San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California
San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California
SAN MARCOS GROWERS 2 0 1 2 S A N M A R C O S G R O W E R S , S A N T A B A R B A R A , C A S A N T A B A R B A R A , C A L I F O R N I A Toll Free: 800.438.7199 Local: 805.683.1561 On Fax: 805.964.1329 Web: San Marcos Growers invites you to peruse our 2012 catalog. As in the past we continue to strive to provide our customers with well grown, attractive and dependable plants. In this thirty-third edition of our annual catalog there are many exciting new additions as we continue our focus on plants that require little in the way of supplemental irrigation and are particularly appropriate to California's mediterranean climate. This year we have added ninety new plants, which are all listed at the back of this catalog and accompanied within the catalog body with a star. As in past years we are proud to work with many organizations and other companies to bring our customers cutting edge new plants, while also continuing to grow those great plants that have proven sustainable in the landscape. Also included at the back of this catalog are updated lists of the plants that we grow, arranged by plant type and geographical regions, including the plants of California, South Africa and Australia. Please visit us at our nursery and on our website to learn more about the many great plants that we grow. We look forward to working with all our customers to make 2012 another excellent year for horticulture! In House Sales Peggy Koegler - Ext 125 Sales Manager Linda Burns - Ext 124 Sales/ Customer Service Penn Davis - Ext 127 Sales/ Customer Service Paul Hallam - Ext 126 Sales/ Customer Service Outside Sales Matthew Roberts Sales Representative (805) 452-7003 John Koegler Sales Representative (805) 452-7004 Serving Nurseries in: Serving Nurseries in: Gene Leisch - Ext 128 Shipping Manager Los Angeles County, Orange County, W. San Bernardino County, West Riverside County, San Diego County Administration Shipping Jose Bedolla John Dudley, Jr. Eliodor Garcia Luis Ortiz-Garcia Salud Gutierres Jose Luis Ortiz-Lopez Rigoberto Martinez Jose Torres Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, Ventura County, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, San Francisco Bay area Production and Propagation Randy Baldwin - Ext 134 General Manager Lynn Kravitz - Ext 133 Production Manager Maria Verdin Propagation Supervisor Linh Sam - Ext 141 Office Manager Luke Marvos - Ext 136 Maintenance Supervisor Debbie Swift - Ext 140 Accounts Receivable Arturo Garcia-Zavala Field Supervisor Rogelio Barron Elia Bello Narciso Bello Santahana Benitez Salvador Cisneros Alberto Flores-Jacobac Ramon Flores Adan Frausto Delfina Martinez Field Supervisor Octavio Hernandez Jose Mendiola Rubicel Mendiola Ines Nunez Jose Ramon Ortiz Laura Ortiz Roberto Perez Enrique Ramirez Jose Rios Crecencio San Juan Reynaldo Sotero Pedro Torres Officers of the San Marcos Growers Corporation Randy Baldwin Sharon Bradford Marcia Constance Brett Hodges Brian Hodges Lynn Kravitz Cover design by Rose Keppler All paper used to print this catalog is Forest Stewardship Council Certified San Marcos Growers 2012 Catalog Plant Pricing Pages Abelia to Zephyranthes ................................................... Bamboo ............................................................................. Cycads ............................................................................... Ferns ................................................................................. Grasses ............................................................................. Kangaroo Paws ................................................................. New Zealand Flax ............................................................. Restios ............................................................................... Roses ................................................................................. Sages ................................................................................ 2-40 8-9 15 19 21 7 31 34 34 35 Plant Information Australian Plants ............................................................... Bamboo ............................................................................. Bulbous Plants (Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes, Etc.) .................. California Native Plants ................................................... Grass and Grass-like Plants ........................................... New Plant Introductions .................................................. Phormium (New Zealand Flax) ........................................ Succulents ......................................................................... Trees .................................................................................. Vines ................................................................................. South African Plants ......................................................... 46 41 47 47 44 42 31 43 45 45 46 Miscellaneous Stuff Garden Maker Concrete Pots .......................................... Map to Nursery ................................................................. Shipping Rates ................................................................. Terms and Conditions ..................................................... "Plants for the California Garden" New Plants for 2012 noted with a star ( ) in catalog body. 40 49 49 48 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal X.XX X.XX XX.XX x hybridum 'Nabob' (A. darwinii x A. striatum) - Red Flowering Maple (Large deep red flwrs) X.XX megapotamicum 'Little Imp' (Small red & yellow flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX baileyana 'Purpurea' (Purple tipped foliage & yellow flowers) boormanii - Snowy River Wattle (Gray leaves with pale yellow flowers) cognata [A. subporosa var. linearis] - River Wattle (Green leaves with pale yellow flowers) cognata Cousin Itt ['Mini Cog'] PPAF Little River Wattle (Compact plant w/green leaves) covenyi - Blue Bush (Gray-blue leaves with yellow flowers) cultriformis - Knifeleaf Acacia (Gray leaves with yellow flowers) iteaphylla - Willow Wattle (Narrow gray leaves with pale yellow flowers) longifolia - Golden Wattle (Green leaves with yellow flowers) melanoxylon - Black Acacia (Tree with pale yellow flowers) merinthophora - Zigzag Wattle (Tall weeping shrub w/ narrow leaves) podalyriifolia - Pearl Acacia (Tree with gray leaves & yellow flowers) redolens 'Low Boy' - Carpet Acacia (Very low with yellow flowers) stenophylla - Shoe-String Acacia (Tree with pale yellow flowers) vestita - Hairy Wattle (Large shrub with soft gray-green leaves and yellow flowers) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PP16,988 (Yellow variegated leaves w/white flowers) x grandiflora 'Sherwoodii' - Dwarf Pink Abelia (Lavender-pink flowers) Abutilon Acacia Acanthus X.XX X.XX 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX XX.XX sellowiana [Feijoa sellowiana] - Pineapple Guava (White & red flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX 'Cerise Queen' (Bright rose-pink flowers) 'Lavender Beauty' (Pale lavender flowers) 'Paprika' (Orange-red flowers age to copper ) 'Moonshine' (A. cypeolata x A. 'Taygetea') - (Bright yellow flowers) 'Salmon Beauty' (A. millefolium x A. 'Taygetea') - [A. 'Lachsshönheit'] - (Salmon flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Achillea - Yarrow Acmena smithii [Syzygium smithii] - Lilipily (Small tree with white flowers and pink berries) Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' (Butter-yellow variegated foliage) gramineus 'Pusillus' - Dwarf Sweet Flag (Short narrow leaves) X.XX X.XX Acrocarpus fraxinifolius - Pink Cedar (Tree w/red new leaves & red flowers) Actinidia deliciosa 'Tomuri' (Male pollinator) deliciosa 'Vincent' (Female) - Kiwi Fruit X.XX X.XX Adenanthos cuneatus 'Coral Drift' (2007 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Gray wedge-like lvs w/red flwrs) x cunninghamii [A. drummondii Hort.] - Albany Woolybush (Low shrub with gray leaves) sericeus [A. sericea] - Coastal Woolybush (Tall shrub with gray leaves) Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Banksianum' - Maiden Hair Fern (Delicate dark stems w/pale green lvs) X.XX Adromischus cristatus - Crinkle-leaf Plant (Small succulent with undulating triangular leaves) Aechmea (5"pot) recurvata var. recurvata - False Tillandsia (Pale green leaves flush red) XX.XX arboreum - Tree Aeonium (Green leaves in rosettes on branched stems) X.XX 'Atropurpureum' (Purple tinged leaves in rosettes on branched stems) X.XX 'Zwartkop' ['Schwartzkopf'] - Large Purple Aeonium (Large black-purple rosettes) aureum [Greenovia aurea] - Green Rose Buds (Green summer dormant lvs w/yellow flwrs) X.XX 'Blackbeard' (A. arboreum hybrid) - (Large dark purple leaves on short stems) XX.XX Aeonium 2 X.XX (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX mollis - Bear's Breech (White flowers) Acca Box (2 gal) (2 gal) XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Aeonium (Continued) 'Carol' (A. canariense hybrid) - (Green leaves tinged red in flat rosettes - rarely flowers) 'Cyclops' (A. undulatum x A. arboreum 'Zwartkop') - (Large heads of red leaves) decorum - Green Pinwheel (Large green rosettes) 'Gary's Shadow' (Rosettes of wide soft fuzzy pale green leaves) haworthii - Pinwheel (Small shrub w/many small gray-green rosettes) 'Jack Catlin' [ISI 2009-10] - (A. tabuliforme x A. arboreum 'Zwartkop') - (Red & green lvs) 'Jolly Green' (Wide sprawling plant with green leaves) 'Kiwi' [A. haworthii 'Tricolor'] - (Small rosettes of pink, yellow & green leaves) 'Mint Saucer' (Low growing plant with green leaves in large rosettes) nobile - Noble Aeonium (Large thick leaves and red flowers) nobile 'Cluster Form' - Clustering Noble Aeonium (Large thick leaves and red flowers) 'Purple Queen' (A. arboreum hybrid) - (Large green centered purple rosettes) sedifolium - Dwarf Aeonium (Small plant with rounded succulent leaves) 'Sunburst' [A. decorum 'Tricolor', Hort.] - Copper Pinwheel (Large multi-colored rosettes) undulatum (Flat large green rosettes on tall stems) 'Voodoo' (A. undulatum x A. arboreum 'Zwartkop') - (Large heads of solid red leaves) 2-5gal 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Afrocarpus - See also Podocarpus XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX gracilior [Podocarpus gracilior] - African Fern Pine (Large conifer w/lance shaped green lvs) XX.XX 'Elaine' PP7,303 (LA Arboretum Intro) - (Evergreen w/large dark violet-blue flwrs - mid-size) X.XX 'Ellamae' PP7,297 (LA Arboretum Intro) - (Semi-deciduous w/large dark violet-blue flwrs - tall) X.XX 'Gold Strike' PP20,650 - Gold Strike Lily of the Nile (Variegated lvs w/blue picotee flwrs) inapertus ssp. pendulus 'Graskop' (Deciduous w/dark purple pendulous flowers) X.XX 'Peter Pan' (Selection vegetatively propagated - Small evergreen plant w/blue flowers) X.XX praecox ssp. orientalis [A. africanus, Hort.] 'Delfina's Blush' (2006 SMG Intro) - (Evergreen w/white flwrs tipped pale violet - tall) 'Getty White' - Getty White Agapanthus (Evergreen with white flowers - tall) X.XX Queen Mum ['PMN06'] PPAF - (Evergreen w/pale violet-blue flwrs tipped white - tall) 'Silver Streak' (1999 SMG Introduction) - (Evergreen variegated lvs w/blue flowers - tall) 'Rancho White' (Semi-deciduous with white flowers - very short) X.XX 'Snow Pixie' PP15,470 (Evergreen with white flowers - short) X.XX 'Storm Cloud' (Saratoga Hort. Found. Intro) - (Evergreen w/large dark blue flowers - very tall) X.XX 'Tinkerbell' (Evergreen w/cream variegated leaves and blue flowers - very short) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Agapanthus - Lily of the Nile Agathis robusta - Queensland Kauri (Large tree with leathery dark green leaves) Agave - See also Manfreda and x Mangave XX.XX XXX.XX (2 gal) (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX americana - Century Plant (Large gray leaves) X.XX XX.XX var. marginata (Large plant with undulating green leaves with yellow margins) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX var. medio-picta (Medium sized plant with gray leaves with yellow central variegation) XX.XX var. medio-picta 'Alba' (Medium sized plant w/gray leaves w/white central variegation) XX.XX XX.XX var. medio-picta 'Dwarf Alba' (Dwarf form with shorter recurved leaves) XX.XX XX.XX var. striata (Gray leaves with yellow striations) XX.XX XX.XX 'Yellow Ribbons' (Large gray-green leaves with yellow margins) XX.XX XX.XX attenuata - Fox Tail Agave (Soft gray-green leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX 'Arboleda Blue' (2006 SMG Introduction) - (Narrow blue-gray leaves) XX.XX 'Kara's Stripes' PP19,444 - Variegated Fox Tail Agave (Soft yellow & green leaves) X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) 'Nova' [A. attenuata 'Boutin Blue'] - Blue Fox Tail Agave (Broad blue-gray leaves) XX.XX XX.XX 'Ray of Light' - Variegated Fox Tail Agave (Soft gray-green lvs w/white margins) XX.XX (2 gal) 'Variegata' - Variegated Fox Tail Agave (Soft gray-green leaves) XX.XX 'Blue Bola Select' (A. celsii hybrid?) - Medium sized plant w/pale gray lvs) XX.XX XX.XX 'Blue Flame' ISI 2005-6 (A. attenuata x A. shawii) - (Soft blue-green leaves) XX.XX XX.XX 'Blue Glow' (A. ocahui x A. attenuata) - (Small plant w/gray green leaves w/red margins) X.XX(5"pot) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX bovicornuta - Cow Horn Agave (Medium sized plant w/green strongly toothed leaves) X.XX XX.XX bracteosa - Candelabrum Agave (Narrow unarmed pale green leaves) X.XX bracteosa 'Monterrey Frost' - Frosted Candelabrum Agave (Leaves edged w/white) X.XX(5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) Box (10 gal) (10 gal) (10 gal) (10 gal) (10 gal) (7 gal) 3 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Agave (Continued) 1gal 2-5gal 7-15gal celsii [A. mitis var. mitis] - (Short broad green leaves) XX.XX 'Multicolor' (Short broad green leaves with cream margins) XX.XX (2 gal) 'Nova' (A. celsii hybrid) - (Kelly Griffin Intro) - (Broad silver gray leaves) XX.XX XX.XX var. albicans 'San Ysidro Lane' (Short medium width gray leaves) X.XX XX.XX var. albicans 'UCB' (Wide gray-white leaves) XX.XX colorata - Mescal Ceniza (Short broad gray leaves) XX.XX 'Cornelius' [A. americana aureo-marginata 'Monstrosa'] - (Dwarf plant with variegated leaves) XX.XX XX.XX 'Cream Spike' [A. parryi minima 'Variegata'] - (Small plant with cream variegation) X.XX(5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) dasylirioides - Dasylirion Agave (Stiff pale green leaves) XX.XX (2 gal) desmetiana 'Variegata' (Olive-green leaves w/yellow spineless margins) X.XX XX.XX difformis - (Small plant w/upright narrow pale gray-green leaves) XX.XX (2 gal) 'Felipe Otero' [Agave titanota FO-076] - Sierra Mixteca Agave (Broad lvs w/tan margins) XX.XX XX.XX ferdinandi-regis [A. victoriae-reginae forma, A. nickelsiae] - (Dark green lvs w/white markings) X.XX(5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) filifera ssp. microceps - Dwarf Thread Agave (Small plant w/white marked leaves) X.XX (5"pot) 'Filigree' [A. FO-76 Selection] Dwarf Sierra Mixteca Agave (Small plant w/tan margins) X.XX (5"pot) franzosinii [Agave beauleriana] - (Large plant with wavy white-gray leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX geminiflora - Twin-flowered Agave (Narrow unarmed green leaves) X.XX XX.XX (2gal) gentryi 'Jaws' (Yucca Do Nursery Intro) - (Medium/large plant w/green lvs & large teeth) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX ghiesbreghtii (Medium sized clumping plant w/green leaves with pale midrib stripe) XX.XX XX.XX guadalajarana - Maguey Chato (Medium sized plant w/ blue gray leaves) X.XX guiengola 'Creme Brulee' [A. guiengola 'Marginata'] - (Broad pale white margined leaves) XX.XX (2 gal) gypsophila - Gypsum Century Plant (Wavy gray leaves) XX.XX havardiana - Havard's Century Plant (Short stout pale gray leaves) XX.XX (2 gal) horrida - Mexcalmetl (Small green leaves with spiny margins) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX isthmensis - Dwarf Butterfly Agave (Small with gray angular leaves) X.XX XX.XX 'Joe Hoak' (A. desmetiana hybrid?) - (Medium sized w/pale leaves and yellow variegation) XX.XX XX.XX x leopoldii (A. filifera x A. filifera ssp. schidigera) - (Small plant with ribbon-like margins) X.XX(5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) x leopoldii 'Hammer Time' - (Small plant w/golden stripe & ribbon-like margins) X.XX lophantha 'Quadricolor' (Leaves pale & dark green w/white & red margins) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX lophantha 'Ruth's Gray Sword' (Narrow upright gray leaves) XX.XX lophantha 'Splendida' - Center Stripe Agave (Dark green lvs with yellow-green midstripe) XX.XX (2 gal) macroacantha 'Pablo's Choice' (SMG Selection) - (Small rosettes of narrow pale gray lvs) XX.XX (2 gal) marmorata 'Rancho Soledad' [A. gigantensis?] (Broad thick white-gray lvs) XX.XX 'Mateo' (A. bracteosa hybrid) - (SMG 2008 Intro) - (Narrow green leaves w/pale midstripe) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX montana 'Baccarat' (Yucca Do Nursery Introduction) - (Strong margined wide gray-green lvs) XX.XX 'Mr. Ripple' (A. salmiana x A. protoamericana) - (Yucca Do Intro) - (Large plant w/wavy gray lvs) XX.XX XX.XX multifilifera 'Cardos Compacta' (Small plant with green lvs blush red & white margins) X.XX (5"pot) ovatifolia - Whale's Tongue Agave (Medium sized plant w/very broad flat gray leaves) XX.XX ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue' (Sean Hogan Selection) - (Medium sized plant w/very broad flat gray lvs) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX parrasana - Cabbage Head Agave (upright wide blue-gray leaves) XX.XX (2 gal) parrasana 'Fireball' (Blue Gray lvs w/cream margins) XX.XX (2 gal) parrasana x colorata (Ruth Bancroft Garden Intro) - (Gray upright overlapping leaves) XX.XX parryi var. huachucensis - Artichoke Agave (Gray leaves with dark spines) XX.XX XX.XX parryi var. truncata (Flattened rosettes of gray leaves) XX.XX XX.XX pedunculifera - Durango Soft Agave (Soft gray-green leaves) XX.XX potatorum 'Kichiokan' - (Small plant w/gray lvs) XX.XX (2 gal) potatorum 'Kichiokan Marginata' ['Kissho Kan'] - (Small plant w/cream margined gray lvs) X.XX (5"pot) potatorum 'Mariscal' (Gray leaves with red spines) XX.XX potatorum 'Swizzle Stick' (Gray leaves with red wiggly spines) X.XX XX.XX potrerana - Red flowering Agave (Green leaves with spike of red flowers) XX.XX pumila - Miniature Agave (Small plant with short fat blue-gray leaves) XX.XX (5"pot) 'Quasimoto Streaker' [A.'Cornelius' sport] - (Dwarf plant with variegated leaves) XX.XX (2 gal) 'Royal Spine' (A. macroacantha x victoriae-reginae) - (Slender green lvs w/dark terminal spine) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX salmiana 'Green Giant' (Massive plant with broad green leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX salmiana var. ferox 'Green Goblet' (Midsize plant with broad green leaves) XX.XX XX.XX 4 (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Fax (805) 964-1329 Box (10 gal) (7 gal) (7 gal) (7 gal) (7 gal) (10 gal) (10 gal) (7 gal) (7 gal) (10 gal) (7 gal) (10 gal) (10 gal) (7 gal) (10 gal) San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Agave (Continued) 2-5gal 7-15gal Box 'Sawtooth' [A. franzosinii, Hort.] - (Large plant with wavy white-gray leaves) XX.XX XX.XX schidigera 'Durango Delight' [Greg Starr Intro] - (Small plant w/white thread margins) XX.XX (2 gal) schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi' [A. filifera 'Compacta Marginata'] - (Leaves w/cream margins) X.XX(5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) seemanniana (Medium sized with wide pale green leaves) XX.XX 'Sharkskin' (A. asperrima x A. victoriae-reginae) - Sharkskin Agave (Rigid stout gray leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX(10 gal) XXX.XX 'Sharkskin Shoes' - Bancroft Garden Sharkskin Agave (Rigid stout gray leaves) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX (7 gal) 'Sonoita Vinyards' (A. parry x A. palmeri) - (Gray-green upright leaves) X.XX tequilana - Weber's Blue Agave (Narrow blue-gray leaves) X.XX tequilana 'Sunrise' - Tequila Agave (Medium large w/long pale yellow margined leaves) XX.XX XX.XX titanota - Rancho Tambor Agave (Short broad very pale gray leaves) XX.XX triangularis - Triangle Agave (Medium sized plant w/triangular olive-green leaves) XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) utahensis var. eborispina - Ivory-spined Agave (Small plant with white spines) X.XX (5"pot) victoriae-reginae - Queen Victoria Agave (Tight plant with rigid white marked leaves) X.XX (5"pot) 'Albomarginata' - Baker's White Queen Agave (Small plant w/rigid white edged lvs) XX.XX (5"pot) var. nickelsiae - See Agave ferdinandi-regis 'Porcupine' - Queen Victoria Agave (Tight plant with rigid white marked leaves) XX.XX (2 gal) vilmoriniana - Octopus Agave (Twisted pale green leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX vilmoriniana 'Stained Glass' - Variegated Octopus Agave (Cream-yellow striped green lvs) XX.XX XX.XX (10 gal) weberi - Weber Agave (Medium sized plant w/wavy gray-green leaves) XX.XX weberi 'Reiner's Selection' - (Medium large plant w/arching gray-green spineless lvs) XX.XX XX.XX xylonacantha - Saw Leaf Agave (Open rosettes of irregular spined gray leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) zebra - Zebra Agave (Medium sized plant with banded gray leaves) X.XX Agonis flexuosa - Peppermint Tree (Tree with willowy green foliage) 'Jedda's Dream' - Dwarf Red Peppermint Tree (Shrub with burgundy foliage) 'Jervis Bay Afterdark' - Red Peppermint Tree (Tree with willowy dark burgundy foliage) 'Nana' - Dwarf Peppermint Tree (Compact wide shrub with red flushed green leaves) XX.XX quinata - Chocolate Vine (Leaves w/five leaflets & fragrant purple flowers) XX.XX nelsonii - Natal Albuca (Large evergreen bulb with green and white flowers) XX.XX Akebia Albuca Allium unifolium - One-leaf onion (Lavender-pink flowers) Alluaudia XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX procera - Madagascan Ocotillo (Whip-like stems with spines and rounded green leaves) XX.XX acutissima - Blue Aloe (Pale blue-green leaves with orange flowers) arborescens - Torch Aloe (Large shrubby plant with red flowers) arborescens 'Lutea' - Golden Torch Aloe (Large shrub with yellow flowers) barberae [A. bainesii] - Tree Aloe (Rose-pink flowers) barberae 'Medusa' [A. tongaenesis] - Mozambique Tree Aloe (Small tree w/pale orange flwrs) 'Blue Elf' (A. humilis hybrid?) - (Small upright clumping gray plant with orange flowers) X.XX brevifolia (Small rosettes of gray leaves with orange flowers) X.XX cameronii - Red Aloe (Green lvs turn red in winter w/red flowers) camperi [A. eru] - Nubian Aloe (Midsize clumping plant with orange & yellow flowers) camperi 'Jennifer' - Variegated Nubian Aloe (Variegated lvs with orange & yellow flwrs) castanea - Cat's Tail Aloe (Large shrub with orange flowers) X.XX chabaudii - Dwala Aloe (Blue-green leaves with winter orange-red flowers) X.XX 'Christmas Carol' (Kelly Griffin hybrid) - (Red spotted foliage with red-orange flowers) X.XX ciliaris - Climbing Aloe (Yellow tipped red flowers) X.XX ciliaris hybrid - Groundcover Aloe (Robust grower with red flowers) X.XX congolensis [Aloe dorotheae hybrid?] - Congo Aloe (Bright green blush red w/orange flwrs) 'Cynthia Giddy' (Spotted leaves with orange-red flowers) dawei - Dawe’s Aloe (Olive green leaves with orange red flowers) 'Delta Lights' (A. deltoideodonta hybrid) - (Kelly Griffin hybrid) - (Pale green variegated lvs) X.XX deltoideodonta var. candicans (Small plant w/green striped lvs & pale orange flowers) X.XX distans [A. mitriformis] - Jeweled Aloe (Low sprawling plant w/ coral flwrs) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Aloe XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX 5 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Aloe (Continued) 1gal dorotheae - Sunset Aloe (Low growing with orange-red leaves and red flowers) X.XX elgonica - Mt. Elgon Aloe (Pink blushed leaves with red flowers) ellenbeckii (Small clustering plant with narrow spotted leaves & orange flowers) 'Erik the Red' PPAF (Sunbird Aloe Introduction) - (Large solitary plant w/red flowers) 'Fairy Pink' PPAF (Sunbird Aloe Introduction) - (Small plant clustering plant w/white flowers) X.XX ferox - Cape Aloe (Large single stemmed plant with spiny leaves and orange flowers) fosteri - Large Spotted Aloe (Blue-green white spotted lvs w/orange & yellow flwrs) glauca "Genadendal Form" - Blue Aloe (Clumping plant w/pale orange flowers) 'Goliath' (Aloe barberae x