Annual Scientific Meeting and Exhibition
Annual Scientific Meeting and Exhibition
BA MS 2014 Edinburgh Final Programme Annual Scientific Meeting and Exhibition Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2-4 July 2014 British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons The Face of Surgery Orbital Trauma Reconstruction All-in-one solution Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG A company of the KLS Martin Group BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Contents Sponsors Introduction from the President 4 The BAOMS Meeting App 5 General Information 6 BAOMS Council 7 Titanium sponsor: Scientific programme Tuesday 1 July 9 Exhibition plan 10 Exhibition list 10 Platinum Sponsors: Gold Sponsors: Scientific programme Wednesday 2 July 11 Thursday 3 July 16 Friday 4 July 25 Posters 29 Alphabetical List of Presenters 37 Invited Faculty of Speakers 39 Silver Sponsors: Sponsor: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificates of attendance This scientific meeting aims to provide attendees with the opportunity to gain up to date knowledge on the latest developments in research, audit, education, surgical techniques, clinical patient management and outcomes in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. This is delivered through seminars led by experts in their field, masterclasses and short papers presenting the latest research and developments. Participants should verify their own attendance record out of the maximum hours available, which have been calculated as follows: Wednesday 2 July 2014 Thursday 3 July 2014 Friday 4 July 201 Masterclasses CPD hours 6.5 CPD hours 7.5 CPD hours 6 CPD hours 1 for each masterclass attended Certificates of attendance indicating the CPD hours for the elements of the meeting booked by the attendee will be sent by email after the conference. Signing the attendance register In order to meet the requirements of verifiable CPD attendees should sign in at the Registration Desk on each day that they attend the conference. BAOMS is required to keep this attendance record on file in order for CPD hours to be considered verifiable. Your cooperation is much appreciated. Evaluation forms The provision and holding on file of delegate evaluation forms is another requirement of verifiable CPD. Please ensure that you complete the form which is included in your delegate pack and either hand it in at the Registration Desk or send it to the BAOMS Office immediately after the meeting. Your cooperation is much appreciated. 3 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Introduction by the President I would like to welcome you all to the 52nd annual conference of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons at the brand new Edinburgh International Conference Centre. There are some changes this year. The President’s Reception is a formal Event with Scottish Traditional Music and Colours followed by a buffet supper for all. The major Awards and Fellowships will be presented this evening. The Annual Scientific Conference is a joint event with the IMPT and the nurses, with participation and presentations to the benefit of all. The theme of the conference is Crossing the Boundaries. There are 32 invited overseas speakers of distinction – probably a record for our ASM. The four symposia, twelve master classes and the Market your Management session on the last day, hope to enthuse both juniors and veterans of our trade. We are the Reconstructive Surgeons of distinction. Facial Dysmorphia of any aetiology around the world needs our expertise. With this in mind the Presidents Lecture, titled Facial Dysmorphia – a Global Solution will be delivered by an Oncological Surgeon, Professor Eric Dierks. I hope that during this conference, the seeds to find a global solution to this problem will be sown. There is not a unit in the world where more than 600 free tissue transfer surgery procedures are carried out per year, other than the unit headed by the Professor Fu Chan Wei, the Norman Rowe Lecturer for 2014. I am proud and honoured that he has accepted my invitation to attend this year. The Annual Dinner is to be held at the Balmoral Hotel, with all the Scottish traditional performances, pipers, haggis and ceilidh dancing. A team of cyclists will depart from Queen Victoria Hospital with the aim of traveling 520 miles by bicycle to the BAOMS Conference in Edinburgh. They are planning an average of 87 miles a day - following the classic London-Edinburgh-London Audax route. All of the cyclists are associated with maxillofacial health care in the Kent Surrey and Sussex Region, or are spouses thereof. They are also privileged and honoured to be supported en route by Past Presidents of BAOMS, Andy Brown and Peter Banks, together with Colonel Nigel Clark and Ian Gurney. All been involved with the trauma care of patients in KSS and passionately support the valuable care that the KSS air ambulance provide. Please support them at I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the conference sponsors and the exhibiting companies. Please do take time to visit each company and they are all listed on page 10 with the floor plan. We are surgeons of Reconstruction with very few boundaries and I hope you will enjoy the whole package this conference has to offer, and go home with a sense of pride in belonging to this wonderful specialty. Velupillai Ilankovan BAOMS President in 2014 4 BA Edinburgh MS 2014 Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre BAOMS ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING 2014 APP You now have access to the BAOMS ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING 2014 APP You will be able to view the full programme, speaker profiles and view abstracts as well as the exhibitors’ profiles. To access the app simply open the browser on your smartphone or tablet and enter the following URL: To add an icon to your mobile device follow the instructions below relevant to the phone/ operating system you are using: Apple iOS with the homepage in a browser on screen, press the icon in the middle of the bottom bar on your screen, then select ‘Add to Home Screen’ from the list that appears, then press ‘Add’. The icon and application name will then be added to your home screen. Blackberry with the home page in a browser on screen, select the menu button, scroll down to ‘Add to home screen’, then press the ‘Add’ button. Android with the homepage in a browser on screen, press the Menu button, then ‘Add bookmark’ and save by selecting ‘Add’. To then access the bookmark, bring up the browser, press Menu, then Bookmarks. Press and hold the relevant bookmark until a menu appears - select ‘Add shortcut to Home’. Windows Mobile 7 with the home page in a browser on screen, press ‘...’ at the bottom right of the screen, then select ‘pin to start’. This will add a shortcut to your start/ home screen. Makes Notes & Provide Session Feedback You can also make notes and provide session feedback. Just select “Programme” from the home page and then the relevant session. 5 BA Edinburgh MS 2014 General Conference Information Venue Edinburgh International Conference Centre, The Exchange, 150 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8EE Registration Desk 1 July 2014 SORG / KLS Martin will have a registration desk on 1 July 2014 from 1230 to register attendees to the Pre-Conference on ‘optimization of orbital wall fracture’ Bookings should be made in advance with via 2-4 July 2014 Registration for the BAOMS meeting will be in the main Atrium foyer and will be signedposted during the meeting. Registration will be open from 0730–1800 on Wednesday 2, Thursday 3 and Friday 4 July 2014. Badges Please wear your delegate badge at all times during the conference. You will need to wear your badge to receive daytime catering and to attend the conference sessions. Lunch tickets are not being issued this year, so be sure to wear your badge to identify you as a registered attendee. Social Programme Wednesday 2 July 2014 – Lennox Suite Awards ceremony and welcome reception hosted by the President and sponsored by KLS Martin Dress Code: Smart casual On Wednesday evening immediately after the scientific sessions there will be an Awards ceremony followed by music by the Red Hot Chilli Pipers and a reception with drinks and a hot buffet in the exhibition area (18:30 – 21:30). We look forward to seeing you there. Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 6 Thursday 3 July 2014 Annual Black Tie Dinner at the Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh Reception: 1945 Dress: Black Tie/Tuxedo Please ensure that you bring your ticket with you to this event There will be a drinks reception from 1945 in the Holyrood Suite and Dinner will be from 20:15 in the Sir Walter Scott Suite. There will also be a live Scottish Ceilidh Band with traditional dancing until 00:30. Additional Activities are being organised by Cashel Travel The online booking form is available at The Main Conference sessions will all take place in the Lennox 3 Hall on level – 2. The Annual General Meeting for BAOMS members (2 July 2014 at 0930 – 1030 ) will be in the Lennox 3 Hall which will be the main lecture hall and symposia and keynote presentations including the President’s Lecture and the Norman Rowe Lecture will also take place here. During the concurrent sessions the Lammermuir (level -2), the Lowther and Monteith Suites (level -1) will also be used. Speakers’ AV Preview – Atrium Café This will be in the Atrium Café above the registration area. Please check in at the Registration Desk before going to the speakers’ room. If you are speaking at the conference please ensure that you check in with the technicians at least 2 hours prior to your lecture or the day before and are in the presentation room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. Poster Displays These will be in the concourse area outside the main lecture room and in the medical exhibition. Exhibition The exhibition will be open daily from 0900 on Wednesday 2 July until 14:30 on Friday 4 July 2014. All daytime catering will be served in the exhibition area. Please remember to wear your badge at all times whilst in the conference centre. BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 BAOMS Council 2014 President: Vice President: President Designate: Immediate Past President: Honorary Secretary: Honorary Treasurer: Honorary Editor: Chairman of Council: Velupillai Ilankovan James S Brown Peter A Brennan Mark McGurk Patrick Magennis Austen T Smith David A Mitchell Michael J C Davidson Members of Council: Rajiv Anand Andrew Baldwin Andrew Cronin David Koppel Andrew Lyons Michael Nelson Laurence Newman Karin Stone Fellows in training representative: Deputy Fellows in Training Representative: Members’ Representative: Chairman of SAC in OMFS (co-opted): BAOMS administration British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons The Royal College of Surgeons of England 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3PE Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7405 8074 Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7430 9997 Email: website: Barbara Gerber Elizabeth Gruber Alexander Goodson Stephen Dover 7 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Tuesday 1 July 2014 1000-1230 BAOMS Council meeting (invitation only) Conference Organisers Room – Level -1 1330-1845 S.O.R.G Pre-Conference Optimization of orbital wall fracture treatment Lowther Suite – Level -1 Sponsored by: KLS Martin Please register at the SORG website 1230 Registration for SORG / KLS Martin meeting only Main foyer - Edinburgh International Conference Centre 1330 Welcome address and introduction Richard Loukota, Course Chairman 1335 Surgical anatomy of the orbit Richard Loukota 1405 Discussion 1415 What is the ideal material for orbital reconstruction? Leander Dubois 1445 Discussion 1455 Diagnostics and imaging of the orbital wall fracture treatment Ian Holland 1525 Discussion 1535 Tea/Coffee – downstairs in Bar area 8 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Tuesday 1 July 2014 1605 Primary reconstruction of orbital wall fracture Nils-Claudius Gellrich 1635 Discussion 1645 Reconstruction of orbital fractures under local anaesthesia: possibilities and limitations Giuseppe Spinelli 1715 Discussion 1725 Secondary reconstruction of orbital fractures Eric Dierks 1755 Discussion 1805 Patient specific orbita implants Majeed Rana 1835 Discussion 1845 Closing remarks Richard Loukota 1900-2030 Whisky Tasting – downstairs in bar area 9 BA Edinburgh MS 2014 Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 10 List of exhibitors and floor plan Table top stands (in bar area) Changing Faces EACMFS Mercyships NFORC Saving Faces SIGN Company Stand Number About Face Sponsor Igea Medical Aceton KLS Martin Titanium Sponsor General Medical/Jewel Management DePuy Synthes and Ethicon Platinum Sponsor Albert Waeschle 3dMD Medartis Cook Medical Gold Sponsor Stryker Gold Sponsor Allergan Silver Sponsor Hospital Innovations SD Healthcare NHS Blood and Transplant Cavendish Implants and Cavendish Imaging Interact Avita Medical - Recell Silver Sponsor Alliance Pharmaceutical Wesleyan Medical Sickness AO UK Medtronic Sigmacon UK Elsevier Royal Naval Reserves 1 2 3 4&5 7 8 & 11 9 10 12 15 & 20 16 & 19 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 11 Wednesday 2 July 2014 0800-1800 Registration in Atrium main foyer area Level 0 • Masterclasses all are on Level -1 0800-0900 0900-0930 The Conference Organisers Room Masterclasses Monteith Site Orbital reconstruction following ablative surgery Botox/Fillers Nasal reconstruction after skin cancer ablation Mr M Ethunandan Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Southampton General Hospital Mr Jeff Downie Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary Mr P Ramchandani Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial / Head and Neck Surgeon Poole Hospital, England Lowther Suite Coffee in exhibition hall, Lennox 1 and 2, Level -2 Lennox 3 – Main meeting room, Level -2 0930-1030 Annual General Meeting - BAOMS Members only 1030-1035 President’s Address 1035-1055 Session Chairs: Mark Devlin and Ceri Hughes Challenges in alveolar cleft management Professor Dr Reha Kisnisci Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey 1055-1115 Distraction osteogenesis vs cleft osteotomies: alternative or complementary techniques? Professor Piet Haers Head of Service, South-Thames Cleft Service, Evelyna Children’s Hospital London President, IAOMS 1115-1135 Cleft rhinoplasty Professor Dong Hak Jung Director, Shimmian Rhinoplasty Clinic, Seoul President of ASACS (Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery) Visiting Professor of Inha University, Seoul 1135-1155 Paradigm change in cleft therapy: from surgery to a functionally orientated teamapproach Professor Robert Sader Head, Chair and Professor, Department of Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery, Dean for Clinical Student Affairs,Medical Center of Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Wednesday 2 July 2014 1200-1300 Session Chair: Professor V Ilankovan President’s Lecture sponsored by KLS Martin Facial Dysmorphia - a global solution Professor Eric Dierks Affiliate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oregon Heath and Science University Director of Fellowship in Head and Neck Oncologic and Microvascular Reconstrcutive Surgery The Head and Neck Surgical Associates, Portland Oregan, USA 1300-1400 Lunch and poster displays in the concourse and exhibition hall, (lunch packs can be collected and taken into the lunctime meetings) Level -2 1315-1400 1315-1400 Lammermuir Suite Level -2 1315-1400 Monteith Suite Level -1 1315-1400 Lowther Suite Level -1 1315-1400 Atrium area (behind registration desk) 1230-1400 Conference Organisers Room, Level -1 OMFS Consultant’s Meeting Fellows in Training Meeting Junior Trainees and Member Meeting Associate Fellows Meeting BJOMS Editorial Meeting (invitation only) 1400-1600 Symposium - 1 Stem Cell - Lennox 3 - Main meeting room, Level -2 1400-1430 Session Chairs: Peter Brennan and Sanjay Sharma Who is pushing the tumor boundary? The role of cancer stem cell treatment response and resistance Professor Abraham Kuriakose Professor & Director, Surgical Oncology Services, Mujumdar-Shaw Cancer Institute, Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore, India 1430-1500 Stem cells based tissue regeneration of the head and neck Professor Paulo Macchiarini Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Director of the ACTREM (Advanced Center for Regenerative Medicine) at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden Honorary Professor at London University College 1500-1530 Bone from fat – stem cells makes a difference Professor Riitta Seppanen Prof in tissue engineering, Director of Regea Tissue Bank and Cell Center, BioMediTech, University of Tampere, Finland 1530-1600 Comparative cancer biology – can studies in veterinary patients inform human medicine? Professor David Argyle Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Roslin Institute University of Edinburgh 1600-1630 Afternoon tea and poster displays in the concourse (upper and lower levels) and exhibition hall, Level -2 12 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 13 Wednesday 2 July 2014 Keynote Lectures 1630-1650 Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Session Chairs: Bob Tuffin and Roger Currie Monteith Suite Level -1 Session Chairs: Mark Singh and Kaveh Shakib Lowther Suite Level -1 Session Chairs: Andrew Cronin and Madhav Kittur Trauma services Balancing the harmony between lip and nose in cleft Surgery Demystifying cutaneous melanoma Robert Bentley Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Kings College Hospital, London Professor Srinivas Gosla Reddy Director, GSR Institute of Craniofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery, Hyderabad, India. Carrie Newlands Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, UK FREE PAPER SESSIONS 5 minutes each, 2 minutes Q & A, 1 minutes to swap sessions 1650-1830 Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Monteith Suite Level -1 Lowther Suite Level -1 Session 1 TRAUMA / TMJ Session 2 CLEFT / CRANIOFACIAL Session 3 CANCER Session Chairs: Bob Tuffin and Roger Currie Session Chairs: Mark Singh and Kaveh Shakib Session Chairs: Andrew Cronin and Madhav Kittur 1650-1658 1 The medial sural artery perforator (MSAP) Flap: an alternative to the radial forearm flap for head and neck reconstruction Michael Nugent Sunderland Royal Hospital 2 Adult syndromic craniosynostosis - a quality of life (QoL) outcome study Stephen Dover Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham 3 Head and neck non-melanoma skin cancer margin clearance