08-02-2016 factsheets beech chair description: beech wooden chair design: dumoffice, 2011 material: solid bended beech frame with beech plywood seat and backrest references: KPN, DSM Chemelot, VARA/BNN/NTS/VPRO beech chair open: BEO-NAT, BEO-BLK, BEO-RAL7035, BEO-RAL3015 beech chair back: BEE-NAT, BEE-RAL7035, BEE-RAL3015 beech chair open 55 47 76 measurements: 47x55x76cm (lxwxh) 5 kg standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BEO-CLR beech chair back 55 47 08-02-2016 76 measurements: 47x55x76cm (lxwxh) 5 kg standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BEE-CLR beech stool beech stool description: beech wooden stool design: dumoffice, 2012 material: beech frame with beech plywood seat and stainless steel feet rest. references: DSM Chemelot, VARA/BNN/NTS/VPRO beech bar stool 65 low 47 65 84 measurements: 47x47x84cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BES65L-CLR beech bar stool 65 high beech bar stool 75 high: BES75H-STAIN RAL6011 beech bar stool 75 flat black: BES75F-BLK beech bar stool 75 low: BES75L-STAIN RAL3015 47 47 75 beech bar stool 75 low 75 94 measurements: 47x47x94cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BES75L-CLR beech stool 45 flat 45 45 47 65 measurements: 47x47x75cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BES75F-CLR 95 beech bar stool 75 flat measurements: 47x47x95cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BES65H-CLR measurements: 45x45x45cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BES45F-CLR beech bar stool 75 high 47 75 105 measurements: 47x47x105cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BES75H-CLR beech bar stool 65 flat 08-02-2016 65 measurements: 45x45x65cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BES65F-CLR next >> 08-02-2016 45 beech bench description: beech wooden bench design: dumoffice, 2015 material: beech frame with solid beech comfort seat references: Stichting Zuidwester beech bench natural: BBE-NAT beech bench backrest left: BBL-RAL1018 beech bench backrest left 48 32 145 76 measurements: 145x48x76cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BBL-CLR beech bench backrest right 48 32 145 76 measurements: 145x48x76cm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BBR-CLR beech bench 32 145 08-02-2016 45 measurements: 145x32x45xcm (lxwxh) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BBE-CLR beech side description: beech wooden side table design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2014 material: solid turned beech wood references: VARA VPRO BNN NPS beech side low: BSIL-RAL1018 beech side low: BSIL-STAIN RAL7035 beech side high: BSIH-NAT beech side low 25 48 measurements: ø25x48cm (øxd) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BSIL-CLR beech side high 25 08-02-2016 58 measurements: ø25x58cm (øxd) standard colours (CLR): natural matt (CLR code: NAT) black matt (CLR code: BLK) article code: BSIH-CLR beech private beech private description: privacy seating with beech wooden frame and back cushion. side cushions are optional. upholstered in Febrik Shade in combination with Febrik Triangle. design: martijn hoogendijk, 2016 material: beech wooden frame and upholsterd cushions and panels beech private bench high beech private cushions side beech private loveseat low 126 measurements: 126x90x83cm (lxwxh) colours wood: CLR codes see colours solid wood upholstery (UPH-CLR): shade (UPH code: SHA-CLR) triangle (UPH code: TRI-CLR) article code: colour beech / seating+outside / cushion+inside BPLL-CLR-SHA-CLR-(TRI-CLR) 90 90 148 left: beech private loveseat low: BPLL-NAT-SHA-CENTIPEDE-TRI-BLUSH top: beech private loveseat high: BPLH-NAT-SHA-ROBBER-TRI-SWAMP right: beech private loveseat low: BPLL-NAT-SHA-TOADBUG-TRI-SMOKE bottom: beech private loveseat high: BPLH-NAT-SHA-BLISTER-TRI-SAFFIER 187 measurements: 187x90x148cm (lxwxh) colours wood: CLR codes see colours solid wood upholstery (UPH-CLR): shade (UPH code: SHA-CLR) triangle (UPH code: TRI-CLR) article code: colour beech / seating+outside / cushions+inside BPBH-CLR-SHA-CLR-(TRI-CLR) measurements: 50x40cm (lxh) upholstery (UPH-CLR): triangle (UPH code: TRI-CLR) article code: colour beech / seating+outside / cushion+inside BPCS-CLR-TRI 83 beech private loveseat high 126 measurements: 126x90x148cm (lxwxh) colours wood: CLR codes see colours solid wood upholstery (UPH-CLR): shade (UPH code: SHA-CLR) triangle (UPH code: TRI-CLR) article code: colour beech / seating+outside / cushion+inside