The Happets
The Happets
property focus focus propriedad Spain The Happets La Tropa de Trapo, se desarolla. Desde la serie de dibujos animados al largometraje y a los libros que protagonizan, The Happets son seis buenos amigos que comparten sus divertidos descubrimientos con niños y niñas al tiempo que contribuyen a desarrollar su personalidad… Biplano gestiona los derechos mundiales de esta propiedad preescolar. > Cada uno de los personajes de este grupo de amigos está hecho de una tela y textura diferentes: Mumu, la vaca de cuadraditos azules, Milo, el osito de lana verde, Talalo el pajarito con rayas de colores, Olga la cerdita rosa con su estampado de flores, Alfred, el perrito vestido de tweed para el té y Rita, la jirafa amarilla con lunares amarillos. Este aspecto da a cada protagonista una identidad y personalidad propia. Las texturas de los tejidos juegan un papel primordial en el aspecto de los principales personajes. Éstas no sólo subrayan la identidad de cada personaje sino que también los convierte en unos peluches irresistibles. El propósito de la Tropa de Trapo es el de entretener y estimular a los niños y niñas de entre 2 y 6 años, ayudándoles a descubrir el mundo que les rodea en interacción con otros. Una propiedad transmedia… El público infantil puede disfrutar de la Tropa de Trapo tanto en soporte audiovisual (TV y cine) como editorial y on-line. La serie de TV consta de 52 episodios de 7 minutos y se está emitiendo en la televisión de Catalunya TV3 así como en otros países de Asia. También se lanzó una película en 3D estereoscópico en verano 2010 en los cines a nivel nacional con más de 40 000 espectadores, la cual ha ganado un premio 44 Gaudí (Academia de Cine Catalana) y está nominada a los Goya (Academia de Cine Española). También existe una aplicación de iPad para los más pequeños. El programa de licensing empieza. Las técnicas de animación de HD en 3D empleadas en la serie de TV enfatizan las texturas, haciendo que los personajes resulten facilmente reconocibles y transportables sobre p ro d u c t o s d e licencia. El target del licensing es prescolar y las valores transmitidas son diferencia, amabilidiad y amistad. ¡Resulta fantástico ser uno mismo! Lupita Books ya ha publicado un amplio programa editorial para La Tropa de Trapo. Los libros se publican en países como España, Francia, Italia, Australia, Korea, Dinamarca, Holanda, Brasil y próximamente UK y Japón. Biplano está ya trabajando para desarrollar un programa completo de licensing y de promoción poniéndose en contacto con televisiones, licenciatarios y partners para integrarlos en este ambicioso proyecto. El objetivo es desarrollar un programa de licensing que cubra las principales categorías como el juguete, el back to school y el textil. V.L. Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 The Happets are being developed From the animated series to the feature film through to the books in which they are the main characters, The Happets are six good friends who share their fun discoveries with boys and girls while helping develop their personalities… Biplano manages the global rights for this pre-school property. Each of the characters in this group of friends is made from different fabric and has a different texture. This aspect gives each protagonist its own identity and personality. The fabric textures play a primary role in the main characters’ appearances. They not only highlight each character’s identity but also turn them into irresistible soft toys. The Happets aims to entertain and stimulate the minds of boys and girls aged 2 to 6, helping them discover the world around them through interactions with others. A cross-media property… The infantile audience can enjoy The Happets though audiovisual (TV and cinema), editorial and online media. The TV series comprises 52 7-minute episodes and is broadcast on Catalan Television channel TV3 as well as in other countries in Asia. A stereoscopic 3D film was also released in national cinemas in summer 2010, which enjoyed viewing figures of more than 40,000, won a Gaudí award (Academy of Catalan Cinema) and has been nominated for a Goya Award (Spanish Cinema Academy). An iPad app has also been developed for little ones. The licensing programme begins The 3D HD animation techniques used in the TV series emphasize the textures, making the characters easily recognisable and transportable through licensed products. The licensing target audience is of pre-school age and the values transmitted are of difference, kindness and friendship. Lupita Books has already published a broad editorial range for The Happets. The books are published in countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Australia, Korea, Denmark, the Netherlands and Brazil, with the UK and Japan set to follow in the near future. Biplano is already in the process of developing a full licensing and promotion programme, getting in contact with television stations, licensees and partners who it can involve in this ambitious project. The aim is to develop the main categories such as toys, back to school and textiles. V.L. 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Jesús Durán: La Fábrica de Ideas y Dibujos Kukuxumusu es una empresa popular, cuyo objetivo es licenciar productos de uso cotidiano, dirigidos a toda la familia, que incorporan el valor de una buena calidad y de nuestros diseños. Podemos decir que nuestros productos se posicionan en el segmento medio, medio-alto. K.: ¿Cuál es la notoriedad de la marca a nivel internacional? ¿Cuáles son los mercados más fuertes? J.D: Kukuxumusu es una marca presente en Europa, sobre todo en el Estado español y francés, aunque desde finales del año pasado estamos desarrollando un plan de internacionalización de nuestras licencias. El año pasado, por ejemplo, estuvimos en la Licensing International Expo de Las Vegas y la respuesta fue sorprendentemente buena. Hemos estado también en la Brand Licensing Europe de Londres a través de nuestro agente de licencia para el Reino Unido. Y además, tenemos intención de participar en la Bologna Licensing Trade Fair, también en colaboración con nuestro agente para Italia. Nuestras mayores expectativas para el futuro se centran en los mercados de México, Italia y Japón. K.: ¿Qué tipo de productos existen? ¿Cuál es el target? J. D.: La verdad es que la gama de productos de Kukuxumusu es muy variada y nuestro target es amplio. Solemos decir que nuestro público objetivo va desde 1 a 99 años, aunque nuestros seguidores más fieles se sitúan entre los 16 y los 35 años, tanto chicos como chicas. Somos una marca unisex y, además de 46 nuestros productos textiles (camisetas, sudaderas, ropa interior, etc.), también disponemos de 35 licencias de diferentes ámbitos, cuyos productos son populares y de uso cotidiano. Hablamos de accesorios de telefonía, iPhone y iPads con Inoffcom y Avenir Telecom, ropa íntima, calcetería y bañadores con Kler, material de escritura y papelería con Inoxcrom y Miquelrius, mecheros con Bic, barajas de cartas con Heraclio Fournier, complementos para mascotas con Arppe, artículos para la cocina con Valira, complementos para e l a u t o m ó v i l co n B C Corona, albúmenes de fotos (analógicos o digitales) con Hofmann, m o n t u ra s d e g a fa s ( t a n t o graduadas como pregraduadas y de s o l ) co n B C N Trade Emplacement, paraguas y sombrillas de playa con Clima, complementos outdoor con Laken y otros más. K.: ¿Cuál será la estrategia licensing en España y a nivel mundial en los próximos años? J. D.: En el Estado español disponemos actualmente de más de treinta licencias y nuestro objetivo es afianzar nuestra relación con ellas e ir ampliando esa cartera poco a poco. Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 Interview with Jesús Durán, Manager of Kukuxumusu Kazachok: How is Kukuxumusu positioned in the Spanish market? Jesús Durán: The Ideas and Drawing Factory Kukuxumusu is a popular company that is dedicated to licensing everyday products for all the family that incorporate the added values of excellent quality and our designs. Our products are positioned in the medium to upper-medium market segment. K.: How well-known is the brand on an international level? What are its strongest markets? J. D.: As a brand, Kukuxumusu can be found in Europe, particularly in Spain and France, although we have been developing a plan for the internationalisation of our licences since the end of last year. Last year, for example, we exhibited at the Licensing International Expo in Las Vegas and received a surprisingly positive response. We were also present at the Brand Licensing Europe trade fair in London through our UK licensing agent. Furthermore, we intend to participate in the Bolonga Licensing Trade Fair, also in cooperation with our agent for Italy. The markets for which we have the greatest expectations for the future are those in Mexico, Italy and Japan. K.: What types of products do you have? Who is your target audience? J. D.: Kukuxumusu’s range of products is extremely diverse and we have a broad target audience. We should say that our target audience is aged 1 to 99 although our most loyal followers are both males and females aged between 16 and 35. We are a unisex brand that offers not only textile products (t-shirts, sweatshirts, underwear etc.) but also 35 licences from different environments with interview entrevista Spain Entrevista dirigida por V.L. popular everyday products. These include telephone accessories, iPhones and iPads with Inoffcom and Avenir Telecom, lingerie, hosiery and swimwear with Kler, writing materials and stationery with Inoxcrom and Miquelrius, lighters with Bic, playing cards with Heraclio Fournier, pet accessories with Arppe, kitchen utensils with Valira, automotive accessories with BC Corona, photo albums with Hofmann, spectacle frames with BCN Trade Emplacement, umbrellas and beach parasols with Clima, outdoor accessories with Laken and many more. Actualmente contamos también con varias licencias internacionales, aunque nos gustaría incrementar dichas licencias con la puesta en marcha de nuestro plan de internacionalización que se desarrollará a través de la figura del agente de licencias en una serie de mercados que hemos elegido. Actualmente estamos cerrando ya acuerdos con agencias de licencias en EEUU, Canadá, México, Reino Unido, Italia, Alemania y Japón. En relación a las licencias internacionales de las que hablábamos, trabajamos por ejemplo con: Mad Catz, Inc., empresa que fabrica y comercializa complementos para videoconsolas en EEUU; Grandes Vinos y Viñedos S.A., con quien hemos sacado una colección de vinos varietales que se importan y venden en EEUU; la empresa alemana MBM Systems Gmbh, para la que hemos diseñado unas postales lenticulares, que simulan 3D o movimiento y cuya distribución es mundial; Kelnet (Francia), dedicada a producir todo tipo de gamuzas (tejidos en micro-fibras para limpiar cristales, pantallas de TV, pantal- las de ordenador, gafas, o b j e t i vo s d e cá m a ra fotográfica, etc.), que comercializa en toda Europa y, sobre todo, en Francia, España y Alemania; BLGS Hometextile SPRL (Bélgica), especializada en textil hogar (toallas de playa, textil de cama y textil de baño), cuyos principales mercados son España, Francia, Bélgica, Suiza, Italia y Alemania; Loris SRL (Italia), productora y comercializadora de productos de papelería (Papel de regalo, bolsas de papel, cajas de ordenación y material escolar) en Italia; Avenir Telecom SA (Francia), especializada en complementos para telefonía móvil, cuya distribución se hace en Europa; y, por último, Dahon (EEUU), que fabrica bicicletas plegables que distribuye a nivel mundial. K.: ¿Cómo trabajan con la distribución? J. D.: Kukuxumusu gestiona y distribuye todo lo que se refiere al producto textil, sobre todo en Europa, y en el caso del producto licenciado la distribución queda en manos de cada licenciatario, lo que nos garantiza la presencia de nuestros productos en más de 90 países del mundo. K . : ¿ C u á le s s e r á n lo s p ró x i m o s proyectos? J. D.: Estamos aventurándonos en el mundo audiovisual, pero de momento no os podemos concretar más. K.: What is your licensing strategy going to be in Spain and on a global level over the next few years? J. D.: Presently, we have more than 30 licences in Spain and it is our aim to strengthen our relationships with these and gradually expand this portfolio. We also currently have several international licences although we would like to increase this number by rolling out our internationalisation plan, which will involve licensing agents in a number of carefully selected markets. Right now, we are in the process of concluding agreements with licensing agencies in the USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Italy, Germany and Japan. Examples of companies with which we already work on an international level include Mad Catz, Inc., a company that manufactures and sells computer console accessories in the USA; Grandes Vinos y Viñedos S.A., with which we have brought out a range of varietal wines, which are imported and sold in the USA; the German company MBM Systems GmbH, for which we have designed several lenticular postcards that simulate 3D images or movements and are sold on a global level; Kelnet (France), which produces all types of chamois (fabrics with micro-fibres for cleaning windows, TV screens, computer screens, glasses, camera lenses etc.) and markets its products throughout Europe and particularly in France, Spain and Germany; BLGS Hometextile SPRL (Belgium), which specialises in home textiles (beach towels, bed linen and bathroom textiles) and has its main markets in Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and Germany; Loris SRL (Italy), manufacturer and seller of stationery products (wrapping paper, paper bags, decorative boxes and school materials) in Italy; Avenir Telecom SA (France), which specialises in mobile telephone accessories and markets its products in Europe; and finally, Dahon (USA), which manufactures folding bicycles for global distribution. K.: How do you work in terms of distribution? J. D.: Kukuxumusu manages and distributes all kinds of textile products throughout Europe. In the case of licensed products, the distribution remains in the hands of each licensee, which ensures that our products are present in more than 90 countries around the world. K.: What are your upcoming projects? J. D.: We are adventuring into the audio-visual world but cannot be any more specific at the moment. Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 47 products hall galería de productos Spain ■ Chupa Chups Home Linen • Licensee: CTI • Launch: Spring Summer 2011 • Territories: Europe • Licensor: Chupa Chups,S.A. Unipersonal ■ The Triplets backpack • Licensee: Dis2 • Launch: Q2 2011 • Territories: Spain and Portugal • Licensor: Cromosoma ■ Inazuma T-shirt • Licensee: Comic Studio • Launch: March 2011 • Territory: Spain • Licensor: Arait Multimedia ■ LazyTown costumes • Licensee: Simba Dickie Group • Launch: Abril 2011 • Territories: España • Licensor: El Ocho Licensing ■ Sandra game • Licensee: Comansi • Launch: Spring 2011 • Territories: Spain and Portugal • Licensor: Imira Entertainment ■ Tutti Cuti Lovely Folio notebook80 sh squared • Licensee: Montichelvo Industrial, SA • Launch: Spring 2011 • Territories: Spain and Portugal • Licensor: Santoro London 48 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 news news Germany Starke Entwicklung des Lizenzprogrammes des Kleinen Prinzen Die in München ansässige Lizenzagentur Euro Lizenzen entwickelt ein sehr erfolgreiches Lizenzprogramm für den Klassiker der Kleine Prinz, der mit über 140 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren weltweit nicht nur das meistverkaufte Kinderbuch aller Zeiten ist, sondern anders als andere Helden, die Herzen aller Altersgruppen erobert. Euro Lizenzen hat bereits starke Partner wie CTI für Heimtextilien, Dumont für eine große Anzahl an Wandkalendern, Edition XXL für Puzzle-Bücher und Tagebücher, arsEdition mit zahlreichen Geschenkbüchern, Babyalben, Magneten und Lesezeichen, Auerhahn für Kinderbesteck und -Porzellangeschirr, Ravensburger Spieleverlag für 2D- und 3D-Puzzles, P:OS für eine schöne Süßwarenlinie und Melamin-Produkte, Stratic für Gepäck und Knoenitz Porzellan für Becher und Geschirr für Erwachsene, um nur einige zu nennen, an Bord. Die Puzzle-Bücher zum Kleinen Prinzen von Edition XXL wurden erst im Mai 2010 neu veröffentlicht und war im vergangenen Jahr das am besten verkaufende Kinderbuch in Deutschland. A strong licensing development for The Little Prince Munich based licensing agency Euro Lizenzen is developing a highly successful licensing programme for the classic Little Prince, with over 140 million sold copies worldwide makes it not only the best selling children’s book ever but also a hero unlike other, capturing the hearts of all ages. Euro Lizenzen has already strong licensing partners on board like CTI for home textile, Dumont for a big range of wall calendars, Edition XXL for puzzle books and diaries, arsEdition for a range of gift related books, baby albums, magnets, bookmarks; Auerhahn for children’s cutlery and porcelain dinnerware, Ravensburger Spieleverlag for 2D and 3D puzzles, P:OS for a nice confectionary line and melamine products, Stratic for lugguage and Koenitz Porcelaine for mugs and dinnerware for adults, to name a few. Edition XXL’s The Little Prince puzzle book which was first published in May 2010, became #1 selling children’s book in Germany. Euro Lizenzen zählt auch auf Fashion Brands wie Radio Days Iconkids & Youth