8. REPORTS A. Sheriff`s Office B. Animal Control C. Litter Control D
8. REPORTS A. Sheriff`s Office B. Animal Control C. Litter Control D
SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 8. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. REPORTS Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Litter Control Building Permits Cooperative Extension Solid Waste Quantities Personnel Shared Services Committee Regular Session i August 22, 2016 Southampton County Sheriff's Office 2016 Activity Report Month Of Year-To- Received Jul Date Sheriff - Calls For Service 422 2,724 Sheriff - Traffic Stops 830 5,032 Animal Control Calls 82 520 Senior Citizen Calls 372 2,832 Fire Responses 79 664 EMS Responses 185 1,154 Month Of Year-To- Calls For Service 911 Center Jul Date 5,721 37,488 911 Landline Calls 107 867 911 Wireless Calls 549 3,410 4,197 27,602 868 5,609 83.69% 79.73% Telephone Calls Total Calls Admin Calls Received Admin Calls Made Wireless vs Total 911 Wireless vs All Calls 11.31% 10.70% Total 911 vs All Calls 13.52% 13.42% Ring Time Month Of Year-To- Statistics Jul Date 0 to 10 seconds 1,778 11,667 11 to 20 seconds 57 385 21 to 30 seconds 11 58 Greater than 31 secs. 5 57 Community Month Of Year-To- Notifications Jul Date 4 33 545 4,919 Text Messages 1,507 10,248 Calls Complete 184 1,296 Notifications Emails Weather Warnings 2 16 Contacts Complete 5,042 45,722 Southampton County Sheriff's Office 2015 Activity Report Month Of Year-To- Rescue Calls Jul Date Total Rescue Calls 185 1,154 Jul Year-ToDate Total Number of Total Number Calls # Calls Times Boykins Rescue 40 5 266 Capron Rescue 29 5 166 Courtland Rescue 66 3 388 Ivor Rescue 27 7 186 Franklin Rescue 33 3 218 Greensville Rescue 0 2 Windsor Rescue 0 3 Waverly Rescue 0 1 Zone Car 38 Helicopters Requested 0 8 248 11 2015 Activity Report Fire Department Calls Month Of Year-To- Fire Calls Jul Date Total Calls By Station 79 664 Boykins Fire 4 73 Branchville Fire 2 16 Capron Fire 7 49 Courtland Fire 18 113 Hunterdale Fire 11 101 Ivor Fire 7 48 Drewryville Fire 4 31 Sedley Fire 7 85 Newsoms Fire 14 96 Franklin Fire 5 51 Wakefield Fire 0 0 Emporia Fire 0 1 Forestry 0 3 Fire Department First Responders (not included in above count) Sedley (Respond) 3 24 Newsoms (No response) 7 31 Southampton County Sheriff's Office 2015 Activity Report Traffic Offenses Total 914 5,822 Other Traffic Offenses 879 5,535 Reckless Driving 24 133 DUI Drive Suspended 0 11 5 149 Warrants Served 94 720 Month Of Jul Year-ToDate Child Support Order 42 292 Confess Judgement 0 13 Detention Order 0 16 Garnishment Summons 42 265 Motion For Judgement 2 15 Notice 35 284 Order 1 15 Petition 0 17 Protective Order, Emerg 17 83 Protective Order, Prel 1 27 Protective Order, Final 4 24 Prot Order Removal 1 3 Show Cause Summons 36 233 Subpeona/Comm Atty 122 812 Subpeona 179 1,429 Subpeona Duces Tecum 2 4 Summons 88 727 Summons Ans Inter 4 31 Summons Unlaw Det 34 304 Transportation Order 20 157 Warrant in Debt/Detinue 67 459 Writ of Fieri Facias 3 15 Writ of Possession 7 52 Writ of Poss/Unlaw Det 19 93 Other 0 2 726 5,372 Civil Papers Served Monthly Totals PAGE 7576532906 County of Southampton Office of the Sheriff Post Office Box 70 Courtland, Virginia 23837 Office: 757-653-2100 Fax: 757-653-9452 Report to the Board of Supervisors For the month of July "2016" The following activities were conducted by Animal ContrOl: 18 Stray 0 Injured or III 0 Cats Handled 23 Dogs Handled 0 Cats. Surrendered by Owner 5 Dogs, Surrendered by Owner 0 Cat Bite 0 Cats Quarantined, Owner 0 Cats Quarantined, SHSO 1 Dog Bite 0 Oogs Quarantined, Owner 0 Dogs Quarantined, SHSO 0 Cats Euthanl zed 4 Dogs Euthanized 4 Dog Trap s 0 Summons Issued 20 Picked Up 5 Gone On Arrival 2 No One Home 0 Dead On Arrival 57 Telephone 15 Check License 6 Lost Dog 0 Lost Cat 4 Return To Owner 1 Dogs Adopted _ _--'Dc. ° --~ 14 --..::..:.. Cats Adopted Large Animals Other RELEASED TO PACC _ _ _0:.. Cat Traps 23 ---=- Total Number of Animals Total Number of Calls "SEE MONTHLY REPORr' 01 Southampton County Litter Program July: 2016 A. At this time we have 28 assigned to litter program . B. 56 Miles of roads to be dean for litter. C. 25 Bags of litter pick up. D. Three Tires pick up. Newsome: Gray Shop Rd. Cross Keys Rd . Franklin : Sycamore Church Rd. Smiths Ferry Rd. Capron: Buckhorn Quarter Rd. Branchville: The Hall Rd . Broad St. Deweyville : Old Church Rd. Adams Grove Rd. Ivor :Ivor Rd . Sedley:Round Hill Rd. St. luke RD . 10 3 9 \1d 906GES9LSL 6E : 'G 9 , 0GIL0/80 Franklin-Southampton BUILDING PERMIT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING: 07/31/2016 Printed: 8/16/2016 5:16 pm Page 10f4 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION NEW SINGLE FAMILY Owner/ Address Desaiption/ParcelID BAKER 207 WEST SECOND AVE LAND DISTURBING CONAWAY, MORRIS 13251 PLANK ROAD 23837 MOBILE HOME TP 18-9C ROSE, JR., JERRY DAVIS II< DONNA E. 24116 INDIAN TOWN ROAD 23837 NEW SINGLE FAMILY 59-6-3 Estimated Value 0 9,530 350,000 TOTALS: 3 359,530 TOTAL NEW RESIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION: 3 359,530 RESIDENTIAL RENOVATIONS Owner/ Address Description/Parcel 10 HILUARD, MARY II< COPELAND, WYNNDOLYN 1508 WEST ORCLE 23851 RESIDENTIAL ADDmON 60,000 EVANS, MARY 36214 BROADWATER RD - IVOR 23866 RESIDENTIAL ADDmON TP 15A3-2-48 15,000 BRUNO, ANNELLO 35326 AMANDA LOOP 23866 RESIDENTIAL ADDmON 15A4-1-15 12,600 CHEROENHAKA (NOTTOWAY) INDIAN TRIBE 27345 AQUIA PATH 23837 GARAGE/CARPORT 75-12E 5,700 BURGESS, WILLIAM 71 CRESCENT DR 23851 RESIDENTIAL ADDmON 8,000 DAVIS, LORIE L. 7106 BELL ROAD 23866 GARAGE/CARPORT 6-7-2 50,000 DICKSON, PAUL II< TERESA 323 CLAY STREET 23851 RESIDENTIAL RENOVATIONS 10,500 PHELPS, JUDY T. 31186 CARDINAL AVE 23851 RESIDENTIAL ADDmON TP 77B-1-24 JONE~SR. EARNEST GARAGE/CARPORT 10,500 GRIFFITH, KEVIN J. 22408 SCOTTSWOOD DRIVE 23851 RESIDENTIAL RENOVATIONS 62-45A 20,000 RIDDICK, TOM AND DENISE 24448 MOUNT HOREB RD - NEWSOMS 23874 RESIDENTIAL ADDmON TP 102-74A 45,000 BOYCE, GARY II< JACKIE 32324 SOUTH MAIN STREET 23827 RESIDENTIAL ADOmON 112A-5-1-8 2,500 Estimated Value 4,600 105 HOLLAND ORCLE 23851 Franklin-Southampton BUILDING PERMIT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING: 07/31/2016 Printed: 8/16/2016 5:16 pm Page2of4 244,400 12 TOTALS: COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES Estimated Value Owner/Address Description/Parcel 10 PINNACLE AGRICULTURAL 1072 BUSINESS DR 23851 NEW BUSINESS (OFFICE) PINNACLE AGRICULTURAL 1072 BUSINESS DR 23851 NEW INDUSTRIAL 650,000 PATEL, MAC DBA PRASOM REALTY GROUP, LLC 1437 ARMORY DRIVE 23851 NEW BUSINESS (OFFICE) 783,103 90,000 1,523,103 3 TOTALS: COMMERCIAL RENOVATIONS Owner/Address Description/Parcel 10 CITY