Tajweed Rules for Quranic Text - VLE
Tajweed Rules for Quranic Text - VLE
Tajweed for Quranic Text Fatimah Aldahan Computer Science Session 2012/2013 The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and the appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. I understand that failure to attribute material which is obtained from another source may be considered as plagiarism. (Signature of student):_______________________________ Summary Tajweed refers to the rules that govern pronunciation of letters when reciting the Quran and it is only applied to the Quranic text. Though the rules affect the pronunciation, they cannot be represented using the language letters and simples. As a result, the colouring idea came to give the reciter a hint that there is a Tajweed rule that needs to be applied. The problem to be solved in this project is to take a regular Quranic Arabic text as the system input, then convert it into coloured annotated text. In addition to this, translate the Arabic text to its English phonetic transcription and apply the same principle of colouring to it to help non-Arabic speakers reading fluently with Tajweed rules applied. i Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 The Project Aim ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 Minimum requirements .................................................................................................................. 1 1.2.2 Possible Enhancements ................................................................................................................... 2 2. Understanding the problem ............................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Background and Overview....................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Importance .................................................................................................................................. 3 History ......................................................................................................................................... 3 The Book division and characteristics ......................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 About Arabic Language.................................................................................................................... 4 Importance .................................................................................................................................. 4 History and characteristics .......................................................................................................... 4 Arabic language writing system................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 2.2 about Quran .................................................................................................................................... 3 about Tajweed science .................................................................................................................... 8 Definition and meaning ............................................................................................................... 8 Importance and History ............................................................................................................... 9 Reviewing Similar Problems .................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.1 Quranic Arabic Corpus ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 Quran Explorer .............................................................................................................................. 11 2.2.3 Easy Quran Store ........................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.4 Search Truth .................................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.5 Colour Coded Printed copy of the Quran ...................................................................................... 14 2.3 consulting Experts ................................................................................................................................. 14 2.4 Setting the Specifications of the solution.............................................................................................. 15 2.4.1 What is the product ....................................................................................................................... 15 2.4.2 Who are the users ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.4.3 Why to produce it .......................................................................................................................... 15 3. Planning and project management ............................................................................................................... 17 3.1 methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 17 3.2 initial plan .............................................................................................................................................. 17 3.3 consideration of time limitation ............................................................................................................ 18 ii 3.4 Justification of Changes ......................................................................................................................... 19 4. Preparation of Solution ................................................................................................................................. 20 4.1 Downloading Suitable data ................................................................................................................... 20 4.2 Designing for the solution ..................................................................................................................... 20 4.2.1 Programing Language to be used .............................................................................................. 20 Decoding/encoding type ........................................................................................................... 22 Output type to be produced...................................................................................................... 22 Program structure ..................................................................................................................... 24 4.2.2 4.3 Designing Decisions ...................................................................................................................... 20 Main Design of the System ............................................................................................................ 24 Choosing the set of Tajweed Rules to be implemented........................................................................ 24 4.3.1 Tajweed rules structure:....................................................................................................................... 24 4.3.2 Procedure Limitation ............................................................................................................................ 25 4.3.3 The System Targeted Users .................................................................................................................. 25 4.3.4 Convenience ......................................................................................................................................... 25 4.4 Studying the set of rules chosen ........................................................................................................... 26 4.4.1 The Rule of Qalqalah ..................................................................................................................... 26 4.4.2 The Rule of Tafkheem .................................................................................................................... 27 4.4.3 The rule of Noon and Meem Mushaddada ................................................................................... 27 4.4.4 The rule of Lam Sakinah ................................................................................................................ 27 4.4.5 The rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween ...................................................................................... 27 Idhar........................................................................................................................................... 27 Idgham ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Iqlab ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Ikhfaa ......................................................................................................................................... 28 4.5 Colouring Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 28 4.5 Preparing a Prototype for the Expected Product .................................................................................. 29 5. Delivery of Solution ....................................................................................................................................... 30 5.1 Achievement of the Minimum Requirements ....................................................................................... 30 5.1.1 First program ................................................................................................................................. 30 The Input ....................................................................................................................................... 30 The Code ........................................................................................................................................ 31 The Output .................................................................................................................................... 32 5.1.2 Second Program ............................................................................................................................ 32 iii The Input ....................................................................................................................................... 32 The Code ........................................................................................................................................ 32 The Output .................................................................................................................................... 33 5.2 Implementation of Enhancements ........................................................................................................ 34 5.2.1 Alternative Viewing Option ........................................................................................................... 34 The Reason ................................................................................................................................ 34 The Implementation .................................................................................................................. 34 The Output................................................................................................................................. 34 5.2.2 The English Phonetic transcription ................................................................................................ 35 Considering Alternative ............................................................................................................. 35 The Implementation .................................................................................................................. 35 5.2.3 Description of the Rules ................................................................................................................ 39 Considering Alternatives ........................................................................................................... 40 The Implementation .................................................................................................................. 40 5.2.4 Implementing More Tajweed Rules .............................................................................................. 42 The set of rules ......................................................................................................................... 42 The implementation .................................................................................................................. 42 The Output................................................................................................................................. 43 5.2.5 Apply for the Whole Quran (would it really work) ........................................................................ 43 5.2.5 Appling the System to the whole Quran ....................................................................................... 43 5.2.6 The Website ................................................................................................................................... 44 5.3 The Home Page.......................................................................................................................... 44 The Chapters Catalogue ............................................................................................................ 44 The Verses Catalogue ................................................................................................................ 44 The Useful links page ................................................................................................................. 45 The Contact us Page .................................................................................................................. 45 Improvement of the Product Quality .................................................................................................... 45 5.3.1 The output table ............................................................................................................................ 45 5.3.2 Improving the website functionalities ........................................................................................... 46 5.3.3 Improving the rule description provided....................................................................................... 46 5.4 Encountered Challenges ........................................................................................................................ 46 5.4.1 Directionality of the Script.................................................................................................................... 46 5.4.2 Using of Diacritics ................................................................................................................................. 46 5.4.3 Contextually Variant Shapes of Characters .......................................................................................... 48 iv 5.4.4 Involving Digits or Roman characters ................................................................................................... 48 6. Evaluation of the Solution ............................................................................................................................. 49 6.1 Evaluation Method ................................................................................................................................ 49 6.1.1 Self-Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 49 Evaluating the result using sources ............................................................................................... 49 Comparing the produced solution with existing similar solutions ................................................ 49 6.1.2 User-Evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 51 Setting the Evaluation form ....................................................................................................... 52 Collect the result ....................................................................................................................... 52 Analyse the result ...................................................................................................................... 52 7. Conclution...................................................................................................................................................... 53 7.1 Lessons Learnt ....................................................................................................................................... 53 7.2 Possible Extensions................................................................................................................................ 53 v 1. Introduction This report is about Tajweed for Quranic Text project, it includes the planning and processing of the project from the start to the productivity and evaluation supported with figures and screenshots. The report is divided into seven chapters each of which is divided into section with headings where sections are also divided into smaller sections with subheadings. The table of content is provided above in addition to appendices in the end. 1.1 The Project Aim This project aims to help people applying Tajweed rules to Quranic text. The project produces an annotated colour coded Quranic text, where colours sare mapped to Tajweed rules. The idea of colouring can help the reciter as there will be a limited set of colours 4 to 8 colours, and each is mapped to a Tajweed rule or sound. Then, the reciter needs to note the different colouring and remember the meaning of each colour, this is rather easier than remembering the full set of Arabic letters which contains 28 to 40 letters (Habash, 2010) and which rule is applied to which letter. 