A. vaombe) - Goliath Aloe (Heavy tree aloe w/salmon flowers) 'Grassy Lassie' (Grass-like foliage w/orange flowers) X.XX 'Hercules' - Hercules Aloe (Large tree aloe with salmon flowers) humilis - Spider Aloe (Small plant with white soft spined lvs & red-orange flowers) X.XX 'Johnson's Hybrid' (A. bellatula hybrid?) - (Small plant w/narrow leaves & orange flowers) X.XX juvenna - Tiger Tooth Aloe (Tight reddish green small rosettes on long stems) X.XX kedongensis - Kenyan Aloe (Upright clumping plant with orange flowers) X.XX 'Lavender Star' (Kelly Griffin hybrid) - (Dark green lvs w/raised red bumps) X.XX lineata var. muirii (Pale green leaves with orange flowers) lolwensis - Lake Victoria Aloe (Mid-green lvs flush red with red-pink flowers) maculata [A. saponaria] Soap Aloe, Spotted Aloe 'Monstrose' - Monster Soap Aloe (Spotted leaves w/ raised ribs & salmon flowers) 'Yellow Form' - Yellow Soap Aloe (Spotted leaves with yellow flowers) X.XX 'Magoo' (A. kedongensis hybrid?) - Blind Aloe (Tight clumping plant with no flowers) X.XX marlothii - Mountain Aloe (Large plant with gray-green leaves & orange-red flowers) X.XX marlothii "Utrecht form"- Red Mountain Aloe (Large plant with reddish flowers) microstigma "Calitzdorp Form" - Cape Speckled Aloe (Spotted lvs w/yellow & red flwrs) X.XX 'Moonglow' PPAF (Sunbird Aloe Introduction) - (Midsize solitary plant with yellow flowers) x nobilis (A. mitriformis x A. brevifolia) - Golden Toothed Aloe (Small clumps w/orange flowers) petricola - Stone Aloe (Blue-gray leaves with red-orange and cream flowers) pictifolia - Speckled Aloe (Spotted foliage with red & yellow flowers) X.XX pillansii - Giant Quiver Tree (Tree with heavy smooth stems and silver-gray leaves) XX.XX 'Pink Blush' (Small rosettes with green and pink leaves & orange flowers) X.XX plicatilis - Fan Aloe (Shrubby plant with flat gray leaves and red flowers) X.XX pluridens - French Aloe (Tall with narrow leaves and salmon-orange flwrs) pratensis (Small clustering plant with spiny gray leaves and orange flowers) reitzii - Reitz's Aloe (Stemless w/upright spikes of red flowers) 'Rooikappie' ISI 2004-13 ['Rudikoppe'] - (Low clumping plant w/spotted lvs & orange flwrs) X.XX rubroviolacea - Arabian Aloe (Wide blue-gray leaves flushed pink w/red flwrs in fall) sabaea - Yemen Tree Aloe (Small tree-like with pale orange flowers) x salm-dyckiana [A. x principis] - (A. arborescens x A. ferox) - (Large plant w/branched red flwrs) schelpei - Shelpe's Aloe (Low blue-green rosettes with orange flowers) sinkatana 'Brick House' - Sudanese Red Aloe (Narrow spotted lvs & red-orange flwrs) sinkatana 'Sunshine' (Narrow spotted lvs & yellow flowers) speciosa - Tilt-head Aloe (Upright plant with green, white and pink flowers) spicata [A. sessiliflora] - Bottle-brush Aloe (Bright green leaves with orange yellow flowers) x spinosissima (A. humilis echinata x A. arborescens pachythyrsa) - Spider Aloe (Red flowers) striata - Coral Aloe (Low growing plant with coral-red flowers) X.XX striata ssp. karasbergensis (Low plant with striped leaves & reddish pink flowers) X.XX thraskii - Coast Aloe (Large upright plant with orange-yellow flowers) tomentosa - Hairy Green Aloe (Solitary plant with fuzzy greenish white flowers) vanbalenii - Van Balen's Aloe (Pale green leaves flushed red w/orange flowers) vaombe - Malagasy Tree Aloe (Large solitary plant w/green flushed red lvs & red flwrs) variegata - Partridge Breast Aloe (Spotted triangular leaves with pink flowers) X.XX vera [A. barbadensis] - Medicinal Aloe (Gray-green unspotted leaves & yellow flowers) wickensii [A. cryptopoda] - Geelaalwyn (Gray-green leaves w/bi-colored red & red flowers) 'Yellow Torch' [A. arborescens hybrid] - (Upright gray leaves and yellow flowers) 6 (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 2-5gal 7-15gal Box XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 (10 gal) (7 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (10 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) (10 gal) (7 gal) San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Aloysia 2-5gal 7-15gal Box citriodora [Aloysia triphylla, Lippia citiodora] - Lemon Verbena (Shrub with lemon scented lvs) X.XX Alpinia zerumbet [A. speciosa] - Shell Ginger (White flowers) XX.XX 'Christina' PP15,048 - Little Miss Christina Peruvian Lily (Dwarf with cream flowers) 'Davina' PP20,703 - Little Miss Davina Peruvian Lily (Dwarf w/soft pink & yellow flowers) 'Lucy' PP22,372- Little Miss Lucy Peruvian Lily (Dwarf w/bright pink & yellow flowers) 'Purple' (Medium height plant with purple flowers) 'Red' (Medium height plant with purple flowers) 'Roselind' PP15,554 - Little Miss Roselind Peruvian Lily (Dwarf w/rose pink flowers) 'Salmon' [A. 'Harmony'] - (Tall plant w/salmon pink flowers) X.XX 'Sophie' PP14,311 - Little Miss Sophie Peruvian Lily (Dwarf w/pink flowers) 'Tall Pink' (Tall plant w/pink flowers) X.XX 'Tara' PP14,722 - Little Miss Tara Peruvian Lily (Dwarf w/red flowers) 'The Third Harmonic' (Tall plant w/dark orange flwrs w/yellow & black markings) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) huegelii 'Santa Cruz' - Blue Hibiscus (Shrub w/light blue flowers) X.XX XX.XX memoria-corsii (A. belladonna x C. moorei) - Crinodonna (Evergreen bulb with pink flowers) X.XX XX.XX Alsophila - See Cyathea Alstroemeria - Peruvian Lily Alyogyne x Amarcrinum (Amaryllis x Crinum) Amaryllis belladonna 'Alba' - White Naked Lady (Bulb w/pure white flowers while leafless) belladonna hybrids (Seedlings - white, pink and red) X.XX X.XX x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' (Single white flowers - 4-5 ft tall) 'September Charm' [A. hupehensis 'September Charm'] - (Silver-pink flowers - 2-3 ft tall) X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Anemone - Japanese Anemone Anigozanthos - Kangaroo Paws - See also Macropidia Short Kangaroo Paws 'Bush Diamond' ['Rambodiam'] PP20,169 (A. 'Bush Pearl' sport) - White Kangaroo Paw 'Bush Pearl' [A. 'Kanga Pink'] - (A. humilis x bicolor x flavidus) - (Pink flowers) 'Bush Ranger' PP6,478 - (A. humilis x A. flavidus) - (Red flowers) Kanga Burgundy ['Rambueleg'] PP18,209 - Bush Elegance Red Kangaroo Paw viridis 'Phar Lap' (Grassy foliage with green flowers) Medium Height Kangaroo Paws 'Bush Gold' (A. 'Bush Glow' mutation) - (Golden yellow flowers) 'Bush Tango' (Complex hybrid) - (Orange flowers) 'Gold Velvet' PP21,178 (Golden flowers) Tall Kangaroo Paws 'Big Red' (A. flavidus triploid hybrid) - (Large bright red flowers) 'Bush Dawn' (A. flavidus x A. pulcherrimus) - (Bright yellow flowers) 'Bush Sunset' (A. flavidus x A. rufus) - (Red flowers and stems) 'Harmony' (A. flavidus x A. pulcherrimus) - (Yellow flowers with red stems) 'Orange Cross' (A. flavidus hybrid) - (Red-orange flowers) 'Red Cross' (A. rufus x A. flavidus) - (Very dark red flowers) Antirrhinum XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX hispanicum - Spanish Snapdragon (Gray leaves w/white pink and yellow flowers) X.XX resinosum 'Gossamer Wings' (2008 UCSC Koala Blooms) - (Climber w/cream flowers) X.XX XX.XX 'Marina' (Saratoga Hort. Foundation Introduction) - (Tree with pink flowers & smooth red trunk) XX.XX 'Marina' (High branched standard) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX densiflora 'Howard McMinn' (8' tall shrub with light pink flowers) 'Emerald Carpet' (A. uva-ursi x A. nummularia) - (Groundcover with white flowers) 'John Dourley' (A. pajaroensis x A. bakeri?) - (2-3' tall shrub with pink flowers) manzanita 'Dr. Hurd' (12-15' shrub or tree with white flowers) 'Pacific Mist' (Spreading 2-3' tall shrub with white flowers) 'Sunset' (A. hookeri x A. pajaroensis) - (4-5' shrub with pale pink flowers) XX.XX Aphanopetalum Arbutus Arctostaphylos - Manzanita X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX 7 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Arctotis 2-5gal acaulis 'Big Magenta' (2000 SMG Intro) - (Clumping w/gray leaves & magenta flowers) stoechadifolia - Cream African Daisy (Low spreading w/gray leaves & cream flowers) Sun Spot Orange ['Archley'] PP14,667 - (Clumping w/gray leaves & orange flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX ecklonii 'Little John' - Small Blue Stars (Small plant with blue flowers) X.XX gigantea [A. clypeata] - Pelican Flower (Vine with large purple-maroon flowers) X.XX XX.XX arborescens - Large Wormwood (Aromatic shrub with white gray foliage) californica 'Canyon Gray' (SBBG Intro) - (Groundcover with fine gray foliage) ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis' - Silver Wormwood (White foliage) 'Powis Castle' (A. absinthium? x A. arborescens) - (Shrub with dissected gray foliage) pycnocephala 'David's Choice' - Coastal Sagewort (Low plant with silver-gray foliage) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX curassavica 'Silky Deep Red' (Red-orange flowers) curassavica 'Silky Gold' (Yellow flowers) X.XX X.XX Aristea Aristolochia Artemisia Asclepias - Butterfly Weed Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers' - Myer's Asparagus (Spears of bright green leaves) X.XX retrofractus [A. macowanii] - Ming Asparagus Fern (Stout stemmed plant w/delicate foliage) scandens - Basket Asparagus (Low growing with fine textured green leaves) X.XX Aspidistra elatior - Cast Iron Plant (Broad lance shaped leaves) elatior 'Ginga Minor' - Dwarf Spotted Cast Iron Plant (Short narrow white spotted lvs) X.XX X.XX banksii - Shore Astelia (Narrow silver leaves) chathamica 'Silver Spear' (Broad silver green leaves) nervosa 'Red Devil' - Red Mountain Astelia (Narrow reddish leaves) nervosa 'Westland' - Silver-red Mountain Astelia (Narrow silvery red-bronze lvs) 'Silver Shadow' PP 22,195 (A. chathamica x A. nervosa) - (Broad silver leaves) X.XX Astelia Aster XX.XX X.XX X.XX maritimus (Low growing plant w/green leaves and yellow flowers) X.XX microphylla - Boxleaf Azara (Upright shrub/small tree with delicate small leaves) X.XX stricta - Baboon Flower (Small bulb with blue to rose-purple flowers) X.XX pseudodictamnus - Grecian Horehound (Gray leaves with white flowers) X.XX Azara Babiana Ballota Bamboo (7 gal) (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) - See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 Bambusa dolichomerithalla 'Green Stripe' - Green Stripe Bamboo lako - Timor Black Bamboo malingensis - Seabreeze Bamboo multiplex 'Alphonse Karr' [B. glaucescens 'Alphonse Karrii'] multiplex 'Golden Goddess' [B. glaucescens 'Golden Goddess'] oldhamii - Giant Timber Bamboo textilis - Weaver's Bamboo vulgaris 'Vittata' [B. vulgaris 'Striata'] - Painted Bamboo Borinda fungosa [Fargesia fungosa] - Chocolate Bamboo XX.XX Chimonobambusa quadrangularis - Square Bamboo 8 Box XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) ericoides 'Monte Cassino' [Symphyotrichum ericoides] - (White flowers) x frikartii 'Mönch' (A. amellus x A. thomsonii) - (Blue flowers) Asteriscus 7-15gal (800) 438-7199 XX.XX (805) 683-1561 Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal 7-15gal coronalis - Mexican Climbing Bamboo XX.XX XX.XX tranquillans 'Shiroshima' - Shiroshima Bamboo XX.XX XX.XX Box Bamboo (Continued) - See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 Chusquea Hibanobambusa Himalayacalamus falconeri 'Damarapa' - Candy-Stripe Bamboo hookerianus [Drepanostachyum falcatum] - Blue Bamboo hookerianus 'Teague's Blue' - Bill Teague's Blue Bamboo XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Otatea acuminata aztecorum [Yushania aztecorum] - Mexican Weeping Bamboo aztecorum 'Chica' - Dwarf Mexican Weeping Bamboo XX.XX Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' [P. aurea spectabilis] - Green Groove Bamboo bambusoides 'Castillon' - Striped Running Timber Bamboo nigra - Black Bamboo viridis 'Robert Young' [P. sulfurea 'Robert Young'] vivax 'Aureocaulis' - Striped Giant Running Timber Bamboo Pleioblastus pygmaeus [Sasa pygmaea] - Dwarf Bamboo shibuyanus 'Tsuboi' - Dwarf Variegated Bamboo viridistriatus [Arundinaria viridi-striata] - Dwarf Greenstripe Bamboo Sinobambusa XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX XX.XX X.XX tootsik 'Albostriata' - Variegated Chinese Temple Bamboo XX.XX Yushania - See Otatea Banksia speciosa - Showy Banksia (Large shrub with golden flowers) XX.XX Barbacenia purpurea - Purple Vellozia (Grass-like plant with star-shaped purple flowers) X.XX obtusa (Dark green foliage with blue flowers in fall) repens [B. rosea] - Coral Creeper (Soft glossy leaves with coral-red flowers) X.XX X.XX Barleria Bauhinia x blakeana (B. purpurea x B. variegata?) - Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Red-violet flowers) corymbosa - Phanera (Vine w/pale violet flowers) galpinii [B. punctata] - Red Orchid Bush (Orange-red flowers) tomentosa - Yellow Bauhinia (shrub with green lobed leaves and yellow flowers) Baumea rubiginosa 'Variegata' (Yellow and green striped foliage) Beaucarnea XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX 'Gold Star' PP14,650 - Variegated Bottle Palm (Red tinged yellow margined green leaves) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX (7 gal) XXX.XX grandiflora - Easter Lily Vine (White flowers) XX.XX acutifolia [B. acuminata] - White Richmondensis Begonia X.XX 'Freddie' (B. manicata 'Aureo-maculata' x barkeri) - (Large leafed rhizomatous w/pink flowers) luxurians - Palm Leaf Begonia (Tall plant with palmate leaves and white flowers) X.XX 'Paul Hernandez' (Large shrub with red backed leaves & white flowers) 'Ramirez' (B. scharffiana x B. bradei) - (Green leaves w/red back side & pink flowers) 'Richmondensis' [B. x richmondensis, Hort.] - (Green and red leaves w/pink flowers) X.XX 'San Miguel' [B. 'Irene Tapia', Hort.] - (Shrub w/large pale green & red lvs & white flwrs) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) 'Golden Abundance' (Rancho Santa Ana Bot. Grdn Intro) - (Shiny lvs w/yellow flowers - shrub) lomariifolia - Chinese Holly (Spiny leaves w/ yellow flowers - tall shrub) X.XX nevinii - Nevin Barberry (Spiny small gray leaves, yellow flwrs & red berries) X.XX repens - Creeping Barberry (Shiny leaves w/yellow flowers - groundcover) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX Beaumontia Begonia Berberis [Mahonia] XX.XX 9 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Bergenia ciliata - Frilly Bergenia (Broad leaves with ciliate margins and pale pink flowers) crassifolia - Winter Blooming Bergenia (Pink flowers) 2-5gal 7-15gal Box XX.XX X.XX Berzelia lanuginosa - Buttonbush (Shrub with cream button-like flowers) XX.XX albiflora - Trunking Beschorneria (Long gray-green lvs on short trunk w/red & green flwrs)X.XX yuccoides - Amole (Long gray-green leaves w/red flower stems & green flowers) X.XX yuccoides 'Flamingo Glow' (Variegated leaves w/red flower stems & green flwrs) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) Beschorneria Bidens ferulifolia 'Goldmarie' ['Gold Marie'] - Carpet Tickseed (Fragrant yellow flowers) X.XX capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' - Cross Vine (Vine with orange flowers) X.XX nutans - Queen's Tears (Pink bracts with blue & green flowers) X.XX occidentale - Hammock Fern (Small fern w/green fronds flushed pink when young) X.XX Bignonia - See also Distictis and Pithecoctenium Billbergia - See also x Crytbergia Blechnum Bocconia frutescens - Tree Poppy (Large decorative gray-green leaves) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX Boophone [Boophane] disticha - Oxbane (Large bulb with fan-like undulating gray leaves) X.XX Borinda- See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 XX.XX fungosa [Fargesia fungosa] - Chocolate Bamboo XX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX Boronia 'Carousel' (B. heterophylla x B. molloyae) - (Koala Blooms 2011 Intro) - (Pink-red flwrs) clavata 'Heather Wand' (2004 UCSC Koala Blooms Introduction) - (Yellow flowers) crenulata 'Shark Bay' (Compact shrub with pink flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX barbinodis - Cane Bluestem (Upright native grass w/silvery white flwrs) X.XX Bothriochloa Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst' (Large vining shrub with magenta-red bracts) 'James Walker' (Large vining shrub with bright red-purple bracts) 'La Jolla' (Low growing shrub with red bracts) 'Rosenka' (Low growing shrub with pink and gold bracts) X.XX X.XX Bouteloua XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX gracilis - Blue Grama Grass (Gray-green leaves w/purple flowers) X.XX gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PPAF - (High Country Gardens Intro) - (Chartreuse to blonde flwrs) X.XX Brachychiton rupestris - Bottle Tree (Medium sized tree with swollen trunk) XX.XX Brachyglottis 'Silver Dormouse' [B. 'Walbrach'] - (Shrub with silver-gray foliage & yellow flowers) Brachysema XX.XX X.XX praemorsum 'Bronze Butterfly' (2002 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Bronze lvs and red flwrs) XX.XX Brahea armata [Erythaea armata] - Blue Hesper Palm XXX.XX Brugmansia - Tree Datura 'Charles Grimaldi' (B. aurea hybrid) - (Golden yellow flowers) versicolor (Pale peach flowers) 'Double White' [B. x candida forma plena] - (Double white flowers) Bulbine frutescens [B. caulescens] - Stalked Bulbine (Yellow flowers) frutescens 'Hallmark' (Orange and yellow flowers) latifolia (Large rosette of leaves with yellow flowers) Bursera XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX fagaroides - Fragrant Bursera (Thick trunk with white papery bark) XX.XX (2 gal) capitata - Jelly Palm XX.XX Butia Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Green Beauty' - Green Beauty Japanese Boxwood 10 XX.XX (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 X.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Caesalpinia mexicana - Mexican Caesalpinia (Shrub or small tree with yellow flowers) Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' [C. x acutiflora 'Stricta'] - Feather Reed Grass foliosus - Mendocino Reed Grass (Blue-green lvs with wheat-gold flowers) Calandrinia - See Cistanthe Calibanus 'Cane's Hybrid' (2002 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Large shrub with pink new lvs & flwrs) citrinus 'Jeffersii' (Large shrub with violet flowers) 'Little John' (C. viminalis hybrid) - Dwarf Callistemon (Red flowers) Calocephalus - See Leucophyta brownii XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX villosus - Silky Net Bush (Soft gray needlelike foliage w/red flowers) X.XX XX.XX 'Birch Hybrid' [C. poscharskyana 'Birch Hybrid'] - (Violet flowers) portenschlagiana [C. muralis] - Dalmatian Bellflower (Small foliage with blue flowers) poscharskyana - Serbian Bellflower (Blue flowers) poscharskyana 'Alba' - White Serbian Bellflower (White flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX 'Black Knight' (Bronze foliage & red flowers - 4-6' tall) 'Eileen Gallo' [C. 'Eileen Gale'] - (Striped leaves with apricot flowers - 4-6' tall) 'Intrigue' (Herb Kelly Selection) - (Maroon foliage with orange flowers - 6-8' tall) 'Lucifer' (Dwarf plant with red flowers edged yellow - 3-4' tall) 'Mellow Yellow' (Herb Kelly Selection) - (Dwarf plant with yellow flowers - 2-3' tall) 'New White' (Creamy white with pale yellow flowers - 4-5' tall) 'President' (Scarlet-red flowers - 4-6' tall) 'Pride of India' (Hot pink flowers - 4-5' tall) 'Topaz' (Apricot, orange and yellow flowers - 4-5' tall) 'Zulu Pink' (Dwarf plant with broad dark maroon foliage and pink flowers - 2-3' tall) X.XX Campanula Canna Cannomois Box X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Calothamnus 7-15gal XX.XX hookeri (Succulent caudex with gray wiry leaves) X.XX 'Lotusland' (Calibanus hookeri x Beaucarnea) - Calicarnea (Large caudex w/narrow green lvs) Callistemon 2-5gal X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX spinosa var. inermis - Spineless Caper Bush (Pinkish-white flowers) Carex XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) grandis [C. virgata, Hort.] - Bellreed (Tall restio with pink stems & feathery foliage) grandis "Large Seed Form" - Tall Bellreed (Very tall w/pink stems & feathery foliage) Capparis (7 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) albula [C. comans, Hort.] - Frosty Curls Sedge (Pale wiry green lvs - clumping to 8-12" tall) X.XX X.XX brunnea [C. elegantissima, Hort.] - (Upright w/narrow green leaves - clumping to 14" tall) brunnea 'Variegata' (Narrow leaves with thin yellow stripe - clumping to 14" tall) X.XX buchananii - Curly Top Sedge (Upright brown leaves - clumping to 1-2' tall) X.XX divulsa [C. tumulicola, Hort.] - European Grey Sedge (Dark green lvs - clumping 12-18" tall) X.XX elegantissima - See Carex brunnea oshimensis Everest ['CarFit01'] PP20,955 - (White edged dark green lvs - clumping to 1' tall) X.XX oshimensis 'Evergold' [C. 'Aurea-variegata'] - (White centered green lvs - clumping to 1' tall) X.XX pansa, Hort. - See Carex praegracilis praegracilis - California Field Sedge [C. pansa, Hort.] - (Green leaves - spreading to 6" tall) X.XX subfusca - Rusty Sedge (Dark brownish green leaves - spreading to 10" tall) X.XX testacea - Orange Sedge (Orange brown leaves - clumping to 18" tall) X.XX texensis [C. retroflexa var. texensis] - Catlin Sedge (Fine dark green lvs - clumping 4-6" tall) X.XX tumulicola, Hort. - See Carex divulsa flacca [C. glauca] - Blue Sedge (Gray-blue foliage - spreading to 6" tall) X.XX Carpenteria californica - Bush Anemone (Shrub with white flowers) californica 'Elizabeth' - Bush Anemone (Compact form w/clusters of white flowers) XX.XX XX.XX x clandonensis 'Longwood Blue' - Bluebeard (Deciduous w/silver-gray lvs & blue flwrs) X.XX XX.XX Caryopteris XX.XX 11 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Cassia 2-5gal leptophylla - Gold Medallion Tree (Small tree with golden yellow flowers) XX.XX arboreus 'Powder Blue' (Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Intro) - (Large shub w/light blue flwrs) 'Blue Lolita' (C. hearstiorum x C. 'Joyce Coulter'?) - (Low growing w/shiny lvs & deep blue flwrs) 'Centennial' (C. foliosus x C. griseus) - (Very low growing with dark blue flowers) X.XX 'Concha' (C. papillosus roweanus x C. impressus?) - (Medium sized with deep blue flowers) X.XX 'Cynthia Postan' (C.papillosus roweanus hybrid) - (Medium sized w/rich blue flowers/ red buds)X.XX 'Dark Star' (C. impressus hybrid) - (Medium sized w/small leaves & dark blue flowers) X.XX gloriosus 'Anchor Bay' (Compact & low growing with pale lavender-blue flowers) X.XX gloriosus 'Heart's Desire' (Low growing with bronze foliage & pale blue flowers) X.XX griseus [C. thyrsiflorus var. griseus] - Carmel Ceanothus var. horizontalis 'Diamond Heights' (Low growing with yellow variegated leaves) X.XX var. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' (Medium low growing with blue flowers) X.XX hearstiorum - Hearst Ranch Buckbrush (Very low growing with medium blue flowers) X.XX impressus 'Vandenberg' (Medium sized with tiny leaves and dark blue flowers) X.XX 'Joyce Coulter' (C. papillosus roweanus x C. thyrsiflorus?) - (Sprawling w/bright blue flowers) X.XX maritimus 'Point Sierra' - Maritime Ceanothus (Low growing w/blue-violet flowers) X.XX 'Ray Hartman' (C. arboreus x C. griseus) - (Large shrub/tree with bright blue flowers) 'Ray Hartman' (Standard) thyrsiflorus 'Snow Flurry' (Large shrub with white flowers) Tuxedo ['FIT02'] PP20,754 - (Medium sized w/blackish lvs w/lavender blue flwrs) X.XX 'Wheeler Canyon' (C. papillosus roweanus hybrid) - (Medium sized w/dark blue flwrs/red buds) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Ceanothus - California Lilac Cedrela - See also Toona XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Centaurea gymnocarpa [C. cineraria] - Dusty Miller (Gray foliage with purple flowers) X.XX ruber [Valeriana rubra] - Red Valerian (Gray-green foliage with red flowers) X.XX plumbaginoides - Dwarf Plumbago (Groundcover with blue flowers) X.XX Centranthus Ceratostigma Ceratozamia hildae - Bamboo Cycad (Unique plant with double paired leaflets) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' - Red Leaf Redbud (Red foliage and magenta flowers) occidentalis - Western Redbud (Shrub or small tree with pink flowers) occidentalis (Standard) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX humilis var. cerifera - Atlas Mountain Palm (Several trunks w/gray-blue fan leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX Chamaerops Chamelaucium - Wax Flower ciliatum 'Scaddan' (2008 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (White & rose-pink flwrs - low mounding) 'Lady Stephanie' (C. uncinatum x C. 'Walpole') - (Light rose-pink flowers) X.XX 'Matilda' PP20,816 [C. axillare 'Matilda Esperance'] - Tricolored Wax (White, pink & red flowers) 'My Sweet Sixteen' (C. 