Lisa Greaney Royal Surrey County Hospital 1658-1706 4 Cook-Swartz implantable Doppler: the UK experience - a retrospective analysis James Cymerman BRI/Bradford Institute for Health Research 5 Surface area scanning of cleft palate dimension - a predictor of outcome Serryth Colbert South West and South Wales Cleft Units 6 Oral epithelial dysplasia: the role of ATRFanconi anaemia pathway in malignant transformation Michael Ho University of Liverpool 1706-1714 7 Outcomes of temporomandibular joint replacement surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham 8 The evolution of a new craniofacial procedure: from concept to established intervention. The 8 year history of posterior calvarial osseodistraction and its use in craniofacial surgery Martin Evans Birmingham Children’s Hospital 9 A review of double helical rim advancement flaps following tumour resection. How to balance appropriate surgical resection with aesthetic and functional reconstruction. Rosalind Southee York Hospital BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 14 Wednesday 2 July 2014 Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Monteith Suite Level -1 Lowther Suite Level -1 Session 1 TRAUMA / TMJ Session 2 CLEFT / CRANIOFACIAL Session 3 CANCER Session Chairs: Bob Tuffin and Roger Currie Session Chairs: Mark Singh and Kaveh Shakib Session Chairs: Andrew Cronin and Madhav Kittur 1714-1722 10 5 year review of a tertiary multispecialty craniofacial trauma unit. The Oxford experience Soudeh Chegini Oxford University Hospitals NHS trust 11 A novel non invasive assessment of velopharyngeal insufficency in children with treated cleft palate Andrew Gardner Yorkhill Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, Scotland 12 The role of ultrasound scanning of the neck in pre-operative staging of cutaneous squamous cell carinoma; a 5-year review and completing the audit cycle (part 2) Shakir F Mustafa Cwm Taf University Health Board 1722-1730 13 Intraoperative fluorescent angiography analysis for head and neck micro-vascula free flap reconstruction- a preliminary experience Melvyn Yeoh Louisian State University Health SystemShreveport, USA 14 Simultaneous three layer closure of the vestibulonasal fistula, cheloplasty and rhinoplasty in cleft lip nose deformity patients Ahmed Mahrous Minia University Hospital, Egypt 15 Comparison of clinical and histological tumour diameter in non-melanoma skin malignancy of the head and neck Rabindra P Singh York Teaching Hospital 1730-1738 16 Reconstruction of temporomandibular joints with prosthetic condyles in patients with head and neck cancer Nugdeep Uppal Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham 17 Titanium in paediatric cranioplasty - the Birmingham experience Anuradha Venugopal University Hospitals Birmingham 18 Emergent trends of perceived needs and concerns in long-term survivors of head and neck cancer using the patients concerns inventory Naseem Ghazali Queen Victoria Hospital 1738-1746 19 Successful autogenous third molar transplantation using piezosurgery Shakilahmed Nagori All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India 20 The effect of maxillary advancement on speech outcomes in patients with cleft lip and palate Serryth Colbert South West and South Wales Cleft Units 21 Outcome of incompletely excised Non-Melanoma Head and Neck skin cancer from one Unit N N Baheerathan Poole General Hospital 1746-1754 22 The prevalence of inflammatory and developmental odontogenic cysts in a Libyan population Hamed Orafi Benghazi Dental School and Hospital, Libya 23 The impact of a cleft interface training on unit outcomes in primary palate surgery: post repair fistula rates Mark Devlin Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, Scotland 24 Benefits of a shared training programme for the management of cutaneous cancer of the head and neck Bella Dave Chesterfield Royal Hospital BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 15 Wednesday 2 July 2014 Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Monteith Suite Level -1 Lowther Suite Level -1 Session 1 TRAUMA / TMJ Session 2 CLEFT / CRANIOFACIAL Session 3 CANCER Session Chairs: Bob Tuffin and Roger Currie Session Chairs: Mark Singh and Kaveh Shakib Session Chairs: Andrew Cronin and Madhav Kittur 1754-1802 25 Functional outcomes of pharyngolaryngectomy reconstruction with tubed free flaps Laura Feeney St Johns Hospital, Livingston, Scotland 26 Sphincter pharyngoplasty and superiorly based pharyngeal flap videonasopharyngoscopic evaluation and phoniatric outcome Ahmed Mahrous Minia University Hospital, Egypt 27 Squamous cell carcinoma of the pinna: can histological features predict risk of metastases? Aashay Gulati University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust 1802-1810 28 Box genioplasty in the management of mandibular centreline chin deformity Rosemary Sykes Nottingham University Hospitals 29 Are children with cleft palate in Greater Glasgow & Clyde receiving optimal audiology follow-up Deborah Boyd Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland 30 Possum scoring and risk prediction in head and neck surgery. Neil Scott Morriston Hospital 1810-1818 31 Comparative analysis of 3-years results of a pterygoid approach: Isoelastic PEEK-PERSO-C implants and titanium screw implants to avoid more invasive implant procedures in the atrophic maxilla Alexander Bagdasarov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Russia 32 Outcomes of secondary alveolar bone grafting in the West Midlands: A retrospective review Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. 33 Mohs Micrographic surgery for head and neck lesions: A six years single centre experience. Rahul Jayaram St George’s and Croydon University Hospitals, London. 1818-1826 34 The ‘macrovascular’ radial forearm flap: a clinical study of the antecubital fossa venous anatomy Atul Kusanale Poole Hospital Foundation Trust 35 Indications of Piezoelectric surgery in trauma oral and maxillofacial surgery Sujata Kane The Royal London Hospital 36 A single centre experience of head and neck cutaneous merkel cell carcinoma Muneer Patel Royal Surrey County Hospital 1830-1930 Awards Ceremony and President’s Welcome sponsored by KLS Martin Main meeting room – Lennox 3 1930-2130 President’s reception sponsored by KLS Martin Evening reception with hot buffet and drinks Exhibition hall and concourse, Level -2. All delegates and exhibitors welcome 2200 Venue closes BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 16 Thursday 3 July 2014 0700-1800 Registration in Atrium main foyer area Level 0, Edinburgh International Conference Centre Masterclasses – all are on Level -1 Masterclasses 0800-0900 The Conference Organisers Room Monteith Site Lowther Suite Hair transplant Spreader and columellar grafts How I do facial re-animation Dr Dae-Young Kim Hair Transplant Surgeon Yonsei Hair Center Seoul, South Korea Professor Dong Hak Jung Director, Shimmian Rhinoplasty Clinic, Seoul President of ASACS (Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery) Visiting Professor of Inha University, Seoul, South Korea Dr Tian Ee Seah Professor Federico Biglioli University of Milan, Italy And Hair transplant surgery - the way I do it Dr Kishore Babu Pentyala Consultant Facial Plastic & Hair Transplant Surgeon Director New You Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Bangalore, India Keynote lectures 0900-0920 Lennox 3 (main room) Session Chairs: Brian Musgrove and Alan Wilson Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Session Chairs: Niall McLeod and Simon Holmes Lowther Suite, Level -1 Session Chairs: Serryth Colbert and Clive Pratt Anatomy and management of sub muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) in facial surgery Paediatric trauma Redefining respectability in advanced oral cavity cancer Mr Jan Stanek Surgical Aesthetics, London Dr Patrishia Bordbar The Royal Melbourne and The Royal Children’s Hospitals Australia Professor Abraham Kuriakose Director of the Department of Surgical Oncology at Mazumdar-Shaw Cancer Center, India BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 17 Thursday 3 July 2014 0920-1030 Free Papers to follow on from keynote lectures Lennox 3 (Main Room) Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Lowther Suite Level -1 Session 4 AESTHETICS / CANCER Session 5 TRAUMA / MISCELLANEOUS Session 6 HEAD & NECK CANCER Session Chairs: Brian Musgrove and Alan Wilson Session Chairs: Niall McLeod and Simon Holmes Session Chairs: Serryth Colbert and Clive Pratt 0920-0928 37 Management of asymmetrical smile due to marginal mandibular nerve paralysis with botulinum toxin Thiraviam Sabesan Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka 38 Juvenile chronic mandibular osteomyelitis: a case series defining the clinico-pathological features of this rare condition. Stephanie Sammut Edinburgh Dental Institute 39 First recorded case of transformation of parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (BPOP)to sarcoma: case report and literature review Natasha Berridge North West London Hospitals NHS Trust 0928-0936 40Non-surgical rhinoplasty (Filler rhinoplasty) using dermal fillers: a minimally invasive approach Thiraviam Sabesan Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka 41 Pooling of Saliva: an association with region specificity of oral submucous fibrosis Serryth Colbert South West and South Wales Cleft