JUN16.newsletter - Martin United Methodist Church
JUN16.newsletter - Martin United Methodist Church
Martin / Shelbyville United Methodist Church PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 U. S. Postage Paid Volume 15 Issue 6 Non-Profit Org. JUNE 2016 Summer Rock Schedule: June 11 and June 25— Permit # One Martin, MI 49070 dinner served -The People of the United Methodist Church Martin United Methodist Church 969 E. Allegan St. PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 Worship: 9:30a.m Children’s Worship: 9:45am The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Saturday at 5:00pm rockat5mumc@gmail.com Shelbyville United Methodist Church 938 124th Ave. Shelbyville, MI 49344 Worship: 11:00am Children’s Worship: 11:05am Pastor Sean Kidd 616-401-8576 seankidd1970@gmail.com Pat Hoekstra, Office Manager 269-672-7097-office martinumc@sbcglobal.net Web site: www.martinumc.org Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8am to 5pm Address Return Request We will not be gathering on Labor Day weekend which will mean two weeks off at the end of the summer. We will resume our regular weekly schedule on Saturday, September 10, 2016. Joyful Notes Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. MARTIN AND SHELBYVILLE UMC July 9—July 23 August 6—August 20 White Caps Game: Friday August 19th 7:00 PM Contact Nancy Papierz for tickets call or text 269-806-8257 or email npapierz@aol.com Son-Life Camping Weekend: Sept 16-18 contact the camp office at 269-792-2081 or fill out a form located on the Bulletin Board, for reservations before 8/25. GRADUATIONS On June 12 the Martin United Methodist Church will be honoring graduates during the worship service. Graduating are Perry Carter from Wayland High School and Maggie Guevara from Martin High School. Adam Carter graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.S. in Architecture from the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning on May 1. Kate Collier also finished her studies last December from University of Michigan. She waited to walk with her class this spring. Congratulations to all! Our Church family is invited to Perry Carter’s graduation party on Sunday, June 5th, from 2–5p.m. at the Carter home (1981 13th Street) Please come celebrate with us! Magdalena Guevara graduates from Martin High School on June 3, 2016. Our church family is invited to Maggie's Open House (with high school friend, Makalah Zeinstra) on Saturday, June 18, from 4 - 7:00 PM at Pete & Betty Zeinstra's home (2268 10th St., Shelbyville). This is B-93 Birthday Bash weekend so plan your route accordingly. We hope you can celebrate with us! MARTIN REFORMED CHURCH PRESCHOOL Summer is finally here, but Fall 2016 school year will be here sooner than you think. Do you have a 3, 4 or 5 year old that will be going to preschool this fall? Preschool Classes are already half full here at Martin Reformed Church Preschool! However, there is still room. We offer a 3/4 Year old class on Tuesday's and Thursday's and a 4/5 Year old class on Monday's, Wednesdays and Fridays. Whether you would like to sign your child up right away or maybe you would just like some more information. There are only 3 openings in our 4/5 year old class, so please don't wait! If you'd like to reserve a spot for your child, please contact Carrie Hulst at 269.672.9711 or via email at preschool@martinreformed.org. We can't wait to hear from you!!! Page 2 2. Committee on Lay Leadership made the motion Melinda Tisron joins the Staff Parish Relations Committee for a three year term. Motion passed. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION and /or VOTE 1. Treasurer’s Report Anita Rambadt Maggie moved we accept the Treasurer’s Report as printed. Lue seconded it. Motion carried. 2. Finance Committee Scott Warner 3. Staff Parish Relations Committee Maggie Stoken Martin’s SPRC will meet on Monday, June 6 5. Evangelism Committee Sharon Buys Committee has not met. They continue to do home visits, 6. Worship Committee Della Bellgraph A big thank you to Della for the fabulous job she has been doing with the altarscape. 7. Trustees Gordon Ash Tables and Chairs-need to revisit policy 8. Missions Committee Deb Straub Missions Committee moved we participate in “Trekking for Treasures”. www.trekking4treasures.com Plastic containers will be available for people to collect money in over the summer and it will be sent to the organization to purchase Bibles on mp3 players. Motion passed. Watch the wed site and bulletins for more information. 