February - The Temple
February - The Temple
The Temple February 2015 = Shevat – Adar 5775 = Volume 76 / Number 6 = established 1867 = the-temple.org Everyone is Welcome W hen our current Temple building is also being highlighted through a book being was completed in 1931, a Hebrew published by the URJ Press this month. Stacey and inscription was carved into the I hope that our book Everyone is Welcome: Creatmarble just over the front door. ing a Culture of Inclusion in Congregational Schools The verse from Isaiah 56:7 translates, “God’s house will change the way that congregations all over shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” the world advocate for and educate students with Over the years, this prophetic call has led our con- learning needs and disabilities. gregation through many chapters of our history. In the Jewish world, February is Jewish DisabilFrom our leadership in the civil rights movement in ity Awareness Month. The Temple will celebrate the 50s, to the connections we established early on our children and adults with learning differences with our non-Jewish brothers and sisters in Atlanta, and disabilities on Friday, February 20. During to our advocacy work in the Welcoming Synagogues our Weinberg Early Learning Center Kabbalat project, The Temple has always stood out as a leader Shabbat at 12:30 PM, one of our Shabbat Shalom in opening our doors to everyone. Today, that verse Temple puppets will be joining Cantor Hartman to is also upheld in our congregation’s work in wel- speak about disabilities to our three and four year coming one of our people’s most important con- olds. Additionally, we invite the congregation to stituencies—adults and children with disabilities join us at either one of our two Shabbat services and learning needs. at 6:00 PM (our regular service or Shabbat ShaOur congregation and our clergy have always lom Temple: A Tot Experience), both of which will reached out to and worked to serve and advocate be dedicated to disability advocacy and awareness. for these members and guests. Beginning in 2003, At the regular Shabbat service, we will be honoring we took a huge leap to not only to welcome members with differences, but thanks to the leadership of Stacey Levy, a local speech and language pathologist and congregant, our religious school began creating an inclusive educational program designed rabbi steven rau can be reached to meet the needs of all at: srau@the-temple.org learners. Over the past ten years, our school has served over 100 stu- some of our Temple members who volunteer in our dents each year with moderate to severe learning school’s inclusion program. Additionally, captiondifferences or disabilities by creating classroom ing services will be provided for worshippers with modifications, individualized learning plans, a hearing losses. learning lab, and by providing specialized tutoring The Temple is dedicated to Isaiah’s call to our peoand volunteer classroom shadows. Our program ple to welcome everyone into our congregation and is recognized nationally as the model for inclu- our community. If you would like to find out more sive religious schools, and our congregation was about our congregation and our Jewish community’s named an Exemplar Congregation of the Disabili- offerings for children or adults with disabilities or ties Inclusion Learning Center by the URJ in part- learning needs, please feel free to contact me at any nership with the Ruderman Family Foundation time. I also hope you will join us at services on Frithis past December. Additionally, we are proud to day, February 20 as we honor our children and adults announce that our congregation’s work in this field with disabilities and learning needs. BY RABBI STEVEN H. RAU WORSHIP SCHEDULE Friday, February 6 Shabbat Worship Service: Can I be Jewish AND Spiritual (and Do I Have to Be)? Guest: Rabbi Rex Perlmeter .................6:00 PM First Friday...............................................8:30 PM Saturday, February 7 Shabbat Chapel Worship Service: Focus on Chant and Meditative Practice Guest: Rabbi Rex Perlmeter............... 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Taylor N. Cohen...... 10:30 AM Friday, February 13 Shabbat Worship Service......................6:00 PM Temple on the Road – Lenbrook.........5:00 PM Saturday, February 14 Mini Shabbat Morning......................... 9:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Lettes............. 10:30 AM Friday, February 20 Both services will be highlighting Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month: Shabbat Worship Service......................6:00 PM Shabbat Shalom Temple: A Tot Experience....................................6:00 PM Saturday, February 21 Shabbat Chapel Worship Service...... 10:30 AM Mincha Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Slutzky......................................5:30 PM Friday, February 27 Everything You Want To Know About Shabbat Service (But Were Afraid To Ask).....................6:00 PM (See page 6 for details) Saturday, February 28 Bar Mitzvah of Blaine Harris............. 10:30 AM For a full listing of services & other programs: WWW.THE-TEMPLE.ORG page 1 Lifecycles&Special Occasions B’nei Mitzvah FEBRUARY 7 FEBRUARY 14 FEBRUARY 21 FEBRUARY 28 TAYLOR NICHOLAS COHEN SOPHIE CLAIRE LETTES ZACHARY SLUTZKY BLAINE REUBEN HARRIS Son of Sonny & Kirstie Cohen Daughter of Amy & Louis Lettes Son of Adam Slutzky & Jennifer Slutzky Son of Blaine & Suzanne Harris Learn at the temple TAMID: A Lifetime of Jewish Learning THE NEW SEMESTER BEGINS FEBRUARY 9, 2015! TAMID dates for the month of February include 2, 9, 16, and 23. Classes that continue into February 2 include: Adult B’nei Mitzvah, Judaism 101, Melton Year 2, Melton CE*: Introduction to Kabbalah, Melton CE*: A Survey of the Major Prophets. Our new semester of TAMID begins on February 9th with a new semester of Hebrew 101 (minimum of 6 registrants) and Judaism 101. We also begin our semester long classes for Ayeka: Getting Unstuck with God and Melton Continuing Education: Beyond Borders (The Arab Israeli Conflict) To register for classes please visit www.the-temple.org/tamid or contact Stephanie at sfields@the-temple.org. New classes beginning in February include: AYEKA: GETTING UNSTUCK WITH GOD Mondays, February 9, 16, and 23 continuing through Monday, April 27 8:05 PM – 9:00 PM • Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus • Fee: $50 for Temple Members The goal of this module is to engage, struggle, and deepen our relationship with God. The Jewish people brought the idea of a personal monotheistic relationship with God to the world, yet it is presently rarely addressed in our educational world. This module of developing a relationship with the divine is modeled on the stages of all relationship building. DOING DIFFICULT MITZVOT Mondays, February 9, 16, and 23 • 7:00 PM – 7:55 PM • Rabbi Peter Berg Fee: Free and open to the community Some commandments are inherently more difficultto do than others. Perhaps it is because of our stage in life, or perhaps simply because of our desire to avoid that which is painful or unpleasant. In this seminar, we will explore visiting the sick, understanding the needs of older people, and comforting mourners. Together we will study traditional and contemporary approaches to these difficult, but extremely important commandments. page 2 HEBREW 101: INTRODUCTION TO HEBREW READING