†New Classification of OVDs, 2005, modified and updated to 2015
†New Classification of OVDs, 2005, modified and updated to 2015
STEVE ARSHINOFF, MD. FRCSC ASCRS 2015 Understanding OVDs Course 2467 Handout 1. Theme & goals of Course: The course is designed to assist attendees in understanding: 1.1. How far we have come in learning how to characterize ophthalmic viscosurgical devices, in a manner that relates directly to our uses of them in surgery. 1.2. How the rheological characterization of OVDs leads directly to classification, which permits us to study the similarities and differences among available OVDs. 1.3. How the classification of a given OVD can help us understand how to use it best in different situations. 1.4. How phaco is rheology, and how understanding OVD rheology helps us perform better phaco surgery. 1.5. How rheologic information helps us design newer better OVDs. 2. The roles of OVDs in surgery 2.1. To create and preserve surgical spaces – viscosity / elasticity. - best achieved with most viscous-cohesive OVD 2.2. To partition spaces – including endothelial protection - best achieved with lower viscosity dispersives. 2.3. To provide a low viscosity space to perform surgery. - best achieved in a BSS space. 3. Historic and Current Classification of OVDs. 3.1. Differences between dispersion and pseudo-dispersion . - viscoadaptives, at high shear are pseudispersive. 4. Zero-shear Viscosity and Cohesion, & how to measure them. CLASSIFICATION OF OVDs VISCOADAPTIVES Healon5, iVisc Phaco, Microvisc Phaco HIGHER VISCOSITY COHESIVES Healon, HGV, iVisc, ProVisc Amvisc LOWER VISCOSITY DISPERSIVES Viscoat, HEndocoat, HPMCs, • Ultra viscous-‐cohesive • Pseudo-‐dispersive (solid) • Create space • Induce & sustain pressure • Prolonged retention • Partition spaces. Viscous-‐ Dispersive (DisCoVisc, Amvisc Plus ?) • Viscosity of Healon • Dispersion of Viscoat 4.1. Pseudoplasticity curves, Cohesion - Dispersion Index (CDI) †New Classification of OVDs, 2005, modified and updated to 2015 " Cohesive - Dispersive ! !! V0 (zero-shear viscosity) range (mPa.s) Cohesive OVDs CDI ≥ 30 (% asp / mm Hg) 7- 18 x 106 (ten millions) Dispersive OVDs CDI < 30 (% asp / mm Hg) I. V i s c o a d a p t i v e s * Healon5* iVisc**(MicroVisc***) Phaco, BD MultiVisc# 1 - 5 x 106 (millions) II. Higher viscosity cohesives A. Super viscous cohesives *Healon GV* iVisc** (MicroVisc***, HyVisc***) Plus BD Visc#, AcriHylon Plus## B. Viscous cohesives *Healon* iVisc** (MicroVisc***, HyVisc***) Eyefill HC### Ophthalin Plus## *Provisc† Opegan Hi†† *Biolon Prime††† *Biolon††† *Amvisc Ophthalin## Eyefill SC### Viscosity ! 105 - 106 (hundred thousands) III. Lower viscosity cohesives 104 - 105 (ten thousands) A. Medium viscosity cohesives none †Modified from: Arshinoff SA, Jafari M. A new classification of ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (OVDs). J Cataract Refract Surg. 2005; 31: 2167-2171 103 - 104 SA (thousands) Legend:!! * Abbot Medical Optics, Research B. Very low viscosity cohesives none ** iMed Pharma, *** Bohus Biotech, # Bectin Dickinson, ## Carl Zeiss Meditech, ††† Biotechnology Technology General, Rayner, Shisheido Co., †† Seikagaku Corporation - Santen, II. Higher viscosity dispersives A. Super viscous dispersives none B. Viscous dispersives * DisCoVisc† * Amvisc Plus III. Lower viscosity dispersives A. Medium viscosity dispersives *Viscoat† Biovisc* Endogel## Rayvisc Opelead *Vitrax*, Healon D*, Healon Endocoat* *Cellugel† B. Very low viscosity dispersives Opegan††, Eyefill HD### *OcuCoat Icell**, Visilon, Ocuvis, Hymecel, Adatocel, Celoftal, ...HPMCs ### Croma Pharma, † Alcon laboratories, HPMC = hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, 2115 Finch Ave. W, Suite 316, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M 3 N 2 V 6 . Tel: (416) 745-‐6969 Fax: (416) 745-‐6724 Email: i fix2is@sympatico.ca Bausch & Lomb * Available in USA STEVE ARSHINOFF, MD. FRCSC ASCRS 2014 Understanding OVDs Course Page 2 5. Surgical OVD Techniques leading to Tri-Soft Shell Technique 5.1. Soft Shell Technique (SST). Viscoat (low viscosity dispersive) injected first onto the surface of the lens, followed by a viscous cohesive, which pushes the dispersive up into a smooth layer against the endothelium, providing a protective layer, with a smooth fracture boundary separating the two OVDs. 5.1.1. Routine Cases 5.1.2. Fuchs’ Dystrophy 5.1.3. Broken Zonule cases (with CTR) 5.1.4. Small holes in posterior