- 8th House Publishing


- 8th House Publishing
2014 - 2015
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 NON-FICTION
The Midas Touch
Heidegger's Nietzsche
Being and Becoming
by Paul Catanu
Language: eng
430 pages
BISAC / Subject:
PHI000000 / PHI006000
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 2008/03/01
9 in x 6 in x 0.957 in
628.67 gr
Also Available in:
E-book format
$38.88 CAD. Softcover
“...a must read for today’s discerning scholar and thinker.”
Hammering, bombastic, poetic, mystic Nietzsche as seen through
the mind of the great ontologist Martin Heidegger is what Dr.
Catanu delivers in this new volume. Nietzsche's thought dissected,
critiqued and delimited by the author of 'Being and Time' one of the
most influential modern philosophers of our day, is explored in this
insightful new volume, containing never before translated passages
from the Nietzschean Nachlass. "Heidegger's Nietzsche: Being
and Becoming" re-assesses Nietzsche's metaphysics of Becoming
and extends Heidegger's line of thought into areas the ontologist
neglected. Providing fresh insight into the minds of these two great
Western thinkers, "Heidegger's Nietzsche: Being and Becoming" is
a must read for today's discerning scholar and thinker.
“This book is a product of impressive erudition and scholarship. It makes
a comprehensive survey of Nietzsche's texts on Becoming, and shows how
that idea is entangled with all of the others that are most important
to him, including will to power, eternal recurrence, nihilism, and
the overman. The book also shows the author's acquaintance with an
impressive amount of the secondary literature, on both the continental
and the Anglo-American sides. It delves deeply into most of the relevant
issues and throws helpful light in many places. This book's objective
is to explicate Nietzsche's idea of Becoming, holding that Nietzsche's
philosophy can be explained entirely in terms of this concept. More
particularly it argues that through the withdrawal of teleology from
within Becoming, Nietzsche manages to both complete and deconstruct
metaphysics as onto-theology, contrary to Heidegger's famous claim.
The book begins by examining philologically Nietzsche's treatment of
˜becoming, then reviews secondary scholarship, in turn by Heidegger,
by (later) Continental, and by Anglo-American interpreters, and finally
'situates this notion of Becoming in the context of Nietzsche's thought'.”
—John Richardson, Professor of Philosophy, New York University
“Effectively tracing the concept of Becoming from the early period
through the middle, and into the later periods [of Nietzsche's writings,
Ed.], Catanu defends the systematicity of Nietzsche's thought, argued
by Heidegger, together with a kind of unitary will that "is referred to
a multiplicity of wills to power that de-center will to power as a purely
metaphysical principle." Clearly, that is how the deconstruction of
metaphysics comes to pass from within, as Catanu also argues following
Muller-Lauter; but the risk implicit in such a position is one of a certain
bricolage, rather than a philosophy. Whenever Catanu insists upon the
fundamental coherence of the thematic of Becoming in Nietzsche, then,
he must lean on Heidegger and his argument for a unified, systematic
philosophy of "subjectivity of will to power." The attempted, partial,
reconciliation of Muller-Lauter and Heidegger is better than intriguing;
it is courageous and difficult.
Paul Catanu is clearly well versed in the Nietzsche literature, from the
published to the unpublished works. He demonstrates a solid, impressive
competence in the pertinent secondary literature and does not limit
himself to the Analytic literature versus the Continental literature. He
has a strong sense of the development of Nietzsche's thought.”
—Bettina G. Bergo, Department of Philosophy, Université de
“Nietzsche has been many things for Heidegger, an inspiration,
an adversary, a most privileged interlocutor as the culmination of
metaphysical thought, a fellow German and, like him, a misunderstood
prophet of his time. He also proved to be quite an agile adversary.
"Nietzsche hat mich kaputt gemacht", Heidegger famously quipped:
"Nietzsche sure knocked the daylight out of me."
Philosophically, he was his titanic predecessor, far more than Husserl
and Dilthey, on whom Heidegger wrote much less. Heidegger's entire
philosophy can indeed be viewed as an answer to Nietzsche.
Heidegger's Nietzsche is thus at the same time an account of Nietzsche's
place in history and of Heidegger's own counterproposal, which lies,
discreetly, in an attempt to think 'beyond' metaphysics.But does this
account do justice to Nietzsche? This is one of the questions raised by
Paul Catanu's inquiry. A thorny question, to be sure, since it presupposes
one has a better understanding of Nietzsche. This is why this study is not
content with the flood of literature which dissects Heidegger's readings to
show how philologically inaccurate they would be. Paul Catanu knows
that one cannot treat Heidegger like the average graduate student. Here
it is to Heidegger and his challenge that one isn't doing justice. What
distinguishes this book is that it takes seriously Heidegger's reading, his
'metaphysical' interpretation, to which so many readers seem allergic.
Thankfully, Paul Catanu doesn't share this sophomoric aversion to
metaphysical thinking. His argument is rather that it is Nietzsche's own
metaphysics that Heidegger misses, i.e. his metaphysics of Becoming.
