THE SIAMESE BREEDERS GROUP - Western Province Cat Club
THE SIAMESE BREEDERS GROUP - Western Province Cat Club
WESTERN PROVINCE CAT CLUB together with are proud to present their 116th Championship & Trophy Cat Show (Held under the rules of the Southern Africa Cat Council) MONTE VISTA/ EDGEMEAD COMMUNITY CENTRE, EDGEMEAD – 23 MAY 2015 Admission Charges Adults: R10-00 Children: R5-00 Catalogues: R10-00 This show catalogue has been compiled from entry forms as submitted by exhibitors and whilst utmost care has been taken with the compilation and transcription of these details, the show committee accepts no responsibility for any errors that might have crept in. No part of this catalogue, including advertisements, drawings or any other material contained herein, may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the show managers, as this could infringe the Copyright Act. WARNING: EXHIBITORS EXHIBIT THEIR CATS AT THEIR OWN RISK AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE ADMITTED TO THE SHOW AT THEIR OWN RISK. THE SOUTHERN AFRICA CAT COUNCIL AND THE WESTERN PROVINCE CAT CLUB WILL NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES, INJURY OR FOR ANY OTHER CAUSE WHATSOEVER. RIGHT OF ADMISSION RESERVED Sponsored by . When only the best will do. 1 COVER PICTURE: One of Gill Burman’s beautiful cat drawings TROPHY SHOW – FOREIGN BREED GROUPS For the purpose of this, the Club’s Trophy Show, the Foreign Breed Groups have been divided up as follows: FOREIGN GROUP 1: Abyssinian, Somali and Singapura FOREIGN GROUP 2: Burmese, Russian and Devon Rex SPECIAL SPONSORED ROSETTES Janet Cook - Abymoon Abyssinians & Somalis Grant Bacon – Siamese Fan Joan Rhodes – Purrcardie Burmese Western Province Cat Club - Best Abyssinian on Show - Best Siamese Kitten - Best Burmese on Show - Best Veteran Domestic - Best Novice Domestic - Runner-up Best Dom Adult DONATED ROSETTES Siamese Breeders’ Group of S A (3) Sponsored by 2 - Best Siamese Entire - Best Siamese Neuter - Best Siamese Kitten . When only the best will do. The show management team for today: Show Managers: Ian Moore and Alastair Knight assisted by Adri Swart Margaret Twycross Awards Table: THANKS FOR TODAY Our sincere thanks to the following for their support of today’s show: Firstly to our sponsors for their monetary support, product prizes and specifically to Marycke Ackhurst, their National Product Manager and Elna Marran, their representative present here today. To the Judges, Stewards and Officials for their support and hard work. To Ursula van der Riet, who kindly agreed to take the photographs, not always an easy task on show day. To our Exhibitors and their beautiful cats without whom the show could not take place. To our Honorary Veterinarian, Dr Steve Kitley, of Riverside Veterinary Clinic for giving up his precious time. To Rosalie & John Kleyhans for kindly taking care of the door in their usual competent manner. To Stuart Seaton for the generous donation of CATS BEST LITTER prizes for the winners in the 4 top categories. BIO GROOM GOOP June de Wet has kindly donated a bottle of Bio Groom cat shampoo to each exhibitor. Thank you. June’s contact details for the products: 082 955 5551 or Sponsored by . When only the best will do. 3 WESTERN PROVINCE CAT CLUB COMMITTEE 2015: Chairman & Show Manager Vice Chairman Honorary Secretary & Newsletter Layout Honorary Treasurer & Publications PRO Minute Secretary & Membership Show Manager GC Delegate Ian Moore 021-712 2001 Adri Swart Charlotte van der Riet 082 405 5437 021-556 3683 Hazel King 021-715 4042 Brenda Kerr Basil Nieberg 021-671 5332 021-703 4981 Ingrid Van Eck-Gain Leanne Hewitt Alastair Knight Veronica Knight Charlene du Toit 021-689 2235 021-685 3360 021-939 9471 021-939 9471 072 155 6263 Address for correspondence: c/o 4 GREEN ROAD, BERGVLIET 7945 Web Address: ______________________________________ OUR JUDGES FOR TODAY ARE: Lucy Arends-Wagner (Gauteng) Kim Cutter Lynel Du Toit Veronica Knight Hazel King Reinhard Ludick of Smile FM Radio (Domestic Pets) Sponsored by 4 LA-W KC LdT VK HK RL . When only the