OF FRANKUN PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1050 PRETLOW STREET 23851 COMMERCIAL RENOVATIONS FRANKUN / SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY FAIR 25376 NEW MARKET ROAD 23837 COMMERCIAL ADDmONS TOTALS: -- Estimated Value 1 4,501 2 - 4,500 --- r' t _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '.,';"i':'I!"I'W7H'U8 Owner/Address Description/Parcel 10 Estimated Value MATHIAS, JIMMY L. 39108 MONROE RD 23851 TOTALS: SWIMMING POOL 4,500 4,500 1 DEMOLITION PERMIT Owner/ Address Description/ParcellD SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH 30213 SHILOH ROAD 23837 DEMOUTION 1 COURTLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 22264 MAIN STREET 23837 DEMOLITION 1,000 BULLS, CHRISTOPHER 18117 WAKEFIELD ROAD 23866 DEMOUTION 2,000 TOTALS: i't;'.,aiitia:tI"'n;SiAfJa:ig"Lfi".'i'i_ ----~ ~--~ ~--- ~- Estimated Value 3 3,001 24 2,139,035 Printed: 8/16/2016 5:16 pm Page 3 of4 Franklin-Southampton BUILDING PERMIT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING: 07/31/2016 CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY DATE ISSUED TYPE ADDRESS NO C/O's ISSUED TOTAL PERMIT 8t INSPECTION FEES GENERATED: TOTAL OTHER REVENUE GENERATED: STATE SURCHARGE COLLECTED: GENERATED: 15,247.80 15,385.00 372.32 'mr"':i:ru:miiidaSi§:,!C.a._~~~=_=~..,;;.3..;:1':.;,0,;;0;.5';.;;1;;;2~~~=_~~= -- -- ---OTHER PERMITS ISSUED: TYPE RES COMM FEES VALUE ELECTRICAL PERMIT EROSION CONTROL MECHANICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT ZONING PERMIT 11 3 10 7 16 8 3 2 4 4 1,548.00 800.00 1,950.00 4,467.00 475.00 176,601 85,617 110,190 988,140 139,031 TOTALS: 47 21 9,240.00 1,499,579 PROJECT CODE RECAP PERMITS BY TYPE COMMERCIAL ADDmONS COMMERCIAL RENOVATIONS DEMOLmON E8tS/ AGREE IN UEU ELECTRICAL PERMITS GARAGE/CARPORT LAND DISTURBING MECHANICAL PERMIT MOBILE HOME NEW BUSINESS (OFFICE) NEW INDUSTRIAL NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELUNG PLUMBING PERMITS SWIMMING POOL RESIDENTIAL ADDmON RESIDENTIAL RENOVATIONS ZONING CLEARANCE TOTALS # OF PERMITS 1 1 3 ESTIMATED VALUE 5 19 3 1 4,500 3,001 85,617 176,601 66,200 1 o 12 110,190 9,530 873,103 650,000 350,000 988,140 4,500 147,700 30,500 139,031 1 2 1 1 11 1 7 2 20 91 3,638,614 PERMITS BY AREA DESCRIPTION SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY JOYNER'S ACRES TOTALS # OF PERMITS 46 ESTIMATED VALUE 1 712,836 1 47 712,837 Franklin-Southampton BUILDING PERMIT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING: 07/31/2016 INSPECTIONS BY TYPE PERMIT TYPE BUILDING PERMIT ELECTRICAL PERMIT EROSION CONTROL PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT SIGN PERMIT ZONING PERMIT TOTALS # OF INSPEcnONS Printed: 8/16/2016 5:16 pm Page4of4 RES COMM 75 35 2 18 16 1 1 68 28 1 17 13 0 1 7 7 1 1 3 1 0 148 128 20 Printed: 8/08/2016 2:22 pm Page 1 of 1 Franklin-Southampton PERMITS FINALED FROM: 7/01/2016 TO 7/31/2016 ALL PERMITS FOR SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY DtAnaled Permit # Descrlptlon Address Job Value Map # 330,000 22434 SCOTTSWooD DRIVE - FRANKUN 62-45 14093 DAVl5 LANE 2382B 98-14F CONSTRUCT A 4,113 SQUARE E-16-000197 18070 VIRGINIA AVENUE 23827 TP 112 A-(5) 143-14 ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 3,000 7/28/2016 M-16-000206 22434 SCOTTSWooD DRIVE - fRANKUN 62-45 MECHANCIAL INSTALLATION 15,SOO 7/28/2016 E-16-000221 22434 SCOTTSWooD DRIVE - FRANKUN 62-45 ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 5,000 7/11/2016 B-16-000278 21609 COBB POND DRIVE 23837 59-26B INSTALL A 2264.8 SQUARE FOOT 7/21/2016 8-16-000414 8634 NEW ROAD 23866 15A2-1-164 CONSTRUCT A 1SLAND IN 7/21/2016 P-16-000437 8634 NEW ROAD 23B66 15A2-1-164 PlUMBING INSTALLATION 7/21/2016 E-16-000440 8634 NEW ROAD 15A2-1-164 ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 2,800 7/18/2016 E-16-000449 21609 COBB POND DRIVE 23837 59-26B ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 1,220 7/18/2016 P-16-000450 21609 COBB POND DRIVE 23837 59-26B PLUMBING INSTALLATION 1,200 7/11/2016 M-16-000451 21609 COaB POND DRIVE 23837 59-268 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 4,000 7/28/2016 E-16-000523 28561 BLACKHEAD SIGNPOST ROAD 88-338 ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 3,500 7/28/2016 M-16-000524 22434 SCOTTSWooD DRIVE - FRANKUN TP 62-45 MECHANICAL 100 7/08/2016 E-16-000536 31446 ROGERS DRIVE TP97-22A ELECTRlCAL UPGRADE 500 7/12/2016 E-16-000540 39241 WARRlQUE RD -lVOR 23866 TP 16-66 ELECTRlCAL RELOCATION 1,700 7/08/2016 E-16-000556 14093 DAVIS LANE 98-14F ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 1,500 7/08/2016 P- 16-000557 PLUM81NG INSTALLATION 2,000 7/08/2016 M-16-000558 14093 DAVIS LANE 98-14F 14093 DAVIS LANE 98-14F MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 6,000 7/21/2016 M-16-000606 32018 SYCAMORE CHURCH ROAD 23B51 92-50A MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 850 7/19/2016 E-16-000630 29436 DEER TRAIL 23837 61A-1-16 ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 900 7/26/2016 E- 16-000641 18434 BARROW ROAD 23829 72-2-1 ELECTRlCAL INSTALLATION 2,000 7/28/2016 B-15-001025 7/11/2016 L-16-000093 7/19/2016 TOTAL # OF PERMITS: 22 TOTAL VALUE: 592,098 E Ir.S CONTROL 50 198,278 11,500 500 Printed: 8/08/2016 2:23 pm Page 1 of2 Franklin-Southampton PERMITS FINALED FROM: 7/01/2016 TO 7/31/2016 ALL PERMITS Dt Flnaled Address PermIt # Description Job Value Map # 330,000 22434 SCOTTSWOOO DRIVE - FRANKUN 62-45 14093 DAVlS LANE 23828 98-14F CONSTRUCT A 4,113 SQUARE E-16-000197 18070 VlRGINlA AVENUE 23827 TP 112 A-(5) 143-14 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 3,000 7/28/2016 M-16-000206 22434 SCOTTSWOOD DRIVE - FRANKUN 62-45 MECHANClAL INSTALLATION 15,500 7/28/2016 E-16-000221 22434 SCOTTSWooD DRIVE - FRANKUN 62-45 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 5,000 7/11/2016 8-16-000278 21609 C088 POND DRIVE 23837 59-268 INSTALL A 2264.8 SQUARE FOOT 7/12/2016 E-16-000330 7/28/2016 B-15-001025 7/11/2016 L-16-000093 7/19/2016 7/21/2016 207 FOREST PINE ROAD 23851 Not In record 8634 NEW ROAD 23866 8-16-000414 15A2-1-164 E&SCONTROL 50 198,278 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1,300 CONSTRUCT A ISLAND IN 11,500 500 7/21/2016 P-16-OO0437 8634 NEW ROAD 23B66 15A2-1-164 PLUM81NG INSTALLATION 7/21/2016 E-16-000440 8634 NEW ROAD 15A2-1-164 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 2,800 7/18/2016 E-16-000449 21609 C08B POND DRIVE 23837 59-26B ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1,220 7/18/2016 P-16-000450 21609 C08B POND DRIVE 23837 59-26B PLUM81NG INSTALLATION 1,200 7/11/2016 M-16-000451 21609 C08B POND DRIVE 23837 59-268 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 4,000 7/28/2016 