This inquiry is thus more a study of Nietzsche's thinking of Becoming
than it is of Heidegger's Nietzsche, on which so much has been said.
It is, as it were, an introduction to "Catanu's Nietzsche", about which
I hope much will be said in the future.”
—Jean Grondin, Professor of Philosophy, Department of
Philosophy, Université de Montréal
Counterfeit Stock, Naked
Short Selling & Selling
America Short
by James Cummins and
Cameron W. Reed
Language: eng
230 pages
BISAC / Subject:
BUS036060 / POL506000
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20120530
8.27 in x 5.83 in x 0.5238 in
307.53 gr
Also Available in:
HardCover, E-book formats
$24.88 CAD, Softcover
Authors James Cummins and Cameron W. Reed examine the
predatory nature of short selling that is still prevalent within the
financial industry today. What was originally intended to serve as a
natural check on abuses within the stock market has itself become
another method of manipulation for those with the necessary
know-how. What seems innocently enough as capitalism and
greed gone naturally wild in an environment of deregulation, soon
appears as deliberate political maneuvering and close control on an
international scale by agents and institutions operating above the
law. The authors of The Midas Touch point out that this highly
profitable, preferred method of professional swindlers world-wide
has much more sinister repercussions than just clearing out 401(k)
s -- short selling was a contributing factor to the collapse of the US
housing sector in 2007 that led to the global financial crisis begun
in 2008 and has been the preferred fundraising methods of terrorist
outfits worldwide. The Midas Touch speaks to the nature of this
ongoing financial crisis we seem to be unable to extricate ourselves
from and describes the ongoing problems that surround a financial
sector that seems unwilling to change its business practices.
“. . . a journey into the predatory nature of some of the practicies and
institutions in the financial industry today . . . .”
“Seven Syrians” captures the stories and struggles of those caught in
the middle of the armed conflict currently ravaging Syria. Framed
by Diego Cupolo’s unerring eye while touring the region, these
photographs and first-hand accounts remind us that it is civilians
who suffer the brunt of war’s atrocities. In a series of humanizing
portraits, Diego Cupolo takes us into the lives of those fortunate
enough to have survived the conflict decimating their homeland.
Forced to flee their homes and families, these men, women and
children, teachers, plumbers, engineers, taxi drivers, brothers and
sisters no different than ourselves and our neighbours, tell us in their
own words of their struggles, triumphs, pains and fortitude and of
the monstrosity of war when all of us the world over, seek the same
security and opportunities for our children. Read and listen.
(*$2 of your purchase will go directly to the “A HEART FOR
SYRIA” a charity organization supplying humanitarian aid to
Syrians displaced by the ongoing war. At least twice a month, a
container-load of clothing, blankets and medical supplies leave the
port of Montreal to help civilians inside Syria. Find out more and
how you can help at aHeartforSyria.org
“A voice is missing from the international debate on the Syrian War.
Throughout the conflict, world leaders have focused discussions on
chemical weapons and radical fundamentalists while the Syrian people,
civilians and refugees remain effectively absent from the conversation.
Yet, as the war continues without foreseeable end, the simple truth is
Syrians are dying and whether through bombs or sarin gas, the largest
portion of the casualties are civilian.”
The McGill Law Journal:
60 Years of People,
Prose and Publication
by James Cummins
Language: eng
260 pages, HardCover
BISAC / Subject:
LAW000000 / ANT000000
1st Edition, Hardcover
Pub. Date: 20131101
Seven Syrians: War Accounts from Syrian Refugees
by Diego Cupolo
11 in x 8.5 in x 0.625 in
893.56 gr
86 pages, Softcover
$39.99 CAD, Hardcover
Language: eng
BISAC / Subject:
Pub. Date: 20140101
8 in x 8 in x 0.223 in
152.40 gr
$23.88 CAD, Softcover, Color
The Journal’s alumni covers a who’s who of the last 60 years in Canada, from international figures to business leaders; from national
politicians to larger-than-life legal scholars; from judges to global
entertainers. This is the story of the people who made the Journal
work; of the people who each made their first real impacts on the
world through an unearthly dedication and passion to their job at
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 NON-FICTION
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 the MLJ. It is also the tale of the revolutionary ideas that flowed
into, and in some situations started, in the pages of the publication
they ran.The McGill Law Journal is the premiere legal periodical in
the history of Canadian scholarship. Since its founding in 1952 by
Jacques-Yvan Morin (future leader of the Official Opposition in the
National Assembly of Quebec) the Journal has been at the forefront
of legal history. It was the first university-based law journal in Canada to be cited by the Supreme Court, and has since been outpaced
by no other university journal in the frequency at which the Court
has turned to it. And it has always has been run solely by students.
