quarterly report quarterly report
quarterly report quarterly report
QUARTERLY REPORT SECOND QUARTER OF YEAR 1 WORK PLAN START-UP & MOBILIZATION PERIOD JULY 23 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 January 1 – March 31, 2016 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Tetra Tech ARD. This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Tetra Tech ARD. This publication was prepared for review by the United States Agency for International Development under Contract # AID-497-TO-15-00005. The period of this contract is from July 2015 to July 2020. Implemented by: Tetra Tech P.O. Box 1397 Burlington, VT 05402 Tetra Tech Contacts: Reed Merrill, Chief of Party Reed.Merrill@lestari-indonesia.org Matthew Edwardsen, Project Manager Matthew.Edwardsen@tetratech.com Cover Photograph: Clockwise from left to right: LESTARI Leuser landscape, Orangutan protection and Forest Conservation in Kalimantan, LESTARI Lorentz Lowland landscape QUARTERLY REPORT START-UP & MOBILIZATION PERIOD JULY 23 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 DISCLAIMER This document is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Tetra Tech ARD and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ........................................................................................... 3 Ringkasan Eksekutif .......................................................................................... 6 Mobilization of Staff ........................................................................................... 9 Key Deliverables .............................................................................................. 12 Strategy Development Meetings ..................................................................... 13 Challenges and Opportunities ........................................................................ 14 Staffing Plan ..................................................................................................... 15 USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY USAID LESTARI Overview USAID LESTARI supports the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and conserve biodiversity in carbon rich and biologically significant forest and mangrove ecosystems. Built on the strong foundation of USAID’s IFACS project, LESTARI applies a landscape approach to reduce GHG emissions, integrating forest and peatland conservation with low emissions development (LEDS) on other, already degraded land. This is achieved through improved land use governance, enhanced protected areas management and protection of key species, sustainable private sector and industry practices, and expanded constituencies for conservation among various stakeholders. LESTARI is implemented under the leadership of Tetra Tech and a consortium of partners including WWF-Indonesia, Winrock International, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Blue Forests, Yayasan Sahabat Cipta, PT Hydro South Pole Carbon, Sustainable Travel International (STI), Michigan State University, and the FIELD Foundation. LESTARI runs from August 2015 through July 2020. LESTARI activities are targeted in six strategic landscapes on three of Indonesia’s largest islands, where primary forest cover remains most intact and carbon stocks are greatest. In northern Sumatra, the Leuser Landscape comprises significant portions of Aceh Selatan, Gayo Lues, Aceh Tenggara, and Aceh Barat Daya districts, and includes the Aceh portion of Leuser National Park and Singkil Wildlife Sanctuary. In Central Kalimantan, LESTARI works in the Katingan-Kahayan Landscape, comprising Pulang Pisau, Katingan, and Gunung Mas districts; Palangkaraya municipality; and Sebangau and Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Parks. LESTARI also works in four landscapes in Papua. Sarmi and Cyclops Landscapes are located along the northern coast and comprise Sarmi district as well as Jayapura district and municipality. The Lorentz Lowlands Landscape, comprising Mimika and Asmat districts plus a large portion of Lorentz National Park, and the Mappi-Bouven Digoel Landscape are located along Papua’s southern coast. LESTARI is managed from its headquarters in Jakarta, with offices in each landscape as well as the provincial capitals of Aceh, Central Kalimantan, and Papua. USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |3 Overall Results of LESTARI are: 1. At least 41% of total CO2-equivalent emissions reduced from land use, land use change and deforestation averaged across all landscapes within the project scope; 2. At least 8.42 Million hectares of primary or secondary forest, including orangutan habitat, under improved management; 3. Management of at least six conservation areas improved, resulting in the conservation of valuable orangutan and other key species habitat, and the reduction in poaching of threatened and endemic species; 4. At least ten public-private partnerships (PPPs) promoting low-emissions conservation oriented development established; 5. Funding leveraged from public and private