E-16-000523 28561 8LACKHEAD SIGNPOST ROAD 88-338 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 3,500 7/28/2016 M-16-000524 22434 SCOTTSWOOD DRIVE - FRANKUN TP62-45 MECHANICAL 100 7/08/2016 E-16-000536 31446 ROGERS DRIVE TP97-22A ELECTRICAL UPGRADE 500 7/12/2016 E-16-000540 39241 WARRIQUE RD - IVOR 23866 TP 16-66 ELECTRICAL RELOCATION 1,700 7/26/2016 B-16-oo0554 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO 17,000 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1,500 PLUM8ING INSTALLATION 2,000 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 6,000 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 3,200 7/08/2016 1376 ARMORY DR 23851 Not In record E-16-0oo556 14093 DAVlS LANE 98-14F 7/08/2016 P-16-0OO557 7/08/2016 M-16-oo0558 7/18/2016 E-16-oo0573 7/07/2016 8-16-000574 408 RIVER ROAD 23851 Not In record 7/21/2016 M-16-000579 1280 ARMORY DRIVE 23851 Not In record 7/26/2016 E-16-000581 14093 DAVlS LANE 98-14F 14093 DAVlS LANE 98-14F 901 RE8ECCA ST 23B51 022-(198)-12 1376 ARMORY DR DEMOUTION OF A TWO-STORY 100 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 5,900 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 600 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 500 Not In record 7/12/2016 M-16-000586 901 RE8ECCA STREET 23851 Not In record Printed: 8/08/2016 2:23 pm Page 20f2 PERMITS ISSUED FROM: 7/01/2016 TO 7/31/2016 DtIssued Pennlt#1 Property Address 7/11/2016 E-16-oo0596 7/20/2016 B-16-000597 7/20/2016 7/21/2016 Description Fee Job Value Parcel 10# Owner Name Contractor ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1,350 39108 MONROE RD 23851 TP 115-18G INSTALL 24' ABOVE GROUND 4,500 E-16-000598 39108 MONROE RD TP 115-18G ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 75 M-16-000606 32018 SYCAMORE CHURCH ROAD 23851 92-50A MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 850 105 5UNsET DR 23851 TP 088-(004)-145, 146 ELECTRICAL UPGRADE 7/29/2016 E-16-000613 7/21/2016 M-16-0oo616 176 COVEY CIR 23851 Not In record 716 FAIRVIEW DRIVE 23851 Not In record 0 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 850 7/19/2016 E-16-0oo630 29436 DEER TRAIL 23837 61A-1-16 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 900 7/25/2016 E-16-0oo640 1072 BUSINESS DR 23851 TP 155-(186)-1 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1,500 18434 BARROW ROAD 23829 72-2-1 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 2,000 7/26/2016 E-16-0oo641 TOTAL # OF PERMITS: 35 TOTAL VALUE: 628,973 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000659 757-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/25/2016 Location: 13251 PLANK ROAD 23837 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Legal: Parcel ID: TP 18-9C Owner: CONAWAY, MORRIS Address: 26224 ROCHELLE STREET City ST ZIP: COURTLAND, VA 23837 PH: 757-556-6402 Contractor: Address: City ST ZIP: PH: Improvement Desc: INSTALL USED 1092 SQ. FT. MOBILE HOME lAW ORIGINAL SET-UP MANUAL. G<J~ 111 Remarks: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY. Value of Improvement: 9530 Fee Due 188.20 BUILDING OFFl~~'O L c£c.<'f. u:>t-$y All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG I!! ITS THE LAW!!! 1·800·552·7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000590 Permission Is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/06/2016 Location: 24116 INDIAN TOWN ROAD 23837 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Legal: ParcelID: 59-6-3 Owner: ROSE, JR., JERRY DAVIS & DONNA E, Address: POBOX 709 City ST ZIP: COURTLAND, VIRGINIA 23837 PH: 757 651-9244 Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: CONSTRUCT A 3,543 SQUARE FOOT NSFD lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Lienholder: FARMERS BANK 28319 SOUTHAMPTON PARKWAY COURTLAND, VIRGINIA 23831 PH: 151142-6203 THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 350000 Fee Due 448,30 Applicant: All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of cons. t£w~lrWc~at approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG !!l ITS THE LAW III 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000607 Permission is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/12/2016 Location: 36214 BROADWATER RD - IVOR 23866 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Parcel ID: TP 15A3-2-48 Legal: Owner: EVANS, MARY Address: 36214 BROADWATER ROAD 23866 City ST ZIP: IVOR, VA PH: 757-928-5231 Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: CONSTRUCT 36' X 36' GARAGE lAW PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Remarks: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY. 31ue of Improvement: 15000 Fee Due 127.00 BUILDING OFFI~~ i,. £- J.s,lt\ holders of permit, or th . agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so tUlIUJ lroval may be given before work is continued. LL BEFORE YOU DIG Ii! ITS THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000625 757-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/18/2016 Location: 35326 AMANDA LOOP 23866 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY ParcelID: 15A4-1-15 Legal: Owner: BRUNO, ANNELLO Address: 35326 AMANDA LOOP City ST ZIP: IVOR, VIRGINIA 23866 PH: 757 651-0159 23487 PH: 757435-7627 Contractor: ROGERS, JEFFREY M. Address: 7318 JOYNERS BRIDGE ROAD City ST ZIP: WINDSOR, VIRGINIA Improvement Desc: INSTALLATION OF A 30' X 25' CONCRETE PAD FOR A METAL BUILDING PURCHASED FROM CAROLINAL CARPORTS, INC. / lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Uenholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 12600 Fee Due 167.80 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIAL:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG!!! ITS THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000637 Permission Is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/20/2016 Location: 7106 BELL ROAD 23866 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Legal: Parcel ID: 6-7-2 Owner: DAVIS, LORIE L. Address: 7106 BELL ROAD City ST ZIP: IVOR, VIRGINIA 23866 PH: 757 310-2731 Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: CONSTRUCT A 40' X 80' GARAGE AND WALK-WAY FROM HOUSE TO GARAGE lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Lienholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 50000 Fee Due 310.60 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIAL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ All holders of permit. or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG I!! IT'S THE LAW !ll 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton BUILDING PERMIT 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 8-16-000639 757-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/20/2016 Location: 