\;>/03/2014 To.MURES From:DGEITPV 11'.32 "582 P. 001/002 ! EDUCATIEI I ! I NA TIONALE , t, MINISTERUL DIRECTIA GENERAL..\ EDUCATIE ~I INVATARE PE TOT PARCURSUL VIETH !nq MINISTERUL EDUCAflEI IIISPECTORATUL J.r.f. NR 7 •• 1<10 •••••••••••• ~COLAR / NATIONALE JUDETEAN MURE~ . &OC Aprob publicarea pe site-uJ ISJ Mure~ inspector ~cola~ ge . !.1~ ...I.(~..f?1.... 2014 Nr':?!. .2 fjo'7--}- 13" MAR.20U Luna ...•••...•..•...•.•.. Anul .••.•.....•. I! II • ,! I, II I i I i Preciziiri privind desfii§urarea Concursului International de desen " Joy of Europe" Belgrad 2014 In perioada 02 - 05 octombrie 2014 se va des~ura in Serbia, la Belgrad, Concursul International .de desen " Joy of Europe ". Formularul de inscriere ~i regulamentul de des~urare se afla afi~ate pe serverul de FTP. Prin prezenta, va adresam solicitarea de a promova acest concurs in unitiip1e ~colare din judepl1 dumneavoastrit I I I [ ( I ~ ! iI I, i, I } I I ! f \ /'/ Inspector General, I Adn~~ RAEscu .I I , .•Iff, ....• .. .::.( atJ , , \ AElJJ~ KYnTYPH~ LtEHT AP 7Jf':~ .''" 6 EOrPAA Dear Sirs, the traditional gathering of European children, Joy of Europe, will be held in Belgrade. between I October 2 and 5, 2014. The event was founded in 1969. The theme of this year's gathering of European children Joy of Europe is verse by famous Serbian children's author Ljubivoje Rsumovic, celebrating 25 years from the signing of the UN Convention .. on the Rights of the Child. The Primer ofChi/dren's Rights by Ljubivoje Rsumovic, which vividly describes most important parts of the Convention, is the recipient of the lJN'"ESCO award, as well as numerous other local and international accolades. The Primer is translated into English, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Romany, Slovakian and Macedonian languages. The selected verse from The Primer of Children's Rights that fits the theme of this year's Joy of Europe is: Kids will do their parts, The right paths will be paved, This planet will be saved By kids' innocent heartsl The theme is inspirational comprehensible enough for all the fields of artistic expression, while being uDiversally in its message of connecting people and overcoming all the differences and boundaries. The guest group can have 15 child participants at the most, aged between seven and grown up gUides. The children will be accommodated 14, and two . by families of their peers from Belgrade . schools, one child per family, since the essence of the gathering is to spend time together, establish lasting friendships and get to know other cultures. The expenSes of the half-pension hotel accommodation for two adult guides are covered by the organiser. in ro@>d15cb.r:! W\~~ggJ).rs tel. 011 / 324;;1011, 011/3242 012 faks. all / 32 42314 1 'I', . I -- , , , ttElIU1 KYnTYPH~ LlEHT AP 6EOrPAA Participants themselves will have to cover travel expenses to Belgrade an.d back, but if during their stay guests use their bus, the organiser will reimburse all the fuel costs for the duration of the event, as well as accommodation The right to participate I expenses for tWo drivers. in the Joy of Europe have art schools, cultural centres, studios, clubs, associations, but primarily groups which achieved outstanding results'at national and international competitions, festivals, contests and similar. Stage performance prepared by parLicipants may be dance (classical, traditional, jazz and contemporary) drama,· music (vocal group or choir), but also have a multimedia character. Each country can be represented by one group selection as possible, we implore you to propose participants and in order to have as representative a two or, if possible, three groups of potential from your country. Basic sections of the program are: 1. CARNIVAL - ceremonial march by the event's participants in masks trough the ~ity centre; 2. MEETINGS 'FOR FRIENDSIDP - concerts in the venue of the Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade (groups have to prepare a:program of up to 10 minutes; they can perform music); 3. GALA CONCERT - in