startet Kids Lizenz Monitor Die Radio Days-Kollektion, die auf der Sammlung von X One X Movie basiert, spannt einen Bogen über die großartige 100 Jahre alte Geschichte Hollywoods und ist heutzutage Kult in der Popkultur in Anlehnung an legendäre Musik, Mode, Filme, Sportarten und Comics, die gleichzeitig cool, jugendlich und zeitgemäß sind. Das Radio Days Bilder-Portfolio bietet den bestehenden Lizenznehmern wie Santex Moden, Contrast A/S, Leifheit, teNeues, Nostalgic Art , Shanghai oder Huge Scents zahlreiche Möglichkeiten im Handel. Die mit Radio Days gebrandeten Lizenzprodukte sind bereits bei Handelspartnern wie C&A/ Cloackhouse, Oviesse, Jack & Jones, Vero Moda, Only, Jennyfer, New Look, Next, River Island, Urban Outfitters und vielen anderen zu finden! Eine neue vierteljährliche multinationale Marktstudie misst die Begehrlichkeit und das Potential von Lizenzthemen für Kinder zwischen 4 und 12 Jahren in europäischen Kernmärkten: Frankreich (Mediapartner: Kazachok), Deutschland (Mediapartner: Licensing Press), Großbritannien (Mediapartner: Total Licensing). Die quantitative Online-Erhebung deckt 36 Lizenzthemen in den drei Märkten und 12 lokale Lizenzen ab. Verschiedene Variablen der einzelnen Lizenzen werden abgefragt, u.a. Bekanntheit, Begehrlichkeit, Image in der Peer Group, wahrgenommene Marktpräsenz, derzeitiger Besitz von Produkten mit der Lizenz. Die vier Umfragewellen pro Jahr sind über Abonnement unter a.dammler@iconkids. de zu beziehen. Die erste Welle wird voraussichtlich ab Ende April 2011 erhältlich sein. Euro Lizenzen also believes in fashion brands with Radio Days Radio Days‘ property collection, based on X One X Movie archives, features Hollywood’s rich history spanning over 100 years and is now iconic in pop culture aligning itself with legendary music, fashion, movies, sports, and comics all while remaining cool, youthful, and up to date. Radio Days image portfolio offers licensees like Santex Moden, Contrast A/S, Leifheit, teNeues, Nostalgic Art, Shanghai Huge Scents which are already on board numerous possibilities in the marketplace! The Radio Days branded licensed products are already placed in such retail outlets as C&A/Cloackhouse, Oviesse, Jack & Jones, Vero Moda, Only, Jennyfer, New Look, Next, River Island, Urban Outfitters and many more! 50 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 Iconkids & Youth launches Kids’ License Monitor This new quarterly multi-national market study measures the appeal and potential of licenses for children at the age of 4 to 12 years in European key markets: France (media partner: Kazachok), Germany (media partner: Licensing Press), UK (media partner: Total Licensing). The quantitative online survey covers 36 licenses in all three markets and 12 local licenses in each local market. Several variables are studied e.g. awareness, appeal, image of the property in the peer group, perceived market presence, current ownership of products with that license. The four waves per year are available by subscription: The first wave will approximately be a ready by the end of April 2011. news news Germany Sailor Moon ist zurück! Im Auftrag von Toei Animation vermarket m4e ab sofort den Kult-Animé Sailor Moon. Das Münchner Medienunternehmen hat ein umfangreiches Rechtepaket erworben, das Free- & Pay-TV, Home Entertainment und Licensing & Merchandising im deutschsprachigen Raum umfasst. Mit Sailor Moon gelang Mitte der 1990er Jahre den japanischen Mangas in Europa der Durchbruch. Seit 1992 produzierte Toei Animation die Sailor Moon-TV-Serie, die heute 5 Staffeln mit insgesamt 200 Episoden umfasst (200 x 26‘‘). Nach 5 Jahren Pause wurde im Herbst 2010 der Europa-Relaunch mit einem neuen Style Guide in Italien gestartet, wo die TV-Serie gleich Top-Quoten erzielte. Erste Produkte der Spielwarenlinie wurden dort noch vor Weihnachten erfolgreich im Handel platziert. Nun folgen die iberischen Märkte, Skandinavien und Deutschland. Die Geschichte von Sailor Moon beginnt, als ein 14-jähriges Mädchen auf dem Schulweg eine schwarze Katze rettet. Die Katze trägt ein mysteriöses Mondzeichen auf der Stirn und erzählt dem Mädchen, dass es Sailor Moon sei, die Beschützerin von Erde und Mond. Sie übergibt dem Mädchen eine magische Brosche und vertraut ihr ein Kennwort an, mit dem es sich in Sailor Moon verwandeln kann. In actionreichen und romantischen Geschichten trifft Sailor Moon auf viele gute und böse Charaktere. Viele Lizenznehmer haben Yakari für 2011 gewählt! Yakari ist ein tapferer und mutiger neun Jahre alter SiouxJunge mit einer geheimen Gabe… Er kann mit Tieren sprechen! Die TV-Serie mit 78 Folgen à 11 Minuten für Jungen und Mädchen zwischen 3 und 8 Jahren wird seit 2008 im deutschsprachigen Raum im KI.KA, im ZDF und im ORF gezeigt – mit einer Rekordquote von 1,5 Mio. Zuschauern täglich. Euro Lizenzen kooperiert mit mehr als 20 Lizenznehmern für mehr als 80 verschiedene Lizenzartikel wie z.B. DVDs, Bettwäsche, Kinderbekleidung, Brillen, Verlagsprodukte, Brettspiele, Bastelartikeln, Bälle, Tipi-Zelte, Schlafsäcke, Klappstühle, Plüschspielwaren, Haarschmuck, Melamin-Geschirr, KeramikBechern und –Frühstücksets als auch Lebensmittel und Süßwaren, die dieses Jahr im deutschsprachigen Markt erhältlich sein werden. Sailor Moon Comeback! On behalf of Toei Animation, m4e is now representing the cult animé Sailor Moon. The Munich-based company will exploit an extensive package of rights including Free- & pay TV, home entertainment and licensing & merchandising in the German-speaking territories.Thanks to Sailor Moon Japanese mangas made their breakthrough in Europe during the mid-1990s. Since 1992 the TV-series was produced by Toei Animation and has since grown to 5 seasons with a total of 200 episodes (200 x 26‘‘). After a break of more than 5 years and supported by a new style guide, the European relaunch of the brand started in Fall 2010 in Italy, where the TV series immediately reached top ratings. First products from the toy line were successfully placed at retail in Italy before Christmas. Now Iberian, Scandinavian and German markets are to follow. The story of Sailor Moon begins with a 14-year-old girl rescuing a black cat on her way to school. The cat, which has a mysterious moon sign on its forehead, tells the girl that she is Sailor Moon, protector of the Earth and the Moon. The cat gives her a magic brooch and tells her the key word to change into Sailor Moon. This marks the start of action-packed and romantic stories of Sailor Moon, in which she encounters many good and evil characters. Many licensees chose Yakari for 2011! Yakari is a brave and courageous nine years old Sioux boy with a secret gift…. He can speak with animals! The TV-Series of 78 x 11’, which targets both boys and girls of 3 to 8 years, is broadcasted in the German-speaking countries since 2008 on KI.KA, ZDF and ORF with record breaking 1,5 million viewers everyday. Euro Lizenzen partnered with over 20 licensees with more than 80 different licensed articles including DVD, bedding, children’s apparel, glasses, publishing, board games, arts and crafts, play balls, tipi tents, sleeping bag, folded chair, plush related toys, hair accessories, melamine dinnerware, ceramic mugs and breakfast sets as well as food and confectionary products will be on the market in the German-speaking markets this year. Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 51 interview interview Germany Stefanie Brandt Interviewed by V.G. Senior Territory Manager für Stefanie Brandts Karriere begann als Product Manager bei der Lizenzagentur Bavaria Sonor. Im Anschluss war sie als Marketing-Referentin verantwortlich für den Aufbau einer Vermarktungsagentur für Lizenzund Sponsoring-Aktivitäten der SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit und arbeitete als Lizenzeinkäuferin bei der Promotionagentur Creata. Anfang 2008 gründete sie die Agentur BRANDTSATZ, die auf die Vermarktung von Lizenzthemen und auf Cross-Marketing spezialisiert ist. Unter anderem ist Stefanie Brandt hier als Senior Territory Manager für Kazachok tätig. Stefanie Brandts Fachbuch „Marketinghandbuch Licensing – Brands und Lizenzthemen professionell vermarkten“ erscheint im April 2011 beim Gabler Verlag/ Wiesbaden. > Kazachok: Um was geht es in Ihrem Buch über Licensing genau? Stefanie Brandt: Licensing ist auch in Deutschland kein neues Thema. Jedoch gab es bisher darüber we nig de ut s c hs pra chige Fachliteratur. Das „Marketinghandbuch Licensing“ richtet sich sowohl an Einsteiger als auch an „alte Hasen“, die sich strategisch mit Licensing beschäftigen wollen. Mein Ziel ist es, den Beteiligten der Branche Entscheidungshilfen zu geben, ob und wie sie Lizensierungsprogramme aufsetzen sollten. Abschnitte über wichtige rechtliche Termini, den Handel und Sonderformen des Licensing sowie Beiträge von einigen