1.2 Project Objectives The objectives of the project are as follows: Expand the knowledge and background about Quran, Arabic language and Tajweed science by searching and reading. Review and evaluate existing solutions and similar Tajweed projects. Identify the method and the tools to be used in solving the problem. Download suitable data to be used as input. Create a product prototype. Construct the system design. Start the implementation of the system. Evaluate the product produced by the system and compare with the projects previously reviewed. 1.2.1 Minimum requirements The minimum requirements of the project are: 1 Building a system that converts a regular Quranic Arabic text into a colour coded Quranic Arabic text, where colours mapped to Tajweed rules are applied to the text. A colour coded Quranic Arabic text of one chapter of the Quran with four Tajweed rules applied to it as the system output. Report on the design and process of the system building and evaluation. 1.2.2 Possible Enhancements Here is a list of possible enhancements that can be done to extend the minimum requirements: Apply the rules for all the holy Quran not only one chapter. Implement more than four Tajweed rules. Add some description about how the Tajweed rules needs to be applied so it is not confined to the sound or the rule name. Translate the Arabic text to its English phonetic transcription form. Apply the colouring principle to the English phonetic transcription. Generate the IPA translation of the Arabic text and apply the colouring principle to it. Present the output text with Quranic font. Present the output in a web site to make it accessible and usable. 1.2.3 The Problem Relevance to NLP Due to the Holy Quran size, it’s really difficult to process its letters manually in order to colour them based on Tajweed rules. This difficulty created the need to automate the process using computer software that’s able to do natural language processing in order to apply the correct colouring scheme to the Quranic text. From NLP research point of view The Quran is a perfect dataset for Arabic natural language processing research. According to Atwell (2013) the Quran is very suitable as a dataset due to its availability for everyone with no restrictions, the Quran expert community is very large and has existed for more than 1000 years, and has developed the linguistic standards and ontologies. Quran enormous users group would be help greatly in giving the researches and products related to Quran a good impact and will provide the required feedback for the researches. 2 2. Understanding the problem In order to understand the problem properly, four aspects are considered: background research, reviewing similar problems, consulting experts and finally setting the specification of the project problem. 2.1 Background and Overview Tajweed rules are specific to the Quran, which is revealed in Arabic language. In order to have a better understanding, there is a need to have an overview that covers Quran, Arabic language and Tajweed science. In this chapter of the report there is background section about each. 2.1.1 about Quran Importance According to Ali (2011), The Quran is the holy book for Muslims and the word Quran is an infinitive noun of the Arabic root qara’a ( )قرأmeaning collecting things together and reading or reciting. It is considered as a collection of religious teachings that guide humanity and it is the Muslims’ book that should be recited. In fact, the Quran is the most widely read book all around the world (Ali, 2011). The Quran was revealed in parts from God by the Angel to Prophet Muhammad. So, the Quranic words are the words of God, and the Quran is sacred to Muslims and treated with upmost respect (BBC, 2011). History The Arabic Quranic text avilable today is the same text revealed since 609 CE (BBC, 2011). The Quranic text has not changed from the time of the prophet life until now, and no one has the authority to change or alter the Quranic words. So, all Muslims agree on one single Arabic text to be Quran revealed (Fatoohi, 2013). This is an added responsibility to the programmer when processing the Quranic text, as accuracy should be maintained to the highest level. While the text of the Quran hasn’t changed over time, the look of Quran copies has altered significantly. In the time of the prophet, Quran was written without vocalisation marks. Then, vocalisation was added and after that dots were also included. Now even Tajweed rules are coloured. All this is to help people recite correctly and fluently (EasyQuranStore, 2012). So, as a programmer, processing the text and changing the look or colouring of the text is allowed while maintaining the correctness of the wording. 3 The Book division and characteristics Copies of Quran available today present it as one volume, where the whole book consists of 114 chapters known as surah and each chapter consists of a number of verses. The chapters’ length isn’t equal; so chapters are generally arranged in decreasing length order rather than the chronological order they were revealed (Draz, 2000). This should be considered during processing and implementation as if one chapter is chosen then it should be of moderate length, and if all chapters will be processed then changing of the chapter or verse number should be considered and processed appropriately. )بِس ِْم ه, which called ‘Basmalah’ and means All chapters except one start with the same sentence (ٱَّللِ ٱلرهحْ َٰم ِن ٱل هر ِح ِيم in the name of God the most Gracious and the most merciful (Khalifa, 2007). As all chapters except one start with this sentence then it might be dealt with especially in the processing and presentation of the output. 2.1.2 About Arabic Language Importance The Quran was revealed in Arabic, though later it is translated to more than 40 languages. Muslims are still encouraged to learn and recite Quran in Arabic even if it is not their native language, as translations to the Quranic text are not regarded as translations to the conventional sense of the Quran (BBC, 2011). This means producing the English phonetic transcription to the Arabic text is acceptable, but it doesn’t require the same high level of accuracy as the Arabic text though it is needed and recommended. History and characteristics According to Versteegh (2001), the Arabic language belongs to the Proto-Semitic group of word languages. And it is the most proto-Semitic language that preserved majority of the Semitic features (Bishop, 1998). Bishop (1998) stated that the Arabic language is characterised as diglossia language, as modern Arabic became almost two languages Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and colloquial Arabic. The Modern Standard Arabic is the official language in the Arab World; it is used in the media and education but primarily written not spoken. MSA is syntactically, morphologically and phonologically actually based on Classical Arabic that is the language of the Quran. Arabs consider that, the Classical version of the language is the correct Arabic language. 4 Arabic language writing system General The Arabic language writing system is from right to left with a cursive script of alphabets. In this system writing words involve two types of symbols: letters and diacritics (Habash, 2010). So, text alignment should be considered when presenting the output. Also mapping is needed when presenting a mix of Arabic and English text, for example in the case where English phonetic transcription is included. Arabic is written from right to left, while the English is from left to right, and as a result the words will not be in their expected order. The two types of the Arabic symbols have similarities and differences from a processing point of view, and this will be discussed in the implementation and challenges as it wasn’t obvious in the internal stages of the project. Letters Habash (2010) explained that Arabic letters consist of two parts: the letter form and the letter mark. The letter form is the essential component in every letter, and in total there are 19 letter forms. Letter forms are presented in the figure below There are three types of markes: dots, that can be above or below the letter, the short Kaf, that is special to be used with the letter kaf ( )كmarking specific shapes or the Hamza ()ء,that can be above or below some letters’ forms (Habash, 2010). Letter marks are shown in figure This should not affect the processing of the text, as the letter marks are added to the letter forms automatically. In other words, there is a key for every different letter in the keyboard, so this not to be considered in the implementation. Different combinations of letter forms and marks produce the 36 letters of the Arabic alphabet and some will count it even to be 40. Some letters don’t have letter marks others do (Habash, 2010). 5 However, out of these combinations only 28 are considered as basic letters in the Arabic alphabet, and because the script is cursive, 22 of these letters have different shapes depending on their position whether they initial, medial, final, or isolated. The other six letters have only two possible shapes, either isolated or connected from the right. The alphabet contains the vowel letters which are three letters ( ي, و, )اThese letters considered as long vowels (Bishop, 1998). The table below is taken from ‘A Student Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic’ (Schulz, 2004) to clarify the different shapes an Arabic character can have. It also contains the English phonetic transcription of the characters. 6 The different possible shapes of the character does effect the processing and colouring of the characters, in the programing stage different cases are considered and exceptions are needed in some cases. But it is not so sensible to explain it in this chapter, so it will be discussed later in the implementation and challenges chapter. Diacritics According to Habash (2010), the second type of Arabic script’s symbols are the diacritics, which are optional, unlike letters that always should be written. As a result, Arabic text can be either fully discretised, partially discretised, or undiacritised. Usually, Arabic texts are undiacritised apart from religious texts and children’s educational texts, and some poetry that is fully discretised to ensure the proper pronunciation of words. The Quranic text to be processed then should be fully discretised to maintain the reciters correct pronunciation of the words when using the project output. Diacritics are three types of: Vowel, Tanween, and Shadda. Vowel diacritics represent Arabic’s three short vowels, which are: ‘Fatha’ has the Arabic vowel ‘ ’اsound and is similar to an extended to the ‘a’ sound, ‘Damma’ has Arabic vowel ‘ ’وsound that is similar to ‘u’ sound and ‘Kasra’ has the Arabic vowel ‘ ’يsound that is similar to ‘i’ sound. In addition to these three vowels, there is the diacritic ‘Sukoon’ which means no vowel. Tanween diacritics can only appear at the end of nominal words (nouns, adjectives and adverbs). They are pronounced as a short vowel followed by an unwritten ‘noon’ in Arabic has English ‘n’ sound. And they look like a doubled version of their corresponding short vowels. Their name are also have related to their correspondents vowels. Shadda diacritic come with another short vowel and it means the letter should ne pronounced as double. Though it means the character is doubled, it is not replaced by another character even if the text undiacritise. The figure below show the Arabic diacritics 7 The diacritics and their sound will be needed in the English phonetic translation. They are also involved in Tajweed science so there are many Tajweed rules depend on diacritics. 2.1.2 about Tajweed science After having an overview about the Quran and Arabic language, it is sensible now to know about Tajweed and its importance. Definition and meaning Tajwīd (Arabic: تجويدtaǧwīd: IPA: [tædʒˈwiːd]) is an Arabic word for elocution, derived from the root ǧ-w-d ()جَ وَّ َد. It refers to the rules that govern pronunciation of letters when reciting the Quran (krajinic, 2012). In linguistic Tajweed means proficiency or make something well or better (Rashid, n.d.). Applying tajweed to Quran means articulate every letter from its articulation point and give it its right and dues of characteristics. The rights of a letter are those characteristics that never leave it (i.e. the letter has these characteristics in all situations). The dues of a letter are the characteristics that are present in some situation but not in other situation (About Tajweed, 2007) To explain the meaning of Tajweed in simpler and clearer language, Tajweed rules are specific for Quranic text which is revealed in Arabic. It is about the pronunciation of letters, so reciting the Quran is different than reciting other Arabic texts. Tajweed has a relation with prosody and articulation. Letters of Quran may be pronounced differently depending on the linguistic context, as tajweed rules need to be applied when specified letters encountered. This means reciter need to consider letters in each side of the letter in order to pronounce it correctly, as Tajweed rules may involve changing the letter’s sound duration, stress or even adding special sound to the usual sound of the letter. In brief, it is the science of how to pronounce sequences of letters or a single letter taking into account coarticulation rules which modify the pronunciation of combinations of letters in the linguistic context. 8 The word Tajweed is Arabic by origin, but it is now a fully-British English loan word used by many British English speakers. Though, its definition is not found in any of these English dictionaries: American Heritage Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Oxford English Dictionary, the Collins English Dictionary and the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, it is also not found in the 100-million-word British. Importance and History Learning Tajweed rules is important because the Quran was revealed from God by the angle to prophet Muhammad with Tajweed rules applied to it. Quran contains the words of God so when reciting it, the reciter needs to recite it as when it was revealed. So, the purpose of the tajweed science is to make the reciter capable to recite Quran in a good and professional way (Rashid, n.d.). Putting the tajweed rules prevents mistakes in Quran recitation and integrates the pronunciation of the Quran reader (About Tajweed, 2007). 2.2 Reviewing Similar Problems Reviewing similar problems is an important task to understand the problem. And it needs to be done in early stage in order to have a good idea about ways of implementations and output possibilities. In addition to the exploration of what is available, this is an important way of finding improvements on what others have done and see what is good to add to the system and what is bad to prevent it. So, this will help in the design and implementation stages. For this project the revision of similar problems was done by reviewing and analysing existing visual web sites in addition to colour coded printed copy of the Quran. Each project or solution is evaluated in different aspects and the discussed in a section below. 