Summer - The Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the


Summer - The Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the
Volume 48 • No. 2 • Summer 2014
SpIRIT oF ’76
Published by the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Annual Congress celebrates
Independence Day
Annual Congress celebrates
Independence Day
Summer Meeting, Cont’d
Annual Congress photos,
• DSDI dedicates bench
honoring seven Signers in
• DSDI Officers elected July
4, 2014
2014 Bell Tappers
• Summer of 1814
remembered in Maryland
• Sound of Liberty in
• Fall Meeting in Charleston
Letter from the Assistant
he 107th Annual Congress of the
DSDI came to order in Philadelphia on
July 3rd, 2014, opening with a meeting
of the board. President-General Lawrence
Croft opened the board meeting with the
Pledge of Allegiance, with 12 board
members present.
Officers gave reports and we voted on new
memberships, discussed future meetings
and voted on our donations to historic
sites. After the board meeting, DSDI
members walked to Christ Church for the
dedication of a beautiful granite bench
honoring seven Signers buried at the site.
Following the dedication, 48 members and
family dined at the Omni Hotel. Our
Newly dedicated bench displays names and signatures of seven
speaker, Kevin Kissling, COO of Eastern
Signers buried in the Christ Church Cemetery
National, the nonprofit entity that runs the
gift shops for many of the National Park sites,
Independence Day began with the junior
members selected as Bell Tappers having their
practice at the Liberty Bell. The Bell Tappers
were then introduced to 74 other members
and guests at a brunch at the Omni Hotel and
presented with Bell Tapper pins. The Bell
Tappers, descendents of John Hart and
George Reed, were Isaiah Bainbridge, Jacob
Bainbridge, Justin Bainbridge, Erin Daily,
Kenneth Daily, Alexa Scholl, Charles Wahlig,
Rory Wahlig and Elizabeth Welch.
A visit to the U.K. with
historical interests
Gifts and Contributions
Order Form: Insignia and
Lapel Pin
These fine young members, the future of the
DSDI, were escorted to the Liberty Bell
pavilion to witness the Oath of Citizenship,
administered to the two new young citizens
who would join in the ceremonial tapping:
Maria Urdaneta Bey and Estefania Urdaneta
Bey, of Venezuela.
2014 DSDI Scholarship
DSDI Registrar-General’s
DSDI dedicates plaque to
South Carolina Signer
including Independence National Historical
Park in Philadelphia, thanked DSDI for
contributing to the republishing of the
National Park Service’s book on the Signers
of the Declaration. Kevin concluded his
remarks by handing out copies of the newly
published books to the attendees.
DSDI Junior Members at the Liberty Bell After
Tapping. From left, Kenneth Daily, Erin Daily,
Rory Wahlig, Charles Wahlig, Isaiah, Justin and
Jacob Bainbridge, Elizabeth Welsh, Alexa Scholl
continued on page 3
Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Secretary
21 W. Glenbrooke Circle, Richmond, VA 23229
202 Royal View Drive, West Chester, PA 19382
16-A Fountain Manor Drive, Greensboro, NC 27402
7157 SE Reed College Place, Portland, OR 97202
PSC 827, Box 142, FPO AE 09617
3300 Binnacle Drive, Apt. 210, Naples, FL 34103
11116 Hurdle Hill Drive, Potomac, MD 20854
P.O. Box 425, Salem, OR 97308
3700 Shackleton Lane, Williamsburg, VA 23188
103 East Wells Street, Apt. C-131, Baltimore, MD 21230
2 Percy Street, Apt 0, Charleston, SC 29403
P.O. Box 9253, Savannah, GA 31412
3137 Periwinkle Court, Adamstown, MD 21710
Board of Governors
NEW HAMPSHIRE - Captain Erin Hayde, USAF
MASSACHUSETTS - Marianne and Ellen Brinker
RHODE ISLAND - Shelley Horsley Cruz
CONNECTICUT - Shelley Horsley Cruz
NEW YORK - Melvin Phillip Livingston
NEW JERSEY - Philip Robert Livingston
PENNSYLVANIA - Donald Crosset Ward, Sr.
MARYLAND - Lucy Duke Tonacci
VIRGINIA - Robert Bruce Warden Laubach
NORTH CAROLINA - Miles Joseph McCormick
SOUTH CAROLINA - Robin Leigh Rawl
GEORGIA - S. Weston Croft
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Laura Haines Belman
Dear DSDI Members,
Despite the ominous threat of Hurricane Arthur, our Annual Congress in Philadelphia
proceeded as planned. Whether a first-timer or an old hand, all agreed that meeting in the Long
Room of Independence Hall is, indeed, a reverent experience. Watching our junior members,
whose Signers were arguably the “first citizens,” tap the Liberty Bell alongside two young new
naturalized citizens instilled a sense of pride in being an American. Philadelphia’s July 4th
parade always attracts diverse and colorful entrants including this year, Vice President Joe Biden.