“...a breathtaking picture of a history that was beginning to slowly
fade into the past, strengthening the identity of a key part of Canadian
The Knotted Road
the reflection image on its surface, we mistake for reality. The soap
bubble floats by, and bursts later into nothingness. The conception of
these composition and creation sets is a novel contribution to the body
of philosophical works. Through them, we have a new looking glass
into the objective and the subjective; and the oscillating causal relation
between the two sets and the mediating Perspective lays the groundwork
for a new epistemology.
More importantly, this deconstruction of knowledge exhibits its
formation process and in so doing, unearths some of the fallacies inherent
in our valuation of knowledge systems. By providing a framework
for harmonizing the distinct comparative bodies of knowledge, “The
Knotted Road” offers a paradigm in which to explore the validity of
the metanarratives of the times. Today, when media is controlled
and education standardized, when religion and state have the use of
communication technology at their disposal: then this becomes especially
relevant to the survival of democracy and the retreat of autocratic rule.
As ideological conflicts break out between the Western and Eastern
hemispheres, the need for autonomous thinking citizens on both sides of
the Atlantic has never been so great.”
—Editor, 8th House Publishing
by James Cummins
Language: eng
252 pages
BISAC / Subject:
by VSV
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20090101
9 in x 6 in x 0.571 in
375.57 gr
Also Available in:
E-book format
$23.88 CAD
A new epistemology, “The Knotted Road” examines the root of
the age-old divisions between religion and science, empiricism and
skeptism, the philosophic and the artistic. A call for a new valuation
that synthesizes humanity’s contradictions, The Knotted Road is a
radical philosophic work on the cutting edge of our increasingly
entropic society.
“Knowledge when divorced of the ground or context which bears it
becomes restrictive. Wisdom itself is not modular: to transplant it from
the place and time in which it was born to a foreign context is to court
disaster and injustice.
Today, some believe that exporting democracy and the Western way of life
furthers our security. Yet others argue that to export democracy justifies
sacrificing it at home, at least temporarily. Science opposes religion; the
East defies the West; and politically, you must be on the right, or on the
left to exist. There is no middle ground; the synthesis escapes us.
In his new book, Mr. Cummins describes for us a paradigm in which
our knowledge systems and our understanding of the world whether
through science or metaphysics, are reactive composition sets, like soap
bubble images of a genetrix or spanning set, reflecting the world on its
boundary. This boundary experience we mistake for knowledge; and
The English Qabalah
Language: eng
444 pages
BISAC / Subject:
1st Edition, Hardcover
Pub. Date: 20140504
9 in x 6 in x 1.39 in
828.47 gr
$48.88 CAD
The Jihadist
by Emery More
Language: eng
96 pages
BISAC / Subject:
FIC000000 / FIC019000
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20090104
8.5 in x 5.5 in x 0.249 in
122.47 gr
$15.88 CAD
Who are the Jihadists? The author explores these questions in a
sensitive portrait. Recounting the trials of a young man, disenfranchised and disconnected from his surroundings, the Jihadist in this
story is not what he appears to be. Is he a Westerner enlisting in
the Armed Forces? Or a Muslim extremist? The Author plays on
the ambiguity to beg the question. Struggling to find his place in
the world, our character confronts his desire for reckless abandon-a surrender to chaotic forces which he sees as inherent to Nature
and integral to Truth--and wrestle with violent fantasies of revenge,
while he considers if vengeance might not be intrinsic to his idea
of Justice. All this time, he seeks something 'beyond and bigger
than ourselves' to give his life its meaning and expatiate existential
guilt. He seeks, only to be tempted by the glory promised through
War that History offers him.
“A short work of sensibility and power that explores the attraction
extremism may hold over the more aspiring of a generation.”
“I love it when a member of the LitKicks writing community makes
good. Geoff Alexander Parsons has posted his original work often on
this site, and his first book arrives with a gorgeous cover painting that
depicts the author exactly as I always imagined him -- drunken, sour
and poetically inspired. Unwanted Hopeless Romantic Morons is like
Tao Lin crossed with Charles Bukowski (with a little bit of Irvine Welsh
thrown in).” —Levi Asher, Literary Kicks
by Jason Price Everett
Language: eng
278 pages
BISAC / Subject:
FIC000000 / FIC019000
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20090423
8 in x 5 in x 0.627 in
305.72 gr
Also Available in:
E-book format
$18.88 CAD
Unwanted Hopeless Romantic
by Geoffrey Alexander Parsons
Language: eng
174 pages
BISAC / Subject:
FIC000000 / FIC019000
A learned exposition by one of the world’s leading Qabalists, this
book takes the reader through an exploratory journey through the
English Alphabet and the mystic and even subconscious roots of our
development of language throughout history. A quick survey of the
Hebrew Qabalah is presented before embarking the reader upon the
discovery of the English Qabalah and the Key to the Roman Script
published here for the first time. Disturbingly poetic and irritatingly
profound, readers will find a treasure chest of delights to whet their
curiosity. - Editor’s Review
friends' lofts, Unwanted Hopeless Romantic Morons captures the
trials and disenchantment of a disconnected generation. Lost in
the vastness of Canada, the 'Dead-at-25s' isolated in suburbia are
lured somnabulistically to cities where they find further alienation
and disappointment. In a touching tale, stark realism, substance
abuse and sexual haggling co-exist with the innocent yearnings
of youth in this modern struggle of love and idealism seeking its
expression in a wasteland of nihilistic greed, narcotic egoism and
righteous violence.