best will do. CAT’S BEST LITTER 100% Organic and fully bio-degradable. Easy to clean. Economical and long lasting. Ideal for indoor/ apartment cats. Can be safely flushed. A 20L bag costs *R320,00. This will last a single indoor cat around 4 months. *BAG SIZES AVAILABLE: 10L - R180 20L - R320 40L - R495 *Prices subject to change. Contact: Stuart - 083 651 8327 Collection Points - Durbanville/Table View 5 SECTION 1 : PERSIAN PERSIAN GRAND CHALLENGE MALE POINTED - 001 Ch Alomi's Bamboozle of Lauvander (Imp) 1 Persian Red Tabbypoint (PER12Tp) Stud No: 8043 Owner: L Van der Merwe-Deetlefs Reg. No: 21307081 Sex: M Breeder: L Mortensen DOB: 17 Jul 2013 Age: 1y 10m Gr Ch St Jude's Sauterne of Alomi (PER12Tp) X Alomi's Cinnamon Swirl (PER12Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 HK 1st GCC Ring 2 LAW 1st GCC Ring 3 KC 1st GCC PERSIAN SUPREME PREMIER - 002 Sp Pr Cracker On The Spot 2 Persian Blue Spotted Tabby (PER06Ts) Owner: M Hawkins Breeder: A Visser & P Williams Reg. No: 21111179 DOB: 6 Nov 2011 Sex: NM Age: 3y 6m Sp Ch Pensfordhill Chasing Midnight of Cracker (Imp) (PER05) X Ch Ormeryds Ulla-Brita of Cracker (Imp) (PER06Ts) RESULTS: Ring 1 HK SPC Ring 2 LAW SPC Ring 3 KC SPC PERSIAN GRAND PREMIER - 003 Pr Cracker Google 3 Persian Black (PER05) Owner: G de Wit & C de Villiers Breeder: A Visser & P Williams Reg. No: 21202102 DOB: 23 Feb 2012 Sex: SF Age: 3y 3m Sp Ch Pensfordhill Chasing Midnight of Cracker (Imp) (PER05) X Ixidixi Rise To The Occasion of Cracker (Imp) (PER05Tc) RESULTS: Ring 1 HK 1st GPC Ring 2 LAW 1st GPC Ring 3 VK 1st GPC PERSIAN GRAND PREMIER PATCHED - 004 Pr Carmandale Princess Kiara (ASAA) 4 Persian Blue Tortoiseshell Tabby Harlequin (PER16HaTb) Owner: P Huelin Reg. No: 21401097 Breeder: Armand & Nortman DOB: 14 Jan 2014 Sex: SF Age: 1y 4m Sp Ch Flamboyant The Numa Numa Kid of Carmandale (PER12TcBi) X Carmandale Coco Chanel (PER16Ha) RESULTS: 6 Ring 1 HK Sponsored by 1st GPC Ring 2 LAW 1st GPC Ring 3 . When only the best will do. VK 1st GPC PERSIAN GRAND PREMIER TABBY - 005 Pr Mysticats Crackerjack 5 Persian Brown Classic Tabby (Per05Tc) Owner: X&E Culver Breeder: R Ferns Reg. No: 21402128 DOB: 15 Feb 2014 Sex: NM Age: 1y 3m Gr Ch Ormeryds Buddy Boy of Mysticats (Imp) (PER12Tc) X Cracker for my best friend of Mysticats(Per05) RESULTS: Ring 1 HK 1st GPC Ring 2 LAW 1st GPC Ring 3 KC 1st W/H PERSIAN BLACK FEMALE KITTEN - 006 Lauvander Wears Prada 6 Persian Black (PER05) Owner: L Van der Merwe-Deetlefs Breeder: Owner Reg. No: 21411110 DOB: 23 Nov 2014 Sex: F Age: 0y 6m Sp Ch Victor Merry Snowlily of Lauvander NQ (Imp) (PER06Pt) X Ch Lauvander Sha-Sume Maggie May (ASAA) (PER15) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st PERSIAN COPPER-EYED WHITE FEMALE KITTEN - 007 St. Jude White Dream of Lauvander (Imp) 7 Persian Copper-Eyed White (PER02) Owner: L Van der Merwe-Deetlefs Reg. No: 21409169 Breeder: C Giannini-Gori DOB: 25 Sep 2014 St. Jude Tango (PER01) X Kuorii Fabian of St. Jude (PER05) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC Sex: F Age: 0y 7m 1st PERSIAN COPPER-EYED WHITE MALE KITTEN - 008 Aquila's Nuada 8 Persian Copper-Eyed White (PER02) Owner: A Kazee Breeder: Owner Reg. No: 21411104 DOB: 22 Nov 2014 Sex: M Age: 0y 6m D'Eden Lover Bambi of Aquila (Imp) (PER05) X D'Eden Lover White Obsession of Aquila (Imp) (PER02) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st PERSIAN BLUE CREAM KITTEN - 009 Aquila's Phoebe 9 Persian Blue Cream (PER16) Owner: A Kazee Breeder: Owner Reg. No: 21501058 DOB: 8 Jan 2015 Sex: F Age: 0y 4m Sp Ch Julius Caesar Persy de Gal of Aquila RQ (Imp) (PER13) X Achlin Ve Afrodisiac of Aquila (PER05) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC Sponsored by 1st . When only the best will do. 7 PERSIAN RED FEMALE KITTEN - 010 Aquila's Rania 10 Persian Red (PER12) Owner: A Kazee Reg. No: 21501062 Sex: F Breeder: Owner DOB: 10 Jan 2015 Age: 0y 4m Sp Ch Uzi de Gal of Aquila RW NQ (Imp) (PER12) X Xsara Persy de Gal of Aquila (Imp) (PER15) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st PERSIAN RED SMOKE MALE KITTEN - 011 Aquila's