'Snowflake' x C. axillare) - Bicolored Wax (White flowers age to pink) uncinatum 'Dancing Queen' - Geraldton Wax Flower (Double lilac-pink flowers) X.XX uncinatum 'Purple Pride' (Dark rosy -purple flowers) X.XX Chimonobambusa- See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 quadrangularis - Square Bamboo Chiranthodendron pentadactylon [Cheirostemon platnoides] - Monkey's Hand Tree (Big leaves & red flowers) Chondropetalum [Elegia] elephantinum [C. tectorum, Hort.] - Cape Rush (Clumps of dark green stems - 4-5' tall) tectorum - Small Cape Rush (Clumps of narrow dark green stems - under 3' tall) (805) 683-1561 XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX 'Bush Flame' (C. cordatum x C. varium) - (2002 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Orange & pink flwrs) X.XX (800) 438-7199 XXX.XX XX.XX speciosa [Chorisia speciosa] - Floss Silk Tree (Pink flowers) Chorisia - See Ceiba Chorizema Box XX.XX XX.XX fissilis - Brazilian Cedar (Large deciduous tree with new red growth) Ceiba 12 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XXX.XX XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal 7-15gal coronalis - Mexican Climbing Bamboo XX.XX XX.XX striata - Miniature Grape Ivy (Evergreen vine/groundcover w/red stems & small leaves) XX.XX Chrysocephalum Box apiculatum 'Silver and Gold' (2007 UCSC Koala Blooms) - (Gray low growing w/yellow flwrs) X.XX Chusquea- See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 Cissus - See also Rhoicissus and Tetrastigma Cistanthe grandiflora 'Jazz Time' [Calandrinia grandiflora] - Rock Purslane (Purple flowers) Cistus x hybridus Second Honeymoon ['Rencis'] PP 20,410 (Yellow variegated lvs w/white flwrs) ladanifer [C. maculatus] - Crimson-Spot Rockrose (White flowers with red spot) ladanifer 'Blanche' (C. ladanifer x C. ladanifer forma latifolia) - (Large white flowers) x purpureus (C. ladanifer x C. incanus creticus) - Purple Rockrose salviifolius 'Prostratus' (Small white flowers) x skanbergii (C. monoseliensis x C. parviflorus) - (Small pale pink flowers) 'Sunset' [x pulverulentus 'Sunset'] - (C. albidus x C. crispus) - (Bright pink flowers) Clematis armandii - Evergreen Clematis (Evergreen vine with white flowers) x cartmanii Avalanche ['Blaaval'] - (Evergreen vine w/dissected lvs & white flwrs) 'Southern Cross' (C. aristata x C. gentianoides) - (Mounding w/fragrant white star-like flwrs) X.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX Cleyera XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) japonica - Sakaki (Shrub w/reddish new foliage and fragrant white flowers) XX.XX caulescens - Stalked Clivia (Long leaves with green tipped orange flowers) x cyrtanthiflora (C. miniata x C. nobilis) - (Pendulous orange flowers) miniata - Clivia Lily (Narrow leaves with pale orange flowers) 'Arturo's Yellow' (2005 SMG Introduction) - (Robust selection with large yellow flowers) 'French Hybrids' (Wide leaves with dark orange flowers) 'San Marcos Yellow' (1993 SMG Introduction) - Yellow Clivia nobilis - Cape Clivia (Long blunt tipped leaves with green tipped orange flowers) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) callistegioides - Lavender Trumpet Vine X.XX XX.XX album - White Breath of Heaven (Delicate foliage with white flowers) pulchellum [C. pulchrum, Hort.] - (Delicate foliage with pink flwrs) 'Compact Form' (Monterey Bay Nursery Intro) - Dwarf Pink Breath of Heaven 'Sunset Gold' (Low shrub with chartreuse foliage and pink flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Clivia Clytostoma Coleonema Colletia X.XX paradoxa - Anchor Plant (Leafless shrub with spiny flattened triangular stems) Colocasia esculenta 'Fontanesii' - Black Stemmed Taro (Green leaves with black stems) Combretum XX.XX X.XX fruticosum - Orange Flame Vine (Vine with orange toothbrush-like flowers) Convolvulus XX.XX cneorum - Bush Morning Glory (White flowers) sabatius [C. mauritanicus] - Ground Morning Glory (Blue flowers) X.XX X.XX 'Inferno' PPAF (C. repens hybrid) - (Yellow, red, orange & green leaves) kirkii 'Variegata' (Small white variegated leaves) 'Pina Colada' PP21,032 (C. 'Tequila Sunrise' sport) - (Golden-yellow & red leaves) 'Rainbow Surprise' (C. repens hybrid) - (Small pink, red & green leaves) repens 'Marble Queen' (White variegated leaves) X.XX X.XX Coprosma Cordyline - Grass Palm, Cabbage Palm X.XX X.XX australis 'Pink Champagne' (Narrow cream variegated leaves) australis 'Red Star' (Narrow red leaves) X.XX australis 'Sunrise' PP20,634 (Kaleidoscope Series) - (Dark red-pink lvs w/bright pink margins) australis 'Torbay Dazzler' (Cream variegated leaves) 'Cha Cha' PPAF (Dancing Series Cordyline) - (Yellow, apricot and green foliage) 'Dark Purple' [C. fruticosa cv., C. stricta 'Dark Purple'] - Black Cordyline (Glossy dark leaves) XX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX 13 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Cordyline (Continued) 2-5gal 7-15gal 'Design-a-line Burgundy' PPAF (C. australis x banksii) - (Narrow burgundy leaves) Electric Pink ['Sprilecpink'] PP19,213 (C.australis x C.banksii) - (Maroon lvs w/bright pink edges) 'Jive' PPAF (Dancing Series Cordyline) - (Yellow, apricot and green foliage) 'Purple Dazzler' [C. fruticosa cv., C. stricta 'Dark Purple'] - Black Cordyline (Glossy dark leaves) X.XX Renegade ['Tana'] PP18605 (C. australis x C. banksii) - (Glossy purple black lvs) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) (7 gal) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX (7 gal) alba 'Western Pink Star' (2004 UCSC Koala Blooms) - (Low shrub w/fuzzy lvs & pink flwrs) 'Dusky Bells' [C. 'Carmine Bells', Hort.] - (Low mounding with dark rose-red flowers) glabra 'Coliban River' (2010 Koala Blooms Intro) - Rock Fuchsia (Green lvs & green flwrs) 'Ivory Bells' (C. alba x C. backhousiana) - (Mounding with cream-white flowers) pulchella - Australian Fuchsia (Spreading with soft pink flowers) 'Pink Eyre' (2004 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Mounding with rose-pink flowers) 'Pink Flamingo' (2001 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Low mounding w/salmon-pink flowers) 'Ray's Tangerine' (2002 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Low spreading with orange flowers) reflexa 'Kangaroo Island' (2011 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Shrub w/green lvs w/red flwrs) 'Wyn's Wonder' (Cream-yellow variegated leaves w/red flowers) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Correa Corynocarpus X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX laevigata - New Zealand Laurel (Narrow bush or small tree w/dark leathery leaves) laevigata 'Variegata' - Variegated New Zealand Laurel (Cream variegated leaves) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX coggygria 'Royal Purple' - Purple Smoketree (Compact growing with dark purple leaves) XX.XX XX.XX Cotinus Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty' (Low groundcover with coral berries) dammeri 'Lowfast' - Bearberry Cotoneaster (Low groundcover with red berries) X.XX X.XX Cotyledon orbiculata - Pig's Ears 'Cinderella' (SMG 2007 Introduction) - (Dense growing selection with gray leaves) 'Greytown Spoons' (SMG 2012 Introduction) - (Narrow red margined gray leaves) 'Lighthouse Road' (SMG 2008 Introduction) - (Low growing selection w/broad gray leaves) var. oblonga 'Flavida' [C. teretifolia, Hort] - (Narrow gray lvs & salmon flowers) X.XX var. oblonga 'Macrantha' (Rounded green leaves w/pendant orange flowers) X.XX Craspedia XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) globosa [Pycnosorus globosus]- Billy Buttons (Gray grass-like leaves w/yellow button flwrs) X.XX Crassula 'Blue Bird' (C. ovata x C. arborescens) - (Gray foliage with white flowers) capitella 'Campfire' (Triangular leaves w/bright red new growth & white flowers) falcata [C. perfoliata var. falcata] - Airplane Plant (Narrow flat gray leaves w/red flowers) lactea - Taylor's Parches (Low growing with white flowers) multicava - Fairy Crassula (Groundcover with green leaves and white flowers) ovata [C. portulacea, C. argentea, Hort.] - Jade Plant 'Gollum' (Small tubular finger-like leaves) 'Hobbit' (Small recurved leaves) 'Hummel's Sunset' (Leaves tinted yellow and red) 'Obliqua' [C. ovata 'Tricolor'] - Variegated Jade Plant (Green leaves streaked in white) 'Pink Beauty' - Pink Jade Plant (Dark pink flowers) perforata - String of Buttons (Small paired gray leaves) sarcocaulis - Bonsai Crassula (Miniature tree-shaped succulent w/red flowers) sarcocaulis 'Ken Aslet' (Miniature tree-shaped succulent w/twisted stems & red flowers) Crinum X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) asiaticum - Giant Crinum (Large bulb with long green leaves and white flowers) procerum var. splendens - Queen Emma's Crinum (Purple leaves & pale pink flowers) Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (C. pottsii x C. aurea) 'George Davidson' - Yellow Montbretia 'Lucifer' (Large flame-red flowers) Crowea 'Festival' [UCSC Koala Blooms 2011 Intro] - (Shrub w/deep pink flowers) 14 Box (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) Fax (805) 964-1329 XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal x Cryptbergia -(Billbergia x Cryptanthus) 2-5gal 7-15gal Box XXX.XX 'Red Burst' (B. nutans x C. bahianus) - (Red-bronze narrow leaves with small white flowers) X.XX Cuphea 'David Verity' (C. ignea x C. micropetala) - Large Firecracker (Shrub w/orange tubular flwrs) X.XX micropetala - Candy Corn Plant (Orange and yellow tubular flowers) X.XX XX.XX cashmeriana [C. himalaica darjeelingensis] - Kashmir Cypress (Gray pendulous foliage) macrocarpa [Hesperocyparis macrocarpa] - Monterey Cypress (Large tree w/green foliage) X.XX macrocarpa 'Lemon Yellow' [C. 'Goldcrest'] - Yellow Cypress (Dense shrub w/yellow foliage) sempervirens 'Glauca' - Italian Cypress (Fastigate form w/dark green foliage) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX paniculata ssp. sinuata - Mountain Cabbage Tree (Large gray palmate leaves) XX.XX XX.XX cooperi [Alsophila australis] - Australian Tree Fern (Tall tree fern w/light brown trunks) XX.XX XX.XX Cupressus Cussonia Cyathea Cycads Ceratozamia hildae - Bamboo Cycad (Unique plant with double paired leaflets) XX.XX (2 gal) Cycas thouarsii - Madagascar Sago (Long dark green leaves) XXX.XX (7 gal) johnsonii - New South Wales Macrozamia (Large plant w/flattened leaves of green leaflets) moorei - Carnarvon Gorge Macrozamia (Large plant w/v-shaped leaves of green leaflets) moorei "Blue Form" (Large plant w/v-shaped leaves of blue-green leaflets) XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX 1XXX.XX altensteinii - Prickly Cycad, Bread Tree (Spiny green leaves w/bare petioles) lehmannii - Karoo Cycad (Gray-white leaflets) longifolius - Long leafed Cycad (Narrow blue-green leaflets) princeps - Kei Cycad (Gray-white leaflets all in the same plane) XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX Macrozamia Encephalartos Cyperus isocladus [C. prolifer] - Dwarf Papyrus (Delicate plant w/radiating green-brown flwr heads) X.XX papyrus - Papyrus (Tall bog plant with long leaf filaments at tops of stems) X.XX papyrus 'Dwarf Form' [C. papyrus percamentus, Hort.] - Little Giant Papyrus X.XX XX.XX XX.XX brachyscyphus - Dobo Lily (Orange-red flowers) obliquus - Knysna Lily (Large bulb with pendant orange flowers) XX.XX (2 gal) Cyrtanthus X.XX Dalechampia dioscoreifolia - Purple Wings (Vine with wing-like purple bracts) Darwinia citriodora 'Seaspray' (2005 UCSC Koala Blooms Introduction) - (Orange flowers) XX.XX X.XX XX.XX longissimum [D. quadrangulatum, Hort.] - Mexican Grass Tree (Heavy stem w/long green lvs) X.XX wheeleri - Spoon Yucca (Rosettes of gray serrated leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX harfordii [D. rigida var. harfordii] - Island Bush Poppy (Gray-green leaves & yellow flowers) X.XX XX.XX splendens 'Cristóbal' (Pacific Plant Promotions Introduction) - (Shrub with red & yellow flowers) XX.XX saundersii - Tree Jockey (Epiphytic shrub with coral flowers) XX.XX (2 gal) Dasylirion Dendromecon Deppea Dermatobotrys Dianella caerulea Cassa Blue ['DBB03'] PP17,998 - (Blue-green leaves with blue flowers) caerulea King Alfred ['John316'] PP20,794 (Blue-green lvs w/purple flowers) ensifolia - Umbrella Dracaena (Narrow green leaves on tall stems) prunina Utopia ['DP303'] PPAF - Utopia Flax Lily (Blue-green leaves with red edges) revoluta Baby Bliss ['DTN03'] PP18,883 - Baby Bliss Flax Lily (Blue foliage) revoluta Little Rev ['DR5000'] PP17,719 - Little Rev Flax Lily (Green & blue foliage) tasmanica - Tasman Flax Lily (Green strap shaped leaves with large blue berries) 'Variegata' (Green strap shaped leaves with white variegation) 'Yellow Stripe' (Green strap shaped leaves with yellow variegation) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) 15 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Dichondra argentea - Silver Dichondra (Flat trailing semi-deciduous plant w/small silver leaves) sericea - Silver Ponysfoot (Low trailing evergreen plant w/silver leaves) X.XX X.XX febrifuga - Evergreen Hydrangea (Pale blue flowers) X.XX Dichroa Dicksonia antarctica - Tasmanian Tree Fern (Short tree fern w/heavy dark trunks) pendulum - Fairy Wand (Pink flowers) pendulum 'Album' (White flowers) 7-15gal Box XX.XX XX.XX Dierama XX.XX X.XX X.XX Dietes bicolor 'Liz's Selection' (Large dark yellow flowers with maroon spot) X.XX butcheriana - Wide-leafed Dietes (Wide upright leaves with white flowers) X.XX grandiflora [D. vegeta, Hort.] - Fortnight Lily (White flowers with yellow spots & purple lines) X.XX 'Sunstripe' - Yellow Striped Fortnight Lily (Yellow variegation) X.XX 'Variegata' - Striped Leafed Fortnight Lily (White variegation) X.XX iridioides 'John's Runner' (Dwarf plant w/white flowers w/yellow spots) X.XX 'Jack Catlin' (Dietes butcheriana hybrid?) - (Wide arching leaves with white flowers) X.XX 'Orange Drop' (Giridlian Hybrid) - (Dwarf, cream flowers with orange spot) X.XX Distictis - See also Bignonia XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX buccinatoria [Bignonia cherere] - Red Trumpet Vine (Large yellow centered red flowers) laxiflora 'SMG Select' - Vanilla Trumpet Vine (Violet lightly fragrant flowers) laxiflora 'Vanilla Orchid' - Vanilla Trumpet Vine (Fragrant violet flowers turn white) 'Rivers' [D. 'Mrs. Rivers'] - (D. buccinatoria x D. laxiflora) - Royal Trumpet Vine (Violet flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX XX.XX viscosa 'Purple Select' - Purple-leafed Hop-bush (Large shrub with dark purple lvs) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (10 gal) XX.XX XX.XX Dodonaea Dombeya XX.XX cacuminum - Strawberry Snowball Tree (Rose-red flowers) elegans [D. burgessiae] - Pink Shrub Dombeya (Shrub with pink flower clusters) wallichii - Pink Ball Tree (Fragrant pink hydrangea-like flowers) Doryanthes palmeri - Spear Lily (Broad sword-like leaves with red flowers) X.XX hirsutum - Hairy Canaryflower (Gray foliage with white flowers) X.XX draco - Dragon Tree (Heavy trunked tree with rosettes of gray-green leaves) X.XX maculata (Narrow spotted leaves with greenish white flowers) X.XX brittonii - Giant Chalk Dudleya (Large rosettes of chalky white lvs with yellow flwrs) hassei [D. virens ssp. hassei] - Catalina Island Live-Forever (Narrow gray succulent lvs) ingens - Baja Live Forever (Large flat green leaves with yellow blushed pink flowers) saxicola ssp. aloides - Desert Dudleya (Narrow gray-brown leaves w/yellow flowers) pachyphytum - Cedros Island Liveforever (Thick rounded gray-white lvs w/white flwrs) pulverulenta - Chalk Liveforever (Large rosettes of white succulent lvs with red flwrs) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX erecta 'Sapphire Showers' - (Small tree with blue flowers edged white) stenostachya - Brazilian Skyflower (Large shrub with blue flowers) X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX 'Alice' - Red-leafed Dyckia (Broad red leaves and orange flowers) 'Black Gold' (Rosettes of dark black-purple foliage w/ orange flowers) "Red Seedlings" (Seed collected from selected red plants) - (Red foliage with orange flowers) X.XX 'Jim's Red' - Red-leafed Dyckia (Broad red leaves and orange flowers) marnier-lapostollei - White Dyckia (Short silver white leaves - tender) XX.XX 'Naked Lady' (D. encholirioides x D. brevifolia) - (Lime green leaves w/o marginal spines) 'Precious Metal' (Rosettes with silvery reddish-purple foliage and golden yellow flwrs) 'Purple and Silver' (Rosettes with silvery dark purple foliage) 'Red Devil' (D. platyphylla x D. leptostachya) - (Deep green lvs tinged red w/orange flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX Dorycnium Dracaena Drimiopsis - See also Ledebouria Dudleya Duranta Dyckia 16 2-5gal (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 (7 gal) XXX.XX XXX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX XX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) Fax (805) 964-1329 (7 gal) San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Dyckia (Continued) "Silver Seedlings" (Seed collected from 'Silver Superstar') - (Silvery lvs w/orange flowers) 'Silver Superstar' (Pink tinged silver leaves) 'Silvertooth Tiger' (Short dark burgundy leaves with silver spines) X.XX margaretae (Low gray foliage with yellow flowers) X.XX Dymondia Echeveria 2-5gal 7-15gal Box XX.XX XX.XX 'Afterglow' (E. cante x E. shaviana) - (Rosettes of broad pinkish gray leaves) X.XX agavoides 'Lipstick' - Carpet Echeveria (Rosettes of thick red edged lvs w/pink flwrs) agavoides 'Maria' (Large rosette of thick red tinged green leaves) agavoides 'Prolifera' (Vigorously clumping w/thick green tinged pink leaves) bifida - Branched Flower Hens and Chicks (Gray-brown lvs w/large salmon-pink flowers) X.XX 'Big Red' (E. gibbiflora hybrid) - (Broad rosettes of red tinged leaves) X.XX 'Blue Curls' (Large frilly blue-green leaves and pink flowers) X.XX cante [E. subrigida, Hort.] - (Whitish blue-green leaves and orange flowers) X.XX colorata 'Mexican Giant' - Mexican Giant Echeveria (White-gray leaves tinged pink) derenbergii (Gray leaves with apricot-pink flowers) X.XX 'Dick's Pink' (Purplish blue-green leaves with frilly pink margins) X.XX diffractens - Shattering Echeveria (Flat pale plum colored leaves and orange flowers) X.XX 'Domingo' (E. runyonii x E. cante) - (Dick Wright hybrid) - (Blue-white lvs w/pink & orange flwrs) X.XX 'Dondo' (E. derenbergii hybrid) - (Gray-green leaves w/orange-yellow flowers) X.XX elegans - Mexican Snowball (Gray leaves with pink and yellow flowers) X.XX elegans 'Super Clone' - Large Mexican Snowball (Thick gray leaves w/light pink flowers) 'Giant Blue Curls' (Large frilly blue-green leaves and pink flowers) X.XX gigantea - Giant Hens and Chicks (Large gray-green rosettes w/rose-red flowers) X.XX 'Golden Glow' (E. agavoides hybrid?) - (Green leaves blushed yellow and red) X.XX 'Imbricata' [E. x imbricata] - Hens and Chicks (Blue-gray leaves with pink & yellow flowers) X.XX juarezensis (Ruffled gray leaves with pink flowers) X.XX lilacina - Ghost Echeveria (Pale pinkish-gray leaves) X.XX 'Morning Beauty' - Morning Beauty Echeveria (Blue-gray leaves) X.XX nodulosa - Painted Echeveria (Gray green leaves marked with red) X.XX 'Perle Von Nurnberg' (E. gibbiflora 'Metallica' x E.elegans) - (Pink-gray leaves & coral flowers) X.XX 'Powder Blue' (E. subrigida hybrid) - White Rose Echeveria (Soft pale blue lvs & pink flwrs) X.XX prolifica [ISI 1388] - Prolific Echeveria (Spreading plant w/ small gray-green rosettes) X.XX pulidonis (Blue-green red edged leaves with yellow flowers) X.XX 'Pulv-oliver' (E. pulvinata x E. harmsii) - (Fuzzy red edged green leaves with orange flowers) X.XX runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' (Thick keeled blue-gray leaves with pink flowers) X.XX secunda [E. pumila var. glauca] - (Gray leaves with red & yellow flowers) X.XX semivestita - Blue Echeveria (Lime green red margined lvs w/blue and red flwrs) X.XX subrigida 'Fire and Ice' (Large rosettes of blue-green leaves w/red margins) X.XX trianthina - Hidalgo Echeveria (Purple-brown leaves with apricot flowers) X.XX 'Violet Queen' - (Rosettes with gray leaves flushed violet-red in winter) X.XX 'Zorro' (Large rosettes of dark-red frilly leaves) X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) Echinacea Summer Sky™ Coneflowers (E. purpurea x E. paradoxa) 'Katie Saul' PP18,783 - Summer Sky™ Coneflower (Peach and pink ray flowers) 'Solar Flare' PP 22,133 - Summer Sky™ Coneflower (Orange-red ray flowers) purpurea 'Magnus' - Purple Coneflower (Large pale purple cone shaped flwrs) Echium X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) candicans [E. fastuosum, Hort.] - Pride of Madeira (Lavender blue flowers - seedlings) 'Rincon Blue' (2011 SMG Introduction) - (Pale blue flowers) 'San Bruno Pink' (2006 SMG Introduction) - (Pink flowers) 'Select Blue' (1996 SMG Introduction) - (Blue flowers) 'Star of Madeira' (Paintbox Plantsman Introduction) - (Variegated leaves w/blue flowers) wildpretii - Tower of Jewels (Biennial with tall stalk of rosy-red flowers) X.XX crassipes - Water Hyacinth (Aquatic floating plant w/blue & yellow flowers) X.XX (each) Eichhornia X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX 17 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Elaeagnus pungens 'Fruitlandii' - Fruitland Silverberry (Shrub w/silver- green spotted brown foliage) X.XX Eleocharis - See also Scirpus and Schoenoplectus dulcis [E. tuberosa] - Chinese Water Chestnut (Bog plant w/cylindrical lvs & edible corms) X.XX montevidensis - Sand Spikerush (Bog plant w/narrow round stems) X.XX Elymus - See Leymus Encephalartos 2-5gal 7-15gal Box XX.XX (5"pot) (5"pot) altensteinii - Prickly Cycad, Bread Tree (Spiny green leaves w/bare petioles) lehmannii - Karoo Cycad (Gray-white leaflets) longifolius - Long leafed Cycad (Narrow blue-green leaflets) princeps - Kei Cycad (Gray-white leaflets all in the same plane) XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' - Red Banana (Robust plant with large red & green leaves) Ephedra XX.XX tweediana - Tramontana (Large haystack plant w/wiry green leafless stems) X.XX 'Purple' - Purple Reed Stem Orchid (Tall leafy stems tipped with small purple flowers) X.XX Epidendrum Epilobium (Zauschneria) XX.XX 'Bowman's #1' - Bowman's California Fuchsia (Olive-green foliage w/red-orange flwrs) X.XX canum 'Catalina' California Fuchsia (Orange-red with silver-gray leaves) X.XX Equisetum hyemale - Horsetail (Running plant w/vertical dark green hollow stems) myriochaetum - Giant Horsetail (Tall slowly running plant w/ green hollow stems) scirpioides - Small Horsetail (Groundcover w/wiry narrow leaves) X.XX elliottii 'Tallahassee Sunset' (John Greenlee Intro) - Elliott's Lovegrass (Clump w/gray lvs) X.XX baueri - Bridal Heath (Small leaves with pink tubular flowers) canaliculata 'Rosea' [E. melanthera, Hort.] - (Pink flowers) verticillata (Deep rose-pink tubular flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX glaucus - Seaside Daisy 'Bountiful' (Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Introduction) - (Large lavender flowers) 'Cape Sebastian' (Lavender-blue flowers - very low) 'Sea Breeze' PP12,076 - Pink Seaside Daisy (Lavender-pink flowers) karvinskianus - Santa Barbara Daisy (White flowers) x moerheimii - Pink Santa Barbara Daisy (Light pink flowers) 'WR' (E. glaucus x ?) - Wayne Roderick's Daisy - (Lavender-blue flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX crocatum - Saffron Buckwheat (Silver white foliage with sulfur yellow flowers) fasciculatum 'Warriner Lytle' - Prostrate California Buckwheat (Green lvs & white flwrs) giganteum - St. Catherine's Lace (Large shrub with gray leaves & white flowers) grande var. rubescens - San Miguel Island Buckwheat (Pink flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Eragrostis Erica Erigeron Eriogonum Eriophyllum XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX nevinii 'Canyon Silver' [Eriophyllum nevinii] - (SBBG Intro) - (White dissected lvs & yellow flwrs) XX.XX chrysanthum - Yellow Cranesbill (Gray leaves with yellow flowers) x variabile 'Album' (E. corsicum x E. reichardii) - (Green leaves with white flowers) x variabile 'Bishop's Form' - (Green leaves with pink flowers) XX.XX (2 gal) Erodium Erythrina X.XX X.XX X.XX abyssinica - Abyssinian Coral Tree (Tree with corky bark, round fuzzy lvs & red flwrs) x bidwillii (E. crista-galli x E. herbacea) - (Shrub or small tree with red flowers) coralloides 'Bicolor' (Small tree with red and white flowers) crista-galli - Cockspur Coral Tree (Hardy small tree with scarlet-red flowers) falcata - Evergreen Coral Tree (Large tree with dark green lvs & red flwrs) speciosa 'Pink' - Pink Coral Tree (Small tree with pale pink flowers) x sykesii (E. lysistemon x ?) - Australian Coral Tree (Large tree with red flowers) 18 X.XX (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Eucalyptus ficifolia [Corymbia ficifolia] - Red-flowering Gum 'Moon Lagoon' [E. latens?] - Fine-leafed Mallee (Small gray-green leaves flushed purple) steedmanii - Steedman's Gum (Small tree with beautiful peeling bark) Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' - Red Pineapple Lily (Red foliage & bracts w/pink flwrs) Eugenia - See also Syzygium 2-5gal 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX involucrata [E. aggregata] - Cherry of the Rio Grande (Small tree with purple-red fruit) Euphorbia antisyphilitica - Candelilla (Upright shrub with gray leafless stems) Blackbird ['Nothowlee'] PP17,178 - (E. amygdaloides x E. martinii) - (Red stems & yellow bracts) caput-medusae - Medusa's Head (Succulent w/radiating cylindrical stems) characias - Bush Spurge 'Bruce's Dwarf' (Compact plant with chartreuse flowers) 'Glacier Blue' PP19,027 (Blue-green foliage with white margins) 'Portuguese Velvet' (Velvety green leaves) 'Tasmanian Tiger' PP15,715 (Variegated leaves) clandestina - Volstruisnek (Small columnnar tuberculed succulent w/green flowers) cotinifolia - Caribbean Copper Plant (Small tree with red foliage) Helena's Blush ['Inneuphhel'] PP17,555 - (Red tinged variegated yellow foliage) lambii - Tree Euphorbia (Large shrub with chartreuse flowers) leucodendron - Cat Tails Euphorbia (Round green stems w/chartreuse flowers) x lomi (E. lophogona x E. millii) Lily' ['Supergrandiflora Lily'] - (Upright with very pale yellow bracts) 'Salmon' ['Supergrandiflora Salmon'] - (Upright with large salmon bracts) martinii ‘Ascot Rainbow’ PP21,401 - Rainbow Spurge - (Cream, red & green leaves) milii 'Fireworks' - Variegated Crown of Thorn (Green, white & red lvs w/red flwrs) myrsinites - Myrtle Spurge (Groundcover with gray foliage) resinifera - Moroccan Mound (Clusters of short thick pale green upright stems) tirucalli 'Sticks on Fire' - (Large shrubs with orange-red stems) xanti - Baja Spurge (Thin stems with white & pink flowers) Farfugium [Ligularia] japonicum 'Aureo-maculata' - Leopard Plant (Yellow spotted green leaves) 'Gigantea' - Giant Leopard Plant (Huge green leaves) XX.