323 CLAY STREET 23851 Zoned As: Subdivision: Legal: ParcelID: Owner: DICKSON, PAUL &. TERESA Address: 323 CLAY STREET City ST ZIP: FRANKLIN, VIRGINIA PH: 757 295-1399 23851 Contractor: VIRGINIA FOUNDATION SOLUTIONS, INC Address: 3809 ANSON LANE City ST ZIP: VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 PH: 757-927-2758 Improvement Desc: SEALED CRAWL SPACE DESIGN, WUSE SUPPLY AIR &. RETURN lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Uenholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 10500 Fee Due 167.80 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIALD~~ All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CAlL BEFORE YOU DIG !I! ITS THE LAW !1I 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000650 Permission is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/21/2016 Location: 31186 CARDINAL AVE 23851 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY ParcelID: TP 778-1-24 Legal: Owner: PHELPS, JUDY T. Address: 31186 CARDINAL AVENUE City ST ZIP: FRANKLIN, VA 23851 PH: Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: CONSTRUCT PORCH ADDITION WITH SALT-TREATED FLOOR AND ROOF lAW PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Remarks: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY. Value of Improvement: 4600 Fee Due 121.90 Applicant: All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG !!! ITS THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 / 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000657 Permission is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/22/2016 Location: 22408 SCOTTSWOOD DRIVE 23851 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Parcel 10: 62-45A Legal: Owner: GRIFFITH, KEVIN J. Address: 22396 SCOTTSWOOD DRIVE City ST ZIP: FRANKLIN, VIRGINIA Contractor: JES CONSTRUCTION INC Address: 569 CENTRAL DRIVE City ST ZIP: VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23851 PH: SUITE 200 23454 PH: 804-425-9912 Improvement Desc: FOUNDATION STABILIZATION UTILIZING SMART JACKS lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Lienholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 20000 Fee Due 188.20 BUILDING OFFICIAl.,:... All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of can approval may be given before work is continued. CAll BEFORE YOU,Qikhll(E S4~t~b5~~7;Ol Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000671 757-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/28/2016 Location: 24448 MOUNT HOREB RD - NEWSOMS 23874 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY ParcelID: TP 102-74A Legal: Owner: RIDDICK, TOM AND DENISE Address: 24448 MOUNT HOREB ROAD City ST ZIP: NEWSOMS, VA 23874 PH: 757-653-1470 23315 PH: (757)569-9092 Contractor: HACHEY CONSTRUCTION Address: 1517 JOYNER'S BRIDGE ROAD City ST ZIP: CARRSVILLE, VA Improvement Desc: CONSTRUCT 24' X 28' SINGLE STORY ADDITION ON END OF EXISTING DWELLING lAW PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Remarks: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPEcnON IS MANDATORY. Value of Improvement: 45000 Fee Due 290.20 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIA~~/t!J:/r. All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG !!! IT'S THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207 W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000589 Permission is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/06/2016 Location: 32324 SOUTH MAIN STREET 23827 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Parcel ID: 112A-5-1-8 Legal: Owner: BOYCE, GARY & JACKIE GARYBOYCE48@GMAIL,COM Address: POBOX 13 City ST ZIP: BOYKINS, VIRGINIA 23827 PH: Contractor: Address: City ST ZIP: PH: Improvement Desc: CONSTRUCT A 12' X 42' WOODEN DECK lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Lienholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 2500 Fee Due 127.00 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIAL:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG !l! ITS THE LAW)1! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 201W2ndAve Franklin VA 28351 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000628 151-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable state and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 1/18/2016 Location: 21345 AQUIA PATH 23831 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Legal: Parcel ID: 15-12E Owner: CHEROENHAKA (NOTTOWAY) INDIAN TRIBE Address: 21345 AQUIA PATH City ST ZIP: COURTLAND, VIRGINIA 23831 PH: 151354-6839 Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: INSTALL A 36' X 26' METAL SHED lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Lienholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 5100 Fee Due 127.00 ~20, eXt::?" All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that Applicant: approval may be given before work is continued. CAll BEFORE YOU DIG !i! ITS THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 BUILDING OFFICIAL: dJ(llliJ£2 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000656 757-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/22/2016 Location: 25376 NEW MARKET ROAD 23837 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY ParcelID: 77-73A Legal: Owner: FRANKUN 1 SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY FAIR Address: 25376 NEW MARKET ROAD City ST ZIP: COURTLAND, VIRGINIA 23837 PH: Contractor: Address: City ST ZIP: PH: Improvement Desc: ERECT RIDES FOR FRANKUN 1 SOUTHAMPTON FAIR - THREE SPECTACULAR RIDES, TWO CIRIFLAT RIDES AND NINE KIDDIE RIDES lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Lienholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 1 Fee Due 494.20 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIAL:~ )}WIf..,;>t~ All holders of penn it, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CAll BEFORE YOU DIG !!! ITS THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000597 Permission Is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/07/2016 Location: 39108 MONROE RD 23851 Zoned As: Subdivision: Legal: Parcel ID: TP U5-18G Owner: MATHIAS, JIMMY L. Address: 39108 MONROE ROAD City ST ZIP: FRANKLIN, VA 23851 PH: 757-569-0190 Contractor: Address: City ST ZIP: PH: Improvement Desc: INSTALL 24' ABOVE GROUND POOL WITH DECK AND SELF-LATCHING AND SELF-CLOSING GATE Remarks: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY. Value of Improvement: 4500 Fee Due 121.90 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIAL:O< '!!!f!dF'Z'.h{ll'f~ All holders of pennit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CAlL BEFORE YOU DIG I!! IT'S THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000597 757-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/07/2016 