2.2.1 Quranic Arabic Corpus http://corpus.quran.com/ At the start there was potential thought about extending the corpus project by adding a Tjweed rules section to make the corpus complete and add to it more functionality. Also, the Quranic Corpus is so popular and this means extending it will make better use of the data produced in this project as many people will access it and make use of it. Then after reviewing the Corpus project it becomes clear that extending the corpus by adding a Tajweed section will be difficult for these reasons: - There is a need to take conformation from the developer (kais) and this is not garneted besides it is time consuming. In other words, there is a potential need to set all the problem specifications and design in 9 addition to preparing a prototype of the expected product with explanation of the project to be sent asking for a confirmation. So, time is needed to prepare and to wait for the confirmation then start working or make changes if declined, such as the programing language to be used ‘java or python’. - Also, if conformation is given, then it is better to use java as a programing language so it is easier to integrate the two projects. But being not expert in java programing means more time is required to learn the language. And in this case it is better to use the time in producing a better quality product and add more features to it rather than learning a new language. - Also the time to integrate the two projects should be considered especially that the two projects are done by different people. In other words, integrating will require knowledge about how the other project is implemented and what are the parts of the code that needs to be edited. In addition to this, in the early stages of the project it is not clear how difficult the problem is and how long it would take to be solved. So, a safer decision is to try solving the problem then add features and implement some enhancement rather than solving it to be integrated with concerns that it will not be. Good points: Though the decision was to develop a separated project not extending the corpus project because of the stated reasons, reviewing the Quranic Arabic Corpus was not waste of time as it provided the basic knowledge and motivation to do the Tajweed project. Reviewing the code and packages available in the corpus site gave some programming hints. It also was a guide to the sources needed for downloading the Quranic text, in addition to the English phonetic transcription with Tajweed rules applied idea. Problems: While reviewing the Quranic Arabic Corpus project, the English phonetic transcription of the text noted to be not so accurate in translating the letter lam ‘ ’لin some cases when it is after ‘ ’اand before a letter from a set consists of 14 letters. The letter is always present in the Arabic text, but it is silent in the case mentioned. So, if the transcription is generated for non-Arabic speakers with limited knowledge about the language then they might not know about this Arabic language rule. As a result, they will pronounce it in all cases as it is present in the English transcription. To explain this is an example, in the word ‘ ’الخناسthe letter lam ‘( ’لthe second letter from the right) should be pronounced because it is followed by the other 14 letters of the Arabic Alphabet. The case that called ‘lam qammaryah’ while in the word ‘ ’الناسthe letter lam ‘( ’لthe second letter from the right) should be not be 10 pronounced and this is called ‘lam shamsiyah’. So, noting this is one of the points that will be considered in the Tajweed project. 2.2.2 Quran Explorer http://www.quranexplorer.com/Quran/ Quran Explorer project is one of the best projects implementing colour coding for Tajweed rules found and it is available only an can be freely accessed. I have reviewed their site and spotted some good points to have in my project in addition to some problems and limitations that I want to avoid in my implementation. There were also some points to consider and think about. Good point: There are font options and the user can choose to view the text in Uthmani Quranic font, though after checking a verse in scanned page of a printed Quran against the site, it appears that the fount provided is not exactly as the printed Quran but it is similar to it with minor differences. In the printed Quran there are some letter written in a special way different from usual fonts. The image taken form islamicbourd.com on the left, shows an example of the differences in the font between scanned or printed Quran and the font avilable in the Quran Explorer (in the right). However, the special marks and characteristics of the Quranic font such as pauses marks, different styles of tanween and sajdah mark are all presented which is good. Limitation: In this project, not all Tajweed rules are implemented but a set of main rules is implemented, where each rule or sub branch of a rule mapped to a colour. From a point of view, mapping each rule to a colour means that by knowing he colours the user will know the rule applied. On the other hand, this way of colouring tell the reciter what is the exact rule applied but does not tell what the sound to be generated is. To explain, the 11 Idgham (merging) is a Tajweed rule applied in Quran Explorer and mapped to the dark green colour. So, if a charter coloured with a dark green then the rule of Idgham (merging) applied, but then there is no hint about the sound to be generated when the rule of Idgham (merging) applied. Another colouring procedure is to colour depending on the sound to be generated when applying the rule, meaning that if different rules can be coloured with the same colour if they have the similar sound. Merging the overlapped rules (the rules that have similar sound) so they mapped to one colour, can be a better practice to help the reciter read more fluently. And specifying the rule can be dealt with by another feature, and this is to think about and considered. Problem: The colouring of the characters is confusing, as it is done for some characters where it is not needed. It can appear as if what is done is totally wrong, but after checking and analysing it is observed that the colouring is done where it is needed but more characters are coloured. The figure below shows how the colouring is done, here there is a rules needs to be applied for example in the word ‘ ’جهنمa rule applied on the letter ‘’ن but the colouring done for the letter before as well. Another example is colouring the verse number when there is a rule to be applied between the word at the end of the verse and the first word of the next verse. Though this draw attention to the case of rules applied at end of the verses, whither to apply them or not, so this is to be considered and the way of colouring to be avoided as it is seen as inaccurate and confusing. Thinking about this, decision made to assume that the reader will stop at the end of each verse. One reason is that though it is fine to continue reading and do not stop when the verse end, it is recommended to stop. Another reason is that form programing point of view, implementing this would means that there is a need to check first token of the next verse while processing the given verse. In other words, it will require more processing where it is not necessary as people used to stop at the end of the verses, and only those experts reciters do continue reciting without stopping. Thinking about the purpose of the project which is helping people to apply Tajweed rules and learn more about them, it becomes clear that those will not stop at the end of the verse are targeted users as the targeted users are ordinary people not the experts. 2.2.3 Easy Quran Store www.easyquranstor.com 12 This is an online store sells printed copies of the Quran. One of the products they offer is a printed copy of the Quran with colour coded Tajweed rules. The scanned page below is presented in the store’s site, and found to be useful for reviewing purposes. Good Points: The way of colouring is good and clear, and the number of rules applied and colours used is reasonable. 2.2.4 Search Truth http://www.searchtruth.com/quran_reading/quran.html?page=4&page_size=1&page_style=1 This is the only online website found that provides scanned copy of colour coded printed Quran to be viewed. When reviewing this website, there were also, good and bad points to consider. Here they are: Good point: The site offer several search and view options, which is good. Bad point: 13 The scanned pages of the colour coded Quran are cropped, so there is no colour bar to tell the reciter what does each colour means. Below there are two images on the left an image of the same page of a printed Quran, and on the right screenshot from ‘Search Truth’ website. It is noticeable that fewer rules applied to what is provided in the ‘Search Truth’, as the blue colour wich is mapped to the rule of Qalqalah is not presented. So, what is the rules set of rules implemented can be expanded. 2.2.5 Colour Coded Printed copy of the Quran Getting a printed copy of a colour coded Quran was a good idea. Though the book was not different than the scanned pages available online, it makes the checking easier as while programing. To explain, the book is needed to check against and ensure that the output produced is the expected output, as the book is a guaranteed source. Also, the book has a table explaining the colour bar in different languages. So, it is useful to include both the English and Arabic names of the rules so the output is usable by both Arabic and nonArabic speakers. 2.3 consulting Experts Consulting experts expands the knowledge and contributes to a better understanding of the problem. As Tajweed is a deep science and usually people take courses studying Tajweed, consulting a Tajweed teacher 14 was a good idea. The consultation led to a better understanding of Tajweed rules, in addition to discussion of possible choices of rules to be applied. 2.4 Setting the Specifications of the solution There are three important questions need to be considered before starting with the planning and designing. Below there is a subsection for each question, as the answer of three questions will set the problem specification. 2.4.1 What is the product The product is a system that output a given Quranic text with Tajweed rules applied. At the start there were thoughts about outputting a text file with the text coloured where there is a rule applied, but by searching it is discovered that text files can’t have colours. So, an alternative solution is to build a system that produce HTML pages. Actually, the choice of HTML pages will not only help in terms of colouring the text but also in terms of representing the data and make it usable. To clarify, if HTML pages created then the data can be available online and people are able to access it easily for using or evaluation purposes. 2.4.2 Who are the users The system targeted users, are the ordinary Arabic speakers with limited knowledge about Tajweed rules, In addition to non-Arabic speakers generally and especially those wants to learn more about Tajweed. 2.4.3 Why to produce it There are several reasons behind choosing the product that will be clarify here. The first reason is the importance of Tajweed science and this is discussed earlier in the introduction chapter. The Quran is the words of God, so Muslims want to recite it correctly as it revealed with Tajweed rules applied. The second reason is that a perfect colour coded Quranic text could not be found online. So, one goal is to produce a better quality product in this project than what exists. To clarify, perfect printed copies of colour coded Quran are available to buy and some scanned copies are available online, but the scanned copies looks like static images that cannot be copied or paste as a piece of text. Furthermore, it is different to come up with the text colour coded automatically by a system computation. The third reason is that the idea of colour coding the text can be improved to produce better quality product with more features. For example the system output can be produced in a way that useful for purposes other 15 than recitation such as analysis of Tajweed rules and statistical observations, which can in turn help researchers or people in the Academic sector. 16 3. Planning and project management 3.1 methodology The methodology used in this project is CRISP-DM, which is a standard methodology for data analysis process. The stages of the methodology explain the project objectives: 1. Analyse and understand the problem and the overall goal. 2. Gathering and understanding the data, this involve finding suitable Quran data file to be processed and choosing the set of rules to be applied. 3. Data transformation, which means converting the Tajweed rules from written books into computational representation. 4. Modelling, that is to apply Tajweed rules to the Quranic text to generate the colour coded text. 5. Evaluation, this involves self-evaluation in the implementation stage of the project, then user evaluation in addition to comparing the produced solution with existing similar solutions. 6. Writing the report, the report writing will begin at the start of the project and will continued during the different stages as there is a need to record the different encountered issues in addition to the mid report. 3.2 initial plan As the time is limited and the project consists of many tasks and subtasks, then there is a need for a schedule or a plan. The initial plan is presented in the table below which contains the major subtasks with time estimated in days for each. The tasks in the table are presented in the expected working order. Time Duration in days Task 18 First stage: Solving the problem for the Arabic text 5 Background reading and review previous attempts to solve similar problem and talk to experts 1 Choose method to solve the problem and justify the choice 1 Download suitable data to work with and collect possible Tajweed rules set 9 Write the program that convert the rules into computational form 1 Apply the program to Quranic Arabic text 1 Set user evaluation form and show some results to users 29 Second stage: Solving the problem for English phonetic translation 17 6 Background reading and review previous attempts to solve similar problem and talk to experts 1 Choose method to solve the problem and justify the choice 3 Write the mid report 1 Download suitable data to work with and collect possible Tajweed rules set 14 Write the program that convert the rules into computational form 3 Apply the program to Quranic Arabic text 1 Set user evaluation form and show some results to users 26 Third stage: Write the final report 10 Complete writing the report 3 Collect user feedback and analyse them 4 Review the report and integrate parts 2 Self review 4 Prove reading 4 Consider suggestions and corrections 4 Fourth stage: The Presentation 2 Prepare the material 1 Prepare slides 1 Training At all * Record what has been done and write any issue to build the report gradually stages * Reading and searching are involved as needed 3.3 consideration of time limitation Limitation of time means that task priority should be considered and managed. So, at the start the minimum requirements should be achieved then the project enhancements can be done. And even with the enhancements the priority is for the enhancements that can be done within the time limit rather than choosing something cannot be completed in time. Considering this discussion, the searching and reading should be divided between the different stages of the project as well as at the start of the project. In other words, the background reading and similar problems searching should be done from the start. On the other hand, reading about the chosen rules to convert them to computational form is needed in the implementation phase. In addition, searching will be involved when needed to tackle problems or while program debugging. And spending long time at the start of the project doing all the reading and searching is not practical way of working, as not everything found would be used and. 18 3.4 Justification of Changes After few weeks working on the project, some changes to the design of the first program has been done, as a result the implementation was affected as well. The reason behind changing the design, is improving the product utility. A better way of outputting the result found, and will be discussed in the next chapters. In addition to this change, it is noticed that time is not planned for the presentation of the output. A decision was to create a website besides developing the system to present the output and make it accessible by users. This is not considered in the previous plan, so recalculation of timing is needed. Furthermore, there are some tasks underestimated in time such as debugging which has taken longer than estimated. For these reasons beside that tasks in the initial plan are not restricted with start and end date, a new plan 21/1 28/1 04/2 11/2 18/2 25/2 04/3 11/3 18/3 25/3 01/4 08/4 15/4 22/4 29/4 06/5 13/5 20/5 version has been done and represented with Gantt chart with other details to help with time management. setting the project aim and min requirements background Reading (Quran, Arabic… Review and evaluate existing solutions consulting Experts Download suitable data to be used as input. setting the specification and Identify the… Mid Report Writing Create a product prototype. Construct the system design. Choosing the Tajweed Rules and study them implementation of the system (program1) implementation of the system (program2) implementation of the English phonetic… implementation of the system (program3) final Report Writing creating the website Evaluate the product produced by the system compare with the projects previously reviewed. final Report completion and proof reading presentation Duration Flexibility 19 4. Preparation of Solution 4.1 Downloading Suitable data Downloading a suitable data is an important step needs to be done from the start, as the designing and the implementation depends on the data type found. While reviewing the Quranic Arabic Corpus, it is found that the data processed in their project is from another project called ‘Tanzil’. By searching in Tanzil site, it is discovered that there are several types of Quranic text in different formats available to download. Having considered the different options and compare them using the Tanzil site investigator, the decision was to download an Uthmani Quranic text with pausing marks. The reason is that Uthamani text is similar to the printed Quranic text that people used to use. With regard the pausing marks, they are important and can be considered part of Tajweed science. However, after starting in the implementation it is discovered that it would be more usefule to have the text downloaded with chapter and verse number for outputting purposes. So, a new version of Quranic text with chapter and verse numbers is downloaded. 