Units 42 A retrospective study of rhinectomy and radiotherapy for nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Tom Aldridge Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 0936-0944 43 Paramedian forehead flap: A service evaluation Richard Courtney University of Manchester 44Does the great auricular nerve predict the size of the maintrunk of the facial nerve? A clinical and cadaveric study Serryth Colbert South West and South Wales Cleft Units 45 Post-treatment care pathway in long-term survivors of head & neck cancer with oral and/or facial prosthesis Naseem Ghazali Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead 0944-0952 46Early feeding after free flap reconstruction for oral cancer Donal McAuley Altnagelvin Hospital, Northern Ireland 47The validity of 3dMD Vultus in predicting soft tissue morphology following orthognathic surgery Rehan Ullah Birmingham Dental Hospital and School 48The role of pentoxifylline and tocopherol in osteoradionecrosis of the mandible Raghav Kulkarni Bradford Royal Infirmary 0952-1000 49 The use of coleman fat grafting in the OMFS trauma patient Indran Balasundaram The Royal London Hospital 50 Surgically assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (SARPE) Satish Madhavarajan Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford 51 Electrochemotherapy in head & neck oncology: Bradford’s contribution to the EURECA Trial. James Cymerman BRI/Bradford Institute for Health Research BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 18 Thursday 3 July 2014 Lennox 3 (Main Room) Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Lowther Suite Level -1 Session 4 AESTHETICS / CANCER Session 5 TRAUMA / MISCELLANEOUS Session 6 HEAD & NECK CANCER Session Chairs: Brian Musgrove and Alan Wilson Session Chairs: Niall McLeod and Simon Holmes Session Chairs: Serryth Colbert and Clive Pratt 1000-1008 52 Autologous fat transplantation: an updated overview Aitor De Gea Rico Barts & the London School of Medicine 53 Emerging manufacturing bioengineering technologies 2: Scaffold designing experiment using titanium scaffolds. Peter Bujtar Southern General Hospital, Glasgow 54 Integration of multiple microarray datasets generating an eight gene signature as a validated biomarker for the detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma Victor Lopes University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian 1008-1016 55 Herbal preparations in head & neck surgery Friend or Foe? Atheer Ujam Barts Health NHS Trust 56 Management of Ameloblastoma in North Yorkshire - The York Hospital experience over 22 years Trevor Teemul The York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 57 Post operative radiotherapy for patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma with intermediate risk of recurrence: A case match study Conor Barry Liverpool Regional Maxillofacial Unit 1016-1024 58 Is a Trainee-Led Randomised Controlled Trial Feasible & Deliverable in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery? Andrew Schache University of Liverpool/Aintree University Hospital 59 Self inflicted submental and intraoral gunshot wounds: A single centre retrospective review James Murphy University of Maryland Medical System, USA 60 Enhanced Recovery for Head & Neck Oncology: The UK status report Catherine Lau University College London Hospital & Royal London Hospital 1024-1032 61 Paediatric head and neck sarcoma: The London Sarcoma Service series Luke Williams University College of London Hospital 62 Implications of the Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) Paradigm for OMFS Patients and Surgeons. Navin Vig Blizard Institute, QMUL / Barts Health 63 Osteoradionecrosis a new classification Andrew Lyons Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust 1030-1100 Coffee and poster displays concourse and exhibition hall, Lennox 1 and 2, Level -2 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Thursday 3 July 2014 1100-1300 Symposium 2 – Face Transplant Session Chairs: Colin MacIver and David Koppel 1100-1130 Surgical process of transplant Professor Jean Paul Meningaud Maxillofacial Surgeon, Professor and Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery Henri Mondor Hospital, Creteil, France 1130-1200 Immunological management: immunological aspects of face composite allo transplantation Professor Philippe Grimbert Henri-Mondor Hospital 1200-1230 Psychological aspects of facial transplantation Dr Alex Clarke Lead Clinician for Psychology, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust, London 1230-1300 Face transplant or stem cell: the future Professor Jean Paul Meningaud Maxillofacial Surgeon Professor and Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery Henri Mondor Hospital, Creteil, France & Professor Riitta Seppanen Professor in Tissue Engineering, Director of Regea Tissue Bank and Cell Center, BioMediTech, University of Tampere, Finland 1300-1400 Lunch and poster displays in the concourse and exhibition hall, Level -2 Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 DePuy Synthes Symposium on Pre-operative Planning sponsored by DePuy Synthes 1300-1345 (lunch will be available in the meeting room) TruMatch - from Virtual Planning to Surgical guides and Patient Specific Implants Professor Dr Dr Alexander Schramm Head of Department, Oral and Maxillofacial Department, Facial Plastic Surgery, Military Hospital of Ulm and Teaching Hospital of Ulm, Germany 19 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Thursday 3 July 2014 1345-1400 The Aberdeen Experience Mr Terry Lowe Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Scotland Masterclasses The Conference Organisers Room Monteith Site Raising a perforator flap The Versatility of ALT Flap and to harvest Vein Graft Professor Dr Klaus-Dietrich Wolff Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery Munich, Germany Dr Samir Mardini Professor of Surgery and Consultant in the Division of Plastic Surgery Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, USA Lowther Suite Technique for harvesting grafts Mr Manu Patel, UK Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery South Manchester University Hospitals Lennox 3 1400-1530 Symposium 3 – Perforator Flaps Session Chairs: David Mitchell and Andrew Baker 1400-1430 Perforator flaps in head and neck Professor Fu-Chan Wei Professor of Plastic Surgery, Dean of Chang Gung University Medical College, Taiwan 1430-1500 Free style flaps Professor Samir Mardini Professor of Surgery and Consultant in the Division of Plastic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Minnisota, USA 1500-1530 New aspects in maxillofacial reconstruction Professor Dr. Klaus-Dietrich Wolff Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, München, Germany 1530-1600 Afternoon tea and poster displays in the concourse and exhibition hall, Level -2 Keynote Lectures 1600-1620 Lennox 3 (main room) Session Chairs: Andrew Webb and Andrew Baldwin Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Session Chairs: Andrew Lyons and Paul Chambers Lowther Suite, Level -1 Session Chairs: Kishore Shekar and John Hawkesford Hair transplant to achieve facial balance Vascular malformation Strategy of management The role of reconstructive science in contemporary maxillofacial surgery Dr Dae-Young Kim Hair Transplant Surgeon Yonsei Hair Centre, Seoul, South Korea Professor Sanjiv Nair, B.M.Jain Hospital, Bangalore Mr Peter Jeynes, Consultant Maxillofacial Prosthetist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham 20 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 22 Thursday 3 July 2014 1620-1730 Free Papers to follow on from keynotes (same session chairs) Lennox 3 (Main Room) Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Lowther Suite Level -1 Session 7 MISCELLANEOUS Session 8 PATHOLOGY /MISCELLANEOUS Session 9 IMAGING / MISCELLANEOUS Session Chairs: Andrew Webb & Andrew Baldwin Session Chairs: Andrew Lyons and Paul Chambers Session Chairs: Kishore Shekar & John Hawkesford 1620-1628 64Successful recruitment to head & neck trials: lessons learned from the LIHNCS Trial James McCaul BRI/Bradford Institute for Health Research 65 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) inhibitors as a novel strategy in the treatment of Arterio Venous Malformations (AVMs): time for a clinical study David Koppel Regional Maxillofacial Unit, Glasgow 66 Development of a financially viable model for the outpatient management of mandibular fractures in a Level 1 Major Trauma Centre Jahrad Haq King’s College Hospital, London 1628-1636 67 Human Papillomavirus infection is not highly prevalent in oral and laryngeal dysplasia and is not associated with progression to dysplasia Victor Lopes University of Edinburgh/ NHS Lothian 68 Diagnostic investigation of parotid neoplasms A 14 year experience of freehand fine needle aspiration cytology and ultrasound guided core needle biopsy David Tighe Eastbourne District General Hospital 69 PET-CT for metastatic head and neck squamous carcinoma with unknown primary: Correlation with targeted and surveillance biopsy in 40 cases Raghav Kulkarni Bradford Royal Infirmary 1636-1644 70 Drug-induced sleep endoscopy: its role in the multidisciplinary assessment of patients referred for orthognathic correction of obstructive sleep apnoea Jonathan Collier Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust 71 Management of low flow vascular malformations of the head and neck: the Birmingham experience Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. 