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20090801
8 in x 5 in x 0.401 in
196.40 gr
Also Available in: E-book format
$15.88 CAD
“The prose flows, liquid with passion...”
— Levi Asher, Literary Kicks.
From hitch-hiking across the 49th parallel to plane trips to Montreal, road trips to Halifax, drinking in parkades and jamming in
A modern and radical work composed of discrete units of text
designed to evoke a scale of notes of emotion from the reader,
Unfictions is an extended work of lyrical necessity both a CATscan of our common society in the fin-de-millenaire period and
a socio-aesthetic prophecy. Poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction,
autobiography, history, theology, literary criticism, political critique,
polemic, pornography Unfictions unerringly dramatizes the way
that we react to the information-rich environment of today in all
of its glorious simultaneity. It is the beginning of a New Realism
in contemporary letters one that faithfully reflects a culture so
supersaturated with events, quotations and copies of copies that it
can no longer distinguish between categories and their increasingly
relative meanings.
“Jason Price Everett's UNFICTIONS is a superb first novel. It reminded
me of J.G.Ballard at his best....He has a poet's sense of language and a
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 FICTION
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 painter's sense of scene, offering a clear-eyed interpretation of today's
realities....I can thoroughly recommend it." ”
—MICHAEL MOORCOCK, author of 'Breakfast in the Ruins',
“Unfictions is a remarkable achievement and issues a profound challenge
to the literary landscape of today.”
The Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover
by Charles Talkoff
Language: eng
318 pages
BISAC / Subject:
FIC000000 / FIC019000 / FIC014000
Jump the Devil
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20120530
8.0 in x 5.25 in x 0.7123 in
365 gr
Also Available in:
HardCover, E-book formats
Language: eng
$23.88 CAD
FIC000000 / FIC019000
“A wild ride through the physics of Katzenberg’s Super Atomic Piston
Ring -- “a machine that would allow the user to tap into conversations
anywhere in the world at any moment in time.”
by Richard Rathwell
140 pages
BISAC / Subject:
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20120530
8.0 in x 5.25 in x 0.3266 in
168.28 gr
Also Available in:
HardCover, E-book formats
$15.88 CAD
A man in a crawlspace. A woman and her cart. A doctor in an
African village. A girl celebrating New Year’s. And an Egyptian
Revolutionary in front of a computer screen. These five, seemingly
unrelated narratives span the globe, blurring the boundaries between
the trivially mundane and the profound. Jump the Devil brings its
readers on a cross-cultural voyage which inextricably links the lives
of the narrators, asking the reader to decipher the clues tucked away
in the pages with a deft subtlety.”There must have been a bad bite.
Something had gestated. He wasn’t imagining it. There were wet,
frozen pebbles tumbling in his veins. There was a sugary sense of
euphoria, a smell of orange blossoms, of piss, of diesel.”>
““Rathwell’s writing is “a fistful of sentences written with the subtlety of
a geisha and the terse certainty of stainless steel...””
—John Olson, Author
“With Jump the Devil, Richard Rathwell has masterfully interwoven
the plots of five seemingly unrelated storylines to create one coherent
narrative that spans the globe and works to blend the seemingly
mundane with the profound, deftly providing readers the necessary clues
to unlocking the story. Transcending borders, cultures, generations, and
social mores, Jump the Devil brings to life the notion of the global village
as it exists in the 21st Century.”-- Editors
The Ministry of Ambiance, Fluffy-eared Generals, Special Agent
Automatic Turpentine, Katzenberg’s Super Atomic Piston Ring, Mr.
Jellybean and Agency men all vie for your thoughts. Welcome to a
post-9/11 paranoid world that would have had Hoover dancing in
his closet.
In the finest tradition of William S. Burroughs and Thomas Pynchon,
comes a strong American author writing in the great American
paranoiac’s voice as every page busts forth with a wild and elusive
prose that takes the reader on a wild ride where anything becomes a
possibility. With The Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover, Charles Talkoff
combs the deepest fathoms of a paranoiac’s nightmares and brings
back with him his vision and homage to the deeper, darker secrets
of the human psyche in the post-9/11 world.
“Talkoff is . . . a serial killer having his way with the entire body of
literature, art, and popular culture...”