4.2 Designing for the solution 4.2.1 Designing Decisions In order to design for the implementation of the project, there is a need to make some critical decisions such as the programming language to be used, type of encoding/decoding, the output, the program structure. Programing Language to be used A critical design decision was choosing the programing language; here two choices were considered and discussed java and python. Points for java: - There are packages available to use from the Quranic Arabic Corpus. So, some existing code can be used. - Using java and some of the packages available means it is easier to integrate this project with the Quranic Arabic corpus to improve utility of both. - Learning new language, as not expert and didn’t practice a lot with java before. 20 Points against Java: - The existing code from the Quranic Arabic Corpus is complicated so will need long time and a lot of effort to be will understood and used in the programming of this project. - Possibility of integrating this project with the Quranic Arabic Corpus is minimal, as it requires understanding even how the data of the corpus and HTML pages are presented in addition to the code, which needs time that could exceed the project limit. - practicing with new language while working with the project will be time consuming better to use this time to do some enhancements or more features and functionality to produce a better product quality rather than learning a programing language. - There is no grantee that the existing code would be useful as what is needed to be done in this project is different. Points for Python: - More comfortable and confident using it - Faster in the implementation phase and human readable. - Practicing more with known language to gain better experience, it can be considered a chance to explore more and become well skilled. - By searching found that Python has methods supports decode and encode of Arabic characters. - It is not known how difficult the problem is and how long would it take to be solved, so it is safer to choose a fast way of producing the solution and add more features if time permit rather than facing two problems: the project problem to be solved in addition to learning the language to be used. Points against python: - Slow in processing as it high level programing language. However, this shouldn’t be a problem as running the program will be only during the implementation for testing purposes. In other words, the system is not be run regularly or built for user personal use. - If the system built with python then it is not so easy to integrate it with the Quranic Arabic Corpus or other project as they might be built using Java. However, the project is an independent project and integrating it with other projects will improve the utility of the projects but otherwise it cans standby itself. Also, the chance of integrating at this time is minimal and even if java used in this project it will not be so easy to integrate them as knowledge about the other project is required. - Using python means losing the opportunity of learning Java. However, the project is not about learning a new language; it is about producing a good solution and solving the problem. Also, there is an opportunity of being expert in python. 21 After this discussion, decision was made to use python. And after making this choice, a search has been done to determine which version of python to use. It is discovered that Python version 2 cannot deal with Arabic text but allows using packages, while Python version 3 can deal with Arabic text but don’t allow packages usage. The decision here was version 3, as there is a need to process Arabic text, in addition the programs will be written from scratch not by using packages. Decoding/encoding type Another design decision is to choose the decoding/encoding type as the Quranic text that will be processed is Arabic text and cannot be dealt with directly. The choice made was to use UTF-8 decoding/encoding type as the text file downloaded from ‘Tanzil’ is in UTF-8 format. Output type to be produced Text files don’t support colour coding, that is to say the text can’t be viewed in different colours. So, though the problem can be solved by processing the input text file and producing another text file, the result in the text file cannot be represented visually. Hence, to improve the product produced the result should be represented using another output type in addition to the text file. The output type chosen is HTML file for several reasons mentioned here: - From the revision of similar problems, there wasn’t other possible visual ways. What is available either printed copies, scanned pages of a printed copy or HTML pages. And as the problem is related to computer science, it will be solved computationally with the choice of HTML pages. - Achieving the project aim of helping people applying the Tajweed rules. In order to make the output useful and accessible by ordinary people, it is sensible to present the output in HTML pages. - HTML pages are a good choice in the evaluation phase, as they will allow remote evaluation. After making the decision of generating a text file and HTML file, more details should be considered. At the start the decision was simply to produce one HTML file generated by a python program, such that the input is a quranic text downloaded from ‘Tanzil’ website and the output is an html file contains the quranic text coloured with Tajweed rules need to be applied. This is a reasonable solution, but it is not practical as there is a plan to make the product accessible by the users. Producing one HTML file that contains the whole book, means it will be very long and hard to view. It also means that the file will have limited features and utility. So, to improve this situation, an HTML file should be generated for each chapter. And at the beginning the minimum requirements can be reached by solving the problem for a chapter of the holy book. And to improve the product utility more, an html file can be generated for each verse. The cost of doing this is that it might be hard to track the files and it will need a huge memory space in addition more coding is required. 22 Looking at the details of the text files to be produced, the analysis of reviewing the Quranic Arabic Corpus was useful. So, a decision was to produce a similar text file to that available in the Corpus, which is showing in the screenshot below. The information needed in Tajweed project surly different, so it is just about the format, while the columns will be: the location, Arabic part of the token, corresponding part in phonetic English, the colour, the rule explanation. The information needed in Tajweed project surly different, so it is just about the format, while the columns will be: the location, Arabic part of the token, corresponding part in phonetic English, the colour, the rule explanation. The following table is prepared to show what the file expected to have, using an example verse. There is also some description about the columns is written in the first row of the table. Part location Arabic part (chapter,verse,token) Arabic characters (144,4,4) (144,4,4) ال خ English part Phonetic translation (enhancement that is useful for non-Arabic speakers) lkha colour The colour this part of the token supposed to be printed in. black Dark blue Rule explanation More information about the rule to be applied to this part (enhancement that is useful for people want to more about Tajweed) (144,4,4) ن n green (144,4,4) اس āsi black Tafkeem, emphatic (one of )خص ضغط قض Gunnah, nasal sound (noon mushaddah) - (144,5,1) الذى alladhī black - (144,5,2) يوسوس yuwaswisu black 23 Program structure Thinking about the programs structure, there is a trade-off between a fast program and a well-structured program. To clarify, using objects and function make the code elegant and easy to read, but it slow the program down as calling the functions require more processing time than processing the general code because of the overhead. As the system is built for purpose of producing output for users not to be used by them and it is for personal use not for a third party, a decision was made to build a program with loops and if statements. This might causes copying pieces of code, but it will be fast in developing in addition to testing and debugging. Speed of the system is priority particularly if it will be run for the whole book, as the nature of the problem requires checking every char to check if there is a rule need to be applied or not. 4.2.2 Main Design of the System The system is designed to consist of three programs. The first program takes the downloaded text file and processes it to produce another text file that contains the table. The data presented in the table is separated by tabs to create columns and each line represents a row. The second program takes the outputted text file and processes it to generate two types of HTML pages. One type of HTML pages contains a whole chapter, and the other type contains only one verse of a chapter. The third program takes the generated HTML pages by the second program and presents them in one HTML page that works like a catalogues. 4.3 Choosing the set of Tajweed Rules to be implemented Choosing the set of rules wasn’t a strait forward task as there is a wide range of Tajweed rules, and for the sake of this project there is a need to choose specific classification of the rules, and the way they will be coloured. So, there are several aspects considers before choosing the set of rules to be implemented: Tajweed rules structure, procedure limitation, targeted users, convenience. 4.3.1 Tajweed rules structure: The structure of Tajweed rules adds complexity to the choice, as Tajweed rules can have branches. For example there is a main rule called ‘The Rules of Noon Saakinah and Tanween’ which is specific for one Arabic letters ‘noon’ that have no vowel mark and ‘tanween’ which is a mark that letters at the end of nouns can have. This rule has four branches each branch rule has a set of letter that the ‘noon saakinah’ or ‘tanween’ is followed by. These branch rules can have sub-branches as well, for example the rule of Idghaam (merging) is one of the four rules and it has two branches ‘Idghaam with Gunnah’ and ‘Idghaam without 24 Gunnah’ (Rashid, n.d.). Furthermore, the Gunnah (nasal sound) has four different levels Most Complete, complete, incomplete and most incomplete (About Tajweed, 2007). So, decision need to be made on how deep the system should be in detecting the rules and colouring them. It would be more useful if the system applies the rules with details but it would be more complex not only from an implementation point of view but also form user viewing point. 4.3.2 Procedure Limitation Additionally Tajweed rules might overlap, in other words more than one rule can be applied to the same letter. For example, a letter can be from Qalqala (vibration) rule set of letters and at the same time it can have the Quality of tafkheem (emphitic) (About Tajweed, 2007). This means that it is not possible to represent all the rules using the colour coding procedure. As a result, there should be priority in which rules to choose and colour. Also, marking all the rules is not a good approach specially using colouring procedure for another reason that the text will be over loaded with colours. The application will lose its usefulness when the text become full with colours, as these colours will fail in warning the user when they are too many. 4.3.3 The System Targeted Users Considering the system targeted users (ordinary people with limited knowledge), the set of rules chosen should contains the main and essential rules with minimum level of details. 4.3.4 Convenience Beside all aspects, it is necessary to consider what the rules people used to see and learn are. This can be deduced from the revision of the similar problems and by asking an expert Tajweed teacher. 25 Looking at the different colour bars in the previous page which are from scanned copy, printed copy the Quran Explorer websites respectively, differences can be noticed but still there is a common set of rules and colours. It is also worth asking an expert Tajweed teacher about the rules usually beginners learn to agree in a suitable set of rules. And having considering all these aspects, decision was made to choose this set of Tajweed rules: the rule of Noon sakinah and Tanween with its four branches [Idhar, Idhgham, Ikhfa, Iqlab], the rule of Tafkheem (emphitic), the rule of Qalqalah (vibration) and the rule of Meem and Noon Mushaddadah in addition to the rule of lam shamsiyah because of its importance especially to non-Arabic speakers. The priority is to apply four rules to achieve the minimum requirements then more the rest of the set and if time permits more rules can be applied. 4.4 Studying the set of rules chosen After choosing a possible set of Tajweed rules to be implemented, it was necessary to study the rules in order to be able to convert the written text into program code. The set of rules is explained briefly in this section from programing point of view ‘text to code’, that’s to say the pronunciation and how the rule is actually applied will not be covered here as it the project work. The strategy was to study a rule then starts to implement it, so the information are clear and not confused with other rules. In addition, this strategy helps managing the time. To explain, it is safer to study the set rule by rule rather than spending the time studying the whole set without being sure that time will permit to implement them all. So, at the start four rules are chosen to achieve the minimum requirements then the reset of the rules are considered. The starting four rules were the rule of Qalqalah, the rule of Tafkheem, the rule of Lam Shamsiyah and the rule of Noon and Meem Mushaddadah. The reason behind this choice is that these rules less complicated so faster in the implementation besides they can be mapped to different colours so the project idea will be clarified. The rule of Noon sakinah and Tanween with its four branches is considered as an enhancement. 4.4.1 The Rule of Qalqalah The rule of Qalqalah is applied to set of letter [' 'د,' 'ج,' 'ب,' 'ط,' ]'قwhen they have Skoon ‘ْ’ as diacritic. It is also applied to the same set of letters when stopping at them even if they have a vowel. To illustrate, the rule will be applied if the last token in the verse ends with a letter from this set and the reciter will stop 26 reciting as it is end of the verse. The set of letters can combined to form the Arabic term ‘ ’قطب جدto help people memorising them (Czerepinski, 2000). 4.4.2 The Rule of Tafkheem The rule of Tafkheem is applied to the set of letters [' 'ظ,' 'ق,' 'ط,' 'غ,' 'ض,' 'ص,']'خ, regardless of their diacritics or vowels. To make it easier for people memorising this set, the letters are combined to form the Arabic term ‘( ’خص ضغط قضCzerepinski, 2000). 4.4.3 The rule of Noon and Meem Mushaddada This rule is related to two letters noon ‘ ’نand meem ‘’م, it is to be applied when they have shadda ‘ْ’as a diacritic regardless of the vowel that comes with it. The rule applied when stopping at a token ending with noon or meem mushaddada (Rashid, n.d.). 4.4.4 The rule of Lam Sakinah This rule is related to the lam sakinah ‘ ْ ’لwhen it comes after alif wasal ‘ ’اin the beginning of nouns (Czerepinski, 2000). The rule is applied if the lam is followed by one of these letters [‘’س, ’’ش, ’’ص, ’’ض, ’’ط, ‘’ظ, ’’ل, ’’ن, ’’ت, ’’ث, ‘’د, ’’ذ, ’’ر, ’( ]’زAli, 2006). 4.4.5 The rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween The noon sakinah in the Quran is noon without vowel ‘ ’نor noon with the diacritic skoon ‘ ’نand it comes in the form noon with small meem ‘ ’نمas well. The Tanween is three types mentioned in the overview of the Arabic language ‘ْ’, ‘ْ’ and ‘ْ’ (Rashid, n.d.). There are four rules related to the noon sakinah and tanween, each of which is explained below: Idhar The linguistic definition is ‘clear’, so when applied the letters should be pronounced clearly (Czerepinski, 2000). The rule applied when the noon sakinah or tanween is followed by a letter from the set [''غ,''ع,''ح,''خ,''ه,'( ]'ءRashid, n.d.). Idgham The linguistic definition of the Idgham is ‘merging’ (Czerepinski, 2000). When applying the rules the noon sakinah or tanween is merged with next letter. The rule of Idgham has to sub-branches Idgham with 27 Gunnah(nasal sound) and Idgham without Gunnah. The set of letters for the first branch is [''و,''م,''ن,' ]'يcan form the Arabic token ‘’ينمو, while the letters of the other branch are ‘ ’لand ‘( ’رRashid, n.d.). The rule has an exception for four tokens in the Quran: ‘’صنوان, ‘’قنوان, ‘ ’بنيانand ‘( ’الدنياCzerepinski, 2000). Iqlab Iqlab means changing, and applying this rule means that the noon sakinah or tanween is changed into meem ‘ ’مand it is specific to only one letter ‘( ’بCzerepinski, 2000). Ikhfaa The rule of Ikhfaa linguistic definition is ‘hiding’, and to apply the rule the noon sakinah or tanween is pronounced in a way that is between the Idhar and Idgham with nasal sound (Rashid, n.d.). The set of letters covered with the rule of Ikfaa is [''ظ,''ض,''ت,''ف,''ز,''ط,''د,''س,''ق,''ش,''ج,''ك,''ث,''ذ,'( ]'صCzerepinski, 2000). 