9. Christian Education Committee Danelle Wheeler Graduation Sunday – June 12 Last day of Sunday School – May 22 Vacation Bible School date-will need to find a coordinator. VBS is not on the calendar until someone volunteers 10. The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Joyce Jenkins The Rock Team has decided to meet every other week for the summer months. A schedule will be available soon. NEXT MEETING: Monday, June 20, 6:30pm ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted by Patsy Hoekstra Pending Administrative Council approval VO L U M E 1 5 IS SU E 6 Page 15 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETING MARTIN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH-Monday, May 18, 2016 Minutes PRESENT: Royal Boulter, Don Rambadt, Scott Warner, Maggie Stoken, Lue Phelps, Pat Hoekstra, Deb Straub, Sharon Buys, Pastor Sean Kidd, Joyce Jenkins Meeting Called to Order Don Rambadt Opening Devotion/Prayer Pastor Sean Kidd Sean read from the book “The Law of the Bad Apple” Previous Meeting’s Minutes: Patsy Hoekstra Deb Straub made the motion that we accept the minutes with the correction of Sharon Buys was present. Royal seconded it. Motion passed. OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Deb moved we allow the pumpkin rolls scheduled to be made November 15-18, be sold within the congregation. Pat seconded. Discussion followed. The Board would like clarification on where the profits from the sale are designated. 2. Food Pantry concerns Don Rambadt Don shared some of the concerns that have been brought to him in regards to the food pantry and its operation. Much discussion followed. 3. Joyful Notes change in availability to Martin and Shelbyville congregations: Don expressed concerns about the newsletter no longer being available on paper through the church office. It will be printable from the web site (www.martinumc.org) in 8-1/2 by 11 inch format. People have begun offering to make paper copies for folks who do not have access to the web site. Pastor Sean will print for the shut ins. People are encouraged to call the church office if they are in need of help getting the newsletter. 4. Annual Conference, “Two Conferences, One Mission”, June 8-13 Lue Phelps (Lay Member Representative) and Deb Straub attending 5. Maggie made the motion the General Fund pay the fee ($90) for the softball team. Deb seconded. Motion carried. Made in Michigan: SEND A mission focused annual conference June 8-13 clergy and lay leaders from across Michigan will gather on the campus of Michigan State University. Be a part of this celebration of unity, fellowship, worship, and grow in your faith. Together, we will honor the career of our Bishop, reignite our passion for mission and return home ready to share God’s love with the world. This year’s Annual Conference is a one-of-kind event. It will look and feel different than any conference we’ve ever had. But one thing will not change … we will experience God’s overwhelming power through worship, mission and celebration. This once-in-a-lifetime event will inspire, energize and engage. Lue Phelps will attend conference as the Lay Member to Annual Conference for our two point charge. Deb Straub is attending also. PASTOR’S TIME Pastor Sean Kidd 1. Clavinova – Tom Northrup and Nicole Wright have done the research and found a replacement for our Clavinova for a much reduced price. The cost is $3,430 and $90 for delivery for a total of $3,520. Maggie made the motion we use the money available ($1655) in the sound system fund and the remaining paid with the Building Fund. Scott seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Motion passed. Pastor Sean shared there has been interest expressed from church members who are willing to donate toward the cost of the new Clavinova. Any received will replace the money from the Building Fund. Page 14 VO L U M E 1 5 IS SU E 6 Page 3 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK…. MARTIN CHURCH NEWS I really like fountain pens and I’ve been collecting and using them for years. I have around thirty pens, and I can tell you the back-story behind each one. I received one from the church leadership as a going-away gift when completing my ministry with them. Another was a gift from a young couple I married. I received three vintage Parker fountain pens from a former Sunday school teacher whose mother had passed away. The pens were hers when she was a schoolgirl back in the 1930’s. There are stories behind each wonderful stick. MISSION STATEMENT When I ink up a certain pen in my collection, I often write the person who gave me the special writing instrument to thank them again for the wonderful gift. I think of them as I draw the smooth, cool ink up from the bottle and as I write pastoral care notes that are so much a part of my ministry. Handwritten notes and letters have been a part of my pastoral approach to ministry for years. If you took that away from me and told me that I could ONLY email from now on, I would be disheartened. We, who are the Martin United Methodist Church, are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to: *SHARING God's Love *TEACHING the Bible and spiritual life *INVITING the community to grow and walk with us in Christian faith *SERVING the needs of our neighbors Choir will rehearse on Sunday mornings from 8:15a-9:00a before morning worship. Kids and adults are welcome. Please join us for a time of fellowship and song as we glorify God with our voice. Last month, I informed our newsletter leadership of a decision that’s been in process for some time: reducing our paper consumption and being better stewards of the environment as God has directed. It’s about responsibility, not convenience. 