readers per month
readers per month
Editorial plan 2014 721 4OO readers per month • • • • 721 400 readers per month B2C magazines 245 900 readers per month 104 000 readers (MML-TGI) 25 000 (printed circulation) 80 900 readers (MML-TGI) 19 000 (printed circulation) 17 000 (printed circulation) 8 000 (printed circulation) 4 500 (printed circulation) 8 000 (printed circulation) 3 500 (printed circulation) 3 500 (printed circulation) 235 000 readers (audit AIMmonitor) 147 000 readers (audit AIMmonitor) 13 000 readers (Google Analytics) B2B magazines 27 500 printed circulation per month Websites 448 000 readers per month 2 CONTENT CONTACTS POPULAR-EDUCATIONAL TITLES 6 Rodinné domy spring/summer 2014 6 Rodinné domy autumn/winter 2014 8 Všetko o bývaní: How to build a low-energy house 8 Všetko o bývaní: Modern wooden houses 8 Všetko o bývaní: Kitchen and bathroom 10 Urob si sám 16 ekoBývanie 20 Môj dom 26 30 34 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC: Martin Moravčík Product Manager of TZB Haustechnik +421 903 873 005 If you are interested, please contact our commercial department: +421 2 50 200 262, or our commercial representatives directly PROFESSIONAL TITLES 36 Stavebné materiály 40 Správa budov 44 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 48 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 54 ASB – architektúra, stavebníctvo, biznis 60 53 000 readers (Google Analytics) Ľudmila Prekalová Commercial Director +421 903 592 378 Jaroslava Omastová Product Manager of Projekty rodinných domov +421 903 245 665 Robert Hošták +421 903 516 151 Martina Šuhajová Product Manager of ASB magazines +421 903 455 112 Katarína Lipovská Product Manager of Stavebné materiály +421 903 288 511 Juraj Vilkovský Product Manager of Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby +421 903 246 321 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC: Robert Bouška, +420 774 284 687, Vladimír Brutovský, +420 777 284 680, Zbyněk Budka, +420 775 284 685, Alžběta Janáčková, +420 777 284 681, Martin Moravčík, +420 775 284 684, Lukáš Roučka, +420 775 284 686, HISTORY 1992 1993 1994 1996 2000 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2012 2013 The JagaTech bookshop is established at the Civil Engineering Faculty in Bratislava. 3 JAGA Publishing House is established. JAGA issues the first title: Commercial catalog STAVEBNÍCTVO – ARCHITEKTÚRA 1994. The first publication of Projekty rodinných domov is issued. The first volume of Renovujeme, staviame, zariaďujeme. JAGA purchases Môj dom magazine from Bertelsmann Springer Publishing House. JAGA purchases ASB magazine from Bertelsmann Springer Publishing House. JAGA purchases Urob si sám magazine. Magazine Stavebné materiály and portal are established. JAGA extends its Professional portfolio with the TZB HAUSTECHNIK and portal The 1st annual ASB GALA is announced, magazine Správa budov is established and JAGA purchases Inžinierske stavby. A new magazine and portal appears with the name ekoBývanie and It creates a new Internet catalogue Urob si sám magazine has a new design and content. Design and content of the magazines Môj dom and ASB are redesigned. What can print do? Media which dictate trends 70% 30,0% 20,2% 6,4% Internet Magazines Newspapers 26,8% 1,5% Television Radio 3,3% Billboards and posters 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% How many people read? 98 % Sport and sporting goods Fashion and jewellery Cosmetics and perfumes Drug-store goods Travelling, holidays The most trustworthy types of advertising 95 % 90 % 74 % Radio Television Black and white electronics Living, furniture, construction Health and nutritional supplements Foodstuff Mobile phones Cars Computers and technology 0% Finance • Print is still the important part of media consumption. • Nowadays newspapers are still the first choice for people who want to be informed and who want to understand the current events. • Overall print is able to inspire and provide more good tips than TV. Furthermore it has almost the same score as TV in regard to final purchasing decisions. • It dictates the trends for products and brands in the area of living. • In general, print advertising is the second most trustworthy after TV advertising. • Advertising in professional journals is considered to be the most trustworthy of all types of media. • For efficiency it is very important to focus consumers on the advertisements in the print media. Nowadays this attribute is typical only for print. • A reader goes back to print more times and one rubric is read by another 4 people. Print Internet Recommendations from acquaintances Advertising on TV Advertising in magazines and newspapers Advertising on the internet Outdoor advertising – billboards, posters Advertising on radio Advertising in your mobile phone 50 % 47 % 38 % 28 % 11 % 10 % 3% 4 Media that most motivate people to purchase 28,4% 18,2% Internet Magazines 70% 26,2% Television 1,9% Radio 2,6% Billboards and posters 0,4% Mobile 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Sport and sporting goods Fashion and jewellery Cosmetics and perfumes Drug-store goods Travelling, holidays Black and white electronics Living, furniture, construction Health and nutritional supplements Foodstuff Mobile phones Computers and technology Cars 0% How many times is one magazine read? 10 % 90 % • 10 % = Once • 90 % = Repeatedly 5 5,5% Newspapers 60% Finance • A significant amount of readers do not know the exact price for a newspaper or a magazine because it is an essential part of a day, a compulsory product. • During the week almost 9 out of 10 people (89.5 %) read magazines or newspapers either in print or online version. • One reader spends 6 hours and 34 minutes reading print and 8 hours and 27 minutes reading the internet every week. • In general women read more paper magazines but as far as online magazines and newspapers are concerned there is a balance between men and women. • Men prefer newspapers whereas women read more magazines. • 10% of readers read the magazine only once. Half of readers go back to the magazine twice or three times. One magazine is read 3.8 times on average. • One issue of a magazine is read by 3.3 people on average. • One advertisement in magazines and newspapers is seen 12.3 times on average. (source: GFK survey) pe hou se r ye a r rodinné domy s built Sample cover only Sample cover only Target groups: People who are planning to build a family house, construction contractors, project engineers Description: A4 format, approx. 200 pages, full colour print, soft cover Circulation: 19 000 copies Price of publication: 3.50 EUR Issue closing date Date of issue Rodinné domy jar/leto 2014 March 2014 Rodinné domy jeseň/zima 2014 September 2014 Orders: Materials: Orders: Materials: 27. 2. 2014 27. 2. 2014 27. 8. 2014 27. 8. 2014 ? Why to advertise in Rodinné domy? Distribution • book distribution companies (INFORM, PEMIC, SLOVART-STORE) • bookshop network Panta Rhei • pages with daily press (Mediaprint-Kapa Pressegrosso, a. s.) • building supplies stores (napr. BAU-MARKET, PHOBOS – PAVOL KVAČKAY, PRESPOR) • internet bookshop ( 6 publications every year • 1 000 houses built from two ses built in Slovakia. what represents 11% of all hou impact of the e • There is the maximum possibl is going to build who on pers advertisement on the a family house. akia which presents • It is the only publication in Slov and architecture ts itec the projects of many arch companies. lication of • Each advertiser gets a free pub catalogue rnet the logo (with link) in the inte period of half the (for . omo projektyrodinnychd published) was e logu cata ted prin the e a year sinc Size and advertising price Others PR 1/2 width 1 460 EUR 186 x 132 mm repre 1/2 height 1 460 EUR 90 x 270 mm Advertising Size Dimensions in mm width 1/3 width 930 EUR 186 x 85 mm 7 bleed 2/1 of a page 420 297 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 396 270 – 1/1 of a page 210 297 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 186 270 – 1/2 of a page width 186 132 – 1/2 of a page height 90 270 – 1/3 of a page width 186 85 – 1/3 of a page height 58 132 – Logo on the front page 2nd cover page 210 297 3 1st page of the publication 210 297 3 2nd and 3rd page of the publication 210 297 3 4th, 5th, 6th page of the publication 210 297 3 last page of the publication 210 297 3 3rd cover page 210 297 3 4th cover page 210 297 3 2/1 PR 7 600 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 3 800 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 1 900 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height product placement 250 characters, 1 picture branding columns logo Price 4 320 EUR 2 490 EUR 1 460 EUR 930 EUR 2 960 EUR 3 290 EUR 3 290 EUR 3 120 EUR 2 960 EUR 2 960 EUR 3 120 EUR 4 290 EUR 3 020 EUR 1 750 EUR 1 020 EUR 500 EUR 1 900 EUR minimum price inserted advertisements* atypical format 1/3 height 930 EUR 58 x 132 mm height 1 300 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements * Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS 15 % agency commission for contract partners only CANCELLATION FEES 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. How to build a low-energy house? Modern wooden buildings Kitchen and bathroom • Complete advice on how to build a low-energy house •Overview of materials and prices needed for building a house •Overview of heating systems and process equipment of a low-energy house •Complete advice on how to build a wooden house from the best Slovak experts Jozef Štefka and Ladislav Reinprecht who are from the Wood Science Faculty of the University in Zvolen •Overview of different paints and wood preservatives •Examples of the best wood construction realizations in Slovakia •a lot of advice on how to furnish the bathroom and the kitchen • types of flooring, floor tiles, wall tiles, sanitary ware, appliances, heating and saving water and energy Issue closing date How to build a low-energy house Orders: Materials: 1. 10. 2013 1. 10. 2013 Modern wooden buildings Orders: Materials: 3. 3. 2014 3. 3. 2014 Kitchen and bathroom 8 Sample cover only Sample cover only Sample cover only Všetko o bývaní Orders: Materials: 1. 10. 2014 1. 10. 2014 Target groups: People who are going to reconstruct, build, modernize or furnish their housing Description: 210 × 275 mm format, approx. 200 pages, full colour print, soft cover Circulation: 17 000 copies Price of publication: 3.95 EUR Date of issue November 2013 March 2014 November 2014 Distribution: • book distribution companies (INFORM, PEMIC, SLOVART-STORE) • bookshop network Panta Rhei • pages with daily press (Mediaprint-Kapa Pressegrosso, a. s.) • building supplies stores (napr. BAU-MARKET, PHOBOS – PAVOL KVAČKAY, PRESPOR) • internet bookshop ( Size and advertising price 1/2 height 1 460 EUR 87 x 243 mm Others PR 1/2 width 1 460 EUR 180 x 119 mm repre Advertising Size Dimensions in mm width height bleed 2/1 of a page 420 275 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 380 243 – 1/1 of a page 210 275 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 180 243 – 1/2 of a page width 180 119 – 1/2 of a page height 87 243 – 1/3 of a page width 180 77 – 1/3 of a page height 56 243 – Logo on the front page 2nd cover page 210 275 3 1st page of the publication 210 275 3 2nd and 3rd page of the publication 210 275 3 4th, 5th, 6th page of the publication 210 275 3 last page of the publication 210 275 3 3rd cover page 210 275 3 4th cover page 210 275 3 2/1 PR 7 200 characters, 4 – 8 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 3 600 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 1 800 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height product placement 250 characters, 1 picture branding columns logo Price 4 320 EUR 2 490 EUR 1 460 EUR 930 EUR 2 960 EUR 3 290 EUR 3 290 EUR 3 120 EUR 2 960 EUR 2 960 EUR 3 120 EUR 4 290 EUR 3 020 EUR 1 750 EUR 1 020 EUR 500 EUR 1 900 EUR minimum price inserted advertisements* 1 300 EUR atypical format size and price depending on individual requirements * Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE : 10 % for requested placement 1/3 height 930 EUR 56 x 243 mm DISCOUNTS: 15 % agency commission for contract partners only 1/3 width 930 EUR 180 x 77 mm 9 Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. CANCELLATION FEES: 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. ? Why to advertise in Všetko o bývaní ? focus of the • There is the highest possible who is going to on pers the on nt advertiseme house or build a low-energy house, wooden hen. kitc the and reconstruct the bathroom WORKING PRACTICES | GARDEN | RECONTRUCTION AND REPAIRS | TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT | MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS urob si sám The most widely read magazine for do-it-yourselfers 8O 9OO readers read at least one issue of the magazine Urob si sám. (source: MML-TGI) Reader profile The typical reader is a male aged around 42, who owns a family house and a garden and supports his family. He likes to be at home and is practical and skilful. In his spare time he likes to enhance and improve his interior, yard and garden. The magazine is also read by women of working age, who often undertake repairs of their flat, house or garden. Distribution • Subscribers • News-stands, press retail outlets, petrol stations • Department stores and hypermarkets – BILLA, CARREFOUR, COOP JEDNOTA, KAUFLAND, TESCO • Sale at specialised stores (building supplies, building centres, etc.) • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website INCREASE IN SALES In June 2012 the graphic design and the content of the magazine Urob si sám was improved. Twelve months later the direct sales increased by 11.5 % and the number of subscribers increased by 29.7%.* 10 Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: monthly + 2 specials 72 – 96 pages 29 000 copies* 1.60 EUR 17th *Source: ABC SR independent audit of press sales (Periodical Publishers Association of Slovakia) *to 1. 7. 2013 Who are the readers of the magazine Urob si sám? As much as 60 % of the readers are planning to reconstruct their housing. People planning the reconstruction OTHERS CONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION WOMEN Men dominate • 90 % = 72 810 readers are men especially do-ityourselfers who improve their living by themselves. • 10 % = 8 090 readers are women and the number of them has been increasing since the new layout. MEN 40 – 49 30 – 39 60 – 69 • • • • • 16 % = 12 944 readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 26 % = 21 034 readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 22 % = 17 798 readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 22 % = 17 798 readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 14 % = 11 326 readers are at the age of 60 to 69. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 1 651 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 11 FAMILY HOUSE Property owners • 70 % = 56 630 readers of Urob si sám own a house. • 29 % = 23 461 readers of Urob si sám own a flat. • 1 % = 809 readers don´t own a house or a flat. People financing from capital reserves CAPITAL RESERVES SAVINGS LOAN CAPITAL/ RESERVES AND SAVINGS CAPITAL/ RESERVES AND LOAN • 54 % = 43 686 readers finance the construction or reconstruction from their capital or reserves. • 19 % = 15 371 readers finance their construction or reconstruction by the combination of their capital/reserves and a loan. • 16% = 12 944 readers finance their construction or reconstruction by the combination of their capital/reserves and their building savings. • 6 % = 4 854 readers finance their construction or reconstruction through a loan. • 5 % = 4 045 readers finance their construction or reconstruction through building savings. Magazine for everybody 50 – 59 20 – 29 • 60 % = 48 540 readers are planning to reconstruct or are at the moment reconstructing their housing. • 18 % = 14 562 readers are preparing to construct their house or are building it now. • 22 % = 17 798 readers are not planning any reconstruction or construction. OTHERS FLAT Why to advertise in Urob si sám? ? selling magazine for • It is the most read and best nstruct their housing. reco to people who are planning magazine for men who • It is the best selling monthly a 42 years old man). are of working age (average is ertisements related to adv • Many readers respond to the ork, garden and the sew hou for d use materials and tools ages. reconstruction of houses and cott urob si sám Issue closing date Date of issue Urob si sám 11/2013 21. 10. 2013 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 20. 11. 2013 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 20. 12. 2013 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 21. 1. 2014 •Working practices •Coating •Tools and equipment •Materials and products 20. 2. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 13. 3. 2014 • Working practices 20. 3. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 17. 4. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 3. 10. 2013 3. 10. 2013 8. 10. 2013 Urob si sám 12/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 4. 11. 2013 4. 11. 2013 7. 11. 2013 Urob si sám 1/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 4. 12. 2013 4. 12. 2013 9. 12. 2013 Urob si sám 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 2. 1. 2014 2. 1. 2014 8. 1. 2014 Urob si sám 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 4. 2. 2014 4. 2. 2014 7. 2. 2014 Urob si sám Záhrada Orders: 25. 2. 2014 Materials: advertorial 25. 2. 2014 advertising 28. 2. 2014 Urob si sám 4/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 4. 3. 2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising Note: special is on sale for 3 months. 4. 3. 2014 7. 3. 2014 Urob si sám 5/2014 1. 4. 2014 HOBBY 1. 4. 2014 4. 4. 2014 If you also advertise on you will turn to 227 900 readers every month. Issues and topics HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION GARDEN • Heating bodies • Serial: structural work • Reconstructions • Converting the attic into residential one • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Saving while heating • Secure home • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Series: structural work • Ceramic tiles and floor tiles in the interior •Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice •Roof •Series: structural work •Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Wood and metal painting • Gazebos, fences and pavement • Tools • Diseases and pests • Animals in the garden • Roof • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Stairs in a family house • Insulating construction materials • Dry construction • Serial: structural work • Reconstructions • Terrace and balcony conversions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Planning, budgeting, projects • Structural work • Construction materials • Thermal and sound insulation • Windows and doors • Plaster coats and screed • The technical facilities of a family house • Using renewable sources • Floors and tiles • Safety in a family house • Saunas • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Pavements and reinforced surfaces • Roof • Bricklaying materials • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Pavements and reinforced surfaces • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Dry construction • Reconstructions • Cements and concrete additives • Fireplaces and furnaces in a family house • Series: structural work • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Pavements and reinforced surfaces • Heating a family house • Terraces and balconies • Insulation materials • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Roof • Modern heating bodies • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Series: structural work • Reconstructions • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice 12 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 16. 4. 2014 16. 4. 2014 23. 4. 2014 Urob si sám 6/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 30. 4. 2014 4. 6. 2014 2. 7. 2014 4. 8. 2014 28. 8. 2014 3. 10. 2014 3. 11. 2014 13 20. 8. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 18. 9. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 21. 10. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 20. 11. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 18. 12. 2014 • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 3. 11. 2014 6. 11. 2014 Urob si sám 1/2015 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 3. 10. 2014 8. 10. 2014 Urob si sám 12/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 18. 7. 2014 28. 8. 2014 4. 9. 2014 Urob si sám 11/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 4. 8. 2014 7. 8. 2014 Urob si sám 10/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 20. 6. 2014 2. 7. 2014 7. 7. 2014 Urob si sám 9/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising • Working practices • Coating • Tools and equipment • Materials and products 4. 6. 2014 9. 6. 2014 Urob si sám 8/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 20. 5. 2014 30. 4. 2014 6. 5. 2014 Urob si sám 7/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 7. 5. 2014 Note: special is on sale for 3 months. 2. 12. 2014 2. 12. 2014 5. 12. 2014 If you also advertise on you will turn to 227 900 readers every month. Urob si sám What to build from? urob si sám Size and advertising price Others PR repre advertising Size Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm width height 2/1 of a page 420 297 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 400 267 – 1/1 of a page 210 297 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 193 267 – 2/3 of a page width 193 175 – 2/3 of a page height 127 267 – 1/2 of a page width 193 129 – 1/2 of a page height 95 267 – 1/3 of a page width 193 84 – 1/3 of a page height 62 267 – 2nd cover page 210 297 3 1st page of the publication 210 297 3 Other pages before the editorial 210 297 3 1/3 height by the editorial 62 267 – 3rd cover page 210 297 3 4th cover page 210 297 3 2/1 PR 5 000 characters, 2 – 5 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 4 000 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 2 000 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height Editorial section 2 490 EUR 1 900 EUR Materials: logo 1 430 EUR 1 060 EUR 2 950 EUR 2 950 EUR 2 790 EUR 1 790 EUR 2 790 EUR 3 490 EUR 3 090 EUR 1 760 EUR Product placement 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact 1 060 EUR 95 x 43 mm 1 400 EUR / 14 issues 450 characters, 1 photo 250 characters, 1 picture logo 900 EUR 500 EUR 1 900 EUR (placed in the back of the magazine) Branding column 1 790 EUR 900 EUR 1/10 of a page (14 x) Editorial page 900 EUR Materials: text of 450 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 95 x 43 mm 1 400 EUR / 14 issues minimum price inserted advertisements* atypical format 4 300 EUR 450 characters, 1 picture (news and information previously not published in the magazine) Good purchase (1 product) product placement branding columns Price bleed 1 900 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. * Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS 15 % agency commission for contract partners only 14 CANCELLATION FEES 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. Advertisement area 1/1 of a page 2 490 EUR 210 x 297 mm 2/3 width 1 790 EUR 193 x 175 mm 2/3 height 1 790 EUR 127 x 267 mm 4 000 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, 1 logo 1/3 height 1 060 EUR 62 x 267 mm 1/2 height 1 430 EUR 95 x 267 mm 1/2 width 1 430 EUR 193 x 129 mm 15 1/1 PR 1 760 EUR 1/3 width 1 060 EUR 193 x 84 mm VISITS | CHANGES | GREEN HOME | ECO-GARDEN | HEALTH | GUIDES AND TIPS | TESTING ekobývanie Healthy living for the whole family 25 OOO print circulation of the magazine ekoBývanie Reader profile The typical reader is a woman at the age of approximately 20 to 49 who is interested in practical, economical and ecological solutions for the household and exterior. Her priorities are towards her family and her home and she is very active as far as home improvement is concerned. She spends her free time in the nature, in her garden or working on the improvements of interior. There are also men among the readers who are especially inspired by working procedures or by the advice on how to economize. Distribution 16 • Subscribers • News-stands, press retail outlets, petrol stations • Department stores and hypermarkets – BILLA, CARREFOUR, COOP JEDNOTA, KAUFLAND, TESCO • Sale at specialised stores (building supplies, building centres, etc.) • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: bimonthly 64 – 96 pages 25 000 copies 0.90 EUR 6th Who are the readers of the magazine ekoBývanie? As much as 89 % of the readers of ekoBývanie are inspired by the advice and tips about economization. Women dominate MEN • 85 % of the readers are women, mainly those interested in DIY who like improving their housing themselves. • 15 % of the readers are men who cooperate with their wives while reconstructing their interior and exterior. WOMEN Practical and creative women PROACTIVE APPROACH INSPIRATION • 89 % of the readers use the practical tips offered in the magazine. • 11 % of the readers are inspired by the magazine while improving their house. Magazine for everybody 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 20 – 29 • • • • 38 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 41 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 16 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 5 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 969 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 17 Economical and ecological solutions ECONOMIZATION DESIGN • 94 % of the readers prefer economical and ecological solutions while building or reconstructing. • 6 % of the readers prefer design to economization. Average income AVERAGE INCOME ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME • 82 % of the readers have average living standard, average income. • 13 % of the readers have the highest social status in the society, the highest income. • 5 % of the readers have below average standard of living. Why to advertise in ekoBývanie? ? who are not only • 85 % of the readers are women furnishing or n whe ey mon interested in saving in living ecologically. also but e hom their g reconstructin the readers who on • There is the maximum impact nomical side of eco and cal logi are interested in eco of their properties, their housing – energy intensity savings, the ic the quality of materials, econom lifestyle. ern mod the nature combined with ekobývanie ekoBývanie 5/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 7. 10. 2013 Date of issue 25. 10. 2013 • Kitchen • Furniture • Floor • Paint coats – hobby methods 6. 12. 2013 • Bathroom • Furniture • Paint coats – hobby methods 24. 2. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Paint coats – hobby methods 24. 4. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Paint coats – hobby methods 25. 6. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Paint coats – hobby methods • Floor 25. 8. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Paint coats – hobby methods 24. 10. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Paint coats – hobby methods • Floor 1. 12. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Paint coats – hobby methods 7. 10. 2013 11. 10. 2013 ekoBývanie 6/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 18. 11. 2013 HOUSING 18. 11. 2013 22. 11. 2013 ekoBývanie 1/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 4. 2. 2014 4. 2. 2014 10. 2. 2014 ekoBývanie 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 2. 4. 2014 2. 4. 2014 8. 4. 2014 ekoBývanie 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 5. 6. 2014 5. 6. 2014 11. 6. 2014 ekoBývanie 4/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 5. 8. 2014 5. 8. 2014 11. 8. 2014 ekoBývanie 5/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 6. 10. 2014 6. 10. 2014 10. 10. 2014 ekoBývanie 6/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 10. 11. 2014 10. 11. 2014 14. 11. 