—Jed Birmingham, Author,
Crossing to Tadoussac
A Novel of Quebec
by Frederick E. Bryson
Language: eng
436 pages
BISAC / Subject:
FIC014000 / FIC000000
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20090524
8 in x 5 in x 0.970 in
472.18 gr
Also Available in: E-book format
$23.88 CAD
Crossing to Tadoussac is a novel about a woman coming of age in
Quebec during the years of the Quiet Revolution. With the political
turmoil in the province mirroring the psychological conflict in
her person, our heroine finds herself searching for the balance of
freedom and liberation in her own life and person, while witnessing
this same internal struggle reproduced in the conflict of her people
coming to maturity and seizing their place in the world. She quickly
understands that to realize her personal emancipation, she must join
the chorus of the crowd that she hears manifesting on the streets.
At first, she idealizes the leaders of the movement, and then slowly
returns to a more pragmatic and realistic view of the group, as she
matures and the novel progresses in time. A sensitive and realistic
portrait, "Crossing to Tadoussac" evokes the experience of being
a Quebecker in the reader, awakening the historical and spiritual
struggles that have formed the province and its people.
“While America debated the fate of Southeast Asia, revolution was
brewing north of its border. Frederick Bryson's novel captures a defining
moment in Canadian history when independence becomes atangible
dream for Quebec's francophone majority. The novel's Quebecoise
protagonist offers a window on the giddy hope, the steely determination
and the ambivalence of a new national movement reaching for power
and brought to the forefront of history by the October Crisis of 1970.
Never before had the prospect of nationhood for Quebec's francophone
majority been more tangible than in the final half of the 20th century.
Frederick Bryson captures the intensity and confusion of the 1970
'˜October Crisis' when a movement emboldened by the repudiation of
traditional values and fueled by youthful energy must choose between
non-violence and terrorism. Bryson's narrator, an American journalist
in search of the story of the FLQ kidnappings of James Cross and Pierre
Laporte, meets Yvonne Boulanger, former lover of revolutionary-turnedpolitician Jean-Guy Tessier. Yvonne becomes a proxy for all Quebecois
forced to choose between the insufferable status quo and an uncertain,
potentially catastrophic future. Her ambivalence grows as she realizes
that feminism takes a back seat in a movement dominated by men
obsessed with power.” —Caroline Kehne,
“Any number of authors might have written the story of Yvonne
Boulanger, a young woman caught up in the revolutionary and
secessionist fervor of Quebec. None, however, could have done so with
the beautiful storytelling mastery of language as Frederick E. Bryson has
done in Crossing to Tadoussac. From the opening paragraph, readers
are immersed in the story, made silent but firsthand witnesses to what
transpired during those tumultous years.” —Paul M. Howey, Editor,
“ The threads of Quebec's past which contribute to the history of Canada
are bright, sometimes bloody, often filled with passion, and always
beguiling. Bryson captures these verities of Quebec life, past and present,
in a delightful and discerning fashion. This is his finest book yet, and
given the fact that he has gone from strength to strength as a writer, that
says a great deal.” —Jim Casada, Author,
Accounting for Crime
by Richard King
Language: eng
308 pages
BISAC / Subject:
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20110511
8 in x 5 in x 0.691 in
337.47 gr
Also Available in:
E-book format
$18.88 CAD
Robert Scroyle C.A., is the senior partner at Scroyle, Caitiff,
Rudisbe and Spavin. He is married, has a girlfriend or two and is no
stranger to a shady tax strategy that’s just this side of legal. Now life
is about to get a lot more complicated.Renzo Villiago is the founder
of Ravishing Cosmetics, one of Scroyle’s most important clients.
He has to find a business to buy that will solve what he sees as an
accounting problem. Agustinho Bastinhado is an underworld figure
with a big problem: too much cash. He has to hide it somewhere
fast. Scroyle has to make both men happy or lose his business, maybe
even his life.In a story that plays out on the streets of Montreal and
in boardrooms populated by characters who are eerily familiar to
anyone who’s ever been in a downtown office building, Scroyle’s life
spins out of control and begins to unravel. Kidnapping, undercover
police operations, the netherworld of organized crime, a love story
gone sour--this is not what a man who deals in certainties is meant
to deal with.
by Mark Foss
Language: eng
200 pages
BISAC / Subject:
FIC000000 / FIC019000
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20110523
8 in x 5.25 in x 0.458 in
234.96 gr
Also Available in:
E-book format
$18.88 CAD
At an open-air clinic, the enigmatic twist of Dr. Mahlon Locke
sets events into motions that trickle down through time until they
become a relentless flood: An unrepentant dreamer with one short
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 FICTION
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 leg finds solace in beautiful shoes. A celebrated author points to a
shelf of useless words and a loaded gun. A sharp-tongued scriptgirl
clings to the scent of Easter lilies. Guided by ephemera, a young
woman reconnects these spoiled lives in a sensuous bid to save
Punctuated by unforgiving factoids and vintage postcards, Spoilers
confronts the fleeting nature of fame, the human impact of progress,
and the consequences of choosing art over love.