Qaiser 11 Persian Red Smoke (PER12Sm) Owner: A Kazee Reg. No: 21501059 Sex: M Breeder: Owner DOB: 8 Jan 2015 Age: 0y 4m D'Eden Lover Bambi of Aquila (Imp) (PER05) X Joleigh's Kareena of Aquila (PER15Sm) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st PERSIAN BLACK NEUTER KITTEN - 012 Aquila's Kublai Khan 12 Persian Black (PER05) Owner: L Aspbury Reg. No: 21409032 Sex: NM Breeder: A Kazee DOB: 5 Sep 2014 Age: 0y 8m Sp Ch Uzi Persy de Gal of Aquila RW NQ (PER12) X Ch Purfurvid's India of Aquila (ASAA) (PER15Bi) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st SECTION 2 : EXOTIC EXOTIC SUPREME PREMIER - 013 Sp Pr Aziza's Dylan 13 Exotic Black (EXO05) Owner: M Twycross Reg. No: 21111175 Breeder: PC Goosen DOB: 1 Nov 2011 Ch D'Eden Lover Fabio of Aziza (Imp) (EXO05) X Aziza's Deonè (PER16Bi) RESULTS: 8 Ring 1 HK Sponsored by SPC Ring 2 LAW 1st W/H Ring 3 . When only the best will do. Sex: NM Age: 3y 6m KC SPC Gr Pr Cracker Good Morning Sunshine 14 Exotic Red Spotted Tabby (EXO12Ts) Owner: X & E Culver Breeder: A Visser & P Williams Reg. No: 21211073 DOB: 30 Nov 2012 Sex: NM Age: 2y 5m Gr Ch Ormeryds Buddy Boy of Cracker (IMP) (PER12Tc) X Sp Ch Ormeryds Gabriella Solis of Cracker (Imp) (EXO16) RESULTS: Ring 1 HK SPC Ring 2 LAW W/H Ring 3 KC SPC SECTION 3 : BIRMAN BIRMAN SUPREME PREMIER - 014 Sp Pr Classicats Master Co-Co 15 Birman Sealpoint (BIR05Pt) Owner: PA Blom Reg. No: 21310203 Sex: NM Breeder: JJ le Roux DOB: 11 Oct 2013 Age: 1y 7m Sp Ch Spellbound Yoda of Classicats (Imp) (BIR06Pt) X Classicats Miss Chocolat (BIR07Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 HK SPC Ring 2 LAW SPC Ring 3 VK SPC SECTION 4 : MAINE COON MAINE COON GRAND CHALLENGE MALE - 015 Ch Shangri-la Kingston Carruthers of Highlanders 16 Maine Coon Black Silver Classic and White (MCO) Owner: C Middleton Reg. No: 21406014 Sex: M Breeder: V Wright DOB: 7 Jun 2014 Age: 0y 11m Gr Ch Sir Warlord Mount Steele of Shangri-la (MCO) X Coonstars Katie of Shangri-la (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st GCC Ring 2 HK 1st W/H Ring 3 VK 1st GCC MAINE COON OPEN FEMALE - 016 Shangri-la Justa Maya of The Legends 17 Maine Coon Black Calico Tabby (MCO) Owner: P Smith & P Oosthuizen Reg. No: 21404023 Sex: F Breeder: V Wright DOB: 16 Apr 2014 Age: 1y 1m Sp Ch Zack Axis Star of Shangri-la (MCO) X Umeko Olimpia of Shangri-la (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW Sponsored by 1st CC Ring 2 HK 1st W/H Ring 3 . When only the best will do. VK 1st CC 9 MAINE COON OPEN MALE NEUTER - 017 Highlanders Drogon Targaryen 18 Maine Coon Silver Classic Tabby (MCO) Owner: T Bekker Breeder: C Middleton Reg. No: 21405021 DOB: 12 May 2014 Sex: NM Age: 1y 0m Sp Ch Justcoons Nanu of Highlanders (Imp) (MCO) X Sp Ch The Legends Twilight of Highlanders (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st PC Ring 2 HK 1st GPC Ring 3 VK 1st GPC MAINE COON GRAND PREMIER FEMALE SPAY - 018 Pr Callicoon's Alaskan Moon of The Legends 19 Maine Coon Brown Classic Tabby & White (MCO) Owner: P Smith & P Oosthuizen Reg. No: 20812137 Sex: SF Breeder: D Spooner DOB: 23 Dec 2008 Age: 6y 5m Sp Ch Kali Katz Mighty Sampson of The Legends (MCO) X Ch Callicoon Lunar Spirit (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 2nd W/H Ring 2 HK 2nd W/H Ring 3 VK 2nd W/H Pr Wentworthz Jolly Jezebel of The Legends 20 Maine Coon Brown Classic Tabby (MCO) Owner: P Smith & P Oosthuizen Breeder: E Wentworth Reg. No: 20112097 DOB: 12 Dec 2011 Sex: SF Age: 3y 5m Tr Sp Ch The Legends Alexander the Great of Wentworthz NQ (MCO) X Gr Ch The Legends Ravensong of Wentworthz (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st GPC Ring 2 HK 1st W/H Ring 3 VK 1st GPC MAINE COON SUPREME PREMIER - 019 Gr Pr The Legends Viola Black Beauty 21 Maine Coon Black (MCO) Owner: R Bloem Breeder: P Smith Reg. No: 21209157 DOB: 24 Sep 2012 Sex: SF Age: 2y 7m Gr Ch Langstteich's Bell VIP Blue of The Legends (Imp) (MCO) X Pr GeeDee's Caprice of The Legends (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW SPC Ring 2 HK SPC Ring 3 VK SPC MAINE COON NEUTER SENIOR KITTENS - 020 