2014 If you also advertise on the website, you will turn to 260 000 readers every month. Issues and topics Issue closing date HOUSEHOLD CONSTRUCTION GARDEN • Economical aids: extractor fans • Testing of domestic appliances • Passive housing • Serial: heating – floor and wall heating • Expert advice • Eco-garden • Economical aids: ovens and cookers • Testing of domestic appliances • Passive housing • Wooden housing • Series: Heating – fireplace • Expert advice • Eco-garden • Economical aids: hobs • Testing of domestic appliances • Passive housing • Series: heating • Expert advice • Eco-garden • Economical aids: refrigerators and freezers • Testing of domestic appliances • Intelligent housing • Series: heating • Insulation • Expert advice • Eco-garden • Economical aids: dishwashers • Testing of domestic appliances • Wooden housing • Series: heating – heat pumps • Expert advice • Air-conditioning • Eco-garden: reinforced surfaces • Economical aids: washer and dryer • Testing of domestic appliances • Low-energy housing • Serial: heating – heat pumps • Expert advice • Insulation • Eco-garden: reinforced surfaces • Economical aids: extractor fans • Testing of domestic appliances • Passive housing • Series: heating – floor and wall heating • Expert advice • Eco-garden • Economical aids: ovens and cookers • Testing of domestic appliances • Wooden housing • Serial: Heating – fireplace • Expert advice • Eco-garden 18 Size and advertising price Others PR repre advertising Size 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 1/1 of a page 1/1 of a page in page layout 2/3 of a page width 2/3 of a page height 1/2 of a page width 1/2 of a page height 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height 2nd cover page 1st page of magazine Other pages before editorial 1/3 height by editorial 3rd cover page 4th cover page 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 1/2 PR width 1/2 PR height Editorial section (news and information previously not published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (6 x) (placed in the back of the magazine) 2/1 tips on buying* 1/1 tips on buying* 1/2 tips on buying* product placement branding columns Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm width height bleed 420 275 3 380 243 – 210 275 3 175 243 – 175 153 – 115 243 – 175 113 – 83 243 – 175 73 – 55 243 – 210 275 3 210 275 3 210 275 3 55 243 – 210 275 3 210 275 3 5 000 characters, 2 – 5 pictures, logo 3 400 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1 700 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 450 characters, 1 picture 84 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertisements* atypical format Price 4 300 EUR 2 490 EUR 1 790 EUR 1 430 EUR 1 060 EUR 2 950 EUR 2 950 EUR 2 790 EUR 1 790 EUR 2 790 EUR 3 490 EUR 3 090 EUR 1 760 EUR Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact Branding column 1 900 EUR Materials: logo 1 060 EUR 900 EUR 600 EUR / 6 issues 1 200 EUR 700 EUR 400 EUR 500 EUR 1 900 EUR minimum price 1 900 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements * News on the market is set in by the editorial office according to the magazine´s layout. The column is intended to present products together with their price. ** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE CANCELLATION FEES 10 % for requested placement 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. DISCOUNTS 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given 15 % agency commission for contract partners only issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 19 Product placement Editorial page 900 EUR Materials: text of 450 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 83 x 43 mm 600 EUR / 6 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. VISITS | TIMELESS DESIGN | TIPS FOR PURCHASING | IDEAS AND INSPIRATION | TESTING | CONSTRUCTION | FINANCE môj dom THE MOST STYLISH magazine about housing 1O4 OOO Reader profile readers read at least one issue of the magazine Môj dom. (source: MML-TGI) Typical readers of Môj dom magazine are women and men, of working age from 30 to 49. They have completed secondary school or university, are family wage-earners, with children, and own their own flats or houses with gardens. They are interested in decorating, beautifying and making their interiors more comfortable, and also make use of ideas for their balconies, terraces, gardens, and house surroundings. They are seeking advice, tips, and information on buildings products, technologies and materials. A relatively large sector is made up of readers under the age of 29 who are still single, and for them Môj dom is an inspiration for creating their own pleasant home. Advertisements in Môj dom magazine influence the decision-making of a majority of readers in their choice of products or firms, and more than half of the entire spectrum of readers have selected a building company on the basis of reading Môj dom. Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: Distribution • Subscribers • News-stands, press retail outlets, petrol stations • Department stores and hypermarkets – BILLA, CARREFOUR, COOP JEDNOTA, KAUFLAND, TESCO • Sale at specialised stores (building supplies, building centres, etc.) • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website monthly + special 128 – 212 pages 25 000 copies 1.63 EUR 15th INCREASE IN SALES In March 2013 the graphic design and the content of the magazine Môj dom was improved. Four months later, the direct sales increased by 14%.* 20 *(to 1. 7. 2013) Who are the readers of the magazine Môj dom? The readers of Môj dom finance their living from their capital and reserves or from loans! Combined financing of housing LOANS CAPITAL/ RESERVES AND SAVINGS CAPITAL/RESERVES CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND LOAN Women dominate MEN • 66 % = 68 640 readers are women who put the emphasis on the quality of their living. • 34 % = 35 360 readers are men who are potential clients of building companies and they seek information in the columns about building. WOMEN Magazine for everybody 40 – 49 50 – 59 30 – 39 • 59 % = 61 360 readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction of their housing by the combination of their capital/reserves and a loan. • 24 % = 24 960 readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction through a home loan. • 10% = 10 400 readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction by the combination of capital/reserves and savings. • 7 % = 7 280 readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction only from their capital and reserves. over 60 20 – 29 • • • • • 28 % = 29 120 readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 29 % = 30 160 readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 24 % = 24 960 readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 16 % = 16 640 readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 3 % = 3 120 readers are at the age of 60 to 69. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 1 931 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 21 Owners of properties RENT HOUSE FLAT • 36 % = 37 440 readers own a house. • 49 % = 50 960 readers own a flat. • 15 % = 15 600 readers live in a rented house or a flat. Average income AVERAGE INCOME ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME • 62 % = 64 480 readers have average living standard and average income. • 36 % = 37 440 readers have the highest social status in the society and the highest income. • 2 % = 2 080 readers have below average standard of living, for example students, unemployed or retired people. Why to advertise in Môj dom? ? reconstruction and • 104 000 people interested in nt in one issue of housing can see an advertiseme the magazine Môj dom e usually reads or flicks • Every reader of the magazin . (source: GFK through it 3 or 4 times on average survey) one of the most • Advertising in a magazine is ents have to decide ond resp n whe ors influential fact ey) surv what to purchase (source: GFK môj dom Issue closing date Môj dom 10/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 12. 9. 2013 14. 10. 2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising • Bathroom • Furniture • Series: housing finance 4. 11. 2013 • Kitchen • Furniture • Series: housing finance 17. 12. 2013 • Bathroom • Furniture • Series: housing finance 6. 2. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Series: housing finance 4. 3. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Central vacuum cleaner • Series: housing finance 3. 4. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Series: housing finance 6. 5. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Series: housing finance 14. 10. 2013 17. 10. 2013 Môj dom 12/2013 – 1/2014 27. 11. 2013 27. 11. 2013 2. 12. 2013 Môj dom 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 17. 1. 2014 17. 1. 2014 23. 1. 2014 Môj dom 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 12. 2. 2014 12. 2. 2014 18. 2. 2014 Môj dom 4/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 14. 3. 2014 14. 3. 2014 20. 3. 2014 Môj dom 5/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 11. 4. 2014 HOUSING 2. 10. 2013 12. 9. 2013 17. 9. 2013 Môj dom 11/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising Date of issue 11. 4. 2014 17. 4. 2014 If you also advertise on, you will turn to 339 000 readers every month. Issues and topics HOUSEHOLD CONSTRUCTION GARDEN • Household appliances: appliances with original designs • Testing • Fabric • Roof and residential attic • Water-proofing • Heating • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: appliances for a small flat (small, combined and multi -functional) • Testing • Fabric • Heating: fireplaces • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: energy-efficient appliances • Testing • Fabric • Heating: fireplaces • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: baking – mixers, baking sheets, ovens • Testing • Fabric • Heating • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: vacuum cleaner • Testing • Heating • Masonry materials • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: washer • Testing • Roof • Heating • Dry construction • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: refrigerator • Testing • Windows and roof windows • Floor • Plasterboard • Heating • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Mowing-machine • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Fabric • Roofs • Heating • Reinforced surfaces • Windows and roof windows • Door • Facade • Swimming pool • Household appliances: dryers • Testing • Waterproofing • Wood protection • Shading • Heating • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Building up a pool • Reinforced surfaces • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: freezers • Testing • Walls finish • Heating • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Pool – waterproofing • Garden furniture • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: appliances for large families • Testing • Heating • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Pool - covering • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: microwaves • Testing • Modern facades • Windows and roof windows • Heating • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Reinforced surfaces • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: appliances with original designs • Testing • Sloping roof • Waterproofing • Heating • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: appliances for a small flat (small, combined and multi -functional) • Testing • Heating: fireplaces • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice • Household appliances: energy-efficient appliances • Testing • Heating: fireplaces • Series: Wooden buildings and low-energy houses • Tools • Diseases and pests • Monthly advice Môj dom špeciál 2014 WHAT TO BUILD FROM? Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 25. 4. 2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 14. 5. 2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 12. 6. 2014 14. 7. 2014 12. 8. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Series: housing finance 1. 8. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Serial: financing housing 3. 9. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Series: housing finance 2. 10. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Series: housing finance 4. 11. 2014 • Bathroom • Furniture • Series: housing finance 10. 12. 2014 • Kitchen • Furniture • Series: housing finance 12. 8. 2014 18. 8. 2014 Môj dom 10/2014 11. 9. 2014 11. 9. 2014 18. 9. 2014 Môj dom 11/2014 15. 10. 2014 15. 10. 2014 21. 10. 2014 Môj dom 12/2014 –1/2015 23 2. 7. 2014 14. 7. 2014 18. 7. 2014 Môj dom 9/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising • Kitchen • Furniture for children´s bedroom • Series: housing finance 12. 6. 2014 18. 6. 2014 Môj dom 8/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 3. 6. 2014 14. 5. 2014 20. 5. 2014 Môj dom 7/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising Low energy and passive house Overview of building materials together with their price offer 25. 4. 2014 2. 5. 2014 Môj dom 6/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 19. 5. 2014 Note: Special is on sale for 3 months 20. 11. 2014 20. 11. 2014 26. 11. 2014 If you also advertise on, you will turn to 339 000 readers every month. 22 môj dom Size and advertising price Others PR repre advertising Size 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 1/1 of a page 1/1 of a page in page layout 2/3 of a page width 2/3 of a page height 1/2 of a page width 1/2 of a page height 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height Lapel on the headline Z-gate 2nd cover page 1st page of magazine Other pages before editorial 1/3 height by editorial 3rd cover page 4th cover page 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 1/2 PR width 1/2 PR height Editorial section (news and information previously not published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (12 x) (placed in the back of the magazine) 2/1 tips on buying* 1/1 tips on buying* 1/2 tips on buying* product placement branding columns Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm width height bleed 440 280 3 416 246 – 220 280 3 190 246 – 190 160 – 125 246 – 190 118 – 93 246 – 190 77 – 60 246 – 105 280 3 440 280 3 220 280 3 220 280 3 220 280 3 60 246 – 220 280 3 220 280 3 7 200 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 3 600 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1 800 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 450 characters, 1 picture 93 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertising* Price 5 080 EUR 2 950 EUR 2 060 EUR 1 590 EUR 1 160 EUR Product placement 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact 1 900 EUR Materials: logo 3 260 EUR 6 500 EUR 3 620 EUR 3 620 EUR 3 260 EUR 2 060 EUR 3 260 EUR 4 620 EUR 4 500 EUR 2 550 EUR 1 390 EUR 1 160 EUR 1 200 EUR / 12 issues 1 200 EUR 700 EUR 400 EUR 500 EUR 1 900 EUR minimum price Editorial page 1 160 EUR Materials: text of 450 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 2 100 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements atypical format * News on the market is set in by the editorial office according to the magazine´s layout. The column is intended to present products together with their price. ** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE CANCELLATION FEES 10 % for requested placement 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. DISCOUNTS 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given 15 % agency commission for contract partners only issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 24 Branding column 1/10 of a page 93 x 43 mm 1 200 EUR / 12 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. Advertisement area 2/3 width 2 060 EUR 190 x 160 mm 1/1 of a page 2 950 EUR 220 x 280 mm 1/1 PR 2 550 EUR 2/3 height 2 060 EUR 125 x 246 mm 1/3 height 1 160 EUR 60 x 246 mm 1/2 height 1 590 EUR 93 x 246 mm 1/2 width 1 590 EUR 190 x 118 mm 25 3 600 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, 1 logo 1/3 width 1 160 EUR 190 x 77 mm HOUSING | STYLE | CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION | GARDEN AND EXTERIOR | NEWS | ECO-HOUSING MOST WIDELY READ WEBSITE ABOUT HOUSING 235 OOO people visit the website monthly and altogether there are more than 4 000 000 pageviews! (source: AIMmonitor 07/2012 – 06/2013) Visit rate statistics are available on the following website Why to advertise on the website mo ? ors is 235 000 per month – it • Average number of real visit portal about housing in is permanently the most visited Slovakia. eted at the visitors of this • Advertising is effectively targ portal. ted to housing, construction, • When you enter keywords rela rch engines, the links to sea reconstruction and garden in positions. first the on ear app 26 www. .sk (source: AIMmonitor 07/2012 - 06/2013 ) 4.5 mil. 5 mil. 4.0 mil. 3,5 mil. 500 000 542 000 466 000 4.2 mil. 3.6 mil. Pageviews 503 000 4.3 mil. 3.9 mil. 3.5 mil. 408 000 4.6 mil. 4.2 mil. 3.2 mil. 493 000 480 000 553 000 540 000 226 000 230 000 227 000 620 000 517 000 3.2 mil. 539 000 3.3 mil. 513 000 Visits 250 000 217 000 266 000 247 000 235 000 225 000 262 000 223 000 230 000 233 000 Real users 0 July August September October November December January February March April May June 2013 2012 Who is our reader? How much do they earn? Which website about housing is the most read? Average number of real visitors per month. 