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX pitcairnifolia [F. bicolor, Hort.] - (Rosettes of gray long narrow leaves) XX.XX lizei 'Annemieke' - Golden-Variegated Fatshedera XX.XX (2 gal) x Fatshedera (Fatsia x Hedera) Fatsia japonica 'Variegata' [Aralia japonica 'Variegata'] - Variegated Japanese Aralia fruticosa - Shrub Aster (Lavender-blue flowers) XXX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX Fascicularia Feijoa - See Acca Felicia Box XX.XX X.XX Ferns Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Banksianum' - Maiden Hair Fern (Dark fine stems w/pale green lvs) X.XX Alsophila - See Cyathea Blechnum occidentale - Hammock Fern (Small fern w/green fronds flushed pink when young) Cyathea X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) cooperi [Alsophila australis] - Australian Tree Fern (Tall tree fern w/light brown trunks) XX.XX XX.XX antarctica - Tasmanian Tree Fern (Short tree fern w/heavy dark trunks) XX.XX XX.XX Dicksonia Marsilea drummondii - Nardoo (Aquatic - fuzzy gray-green clover-like leaves) schelpeana [M. crenata, Hort.] - Small Leafed Marsilea (Aquatic - small clover-like lvs) vestita - California Water Clover - (Aquatic - Green lvs bronze when new) X.XX X.XX X.XX (5"pot) (5"pot) (5"pot) 19 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal strigosa - Lace Fern (Delicately twice divided medium-green fronds) X.XX XX.XX cordifolia - Sword Fern (Long fronds with dark green leaflets) cordifolia 'Lemon Buttons' (Small plant with fronds of small rounded leaflets) X.XX X.XX XX.XX aureum [Polypodium aureum] - Large Rabbit's Foot Fern (Gray-green lobed phyllodes) X.XX 7-15gal Box Ferns - Continued Microlepia Nephrolepis Phlebodium Festuca amethystina 'Aprilgrün' [F. 'April Green'] - (Blue-green foliage- 8-12” tall) californica 'River House Blues' (Ron Lutsko Selection) - (Gray lvs w/tall wands of pink flwrs) glauca 'Azurit' - Azure Blue Fescue (Blue-gray foliage- to 10-12” tall) glauca 'Elijah Blue' - Elijah Blue Fescue (Silver-gray foliage - 8-10” tall) mairei - Atlas Fescue (Pale gray-green foliage with 4ft flower stalks) muelleri - Mueller's Fescue (Dark green foliage - 6-8” tall) rubra 'Point Joe' - Point Joe Fescue (Blue-gray foliage - 6” tall) 'Siskiyou Blue' [F. idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue', Hort.] - (UCBG Intro) - (Steely blue lvs - 18” tall) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX auriculata [F. roxburghii] - Roxburgh Fig (Small tree with huge rounded leaves) pumila [F. repens] - Creeping Fig (Clinging vine w/small rounded heart shaped leaves) X.XX thymifolia - Sea Heath (Groundcover w/gray foliage with pink flowers) X.XX Ficus Frankenia Fremontodendron XX.XX 'California Glory' (F. californicum x F. mexicanum) - (Shrub with large golden flowers) 'Ken Taylor' (F. californica ssp. decumbens x F. 'Californica Glory') - (Low shrub w/golden flowers) mexicanum - Southern Flannel Bush (Shrub with orange-yellow flowers) X.XX Fuchsia thymifolia - Thyme Leafed Fuchsia (Dark pink flowers) X.XX bedinghausii [Furcraea roezlii] - (Long pliable rough textured gray leaves) foetida [F. gigantea] - Green Aloe (Long semi-pliable green leaves) foetida 'Mediopicta' [F. gigantea 'Striata'] - (Bold cream & green spineless leaves) foetida 'Mediopicta Sport' [F. gigantea 'Striata'] - (Yellow centered green spineless leaves) macdougallii - Macdougall's Furcraea (Large succulent with green toothed leaves) selloa var. marginata (Large plant with yellow margined green leaves) X.XX X.XX Furcraea XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX speciosa 'Bocarosa' [Gambelia speciosa] - Island Snapdragon (Glossy lvs w/red flwrs) x Gasteraloe (Gasteria x Aloe) 'Midnight' [x Gastrolea 'Midnight'] - (Dark green leaves w/orange flowers) X.XX XX.XX bicolor [G. maculata] - Lawyer's Tongue (White spotted green leaves w/pink flowers) X.XX lindheimeri - Gaura (White flowers) Passionate Blush PP17,293 ['SME-2'] - Compact Pink Gaura X.XX X.XX Galvezia Gasteria Gaura Geijera X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX 'Drakensberg Pink' (G. jamesonii x G. ambiqua) - Drakensberg Daisy (Clear pink flowers) X.XX dalenii [G. primulinus, G. natalensis] - (Orange and yellow flowers in fall) X.XX flavum - Yellow Horned Poppy (Gray-green foliage with yellow flowers) X.XX Gladiolus Glaucium 20 XX.XX x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' (G. dalmaticum x G. macrorrhizum) - (White flwrs with tinge of pink) maderense (Coarse foliage with towers of mauve pink flowers) Rozanne [Gerwat'] PP12,175 (Violet-blue flowers w/white fading into center) sanguineum (Small rounded leaves with fuchsia flowers) Gerbera (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 (10 gal) X.XX parviflora - Australian Willow (Tree w/pendulous thick green leaves & white flowers) Geranium XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Globularia x indubia (G. sarcophylla x G. salicina) - Globe Daisy (Pale lavender button flowers) X.XX affinis 'Little Luna' - Silver Goodenia (Gray leaves w/yellow flowers) X.XX paraguayense - Ghost Plant - (Gray-pink rosettes with white flowers) X.XX Goodenia Graptopetalum x Graptosedum (Graptoveria x Sedum) 'Vera Higgins' [G. 'Bronze', Sedum 'Coffee', Hort.] - (Red-brown succulent leaves) x Graptoveria (Graptopetalum x Echeveria) 'Fred Ives' (G. paraguayense x E. gibbiflora) - (Succulent w/bronze lvs w/pink highlights) Grasses 2-5gal 7-15gal Box X.XX X.XX - See Grasses and Grass-like list on page 44 Bothriochloa barbinodis - Cane Bluestem (Upright native grass w/silvery white flwrs) Bouteloua X.XX gracilis - Blue Grama Grass (Gray-green leaves w/purple flowers) X.XX gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PPAF - (High Country Gardens Intro) - (Chartreuse to blonde flwrs)X.XX Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' [C. x acutiflora 'Stricta'] - Feather Reed Grass foliosus - Mendocino Reed Grass (Blue-green lvs with wheat-gold flowers) Elymus - See Leymus Eragrostis X.XX X.XX elliottii 'Tallahassee Sunset' (John Greenlee Intro) - Elliott's Lovegrass (Clump w/gray lvs) X.XX Festuca amethystina 'Aprilgrün' [F. 'April Green'] - (Blue-green foliage- 8-12” tall) X.XX californica 'River House Blues' (Ron Lutsko Selection) - (Gray lvs w/tall wands of pink flwrs)X.XX glauca 'Azurit' - Azure Blue Fescue (Blue-gray foliage- to 10-12” tall) X.XX glauca 'Elijah Blue' - Elijah Blue Fescue (Silver-gray foliage - 8-10” tall) X.XX mairei - Atlas Fescue (Pale gray-green foliage with 4ft flower stalks) X.XX muelleri - Mueller's Fescue (Dark green foliage - 6-8” tall) X.XX rubra 'Point Joe' - Point Joe Fescue (Blue-gray foliage - 6” tall) X.XX 'Siskiyou Blue' [F. idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue', Hort.] - (UCBG Intro) - (Steely blue lvs - 18” tall) X.XX Helictotrichon sempervirens - Blue Oat Grass (Clumping grass with blue-gray narrow leaves) Leymus [Elymus] X.XX arenarius 'Glaucus' - Blue Rye (Spreading grass with blue-gray foliage) X.XX condensatus 'Canyon Prince' (SBBG Intro) - Wild Rye (Spreading native w/gray foliage) X.XX condensatus 'Gaviota Gray' (Dave Frantz Intro) - (Tall native clump grass w/gray foliage) Lygeum spartum - False Esparto Grass (Vertical narrow olive-green leaves) X.XX nerviglumis [Rhynchelytrum neriglume] - Ruby Grass (Pink flowers) X.XX Melinis Miscanthus sinensis - Eulalia, Japanese Silver Grass 'Adagio' (Green leaves - Dwarf) 'Morning Light' (Narrow white variegated leaves) 'Cabaret' [M. sinensis var. condensatus cv.] - (Broad white striped leaves) 'Variegatus' - Variegated Silver Grass (White striped leaves) transmorrisonensis - Evergreen Eulalia (Arching long narrow green lvs) X.XX X.XX capillaris - Hairy Awn Muhly (Plumes of pink flowers) capillaris 'White Cloud' - White Awn Muhly (Plumes of white flowers) dubia - Pine Muhly (Upright stems with short spikes of tan flowers) dumosa - Bamboo Muhly (Upright stems with pale green leaves) emersleyi - Bull Grass (Loose spikes of purple flowers) lindheimeri - Lindheimer's Muhly (Gray leaves with upright spikes of purple flowers) 'Pink Flamingo' - Pink Flamingo Muhly (Gray leaves w/arching plume of pink flowers) rigens - Deer Grass (Upright stems with spikes of silver-gray flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX virgatum 'Heavy Metal' - Heavy Metal Switch Grass (Blue-gray lvs w/airy flowers) X.XX Muhlenbergia Panicum X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) 21 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal 'Eaton Canyon' (Magic Growers Introduction) - Dwarf Red Fountain Grass 'Fairy Tails' (John Greenlee Introduction) - Evergreen Fountain Grass 'Fireworks' PP18,192 (P. 'Rubrum' sport) - (Burgundy foliage w/green and white striping) orientale - Chinese Fountain Grass (Soft pink flowers) 'Rubrum' [P. x advena, P. setaceum 'Rubrum', Hort.] - Red Fountain Grass spathiolatum, Hort. [P. sphacelatum?] - Slender Veldt Grass (Tall flower heads) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX fimbriatum [Stipa fimbriata] - Pinyon Ricegrass (Tall stalks of long awned flowers) X.XX autumnalis - Autumn Moor Grass (Fine textured green leaves) caerulea - Blue Moor Grass (Small grass - green leaves with gray undersides) 'Greenlee' (S. autumnalis x S. caerulea) - (Blue-green leaves w/rose-purple flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX palmifolia - Palm Grass (Large grass with dark green pleated leaves) palmifolia 'Rubra Variegata' (Green pleated leaves w/red veins & white margins) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) wrightii - Sacaton (Pale-green bunchgrass with tan flowers) X.XX XX.XX gigantea - Giant Needle Grass (Tall stalks of very long awned flowers) X.XX XX.XX 'Cherry Royal' (2012 Koala Blooms Intro) - - (Small shrub w/soft green lvs w/red flowers) X.XX fililoba [G. thelemanniana ssp. fililoba] - Spider Net Grevillea (Medium size shrub w/red flwrs) X.XX 'Firesprite' (G. venusta x G. longistyla) - (Tall shrub with red flowers) lanigera - Woolly Grevillea 'Coastal Gem' (2001 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Prostrate shrub w/red & cream flowers) X.XX 'Prostrate Form' (Low shrub w/salmon and yellow flowers) X.XX lavandulacea 'Penola' (Medium size shrub with gray foliage & pink flowers) 'Long John' (G. johnsonii x G. longistyla) - (Large upright shrub with rose-pink flowers) preissii 'Magic Lantern' ['Gilded Dragon'] - (Medium spreading shrub w/gray lvs & red flwrs) 'Moonlight' (G. banksii x G. whiteana) - (Tall shrub with white flowers) nudiflora 'Medusa' (2009 Koala Blooms Intro) - (Low wide spreading shrub w/red flowers) petrophiloides 'Big Bird' (2012 Koala Blooms Intro) - (Tall shrub w/wands of violet flowers) 'Pink Midget' (G. leiophylla x G. humilis ssp. maritima) - (Low shrub w/light pink flowers) 'Poorinda Signet' (2009 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Shrub w/silvery lvs w/red & white flwrs) 'Red Hooks' [G. hookeriana, Hort.] - (Large shrub w/deeply lobed leaves & coral-red flowers) rhyolitica - Deua Flame (Shrub w/soft green foliage & red flowers) rosmarinifolia 'Scarlet Sprite' - (Medium size shrub w/green leaves & rosy pink flowers) X.XX thelemanniana 'Baby' - Spider Net Grevillea (Low groundcover with red flowers) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Grasses Box (Continued) - See Grasses and Grass-like list on page 44 Pennisetum Piptochaetium Sesleria Setaria Sporobolus Stipa - See also Piptochaetium Grevillea Griselinia littoralis - Broadleaf (Shrub with leathery shiny green leaves) lucida - Puka (Shrub with shiny large leathery green leaves) X.XX atriplicifolium - Yellow Rock Rose (Gray foliage with bright yellow flowers) X.XX Handroanthus [Tabebuia] chrysotrichus [Tabebuia chrysotricha] - Golden Trumpet Tree impetiginosus [Tabebuia impetiginosa, T. ipe] - Lavender Trumpet Tree violacea - Australian Purple Vine Lilac 'Canoelands' (Narrow linear blunt tipped lvs w/purple flwrs) 'Happy Wanderer' (Lance shaped leaves w/purple flwrs) Meema ['HB1'] PPAF (Groundcover w/purple flwrs) X.XX X.XX fasciata (Narrow banded succulent leaves with green & white flowers) X.XX helix 'Erecta' - Tree Ivy (Upright growth with small symmetrically arranged leaves) X.XX Haworthia (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Hardenbergia Hedera XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Halimium 22 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (5"pot) Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Hedyscepe 2-5gal canterburyana - Umbrella Palm (Elegant feather palm) 7-15gal XX.XX Helianthemum nummularium hybrids - Sunrose 'Apricot' (Green foliage with apricot flowers) 'Belgravia Rose' (Blue-green foliage with deep rose-pink flowers) 'Wisley Primrose' (Gray foliage with bright yellow flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX petiolare [H. petiolatum] - Licorice Plant (Rounded whitish gray foliage) petiolare 'Limelight' [H. petiolatum 'Aurea'] - (Yellow-green foliage) X.XX X.XX sempervirens - Blue Oat Grass (Clumping grass with blue-gray narrow leaves) X.XX amplexicaule - Blue Heliotrope (Low growing with violet-blue flowers) arborescens - Heliotrope (Shrub with very fragrant pale-lavender flowers) X.XX X.XX argutifolius [H. lividus corsicus] - Corsican Hellebore (Yellow-green flowers) X.XX 'Bitsy' (Dwarf, bright yellow flowers - Evergreen) 'Cranberry Baby' (Dwarf plant with red flowers - Deciduous) 'Peggy's Pink' (1998 SMG Introduction) - (Large pink flowers - Evergreen) 'Red Velvet' (Large rich red flowers - Evergreen) 'Yellow' - Yellow Daylily (Bright yellow flowers - Evergreen) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Helichrysum - See also Plecostachys Helictotrichon Heliotropium Helleborus Hemerocallis Hesperaloe XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX whipplei [Yucca whipplei] - Our Lord's Candle (Trunkless plant w/stiff silver-gray leaves) X.XX whipplei ssp. eremica - Our Lord's Candle (Clustering plant w/stiff short silver-gray lvs) whipplei 'RBG' (Ruth Bancroft Garden Intro) - (Trunkless larger plant w/silver-gray rosettes) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX arbutifolia [Photinia arbutifolia] - Toyon (Large shrub with red berries) XX.XX Heteromeles Heuchera x brizoides (H. sanguinea x ?) 'Bressingham White' (White flowers) x brizoides (H. sanguinea x ?) 'Firefly' [H. 'Leuchtkäfer'] - (Red flowers) Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Canyon Series 'Canyon Belle' PP13,413 - (H. elegans x H. sanguinea) - (Red flowers) 'Canyon Duet' PP13,280 - (H. 'Canyon Delight' x H. elegans) - (Pink & white flwrs) 'Canyon Pink' (H. sanguinea x H. rubescens) - (Rose-pink flowers) 'Caramel' PP16,560 - Caramel Coral Bells (Amber foliage w/light pink flowers) 'Crimson Curls' PP13,729 (H. 'Palace Purple' hybrid) - (Curly red leaves and white flowers) 'Kassandra' PP21,466 - Kassandra Coral Bells (Copper to golden foliage w/white flowers) 'Lillian's Pink' (H. pilosissima hybrid) - (Ron Lutsko selection) - (Pale pink flowers) maxima - Island Alum Root (Pinkish white flowers) 'Plum Pudding' - Plum Pudding Coral Bells (Dark purple foliage w/white flowers) 'Santa Ana Cardinal' (H. maxima x H. sanguinea) - (Rancho Santa Ana BG Intro) - (Red flowers) 'Wendy' (H. maxima x H. sanguinea) - (Rancho Santa Ana BG Intro) - (Bright pink flowers) Hibanobambusa- See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 tranquillans 'Shiroshima' - Shiroshima Bamboo Himalayacalamus- See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 falconeri 'Damarapa' - Candy-Stripe Bamboo hookerianus [Drepanostachyum falcatum] - Blue Bamboo hookerianus 'Teague's Blue' - Bill Teague's Blue Bamboo Hippeastrum X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX vulgaris - Mare's Tail (Bog plant with upright stems of radiating hairlike leaves) X.XX populneus - Queensland Poplar (Semi-deciduous shrub or small tree w/round leaves) XX.XX XX.XX X.XX Homalanthus XX.XX X.XX X.XX x johnsonii (H. reginae x H.vittata) - St. Joseph's Lily (Red flowers with white centers) Hippuris (7 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) parviflora [Hesperaloe yuccaefolia] - Red Yucca (Thin green leaves with red-pink flowers) X.XX parviflora Brakelights ['Perpa'] PP21729 (Mountain States Nsy Intro) - (Compact w/red flowers) Hesperoyucca [Yucca] Box XXX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX 23 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' (Aromatic red, green & cream lvs w/white flwrs) 2-5gal carnosa - Wax Plant (Vine with thick green leaves and pale pink flowers) XX.XX Hunnemannia fumariifolia - Mexican Tulip Poppy (Gray-green foliage with yellow flowers) X.XX Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' - Oak-leaf Hydrangea (Large coarse leaves w/white flowers) XX.XX undatus - Pitaya, Dragonfruit (Vining cactus w/large white flowers & pink fruit) XX.XX (2 gal) flavum - Sweet Shade (Upright growing tree with fragrant yellow flowers) XX.XX Hylocereus Hymenosporum Hypericum aegypticum - Dwarf St. John's Wort (Small shrub with yellow flowers) X.XX Hypocalymma angustifolia 'Powder Puff' (2010 Koala Blooms Intro) - White Myrtle (White flwrs turn pink) Hyptis emoryi 'Silver Lining' (SB Botanic Garden Intro) - Desert Lavender (Gray lvs & violet flwrs) Impatiens XX.XX X.XX sodenii [I. oliveri] - Poor Man's Rhododendron (Tall plant with pink flowers) sodenii 'Madonna' (Tall plant with white flowers) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) Ipomoea indica [I. acuminata] - Blue Dawn Flower (Vine w/blue flowers) X.XX herbstii 'Brilliantissima' - Bloodleaf (Shrub with red lvs & lighter veins) X.XX Iresine Iris ensata 'Blue' - Blue Japanese Iris (Water loving plant w/large flat blue flowers) foetidissima - Gladwin Iris (Evergreen with light blue flwrs and orange-red fruit) 'Frequent Flyer' - White Tall Bearded Iris (White flowering repeat bloomer) 'Grandma's Purple Flag' - Purple Tall Bearded Iris (Purple flowering repeat bloomer) 'Nada' [Iris japonica, Hort] - Butterfly Iris (Broad lvs w/near white pale lavender flowers) Pacific Coast Hybrids (I. douglasiana x I. innominata) 'Canyon Snow' (SBBG Introduction) - (White w/yellow throat flowers) 'Deep Lavender' (Dark lavender purple flowers) 'Dorothea's Ruby' (Cornflower Farms Intro) - (Dark red flowers) 'Joey' (Tawny-yellow flowers w/maroon markings) 'Lavender' (Monterey Bay Nursery Intro) - (Lavender flowers w/golden throat) 'Purple & White' (White flowers w/purple veins and a yellow spot) 'Red Violet' (Violet-red flowers with lighter style crests) 'Yellow' (Yellow flowers with golden throat & maroon veins) pallida 'Argentea Variegata' (White variegated leaves with pale blue flowers) Isopogon XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX formosus - Drumsticks (Shrub with dissected foliage and pink flowers) XX.XX Jacaranda mimosifolia - Low branched (Tree with lavender-blue flowers) mimosifolia - Standard XX.XX angulare - South African Jasmine (Vining shrub with fragrant white flowers) X.XX leratii [J. ligustrifolium, Hort.] - (Shrub with white flowers) X.XX officinale forma grandiflorum - Spanish Jasmine (Vine w/pink buds & fragrant white flwrs) polyanthum - Pink Jasmine (Vine with fragrant pink-backed white flowers) X.XX tortuosum (Vine w/delicately fragrant white flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX integerrima - Peregrina (Shrub with red flowers) XX.XX Jasminum Jatropha Jubaea chilensis - Chilean Wine Palm (Large heavy trunked palm with gray-green leaves) (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Box X.XX Hoya 24 7-15gal Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Juncus 'Carman's Japan' [J. effusus 'Carman's Japanese'] - (Long narrow green leaves) effusus pacificus 'Quartz Creek' (Dark green leaves) patens - California Gray Rush (Gray leaves) patens 'Elk Blue' (SMG 1994 Introduction) - (Narrow blue-gray leaves) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX conferta 'Blue Pacific' - Shore Juniper (Low groundcover with soft bluish foliage) procumbens 'Nana' - Japanese Garden Juniper (Groundcover w/short blue-green lvs) scopulorum 'Tolleson's Weeping' (Upright tree with gray weeping foliage) X.XX X.XX brandegeeana 'Variegata' - Variegated Shrimp Plant (Variegated lvs w/white flwrs) rizzinii - Firecracker Flower (Small leafed shrub with red and orange flowers) X.XX X.XX Juniperus Justicia Kalanchoe Kennedia beckxiana 'Flamboyant' - (Koala Blooms 2011 Intro) - (Vine w/green and orange-red flwrs) 'Christmas Cheer' (Red-orange and yellow flowers in winter - 3-4 ft tall) 'Dwarf Yellow' (Bright yellow flowers - 1-2 ft tall) galpinii 'Orange Flame' (Salmon-orange flowers - 1-2 ft tall) 'Nancy's Red' - Red Hot Poker (Compact grassy plant w/red flowers - 1-2 ft tall) northiae - Giant Poker (Red-orange with yellow flowers - 2-4 ft tall) rooperi - East Cape Poker (Dark green leaves w/orange spherical flowers - 3-4' tall) 'Shining Sceptre' (Glowing apricot and yellow flowers - 2-3 ft tall) thomsonii - Alpine Poker (Long stalks of orange flowers - 4-5 ft tall) uvaria - Red Hot Poker 'Blaze' (1993 SMG Introduction) - (Red-orange with yellow flowers - 2-3 ft tall) 'Malibu Yellow' (John Greenlee Selection) - (Tall plant w/yellow flowers - 3-4 ft tall) 'Wilhelm's Lance' (2009 SMG Introduction) - (Very tall plant w/orange flowers - 6-7 ft tall) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX montevidensis [L. sellowiana] - Purple Trailing Lantana montevidensis 'Alba' [L. m. 'Monma'] - White Trailing Lantana X.XX X.XX nobilis - Sweet Bay - (Tree or large shrub with dark green aromatic leaves) nobilis - Tree form 'Saratoga' (L. nobilis x L. azorica) - (Smaller tree/shrub w/lighter green & broader leaves) X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX maculatum Pink Chablis ['Checkin'] PP17,925 (Silver-white and green lvs w/ pink flwrs) maculatum 'Pink Pewter' (Silver-white and green lvs w/ pink flwrs) Laurus XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX patersonia [L. patersonii] - Primrose Tree (Tree with gray foliage & pink flowers) Lantana Box XX.XX Lagunaria Lamium 7-15gal XXX.XX beharensis [Kitchingia mandrakensis] - Felt Plant (Large felty gray-brown leaves) X.XX bracteata - Silver Teaspoons (Gray-white oval leaves w/ red flowers) carnea 'Modoc' (Large green leaves with pink flowers) 'Fang' (K. beharensis x K. tomentosa) - Stalactite Plant (Velvety brown lvs w/tubercles below) X.XX fedtschenkoi 'Majestic Scallops' - Large Lavender Scallops (Gray lvs & reddish flwrs) X.XX fedtschenkoi 'Variegata' - Variegated Lavender Scallops (White margined leaves) X.XX gastonis-bonnieri - Donkey Ears (Large purple marked gray lvs and salmon flwrs) X.XX grandiflora (Shrub with gray leaves with fragrant yellow flowers) humilis - Desert Surprise (Spotted gray-green leaves w/ small purple flowers) X.XX luciae [K. thyrsiflora, Hort.] - Paddle Plant (Gray leaves w/red highlights & pale yellow flwrs) X.XX luciae 'Fantastic' PP21,945 [K. thyrsiflora 'Fantastic'] - (Multi-colored lvs w/pale yellow flwrs) X.XX marnieriana - Marnier's Kalanchoe (Small rounded gray lvs & pink flowers) X.XX 'Oak Leaf' (K. beharensis x K. millotii) - (Shrub w/white-gray leaves) orgyalis - Copper Spoons (Large shrub w/round copper leaves) X.XX pumila - Flower Dust Plant (Small gray leaves with pink flowers) X.XX sexangularis - Six-angled Kalanchoe (Red tinged green leaves w/yellow flowers) X.XX thyrsiflora, Hort - See Kalancohoe luciae thyrsiflora 'Silver Platter' [K. tetraphylla] - (Gray rounded leaves with fragrant yellow flowers) Kniphofia 2-5gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX 25 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Lavandula angustifolia [L. officinalis, L. spica, L. vera] - English Lavender 'Hidcote' - (Dark lavender flowers - 12-18” tall) 'Munstead' [L. a. 