sources, representing co-investment in project outcomes; 6. Increased commitment of key private sector, government, and community stakeholders regarding the positive benefits of conservation and sustainable use of forests and the species they encompass; 7. Policies, laws, regulations, and procedures in support of low emission development and forest conservation and management increased, promulgated, and enforced at all levels; and 8. Models for successful integration of district, provincial, and national low emissions development and forest conservation strategies developed and shared at all levels of government and with other key stakeholders. Quarterly Highlights This quarterly report provides a summary of USAID LESTARI program activities for July 23 – September 30, 2015: the bridging phase between IFACS closedown and LESTARI start-up. We have focused on key mobilization activities as outlined in the LESTARI Mobilization and Quick Start Plan. The COP, DCOP, and Operations Manager have led this process, in conjunction with LESTARI staff and the Tetra Tech ARD home office start-up team, to ensure that LESTARI starts up both operationally and technically in an efficient, costeffective, and contract compliant manner. As of October 1, 2015, LESTARI activities are under robust implementation. A key activity during the bridging phase has been the mobilization of LESTARI staff and subcontractors. We have mobilized of all 5 key LESTARI personnel – COP, DCOP, Operations Manager, Biodiversity Conservation Specialist, and Forest Governance Advisor. Other long-term staff previously working on IFACS have successfully transitioned to LESTARI. Any remaining TBD positions will be filled in accordance with the LESTARI Compensation Plan. Moreover, we have prepared Letter Contracts for the 9 LESTARI partner organizations so that they were able to participate in the initial work plan and team building activities. LESTARI Scopes of Work have been written and extended for all 9 organizations. We are targeting October 2015 for having fully-executed subcontracts. All USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |4 LESTARI offices at the landscape and provincial levels, as well as in Jakarta, are staffed and fully functional. This quarter, we completed and submitted four key deliverables: the Landscape Baseline Analysis, the Grants Management Plan, the First Annual Work Plan, and the Activity Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. These deliverables serve as foundational documents to be utilized for guiding, measuring, and supporting LESTARI activities throughout the life of the project. Also in this quarter, we facilitated a range of strategy development meetings with partners both in Jakarta and in the landscapes. Key meetings included a three-day Theory of Change workshop with USAID, LESTARI strategic planning meetings with landscape partners, and meetings with BAPPENAS to discuss program management and administrative issues. These meetings provided valuable guidance for monitoring and evaluation and Work Plan design, ensured insights and opinions from the landscapes are integrated into planning activities, and aimed to foster a strong, positive relationship between LESTARI and GoI. Moving forward, we are facing challenges from land fires in Central Kalimantan, as the focus there has been on health and well being rather than project start up. We are also facing a slowdown in activity due to local elections in December. However, we anticipate that in the long-term, the fire situation will serve as a catalyst for LESTARI to make progress, while the elections provide the opportunity for LESTARI to build strong relations with new governments from early on in the project’s lifespan. USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |5 RINGKASAN EKSEKUTIF Sekilas Pandang USAID LESTARI Proyek USAID LESTARI mendukung upaya Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK), melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati di ekosistem hutan dan mangrove yang bernilai secara biologis serta kaya akan simpanan karbon. Dibangun di atas fondasi proyek USAID IFACS, LESTARI menerapkan pendekatan lanskap untuk menurunkan emisi GRK, dengan mengintegrasikan aksi konservasi hutan dan lahan gambut dan strategi pembangunan rendah emisi (LEDS) di lahan lain yang sudah terdegradasi. Upaya ini bisa dicapai melalui perbaikan tata guna lahan, tata kelola hutan lindung, perlindungan spesies kunci, praktik sektor swasta dan industri yang berkelanjutan, serta peningkatan keterlibatan berbagai pemangku kepentingan dalam kegiatan konservasi. Proyek LESTARI diimplementasikan oleh Tetra Tech bersama mitra konsorsium yang terdiri dari WWF-Indonesia, Winrock International, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Blue Forests, Yayasan Sahabat Cipta, PT Hydro South Pole Carbon, Sustainable Travel International (STI), Michigan State University, dan FIELD Foundation. Proyek LESTARI berlangsung dari Agustus 2015 hingga Juli 2020. Kegiatan LESTARI dilaksanakan di enam lanskap