Kolkata Dreams
by K. Gandhar Chakravarty
Language: eng
92 pages
BISAC / Subject:
1st Edition
Illustrated, Full-Color
Pub. Date: 20090423
8.5 in x 5.5 in x 0.239 in
118.39 gr
$18.88 CAD
Kolkata Dreams is a work of travel poetry that will transport
you across the sea to northeastern India. The poems explore the
idealization of Mother India against the realities of its westernization
from the perspective of a Canadian-born Indo-North American
discovering his heritage for the first time. When reading and reciting
this poetry (you may be forced to voice these poems aloud), you will
find that laughter often chokes itself on tears while the book yo-yos
between meditation and contemplation. The experimental use of
a first-person/third-person singular-detached narrator encapsulates
the feeling of disembodiment often felt by the voyager, especially in
this case, as the poet simultaneously belongs to yet remains apart
from the cultures he explores. In short, Kolkata Dreams is a mustread for anyone interested in the balance between tradition and
modernity, particularly in the context of globalization and twentyfirst century India.
“There are many lines and moments in K. Gandhar Chakravarty’s
Kolkata Dreams that underscore the fact these poems do indeed reside
in multiple landscapes, in that world between the East and West, and
oftentimes simultaneously. This is a terrain where gods walk the streets
and think human thoughts and do human deeds. There’s something
wistful in the pages, sometimes approaching at least a metaphorical
diaspora of the spirit, and then suddenly there’s a sharp magic that
bends the light. A robust, deceptive simplicity hums at the center of
this collection. Jaunty, and at times, truly witty, a single turn of phrase
unearths a basic truth. Each poem does a job in Kolkata Dreams.”
—Yusef Komunyakaa,Pulitzer Prize Winner for Poetry,
“To make your thoughts so tangible is like writing on canvas. Kolkata
Dreams is akin to such sensitivity. It’s an extraordinary excursion
into the secret alleys of dreamy reminiscence. It transports you to your
very own cozy nook - soothing yet strangely disconcerting, magical yet
charmingly blatant... ...intoxicating.”
—Buddhadeb Dasgupta, Poet and Internationally Acclaimed Filmmaker,
“This is a book of exotic smells, sounds, and sights. Chakravarty’s poems
come alive in the reading and their languid syllables roll off the tongue.
Like the land he is describing, Chakravarty’s poems invite you in as an
interested traveller and then change you as you live them.
The pieces intrigue most when read aloud--they fairly cry out for this kind
of participatory response. They are peopled by sages and fools, lovers and
gods, but the theme behind all is an open-eyed wonder at the connection
of all things earthly. At the same time, the poems are illuminated by an
interest in the places--and there are many, it seems--where heaven and
earth meet and mix. Chakravarty is a theologian, and his sensitivity to
the primal pulse of religious feeling is evident throughout.
But most of all it is the vibrancy of the colours and sounds in these
poems that will strike the reader. The author is also a musician and it
is perhaps this background that brings the rhythm and assonance to the
overall work.
Kolkata Dreams shows the emotion of a first work, and has the feel of
a trip by train through the Indian countryside, or by foot through the
city’s slums and parks. It is a traveller’s odyssey, but Chakravarty is a
generous travelling companion, and the poems are his invitation to see
his ancestral homeland along with him. You will enjoy these poems.”
—Matthew Anderson, CBC / QWF Literary Award Winner,
“This collection of poems called Kolkata Dreams contains pieces of simple lyrical quality and depth in meaning: “I once met a whispered lover
/ Clambering up a path. / He sat on haunted benches / Writing in his
journals.” In the poem entitled, ‘Kalifornia to Kolkata’, the opening
lines are especially thought provoking “Why do all American cities /
Look like computer chips, / Especially at night? / Is there some master
plan / Well beyond our sight? / On a night flight / From Pearson International / Bound to San Fran, / Felt like I was hovering above / Some
circuit board, Man.” As he visits the city of Kolkata, his observations
are often quite different from local poets. He discovered the city in his
fantasy. That’s why he writes, “So he discovered, / No city of joy, / But a
city somewhere in its future, / The gap between poor and rich / As thick
as Buddha’s belly.”I enjoyed reading his book immensely. So I hope many
other readers will. ”
“In Kolkata Dreams, Komal Gandhar (whose name echoes a beautiful Indian Raga) journeys through the detritus and dreams of dying
cities and cultures across the globe--whether spankingly neon-lit and
prettily plastic like Kalifornia or claustrophobically pestilential like Kolkata. Gandhar’s ironic eye sees through both the super-developed unholy
splendours of the U.S. of A and the under-developed nightmares of India to touch upon the rockbottom emptiness of our modern-day daily
deaths masquerading as spasms of fitful life.
This is the poetry of a young man’s spiritual quest who travels the globe
to ultimately reach the city of his parents and forefathers: Kolkata, India. Gandhar explores the central epiphanies of existence ‘Sex, Religion,
Love, Death’ as he gropes his way through the material mess and sexy
spirituality of the Indian subcontinent (encapsulated and represented by
the vibrant and dying city of Kolkata). His verses have a zen-like charm
and a sufi throwaway flavour exuding either easy flowing rhythms or
streetsmart lingo that are often pleasing, occasionally shocking, and always interesting.