Licensing-Experten runden mein Buch ab. wird für die Kleinsten viel traditionelles Spielzeug ohne Lizenz oder zumindest mit einem vermeintlich wertigem Background wie einer Buchlizenz gekauft. Wer das Herz von deutschen Eltern (und Großeltern) und damit den Hauptkäufern von Kinderlizenzprodukten erobern möchte, dem rate ich beim Markteintritt auf wertige Lizenzprodukte zu setzen: Bücher, Hörund Brettspiele. Außerdem hat Deutschland nur eine kleine Anzahl an TVSendern mit täglichem Kinderprogramm und gesetzliche Vorschriften schränken die werbliche Unterstützung von Produkten für die jungen Zielgruppen ein. Dauert es oft länger, bis sich eine Lizenz bei uns durchsetzt K: Was denken Sie über den deutschen Lizenzmarkt? S.B: Große, internationale Lizenzen funktionieren auch in Deutschland. Allerdings sind hiesige Käufer allgemein zurückhaltender, was Lizenzprodukte angeht und dauert es oft länger, bis sich eine Lizenz bei uns durchsetzt. Dafür ist der deutsche Konsument treu und hat im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern häufig länger Interesse an einer Lizenz. Bei Kinderprodukten setzen deutsche Konsumenten auf Qualität. Deswegen 52 K: Was sind Ihre Aufgaben bei Kazachok? S.B: Kazachok bietet Dienstleistungen rund um das Lizenzgeschäft an, die auf den europäischen Lizenzmarkt zugeschnitten sind. Die stetig wachsende internationale Bedeutung des Kazachok Forums in Paris belegt dies eindrucksvoll. Die deutschsprachigen Territorien sind ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsraum innerhalb Europas und damit auch für Kazachok. Ich unterstütze die Kollegen in Paris als Ansprechpartnerin in München, die sich um Marketing und PR in der GAS-Region kümmert. Dazu verantworte ich hier den Sales für das Kazachok Forum und betreue den Anzeigenverkauf für die Kazachok-Medien. Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 Interview with Stefanie Brandt, Senior Territory Manager for Kazachok Stefanie Brandt’s career began as a product manager at the licensing agency Bavaria Sonor. She subsequently became a marketing consultant for SOS Children’s Villages and worked as a license purchaser for Creata. At the start of 2008, she founded her agency BRANDTSATZ, which specialises in marketing licensed themes and cross-marketing. Among her other roles, Stefanie Brandt acts as Senior Territory Manager for Kazachok. Stefanie Brandt’s textbook, “Marketinghandbuch Licensing – Brands und Lizenzthemen professionell vermarkten” (“Licensing marketing manual – how to professionally market brands and licensed themes”) was published by the Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden in April 2011. Kazachok: What exactly is your licensing book about? Stefanie Brandt: It is aimed at both newcomers and “old hands” and gives sector participants an aid to decide whether and how they should use licensing programmes. Sections about key legal terms, retail and special forms of licensing and articles from several licensing experts round off my book. K.: What do you think about the German licensing market? S. B.: Major international licenses also work in Germany. However, German buyers are generally more cautious when it comes to licensed products and it often takes longer for a license to achieve success here. In return, German consumers are loyal and tend to be interested in licenses for longer than consumers in other countries. When it comes to children’s products, German consumers value quality. I would advise anyone who wants to win over the hearts of German parents (and grandparents) to focus on high-quality licensed products during their market entry stage: books, radio plays and board games. Furthermore, Germany only has very few TV stations with daily children’s programmes and legal regulations impose restrictions on the advertising support for products for the young target groups. K.: What are your duties at Kazachok? S. B.: Kazachok offers licensing services that are tailored to the European licensing market. The continuously growing international importance of the Kazachok Forum in Paris impressively confirms this. The German-speaking territories are a key economic area within Europe and thus also for Kazachok. I am responsible for marketing and PR in the GAS region. I am also responsible for the sales for the Kazachok Forum and the advertising sales for the Kazachok media. market focus markt focus Germany BRANDORA Lizenzneuheiten 2011 Vom Säugling bis zum „Silver-Ager“ – für jeden lässt sich ein Lizenzprodukt entwickeln. Immer mehr Hersteller setzen auf Lizenzen als Garant für höhere Umsätze. Einen „kleinen“ Überblick interessanter Neuheiten möchten wir Ihnen nachstehend geben: „Dibedibedab“ – Das KiKANiNCHEN markiert das Vorschulangebot des KI.KA und ist Programm, Dachmarke und Figur in einem. Kikaninchen und Christian, der einfallsreiche und gut gelaunte Freund, treffen sich täglich zum Spielen und entdecken gemeinsam mit den Kindern die Welt. Montags bis freitags zwischen 6:50 Uhr und 10:25 Uhr zeigt der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF ausschließlich ein Programm für drei- bis sechsjährige Zuschauer. KiKANiNCHEN ist der Titel des Programms und der Name der Hauptfigur. Die Sendung ist ganz auf die jüngste Zielgruppe zugeschnitten, denn die Themen knüpfen unmittelbar an den Alltag und die Lebenswelt von Vorschülern in Deutschland an. Die Simba Dickie Group hat sich dem Thema KiKANiNCHEN angenommen und auf der Spielwarenmesse in Nürnberg 2011 ihre Neuheiten vorgestellt. Das KiKANiNCHEN–Bobby Car von BIG in gelb mit hellblauem Lenkrad und Felgen macht einfach gute Laune. Das KiKANiNCHEN-Holzspielwarensortiment von Eichhorn, ein Holz-Xylophon mit acht Klangplatten, zwei Schlägeln und einem Liederbuch sowie klassischen Holzbausteinen, soll Kinder ermuntern, kreativ und gestalterisch zu sein. NORIS bringt Spiele, Puzzles und ein Memo auf den Markt. Bei Nicotoy ist das KiKANiNCHEN Titel des Programms und die Plüschfiguren in verschiedenen Größen lassen kleine Herzen höher schlagen. Art&Fun bietet eine Reihe von Kreativspielwaren wie z.B. das KiKANiNCHEN Perlenset an. Somit hat die Simba Dickie Group viele Markt-Segmente abgedeckt. 54 > KiKANiNCHEN (m4e) D i e S T U D I O 10 0 G R U P P E , Rechteinhaber der großen Stars der Kinder- und Jugendunterhaltung, präsentierten sich auf der diesjährigen Spielwarenmesse in Nürnberg zum erstem Mal mit eigenem Messestand. D a s S o r t i m e n t z e i g te d a s e i g e n e Merchandisingprogramm rund um die Top-Brands. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2007 als Dependance der belgischen Muttergesellschaft hat sich Studio100 mit Sitz in München zu einem unverzichtbaren Partner für Hersteller, Handel und Fernsehsender entwickelt. Mit dem Erwerb der EM.Entertainment GmbH gelang im Jahr 2008 ein Coup: Die Rechte von zahlreichen Klassikern des Kinderfernsehens, etwa „Heidi“, „Die Biene Maja“ oder „Wickie und die starken Männer“, gingen auf Studio100 über. Seitdem sind das Unternehmen, seine Produkte, Spielwaren und Marken nahezu in jedem Haushalt und in jedem Kinderzimmer vertreten. Highlights in 2011 sind „Das Haus Anubis“ und die „Biene Maja“. Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 BRANDORA: Licensing News 2011 Licensed properties for people of all ages From infants to senior citizens – licensed products appeal to everyone. More and more m a n u f a c t u re r s re ly o n licensing to generate significant growth in sales and tap into new markets. B r a n d o r a p ro v i d e h e re a s h o r t o u t lo o k o n n ew products and properties on the German market: “Dibedibedab” – The KIKANINCHEN accompanies the youngest TV audience through their KI.KA. slot. The cute blue rabbit is programme, umbrella brand and licensed character at the same time. Kikaninchen and Christian, its imaginative and good humoured friend, meet daily to play games and discover the world together with their young audience. Monday to Friday between 6.50 and 10.25 a.m. the children’s channel by ARD and ZDF provides programme only for viewers between three and six. KiKANiNCHEN presents this special preschool slot of the same name. The show is tailor-made for the youngest target demographic, and topics tie in with everyday life and experience of preschool children in Germany. Simba Dickie Group has taken care of KiKANiNCHEN and introduced their new licensed product range at the 2011 International Toy Fair in Nuremberg. The bright-yellow KiKANiNCHEN Bobby Car by BIG, with its light blue steering wheel and rims, will certainly lift young children’s spirits. Eichhorn’s wooden KiKANiNCHEN toy range includes a wooden xylophone with eight bars, two mallets, a song book and classic wooden building blocks to encourage children’s creativity and imagination. NORIS Spiele launch board games, puzzles and a game of Pairs to the