4% ARCHITECTS AND 42 % DESIGNERS PEOPLE INTERESTED IN RECONSTRUCTION 23 % READERS SEARCHING FOR INSPIRATION 18 % FUTURE BUILDERS 13 % COTTAGERS Source: visitors´ opinion poll on the website on the sample of 13 965 respondents. 27 31 % ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME 6% BELOW AVERAGE INCOME 63 % AVERAGE INCOME 235 555 147 188 141 194 140 721 77 509 58 793 54 628 29 598 24 923 (source: AIMmonitor 07/2012 - 06/2013) www. Advertising format and prices .sk 4 2 5 PR article 3 9 1 SCREEN 610 x 200 pxl SHADING/BRANDING SHADING/BRANDING 2 TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl text link Formats sold per period Format 1 TOP BOX (rotation 1:2) 2 SHADING/ BRANDING Size Size in kB 300 x 300 25 kB 300 x 300 25 kB Location page sections main page and sections main page and sections Estimated number of impressions 15 000 per week 385 000 per week 300 x 300 25 kB 400 000 per week on basic of agreement 25 kB 800 000 per week Price per week 350 EUR 3 SPONSORED TEXT LINK 4 OUR TIP 5 PR ARTICLE* sections 1 700 EUR 1 900 EUR 6 900 EUR main page and sections max. 80 characters, logo 50 × 50 pxl, 300 × 100 pxl without logo, text max. 15 characters 3 600 characters (including spaces), 5 – 8 pictures, max. 10 links, picture 25 kB 400 000 per week 500 EUR – 800 000 per week 350 EUR 25 kB individually 500 EUR per 1 publication * Article will be marked as PR article. The price of the article does not include translation of the supplied text into another language. The client has the right to 2 extensive corrections of the ground materials for the advertisement (e.g. changes to text and graphics) as laid out. 28 The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the orders advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. 10 Interstitial 8 wide banner 610 x 90 pxl 6 BOX IN 300 x 300 pxl Formats sold per numbers of views Format Size in kB Format Preroll 6 BOX in 300 × 300 25 kB 25 EUR 7 VIDEO BANNER 300 × 300 25 kB 35 EUR POSTROLL 8 WIDE BANNER 610 × 90 25 kB 25 EUR 9 SCREEN 610 × 200 25 kB 40 EUR Publication of a company video 10 INTERSTITIAL by agreement 25 kB 75 EUR 11 SPECIAL FORMATS by agreement 25 kB 65 EUR (STICKER, COSMIC CURSOR) 29 Size Advertising videospots Price per 1 000 view (cost per thousand) PRODUCTION OF A VIDEO PRESENTATION Location placed before a video placed after a video in a PR article or in the News section Maximum length up to 15 seconds up to 60 seconds Recommended length up to 10 seconds up to 30 seconds 40 EUR per 1 000 displays 30 EUR per 1 000 displays 5 min – 100 EUR Price Format FLV FLV FLV Depending on processing demands, length of the recording and the use of a video (operating procedures, interviews, company product presentations / technology / reference object presentations...) Prices are stated excluding VAT. Prices are approximate. Size of banners and the price list may change in the course of the year. Current sizes, price list and general trade terms are to be found on the website MANUALS | HOUSE CONSTRUCTION | COTTAGE, COTTAGERS | GARDEN | RECIPES Most widely read website for do-it-yourselfers 147 OOO people visit the website monthly and altogether there are more than 900 000 pageviews. (source: AIMmonitor 07/2012 – 06/2013) Visit rate statistics are available on the following website: ? Why to advertise on the website ors is 147 000 • Average number of real visit most visited per month – it is permanently the akia Slov in lfers website for do-it-yourse group is et targ the on act imp • The maximum achieved. 30 (source: AIMmonitor 07/2012 - 06/2013 ) 1.2 mil. 1.1 mil. 947 000 1 mil. 800 000 823 000 774 000 938 000 965 000 918 000 902 000 254 000 262 000 1.1 mil. 839 000 799 000 738 000 Pageviews 600 000 Visits 400 000 200 000 100 000 195 000 221 000 209 000 135 000 152 000 140 000 249 000 241 000 152 000 144 000 198 000 122 000 137 000 143 000 305 000 164 000 276 000 154 000 309 000 162 000 270 000 156 000 Real users 0 July August September October November December January February March April May June 2013 2012 Who is our reader? 32 % PEOPLE INTERESTED IN RECONSTRUCTION How much do they earn? 21 % DO-ITYOURSELFERS 16 % GARDENERS 14 % FUTURE 17 % BUILDERS COTTAGERS Source: visitors´ opinion poll on the website on the sample of 6 321 respondents. 31 10 % ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME 16 % BELOW AVERAGE INCOME 74 % AVERAGE INCOME Comparison with competition Average number of real visitors per month. 235 555 147 188 141 194 140 721 77 509 58 793 54 628 29 598 24 923 (source: AIMmonitor 07/2012 - 06/2013) Advertising format and prices 1 TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl 3 2 PR article text link Formats sold per period Format 1 TOP BOX Estimated number of impressions 10 000 per week Location Size Size in kB Price per week main page 300 x 300 25 kB sections 300 x 300 25 kB 80 000 per week 650 EUR main page and sections 300 x 300 25 kB 90 000 per week 950 EUR 2 SPONSORED TEXT LINK 3 PR ARTICLE* sections 350 EUR max. 80 characters, logo, 300 × 100 pxl 3 600 characters (including spaces), 5 – 8 pictures, max. 10 hyperlinks, picture 200 pxl 25 kB 90 000 per week 500 EUR – individually 500 EUR per 1 publication * Article will be marked as PR article. The price of the article does not include translation of the supplied text into another language. The client has the right to 2 extensive corrections of the ground materials for the advertisement (e.g. changes to text and graphics) as laid out. 32 The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the orders advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. SCREEN 650 x 200 pxl 7 8 Interstitial 5 4 BOX IN 300 x 300 pxl Formats sold per numbers of views Location Size 4 WIDE BANNER 650 × 90 25 kB 25 EUR 5 BOX IN in articles 300 × 300 25 kB 25 EUR 6 VIDEO BANNER 300 × 300 25 kB 40 EUR 7 SCREEN 650 × 200 25 kB 40 EUR by agreement 25 kB 75 EUR by agreement 25 kB 65 EUR 8 INTERSTITIAL 9 SPECIAL FORMATS (STICKER, COSMIC CURSOR) 33 Advertising videospots Price per 1 000 view (cost per thousand) Size in kB Format wide banner 650 x 90 pxl Format Preroll POSTROLL PUBLICATION OF A COMPANY VIDEO PRODUCTION OF A VIDEO PRESENTATION Location placed before a video placed after a video in a PR article or in the News section Maximum length up to 15 seconds up to 60 seconds Recommended length up to 10 seconds up to 30 seconds 40 EUR per 1 000 displays 30 EUR per 1 000 displays 5 min – 100 EUR Price Fomat FLV FLV FLV Depending on processing demands, length of the recording and use of a video (operating procedures, interviews, company product presentations / technology / reference object presentations...) Prices are stated excluding VAT. Prices are approximate. Size of banners and the price list may change in the course of the year. Current sizes, price list and general trade terms are to be found on the website FAMILY HOUSES PROJECTS | ECONOMY, CLASSIC, EXTRA ONLINE CATALOGUE OF FAMILY HOUSES 13 OOO people visit the website and altogether there are almost 100 000 pageviews. 1 (source: Google Analytics 07/2012 – 06/2013) TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl Formats sold per period Location Size Size in kB Estimated number of impressions Price page/subpages 300 × 300 25 kB 40 000 per week 300 EUR per week Format 1 TOP BOX 1 project 5 projects 6 – 20 projects 21 – 150 projects PRICES OF REGISTRATIONS/ PUBLISHING OF FAMILY HOUSES PROJECTS * 150 EUR/year 350 EUR/year 690 EUR/year 1 150 EUR/year Free advertising * The prices are for the projects of family houses inserted to the system by the client. The price for inserting one project by the catalogue operator: 10 EUR. On-line database cross connection: 150 EUR per year. If you advertise in the printed version of Projekty rodinných domov, we publish your logo (with link) for free for half a year. More information on page 6. The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the orders advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. Prices are stated excluding VAT. Prices are approximate. 34 Size of banners and the price list may change in the course of the year. Current sizes, price list and general trade terms are to be found on the website (source: Google Analytics 07/2012 – 06/2013) 140 000 124 000 117 000 120 000 100 000 90 000 15 000 0 101 000 17 000 12 000 18 000 13 000 Pageviews 74 000 16 000 11 000 77 000 Visits 19 000 20 000 14 000 14 000 65 000 15 000 12 000 21 000 16 000 18 000 18 000 13 000 14 000 15 000 15 000 13 000 11 000 11 000 10 000 Unique visitors July August September October November December January February March April May June 2013 2012 Who is our reader? 89 % FUTURE BUILDERS 11 % PEOPLE INTERESTED IN RECONSTRUCTION How to finance construction? 17 % 11 % LOAN CAPITAL/RESERVES AND LOAN 27 % 9% CAPITAL/RESERVES SAVINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SAVINGS FOR PURPOSES CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES 36 % CAPITAL/RESERVES Source: visitors´ opinion poll on the website on the sample of 2 863 respondents. 35 103 000 89 000 71 000 80 000 20 000 101 000 95 000 Why to advertise on the website ? targeting of the • There is the highest possible is going to build a who on pers the at nt advertiseme family house • Presentation on the website proj erous target group of num and ified spec affects a clearly r is able to: readers and due to this the advertise - find new customers, - promote and build the brand, n area. - shape the company in the give CONSTRUCTION MARKET | MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS | STRUCTURES AND COMPONENTS stavebné materiály PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR EVERY BUILDER 8 OOO magazines of each issue are sent to the readers by post. Reader profile The typical reader is an academic or a man with secondary education. A great majority of readers are realization company employees and engineering design company employees. The readers of Stavebné materiály are of working age (between 23 and 55) and they utilise the obtained information in their profession. Many of them are interested in unbiased information about specific products and information from practical experience. Distribution • Subscribers • Direct mailing to target groups • Newspaper stands and press sales shops • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: six times per year 56 – 80 pages 8 000 copies 2.30 EUR 10th 36 Who are the readers of the magazine Stavebné materiály? As much as 42 % of the readers of the magazine Stavebné materiály are realization company employees who are responsible for decision making. Secondary education Realization companies and self-employed people SELFEMPLOYED PEOPLE PROJECT ENGINEERS STUDENTS OTHERS CONTRACTORS SECONDARY SCHOOL Men dominate • 86 % of the readers are men interested in the field of construction and they are either in charge of decision making or they are executives. • 14 % of the readers are women who are professionals in the construction field. MEN Working age 40 – 49 50 – 59 20 – 29 • • • • 12 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 36 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 34 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 18 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 862 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 37 UNIVERSITY DECIDE WOMEN 30 – 39 • 42 % of the readers are realization company employees. • 34 % of the readers are self-employed people working in the field of construction who utilize the information found in the magazine in their profession. • 13 % of the readers are engineering design company employees. • 7 % of the readers are students of Faculties of Civil Engineering. • 4 % are the others. DON´T DECIDE CO-DECIDE • 64 % of the readers are people with secondary education who utilize the obtained information in their profession. • 36 % of the readers are academics working in the field of construction. People who decide about purchasing • 53 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. • 29 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. • 18 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. iály? Why to advertise in Stavebné mater ? or co-decide about the • 82 % of the readers decide nologies for a building site. purchase of materials and tech the construction in • 65 % of the respondents read the advertising articles and nts eme magazines the advertis (source: GFK survey) advertisement or the • 52 % of the readers use the in the magazine Stavebné ed lish advertising articles pub materials and services. materiály to choose suppliers of (source: GFK survey) stavebné materiály Issues and topics Date of issue 4. 10. 2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 17. 9. 2013 TOPIC CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION Renovation and revitalization of buildings 17. 9. 2013 23. 9. 2013 Stavebné materiály 7/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 23. 10. 2013 12. 11. 2013 Skeleton structures 23. 10. 2013 29. 10. 2013 Stavebné materiály 1/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 5. 3. 2014 24. 3. 2014 Vertical and horizontal structures 16. 5. 2014 Peripheral shells of buildings and shell fillings 18. 6. 2014 Roof constructions 5. 9. 2014 Surface treatment of construction structures 5. 3. 