As President-General, it has been a real privilege to visit with other patriotic heritage organizations. This past
June 25th, Susan and I attended the 123rd Continental Congress of the National Society Daughters of the
American Revolution in Constitutional Hall in Washington, DC. The entrance of flag bearing members
representing the 50 states accompanied by music performed by the U.S Army Band set a rousing patriotic tone for
the evening. Incredibly, DAR membership exceeds 177,000, but even more impressive is the reported thousands
of hours DAR members have logged in providing service to their communities. On July 15th, I was invited by the
Thomas Lynch Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution in Georgetown, SC, to take part in dedicating a
DSDI plaque at Hopsewee Plantation, the birthplace of Signer Thomas Lynch, Jr. DSDI was represented by our
Editor of the Spirit, Hunter George, and his wife, Patty, and a large contingent of my family that happened to be
vacationing in nearby Pawley’s Island, SC. During the ceremony, Bobby Walters, a local rising high school senior
and two-time winner of the South Carolina SAR oration contest, moved the crowd with an excellent six-minute
speech on the eternal importance of the Declaration of Independence.
Those members who will be awarded scholarships for the upcoming school year have been announced.
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit following careful and diligent independent scoring by the members
of the Scholarship Committee. Any applicant not earning a scholarship this year is encouraged to apply for next
year. The Scholarship Committee is “looking for a few good men and women” volunteers. Spouses of
descendants are welcomed and encouraged to participate. Please contact me or Jill Haimes, who chairs the
Scholarship Committee.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming meeting in Charleston, SC. As a South Carolina native, I
can attest Charleston has unique historic charm and traditional food dishes to delight the most demanding palate.
Our meeting host, 1st VP-General Hope Middleton Wood, has made sure Charleston’s Lowcountry shrimp and
grits are on our menu. Need I say more?
Lawrence McMahon Croft, President-General
Spirit of ’76
Summer meeting,
At 2 p.m., the Bell Tappers performed the
ceremonial tapping 13 times for the 13 colonies,
joined by Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia. The
tappers were presented with replica Liberty Bells,
courtesy of the DSDI and the Pennsylvania Society
Sons of the Revolution.
philadelphia Mayor Nutter hands
Friday night dinner
speaker Kevin
Kissling, Coo of
Eastern National,
non-profit partner of
the National park
Service, with wife
DSDI members participated
George Read descendant Alexa Read
Scholl her very own Liberty Bell
in the parade to Independence
of the pennsylvania Society
Hall, joining in the festivities
Sons of the Revolution and the DSDI.
in the park. The DSDI
members then met at Independence
Hall, as they have for 107 years for
the Annual Congress. Introductions
were made and President-General
Croft read the Declaration of
Independence. It is a moving
experience to be in the same place
where our ancestors made the pledge
to give there lives, their fortunes and
their sacred honor in the pursuit of
liberty, then signed the Declaration of
Independence. Eighty-five members
and family participated in the
President-General Croft read the slate of officers and
members voted to approve.
The meeting closed with a roll
call honoring both the Signers
and their Descendants.
A SoD resists joining
philadelphia’s July 4th
Members returned to the Omni
for the formal dinner in the
Azalea Room. We charged our
glasses as L.D. Shank gave a
toast to the Signers. I gave
From left, Hope and Bill Wood, Jere, Ellen, John and
the blessing then we enjoyed
Carolyn Witherspoon, Lee and Thorny Lockwood
our meals. After dinner we
were honored to have Thorny Lockwood, holder of many
titles in our Society, speak to us on the events leading up to
the signing of the Declaration. Thorny took us through the
years and events that left the colonies no choice but to send
a Declaration to the king. It was an excellent presentation.
Don Ward Sr., DSDI pennsylvania
Governor and past president-General,
leads the Bell Tappers to an early
morning practice
Hope Middleton Wood, 1st Vp-General,
conducts the Signers’ Roll Call with the
help of David Haimes and SecretaryGeneral, Don Ward, Jr.
Vice president Joe Biden cannot resist
joining a parade
Thanks are owed to Grace Staller for all the time she puts
into our Annual Congress, Bell Tapping program, and the
Signers Grave Dedications. Her hard work makes these
events possible. And we thank the National Park Service
Rangers for helping us with these events.
Donald C. Ward Sr.
