COPA Flight 59 news - Cornwall Flying Club
COPA Flight 59 news - Cornwall Flying Club
COPA Flight 59 news THE CORNWALL FLYING CLUB Established 1971 COPA Flight Since 1997 JANUARY 2016 Vol. 5, No.1 ____________________________________________________________ Barry Franklin, Editor Submissions: Due Date for the March 1st 2016 Issue: February 28th. * Note: Under the leadership of the new Executive, CFC activities have increased to the point where we have moved from a quarterly to a bimonthly newsletter. Good work guys! The PRESIDENT’S CORNER Earle DePass, Captain, COPA Flight 59 - January 2016. What an incredible winter…no snow, a green Christmas then a snowstorm to bring in the New Year, show a bit of a turbulent ride! Looking back on 2015 I feel that our 45-year old Cornwall Flying Club/COPA 59 had an incredible year with a less turbulent flight! Our 10 general meetings held in the trailer were first rate with so many interesting guest speakers! These meetings allowed our members to enjoy great fellowship and camaraderie at least once a month. I am truly appreciative of the many additional, social events hosted by so many club members. These events have added so much character to our club! Of special mention are; the winter hangar breakfast hosted by Barry Franklin, the summer BBQ hosted by Ross and Doreen Holden at their home, the spring Transport Canada Safety Seminar hosted by Fergie Legge as well as our mid-summer Poker Run hosted by Steve Small and family. These are just some of the events our members took the time and trouble to host and have helped our club to club stand out in Eastern Ontario. I thank last year’s executive consisting of Fergie, Barry, Jerry and Glenn for their continued and unwavering support. Without their work behind the scenes this club would not be what it is. Barry and his work with our newsletter provide a powerful communications media. His follow up with our website improvements and addition of our two new domains ( and currently being forwarded to will only further help with our external communications. Fortunately our Fathers Day 2015 fly-in breakfast chaired by Jack and Larry was a huge success! I formally and publicly thank them for their continued support of this well-known event. The good weather, great attendance combined with the generous raffle donation from Bob Gauthier has allowed us to somewhat rebuild our coffers. The club members have decided to wait at a bit longer before renewing our previous level of scholarships and donations. Our involvement with youth by hosting our COPA for Kids events again last year was wonderful. Thanks to the many members who gave of their time and finances to support this event. Our Christmas dinner was classy, delicious and enjoyed by all. Thanks to Secretary Glenn for organizing this event. Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 1 of 14 Special thanks to Jack Hawley for his work in communicating outside of the club, allowing the events we run to be made known to other flying clubs. Jack has decided not to continue on this position into 2016 and I thank him for all of the time and effort he spent. Fortunately our membership at a total of 33 members has remained fairly constant. A special welcome to returning members J.D. Houde, Bill Evans and Al Bazeley. Thanks to Ross Holden, we continue to leave a legacy of fun by hosting our “Pilot of the Year” and “Volunteer of the year” awards. Congratulations to Barry, Earle and Jack for being the winners in their respective categories. Looking ahead, 2016 promises to be another exciting year filled with recreational flying information, social events and an atmosphere where like-minded flyers can freely share ideas. I thank the members for their support in allowing me to continue in the left seat of this small but powerful club. I hope every member and their families had a great Christmas season. Please accept my sincere wishes for a very prosperous 2016! Sincerely, Earle DePass MEETINGS & EVENTS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 – ELECTIONS FOR 2016 President EARLE DEPASS Vice President JERRY JOANISSE Treasurer FERGIE LEGGE Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Secretary GLENN LAGDEN Page 2 of 14 2015 AGM AWARDS 2015 VOLUNTEER of the YEAR JACK CHRISTIE PILOT of the YEAR – RENTER EARLE DEPASS PILOT of the YEAR – OWNER BARRY FRANKLIN President Earle DePass presents Capt. Sandy Macdonald, CO Cornwall Air Cadet squadron with this year’s donation to their Famil Flying Program President Earle DePass presents Jack Christie, Sponsor Chairman, Lancaster Air Cadet squadron with this year’s donation to their Famil Flying