2014 11. 3. 2014 Stavebné materiály 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 25. 4. 2014 25. 4. 2014 2. 5. 2014 Stavebné materiály 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 30. 5. 2014 30. 5. 2014 5. 6. 2014 Stavebné materiály 4/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 15. 8. 2014 15. 8. 2014 21. 8. 2014 Stavebné materiály 5/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 16. 9. 2014 3. 10. 2014 Renovation and revitalization of buildings 16. 9. 2014 22. 9. 2014 Stavebné materiály 6/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 24. 10. 2014 12. 11. 2014 Skeleton structures 24. 10. 2014 30. 10. 2014 If you also advertise on the website you turn to 61 000 readers every month. Issue closing date Stavebné materiály 6/2013 TRAID FAIRS • Failures and faults of constructions • Reconstruction and remediation • Construction chemistry • Materials and products suitable for reconstructions • Water-proofing • Construction machinery • Wooden and steel structures • Ferro-concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures • Halls and industrial buildings • Paint coats, protection of structures • Construction machinery • Walls, ceilings, floors • Concrete and constructions from concrete • Masonry materials and prefabricates • Protection of vertical and horizontal structures • Dry construction • Construction machinery • Facade structures • Facade cladding • Windows, doors, glassed-in • International Engineering walls Fair Nitra 2014 • Energy construction (20. – 23. 5. 2014) concepts • Construction machinery • Flat roofs • Inclined roofs • Roof insulation • Metal and wooden structures • Roof superstructures • Construction machinery • Plasters and paints • Thermal and sound insulations • Exterior and interior paving and cladding concrete • Dry construction • Construction machinery • Failures and faults of constructions • Reconstructions and remediation • Construction chemistry • Materials and products suitable for reconstructions • Water-proofing • Construction machinery • Wooden and steel structures • Ferro-concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures • Halls and industrial buildings • Paint coats, protection of structures • Construction machinery • CONECO – RACIOENERGIA – CLIMATHERM 2014 (26. – 29. 3. 2014) 38 Size and advertising price Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm width height bleed 2/1 of a page 420 297 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 390 267 – 1/1 of a page 210 297 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 175 267 – 2/3 of a page width 175 178 – 2/3 of a page height 115 267 – 1/2 of a page width 175 132 – 1/2 of a page height 86 267 – 1/3 of a page width 175 87 – 1/3 of a page height 56 267 – 1/4 of a page * 86 132 – Lapel on the headline 105 297 3 Z-gate 400 297 3 2nd cover page 210 297 3 1st page of magazine 210 297 3 2nd and 3rd page of magazine 210 297 3 3rd cover page 210 297 3 4th cover page 210 297 3 2/1 PR 8 400 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height Editorial section Others PR repre advertising Size (news and information previously not published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (6 x) (placed in the back of the magazine) product placement branding columns 600 characters, 1 picture 86 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertisements** atypical format Price 4 150 EUR 2 490 EUR 1 790 EUR 1 430 EUR 1 060 EUR Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact Branding column 900 EUR Materials: logo 900 EUR 2 790 EUR 5 580 EUR 2 960 EUR 2 960 EUR 2 790 EUR 2 790 EUR 3 490 EUR 3 050 EUR 1 760 EUR 1 060 EUR 900 EUR 600 EUR / 6 issues 500 EUR 900 EUR 1/10 of a page 86 x 43 mm 600 EUR / 6 issues minimum price 1 500 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements * Size without possibility of positioning – location of the advertisement will be adapted to the magazine layout. ** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. CANCELLATION FEES EXTRA CHARGE 10 % for requested placement 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. DISCOUNTS 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of 15 % agency commission for contract partners only the magazine according to the editorial plan. 39 Product placement Editorial page 900 EUR Materials: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. RENOVATION OF APARTMENT HOUSES AND BUILDINGS | ENERGY | OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS správa budov MAGAZINE FOR 1O 5OO FLAT OWNER COMMUNITIES 4 5OO magazines of each issue are sent to the readers by post. Reader profile Typical readers of the magazine Správa budov are men and women who are of working age – the manager of an administration company or a flat owners’ group, or a flat owners’ representative. They use the information published in the magazine in their work, and most appreciate the clear presentation of implementations of renovations of blocks of flats. Distribution 40 • Subscribers • Direct mailing to target groups • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at exhibitions focusing on civil engineering and real estate • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website Why to advertise in Správa budov? ? va • 4 issues of the magazine Sprá 500 10 to s budov are sent in turn ities – chairmen of flat owner commun es issu all in ing ertis adv the to ks than all ost alm it is possible to turn to . existing communities in Slovakia are ents stm inve ding buil n ctio • Constru sing hou the connected to revitalizing the stock what is also the content of ov. bud va Sprá e magazin d the • 37% of the readers have use article ing ertis adv information from an the in ed lish pub nt eme ertis or the adv ral seve or e onc ov bud va Sprá nal jour ey) times. (source: GFK surv Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: four time per year 56 – 80 pages 4 500 copies 2.29 EUR 8th Who are the readers of the magazine Správa budov? As much as 86 % of the readers of Správa budov are property owners´ communities. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT COMPANIES HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS FLAT OWNER COMMUNITIES WOMEN Flat owner communities • 86 % of the readers are flat owner communities. • 13 % of the readers are residential building managements companies. • 1 % of the readers are housing associations. Men dominate • 71 % of the readers are men. • 29 % of the readers are women. MEN CO-DECIDE DON´T DECIDE DECIDE ENERGY SAVINGS NEWS AND UPDATES facility management RECONSTRUCTION OF FLATBUILDINGS 50 – 59 40 – 49 OVER 60 20 – 29 30 – 39 Magazine for everybody • • • • • 12 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 18 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 34 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 28 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 8 % of the readers are at the age of 60 and more. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 759 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 41 People who decide about purchasing • 68 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. • 22 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. • 10 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. Reconstruction of flat-buildings • 56 % of the readers most appreciate reconstructions of flat-buildings, which are tabularly prepared. • 22 % of the readers are people who are most interested in information on energy savings in residential buildings. • 16 % of the readers are interested in the news and updates from the building administration and non-residential properties. • 6 % of the readers look for the information on facility management. správa budov Issues and topics Date of issue TOPIC 29. 10. 2013 Energy conservation in buildings Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 10. 10. 2013 SPECIAL 10. 10. 2013 16. 10. 2013 Správa budov 1/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 27. 2. 2014 18. 3. 2014 Renovation of buildings 28. 5. 2014 Resolving faults in apartment houses 19. 9. 2014 Thermal protection of buildings 29. 10. 2014 Energy conservation in buildings 27. 2. 2014 5. 3. 2014 Správa budov 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 9. 5. 2014 9. 5. 2014 15. 5. 2014 Správa budov 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 28. 8. 2014 28. 8. 2014 5. 9. 2014 Správa budov 4/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 10. 10. 2014 10. 10. 2014 16. 10. 2014 If you also advertise on, you will turn to 57 500 readers every month. Issue closing date Správa budov 4/2013 BUILDINGS AND APARTMENT HOUSES OTHERS • Renovation of facades • Operation and maintenance of buildings • Renovation of apartment houses • Energy: production, distribution, supply • Technical equipment of buildings • Facility management • Economics • Financing building renovations • Operation and maintenance of buildings • Renovation of apartment houses • Energy: production, distribution, supply • Technical equipment of buildings • Facility management • Economics • Replacement of windows • Operation and maintenance of buildings • Renovation of apartment houses • Energy: production, distribution, supply • Technical equipment of buildings • Facility management • Economics • Heating and energy supplies of buildings • Operation and maintenance of buildings • Renovation of apartment houses • Energy: production, distribution, supply • Technical equipment of buildings • Facility management • Economics • Renovation of facades • Operation and maintenance of buildings • Renovation of apartment houses • Energy: production, distribution, supply • Technical equipment of buildings • Facility management • Economics 42 Size and advertising price Others PR repre advertising Size Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm width height bleed 2/1 of a page 420 297 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 390 263 – 1/1 of a page 210 297 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 180 263 – 2/3 of a page width 180 173 – 2/3 of a page height 118 263 – 1/2 of a page width 180 129 – 1/2 of a page height 88 263 – 1/3 of a page width 180 84 – 1/3 of a page height 57 263 – 1/4 of a page * 88 129 – Lapel on the headline 105 297 3 Z-gate 400 297 3 2nd cover page 210 297 3 1st page of magazine 210 297 3 2nd and 3rd page of magazine 210 297 3 3rd cover page 210 297 3 4th cover page 210 297 3 2/1 PR 8 400 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height 1/3 PR width 1 050 characters, 1 picture, logo 1/3 PR height Editorial section 600 characters, 1 picture (news and information previously not published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (4 x) (placed in the back of the magazine) product placement branding columns 88 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertising** atypical format Price 3 160 EUR 1 830 EUR 1 300 EUR 1 000 EUR 730 EUR 600 EUR 2 160 EUR 4 320 EUR 2 330 EUR 2 330 EUR 2 160 EUR 2 160 EUR 2 990 EUR 2 660 EUR 1 490 EUR 600 EUR 400 EUR / 4 issues 500 EUR 900 EUR minimum price * Size without possibility of positioning – location of the advertisement will be adapted to the magazine layout. ** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. 43 CANCELLATION FEES 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact 600 EUR 990 EUR DISCOUNTS 15 % agency commission for contract partners only 900 EUR Materials: logo 830 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements EXTRA CHARGE 10 % for requested placement Product placement Branding column Editorial page 600 EUR Materials: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 88 x 43 mm 400 EUR / 4 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF BUILDINGS | ENERGY | REPORTAGES AND REALISATIONS | NEWS TZB haustechnik FOR PROJECT ENGINEERS AND SANITARY ENGINEERS 3 5OO magazines of each issue are sent to the readers by post. Reader profile The typical reader is a university or secondary-school educated man of working age between 25 and 55. Women also belong to the reader group, although to a lesser extent. A prevailing number of readers operate in design and realization companies, using the information gained from TZB HAUSTECHNIK magazine in their professions. This is also reflected in the growing interest in information from the practical world and in non-commercial information on current products and trends on the Slovak market. Distribution • Subscribers • Direct mailing to target groups • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at specialised fairs and shows focusing on construction and housing, technical equipment of buildings, energy, and engineering • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: five times per year 56 – 80 pages 3 500 copies 2.29 EUR 22th 44 Who are the readers of the magazine TZB HAUSTECHNIK? Over 60 % of TZB HAUSTECHNIK readers are the employees of design and realization companies. DESIGN ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Design and realization companies SANITARY ENGINEERS OF TECHNICAL BUILDING STUDENTS EQPUIPMENT • 61 % of the readers are people who work in design and realization companies. • 34 % of the readers are TZB sanitary engineers of technical building equipment. • 5 % of the readers are students. CO-DECIDE DECIDE • 49 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. • 37 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. • 14 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. News and trends WOMEN Men dominate • 79 % of the readers are men working in different fields from financing to building equipment. • 21 % of the readers are women who are interested in the field of technical building equipment within the frame of their profession. MEN 50 – 59 40 – 49 Over 60 20 – 29 30 – 39 Working age • • • • • 15 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 24 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 39 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 18 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 4 % of the readers are over 60 years old. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 412 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 45 People who decide about purchasing DON´T DECIDE PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS CURRENT SITUATION NEWS AND TRENDS • 53 % of the readers belong to the group of people who read mostly about up-to-date products and trends on the Slovak market. • 33 % of the readers are people who are interested in practical information as well as professional solutions from the field of technical building equipment. • 14 % of the readers search for information about current situation in this field. Why to advertise in TZB HAUSTECHNIK? ? the field of for design engineers who work in • It is the only Slovak magazine technical building equipment. for a de or co-decide about technologies • 86 % of the readers of TZB deci building site. g articles the advertisement and the advertisin • 78 % of the readers consider in their tion rma info ul and they utilize the published in the magazine TZB usef profession. (source: GFK survey) ment or from the information from the advertise • 44 % of the readers have used GFK survey) rce: (sou TZB once or more times. the advertising article published in TZB haustechnik Issues and topics Date of issue 8. 