4.5 Colouring Procedure After reviewing the similar problems and studying the rules, it is deduced that there are mainly two colouring procedures: one that helps the user to identify which rule to apply, another that helps the user to identify which sound to generate. There are different Tajweed rules which share same sound when applying them, with minor differences due to distinctive characteristics of letters. To clarify, the rule of Idgham (merging) and the rule of Ikhfaa (hiding) for example are two different rules, but both when applied can have the Ghunnah sound (nasal sound) (Rashid, n.d.) Hence, there is a choice of colouring the letters with the same colour in both cases as the sound to be generated is the same, or colouring the letters differently in the different cases as the rule to be applied is different. The first choice will help the reciters to read more fluently as it tells what the sound to be generated is. On the other hand, the second choice help the reciters learning the rules as it tells them what the rule to be applied is. Considering the two choices, the first one is chosen which means the first procedure as the limitation of this choice can be dealt with by adding the description of the rules included in a table as an example. This solution will help reciters read fluently and learn about the rules applied to a given token by looking to the corresponding description in the table. Making this decision leads to choosing a similar colour bar to that used in the printed copies of the Quran for several reasons. One reason is that is expected that the printed and scanned copies are widely used, as they 28 are older in terms of existence, more accurate, cover more rules and there is no chance they will be changed. In contrast websites are changeable and the colouring might be error prone or less accurate as noted in reviewed problems. In addition, couldn’t find an existing project used the procedure of the printed copies which gives a motivation to do it. Another reason is that the set of rules of the printed copies has better utility, as it covers more rules using minimized number of colours to be remembered. 4.5 Preparing a Prototype for the Expected Product This is a prototype of the product expected to be delivered, where the minimum requirements are achieved in addition to some enhancements. The first figure represents an HTML page showing a whole chapter of the Quran with colour bar in the bottom of the page. The second figure represents an HTML page showing one verse with a colour bar in addition to a table that contains some description of the rules applied to the tokens of the given verse. 29 5. Delivery of Solution This chapter covers the implementation phase in the project which is mainly developing the three programs. The chapter it is divided into sections and subsections to make it clear. The programing procedure followed is generally writing a pseudo code then convert it into an actual code that is fully commented. The code is written in part to make the debugging easier. During the testing, different parts of the input files are used, depending on the part of the program to be tested. To illustrate, if the part to be tested is about the Qalqala rule as an example then the input test file is checked to have a lot of occurrences of this rule. Here, a general simplified explanation of the programs is provided in a level that is higher than the pseudo code. 5.1 Achievement of the Minimum Requirements To achieve the minimum requirements, a system that produces a colour coded text of a chapter from the Quran with four rules applied should be built. As explained in the design phase the system is built of three programs, and by implementing the first two programs the minimum requirements will be achieved. Here both programs are discussed. 5.1.1 First program The first program is created to take the Quranic text file and produce the table discussed in the design phase. A general explanation about the input file, the program developed and the output file will be discussed in the coming sections. The Input The figure below is a screenshot shows a part of the text file processed, where each line of text represents a verse from the holy book. The numbers on the left are for the chapter number and the verse number respectively. The text is fully discretised Arabic text with some Quranic simples added. 30 The Code At the beginning, the input file is opened to be read from, and an output file is also opened to be written to. Then the input file is read line by line, and the lines (verses) are processed in a loop. In the loop as a first step as the text processed is in Arabic alphabet, the line is decoded to be converted into a string that easier to be dealt with in the python program. Then the decoded line is split into tokens, and the chapter and verse numbers are captured using a regular expression. In addition a counter is set to count the number of tokens in the given verse, as it will be needed in determining the location. Inside the main loop, there is an inner loop which loops over the characters in the verse. And in this loop there is a counter set to avoid processing chars when it is not need. In addition, the index of the char to be processed and several chars before and after are also set. As in the checking of the rules can involve checking characters before and/or after the char processed. Then checks are started with a check that the current char is from the set of alphabet, as there it makes more sense to check the actual chars not the vowels or diacritic. Then, the rules’ checks start considering the rules’ priority. To explain, as the rules might overlap they must be prioritised so the checks are done in an order where the rule that has a higher priority to be coloured is checked first. Then the counter of the character that is coloured will be increased so it is not processed again which minimise the processing time. The rules are checked in this order, the rule of Qalqalah, the rule of Tafkheem, the rule of Noon and Meem Mushadadah and the rule of Lam Shamsiyah. For each rule, several checks are done using if statements. These checks differ from rule to another depending on the characters and vowels or diacritics specified to the rule. After making the required checks and figure out that the rule is applied to the current character, several steps are completed. Firstly, the location is updated with the token number, and then it is converted into a string so it can be printed to the outputted file. Then, the diacritics of the char are added to it, and this requires some checks as an Arabic character may have 0, 1 or 2 diacritics and this becomes more complicated with the processed Quranic text as it has some Quranic symbols as well. After adding the diacritics to the processed char, the line to be printed into the output file is prepared, which contains three columns at this stage of the project. Then, the line is encoded and printed to the output file. And to finish of the processing of the char, the counter is increased to indicate that the char has been processed and the number of the token is cleared from the location tuple to make it ready for storing the location of the next char. And at the end of the program, the output file is closed. 31 The Output The output of the first program is a text file, which is presented in the figure and explained below. The data in the file presented as columns separated by tabs. The first column in the file show the location of the char, where the first number is the chapter number, the second is the verse number and the third is the token number. In the second column of the file, the Arabic char with its diacritics added. And the third shows the colour that the char in same row should be printed with in the HTML page. 5.1.2 Second Program In this sub-section the second program’s input, code and output are described. The Input The input of the second program is the outputted file of the first program, which is discussed earlier. The Code At the start, the input file is open and an html file is created. The created file set by adding the required script for encoding the content of the file and opening the needed tags. In addition, the needed initialisations are done. Then in a loop the input file is processed line by line, each line taken is split by tabs to enable storing and accessing the data in the columns. 32 The first column is taken and split again by comma to get the number of the chapter, the verse and the token. Then these values are decoded and stored in variables as they will be needed afterward. The char in the second column is also decoded and store in a variable so it can be processed in the loop. In the loop, the data in third column which contains the colour is checked. In the check, the HEX value is set depending on the colour name found so the char can be printed in the HTML page. The char location is also checked here, if the char has the same exact location as the previous char then belong to the same token so they will be connected to each other. Otherwise, the chars will be separated by a white space. Another check is done specifically to the verse number which is the second number in the location, when it is changed then it will be written in bracts to indicate end of verse. All the writing to the HTML file should be included in the appropriate tags and encoded. In addition, the language and the fount size and style should be specified where need. And at the end all tags should be closed in addition to the HTML file. The Output The program output should be an HTML file of a chapter of the holy book, where the letters are coloured as specified depending on the rules applied. The figure below represents an example output file, which shows the achievement of the minimum requirement. 33 5.2 Implementation of Enhancements There is a list of enhancements that can be implemented, from the list a selected set of enhancements has been chosen and implemented depending on the priority. Each implemented enhancement is discussed in a sub-section below, while the other enhancements are considered as possible extensions to the project so they are discussed in the next chapter of the report. 5.2.1 Alternative Viewing Option This was the first enhancement to be done, as it will enable the implementation of other enhancements. Explanation of the reason and implementation is provided in this sub-section. The Reason The colour coded text produced is presented in one HTML page which contains all the verses of the given chapter. Having another viewing option of the text will allow more enhancements and functionality to be implemented. For example, if the phonetic English transcription of the Arabic text is generated then viewing the result for the whole chapter in one page would not be easy. The reason is that mapping between the Arabic token and its English phonetic transcription is needed for the reciter learning purposes. This mapping might needs a table, so it will be huge and messy if it is done for the whole chapter. And this can be the case with the enhancement of adding the rules’ description as well. For this reason, another viewing option is considered, which is viewing each verse of the chapter in a separated HTML page. The Implementation Implementing this enhancement made changes to the second program only, where the first program is not affected. In the second program, an HTML page for every verse is created inside the loop over the file lines in the same way of creating the HTML page for the Chapter. Here, a new page will be created when the verse number (the second number in the location) is changed. So, the page contains the tokens that have the same chapter and verse number but different token number and the verse name written between bracts. The Output The outputted page contains the tokens that have the same chapter and verse number but different token number and the verse name written between bracts. The figure below shows an example HTML verse page. 34 5.2.2 The English Phonetic transcription The English phonetic translation was one of the implemented enhancements as it had a high priority for several reasons. One reason is to improve the product usability, as implementing will make the product produced useful for both Arabic speakers and non-Arabic speakers. Another reason is that from programming and problem solving point of view, implementing this enhancement will require different skills than that what is needed to implement the minimum requirements, which will add to the project value. Besides these reasons, none of the reviewed similar problems provide colour coded English phonetic transcription. So, there will be motivation to work on it, as it differs than what exists. The alternative considered and the implementation are discussed in the following sub-sections. Considering Alternative Before implementing the enhancement of the English phonetic transcription, the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is considered as an alternative. By comparing both, the English phonetic transcription outperformed the IPA. The reason is that when implementing the English phonetic transcription, evaluating is possible using the available in the reviewed project ‘Quranic Arabic Corpus’. Also, the English phonetic transcription uses Latin alphabet which is easier to read and spot mistake while evaluating. Meanwhile, the IPA uses invented symbols beside the Latin alphabet, and then the evaluation would not be easy with limited knowledge about IPA. And from this specific case, expectation raised that the English phonetic transcription can be more useful for people as the English language is widely used, while reading IPA needs specific knowledge. The Quranic Arabic Corpus can be considered as an evidence of the usefulness of the English phonetic transcription. To clarify, the English phonetic transcription is one of the most useful features provided by the Corpus besides many other features, which makes the site be visited by 1.2 million visitors in a year (Dukes and Atwell, 2012). The Implementation The implementation of this enhancement requires editing the first and second programs, the additions to both programs is explained here. Editing the First Program Choosing the Scheme To start with the implementation, there is a need to have the basis of the translation. The scheme chosen is from ‘Arabic Through the Quran’ by Alan Jones, which used in the Quranic Arabic Corpus as well. This choice will allow evaluating the solution and ensure a good level of usefulness. In the next page, the figure shows a 35 table taken form the book. The characters’ translation is in the last column of the table, while the vowels mentioned in the book but not included in the table. 