Mondays, February 9, 16, and 23 continuing through Monday, May 18 7:00 PM – 7:55 PM • Cantor Deborah Hartman Fee: $100/$125 per semester (members/non-members) Requirements: Minimum of 6 participants This 15 week class is for the Hebrew novice. Participants will learn Hebrew consonants and vowels and then learn to read Hebrew aloud. JUDAISM 101 Mondays, February 9, 16, and 23 continuing through Monday, May 18 7:00 PM – 7:55 PM • Temple clergy and staff • Fee: $150 for non-members A basic overview of the many facets of Judaism and Jewish practice: history, Torah and texts, holidays, life cycle events, and more. JUDAISM 102 Selected Mondays beginning February 16 and continuing through Monday, April 27 • 8:05 PM – 9:00 PM Temple clergy • Fee: Free Requirements: Judaism 101 or its equivalent and an entrance interview with Rabbi Lapidus. Course registration information will be given after that meeting. This class is for those who are converting to Judaism, covering a variety of issues that arise as one makes the choice to become a Jew. LUNCH AND LEARNS YEAR OF JUDAISM IN THE ARTS HANDMADE MIDRASH: BIBLICAL ART FOR THE NON-ARTIST Wednesdays, February 4 and 11 • Noon – 1:00 PM • Rabbi Peter Berg Fee: Free and open to the community. Bring your lunch and appetite for learning. Using Jo Milgrom’s Handmade Midrash technique, we will explore this visual theology. It uses an original, interdisciplinary approach, relating biblical ideas to personal development. In each session, we will study a short biblical narrative and then explore a medium that uses art and midrash. No skill or training in Bible study or art is required. Anyone can access both using this simple technique. This process touches an integrative life principle that brings together the scattered and opposing parts of the self; a source creative analogy and a means of enhancing learning. Mazal Tov to... <Stacey Levy for being honored at the Power of One Event for Jewish Disability Awareness Month for her work with inclusive education at The Temple. <Alison Shutzberg for becoming the highest scoring NSCHS student who participated in the 2014 Kennesaw State University Mathematics Competition. <Anna and Mike Caplan on the birth of Eva Brooke and to big brothers Sam and Eliot. Our Newest Members May Their Memory Be For a Blessing <Tiffany & Michael Aronson (Dane Aronson) Our Heartfelt Sympathy to the Families of: <Judy Aspes <Elizabeth Davis (Abbie, Miriam, & Benjamin Barkan) <Daniel Goodman <Jean Goodman <Dan Gross & Janike Ruginis <Julie & Cory Kessler (Evan Kessler) <Dina & Adam Schwam (Rebecca, Marissa, & Jordan Schwam) <Mariella Volio & David Rachelson (Daniel & Emma Rachelson) THE TEMPLE'S NEW TORAH COVERS Monday, February 2, 2015 • 7:00 PM-7:55 PM. Guest Instructor: Flora Rosefsky • Free and open to the community. This past spring, our congregation unveiled our newest klei kodesh (holy vessels); Torah covers designed by Flora Rosefsky. Come and learn the process behind how they came to be in concept and in reality. Flora Rosefsky will share the process and inspiration with participants. **NEW OFFERING** MELTON CONTINUING EDUCATION BEYOND BORDERS: THE ARAB ISRAELI CONFLICT Mondays, beginning February 9, 2015, for 14 sessions • 8:05 PM – 9:00 PM Instructor: Eli Sperling • Cost: $150 • Requirements: Completion of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School • To register contact Laurie Finkelstein at 678.812.3723 Beyond Borders is a strong, historical overview from the late 19th century. In this updated curriculum, the course material is designed to encourage discussion and debate, and to challenge students to appreciate the basis of the conflicting historical claims made by all sides in the conflict. Parents All Over Town Are Talking About How Amazing The WELC Is. Come See Why! Join us for Open House and learn about our exceptional early childhood programs for children through 5 years of age. We offer both half-day and full-day program options. Friday, February 13 @ 11:00 AM All are invited to join us for Kabbalat Shabbat at 12:30 PM Kindly RSVP to the WELC office at 404-872-8668 or contact us at welc@the-temple.org The Priority Application Periods for the 2015-16 school year are: • January 26 - February 4, 2015 for Temple Members (child's parent or guardian is a Temple Member) • February 6-13, 2014 for Addition Priority Applicants * • February 18, 2015 the Open Application Period begins. *Addition Priority Applicants include: Associate Members of The Temple, Families who are part of The Temple's Provision Membership Initiative; Siblings of returning WELC students who are not Temple Members; Siblings or previous WELC students who are not Temple Members; and Grandchildren of Temple Members. <Diane Guzy Gup (sister of Nancy Hirsch) <Myrtle Mason (mother of John Mason) <Emily Weiss Keisler (mother of Milton Dortch) <Sonia Kuniansky (mother of Ray Kuniansky, Jr.) <Philip Dietz (father of Andrew Dietz) <Rabbi Joseph Goldman <Beatrice Smith (sister of Bernie Marcus, mother of Deborah Smith & grandmother of Sara Loft) <Matile Ginburg (mother of Sharon Paskoff) <Milton Kuniansky (father of Harry, Richard & Judy) <David Adelman (father of Mark) <Lillian Carrol The Breman Religious School & Youth Calendar FEBRUARY2015 1 Religious School | 9:30 AM 2017 B’nei Mitzvah Parent Meeting | 10:00 AM 7 4th Grade Shul-in | 6:00 PM 8 Religious School | 9:30 AM B’nei Mitzvah Parent Coffee | 9:45 AM Pre-Kindergarten Family Social | 10:30 AM Madrichim Meeting | 12:15 PM Religious School Committee Meeting | 12:15 PM 15 No Religious School 16-18 No Midweek Hebrew 20 Shabbat Shalom Temple | 6:00 PM 22 Religious School 1st Grade Family Social | 11:00 AM Religious School Committee Parent Discussion | 9:45 AM Madrichim Meeting | 12:15 PM The 45 Club (4th & 5th Grade Youth Group) | 12:15 PM 28 Adult-only Purim Spiel and Parent Post Party | 6:30 PM page 3 Programs&News Cub Scouts Visit The Temple Cub Scouts from Pack 586 (Mary Lin Elementary) met with Rabbi Steven Rau to earn their Maccabee Religious Emblem. The boys were very proud of their hard work and accomplishments! Thank you Rabbi Steven Rau for spending time sharing and learning with these boys. Vote Reform Jews 4 Israel As Jews, lovers of Israel and unconditional supporters of Israel's right to exist, we are well aware of the many serious challenges confronting Israel today as well as the threats faced by Jewish people everywhere. In addition to the existential questions confronting the state, as Reform Jews we are also faced with serious questions concerning societal and institutional values: • Will Israeli society and institutions respect and fairly treat all denominations, regardless of level of observance? • Will gender equality be the norm - where men and women can pray and live as equals? • Will we see lasting peace with security and stability for the land and people of Israel? These are serious questions that affect our relationship with Israel and will shape the soul of the country in the years to come. The Temple is committed to not only supporting our brothers and sisters in Israel but also to helping shape its future. Together we have an opportunity to advocate for an Israeli society that represents our values and clearly puts forth our vision for Israel - a vision in which the ideals of pluralism, equality and peace are accepted. er. n Avissar, Edan Avissar, and Daniel Ratn 4L-R: Caleb Dick, Jed Roseman, Mata Young Professionals’ First Friday