strategis di tiga pulau terbesar Indonesia, yang memiliki sebagian tutupan hutan primer yang masih utuh dan memiliki simpanan karbon terbesar. Di Sumatra bagian utara, Lanskap Leuser mencakup Kabupaten Aceh Selatan, Gayo Lues, Aceh Tenggara dan Aceh Barat Daya, termasuk Taman Nasional Leuser dan Suaka Margasatwa Rawa Singkil. Di Kalimantan Tengah, LESTARI bekerja di Lanskap Katingan-Kahayan, yang mencakup Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Katingan dan Gunung Mas, Kotamadya Palangkaraya, dan Taman Nasional Sebangau dan Taman Nasional Bukit Baka Bukit Raya. LESTARI juga bekerja di empat lanskap di Papua. Lanskap Sarmi dan Cyclops terletak sepanjang pesisir utara. Lanskap Lorentz Lowlands, mencakup Kabupaten Mimika dan Asmat ditambah sebagian dari Taman Nasional Lorentz, dan Lanskap Mappi-Bouven Digoel yang terletak di pesisir selatan Papua. LESTARI memiliki kantor pusat di Jakarta, dengan kantor cabang di setiap lansekap dan di ibukota provinsi Aceh, Kalimantan Tengah dan Papua. USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |6 Hasil yang ingin dicapai LESTARI adalah: 1. Penurunan total emisi CO2 ekuivalen sebesar 41 % dari kegiatan pemanfaatan lahan, perubahan pemanfaatan lahan dan deforestasi di seluruh wilayah lanskap proyek; 2. Perbaikan pengelolaan 8,42 juta hektar hutan primer atau sekunder, termasuk wilayah yang menjadi habitat orangutan; 3. Perbaikan manajemen paling tidak, di enam wilayah konservasi, sehingga mampu melestarikan habitat orangutan dan spesies kunci lainnya, dan mengurangi perburuan spesies hewan endemik; 4. Paling tidak terwujud sepuluh Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS) yang memromosikan pembangunan rendah emisi dan pembangunan berbasis konservasi; 5. Penggalangan dana dari sumber pemerintah dan swasta, dalam bentuk investasi bersama guna menunjang keberhasilan proyek; 6. Meningkatnya komitmen para pemangku kepentingan dari sektor swasta, pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam mendukung upaya konservasi dan pemanfaatan hutan secara berkelanjutan berikut perlindungan spesies yang hidup di dalamnya; 7. Terciptanya kebijakan, undang-undang, peraturan, dan prosedur - yang mendukung pembangunan rendah emisi, perbaikan pengelolaan dan konservasi hutan – yang disahkan dan diterapkan di semua jenjang; dan 8. Terdapat model untuk integrasi strategi pembangunan rendah emisi dan konservasi hutan di tingkat kabupaten, provinsi dan nasional yang didistribusikan ke semua level pemerintahan dan pemangku kepentingan kunci lainnya. Sorotan Triwulan Laporan Triwulan ini menyajikan ringkasan kegiatan program USAID LESTARI mulai tanggal 23 Juli hingga 30 September 2015: masa peralihan antara penyelesaian IFACS dan sebagai awal dari LESTARI. Kami memusatkan pada kegiatan mobilisasi sebagaimana dijabarkan dalam Rencana Awal yang cepat untuk Mobilisasi LESTARI. The COP, DCOP, dan Operations Manager telah memimpin proses ini bersama dengan staff LESTARI dan tim awal pembuka kantor pusat Tetra Tech ARD, guna memastikan LESTARI memulai dengan cara yang efisien, hemat, mematuhi kontrak baik secara operasional maupun secara teknis. Mulai 1 Oktober 2015, kegiatan LESTARI dilaksanakan secara kuat. Kegiatan utama selama fase transisi adalah mobilisasi staff LESTARI dan para subkontraktor. Kami telah memobilisasi seluruh lima personil LESTARI – COP, DCOP, Operations Manager, Tenaga Ahli Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati, dan Penasehat Pengelolaan Hutan. Staff lain yang sudah bekerja lama di bawah IFACS telah berhasil melakukan transisi ke proyek LESTARI. Apabila terdapat posisi yang belum diisi maka akan diisi sesuai Rencana Kompensasi LESTARI. Selain itu, kami telah menyiapkan ikatan Kontrak dengan 9 mitra kerja LESTARI agar mereka dapat dilibatkan dalam rencana kerja awal dan kegiatan membangun kerjasama tim. Lingkup Kerja LESTARI telah ditulis dan USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |7 diberikan kepada seluruh 9 organisasi tersebut. Kami menetapkan target October 2015 untuk melaksanakan sepenuhnya sub-kontrak. Semua kantor LESTARI pada lanskap dan tingkat provinsi maupun di Jakarta sudah memenuhi kebutuhan staff karyawan dan sudah berfungsi secara peuh pula. Pada triwulan ini, kami telah menyelesaikan dan menyerahkan empat dokumen penting: Analisis Data Dasar Lanskap, Rencana Pengelolaan Hibah, Rencana Kerja Tahunan yang pertama, dan Rencana Kegiatan Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Dokumen ini merupakan dokumen dasar yang digunakan dalam membimbing, menilai dan mendukung kegiatan LESTARI selama masa proyek Juga pada Triwulan ini, kami telah memfasilitasi berbagai pertemuan membahas strategi pembangunan dengan mitra kerja, baik di Jakarta maupun di lanskap ybs. Pertemuan kunci termasuk lokakarya Theory of Change selama tiga hari bersama USAID, pertemuan membahas rencana strategis LESTARI dengan mitra kerja, dan pertemuan dengan BAPPENAS untuk membahas masalah pegelolaan program dan administrasi. Rapat pertemuan ni memberikan arahan yang berharga dalam merancang