36 Choosing the Procedure The implementation can be done using different programing procedures, the dictionary is chosen and the others are eliminated. The different alternatives eliminated are: if statements checking in the first program and processing the outputted file of the first program using a new program. The first alternative is eliminated as it will require a lot of coding which will result in a messy and inelegant code. In addition, it will be time consuming from a processing point of view as it can require more than 28 checks if the char processed will be checked against all the Arabic characters to be determined and translated. The second alternative is eliminated because it will require the use of one of the other methods as well. So, using it will just double the processing time as the character will be processed by the first program as well as the new program. The programming The implementation of this enhancement involved editing the first program as well as the second program. The code added to both programs is discussed in this sub-section. In the first program, a dictionary where the key is the Arabic character and the value of the key is the translation is added. And a variable to store the English translation of the processed character is initialized to be an empty string, then it is updated carefully during the loop checks. To illustrate, the processed char’s diacritics are added in the loop checks, so the variable should be updated with each add. The reason that it cannot be updated once at the end is that the keys are provided for individual chars not for the chars with all possible occurrences of diacritics. So, the variable is update with the char and then with the diacritic added. Then the updated variable is added to the line that will be printed into the output text file, to represent the second column in the file. In addition, another variable is set to store a value that indicates whether the processed char has shadda ‘ْ’ as diacritic or not. The reason is that the diacritic shadda means the char is doubled (Jones, 2005), so the value of the key shadda can’t be determined and added to the dictionary. So in all rules’ check, a special check is undertaken for the diacritic shadda. If the char has a shadda as diacritic, then the initialized variable value is updated to be ‘bold’. Then, this variable is added to the line to be printed into the output file and will be presented in a separated column. Then, in the presentation these characters will be printed in bold. 37 The output The output of the first program at this stage looks like the figure below, where the third and fourth columns are added. The third column is the English phonetic translation of the char and its diacritics, and the fourth column is to indicate if the char has shadda or not. Editing the Second Program Choosing the Procedure Mapping between the Arabic tokens and its corresponding English phonetic transcription is needed. Some possible implementation procedures considered are: numbering, highlighting and presenting in a table. In the first procedure, the location of chars can be used. To clarify, when printing the tokens into the file, the number of the token should be printed as well so each Arabic token is mapped to its corresponding token. This procedure is eliminated, because it requires the user to think and check the numbers, which can affect the recitation fluency. The second procedure is to highlight the token by clicking on it for example, and then its corresponding transcription is also highlighted. This procedure has been eliminated because highlighting means colouring differently and the characters are already colour coded. So, by highlighting the colouring of the characters will not be clear and distinguishable as it is with the white background. Hence, the third procedure has been chosen, because it is doable from programing point of view, simple form users point of view and elegant form presentation point of view. 38 The programming As the English phonetic transcription tokens need to be mapped to their corresponding Arabic token, then printing directly to HTML is not possible. As a result, two variables are initialised to store the Arabic and English tokens. Later if the characters have the same exact location, they are added to this intlised variable. And when the location changed this means end of the previous token. The stored tokens then appended to lists which are created to store all the tokens of the verse, a list for the Arabic tokens and another list for the English tokens. To handle the mapping between the two lists, a function that prints a table into the verses HTML pages is added. The function takes the two lists and creates an HTML with the specified format. In the table caption the chapter number and the verse number are printed. Then, a new row is created and the tokens in the Arabic list are looped over to print each token to a new cell of the row. And the same procedure is applied to add the English tokens in the second row of the table. At the end, the table and the HTML file are closed. The output The table created by the function contains two rows, where the first row shows the Arabic tokens and the second row shows the English phonetic transcription. The following figure shows an example outputted HTML page. 5.2.3 Description of the Rules Adding a basic description to the colour coded characters is one of the implemented enhancements, for some reasons that are similar to the reasons behind generating the English phonetic transcription. From 39 usability point of view, adding the description will help the users learn more about Tajweed rules while practicing. It will also overcome the limitation of the colouring procedure used, which sometimes tell the user the sound to be generated not the rule to be applied. From programing and web development point of view, the implementation of this enhancement can involve using different features. Beside these two reasons, this wasn’t implemented in any of the reviewed problems, so it can result in a unique product. The considered alternatives and the implementation of this enhancement are discussed in the following subsection. Considering Alternatives To ways of presenting the description of the rules applied to each token are considered. The first way is to add another table to the verses HTML page and write the description in it. The table should present only the tokens that have Tajweed rules applied to it, and these tokens should be located by adding their chapter, verse and token numbers. The reason is that it is useless to add all tokens, and locating is necessary in case the verse have the token more than once but with different Tajweed rules applied. And in this case it would be better to add the corresponding English phonetic transcription to the table. By including all these information in the table, some information will be redundant as it is included in the table previously produced. So, this seems to be not efficient way of presentation. Furthermore, Tajweed rules can be applied between two tokens and in this case presenting each token in a row is not a wise way and presenting them both in the same row can be confusing as each token will have different location and can have different rules as well. For the reasons discussed above this option was eliminated and another option which is using the cursor hover is chosen. Viewing the description of the rules using the cursor hover over the colour coded characters is an alternative technique that can be used. Applying this technique will keep the simple and clear view and it would eliminate the reprocessing of the other information. It will also add to the project value as new feature is used instead of using the table again. The Implementation The description used in the implementation, is written as a simplified description based on the rules studied. The implementation requires changes to the first and second program. The changes for both programs are explained in the two coming sub-sections. Editing the First Program Adding the description resulted in adding a new column in the outputted file by the first program. This was done by writing the description in the checks of the loop. To clarify, in the Tajweed rules’ checks if the rule is applied to the processed char and it will be coloured differently, then in same line which is to be printed into 40 the output file after adding the specified colour, a description of the rule is added. An example output file is shown in the figure below. Editing the Second Program In the second program, if statement is added to check the length of the list return when the line is split by the tabs. If list length is six, then description is available and then it is decoded and stored. After that, the description is added to both the Arabic and the English characters using the courser hover technique. The description is added to the HTML that contains the whole chapter as well as the verses pages. An example of the output is presented in the figure below. 41 5.2.4 Implementing More Tajweed Rules The set of rules The implemented set of the Tajweed rules is limited, so in order to improve the utility of the product produced more rules has been implementd. As discussed in the design chapter the four rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween are chosen to be implemented. Generally implementing these four rules is more complicated and time consuming than the other implemented rules. The reason is that these rules can be applied in a single token or between two tokens, which require more coding and processing. The implementation The implementation of this enhancement would affect the first program, while editing to the second program will be required only when more colours used to set their HEX value. From the experience of implementing the first four rules, it is detected that there are parts of the code that will be needed in every rule’s check. And as these parts become known from the previous attempt solving the problem, they are covered in a function to be used in the implementation of these four rules. So, the function mainly updates the English phonetic transcription of the char and checks then updates its related diacritics. It also covers the bold condition of the diacritic shadda, in addition to updating the location of the char. Finally it set the line to be printed into the output file, as it takes the char, the colour and the description as arguments in addition. In the program body and before the implementation of the other rules, a main check is done to determine the three types of Tanween (‘ْ’, ’ْ’, ’ْ’) and the two possible cases of Noon Sakina (in the middle or at the end). Under this main check, the three next chars to the processed char are set depending on three possible cases: the char being Tanween or Noon at the end of the token, the chat being Noon in the middle and the char being Tanween or Noon followed by a small meem ‘’ which the case when the rule to be applied is Iqlab as deducted. After that each rule of the four rules of Noon Sakina and Tanween is checked. The rules are checked by checking the processed character belongs to the set of characters of the rule, if yes then it is taken and the function is called. When the char finish processing and printed into the output file, the counter is increased to avoid processing the char again and the initialised variables are cleared to be ready of the next char as discussed earlier. 42 The Output Example output after the implementation of the four rules is shown in the below figure, though the used colours are the same as the colours used previously except the orange. 5.2.5 Apply for the Whole Quran (would it really work) 5.2.5 Appling the System to the whole Quran Applying the system on the whole Quran is an enhancement that considered later as it would increase the project utility and allow better implementation to the website enhancement. Though it is not expected that applying the system to the whole Quran would require more work beside the time and space it would need, it does. To explain, applying it to whole Quran means that there is a need to create a page for each chapter as well because it is not practical to present the whole book in one HTML page. So, the implementation of this requires adding some changes to the second program. The procedure used is similar to that used to generate an HTML page for every verse. In the loop, the chapter number is tracked so when it is changed a new HTML page is created and the previous one is closed. Furthermore the first program needed to be edited as well, because when processing the whole Quran new Quranic simples appeared which are not in the dictionary of the English phonetic transcription. In addition, when the system is applied to the whole Quran new cases are discovered and some bugs are detected. 43 These are could not be discovered during testing the system using parts of the input file. Debugging and correcting was time consuming system and required a lot of effort. However, the running time and the space needed were reasonable. 5.2.6 The Website Developing the website is one of the implemented enhancements, because at the first place it enables accessing the project result remotely which is makes it available for users to use and help in the evaluation phase. In addition it involves using different skills, as more features than what has been used in the second program will be required. The website is designed to be simple and provides an adequate level of information and features. The website consists of five main HTML pages in addition to the pages generated by the system. The main pages are: the website home page, the chapters catalogue, the verses catalogue, the useful links page and contact us. Each page of these will be described in a sub-section below. The Home Page The Home page contains a general description about the website and its functionality. In the top of the page there is navigation bar contains the links for the other four pages of the website. A screenshot of the page is available in the appendices (figure: 1). The Chapters Catalogue This page provides a link for each chapter of the Quran, where the links are presented in a list and ordered by the chapter number. The provided links are for the HTML pages that are generated by the system’s second program, while the page itself is generated by developing a new program. The third program of the system is developed to present the created HTML pages in one page. The program creates a new HTML file, and then includes the needed header lines and specifies the encoding type. Then it loops over the files in a specified folder to get the files that match a given format. When detecting a file, the link of the file is created then it is written to the HTML file to be created as an item of a list. When the loop is completed, the HTML file is closed. A screenshot of the page is available in the appendices (figure: 2). The Verses Catalogue This page provides links to all verses of the Quran, where the verses of one chapter are presented in a single table. So, in the page there is 114 tables one for each chapter. 44 The page generated by the third program developed, using a procedure that is similar to the one used to generate the chapters catalogue. However, more coding and processing is needed here in terms of detecting the files and presenting them. To explain, in the verses case more processing involved as another loop is needed to create the links of the files because both of the verse number and the chapter number are needed. In addition, presenting each link in a row within a table that is specific to a given chapter requires more coding. A screenshot of the page is available in the appendices (figure: 3). The Useful links page This page contains a selected useful links to learn Quran and Tajweed. A screenshot of the page is available in the appendices (figure:4 ). The Contact us Page The Contact us page is added to allow users give feedback about the website and send their quires or comments via the form provided. It also contains a link to an evaluation form. A screenshot of the page is available in the appendices (figure: 5). 5.3 Improvement of the Product Quality In addition to implementing the enhancement which mainly improved the product utility, some features can be added to improve the product quality. Here there is a general explanation about such implementations which are considered during the implementation of the minimum requirements or added to the enhancements. 5.3.1 The output table Choosing the format of the output table of the first program is considered as an improvement to the product quality. The file presents each character of the Quran with its diacritics added in a line along with its location and its English phonetic translation in addition to other notations, this can be considered as a corpus that can be used for further developments or in another project. For example, this text file allows adding more features in this project such as offering searching about a given verse or a token or finding all occurrences of a specific Tajweed rule. In other projects, researchers or academic can use the file to find out information that is helpful for teaching purposes. For example, finding which rule has the highest frequency among the other rules to give it a high priority when teaching people Tajweed rules. 45 5.3.2 Improving the website functionalities The website has been developed as an enhancement, but more features can be added to improve its quality. One of the features added is a navigation bar in top of every page, to provide easier navigation between the pages. In addition, in the page of each verse a link to the next verse and the previous verse are added. Furthermore, the chapter name in both languages (Arabic and English) is presented in all chapters and verses pages besides the numbers. This is done by creating a dictionary, where the key is chapter number and the value is the chapter name. The chapters’ names used to create the dictionary are taken from another project ‘Voice of Quran’ which allows using the material they present. 5.3.3 Improving the rule description provided. The idea of the providing the rules’ description has been implemented as an enhancement, but improvements to provide a better quality description can be done. Considering the targeted users of the website, the description should remain basic but it can be provided in both English and Arabic languages. So, an Arabic description is added between bracts to make the descrption useful for Arabic and non-Arabic users. 