'Compacta Nana'] - (Blue-lavender flowers - 12-18” tall) dentata var. candicans - (Gray foliage with pale lavender flowers - 3' tall) x ginginsii 'Goodwin Creek Grey' (L.dentata x L.lanata) - (Gray lvs w/violet flwrs - 2-3' tall) x heterophylla [ L. x allardii?] - (Dark gray-green foliage & blue-lavender flowers - 4' tall) x intermedia 'Alba' (L. angustifolia x latifolia) - - White Lavandin (White flowers - 2-3' tall) x intermedia 'Grosso' - Purple Lavandin (Violet-blue flowers - 2' tall) x intermedia 'Provence' ['du Provence'] - Blue Lavandin (Lavender-blue flowers - 2' tall) 'Regal Splendour' (L. stoechas x L. viridis) - (Green lvs and fat spike of violet blue flwrs) stoechas 'Otto Quast' ['Quasti'] - Spanish Lavender (Purple flowers - 1-2 ft tall) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX maritima [L. bicolor] - Tree mallow (Shrub with lilac flowers with darker center) X.XX XX.XX socialis [Scilla violacea] - (Spotted leaves with green-white flowers) X.XX leonurus - Lion's Tail (Orange flowers) X.XX XX.XX 'Dark Shadows' (L. 'Copper Spray' hybrid) - (Dark maroon foliage and white flowers - 15' tall) laevigatum - Australian Tea Tree (Gray foliage and white flowers - 20'+) X.XX laevigatum 'Reevesii' - Dwarf Australian Tea Tree (Gray foliage & white flowers - 5’ tall) petersonii [L. citratum] - Lemon Tea Tree (Green leaves & white flowers - 15'+ tall) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Lavatera Ledebouria Leonotis Leptospermum Leucadendron argenteum - Silver Tree (Long silver leaves) 'Cloudbank Ginny' [L. 'Cloudbank Jenny'] - (Yellow and orange male flowers) discolor 'Pom Pom' - Pom-pom Flame Tips (Gray lvs w/red & yellow male flowers) 'Ebony' PPAF (L laureolum x L. salignum) - (Shrub with dark purple foliage and flower bracts) 'Jester' ['Safari Sunshine'] - (Red, cream & green foliage w/red bracted female flowers) 'Perry's Red' (L. salignum hybrid) - (Bronze foliage w/red bracted female flowers) 'Pisa' (L. floridum hybrid) - (Silver foliage with yellow bracted female flowers) 'Safari Goldstrike' (L. strobolinum x L. laureolum) - (Green lvs w/yellow bracted female flowers) 'Safari Sunset' (L. salignum x L. laureolum) - (Bronze foliage with red bracted female flowers) salignum 'Blush' - Willow Cone Bush (Red-purple blushed foliage) Leucophyta [Calocephalus] brownii [Calocephalus brownii] - Cushion Bush (Gray leaves with whitish yellow flowers) X.XX Leucospermum - Pincushion cordifolium 'Flame Giant' - Giant Orange Nodding Pincushion (Large orange flowers) 'High Gold' (L. cordifolium 'Yellow Bird' x L. patersonii) - (Yellow flowers) 'Scarlet Ribbon' (L. glabrum x L. tottum) - (Salmon and red flowers) 'Spider Hybrid' (L. tottum x L. formosum) - (Salmon, gold and red flowers) 'Sunrise' (L. cordifolium x L. patersonii) – (Early salmon flowers) 'Veldfire' (L. conocarpodendron x L. glabrum) - (Yellow and red flowers) Leymus [Elymus] X.XX X.XX peregrinans (Orange foliage with white flowers) X.XX japonicum - Japanese Privet (Shrub with mid-green foliage) japonicum 'Texanum' - Waxleaf Privet (Dark green waxy foliage) X.XX X.XX minutum - Dwarf Statice (Tiny spoon shaped leaves and airy lavender flowers) perezii [Statice] - Sea Lavender (Triangular shaped leaves & tall purple flowers) vulgare (Dwarf plant with lavender flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX Ligularia - See Farfugium Ligustrum Limonium (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 7-15gal XXX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 Box XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX arenarius 'Glaucus' - Blue Rye (Spreading grass with blue-gray foliage) condensatus 'Canyon Prince' (SBBG Intro) - Wild Rye (Spreading native w/gray foliage) condensatus 'Gaviota Gray' (Dave Frantz Intro) - (Tall native clump grass w/gray foliage) Libertia 26 2-5gal XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) (7 gal) (7 gal) San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal 'Gigantea' - Giant Turf Lily (Pale lavender-blue flowers) muscari 'Big Blue' - Lily Turf (Upright small narrow dark green leaves w/violet flowers) spicata 'Silver Dragon' (Variegated foliage with lavender flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX excelsa - Chilean Lobelia (Shrub with reddish-orange flowers) fulgens [L. splendens, L. cardinalis, Hort.] - (Burgundy foliage with red flowers) laxiflora (Spreading perennial with red-orange flowers) X.XX X.XX Liriope - See also Ophiopogon Lobelia Lomandra confertifolia spp. rubiginosa 'Seascape' PP 20,010 - (Fine weeping gray leaves - 2' tall) hystrix Tropic Belle ['LHCOM'] PP20,759 (Floriferous w/bright green leaves - 30" tall) longifolia Breeze ['LM300'] PP15,420 - (Narrow green leaves - 24-30" tall) longifolia Nyalla ['LM400'] PP15,583 (Narrow blue green leaves - 2-3' tall) X.XX confusa - Soft-leafed Honeysuckle (Soft foliage w/white and pale yellow flowers) hildebrandiana - Giant Burmese Honeysuckle (Large vine with large yellow flowers) X.XX Lonicera X.XX X.XX Lophomyrtus 7-15gal XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX ralphii 'Sundae' (Shrub with small cupped bronze leaves with cream margins) XX.XX confertus [Tristania conferta] - Brisbane Box (Tree w/peeling pink bark and leathery lvs) XX.XX XX.XX chinense - Fringe Flower (Green leaves and white flowers - 5-7' tall and wide) 'Blush' (Green & red leaves with pink flowers - 6' tall by 5' wide) 'Hines Purple Leaf' - (Dark maroon leaves & pink flowers - 6' tall by 8' wide) 'Purple Majesty' - (Dark maroon leaves & pink flowers - 6' tall by 8' wide) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Lophostemon Loropetalum Luculia gratissima - Luculia (Large shrub w/clusters of rose-pink flowers) Lupinus X.XX Box XX.XX albifrons var. collinus - Dwarf Silver Bush Lupine (Silvery leaves and lavender flowers) X.XX latifolius - Broadleaf (Gray-green foliage w/violet-blue flowers) X.XX Lygeum spartum - False Esparto Grass (Vertical narrow olive-green leaves) Lyonothamnus X.XX floribundus ssp. aspleniifolius - Catalina Ironwood (Tree w/shedding bark & dissected lvs) XX.XX bella - Forest Bell Bush (Large shrub with lavender flowers) XX.XX Mackaya X.XX Macleaya microcarpa - Plume Poppy (Gray-green leaves and rust flowers) Macropidia fuliginosa - Black Kangaroo Paw (Green-yellow flowers with black hairs) Macrozamia XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX johnsonii - New South Wales Macrozamia (Large plant w/flattened leaves of green leaflets) moorei - Carnarvon Gorge Macrozamia (Large plant w/v-shaped leaves of green leaflets) moorei "Blue Form" (Large plant w/v-shaped leaves of blue-green leaflets) Magnolia XXX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX 1XXX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX grandiflora 'Little Gem' - Dwarf Southern Magnolia (Small tree w/ fragrant white flwrs) XX.XX sedifolia - Pearl Bluebush (Small shrub with white semi-succulent foliage) XX.XX (2 gal) Mahonia - See Berberis Maireana Malvaviscus arboreus - Turk's Cap (Shrub with bright green leaves and red flowers) X.XX XX.XX laxa [M. suaveolens] - Chilean Jasmine (Semi-deciduous vine w/fragrant white flowers) Sun Parasol Giant Crimson ['Sunmandecrikin'] PP17,736 - (Vine w/large red flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX elongata [Agave gracillima] - Large leafed Manfreda (Long soft green leaves) maculosa - Texas Tuberose (Long leaves spotted with purple) X.XX X.XX Mandevilla Manfreda x Mangave (Manfreda x Agave) 'Bloodspot' (Agave macroacantha x Manfreda. maculosa?) - (Gray-green lvs maroon speckled) X.XX 'Macho Mocha' (Manfreda variegata x Agave celsii) - [Yucca Do Intro] - (Large maroon spotted lvs) XXX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX (2 gal) 27 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Manihot esculenta - Tapioca, Cassava (Upright open shrub with palmate leaves) 2-5gal drummondii - Nardoo (Aquatic - fuzzy gray-green clover-like leaves) schelpeana [M. crenata, Hort.] - Small Leafed Marsilea (Aquatic - small clover-like lvs) vestita - California Water Clover - (Aquatic - Green lvs bronze when new) X.XX X.XX X.XX macroptera [Calleum macroptera] - Butterfly Vine (Yellow flowers) X.XX Mascagnia Mathiasella (5"pot) (5"pot) (5"pot) XX.XX bupleuroides - Green Dream (Large green leaves with green-pink bracted flowers) XX.XX (2 gal) boaria - Mayten Tree (Tree with bright green small leaves) XX.XX XX.XX armillaris - Bracelet Honey-myrtle (Large shrub/ small tree with cream flowers) incana - Gray Honey-myrtle (Large shrub with red buds & pale yellow flowers) incana 'Prostrate Form' (Low shrub w/red buds & pale yellow flowers) nesophila - Pink Melaleuca (Large shrub with mauve flowers) quinquenervia [M. leucadendron, Hort.] - Punk Tree (Upright tree with pale yellow flowers) styphelioides - Prickly Paperbark (Cream flowers - tree) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Maytenus Melaleuca Melianthus X.XX major - Honey Bush (Large gray leaves and dark red flowers) X.XX nerviglumis [Rhynchelytrum neriglume] - Ruby Grass (Pink flowers) X.XX Melinis Meryta sinclairii - Puka (Small tree with large dark green leathery leaves) sinclairii 'Moonlight'- Variegated Puka (Small tree w/large green & yellow leathery lvs) XX.XX XXX.XX Metrosideros collina 'Springfire' - Lehua (Salmon-pink flowers) kermadecensis 'Tahiti' [M. villosa 'Tahiti'] - Dwarf Pohutukawa (Orange-red flowers) XX.XX XX.XX Microlepia strigosa - Lace Fern (Delicately twice divided medium-green fronds) Mimulus X.XX Curious Monkeyflower Series (Ball Ornamental Plants Introduction) 'Georgie Red' PPAF ['Kissable Red'] - (Red flwrs edged w/yellow) 'Georgie Tangerine' PPAF ['Tempting Tangerine'] - (Orange flwrs edged w/yellow) 'Georgie White' PPAF ['Peek-a-Boo White'] - (White and yellow flowers) 'Georgie Yellow' PPAF ['Georgie Boy Yellow'] - (Pale yellow flowers) 'Hybrid Orange' - (Dave Verity Hybrid) - (Pale orange flowers) 'Jack' (Persoff Kid's Series) - (Burgundy-red flowers) 'Pumpkin' (SLO Start Introduction) - (Bi-colored red and orange flowers) Jelly Bean Series – (Rich Persoff Hybrids) 'Jelly Bean Dark Pink' PPAF (Dark pink flowers) 'Jelly Bean Gold' PPAF (Golden yellow flower) 'Jelly Bean Lemon' PPAF (Lemon yellow flowers) 'Jelly Bean Orange' PPAF (Orange flowers) 'Jelly Bean Purple Pink' PPAF (Magenta flowers) 'Jelly Bean White' PP11,969 (White flowers) 'Trish' (Persoff Kid's Series) - (Rose pink flowers) 'Valentine' - (Dave Verity Hybrid) - Red Valentine Monkeyflower (Shrub w/red flowers) Miscanthus sinensis - Eulalia, Japanese Silver Grass 'Adagio' (Green leaves - Dwarf) 'Cabaret' [M. sinensis var. condensatus cv.] - (Broad white striped leaves) 'Morning Light' (Narrow white variegated leaves) 'Variegatus' - Variegated Silver Grass (White striped leaves) transmorrisonensis - Evergreen Eulalia (Arching long narrow green lvs) Montanoa grandiflora - Daisy Tree (Shrub with fragrant white flowers) (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Box XX.XX Marsilea 28 7-15gal XX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX XXX.XX (7 gal) San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Muehlenbeckia complexa - Wire Vine (Small green leaves and dark stems) 2-5gal X.XX XX.XX capillaris - Hairy Awn Muhly (Plumes of pink flowers) X.XX capillaris 'White Cloud' - White Awn Muhly (Plumes of white flowers) X.XX dubia - Pine Muhly (Upright stems with short spikes of tan flowers) X.XX dumosa - Bamboo Muhly (Upright stems with pale green leaves) X.XX emersleyi - Bull Grass (Loose spikes of purple flowers) X.XX lindheimeri - Lindheimer's Muhly (Gray leaves with upright spikes of purple flowers) X.XX 'Pink Flamingo' (M. capillaris x M. lindheimeri) - (Gray leaves w/arching plume of pink flowers) X.XX rigens - Deer Grass (Upright stems with spikes of silver-gray flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX Muhlenbergia X.XX X.XX X.XX scorpioides [M. palustris] - Water Forget-Me-Not (Bog plant w/small sky blue flwrs) X.XX californica [Morella californica] - Pacific Wax Myrtle (Shrub w/deep green narrow lvs) X.XX aquaticum [M. brasiliense] - Parrot's Feather (Bog plant w/whorls of hair like leaves) X.XX Myosotis Myrica Myriophyllum Myrsine XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX communis - True Myrtle (Bright green leaves and white fragrant flowers) X.XX XX.XX domestica - Heavenly Bamboo 'Gulf Stream' PP5,656 - Gulf Stream Nandina (Dense shrub w/colorful fine textured lvs) X.XX 'Royal Princess' (K.M. Nursery Introduction) - (Large upright plant with fine texture) XX.XX caerulea - Walking Iris (Tall plant with intense blue flowers) XX.XX Neomarica X.XX Nepeta XX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX Nandina XX.XX XX.XX (5"pot) africana - African Boxwood (Shrub with red stems and rounded dark green leaves) X.XX africana 'Scarlett Marglin' - Variegated African Boxwood (Pink & cream variegated lvs) X.XX Myrtus Box XX.XX Myoporum laetum Clean n Green ['WCN 01'] PPAF - Thrips Resistant Coast Myoporum laetum 'Compacta' - Compact Coast Myoporum parvifolium 'Pink' - Pink Australian Racer (Pink flowers - low groundcover) parvifolium 'Putah Creek' (UC Davis Arboretum Introduction) - (White flowers - groundcover) 7-15gal XX.XX x faassenii (N. racemosa x N. nepetella) - Cat Mint (Low growing w/gray lvs & blue flowers) X.XX x faassenii 'Walker's Low' - [2007 PPA Perennial of the Year] - (Mounding plant w/blue flwrs) X.XX Nephrolepis cordifolia - Sword Fern (Long fronds with dark green leaflets) cordifolia 'Lemon Buttons' (Small plant with fronds of small rounded leaflets) Nolina X.XX X.XX XX.XX nelsonii - Blue Nolina (Thin blue-gray pliant leaves radiate from stout trunk) XX.XX litoralis [Fascicularia litoralis] - Cardoncillo (Narrow spiny leaf with pink flower clusters) XX.XX (2 gal) Ochagavia Oenothera speciosa 'Roseum' [O. berlandieri] - Mexican Evening Primrose (Spreading w/pink flowers) X.XX Olea africana [O. chrysophylla] - African Olive (Golden green foliage) europaea - European Olive 'Fruitless' - Fruitless Olive 'Manzanillo' - Fruiting Olive 'Montra' - Little Olive (Compact shearable shrub to 8' tall) Operculicarya X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX XXX.XX decaryi - Elephant Tree (Thick trunked small tree with tiny reddish leaves) Ophiopogon clarkei - Himalayan Mondo Grass (Narrow dark green leaves w/light purple flowers) jaburan 'Variegata' [Liriope 'Aztec Lily'] - (Cream variegated foliage and white flowers) japonicus - Mondo Grass (Narrow grass-like foliage with pale lilac flowers) planiscapus Black Beard ['Yapard'] PP22,128 - Large Black Mondo Grass planiscapus 'Nigrescens' [O. p. 'Arabicus'] - Black Mondo Grass XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX 29 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Origanum dictamnus - Crete Dittany (Fuzzy gray leaves with purple flowers) X.XX labiatus - Shell Bush (Shrub with pink flowers) X.XX deltoides (Gray succulent with pink flowers) X.XX Orthosiphon Oscularia Osmanthus 7-15gal fragrans - Sweet Olive (Shrub with leathery leaves and fragrant small white flowers) XX.XX XX.XX acuminata aztecorum [Yushania aztecorum] - Mexican Weeping Bamboo aztecorum 'Chica' - Dwarf Mexican Weeping Bamboo XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Otatea- See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 Oxalis braziliensis (Glossy small leaves with small pink flowers) deppei 'Iron Cross' (Spotted foliage with small coral flowers) purpurea 'Grand Duchess' (Large dull green leaves & large pink flowers) purpurea 'Grand Duchess White' (Large dull green leaves & large white flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX diosmifolius 'Pink' - Pink Rice Flower (Pink buds open to white flowers) X.XX 'Bill Baker' (Upright growing groundcover with purple tinged blue-green lvs) oviferum - Moonstones (Succulent with gray pink leaves) X.XX X.XX 'Scheideckeri' [Echeveria 'Gray Red', Hort.] - Jeweled Crown (Red tipped gray lvs) X.XX jasminoides - Bower Vine 'Alba' - White Bower Vine (Pure white flowers) 'Rosea' Pink Bower Vine (Pink flowers with dark center) 'Variegata' (Cream variegation with pink flowers) pandorana 'Golden Showers' - Yellow Wonga Wonga Vine (Yellow & red flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX virgatum 'Heavy Metal' - Heavy Metal Switch Grass (Blue-gray lvs w/airy flowers) X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) Ozothamnus Pachyphytum x Pachyveria (Pachyphytum x Echeveria) Pandorea Panicum Parkinsonia aculeata - Mexican Palo Verde (Yellow flowers with red spots) X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX 'Coral Sea' (P. manicata hybrid) - (Salmon-pink flowers) edulis - Passion Fruit (White & purple flwrs w/edible purple fruit) ligularis - Granadilla (White & blue flwrs w/edible yellow-orange fruit) phoenicea alata 'Ruby Glow' [P. alata 'Ruby Glow'] - (Large dark maroon-red flowers) 'Purple Tiger' (P. phoenicea 'Ruby Glow' x P. quadrangularis) - Purple Tiger Passion Vine sanguinolenta (Wing-shaped foliage with small pink flowers) vitifolia 'Scarlet Flame' [P. coccinea, Hort.] - Red Granadilla X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX kawakamii - Sapphire Dragon Tree (Large leaves & mauve flowers) XX.XX Pedilanthus bracteatus - Tall Slipper plant (Tall leafless succulent with reddish-pink flowers) macrocarpus - Slipper Plant (Leafless succulent with orange-red flowers) XX.XX X.XX Paulownia XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX Pelargonium 'Chocolate Mint' (Spreading plant with maroon splotched pale green leaves) X.XX sidoides - Kalwerbossie Geranium (Gray leaves with dark red flowers) X.XX sidoides 'Gloriana' (Mark Bartholomew Introduction) - (Gray leaves with magenta-pink flowers) X.XX tomentosum - Peppermint-scented Geranium (White flowers marked with red) X.XX XX.XX 'Eaton Canyon' (Magic Growers Introduction) - Dwarf Red Fountain Grass 'Fairy Tails' (John Greenlee Introduction) - Evergreen Fountain Grass 'Fireworks' PP18,192 (P. 'Rubrum' sport) - (Burgundy foliage w/green and white striping) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX Pennisetum (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 X.XX X.XX X.XX XXX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX 'Hacienda Creeper' (Scott Ogden Introduction) - Rancho Viejo Evergreen Creeper henryana - Silver Vein Creeper (Green and purple-maroon leaves with white veins) tricuspidata - Boston Ivy (Green leaves turn red in fall) Passiflora Box XX.XX XX.XX Parthenocissus 30 2-5gal Fax (805) 964-1329 XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal orientale - Chinese Fountain Grass (Soft pink flowers) 'Rubrum' [P. x advena, P. setaceum 'Rubrum', Hort.] - Red Fountain Grass spathiolatum, Hort. [P. sphacelatum?] - Slender Veldt Grass (Tall flower heads) X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX hartwegii hybrids 'Apple Blossom' [P. 'Huntington Pink'] - (Pink flowers with white throat) 'Firebird' [P.'Schönholzeri'] - (Red flowers) 'Hidcote Pink' (Salmon pink with rose red throat) 'Midnight' [P. 'Russian River'] - (Purple flowers) 'Garnet' (P. campanulatus hybrid) - (Narrow leaves w/dark red flowers) heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP' (Las Pilitas Nursery Intro) - (Blue with purple tinged flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX 'Blue Spire' (P. abrotanoides x P. atriplicifola) - Russian Sage (Gray lvs with blue flwrs) X.XX XX.XX volubilis - Queen's Wreath (Vine with rough leathery leaves and blue flowers) X.XX Pennisetum (Continued) Penstemon - Beard Tongue Perovskia Petrea Philadelphus mexicanus 'Double Flowering' - Evergreen Mock Orange (Fragrant double white flowers) X.XX XX.XX selloum [P. bipinnatifidum] - Giant Philodendron (Huge deeply lobed dark green leaves) X.XX Xanadu™ ['Winterbourn'] - Dwarf Philodendron (Small tropical plant w/lobed green leaves) X.XX XX.XX myoporoides 'Profusion' - Long-leaf Wax Flower (Pink buds with white flowers) XX.XX Philodendron Philotheca [Eriostemon] Phlebodium aureum [Polypodium aureum] - Large Rabbit's Foot Fern (Gray-green lobed phyllodes) X.XX caballeroi (Gold tinged foliage with pink flowers) cashmeriana (Low shrub with large green leaves and pink flowers) fruticosa - Jerusalem Sage (Shrub with gray leaves and yellow flowers) 'Grande Verde' [P. 'Edward Bowles'] - (Shrub with large green leaves and yellow flowers) lanata (Small shrub with small golden-green leaves and yellow flowers) purpurea (Shrub with gray leaves and lavender flowers) russeliana (Groundcover with large green leaves and yellow flowers) viscosa (Shrub w/yellow-gray felty leaves and yellow flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX roebelenii (Single) - Pygmy Date Palm X.XX Phlomis Phoenix Phormium - New Zealand Flax Arching Form Upright Form X.XX X.XX Box XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Slightly Arching Form 'Alison Blackman' (Upright to 4' - Olive-green leaves with yellow margins) Black Adder ['FIT01'] PP20,451 (Slightly arching 3' - Medium narrow dark maroon-black lvs) cookianum [P. colensoi] - Mountain Flax (Slightly arching to 5' - Wide olive-green leaves) 'Blondie' PPAF (Arching to 2' - Narrow green leaves w/cream midstripe) 'Cream Delight' (Arching to 3' - Wide green leaves with broad cream midstripe) 'Tricolor' (Arching to 4' - Wide green and yellow leaves with red margins) 'Dark Delight' (Slightly arching to 4' - Dark reddish brown medium width leaves) 'Dark Delight' seedlings (Slightly arching with dark reddish brown medium width leaves) X.XX 'Duet' (Upright/slightly arching to 2' - Green leaves with cream stripes near margins) 'Dusky Chief' (Upright then arching to 3-4' - maroon leaves with gray backsides) 'Dusky Maiden' ('Dusky Chief' sport) - (Upright then arching to 3-4' - narrow maroon leaves) X.XX 'Electric Black Light' PP21,462 (Upright arching 2' - Near black waxy lvs w/fine red edge) 'Evening Glow' (Slightly arching to 3-4' - Mid-width leaves of apricot - pink to rose-red) 'Firebird' (Upright to 5-6' - Wide leaves with rose-red centers and bronze margins) 'Golden Ray' (Slightly arching to 4-5' - Green leaves w/yellow bands & reddish margins) 7-15gal XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) 31 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Phormium (Continued) 'Guardsman' (Upright to 6-7' - Wide maroon-bronze leaves with scarlet margins) 'Jack Spratt' (Small upright to 18" - Very narrow twisting reddish brown leaves) X.XX 'Jubilee' PP19,059 (Slightly arching to 2-3'- Salmon-red lvs w/green stripes) 'Maori Chief' (Upright arching to 5-6' - Wide green centered lvs w/broad rose red margins) 'Margaret Jones' (Slightly arching to 3-4' - Medium width leaves of apricot- pink to rose red) 'Platt's Black' (Slightly arching to 3-4 - Medium narrow dark maroon-brown leaves) X.XX 'Sunset' (Upright to 5-6' - Medium width apricot, pink & green leaves arching at tips) tenax 'Radiance' (Upright to 5-6'- Wide leaves with green and gold bands) tenax 'Variegatum' (Upright to 8' - Wide leaves with cream and green stripes) 'Tom Thumb' (Upright to 2' - Narrow undulating green leaves with red margins) X.XX 'Wildwood' - Berkeley Purple Flax (Slightly arching to 5' - Wide dark purple leaves) 'Wings of Gold' (Slightly arching to 3-4 - Medium width green leaves w/yellow margins) 'Yellow Wave' (Arching to 3-4' - Wide green leaves with wide yellow stripes) Phylica arborea - Island Cape Myrtle (Shrub/tree with green and gray needle-like leaves) plumosa - Cape Myrtle (Shrub w/short wooly leaves & golden brown flowers) pubescens [P. plumosa, Hort.] Featherhead (Shrub with long hairy leaves) Phyllostachys- See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' [P. aurea spectabilis] - Green Groove Bamboo bambusoides 'Castillon' - Striped Running Timber Bamboo nigra - Black Bamboo viridis 'Robert Young' [P. sulfurea 'Robert Young'] vivax 'Aureocaulis' - Striped Giant Running Timber Bamboo X.XX fimbriatum [Stipa fimbriata] - Pinyon Ricegrass (Tall stalks of long awned flowers) X.XX Piptochaetium Pisonia crucigerum [Amphilophium crucigerum] - Monkeycomb - (Creamy white flowers) angustifolium [P. phillyraeoides, Hort.] - Weeping Pittosporum (Tree w/pendulous narrow lvs) crassifolium - Karo (Gray leaves with purple flowers) X.XX crassifolium 'Compactum' [P. crassifolium 'Nana'] - Dwarf Karo (Mounding plant w/gray lvs) napaulense [P. nepalense, Hort.] - Golden Fragrance (Yellow flowers) 'Oakleaf' [P. tobira 'Oakleaf'] - (Shrub with dark green foliage & greenish yellow flowers) tenuifolium [P. nigricans] - Kohuhu (Small green lvs, black stems & purple flowers) X.XX 'Marjorie Channon' (Cream and green variegated foliage) 'Silver Sheen' (Small rounded silvery foliage) tobira 'Variegata' (Gray-green and cream variegated foliage with white flowers) X.XX tobira 'Wheeler's Dwarf' (Compact plant with white flowers) X.XX undulatum - Victorian Box (Large shrub or tree w/fragrant white flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX serpyllifolia [Helichrysum petiolare microphyllum, Hort.] - (Gray foliage with white flowers) X.XX argentatus - Silver Plectranthus (Gray foliage with pale violet flowers) ciliatus 'Drege' (Green leaves with purple undersides and pink flowers) ernestii - Bonsai Mint (Small plant with swollen stems and pink flowers) forsteri 'Aureus Variegatus' (Yellow variegated foliage) Mona Lavender ['Plepalila'] PP13,858 - (Dark green/purple leaves with lavender flowers) neochilus - Lobster Flower (Aromatic foliage with blue flowers) neochilus 'Mike's Fuzzy Wuzzy' (Aromatic variegated foliage w/blue flowers) Pleioblastus - See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 pygmaeus [Sasa pygmaea] - Dwarf Bamboo shibuyanus 'Tsuboi' - Dwarf Variegated Bamboo viridistriatus [Arundinaria viridi-striata] - Dwarf Greenstripe Bamboo X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Plectranthus (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Box XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Plecostachys 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX praecox [Senecio praecox] - Broomstick Tree (Bare stemmed succulent with yellow flowers) Pittosporum 32 XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX Pittocaulon XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX umbellifera 'Variegata' [Heimerliriodendron] - Map Plant (Large green lvs splotched w/white) Pithecoctenium 2-5gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX XX.XX X.