desain rencana kerja monitoring dan evaluasi, memastikan saran dan opini dari lanskap dimasukkan dalam kegiatan perencanaan, dan dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat hubungan yang positif antara LESTARI dan GOI. Ke depan, kami akan menghadapi berbagai tantangan dari kebakaran di Kalimantan Tengah, sedangka penekanan utaa selama in adalag pada sektor kesehatan dan kesejahteraan dan bukan pada mulainya proyek. Kami juga menghadapi perlambatan kegiatan akibat dari PILKADA pada bulan Desember. Namun demikian, kami mengharapkan dalam jangka panjang, kebakaran hutan akan menjadi katalist bagi LESTARI untuk segera melakukan langkah maju, sementara itu dengan adanya PILKADA dapat memberi kesempatan bagi LESTARI untuk membangun hubungan yang lebih erat dengan pemerintah daerah sejak awal proyek dari masa awal hingga akhir proyek. USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |8 MOBILIZATION OF STAFF The mobilization of LESTARI staff and subcontractors was a key activity during the bridge period. Due to the synergy between IFACS closedown and LESTARI startup, we were able to ensure that this proceeded in a cost-effective, efficient, and contract compliant manner. All five key personnel are in Jakarta and fully mobilized. COP, Reed Merrill; DCOP, Nev Kemp, and Operations Manager, Kusno Dermawan, transitioned from IFACS to LESTARI in July and led LESTARI start up activities. Dr. Abidah Setyowati (Biodiversity Conservation Specialist) was mobilized in mid-September and Chris Bennett (Forest Governance Advisor) in early October. Long-term staff previously working on IFACS have received new Scopes of Work and contracts, and successfully transitioned to LESTARI. For IFACS staff on permanent contracts, these contracts will were legally terminated by mutual agreement and new fixedterm contracts were provided for LESTARI. For IFACS staff on fixed-term contracts, staff were given the opportunity to either resign from IFACS and then sign new fixed-term contracts with LESTARI, or see their contracts through the end of September and join LESTARI at the end of October. We will recruit and fill any TBD positions by the end of October 2015 in accordance with the LESTARI Compensation Plan. The LESTARI Staffing Plan is included on pages 15-18 of this report. Tetra Tech ARD home office staff have also played an important role during this transition phase. The home office team (Matthew Edwardsen, Project Manager; Ed Harvey, Deputy Project Manager; and Pam Doran, Contracts Specialist) has worked closely with the COP, DCOP and Operations Manager through implementation and closeout of IFACS and, immediately upon signing the contract, LESTARI start-up. Given the significant demands of the transition, we have mobilized STTA support over the past quarter, including both operational and technical support for the First Annual Work Plan, M&E Plan, Subcontract SOWs, LESTARI Procurement Plan, and Landscape Baseline Analysis. This is summarized in the table below: Name Responsibility Indonesia Dates Geofrey Katushabe IFACS Closeout Specialist – provide operational support for IFACS closeout and LESTARI startup 08/06-09/08/2015 Ufroz Ayyub LESTARI Bridge Technical Writer (local hire) – Prepare initial LESTARI communication products and support Work Plan preparation 08/01-9/30/2015 Robynne Locke Tetra Tech M&E Specialist – Prepare LESTARI M&E Plan with LESTARI M&E Coordinator 09/08-09/19/2015 Rob Merritt LESTARI Climate Change and Biodiversity Technical Writer and Procurement Specialist – Draft Subcontract SOWs & LESTARI Procurement Plan 09/08-10/17/2015 Ben Caldwell Tetra Tech Sustainable Landscapes Technical Specialist – Technical support for Landscape Baseline Analysis and Annual Work Plan 09/13-9/22/2015 USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 Page |9 Name Responsibility Indonesia Dates Trish Caffrey Tetra Tech Gender and Institutional Capacity Building Specialist – Prepare LESTARI Gender Strategy 10/10-10/24/2015 Amy Kirk Tetra Tech Grants Management Specialist – Prepare LESTARI Grants Management Plan 10/17-10/31/2015 Pam Doran Tetra Tech Contract Specialist – Training and support to LESTARI staff & subcontractors 10/17-10/31/2015 In order to efficiently mobilize LESTARI partners, Tetra Tech ARD’s Contract Specialist prepared Letter Contracts for the 9 LESTARI partner organizations. This enabled them to participate in the initial work plan and team building activities. LESTARI Scopes of Work have now been written and extended for all 9 organizations. We are targeting October 2015 for having fully-executed subcontracts. Order of priority includes Winrock International, given their responsibilities for the Landscape Baseline Analysis, WWF-Indonesia and WCS due to their important on-the-ground protected areas and species conservation roles, and FIELD Foundation for design and implementation of LESTARI boot camp. The table below lists LESTARI subcontract partners and their roles: Partner Name LESTARI Role Winrock International Provide Private Sector Engagement Coordinator