Gandhar can be both telling and funny as when he exposes the Indian
Government’s obtuse hypocrisy about the Father of the Nation: “The
Mahatma, Gandhi, pledged poverty / And now he laughs on rupees”
(referring to the ubiquitous Gandhi visage staring at us from banknotes); or when he meditates thus on the proverbial mosquito menace
in Kolkata: “...even Durga’s ten arms / Could not swat you all away”;
or when he niftily puns on the veneration in India showered on Shiva’s
Linga: “Both sexes revere the tool / That plants the seeds of life”. At his
best, Gandhar Chakravarty’s verses offer both insight and edification.
Meditating on our dreams being manufactured by our media-haunted
cultures he writes of our times, “when every desire becomes a need” and
sees Kolkata as “a city full of scavengers” being morphed into the microcosm of our globalised world.
A book to be recommended for all those concerned about our disintegrating worlds, from Kolkata to Kalifornia via Kanada.”
—Amitava Roy, Professor of English and Director, Shakespeare
Centre for Advanced Research, President and Co-founder, Shakespeare Society of Eastern India.
beneath the surface: sex and violence, villainy, mutilation, uneasy
redemption and troubled ecstasy. These poems are pins pressed deep in
the disfigured heart of America. They work a dark magic on the reader-they’re unsettling in necessary ways.””
—Christopher Michel,
“As you read through the poems of Darren C. Demaree, his prescient
voice seems to grow in volume, each story clambering for more attention
than the last. Yet, it isn’t that he is screaming from atop the mountain,
but that everybody around has infinitely hushed to hear this whispering
storyteller who speaks of little moments, glorious moments, moments
“where the smooth sheet / of leaves & salt / will sugar us / into the unlonely air”...as if each of us, is his guiding star, his sky, his Emily.”
—Mr. & Mrs. Garbanzo,
“...a dangerous dreamer...” “unsettling in necessary ways.” -- Christopher
Michel, Author, Editor”
A Dirt Road Hangs
from the Sky
by Claudia Serea
Language: eng
130 pages
BISAC / Subject:
As We Refer to our Bodies
by Darren C. Demaree
Language: eng
86 pages
BISAC / Subject:
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20131015
8 in x 5.25 in x 0.206 in
108.86 gr
$15.88 CAD, Softcover
Our bodies, our individual and collective bodies, and the separate
bodies that together combine to make our systems, ecological, biological, psychological and technological--these are the bodies that
we refer to, these are the bodies that Darren C. Demaree has dance
for us on the page; nuanced or naked, dissected, desecrated and
decorated; these are the bodies that rise and swell to the touch of
the poets pen.
“Darren is a dangerous dreamer, concocting love poems to his home
state, and pastorals to his true love. But there’s always something more
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 20131101
8 in x 2.25 in x 0.305 in
157.39 gr
$15.88 CAD
Written in unsparing, haunting detail, Claudia Serea’s unforgettable
A Dirt Road Hangs From the Sky brings to life the horrors of the
brutal Communist repression in her native Romania in the second
part of the 20th century -- the prisons, the torture, the barbarous
inhumanity -- preserving in memory a time that should never be
forgotten. She writes: “Tell me, grandma, everything you know /
so I can be your mouth when you are gone.” The grief is lasting;
memory must serve as justice.
– Charles Rammelkamp, editor of The Potomac Review, author of
Fusen Bakudan
“Beautiful, moving and brave; Claudia Serea’s poems tell a story of fear
and repression, but also one of hope. This strong collection speaks out
against systems of repression all over the world, with a powerful voice
and a vital message.”
—Victoria Hooper, Editor
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 POETRY
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 978-1-926716-03-9
Plum Stuff
Language: eng
Show Thieves 2010:
Montreal Poetry Anthology
Language: eng
1st Edition, Softcover
Illustrated. Full-Color
POE000000 / ANT000000
by Charles Anderson (Rolli)
128 pages
BISAC / Subject:
Pub. Date: 20100501
8.5 in x 5.5 in x 0.332 in
158.30 gr
$18.88 CAD
Literate. Illiterate.Bewitching... In his debut collection--a nine part
whimsical discourse, Canadian author/artist Rolli waxes poetic
about everything under 'the muscular sun'. There are poems about
peaches and plums, about desperate celebs and monster poets, mistresses and mummified cats. Strange, celebratory, self-mocking,
these are poems to be gulped down like summer fruit.
Rollick with Rolli through coddled lawns and parlour rooms,
sloshing tea with gingercats under bluebird moons and slopping
wine with bathing bachelorette hieresses in a world plum-stuffed
with all things epicurean and bewitching, from English to Egyptian,
the pathologic and the philosophic. By Canada's Charles Anderson
(Rolli), recipient of the 2007 John Kenneth Galbraith Literary
Award; and winner of the 2008 Commonwealth Short Story
Competition. With illustrations by the author. Colour. 5.5 x 8.5.
128 pages.