capsule 5.1.5. Isolating Frayed Iris 5.2. Achieve clean posterior capsules with BSS irrigating jet. ULTIMATE((SOFT((SHELL(TECHNIQUE((USST)*( 5.3. Healon5 & Ultimate Soft Shell Technique (USST) - uses viscoadaptive and BSS (instead of dispersive). - makes all cases much easier, and more stable. Pre Capsulorhexis Step 5.3.1. Viscoadaptive rheology – how its different 5.3.2. Routine cases 5.3.3. Capsular Dye cases 5.3.4. USST for IOL injector cartridges 5.3.5. Adding BSS under all OVDs in all cases 5.4. SST-USST combinations ! Tri-Soft Shell Techniques. - use layers of dispersive against the cornea, viscous cohesive centrally to establish stability, and BSS (or XYLO-PHE) on the lenticular surface (for a low-viscosity surgical space). Optimizes pupil dilation and makes cases easier. 5.4.1. General use 5.4.2. Fuchs Dystrophy – low endothelial cell counts 5.4.3. Flomax IFIS Soft Shell Bridge (SSB) technique 5.4.4. Worst case scenario TSST cases Pre IOL Implantation Step SA *Arshinoff Steve A. Using BSS with viscoadaptives in the ultimate soft-shell technique. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002 Sep;28(9):1509-14. Research Flomax IFIS Soft Shell Bridge (SSB) 2. Viscoadaptive filled space 1. Viscoat filled space (injected second) 3. BSS filled space (injected third) (injected first) Incision 5.5. Special circumstances 5.5.1. Can 1 OVD do it all – DisCoVisc? 5.5.2. Natural lens present – phakic IOLs 5.5.3. Exposed vitreous face – Secondary IOLs, no capsule. 6. OVDs & IOP 6.1. Do some OVDs cause worse IOP spikes than others? 6.2. Do post op IOP spikes suggest undiagnosed glaucoma? 6.3. Most effective drugs to prevent and treat IOP spikes? 6.4. Organized IOP spike management plan. 6.5. Preventing IOP spikes: OVD removal techniques Cohesion-‐Dispersion Index vs Log V0 *Variation of Healon5 NaHa OVDs: CDI related to Log V 0 Cohesion Dispersion Index 6.5.1. Rock & Roll Technique 6.5.2. Two Compartment Technique 6.5.3. USST removal of OVDs 7. The science of OVDs 7.1. Measuring cohesion-dispersion indices 7.2. Healon5 lies on the boundary of fluids and solids. 7.3. Designing new OVDs Fluid 80 VISCOAT Solid DISCOVISC 60 HEALON Enhanced retention during phaco 40 PROVISC HEALON GV 20 HEALON5 0 iVISC Phaco 0 2 4 6 Log Zero Shear Viscosity (PaS) SA Research *Arshinoff SA, Jafari M, Koushan Keyvan. OVD Use Enhanced by Cohesion Data. ASCRS San Francisco Mar 18-23, 2006: Winner: Best Poster Cataract Section. STEVE ARSHINOFF, MD. FRCSC ASCRS 2014 Understanding OVDs Course Page 3 References: 1. Arshinoff Steve: Rock ‘n’ Roll Removal of Healon GV (video). ASCRS Film Festival, Seattle, Washington. June 1-5, 1996. 2. Arshinoff Steve A: Rock ‘n’ Roll Removal of Healon GV in Arshinoff Steve A. Ed. Proceedings of the 7th annual National Ophth. Speakers Program (Ottawa, Canada, June 1996). Medicopea 1997: 29-30. 3. Tetz MR, Holzer MP. Two-compartment technique to remove OVDs. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2000. 26:5;641-643. 4. Arshinoff Steve: The Dispersive/Cohesive viscoelastic soft shell technique for compromised corneas and anterior chamber compartmentalization. Winner, Surgical Techniques category. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Film Festival, Seattle, Washington. June 1-5, 1996. 5. Poyer John F., Chan Kwan Y., Arshinoff Steve A: A new method to measure the retention of viscoelastics on a rabbit corneal endothelial cell line after irrigation and aspiration. J. Cat. Refract. Surg. 1998: 24,1, 84-90 (January). 6. Poyer JF, Chan KY, Arshinoff SA: A quantitative method to determine the cohesion of viscoelastic agents by dynamic aspiration. J. Cat. Refract Surg. 1998; 24: 8; 1130-1135, August. 7. Arshinoff Steve A: Dispersive-cohesive viscoelastic soft shell technique. J. Cataract Refract Surg. Feb. 1999. 25: 2;167173. 8. Arshinoff Steve. Using viscoelastics to solve problems in cataract surgery. Video. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Annual meeting April 16-22, 1998 video film festival. Runner up award - Cataract complications section. 9. Arshinoff Steve. New terminology: Ophthalmic viscosurgical devices. Guest editorial. J. Cat Refract Surg. May 2000. 26: 5; 627-628. 10. Arshinoff Steve A. Using BSS with viscoadaptives in the ultimate soft-shell technique. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002 Sep;28(9):1509-14. 11. Arshinoff SA, Albiani DA, Taylor-Laporte J. 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