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Plumbago 2-5gal auriculata 'Imperial Blue' [P. capensis] - Cape Plumbago (Large shrub w/blue flowers) X.XX XX.XX gracilior - See Afrocarpus henkelii - Long Leafed Yellow-wood (Dark long drooping green leaves) latifolius - Yellow-wood (Gray leaves columnar habit) totara - Totara (Short narrow gray-green leaves) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX 'Alta Mariposa' - (Dense plant w/rounded leaves and purple flowers) X.XX x dalmaisiana (P. oppositifolia x P. myrtifolia) - Sweet Pea Shrub - (Pink and purple flowers) X.XX fruticosa 'Petite Butterfly' [P. 'Sugar Baby'/'Mariposa'] - (Compact plant with purple flowers) X.XX myrtifolia 'Grandiflora' - Sweet Pea Shrub (Large shrub with purple flowers) virgata 'Portola' (2005 SMG Intro) - Purple Broom (Red-purple flowers - upright shrub) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Podocarpus Polygala Portulaca molokiniensis - 'Ihi (Succulent with 4-ranked leaves & yellow flowers) X.XX afra - Elephant's Food (Red stems with succulent small green leaves) 'Aurea' (Low growing with red stems and small yellow leaves) 'Prostrate Form' (Flat growing with red stems and small green leaves) 'Variegata' (Upright with red stems and cream & green variegated leaves) X.XX Portulacaria Prostanthera cynaroides - King Protea (Large pink flowers) cynaroides 'Mini King' - Dwarf King Protea (Smaller plant w/large pink flowers) laurifolia 'Rose Mink' (Silvery pink flowers) neriifolia 'Late Mink' (Late flowering selection with pink flowers) 'Pink Ice' (P. compacta x P. susannae?) - (Large pink flowers) 'Sylvia' (P. susannae x P. eximia) - (Pink flowers) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX ilicifolia ssp. lyonii [P. lyonii] - Catalina Cherry (Bright green broad lance shaped leaves) XX.XX Protea Protasparagus - See Asparagus Prunus ferox - Fierce Lancewood (Upright plant w/unusual stiff narrow lvs) X.XX pinnata - Scurfy Pea Shrub (Fragrant lavender-blue flowers) X.XX pedunculata ‘Grampians Gold’ (2011Koala Blooms Intro) - (Mat plant with yellow flowers) X.XX granatum 'Nana' - Dwarf Pomegranate (Orange-red flowers & small red fruit) X.XX alpestris - Sapphire Tower (Gray-green leaves with turquoise-blue flowers) coerulea var. coerulea (HBG #20943) - (Silver white leaves with purple flowers) sp. "Cumbayo" (Narrow Gray leaves with purple flowers) sp. "Rio Pachachaca" (Rosettes of gray leaves with green-yellow flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX hosmariense - Moroccan Daisy (Silver foliage with white flowers) X.XX venusta - Flame Vine (Orange tubular flowers) X.XX Pultenea Punica Puya Pyrethropsis Pyrostegia Quercus XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX Psoralea Box XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) baxteri 'Lavender Moon' (2010 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Lvs w/silver hairs & mauve flwrs) ovalifolia 'Variegata' (White variegated leaves with purple flowers) X.XX Pseudopanax 7-15gal XX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX agrifolia - Coast Live Oak tomentella - Island Oak (Large dark green leaves) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX saponaria - Soapbark Tree (Narrow tree with cream flowers) XX.XX XX.XX XXX.XX Quillaja Reinwardtia indica - Yellow Flax (Bright yellow flowers in winter) X.XX XX.XX 33 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal 7-15gal Box Restios - Grasslike plants in the family Restionaceae Cannomois grandis [C. virgata, Hort.] - Bellreed (Tall restio with pink stems & feathery foliage) grandis "Large Seed Form" -Tall Bellreed (Very tall w/pink stems & feathery foliage) Chondropetalum [Elegia] XX.XX XX.XX elephantinum [C. tectorum, Hort.] - Cape Rush (Clumps of dark green stems - 4-5' tall) tectorum - Small Cape Rush (Clumps of narrow dark green stems - under 3' tall) X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) capensis - (Clumps of stems with whorled fine foliage - 3-6' tall) gigantea (Large restio with bright green foliage) X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX insignis - Thatching Reed (Arching plant with brown flowers - 4-6 ft tall) X.XX XX.XX Rhodocoma Thamnochortus Rhagodia spinescens - Australian Saltbush (Small gray leaves - low growing) X.XX alaternus - Italian Buckthorn (Upright shrub with small leathery leaves) alaternus 'Variegata' - Variegated Buckthorn californica [Frangula californica] - Coffeeberry (Dark green leaves with red berries) 'Eve Case' (Saratoga Hort. Foundation Intro) - (Compact upright to 8+ ft tall) 'Leatherleaf' (Roger Raiche Selection) - (Compact to 6-8 ft tall) 'Mound San Bruno' (Roger Raiche Selection) - (Dense mounded growth to 6 ft tall) X.XX Rhamnus X.XX X.XX Rhaphiolepis indica 'Clara' (Compact mounding shrub with white flowers) X.XX umbellata 'Minor' - Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn (Tight upright shrub w/small lvs & white flwrs) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX capensis - (Clumps of stems with whorled fine foliage - 3-6' tall) gigantea (Large restio with bright green foliage) XX.XX XX.XX Rhodocoma X.XX X.XX Rhoicissus capensis [Cissus capensis] - Evergreen Grape (Evergreen vine with grape-like leaves) Rhus integrifolia [Schmaltzia integrifolia] - Lemonade Berry (Pink-white flowers) ovata - Sugar Bush (Pinkish white flowers) Rhynchelytrum - See Melinus nerviglumis Ribes viburnifolium - Catalina Evergreen Currant (Shrub with small rounded lvs) viburnifolium 'Spooner's Mesa' (Selection from San Diego w/larger lvs than species) Robinsonella X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX cordata - Heartleaf Robinsonella (Tree with blue Hibiscus-like flowers) XX.XX petasites ssp. cristobalensis [Senecio cristobalensis] - (Shrub w/red lvs & yellow flwrs) petasites [Senecio petasites] - (Shrub with light green leaves and yellow flowers) XX.XX XX.XX Romneya coulteri - Matilija Poppy (White flowers) X.XX Rosa - Roses Shrub Roses X.XX californica 'Elsie' (2002 SMG Introduction) - California Rose - Single pink shrub rose X.XX 'Happenstance' [R. 'Mermaid' dwarf sport] - Yellow shrub (NR) 'Iceberg' - White floribunda (1958) 'Mutabilis' [R. chinensis 'Mutabilis'] - Butterfly Rose - Rose-pink to peach shrub (pre-1894) Ralph's Creeper ['Morpapplay'] - Orange-red w/yellow groundcover (1988) X.XX 'Sea Foam' - White shrub/groundcover rose (1963) X.XX 'The Fairy' - Pink polyantha (1932) X.XX Vine Roses 'Altissimo' - Red large flowered stiff climber (1966) banksiae 'Lutea' - Lady Bank's Yellow Rose (1824) X.XX banksiae var. banksiae [R. b. 'Alba Plena'] - White Banksia (1807) X.XX 'Belle Portugaise' - Light pink large flowering climber (1903) 'Buff Beauty' - Pale peach hybrid musk (1939) X.XX (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Roldana 34 XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XX.XX (7 gal) San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Rosa - Roses Vine Roses (Continued) Cl. 'Cécile Brünner' - Pink climbing polyantha (1894) Cl. 'Iceberg' [Cl. 'Fée des Neigges'] - White climber (1968) 'Joseph's Coat' - Red-orange climber (1964) laevigata - Cherokee Rose - White climber (1759) 'Mermaid' - Pale-yellow hybrid bracteata climber (1918) X.XX X.XX X.XX Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary 'Gold Dust' PP19,949 (Upright plant with yellow edged green leaves and blue flowers) Irene ['Renzels'] PP9,124 - (Trailing plant with violet-blue flowers) 'Ken Taylor' (R. 'Collingwood Ingram' sport) - (Sprawling plant with deep blue flowers) 'Lockwood de Forest' (Trailing plant with pale blue flowers) 'Roman Beauty' PP18,192 (Compact upright plant with violet-blue flowers) 'Tuscan Blue' (Upright plant with bright blue flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX hypoglossum - Butcher's Broom (Leaf-like green cladodes w/tiny white flowers) X.XX equisetiformis - Coral Fountain (Coral red flowers) equisetiformis 'Flamingo Park' (Pink flowers) X.XX X.XX Ruscus Russelia x Ruttyruspolia 2-5gal 7-15gal Box XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX 'Phyllis Van Heerden' (Ruspolia hypocrateriformis x Ruttya ovata) - (Shrub w/rose-pink flowers) X.XX Sagittaria latifolia - Arrowhead (Bog plant with tall wands of white flowers) X.XX 'Allen Chickering' (S. clevelandii x S. leucophylla) - (Gray-green lvs & blue flowers) apiana - White Sage (Gray foliage with white flowers) argentea - Silver Sage (Large basal leaves with white flowers) 'Bee's Bliss' (S. sonomensis x S. leucophylla) - (Groundcover with blue flowers) brandegeei 'Pacific Blue' (SBBG Introduction) - (Shrub with dark green lvs & blue flwrs) chamaedryoides - Germander Sage (Gray foliage with bright blue flowers) chiapensis - Chiapas Sage (Green leaves with purple-pink flowers) chionophylla - Snowflake Sage (Groundcover w/silver foliage and blue flowers) clevelandii 'Winnifred Gilman' (Dark blue flowers) coahuilensis [S. greggii 'Purple' , Hort.] - (Purple flowers) confertiflora - Red Velvet Sage (Furry reddish-brown flowers and stems) darcyi (Spreading plant with large red flowers) 'Desperado' (S. apiana x S. leucophylla) - (Gray foliage with pink flowers) farinacea 'Texas Violet' (Greg Starr/Mountain States Intro) - (Violet & white flowers) greggii - Texas Sage - See also Salvia x jamensis & Salvia coahuilensis 'Alba' (White flowers) 'Furman's Red' (Magenta-red flowers) x jamensis 'Sierra de San Antonio' (S. greggii x S. microphylla) - (Coral & yellow flowers) 'Karla' (S. 'Waverly' x S. chiapensis) - (SMG 2011 Intro) - Karla's Sage (Pale pink flowers) leucantha - Mexican sage (Purple & white flowers) 'Midnight' - Purple Mexican Sage (Purple flowers) 'Santa Barbara' PP12,949 - Compact Mexican Sage (Rose-purple flowers) leucophylla 'Point Sal Spreader' (1989 SMG Introduction) - (Pink flowers) mexicana 'Limelight' - Mexican Sage (Chartreuse and blue flowers) microphylla 'Berzerkeley' (Magenta pink flowers) Mystic Spires Blue ['Balsalmisp'] PP18,054 - Compact Indigo Spires (Violet-blue flwrs) 'Purple Majesty' (S. guaranitica x S. gesneriiflora) - (Purple flowers) sagittata (Arrow shaped leaves and brilliant blue flowers) sinaloensis - Sinaloan Blue Sage (Groundcover with bronze leaves and blue flowers) spathacea - Hummingbird Sage (Magenta pink flowers) uliginosa - Blue Spike Sage (Sky blue flowers) urica (Deep bright blue flowers) 'Waverly' [S. leucantha hybrid] - (White-pink blend flowers) 'Wendy's Wish' PP 21,889 - Wendy's Wish Sage (Reddish purple flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Salvia X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX (5"pot) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX 35 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Sansevieria - Snake Plant cylindrica [S. cylindrica "Skyline", Hort.] - Skyline Sansevieria (Long cylindrical green lvs) kirkii var. pulchra (Wavy pale white banded leaves) masoniana [S. 'Mason's Congo'] - (Very wide long leaves) parva - Kenya Hyacinth (Narrow green leaves) trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation' - White Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii Mein Liebling' (Dark green banded and striped lighter green) trifasciata 'Moonshine' ['Futura Silver Offset'] - Silver Snakeplant X.XX chamaecyparissus - Gray Lavender Cotton (Gray foliage with yellow flowers) neapolitana 'Lemon Queen' (Gray-green foliage with soft yellow flowers) rosmarinifolia [S. virens] - Green Santolina (Green foliage with soft yellow flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX caucasica 'Fama' - Perennial Pincushion (Blue flowers) farinosa - Pincushion Bush (Low shrub with blue flowers) X.XX X.XX aemula - Fan Flower (Compact perennial) 'Blue Fan' - Blue Fairy Flower (Dark Blue flowers w/yellow centers) Top Pot Blue ['Wesscaetob'] PP19,658 (Bright Blue flowers) Top Pot White ['Wesscaetowhi'] PP19,728 (White flowers) albida 'Mauve Clusters' - Fairy Fan Flower (Low growing w/small lavender-blue flwrs) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Santolina Scabiosa Scaevola Schefflera 2-5gal 7-15gal XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) arboricola 'Variegata' - Variegated Dwarf Umbrella Plant (Shrub w/yellow & green lvs) pueckleri [Tupidanthus calyptratus] - Tupidanthus (Tree with large green leaves) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX molle - California Pepper Tree XX.XX XX.XX Schinus Schoenoplectus - See also Eleocharis and Scirpus tabernaemontani [S. lacustris] - Banded Bulrush (White banded narrow cylindrical lvs) Schotia X.XX afra var. angustifolia - Karoo Boerboon (Tree with red flowers) XX.XX Scilla hyacinthoides - Hyacinth Squill (Tall spikes of blue flowers) X.XX natalensis 'Dwarf' - Dwarf Blue Squill (Small bulb w/open inflorescence of blue flowers) X.XX peruviana - Giant Scilla (Bulb with tight clusters of blue flowers) X.XX Scirpus cernuus [Isolepis cernua] - Low Bulrush (Tight growing w/fine narrow cylindrical lvs) X.XX Scopelogena verruculata - (Gray-green succulent groundcover w/ yellow flwrs) X.XX x Sedeveria (Sedum x Echeveria) 'Green Rose' (S. pachyphyllum x E. derenbergii) - (Succulent w/green rosettes & yellow flwrs) X.XX 'Jet Beads' (Small green to black leaves) X.XX Sedum - See also Graptosedum and Sedeveria rupestre 'Angelina' - Golden Sedum (Succulent with yellow to chartreuse leaves) dendroideum - Bush Sedum (Small shrub with green lvs and yellow flowers) lineare 'Variegatum' - Cream & Green Carpet Sedum (Trailing w/cream variegated lvs) nussbaumerianum - Coppertone Stonecrop (Low growing w/yellow-green to orange lvs) pachyphyllum (Succulent with light green leaves and yellow flowers) spectabile 'Autumn Joy' [S. telephium] - (Perennial with pink flowers) spectabile 'Neon'- (Perennial with bright pink flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX radicans - Swamp-mat (Semi-succulent groundcover w/white flowers) X.XX arachnoideum 'Cobweb Buttons' (Small rosettes w/leaves covered in webbing) montanum (Small succulent rosettes with bright green slightly hairy leaves) X.XX X.XX Selliera Sempervivum 36 (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Box XX.XX (2 gal) Fax (805) 964-1329 XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Senecio amaniensis - See Senecio decaryi aizoides - Large Kleinia (Small shrub w/long gray succulent leaves) anteuphorbium (Gray-green round stems striated with darker green) X.XX barbertonicus - Barberton Senecio (Narrow green leaves w/golden-yellow flowers) X.XX cristobalensis - See Roldana petasites ssp. cristobalensis cylindricus [S. talinoides ssp. cylindricus, S. vitalis] - Narrow-Leaf Chalksticks X.XX decaryi [S. amaniensis, Hort.] - (Shrub with gray leaves marked red & yellow flowers) X.XX jacobsenii - Trailing Jade (Green leaves blush purple w/orange flowers) X.XX mandraliscae [S. talinoides ssp. mandraliscae] - Kleinia (Long narrow gray succulent leaves) X.XX petasitis - See Roldana petasites praecox - See Pittocaulon praecox scaposus - Silver Senecio (Round silvery leaves with yellow flowers) X.XX serpens - Blue Chalksticks (Short narrow gray succulent leaves) X.XX 'Jolly Gray' (S. mandraliscae x S. aizoides) - (2006 SMG Intro) - (Long narrow gray succulent lvs) X.XX Sesleria autumnalis - Autumn Moor Grass (Fine textured green leaves) caerulea - Blue Moor Grass (Small grass - green leaves with gray undersides) 'Greenlee' (S. autumnalis x S. caerulea) - (Blue-green leaves w/rose-purple flowers) Setaria tubiflora - Hardy White Gloxinia (Tubers with gray leaves and white flowers) Sinobambusa - See descriptive bamboo list on page 41 tootsik 'Albostriata' - Variegated Chinese Temple Bamboo Sisyrinchium bellum - Blue-eyed Grass (Grasslike plant with yellow centered blue flowers) Solandra XX.XX XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX heterophylla [S. fusiformis] - Australian Bluebell Creeper (Small shrub w/blue flwrs) X.XX Sonchus XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX laxum [S. jasminoides] - Potato Vine (Vigorous vine w/white flowers) wendlandii - Giant Potato Creeper (Vine armed w/hooks & large pale blue flwrs) xanti 'Mountain Pride' (Carol Bornstein Selection) - Purple Nightshade (Deep purple flwrs) Sollya XX.XX XX.XX X.XX XX.XX canariensis - Tree Sonchus (Upright plant with dissected leaves and yellow flowers) XX.XX campanulata - African Tulip Tree (Tropical tree with orange-red flowers) XX.XX Spathodea Sporobolus wrightii - Sacaton (Pale-green bunchgrass with tan flowers) X.XX byzantina [S. lanata] - Lamb's Ears (Wooly white leaves with pale violet flowers) chrysantha - Yellow Stachys (Felty white leaves with yellow flowers) X.XX X.XX sinuatus - Firewheel Tree (Tree with lobed leaves and red flowers) X.XX variegatum (Bulb with orange and green flowers) X.XX Stachys Stenocarpus Stenomesson Stigmaphyllon ciliatum - Orchid Vine (Oval ciliated leaves with yellow flowers) Stipa - See also Piptochaetium X.XX agninum - (Low growing succulent with yellow flowers) X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX gigantea - Giant Needle Grass (Tall stalks of very long awned flowers) Stomatium Box X.XX maxima - Cup of Gold Vine - (Large vine w/ big green lvs & huge gold flwrs) maxima 'Variegata' - (Purple, cream and green foliage & golden flowers) Solanum 7-15gal X.XX X.XX X.XX palmifolia - Palm Grass (Large grass with dark green pleated leaves) X.XX palmifolia 'Rubra Variegata' (Grass with green pleated leaves w/red veins & white margins) Sinningia 2-5gal XX.XX (5"pot) 37 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal 2-5gal juncea [S. reginae var. juncea] - Narrow-leaf Bird of Paradise (Orange & blue flowers) reginae - Bird of Paradise (Orange and blue flowers) X.XX XX.XX jamesonii - Marmalade Bush (Shrub with orange flowers) X.XX XX.XX Strelitzia Streptosolen Synadenium compactum var. rubrum [S. grantii 'Rubra'] - African Milk Bush (Upright succulent w/red lvs) Tabebuia - See Handroanthus Tagetes X.XX elegans [Vellozia elegans] - (Small groundcover with white flowers) X.XX haradjanii [T. densum amanii, Hort.] - (Gray-white foliage with yellow flowers) X.XX Tanacetum Taxodium mucronatum [T. huegelii] - Montezuma Cypress (Large tree with light green foliage) Tecoma XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX X.XX XX.XX capensis - Cape Honeysuckle (Vining shrub with orange-red flowers) X.XX XX.XX Tetrastigma voinierianum [Cissus voinieriana] - Chestnut Vine (Large evergreen vine) XX.XX 'Amethyst Eyes' [2012 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro] - (Small shrub w/vibrant violet flowers) XX.XX (2 gal) Tetratheca Teucrium chamaedrys - Germander (Small shrub with purplish pink flowers) chamaedrys 'Nanum' (Very small shrub with purplish pink flowers) cossonii [T. majoricum, Hort.] - Majorcan Teucrium (Groundcover w/gray lvs & purple flwrs) fruticans 'Azureum' - Bush Germander (Shrub w/silvery gray foliage & deep blue flwrs) X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX insignis - Thatching Reed (Arching plant with brown flowers - 4-6 ft tall) X.XX XX.XX Thamnochortus Thenardia floribunda - Petatillo (Vine with reddish purple and white flowers) thevetioides [Cascabela thevetioides] - Giant Thevetia (Small tree w/large yellow flowers) X.XX alata - Black-eyed Susan Vine (Orange flowers with dark eyes) X.XX alata 'Lemon Star' PP14,371 - Sunny™ Lemon Star Black-eyed Susan Vine (Yellow flwrs) X.XX grandiflora - Blue Sky Flower Vine (Large vine with pale blue flowers w/white centers) gregorii - Orange Clock Vine (Dense vine Solid orange flowers) X.XX Thymus 'Victor Reiter' - Victor Reiter Thyme (Tiny green leaves and rose-pink flowers) X.XX heteromalla (Gray-green silky haired foliage with purple flowers) urvilleana [Pleroma urvilleana] - Princess Flower (Purple flowers) X.XX secunda (Silvery green foliage with purple flowers) X.XX Tibouchina XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX tipu - Tipu Tree (Large tree with yellow flowers) XX.XX XX.XX sinensis [Cedrela sinensis] - Chinese Toona (Pink new foliage) XX.XX Tipuana Toona Trachelium caeruleum - Throatwort (Purple flowers) X.XX jasminoides - Star Jasmine (White flowers) jasminoides (Staked) X.XX Trachelospermum 38 XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Tillandsia (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 (7 gal) XX.XX Thomasia Thunbergia XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX Thevetia grandiflora 'Mt Lesueur' (2010 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Small shrub w/magenta flwrs) solanacea 'Velvet Star' (2008 UCSC Koala Blooms Intro) - (Shrub w/pinkish white flowers) (10 gal) XX.XX x smithii (T. arequipensis x T. stans) - (Shrub with orange tubular flowers) Tecomaria XX.XX XX.XX Box XX.XX lemmonii - Mexican Marigold (Aromatic shrub with orange-yellow flowers) Talbotia 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX Fax (805) 964-1329 XXX.XX San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Trachycarpus 2-5gal wagnerianus - Dwarf Chusan Palm (Slender trunk w/nearly round fans of dark green lvs) Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Blushing Bride' (Variegated pink & white leaves) pallida 'Purple Heart' [Setcreasea 'Purple Heart'] - (Dark purple foliage and pink flowers) spathacea [Rhoeo spathacea] - Moses-in-the-Cradle (Red and green leaves) spathacea 'Tricolor' – Pink Moses-in-the-Cradle (Pink, white and green leaves) Trevesia X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX (2 gal) XX.XX scottii - Socotran Borage (Shrub w/large clusters of white tubular flowers) XX.XX laurina - (Small Tree w/smooth bark & yellow flowers) XX.XX Trichodesma Tristania conferta - See Lophostemon Tristaniopsis [Tristania] Tupidanthus - See Schefflera Typha Umbellularia XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX grandidieri - Succulent Sesame (Yellow flowers with dark throats) XX.XX (2 gal) maritima - Sea Squill (Bulb with tall stalks of white flowers) X.XX bracteata [V. viridifolia] - Forest Lily (Pale rose-pink flowers) capensis (Select form with gray undulating foliage and pink flowers) X.XX X.XX bombiciferum 'Arctic Summer' (Biennial with silvery leaves and yellow flowers) X.XX bonariensis - Purple Top (Purple flowers) lilacina 'De La Mina' (SB Botanic Garden Intro) - Cedros Island Verbena - (Purple flwrs) lilacina 'Paseo Rancho' (Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Intro) - (Pink flowers) X.XX X.XX X.XX Vellozia - See Barbacenia and Talbotia Verbascum Verbena Vitis 'Roger's Red' (V. californica hybrid) - Roger's Red California Grape (Red lvs in late fall) Watsonia X.XX X.XX fruticosa [W. rosmariniformis] - Coast Rosemary (Small gray leaves with white flowers) 'Morning Light' (Small gray-green leaves with creamy yellow margins) Mundi ['Wes05'] PPAF - Low Coast Rosemary (Low shrub w/gray lvs & white flwrs) 'Smokey' (Small gray leaves with narrow white margins) 'Wynyabbie Gem' (W. fruticosa x W. erimocola) - (Lavender-blue flowers) ‘Wynyabbie Highlight’ (W. fruticosa x W. eremicola) - Variegated Australian Rosemary X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Wisteria sinensis 'Cooke's Purple' - Purple Chinese Wisteria (Fragrant blue-purple flowers) Wollemia XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX nobilis - Wollemi Pine (Rare Australian yew-like conifer) XXX.XX (7 gal) XXX.XX Xanthorrhoea preissii - Western Australian Grass Tree (Thick trunks of narrow blue-green leaves) Xylosma congestum [X. senticosum] - Shiny Xylosma (Shrub or small tree w/shiny green leaves) XX.XX XX.XX borbonica 'Flamboyant' (Rose-pink flowers with dark throat) borbonica 'Snow Queen' (White flowers) Westringia XXX.XX (5"pot) californica - California Bay Tree (Aromatic green lance shaped leaves) Veltheimia (10 gal) XX.XX (2 gal) X.XX Uncarina Urginea Box XX.XX palmata - Snowflake Tree (Shrub/ small tree w/large palmately lobed leaves) X.XX palmata 'Micholitzii' - Snowflake Aralia (Shrub/ small tree with large shiny dissected lvs) angustifolia - Lesser Cattail (Upright grass-like CA native bog plant to 6' tall) minima - Dwarf Cattail (Grass-like bog plant to 18" tall) 7-15gal XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (7 gal) XXX.XX 39 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 1gal Yucca aloifolia 'Marginata' - Golden Spanish Dagger (Rigid cream margined leaves) Bright Star ['Walbristar'] PP17,653 (Yellow margin variegation w/red highlights) elata - Soap Plant (Tree-like with narrow pliable thread forming leaves) elephantipes [Y. gloriosa, Hort.] - Giant Yucca (Massive trunked tree w/pale green leaves) 'Marginata' (Variegated leaf margin) 'Variegata' (Creamy yellow variegated leaves) endlichiana - Patilla Yucca (Short plant with stout upright gray leaves) glauca - Small Soapweed (Pale green stiff upright leaves) gloriosa 'Variegata' - Variegated Mound Lily (Cream margined lvs blush pink in winter) linearifolia - Linear-leaf Yucca (Narrow green leafed plant on short trunk) queretaroensis - Queretaro Yucca (Narrow bright green leaves) rigida - Blue Yucca (Very stiff whitish blue leaves w/white flowers) rostrata - Big Bend Yucca (Silver-gray flexible leaves radiate from stout trunk) 'Blue Velvet' (Steve Rausch Selection) - (Broad head of blue-gray leaves) 'Sapphire Skies' (Sean Hogan Selection) - (Blue-green leaves) Zantedeschia candida - Fairy Lily (White flowers) 'Labuffarosea' (Rose pink flowers age to white) 7-15gal XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX XX.XX Box (7 gal) (7 gal) X.XX X.XX X.