Location: 39108 MONROE RD 23851 Zoned As: Subdivision: Legal: ParcelID: TP U5-18G Owner: MATHIAS, JIMMY L. Address: 39108 MONROE ROAD City ST ZIP: FRANKLIN, VA 23851 PH: 757-569-0190 Contractor: Address: City ST ZIP: PH: Improvement Desc: INSTALL 24' ABOVE GROUND POOL WITH DECK AND SELF-LATCHING AND SELF-CLOSING GATE Remarks: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY. Value of Improvement: 4500 Fee Due 121.90 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIAL:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG !!! ITS THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000614 Permission is hereby granted for building Installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable state and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/13/2016 Location: 30213 SHILOH ROAD 23837 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Legal: ParcelID: Owner: SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH Address: 30188 SHILOH ROAD 23851 City ST ZIP: BOYKINS, VA PH: 757-653-8980 Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: DEMOLISH EXISTING VACANT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING lAW SPECIFICATIONS. Remarks: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY. Value of Improvement: 1 Fee Due 25.50 Applicant: All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG !I! IT'S THE LAW!!! 1·800·552·7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 757-562-8580 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000631 Permission Is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Locallllws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/18/2016 location: 22264 MAIN STREET 23837 Zoned As: Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY legal: ParcelID: 60A-l-l-l0 Owner: COURTLAND BAPTIST CHURCH Address: 22264 MAIN STREET City ST ZIP: COURTLAND, VIRGINIA 23837 PH: Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: REMOVAL OF TWO TEMPORARY CLASSROOM TRAILERS lAW SPECIFICATIONS Remarks: Mechanic's Lienholder: NONE DESIGNATED THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT A FINAL INSPECTION IS MANDATORY Value of Improvement: 1000 Fee Due 25.50 Applicant: BUILDING OFFICIAL:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at the appropriate stage of construction so that approval may be given before work is continued. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG !ll ITS THE LAW!!! 1-SOO-552-7001 Franklin-Southampton 207W 2nd Ave Franklin VA 28351 BUILDING PERMIT 8-16-000667 757-562-8580 Permission is hereby granted for building installation, as noted below. All work will comply with the Virginia Building Code and all other applicable State and Local Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Date Issued: 7/27/2016 Location: 18117 WAKEFIELD ROAD 23866 Zoned As: A-1 Subdivision: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Legal: SINGLE WIDE M-H ParcelID: 45--188 Owner: BULLS, CHRISTOPHER Address: 25406 GUY PLACE ROAD City ST ZIP: COURTLAND, VIRGINIA PH: 757-653-1251 23837 Contractor: Address: PH: City ST ZIP: Improvement Desc: demo single wide M-H Remarks: All debris must be removed from the property and a final inspection must be made to complete this permit. Value of Improvement: 2000 Fee Due the.JIpp(~e stage of construction so that All holders of permit, or their agents shall notify the Inspection Department at approval may be given before work is continued. ~ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG I!! ITS THE LAW!!! 1-800-552-7001 ZONING CLEARENCES REVIEWED AND ISSUED 2016 New Retail / Business January February March April I May T June July rAugust September October November December YTDTotals New Additions / Alts Comm Commercial SFD Additions /Alts Residential 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 i r Accessory Structures (signs, fences, pools, Tents, Promotional Displays, Other Totals decks, etc.) --- t 1 1 Home Occupations l 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 6 1 7 --2 3 6 8 5 6 10 5 17 r I '"I 4 ~ ~ 1 2 4 4 16 --~- --~ 21 5 57 ZONING CLEARENCES REVIEWED AND ISSUED 2016 (Southampton County) Retail / NewSFD Business New Comm Additions fAIts Commercial Additions Home Accessory Tents, Occupations Structures (signs, Promotional Displays, Other fences, pools, fAIts Residential Totals decks, etc.) January February March April May June July August September October November December YTOTotals 1 I f ~ 1 4 4 6 8 4 2 -- - 5 2 1 3 1 1 1 7 ---1 1 I 29 1 7 13 I 2 29 81 Franklin-Southampton Date: 8/10/201611:07 am CODE ENFORCEMENT INSPECTIONS COMPLETED FROM: 7/01/2016 to 7/31/2016 DATE INSP 7/06/2016 RECORD/INSP INSP lYPE X-004432-002 Z008 RESULTS INSPECTOR A 08 Page 1 of 3 OWNER PROPERlY ADDRESS FOGAN, SAVORA 1330 1320 SOUTH STREET COMPLAINT COMPLAINT FENCE ON PROPERlY UNE 6/6/2016 - FENCE IS UP - WILL REVIEW PLAT 8ACK AT OFFICE TO SEE IF FENCE S IN COMPUANCE. 6/7/2016 - UPON REVIEWING PLAT, FENCE IS ENCROACHING ON NEIGHBOR PROPERlY. CALLED MR. CANNON 703-785-6383 OR 571 388-7137) TO EXPLAIN TO HIM THAT FENCE HAS TO BE REMOVED. HE WILL MOVE FENCE AROUND THE FIRST OF THE MONTH. F/U ON 7-6-2016. FENCE HAS BEEN MOVED. CLOSE. 7/06/2016 X-004462-001 ZC A DB TURNER, ARTHUR LEE JR 35 CRESCENT DRIVE V 08 COTTON, HOWARD R. 1205 CLAY ST Zoning Clearance CONSULT - FENCE. 7/08/2016 X-004466-003 PM06 High Grass High Grass High Grass Send Notice. Notice mailed 6/16/2016. flu 6/28/2016. Grass is not cut. Stop to speak with someone occupying the dwelling. No one answer. Call owner/tenat on record, Christopher&. Kelly Torres. Mr. Torres stated he will have grass cut this weekend. F/u 7/8/2016. 7/11/2016 X-004468-001 PM06 V 08 PM02 A DB WlLUAM &. ELLA GRIZZARD 12017 OLD 8ELFlELD ROAD High Grass - grass is very high. 7/12/2016 X-004478-001 80YKlNS MANOR MOBILE HOME 30401 TUCKERS DRIVE - BOYKINS Main 8ullding Property Maint ROOENT PROBLEM. ANT INFESTATION (ANTS IN HOUSE). MOLD IN WINDOWS THROUGHOUT HOUSE. MOLD ON DOORS. PLEASE CALL IN ADVANCE OF INSPECTION 617-4760 NOT IN VIOLATION. WILL SEND COPY OF LANDLORD TENATN ACT BOOKLET. CLOSE. 7/13/2016 X-004480-001 PM06 V 08 C A 0 INVESTMENTS LLC 913 RAILROAD AVE 2385 X-004482-001 PM07 A DB HARRIS, ALVIN 400 C08B ST 2385 V LDC High Grass SEND NOTICE 7/13/2016 Trash and Debris HIGH GRASS/TRASH/DEBRIS NOT IN VIOLATION. CLOSE 7/13/2016 X-004483-001 8022 Lancisberry, Sharon 28369 MONROE RD INVESTIGATION Investigation revealed that Tom Frets Construction did remove an interior wall that was over 20 feet long between the living room and dinning room of the above dwelling without a permit. 