5.4 Encountered Challenges In order to process the Arabic text encoding is needed, as a result of the differences between the Arabic script and the Europeans scripts which are handled by default (Habash, 2010). Habash (2010) has noted that the main challenges of processing Arabic text are: the directionality as the script is from the right to the left, using of diacritics, the variant shapes of the characters which depend on the context and processing Arabic text that involves some Roman characters or digits. Encoding was needed in solving the problem and all the mentioned challenges are encountered, so they will be discussed briefly. 5.4.1 Directionality of the Script Directionality is need to be dealt with when writing to HTML files as it is from left to right be default. After searching about the necessary step, the problem could be solved and the text is presented from right to left. 5.4.2 Using of Diacritics The usage of diacritics was a challenge in two different aspects: Colour coding and maintaining accuracy. Though the diacritics of the Arabic text could be processed just like characters, colouring them differently when needed was not possible. This is might be the cause of the inaccuracy of colouring in the other similar projects. The problem needed a lot of effort (coding), time (debugging) and thinking (finding a solution) to be tackled, but then it has been solved successfully. The other similar projects reviewed were not helpful in 46 solving the problem as the sites found have the same problem, but this gave the motivation and resoluteness to solve the problem. Trying to think creatively a solution is found, which is using the white space and tatweel ‘( ’ـorthographic simple used to lengthen the previous letter, available in the Arabic keyboard). The reason is that they can separate the diacritic from the previous character, and separating them will allow the diacritic to be coloured differently without colouring the character. This solution result in having separated lines in the output file for the diacritic tanween as it is needed to be coloured differently. The choice of which one to use: the white space or tatweel, will be clarified in the next sub-section. From the maintaining accuracy aspect, the usage of the diacritics adds complexity to the text. In other words as the text processed is fully discretised, it is not easy to detect missing diacritics. As explained in the earlier sections the Arabic character can have 0, 1 or 2 diacritics, so tracking them all is not an easy task. The idea of tatweel is also used to solve another problem appeared as a result of the automated printing of the name of Allah supported in the HTML pages. To explain, the name of Allah in the input file has ‘ْ’ and ‘ َْ’ as diacritics. So, when it is processed by the first program these diacritics are added to the character. The problem is that other diacritics are added automatically in addition to those forms the input file. At the start the solution considered is to not add the diacritics from the input file, as the one added automatically cannot be controlled. However when the efficiency of tatweel discovered, decision made to use it as it requires less processing. Using tatweel changes the structure of the word slightly, so it is not detected. In the (figure: ) the first line the name of Allah ‘ ’هللاhas the diacritic twice, the second line is after applying the first solution and the last line shows the tatweel solution. 47 5.4.3 Contextually Variant Shapes of Characters To clarify what is mentioned in the previous sub-section, tatweel cannot be used in all cases as there are Arabic characters cannot be connected from the left. So, because of this checks need to be carried out and if the previous character has this characteristic then the solution is to add a white space. 5.4.4 Involving Digits or Roman characters The challenge of processing Arabic text that involves some Roman characters or digits is encountered during the processing of the input file. In each line of the file, the chapter and the verse number are written in addition the text Arabic characters, which can affect the indexing. In addition presenting both Arabic text and English text in one HTML file, requires specifying the language before printing into the file. 48 6. Evaluation of the Solution 6.1 Evaluation Method The project is evaluated using both self-evaluation and user-evaluation, each method is discussed below. 6.1.1 Self-Evaluation Evaluating the result against some sources in addition to comparing the product produced with what exists are considered under this sub-section. Evaluating the result using sources During the implementation phase, testing and debugging of the programs developed was necessary. So, the programs are tested using appropriate input to check that the output produced is what is expected. Also, the different possible cases and occurrences of the characters are considered. The result of the system is checked against three sources that are found suitable and trustful: the downloaded file from Tanzil to ensure that the Arabic characters and diacritics are correct and complete, the Quranic Arabic Corpus to check the English phonetic translation of the Arabic tokens and a colour coded printed copy of the Quran to check the colouring after applying the Tajweed rules. After several runs where each involves a correction, the final result of the system found to be correct and accurate from a self-evaluation point of view. Overall, the accuracy of the Arabic text is maintained, the colouring of rules is clear and correct though more rules can be applied and the English phonetic translation can be improved by considering some special cases. Comparing the produced solution with existing similar solutions The comparison of the produced solution with existing solution can covered different aspects: the accuracy of the colouring, colouring procedure, the colour bar, the Tajweed rules’ set, viewing and display options, the other features and functionalities. In this section the project produced solution is compared to the reviewed similar problems solution. Quranic Arabic Corpus The Quranic Arabic Corpus is one of the reviewed problems, but it doesn’t provide solution that is related to the Tajweed problems. So it can only the last aspect can be compared, as both projects provide the English phonetic transcription of the Quranic text. Comparing the two solutions, there are some differences for example the transcription of the shadda. In the corpus solution it is sometimes converted to the character doubled other times the character is kept single and the reason wasn’t clear or indicted though the correct 49 pronunciation is maintained. In this project solution the shadda is indicated by making the character bold in all cases. Another difference is lam shamsiyah discussed earlier, in this project the problem solved by applying the rule which colours the lam with grey as not pronounced. Though these two examples may shows that the two solutions can be equivalent, there is a special case not considered in this project solution due to time limitation but it is covered in the Corpus. The special case is the transcription of the disconnected letters, which are presented at the start of 29 chapters of the holy book and should be pronounced individually as the pronunciation of their alphabet rather than as one morphologic token (Nguyen, 2012). So, it can be conclude that the solution of the Corpus is better and more accurate, but it also worth considering the time limitation as the Corpus is a huge project done during longer period. Quran Explorer This project is solving the same problem, so more aspects can be compared. The comparison aspects are discussed below: The accuracy of the colouring: The colouring of this project solution is much more accurate than the solution exists, this is discussed in the revision of the similar problem section. The colouring procedure: The colouring procedure is discussed before, in this project anther colouring procedure is implemented and expected to be better for the reasons mentioned. The colour bar: The colour bar of the existing solution is clear and the colours chosen are distinguishable, but it only in English. So, this project solution outweighs the existing solution. The Tajweed rules’ set: The existing solution applies two rules not implemented in this project, but this project also implementing another two rules that is not implemented in the existence. The viewing and display options: The existing solution provides better viewing and displaying options. The other features and functionalities: The existing solution provides the English translation of the verses, while this project provides the English phonetic transcription of the verses. Overall, it can be considered that in terms of solving the problem this project solution is better more accurate than the compared solution, it is also better than many other existing solutions that are not 50 discussed here because similarity. The aim of the project is colour coding the text and the website is an enhancement that is done to make the product publicly available. Easy Quran Store If a compression will be carried out then then the aspects considered are: The accuracy of the colouring: The level of accuracy is nearly the same. The colouring procedure: The same procedure used. The colour bar: The existing solution provides a very good colour bar but it is only in English. The Tajweed rules’ set: They provide an excellent set, which covers more rules than what is provided in this project’s solution. The viewing and display options: Is is a scanned copy of a printed Quran so it has no displaying options, but then it is not publicly available. The other features and functionalities: It lacks of the English phonetic translation, which is provided colour coded by this project’s solution. Actually, the solution provided is not produced computationally, so the comparison is not so sensible. Similarly this would be the case with Search Truth and the printed copy of the Quran. So, in general the colour bar is cropped in the solution provided by Search Truth as discussed in the revision section but the solution is publicly available and the different viewing options are provided. The printed copy has the colour bar but not publicly available. Both of these existing solution provide more a larger set of rules than this project solution, but they both lack the English phontic translation. To conclude, this project solution can be considered a competitor solution that provides an accurate solution in implementing Tajweed rules with an adequate level of additional features. 6.1.2 User-Evaluation After making the solution publicly available by developing the website, some users are asked to evaluate the solution. Though the hole book is presented in the website, one chapter is selected for evaluation purposes. The chapter chosen is the chapter number 56 ‘ سورة الواقعة- Al-Waqia’ because it is of moderate length and contains all the Tajweed rules implemented. In the sub-sections below, the evaluation from and the evaluation results are discussed. 51 Setting the Evaluation form In order to get a specific feedback from the users about the different features provided, an evaluation form was need. In the beginning an evaluation form is prepared, which consider these different aspects: the Accuracy of the Arabic Quranic text, the English phonetic transcription, the colouring of the letters, the description of the Tajweed rules and the website’s presentation and usability. The evaluation form is also translated to the Arabic language and sent to different groups. The users are asked to answer the questions in the form by giving grades from 1 to 5, and then send it via the website form or by email. After few days it is noted that creating the form using Google documents will make the evaluation easier for the users. In addition, tracking and collecting of the result will not be needed as the data will be collected automatically, which make analysing the results easier. So, An English/Arabic form is created with the website link in the header (figure 6), and distributed again. By using the electronic form more users gave their feedback, but without comments like when they send it via the site form. Collect the result The results of two forms are collected, 12 evaluation forms are received via the website while another 17 are send it via the electronic form. The users’ evaluation that is received via the website form is available in appendix (E), and the evaluation received via the electronic form is shown in the figure (7). Analyse the result The feedback received form the evaluators is impressive. The majority of them find the product to be good and useful and some evaluators gave a valuable feedback and suggestions. Overall, the solution produced is evaluated to be good or very good by 29 evaluators. 52 7. Conclution The project was a success, the minimum requirements are achieved and several enhancements are implemented. In terms of solving the problem, the solution produced found to be useful and accurate, and this is proven by users’ evaluation. It can be considered unique in comparison to other existing solution as it provides many different good features. 7.1 Lessons Learnt From this experience it can be conclude that choosing a project of interest, is important as this give the motivation to work and the joy while working. One form the lessons to learn is to add margins for the major tasks, as there will be always something out of the plan. 7.2 Possible Extensions The product produced give motivation to complete the work and add more features and functionalities. So, the website might be hosted with a permanent host as there is a personal objective to extend the work by implementing some of the possible extensions below or alternatively donate the website. Display the result using Quranic Font implement More Rules Add Audio Recordings Improving the Website Functionality Improving the English Phonetic Transcription Add the IPA translation Produce a Colour Blended Version 53 References: • Ali, M., 2011. The Holy Quran English Translation and commentary [e-book]. USA: Ahmadiyya Islamic Society. Available at: Google Books [Accessed 25 February 2013]. • BBC, 2011, The Quran [online] Avilable At:<http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/texts/quran_1.shtml >[Accessed 23 February 2013] • Bishop, B., 1998. History of the Arabic Language. [online] Brigham Young University, Department of Linguistics. Available at: <http://linguistics.byu.edu/classes/ling450ch/reports/arabic.html > [Accessed 2 February 2013]. • Draz, M A, 2000. Understanding the Qur'an: Themes and Styles. London: I.B. Tauris & CO Ltd. • Dukes,K. and Atwell,E., 2012. LAMP: A Multimodal Web Platform for Collaborative Linguistic Analysis. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Istanbul, Turke. • Fatoohi, L., 2013, Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law [e-book]. UK: Routledge. Available at: Google Books [Accessed 25 February 2013]. • Habash, N., 2010, Introduction to Arabic Natural Language Processing [e-book]. Morgan & Claypoolgh. Available at: University of Leeds [Accessed 25 February 2013]. • Jones, A., 2006. Arabic Through the Quran [e-book]. UK: Cambridge. Available at: <http://aryabima.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/arabic-through-the-quran.pdf> [Accessed 14 February 2013] • Khalifa, R., 2007. Quran - The Final Testament [e-book]. USA: united community of submitters. Available at: Google Books [Accessed 25 February 2013]. • Martin, 2012. A Study on the Disconnected Letters of the Qur’an. [online] Available at:<http://islamicana.com/2012/10/27/a-study-on-the-disconnected-letters-of-the-quran/> [Accessed 4 February 2013] • Sharaf, A. and Atwell, E., 2012. QurAna: Corpus of the Quran annotated with Pronominal Anaphora. LREC 2012; Pp 130-137. • Versteegh, K., 2001, The Arabic Language [e-book]. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Available at: Google Books [Accessed 1 February 2013]. 54 Appendix (A): Personal Reflection The Experience gained working on the project is valuable and different skills have been used and developed. Project and time management is one of the most important skills needed when working on project, this skill have been improved while working on the project. Programming and software development is also another important skill, which was fundamentally used and dramatically developed specially that the data set used in the project was an Arabic text. Also, the implementation of the enhancements helps to gain better knowledge about creating HTML pages and websites designing and development. In addition, the problem nature gave a chance to expand the knowledge about NLP. 55 Appendix (B): External Material The Quranic Arabic text file from Tanzil http://tanzil.net/#19:12 The chapter names from voice of Quran http://www.voiceofquran.com/q_list.php?zaban=e&q=qrpt 56 Appendix (C): Ethical Issues No ethical issues has been addressed for this project 57 Appendix (D): Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 58 Figure 3 59 Figure 4 Figure 5 60 Figure 6 Figure 7 61 Appendix (E): Users Evaluation a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? I don't know, they look like Arabic but I cannot read Arabic b. The English phonetic transcription 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 4 yes I think so, I can read the roman phonetic transliteration, BUT I don't understand Tajweed so cannot apply the rules 3. Is it easy to read and follow? 