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (5"pot) XX.XX XX.XX(2gal) XX.XX (7 gal) XX.XX (10 gal) XX.XX XX.XX (10 gal) XXX.XX XX.XX XX.XX (10 gal) X.XX aethiopica - White Calla Lily (2-4' tall with green leaves and white flowers) X.XX 'Gene's Giant' (2003 SMG Introduction) - (5' tall with green leaves and large white flowers) 'White Giant' (6+' tall with white spotted leaves and very large white flowers) Zephyranthes 2-5gal XX.XX XX.XX X.XX X.XX Zauschneria - See Epilobium Garden Maker Concrete Planters San Marcos Growers manufactures Garden Maker Concrete Planters. Pots are cast in a natural concrete color. The cement is stabilized, making them ideal for water garden use. A water feature using these planters is set up in the nursery and there are many of these pots planted with our plants situated throughout the nursery gardens. Photos of these pots are available on our website at 40 Large Planter Small Planter Medium Planter 22" tall by 36" diameter (Outside dimensions) 17" by 33" (Inside dimensions) Weight ~ 225 lbs. 16" tall by 26" diameter (Outside dimensions) 12 ½" by 23" (Inside dimensions) Weight ~ 100 lbs. 24" tall by 26" diameter (Outside dimensions) 22" by 23" (Inside dimensions) Weight ~ 175 lbs. $XXX.XX $40 Delivery Charge $XXX.XX $20 Delivery Charge $XXX.XX $30 Delivery Charge (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Fax (805) 964-1329 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Bamboo in our 2012 Catalog Bambusa dolichomerithalla 'Green Stripe' - Green Stripe Bamboo - A medium sized clumping bamboo to 30 ft. tall with light green culms that age to yellow with longitudinal green stripes. Full sun. Hardy to 16°. From Taiwan, China. Bambusa lako - Timor Black Bamboo – A medium to large upright tropical clumping bamboo to 20-30' tall with thick dark black culms. Full sun. Water and fertilize regularly. Hardy to 25°F. From Timor in Indonesia Bambusa malingensis - Seabreeze Bamboo - A medium sized clumping bamboo to 35' tall with 2 1/2" wide dark green culms with small dark green leaves. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Reported as more tolerant to coastal plantings. Hardy to 21°F. From China. Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Karr' [B. glaucescens 'Alphonse Karrii'] - Clumping bamboo with green striped bright yellow culms to 25 feet tall by 1 ½ inch wide . New culms have pink cast. Full sun to light shade. Hardy to 12° F. From China. Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess' [B. glaucescens 'Golden Goddess'] - A smaller clumping Bamboo with thin green culms to 6-10 feet tall by ½ inch wide. Sun/light shade. Hardy to 12° F. A nice container bamboo. From China. Bambusa multiplex 'Riviereorum' - Chinese Goddess Bamboo. A Fine textured small clumping bamboo to 6 feet tall with ¼ inch culms. Sun/light shade. Hardy to 12° F or less. A great container bamboo. From China. Bambusa oldhamii - Giant Timber Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 55 feet tall with 4 inch wide straight vertical culms and short side branches. Full sun. Hardy to 15° F. Great bamboo for a tall screen. From Taiwan. Bambusa textilis - Weaver's Bamboo - Tight clumping bamboo to 40 feet tall with 2 inch wide pale green culms that arch gracefully. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 13° F. Thin walled culms useful for weaving. From Southeast China. Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata' [B. vulgaris 'Striata'] - Painted Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 30-50 feet with 4 inch wide golden culms striped with green (like drip marks) that arch over toward tips. Full sun. Hardy to 27° F. Pantropical. Borinda fungosa [Fargesia fungosa] - Chocolate Bamboo - A medium small sized 12-15 ft tall clumping bamboo with small leaves. This selection from Suncrest Nursery. has dark brown culms. Full sun. Hardy to 15° F. From northeastern Yunnan, China. Chimonobambusa quadrangularis - Square Bamboo - Running bamboo to 15-20’ tall with 1" wide square green culms. Coastal sun/light shade inland. Regular to occasional irrigation. Hardy to 15° F. From China Chusquea coronalis - Mexican Climbing Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 15 feet tall w/ arching ¾ inch solid culms encircled w/tiny leaves. Full sun/light shade. Hardy to 25°F. From southern Mexico to Costa Rica. When happy is probably one of the most beautiful bamboos. Hibanobambusa tranquillans 'Shiroshima' - Slender stemmed running bamboo to 10-15 feet tall w/4-6 inch long green & white striped leaves on 1 ¼” culms. Hybrid between Sasa veitchii & Phyllostachys nigra 'Henon'. Part sun. Hardy below 0° F. From Japan. Himalayacalamus falconeri 'Damarapa' [Drepanostachyum hookerianum] - Candy-Stripe Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 20-30 feet tall w/ 2 inch wide green, striped w/yellow culms that blush pink in spring. Cool sun/light shade. Hardy to 15°F From the Himalayas. Himalayacalamus hookerianus - Himalayan Blue Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 15-25 feet tall w/up to 2” culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15° F. Very Beautiful. From the Himalayas from E. Nepal to Sikkim & Bhutan. Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Teague's Blue' Himalayan Blue Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 20-30 feet tall w/up to 2” culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15° F. Very Beautiful. Typically larger than species Otatea acuminata aztecorum [Yushania] - Mexican Weeping Bamboo - Open clumping bamboo to 20 feet tall w/arching 1 ½ inch culms & abundant narrow leaves. Full sun/light shade. Hardy to 22° F. Native to much of Mexico. Otatea acuminata aztecorum 'Chica' - Dwarf Mexican Weeping Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 4-6 feet tall with w/arching ½ inch culms & abundant narrow leaves. Full sun/light shade. Hardy to 22° F. Selection of a plant native to much of Mexico. Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' - Green Groove Bamboo - Running bamboo to 18-26’ tall with 1" wide green stripes along the groove in the yellow culms. Full sun/ light shade. Regular to occasional irrigation. Hardy to -10 F. From China. Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Castillon' - Striped Running Timber Bamboo - A beautiful running bamboo 35 feet tall w/ 2 inch wide golden culms that are vertically green banded in the grooves on alternate culms. Full Sun. Hardy to 5° F. From China. Phyllostachys nigra - Black Bamboo - A running bamboo to 20-30 feet tall with 1-2 inch wide jet black culms (culms mature from green to back in 6-12 months). Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 0° F. From China. Phyllostachys viridis 'Robert Young' [P. sulfurea 'Robert Young'] - Slow running bamboo that typically grows 30 ft tall with 2 inch wide culms that are pea green and mature to yellow w/random green longitudinal stripes. Full sun. Hardy to -5°F. From China. Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis' - Striped Giant Running Timber Bamboo - Large running bamboo 30-65 feet tall w/5 inch wide golden colored culms that are distinctively longitudinally striped with bright green. Hardy to -5° F. Full Sun. Pleioblastus pygmaeus [Sasa pygmaea] - Dwarf Bamboo - Running bamboo to 1-2 feet tall w/ narrow culms bearing small green leaves with hairy undersides (distinguishes it from P. distichus). Sun/Light Shade. Hardy to 10° F. Can be invasive. From Japan. Pleioblastus shibuyanus 'Tsuboi' - Dwarf running bamboo to 2 feet tall with dark leaves that have a white variegation. Full sun (coast) to light shade. Hardy to 0° F. ABS says this “dwarf” gets to 9 feet tall but it stays small for us. From Japan. Pleioblastus viridistriatus [Arundinaria viridi-striata] - Running bamboo to 2-3 feet tall will yellow to chartreuse foliage aging to green. Sun/Light Shade. Cut regularly to encourage new growth. Hardy to 0° From Japan. Sinobambusa tootsik 'Albostriata' - Variegated Chinese Temple Bamboo - Running bamboo to 15-20+’ tall with 1" culms topped with clusters of cream striped leaves. Full sun (coast)/light shade. Regular to occasional irrigation. Hardy to -10 F. From Japan. For more information, check our bamboo pages at 41 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California 2012 New Plants Program We have a history of introducing new plants. The following have been responsible for some of these and others who have helped introduce new plants are listed on in our New Plant pages on our website at Koala Blooms We are proud partners of the UCSC Arboretum Koala Blooms Australian Plant Introduction Program and currently grow the following: Grevillea petrophiloides 'Big Bird' Grevillea 'Poorinda Signet' Hypocalymma 'Powder Puff' Kennedia beckxiana 'Flamboyant' Prostanthera baxteri 'Lavender Moon' Pultanea pedunculata 'Grampians Gold' Tetratheca 'Amethyst Eyes' Thomasia grandiflora 'Mt Lesueur' Thomasia solanacea 'Velvet Star' Correa glabra 'Coliban River' Correa pulchella 'Pink Eyre' Correa pulchella 'Pink Flamingo' Correa 'Ray's Tangerine' Correa reflexa 'Kangaroo Island' Crowea 'Festival' Darwinia citriodora 'Seaspray' Grevillea 'Cherry Royal' Grevillea lanigera 'Coastal Gem' Grevillea nudiflora 'Medusa' Adenanthos cuneatus 'Coral Drift' Aphanopetalum 'Gossamer Wings' Boronia 'Carousel' Boronia clavata 'Heather Wand' Brachysema 'Bronze Butterfly' Callistemon 'Cane's Hybrid' Chamelaucium ciliatum 'Scaddan' Chorizema 'Bush Flame' Chrysocephalum 'Silver and Gold' Correa alba 'Western Pink Star' Carol Bornstein and the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Carol Bornstein, during her long tenure at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, coordinated the garden's plant introduction program and personally selected many new cultivars of California native plants. We are pleased to be able to grow many of these plants and to continue to support the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and Carol's ongoing efforts to promote the sensible use of our native plants. A complete list of California native plants that we grow is on page 47. Carol brought our attention to the following native plant selections: Heuchera 'Canyon Pink' Hyptis emoryi 'Silver Lining' * Iris PCH hybrid 'Canyon Snow' Leymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' Salvia brandegei 'Pacific Blue' * Solanum xanti 'Mountain Pride' * Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' * Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray' Ceanothus arboreus 'Powder Blue' * Ceanothus 'Wheeler Canyon' Eriophyllum nevinii 'Canyon Silver' * Festuca californica 'River House Blues' Heuchera 'Canyon Belle' Heuchera 'Canyon Duet' * Plant selections made by Carol Bornstein New Plants Listed in the 2012 Catalog Plants listed with a star ( ) in catalog body The following plants have been added to our 2012 catalog. Please visit for more information on these plants. Echeveria 'Golden Glow' Aloe schelpei Nolina nelsonii Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Echeveria 'Stockton' Aloe scobinifolia Pachyphytum 'Bill Baker' Aeonium nobile 'Cluster Form' Erica baueri Aloe spicata Phormium Black Adder Aloe micro. "Calitzdorp Form" Euphorbia clandestina Asparagus scandens Phormium cookianum 'Blondie' Agave multi. 'Cardos Compacta' Euphorbia leucodendron Astelia 'Silver Shadow' Polygala 'Alta Mariposa' Agave parrasana 'Fireball' Euphorbia xanti Bambusa lako Portulaca molokiniensis Agave potatorum 'Kichiokan' Glaucium flavum Bidens ferulifolia 'Goldmarie' Pultenea ‘Grampians Gold’ Agave 'Quasimoto Streaker' Graptopetalum paraguayense Puya sp. "Cumbayo" Ceanothus 'Blue Lolita' Agave 'Sonoita Vineyards' Grevillea 'Cherry Royal' Cedrela fissilis Puya sp. "Rio Pachachaca" Agave vic-reginae 'Albomarginata' Grevillea petrophiloides 'Big Bird' Sansevieria 'Bantel's Sensation' Clematis 'Southern Cross' Aloe acutissima Coprosma 'Inferno' Sansevieria 'Laurentii Mein Liebling' Aloe camperi 'Jennifer' Hesperaloe Brakelights Coprosma 'Pina Colada' Aloe dawei Justicia brandegeeana 'Variegata'Sedum spectabile 'Neon' Cordyline 'Cha Cha' Aloe 'Delta Lights' Kalanchoe humilis Senecio jacobsenii Cordyline 'Jive' Aloe distans Lamium maculatum 'Pink Pewter' Setaria palmifolia 'Variegata' Cotyledon 'Greytown Spoons' Aloe elgonica Lavandula 'Regal Splendour' Solanum xanti 'Mountain Pride' Crassula multicava Aloe 'Erik the Red' Tetratheca 'Amethyst Eyes' Leucadendron 'Ebony' Cyrtanthus obliquus Aloe 'Fairy Pink' Leucadendron salignum 'Blush' Thomasia grandiflora 'Mt Lesueur' Dudleya brittonii Aloe 'Lavender Star' Trevesia palmata Leucospermum 'High Gold' Dudleya saxosa subsp. aloides Aloe maculata 'Monstrose' Verbena lilacina 'Paseo Rancho' Macrozamia johnsonii Dyckia marnier-lapostollei Aloe marlothii "Utrecht form" Westringia 'Wynyabbie Highlight' Macrozamia moorei Dyckia 'Naked Lady' Aloe 'Moonglow' Yucca whipplei ssp. eremica Manfreda elongata Echeveria agavoides 'Prolifera' Aloe petricola Muhlenbergia 'White Cloud' Echeveria bifida Aloe pluridens Muhlenbergia 'Pink Flamingo' 42 (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Fax (805) 964-1329 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Succulent Plants in the 2012 Catalog Adromischus cristatus Aechmea recurvata Aeonium arboreum Aeonium 'Atropurpureum' Aeonium 'Zwartkop' Aeonium aureum Aeonium 'Blackbeard' Aeonium 'Carol' Aeonium 'Cyclops' Aeonium decorum Aeonium 'Gary's Shadow' Aeonium haworthii Aeonium 'Jack Catlin' Aeonium 'Jolly Green' Aeonium 'Kiwi' Aeonium 'Mint Saucer' Aeonium nobile Aeonium nob. 'Cluster Form' Aeonium 'Purple Queen' Aeonium sedifolium Aeonium 'Sunburst' Aeonium undulatum Aeonium 'Voodoo' Agave americana Agave am. var. marginata Agave americana medio-picta Agave a. medio-picta 'Alba' Agave medio-picta 'Alba' Dwarf Agave americana 'Striata' Agave a. 'Yellow Ribbons' Agave attenuata Agave att. 'Arboleda Blue' Agave att. 'Kara's Stripes' Agave attenuata 'Nova' Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light' Agave attenuata 'Variegata' Agave 'Blue Bola Select' Agave 'Blue Flame' Agave 'Blue Glow' Agave bovicornuta Agave bracteosa Agave bract. 'Monterrey Frost' Agave celsii Agave celsii 'Multicolor' Agave celsii 'Nova' Agave celsii 'San Ysidro Lane' Agave celsii 'UCB' Agave colorata Agave 'Cornelius' Agave 'Cream Spike' Agave cupreata Agave dasylirioides Agave desmettiana 'Variegata' Agave difformis Agave 'Felipe Otero' (FO-076) Agave fernandi-regis Agave filifera microceps Agave 'Filigree' Agave franzosinii Agave geminiflora Agave gentryi 'Jaws' Agave ghiesbreghtii Agave guadalajarana Agave guiengola 'Creme Brulee' Agave gypsophila Aloe camperi 'Jennifer' Aloe castanea Aloe chabaudii Aloe 'Christmas Carol' Aloe ciliaris Aloe ciliaris hybrid Aloe congolensis Aloe 'Cynthia Giddy' Aloe dawei Aloe 'Delta Lights' Aloe deltoideodonta candicans Aloe distans Aloe dorotheae Aloe elgonica Aloe ellenbeckii Aloe 'Erik the Red' Aloe 'Fairy Pink' Aloe ferox Aloe fosteri Aloe glauca Aloe 'Goliath' Aloe 'Grassy Lassie' Aloe 'Hercules' Aloe humilis Aloe 'Johnson's Hybrid' Aloe juvenna Aloe kedongensis Aloe 'Lavender Star' Aloe lineata var. muirii Aloe lolwensis Aloe mac. 'Monstrose' Aloe mac. 'Yellow Form' Aloe 'Magoo' Aloe marlothii Aloe mar. "Utrecht form" Aloe 'Moonglow' Aloe petricola Aloe x nobilis Aloe pictifolia Aloe pillansii Aloe 'Pink Blush' Aloe plicatilis Aloe pluridens Aloe pratensis Aloe reitzii Aloe 'Rooikappie' Aloe rubroviolacea Aloe sabaea Aloe salm-dyckiana Aloe schelpei Aloe sinkatana 'Brick House' Aloe sinkatana 'Sunshine' Aloe speciosa Aloe spicata Aloe x spinosissima Aloe striata Aloe striata karasbergensis Aloe thraskii Aloe tomentosa Aloe vanbalenii Aloe vaombe Aloe variegata Aloe vera Aloe wickensii Aloe 'Yellow Torch' Beaucarnea 'Gold Star' Beschorneria albiflora Beschorneria yuccoides Beschorneria 'Flamingo Glow' Billbergia nutans Bulbine frutescens Bulbine 'Hallmark' Bulbine latifolia Bursera fagaroides Calibanus hookeri Calibanus 'Lotusland' Cistanthe 'Jazz Time' Cotyledon 'Cinderella' Cotyledon 'Greytown Spoons' Cotyledon 'Flavida' Cotyledon 'Lighthouse Road' Cotyledon 'Macrantha' Crassula 'Blue Bird' Crassula 'Campfire' Crassula falcata Crassula lactea Crassula ovata 'Gollum' Crassula ovata 'Hobbit' Crassula 'Hummel's Sunset' Crassula ovata 'Obliqua' Crassula ovata 'Pink Beauty' Crassula perforata Crassula sarcocaulis Crassula sar. 'Ken Aslet' Cryptbergia 'Red Burst' Dasylirion longissimum Dasylirion wheeleri Doryanthes palmeri Dudleya brittonii Dudleya hassei Dudleya ingens Dudleya pachyphytum Dudleya pulverulenta Dudleya saxosa ssp. aloides Dyckia 'Alice' Dyckia 'Black Gold' Dyckia 'Jim's Red' Dyckia marnier-lapostollei Dyckia 'Naked Lady' Dyckia 'Precious Metal' Dyckia 'Purple & Silver' Dyckia 'Red Devil' Dyckia "Red Seedlings" Dyckia "Silver Seedlings" Dyckia 'Silver Superstar' Dyckia 'Silvertooth Tiger' Echeveria 'Afterglow' Echeveria agavoides 'Lipstick' Echeveria agavoides 'Maria' Echeveria agavoides 'Prolifera' Echeveria 'Big Red' Echeveria 'Blue Curls' Echeveria cante Echeveria col. 'Mexican Giant' Echeveria derenbergii Echeveria 'Dick's Pink' Echeveria 'Domingo' Echeveria 'Dondo' Echeveria elegans Echeveria e. 'Super Clone' Echeveria 'Giant Blue Curls' Echeveria gigantea 43 Agave havardiana Agave horrida Agave isthmensis Agave 'Joe Hoak' Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor' Agave l. 'Ruth's Gray Sword' Agave lophantha 'Splendida' Aloe microstigma "Calitzdorp Form" Agave mac. 'Pablo's Choice' Agave marm. 'Rancho Soledad' Agave 'Mateo' Agave montana 'Baccarat' Agave 'Mr. Ripple' Agave multi. 'Cardos Compacta' Agave ovatifolia Agave ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue' Agave parrasana Agave parrasana 'Fireball' Agave parrasana x colorata Agave parryi var. huachucensis Agave parryi var. truncata Agave pedunculifera Agave potatorum 'Kichiokan' Agave p. 'Kichiokan Marginata' Agave potatorum 'Mariscal' Agave potatorum 'Swizzle Stick' Agave potrerana Agave pumila Agave 'Quasimoto Streaker' Agave 'Royal Spine' Agave s. ferox 'Green Goblet' Agave salmiana 'Green Giant' Agave 'Sawtooth' Agave schid. 'Shira ito no Ohi' Agave schid. 'Durango Delight' Agave seemanniana Agave 'Sharkskin' Agave 'Sharkskin Shoes' Agave 'Sonoita Vineyards' Agave tequilana Agave tequilana 'Sunrise' Agave titanota Agave triangularis Agave utahensis eborispina Agave victoriae-reginae Agave vic.-reg. 'Albomarginata' Agave vic.'Golden Princess' Agave vic.'Porcupine' Agave vilmoriniana Agave vil. 'Stained Glass' Agave weberi Agave weberi 'Reiner' Agave x leopoldii Agave leo. 'Hammer Time' Agave xylonacantha Agave zebra Alluaudia procera Aloe acutissima Aloe arborescens Aloe arborescens 'Lutea' Aloe barberae (A. bainesii) Aloe barberae 'Medusa' Aloe 'Blue Elf' Aloe brevifolia Aloe cameronii Aloe camperi San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Succulent Plants in the 2012 Catalog (Continued) Furcraea macdougalii Furcraea selloa marginata x Gasteraloe 'Midnight' Gasteria bicolor Graptopetalum paraguayense x Graptosedum 'Vera Higgins' x Graptoveria 'Fred Ives' Haworthia fasciata Hesperaloe parviflora Hesperaloe Brakelights Hesperoyucca whipplei [Yucca] Hesperoyucca whipplei 'RBG' Hesperoyucca whip. ssp. eremica Hylocereus undatus Kalanchoe beharensis Kalanchoe bracteata Kalanchoe carnea 'Modoc' Kalanchoe 'Fantastic' Kalanchoe f.'Majestic Scallops' Kalanchoe 'f. Variegata' Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri Kalanchoe grandiflora Kalanchoe humilis Kalanchoe luciae Kalanchoe marnieriana Kalanchoe 'Oak Leaf' Kalanchoe orgyalis Kalanchoe pumila Kalanchoe sexangularis Kalanchoe thyrs. 'Silver Platter' Manfreda elongata Manfreda maculosa x Mangave 'Bloodspot' x Mangave 'Macho Mocha' Echeveria 'Golden Glow' Echeveria 'Imbricata' Echeveria juarezensis Echeveria lilacina Echeveria 'Morning Beauty' Echeveria nodulosa Echeveria 'Perle Von Nürnberg' Echeveria 'Powder Blue' Echeveria prolifica Echeveria pulidonis Echeveria 'Pulv-oliver' Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' Echeveria secunda Echeveria semivestita Echeveria subrigida 'Fire& Ice' Echeveria trianthina Echeveria 'Violet Queen' Echeveria 'Zorro' Euphorbia antisyphilitica Euphorbia caput-medusae Euphorbia clandestina Euphorbia leucodendron Euphorbia cotinifolia Euphorbia x lomi hybrids Euphorbia myrsinites Euphorbia milii 'Fireworks' Euphorbia resinifera Euphorbia 'Sticks on Fire' Euphorbia xantii Fascicularia pitcairnifolia Furcraea bedinghausii Furcraea foetida Furcraea f. 'Mediopicta Sport' Furcraea foetida 'Mediopicta' Nolina nelsonii Ochagavia litoralis Operculicarya decaryi Oscularia deltoides Pachyphytum 'Bill Baker' Pachyphytum compactum Pachyphytum oviferum x Pachyveria 'Scheideckeri Pedilanthus bracteatus Pedilanthus macrocarpus Pittocaulon praecox Portulaca molokiniensis Portulacaria afra Portulacaria 'Aurea' Portulacaria 'Prostrate Form' Portulacaria 'Variegata' Puya alpestris Puya coerulea var. coerulea Puya sp. "Cumbayo" Puya sp. "Rio Pachachaca" Sansevieria cylindrica Sansevieria kirkii pulchra Sansevieria masoniana Sansevieria parva Sansevieria 'Bantel's Sensation' Sansevieria 'Laurentii Mein Liebling' Sansevieria trif. 'Moonshine' Scopelogena verruculata x Sedeveria 'Green Rose' x Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' Sedum dendroideum Sedum lineare 'Variegatum' Sedum nussbaumerianum Sedum pachyphyllum Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Sempervivum 'Cobweb Buttons' Sempervivum montanum Senecio aizoides Senecio anteuphorbium Senecio barbertonicus Senecio cylindricus Senecio decaryi Senecio jacobsenii Senecio 'Jolly Gray' Senecio mandraliscae Senecio scaposus Senecio serpens Stomatium agninum Tillandsia secunda Xanthorrhoea preisii Yucca aloifolia 'Marginata' Yucca Bright Star Yucca elata Yucca elephantipes Yucca eleph. 