6/5 Marlene & Dakota Rose 6/12 Ronda Kelly & Kayleigh Collins 6/19 Kristin Ash & Allison Collins By calling the church office and indicating you still want a paper newsletter, we will help identify and contact family members and other volunteers who would be willing to download, print and either hand-deliver or mail you the newly formatted 8 ½ x 11 version. The newsletter will continue to be available online at www.martinumc.org as well. 6/26 Mary Jo Ash & Amanda Northrup Your Friend and Pastor, Sean Page 4 6/5 Issy Mundo 6/12 Julie Mentzer 6/19 Danelle Wheeler 6/26 Maggie Stoken JUNE NURSERY SCHEDULE However, some felt like we were taking their fountain pens and ink away (so to speak) and forcing them to go digital. While this will be the last paper newsletter the office sends out, we promise to still make the paper option available to those who still need it. We know not every one has easy access to the internet. Change is difficult, but we want to help ease the transition as we are able. Please call Patsy at 269-672-7097 if you cannot access the internet and need to receive the paper newsletter. JUNE ACOLYTE SCHEDULE Administrative Council meeting June 20, 6:30pm PLEASE REMEMBER OUR HOMEBOUND WITH CARDS AND CALLS: Alice Kraima Jake VanDenBerg Trudy Wells Doris Hawkey Dorothy Warner VO L U M E 1 5 IS SU E 6 613-118th Ave. 203 W. Bridge St. William Crispe 413 Mill St. #1 829 116th Ave. Stanford Lodge 409 Naomi St Martin, MI 49070 Plainwell, MI 49080 Wayland, MI 49348 Martin, MI 49070 Plainwell, MI 49080 Page 13 CHILDREN’S COLORING PAGE "JUST IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING” DATE 4/30 5/7 5/14 5/21 DATE 5/1 5/8 5/15 5/22 DATE 5/1 5/8 5/15 5/22 THE ROCK @ 5 O’CLOCK ATTENDANCE OFFERING 28 $109 22 $107 31 $286 25 $133 SHELBYVILLE ATTENDANCE OFFERING 42 $941 46 $935 45 $1,210 45 $1,134 MARTIN ATTENDANCE OFFERING 70 $2,675 82 $2,028 87 $1,944 69 $1,889 Christian Neighbors Soup Supper - $912.63 MARTIN SHELBYVILLE Clavinova-$120 Camp Scholarships-$755 Legacy Grant for Food Pantry - $500 Peace with Justice-$22 Monthly Loose Change-$37.50–Food Pantry Community Breakfast–$181.77– Food Pantry Tools 4 Back 2 School-$50 Building Use-$100 Weekend Blessings-$85 Bible Fund-$60 Page 12 VO L U M E 1 5 IS SU E 6 Page 5 MINISTRIES AT WORK! CHURCH ACTIVITY Martin UMC Community Breakfast Oasis (Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group) Third Saturday every month! June 18 8am to 10:30am Proceeds to Food Pantry Sundays Your generous donations have provided 1. 592 pantry visits Menu surprises monthly! January 1-March 31, 2016: 2. $46,480 in Emergency financial Assistance 3. 79 household kept their utilities on and/or rent paid 4. Education for 72 people SOFTBALL SCHEDULE SHOEMAKER MEMORIAL Games at Otsego Memorial Park *June 3-7:30PM Diamond 3 Cross Community Church *June 10-6PM Diamond 3 Otsego Church of God 7:30PM Diamond 3 Lighthouse Baptist *June 17-6PM Diamond 5 Merson Church 7:30PM Diamond 4 Journey Family Church *June 24-6:00PM Diamond 4 Hope Lutheran Church Love the sport? We need players 13 years and over and is a co-ed league. Cheer Leaders needed. Come watch the fun! The family of Chuck Shoemaker will plant a miniature weeping cherry tree just outside of the fellowship hall. On Father’s Day, June 19, we will dedicate the tree in his memory. Month/2016 Families January 69 visits 248 people Household total a-155 c-93 February 77 visits 263 people a-162 c-101 March 81 visits 271 people a-177 c-95 April 51 families 181 people 112 adults 69 children Page 6 Page 11 Area Notes Plainwell Martin Otsego Allegan Shelbyville Wayland Hopkins Middleville Delton Lawton Wayland Gobles CB-90 CD-36 WB-120 CB-80 CD-76 WB-120 CB-92 CD-125 WB-120 CB-95 CD – 107 WB - 120 SHELBYVILLE UMC ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL ODDS AND ENDS! MINUTES May 4, 2016 ATTENDING: Matt Schrier, Jeff Anderson, Deb Boniface, Virginia Mauchmar, Jerry Mauchmar, Carolyn Buskirk, Nadine Ellinger, Ruth Schrier, Bob Benedict, Jill Anderson, TREASURER REPORT Receipts $4,733.39 Disbursements $3,945.78 Balance to Date $12,094 Local Mission $54.49 Sunday School $54.26 SPECIAL FUNDS Memorial Fund $4,352.83 Building Fund/Future Needs $7,982.28 Total $12,335.11 PASTOR’S TIME: Pastor Sean 1. New church software to be