BPLH-CLR-SHA-CLR-(TRI-CLR) 90 148 beech private bench low 90 08-02-2016 83 next >> 08-02-2016 187 measurements: 187x90x83cm (lxwxh) colours wood: CLR codes see colours solid wood upholstery (UPH-CLR): shade (UPH code: SHA-CLR) triangle (UPH code: TRI-CLR) article code: colour beech / seating+outside / cushion+inside BPBL-CLR-SHA-CLR-(TRI-CLR) beech basics description: beech wooden classic tables design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2015 measurements with B-frame 71cm and table top 3cm: square: 90, 140 and 180cm rectangle: length 180, 240 and 300, width 90 and 140cm colours beech wood base (CLR): standard: matt natural or black (NAT / BLK) special: stain or lacquer in NCS and RAL colours (CLR) material and colours table top (CLR): white melamine (MEL-WHI) uni solid colour HPL Duropal (HPL-CLR) Arpa Fenix NTM (ARP-CLR) natural or black beech veneer (NAT-V / BLK-V) article code: BAS71-lxw-CLR TOP-CLR beech basic: BAS71-180x90 STAIN RAL6011-TOP STAIN RAL6011 90 140 180 180 90 240 90 300 90 180 two person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 90 x 90 x 74cm four person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 140 x 140 x 74cm four person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 180 x 180 x 74cm four person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 180 x 90 x 74cm six person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 240 x 90 x 74cm eight person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 300 x 90 x 74cm 140 four person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 180 x 140 x 74cm 240 140 six person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 240 x 140 x 74cm eight person table 1 table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm lxwxh 300 x 140 x 74cm 08-02-2016 140 08-02-2016 300 360 140 90 eight person table 2 table tops 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 240cm lxwxh 300 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 140 90 ten person table 2 table tops 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 320 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 140 90 ten person table 2 table tops 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 340 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 480 140 90 140 90 eight person table 1 table top 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 240cm lxwxh 280 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 460 140 90 140 90 eight person table 1 table top 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 240cm lxwxh 260 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 260 440 140 90 140 90 six person table 1 table top 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 180cm lxwxh 240 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 240 420 140 90 140 90 six person table 1 table top 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 180cm lxwxh 220 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 x74cm 220 400 140 90 six person table 1 table top 3cm, 2 D-frames 71cm lxwxh 200 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 380 140 90 140 90 200 140 90 description: beech wooden rectangle table system design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2012 measurements with D-frame 71cm and table top 3cm: available lengths: from 200 up to 810cm and beyond available widths: 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 140 and 160cm colours beech wood frames (CLR): standard: matt natural or black (NAT / BLK) special: stain or lacquer in NCS and RAL colours (CLR) material and colours table top (CLR): white melamine (MEL-WHI) uni solid colour HPL Duropal (HPL-CLR) Arpa Fenix NTM (ARP-CLR) natural or black beech veneer (NAT-V / BLK-V) article code: CON71-lxw-CLR TOP-CLR beech connect 71 rectangle: CON71-340x100-NAT TOP-NAT-V 500 280 160 90 540 300 140 90 570 320 600 140 90 next >> 140 90 340 08-02-2016 beech connect 71 rectangle ten person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 360 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm twelve person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 380 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm twelve person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 400 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm twelve person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 420 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm fourteen