and Component 3 Lead; Develop provincial and district sustainability tools; Implement Sustainability Reporting Toolkit for private sector companies; and Develop baseline and reference emission levels for landscapes WWF-Indonesia Manage Mimika, Asmat and Sarmi landscapes and Cyclops Mountain Nature Reserve activities; Improve management of Lorenz and Sebangau NPs, including co-management of surrounding areas; and Leverage financial resources to improve Conservation Area (CA) management World Conservation Society Improve management of Luesur and Singkil CAs; Provide leadership on anti-poaching and wildlife enforcement; Leverage financial resources to improve CA management Blue Forests Expand mangrove management activities from Mimika to Asmat; Develop REDD+ or PES package for mangrove conservation; and Leverage financial resources to improve CA management FIELD Foundation Lead village constituency and advocacy activities; Develop Lestari Boot Camp training; Provide field staff to Aceh Tenggara, Aceh Selatan, and Central Kalimantan landscapes Yayasan Sahabat Cipta Foster livelihood expansion and co-management in the Aceh landscapes; Develop PPPs to foster value chain consolidation in cocoa, nutmeg, and NTFPs Sustainable Travel International Identify and lead development of community-based tourism activities in Components 2 and 3, mentor local organizations related to ecotourism, and create PPPs with international businesses PT Hydro South Pole Carbon Provide national climate finance experts; Lead support to provincial and district governments in REDD+-related activities USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 10 Partner Name LESTARI Role Provide national level policy support Michigan State University Establish university linkages and build capacity of key provincial universities to play more practical, applied role in support of local government in reduced GHG emissions & expansion of LEDS Finally, all LESTARI offices are staffed and fully functional. This includes LESTARI offices in Jakarta, each landscape, and the provincial capitals of Aceh, Central Kalimantan, and Papua. USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 11 KEY DELIVERABLES During this quarter, we have completed and submitted 4 key contract deliverables: the Landscape Baseline Analysis, the Grants Management Plan, the First Annual Work Plan, and the Activity Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. They will serve as foundational documents to be utilized for guiding, measuring, and supporting LESTARI activities throughout the life of the project. The Landscape Baseline Analysis was submitted to USAID on September 9. This is a key foundational document that serves to clearly describe where opportunities and challenges lie in LESTARI’s landscapes, and provides input on how to structure initiatives to meet LESTARI’s targets. Its calculation of historical and projected GHG emissions in the landscapes will serve as a key input to the Activity Monitoring and Evaluation plan. The USAID COR has provided comments, and a final, revised report will be sent to USAID by early October. The Grants Management Plan was submitted to USAID on September 16. Revisions were requested on September 28, and final approval of this document was received on October 1. This document provides clear guidance for the LESTARI Team to implement a robust and effective grants program. This will contribute to achieving LESTARI contract requirements while building capacity of local organizations to implement and sustain LESTARI’s important work in sustainable landscapes management and biodiversity conservation. The First Annual Work Plan was submitted to USAID on September 25. This document was developed by the LESTARI Team and partners through a series of meetings and workshops. Initial island-based (Aceh, Kalimantan, and Papua) meetings with staff and subcontractors were held in Jakarta in late August. This was followed by a series of LESTARI partner consultation meetings held in early September in Aceh and Medan; Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan; Jayapura, Papua; and Jakarta. A two-day national LESTARI workshop meeting was held in Jakarta on September 17-18; and a small technical team finalized the work plan on September 25. The purpose of this document is to support USAID and LESTARI to clearly program its activities for the upcoming year and monitor their implementation. The Activity Monitoring and Evaluation Plan was submitted to USAID on October 9. This document will be utilized throughout the project to assess achievements against established annual targets. Originally scheduled for delivery on September 25, the USAID COR provided an extension until October 9 in order to allow time to adequately incorporate inputs from the Measuring Impact Theory of Change Workshop. Initial LESTARI communication materials, including a series of 6 project factsheets was prepared, submitted to, and approved by USAID. Available in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, these