Pennsylvania Governor and Past President-General
John Hart descendants gather for a picture
more photos on page 4
August 2014
Annual Congress photos,
From let, Walley Francis, Ellen and Jere Witherspoon, Jill and David
Haimes, Debby and Emmett Schmidt, Carolyn Witherspoon
Bell Tappers and their families prepare to enter the Liberty Bell Center
DSDI parents and grandparents have the best seat in the house
DSDI’s very own
Thorny Lockwood
enlightens attendees
on important events
leading to the signing
of the Declaration of
B.J. Dunn, Acting
Superintendent of
Independence National
Historical park, welcomes
the DSDI Annual Congress
attendees in the Long Room
of Independence Hall
Jill Haimes,
Chairman of the
announces the
scholarship recipients
for the upcoming
school year
From left, Donald Ward Jr, Grace and Harry Staller, Donald Ward Sr.,
Eileen Ward, Carol and Gene Mayhew
Bell Tappers watch Maria and Estefania Bey from
Venezuela sign their citizenship papers
National park Service Ranger captivates Bell Tappers,
Jacob and Justin Bainbridge, Charles Wahlig, Erin Daley.
Spirit of ’76
DSDI dedicates bench honoring seven Signers in Philadelphia
On Thursday July 3, 2014 at our 107th Annual Congress we
dedicated a beautiful granite bench in the historic Christ Church
burial ground, where seven Signers are buried. The bench has our
DSDI bronze plaque In the middle of the seat and the signatures
of each of the seven Signers, in script the way they signed the
Benjamin Franklin
Francis Hopkinson
Joseph Hewes
George Ross
Dr. Benjamin Rush
Robert Morris
James Wilson
Don Ward, Jr., Secretary-General, and Morgan Shank, Assistant
Secretary-General, show the DSDI colors
Barbara Hague, Executive Director of Christ Church, welcomed us to the Burial
Ground, and thanked us for placing the bench. Anne McLauglin, Director of
Tourism, was instrumental in helping us place the bench. John Hopkins, the
coordinator of the Burial Ground, welcomed us and gave a moving remembrance
of Eleanor Hall, our deceased DSDI member, who volunteered at Christ Church for
many years.
Laurie Croft, President-General of the
DSDI, read a biography of each of the
seven Signers, and thanked Christ Church
for allowing us to place the bench. Rev.
Susan Richardson, Assistant Pastor of
Christ Church, offered a prayer and
blessing for the bench.
Jim Alexander, Registrar-General, places
an American flag on the DSDI wreath
The placement of this bench was a labor
of love, and an honor for me. Christ
Church Burial Ground is celebrating its
294th year and has more than 250,00
visitors each year. The Burial Ground is
two blocks from Christ Church, on Arch
Street between 4th and 5th Streets, a few
blocks from Independence Hall.
Rev. Susan Richardson, Assistant pastor, Grace
Staller, Chairman of DSDI Signer Recognition
project, Barbara Hogue, Executive Director of
Christ Church, Anne McLaughlin, Director of
Tourism, Christ Church preservation Trust, Laurie
Croft, president-General of DSDI, John Hopkins,
Coordinator of Christ Church burial ground
Grace Keiper Staller, Chairperson of the Plaque Committee
DSDI Officers elected July 4, 2014
First Vice-President General
Second Vice-President General
Assistant Registrar-General
Assistant Historian-General
Assistant Treasurer-General
Assistant Secretary General
August 2014
Lawrence McMahon Croft
Hope Middleton Wood
Miles Joseph McCormick
James Herbert Alexander, Jr.
Wendy Davis-Bushey
Nina Hill Hopkins
Madelyn Brinker Sturgeon
Johnny D. Alexander
R. Bruce W. Laubach
Donald Crosset Ward, Jr.
Luther D. Shank, IV (Morgan)
Leslie Pickett Sheehan, Esq.
Rev. Frederick Wallace Pyne
2014 Bell Tappers
Isaiah Ron Bainbridge, 7, was born in
Philadelphia and lives in Plymouth
Meeting, Pennsylvania. He enters the
2nd grade this year. He is a descendent of John Hart on his father’s side
and a third generation member of the DSDI. Isaiah
loves math and writing his own books. He plays
basketball, soccer and baseball. Isaiah also loves
elephants and rabbits.
Jacob James Bainbridge, 11, was born
in Philadelphia, and lives in Plymouth
Meeting, Pennsylvania. He enters the
6th grade this year. He is a descendent of John Hart on his father’s side
and a third generation member of the DSDI. Jake is
an avid reader who loves math and science. He is
a tournament level baseball player who plays pitcher and first base. Jake also loves birds, especially
pigeons and owls.
Justin Hart Bainbridge, 9, was born in
Philadelphia and lives in Plymouth
Meeting, Pennsylvania. He is entering
the 4th grade this year. He is a descendent of John Hart on his father’s side
and a third generation member of the DSDI. Justin
loves to read and his favorite subjects are art and
writing. He plays travel soccer and loves to play
defense. Justin also loves frogs and turtles. He has
a pet rabbit named Oreo.