the Sava Centre (groups have to prepare a program minutes, but every aspect of the vocal or instrumental performance of up to three must be pre-recorded in the studio - a full playback is mandatory). In those four days of the largest and oldest children's event in the countrY, children of the s~e age from allover Europe will have the opportunity to get to know each other, hang· out together and present themselves on stage in various forms of artistic expression. The. big final concert will be watched by several thousand children at the venue and millions of viewers at'home through live television broadcast. inJ:q@ ..<!kdL!':'i ~·ww.d~£J). rij teL 011/3242 011, 011/3242 012 faks. 011/3242314' 2 , ,'I' 'I • , \ AEYU1 KYflTYPHM UEHTAP 6EOrPAA ,'",~"" The participation applications for groups should be sent by May 10, 2014, at the latest. The applications which arrive after the deadline we ,won't be able to take into consideration. " I The applications of potential participants should include: - filled out application fonn which could be downloaded nom our site - send specifically in electronic form to the e-mail address of the Children's Culture Centre Belgrade: inf~dkcb.rs ; - video recording only of the up-to-three minute performance intended for the Gala Concert in the Sava Centre (we recommend that you send your video bye-mail). The founder and sponsor of the International· Administration of Belgrade, Gathering of Children and the executive producer is Children's of Europe is City CUltural Centre" Belgrade. All the details about the event itself, propositions and application forins can be found on'the Internet site of the Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade www.dkcb.rs/iov-of-euroDeI dr Mileta Radojevic lilii~~ Olivera4IUI!IIlv acting president of the event's board ELGRADE :,. - ~~l~/EURqr~ 20~4._ JOY.-9F .. 3 inro@illi~·.b..ts www gkch.rs tel. 011 / 3242 011,0~242 ~; faks. 011/ 32 42 314 TUTION ARTICIPANT TEACHER RK'S DATE TICIPANTS RK'S DATE ,,~ .. ..•. , , , l1Elfm KYfiTYPHM UEHTAP 6EOfPM Each artwork has to have an eligibly filled out table pasted to its back: TABLE FOR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS FIRST NAME 10,11,12 16, Age Age 7,8,9 13,14,15 Age A ge 17, 18 FIRSTAND NAME Age TELEPHONE SURNAME ADDRESS SURNAME E-mail TELEPHONE AGE E-mail CATEGORY BIRTH NAME DATE TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPANTS 10,11,12 13, 16,17,18 7,8,9 14, 15 Age Age Age Age Age FIRST NAME SURNAME (encircle) E-mail ADDRESS BIRTH AGE DATE CATEGORY TELEPHONE www.iQyofeurope.rs www.dkcb.rs tel. 011 / 3242 011, 011 / 3242012 faks. 011 / 32 42 314 · I, 'i4B' "a' . , , \ AEYH4 KYnTYPH~ UEHTAP 6EOrpA,lt Prizes Jury of experts will chose entries for the exhibition and give out prizes in individual and group categories for five age groups: Icategory includes children aged 4, 5 and 6 II category includes children aged 7, 8 and 9 III category includes children aged 10, 11 and 12 IV category includes children aged 13, 14 and 15 V category includes children aged 16, 17 and 18 The jury will also award a number of commendations. Special awards will be given out to art teachers for innovative methodological nurturing and developing children's artistic creativity. approaches in Winners of first prizes for individuals in all five categories will be guests of Belgrade and the International Gathering of Children of Europe 'Joy of Europe' in the period between October 2 and 5, 2014, with the cost of their accommodation covered by organisers, while they will receive their award at the ceremonial opening of the exhibition held on October 2. The prize winners will have to cover !heir own travel expenses. , tel. +381 11/3232043,011/3242011 fax +38111/ 32 42 314 mobile: +381 60 167 33 45 e-mail: lidiia.senicar@dl<cb.rs, www.iovofe'urone.rs www.dkcb.rs tel. 011/3242011, 011/3242 012 faks. 011/32 42 314 '~, .,/{, , , , AElfJlt1 KYnTYPH~ LlEHTAP AEl{jH KYi\TYPI·H1 UF8TllP E·)iP"-A bF')J._--P~-~--"-"tl3!:'!2~q;.It :.