72 A scanning electron microscope characterisation of biofilm on failed craniofacial osteosynthesis miniplates Aneka Jhass University of Southampton 1644-1652 73 Does elective pre-operative PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) placement improve management outcome in Oro-pharyngeal cancers: A 7-year Audit of changing clinical practice. Arshad Siddiqui Aberdeen Royal Infirmary 74Head and neck free tissue transfer - UK national survey. Anaesthetic perspective. Bagrat Lalabekyan University College Hospital London 75 Orbital volume measurement using 3D CT models David Grimes QMC Nottingham 1652-1700 76 Total nasal reconstruction: Can we do better? Bhavin Visavadia North West London Hospitals NHS Trust 77 Squamous cell carcinoma of anterior tongue: Is tumour thickness the indicator for metastasis? Anna Sayan Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 78 Benefits and complications of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastostomy (PEG) tubes in Head and Neck Oncology Patients Ghaly Adly Ghaly Northampton General Hospital BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 23 Thursday 3 July 2014 Lennox 3 (Main Room) Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Lowther Suite Level -1 Session 7 MISCELLANEOUS Session 8 PATHOLOGY /MISCELLANEOUS Session 9 IMAGING / MISCELLANEOUS Session Chairs: Andrew Webb & Andrew Baldwin Session Chairs: Andrew Lyons and Paul Chambers Session Chairs: Kishore Shekar & John Hawkesford 1700-1708 79 Changing geographical origins of consultants and specialty trainees in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) Patrick Magennis SAC OMFS 80 Extra-capsular dissection versus parotidectomty in the treatment of benign parotid tumors: long term follow up Mohammed Hassan Osman Assiut University hospital, Egypt 81 Emerging computer bioengineering technologies 1: Scanning (CBCT versus MSCT), modelling (bioCAD) and functional simulation (FEA): Steps towards validation Peter Bujtar Southern General Hospital, Glasgow 1708-1716 82 Outcomes of prosthetic TMJ replacement Shahme Farook Northwick Park Hospital, London 83 An epidemiological study of alendronate related osteonecrosis of the jaw in the south east region of Scotland. Stephanie Sammut Edinburgh Dental Institute 84‘Virtual Assessment’. Is this the future of Oral and Maxillofacial Training? Kerry Herd University Hospital Southampton 1716-1724 85 The use of zygomatic implants for the retention of nasal prosthesis following total rhinectomy Neil Scott Morriston Hospital, Swansea 86 Super-selective targeted emergency endovascular treatment (STEET) of maxillofacial haemorrhage Laith H Al-Qamachi University Hospital North Staffordshire 87 Training in head & neck ultrasound imaging- A survey of members of ENT UK and the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Francine Ryba King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London 89 Antiresorptive related osteonecrosis of the Jaw Bone (ARONJ): A single Maxillofacial Unit Case series and Analysis Raghav Kulkarni Bradford Royal Infirmary 90 Utility of fly-through virtual endoscopy of the upper aerodigestive tract in pre-surgical head and neck cancer patients Kartic Rajaram Manchester Royal Infirmary 1724-1732 88 Fast track cancer referrals to OMFS - an appropriately used service? Mayank Shastri The Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Thursday 3 July 2014 Lennox 3 (main room) 1735-1800 Session Chairs: Barrie Evans and Parkash Ramchandani You can never cross the same river twice Professor Robert Ord, USA Professor of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shock Trauma Center,Cancer Head and Neck Oncology, University of Maryland, USA 1800-1830 Prevention and management of intra oral dysplasia Professor M Anthony Pogrel, William Ware Endowed Professor and Chairman Associate Dean for Hospital Affairs Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, USA 1945 Annual Black Tie Dinner and Dance Sir Walter Scott Suite, Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh Ticket only - there is a waiting list for the Dinner Live Ceilidh Dance Band Annual Dinner Reception sponsored in part by Glasgow City Marketing Bureau supporting a bid with BAOMS to host ICOMS 2021 in Glasgow 24 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 25 Friday 4 July 2014 Masterclasses – all are on Level –1 0730-0830 0830-0900 0900-0920 0920-0950 Masterclasses Monteith Site Lowther Suite IMPT: 3-D Planning IJOMS Trainees Meeting Maxillofacial double jeopardy Wound management in head and neck surgery Mr Fraser Walker Southern General Hospital Glasgow Professor Rui Fernandes Chief, Head Neck Surgery Divisions of OMFS & Surgical Oncology Department of Surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville, USA Staff Nurse Justine Ray Dermatology Nurse Specialist Poole General Hospital The Conference Organisers Room Lennox 3, Level -2 Session Chairs: Tim Mellor and Ian Ormiston Keynote Lectures Lammermuir Suite, Level -2 Session Chairs: Rajiv Anand and Michael Bater Simulation in OMFS training Surgical management of head and neck sarcomas Professor Deepak G Krishnan Assistant Professor of Surgery Residency Program Director, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Ohio, USA Mr Nicholas Kalavrezos Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, London Orthognathic /simultaneous rhinoplasty HPV epidemic Dr Tian Ee Seah Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon National Dental Centre, Singapore Mr Andrew Schache NIHR Clinical Lecturer, Head & Neck Surgery Department of Molecular & Clinical Cancer Medicine University of Liverpool Cancer Research Centre Gun shot injuries of the face Minimal access thyroidectomy Professor Rui Fernandes Chief, Head Neck Surgery, Divisions of OMFS & Surgical Oncology Department of Surgery University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville, USA Professor Kyung Tae Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea President, Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Friday 4 July 2014 0950-1020 Session Chairs: Tim Mellor & Ian Ormiston Lennox 3, Level -2 1000-1215 Lowther Suite - open session - please arrive early to get a place Current management of facial deformities: distraction versus Osteotomies Depuy Synthes practical session for Operating Room Practictioners (ORP Staff) Hands-on mid-face and mandible fractures Professor G E Ghali Gamble Professor & Chairman Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeryenter Head & Neck Surgery, LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport, LA, USA 1020-1050 Proton therapy for head and neck cancer Mr Robert Malyapa Senior Radiation Oncologist, Center for Proton Therapy, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland 1050-1110 Coffee and exhibition and poster viewing 1110-1220 Symposium 4 – Robotic surgery Session Chairs: Barrie Evans & Ilanko Ilankovan 1110-1140 Tors for oropharyngeal cancer Professor Eric Dierks Affiliate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oregon Heath and Science University Director of Fellowship in Head and Neck Oncologic and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery The Head and Neck Surgical Associates, Portland Oregan, USA 1140-1200 Transoral robotic surgery: applications in sleep surgery Professor G E Ghali Gamble Professor & Chairman Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Head & Neck Surgery, LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport, LA, USA 1200-1220 Robotic neck dissection for HNSCC Professor Kyung Tae Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea President, Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 26 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Friday 4 July 2014 1220-1320 Session Chair: Professor V Ilankovan The Norman Rowe Lecture Fashioning free flaps for head and neck reconstruction Professor Fu-Chan Wei Professor of Plastic Surgery Dean of Chang Gung University Medical College, Taiwan 1320-1420 Lunch and final poster displays and exhibition viewing in the concourse and exhibition hall, Level -2. Exhibition closes at 14.20 Lennox 3 main hall Market your management Session chairs: David Mitchell and Kaveh Shakib 1420-1450 Ear reconstruction Mr David Richardson Maxillofacial Unit, Aintree Hospital, Liverpool Paediatric Craniofacial Unit, Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool 1450-1520 Facial re-animation Professor Federico Biglioni University of Milan, Italy 1520-1550 Chin-wing osteotomy – a new facial concept Dr Albino Triaca Head of the Maxillo-Facial-Center in Klinik Pyramide am See, Zürich, Switzerland Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Center at the European Center for Maxillofacial and Aesthetic Surgery, San Marino, USA 1550- 1610 Lengthening and shortening nose by rhinoplasty Professor Dong Hak Jung Director, Shimmian Rhinoplasty Clinic, Seoul President of ASACS (Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery) Visiting Professor of Inha University, Seoul 27 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Friday 4 July 2014 1610-1710 Oncologist vs Surgeon Salvage treatment for head and neck cancer Oncologist: Mr Robert Malyapa Senior Radiation Oncologist, Center for Proton Therapy, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland Surgeon: Mr John Devine Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow 1710-1730 Discussion and end of meeting Forthcoming BAOMS Meetings: 6-9 November 2014 Istanbul, Turkey (Joint ACBID/BAOMS) 22-24 July 2015 ACC, Liverpool BAOMS President, James Brown 8-10 June 2016 Brighton Centre BAOMS President, Peter Brennan 28-30 June 2017 ICC, Birmingham BAOMS President, Stephen Dover 28 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 29 Poster Presentations These will take place throughout the conference centre AESTHETICS AUDIT P1 Paramedian Forehead Flap: A Service Evaluation Richard Courtney University of Manchester P4 Two week wait cancer referrals: an audit Ian Blewitt Great Western Hospital P2 Hurdles in the pursuit of youth. A case series investigating adverse reactions associated with dermal fillers: where is the onus of care? Ariane Sampson Northwick Park Hospital P3 Self retaining retractor in endoscopic assisted approach to the forehead another use for the Foley’s catheter. Sheena Vyas Mid Essex P5 Do you know your skins? A National Pilot Study and Audit of Knowledge Laura Bryce Glasgow Dental Hospital P6 Record keeping for outpatient IV sedation assessment in Oral Surgery - An audit of compliance with national guidelines before and after the introduction of a pro-forma Richard Carr Frenchay Hospital P7 Division of Ankyloglossia and its effectiveness in improving associated breastfeeding difficulties. The next step Jonathan Dennis Northampton General Hospital P8 How many miles does a Maxillofacial SHO on-call walk? Sarah Dobson Manchester Royal Infirmary P9 Recognising Sepsis in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patients Niamh Falconer Barts Health NHS Trust- Royal London P10 An audit of urgent referrals for suspected head & neck malignancy to the maxillofacial clinic. David Graham St Johns Hospital Livingston P11 Audit to assess the impact on quality of life and delivery of care for patients undergoing facial feminisation Anthony Greenstein Aberdeen Royal Infirmary P12 A regional audit to assess the reexposure rate of ectopic canines. Claire Harrington Northampton General Hopsital P13 The impact of Venous Thrombo-Embolism on the short term outcomes of patients undergoing Head & Neck Cancer (HNCA) Surgery Anand Kumar Sheffield Teaching Hospitals P14 Audit of Superficial Temporal Artery Biopsies (TAB) for Suspected Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) Catherine Lawson Southend University Hospital P15 A single-centre retrospective audit of blood ordering for oral and maxillofacial surgery patients undergoing free flap reconstruction Sophie A. Ledger Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust P16 Audit of temporal artery biopsy specimen length Arathi Papineni McIntosh Addenbrooke’s Hospital BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 30 Poster Presentations P18 Does the osteocutaneous radial forearm flap still have a role in head and neck reconstuction: outcomes in 30 consecutive cases Michael Nugent Newcastle University P23 Patient satisfaction with orthognathic surgery within a centralised hospital service model Nazan Tercan Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Bedfordshire P19 An audit on OMFS service provision changes, Oxford University Hospitals Trust. Neha Shah John Radcliffe Hospital P24 A clinical audit on antibiotic prescribing in the Oral Surgery Department following General Anaesthetic and Intravenous sedation outpatient procedures at Guy’s Dental Hospital. Alison Walshe Kings College. Queen Marys Hospital, Sidcup P20 The Economic Implications of Health Resource Group (HRG) Coding; A Retrospective Analysis Rajpreet K Sondh University Hospitals Bristol P22 Clinical Audit - To evaluate the effect introducing a Specialist Endodontic Clinic has on the number of periradiucluar surgeries being carried out within an Oral Surgery Department. Greig Taylor Glasgow Dental Hospital CANCER P25 Reconstruction of lip defects: A case series Abdul Ahmed Northwick Park Hospital P26 B-cell lymphoma in the mandible referred as a dental abscess! Muneeza Ashraf Broomfield Hospital (Case from William Harvey Hospital) P27 Do you re-excise close or positive margins following oral cancer resection? Silvan Azzopardi Aintree University Hospital P28 A pictorial review of rare anatomical variations of the facial, spinal accessory and cervical nerves reported in Portsmouth in the last decade William Reuther Queen Alexandra Hospital P29 A study to compare the use of wide bore nasogastric feeding tubes compared to fine bore nasogastric feeding tubes for the purpose of feeding and medication administration inserted peri- operatively for head and neck oncological resections. Damian Broderick St James’s Hospital, Dublin P30 A review of 1500 consecutive skin malignancy excisions: the East Lancashire experience Kenneth Corsar Royal Blackburn Hospital P31 Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in Head and Neck Cancer. Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham P32 Toxicities associated with chemotherapy in the management of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham P33 Incidence of synchronous intra-thoracic malignancy in patients with head and cancer - is CT thorax justified? Laura Feeney St John’s Hospital, Livingston, Scotland P34 The role of the staging CT thorax in the management of head and neck cancer Is it time to review the guidelines? Laura Feeney St John’s Hospital, Livingston, Scotland P35 Screening for distress and unmet needs in post-treatment head & neck cancer survivors and its impact on supportive care services Naseem Ghazali Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 31 Poster Presentations P36 A study of serum haemoglobin levels in maxillofacial patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma prior to radiotherapy Laith H. Al-Qamachi University Hospital North Staffordshire P41 Naso-maxillary NK/ T cell lymphoma presenting with maxillary necrosis and severe intra-oral ulceration Khari Lewis Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex P37 Alcohol withdrawal prophylaxis in patients undergoing Head & Neck Cancer Surgery: Are we under prescribing ? Anand Kumar Sheffield Teaching Hospitals P42 Intra-oral spitzoid Malignant Melanomaunexpected diagnosis of a fibroepithelial polyp Khari Lewis Royal Sussex County Hospital P38 An audit on the use of nicotine replacement therapy(NRT) in patients undergoing major head & neck surgery Anand Kumar Sheffield Teaching Hospitals P43 Head and Neck Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer: Adherence to core data reporting Suziye Mehmet St George’s Hospital, London P39 Intra oral lymphomas mimicking odontogenic clinical spectrum: 3 Case reports and review of the literature Catherine Lawson Southend University Hospital P40 Haematogenous metastasis of Head and Neck Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Khari Lewis Royal Sussex County Hospital P44 Nasolabial flaps for maxillary reconstruction Grigore Mihalasche Royal Shrewsbury NHS Trust P45 Metastatic thyroid carcinoma presenting as pathological fracture. Zaman Mirza Barnet and Chase Farm Hospital NHS Trust P46 Administration of Chemo-radiation during pregnancy: An evidence-based treatment strategy El Mustafa University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire P48 Metastatic Cribriform Adenocarcinoma of Minor Salivary Gland Origin in an adolescent Shilen Patel St George’s Hospital P49 Metastatic Lip Basal Cell Carcinoma on an African patient Marcia Y T Remiao Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust P50 Clinical and radiological applications of the SECONDI MAPZ© system: A proof of concept Sophia Richardson Oxford Hospitals Trust P51 Local guidelines improve rates of incomplete resections of basal cell carcinomas. Francine Ryba Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College, London P52 Outcomes of a head and neck lesions biopsy clinic Sunil Sah Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham P53 Neck lump clinic: patient satisfaction survey Arwa Sanalla King’s College Hospital, London P54 Ameloblastic Carcinoma: A rare odontogenic tumour Paayal Shah Luton & Duntsable University Hospital P55 Speech and swallowing outcomes for patients following wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy for oral cancer Sarah Siddiqui Kings College Hospital, London BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 32 Poster Presentations P56 Audit of the alcohol service provided to head and neck cancer patients within Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Mohamed Imran Suida Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals Trust P57 Mouth wide shut: not a simple case of lock jaw Sangeetha M Thomas Peterborough City Hospital P58 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the maxilla diagnostic difficulties Christoper Whitaker Queen Mary’s Sidcup CLEFT P59 Cleft repair in the elderly population the South Wales Experience Serryth Colbert South West and South Wales Cleft Units P60 The application of an external mid-face distractor using a custom made locking plate. Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham P61 Consent for surgery to cleft lip & palate; fit for purpose and who does it best? Helen Katsarelis Oxford P62 Secondary alveolar bone grafting- a parameter for assessment of improved Cleft care- A regional audit of cleft services at Alder Hey Hospital Farhan Khalid Final Year Medical Student, University of Liverpool P63 Psychosocial issues faced by children after cleft surgery: A study in a selected hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal Alice King University of Leeds P64 Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasiaclefting syndrome (EEC)- a case report and review of the literature Prabhjot Sekhon Worcestershire Royal Infirmary CRANIOFACIAL P65 Post-operative pain reduction: metaanalysis of hilotherapy verses conventional facial cooling Anthony Bates Gloucestershire Royal Hospital P66 Neonatal nasal trauma - an unusual cause of developmental facial deformity Kathryn French Salisbury District Hospital P67 A unique conjoined orbital and maxillary removable “Bottle opener” prosthesis for hemi-maxillectomy defect with orbital exenteration Atul Kusanale Poole Hospital Foundation Trust P68 The airway management of patients with Apert Syndrome Carol Xie Alder Hey Hospital DENTO-ALVEOLAR SURGERY P70 Transmasseteric antero-parotid (TMAP) approach: a surgical technique adaptation for ectopic subcondylar third molar removal and literature review (19802014). Jonathan Bowman Victoria Hospital, Scotland P71 A forgotten technique : Autotransplantation in the management of hypodontia Alice Dyke Royal Derby Hospital P72 Suggested proforma for national standard of parental satisfaction with tongue frenolutomy procedures Ghaly Adly Ghaly Severn Deanery P73 An interesting presentation of craniofacial Langerhans cell histiocytosis Elizabeth Gruber University Hospital of North Staffordshire P74 Third molar extractions: Are we over prescribing the Cone Beam CT? Hanya Mahmood Sheffield Teaching Hospitals BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 33 Poster Presentations P75 Evaluation of image quality of CT reconstructed Orthopantogram (OPG) versus traditional OPG in preradiotherapy dental assessment. Shilen Patel St Georges Hospital P76 Acute dental conditions attending A&E: Is there an epidemic of surgical admissions for dental infections? Claire Patton Royal Derby Hospital HEAD AND NECK RECONSTRUCTION P77 Reconstruction of through and through facial defects Abdul Ahmed Northwick Park Hospital P78 Recurrent ameloblastoma of the temporal and infratemporal fossa Mustansir Alibhai Barts Health NHS Trust P79 Non-cultured autologous cellular spray to improve colour matching for distant tissue Reconstruction Mark Ansell Ninewells Hospital P80 Reconstructive options for a subtotal upper lip oncological resection for an invading SCC. Anthony Greenstein Aberdeen Royal Infirmary P81 Treatment of large skin defects of the head by vacuum-assisted wound dressing Florian Bast Chelsea and Westminster Hospital P82 Merkel cell carcinoma of upper eyelid: Reconstruction with a combined lid switch flap and mid face lift technique Shehnaz Bazeer St Georges Hospital, St Georges University of London P83 Donor site morbidity following free tissue transfer Sarah Bennet St. George’s Hospital, London P84 Dentistry in nasal reconstruction Sunil Bhatia Royal Shrewsbury Hospital NHS Trust P85 Integra® dermal regeneration template in the reconstruction of complex scalp defects: initial experiences at Worcestershire Royal Hospital Ross Elledge Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Worcester P86 Mesh advancement of the galeal layer Alastair Fry Chesterfield Royal Hospital P87 External carotid artery pseudoaneurysm following micro-vascular free flap reconstruction. management considerations Shofiq Islam Leicester Royal Infirmary P88 Double Accessory Mental Foramina- Case report Vishal K. Jasani University Hospitals Leicester P89 TP3DS Case Series of Head and Neck Patients Craig Miller Royal London Hospital P90 Abdominal or forearm V-Y? Comparison of radial forearm free flap donor site following skin graft reconstruction what do patients think? Alan Parbhoo Luton & Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust P91 Heterotopic Ossification after Oromandibular Fibula Free Flap Reconstruction Ibraz Siddique Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust P92 Comparison of outcome of Head and Neck reconstruction using the fibular and iliac crest free flaps Rabindra Singh York Teaching Hospital P93 A brief history of vascularised free flaps in the oral and maxillofacial region Ben Steel University of Hull P94 The role of microvascular couplers in head and neck reconstruction: A national survey of their use and our experience in Sunderland William Thompson Sunderland Royal Hospital BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 34 Poster Presentations IMPLANTS P95 An evaluation of the survival rates of extra-oral implants used to retain over 200 facial prostheses over a 10 year period Thomas Kiwanuka University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust P97 RESERVE PAPER The use of zygomatic implants for the retention of nasal prosthesis following total rhinectomy Neil Scott Morriston Hospital, Swansea MISCELLANEOUS P98 The adaptation of Allevyn as a pressure dressing for skin grafts Emilie Abraham York Teaching Hospital P99 Ultrasound guided botulinum toxin injection for post operative accessory nerve palsy and supraclavicular neuralgia Mustansir Alibhai Barts Health NHS Trust P100 Recurrence of a brown tumour in a patient with mild secondary hyperparathyroidism due to vitamin D deficiency Natesh B.Shasi Leicester Royal Infirmary P102 ‘The London School of Facial Aesthetics’: The development of a training programme to promote facial aesthetics to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Elinor Carey King’s College London Dental Institute P103 The effects of motivational interviewing on the progression of patients through the ‘stages of change’ in smoking cessation in oral and maxillofacial surgery Leo Cheng The Royal London Hospital P104 A rare case of an extragnathic ameloblastoma Rana El-Nashar Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust P105 Reconstruction of medial canthus with Mitek suture Shahme Farook Northwick Park Hospital P106 Blue rubber bleb naevus syndrome presentation in the head and neck region: a case report Joseph Flexen St George’s Hospital, Tooting, London P107 How much value is a night on call? Yousuf Hussain Manchester Royal Infirmary P108 What do we call ourselves in clinical letters? A UK survey of OMFS consultants Shofiq Islam Leicester Royal Infirmary P109 Reducing length of second degree and undergraduate studies in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) trainees and consultants does shorten overall training time Patrick Magennis SAC OMFS P110 Simple orofacial infection resulting in the development of bilateral septic pulmonary emboli - a case of Lemierre’s syndrome Paayal Shah Luton and Dunstable Hospital P111 Jacob’s Disease: An exceedingly rare cause of limited mouth opening Ishrat Rahim The Royal London Hospital P112 Incidence of Peroneal Nerve Injury Following the use of Anti Thromboembolic Deterrent Stockings (TEDS) in Maxillofacial Patients William Reuther Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth P113 The application of endoscopes in oral and maxillofacial surgery Meera Samani Guy’s Hospital BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 35 Poster Presentations ORAL MEDICINE/PATHOLOGY P114 Are developing countries showing us the way forward? Suleman Anwar Manchester Royal Infirmary P116 Histopathology reporting of oral mucosal malignancies, nodal excisions and neck dissection specimens associated with head and neck carcinomas. Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham P117 P16 Immuno-expression in oral squamous cell carcinomas. Louise Dunphy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham P118 Palatal hyperpigmentation in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia on Imatinib mesylate therapy Aarti Hindocha P119 Neonatal teeth associated with Epidermolysis Bullosa: A case report Ushmita Johar James Cook University Hospital P120 A rare case of Buccal Lipoblastoma in a 6 month old infant - A case report Anand Kumar Sheffield Teaching hospitals P121 Zygomatic keratocystic odontogenic tumour- A rare presentation and management dilemma Khari Lewis Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex P122 Gingival metastasis from papillary thyroid cancer with sarcomatoid transformation Ibraz Siddique The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust ORTHOGNATHIC P123 Fixation of vertical subsigmoid osteotmy: a prospective study Ayesha Dalal Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust P124 A multidisciplinary approach to management of facial deformity in Acromegaly: a case report. Ahmed Din The Royal London Hospital P125 Embolisation of a greater palatine artery pseudoaneurysm following orthognathic surgery Robert Goddard Hull Royal Infirmary P126 Cost analysis of orthognathic treatment Sarabjit Nandhra Royal Bournemouth Hospital P127 Unilateral blindness: does it influence the choice of procedure used for Le Fort I (LFI) osteotomy? Barry O’Regan Victoria Hospital % P128 Accessory infra-orbital nerves - an important anatomical lesson Parisa Zarringhalam Luton and Dunstable RESEARCH P130 Demonstrating the validity of objective assessment tools used in microsurgical simulation training Indran Balasundaram Imperial College London P131 The research administrator: their impact upon clinical research