 3/25-27 3/28-4/4 Mon. Mon. Tues. Mon. Mon. Tues. Wed. Wed. Thurs. FRI. Mon. Mon. Mon. 3/24 District 64 Board Meeting – 7:30 p.m. – Lincoln School 5th Grade Outdoor Education Program – Camp Duncan SPRING BREAK 4/7 School resumes 4/7 Health & Nutrition Week begins 4/8 4th Grade Girls Human Growth Night – 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. – LRC 4/14 Neat to Use Your Feet Week begins 4/14 PTO Meeting – 7:00 p.m. 4/15 Room 151 Field Trip – Mariano’s 4/16 Room 150 Field Trip – Mariano’s 4/16 New Kindergarten Open House – 6:00 p.m. 4/17 Carpenter Courier 4/18 GOOD FRIDAY – NO SCHOOL 4/21 Go Green Week begins 4/28 Screen Free Week begins 4/28 District 64 Board Meeting – 7:30 p.m. – Franklin Letter from the Principal . . . Dear Carpenter Families, Spring Break is almost here, but we still have quite a bit to accomplish at Carpenter. We have completed the ISATS and they are on their way to be scored. During the week of March 24th, two of our 4th Grade Teachers, Mr. Toren and Ms. O’Connor, will be having their students pilot the English Language Arts portion of the new PARCC assessment. We have been working feverishly to prepare for this new assessment and learn all about it to help us gain insight into how it will look in 2014-2015 for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Students will be taking the assessment in the lab, on Chromebooks, and on laptops. Our 5th Graders will be attending Camp Duncan next week. There has been much preparation by students, families, chaperones, and staff for a successful, fun, educational, and safe trip. We hope you have a wonderful Spring Break when it arrives. For those of you who may be leaving the state, we wish you safe travel! Be prepared for Healthy Living Month when we return from break, as we have many activities and themes prepared! APRIL - HEALTH/NUTRITION MONTH Week of 4/7 - Health & Nutrition Week Week of 4/14 - Neat to Use you Feet Week Week of 4/21 - Go Green Week Week of 4/28 Screen Free Week Carpenter Announcements *We have one more day of Spring Conferences on Thursday, March 20th from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. This was by appointment only. * Our 5th Graders were just visited by Mr. Morrison, the principal of Emerson Middle School, to talk to them about middle school life. Thank you to Mr. Morrison! *Thank you to those who came out to Whole Foods on St. Patrick’s Day to do some shopping and support the District 64 Wellness Council! *Author and poet David T. Greenberg will be visiting Carpenter on Monday, March 24! David is known to indulge his readers with delightful yuckiness! A few of his titles include Slugs, Bugs, Crocs, Snakes, and Don’t Forget Your Etiquette. Special thanks to the PTO Cultural Arts for sponsoring his visit. *We booked a Civil Behavior Assembly for Friday, April 11th for our students. It is the NED Assembly, that visited us a couple of years ago. Their message is to Never Give up, Encourage Others, and Do your Best! Thank you to the PTO for funding this assembly for our students. *How about Carpenter gets some Young Authors Winners? Encourage your child to write their original story. Entries are due April 8th. *Don’t forget to LIKE our Carpenter Elementary Facebook page! PLANNING FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR After spring break, the Carpenter faculty works together on a very difficult but important process. At this time, we begin to create class lists for the next school year. It is a very long process that has many stages. Because the placing of students in classrooms for next year is such an important decision, we use a very specific and detailed process for all children. We consider six criteria in making our decisions, with no one being more important than another. The following criteria are considered together as a whole before placements are made: • The total number of children in all grade level classes needs to be equal. • The ratio of girls and boys should be balanced in each grade level class. • Ability levels of students need to be balanced in each grade level class. • Leadership skills and other affective characteristics need to be balanced. 2 • Students’ learning styles should be matched appropriately with teachers’ instructional styles. • Some student combinations should be split for social or academic reasons. If you would like to provide specific information about your child to assist in the homeroom placement selection, please submit a letter by Thursday, March 27, 2014. That information might include the parents’ view of how the child learns best, the environment that seems to suit him or her best, and any other pertinent details. Such information will be considered as one component of our process, but the final decision about class assignments rests with the principal and the teachers. Because of the nature and complexity of this task, we cannot reduce the process to simply accepting requests for specific teachers. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT LETTERS THAT CONTAIN TEACHERS’ NAMES WILL NOT BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION IN THE PROCESS. Any letters received after Thursday March 27, 2014 will not be considered in the process. Please note that the teachers and I spend an inordinate amount of time on this particular process. I have kept track of letters that have been sent over the past two years. I recognize that a request that you made last year is likely to going to be similar to this one, so honestly, another letter is not crucial for the selection of a homeroom for your child. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me at any time at bbalduf@d64.org or (847) 318-4370. Sincerely, Brett. A Balduf Carpenter Principal District 64 News . . . NEWS FROM SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES Springtime turns thoughts to warmer weather, outdoor activities, and spring break travel. However, please continue to take time to regularly check your child for the presence of head lice. The Center for Disease Control has information regarding head lice, and can be accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/parents.html In addition, your building health assistant or school nurse can provide you with useful materials regarding identification and treatment of head lice. This information is also available on the District website: http://www.d64.org/subsite/dist/page/health-safety-tips-801 DON’T MISS THESE ATTACHMENTS - D64 Health Reminder Healthy Living Month Flyer Facebook Flyer Concussion Awareness Flyer D64 Young Author Guidelines School Library Month Flyer 3 FROM THE DESK OF MARGARET TEMARI, R.N., FACILITATOR, SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES IMPORTANT HEALTH REMINDER School health offices are seeing an increase in the number of students who are ill and have fevers. Unfortunately, some students are being sent to school with fevers, and/or are returning to school without being fully recovered. Your cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines is appreciated: Students Who are Ill and Have a Fever: A child with an oral temperature of 100.0 F* or above must remain at home. Your child may not return to school until he or she has been fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication (e.g., Tylenol, Advil, etc). This helps to prevent the spread of illness to other students and staff, and provides time for your child to recuperate completely. Students who return to school with continued fever or before the 24 hour fever-free period will be sent home. Students Who Feel Ill and Do Not Have a Fever: A student may be sent home from school, based on presenting symptoms such as excessive coughing, body aches, fatigue, etc. Parent and student must determine when the student is ready to return to school to resume regular academic activities. If there is a question regarding a student’s readiness to return, please contact the school health office. While a fever itself does not transmit illness, the causative agent of the fever determines how the illness is spread. Steps to prevent illness should be reinforced at home and school. These include: •washing hands before and after eating •washing hands after sneezing, coughing, blowing the nose, or using the washroom •Sneezing/coughing into the elbow/sleeve •Using tissue and disposing of properly • Keeping hands and fingers away from the face •Avoiding others who are ill, and remaining home when ill •Washing hands for 20 seconds using soap and water (If soap and water are not available, a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol can$quickly$reduce$the$number$of$germs$on$hands$in$some$situations,$but$ sanitizers$do$not$eliminate$all$types$of$germs.) *Based on recommendations from Cook County Department of Public Health HEALTHY LIVING MONTH ! Park!Ridge 2014 !! ! Co-Sponsored by the City of Park Ridge, the Park Ridge Park District, School District 64, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, the Park Ridge Public Library, the Park Ridge City Health Commission, the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce, and the Park Ridge Healthy Community Partnership. ! March 31 – April 4 • (7:00am – 6:00pm) “Spring Break Camp.” Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 W. Sibley St., Park Ridge. April 7 • (7:00pm) Official Proclamation – April is “Healthy Living Month” in Park Ridge. Representatives of School District 64 will accept the Proclamation at the City Council Meeting. Park Ridge City Hall, 505 Butler Place. ! April 7 – 11 Health and Nutrition Week in Park Ridge & District 64 Schools. April 8 • (7:00pm – 8:00pm) “Using Nutrition and Relaxation for Wellness” presented by Naomi Parrella M.D., Family Medicine. Johnson Auditorium, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, 1775 Dempster St., Park Ridge. April 12 • (9:00am – 12 noon) “Women’s Health Fair: The New You.” Enjoy Pilates and Zumba demonstrations for a healthier you. Free screenings – Breast Exam, Skin, BP, BMI/Body Fat plus “Ask the Doctor”, chair massages, cooking demonstration and more. To register for this FREE event, please call 877-737-4636. Presence Resurrection Medical Center, 7435 W. Talcott Ave., Chicago. • (10:00am – 11:30am) “Breakfast with the Bunny.” Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 W. Sibley St. Park Ridge. April 14 – 18 Neat to Use Your Feet Week in Park Ridge & District 64 Schools.! April 15 • (7:00pm – 8:00pm) “Five Most Common Foot and Ankle Conditions” presented by Douglass Solway, D.P.M., Podiatrist. Johnson Auditorium, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, 1775 Dempster St., Park Ridge. ! April 17! • (7:00pm – 8:15pm) “Flashlight Egg Hunt.” Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 W. Sibley St. Park Ridge. ! April 18! • (11:15am – 12:20pm, times vary by age) “Egg Dip in the Pool!” Community Center, 1515 W. Touhy Ave. Park Ridge. April 19 • “Sticker Shock.” Join teams of youth and adults to provide local vendors with posters thanking consumers for not providing alcohol to minors. Sponsored by Maine Community Youth Assistance Foundation (MCYAF). For more information or to register a group, send email to info@mcyaf.com or call Katie Brosnan at 847-8631500. • (9:00am – 12noon). “Electronics Recycling Day.” Textiles will be accepted as well. Per car fee of $5.00. Drivers receive $5.00 Chamber of Commerce coupon for local purchases. Sponsored by Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce and City of Park Ridge. Park Ridge Public Works Service Center, 400 Busse Hwy. (just west of Greenwood), Park Ridge. ! April 21 – 25 Go Green Week in Park Ridge & District 64 Schools. ! April 22 Earth Day! • (4:30pm – 5:30pm) “Earth Day Work Day.” Wildwood Nature Center, 529 Forestview Ave., Park Ridge. • (7:00pm) “CHASING ICE,” film documentary screening. Photographer James Balog presents a unique perspective on our changing climate based on present day analysis of arctic sea ice conditions. Park Ridge Public Library, 20 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. • (7:00pm – 8:00pm) “Overuse Injuries: Why You Should Listen to Your Aches and Pains” presented by David Lessman, M.D., Pediatric Sports Medicine. Johnson Auditorium, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, 1775 Dempster St., Park Ridge. April 25 • (9:00am – 2:00pm) “Swing Into Spring Senior Expo.” Golf Mill Shopping Center, 239 Golf Mill Center, Niles.! ! • (10:00am – 2:00pm) “Prescription Medication Take Back.” Sponsored by Park Ridge Police & US Drug Enforcement Agency. Park Ridge Police Department, 200 S. Vine. April 28 – May 2 Screen-Free Week in Park Ridge & District 64 Schools. April 29 • (7:00pm) “Internet Surfin’ Safety” presented by Sgt. Robert Tornabene, Niles Police Department. Parents, learn how to keep your child safe in a web-based world. Emerson Middle School, 8101 N. Cumberland, Niles. ! • (7:00pm – 8:00pm) “Exercise is Medicine: the Cheapest Prescription for Health” presented by Philip Skiba, D.O., Program Director, Sports Medicine. Johnson Auditorium, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, 1775 Dempster St., Park Ridge.! ! May 3 • (11:00am – 3:00pm) 2701 W. Sibley (Sibley & Forestview), Park Ridge. “Earth Day Celebration” by the Park Ridge Park District. Join the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks for Pedal for the Parks-Bike & Trike Exchange. For more details, visit prfriendsoftheparks.org.! • (11:00am – 3:00pm) 2701 W. Sibley (Sibley & Forestview), ! Park Ridge. Did you know that white, block Styrofoam is unacceptable for residential recycling? GoGreen! Park Ridge invites you to bring this material to the Park District’s Earth Day event for a special pick up of this material. Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Community! Now you can like us . . . … . . . on Logon to Facebook to find your school and District 64 fan pages: District 64 Park Ridge-Niles Carpenter Elementary School, Park Ridge-Niles Field Elementary School, Park Ridge-Niles Franklin Elementary School, Park Ridge-Niles Roosevelt Elementary School, Park Ridge-Niles Washington Elementary School, Park Ridge-Niles Emerson Middle School, Park Ridge-Niles Lincoln Middle School, Park Ridge-Niles Jefferson School, Park Ridge-Niles Concussion Awareness Talk For young athletes and their families Tuesday, April 8, 2014 6:30 PM The one-hour program is especially targeted for families with students in grades 4-8, but all are welcome to attend and the evening is open to the public. Emerson Middle School (Multipurpose Room) 8101 N Cumberland Ave. Niles, IL 60714 For questions call: 847-318-4300 Presented by Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 in conjunction with Accelerated and Dr. Elizabeth Pieroth, NorthShore University Health System ! CALLING ALL YOUNG AUTHORS! District 64 Young Authors Guidelines Naximum of two authors/illustrators per manuscript (must be in same grade & school) Students can only collaborate on one manuscript Written piece must be an original fiction short story—maximum 20 pages, no poetry, no graphic novels, no nonfiction/informational text Illustrations may be used to enhance the story Content must be appropriate for peer audience K-2 students may hand in a handwritten story 3-8 students must hand in a typewritten manuscript Dictated books may be typed or handwritten by an adult, but the story must remain in the student’s own language Students must complete their manuscripts without any teacher input. Cover page must include: Title, author’s name, grade level, school, homeroom number, optional: illustration This is an independent, voluntary at-home project. Students may not submit work revised and edited as part of an in-class assignment. Nanuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the author. ! ! Important Dates: Tuesday, April 8, 2014—All manuscripts collected at the buildings Friday, April 25, 2014—Winning building manuscripts (1 per grade level) delivered to district level coordinator Week of Nay 5 th —District winners are announced and invited to Nay 20th School Board meeting Nonday, Nay 19, 2014—D64 School Board Student Recognition Please contact your school’s Young Author Coordinator with any questions. Carpenter: Ns. Kerrie Fuller, kfuller@d64.org Emerson: Ns. Tina Gomez, tgomez@d64.org Field: Ns. Jane Everett, jeverett@d64.org Franklin: Ns. Lenore Franckowiak, lfranckowiak@d64.org Lincoln: Ns. Franny Keyes, fkeyes@d64.org Roosevelt: Nrs. Azark & Nrs. Handlon, nazark@d64.org & thandlon@d64.org Washington: Ns. Kelly Amelse, kamelse@d64.org District: Ns. Neghan Keefer, mkeefer@d64.org ! ! ! Young Authors Scoring Guidelines Keep the following guidelines in mind as you write your piece and revise before submission. You will be evaluated on the following: Ideas (It is clear what this piece is about; writing fully communicates ideas and shows sustained thought) Strong Opening/Closing Stays on track Story makes sense Organization (One idea flows logically into the next) Strong characters Descriptive setting Clear problem Logical plot events Clear resolution Length is appropriate to the piece (not too long, not too short)—maximum 20 pages Voice (Writing shows individual expression and/or creativity) Strong Sensory Details Ideas fully communicated Shows Expression/Voice Word Choice (There is varied and descriptive vocabulary) Uses Sentence Variety Varied Vocabulary Sentence Fluency (Sentences are fluent when read aloud) Logical Sequence Appropriate Structure Strong Transitions Conventions (Writing incorporates taught skills; spelling is developmentally correct) Strong Sentence Construction No Spelling Errors Correct Capitals/Punctuation Errors should not interfere with understanding Presentation (overall presentation of story; neatness) Directions Carefully Followed Cover Includes: Title Name, Grade, Room # Illustration (optional) OPTIONAL: Illustrations (select one): Artistically designed Appealing Thoughtfully Placed Enhance the Text ! ! April is national School Library Month, a time when school libraries throughout the country join together to celebrate the importance of school library resource centers and spotlight the many ways libraries and librarians contribute to student learning. District 64 librarians have special events planned for students in April, especially during National Library Week, to be observed April 14 – 20, 2014. The national theme for both observances is “Lives change @ your library”. Mrs. Loftus is looking forward to celebrating with our students here at Carpenter and will be sharing events on our Facebook page...stay tuned!