__I'-IA. GEOfj">j\A. Tf,~WI3Ci{j" 3 /:!.J;IT.,~ __ DEOrPA~ City Administration of Belgrade - Secretariat for Culture a'nd Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade organise The XVI International Drawing and Painting Competition joy of Europe This year's International' Drawing and Painting Competition, sixteenth year since its foundation, invites children and young artists from all over the world to use their rich palette to make the international event Joy of Europe more beautiful. Year in year out, awarded works speak of childhood's authentic visual culture, sensitising both the audience and expert public to this form of artistic expression. On the occasion of the first European Children's Gathering, one of the most significant Serbian children's authors Dusko Radovic compiled Dictionary of Friendship, which has represented universal theme for 42 years, by selecting 15" "most beautiful" words for children: Child, Europe, Bread, Game, Book, Love, Mother, Peace, Father, Song, Friend, Bird, Joy, Freedom, Sun .. Propositions The competition is open to individuals, preschools, schools, children's cultural centres an.d similar children's institutions and associations. art studios, children's I Competition is open to all the children of the world from 4 to. 18years of age. I The choice of technique and theme is completely ·free. " • I Artwork should not be fitted or framed, and, because of the possibility of damage, sculpture, ceramics, mosaic and" works done in similar techniques will not be accepted. Artwork's format·should be A3 ( 297 x 420 mm) Artwork must be original and self-made, created in 2013 or 2014, and must not have been previously exhibited at other international competitions and exhibitions. Individual participants may submit one artwork, while associations and institutions may submit up to 20 works by different authors. Submitted artworks will not be returned. Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2014. Send your works to: Decji kultumi centar Beograd, Takovska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia www.ioyofeurope.rs www.dkcb.rs . tel. 011 / 3242 011, 011 / 3242 012 faks. 011 / 32 42 314· AM6aca;:ta Peny6JIHKe Cp6Hje Ambasada Republicii Serbia Embassy of the Republic ofSerbi EYKypelIIT- Bucure~ti - Buchares The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bucharest presents its compliments to the Ministry of National Education of Romania, and has the honour to inform that the traditional gathering of European children "Joy of Europe" (Radost Evrope) will take place in Belgrade between 2 and 5 October 2014. The detailed information about this event, as well as the conditions and practical information concerning the application for all interested groups, is contained in the letter by Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade attached to this note. Additionally, the Secretariat for Culture of the City Administration of Belgrade and Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade organize the "XVI International Drawing and Painting Competition Joy of Europe", which is open for all children of the world from 4 to 18 years of age. The letter containing the details about the competition, including all relevant practical information, is also attached to this note. The Embassy would highly appreciate the support of the Ministry of National Education in the dissemination of the information on the "Joy of Europe" gathering and the art competition to all relevant organizations and institutions in Romania. The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bucharest of Its highesttoconSideration. ~• op~ort~nity ren~w to. th~ry of\.<». I,;" "'~. ::.;._ ',,~ ~.y ~ .~ . ..<;<'''1 ucation of Romania the assurances -c - "":;.0 .'t _ ~~'?,.. ••, avails itself of this ~"'!N ~ V ~:1 . Bucharest. 10·.F.ebtuaryf(jI14 :.\~;>. ~:.i-~~~" .,. .{).}~~Z~~I.~.~ Ministry of National Education of Romania Bucharest tel: (+4021) 211 9871,2100359, Calea Doroban~lor nr 34, Bucure~ti, Romania fax: 2100175, e-mail: mail@ambserbla.ro,web-site: www.ambserbla.ro, skype: ambserbia.ro