Erin Daily will be a 7th grade student
at Wissahickon Middle School in
Ambler, Pennsylvania in the fall. Erin
participates in Softball, Band, Choir,
and Robotics. Erin is the granddaughter of one of the DSDI “Hart Girls,” the late Janet
Logan Daily.
Kenny Daily will be a 9th grade student at Wissahickon High School in
Ambler, Pennsylvania in the fall. Kenny
participates in Marching Band, Math
Counts, and Robotics. Kenny is the
grandson of one of the DSDI “Hart Girls,” the late
Janet Logan Daily.
Alexa Read Scholl, descendent of
George Read, was born Sept. 8, 1997
in Orange, California to parents John
Edward Scholl and Mardi Alaina Read.
Alexa is an honor student at Prescott
High School in Prescott, Arizona where she participates in badminton and track and field. She is the
president of Spanish Club and a member of National
Honor Society, Math Club and Soroptimists’ Club.
She has been raising a golden retriever puppy
for Guide Dogs for the Blind since May 2013. Alexa
plans to attend the University of Arizona in the fall
of 2015 and study political science or business with
a minor in Spanish.
Rory Hayes and Charles
Joseph “CJ” Wahlig are 9
and 8 years old respectively
and live in Severna Park,
Maryland with their two
cats Max and Delilah, dog Hershey and parents.
They both enjoy playing outside with friends in the
neighborhood and are very athletic, playing
lacrosse, tennis and swimming. Rory really enjoys
math and would love to be an architect when she
grows up. CJ also excels at math and would like to
be an author when he grows up. They both enjoy
going to Dewey Beach, Delaware and Southport,
North Carolina to boogie board every summer.
Elizabeth Rebecca Welch, 13,
was born September 18, 2000, in
Voorhees, New Jersey, and lives in
Atco, New Jersey. In September, she
will enter her freshman year at
Hammonton High School. Elizabeth is a member of
her school soccer team and plays for the Berlin
Jaguars girls travel soccer team as a goalie and a
forward. She also plays basketball, goes fishing,
loves to run and enjoys family trips and hanging out
with her friends. Elizabeth is a descendant of John
Hart. Her father, Brian G. Welch, was a bell tapper
in 1985.
Spirit of ’76
From the Assistant Treasurer
Dear fellow DSDI members;
I would like to share with you some observations, housekeeping items and an apology.
First of all, when I sent out the invoices for this year I inadvertently used the maiden name of many members
who joined before they married or changed their names. I do apologize for this transgression and I will work
hard to make corrections on my next mailings. Thank you to all who corrected me.
Second, I had made a change to the invoice, to add an asterisk or a double asterisk next to the membership ID.
These asterisks were used to denote if my records indicated an account was past due by one year* or more
than two years**. I will admit that there are some gaps in our record keeping and sometimes my records are
not fully in sync with the records kept by the Registrar-General. I do try to reconcile these records prior to
sending out the annual invoices. And I will admit that I might have missed some payments recorded by the
If you feel that I listed your account in arrears in error please contact me directly I will be glad to work with
you. I would not like to lose anybody as a member of the DSDI. If upon reviewing your records you find that
you have indeed missed paying dues, please contact me so that we can straighten your account out and keep
you as a member in good standing with the society. My contact information is at the end of this letter.
Some DSDI members make dues payments for their entire family on one check. In most cases they will note
on the invoice that they are paying for other members and list their name and DSDI ID number. Thank you!
Sometimes just names are listed, so I have to do a little research to find out whom to credit. This research can
involve reviewing previous year records, searching the DSDI database, or reviewing the Registrar-General’s
reports from each DSDI meeting to see if the person(s) concerned are new, upgraded from JR to SR member,
or reinstatements. Please make note on your returned invoice what DSDI members are being paid for and use
their DSDI ID number. Additionally if you are paying for another member please let them know so that they
do not pay for themselves. Double payments can create an accounting nightmare.
Sometimes I receive just a check without a copy of the invoice or the bottom half of the invoice. The DSDI
has two copies of the invoice printed so that you have one copy to keep for your records, and one to send
back with your payment. The invoice has your DSDI member ID on it and having this saves me time in
recording your payment information. Of course, if your member ID is noted on the check it makes posting
payment easy as well.
If you are using PayPal to make payments it can get confusing when making payments for multiple members.
What makes it confusing is that if the person paying uses their DSDI user ID on multiple transactions I may
record these as overpayments. PayPal will allow you to leave a short note, so please take advantage of this
feature and include the name and DSDI ID number if the payment is being made for another member.
Thank you,
R. Bruce W. Laubach, DSDI Assistant Treasurer
3700 Shackleton Ln.
Williamsburg, VA 23188-8803
Phone 757-253-1569
Spirit of ’76
Summer of 1814 remembered in Maryland
We remembered the summer of 1814 when the
British threatened our
Maryland St. Leonard Town
on Sunday, June 29.