11. 2013 Metering, regulation, and control technology 25. 3. 2014 AQUA-THERM NITRA and Energy Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 21. 10. 2013 SPECIAL OTHER TOPICS 21. 10. 2013 25. 10. 2013 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 1/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 6. 3. 2014 6. 3. 2014 12. 3. 2014 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 16. 4. 2014 9. 5. 2014 Low-temperature heating based on renewable energy sources 13. 6. 2014 Ventilation, air-conditioning, and cooling 23. 9. 2014 Heating 7. 11. 2014 Metering, regulation, and control technology 16. 4. 2014 24. 4. 2014 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 27. 5. 2014 27. 5. 2014 2. 6. 2014 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 4/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 3. 9. 2014 3. 9. 2014 9. 9. 2014 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 5/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 21. 10. 2014 21. 10. 2014 27. 10. 2014 If you also advertise on you will turn to 56 500 readers every month. Issue closing date TZB HAUSTECHNIK 5/2013 TRADE FAIRS • Energy • Heating • Ventilation, air-conditio ning, and cooling • Indoor environment • Sanitation equipment and installations • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Security systems and fire safety technology • AQUA-THERM Praha 2013 (26. – 30. 11. 2013) • Heating • Ventilation, air-conditio ning, and cooling • Indoor environment • Sanitation equipment and installations • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Security systems and fire safety technology • AQUA-THERM Praha 2014 (4. – 7. 3. 2014) • CONECO – RACIOENERGIA – CLIMATHERM 2014 (26. – 29. 3. 2014) • Energy • Heating • Ventilation, air-conditio ning, and cooling • Indoor environment • Sanitation equipment and installations • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Security systems and fire safety technology • Energy • Heating • Indoor environment • Sanitation equipment and installations • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Security systems and fire safety technology • Energy • Ventilation, air-conditio ning, and cooling • Indoor environment • Sanitation equipment and installations • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Security systems and fire safety technology • Energy • Heating • Ventilation, air-conditio ning, and cooling • Indoor environment • Sanitation equipment and installations • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Security systems and fire safety technology 46 Size and advertising price PR repre advertising Size Others Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm width height bleed 2/1 of a page 420 297 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 390 263 – 1/1 of a page 210 297 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 180 263 – 2/3 of a page width 180 173 – 2/3 of a page height 118 263 – 1/2 of a page width 180 129 – 1/2 of a page height 88 263 – 1/3 of a page width 180 84 – 1/3 of a page height 57 263 – 1/4 of a page * 88 129 – Lapel on the headline 105 297 3 Z-gate 400 297 3 2nd cover page 210 297 3 1st page of magazine 210 297 3 2nd and 3rd page of magazine 210 297 3 3rd cover page 210 297 3 4th cover page 210 297 3 2/1 PR 8 400 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height 1/3 PR width 1 050 characters, 1 picture, logo 1/3 PR height Editorial section 600 characters, 1 picture (news and information previously not published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (5 x) (placed in the back of the magazine) product placement branding columns 88 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo Price 3 160 EUR 1 300 EUR 730 EUR 600 EUR 2 160 EUR 4 320 EUR 2 330 EUR 2 330 EUR 2 160 EUR 2 160 EUR 2 990 EUR 2 660 EUR 1 490 EUR 47 Product placement 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact 830 EUR 600 EUR 600 EUR 500 EUR / 5 issues 500 EUR 900 EUR 1/10 of a page 88 x 43 mm 500 EUR / 5 issues 990 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements atypical format * Size without possibility of positioning – location of the advertisement will be adapted to the magazine layout. ** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. DISCOUNTS 15 % agency commission for contract partners only 900 EUR Materials: logo 1 000 EUR minimum price inserted advertisements** EXTRA CHARGE 10 % for requested placement Branding column 1 830 EUR CANCELLATION FEES 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. Editorial page 600 EUR Materials: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. INVESTMENT AND PROJECTS | REALISATIONS | ANALYSIS | NEWS | ENGINEERING BUILDINGS inžinierske stavby 62 YEARS ON THE MARKET 3 5OO magazines of each issue are sent to the readers by post. Reader profile The typical reader is an academic or secondary-school educated man, but universityeducated women are also found in the readership. A great majority of readers are employees of engineering – designing and implementation companies. Readers of the magazine Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby are of working age, and the information gained from its pages is applied in their professions. Due to its long tradition, many readers consider keeping up with the magazine a matter of course in their professional lives. Distribution • Subscribers • Direct mailing to target groups • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at exhibitions focusing on civil engineering, transportation, and machine engineering • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: six times per year 56 – 112 pages 3 500 copies 2.29 EUR 62th 48 Who are the readers of Inžinierske stavby/Inženýrske stavby? Almost 40 % of the readers of Inžinierske stavby/Inženýrske stavby are people who work in engineering- designing and implementation companies. RESEARCH PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONS CONSULTING FACULTIES OF CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT ENGINEERS AND IMPLEMENTERS WOMEN • 79 % of the readers are university or secondaryschool educated men. • 21 % of the readers are university or secondaryschool educated women. Working age 50 – 59 60 AND MORE 20 – 29 30 – 39 • 39 % of the readers are people from the field of engineering-designing and implementation. • 29 % of the readers work for research and consulting companies. • 18 % of the readers are people employed in public institutions in the field of building industry. • 14 % of the readers are teachers, students and graduates of faculties of civil engineering. • • • • • 9 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 24 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 34 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 21 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 12 % of the readers are at the age 60 and more. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 809 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 49 People who decide about purchasing DON´T DECIDE DECIDE CO-DECIDE 900 – 1 500 EUR Men dominate MEN 40 – 49 Engineering-designing and implementation companies LESS THAN 900 EUR MORE THAN 1 500 EUR • 59 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. • 24 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. • 17 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. Higher society • 71 % of the readers have the income higher than 1 500 EUR. • 20 % of the readers have the income between 900 and 1 500 EUR. • 9 % of the readers have income lower than 900 EUR. nierske stavby? Why to advertise in the magazine Inži ? the purchase help in decision making concerning • 83 % of the readers decide or site. tion truc cons a for gies nolo and design of the material and tech articles in advertisements and advertising the se utili ers read the of % 38 • GFK rce: (sou rs plie sup while selecting the magazine Inžinierske stavby survey) the field of ected professional magazine in • It is the only and highly resp rs. tradition of 62 yea building engineering and has a azine. ed brand and the trustworthy mag ertis adv the of tion • It is a combina inžinierske stavby Issues and topics Date of issue ANALYSIS TOPIC SPECIAL OTHER TOPICS 17. 10. 2013 Traffic signs on motorways and roads Design of road traffic signs, permanent and portable traffic signs, new types of traffic signs and materials, traffic safety features Tunnel construction in Slovakia and the Czech Republic Construction of tunnels in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, current state and outlook, latest technologies in realizations of tunnels, technological outfitting, monitoring, respective standards Integrated rail transport Integration of rail passenger transport in the urban transport system • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 15. 11. 2013 Water engineering constructions Ecological and water engineering constructions, water treatment plants, technological equipment, sewerage of regions, sewerage and waterway networks Maintenance of road networks Maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of road network, work on road surfaces and bridges, safety equipment and traffic signs Bridge construction Materials, structural systems and technologies applied in construction of bridges, interesting implementations of bridges in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and abroad • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 7. 3. 2014 Safety in the operation of transportation constructions Activities to increase the safety of transportation constructions, new knowledge and trends in science and research, new rules in legislation Rail transport The current state of railway transportation in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, its development and support, need for investments, proposed projects and solutions Technological outfitting of transportation constructions Technological outfitting in the individual types of transportation constructions, relevant European standards, contemporary trends and development of technologies • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions • Trade Fairs: CONECO – RACIO ENERGIA – CLIMATHERM 2014 (26. – 29. 3. 2014) ENVIBRNO 2014 (15. – 18. 4. 2014) IBF, MOBITEX 2014 (23. – 26. 4. 2014) 14. 5. 2014 Anti-flooding protection Securing civil engineering constructions against surface water, current stage of implementation of proposed anti-flood measures in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, monitored goals and the methods of their implementation, problems in practice, tasks and perspectives Bridges Bridge building in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, its current state and prognoses, the latest technologies in the realisation of new bridge constructions and reconstructions, diagnosing bridges, respective standards Remediation and waterproofing in engineering construction Remediation of concrete and steel structures, waterproofing, construction chemistry • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions • Trade Fairs: International Engineering Fair Nitra 2014 (20. – 23. 5. 2014) 27. 6. 2014 Investments in transportation in Slovakia and the Czech Republic Proposed investments for individual areas of transportation in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, goals, problems, solutions, specific projects, outlook for the future Roads – structures and materials Maintenance, repairs, reconstructions of roads, technological procedures, asphalt and cement concrete roads Concrete and concrete structures The use of concrete in a range of civil engineering constructions, current trends, technology, testing, diagnostics, protection and remediation of concrete • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 9. 9. 2014 Regional transport Regional transportation priorities, resolving critical traffic situations Geo-technology and foundation engineering Foundation engineering, reconstruction and sanitation of grounds, geotechnical monitoring Construction technology, scaffolding and formwork systems in civil engineering Uses of construction technology and machinery in the realization of engineering constructions, scaffolding and formwork used in the construction of bridges and other structures of civil engineering • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions • Trade Fairs: FOR ARCH Praha 2014 (16. – 20. 9. 2014) International Engineering Fair Brno 2014 (15. – 19. 9. 2014) 20. 10. 2014 Traffic signs on motorways and roads Design of road traffic signs, permanent and portable traffic signs, new types of traffic signs and materials, traffic safety features Tunnel construction in Slovakia and the Czech Republic Construction of tunnels in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, current state and outlook, latest technologies in realizations of tunnels, technological outfitting, monitoring, respective standards Integrated rail transport Integration of rail passenger transport in the urban transport system • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 14. 11. 2014 Water engineering constructions Ecological and water engineering constructions, water treatment plants, technological equipment, sewerage of regions, sewerage and waterway networks Maintenance of road networks Maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of road network, work on road surfaces and bridges, safety equipment and traffic signs Bridge construction Materials, structural systems and technologies applied in construction of bridges, interesting implementations of bridges in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and abroad • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 30. 9. 2013 30. 9. 2013 4. 10. 2013 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 6/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 28. 10. 2013 28. 10. 2013 4. 11. 2013 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 1/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 18. 2. 2014 18. 2. 2014 24. 2. 2014 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 23. 4. 2014 23. 4. 2014 29. 4. 2014 50 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 10. 6. 2014 10. 6. 2014 16. 6. 