4 as far as I can work out... c. The colouring of the letters 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 4 I guess it does, but I dont really know for sure 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 3 It doesnt help ME but I see it might help if I understood tajweed 6. Is it correct and accurate? 3 I dont know 7. The description of Tajweed rules 8. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 4 it looks useful, BUT I don't know Tajweed 9. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 3 not a lot but then I dont know the Quran or Tajweed that well anyway d. The website and presentation 10. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 4 I like the simple, clear design of website - trminds me of Google start-page, just the basic info and no frills. 11. How good the content and style of the site is? 4 this question (and answer) seems to be the same as Q10 12. How easy the navigation? 4 The only navigation I could see was "next verse" and "previous verse" and the header links; this is simple and minimal, so I am not likely to get lost. e. Usability of the Site 13. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 4 yes, but I am not sure what non-Arabic speakers could use it for... 14. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 3 not sure, I think you need good understanding of Arabic and Tajweed 15. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 4 again, not sure, i think you need to understand Tajweed rules first; then the site in effect gives lots of practice. Eric Atwell <E.S.Atwell@leeds.ac.uk> 62 Website feedback from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~fy09f2ha/contact%20us.html query: from 1 to 5 where 1 very bad, 2 bad, 3 no opinion, 4 good, 5 very good. You comments are also welcomed if you have any. a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? (5) b. The English phonetic transcription (4) 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? (5) 3. Is it easy to read and follow? (4) c. The colouring of the letters 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? (5) 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? (5) 6. Is it correct and accurate? (3) 7. The description of Tajweed rules 8. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? (5)(I think you should tell the user about this feature because I didn't know about it) 9. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? (5) d. The website and presentation 10. How is the way chosen to present the system output? (5) 11. How good the content and style of the site is? (4) 12. How easy the navigation? (5) e. Usability of the Site 13. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? (5) 14. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? (5) 15. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? (5) Good job ma sha'a allah.. I really like the idea and the execution of it. name: Marwa Alhawaj email: fy11mza@leeds.ac.uk 63 mashallah impressive >>a. The Arabic Quranic text >>1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 3 >> >>b. The English phonetic transcription >>2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 4 >>3. Is it easy to read and follow? 4 >> >>c. The colouring of the letters >>4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 4 >>5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 5 >>6. Is it correct and accurate? 3 >>7. The description of Tajweed rules 5 >>8. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 5 >>9. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 4 >> >>d. The website and presentation >>10. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 4 >>11. How good the content and style of the site is?4 >>12. How easy the navigation?5 >> >>e. Usability of the Site >>13. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 3 (it think >>it is quite easy to follow for Arabic speakers but am not sure for >>non-Arabic as I said before some letters are diconnected so it might be >>a bit difficult for them to read) >>14. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 4 >>15. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 5 >> >> >>Additional comments:there are lots of letters missing am not sure >>whthere that due to the broswer or writing mistakes for instance: >>- the letter (N= noon) is not available to see as in ayah number 11 (Ýöì ÌóÊö >>ٱáÚöíãö), ayah number 96 (Åö åóٰÐóÇ áóåõæó ÍóÞøõ ) and ayah number 45. >>- in ayah 81, there should be two (meem) letters but only 1 is availabe in the ayah >>(ÃóäÊõãÏúåöäõæäó) >>- in ayah (16+20) the letter (Meem) is missing >> >>also,I got distracted by the colours as I jump to the first bright >>colour I saw to see the Tajaweed behind it. > > Zainab Alsadah >----- End message from fy09zaa@leeds.ac.uk – 64 Dear Fatimah, It is a pleasure evaluating your lovely work, great idea and very helpful website in deed. Here are the answers to your questions: a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 5 But I would say that in verses 16, 20, 23, 32, 54, 55 the Alif that is placed above some words is not very clear to see. For example, in verse 16 the word ?????????????? has an alif above the word but it is not very clear to see. May be if you add an extra blank line between the chapter verses, that letter (the alif) will be clearer. b. The English phonetic transcription 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 5 3. Is it easy to read and follow? 5 c. The colouring of the letters 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 5 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 5 6. Is it correct and accurate? 5 7. The description of Tajweed rules 8. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 4 9. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 5 d. The website and presentation 10. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 5 (I like it very much, well done!) 11. How good the content and style of the site is?5 12. How easy the navigation? 5 e. Usability of the Site 13. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 5 14. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 5 15. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 5 (very much) The only remark is: could you remove bissmi Allah alrahman al rahem to a seperate line before the chapter verses or even change it's colour. Best of luck to you and a very well done! Nora Abbas <noorhanabbas@yahoo.co.uk> 65 Hi Fatimah, I think you done a good and useful project. I've evaluated the project based on your method and questions, and there are some comments I have added to the evaluation. EvaluationofFatimahAldahan’sProject By Abdullah Alfaifi Item Score Comment a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 4 C 1 b. The English phonetic transcription 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 4 C 2 3. Is it easy to read and follow? 3 c. The colouring of the letters 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 5 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 5 6. Is it correct and accurate? 5 7. The description of Tajweed rules (I think this may be a sub-title, not a question, is that correct?) 8. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 4 C 3 9. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 4 d. The website and presentation 10. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 4 11. How good the content and style of the site is? 5 C 4 12. How easy the navigation? 5 e. Usability of the Site 13. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 4 C 5 14. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 15. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 4 C 6 C1 1. You adopted the original wayofwritingQuran“Othmanisketch”,whilethistypeit not fully supported by normal fonts, so some words appear distorted such as following: 66 Your text The original Othmani text 2. Tanwin was mostly added on the wrong character, it should be on the last letter while it is currently on the one before. This caused wrong form of some words: Your text The original Othmani text- 2 C2 It would be helpful for reciting Quran in general, but for following Tajweed rules there is nothing in the transcription to indicate the exact way of reciting. It would be better if there are audio examples which can be heard and followed by readers, particularly nonArabic speakers (NAS). C3 When I go by the mouse pointer over a coloured character, the description of Tajweed rule appears in hint box and then disappear in a short while, this did not give me an adequate time to read the description entirely, so I was needed to go over the letters again. C4 I like simple and clear design of web pages; they are easy to read, to find links, and to find information you need. C5 Of course it is usable by Arabic speakers (AS), but you should be careful about NAS, as some of them may not be able to read Arabic characters, especially those who recite Quran rarely. As I know, Eric is working –with some scholars– on a project with an aim of development and evaluation of software for generating a phonetically-transcribed, stressed and syllabified version of the entire text of the Quran using the International Phonetic Alphabet (API). I think such project (adapting API) could be helpful for NAS. C6 Although the website covered some of the important Tajweed rules, there are other still needtobeincludedsuch“ ”المدProlongation,“ ”والتنوين الساكنة النونNūnsākinahand tanwīn,etc1 Abdullah Alfaifi <scayga@leeds.ac.uk> 67 Website feedback from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~fy09f2ha/contact%20us.html query: Q1: 3 (See below) Q2: 5 Q3: 5 Q4: 4 Q5: 5 Q6: 5 Q7: 4 Q8: 5 Q9: 2 Q10: 4 Q11: 4 Q12: 3 (see below) Q13: 5 Q14: 4 Q15: 5 Some of the ayat (alwa8e3ah: 12, 16,45,47,51,54) had some mistakes in or, not all the letters were shown, although I used internet explorer. Finding swar is fairly easy. However, I find the verses list is too long to navigate, so maybe if there was first a choice of the Sorah, then the verse or a searching link (for ayah, sorah, verse... etc) it would be much easier to find what is needed. There are no e6'har or E5fa2 of tajweed There is no Mad, and no Shadah emphasis In general I think it needs time to get used to the website, but otherwise, the website is very Good Mashallah. Good job. name: Fatimah Altayeb email: blue_ocean_2009@live.com 68 Website feedback from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~fy09f2ha/contact%20us.html query: a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 5 b. The English phonetic transcription 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 5 3. Is it easy to read and follow? 4 c. The colouring of the letters 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 5 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 5 6. Is it correct and accurate? 5 d. The description of Tajweed rules 7. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 4 8. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 3 e. The website and presentation 9. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 4 10. How good the content and style of the site is? 4 11. How easy the navigation? 4 f. Usability of the Site 12. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 5 13. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 4 14. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 5 15. give yourself a score out of 5 in Quran and Tajweed. 4.5 name: Zahra'a hussin AL dahan email: zozo-7lwa@hotmail.com 69 Website feedback from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~fy09f2ha/contact%20us.html query: a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 5 b. The English phonetic transcription 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran?5 3. Is it easy to read and follow?5 c. 4. 5. 6. The colouring of the letters Does it help learning Tajweed?5 Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules?3 Is it correct and accurate?5 d. The description of Tajweed rules 7. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful?5 8. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 5 e. The website and presentation 9. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 4 10. How good the content and style of the site is? 5 11. How easy the navigation?5 f. Usability of the Site 12. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers?5 13. Can the site be used to recite the Quran?4 14. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed?5 15. give yourself a score out of 5 in Quran and Tajweed.1 name: zainab email: zzzzzzzzzz_009@hotmail.com 70 Website feedback from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~fy09f2ha/contact%20us.html query: a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 5 b. The English phonetic transcription 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 5 3. Is it easy to read and follow? 4 c. The colouring of the letters 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 5 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 5 6. Is it correct and accurate? 5 d. The description of Tajweed rules 7. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 5 very useful, i liked 8. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 5 e. The website and presentation 9. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 3 10. How good the content and style of the site is? 4 11. How easy the navigation? 5 f. Usability of the Site 12. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 5 13. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 4 14. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 5 15. give yourself a score out of 5 in Quran and Tajweed. 4 name: your mother email: t.aleskafi@hotmail.com 71 Website feedback from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~fy09f2ha/contact%20us.html query: (1) 4: the superscript Alif is not so clear and sometimes it is written in the wrong place like ولدان it is written over the letter Dal while it must be between the Dal and the noon. There is also missing Alif in the the verse (Ùسلام لك من أصØاب اليمين). (2)5: very helpful I like the way that each verse is written in arabic followed by the english. It would be more helpful if the meaning of verse is translated to english. (3)5 (4) 5 (5) 5 (6) 5: I have not checked every verse. (7) 5 (8) 1: it is only very basic rules. I would rather publich the web site to to beginners or childern (Sorry). In addtion, the first lesson in Tajweed must be learning the exits of letters (مخارج الØروٕ). Just a picture of that in the first page is recommended. (9) 5 (10)5 (11) 5 (12) 4 (13)5 (14)5 (15) 3 Overall, very excellent. name: Fatimah Al Turki email: cdpne_2009@windowslive.com 72 Website feedback from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~fy09f2ha/contact%20us.html query: I am Arabic speaker I give myself score of 4 in Tajweed a.The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 5 b. The English phonetic transcription 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 5 3. Is it easy to read and follow? 5 c. The colouring of the letters 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 5 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 5 6. Is it correct and accurate? 5 7. The description of Tajweed rules 5 8. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 5 9. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 5 d. The website and presentation 10. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 5 11. How good the content and style of the site is? 5 12. How easy the navigation? 5 e. Usability of the Site 13. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 5 14. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 5 15. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 5 name: email: 73 a. The Arabic Quranic text 1. Is the wording and diacritics are correct and accurate? 4 b. The English phonetic transcription 5 2. Does it help non Arabic speakers to recite Quran? 4 3. Is it easy to read and follow? 5 c. The colouring of the letters 5 4. Does it help learning Tajweed? 5 5. Is it a good way to help you practicing applying the rules? 5 6. Is it correct and accurate? 5 7. The description of Tajweed rules 4 8. Is the description provided with the curser hover over letters useful? 5 9. Does it help you learning more about tajweed? 5 d. The website and presentation 3 10. How is the way chosen to present the system output? 4 11. How good the content and style of the site is? 3 12. How easy the navigation? 2 e. Usability of the Site 4 13. Is the site usable by Arabic and non-Arabic speakers? 4 14. Can the site be used to recite the Quran? 4 15. Is it helpful in learning Tajweed? 5 Luluh Aldhubayi <ml11lbma@leeds.ac.uk> 74