Shabbat Friday, February 6, 2015 8:00 PM Socializing • 8:30 PM Services/Music Join Rabbi David Spinrad and our First Friday musicians for our soulful, monthly Shabbat gathering for young professionals. First Fridays at The Temple are both intentionally planned and organically-evolving, creating an inspiring musical, prayerful, and social experience for Atlanta’s post-college/pre-family in-town community. Following services, we will have Listening Campaign conversations, paired with pizza from Mellow Mushroom, seasonal beer, wine and non-alcoholic options. Spread the word and feel free to invite friends! To RSVP, email Rabbi Spinrad: dspinrad@the-temple.org. Follow us on Twitter: @FirstFridaysATL Jewish Mindfulness: Finding Meaning In the Everyday February 6-8, 2015 Join us for a Special Weekend of events with Rabbi-in-Residence, Rex Perlmeter. See back cover for more information about this program. Atlanta Chapter American Guild of Organists in Celebration of our Centennial presents: Dr. Andrew Henderson, Organist of Temple Emanu-El, NYC Tuesday, February 10, 2015 • 7:30 PM in The Temple Sanctuary The Temple is delighted to host Dr. Andrew Henderson, associate Organist of Temple Emanu-El, Organist/Director of Music at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, and Organ instructor at Teacher’s College of Columbia University. Dr. Henderson will play our celebrated Aeolian-Skinner organ in our historic sanctuary to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Atlanta chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Join us for this free and open to the community concert, followed by a reception in thelobby of Schwartz-Goldstein Hall. page 4 TO BE SUCCESSFUL, WE NEED YOUR HELP AND PARTICIPATION!! Rabbi Peter Berg is running to be a delegate to the World Zionist Congress (WZC). This year, in October, the World Zionist Congress will convene in Jerusalem. This "Parliament of the Jewish People" will debate and make decisions about critical issues that shape Israel and influence whether it will fulfill the dreams of its founders to be a pluralistic and democratic Jewish State. You have a critical voice in that discussion. How? In the upcoming election, you have the opportunity to vote for the ARZA slate thereby assuring that ARZA's delegates represent our values in the United States' delegation to the WZC. The delegation from the United States is determined by an election conducted by the American Zionist Movement (AZM). The election will take place from January 13, 2015 until April 30, 2015. Voting is easy and can be completed online or by paper ballot. All Jews over the age of 18 (as of June 30, 2015) can vote. One need not be a member of any other organization or Jewish institution in order to vote. These elections are the strongest way for American Reform Jews to promote and encourage the progressive ideals of social justice, equality and democracy in Israel and help build the kind of Jewish state we all know is possible - a Jewish state that holds true to the ideals of religious pluralism, the growth of Reform Judaism in Israel, women's equality in all areas of life, democracy, and a solution to the ongoing conflict. The election is also important because the composition of the WZC has both financial and policy implications in Israel, as resources are allocated based on the number of seats a party holds and the policy positions of those parties. ARZA, representing Reform Judaism, is asking every American Jew who holds these values dear to stand with us. HERE IS WHAT WE HOPE YOU WILL DO IN THE COMING WEEKS: • Vote – Vote for ARZA Representing Reform Judaism between January 13th and April 30th, 2015 at www.reformjews4israel.org. Voting is easy and quick. Because the election itself is self-financing, the cost for voting is $10.00 for those over age 30 and $5.00 for those 30 and under. • Spread the word – Please encourage others to vote. We will be posting content on The Temple Facebook page that you can share with your family and friends and fellow congregants. The future of klal Yisrael is in our hands. Let us join our Reform and progressive brothers and sisters across the country, to make our voices heard. S AV E T H E S E DAT E S ! SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 • 12:00–4:00 PM Community Tu B’Shevat Tree Planting Sunday, February 8, 2015 • 12:00 – 4:00 PM The Temple is excited to join with Trees Atlanta and the Jewish community of Sunday, February, 12 noon-4PM for the third annual Atlanta-wide Tu B’Shevat Tree Planting in Poncey Highlands. We will meet in the green space opposite 575 Linwood Avenue NE 30306, at the intersection with Ralph McGill Blvd NE (between North Ave and E Freedom Pkwy, East of the Carter Center). Parking is limited - so please carpool. We’re inviting you to bring yourself, your fellow congregants, your friends and family! All ages are welcome (kids must be accompanied by an adult). At noon we’ll start with a community picnic (dairy/vegetarian) and brief introduction to Tu B’Shevat. The planting runs 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. The kids can stay busy with their own special activities: planting real trees, and meeting and playing with new friends. Hot coffee, juice and snacks will be available through the afternoon to keep bodies warm and spirits high! For more information, to register, or to RSVP, email Myrtle Lewin at aagreening@gmail.com. Diversity in Disaster February 12, 2015 • 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM Join leaders from diverse faiths and civic groups in the Atlanta Metro area to learn how to: • Better prepare your congregation for disasters. • Understand the roles of emergency response agencies. • Involve your faith community in disaster relief efforts. • Enroll in FREE Red Cross preparedness and response training. The Summit is free to attend but space is limited, and lunch is provided by Maggianos. The Summit's highlights are: • An Interfaith Disaster Panel composed of Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian & Buddhist Leaders led by Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta (FAMA) • Atlanta Metro Refugee and Immigrant Community Panel Please Register at TheFirst72.org. This is a free event located at The Temple. 2015 Hunger Walk More than one in every four Georgia children – 28.8% of our children – now live in food insecure households. Help us have our largest number of walkers and runners yet! For more information, please contact Cindy Lourie at clourie@me.com or Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus at llapidus@the-temple.org. MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 • 8:00 PM Music of Resistance and Survival: A Holocaust Remembrance Concert Hosted by The Temple, Kennesaw State University and the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 • 6:30 PM Anti-trafficking Passover Seder See page 6 for more information. FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 1st Night Passover Seder Congregational Seder. Further information to be announced. SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Blessing Boxes Project at Action Ministries, Feed The Hungary Warehouse. Mini Shabbat Mornings Saturday, February 14 • 9:30 AM Looking for something to do with your little one on a cold February morning? Infants through preschoolers and their families are invited to join us on the second Saturday of every month at 9:30 AM in the