German market. What is more, a whole range of different sized soft toys to the popular KiKANiNCHEN character by Nicotoys makes young hearts beat faster. Art&Fun developed a collection of creative toys including a set of licensed KiKANiNCHEN beads. So the product portfolio of Simba Dickie Group covers almost the whole toy market. This year the STUDIO100 GROUP, rights owner of many big properties from children and youth entertainment, made their exhibitor’s debut on market focus markt focus Germany > Das Haus Anubis: D i e Mystery-Serie „Das Haus Anubis“ erzählt die Geschichte von Jugendlichen, die gemeinsam in einem Internat, dem Haus Anubis, leben. Die dunklen Mauern des Hauses hüten jahrhundertealte Geheimnisse. Jede Staffel hält die perfekte Mischung aus Mystery, Comedy und Humor bereit: Es geht um große Rätsel, verborgene Kammern, knifflige Hinweise, mysteriöse Gegenstände, gemeine Lehrer, verschwundene Mitschüler und nicht zuletzt auch um die große Liebe. Das Haus Anubis ist die größte deutsche Eigenproduktion des Kindersenders N i c k e l o d e o n u n d w u rd e in Rekordgeschwindigkeit zur Trendserie mit echtem > Das Haus Anubis (Studio100) Kultcharakter. Das Buch „Der geheime Club der alten Weide“ und das lebhafte, neugierige Art und ihre große Brettspiel „Das Haus Anubis“ wurden Entdeckungsfreude sammelt sie viele seit 2009 jeweils über 100.000 Mal Erfahrungen, die ihr helfen, in Freiheit verkauft. „Das Haus Anubis“ geht mit ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen. Jeder drei neuen Brettspielen an den Start. kennt und liebt Maja und sie hat eine In „Das geheimnisvolle Amulett“, „Der jahrzehntelange TV-Präsenz auf ZDF, Schatz von Anubis“ und „Der Pfad der KI.KA und Junior auf Sky. Mit „Willis sieben Sünden“ schlüpfen jeweils zwei Würfel Waben“ hat Studio100 Media ein bis vier bzw. fünf Spieler in die Rollen Spiel entwickelt, das sich an Kinder ab der Anubis Hausbewohner. Ihre Aufga- vier Jahren richtet. Die Spieler haben ben: Rätsel lösen, Schätze entdecken und dabei den Mitspielern immer eine Nasenlänge voraus bleiben. „Das Haus Anubis“ ist der Seriennewcomer des Jahres 2009 und läuft seitdem mit großem Erfolg bei Nickelodeon. Neben den Brettspielen sowie weiteren Neuheiten bietet Studio100 schon heute eine vielfältige Produktwelt an, die sich im Einzelhandel bewährt hat. > Die Biene Maja – die flotteste Biene im Kindermarkt wird 35: Gemeinsam mit dem faulen Willi und vielen weiteren Freunden lebt die Biene Maja auf der Klatsc h m o hnwi e s e u n d s u c h t i h r Glück jenseits der starren Regeln ihres Bienenstaates. Dabei erlebt sie spannende Abenteuer und gerät oftmals in schwierige Situationen. Durch ihre > the International Toy Fair in Nuremberg and displayed a whole range of merchandise to their top brands. Since their foundation in 2007 the Munich-based subsidiary to the parent company in Belgium, Studio100 has become an important partner for manufacturers, retailers and TV companies in Germany. The acquisition of EM.Entertainment GmbH in 2008 proved to be a masterstroke: The rights to countless classic TV properties for children including “Heidi”, “Maya the Bee” and “Vicky Viking” passed into Studio100’s ownership. Since then, there is hardly any household or child room in Germany without products, toys, or brands that originally come from the successful rights agency. Highlights in 2011 are “House of Anubis” and “Maya the Bee”. > House of Anubis: The mystery show “House of Anubis” features a group of teenagers who live together in a boarding house, the House of Anubis. The dark walls conceal ancient secrets and each season provides a perfect mixture of mystery, comedy and humour. The show tells about great riddles, hidden chambers, tricky hints, mysterious objects, horrid teachers, lost students and – last but not least – first love. To date, House of Anubis is the biggest production of the leading children’s channel Nickelodeon in Germany and soon became an iconic hit show within the target demographic. More than 100,000 copies of the book to the series “Der geheime Club der alten Weide” and the board game “Das Haus Anubis” have been sold since their market launch in 2009. Now even three new board games to “House of Anubis” enter the German market: In “Das geheimnisvolle Amulett”, “Der Schatz von Anubis”, and “Der Pfad der sieben Sünden” two to four or five players act as the inhabitants of the House of Anubis. Their mission: Solve riddles, discover treasures and always keep ahead of your fellow players. “House of Anubis” was the most successful new show in 2009 and still enjoys increasing popularity among the Nickelodeon audience. In addition to board games and other innovative products, Studio100 also offers a broad range of products that already stood the test of time on retail shelves. > Maya the Bee – the fastest bee on the children’s market celebrates her 35th birthday: Maya the Bee lives on a corn poppy meadow together with lazy Willy and many other friends. On her quest for happiness away from the strict rules of her beehive she finds exciting adventures and difficult situations. With her lively and inquisitive nature and her joy of discovery she always finds a solution and learns to make her way to freedom. Every child in Germany knows and loves Maya the Bee. For more than three decades Maya has been present on German TV channels like the ZDF, KI.KA and on the Sky Junior slot. “Willis Würfel Waben” is a new game developed by Studio100 for children aged 4+ where players try to do Maya puzzles as fast as possible. On occasion Die Biene Maja (Studio100) Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 55 market focus markt focus Germany > Haribo (Bavaria Sonor) die Aufgabe, die Puzzleteile von Maja und ihren Freunden so schnell wie möglich zusammenzusetzen. Außerdem ko m m t p a ss e n d z u m 3 5 - j ä h r i g e n TV-Jubiläum ein weiteres Brettspiel „Maja’s Geburtstagsfest“ auf den Markt. hauck TOYS FOR KIDS präsentiert das neue Biene Maja Puppenzubehör. Puppenwagen- und Zubehör im frischen Design – vom Buggy über Puppenwagen, Wippe, Hochstuhl und Reisebettchen. Die Produkte sind zum Weihnachtsgeschäft 2011 im Spielwarenfachhandel erhältlich. Die Marke mit 3-Generationen-Effekt ist einfach Kult… und das wird gefeiert! unterzogen, hierdurch soll für Eltern der Wiedererkennungswert bzw. das Wiederfinden der „Disney Baby“-Produkte erleichtert werden. Aber auch für die Größeren gibt es Neuheiten. Winnie Puuh kommt im Frühjahr in die deutschen Kinos. Diesmal hat I-Aah seinen Schwanz verloren. Puuh und seine Freunde machen sich sofort daran, ihrem Freund zu helfen. Als Puuh dann Christopher Robin um Hilfe bitten möchte, ist dieser unauffindbar – für Puuh steht fest: er wurde entführt. Die altkluge Eule schickt Puuh und seine Freunde auf eine abenteuerliche Mission durch den Hundert-Morgen-Wald. „Ein ziemlich aufregender Tag für einen Bären, der sich doch nur aufmachen wollte, um ein wenig Honig zu suchen“ findet Puuh. Timmy das Schäfchen steht in diesem Jahr hoch im Kurs bei SUPER RTL. Namhafte Lizenznehmer haben das süße Lamm aus „Shaun das Schaf“ für ihre Produkte entdeckt. Ob Kinderbek- HARIBO (HANS RIEGEL BONN) macht Kinder froh! Diesen Spruch kennt fast jeder in Deutschland. Überall in der Welt sind die kleinen Gummibärchen aus Bonn bekannt. Nachdem Hersteller wie WIKING bereits den LKW der Firma HARIBO als Modell auf den Markt gebracht haben, stellte die Firma JAMARA Modelltechnik auf der diesjährigen Spielwarenmesse einen ferngesteuerten Modellhubschrauber in HARIBO-Optik vor. Bei DISNEY DEUTSCHLAND gibt es für jedes Alter die passende Lizenz. Für die Allerkleinsten wird in diesem Frühjahr die erfolgreiche Marke „Disney Baby“ im einheitlichen Look erscheinen. Sämtliche Franchiseprodukte für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder bis 18 Monate werden sukzessive einem Relaunch 56 > SimsalaGrimm (Greenlight Media) leidung wie Jeans, Sweatshirts, Hoodies und T-Shirts von Santex oder Sommerbekleidung vom New Yorker FashionUnternehmen Capelli, Kind „ist“ von Kopf bis Fuß auf Timmy eingestellt. Aber Timmy lässt auch Blumen blühen! Die Kampagne „Pflanzen mit Timmy“ startete im März. Unter diesem Motto wurden in 180 Garten Centern bundesweit in Deutschland rund 100.000 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 of Maya’s 35th TV anniversary another board game – “Maja’s Geburtstagsfest” will hit German retail shelves. And hauck TOYS FOR KIDS present new doll accessories to Maya the Bee: Doll prams and accessories in fresh design – strollers, doll prams, doll bouncers, highchairs and travel cots. All products will enter the toy market just in time for the Holiday Season 2011. Maya is an iconic brand for three generations… and that’s a good reason to celebrate! Kids and grown-ups love it so – the happy world of HARIBO (HANS