Shangri-la Lord Lasalle of Renecoons 22 Maine Coon Black Classic Tabby & White (MCO&W) Owner: R Bloem Reg. No: 21411044 Sex: NM Breeder: V Wright DOB: 16 Nov 2014 Age: 0y 6m Sp Ch Sir Warlord Mount Steel of Shangri-La (MCO) X Colorcats Mona Lisa of Shangri-La (MCO) RESULTS: 10 Ring 1 KC Sponsored by 2nd . When only the best will do. Highlanders Gandalf of Lionheart 23 Maine Coon Black Classic Tabby & White (MCO) Owner: L & E van der Westhuizen Reg. No: 21409016 Sex: NM Breeder: C Middleton DOB: 5 Sep 2014 Age: 0y 8m Sp Ch Justcoons Fast Paw of Highlanders (Imp) (MCO) X Highlanders Mary Queen of Scots (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st Ragtime Ari 24 Maine Coon Black Classic Tabby with White (MCO&W) Owner: L Hendriksz (p/t breeder) Reg. No: 21410069 Breeder: B Steyn DOB: 18 Oct 2014 Sex: NM Age: 0y 7m Sp Ch Royalty Koontucky Valentine (Imp) (MCO) X Big Giants Resort's Versace Queen of Ragtime (Imp) (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 3rd MAINE COON MALE NEUTER JUNIOR KITTEN - 021 Valkyrie Kelso 25 Maine Coon Black Silver Classic Tabby Bi-colour (MCO&W) Owner: L Hendriksz (p/t breeder) Reg. No: 21501073 Breeder: B Rossouw DOB: 8 Jan 2015 Sex: NM Age: 0y 4m Sp Ch Freddie Baccaracoon CZ of Royalty (Imp) (MCO) X Ch SI* Multicoon Avra of Valkyrie (Imp) RQ (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st MAINE COON FEMALE KITTEN - 022 Highlanders Lady Arwen of Lionheart 26 Maine Coon Brown Torby (MCO) Owner: L & E van der Westhuizen Reg. No: 21409017 Sex: F Breeder: C Middleton DOB: 5 Sep 2014 Age: 0y 8m Sp Ch Justcoons Fast Paw of Highlanders (Imp) (MCO) X Highlanders Mary Queen of Scots (MCO) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st SECTION 5 : RAGDOLL RAGDOLL SUPREME CHALLENGE - 023 Sp Ch Pl Star Pol Cat Fargo of Cherie-Lee (Imp) 27 Ragdoll Sealpoint Mitted (RAG05PtMi) Owner: J van Zyl Reg. No: 21306065 Breeder: J Kierpic DOB: 1 Jun 2013 IC Solenzara's John Boy (Rag n03) X x Zojka Kocie Laleczki Star PL (Rag n) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW Sponsored by SCC Ring 2 HK SCC Ring 3 . When only the best will do. Stud No: 8091 Sex: M Age: 1y 11m VK SCC 11 Sp Ch Cherie-Lee Adam RQ 28 Ragdoll Bluepoint Bi-colour (RAG06PtBi) Owner: J van Zyl Reg. No: 21304093 Breeder: Owner DOB: 15 Apr 2013 Sp Ch Waterlee Zakumi (RAG06PtBi) X Airin Ragdoll Letitia CZ (RAG) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW SCC Ring 2 HK SCC Stud No: 8092 Sex: M Age: 2y 1m Ring 3 VK SCC SECTION 6 : ABYSSINIAN ABYSSINIAN SUPREME CHALLENGE - 024 Sp Ch Abyzona's Crack of Dawn of Sherada NQ RQ (Imp) 29 Abyssinian Ruddy (ABY05) Owner: G Burman Reg. No: 21206051 Sex: F Breeder: A Watanabe DOB: 27 Jun 2012 Age: 2y 10m Abydom Raven Lunatik of Abyzona (ABY05) X Bastis Inception of Abyzona (ABY05) RESULTS: Ring 1 VK SCC Ring 2 LAW SCC Ring 3 HK SCC Sp Ch Toska's Shasta of Sherada 30 Abyssinian Sorrel (ABY09) Owner: G Burman Reg. No: 21106021 Sex: F Breeder: Y Akersten & I Langford DOB: 18 Jun 2011 Age: 3y 11m Tr Sp Pr(Ch) Hillstblues Coppertop of Sherada (Imp) (ABY09) X Toska Gaby Aby (ABY09) RESULTS: Ring 1 VK W/H Ring 2 LAW W/H Ring 3 HK SCC ABYSSINIAN GRAND CHALLENGE MALE - 025 Ch Rydells Ambassador (ASAA) 31 Abyssinian Ruddy (ABY05) Owner: A Swart Reg. No: 21404046 Breeder: J Lewis DOB: 1 Apr 2014 Db Sp Ch Swift Ningaloo of Rydell (ABY06) X Db Ch Rydells Spice (ABY05) RESULTS: Ring 1 LdT 1st GCC Ring 2 LAW 1st GCC Ring 3 Sex: M Age: 1y 1m HK 1st GCC ABYSSINIAN FEMALE KITTEN - 026 Sherada Shasta La Vista 32 Abyssinian Ruddy (ABY05) Owner: A. Swart Breeder: G Burman Reg. No: 21412022 DOB: 13 Dec 2014 Sex: F Age: 0y 5m Tr Sp Ch Abyzona's Flight-of-the-Phaulkon of Sherada (Imp) (ABY05) X Sp Ch Toska Shasta of Sherada (ABY09) RESULTS: 12 Ring 1 LAW Sponsored by 1st . When only the best will do. ABYSSINIAN NEUTER KITTEN - 027 Sherada Dawn Philosopher 33 Abyssinian Ruddy (ABY05) Owner: G Burman Breeder: Owner Reg. No: 21410066 DOB: 12 Oct 2014 Sex: NM Age: 0y 7m Tr Sp Ch Abyzona's Flight-of-the-Phaulkon of Sherada (Imp) (ABY05) X Sp Ch Abyzona Crack of Dawn of Sherada (Imp) (ABY05) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st ABYSSINIAN SUPREME PREMIER - 028 Tr Sp Pr (Sp Ch) Abyzona Flight-of-the-Phaulkon of Sherada RQ NQ (Imp) 34 Abyssinian Ruddy (ABY05) Stud No: 7862 Owner: E Mickeleit Reg. No: 21005094 Sex: NM Breeder: A Watanabe DOB: 11 May 2010 Age: 5y 0m Gr Ch Phaulkon's Paul Bonhomme (ABY05) X Ch Phaulkon's Kim of Abyzona (ABY05) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW SPC Ring 2 VK SPC Ring 3 HK SPC SECTION 7 : SOMALI SOMALI RUDDY OPEN FEMALE - 029 Abymoon Tache's Bukhara 35 Somali Ruddy (SOM05) Owner: J Cook Reg. No: 21307086 Sex: F Breeder: Owner DOB: 17 Jul 2013 Age: 1y 10m Abymoon Willow's Matsudana (SOM05Sh) X Abymoon Syntache (SOM06Sh) RESULTS: Ring 1 VK 1st CC Ring 2 LAW 1st CC Ring 3 HK 1st CC SECTION 8 : SINGAPURA SINGAPURA OPEN NEUTER - 030 Java China Doll 36 Singapura Sepia Agouti (SIN) Owner: P Oosthuizen & P Smith Reg. No: 20801190 Sex: SF Breeder: T Nairn DOB: 26 Jan 2008 Age: 7y 3m Sp Ch Java Victor de la Symphoraine (Imp) (SIN) X Tristan Sparkling Princess (SIN) RESULTS: Ring 1 VK Sponsored by 1st PC Ring 2 LdT 1st PC Ring 3 . When only the best will do. KC 1st PC 13 SECTION 9 : BURMESE BURMESE SUPREME CHALLENGE - 031 Gr Ch Mapantsula Teno 37 Burmese Chocolate Tortie (BUR17) Owner: H Harland Reg. No: 21310065 Sex: F Breeder: D Jansen DOB: 7 Oct 2013 Age: 1y 7m Sp Ch Sabokah Ed Fudpukka of Mapantsula (Imp) (BUR07) X Mapantsula Ella (BUR15) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW W/H Ring 2 LdT SCC Ring 3 KC SCC BURMESE SUPREME PREMIER - 032 Gr Pr Ga-Titos Autumnus Rufus 38 Burmese Red (BUR12) Owner: H King Reg. No: 21211178 Sex: NM Breeder: R Van Der Walt DOB: 28 Nov 2012 Age: 2y 5m Sp Ch Sabokah Ed Fuddpukka of Mapantsula (Imp) (BUR07) X Gr Ch Mapantsula Isobel (BUR17) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW SPC Ring 2 LdT SPC Ring 3 KC SPC BURMESE GRAND PREMIER - 033 Pr Mapantsula Bebe 39 Burmese Blue (BUR06) Owner: L & S Ferreira Breeder: D Jansen Reg. No: 21312142 DOB: 13 Dec 2013 Sex: NM Age: 1y 5m Sp Ch Sabokah Ed Fuddpukka of Mapantsula (Imp) (BUR07) X Gr Ch Sabokah Dame Rose of Mapantsula (Imp) (BUR06) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st GPC Ring 2 LdT 1st GPC Ring 3 KC 1st GPC SECTION 10 : RUSSIAN RUSSIAN SUPREME CHALLENGE - 034 Sp Ch Azreal Nikimara Narzulah RQ 40 Russian Blue (RUS06) Owner: L Hewitt Breeder: Owner Stud No: 8054 Sex: M Age: 2y 4m Reg. No: 21301136 DOB: 19 Jan 2013 Sp Ch Kimara Jazz N Blues Azastar of Azreal NQ RQ (Imp) (RUS06) X Ch Kimara Zaris Evelina of Azreal (Imp) (RUS06) RESULTS: 14 Ring 1 LAW Sponsored by W/H Ring 2 LdT SCC Ring 3 . When only the best will do. VK SCC RUSSIAN BLUE MALE KITTEN - 035 Azreal Walhalla Warrior 41 Russian Blue (RUS06) Owner: L Hewitt Reg. No: 21409100 Sex: M Breeder: Owner DOB: 7 Sep 2014 Age: 0y 8m Ch Warwick Diamond Jubalee (RUS06) X Sp Ch Azreal Izzie Innuendo (RUS06) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st SECTION 11 : DEVON REX DEVON REX SUPREME PREMIER - 036 Sp Pr Skydance Fancy Face Aira (ASAA) NQ 42 Devon Rex Sealpoint (DRX) Owner: C Morgan Reg. No: 20701221 Sex: SF Breeder: PC Bekker DOB: 15 Jan 2007 Age: 8y 4m Sp Ch El-I-Catz Dante De Milo of Fancyface (DRX) X Sp Ch Taldi Pinky Winky of Fanciface (DRX) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW WD Ring 2 VK WD Ring 3 HK WD SECTION 12 : SIAMESE SIAMESE SUPREME CHALLENGE - 037 Sp Ch MyEden's Alaska NQ RQ 43 Siamese Lilacpoint (SIA08Pt) Stud No: 7973 Owner: T & I Perestrelo Reg. No: 21109141 Sex: M Breeder: Owners DOB: 24 Sep 2011 Age: 3y 7m Sp Ch MyEden's Mauritius of Del'Oreade RQ (Imp) (SIA06Pt) X Ch MyEden's Briseis (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC SCC Ring 2 VK SCC Ring 3 LAW SCC Gr Ch Samoa Gems JooLaa of Sjarmante Katte (ASAA) 44 Siamese Sealpoint (SIA05Pt) Owner: M Ulyate Breeder: E Teichmann Reg. No: 21208176 DOB: 3 Aug 2012 Sex: F Age: 2y 9m SA Gr Ch Mistbesque Noir Chat of Samoa Gems (SIA05Pt) X Mokee Chip-Purr of Samoa Gems (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC Sponsored by W/H Ring 2 LdT W/H Ring 3 . When only the best will do. LAW SCC 15 Sp Ch Sherlah Gypsy Swan Song 45 Siamese Bluepoint (SIA06Pt) Owner: Lynel du Toit Reg. No: 21302072 Breeder: Owner DOB: 20 Feb 2013 Sherlah Gypsy King (SIA08Pt) X Sherlah Jay Gemma (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC SCC Ring 2 VK SCC Sex: F Age: 2y 3m Ring 3 LAW W/H Gr Ch Taldi Versace of Mutti's 46 Siamese Chocolatepoint (SIA07Pt) Stud No: 8063 Owner: M Van Dyk Reg. No: 21310186 Sex: M Breeder: J Groenewald & I Taylor DOB: 22 Oct 2013 Age: 1y 7m Ch Sweet Cats Amsterdammetjie of Taldi (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Sp Ch Taldi Alaska NQ (SIA08Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC W/H Ring 2 LdT W/H Ring 3 LAW SCC SIAMESE GRAND CHALLENGE FEMALE - 038 Ch Sherlah Jay Julia 47 Siamese Bluepoint (SIA06Pt) Owner: Lynel du Toit Reg. No: 21103074 Sex: F Breeder: Owner DOB: 8 Mar 2011 Age: 4y 2m Ch Sherlah Mafdet Jack the Lad (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Ch Sherlah Bella Rosa (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st GCC Ring 2 LAW 1st W/H Ring 3 IVEG 1st GCC SIAMESE SUPREME PREMIER - 039 Sp Pr (Sp Ch) Sherlah Jay Natalie NQ 48 Siamese Bluepoint (SIA06Pt) Owner: M Cannell Reg. No: 21103075 Sex: SF DOB: 8 Mar 2011 Age: 4y 2m Breeder: L du Toit Ch Sherlah Mafdet Jack the Lad (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Ch Sherlah Bella Rosa (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 VK SPC Ring 2 KC SPC Ring 3 LAW W/H Sp Pr San-Shing's Ravens Pass 49 Siamese Sealpoint (SIA05Pt) Owner: G Bacon Reg. No: 21111152 Sex: NM Breeder: P & T Prime DOB: 14 Nov 2011 Age: 3y 6m Gr Ch Mafdet Marchello of San-Shing (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Gr Ch San Shing's Betty Blue (SIA06Pt) RESULTS: 16 Ring 1 LdT Sponsored by SPC Ring 2 KC SPC Ring 3 . When only the best will do. LAW SPC Sp Pr San-Shing's Shinji RQ 50 Siamese Caramelpoint (SIA11Pt) Owner: G Bacon Reg. No: 21201162 Sex: NM Breeder: P & T Prime DOB: 17 Jan 2012 Age: 3y 4m Gr Ch Mafdet Marchello of San-Shing (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Sp Ch San-Shing's Baby Tjoklits(Sia07Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LdT SPC Ring 2 KC SPC Ring 3 LAW SPC Tr Sp Pr San-Shing's Kings Best NQ RQ 51 Siamese Caramelpoint (SIA11Pt) Owner: M Bolton Reg. No: 21111153 Sex: NM Breeder: P & T Prime DOB: 14 Nov 2011 Age: 3y 6m Gr Ch Mafdet Marchello of San-Shing (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Gr Ch San Shing's Betty Blue (SIA06Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LdT SPC Ring 2 KC SPC Ring 3 LAW SPC Sp Pr San-Shing's Mauve Melodee NQ RQ 52 Siamese Lilacpoint (SIA08Pt) Owner: L Williams Reg. No: 21211124 Sex: SF Breeder: P & T Prime DOB: 6 Nov 2012 Age: 2y 6m Gr Ch Mafdet Marchello of San-Shing (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Sp Ch San-Shing's Baby Tjoklits(SIA07Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LdT SPC Ring 2 KC SPC Ring 3 LAW SPC Tr Sp Pr Mai-Thai's Catsanova NQ RQ 53 Siamese Seal Tabbypoint (SIA05Tp) Owner: C Du Toit Reg. No: 20812033 Sex: NM Breeder: C Van der Riet DOB: 17 Dec 2008 Age: 6y 5m Gr Ch Tamarind's Valentino (SIA07Tp) X Gr Ch MyEden's Coco Chanel DM (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 VK W/H Ring 2 KC SPC Ring 3 LAW SPC SIAMESE GRAND PREMIER MALE NEUTER - 040 Pr Mai-Thai's V For Vendetta of Pittipat 54 Siamese Seal Tabbypoint (SIA05Tp) Owner: B Nieberg Breeder: C van der Riet Reg. No: 21109030 DOB: 1 Sep 2011 Sex: NM Age: 3y 8m Sp Ch Mai-Thai Koosje van Tutte's Alive & Kitting (Imp) (SIA05Tp) X Gr Ch MyEden's Coco Chanel (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LdT Sponsored by 2nd W/H Ring 2 KC 2nd W/H Ring 3 . When only the best will do. LAW 2nd W/H 17 Pr Mutti's Sweet Dragon 55 Siamese Caramel Tabbypoint (SIA11Tp) Owner: M Van Dyk Breeder: Owner Reg. No: 21401131 DOB: 29 Jan 2014 Sex: NM Age: 1y 3m Sp Ch MyEden's Mauritius of Del'Oreade RQ (Imp) (SIA06Pt) X Tr Sp Ch Mutti's Anna Sui NQ (SIA07Tp) RESULTS: Ring 1 LdT 1st GPC Ring 2 KC 1st GPC Ring 3 LAW 1st GPC