Covenant Chapel for singing and a story with our puppets, followed by a bagel snack and then playground time. We’ll play on the WELC’s two indoor playgrounds or, if the weather is nice, on our beautiful outdoor Sonia’s playground. Please come dressed casually. There is no fee or RSVP required. Questions? Please contact either Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus at llapidus@the-temple.org or Edye Summerfield at esummerfield@the-temple.org. H I G H H O LY DAYS 2 0 1 5 Mishkan HaNefesh Yes, it’s just January but let the High Holiday 2015 season begin! Start with the mitzvah of donating a set of our new High Holiday prayer books, Mishkan HaNefesh, in honor or in memory of someone special or to highlight a special event in your life. The cost is $54.00 for the two-volume set and as a donor, you and your honoree will be recognized with a personalized nameplate in each of the two volumes. The Temple needs 1,300 sets of books for our High Holiday worship services – please help us achieve this goal! Ordering instructions are now on The Temple website, www.the-temple.org. page 5 Programs&News Temple Worships at Ebenezer Baptist Church Sunday, February 15, 2015 • 11:00 AM Join us with our brothers and sisters at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Rabbi Peter Berg will be delivering the sermon. This year, 200 Reform Jewish teens from all over North America will be joining us at the service. A light reception with Reverend Warnock will follow the service at noon. Anita Diamant at The Temple “Reimagining Ritual for the Modern Age” Sunday, February 22, 2015 • 7:00 PM Anita Diamant, author of The Red Tent and founder of Mayim Chayim, a community mikvah in Boston, will be speaking here at The Temple on modernizing ritual. This is also an opportunity to learn more about MACoM (Metro Atlanta Community Mikvah), a beautiful new mikvah center being constructed on the Congregation B’nai Torah campus. For more information, please contact Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus at llapidus@the-temple.org. Everything You Want To Know About Shabbat Service (But Were Afraid To Ask) Friday, February 27, 2015 • 6:00 PM Tours and refreshments at 5:30 PM and following the service This is a great opportunity to learn more about our Shabbat service and to bring friends and neighbors who are interested in learning more about Judaism and seeing a Jewish worship service. During the service, we will incorporate explanations of the prayers and customs. Before and after the worship service, there will be refreshments and an opportunity for questions and conversation about Judaism and The Temple, as well as tours of our worship spaces. For more information, please email Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus at llapidus@the-temple.org. Moshav Band Comes to Atlanta Sunday, February 8, 2015 • Doors 6:30 PM • Show 7:00 PM AJA Auditorium, 5200 Northland Drive, Atlanta GA 30342 The Kehilla and Atlanta Jewish Music Festival are bringing acclaimed Israeli music group Moshav to Atlanta. Originally from Moshav Mevo Modi'in, Moshav plays an ecclectic mix of rock, folk, worldbeat, and Middle Eastern music. They will be in Atlanta for one night only as part of "Kehilla Fest", The Kehilla's 5th anniversary celebration. For Tickets: www.thekehilla.org/kehillafest Anti-Trafficking Passover Seder Tuesday, March 25 • 6:30 PM In conjunction with our partner organization the Interfaith Children’s Movement (ICM), join us at The Temple for our bi-annual Anti-trafficking Passover Seder. At our inaugural Anti-trafficking Seder in 2014, over 120 attendees from Metro Atlanta – including elected officials, members of law enforcement, clergy and people of all faiths gathered as we used the foundation of the Exodus from Egypt and the annual telling of our story through the Haggadah as an opportunity to raise awareness of modern-day slavery and to commit ourselves to a world in which all are free. If you have been looking to get more deeply involved in our Anti-sex Trafficking Initiative, this is a great opportunity to take a step into it. We need volunteers to help with set-up to make sure the tables and seder plates are prepared with your loving care! To volunteer, email Rabbi Spinrad: dspinrad@the-temple.org. To volunteer, please email Patricia Schiffman at 2015seder@gmail.com. To sign up to attend the Anti-trafficking Seder, please contact Pamela Perkin Carn of the ICM at perkinspl@bellsouth.net. page 6 The Temple @ DMST Lobby Day Thursday, February 12 • 8:00 AM Join Rabbi David Spinrad and members of our congregation and the community at-large for Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) Lobby Day. We will meet at The Historic Freight Depot at 65 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive SE. In the upcoming legislative session Senate Bill 8, a key piece of legislation regarding Safe Harbor for those rescued from slavery and trafficking, will be up for vote. Come exercise your democratic right as we address our elected officials and strive to make Atlanta freedom’s home. To register for Lobby Day, visit FeaturedOpportunities@streetgrace.org. Temple on the Road— Bringing Shabbat to You! Friday, February 13, 2015 • 5:00–6:00 PM • Lenbrook The Temple is going to Lenbrook! Join Cantor Hartman and pianist Judy Cole, for a musical Shabbat worship service with Lenbook residents and families. Please join us as we sing, schmooze, and engage the residents! Contact Zachary Hoffman at zhoffman@the-temple.org for more information. Shabbat Shalom Temple! Friday, February 20, 2015 5:30 PM Nosh • 6:00 PM Service Join our puppets with their clergy friends for a fun and musical Shabbat. We’ll have a kid friendly nosh before and after services. Gather for services at 6:00 PM. No need to RSVP. See you there! Reading Volunteers Needed at FATE Give the gift of your time – help a child to read! Our partner school, Fred Armon Toomer Elementary School (FATE), needs adult volunteers to read with students on an ongoing basis. No RSVP is required. Simply choose a day/time/class from the chart below, sign in as a “volunteer reader” in the front office, and stay for 30-45 minutes. Classroom teachers will tell you what to do and with whom to ADactivities ULT REAmay DING VOLUreading NTEERStoNaEstudent, EDED Wlistening EEKLY to a student read. Volunteer include Adult volunteers are needed “weekly” to come out and “listen to” or “read to/with” our students. read to you, and helping a student to read. No RSVP needed, just choose a day/time/class, sign-in as a *volunteer reader in the front office, and stay for 30-45 minutes. teacher will tell you what to do. Possible activitiesCounsellor might include: Joshua Lovell To get started,Theplease contact FATE Guidance Reading to a student ∙ Listening to a student read to you ∙ Helping a student read (jlovell@atlanta.k12.ga.us) to help with the process of coming to FATE for the first Fred Toomer ES ♥ 65 Rogers 30317 ♥to (404) 802-3450 time,Armon volunteer background checks,Street, and to NE helpAtlanta, you getGA connected a teacher. MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS FRIDAYS Smith (1st grade) 10:45 – 11:45 Smith (1st grade) 10:45 – 11:45 Smith (1st grade) 10:45 – 11:45 Smith (1st grade) 10:45 – 11:45 Smith (1st grade) 10:45 – 11:45 Gibbs (2nd grade) 1:15 – 2:15 Gibbs (2nd grade) 1:15 – 2:15 Gibbs (2nd grade) 1:15 – 2:15 Gibbs (2nd grade) 1:15 – 2:15 Gibbs (2nd grade) 1:15 – 2:15 