person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 440 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm fourteen person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 460 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm fourteen person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 480 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm sixteen person table 2 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 500 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm sixteen person table 3 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 240cm lxwxh 540 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm eigtheen person table 3 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm , 4 beams 240cm lxwxh 570 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm eigtheen person table 3 table tops 3cm, 3 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 240cm lxwxh 600 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm next >> 08-02-2016 beech connect 71 rectangle beech connect 71 rectangle 630 140 90 140 90 twenty person table 3 table tops 3cm, 4 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 600 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 140 90 twenty-two person table 3 table tops 3cm, 4 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 690 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 140 90 twenty-two person table 3 table tops 3cm, 4 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 720 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 140 90 twenty-two person table 3 table tops 3cm, 4 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 750 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 140 90 twenty-four person table 3 table tops 3cm, 4 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 780 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 140 90 660 twenty-six person table 3 table tops 3cm, 4 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 810 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm 690 720 750 780 810 08-02-2016 eigtheen person table 3 table tops 3cm, 4 D-frames 71cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 630 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, or 140 x 74cm beech connect 100 rectangle twelve person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 3 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 380 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 fourteen person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 400 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 fourteen person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 420 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 sixteen person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 440 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 sixteen person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 3 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 460 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 sixteen person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 3 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 480 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 eigtheen person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 3 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 500 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 eigtheen person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 3 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 240cm lxwxh 540 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 twenty person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 3 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 240cm lxwxh 570 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 twenty person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 3 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 240cm lxwxh 600 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 twenty-two person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 630 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 120 80 beech connect 100 rectangle: CON100-360x100-BLK 120 80 380 description: beech wooden standing rectangle tables design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2012 measurements with T-frame 100cm and table top 3cm: available lengths: from 200 up to 810cm and beyond available widths: 90, 100, 110 and 120cm colours beech wood frames (CLR): standard: matt natural or black (NAT / BLK) special: stain or lacquer in NCS and RAL colours (CLR) material and colours table top (CLR): white melamine (MEL-WHI) uni solid colour HPL Duropal (HPL-CLR) Arpa Fenix NTM (ARP-CLR) natural or black beech veneer (NAT-V / BLK-V) article code: CON100-lxw-CLR TOP-CLR twenty-two person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 600 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 400 420 440 200 120 80 six person standing table 1 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm lxwxh 200 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 460 220 120 80 eight person standing table 1 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 180cm lxwxh 220 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 480 240 120 80 eight person standing table 1 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 180cm lxwxh 240 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 500 260 120 80 ten person standing table 1 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 240cm lxwxh 260 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 540 280 120 80 ten person standing table 1 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 240cm lxwxh 280 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 570 300 120 80 ten person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 240cm lxwxh 300 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 600 320 120 80 twelve person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 320 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 630 340 120 80 twelve person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 340 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm 660 360 08-02-2016 120 80 twelve person standing table 2 table top 3cm, 2 T-frames 100cm, 2 beams 300cm lxwxh 340 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm next >> next >> 08-02-2016 beech connect 100 rectangle beech connect 100 rectangle 690 120 80 720 120 80 750 120 80 780 120 80 810 120 80 08-02-2016 twenty-four person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 690 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm twenty-four person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 720 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm twenty-six person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 750 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm twenty-six person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 780 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm twenty-eight person standing table 3 table top 3cm, 4 T-frames 100cm, 4 beams 300cm lxwxh 810 x 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 x 103cm beech connect 100 round description: beech wooden round tables design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2012 measurements with frame of 71cm and top of 3cm : øxh from 90 up to 180cm colours beech wood frames (CLR): standard: matt natural or black (NAT / BLK) special: stain or lacquer in NCS and RAL colours (CLR) material and colours table top (CLR): white melamine (MEL-WHI) uni solid colour HPL Duropal (HPL-CLR) Arpa Fenix NTM (ARP-CLR) natural or black beech veneer (NAT-V / BLK-V) article code: CON71-ø (diameter)-CLR TOP-CLR description: beech wooden round standing tables design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2012 measurements with frame of 100cm with top of 3cm: øxh from 90 up to 200cm colours beech wood frames (CLR): standard: matt natural or black (NAT / BLK) special: stain or lacquer in NCS and RAL colours (CLR) material and colours table top (CLR): white melamine (MEL-WHI) uni solid colour HPL Duropal (HPL-CLR) Arpa Fenix NTM (ARP-CLR) natural or black beech veneer (NAT-V / BLK-V) article code: CON100-ø (diameter)-CLR TOP-CLR twelve person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 FIVE-frame 100cm øxh 200 x 103cm 08-02-2016 180 ten person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm øxh 180 x74cm ten person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 FIVE-frame 100cm øxh 180 x 103cm 200 160 eight person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 B-frame 71cm øxh 160 x74cm ten person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 FOUR-frame 100cm øxh 160 x 103cm 180 140 eight person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 D-frame 71cm øxh 140 x74cm eight person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 FOUR-frame 100cm øxh 140 x 103cm 160 130 six person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 