'Marginata' Yucca eleph. 'Variegata' Yucca endlichiana Yucca glauca Yucca gloriosa 'Variegata' Yucca linearifolia Yucca queretaroensis Yucca rigida Yucca rostrata Yucca ros. 'Blue Velvet' Yucca ros. 'Sapphire Skies' Grasses and Grass-like Plants in the 2012 Catalog Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus' Aloe 'Grassy Lassie' Aloe 'Johnson's Hybrid' Barbacenia purpurea Baumea rub. 'Variegata' Bothriochloa barbinodis Bouteloua gracilis Bouteloua 'Blonde Ambition' Calamagrostis foliosus Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster' Cannomois grandis Cannomois "Large Seed Form" Carex albula Carex brunnea Carex brunnea 'Variegata' Carex buchananii Carex divulsa [C. tumulicola, Hort.] Carex flacca [C.glauca] Carex oshimensis 'Everest' Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Carex praegracilis [P. pansa, Hort.] Carex subfusca Carex testacea Carex texensis Chondropetalum elephantinum Chondropetalum tectorum Cordyline aust. 'Pink Champagne' Cordyline 'Cha Cha' Cordyline 'Dark Purple' 44 Cordyline 'Design-a-line Burgundy' Cordyline 'Electric Pink' Cordyline 'Jive' Cordyline 'Purple Dazzler' Cordyline Renegade Cyperus isocladus Cyperus papyrus Cyperus p. 'Dwarf Form' Dianella Baby Bliss Dianella Cassa Blue Dianella ensifolia Dianella King Alfred Dianella Little Rev Dianella prunina Utopia Dianella tasmanica Dianella 'Variegata' Dianella 'Yellow Stripe' Eleocharis dulcis Eleocharis montevidensis Equisetum hyemale Equisetum myriochaetum Equisetum scirpioides Eragrostis 'Tallahassee Sunset' Festuca 'Aprilgrün' Festuca cinerea 'Azurit' Festuca cinerea 'Elijah Blue' Festuca mairei Festuca muelleri Festuca 'Point Joe' Festuca 'River House Blues' (800) 438-7199 Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue' Helictotrichon sempervirens Juncus 'Carman's Japan' Juncus 'Quartz Creek' Juncus patens Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' Leymus arenarius 'Glaucus' Leymus 'Canyon Prince' Leymus 'Gaviota Gray' Liriope 'Gigantea' Liriope muscari Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Liriope mus. 'Monroe White' Liriope spic. 'Silver Dragon' Lomandra Breeze Lomandra 'Nyalla' Lomandra 'Seascape' Lomandra Tropic Belle Lygeum spartum Melinus nerviglumis Miscanthus 'Adagio' Miscanthus 'Cabaret' Miscanthus 'Morning Light' Miscanthus 'Variegatus' Miscanthus transmorrisonensis Muhlenbergia capillaris Muhlenbergia cap. 'White Cloud' Muhlenbergia dubia Muhlenbergia dumosa Muhlenbergia emersleyi Muhlenbergia lindheimeri (805) 683-1561 Muhlenbergia 'Pink Flamingo' Muhlenbergia pubescens Muhlenbergia rigens Ophiopogon jab. 'Variegata' Ophiopogon japonicus Ophiopogon p. 'Black Beard' Ophiopogon p. 'Nigrescens' Panicum virg. 'Heavy Metal' Pennisetum 'Eaton Canyon' Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails' Pennisetum 'Fireworks' Pennisetum orientale Pennisetum 'Rubrum' Pennisetum spathiolatum Piptochaetium fimbriatum Phormium dwarf cultivars Rhodocoma capensis Rhodocoma gigantea Schoenoplectus Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Scirpus cernuus Sesleria autumnalis Sesleria caerulea Sesleria 'Greenlee' Setaria palmifolia Setaria 'Variegata' Sporobolus wrightii Stipa gigantea Thamnochortus insignis Typha angustifolia Typha minima Fax (805) 964-1329 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Trees and Palms in the 2012 Catalog Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea' Acacia cognota Acacia covenyi Acacia melanoxylon Acacia podalyriifolia Acacia stenophylla Acmena smithii Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Afrocarpus [Podocarpus] gracilior Agathis robusta Agonis flexuosa Agonis 'Jervis Bay Afterdark' Aloe barberae Aloe pillansii Arbutus 'Marina' Azara microphylla Azara microphylla 'Variegata' Bauhinia x blakeana Beaucarnea recurvata Brachychiton rupestris Brugmansia (3 cultivars) Cassia leptophylla Cedrela fissilis Ceiba [Chorisia] speciosa Cercis 'Forest Pansy' Cercis occidentalis Chiranthodendron pentadactylon Cordyline australis (4 cultivars) Corynocarpus laevigata Corynocarpus laevigata 'Variegata' Cupressus cashmeriana Cupressus guad. 'Greenlee's Blue' Cupressus 'Lemon Yellow' Cupressus macrocarpa Cupressus sempervirens 'Glauca' Cussonia paniculata var. sinuata Dombeya cacuminum Dombeya wallichii Dracaena draco Erythrina abyssinica Erythrina x bidwillii Erythrina coralloides 'Bicolor' Erythrina crista-galli Erythrina falcata Erythrina speciosa (Pink form) Erythrina x sykesii Eucalyptus [Corymbia] ficifolia Eucalyptus nicholii Eucalyptus sideroxylon Eucalyptus steedmanii Eugenia involucrata Ficus auriculata Geijera parviflora Handroanthus [Tabebuia] chrysotrichus Handroanthus [Tabebuia] impetiginosus Hymenosporum flavum Jacaranda mimosifolia Juniperus scop. 'Tolleson's Weeping' Lagunaria patersonii Laurus nobilis Laurus 'Saratoga' Leptospermum laevigatum Leptospermum petersonii Leucadendron argenteum Lophostemon confertus Lyonothamnus asplenifolius Magnolia 'Little Gem' Maytenus boaria Melaleuca armillaris Melaleuca quinquenervia Melaleuca styphelioides Meryta sinclairii Meryta sinclairii 'Moonlight' Olea africana Olea europaea 'Fruitless' Olea europaea 'Manzanillo' Palms Brahea armata Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera Butia capitata Hedyscepe canterburyana Jubaea chilensis Phoenix roebelenii Trachycarpus wagnerianus Parkinsonia aculeata Paulownia kawakamii Pittosporum angustifolium Podocarpus henkelii Podocarpus latifolius Podocarpus totara Quercus agrifolia Quercus tomentella Quillaja saponaria Robinsonella cordata Schefflera pueckleri [Tupidanthus] Schinus molle Schotia afra var. angustifolia Spathodea campanulata Stenocarpus sinuatus Taxodium mucronatum Tipuana tipu Toona sinensis Trevesia palmata Trevesia palmata 'Micholitzii' Tristaniopsis laurina Umbellularia californica Wollemia nobilis Vines in the 2012 Catalog Actinidia 'Tomuri'/'Vincent' Akebia quinata Aphanopetalum 'Gossamer Wings' Aloe ciliaris Aristolochia gigantea Bauhinia corymbosa Beaumontia grandiflora Bignonia 'Tangerine Beauty' Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst' Bougainvillea 'James Walker' Cissus striata Clematis armandii Clematis 'Southern Cross' Clematis 'Avalanche' Clytostoma callistegioides Combretum fruticosum Dalechampia dioscoreifolia Distictis buccinatoria Distictis laxiflora (SMG Select) Distictis laxiflora 'Vanilla Orchid' Distictis 'Rivers' Ficus pumila Hardenbergia 'Canoelands' Hardenbergia 'Happy Wanderer' Hardenbergia violacea Meema Hoya carnosa Ipomoea indica Jasminum angulare Jasminum grandiflorum Jasminum polyanthum Jasminum tortuosum Kennedia 'Flamboyant' Lonicera confusa Lonicera hildebrandiana Mandevilla laxa Mandevilla 'Sun Parasol Giant Crimson' Mascagnia macroptera Muehlenbeckia complexa Pandorea jasminoides 'Alba' Pandorea jasminoides 'Rosea' Pandorea jasminoides 'Variegata' Pandorea pandorana 'Golden Showers' Parthenocissus 'Hacienda Creeper' Parthenocissus henryana Parthenocissus tricuspidata Passiflora 'Coral Sea' Passiflora edulis Passiflora ligularis Passiflora phoenicea 'Ruby Glow' Passiflora 'Purple Tiger' Passiflora sanguinolenta Passiflora vitifolia 'Scarlet Flame' Petrea volubilis Philadelphus mex. 'Double Flowering' Pithecoctenium crucigerum Pyrostegia venusta Rhoicissus capensis Rosa 'Altissimo' Rosa banksiae 'Lutea' Rosa banksiae var. banksiae Rosa 'Belle Portugaise' Rosa 'Buff Beauty' Rosa Cl. 'Cécile Brünner' Rosa Cl. 'Iceberg' Rosa 'Joseph's Coat' Rosa laevigata Rosa 'Mermaid' Solandra maxima Solandra maxima 'Variegata' Solanum laxum Solanum wendlandii Stigmaphyllon ciliatum Tetrastigma voinierianum Thenardia floribunda Thunbergia alata Thunbergia alata 'Sunny Lemon Star' Thunbergia grandiflora Thunbergia gregorii Trachelospermum jasminoides Vitis 'Roger's Red' Wisteria sinensis 'Cooke's Purple' 45 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Australian Plants in the 2012 Catalog Acacia (14 taxa) Acmena smithii Adenanthos 'Coral Drift' Adenanthos sericeus Adenanthos x cunninghamii Agathis robusta Agonis flexuosa Agonis 'Jedda's Dream' Agonis 'Jervis Bay Afterdark' Agonis flexuosa 'Nana' Alyogyne 'Santa Cruz' Anigozanthos (15 taxa) Aphanopetalum 'Goss. Wings' Banksia speciosa Boronia 'Carousel' Boronia 'Heather Wand' Boronia 'Shark Bay' Brachychiton rupestris Brachysema 'Bronze Butterfly' Callistemon 'Cane's Hybrid' Callistemon citrinus 'Jeffersii' Callistemon 'Little John' Calothamnus villosus Chamelaucium (6 taxa) Hedyscepe canterburyana Chorizema 'Bush Flame' Homalanthus populneus Chrysocephalum 'Silver & Gold' Hymenosporum flavum Cordyline 'Dark Purple' Hypocalymma 'Powder Puff' Cordyline 'Purple Dazzler' Isopogon formosus Correa (10 taxa) Kennedia 'Flamboyant' Craspedia globosa Lagunaria patersonii Crowea 'Festival' Leptospermum (5 taxa) Cyathea cooperi Leptospermum laevigatum Darwinia 'Seaspray' Leptospermum l. 'Reevesii' Dianella (8 taxa) Leptospermum petersonii Dicksonia antarctica Leucophyta brownii Doryanthes palmeri Lomandra con. 'Seascape' Erythrina x sykesii Lomandra hystrix Tropic Belle Eucalyptus [Corymbia] ficifolia Lomandra longifolia Breeze Lomandra longifolia Nyalla Eucalyptus 'Moon Lagoon' Lophostemon confertus Eucalyptus steedmanii Macropidia fuliginosa Geijera parviflora Macrozamia johnsonii Goodenia 'Little Luna Macrozamia moorei Grevillea (17 taxa) Maireana sedifolia Hardenbergia 'Canoelands' Hardenbergia 'Happy Wanderer' Marsilea drummondii Melaleuca (5 taxa) Hardenbergia Meema Myoporum parvifolium 'Pink' Myoporum 'Putah Creek' Ozothamnus diosmifolius 'Pink' Pandorea jasminoides 'Alba' Pandorea jasminoides 'Rosea' Pandorea jas. 'Variegata' Pandorea pand 'Golden Showers' Philotheca 'Profusion' Pittosporum angustifolium Plectranthus argentatus Prostanthera 'Lavender Moon' Prostanthera oval. 'Variegata' Pultenea ‘Grampians Gold’ Rhagodia spinescens Scaevola (3 taxa) Sollya heterophylla Stenocarpus sinuatus Thomasia 'Mt Lesueur' Thomasia 'Velvet Star' Tristaniopsis laurina Westringia (6 taxa) Wollemia nobilis Xanthorrhoea preissii South African Plants in the 2012 Catalog Adromischus cristatus Agapanthus (14 taxa) Albuca nelsonii Aloe (48 taxa) Amaryllis belladonna 'Alba' Amaryllis belladonna hybrids Arctotis 'Big Magenta' Arctotis stoechadifolia Arctotis Sun Spot Orange Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers' Asparagus retrofractus Asparagus scandens Babiana stricta Barleria obtusa Barleria repens Bauhinia galpinii Bauhinia tomentosa Berzelia lanuginosa Boophone disticha Bulbine frutescens 'Yellow' Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark' Bulbine latifolia Cannomois grandis Chondropetalum elephantinum Chondropetalum tectorum Clivia (7 taxa) Coleonema album Coleonema pulchellum Coleonema p. 'Compact Form' Coleonema 'Sunset Gold' Cotyledon orbiculata. (5 taxa) Crassula (13 taxa) 46 Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia 'George Davidson' Cussonia paniculata Cyperus isocladus Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus Cyrtanthus obliquus Dermatobotrys saundersii Dierama pendulum Dierama pendulum 'Album' Dietes (8 taxa) Dombeya elegans Drimiopsis maculata Dymondia margaretae Encephalartos (6 taxa) Erica baueri Erica canaliculata 'Rosea' Erica verticillata Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy' Euphorbia caput-medusae Euphorbia clandestina Euphorbia 'Sticks on Fire' Felicia fruticosa x Gasteraloe 'Midnight' Gasteria bicolor Gerbera 'Pink' Gladiolus dalenii Haworthia fasciata Helichrysum petiolare Helichrysum pet. 'Limelight' Jasminum angulare Jasminum tortuosum Kalanchoe luciae (800) 438-7199 Kalanchoe l. 'Fantastic' Kalanchoe sexangularis Kalanchoe thyr. 'Silver Platter' Kniphofia (7 taxa) Ledebouria sociales Leonotis leonurus Leucadendron (10 taxa) Leucospermum (8 taxa) Mackaya bella Marsilea schelpeana Melianthus major Melinus nerviglumis Myrsine africana Myrsine 'Scarlett Marglin' Olea africana Oscularia deltoides Oxalis purp. 'Grand Duchess' Oxalis 'Grand Duchess White' Pelargonium 'Chocolate Mint' Pelargonium sidoides Pelargonium tomentosum Pennisetum spathiolatum Phylica plumosa Phylica pubescens Plecostachys serpyllifolia Plectranthus 'Aureus Variegatus' Plectranthus ernestii Plectranthus Mona Lavender Plectranthus neochilus Plectranthus 'Mike's Fuzzy Wuzzy' Plumbago 'Imperial Blue' Podocarpus henkelii (805) 683-1561 Podocarpus latifolius Polygala 'Alta Mariposa' Polygala f. 'Petite Butterfly' Polygala m. 'Grandiflora' Polygala virgata 'Portola' Polygala x dalmaisiana Portulacaria afra Portulacaria afra 'Aurea' Portulacaria afra 'Prostrate' Portulacaria afra 'Variegata' Protea (6 taxa) Psoralea pinnata Rhodocoma capensis Rhodocoma gigantea Rhoicissus capensis Schotia afra var. angustifolia Scilla natalensis 'Dwarf' Scopelogena verruculata Senecio (7 taxa) Stomatium agninum Strelitzia juncea Strelitzia reginae Talbotia elegans Tecomaria capensis Thamnochortus insignis Veltheimia bracteata Veltheimia capensis Watsonia 'Flamboyant' Watsonia 'Snow Queen' Zantedeschia aethiopica Zantedeschia 'Gene's Giant' Zantedeschia 'White Giant' Fax (805) 964-1329 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California California Native Plants in the 2012 Catalog Agave utahensis eborispina Allium unifolium Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn' 'Emerald Carpet' 'John Dourley' manzanita 'Dr. Hurd' 'Pacific Mist' 'Sunset' Artemisia 'Canyon Gray' Artemisia lud. 'Valerie Finnis' Artemisia 'David's Choice' Berberis 'Golden Abundance' Berberis nevinii Berberis repens Bothriochloa barbinodis Bouteloua gracilis Calamagrostis foliosus Carex praegracilis Carex subfusca Carpenteria californica Carpenteria calif. 'Elizabeth' Ceanothus arb. 'Powder Blue' 'Blue Lolita' 'Centennial' 'Concha' 'Cynthia Postan' 'Dark Star' gloriosus 'Anchor Bay' gloriosus 'Heart's Desire' griseus 'Diamond Heights' griseus h. 'Yankee Point' hearstiorum Ceanothus (Continued) impressus 'Vandenberg' 'Joyce Coulter' maritimus 'Point Sierra' 'Ray Hartman' thyrs. 'Snow Flurry' 'Tuxedo' 'Wheeler Canyon' Cercis occidentalis Cupressus guadalupensis Cupressus macrocarpa Cupressus mac. 'Lemon Yellow' Dendromecon harfordii Dudleya brittonii Dudleya hassei Dudleya ingens Dudleya pachyphytum Dudleya pulverulenta Dudleya saxosa ssp. aloides Eleocharis montevidensis Epilobium 'Bowman's #1' Epilobium 'Catalina' Erigeron glaucus 'Bountiful' glaucus 'Cape Sebastian' glaucus 'Sea Breeze' 'WR' (glaucus hybrid) Eriogonum crocatum Eriogonum 'Warriner Lytle' Eriogonum giganteum Eriogonum grande rubescens Eriophyllum 'Canyon Silver' Euphorbia xantii Festuca 'River House Blues' Festuca 'Point Joe' Fremontodendron 'California Glory' 'Ken Taylor' mexicanum Galvezia 'Boca Rosa' Hesperoyucca whipplei Heteromeles arbutifolia Heuchera x brizoides 'Bressingham White' x brizoides 'Firefly' 'Canyon Belle' 'Canyon Duet' 'Canyon Pink' 'Lillian's Pink' maxima 'Santa Ana Cardinal' 'Wendy' Hyptis 'Silver Lining' Iris douglasiana Iris Pacific Coast Hybrids (8 cvs) Juncus 'Quartz Creek' Juncus patens Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' Leymus 'Canyon Prince' Leymus 'Gaviota Gray' Lupinus albifrons collinus Lupinus latifolius Lyonothamnus aspleniifolius Marsilea vestita Mimulus hybrids (15 cultivars) Muhlenbergia rigens Myrica californica Penstemon 'Margarita BOP' Prunus ilicifolia ssp. lyonii Quercus agrifolia Quercus tomentella Rhamnus californica calif. 'Eve Case' calif. 'Leatherleaf' calif. 'Mound San Bruno' Rhus integrifolia Rhus ovata Ribes viburnifolium Ribes vib. 'Spooner's Mesa' Romneya coulteri Rosa californica 'Elsie' Salvia 'Allen Chickering' apiana 'Bee's Bliss' brandegei 'Pacific Blue' clevelandii 'Winifred Gilman' 'Desperado' leuc. 'Point Sal Spreader' spathacea Sisyrinchium bellum Solanum xanti 'Mountain Pride' Sporobolus wrightii Typha angustifolia Umbellularia californica Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Verbena l. 'Paseo Rancho' Vitis 'Roger's Red' Bulbous Plants (Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes, Etc.) in the 2012 Catalog All plants grown in containers Agapanthus (13 cultivars) Albuca nelsonii Allium unifolium Alstroemeria (11 cultivars) Amacrinum memoria-corsii Amaryllis belladonna 'Alba' Amaryllis belladonna hybrids Aristea ecklonii 'Little John' Babiana stricta Boophone disticha Clivia caulescens Clivia miniata Clivia miniata 'Arturo's Yellow' Clivia miniata 'French Hybrids' Clivia m. 'San Marcos Yellow' Clivia nobilis Clivia x cyrtanthiflora Crinum asiaticum Crinum procerum splendens Crocosmia 'George Davidson' Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus Cyrtanthus obliquus Cyrtanthus sanguineus Dierama pendulum Dierama pendulum 'Album' Drimiopsis maculata Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy' Gladiolus dalenii Hemerocallis (5 cultivars) Hippeastrum x johnsonii Iris ensata Iris foetidissima Iris 'Frequent Flyer' Iris 'Grandma's Purple Flag' Iris 'Nada' Iris Pac Coast (8 cultivars) Iris pallida 'Argentea Variegata' Kniphofia (11 cultivars) Ledebouria socialis Libertia peregrinans Liriope (3 cultivars) Ophiopogon (4 cultivars) Oxalis braziliensis Oxalis deppei 'Iron Cross' Oxalis 'Grand Duchess' Oxalis 'Grand Duchess White' Scilla hyacinthoides Scilla natalensis 'Dwarf' Scilla peruviana Sinningia tubiflora Sisyrinchium bellum Stenomesson variegatum Urginea maritima Veltheimia bracteata Veltheimia capensis Watsonia borb. 'Flamboyant' Watsonia borb. 'Snow Queen' Zantedeschia aethiopica Zantedeschia a. 'Gene's Giant' Zantedeschia 'White Giant' Zephyranthes candida Zephyranthes 'Labuffarosea' 47 San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara, California Terms and Conditions Terms All orders will be C.O.D. upon delivery unless a prior account has been established. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Credit is available to established businesses based on the following terms: 1) All accounts are due and payable 30 days after the date of invoice. 2) Overdue accounts will be subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month or 18% per annum. 3) San Marcos Growers retains the right to deny further credit on overdue accounts. Conditions This price list cancels all previous editions and quotations and is intended for the trade only. All prices are quoted F.O.B. our nursery. Prices are subject to change without notice. Non-Warranty San Marcos Growers will exercise care to have all merchandise true to name, and makes no further warranty, expressed or implied, as to the variety or productivity of any nursery stock sold. Under no circumstances will San Marcos Growers be held liable for more than the invoice price at the time of purchase. No liability is assumed by the Seller for the delay or failure to deliver as a result of conditions and all instances beyond control. If the Buyer does not accept the goods on these terms, they are to be returned to the Seller immediately. Hold Orders Orders for future delivery or pick up will be held and guaranteed for no longer than 2 weeks. Claims All claims for any reason must be made immediately upon the receipt of goods. If an error has been made, please notify us promptly and we will make an adjustment. We do not guarantee the longevity of plants and will only accept returned goods for full credit when notified within 3 days after delivery. Returned Stock Accepted returned plants within 30 days of invoice or shipping date will be subject to a 20% restocking fee. No return nursery stock will be accepted after 30 days. Plants removed from their pots or otherwise planted will not be accepted for return. All requests for San Marcos Growers to pick up plants must be authorized by a San Marcos Growers Sales Representative. Information needed for a pick up order to be issued includes the invoice number, the quantity, type and size of the plant material to be picked up and the reason the plants are to be returned. The drivers will not pick up plants without prior authorization. See notes below regarding returns from within pest quarantined areas. Certified Nursery San Marcos Growers is certified and inspected by the California Department of Agriculture. Our California Nursery Stock Certificate number is D-6799. This assures that plant material has been regularly inspected and certified as free from injurious plant pests and disease symptoms and may be released for shipping and planting in California without further inspection unless other quarantine regulations apply. San Marcos Growers is in compliance with California Department of Agriculture and blue tags orders containing Glassy-winged Sharpshooter hosts. Our compliance number is GWSS-42004. All blue tag orders must be inspected by your county agricultural department upon delivery. Please consult your agricultural department officials for local restrictions. Regulations have been enacted by the USDA to prevent the spread of the Sudden Oak Death (SOD) pathogen, Phytophora ramorum and the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM). We are inspected regularly by our local Agricultural Commissioner's office and neither this pathogen, nor insect pest, has been found on our property. We are authorized to ship plant material interstate certified under APHIS 7CFRXXX.XX with the California compliance number: 42D6799001 and certified under the Federal Domestic Quarantine Order for Light Brown Apple Moth with compliance number: CA-42QLBAM00003569. Because we are not currently in the LBAM quarantine area, plants delivered into quarantined areas CANNOT BE RETURNED once our truck has left the delivery site. We grow no host plants and are currently outside the Asian psyllid quarantine zone. Deliveries Regular deliveries are scheduled along the north/south coast from San Diego to southern Sonoma County. Please consult the chart on the next page regarding shipping rates for your area. Drivers are instructed to deliver plant material only as far as they can safely drive the delivery truck and to place plants no further than 15 feet away from the truck. San Marcos Growers will give an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for deliveries but they are, as implied, only estimates and we will not be held responsible for any costs incurred by receiver for orders that are not delivered at the time that has been estimated. On deliveries where boxed trees or cement pots are to be delivered, on-site help will be required to help remove these items from the truck. Prices in this catalog for 36 inch boxes are F.O.B. - if delivered they are subject to an additional delivery fee surcharge. The delivery of 36 inch box trees will require that a fork lift or tractor be present at the delivery site. Truck Size Limitations We use tractor trailer rigs for most of our out of town deliveries. They are 13½ ft tall by 45 ft long with 3 axles and they are heavy. Our drivers are instructed to use their best judgment about whether or not a delivery can be made. Please let us know if there are any potential difficulties for our delivery trucks at the delivery site. 48 (800) 438-7199 (805) 683-1561 Fax (805) 964-1329 San Marcos Growers Physical Address: 125 S. San Marcos Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6827 Santa Barbara, CA 93160-6827 To Los Angeles 101 San Marcos Road Turnpike Road Goleta Patterson Ave To San Francisco Phones: Toll Free: 800.438.7199 Local: 805.683.1561 Fax: 805.964.1329 Web: Email: San Marcos Growers Santa Barbara Hollister Ave Nursery Hours 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM on Weekdays - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturday Winter Weekday Hours 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Shipping Rates Area and Rate Minimum Order Local Deliveries - 6% ................................................. Santa Barbara Area (Gaviota to Carpinteria) $350 Central Coast Deliveries - 6% ................................. Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo Area, Ventura County, Malibu Area * ($60 Minimum Charge) Wide Area Deliveries - 8% ....................................... Los Angeles County, Orange County, West Riverside County, West San Bernardino County, West San Diego County, North San Luis Obispo County, Monterey County Santa Cruz County. * ($50 Minimum Charge) $450 $500 * ($70 Minimum Charge) Bay Area - 10% ............................................................ $550 San Francisco Bay Area, Marin County, * ($80 Minimum Charge) South Sonoma County * Minimum charge does not apply to nursery site deliveries on our regular delivery route. 49 SAN MARCOS GROWERS 125 S. SAN MARCOS ROAD P. O, BOX 6827 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93160-6827 S A N M A R C O S G R O W E R S , S A N T A B A R B A R A , C A “ P L A N T S F O R T H E C A L I F O R N I A G A R D E N ”
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