7/14/2016 X-004454-001 B022 V STORY, MAGGIE 28836 SUNBEAM ROAD INVESTIGATION POSSIBLY WORKING WITHOUT PERMIT investigation revealed, Contractor, Fretts Construction installed a wall in LDC Franklin-Southampton Date: 8/10/2016 11:07 am CODE ENFORCEMENT INSPECTIONS COMPLETED FROM: 7/01/2016 to 7/31/2016 DATEINSP RECORD /INSP INSP TYPE RESULTS INSPECTDR Page 2 of 3 DWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS Remari<s for X-004454-001 continued ... the bathroom and plumbing behine the walls at this dwelling, without benefit of permits. 7/14/2016 X-004466-001 PM06 V DB conON, HOWARD R. 1205 CLAYST PM06 V DB CHESAPEAKE BAY PROPERTIES LLC o DORCHESTER ST PM07 V DB VIOLA REID 1912 HARRIS STREET V DB HELEN RAY HANDSHAW o HOGART High Grass Send Notice. Notice mailed 6/16/2016. flu 6/28/2016. 7/14/2016 X-004476-001 High Grass SEND NOTICE. 7/14/2016 X-004485-OO1 Trash and Debris - several violation pending. will contact Ms. Porter 7/15/2016 X-004463-OO2 PM06 High Grass High Grass 5ENT NOTICE. NOTICE MAILED 6/16/2016 - CERT. 7015 0920 00021854 8451. F/U 6/28/2016. 7/19/2016 X-004470-001 PM06 V DB ZC V DB V DB BLUNT, GURNEY 309 RD05EVELT ST High Grass - WILL SEND NOTICE. 7/19/2016 X-004488-001 HUNT RANDY &. LAVERN 558 ASHTON AVENUE check to see if there is a zoning dearance .. 7/19/2016 X-004489'001 PM06 605 LAUREL STREET High Grass Send Notice. 7/19/2016 X-004490-001 PM06 V DB 614 LAUREL ST High Grass 5END NOTICE 7/20/2016 X-004487-001 PM06 V DB SECRETAY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 337 ROBINHDOD RD 2385 B022 V LDC UNION MISSION MINISTRIES 19034 UNION MISSION DRIVE High Grass sen notice 7/21/2016 X-004491-001 INVESTIGATION WoI'I< don without permits. Investigation revealed wol'l< requiring a Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical Permit(s) had been performed without benefit of permits and inspections. 7/21/2016 X-004487-002 PM06 A DB SECRETAY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 337 ROBINHOOD RD V DEG EL RANCHERO (TENANT) 164 COUNCILL DR 2385 High Grass High Grass send notice. Grass cut. close 7/26/2016 X-004493·001 PMll Other/Misc. FASADE FALUNG ON BUILDING. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. CONDmON: Moisture invasion of the exterior EFtS along canopy face and overhang causing the Insulation board to become detached from the structure which poses a safety hazard to public safety. ACTION REQUIRED: Inspect and repair the exterior Insulation Anish 5ystem (EFtS) by qualified EFl5 installer along the exterior canopy / overhang area in accordance with manufactures specifications Including proper ftashlng and sealing. Franklin-Southampton Date: 8/10/2016 11:07 am CODE ENFORCEMENT INSPECTIONS COMPLETED FROM: 7/01/2016 to 7/31/2016 DATE INSP RECORD/INSP INSP TYPE RESULTS INSPECTOR Page 3 of 3 OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS Remarks for X-004493-001 continued ••• The violations should be corrected within 20 days of receipt of this notification. A building permit Is required for this work. TOTAL # of INSPECTIONS: 21 Southampton County Extension Report Jul 16, 2016 Aug 15, 2016 Kimberly Atkinson, Extension Agent, 4H Neil Clark, Extension Agent, ANR Teisha Evans, UAA – 4H Livvy Preisser, Extension Agent, ANR Agriculture ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● July 11th Livvy began in Southampton County Pesticide jug granulation on July 18th Ag newsletter out to over 100 producers Serve on S&W board as Extension representative Assisted with providing information to growers from across Virginia at AgExpo Planning Ag Days in Sussex, Emporia, and Southampton Attended the Franklin Farmers Market with children’s activity table about agriculture and 4H with Kim (4H agent) Scouted sorghum fields and found the sugarcane aphid present in Southampton County Met with farmer on hay production in Southampton County Backlight trap catching brown marmalade stink bugs and corn earworm moths Provided information to 39 individuals concerning pest ID and control recommendations, horticultural diagnosis, ag economics, and livestock issues. Youth Development ● FranklinSouthampton County Fair scarecrow contest, veggie art, livestock shows, and horticulture contests ● Conducted 4H Livestock Show where 19 youth squared up in poultry, rabbit, goat, and beef competitions. These shows were the culmination of the year’s trainings received from the livestock club meetings and peertopeer mentoring that took place. This presented the opportunity for the cumulative evaluation of animal care, grooming, presentation, communication, and overall leadership skills. ● Administered many 4H elements in conjunction with the FranklinSouthampton County Fair including horticulture where over 60 entries were received showcasing various vegetable, fruits, nuts, flowers, and field crops; veggie art where 8 youth exercised their creativity in crafting works of art from common vegetables; and 13 youth created unique scarecrows which are functional for crop protection to an extent. ● Advertised for Dove Hunt on September 3rd. ● Mailed 90 dove hunt invitations ● Horse clinic held informing 8 youth of proper care, grooming, and horsemanship ● 4H shooting sports meeting held for 15 youth and adult volunteers focusing on safe operation of firearms, leadership characteristics, and honing competition skills Outreach and Administrative ● Attended the 2016 Agriculture Expo in Dinwiddie ● Attended the Southeast VA Soybean Field Day in Virginia Beach ● Marketing for holiday events and specialty camps at Airfield 4H Center http://www.airfieldconference.com/calendar.php ● Attended the various conference calls and webinars Contacts for this month: 441 facetoface; 143 calls; 292 mailings; 539 emails; 54 likes on Facebook; reached 414 people via internet & social media SOLID WASTE QUANTITIES FY 2010 (tons) July 845 FY 2011 (tons) 805 FY 2012 (tons) 691 FY 2013 (tons) 761 FY 2014 (tons) 822 FY 2015 (tons) 818 FY 2016 (tons) 800 August 803 747 767 775 731 688 632 September 828 670 803 662 702 747 724 October 741 659 696 730 735 688 726 November 779 687 725 681 620 597 710 December 773 578 718 598 739 811 800 January 736 690 691 735 604 584 586 February 574 599 664 568 609 517 642 March 919 815 787 617 681 812 895 April 858 708 744 798 805 844 733 May 747 722 770 752 758 720 733 June 778 759 685 656 698 747 840 Monthly Average 782 703 728 694 709 714 735 FY 2017 (tons) 717 717 REFUSE DISPOSAL - FISCAL YEAR 2017 Waste Management Invoices Refuse taken to Waverly, by date and tonage. Jul-16 Aug-16 DATE TONS DATE TONS 7/28 Sep-16 DATE TONS Oct-16 DATE TONS Nov-16 DATE TONS Dec-16 DATE Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS 11.33 MONTHLY TOTALS 11.