D-frame 71cm øxh 130 x74cm eight person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 T-frame 100cm øxh 120 x 103cm 140 120 six person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 D-frame 71cm øxh 120 x74cm six person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 T-frame 100cm øxh 110 x 103cm 120 110 six person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 D-frame 71cm øxh 110 x74cm six person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 T-frame 100cm øxh 100 x 103cm 110 100 three person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 D-frame 71cm øxh 100 x74cm six person round standing table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 T-frame 100cm øxh 90 x 103cm 100 three person round table 1 round table top 3cm, 1 D-frame 71cm øxh 90 x74cm beech connect 100 round:: CON100-ø100-BLK TOP-BLK-V 90 90 08-02-2016 beech connect 71 round: CON71-ø140-NAT TOP-NAT-V beech connect 71 round beech connect ledge description: ledge for electrical instalations. positioning and dimension of cut-outs for electrical devices and switches on client specifications. only available in beech veneer. design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2015 dimension: 12x12cm x table lenght material: mdf with beech veneer colours (CLR): standard: matt natural or black (NAT / BLK) special: stain or lacquer in NCS and RAL colours (CLR) beech ledge yellow orange: 12x12cm RAL2000 12 08-02-2016 12 cut out client specification 12 lenght of table top-2cm beech ledge measurements: 12x12cm (wxh) x table lenght minus 2 cm colours: CLR codes see colours beech veneer unkle+ description: fully upholstered furniture with a kick strip in matching or neutral colour design: dumoffice, 2000 material: fully upholstered wooden frame polstered with foam references: abn amro headquarters amsterdam, rotterdam eye hospital, philips stadium eindhoven, universal music hilversum, van de oever, zaaijer & partners unkle 115 kvadrat divina 623: UNK-115 UPH-DIV623 unkle+ 115 55 30 30 30 30 .... 97 78 08-02-2016 42 measurements: [115+30+30+30+30...]x97x78cm (lxwxh) upholstery (UPH-CLR): DUMfelt (UPH code: DFE) kvadrat divina (UPH code: DIV) tessuti clienti article code: UNK-SIZE UPH-CLR delay description: fully upholstered seating with steel cantilever design: dumoffice 2003 material: fully upholstered frame polstered with foam and chromated steel cantilever references: frame magazine headoffice, usg start people short delay: DES UPH-KVADRAT GLOSS 3 202 short delay 95 measurements: 70x95x64cm (lxwxh) upholstery (UPH-CLR): DUMfelt (UPH code: DFE) DUMvintage (UPH code: DVI) kvadrat divina (UPH code: KDV) tessutie clienti article code: DES UPH-CLR 70 64 38 delay 149 100 08-02-2016 64 38 measurements: 100x149x64cm (lxwxh) upholstery (UPH-CLR): DUMfelt (UPH code: DFE) DUMvintage (UPH code: DVI) kvadrat divina (UPH code: KDV) tessutie clienti article code: DEL UPH-CLR wagner easy wagner examples description: upholstered oak easy chair design: dumoffice, 2011 material: upholstered oak frame polstered with foam and loose cushiions with goose down filling. references: pandomo real estate, zuidwester foundation colour oak / seating / large cushion / small cushion : wagner easy natural matt / gentle linnen / mosaic lava / summit streak: WAE-NAT / GEN-LIN / MOS-LAV / SUM-STK WAE-NAT / GEN-LIN / MOS-LAV / SUM-STK wagner easy RAL3011 brown red / gentle earth / summit streak / gentle earth: WAE-RAL3011 / GEN-EAR / SUM-STK / GEN-EAR easy 88 x 71 65 measurements: 88x71x65cm (lxwxh) 18kg colours: CLR codes see colours solid wood upholstery (UPH-CLR): Febrik gentle (UPH code: GEN-CLR) Febrik summit (UPH code: SUM-CLR) Febrik mosaic (UPH code: MOS-CLR) Febrik uniform melange (UPH code: UNM-CLR) Febrik triangle (UPH code: TRI-CLR) Febrik sprinkles (UPH code: SPR-CLR) article code: colour oak / seating / large cushion / small cushion WAE-CLR-UPH-CLR-UPH-CLR-UPH-CLR WAE-RAL5002 / GEN-ROY / SUM-FLA / GEN-ROY wagner easy RAL1018 zinc yellow / uniform melange banana / summit focus / sprinkle lovebird: WAE-RAL1018 / UNM-BAN / SUM-FOC / SPR-LOV WAE-RAL6002 / GEN-GRA / SUM-STM / GEN-GRA wagner easy RAL6002 leaf green / gentle grass / summit stream / gentle grass: WAE-RAL6002 / GEN-GRA / SUM-STM / GEN-GRA WAE-RAL3011 / GEN-EAR / SUM-STK / GEN-EAR wagner easy RAL6024 traffic green / uniform melange aloë / triangle oase / sprinkle parakeet: WAE-RAL6024 / UNM-ALOË / TRI-OAS / SPR-PAR WAE-RAL1018 / UNM-BAN / SUM-FOC / SPR-LOV next >> WAE-RAL6024 / UNM-ALOË / TRI-OAS / SPR-PARa 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 wagner easy RAL5002 ultramarine blue / gentle royal / summit flash / gentle royal: WAE-RAL5002 / GEN-ROY / SUM-FLA / GEN-ROY panatella panatella examples description: upholstered ash easy chair design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2014 material: ash frame polstered with with goose down filling colour ash / cushion: panatella ash RAL6002 leaf green / uniform melange aloë PAN-RAL6002 / UNM-ALO PAN-RAL6002 / UNM-ALO panatella ash RAL6011 reseda green / sprinkles parakeet PAN-RAL6011 / SPR-PAR panatella 08-02-2016 78 measurements: 78x76x78cm (lxwxh) colours: CLR codes see colours solid wood upholstery (UPH-CLR): sprinkle (UPH code: SPR-CLR) uniform melange (UPH code: UNM-CLR) article code: colour ash / seating / large cushion / small cushion PAN-CLR-UPH-CLR next >> PAN-RAL6011 / SPR-PAR 08-02-2016 78x76 cassius description: leather boxing bag design: dumoffice, 2008 material: 50kg cotton filling, supreme ecological tanned leather red stiching, chromated chain references: arentheem college arnhem, kleefse waard arnhem cassius brown: CAS-BWN cassius boxing bag 08-02-2016 measurements: ø37x150cm (øxh) 50kg colours (CLR): brown leather with red stitching black leather with white stitching (CLR code BLK or BWN) article code: CAS-CLR stripes stripes examples description: carpet system based on 10 colour stripes of 49cm wide and maximum 800cm long. design: fransje killaars, 2012 material: 100% pure new zealand wool, anti-slip backing, blind finished with cotton border. colours x length : CLR3 CLR2 CLR1 x 5m 49 stripes 49 CLR10 49 CLR9 49 CLR8 9,1 mm high 15 mm high 5,9 mm high 9,1 mm high 15 mm high 16,6 mm high 5,9 mm high 16,6 mm high 9,6 mm high 9,6 mm high CLR10 CLR9 CLR8 CLR7 CLR6 CLR5 CLR4 CLR3 CLR2 CLR1 x 1.5m 49 CLR7 measurements: # colours x 49cm x 800cm (max) colours and description (CLR): CLR10quadro fine 2-ply brown CLR9 carole 15M teal CLR8 marillo 23 orange CLR7 quadro fine 2-ply skin CLR6 carole 15M radium CLR5 wolmoquette 15M shock-pink CLR4 marillo 23 green CLR3 wolmoquette 15M napels CLR2 wolmoquette 28 white CLR1 wolmoquette 28 yellow article code: STR-CLR1---CLR10-LENGTH 49 CLR6 49 CLR5 CLR4 49 CLR5 CLR4 x 8m 49 CLR3 49 CLR2 CLR1 next >> 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 any size (max 800cm) pleat description: indoor pendant or standing decorative lighting design: dumoffice, 2009 material: pleated cloth on black wire frame, 100% polyester characteristics: E27 fiiting / max 60W / 4 meter black wire / european safety standard (EN 60.598 / CE ) / protection class II references: van dale publishers, town of uithoorn, rabobank pleat suspension 75L 95 pleat 75 50 50 pleat suspension 50 50 50 50 95 163 measurements: ø50x95cm (øxh) colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PS50L-CLR 75 50 75 08-02-2016 163 95 75 measurements: ø75x50cm (øxh) colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PS75-CLR next >> pleat floor 75 measurements: ø75x163cm (øxh) 8,5kg colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PF75-CLR 163 50 pleat suspension 75 pleat floor 50L measurements: ø50x163cm (øxh) 8kg colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PF50L-CLR 95 pleat suspension 50L 50 measurements: ø50x163cm (øxh) ) 8kg colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PF50-CLR 163 measurements: ø50x50cm (øxh) colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PS50-CLR pleat floor 50 pleat floor 75L measurements: ø75x163cm (øxh) 9kg colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PF75L-CLR 08-02-2016 pleat suspension: PS75-WHI, PS75L-ANT, PS50-GRE measurements: ø75x95cm (øxh) colours (CLR): green (CLR code: GRE) white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: PS75L-CLR chiton description: indoor pendant decorative lighting design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2012 material: pleated cloth on black wire frame, 100% polyester characteristics: E27 fiiting / max 60W /4 meter black wire / european safety standard (EN 60.598 / CE ) / protection class II examples, from left to right: CHS-ANT, CHL-WHI chiton small 45 measurements: ø37x45cm (øxh) colours (CLR): white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: CHS-CLR 35 chiton large 40 08-02-2016 55 measurements: ø55x40cm (øxh) colours (CLR): white (CLR code: WHI) antracite (CLR code: ANT) article code: CHL-CLR shift king