factsheets will be used to share information regarding LESTARI’s tools and approaches with various stakeholder groups. USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 12 STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS We conducted a wide range LESTARI launching activities during this quarter in order to build a solid foundation from which to launch a robust and ambitious LESTARI project. This includes: Three-day Theory of Change Workshop with USAID/WDC, USAID/Indonesia, Measuring Impact, and LESTARI senior staff and STTA to develop TOC models to guide LESTARI Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Work Planning. This proved to be an incredibly valuable workshop for tightening-up a strategic vision for LESTARI by ensuring greater integration among technical themes and strategic approaches. LESTARI Staff and Subcontractor Strategic Vision, Landscape Baseline Assessment and Work Plan meetings, including national-level overview as well as detailed landscape coordination sessions, held individually for Aceh, Kalimantan, and Aceh. LESTARI Landscape Partner strategic planning meetings were held in Aceh, Kalimantan and Papua in order to explain LESTARI and to align the project to government and CSO priorities in each landscape. MSF Regular Meetings were held in most landscapes to discuss the transition to LESTARI and the greater focus on landscape approach LESTARI concluded its initial National Park Stakeholder Analysis and Threats Assessment – in collaboration with PHKA, National Park offices, local government and NGO partners Meeting with partners in Central Kalimantan to discuss a Peat Land Fire Management strategy. This included developing a procurement plan for tools and equipment and longer-term framework for integrated fire management with capacity building ICCTF Project Pipeline Support – provision of 5 PCNs for ICCTF funding through IFACS and now LESTARI STTA. LESTARI and USAID held two meetings with BAPPENAS to discuss program management and administrative issues, prepare for Tim Teknis, and plan LESTARI launching activities including letters from BAPPENAS to provincial partners (Dinas Kehutanan) with cc’s to other relevant provincial and district agencies, and launching events for Papua, Aceh and Kalimantan to commence in November. USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 13 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Moving forward, we are facing both challenges and opportunities as we enter full-scale implementation of LESTARI activities. In particular, the current land fires in Central Kalimantan and, increasingly in southern Papua, are making work difficult and travel virtually impossible. With air quality in the hazardous range, staff and partners are understandably more concerned with health and welfare issues rather than project start-up. In the long run, however, this will provide an important catalyst for LESTARI to make progress on Integrated Fire Management. December local elections are starting to slow-down opportunity for progress. While this is currently a constraint, we anticipate that working with new governments early in the project will be beneficial in the long run. Finally, the recently executed USAID-GoI Assistance Agreement with BAPPENAS is a tremendous opportunity for more efficient coordination. It will make LESTARI’s work with the Ministry of Environment & Forestry as well as provincial and district level governments much easier than the previous IFACs experience. We are very excited about this opportunity, and are working hard to ensure a positive relationship with BAPPENAS. The following outlines the major upcoming LESTARI launch activities in the next month: October 1 - Launching of LESTARI field activities in all landscapes October 5-6 - Multi-stakeholder meeting in Sarmi to reaffirm MSF commitment working under LESTARI October 6 – Leuser NP management meeting involving COP, Biodiversity Conservation Advisor, WCS, and Yayasan Sahabat Cipta October 9 – Monitoring & Evaluation Plan to be submitted to USAID October 18-31 – Tetra Tech Home Office Subcontracts and Grants Support STTA visit October 20 – Procurement Plan to be submitted October 23 – Submission of 4-5 project proposals to ICCTF October 31 – Design and operationalize LESTARI MIS October – SMART patrol launch involving 4 teams in Leuser Landscape October – Stakeholder mapping and assessment on village conservation potential in Leuser Landscape October – Stakeholder mapping in Lorentz Lowlands Landscape November – LESTARI Launch events USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 14 STAFFING PLAN USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 15 USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 16 USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 17 USAID LESTARI Quarterly Report Year 1, January 1 – March 31, 2016 P a g e | 18 LESTARI Wisma GKBI, 12th Floor, #1210 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta 10210, Indonesia. Phone: +62-21 574 0565 Fax: +62-21 574 0566 Email: info@lestari.or.id