SIAMESE GRAND PREMIER FEMALE SPAY - 041 Mutti's Pitti Sing 56 Siamese Caramelpoint (SIA11Pt) Owner: A Thom Reg. No: 21405065 Sex: SF Breeder: M Van Dyk DOB: 19 May 2014 Age: 1y 0m Sp Ch (UK Ch) Roysterer Snowfun of Muttis (Imp) (SIA08Pt) X Sp Ch Mutti's Donatella (SIA08Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LdT 1st PC Ring 2 KC 1st PC Ring 3 LAW 1st PC SIAMESE SEALPOINT FEMALE KITTEN - 042 Sherlah Jemara 57 Siamese Sealpoint (SIA05Pt) Owner: L du Toit Reg. No: 21411163 Sex: F Breeder: Owner DOB: 17 Nov 2014 Age: 0y 6m Gr Ch Mafdet Marchello of San-Shing (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Sherlah Jay Gemma (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st SIAMESE BLUEPOINT NEUTER KITTEN - 043 San-Shing's Kings of Leon 58 Siamese Bluepoint (SIA06Pt) Owner: M Bolton Reg. No: 21408111 Sex: NM Breeder: P & T Prime DOB: 26 Aug 2014 Age: 0y 8m Sp Ch Mafdet Marchello of San-Shing (Imp) (SIA05Pt) X Gr Ch San-Shing's Gypsy Rose (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st SIAMESE LILACPOINT FEMALE KITTEN - 044 Sjarmante Katte Lilly 59 Siamese Lilacpoint (SIA08Pt) Owner: M Ulyate Breeder: Owner Reg. No: 21410148 DOB: 11 Oct 2014 Sex: F Age: 0y 7m Sp Ch (UK Ch) Roysterer Snowfun of Muttis (Imp) (SIA08Pt) X Gr Ch Samoa Gems Joo Laa of Sjarmante Katte (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: 18 Ring 1 LAW Sponsored by 1st . When only the best will do. SIAMESE CARAMELPOINT NEUTER KITTEN - 045 Mutti's Gucci 60 Siamese Caramelpoint (SIA11Pt) Owner: M Van Dyk Reg. No: 21411160 Sex: NM Breeder: Owner DOB: 25 Nov 2014 Age: 0y 5m Gr Ch Taldi Versace of Muttis (SIA07Pt) X Tr Sp Mutti's Anna Sui NQ (SIA07Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 LAW 1st SECTION 13 : ORIENTAL ORIENTAL SUPREME CHALLENGE - 046 Sp Ch Felinus Azorica Realejo of MyEden RQ (Imp) 61 Oriental Black (ORI05) Owner: T & I Perestrelo Reg. No: 21301201 Breeder: L Ribeiro DOB: 17 Jan 2013 Felinus Azorica Merengue Spopin (ORI08Tt) X Bellamis J Lo (SIA05Pt) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC SCC Ring 2 VK SCC Stud No: 8047 Sex: M Age: 2y 4m Ring 3 LAW SCC ORIENTAL GRAND CHALLENGE FEMALE - 047 Ch Mai-Thai's Wild Olive 62 Oriental Brown Spotted Tabby (ORI05Ts) Owner: C van der Riet Breeder: Owner Reg. No: 21404033 DOB: 14 Apr 2014 Sex: F Age: 1y 1m Sp Ch Xtreme Dream Sultan Chan *SK of Mai-Thai (Imp) NW RQ (ORI05) X Ch Hasimo Takara (ORI05Ts) RESULTS: Ring 1 KC 1st GCC Ring 2 VK 1st GCC Ring 3 LAW 1st GCC ORIENTAL SUPREME PREMIER - 048 Tr Sp Pr Mai-Thai's Take That NQ RQ 63 Oriental Shorthair Lilac (ORI08) Owner: C Du Toit Breeder: C van der Riet Reg. No: 21211058 DOB: 4 Nov 2012 Sex: NM Age: 2y 6m Sp Ch Xtreme Dream Sultan Chan *SK of Mai-Thai (Imp) NW RQ (ORI05) X Ch Hasimo Takara (ORI05Ts) RESULTS: Ring 1 VK Sponsored by W/H Ring 2 KC W/H Ring 3 . When only the best will do. LAW SPC 19 SECTION 14 : DOMESTIC PETS A) ADULT NEUTERS BLACK & WHITE LONGHAIR - D01 64 "Supreme Master" Timothy Sex: NM DOB: 28 Feb 2009 Age: 6y 2m Black & White Longhair Owner: I Sommerfeld RESULT: Ring 1 RL 1st MC CALICO MEDIUMHAIR - D02 65 "Grand Master" Gabriella Sex: SF DOB: 7 Oct 2013 Age: 1y 7m Calico Mediumhair Owner: I Sommerfeld RESULT: Ring 1 RL 1st MC SEALPOINTED MEDIUMHAIR - D03 66 "Supreme Master" Skye Sealpointed Mediumhair Owner: J Myburgh A special cat with lots of love to give. RESULT: Ring 1 RL Sex: NM DOB: 20 Oct 2012 Age: 2y 7m 1st MC CREAM TABBY SHORTHAIR - D04 67 "Supreme Master" Cuppucino RESULT: 68 Ring 1 RL 1st MC "Supreme Master" Ethan Sex: NM DOB: 26 Feb 2008 Age: 7y 2m Cream Classic Tabby Shorthair Owner: C Van der Riet RESULT: 20 Sex: NM DOB: 28 May 2006 Age: 8y 11m Cream Tabby Shorthair Owner: I Sommerfeld Ring 1 RL Sponsored by 2nd MC . When only the best will do. RED TABBY SHORTHAIR - D05 69 "Master" Marmaduke Sex: NM DOB: 19 Jan 2011 Age: 4y 4m Red Tabby Shorthair Owner: I Sommerfeld RESULT: Ring 1 RL 1st MC GINGER TABBY & WHITE SHORTHAIR - D06 70 "Grand Master" Paddy Sex: SF DOB: 8 Nov 2013 Age: 1y 6m Ginger Tabby with White Shorthair Owner: B George RESULT: Ring 1 RL 1st