RIEGEL BONN)! Almost everyone in Germany and abroad knows the HARIBO slogan and people all over the world love the sweet little Gold Bears from Bonn. Manufacturers like WIKING have already launched HARIBO vehicles to the toy market and now JAMARA Modelltechnik introduced their licensed R/C model helicopter in HARIBO design to trade visitors on the International Toy Fair in Nuremberg. DISNEY GERMANY provides a licensed property for every age group. The successful “Disney Baby” brand for the very young will appear in new design this spring. All franchise products for infants and young children under the age of 18 months will undergo a re-launch to facilitate brand recognition and visibility for all “Disney Baby” products. But Disney has news for elder children as well: This spring Winnie the Pooh sees his theatrical release throughout Germany. Eeyore has once more lost his tail. Pooh and his friends immediately decide to help Eeyore. But when Pooh wants to ask Christopher Robin to join in, the friends from Hundred-Acre-Wood realize that the boy has disappeared. Pooh fears the worst: their friend must have been kidnapped! Owl sends the whole gang on a wild quest to save Christopher Robin. It turns out to be “a very busy day for a bear who simply set out to find some hunny”, says Pooh. This year, Timmy is extremely popular with SUPER RTL. Top class licensees have discovered the cute lamb from “Shaun the Sheep” and “Timmy Time” for their product range: With children’s clothing like jeans, sweatshirts, goodies and T-shirts by Santex and summer wear by the New York fashion label Capelli, children may soon wear Timmy from top to bottom. What is more, Timmy makes Germany bloom and blossom! The flower campaign “Pflanzen mit Timmy” (Planting with Timmy) starts in March 2011. 180 garden centres throughout Germany will distribute about 100,000 booklets with flower seeds. Children bring spring to their own window sills with “Timmy’s Daisy Seeds”. And when they want to replant the flowers to the garden outside, they will - of course! - use the Timmy outdoor products by Wader. Invitations for the next children’s party will be written on Timmy cards, the birthday table will be decorated with Timmy paper plates and cups and lots of Timmy balloons. Amscan, worldwide leading supplier of party products and decoration, will launch these items end of 2011 to market focus markt focus Germany Booklets mit Blumensamen verteilt. Mit dem „Timmy Gänseblümchensamen“ können sich die Kinder den Frühling auf die Fensterbank holen. Und will man seine Blumen dann in den Garten umpflanzen, nimmt man dazu natürlich die Outdoor-Produktlinie von Wader. Steht ein Kindergeburtstag an, werden die Timmy Einladungskarten geschrieben, der Tisch mit Timmy Papptellern und –bechern geschmückt und viele Timmy Luftballons aufgeblasen. Der weltweite Marktführer im Party-ArtikelBereich, die Firma Amscan bringt diese Artikel Ende 2011 auf den deutschen Markt. Wenn es dann wieder kälter wird, kommen die funktionalen WinterAccessoires wie Handschuhe, Mützen und Schals der Firma Capelli zum Einsatz – und schon kann es losgehen zum Schlittenfahren. Natürlich auf dem Timmy Schlitten. Alpen Gaudi ®, das Label von Schlittenhersteller IPV wird für die kommende Saison eine eigene Produkt-Range zu Timmy auf den Markt bringen. Neben zwei Lenkrodeln und einem Kinderbob wird es auch einen Minibob für die speziellen Sicherheitsbedürfnisse der Allerkleinsten geben. Ergänzt wird das Programm durch zwei platzsparende Untertassenrutscher. Die Firma HEUNEC ist auf Lizenzprodukte spezialisiert. Für die „Kleinen“ gibt es in 2011 eine märchenhafte Lizenz-Neuheit. Yoyo und Doc Croc, die Hauptdarsteller aus der Zeichentrickserie „SimsalaGrimm“, wird es als Plüschfigur geben. Zur Spielwarenmesse in Nürnberg wurden die beiden erstmals in verschiedenen plüschigen Varianten vorgestellt. SimsalaGrimm ist die erfolgreiche Zeichentrickserie, die Kindern im Alter von drei bis zehn Jahren die Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm erzählt. Dabei werden Yoyo und Doc Croc mit dem Märchenbuch in die Geschichte geflogen. Hier „helfen“ sie den Protagonisten und fliegen nach erfolgreicher „Mission“ wieder zurück ins Bücherregal. > Speziell für Mädchen (jeden Alters) hat ACTIVE MERCHANDISING genau das richtige Thema. Bella Sara Pferdekarten zum Sammeln und Spielen, die online und offline bespielbar sind. Anfang 2011 wurde Funny Farm zum offiziellen Verkaufsund Vertriebspartner für Bella Sara Sammelkarten in Deutschland ernannt. > > Die Maus (WDR mediagroup licensing) WDR MEDIAGROUP LICENSING bringt eine Die Maus wird 40 und eigene Maus-Kollektion für Jungen auf den Markt. Bislang wurden diese Produkte für 6- bis 9-jährige Mädchen konzipiert. Aber im März 2011 wird es erstmals auch eine Jungenreihe im Handel geben. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Eigenproduktion steht das Thema Abenteuer/Entdecken, das mit Artikeln wie Periskop, Multifunktionstuch oder Leuchtschlüsselanhänger umgesetzt wird. Weiter h i n w i rd e s M a u s und Elefant auch im Spiel-, Papier- und Geschen-warenhandel geben. Katja Lux Bella Sara (Active Merchandising the German market. And when the weather gets colder, children apply functional cold weather goods like gloves, hats, and mufflers from Capelli. This way they are perfectly equipped to go sledging outside – on a Timmy sledge, of course. Next winter, Alpen Gaudi®, a label by sledge manufacturer IPV, will launch their own Timmy collection to Germany. In addition to two steerable sledges and a sledge without runners they will also provide a mini sledge tailor-made for the security requirements of very young children. Two space-saving bum boards top off the range. HEUNEC Company specializes in licensed products. For the young ones they now feature a fairytale license. Yoyo and Doc Croc, the main characters of the animated show “SimsalaGrimm” will enter the toy market in plush. Just in time for the International Toy Fair Heunec introduced various soft toys to the licensed property. SimsalaGrimm is a hit TV series telling the Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics to children aged 3 to 10. Each time, Yoyo and Doc Croc fly into the story on their fairytale book. Here they “help” the main characters and when their mission is completed they fly back onto their bookshelf. ACTIVE MERCHANDISING offers the perfect license for girls (irrespective of age): Bella Sara provides play fun online and offline. Girls just love to collect, play and swap the beautiful horse cards. Since January 2011 Funny Farm officially sells and distributes Bella Sara Trading Cards in Germany. The Maus turns 40 and WDR MEDIAGROUP LICENSING launch their own Maus collection for boys to the German market. These products were originally only designed for girls between 6 and 9. But now, in March 2011, the first-ever boys collection will hit retail shelves. With items like a periscope, multifunctional headwear and LED key ring pendants the new collection will focus on adventures and discoveries. Like before, Maus and Elefant will continue their presence on the toys, stationery and gift item market. Katja Lux SimsalaGrimm (Greenlight Media) Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 57 products hall produkt-galerie Germany ■ Table Football - Classic Pro Maracana (DFB - Deutscher Fußballbund) • Licensee: Garlando • Launch: Spring 2011 • Territories: Germany, Austria, Switzerland • Licensor: m4e ■ New-Mini-BobbyCar (KiKANiNCHEN) • Licensee: BIG • Launch: Spring 2011 • Territories: Germany, Austria, Switzerland • Licensor: m4e ■ Sorgenfresser Plush • Licensee: Schmidt Spiele • Launch: April 2011 • Territories: Europe • Licensor: Helle Freude ■ SpongeBob Popcorn Maker and Waffle Maker • Licensee: Lutter & Partner GmbH • Launch: May 2011 • Territories: Germany, Austria, Switzerland • Licensor: Nickelodeon Consumer Products ■ Timmy Time Sand and Beach Toys ■ Sex and the City Home Textiles • Licensee: Estella • Launch: new collection Summer 2011 • Territories: Germany, Austria, Switzerland • Licensor: TLC Germany (Agent), HBO (licensor) 58 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 • Licensee: Wader Quality Toys • Launch: Spring 2011 • Territories: Germany, Austria, Switzerland • Licensor: SUPER RTL (Agent) Aardman (Licensor) strategy International Roberto Interviewed by V.G. Lanzi President of Sanrio EMEA Roberto Lanzi has an important range of experience in the entertainment, music business and of course licensing, including over 20 years of working with Sanrio. His familiarity with the entertainment world gives him a perspective on the licensing business that greatly enhances Sanrio’s position in the global market. Kazachok: Hello Kitty is your strongest The main properties we’re launching for the property, how will you