Program Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 3 of 14 J.D. Houde – Airborne Again! Starting up for its “maiden” flight after getting her good and legal. Only took her up for 1/2 an hour. The weather closed in, I was in cloud at 2,000’ so I could not do too much air work. So, I just flew over to our property on Pleasant Corner and circled it twice and returned to East Hawkesbury. Did one approach and touch and go (or was that bounce and go) and returned for a shortened circuit and land full stop. Lost an inspection cover under left wing, but everything else went great. I will have to install weather stripping next (a bit chilly in the back of the neck from air coming in by the back door). That bird really wants to go. The best rate speed is 84 MPH but I had a tough time to keep it under 100 MPH in the climb with full fuel, my fat ass and about 10 Lbs of gear in the baggage compartment I was seeing around 1,000 FPM on the climb out!! I still have to get checked out properly and get some altitude to do some air work and verify the airspeed indicator vs. GPS for better approach speed, etc. It was a great feeling after all this time and work. Thanks to Steve Farnworth for his nice work, patience and being meticulous in bringing her back to airworthy status (not to mention legal paperwork, etc.) Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 4 of 14 J.D. Houde and Piper PA-22/20 on maiden flight after much work! Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 5 of 14 POSTCARDS FROM PARADISE Dennis Fortier Flies the Bahamas Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 6 of 14 Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 7 of 14 Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 8 of 14 Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 9 of 14 NEXT MEETING: 09:00 AM, January 9th 2016, CFC Clubhouse - Coffee & Greet 08:30 AM. Our Guest Speaker will be Marc-Andre Valiquette who will speak on; 439 Squadron “Fangs of death”, WW2, F-86 Sabres, CF-104, CF-18 and Rescue story. Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 10 of 14 CLASSIFIED ADS This is our listing of aircraft parts/aviation articles for sale by members. Please forward your submissions to Barry for inclusion in the next newsletter. 24 Volt Power source/supply: $175.00 Contact: Dennis Fortier. 613 932-2227 for info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sigtronics SPA 400 TSO Intercom with connectors & jacks Removed for upgrade $ 40.00 $ 25.00 each, 1 available Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 11 of 14 Push To Talk Switches – 2 available $ 15.00 each David Clark H10-30 Mike $20.00 Narco CP136M Audio Panel with Marker Beacons Removed for upgrade. Needs a couple of lights $ 225.00 Contact: Barry Franklin 613 931-3012 for info. Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 12 of 14 USEFUL LINKS Cornwall Flying Club: FACEBOOK: CFC/COPA Flt 59 COPA COPA: On the Horizon, for advertising COPA Flights, for updates COPA For Kids, for advertising, Log Book for pilot records Cornwall Aviation (1979) Ltd.: Pres. Gordon Small (Kathy) Chief Pilot & Engineer, Steve Small Airport Manager - CYCC Steve Small EAA: Useful sections: EAA Store, news, fuel replacement updates YOUNG EAGLES: Useful sections: supplies & resources, Log Book- pilot records. AOPA: News & fuel updates FLYING CLUBS: Rockcliffe: - Fuel Price, events, Museum access. Smiths Falls: - Fuel price, events. Brockville: - Fuel price, events. St. Lazare: - Events. Kingston: - Fuel price, events SUPPLIERS: Aircraft Spruce Canada: VIP - Discount Avionics: ELTs, cheap recertification Radio World: handhelds, headsets, etc. competitive prices Toronto Avionics: (located at Peterborough) - Installations Canairmo Avionics Ltd. pitot/static checks. On site installations, *See Steve Small. Foreflight Mobile: glass cockpit app for iPad, electronic flightbag. Gibson & Barnes: flight jackets, gear Sporty's Pilot Shop: - info on products, beware of int'l fees. Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 13 of 14 LOCAL AIR CADETS 253 Claude Nunney VC SQN - Lancaster - Breakfast help SSC Chair: Bill Ellis Contact: Jack Christie CO: Capt. Carlo Pettinicchio - 325 Cornwall Kiwanis SQN - Cornwall - Breakfast help Contact: VP Jerry Joanisse: CO: Capt. Sandy McDonald: 379 "MUSTANG" SQN – Alexandria: - Breakfast help SSC Chair: Terry Zelek: CO: Capt. Alain Leger: Department of National Defense (DND) /Air Cadet League (ACL) - Approved Pilots for Air Cadet flying Lt. Earle DePass: or Air Cadet League Director (ACD) Barry Franklin: Cornwall Flying Club/COPA Flight 59 News - January 2016 Page 14 of 14