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Study of fountain-drink bacteria underscores
need for regular maintenance
he headline screamed it from
CNN and earlier this
year: “Soda fountains contained
fecal bacteria, study found.”
Antibiotic-resistant microbes, E. coli,
coliform bacteria (which could indicate
possible fecal contamination)—some
or all of the above were found in 48%
of the 90 fountain samples tested from
quick-serve restaurants and convenience stores in the Roanoke, Va., area.
for details of the study.)
The one thing the study didn’t
uncover was a definitive cause of the
bacteria, leaving retailers and manufacturers at a bit of a loss.
“My initial reaction would be that
somebody had dirty hands and was
touching the spigots or the valves,” says
Jim Monroe, director of foodservice
for Handee Marts Inc., a 7-Eleven
licensee based in Gibsonia, Pa. “But
they tested for that, and that was not
the source. They tested the water
[source], and the bacteria wasn’t coming from the water line. Maybe a local
bottler had some bad syrup.”
Further testing concluded there was
A Maintenance
no reason to blame the syrup.
“It’s an awful suspicious thing,” says
Monroe, whose stores were not part of
the Virginia study. “[A soda fountain] is
a self-contained system. … So the bacteria
was coming from the syrup line.”
Not surprisingly, the study, conducted
by Hollins University, a private liberalarts college in Roanoke, concluded
much the same thing.
“What we think is happening is there
are communities of bacteria living
inside those tubes inside the machine—
a bio film, for instance,” says the study,
published in the January issue of the
International Journal of Food Microbiology. “As the machine gets used, the
top layer of the biofilm gets washed off,
but when few people are buying soda,
the liquid isn’t being flushed and,
overnight, they multiply.”
One prime piece of evidence of the
cause: More bacteria was found in
drinks poured in the morning than
those poured later in the day.
“That shows the importance of
flushing those [syrup lines] once a
䊳 Remove cup rest and wash with warm,
soapy water.
䊳 Wipe down the exterior unit using warm,
soapy water, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
䊳 Remove and clean valve nozzles with
warm, soapy water, then reinstall.
䊳 Pour warm, soapy water down drains to
keep them running.
䊳 Check temperature, smell and taste of
䊳 Check water pressure.
䊳 Check carbonation and CO2 levels.
䊳 Check date on all BIBs (bags in boxes).
䊳 Clean the nozzles and diffusers.
䊳 Clean the ice chute to avoid calcium and
scale buildup.
䊳 Flush all syrup lines.
䊳 Remove splash panel and clean cold
plate behind it with warm, soapy water.
䊳 Have water pump and check valve
inspected and cleaned by a qualified service
䊳 Have the CO2 gas check valve inspected
and serviced by a qualified service person.
June 2010
Photos by Jason Cohn
The Royal Flush
Don’t Forget the Ice Machines
Allowing bacteria to get into or grow in the
syrup lines of a soda-fountain machine can
lead to a variety of issues, from the product
tasting “off” to a consumer contracting a foodborne illness. Most manufacturers recommend
flushing a syrup line once a month.
As a service, CSP offers this illustrated, stepby-step guide to replacing a syrup bag-in-box
(BIB) and flushing the lines, collected from
service manuals and instructions from several
fountain manufacturers and 7-Eleven licensee
Handee Marts Inc. See the manual for your
fountain machine or consult your manufacturer
for individual specifications and details.
䊳 Wash, rinse and sanitize a bucket.
䊳 Fill the bucket with clean water and sanitizing
solution, as recommended by the manufacturer.
䊳 Put on clean plastic gloves.
䊳 Remove the syrup line from the old BIB.
䊳 Open the valve.
䊳 Soak the connector and valve in the sanitizing
June 2010
Back-room ice machines—the kind that require scooping ice into a bucket and moving it to
the soda fountain dispenser—are going the way of the dinosaurs as top-mounted ice machines
and satellite ice machines become the standard.
While the new machines improve sanitation, the top-mount and satellite machines still
have some pretty strict maintenance standards and carry the heavy burden of their ancestors.
“The transition that has been made from manually filling beverage dispensers with ice
to automatic fill has been a big [step forward],” says Mike Rice, product marketing manager
for ice-machine maker Follett Corp., Easton, Pa. “There are still places out there where people
are taking a 5-gallon pickle bucket or whatever, scooping ice out of the back room, bringing
it out to the front and then putting it in the soda dispenser. This [method] certainly provides
some more opportunity for contamination along the way.”
But even as progress improves sanitation concerns, other inconveniences arise.
“The challenge that you have there, interestingly enough, is that when the ice machine
sits on top of that beverage dispenser, it’s a pain to get at and clean. It’s big, and it’s heavy,
and it’s right in the middle of your customer space,” Rice says. “So it becomes a little bit
more of a challenge to get at it and clean it.”