Thousands of visitors came
to St. Leonard by sailboat,
powerboat, kayak and land
to see Tall Ships of 1634 to
the present. What a fun
way to get DSDI together!
Lucy Tonacci
Sounds of Liberty in Maryland
Thanks to Trish Dempsey with St. John’s College and Felicia Karavellas with the
Mayor’s Office, the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of
Independence had a “Sounds Of Liberty” celebration in Annapolis July 4, 2014.
We rang the Maryland Liberty Bell with visitors from Maryland, Pennsylvania,
Ohio, North Carolina and more, then shared light refreshments and information
about the DSDI, our ancestors and the Liberty Bells across the country. We all
talked about the “Sounds of Liberty” celebrations in Pennsylvania, Virginia,
Oregon and other locations. Everyone left with little flags to celebrate our liberty.
And in Oregon
Lucy Tonacci
Maryland DSDI Governor
In Salem, Oregon, we had a beautiful morning for our Sounds of Liberty Program. Three members of the Iron
Side Sea Cadets from Lafayette, Oregon presented the colors. We read the Declaration of Independence and rang
the replica Liberty Bell at least 13 times.
Johnny D. Alexander
Join us for the Fall Meeting in Charleston
October 10-12, 2014
The Descendants will meet Oct. 10-12 in the Holy City of Charleston, South Carolina,
the home of four signers.
Readers of Conde Nast Traveler magazine voted Charleston the No. 1 U.S. destination.
Join us for the Fall Meeting and you will discover why.
You will be greeted at one of the Historic Hotels of America, the Francis Marion Hotel,
which will hold rooms for DSDI until Sept. 9. DSDI members will be welcomed to the city known for its cobblestone streets,
historic homes, delightful gardens, piazzas, wrought iron gates, Spanish moss festooning live oaks, horse-drawn carriage
rides and possibly a pirate or two. History will surround you as you tour the Battery and see where the Cooper and Ashley
Rivers join the Atlantic Ocean. You will see Fort Sumter, where the first shot was fired in the Civil War. History will be everywhere as you tour forts, dungeons, historic homes, museums, parks and a city market.
Invitations will be sent to members in August.
Other meetings:• Spring meeting in Mount Vernon, April 10-12, 2015
August 2014
A visit to the U.K., with historical interests
DSDI President-General Emeritus
Kathryn and I had the privilege of being guests of the Honorable
Society of the Middle Temple and dining in the same hall as Edward
Rutledge, Thomas Hayward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton,
and Thomas McKean when we visited Middle Temple in London July 2.
These Signers of the Declaration of Independence all attended law
school at Middle Temple before they signed the Declaration. Seven
Signers of the U.S. Constitution also attended Middle Temple. Queen
Elizabeth I, William Shakespeare, and Sir Walter Raleigh were all in this
very room. What does Middle Temple mean?
The Middle Temple and the
other three Inns of Court
were established by the
middle of the 14th Century.
The Inn’s name derives
from the Knights Templar
who had been in
possession of the Temple
site since 1185. In the late
Middle Temple London - 18th Century
17th and 18th Centuries
many students came from
the American colonies. According to the Middle Temple’s website, “for
a time there was hardly a young gentleman in Charleston, SC who had
not studied here. Americans continued to come here until the War of
1812. In some years in the mid-18th Century there were jointly more
Irish and American admissions to the Middle Temple than there were
admissions from England.” The Honorable Society of the Middle
Temple, commonly known as the Middle Temple, is one of the four
Inns of Court exclusively entitled to call their members to the English
Bar as barristers, the others being the Inner Temple, Gray’s Inn, and
Lincoln’s Inn. They continue to provide training in areas such as
advocacy and ethics for students, pupil barristers and newly qualified
It was exciting to visit the same place some
of our Signers of the Declaration studied
law! However for me it did not end with
Middle Temple. The Temple Church houses
the “effigy” of one of my direct ancestors,
Sir William Marshal, the 1st Earl of
Pembroke, the greatest knight who ever
lived; he served four English kings, and was a
Regent of England and a Knight Templar. He
was the driving force behind the Magna
Carta and his son-in-law, Gilbert de Clare,
John Glynn standing
Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, and
next to his ancestor, Sir
Gilbert’s father Richard, Earl of Hertford,
William Marshal,
both my direct ancestors, sealed the Magna
Temple Church,
Carta. I feel much honored that I had
August 2014
ancestors who sealed Magna Carta; the Declaration of Arbroath (the
Scottish Declaration of Independence – 1320); and our own
Declaration Independence – the three charters of freedom.