arthur description: indoor pendant decorative lighting design: marc van nederpelt, wiebe boonstra, 2013 material: white RAL9010 powder coated steel characteristics: E27 fiiting / max 60W /2 meter tranparant wire / european safety standard (EN 60.598 / CE ) / protection class II description: indoor pendant decorative lighting design: jesse visser, 2012 material: black anodized aluminium characteristics: E14 fiiting / max 40W (LED 3W) / 2 meter transparent wire / european safety standard (EN 60.598 / CE ) / protection class II example: SHI-WHI shift king arthur 60 measurements: 26x31x62cm (lxwxh) colours (CLR): white (CLR code: WHI) article code: SHI-WHI measurements: 60x60x33cm (lxwxh) colours (CLR): black (CLR code: BLK) article code: KAR60-BLK 33 62 king arthur 90: KAR90-BLK 60 26x31 king arthur 90 33 measurements: 60x60x33cm (lxwxh) colours (CLR): black (CLR code: BLK) article code: KAR90-BLK 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 90 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 colours table tops table tops melamine white with white ABS band samples: beech veneer stained with beech veneer band not standard / every RAL and NCS colour possible samples: Dumoffice MEL-WHI [pfleiderer U1026 crystal white ±RAL 9016] MATT STAIN RAL1018 example HPL uni colour with coordinated ABS band samples: MATT STAIN RAL7035 example HPL UNI example duropal U194 RAL 1018 MATT STAIN RAL6002 example HPL UNI example duropal U1188 RAL 7035 arpa fenix nanotech with coordinated Arpa band matt, soft, anti-fingerprint, micro scratch thermo healing samples: MATT STAIN RAL3015 example FEN-0029 example arpa fenix bianco ±RAL 9010 beech veneer laquered with beech veneer band not standard / every RAL and NCS colour possible samples: DUM MATT LAQUERED RAL1018 example FEN-0032 example arpa fenix bianco ±RAL 9016 MATT LAQUERED RAL7035 example FEN-0720 example arpa fenix nero ±RAL 9011] beech veneer with beech veneer band standard: natural matt and black matt samples: Dumoffice MATT LAQUER RAL6025 example NAT-V beech veneer [natural matt] MATT LAQUER RAL3015 example next >> 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 BLK-V beech veneer [black matt] solid wood NAT solid beech [natural matt] solid wood standard: natural matt and black matt solid beech: beech collection solid ash: panatella solid oak: wagner samples: DUM NAT solid ash [natural matt] solid wood MATT LAQUER RAL6025 example] MATT LAQUER RAL3015 example NAT solid french oak [natural matt] BLK solid wood [black matt] solid beech stained not standard / every RAL and NCS colour possible samples: DUM MATT STAIN RAL1018 example MATT STAIN RAL7035 example MATT STAIN RAL6002 example MATT STAIN RAL3015 example solid wood laquered not standard / every RAL and NCS colour possible samples: DUM MATT LAQUERED RAL1018 example next >> 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 MATT LAQUERED RAL7035 example pleated cloth pleated cloth for Pleat and Chiton material: 100% polyester samples: Dumoffice ANT [antricite NCS S 7502-R / ±RAL8019] GRN [green NCS S 7020-G50Y / ±RAL 6007] 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 WHI [white NCS S 0505-Y40R / ±RAL 9001] febrik uniform melange febrik uniform melange ALOË ICE SMOKE SHELL JUNE CORAL OASE SEA ASH CLAY SUNSET RUMBA CYAN DUSK STONE SOIL AUTUMN SYRAH PEACOCK INK CHALK CAFE SIENNA TANGO CACTUS BLEUBERRY MINT next >> CHARCOAL COPPER VIOLET OIL SOLAR FIG BROWNIE BANANA HYDRO JEANS RASBERRY 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 name: Febrik Uniform Melange collection material: 68% wool 22% nylon 10% polyester weigth / abrasion: 490 g/lin.m / >80.000 martindale samples: febrik triangle name: Febrik Sprinkles collection SPR material: 30% wool 10% nylon 60% polyester weigth / abrasion: 670 g/lin.m / >60.000 martindale samples: name: Febrik Triangle collection TRI material: 17% wool 5% nylon 78% polyester weigth / abrasion: 875 g/lin.m / >60.000 martindale samples: LOVEBIRD WARBLER HORNBILL BANANA BLUSH PEBBLE ROSELLA SUNBIRD CROSSBILL SMOKE ICE OASE PARAKEET KINGFISHER STARLING FLAME RUMBA COPPER COCKATOO FINCH CHAFFINCH CHALK HYDRO SWAMP ROLLER BLUEBIRD PARROT VIOLET BLUEBERRY BROWNIE HAWK PIGEON WOODPECK CHARCOAL SAFFIER DUCK JAY HEN JACKDAW CROW next >> 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 febrik sprinkles febrik shade JEWELBTL FLOWERBTL DAMSEL DAUBER TARANTULA BLISTER CARPENTER MOSQUITO JEZEBEL ANT BUCKEYE TOADBUG CENTIPEDE HAWKMOTH HOVER MILLEPEDE TABBYTIGER SHIELBUG