Munro (2nd grade) 1:45 – 2:15 Munro (2nd grade) 1:45 – 2:15 Munro (2nd grade) 1:45 – 2:15 Munro (2nd grade) 1:45 – 2:15 Munro (2nd grade) 1:45 – 2:15 Haimes (3rd grade) 1:30 – 2:00 Haimes (3rd grade) 1:30 – 2:00 Haimes (3rd grade) 1:30 – 2:00 Haimes (3rd grade) 1:30 – 2:00 Haimes (3rd grade) 1:30 – 2:00 Shields (all grades) Anytime before noon Or after 1 p.m. Shields (all grades) Anytime before noon Or after 1 p.m. Shields (all grades) Anytime before noon Or after 1 p.m. Shields (all grades) Anytime before noon Or after 1 p.m. Shields (all grades) Anytime before noon Or after 1 p.m. Jones (4th grade) 1:40 – 2:25 Jones (4th grade) 1:40 – 2:25 Jones (4th grade) 1:40 – 2:25 Johnson (4th grade) 1:40 – 2:25 Johnson (4th grade) 1:40 – 2:25 Johnson (4th grade) 1:40 – 2:25 Clarke (K) 9:30-10:00 Clarke (K) 9:30-10:00 Clarke (K) 9:30-10:00 Thompson (1st grade) 12:15-12:45 Thompson (1st grade) 12:15–12:45 Baker (2nd grade) 11:00-11:30 Clarke (K) 9:30-10:00 Be on the lookout for more available times and classes Afterschool Tutorial ALL GRADES 2:45-3:45 Fred Armon Toomer Elementary School (FATE) 65 Rogers HelpStreet, us crNE eatAtlanta, e life-loGA ng 30317 reade•r404-802-3450 s! Fred Armon Toomer Elementary School offers students a literacy-rich environment where recreational reading is a priority, books are part of the school/classroom culture, students Caring at the Temple Our Caring at The Temple program reaches out to fellow congregants during times of hardship or pastoral need, providing homemade chicken soup and challah to members who are bereaved, ill, recently discharged from the hospital, or are celebrating the arrival of a new child. We recently celebrated our 500th soup delivery, and nearly every step of the program – from soup preparation, to delivery (within your zip code), to letting us know about fellow congregants in need – is led by members of our congregation. To be a part of this program and to fulfill the mitzvah of bikkur cholimI (visiting the sick) or to let us know who needs soup, please contact Rabbi David Spinrad at dspinrad@the-temple.org or 404-873-1731. Sandwich Salon: Women Connecting & Learning Come connect with other women at these informative events planned just for us! Bring your lunch, bring a friend, and enjoy conversation with women of all ages. So, mark your calendars with the dates below and join us for some exciting and provocative discussions. Tuesday, February 3, 2015 • 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM Women Connecting & Learning It’s Time To Get Organized: (Your Brain And Your Focus) How much time do you spend checking email? Is that a productive use of your time? What better way to start 2015 than to learn how to focus your brain to save energy and be more productive? We’ll learn valuable organizational and time management skills from Leslie Walden, a Certified Professional Organizer. Leslie’s company, It’s Time to Get Organized, works with businesses to increase their productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Don’t miss this opportunity to refocus your energy, become more productive, feel less stressed and gain a new sense of empowerment! Bring your friends and your lunch, drinks will be provided. Tuesday, April 28, 2015 • 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM Symphony, Opera, Theater… The High! What Can We Learn From The Arts? Let’s get the skinny on how and what to sample in our community! Please RSVP to Joya: jschmidt@the-temple.org Zaban Couples Center Zaban Couples Center Residents Focus on Next Step in the Journey Towards Independent Living A big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped the ZCC residents ring in the new year with good food, positive outlooks and new interview skills. The first few months of 2015 will bring a renewed focus on what comes next in their respective journeys. As of January, 12 residents had full time employment and a number had promising leads. Much of the staff’s time and attention is now spent on obtaining housing and identifying and utilizing community resources for financial assistance. The Georgia Center for Law for the Homeless who will be presenting to the residents this month is just one of many speakers the staff brings in to provide guidance and support. This is a critical component of the Center’s objective to prepare the residents to successfully transition to independent living. What can you do to help? Please visit the Zaban Couples Center’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/ZabanCouplesCenter for items and resources needed to help in this transition. For more information about opportunities to volunteer at the Center, email info@zabancouplescenter.org. Temple Book Club Tuesday, February 10 • 7:30 PM • Temple Media Center We are looking forward to having Rabbi Spinrad lead the book club in February. He has chosen Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Letham. It has been described as a darkly comic tale, with a detective with a difference. It was a National Book Critics Circle Award Winning Novel. Library News Our Temple Library/Media Center has quite a selection of books. You can wander through and find books of short stories and books of long stories. We have books with poetry, photographs, recipes, and cartoons. There are books about holidays, weddings, divorce, conversion, and parenting. We have books that tweak your mind as they explore the thoughts of our great scholars of the past and present, books that let you trace the paths Jews took through the centuries. How did we get such a variety? Sometimes our rabbis recommend a book, sometimes congregants do, and sometimes we librarians find them. Also, Temple members donate books from their collections. We are a small library with limited amount of space. We, your volunteer librarians, keep an eye out for good books. We read book reviews, assess donated books, consult the clergy, and argue over which books belong in our library. It's a work in progress. Come in and check us out! Purim at The Temple FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 1 • SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Saturday Night Purim Live Saturday, February 28 • For adults only 6:30 PM Drinks and Refreshments • 7:30 PM The Spiel Begins 9:00 PM Parent’s Post-Purim Party sponsored by the Religious School Committee Our smash sensation from last year is coming back with new sketches. This adult-only evening will be one you don’t want to miss. After the spiel, join the clergy, staff, and religious school committee for the after party. RSVP’s required on our website. Sheer Kef Purim Spiel “Haman and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” Sunday, March 1 • 10:00 AM or 10:45 AM Our 2nd-5th grade TBRS students take on the story of Purim. This family-friendly spiel is open to all. Purim Carnival: Australian Outback Sunday, March 1 11:00 AM Entrance for our tots (PreK and under) 11:30 AM Open to all! Moon bounce, Dunk the Rabbi, Food, Games, Prizes and more! Tickets will be on sale at 9:00 AM or on our website. www.the-temple.org/purim page 7 Contributions of Support Rabbis’ Discretionary Funds In Memory of: Helen Alexander Helen & John Rieser Beloved husband, Sylvan Berlin Judy Berlin Beloved wife, Linda David Brenner Samuel Brody Rabbi Peter Berg Heidi & David Geller Fred & Amie Herbert Jill & Joe Ferst’s 40th Anniversary Lois & Marv Cohen Speedy Recovery of Margie Greenberg Jackie & Richard Newfield