purchased by July 1 with it up and running by September OLD BUSINESS: 1. Guidelines 2. Christian Neighbors Soup Supper plans are going well. NEW BUSINESS: Ruth Schrier 1. Playground—cost of repairs to playground to include paint ($200) and chips ($500) for a total of $700 2. Two new lights for the pulpit with the change—$310 3. Three new exit lights cost $500 (covered by Insurance) 4. Son Life Camp applications and funds are being collected. “Smokey the Bear” is doing well collecting the funds. Next meeting June 1, 2016 Thank you to our church family for our gifts, cards, and presence for our "50th" anniversary celebration. Friends and family are one of God's greatest blessings. God bless, Ed and Sharon Buys June 17, 2016 Newsletter will be available on the web site by July 1 www.martinumc.org MISSIONARY LUNCHEON Thursday, June 30, at noon Hyo Won Park is newly serving new church starts in Russia. He wants to share the stories with us. Shelbyville United Methodist Women will host the luncheon at the Shelbyville Church. Please plan to attend! EMMAUS GATHERING Monday, June 27 @ Martin Pat Hoekstra will be hosting potluck for dinner. Meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted by Nadine Ellinger Page 10 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE VO L U M E 1 5 IS SU E 6 Got a big event coming up? The church office has a form for you to fill out to help promote the event. They are on bulletin boards at both churches. PEACE DRUM CIRCLE 3rd Saturday of each month 3pm Martin UMC Nursery 969 E. Allegan St., Martin Page 7 PRAY WITHOUT CEASING... SHELBYVILLE CHURCH NEWS MARTIN CHURCH PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYER: CANCER: Dustan Colyer Rainer Zacher Greg Melvin Dana Hall Maura Martin Ragan Meeter Ed Simpson Paula Oglesbee Betsy Losey Sandy Conklin Kevin McKay Sharon Buys Torey Whitten Dana Walters Jennifer Enos Tami Lindstedt Julie Curry Emma Orr Andrea VandenBerg Jack Holmes Virginia Murfree Missy Daniel Margo Roberts Brian Augustine Hope Wassenaar Angelique Bardin-in remission, back at school HEALTH ISSUES: Dale Talsma Else Zacher Don Pyle Jalissa Stratton Nicole Ashton Carol Kohdl Frank Havener Bob Hirsch Sarah Powell Merry Ondersma Marv Land Dorothy LoBerto Carrie Green Darin Moulder Albert Hoekstra Jr. Kayla Kimmel Angie Basore Joyce Jenkins Jesse Rasnake Dorothy Levett BobbieRae Eddie Oetman THE ROCK @ 5 O’CLOCK PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: CANCER:Greg Melvin, Dustan Colyer, Dickie Decker, Angie Tucker, Wayne Mills, Ragan Meeter, James Connor, Jessica Meany, Mark Wheeler, Darien Jamieson, Paula Oglesbee, Missy Daniel HEALTH ISSUES: Judy Palmer, Doris Hawkey, Letty Sherry, Paige Reigler, Andrew Troyer, Helen Lane, Joyce Jenkins, Saundra Johnson, Lynn Sadowski, Brandy Ferguson, Maria Patrick, Vickie Blanchard, Mary Baumgart, Dorothy Levett, Melissa Blauvelt, Merry Ondersma, Albert Hoekstra LIFE ISSUES: Joe and Donna Wheaton SHELBYVILLE CHURCH PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: CANCER: Greg Melvin Dustan Colyer Wayne Mills Paula Oglesbee Dana Hall Mike Boysen Allison Batist Dr. Veenstra Sandy (VandenBerg) Johnson MEDICAL ISSUES:Sarah Sabin Curt Hall Matt Moore Laurie Ann Butler Jeff Oldenbeken Jerry Fish Mark Padilla Matt Johnson Jaydon Allofe Jerry Mauchmar Dave Nickels Jeff Burkey Lacy Logiwitz Pat Kenswil Trace Newington Carrie Green Barb Keyzer Kayla Kimmel Charla Richmond Jasmine Blacksherr Albert Hoekstra Jr. Dorothy Levett Ricardo Bazon LIFE ISSUES: Chris Zachman, Jeff Allen Page 8 Administrative Council Meeting June 1, 6pm MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Shelbyville United Methodist Church is to provide a warm, loving environment in which to worship the Lord, and to educate and reach out to others in our community. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Wednesday, June 8 All women of the church are invited. 10am Church wide potluck at noon MISSIONS PROJECTS MADE EASY! The United Methodist Women collect aluminum pop tops UPC labels from Spartan products and Box Tops for Education labels, Weick’s grocery receipts and Campbell Soup labels and all are money making projects to serve mission project! Easy? Save yours and bring them to church! MISSIONARY LUNCHEON Thursday, June 30, at noon MARK YOUR CALENDARS! VO L U M E 1 5 IS SU E 6 SHELBYVILLE CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Schools out for the summer! So is Sunday School! School aged children and youth will be asked to stay upstairs and enjoy the church service. Remembering our greeting (announcement time), our singing (hymns that lead into each section of the service), our story time (Pastor Sean's sermon) and our joy's and prayer time. The nursery area (downstairs) is available for little ones if you choose. Page 9
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