The round Temple Church is among the
oldest and most beautiful churches in
London. It was built by the Knights
Templars and consecrated in 1185. It was
modelled on the circular Church of the
Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The
Temple was their headquarters in
England; there was the church, two halls,
cloisters and domestic buildings, leading
outside Temple Church,
straight down to the River Thames. The
lawyers of Inner and Middle Temple
were well established in the 15th Century, and in 1608 their occupancy
was secured by the grant of Letters Patent from King James I. The two
Inns of Court were granted the land on condition that they keep up the
church and its services. The Inns continue to maintain the church and
its choir of men and boys.
Stockton Society
For several years the Stockton Society has
invited me to come and speak about
American Stocktons and the Signer
Richard. After five years, we were able to
do it during our trip to Scotland. The
Stockton Society was formed in May 1990
at a meeting, in Bunbury, England of four
Stockton family historians researching the
At Stockton Society AGM,
name Stockton in the South Cheshire and
Bunbury, England
North Shropshire areas. The aim of the
Society is to promote research in the name Stockton and its variants by
the pooling of research and information, leading to a better
understanding of the history of the Stockton Family in the Cheshire
area of England. Members have also deposited copies of their family
trees with the Society (I have done this too). The Society collects any
items relating to the name Stockton. Links have been established with
Stockton researchers in Australia, Canada and the United States, all
tracing their roots back to the Cheshire and Shropshire region;
including a Stockton DNA program. The Society meets once per year,
in Bunbury, to review progress, meet new members, and, if time
allows, pursue further research at Chester Record Office.
At the meeting I gave a talk about
the Stocktons who came to the
colonies in 1655 and about the
Signer of the Declaration, Richard.
I was given a gift to remember
Bunbury, whose church dates back
to 755. After the meeting we had a
wonderful lunch at a local pub and I
talked to my Stockton cousins, as
many of us descend from the same
English line of Stocktons. It was a
wonderful visit and experience.
With Kathryn Glynn, David
Compston and Helga (Stockton)
Compston. Helga and John
descend from the same English
Stockton line.
Gifts and Contributions
as of July 15, 2014
The Descendants of the Signers of The Declaration of Independence wishes to thank all of those who have so generously
participated in the Annual Fund Drive. Your gifts are most important and will enable the Society to continue all its
programs, including research and education while preserving the legacy of our forefathers.
DELEGATE - $1,000 -$2,499
James Alexander*
Mark C. Pope III
Oliver K. Alexander
Laura Belman
Gregory Hawes
Lawrence M. Croft
Constance S. Wahlig
PATRIOTS - $150 -$499
Harriet Heyward Adams
A Heath Light
Archer Burke
Carol Robb Burke
Charlton H. Chatfield
Shelley Horsley Cruz
Henry Davis III
Caroline H. Davidson
Daniel C. DeMenocal
Walley Francis
John Glynn
Aroline B. Godbout
Thomas Randolph Grinnan
Nina Hopkins
Thorton Lockwood
Rieman McNamara*
Martin Mason
Gene and Carol Mayhew
Katherine Wilson McNeilly
George Mitchell
Mrs. P. William Moore, Jr.
M. Miller
Elizabeth Morris
Elizabeth Wahlig Nolan
Julia Maloney Nugent
George J. Olney, Jr.
A. Lee Osterman
Virginia Owens
Clarence W. Senn Jr
& Christin B. Senn
William S. Strong
Jere Witherspoon
Hope Middleton Wood*
Marietta Edmunds Zakas
& Louis Edmunds Zakas
BELL RINGERS – up to $149
Nancy Albans
Johnny Alexander
Emily Bagwill
Catherine Ball
David Barrow
Elizabeth McIlvain Bausher
Mrs. John W. Bigwill, Jr
Elise R. Bradford
Katherine Brush
Carol Burke
Marshall A. Burke
Danielle Cross
Tonya Darby
Derek DeGain
Donald DeGain
Sara Dorer
Hunter T. George
Donna Gonzalez
Elizabeth Gottwald
Mary Louse Guertler
Douglas Gray
Barbara Greeley
Blake Hagan
Mrs. James A. Harper
Julia Hencel & Brian Hencel
Jacqueline Hillegass
Thomas Kinney & John
Dorothy Gray Krusen
Tillie Page Laird
Lynn S. Manger
Annalise Marcus
Miles McCormick, Jr.