Kayleigh Gilbert Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust P132 RESERVE Oral epithelial dysplasia: the role of ATRFanconi anaemia pathway in malignant transformation Michael Ho University of Liverpool BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 36 Poster Presentations P133 MD by portfolio or published work in OMFS Barry O’Regan Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy Fife Scotland P134 Newly qualified dentists and the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Ruben A Van der Valk Oxford Deanery - Berkshire Scheme P135 The impact of pinning pathology specimens on histological resection margins and risks of unnecessary treatment escalation. Iain Varley Hull Royal Infirmary SALIVARY GLAND P136 Facial nerve damage post-parotidectomy and the role of nerve monitoring Patricia Almela University College London Hospital P137 The management of parotid tumours in light of multiple pathology. Laura Andrews Queens Hospital P138 Presentation of a nasopharyngeal palatal pleomorphic salivary adenoma causing airway obstruction in a patient with a Le Fort 1 fracture: a case report. Damian Broderick St James’s Hospital Dublin P139 Modified micro-marsupialisation: A novel technique for minimally invasive management of oral ranula Karl F. B. Payne Guy’s Hospital, London P140 Submandibular Gland Excision as a Day Case Procedure: A Feasibility Study Sajid Sainuddin John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford P141 Treatment of iatrogenic salivary fistulas associated with sialoceles with Botulinum Toxin A David Tighe Eastbourne District General Hospital TRANS MANDIBULAR JOINT (TMJ) P142 Reducing joint failure in total tempormandibular joint replacement: A survey of UK surgeons and preliminary data for national guidelines Sophia Richardson Oxford Hospitals Trust P143 The longevity of TMJ replacements over an 18 year period (1995-2013) in Liverpool Jennifer Vesey Aintree University Hospital TRAUMA P144 Delayed closure of lateral cantholysis post orbital floor repair. Nabeel Bhatti The Royal London Hospital P145 RESERVE PAPER Clinical and post mortem analysis of combat neck injury used to validate a novel Coverage of Armour Tool John Breeze Royal Centre for Defence Medicine P146 An audit on the use of ketamine sedation for the treatment of simple paediatric facial and intra-oral lacerations Faith Huiyan Chan Peterborough City Hospital P147 RESERVE PAPER also Free paper No. 66 Development of a financially viable model for the outpatient management of mandibular fractures in a Level 1 Major Trauma Centre Jahrad Haq King’s College Hospital, London P148 Current trends in use of inter-maxillary fixation in the management of mandibular fractures: A national survey Rahul Jayaram St Georges Hospital, London P149 The management of first world war jaw injuries at the first Scottish General Hospital 1914 - 1918 Andrew Sadler Unit for the History of Dentistry, King’s College London. P150 The paediatric orbital fracture: 13-year experience at a major trauma unit Navin Vig Barts Health, London BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Alphabetical list of presenters Free paper presenters at the scientific meeting programme in alphabetical order Surname Forename Programme No Date Start time Surname Forename Aldridge Tom Bagdasarov Alexander Baheerathan N N Balasundaram Indran Barry Conor Berridge Natasha Boyd Deborah Bujtar Peter Bujtar Peter Chegini Soudeh Colbert Serryth Colbert Serryth Colbert Serryth Colbert Serryth 42 31 21 49 57 39 29 81 53 10 20 5 41 44 3 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 09:28 18:10 17:38 09:52 10:08 09:20 18:02 17:00 10:00 17:14 17:38 16:58 09:28 09:36 Evans Farook Feeney Gardner Ghaly Ghazali Ghazali Greaney Grimes Gulati H. Al-Qamachi Haq Hassan osman Herd Martin Shahme Laura Andrew Ghaly Adly Naseem Naseem Lisa David Aashay Laith Jahrad Mohammed M Kerry Collier Courtney Cymerman Cymerman Dave De Gea Rico Devlin Dover Jonathan Richard James James Bella Aitor Mark Stephen 70 43 51 4 24 52 23 2 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 2 July 2 July 16:36 09:36 09:52 16:58 17:46 10:00 17:46 16:50 Dunphy Dunphy Dunphy Louise Louise Louise 71 32 7 3 July 2 July 2 July 16:36 18:10 17:06 Ho Jayaram Jhass Kane Koppel Kulkarni Kulkarni Kulkarni Kusanale Lalabekyan Lau Michael Rahul Aneka Sujata David Raghav Raghav Raghav Atul Bagrat Catherine Programme No Date Start time 8 82 25 11 78 18 45 3 75 27 86 66 80 84 2 July 3 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 2 July 3 July 2 July 3 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 17:06 17:08 17:54 17:14 16:52 17:30 09:36 16:50 16:44 17:54 17:16 16:20 17:00 17:08 6 33 72 35 65 89 69 48 34 74 60 2 July 2 July 3 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 16:58 18:10 16:36 18:18 16:20 17:24 16:28 09:44 18:18 16:44 10:16 37 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Alphabetical list of presenters Surname Lopes Lopes Lyons Madhavarajan Magennis Mahrous Mahrous McAuley McCaul Murphy Mustafa Nagori Nugent Orafi Patel Ryba Rajaram Sabesan Sabesan Sammut Sammut Sayan Schache Scott Scott Shastri Forename Victor Victor Andrew Satish Patrick Ahmed Ahmed Donal James James Shakir F Shakilahmed Michael Hamed Muneer Francine Kartic Thiraviam Thiraviam Stephanie Stephanie Anna Andrew Neil Neil Mayank Programme No 67 54 63 50 79 14 26 46 64 59 12 19 1 22 36 87 90 37 40 83 38 77 58 30 85 88 Date Start time 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 2 July 2 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 16:28 10:00 10:24 09:52 17:00 17:22 17:54 09:44 16:20 10:16 17:14 17:38 16:50 17:46 18:18 17:16 17:24 09:20 09:28 17:08 09:20 16:52 10:16 18:02 17:16 17:24 Surname Siddiqui Singh Southee Sykes Teemul Tighe Ujam Ullah Uppal Venugopal Vig Visavadia Williams Yeoh Forename Arshad Rabindra P Rosalind Rosemary Trevor David Atheer Rehan Nugdeep Anuradha Navin Bhavin Luke Melvyn Programme No 73 15 9 28 56 68 55 47 16 17 62 76 61 13 Date 3 July 2 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 2 July Start time 16:44 17:22 17:06 18:02 10:08 16:28 10:08 09:44 17:30 17:30 10:24 16:52 10:24 17:22 38 BA Edinburgh MS Final Programme • 2-4 July 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2014 Invited Faculty of Speakers Name Date Time Name Date Time Professor David Argyle Wednesday 2 July 1530 Professor Paulo Macchiarini Wednesday 2 July 1430 Mr Robert Bentley Wednesday 2 July 1630 Dr Samir Mardini (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 1300 Dr Patrishia Bordbar Thursday 3 July 0900 Dr Samir Mardini Thursday 3 July 1430 Professor Federico Biglioli (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 0800 Professor Jean-Paul Meningaud Thursday 3 July 1100 & 1230 Professor Federico Biglioli Friday 4 July 1450 Professor Sanjiv Nair Thursday 3 July 1600 Dr Alex Clarke Thursday 3 July 1200 Ms Carrie Newlands Wednesday 2 July 1630 Mr John Devine Friday 4 July 1610 Professor Robert Ord Thursday 3 July 1730 Professor Eric Dierks Wednesday 2 July 1200 Mr Manu Patel (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 1300 Professor Eric Dierks Friday 4 July 1110 Dr Kishore Babu Pentyala (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 0800 Mr Jeff Downie (Masterclass) Wednesday 2 July 0800 Professor Anthony Pogrel Thursday 3 July 1800 Mr M Ethunandan (Masterclass) Wednesday 2 July 0800 Mr P Ramchandani (Masterclass) Wednesday 2 July 0800 Professor Rui Fernandes (Masterclass) Friday 4 July 0730 Staff Nurse Justine Ray Friday 4 July 0730 Professor Rui Fernandes Friday 4 July 0920 Mr David Richardson Friday 4 July 1420 Professor G E Ghali Friday 4 July 0950 & 1140 Professor Srinivas Gosla Reddy Wednesday 2 July 1630 Professor Philippe Grimbert Thursday 3 July 1130 Professor Robert Sader Wednesday 2 July 1135 Professor Piet Haers Wednesday 2 July 1055 Dr Tian Eh Seah (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 0800 Mr Peter Jeynes Thursday 3 July 1600 Dr Tian Eh Seah Friday 4 July 0900 Professor Dong Hak Jung Wednesday 2 July 1115 Professor Riitta Seppanen Wednesday 2 July 1500 Professor Dong Hak Jung (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 0800 Professor Riitta Seppanen Thursday 3 July 1230 Professor Dong Hak Jung Friday 4 July 1550 Mr Andrew Schache Friday 4 July 0900 Mr Nicholas Kalavrezos Friday 4 July 0830 Mr Jan Stanek Thursday 3 July 0900 Dr Dae-Young Kim (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 0800 Professor Kyung Tae Friday 4 July 0920 & 1200 Dr Dae-Young Kim Thursday 3 July 1600 Dr Albino Triaca Friday 4 July 1520 Professor Deepak Krishnan Friday 4 July 0830 Mr Fraser Walker (Masterclasss) Friday 4 July 0730 Professor Abraham Kuriakose Wednesday 2 July 1400 Professor Fu-Chan Wei Thursday 3 July 1400 Professor Abraham Kuriakose Thursday 3 July 0900 Professor Fu-Chan Wei Friday 4 July 1220 Professor Reha Kisnisci Wednesday 2 July 1035 Professor Klaus-Dietrich Wolff (Masterclass) Thursday 3 July 1300 Mr Robert Malyapa Friday 4 July 1020 & 1610 Professor Klaus-Dietrich Wolff Thursday 3 July 1500 39 BA MS 2014 Edinburgh British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons The Royal College of Surgeons of England 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3PE Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7405 8074 Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7430 9997 Email: website: The Face of Surgery