Mark Jacobson Donna & Paul Kelman Helen & John Rieser Karen Kerness Beloved mother, Lillian Carrol Rabbi Loren Lapidus Phyllis Zeitlin & family Beloved father, Philip Dietz Andrew Dietz & the Dietz family Philip Dietz Joan & Don Brown Frank Green Terry Ney Beloved sister, Diane Guzy Gup Nancy & John Hirsch Diane Guzy Gup Mark & Susan Jacobson Ashley Day Heidi & David Geller Belinda Morris Reva Zee Naming of our son, Desmond Alison & Jonathan Todres Our granddaughter KC’ (Kathryn) Weitz’s baby naming Brad & Deborah Weitz Louise Kopp Freedman Jay Weinstein Lillian Cohen Donations: Marcy & Jim Solmson Linda M. Christmann Joel & Irwin Lowenstein Ann G. Kornman Senior Transportation Fund The Temple Board of Trustees Sandra Linver & Jacob Kornman Sandra Linver & Jacob Kornman Louis D. Kimmel Barbara & Henry Kimmel Ben Polier Davee & Milton Kuniansky Judy Kuniansky Emily Weiss Keisler The Temple Board of Trustees Susan & Mark Jacobson Janet Lavine & Rick Williams Sonia Kuniansky The Temple Board of Trustees Janet Lavine & Rick Williams Billie Guthman Barbara & Henry Kimmel Marc Weinberg Belinda Morris Mary Ben Christiansen Susan & Mark Jacobson Linda & Roger McDaniel Arthur Heyman Jackie & Richard Newfield Dulcy & Jerry Rosenberg Jackie & Dave Wolf Donations: Malcom Lindy Mary V. Pratt Phyllis L. Herman Cantor’s Discretionary Fund The Temple Board of Trustees Susan & Mark Jacobson Billie Guthman Deanne & Julian Mohr In Memory of: Sam & Libbye Axelrod Rabbi Alvin & Barbara Sugarman Joyce Jacobson Friday Book Club Renay & Alan Levenson Dr. Herbert Shessel Helen Alexander Ann Abrams Diane Guzy Gup Leonard & Jerry Greenbaum Family Fund In Memory of: Joyce Jacobson Ronnie van Gelder Diane Guzy Gup Ronnie van Gelder Temple Singers Fund In Memory of: Lewis Cenker Anita, Bruce & Cody Wilson In Honor Of: Speedy recovery of Bob Lenhard Nancy & Jim Dykhouse Emily & Ben Bossin Esther & Stan Rawn Diane Guzy Gup Sonia Kuniansky Robert (Bobby) Kogan Clara Hahn Helen Alexander Dianne Ratowsky Fayne Frankel Milton Kuninansky Dianne Ratowsky Lucille Korman Jackie & Richard Newfield Sonia Kuniansky Marilyn & Josh Shubin Stanley Newman Linda & Eugene Davidson Louis Pintchuck Terry Ney Dr. Jerome Rubin Friday Book Club Fred & Amie Herbert Barbara & Alan Smith Temple Endowment Fund In Memory of: Richard A. Guthman, Jr. Wendy & Jerry Feinstein Elizabeth Levine The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Erika & John Montag Frank D. Nichols Jane Kahn Joyce Jacobson The Temple Board of Trustees Matile Ginburg The Temple Board of Trustees Susan & Mark Jacobson Billie Guthman Matile Ginburg In Honor of: Birth of Jude Simon Botstein Dianne Ratowsky Barbara & Burton Gold Jay Weinstein Helen Cohen Barbara & Burton Gold Joyce Jacobson Barbara & Burton Gold Temple Library Fund In Memory of: Ursula Draker Barbara Scheer-Eason Joyce Jacobson Jackie & Dave Wolf Mendel Romm, Jr. Jessica Bateman Emily Weiss Keisler Janet & Milton Dortch Sol Samuel Harry G. Popkin Ellen & Jack Holland Barbara & Alan Smith Arnold T. Dobran William Gold & Helen Gold Sonia Kuniansky Bar Mitzvah of Beau Young Morris Lewis, Jr. Matile Ginburg Harriet & Morris Lewis Ellen & Jack Holland Loretta Silvermintz Sharon & Howard Silvermintz Lowenstein Youth Scholarship Fund Community Services Fund Dr. Lynn Farmer In Memory of: Dr. Jerome Rubin Bar Mitzvah of Beau Young Helen Alexander Barbara Meyer Leona Young Jackie Metzel Beatrice Marcus Smith In Honor of: Melody & Michael Popkin Hyman Goldberg Diane Guzy Gup The Temple Board of Trustees page 8 In Memory of: Sonia Kuniansky Norman Asher’s Special Birthday The Temple Board of Trustees Lenore E. Gold Memorial Fund Debbie Roos Hoppenfeld Sylvan Berlin Barbara & Alan Smith Donation: Joel & Irwin Lowenstein Barbara & David Roos Roberta Carrier In Honor of: Jon & Bobbie Golden Joel & Irwin Lowenstein Elizabeth Hirsch Evelyn Golden Gail Rones Anniversary of Rabbi Alvin & Barbara Sugarman In Memory of: The Temple Board of Trustees Larry Wender Helene Sugarman Joel & Irwin Lowenstein Holland Youth Library Fund Rabbi Alvin & Barbara Sugarman Joan & Don Brown 80th birthday of Norman Asher David Adelman The Temple Board of Trustees Jon & Bobbie Golden Jackie & Tony Montag Charlotte Wilen Carol & Larry Cooper Beatrice Smith Ruthie & Alan Shor & Family Barbara & Burton Gold Sue Jacob Philip Dietz Rosalind R. Rieser The Birnbrey Family, Robin & Carey In Memory of: Irving (Buck) Miller Phyllis & Rolf Hahn In Honor of: Helen Alexander Pauline Koenig Warren & Karen Steinberg Joel & Irwin Lowenstein Esther Bleich Scholarship Fund Dianne Ratowsky Fayne Frankel The Temple Board of Trustees Barbara Golder Joel & Irwin Lowenstein Birth of Jude Simon Botstein Marlene Puca Phyllis & Rolf Hahn Joel & Irwin Lowenstein In Honor of: Gwyn Gordon & Sons George Puca Elaine & Ron Koenig Diane Guzy Gup Happy Chanukah to Joel & Irwin Lowenstein Sidnie Elizabeth Miller Phyllis & Rolf Hahn Emily Weiss Keisler Selma Hirsch Gordon Elyse Mintz Emily Weiss Keisler Lois & Marv Cohen Suzanne & Bill Lowenstein Ellen & Jack Holland Suzanne & Bill Lowenstein Arnold T. Dobran In Honor of: Rochelle Friedman In Memory of: Jane Myers Montag Jackie & Tony Montag Sylvan Berlin Alice & Howard Moffet Helen Alexander Eric Scott Dinerman Our Mothers Meyer Zelig Reuben Sonia Kuniansky Milton Rauzin Pearl Ripans Emily Weiss Keisler Stephanie & Jeffrey Schiele Florence & Jimmy Weinberg Libbyanne Ripans Etta & Phil Levy Stephanie & Jeffrey Schiele Miriam & Jerome Levy Sally Purvis Dottie Joel Ronnie van Gelder Cheryl Rafshoon Beatrice Smith Ronnie van Gelder Philip Dietz Ronnie van Gelder Laura & Marshall Dinerman Diane Orenstein Walter Weinberg Ruth Ballinger Ellis Harold Abrams Sarah & Alvin Levy Fred Beerman Dorothy P. Hamburger Brenda & Joel Shavin Alvin Hamburger Brenda & Joel Shavin S. Alan Hamburger Brennan & George Andrews Francesca Kerpel Wenger Laurie Botstein Ruth & Harry Rider Robin Hutchinson Lewis & Mildred Edwards Hinda & Seymour Liebmann Robert Wiskind Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Lettes Janet & Bruce Beerman Temple Breman Religious School Fund In Memory of: Sylvia Breman James Breman Elma Israel Ellis Janet & Bruce Beerman Brad Beerman Janet & Bruce Beerman Eloise Franklin Beerman Janet & Bruce Beerman Samuel & Bertha Seletz Israel Janet & Bruce Beerman Diane Guzy Gup Jean Neese In Honor of: Paul Raymon Annette & Jack Rau Deborah Neese Birthday of Asher Solomon Brenda Raymon Speedy recovery of Jay Davis Arlene Lester The Hyken Family Elinor Breman Prayerbook (New High Holy Day Prayer Book) & Worship Enrichment Fund In Memory of: Beverly A. Jones Barbara L. Blumenberg Arlene Lester Pearl & Harry Peters Natalie & George Greene Ivan H. Friedland Barbara Friedland Gold Pearl & A. Harris Goldwasser Diane Guzy Gup Barbara Friedland Gold Richard A. Guthman, Jr. Barbara Friedland Gold Corrine & Samuel Thall Barbara Friedland Gold William Breman Burton Gold Esther Nowalsky Rau Melissa Sugarman Nancy Louise Powell Dr. Joseph & Emilie Haas Joyce Jacobson Dr. Joseph & Emilie Haas Earle Balis Gail & Allan Ripans Esther & Ben Goldwasser Gail & Allan Ripans Gail & Allan Ripans Marc Hamburger Marc Hamburger Marc Hamburger Robert Wenger Judi & Phil Edwards Judi & Phil Edwards Thelma C. Wolf Richard Wolf Joey Lerner Richard Wolf Victor M. Haber Carol Haber Lawrence Steinheimer, Jr. Helen & George Steinheimer Cay Kaufmann Helen amd George Steinheimer Sidney J. Brody Janet & Richard