2014 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 4/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 19. 8. 2014 19. 8. 2014 25. 8. 2014 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 5/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 1. 10. 2014 1. 10. 2014 7. 10. 2014 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 6/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 51 28. 10. 2014 28. 10. 2014 3. 11. 2014 If you also advertise on the website, you will turn to 56 500 readers every month. Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising If you also advertise on the website, you will turn to 56 500 readers every month. Issue closing date Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 5/2013 inžinierske stavby Size and advertising price Others PR repre advertising Size width Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm height bleed 2/1 of a page 420 297 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 390 263 – 1/1 of a page 210 297 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 180 263 – 2/3 of a page width 180 173 – 2/3 of a page height 118 263 – 1/2 of a page width 180 129 – 1/2 of a page height 88 263 – 1/3 of a page width 180 84 – 1/3 of a page height 57 263 – 1/4 of a page * 88 129 – Lapel on the headline 105 297 3 Z-gate 400 297 3 2nd cover page 210 297 3 1st page of magazine 210 297 3 2nd and 3rd page of magazine 210 297 3 3rd cover page 210 297 3 4th cover page 210 297 3 2/1 PR 8 400 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height 1/3 PR width 1 050 characters, 1 picture, logo 1/3 PR height Editorial section (news and information previously not published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (6 x) (umiestnenie v zadnej časti časopisu) product placement branding columns 600 characters, 1 picture 88 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertisements** Price 3 750 EUR 2 150 EUR 1 510 EUR 1 180 EUR Product placement 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact 900 EUR Materials: logo 860 EUR 690 EUR 2 520 EUR 4 930 EUR 2 780 EUR 2 780 EUR 2 520 EUR 2 520 EUR 3 500 EUR 3 750 EUR 2 150 EUR 1 180 EUR 860 EUR 860 EUR 600 EUR / 6 issues 500 EUR 900 EUR minimum price Editorial page 860 EUR Materials: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1 160 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements atypical format * Size without possibility of positioning – location of the advertisement will be adapted to the magazine layout. ** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE CANCELLATION FEES 10 % for requested placement 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. DISCOUNTS 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given 15 % agency commission for contract partners only issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 52 Branding column 1/10 of a page 88 x 43 mm 600 EUR / 6 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. Advertisement area 1/1 of a page 2 150 EUR 210 x 297 mm 2/3 width 1 510 EUR 180 x 173 mm 2/3 height 1 510 EUR 118 x 263 mm 1/1 PR 2 150 EUR 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, 1 logo 1/2 width 1 180 EUR 180 x 129 mm 1/3 height 860 EUR 57 x 263 mm 1/2 height 1 180 EUR 88 x 263 mm 1/3 width 860 EUR 180 x 84 mm 53 ASB PROJECTS | REGIONS | ARCHITECTURE | DESIGN | MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES | INVESTMENT AND REAL ESTATE | ANALYSIS THE MOST WIDELY READ MAGAZINE ABOUT ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 8 OOO distributed magazines ASB of each issue Reader profile The typical reader is an academic or a man with secondary education. However, there can be found also college educated women among the readers. A great majority of readers are engineering design company employees or realization company employees. The typical readers of the magazine ASB – architecture, construction, business are of working age and they utilise the obtained information in their profession. Due to a long tradition of the magazine ASBarchitecture, construction, business, the readers take keeping up with it for granted. Distribution • Subscribers • Direct mailing to target groups • Newspaper stands and press sales shops • Sale at JAGA bookshop in the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (STU) in Bratislava • Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions • Sale through the website • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website Increase in sales The first issue with the improved graphic was released in December 2012. There was a positive response from the professionals what resulted in the increase of subscribers by 21%.* 54 Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: eight times per year + special 72 – 136 pages 8 000 copies 2.60 EUR 21th *to 1. 7. 2013 Who are the readers of the magazine ASB? As much as 59% of the readers of ASB magazine are the managers of the construction and development companies. ARCHITECTS AND PROJECT ENGINEERS STUDENTS INVESTORS CONSTRUCTION WORKERS AND DEVELOPERS Construction workers and developers DECIDE • 59 % of the readers are the managers of the construction and development companies. • 25 % of the readers are architects and project engineers. • 9 % of the readers are the students of the Faculties of Civil Engineering . • 7 % of the readers are investors. DON´T DECIDE CO-DECIDE People who decide about purchasing • 52 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. • 39 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. • 9 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. Intriguing content Men and women WOMEN • 59 % of the readers are men. • 41 % of the readers are women. MEN 50 – 59 OVER 60 40 –49 20 –29 30 –39 Working age • • • • • 16 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 26 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 32 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 19 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 7 % of the readers are over 60 years old. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 863 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 55 2/3 4/5 • 95 % of the readers read 4/5 of every magazine issue. • 5 % of the readers read 2/3 of the magazine´s content. ? Why to advertise in the magazine ASB ? ction e about architecture and constru • the most widely read magazin business ing ers decide or help in decision mak • 91 % of the ASB magazine read a for gies nolo tech material and concerning the purchase of the site n ctio constru e e decide about the orders of a hug • The readers of ASB magazin er tom cus one find you ls – when amount of technology and materia you t wha k bac get you e, azin mag thanks to the advertising in the invested in the advertisement. e ASB and the graphic of the magazin • In December 2012 the content 21%. by bers scri sub of e eas the incr was redesigned what resulted in ASB Issues and topics ASB 10/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 1. 10. 2013 11. 11. 2013 2. 4. 2014 • Changes of function, reconstructions • Cultural, religious buildings • Roofs • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • FURNITURE AND LIVING NITRA 2014 (11. – 16. 3. 2014) MIPIM 2014 (11. – 14. 3. 2014) • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • CONECO – RACIOENERGIA – CLIMATHERM 2014 (26. – 29. 3. 2014) • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • DOMEXPO 2014 (24. – 27. 4. 2014) • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions 21. 2. 2014 • New buildings • Constructions for tourism, hotels • Sanitation ware, fittings 21. 3. 2014 • Offices and logistics • Administrative buildings • Glass and glass facades 23. 4. 2014 • Housing fund • Residential buildings and constructions • Windows, doors 21. 5. 2014 • Development • Civic construction • Floors and pavement 11. 6. 2014 TOP 100 – COMPANIES 2. 4. 2014 8. 4. 2014 30. 4. 2014 30. 4. 2014 7. 5. 2014 ASB special 2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 28. 11. 2013 4. 3. 2014 10. 3. 2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 4. 2. 2014 4. 3. 2014 ASB 4/2014 ASB 5/2014 18. 10. 2013 • Financing developer projects and constructions 4. 2. 2014 10. 2. 2014 ASB 3/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising INTERIORS • Interior, design, furniture • Detail 11. 11. 2013 15. 11. 2013 ASB 1 – 2/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising TOPICS • Realisations of buildings, suppliers • Energy-efficient buildings • Insulation 1. 10. 2013 7. 10. 2013 ASB 11 – 12/2013 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising Date of issue 23. 5. 2014 If you also advertise on the website, you will turn to 61 000 readers every month. Issue closing date 23. 5. 2014 29. 5. 2014 FINANCING TRADE FAIRS AND ACTIONS The list of 100 best companies and their performance • New and yet not published categories, rankings of companies ASB 6 – 7/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 5. 6. 2014 ASB 10/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 26. 8. 2014 57 17. 9. 2014 • Architect • Experimental and intelligent buildings • Facades 26. 8. 2014 3. 9. 2014 30. 9. 2014 17. 10. 2014 • Realisations of buildings, suppliers • Energy-efficient buildings • Insulation 28. 11. 2014 • Changes of function, reconstructions • Cultural, religious buildings • Roofs 30. 9. 2014 6. 10. 2014 ASB 11 – 12/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising • Urban development, urbanism • City-forming buildings and constructions • Roofs 5. 6. 2014 11. 6. 2014 ASB 8 – 9/2014 Orders: Materials: advertorial advertising 24. 6. 2014 10. 11. 2014 10. 11. 2014 14. 11. 2014 Advertise on the most widely read professional website about architecture and building construction 56 • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • Interior, design, furniture • Detail • Financing developer projects and constructions • ASB GALA 2014 (May 2014) ASB Size and advertising price Dimensions in mm Others PR repre advertising Size 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 1/1 of a page 1/1 of a page in page layout 2/3 of a page width 2/3 of a page height 1/2 of a page width 1/2 of a page height 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height Lapel on the headline Z-gate 2nd cover page 1st page of magazine Other pages before editorial 1/3 height by editorial 3rd cover page 4th cover page 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 1/2 PR width 1/2 PR height Editorial section Nonstandard formats width height Price bleed 430 300 3 420 277 – 215 300 3 192 277 – 192 183 – 126 277 – 192 136 – 94 277 – 192 89 – 61 277 – 107,5 300 3 410 300 3 215 300 3 215 300 3 215 300 3 61 277 – 215 300 3 215 300 3 8 400 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 4 880 EUR 2 820 EUR 1 990 EUR 1 590 EUR 1 190 EUR 3 220 EUR 6 440 EUR 3 450 EUR 3 450 EUR 3 220 EUR 1 990 EUR 3 260 EUR 4 350 EUR 4 220 EUR 2 450 EUR 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1 430 EUR 650 characters, 1 picture 1 060 EUR (News and information previously not published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (9 x) (placed in the back of the magazine) product placement branding columns 94 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertisements* atypical format Product placement 500 EUR Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact minimum price 1 630 EUR * Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. DISCOUNTS 15 % agency commission for contract partners only 1 900 EUR Materials: logo 900 EUR / 9 issues 500 EUR 1 900 EUR size and price depending on individual requirements EXTRA CHARGE 10 % for requested placement Branding columns CANCELLATION FEES 50 % before the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Editorial page 1 060 EUR Materials: text of 650 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 94 x 43 mm 900 EUR / 9 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2013 to 31. 8. 2014. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 66. 58 Advertisement area 2/3 width 1 990 EUR 192 x 183 mm 1/1 of a page 2 820 EUR 215 x 300 mm 2/3 height 1 990 EUR 126 x 277 mm 59 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, 1 logo 1/3 height 1 190 EUR 61 x 277 mm 1/2 height 1 590 EUR 94 x 277 mm 1/2 width 1 590 EUR 192 x 136 mm 1/1 PR 2 450 EUR 1/3 width 1 190 EUR 192 x 89 mm NEWS | MONTHLY TOPIC | ARCHITECTURE | BUILDING INDUSTRY | CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS | TZB | BUILDING ADMINISTRATION MOST WIDELY READ WEBSITE ABOUT ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING BUSINESS 53 OOO people visit monthly and they view altogether almost 230 000 pages! (source: Google Analytics 07/2012 – 06/2013) Themes of the month TOPIC ROOFS INSULATIONS RECONSTRUCTIONS NEW TRENDS IN DESIGN HOTELS AND BUILDINGS FOR TOURISM FAMILY HOUSES INTERIOR GREEN BUILDINGS CONCRETE FACADES WOODEN CONSTRUCTIONS EXTERIOR ROOFS PASSIVE HOUSES RECONSTRUCTIONS ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTIONS MONTH 10/2013 11/2013 12/2013 01/2014 02/2014 03/2014 04/2014 05/2014 06/2014 07/2014 08/2014 09/2014 10/2014 11/2014 12/2014 60 (source: Google Analytics 07/2012 - 06/2013) 290 000 300 000 261 000 272 000 Pageviews 257 000 254 000 252 000 203 000 200 000 178 000 230 000 189 000 186 000 154 000 Visits 100 000 62 000 64 000 50 000 47 000 86 000 84 000 51 000 46 000 90 000 57 000 38 000 59 000 77 000 68 000 62 000 46 000 53 000 86 000 57 000 90 000 79 000 53 000 69 000 60 000 49 000 Unique visitors 0 July August September October November December January February March April May June 2013 2012 Who is our reader? People who decide about purchasing 16 % ENTREPRENEURS AND DEVELOPERS 17 % 15 % TUTORS AND PEOPLE INTERESTED IN STUDENTS ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING BUSINESS, DESIGN 52 % ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS Source: visitors´ opinion poll on the website on the sample of 9 329 respondents. 