maintain this EMEA market are My Melody, Keroppi, Badtz success? Maru, Kuromi, which don’t have a specific target. Some of them are Roberto Lanzi: Hello Kitty is indeed remembered from the 80’s a popular character in many by to d a y ’s 3 0 ye a rs different categories. She old, some of them are is admired among kids newer and liked by so we have successful younger clients. toys, back to school, Jewelpet, as they are confectionary licenses, cartoon character have publishing and apparel more specific target, for girls. It is also successwhich are primary school ful among women who and tween girls. This love the jewellery lines and property is facing really special edition products. good results at the moment In order to maintain this with Giochi Preziosi master success, apart from the great license in toys. work we’re doing with licensing and getting into new markets we will be concentrating also on K.: You plan to increase the awareness of the brand Sanco-brandings, which are already rio: how will you do that and why? very popular in US and Japan, and © 2005, 2011 SANRIO CO., LTD. which allow us to keep the brand R.L.: Sanrio has always been acting fresh and trendy. through its products and its fans/celebrities Last year, in the occasion of 50th anniversary to exploit awareness and business. This is the way we prefer. we did some interesting co-brandings with Dr. Martens and Mimobot, just to mention few. Then we collaborated with some fashion K.: What are your brands like Liu Jo and we asked some main markets? artists to develop special edition toys for R.L.: Western Kidrobot and Amos. In London we did music Europe, especially compilation with Ministry of Sound... Now Italy, France, we’re also focusing Spain, Germany on collaborations and Porwith streetwear and tugal. We’re urban brands. developing a lot in Eastern Europe, Middle K.: What are your East and Russia other properties? which nowadays is booming. © 1988, 2011 SANRIO CO., LTD. R.L.: We h a ve a l l We have many agents in different parts of the together more than world. 400 properties. © 1976, 2011 SANRIO CO., LTD. 60 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 K.: What is the activity of the Sanrio foundation? R.L.: The simple aim of the Foundation is to bring smiles to children in the hospitals as well as helping the hospitals themselves in poorer countries, by bringing the primary necessities. It’s been proved that when kids smile and laugh they reduce their stress levels, which makes their stay in the hospital more pleasant and it helps in their recovery. K.: Why have you decided to establish the Foundation? R.L.: It’s been on our minds for a long time. Sanrio was always taking part in charity actions as well as helping local children associations, so it was natural for us to come up with the idea for a proper Foundation. We heard about the studies, which were showing that laughing and good humour helps the children in healing and getting better. Having such a friendly and loved character as Hello Kitty, we decided that it would be a great opportunity to give kids the possibility to interact with her and have some fun time, something that makes their stay in the hospital less painful. © 1976, 2011 SANRIO CO., LTD. K.: What are your next projects? R.L.: We will always be the referral company for the next underground property, so expect some news shortly... market focus International A Taste of Europe Point of view of : While it might sometimes seem that US kids’ formats have taken over the planet, European children’s programming production is f ighting back with some fantastic shows that are attracting attention both at home and abroad. A quick glance at the top kids’ titles in the major European markets over the month of December 2010 brings up any number of home grown formats, varying from long standing local hits to international phenomena. > In France, for example, the top children’s programs for the month of December were decidedly Gallic in flavour, with Tootuff, The Garfield Show and Esprits Fantômes among the titles to make it into the top 15 (ranked on children 4-14), while nearly half the top 25 were French creations. Strong production and popularity at home has resulted in success overseas for French animation, for example in Spain, where Nouky & Friends, Code Lyoko and The Magic Roundabout all ranked in the December top 25 on the children 4-12 target. Spain certainly seems to have an appetite for productions from elsewhere in Europe, possibly due to its own animation sector being still somewhat under patronised by the pubcaster TVE. The Italian format Gormiti gathered a peak of 317 200 children 3-12 for a 25.2% market share, putting it in fourth place on this target. Meanwhile, UK formats such as Postman Pat and Make Way for Noddy (coproduction with the US) and the international Icelandic hit Lazytown were also present in the top 25. The UK is possibly the most distinctive of all the European markets, as it is so strongly dominated by home made productions, with only The Simpsons, an animated film and Disney’s Shake it Up making it into the rankings from abroad. Among the dedicated children’s thematic channels, it was the Christmas CBeebies pantomime special Oh Yes It Is! that won the month with 335 000 children 4-15 watching for a share of 16.6%. UK formats are also well consumed abroad, with for example the animated Shaun the Sheep making regular appearances in the top shows across Europe, including this month in Germany. This taste for European formats is certainly not limited to their home continent, with many of them snapped up by markets from Australia to the USA and beyond. While the appetite for distinctive children’s content is very much alive, however, it is strong production and consumption at home that remains the key drivers of international success. Claire Mitchell Sources: Eurodata TV Worldwide / Kantar Media Spain / BARB Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 61 property focus International Generator Rex the new Cartoon Network series Turner CN Enterprises launches a new action animated series for boys across the world: Generator Rex. > From the creators of Ben 10, Generator Rex is an animated series that takes viewers on an adventure full of fun, action, wish fulfilment and teenage drama. Rex is a young super agent who, with his incredible ability to create mechanical weapons and vehicles from his own body, must balance his adrenaline-fuelled exploits with the everyday ups and downs of being a teenager. where it ranked No.1 and a number of high profile, global partners were secured in key areas even before the EMEA broadcast rollout. TV ratings and early industry commitment indicates that Turner’s new property will build on the success of Ben 10.” An international launch on TV The UK was the first European territory to launch Generator Rex on Cartoon Network i n O c to b e r 2 0 1 0 a n d a comprehensive broadcast schedule is being rolledout across EMEA in 2011. 40 Generator Rex episodes have now been produced with another 20 in production and more to come. Says Maria Rosaria Milone, Commercial Director, EMEA Licensing, Consumer P ro d u c t s & L i ve E ve n t s , Turner CN Enterprises, “Generator Rex is a 62 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 A good start in licensing great action-adventure brand that will continue to build upon our core expertise of developing action brands for boys. The show debuted in the US in April 2010 The first deals announced for the franchise include Mattel, the global toy partner for the brand with a full line of action figures, role play items, play sets and vehicles. MEGA Bloks are also on-board to launch their popular construction toys across EMEA fall 2011. Leveraging success from the global phenomenon of Ben 10 and adding to the existing portfolio of strong brands for boys, Turner CN Enterprises will continue to build a strong affinity for the brand and high demand for consumer products. Generator Rex is definitely one to watch! V.G. market focus International Point of view of Frédérique Tutt Toy licenses are resisting satisfactorily on the European market TOP 5 Europe A growth market With a growth of almost 5% within the five largest countries in Europe (France, UK, Germany, Spain and Italy) for 2010, the toy market confirmed once again that it is resisting in a satisfactory manner to the less than favorable economic situation (source NPD panels EPoS). Permanent sales did well (January – October), and the season was off to a good start until the snow falls slowed down the economy in France, Germany and the UK. In these three countries sales were down a few points for the two weeks preceding Christmas. In the end, the toy sales of the last quarter did finish off with an overall increase, but slightly lower than the growth