Lena McKenzie
Sarah Courtney Minton
Abigail Fulon Mitchell
Alexander Mitchell
Charles Mitchell
Anthony Morris
Maureen Morris
George Olney
Alyaon L. Rawitch
Michael J. Rawitch
Sarah E. Rawitch
Joseph H. Rawl
Brigadier General Francis D. Rogers
Grace Keiper Staller
Harry B. Strong
Linda Teare
Florence Thompson
Alexander P. Turner
Andrea Ward
Nancy McBride Wark
William H. Wood
Alan P. Zdimal
The Mark C. Pope, III Foundation
1776 LEGACY SOCIETY* Comprised of members who have included a gift to the DSDI in their will.
James Alexander*
Rieman McNamara*
Hope Middleton Wood*
* The Annual Giving Fund begins Nov. l, 2013 and extends through Oct. 31, 2014
Spirit of ’76
August 2014
2014 DSDI Scholarship Recipients
Haley Alban
Ellen Brueckner
Margaret Corbett
Dalton Cousin
Jordan Cousin
Caroline Crawford
Kristopher Davis
Kyle Davis
Leah Delahoussaye
Bradley Durkin
Margaret Edmunds
Richard Coles Edmunds
Justin Erickson
Camille Francis
William Gottwald
Mitchell Gray
Harrison Grinnan
Alexander Harris
Andrew Havens
Kayla Hunter
Allison Johnston
Peter Laciano
Timothy Laciano
Michael Lee
Jeffrey Lewis
Rose Lewis
Elayna Mahone
Natalie Marcus
Paige Marschall
Angelica Mason
Anna Menegaz
Abigail Mitchell
Catherine Mitchell
John Mortensen
James Nugent
Benjamin Olney
Sheila Olney
Zoe Osterman
Louisa Pendergast
Jeri Plante
Michael Rawitch
Sarah Rawitch
Elizabeth Roberts
Jessica Scordino
Kristy Scordino
Molly Storer
John Stratton
Nina Strong
Christina Sturgeon
Emma Sutro
Mary Ward
Emily Woods
Miles Works
Jeffrey Wrobel
Louis Zakas
Stephanie Zdimal
John Hart
William Ellery
William Floyd
William Floyd
William Floyd
Thomas Nelson Jr.
John Morton
John Morton
John Hart
Josiah Bartlett
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
Oliver Wolcott
John Morton
Thomas Nelson Jr.
John Hart
Benjamin Harrison
Carter Braxton
John Hart
Abraham Clark
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
John Hart
General William Floyd
Josiah Bartlett
Josiah Bartlett
Thomas Nelson Jr.
George Clymer
George Ross
Thomas Nelson Jr.
Roger Sherman
Carter Braxton
Carter Braxton
John Hart
John Hart
William Floyd
William Floyd
Benjamin Harrison
William Floyd
John Adams
John Hart
John Hart
John Witherspoon
Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston
Robert Treat Paine
John Morton
George Read
Oliver Wolcott
Francis Lewis
John Morton
John Witherspoon
Thomas Jefferson
John Penn
Benjamin Harrison
Philip Livingston
Iowa State University
Princeton University
State University of New York College at Cortland
Alfred University
St. Bonaventure
LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans
Elizabethtown College
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Louisiana State University
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rice University
Vanderbilt University
Duke University
Syracuse University
Old Dominion University
Indiana University - Bloomington
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Elon University
Ball State University
Brown University
The University of Texas at Austin
Yale University
East Tennessee State University
Principia College
Boston University
University of Wyoming
Colgate University
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Texas Tech University
The University of Aberdeen
University of Maryland
Texas A&M Galveston
College of the Holy Cross
Clarkson University
Fairfield University
University of Colorado Law School
Carnegie Mellon University
Northern Kentucky University
University of Kansas
Kansas State University
Liberty University
The University of Buffalo
Binghamton University
University of Massachusetts at Worcester
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
New York University
Furman University
University of King's College
University of Pittsburgh
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University
Washington College
University of Virginia
Keystone College
Spirit of ’76
Board Meeting – 3 July 2014 – Philadelphia, PA
13 New Senior Members
0 New Senior Supplements
0 New Junior Supplements
Katherine Patricia Payne
John Hart - 10
102 Greenfield Rd
Stafford, VA 22556-6221
Layne Elizabeth Burke
John Hart - 10
113 Mawney St
East Greenwich, RI 02818-3213
Erin Marie Nixon Wilgus
Robert Morris - 7
462 Capricon
Oakland, CA 94611-2059
3308LM Kelsey Elisabeth Dobyns*
Thomas Heyward, Jr. - 9
815 Bakers Court
Bluffton, NC 29910-5885
3309LM Lynda Carol Dresser
John Hart - 9
2916 Hyde Park
Bay City, MI 48706-1590
Jeffrey Martin Lewis
Josiah Bartlett - 9
32 Foxcroft Run
Avon, CT 06001-2509
Rebecca Anne Van Marel
William Hooper - 11
615 Cooper Ridge Dr
Richardson, TX 75080-2311
Alex Matthew Katz
John Hart - 10
1923 Darnell St.
Libertyville, IL 60048-4333
Andi Rose Katz
John Hart - 10
1923 Darnell St.
Libertyville, IL 60048-4333
Landon Bell Lane, Jr.