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RUNNING TOTAL TONAGE FOR FISCAL YEAR: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 11.33 Southeastern Public Service Authority of Virginia Refuse handled by SPSA, by date and tonage. Jul-16 Aug-16 DATE TONS DATE TONS 7/31 Sep-16 DATE TONS Oct-16 DATE TONS Nov-16 DATE TONS Dec-16 DATE Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS DATE TONS 705.27 MONTHLY TOTALS 705.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RUNNING TOTAL TONAGE FOR FISCAL YEAR: 0.00 0.00 705.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WOOD AND VEGETATIVE WASTE RECYCLING - FISCAL YEAR 2015 Green Waste Recycling, L.L.C. Wood and Vegetative Waste Recycling, by date and number of loads. Each load weighs approximately one ton. Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS 19.00 8/1 MONTHLY 19 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 RUNNING TOTAL TONAGE FOR FISCAL YEAR: 0 0 0 0 0 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 19.00 Gray & Sons Construction, Inc. Wood and Vegetative Waste Recycling, by date and number of loads. Each load is one 20 cubic yard container, which weighs approximately one ton. Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS DATE LOADS 11.00 8/3 MONTHLY TOTALS 11 0 0 0 0 0 RUNNING TOTAL TONAGE FOR FISCAL YEAR: 0 0 11.00 0 0 0 0 REFUSE COLLECTION SITES COSTS pg 1 of 4 JULY 06 - JAN 07 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SITES TOTAL 37,513.00 2,869.75 3,246.31 2,275.00 1,386.82 30.53 19,981.38 1,543.49 200,926.48 _____________ 269,772.76 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--DEC 07 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SITES TOTAL 233,505.40 17,863.21 15,020.02 6,195.00 14,035.85 30.53 27,436.24 1,977.65 210,829.04 _____________ 526,892.94 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--NOV 08 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SITES TOTAL 435,633.13 33,326.03 29,410.02 7,991.04 28,731.55 115.52 34,003.84 3,448.30 212,629.04 _____________ 785,288.47 FEB 07 MAR 07 APR 07 MAY 07 JUNE 07 JULY 07 AUG 07 16,661.75 1,274.63 867.72 1,193.41 656.51 9,812.56 ________ 30,466.58 16,138.50 1,234.60 1,000.25 1,360.00 1,263.60 1,071.88 224.16 90.00 ________ 22,382.99 18,093.25 1,384.14 989.75 1,450.00 1,506.65 2,354.86 ________ 25,778.65 16,947.00 1,296.45 1,115.30 450.00 1,162.15 774.92 ________ 21,745.82 18,380.25 1,406.09 1,906.95 1,915.03 261.46 ________ 23,869.78 17,464.63 1,336.05 101.87 ________ 18,902.55 18,589.01 1,422.06 1,007.45 1,067.56 121.54 ________ 22,207.62 SEPT 07 19,009.50 1,454.23 1,937.60 70.00 1,128.11 620.54 ________ 24,219.98 OCT 07 NOV 07 DEC 07 TOTAL COST TO DATE 17,512.38 1,339.70 980.74 590.00 1,033.95 406.78 210.00 ________ 22,073.55 18,995.00 1,453.12 1,004.80 1,168.48 234.12 ________ 22,855.52 18,201.13 1,392.39 963.15 1,108.22 952.25 ________ 22,617.14 233,505.40 17,863.21 15,020.02 6,195.00 14,035.85 30.53 27,436.24 1,977.65 210,829.04 __________ 526,892.94 JAN 08 FEB 08 MAR 08 APR 08 MAY 08 JUNE 08 JULY 08 AUG 08 SEPT 08 OCT 08 NOV 08 TOTAL COST TO DATE 16,965.00 1,297.83 963.15 90.00 1,695.67 1,718.08 ________ 22,729.73 18,922.50 1,447.58 864.50 165.92 1,625.14 327.64 ________ 23,353.28 17,682.75 1,352.73 1,088.70 2,014.63 190.94 ________ 22,329.75 18,183.00 1,391.00 985.20 1,401.33 3.42 ________ 21,963.95 18,186.63 1,391.28 939.25 1,231.05 3.99 ________ 21,752.20 18,908.00 1,446.47 2,106.20 1,400.00 2,050.00 1,297.65 ________ 27,208.32 17,696.25 1,353.77 127.34 84.99 ________ 19,262.35 19,136.40 1,463.94 3,138.35 1,063.86 1,194.31 ________ 25,996.86 18,840.40 1,441.29 1,521.10 140.12 1,213.53 732.07 1,470.65 ________ 25,359.16 18,396.40 1,407.33 993.85 1,145.07 863.26 ________ 22,805.91 19,210.40 1,469.60 1,789.70 1,128.08 236.24 1,800.00 ________ 25,634.02 435,633.13 33,326.03 29,410.02 7,991.04 28,731.55 115.52 34,003.84 3,448.30 212,629.04 __________ 785,288.47 DEC 08 17,745.20 1,357.51 1,357.74 1,164.02 ________ 21,624.47 JAN 09 FEB 09 MAR 09 APR 09 MAY 09 JUNE 09 JULY 09 AUG 09 19,225.20 1,470.73 1,994.20 1,691.85 509.69 ________ 24,891.67 19,180.80 1,467.33 1,029.60 1,772.89 197.59 ________ 23,648.21 17,071.80 1,306.00 935.35 1,952.84 533.53 ________ 21,799.52 18,870.00 1,443.56 954.85 1,598.00 90.90 ________ 22,957.31 18,470.40 1,412.99 993.85 1,368.53 379.81 6,652.12 ________ 29,277.70 18,426.00 1,409.59 2,065.95 2,181.34 637.62 ________ 24,720.50 18,825.60 1,440.16 3,024.35 136.97 199.96 ________ 23,627.04 19,365.80 1,481.49 1,232.85 1,990.00 961.59 185.68 ________ 25,217.41 SEPT 09 OCT 09 18,603.60 1,423.18 993.85 1,289.69 21.99 ________ 22,332.31 18,470.40 1,412.99 1,013.35 1,028.01 417.31 ________ 22,342.06 TOTAL COST TO DATE 639,887.93 48,951.56 43,648.22 9,981.04 42,702.47 1,484.05 38,341.94 3,448.30 219,281.16 __________ 1,047,726.67 REFUSE COLLECTION SITES COSTS pg 2 of 4 EXPENSES FROM JULY 06--OCT 09 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SITES TOTAL 639,887.93 48,951.56 43,648.22 9,981.04 42,702.47 1,484.05 38,341.94 3,448.30 219,281.16 _____________ 1,047,726.67 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--SEPT 10 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SITES TOTAL PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/EQUIPMENT SITES TOTAL 844,125.33 64,575.74 57,863.67 9,981.04 57,702.33 1,622.55 40,911.11 3,755.79 219,281.16 ________________ 1,299,818.72 NOV 09 19,180.80 1,467.34 1,058.85 1,290.35 1,110.21 ________ 24,107.55 DEC 09 JAN 10 FEB 10 MAR 10 APR 10 MAY 10 17,893.20 1,368.83 1,039.60 1,189.72 27.46 ________ 21,518.81 19,136.40 1,463.94 1,262.85 1,476.17 138.50 74.91 ________ 23,552.77 18,648.00 1,426.57 763.35 1,802.28 32.70 ________ 22,672.90 17,049.60 1,304.29 1,269.85 1,794.43 259.32 ________ 21,677.49 19,180.80 1,467.34 1,026.35 1,568.62 45.13 ________ 23,288.24 18,559.20 1,419.78 1,135.35 1,195.92 66.97 ________ 22,377.22 TOTAL COST TO DATE JUNE 10 JULY 10 AUG 10 SEPT 10 18,556.60 1,419.58 1,737.70 2,314.26 295.91 18,470.40 1,412.99 3,394.85 47.09 ________ 23,325.33 19,180.80 1,467.33 1,176.31 348.96 - 18,381.60 1,406.19 1,526.70 1,191.80 260.51 307.49 - 22,173.40 23,074.29 844,125.33 64,575.74 57,863.67 9,981.04 57,702.33 1,622.55 40,911.11 3,755.79 219,281.16 __________ 1,299,818.72 ________ 24,324.05 OCT 10 NOV 10 DEC 10 JAN 11 FEB 11 MAR 11 APR 11 MAY 11 JUN 11 JUL 11 AUG 11 TOTAL COST TO DATE 18,559.20 1,419.78 763.35 1,322.16 397.34 - 18,603.60 1,423.18 763.35 1,144.16 74.97 - 18,692.40 1,429.97 763.35 1,144.68 1,104.80 - 19,136.40 1,463.93 844.80 87.72 1,634.67 111.86 - 18,648.00 1,426.57 726.90 2,120.06 259.85 - 17,094.00 1,307.69 780.00 1,753.14 64.00 - 19,491.60 1,491.11 780.00 1,232.16 147.94 18,692.40 1,429.97 945.00 192.61 108.75 - 18,514.80 1,416.38 1,560.00 670.00 1,382.62 450.72 291.83 - 18,522.20 