MC BLACK & WHITE SHORTHAIR - D07 71 Sex: SF Esmeralda DOB: 1 Nov 2012 Black & White Shorthair Age: 2y 6m Owner: B George (for Plumpets) Esmeralda was found after having been hit by a car sometime the night before. She was taken to the vet where she was assessed. After consideration she was referred to the PDSA where her leg was pinned and set. She went back to Plumpets rescue center in Plumstead where she has received care and further treatment. She is undergoing physical therapy to return her leg to its full use. At the rescue center she has comforted the kittens and made friends with Tiny, the shyest of the cats. No-one has responded to advertisements so this loving and gentle lady is available for adoption, RESULT: Ring 1 WD BROWN TABBY & WHITE SHORTHAIR - D08 72 "Grand Master" Abigail Sex: SF DOB: 9 Nov 2013 Age: 1y 6m Brown Tabby & White Shorthair Owner: L Aspbury RESULT: Ring 1 WD BROWN TABBY SHORTHAIR - D09 73 Jessie Sex: SF DOB: 17 Aug 2014 Age: 0y 9m Black Tabby Shorthair Owner: L Aspbury RESULT: Ring 1 RL Sponsored by 1st MC . When only the best will do. 21 BLACK SHORTHAIR - D10 74 "Supreme Master" Sky Sex: SF DOB: 31 Oct 2005 Age: 9y 6m Black Shorthair Owner: C Morgan RESULT: Ring 1 RL WD B) KITTENS GINGER SHORTHAIR KITTEN - D11 75 Ruby Sex: F DOB: 1 Nov 2014 Age: 0y 6m Ginger Shorthair Owner: C Morgan RESULT: Ring 1 RL WD SIAMESE CROSS SHORTHAIR KITTEN - D12 76 Sex: SF Sianne DOB: 11 Nov 2014 Siamese Cross Shorthair Age: 0y 6m Owner: T Visser Sianne was rescued by the Velddrift rescue team and taken to TEARS. She was ill with diarrhoea and ringworm. This stunning kitten now lives with dogs and an older cat and fits in perfectly. She plays her version of pool and tries to retrieve the balls once she pots them. RESULT: Ring 1 RL 1st MC BLACK & WHITE SHORTHAIR KITTEN - D13 77 Cola Black & White Shorthair Owner: L Moore I adopted Cola from TEARS on 14 March 2015. RESULT: 22 Ring 1 RL Sponsored by Sex: NM DOB: 22 Nov 2014 Age: 0y 6m 1st MC . When only the best will do. FINAL RESULTS BEST DOMESTIC 69 Master Marmaduke Red Tabby Shorthair NM Owned by I Sommerfeld BEST KITTEN 11 Aquila's Qaiser Persian Red Smoke M Owned by A Kazee Bred by Owner BEST NEUTER 49 Sp Pr San-Shing's Ravens Pass Siamese Sealpoint NM Owned by G Bacon Bred by P & T Prime BEST ENTIRE 29 Sp Ch Abyzona's Crack of Dawn of Sherada NQ RQ (Imp) Abyssinian Ruddy F Owned by G Burman Bred by A Watanabe CAT OF THE DAY 49 Sp Pr San-Shing's Ravens Pass Siamese Sealpoint NM Owned by G Bacon Bred by P & T Prime Sponsored by . When only the best will do. 23 LIST OF EXHIBITORS 24 NAME EXHIBIT NOS. TELEPHONE NO. Mrs L Aspbury Mr G Bacon Ms T Bekker Ms R Bloem Mr P A Blom Mrs M Bolton Ms G Burman Ms M Cannell Mrs J Cook Mr X & Mrs E Culver Messrs D de Wit & C de Villiers Ms C du Toit Mrs L du Toit Mr & Mrs L Ferreira Mrs B George Mrs H Harland Ms M Hawkins Mrs L Hendriksz Mrs L Hewitt Mrs P Huelin Ms A Kazee Ms H King Ms E Mickeleit Ms C A Middleton Mrs L Moore Ms C Morgan Miss J Myburgh Mr B Nieberg Mr T & Mrs I Perestrelo Mrs P Smith & Ms P Oosthuizen Ms I Sommerfeld Ms Adri Swart Mrs A Thom Ms M Twycross Mrs M Ulyate Mr L van der Merwe - Deetleefs Miss C van der Riet Mr L & Mrs E v d Westhuizen Mrs M van Dyk Mrs J van Zyl Mrs T Visser Ms L Williams 12, 72, 73 49, 50 18 21, 22 15 51, 58 29, 30, 33 48 35 5, 14 3 53, 63 45, 47, 57 39 70, 71 37 2 24, 25 40, 41 4 8, 9, 10, 11 38 34 16 77 42, 74, 75 66 54 43, 61 17, 19, 20, 36 64, 65, 67, 69 31, 32 56 13 44, 59 1, 6, 7 62, 68 23, 26 46, 55, 60 27, 28 76 52 0825670550 0836804117 021-4652404 0837840727 021-7853550 0845880134 021-5578112 0827659490 0828576692 021-5591495 0732390934 021-8015748 021-7125996 021-9814544 0824912309 021-9753462 0832694304 021-7888228 021-6853360 0834378311 0827380868 0761444362 0826839691 0824545302 0834909324 021-5922233 021-7034981 021-5592406 0829707977 082 3358706 021-6712795 021-9750683 021-5596500 0827893241 0823791811 021-5563683 0827809217 021-9761256 021-5583934 0827889784 021-7150634 Sponsored by . When only the best will do.
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