MIRID SKIMMER FLY CICADA FIREFLY BEE MOTH BUTTERFLY GRASSHPR next >> ROBBER DUNGBTLE MANTIS CATERPLR BIRDWING SOLDIERFLY DRAGONFLY LEAFBEETLE JEZEBEL 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 name: Febrik Shade collection / SHA material: 60% wool 30% polyester/polyamide weigth / abrasion: 525 g/lin.m / >80.000 martindale samples: febrik gentle name: Febrik Mosaic collection upholstery: 45% wool/nylon 45% polyester 10% elastine weigth / abrasion: 1000 g/lin.m / >26.000 martindale samples: name: Febrik Gentle collection / GEN material: 85% wool/nylon 15% polyester weigth / abrasion: 485 g/lin.m / >100.000 martindale samples: SHELL MINERAL CHARCOAL ROYAL ORANGE NATURAL OCEAN RUBY JAVA LINEN WALNUT GREY GRASS GRAPHITE FUCHSIA CHOCOLATE CAVIAR CAMEL AQUATIC PASSION EARTH LIME PRUNE 08-02-2016 SPICE next >> 08-02-2016 febrik mosaic febrik summit name: Febrik Summit collection SUM upholstery: 24% wool/nylon 76% polyester weigth / abrasion: 1000 g/lin.m / >24.000 martindale samples: GRAVEL STREAM STREAK FOCUS SPARKLE GLOW 08-02-2016 FLASH name: Kvadrat Divina 3 [DIV] in with color coordinated vinyl kickstrip Boltaflex material: 100% new wool weigth / abrasion: 840 g/lin.m / 45.000 martindale lightfastness: 6 ± 1 samples: Kvadrat Divina 08-02-2016 color coordinated kickstrip in Boltaflex vinyl DIV-106 DIV-154 DIV-171 DIV-173 DIV-181 DIV-191 DIV-224 DIV-236 DIV-246 DIV-334 DIV-346 DIV-356 DIV-376 DIV-384 DIV-393 DIV-426 DIV-444 DIV-462 DIV-526 DIV-536 DIV-542 DIV-552 DIV-562 DIV-584 next >> kvadrat divina 3 DIV-623 DIV-626 DIV-636 DIV-652 DIV-662 DIV-666 DIV-671 DIV-676 DIV-684 DIV-686 DIV-691 DIV-692 DIV-696 DIV-712 DIV-742 DIV-756 DIV-782 DIV-791 DIV-793 DIV-826 DIV-836 DIV-846 DIV-856 DIV-876 DIV-876 DIV-893 DIV-922 DIV-936 DIV-944 DIV-956 DIV-966 DIV-984 08-02-2016 kvadrat divina 3 DUMvintage DUMfelt name: DUMvintage with standard vinyl kickstrip / DVI material: 60% cotton, 40% linnen weigth / abrasion: 532 g/lin.m / 24000 martindale lightfastness: 5 ± 1 remarks: all DUMvintage upholstery in combination with the Unkle series will be combined dark grey kickstrip. samples: Dumoffice name: DUMfelt with standard vinyl kickstrip / DFE material: 75% new wool, 25 polyamide weigth / abrasion: 645 g/lin.m / 100.000 martindale lightfastness: 4 ± 1 remarks: all DUMfelt upholstery in combination with the Unkle series will be combined dark grey kickstrip. samples: Dumoffice standard kickstrip Boltaflex Slate DVI-01 DVI-14 DVI-15 DVI-17 DVI-39 DVI-43 DVI-45 DVI-52 DVI-60 DVI-65 DVI-66 DVI-76 DVI-77 DVI-78 DVI-102 DVI-104 DVI-181 next >> DFE-451 DFE-452 DFE-453 DFE-051 DFE-052 DFE-101 DFE-102 DFE-103 DFE-201 DFE-202 DFE-251 DFE-301 DFE-302 DFE-454 DFE-455 DFE-502 DFE-552 DFE-553 DFE-601 DFE-602 DFE-603 DFE-553 DFE-601 DFE-602 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 standard kickstrip Boltaflex Slate info Head Office Disclaimer DUMOFFICE Prinsengracht 486c 1017 KG Amsterdam The Netherlands +31 [0]20 489 0104 For the most recent factsheets please visit our website. Sales Benelux Brunia Interiors Laan van Waalhaven 118 2497 GP Den Haag the netherlands +31 [0]70 415 2070 Sales International DUMOFFICE Prinsengracht 486c 1017 KG Amsterdam The Netherlands +31 [0]20 489 0104 Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice. Illustrations are for guidance purposes only. Changes can occur in shape or colour depending on the material the good is made of or design of the good. The information in this brochure has been compiled with the utmost care. Liability for the correctness, comleteness and topicality of the information is restricted to gross negligence. Sizes and details may vary. For wooden furniture: All wood is a product of nature. Nature provides differences which will have their effect on grain patterns and color. All color characteristics of wood will change as it ages. Please be aware that wood expands and contracts. This process will create open joints. For upholstery and carpets: All characteristics can change as it ages. The rate of the change will depend on many factors, including type of textile, the amount of direct sunlight, exposure to smoke, chemicals, etcetera. Photography maarten van houten jeroen knijf visuals Designers marc van nederpelt martijn hoogendijk wiebe boonstra jesse visser fransje killaars Credits copy editing: 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 product development: de jager product bsm factory
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