1,416.38 2,128.00 - 18,514.80 1,416.38 1,560.00 1,171.94 128.66 - 1,048,594.73 80,217.08 69,478.42 10,738.76 70,800.53 1,622.55 43,612.06 4,047.62 219,429.10 22,461.83 22,009.26 23,135.20 23,279.38 23,181.38 20,998.83 23,142.81 21,368.73 24,286.35 22,066.58 22,791.78 1,548,540.85 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--AUG 11 SEPT 11 OCT 11 NOV 11 DEC 11 JAN 12 FEB 12 MAR 12 APR 12 MAY 12 JUN 12 JUL 12 TOTAL COST TO DATE 1,048,594.73 80,217.08 69,478.42 10,738.76 70,800.53 1,622.55 43,612.06 4,047.62 219,429.10 19,214.40 1,469.90 780.00 1,347.03 173.75 - 18,470.40 1,412.99 780.00 987.12 - 18,657.60 1,427.31 780.00 1,313.04 10.51 - 18,814.60 1,439.32 780.00 1,171.45 37.03 - 19,614.90 1,500.54 780.00 1,274.40 28.18 - 18,844.80 1,441.63 780.00 1,705.39 208.28 - 18,210.60 1,393.11 780.00 1,556.07 18,120.00 1,386.18 780.00 1,340.37 - 19,614.90 1,500.54 1,720.00 2,037.27 9.99 - 19,803.65 1,514.98 930.00 1,241.30 602.30 - 462.91 - 18,935.40 1,448.56 2,128.00 1,248.30 1,256,895.98 96,152.14 80,496.42 10,738.76 84,773.97 1,622.55 45,145.01 4,047.62 220,677.40 1,548,540.85 22,985.08 21,650.51 22,188.46 22,242.40 23,198.02 22,980.10 21,949.77 24,092.23 21,626.55 25,335.62 23,760.26 1,800,549.85 REFUSE COLLECTION SITES COSTS Pg 3 of 4 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--JUL 12 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/EQUIPMENT SITES TOTAL 1,256,895.98 96,152.14 80,496.42 10,738.76 84,773.97 1,622.55 45,145.01 4,047.62 220,677.40 1,800,549.85 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--JUN 13 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/EQUIPMENT SITES TOTAL 1,465,880.05 112,139.34 90,066.42 11,088.76 99,698.09 1,622.55 47,718.13 4,047.62 220,677.40 2,052,938.36 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--MAY 14 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/EQUIPMENT SITES TOTAL 1,673,195.50 127,998.98 101,883.42 20,627.57 114,823.52 1,788.20 49,422.59 4,535.65 221,237.20 2,315,512.63 AUG 12 SEPT 12 OCT 12 NOV 12 DEC 12 JAN 13 FEB 13 MAR 13 APR 13 MAY 13 JUN 13 TOTAL COST TO DATE 19,380.86 1,482.64 1,560.00 1,286.04 600.06 24,309.60 19,433.71 1,486.60 780.00 1,051.22 165.84 22,917.37 18,120.00 1,386.18 780.00 350.00 1,152.04 15.54 21,803.76 19,713.06 1,508.05 780.00 1,309.70 340.54 23,651.35 18,754.20 1,434.70 780.00 1,264.78 176.73 22,410.41 19,146.84 1,464.73 780.00 1,641.48 21.05 23,054.10 19,569.60 1,497.07 780.00 1,602.81 23,449.48 17,440.50 1,334.20 780.00 1,714.41 111.30 21,380.41 18,935.40 1,448.56 780.00 1,390.25 302.05 22,856.26 19,010.90 1,454.33 990.00 1,439.43 682.71 23,577.37 19,479.00 1,490.14 780.00 1,071.96 157.30 22,978.40 1,465,880.05 112,139.34 90,066.42 11,088.76 99,698.09 1,622.55 47,718.13 4,047.62 220,677.40 2,052,938.36 JUL 13 AUG 13 SEPT 13 OCT 13 NOV 13 DEC 13 JAN 14 FEB 14 MAR 14 APR 14 MAY 14 TOTAL COST TO DATE 17,938.80 1,372.32 2,908.00 1,120.80 23,339.92 19,630.00 1,501.70 1,560.00 1,144.54 248.63 24,084.87 19,577.15 1,497.65 780.00 1,139.10 59.23 23,053.13 17,893.50 1,368.85 1,263.42 677.78 21,203.55 19,886.70 1,521.33 1,560.00 1,182.39 60.94 24,211.36 18,844.80 1,441.63 780.00 1,167.00 488.03 559.80 23,281.26 18,844.80 1,441.63 780.00 1,590.33 108.88 22,765.64 19,524.30 1,493.61 780.00 1,691.61 165.65 174.27 23,829.44 17,395.20 1,330.73 780.00 9,538.81 1,790.90 74.02 30,909.66 18,844.80 1,441.63 780.00 1,742.19 23.53 22,832.15 18,935.40 1,448.56 1,109.00 1,293.15 277.18 23,063.29 1,673,195.50 127,998.98 101,883.42 20,627.57 114,823.52 1,788.20 49,422.59 4,535.65 221,237.20 2,315,512.63 JUN 14 JUL 14 AUG 14 SEPT 14 OCT 14 NOV 14 DEC 14 JAN 15 FEB 15 MAR 15 APR 15 TOTAL COST TO DATE 19,881.20 1,515.56 780.00 950.14 23,126.90 18,074.70 1,382.71 2,908.00 1,133.68 500.97 24,000.06 19,614.90 1,500.54 1,560.00 1,165.35 13.98 23,854.77 18,844.80 1,441.63 780.00 1,022.65 112.33 22,201.41 18,844.80 1,441.63 780.00 19,660.20 1,504.01 780.00 1,014.59 9.98 22,968.78 18,165.30 1,389.65 780.00 1,269.73 21,604.68 19,584.70 1,498.23 780.00 1,877.29 694.34 24,434.56 19,660.20 1,504.01 780.00 1,587.82 23,532.03 17,802.90 1,361.92 780.00 19,071.30 1,458.95 780.00 1,997.48 2,062.21 240.26 776.00 22,182.56 24,148.46 1,289.90 621.51 22,977.84 1,882,400.50 143,997.82 113,371.42 20,627.57 130,194.36 1,788.20 52,391.96 4,535.65 221,237.20 2,570,544.68 REFUSE COLLECTION SITES COSTS Pg 4 of 4 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--APRIL 15 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/EQUIPMENT SITES TOTAL 1,882,400.50 143,997.82 113,371.42 20,627.57 130,194.36 1,788.20 52,391.96 4,535.65 221,237.20 2,570,544.68 ABOVE EXPENSES JULY 06--MARCH 16 PART-TIME SALARIES SITES FICA/PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & WEARING APPAREL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/EQUIPMENT SITES TOTAL 2,093,861.14 160,174.55 124,859.42 25,317.57 145,138.63 1,788.20 55,321.72 4,535.65 221,237.20 2,832,234.09 TOTAL COST TO DATE MAY 15 JUN 15 JUL 15 AUG 15 SEPT 15 OCT 15 NOV 15 DEC 15 JAN 16 FEB 16 MAR 16 18,890.10 1,445.09 780.00 745.00 1,204.04 712.12 23,776.35 18,629.63 1,425.17 780.00 1,230.80 106.04 22,171.64 19,479.00 1,490.14 3,688.00 1,402.72 233.99 26,293.85 19,660.20 1,504.01 780.00 1,098.82 706.14 23,749.17 19,071.30 1,458.95 780.00 1,382.13 15.98 22,708.36 18,844.80 1,441.63 780.00 1,206.01 352.66 22,625.10 19,524.30 1,493.61 780.00 1,043.86 13.43 22,855.20 19,703.71 1,507.33 780.00 3,945.00 1,308.84 130.41 27,375.29 19,958.40 1,526.82 780.00 1,455.49 61.75 23,782.46 19,173.00 1,466.73 780.00 1,607.11 597.24 18,526.20 1,417.25 780.00 2,004.45 - 23,624.08 22,727.91 2,093,861.14 160,174.55 124,859.42 25,317.57 145,138.63 1,788.20 55,321.72 4,535.65 221,237.20 2,832,234.09 APRIL 16 MAY 16 JUN 16 JUL 16 AUG 16 SEPT 16 NOV 16 DEC 16 TOTAL COST TO DATE 19,219.20 1,470.27 2,480.25 1,219.11 24,388.83 19,265.40 1,473.80 2,277.75 1,418.42 24,435.37 19,311.60 1,477.34 2,908.00 1,116.75 252.37 25,066.06 JAN 17 - FEB 17 20,189.40 1,544.49 1,114.35 1,523.23 21.98 24,393.45 OCT 16 - - - - - - - - 2,171,846.74 166,140.45 133,639.77 25,317.57 150,416.14 1,788.20 55,596.07 4,535.65 221,237.20 2,930,517.79 SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY PERSONNEL CHANGES FOR AUGUST 2016 DATE DEPT SALARY 08/01/16 08/01/16 08/01/16 08/01/16 Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office $36,627 $36,627 $36,627 $41,115 07/09/16 Sheriff's Office $35,549 EMPLOYEES HIRED: None EMPLOYEE RECLASSIFICATIONS: Navarone A. Hartman Benjamin J. Matteson Megan M. Stewart J. Kevin Story EMPLOYEES RETIRED: None EMPLOYEES SEPARATED: Jeffrey W. Parker COMPENSATION BOARD ADJUSTMENTS: None EMPLOYEES ON MILITARY LEAVE: None
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