61 31 % CO-DECIDE 11 % DON´T DECIDE 58 % DECIDE .sk? Why to advertise on the website asb ? ding business. site about architecture and buil • It is the most widely read web purchase of the ut abo e ecid co-d decide or • 81 % of the website´s readers building site. materials and technologies for a form of scribe for weekly reports in the sub ls ona • More than 9 000 professi online newspapers. industry. les from architecture and building • There are more than 6 000 artic field the from ls et group B2B (professiona • It addresses to a special targ and rs tuto ers, elop dev , in this field of architecture, entrepreneurs with ed in architecture, design, building rest inte ple peo , ents stud university stry and nts from the fields of building indu industry and also in current eve ad. architecture in Slovakia and abro 1 Size and advertising price SCREEN 1 000 x 100 pxl 2 3 TOP BOX 180 x 180 pxl 6 text link 4 SKY SCRAPER 120 x 600 5 SQUARE 300 x 300 pxl 7 LINK building Presentation by means of banners Format Locations Size Seo formats and commercial presentation in the form of an article Size in kB Production price Estimated number of banner impressions (IMP)/ month 80 000 Price per 1 000 views (CPT – cost per thousand) 1 SCREEN on each portal page 1 000 × 100 25 kB 166 EUR when there is circulation 1 out of 3 32 EUR 2 SQUARE in articles 300 × 300 20 kB 166 EUR when there is circulation 1 out of 3 29 EUR when there is circulation 1 out of 3 19 EUR when there is circulation 1 out of 3 24 EUR 3 TOP BOX 4 SKY SCRAPER 5 SPONSORED TEXT LINK 62 on each portal page on each portal page on each portal page PR article 180 × 180 120 × 600 max. 80 characters, logo 50 × 50 pxl 25 kB 25 kB 5 kB 166 EUR 166 EUR – 40 000 80 000 80 000 200 000 per month 175 EUR per week 9 Surcharge for emailing Format Location Size Price 6 LINK BUILDING in the editorial articles according to the choice – 9 EUR/word/ month – on the main page, in sections and in columns Company information 3 600 characters (including spaces), 5 –8 pictures, max.6 links 500 EUR per publication 500 EUR per publication in ASB e-Magazine** on the main page or in sections 900 characters (including spaces) 2 – 3 pictures, max. 1 link 350 EUR per publication 500 EUR per publication in ASB e-Magazine** Key words with links in the editorial articles according to the choice 7 PR ARTICLE* The price includes linking the information source with five words (phrases) linked to the client´s website. 8 NEWS*** The price includes linking the information source to the client´s website. The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the ordered advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. Submission deadlines for ground materials: • For the production of a banner – 3 working days before the planned term of publication. • For the publication of a readymade banner – 1 working day before the planned term of publication. • For the production of a PR article, News – 3 working days before the planned term of publication. In case of a postponement of submission on the part of the client, the site provider is entitled to a postponement of the publication date of the banner/ article. Each modification and adjustment to a banner/article following its publication on the website is subject to a charge of 50 EUR. A part of the order of a PR article is also a definition of the lead image and opening text (lead paragraph), respectively stating requirements as on the break-up of the article. * Article will be marked as Advertorial. Price of advertorials does not include translation of the supplied text into another language. The client has the right to 2 extensive corrections of the ground materials for advertisement (e.g. changes to text and graphics) as laid out. Within the period of one week, a maximum of two advertorials will be published on the portal. Advertorials are published on the main page and in the sections as standard articles. They form a permanent part of the individual professional sections and also of the section Firmy informujú (Company information). They are not a part of ASB eNews. 10 partnership ** Text link placed in the electronic newsletter of the portal www.asb. sk. Exclusiveness guarantee – no other advertising link will appear in the e-news. Frequency of ASB e-newspaper: once per week to 9 000 addresses. *** In the News column, only news and information previously unpublished on the portal may appear. News is published on the main page and in sections as standard articles. The editor’s Office reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic, and formal correction of delivered text documents and also adaptation of the scope. Presentation through the News column is not determined for publication of general information on the producer and their assortment. Information in the News column becomes a part of the portal’s archive. 11 E-mailing/ E-newspaper The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the ordered advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. Commercial presentation in the form of the e-catalogue / e-magazine Format Location Ground materials Price PARTNER OF A SECTION Partner of a section receives: 11 E-MAILING / E-NEWSPAPER PARTNERSHIP ON THE TOPIC OF THE MONTH • logo in the selected section with a link Publication of a company maThe partner of the Topic of the Month receives: In order to maximise the marketing • logo alongside every editorial article placed into the gazine, catalogue, price list and PDF file with a effect we recommend publishing • logo in the Topic of the Month section with a link selected section with a link catalogues, magazines, leaflets and leaflet etc. with the possibility of resolution of 150 dpi, 190 EUR • logo along each editorial article placed in the Topic of • logo with a link in all subsections price lists as part of the advertorial or the Month section (approx. 15 articles in a month) with a eListing (full-text search, active maximum of 250 MB • advertorial* placed in the Company information section of the News column. The application of link to their own website advertising areas) interactive features (hyperlinks, videos, • updates** (possibility of publishing press releases, • logo in e-newspapers of portal with a link etc.) is subject to individual pricing. company newsletter during the year) (mailing to 9 000 addresses every week) Publication of a client´s video 600 EUR • advertorial* connected with the topic – currently placed Maximum length of Price: presentation in a PR article PUBLICATION OF A COMPANY alongside the materials in the Topic of the Month section video: 5 min 1 month 950 EUR VIDEO Publication of a client´s video and subsequently alongside the section as per the focus Format: FLV 450 EUR 3 months 2 300 EUR presentation in the News section (e.g. architecture, construction, technical equipment of 6 months 3 900 EUR Depending on processing demands, length of the recording and use of a video buildings) and in the Company information section 12 months 6 800 EUR PRODUCTION OF A VIDEO (operating procedures, interviews, company product presentations / technology / • updates*** (possibility of publishing press releases, Attention! A limited format – a maximum of 5 partners in the PRESENTATION reference object presentations...) company newsletter during the year) Topic of the Month section! Price: 1 200 EUR per month Prices are stated excluding VAT. Prices and formats are approximate. Please submit your ground materials to our email Attention! A limited format – a maximum of 5 partners in the address In the subject line, please indicate the name of the portal for which the materials are intended. Topic of the Month section! Current price list can be found on The performance for the partners only relates to a specific calendar month. 10 PARTNERSHIPS 63 ASB gala ASB GALA 2O14 ASB GALA has become a regular meetingpoint for the top management of significant construction, development, financial and real estate companies, along with architects and public officials. ASB GALA is traditionally associated with the conference, prepared by the weekly magazine Trend, in cooperation with ASB. Editors of ASB magazine also actively take part in the panel discussion. The culmination of the evening is the annual awards ceremony, which is declared by the ASB – architecture, construction, business magazine, in the following categories: ASB Personality of the Year from Architecture and Building, ASB Developer of the Year, ASB Construction Company of the Year. The level of this already traditional event is also attested to by the sponsorship of renowned institutions of the building trade. 64 (8TH ANNUAL AWARD CEREMONY) ASB GALA 2O14 Possibilities for cooperation What are the benefits for the partners? Forms of cooperation: 2014 will be the eighth year of ASB GALA. The aim of this festive occasion, which will be held in May 2014, is to acknowledge those personalities that have a significant impact on the construction trade, to highlight the activities of the dominant developer groups, to draw attention to the building companies and to popularise the construction industry as a major sector of the national economy with the annual awards once again. • Logo publication while advertising ASB GALA (The total cost of the advertising was 63 000 € in the year 2013.) • Magazines and newspapers – Trend, Profit, Pravda, ASB, Stavebné materiály, Správa budov, TZB, Inžinierske stavby. • The Internet –,,,, • Promotional materials, invitations • One company representative can take part in a roundtable discussion with chosen nominees for the main prize. • Presentation of company´s logo during ASB GALA • Honorary tickets to the annual ASB awards ceremony during ASB GALA Companies operating on the Slovak construction market have the opportunity to address ASB GALA participants in the form of partnership, which may contribute in a significant way to fulfilling their marketing aims. The linking of the company´s name with such a prestigious event will positively affect brand perception and expand the communication instruments focused to addressing the Professional construction community. General advertising partner Main advertising partners Advertising partners Event supported by partners Media partners If interested, please contact the Advertising Department of JAGA Publishing House by phone no.: +421 2 50 200 225, or email Jury of 50 professionals under the supervision of Deloitte decided about the main prizes. 65 ASB GALA 2013 awards were given to: From the left: Juraj Šujan – ASB Personality of 2013 from Architecture and Building, Pavel Pelikán, J&T REAL ESTATE – ASB Developer of 2013, Anton Bezák, INGSTEEL, s. r. o. – ASB Construction Company of 2013, Vladimír Kohút – ASB Personality of 2013 from Architecture and Building according to, Peter Černík, STRABAG – ZIPP Development – ASB Developer of 2013 according to, Jozef Miček, ZIPP BRATISLAVA – ASB Construction Company of 2013 according to GENERAL COMMERCIAL TERMS FOR ADVERTISEMENT GENERAL COMMERCIAL TERMS FOR ADVERTISEMENT 1. The publisher is obliged to send to his client two copies of a magazine free of charge within 14 days from the date of issue. 2. The publisher will issue an invoice within 3 days after the title is published. 3. In terms of § 31 – 36 of the Act on Accounting No. 431/2002 Coll. as amended, upon the agreement of the customer, an electronic invoice in pdf format that will fulfil all requirements for invoicing documents as stated in Articles 75 and 76 of the Act on Value Added Tax No. 222/2004 Coll. as amended, will be sent to the client’s stated address. 4. The client is obliged to pay the invoice issued by publisher within 14 days from the date of issue. The bank details are given on the invoice. 5. In case of a late payment, publisher has the right to claim the late payment interest of 0.05 % of the invoiced price for each day of delay, or not to publish the advertisement in the publication. 6. Bank fees and possible exchange rate differences connected with the invoice settlement are covered by the buyer. 7. The client may send the order form by fax, but they are obliged to send the signed original to publisher within 5 days. 8. Claims must be submitted in writing within 14 days of the date of issue. 9. The publisher has the right to reject advertisement if it is in contradiction with ethics or if it harms their interests. 10. The client takes into account the additional fee for requested placement is 10 % of the price of the advertisement. 11. The client takes into account that the cancellation fee for cancellation of the order is a. 50 % when cancelled before the official deadline of orders for the current issue of the magazine (according to the editorial plan). b. 100 % when cancelled after the official deadline of orders for the current issue of the magazine (according to the editorial plan). 12. If an invoice fails to be paid within the due date, the publisher reserves the right to recalculate any provided discounts. 13. The client has the right to 2 extensive corrections of the ground materials for advertisement (e.g. changes to text and graphics) as laid out. In case when readymade advertisement ground materials are supplied by the client, JAGA Publishing House does not hold the responsibility for the language format of the given advertisement. 14. In case that the client does not submit the due material within the deadline of the given title, the publisher has the right to use those materials of the client that were used in any previous titles. 15. The production of an advertisement for the purposes of publishing the client’s advertisement in the titles of JAGA Publishing House is covered by the publisher. Thus the advertisement becomes the property of the publisher. If the client is interested, this advertisement can be bought and the price is calculated as 10 % of the basic price of the advertisement. 16. The client holds the responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the ordered advertisements as well as for all the damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on the information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. 17. The publisher is not responsible for quality of published advertisement if other than stated files are submitted and if imprint is not submitted. GROUND MATERIALS • PDF 300dpi, CMYK colours • Files for PC: TIF, EPS, CDR, PDF, JPG • Medium: CD, DVD, mail, USB, FTP server 66 CONTACTS INVOICE DETAILS JAGA GROUP, s.r.o. Imricha Karvaša 2 811 07 Bratislava ID no.: 35 705 779 VAT ID no.: SK2020265258 POSTAL ADDRESS Lamačská cesta 45 841 03 Bratislava 42 phone: +421 2 50 200 200 fax: +421 2 50 200 210 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ing. Peter Halász FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT Monika Hanšutová +421 2 50 200 282 DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT Chief of the Distribution Department Ing. arch. Marek Pavlásek +421 2 50 200 202 +421 902 340 040 MARKETING DEPARTMENT Chief of the Marketing Department Mgr. Zuzana Koporcová +421 2 50 200 215 +421 903 736 035 SUBSCRIPTIONS Zuzana Grossová +421 2 50 200 283 67 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLISHING ACTIVITIES Robert Hošták +421 903 516 151 DEPARTMENT OF WEB Marián Haršány +421 903 254 121 CUSTOMISED PRODUCTS Mgr. Magdaléna Lukáčová +421 2 50 200 232 +421 903 424 166 PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Chief of the Production Department Mgr. Miriam Lukáčová +421 2 50 200 229 +421 911 551 285 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Commercial director Ing. 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