Thomas Nelson, Jr. - 7
1006 4th Ave Dr NW
Hickory, NC 28601-3453
Landon Bell Lane, III.
Thomas Nelson, Jr. - 8
1006 4th Ave Dr NW
Hickory, NC 28601-3453
James Robert Nugent*
John Hart - 10
43 Round Hill Rd
Woodbridge, CT 06525-1228
Sharon Marie Schmelling
John Hart - 10
7212 Sweetgrass Blvd
Hanahan, SC 29410-4702
* Junior Upgrade
These candidates have met the genealogical requirements for
membership into our Society. I move that we accept their applications for Senior Membership in the Society.
5 New Junior Members
Lisa Janet Payne
John Hart - 11
102 Greenfield Rd
Stafford, VA 22556-6221
William Anthony Wilgus
Robert Morris - 8
462 Capricon
Oakland, CA 94611-2059
Lia Analise Wilgus
Robert Morris - 8
462 Capricon
Oakland, CA 94611-2059
Blasie Howard Heath Stewart Thomas Nelson, Jr. - 9
11511 Vale Rd
Oakton, VA 22124-1336
Ashley Marie Schmelling
John Hart - 11
7212 Sweetgrass Blvd
Hanahan, SC 29410-4702
These candidates have met the genealogical requirements for
membership into our Society. I move that we accept their
applications for Junior Membership in the Society.
August 2014
1 Upgrade to Life Membership
Jr. 1169
Luke O’Neill Clements
6 Reinstatements
Cari S. Haimes
Mary Quarles
Carolyn Quarles
Stephanie Quarles
Ann Stirton Howard
Robert Bartlett Howard
28 April
16 Apr
16 Apr
16 Apr
10 May
10 May
0 Inactive Seniors
1 Junior Member Inactivated (over 21, did not yet
transfer, or have not responded to correspondence in three
years, or stated they did not want to upgrade to Senior status.
If they show up, they will have to provide an updated application form and pay a reinstatement fee, including LM):
Junior# Name
James Stoney Broach
Birth Date
13 Oct 1993
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
1 Resignation
Louise Rede Davis
5 Deaths
John W. Card
25 Apr 2012
Ann Park Darlington
6 Dec 2000
Janet Wilson Donahue
12 Jun 2013
Shirley Shaw Walton
18 Apr 2014
Reginald H. Nelson
13 May 2014
William Ellery
Robert Morris
Josiah Bartlett
Francis Lewis
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
New Senior Member Applications by Signer
Josiah Bartlett 1
John Hart
William Hooper 1
Robert Morris
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Total Active Membership, Last Report
New Members (does not include Junior upgrades) 5
New Supplements (does not increase # of Members)
Junior Transfer to Senior
(including non-transferring Juniors)
Total Net Added this Report
Total Membership, This Report
Total Life Members as of this report:
Seniors = 716, Juniors = 75, Total = 791
Last Senior Number, this Report: 3317
Last Junior Number, this Report: 1449
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Alexander, Registrar-General, DSDI
DSDI dedicates plaque to South Carolina Signer
President-General Lawrence Croft dedicated a plaque at the
birthplace of South Carolina Signer Thomas Lynch Jr.
The event took place July 15, 2014 at Hopsewee Plantation,
built by Lynch’s ancestors c. 1740 on the North Santee River
between Georgetown and Charleston. The dedication was part
of a program by the Thomas Lynch Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution.
Croft told the chapter members and guests that this was the first instance of DSDI
dedicating a plaque at a place other than a Signer’s burial site. He said the organization intended to extend similar designations at sites that were important parts of a
Signer’s life.
SAR Chapter President Nathan Kaminski Jr. thanked DSDI for recognizing the significance of the home of Lynch. He was joined at the ceremony by SAR officers Dr. Redding I. Corbett III, Richard
Johnson, Merritt Wm. Sturgeon and Franklin Beattie.
Lynch was the son of Thomas Lynch Sr., a Santee River indigo planter elected to represent South Carolina at the
Continental Congress. The elder Lynch suffered a cerebral hemorrhage while in Philadelphia and was unable to continue his duties. South Carolina appointed Lynch Jr. as a delegate to join his father in Philadelphia. Lynch Jr. was the
52nd Signer of the Declaration of Independence, at age 26. In 1779, he and his wife sailed for France and were lost
at sea when the ship sank.
Hopsewee is a National Historic Landmark, preserved rather than restored by five families that have lived in it. The
current owners, Franklin and Raejean Beattie, hosted the dedication event.
Hunter George, Editor, The Spirit of ‘76
James H. Alexander
7157 SE Reed College Place
Portland, OR 97202
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