But it needs to be done, both for safety and to meet local health-inspection standards.
“The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the people who come around and
do inspections … say if you have an ice maker that sits on top of a fountain machine, they
are to be cleaned yearly,” says Jim Monroe, director of foodservice for Handee Marts Inc., a
7-Eleven licensee based in Gibsonia, Pa. “And when I say cleaned, I mean professionally
Most states and municipalities have their own standards, Monroe says, and he’s worked
the Pennsylvania regulations into his store’s routine.
“We wipe them off and do the daily stuff, but [these professionals] pull them apart,
sanitize the bin, clean the ice plates. … At the same time, the ice maker is taken off, so the
bin on the fountain is emptied, cleaned and sanitized,” he says. “At this point, we probably
only have two stores that have ice makers in the back and they’re dumping ice into those.
Those need to be cleaned and sanitized every week.”
Meanwhile, ice-machine manufacturers generally suggest cleaning each unit every six
months, and perhaps even more often depending on the conditions in which the unit is
operated, says Jeff Biel, product manager for Scotsman Ice, Vernon Hills, Ill.
“In some c-stores, they’re baking things, and so you’re going to have a lot more yeast in
the air, which can contribute to more mold growth and slime in your ice machine,” Biel says.
“So in tougher environments like that, you should clean more often.”
month. If you flush them with sanitizer once a month, you should be
able to eliminate that problem,” says
And, indeed, that is just the recommendation made by most of the fountain
manufacturers contacted for this story.
“We emphasize the importance of
users properly sanitizing our beverage
dispensing equipment on a regular
basis and do not believe that there is
a health risk presented by the correct
use of our products,” fountain manufacturer IMI Cornelius, Osseo,
Minn., said in a release.
In a statement of its own released
soon after the Hollins study was published, the American Beverage Association concurred: “Fountain beverages
are safe. Consumers can rest assured
that our industry’s fountain beverages
pose no public health risk.”
Where such absolutes can get fuzzy
is at the regulatory level, says Mark
䊳 Cover the connectors with a plastic bag or plastic glove.
䊳 Dump the sanitizing solution, rinse the bucket and fill
with hot water (not over 140 degrees).
䊳 Uncover connector and place in hot water.
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Follett Corp.’s Satellite Fill ice machine allows the ice maker to be kept in
the back room and automatically pushes the ice up to 75 feet to fill a soda dispenser.
䊳 At the fountain machine, activate the valve for the
flavor being replaced.
䊳 Flush line until all the hot water is gone.
䊳 Repeat flush two or three times.
䊳 Return to the back room and remove the syrup
connector from the rinse container.
䊳 Check freshness date on new BIB.
䊳 Connect the clean connector to the new BIB.
䊳 Back at the fountain, run the new flavor until all the
water is flushed through the tube.
Sources: Handee Marts Inc., IMI Cornelius, Lancer Corp.
and Manitowoc Beverage
June 2010
Johnsson, vice president of marketing
for Manitowoc Beverage SystemsAmericas, Sellersburg, Ind.
“Some of [the upkeep] is predicated on the rules and guidelines that
are in place by the health departments
for various towns, cities and municipalities,” he says. “They’re not consistent across all 50 states, and I can’t tell
you with what rigor the regulatory
agencies that are responsible for that
type of oversight have [to conduct
inspections] within each market. …
In food equipment, as in any environment where microorganisms can
occur naturally or be spread by contact, it is essential to follow proven
steps for cleaning and sanitizing.”
Manufacturers are beholden to the
standards of the National Sanitation
Foundation (NSF) when developing
and selling their products.
“We do put, in every one of our
user manuals, a daily and a monthly
cleaning procedure that runs parallel
to how we qualified our equipment to
meet NSF approval,” Johnsson says.
“And if those procedures are followed
properly, we would never expect a
problem because we’ve been given that
approval to keep that equipment safe
and operating properly.”
IMI Cornelius echoed that sentiment.
It also joined in the most-often-heard
refrain that, regardless of the results of
the Virginia study, there have been no
reports of consumers getting sick from
consuming fountain beverages.
“There are thousands of Cornelius
dispensers in the market, and given the
lack of evidence that fountain dispensers have been the source of any
outbreak of food-borne illness, we have
no reason to believe there is any health
concern stemming from drinking beverages dispensed from them,” the company said.
While perfectly confident Handee
Mart’s policies are safe and up to his
local code, CSP’s inquiries led Monroe
to double-check state standards for such
requirements, and the review showed
Handee Mart’s standards are within the
guidelines. Still, revisiting the subject
allowed Monroe to consider some
upgrades to the chain’s procedures.
“We probably should have something in each store, back by the [syrup
box] rack, that lists by flavor the date
[each line was] last flushed for our own
protection,” he says. “It’s not only protecting you, it’s also ensuring the safety
of your customers.”