rates registered during permanent sales, however the figures are still far higher than most of the lasting goods markets. Licensed toy sales had a per- fectly satisfactory year with a strong increase in sales figures. In Germany licensed toys represent at least 18% of overall sales and 34% in the country where they are most established, which is Spain. The sales increase was prompted by the English Toy licenses 2010 1 Hello Kitty 2 Star Wars 3 Toy Story 4 Cars the Movie 5 Ben 10 market (+7%), German market (+11%), Italian market (+12%) and Spanish market (+3%) whereas in France they receded slightly (-2%), although these figures show good resistance of the toy market to the economic crisis. Toy Story 3 was a big hit on Anglo-Saxon and Spanish markets and even ranked #1 in the US and the UK. In the other European countries it was one of the hits in a number of categories thanks to Mattel and Lego among others. However in Germany the property only reached #11 for yearly sales. In fact, to the exception of Toy Story, no major novelties emerged in 2010 and classic properties continue to rule. What will 2011 have to offer? Considering the context and the good results in 2010, 2011 should be a good year. The market still shows lots of growth opportunities for established categories as well as dolls or outdoors for instance, or preschool also – a category where no Pan European leader really seems to stand out... We are evidently impatiently awaiting the return of Cars. Although it won’t fill the partial void left by Toy Story, it should however consolidate Disney’s lead. Sequels of hits such as Transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter and Kung Fu Panda will also yield excellent BO returns and should contribute to developing the market for older targets. Finally, the arrival of Giochi Preziosi as the European licensee for Christmas 2010’s sensation Zhu Zhu Pets is the promise of lovely novelties for girls and boys in new categories... Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 63 report International DQ Entertainment from the creation of TV series to licensing: a global strategy! DQE is one of the leading producers of animation, visual effects, game art and entertainment content for the global media and entertainment industry. It was established in year 2000 in India and has now a workforce of over 3500 permanent employees and a global client/partner base of over 90 producers, distributors, broadcasters and licensors - including Walt Disney Television Animation, Nickelodeon Animation Studios Inc., Electronic Arts, Marvel Comics, American Greetings, NBC-Universal, BBC Group, M6/ France TV/ TF1 Broadcasting groups from France, ZDF Germany and many more worldwide. Family, three seasons of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. DQE is now producing properties like Little Prince, Little Nicolas and Charlie Chaplin. It has a library of over 450 hours of international programs for distribution. Since its creation, DQE has evolved and now handles its productions from the start until the end. We will explain the various activities of DQE with the example of the Jungle Book. DQE has produced/co-produced and distributed iconic brands such as Iron Man (3D animated TV series, now in season 2), Twisted Whiskers, Mikido, Casper, Pinky & Perky, second season of Large 1 The choice of the series The Jungle Book is known and loved by millions the world over. Rudyard Kipling’s tale about a “man cub” brought up in the jungle by animals who are friends has struck a chord with children and adults alike. The concept and characters that were created by Kipling have an exuberant timelessness to it, something that would appeal kids and adults. This is why DQE chose to introduce this timeless classic 64 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 to the 21st century kids in a 3D avatar for the first time. Jungle Book explores the escapades of Mowgli and his Jungle friends, of how Mowgli lives and survives in the jungle where his only family and friends are the animals he has grown up with. Dodging trials from known and unknown enemies and nurturing old and new friends, the tale takes the viewers through a complete report International action packed journey filled with emotions and humor that everyone will relate to and feel. Given the advancements in animation technology and a strong team of writers roped in to give shape to Kipling’s beloved Jungle Book, they made a nice series. Added to which it is a strong brand that drives the immense scope for licensing and merchandising. DQE has co-produced this series with global partners that include ZDF Group (Germany), TF1 (France) and Moonscoop (France). 2 The making of the series > Creation of the designs by DQE A visit to the same Jungle’s which inspired Kipling to write this legend was the first thing on the list. The Ranthanbore Wild Life Sanctuary and the Kanha National Park were their first stop where the day safari’s and the tiger reserve park became their first inspiration for Shere Khan and design of other animals because the same abundance of wild life species exists today in the Park, as it must have when Kipling roamed these parts. The backgrounds, flora and fauna were inspired by the surrounding in the national park. The water falls and marble cliffs you see in the series were inspired by real life Narmada river which cuts through the glittering and marve- lous marble cliffs which are an incomparable sight. These were some of the natural wealth of prehistoric treasures that inspired DQE in the initial creative process for this series. to survive against the odds. The differentiating factor is what their characters are up to on a daily basis, who they encounter and what kind of adventures they embark on keeping in line with the fun, humorous and zany undertone that DQE has set. Character and background design is one of the most important stages and given that the concept is something people have been exposed to earlier, they had the daunting task of creating designs that stayed true to Kipling’s descriptions set in the massive Seeonee Jungle situated in Central India amidst ruins of forts and temple and amazing waterfalls and cliffs, all this keeping in mind that it appeals to the new age. > Story-boards The stories are created keeping in mind the basic structure and relationships as put down in the original book by Kipling. Shere Khan remains Mowgli’s nemesis while Mowgli’s best friends in the jungle are Baloo and Bagheera who teach him the “Laws of the Jungle” and > The production of the series The work is split between DQE as the lead producers and Moonscoop as the co-producers from France. The writing & voices were undertaken in UK. > 1st design of Mowgli Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 65 report International 3 The TV Distribution The TV distribution is handled by DQE. Thanks to the Licensing and Distribution Team. The Jungle Book has been sold in over 160 countries around the world. Global Television channels like Disney, ABC Australia, BBC ,TF1, EBS Korea, Thai Broadcasting service, B Channel, TV 12 Singapore, ZDF, SVT Switzerland, ATV Turkey, Al-Jazeera, Noga TV, TVo kids, Tele-Quebec among others covering regions that include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Srilanka , Maldives, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, UK, Sweden, Germany & German speaking Europe, Canada, 22 Arabic Nations that include Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, 4 The development of licensing icensing DQE has a small but very energetic Licensing & Distribution team in India. And they have different agents for different territories like D&C for Israel, TF1 for Fre n c h s p e a k i n g region of Europe, ZDF for German speaking Europe etc. The Jungle Book has signed multiple Licensing & Merchandising deals with major licensing companies like ZDF, TF1, Plus Licensing, CPLG, D&C, Hachette, Universal Trends GmbH Mookie, Ahiem Fried, Belltex, Nestle and various others for multiple countries in Europe and Asia like France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg and French speaking Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco, Germany, Austria, Switzer- 66 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Avril - Juin 11 land, Liechtenstein, n, Alto Adige, Canton Ticino, San Marino, Vatican can City, UK, Eire, Spain, Portugal and Japan, pan, Israel among others for various products cts categories that include footwear, toys, back ck to school products, bed linen etc. Apart from the above ove mentioned deals they are also in talks with several global licensing and merchandising ndising organizations for different regions and nd categories. V.G. Egypt, Moon Island, Libya, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, Yemen etc.