Brody Dr. Milton & Cookie Frank Judith & Mark Taylor Joyce & Henry Schwob Annette Patoff Haas Dr. Milton & Cookie Frank Valerie Delman Lillian & Jacob Haas Allan L. Solomon & Julie L. Solomon Sheila Davis Stanley Perlman Eugene M. Albert Erwin Zaban Dr. Bernard Lipman Dr. Stephen C. Fink Doris Reisman Zaban Joshua Alan Lipman Barbara Rosenman Sam Dinerman Jack Wells Helen & Burt Horwitz Selma Levetan Dinerman Dorothy Wells Melvin N. Abend, MD Laura & Marshall Dinerman Laura & Marshall Dinerman Laura & Marshall Dinerman Laura & Marshall Dinerman Janet Perlman Manchel Linda & Bradford Lipman Linda & Bradford Lipman Judith Wells Judith Wells Barbara & Bert Levy Emily, Matthew, Louisa & Ellie Heimermann Barbara & Bert Levy Susan & Seth Weiner Andi Rubenstein & Joey Rubenstein Sydnei Rubenstein Sarah & Lily Muntzing Susanne & Early Muntzing Grandchildren Joan & Robert Dokson Grandchildren Arden, Eli, Chase & Zoe Merrill & Michael Stern Birth of Jasmine Matan Medwin Susan & Jonathan Amsler Patricia Levy Freedman Our children & grandchildren Charles Freedman Richard LaMadeleine Charles Freedman Grandson Seth Enzor Natalie & George Greene Loretta & Hyman Shapiro Janie & Alan Yorker Jeffrey M. Kamin Grandson Alec Kulbersh Irwin (Buck) Freedman Hamilton & Phoenix Greene Ann Rosenthal Dan Rosenthal Georgia Kimmel’s work with TBRS Dorothy Mendel Posner Barbara & Lenny Greenstein Caroline, Brad & Lily Limpert Samantha & Sophie Weiner Sam & Jean Arnovitz Marie Posner Saxe Dr. Joseph & Emilie Haas In Honor of: Susan & Mark Jacobson Lois, Joey & George Kimmel Dr. Milton & Cookie Frank Barbara & Lenny Greenstein Etta Waltzer Liebmann The Temple Staff Milton Krevolin Dr. Milton & Cookie Frank Dr. Joseph & Emilie Haas Edward M. Schuster Walter Weinberg Ronnie van Gelder Lowell H. Sugarman David Powell Julius & Anne Kornhaber Joann & Walter Weinberg Vera Krevolin The Krevolin Family Annette & Jack Rau Lester A. Friedman Judith Wells Dan Rosenthal Mildred & William Gold James Breman Milton Garber Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Frederic Schiele Bar Mitzvah of Elijah Zachary Harrison Janet & Richard Brody Lena & Joe Levinson Paula Gould & Family Ann & Maurice Shavin Upcoming Bat Mitzvah of Maya Felice Schiele Jeffrey M. Kamin Herbert D. Rothman The Krevolin Family Earle Balis Janet, Milton, Ashley & Alexandra Dortch Florence Ripans Edith Wiskind In Honor of: Donation: Twyla Rouse Gail & Allan Ripans Eileen Ruth Reuben Sarah & Alvin Levy Janet & Bruce Beerman Ronnie van Gelder Linda & Michael Christmann Louis & Jean Isaacson Milton & Zimmie Frank Morris “Buster” Frank Cathy Stone Ilene & Andy Albert Sharon Taber Martin Rosenman Bunny Mitchell Barbara Abend & Family Libby & Nat Gozansky Barbara & Hank Kimmel Barbara & Hank Kimmel Billy Bauman & Jon Amsler Barbara & Hank Kimmel The Temple Clergy & Staff Barbara & Hank Kimmel Maya Kaplan & Cole Kaplan Ellen & Brad Kaplan Erika & John Montag Jackie & Tony Montag Andrea & Ned Montag Jackie & Tony Montag Alice & Tom Tisch Jackie & Tony Montag Helen Montag & Adam Schulman Jackie & Tony Montag The Temple Worship & Music Committee Janet Lavine & Rick Williams Ann Rosenthal Carole & Irving Kay Ilene & Andy Albert Roslyn & Lou Schloss Caryn Hanrahan & Andy Siegel The Temple Security Staff Lynne & Howard Halpern The Temple Volunteers Lynne & Howard Halpern Harriet & Morris Lewis Alisa Lewis Sons Bert, Paul & Henry Sara Hene Birth of Paige Leah Wexler Deborah & Jack Wexler Bat Mitzvah of Georgia Goldstein Erica & Daryl Goldstein Michael Krevolin The Krevolin Family Judi Krevolin The Krevolin Family Our Anniversary Dr. Richard Kotler, D.D.S. & Helen Kotler, Ph.D. page 9 Contributions of Support The Temple Rabbis Barbara & Louis Levy Barbara & Bert Levy William B. Schwartz, Jr. Zaban Couples Center Jean & Herbert Weinstock In memory of: Birthday of Benjamin Avi Faber In Honor of: Sister, Bea Biederman Abrams Joan & Donald Brown Birth of Eleanor Bea Heimermann Barbara & Bert Levy Helen Alexander Emily Anne Nolte Caroline & Colby Schwartz Paula Krone & Michael Faber Grandchildren Devyn & Reid Edelstein, Jared & Hannah Brown Rabbi Peter Berg & Karen Kerness The Edelstein Family, Amy, Bruce, Devyn & Reid Rabbi Steven & Julie Rau The Edelstein Family: Amy, Bruce, Devyn & Reid Juliana M. Tamez Laurie Botstein Jude Simon Botstein Barbara & Bert Levy Reva Zee Emily Weiss Keisler, mother of Milton Dortch Libby Johnson & Nat Gozansky Sophie Kuniansky Ann Uhry Abrams Barbara Scheer Eason Dale Shields & Malcom Lindy Carolyn Wasser Speedy recovery of Jay Davis Virginia Hein Michele Glazer Hirsh & Jennifer Glazer Gay & Lyons Joel Sue & Mike Tancill Adult Education Fund Julian H. Asher Ilene & Shel Miller Natalie “June” Asher Helen & John Rieser Lee A. Brody Helen & John Rieser Sam E. Brody Sylvia Schuman Wright Dunwoody Cathy Stone Cathy Stone Jackie Nix & Jonathan Stone Claire Ettinger In honor of: Irvin Fagin Karen & Tom White Merle Hoch Margie Steiner, Connie York Elsie Lee Blum Forb Marsha Gilbert Betsy Lane Barbara & Bert Levy In Memory of: Eileen Lange Amy & Jeff Asher Stacy Lange Amy & Jeff Asher Dr. Melvin & Barbara Abend’s 50th Anniversary Fund Helen & John Rieser Laurie Botstein In Memory of: Donations: Arnold Dobran Susan Shapiro Charlotte Wilen Dahlila Hampton Gayle & Alan Kauffmann Sydney & Norman Abend The Abend Family Melvin Abend Marion & Bert Sobelson Family Fund In Memory of: Helen & John Rieser Phyllis & Sidney Rodbell Sally Jo Forb Abbey Loff Ann & Jay Davis Beloved father, Benjamin Miller Charles Rieser Katherine R. Rieser Husband, Irwin Schuman Julie Solomon Tony Cochran Joseph Geierman Brockey-Rothschild Institute Fund Gladys Blonstein Dana Shirley Mirvis Borenstein Louise Kopp Freedman In Memory of: Deborah Finestone Garden Beautification Fund Milton Garber Janet Lavine Marvin Garrett Contributions: Stephanie Aferiat David M. Alexander Elaine Alexander Max Alligood & Joy Rousso Phyllis & Eliot Arnovitz James Edward Ball Janet & Bruce Beerman The Benevity Community Impact Fund Donald & Norma Berlin Natalie & Matthew Bernstein Marvin & Miriam Botnick Janet & Richard Brody Sally & Sam Coolik Covenant Foundation, Inc. Marci Draluck Nancy & James Dykhouse Nancy Elsas Employment Learning Innovations, Inc. Ilene Engel & Bob Arotsky Freespirits2 (Anthony Cochran) Ronald & Roxie Garber Georgia Health Foundation, Inc. James & Barbara Goldberg James & Lauren Grien Ruth-Anne & Mark Hackner Nina & Mark Hafitz Nathan Lipson Sara & John Shlesinger Weinberg Early Learning Center Fund In Memory of: Sonia Kuniansky In Memory of: Harriet Kesser Stuart, JoAnne, Jason & Marcy Finestone David Adelman Open Jewish Project Fund In Honor of: Donation: Alan Friedman The birth & naming of Jasmine Medwin Temple Operation Fund JoAnn Asher Rubin Jennifer & Eric Sender Jennifer & Eric Sender Barbara w. & Bertram L. Levy Family Garden Fund In Memory of: Matt Friedlander Barbara & Bert Levy Richard A. Guthman, Jr. Barbara & Bert Levy Barbara Golder In Memory of: Sonia Kuniansky Jackie & Tony Montag Freddy Loef & Carolyn Skalla Memorial Fund In Memory of: Edith Sacks Lauren & Marc Skalla Barbara & Bert Levy In Honor of: Joyce Jacobson Birthday of Laurie Skalla Barbara & Bert Levy Karen Luscher Charlotte Wilen Brenda & Joel Shavin Betty Garrett Matile Ginburg Herbert & Jane Axelrod Andy & Helaine Lasky JoAnn, Eddie & Nathaniel Rubin Mary Steinheimer Debi & Stan Wilson Jack Gordon Richard & Carole Babush Diane Guzy Gup Bea & Bud Feiman Dale Shields & Malcom Lindy Richard Guthman Betsy & David Baker Virginia Hein Gay & Lyons Joel Edward & Beth Sugarman Sue & Mike Tancill Joyce Jacobson Betsy & David Baker Brenda Raymon Audrey Kaplan Carolyn Kaplan Jon Sanford Kappy deButts F.O.D. H. Book Club Carolyn L Hagedorn Irrev Trust Marc & Diane Hamburger Melinda Hartwig Marc & Caroline Heilweil Anne & William Hipp Ellen & Jack Holland Karen & Mark Holzberg Walter Jospin & Wendy Shoob Howard Kaplan Linda Kappel Marice Katz Greg & Lanie Kirsch Carole & Sidney Kirschner Allison Koenig Elaine & Ronald Koenig David Leeds Alvin & Sarah Levy Howard & Faith Levy Linda & Brad Lipman Joel Lobel & Debbie Ognibene Jeffrey & Bridget Lovinger Lita Menkin Larry & Ruth Menter Kenneth Joel Miller Jackie Montag Robert Moser Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Naman Elizabeth & Scott Oliver Sharon & Herbert Oliver Phyllis Owens Sharon & Stephen Paskoff ProFloors, LLC David Propp & Susan Kolodkin Marlene Puca Taylor & Fran Putney Scott & Ellen Rafshoon Dianne Ratowsky Esther & Stanley Rawn Dennis & Janet Rice M. S. Rice Patricia & Maurice Rosenbaum Donald & Patricia Ross Irving & Joyce Shlesinger Stanford & Margaret Shulman Andy Siegel Lily & Jordyn Siegel Robert Silverman & Stacy Crane Julie Stahlman Judith & Mark Taylor Weinberg Early Learning Center 2014 Outstanding Owls and Dinosaurs classes Karen & Tom White Deanne Whitlock James M. & Ruth E. Wilder Foundation, Inc. Douglas & Christine Wolf Leona Young Anonymous In support of: Information Technology infrastructure upgrade James M. Cox Foundation Marta Transportation for Zaban Couples Center The Atlanta Foundation We appreciate all donations & suggest a minimum of $10.00 per acknowledgement. Donations can be earmarked to one of our various donations funds. For more information on the various funds and their purpose in funding The Temple’s legacy and operations, please contact Rita Zadoff at 404-873-1731. You can make donations in person, over the phone, or via our website at WWW.THE-TEMPLE.ORG page 10 Temple Membership Anniversaries The following members are celebrating milestones in the year 2015. These anniversaries are based on when an adult membership was established. Althought, some individuals grew up here at The Temple, so the number of years in attendance may actually be longer. 10 YEARS Stephanie & Jared Abramowitz Lisa & Nathan Allen Steve & Sue Apolinsky Dana & Greg Averbuch Wendy & Ron Bell Neta & Eyal Ben-Arie Robyn & Marty Berger Nancy & Kenny Blank Liz Price & Rick Blumen Ronit Walker & Matt Bronfman Lori & David Bryan Jennifer Bush Otte Lee & Glen Cohen Terri & Seth Cohen Suzanne & Howard Cohn Marieli & Loren Colon Maureen Zent & Tom Davis Karen Bisgay-Dehan Marci Draluck DJ Edelson Katharine & Alan Elsas Michelle LaLonde & Brian Feldman Melissa & Daniel Fishbein Julie Friedman Julie & David Frushtick Marina & Sander Gilman Kimberly & Josh Gnatt Jody Goldfarb & Owen Samuels Shari Goldman Jane & Stephen Goldner Laura Griffith & Meredith Griffith Bob Heller Judy Hertz Fiona & Scott Isaacs Edward & Lisa Katz Susan Kossak Lynne & Steven Kushner Danielle Haas-Laursen & Kirk Laursen Valerie & Matthew Levin Stacey & Charles Lewinstein Julie Lubin Cheryl & John Mason Robert Moser Natalie & Bill Pearl Robert Polay Lauren & Fred Reeves Dave Schacher Jennifer & Michael Schwartz Casey & Andy Simonoff Michele & Eric Slepian Lauren Smoller Andrea & Doug Spear Randi Stillman Sylvia Wilson Karen York & James York, MD 20 YEARS Maurene & Ralph Birnberg Stephanie Sansom & Gary Botstein Laurie Botstein Karen & Andrew Ghertner Marilyn & Larry Gross Alice & Lawrence Gross Amie & Fred Herbert Susan & Donald Kennicott Phyllis Kozarsky & Eliot Arnovitz Jill Pryor & Edward Krugman Faith & Howard Levy Brad & Linda Lipman Faye & Brian Maloney Susanne & Early Muntzing Debbie & Lon Neese, Jr. Cheryl & Herb Orlansky Gladys Rabhan Phyllis & Peter Rosen Joyce & Henry Schwob Mindy & Dave Shoulberg Kathy & David Siegel Gerard Farek & Stacy Simon Jo & Steve Tapper Janet Lavine & Richard Williams Jane Wilkov & Bruce Winston 30 YEARS Susan & Robert Cohen Arnold Dobran Edith & Joel Finegold Paula & Ray Kuniansky Jr. Marjorie & Ferdinand Levy Kathryn & Robert Lewinson Donna & E. Michael Masinter Robin & Morris Neuman Lewis Regenstein Adrina & Don Richard Dulcy & Jerry Rosenberg 40 YEARS Myrtice Arnold Janet & Bruce Beerman Janice & Louis Belinfante Janice Rothschild Blumberg Laura & Marshall Dinerman Mary & Allan Goodman Margery & Stephen Greenspan Elaine & Paul Hirsch Rosthema & Paul Kastin Howard & Bobbi Kelman Lnor & Joel Levine Wendy Ludwig Stephanie & Bob Manis Judy & Jerry Maziar Mike & Marilyn Rose Karen & Warren Steinberg Jonathan Wax 50 PLUS YEARS Nancy Abrams Susan Abrams Jeff Allen Bootsie Alpert Dell Asher Gene Asher Norman Asher Earle Balis Mary Carole Cooney & Henry Bauer Jr. Jean & Hans Baumgarten Nancy & Harris Bellows Florence Bernes Shirley Blaine Silvia & A. Jay Block Jr. Shirley Mirvis Borenstein Miriam & Marvin Botnick Lucinda Bunnen Lora & Dean Coleman Jeanne Dreyfoos Barbara Scheer-Eason Edna Eisenberg Vera Ellmann Suzanne & Edward Elson Bill Epstein Sylvia Feldser Elaine Fenster Jonee Fine Barbara Fox Betty Garrett Arnold Goldberg Audrey Goldstein Bobby & Lainy Goldstein Barbara Goodman Nancy & John Hirsch Ellen & Jack Holland Joy Howard Chase Betty Ann Jacobson Lorraine Jaffe Gay & Lyons Joel Marice Katz Renee & Leo Kaufman Irene Kent Emily Kisber Frances Kuniansky Davee & Milton Kuniansky Laura & Richard Lawrence Elaine Levin Liz Levine Marion Levy Estelle Light Eleanor & Charles Lipton Evelyn Merkin Jackie & Tony Montag Carol & Bob Nemo Jacqueline & Richard Newfield Peggy & Steve Newfield Terry & Stanley Ney Esther & Stan Rawn Helen Revson Marcia Rice Helen & John Rieser Barbara Riff Robin & Clyde Rodbell Selma Sacks Mity Scharff Gerry & Fred Scheer Sonia Schwartz Rosa Serra Mary Sherman & Louis Sherman Jr. Joyce & Sonny Shlesinger Barbara & Alan Smith Charlotte Smithloff Eric Sommers Susan & Richard Stern Jack Taffel Suzanne Weens Bill Weiller Melvin Weingarten Charlotte Wilen Ruth Willner Jane & George Wise Dick Wise Walter Wolff Jr. Dick Wolf Mary Zwiren Leadership &Contacts Postal Mail: The Temple 1589 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Telephone: 404.873.1731 Fax: 404.873.5529 Email: office@the-temple.org Web: the-temple.org Follow us! facebook.com/thetempleatlanta @the_templeatl @the_templeatl Clergy Rabbi Peter S. Berg Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus Rabbi David Spinrad Cantor Deborah L. Hartman Rabbi Steven H. Rau, RJE Director of Lifelong Learning Rabbi Lydia Medwin Director of Congregational Engagement and Outreach Rabbi Alvin M. Sugarman, Ph.D. Emeritus Staff Mark R. Jacobson Executive Director Edye Summerfield Weinberg Early Learning Center Director Elizabeth C. Foster Family & Teen Educator Stephanie Fields Education Coordinator Sharon Graetz Engagement Associate Zachary Hoffman Engagement Associate Loren Fay Saunders Communication and Marketing Coordinator Officers of the Board Jon Amsler President Lauren Grien Executive President Kent Alexander Vice President Hank Kimmel Vice President Martin Maslia Secretary Louis Lettes Treasurer Michael Coles & Janet Lavine Executive Committee Appointees page 11 THE TEMPLE 1589 PEACHTREE STREET NE ATLANTA, GA 30309 THE-TEMPLE.ORG Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 968 Atlanta, GA february 2015 bulletin