“As a literary buff, I must admit that I sometimes find poetry a bit of a
struggle. Perhaps it's the lack of poetic material in my education or my
"Just say what you mean!" mentality. Either way I have to say that I was
drawn to Plum Stuff by Rolli. The colorful cover work and delicious title
drew me in like Alice chasing a white rabbit and the collection itself was
nothing short of Wonderland.There is a lot to admire with Rolli's debut
work. The 116 pages of poetic wonder are broken up into nine sections.
Each section is categorized by the subject matter. These subjects range
from the bewitching to the philosophical, the literate to the illiterate, the
English to the Egyptian. All of these sections offer something different
to admire and explore. My personal favorite was the section "Things
Pathological." Here, Rolli's work matches the sections title, in a good
way.Rolli brought something to this collection that I hadn't seen before.
Every once in a while there was a break from the traditional poetry and
a short dialogue would be included. Some were as short as two lines
while others went on several pages. Whatever the length, these dialogues
added a unique and often humorous touch, to the collection.Another
interesting addition was the author's original artwork. Rolli spices up
his poetry with sketches that coincide with his words. The drawings give
the reader a chance to connect more with Rolli and his imaginative
mind.Rolli's creativity shines in this debut work. His content is witty
and bizarre and will leave readers entertained. There is a lot to digest in
Plum Stuff, but there is no doubt, after reading it, you'll walk away full
and satisfied. ” —Sara Halleman,
by Jason Price Everett,
Emery Moreira
146 pages
BISAC / Subject:
1st Edition, Softcover
Pub. Date: 20100801
7.81 in x 5.06 in x 0.313 in
151.04 gr
$11.88 CAD
rejuvenate and promote Montreal poetics in the new century.
DECLARATION DE RESOLUTION : Rajeunir et promouvoir la
poésie de Montréal dans le nouveau siècle.
Maple Vedas
by K. Gandhar Chakravarty
Language: eng
80 pages
BISAC / Subject:
1st Edition, Softcover
Illustrated. Full-Color.
Pub. Date: 2010/09/01
9 in x 6 in x 0.208 in
121.12 gr
$18.88 CAD
The latest in a long line of scriptures, MAPLE VEDAS explores
the voyages of the Gods of India – Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, Kali
– as they visit the northwestern lands of the globe in the past, the
present, and the near future. Peopled with other characters like a
prophetic moose, a secretive walrus, and a charming groundhog,
the interactions and dialogues of this third millenium testament
force you to rethink history, religion, and your place in all of it –
wherever you come from. In Maple Vedas, we discover that the
Gods of India continue to roam Canada and the United States –
perhaps standing beside you on a city bus – but they have come in
new incarnations. Will you recognize them?
“Almost like a narcotic dream at times, there is a blurring of fantasy
and fairy reality as the Hindu god Shiva, with his dreadlocks flying,
boards a number 24 bus on Sherbrooke Street in Montreal and watches
butterflies and dragonflies, while his mistress goddess Parvati, leans on
him and addresses him with cute Indian female caution:Thus Parvati
whispered sweetly to Shiva: “One day, if you smoke too much,you might
fall down.”
One can hear the sing-song tonality seeping out of the lines.Irrational
love, irrational politics, irrational philosophizing are corner stones of
subcontinental religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, or Jainism. That
is why loss of personal identity is fundamental to explaining why the
so-called Eastern religions mix humour with irrationality in the hopes
of future bliss. Either that or you ingest spliff after spliff. Like in A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, there is a primary motivation to lose one’s
individuality and deconstruct reality. Gandhar has done that with
excellence while merging the maple with the tulsi leaf.The inside cover
page states “To be read aloud”. Is that a threat or warning? So I started
reading it aloud and naturally there are sections where one is beside
oneself. Deconstructing religion and addressing Bengali infatuation for
certain Hindu idols like the “butter pilfering” Krishna and a bongedout Shiva make for memorable moments. Gandhar should know that
messing with religion gets fatwas unleashed. But here he is on safe
territory, because subcontinental religions “swim in the void,” so to speak
and do not always unleash fanatics. So here are some classic moments
from the book:
Shiva to a mallard in Lafontaine Park!—”Hare duck!I love you so
much.” And: “One day, Hanuman took a day off. He spent his holiday
in the Bush Lands of the West, leaving his mace behind.”
As Krishna becomes Chrisna towards the end, here is some scorching
Canadian multiethnic perversity: “Shiva hopped a Vancouver taxi one
eveningafter smoking a joint at an old friend’s.”
As they rode through the village,the driver spoke in a thick Turkish
accent,his throat chaffed from cigarette smoke:“You see these?“These are
the gays…“This is their… territory.”Shiva, stoned, knew better than to
In Maple Vedas, there is a unique irony and deconstructive explosiveness
that passes you by like a mild thump in the hills. A great follow-up to
Kolkata Dreams.”
—Rana Bose,Author
“In sacred knowledge, parallels prophesy universal wisdom, where
information belies pedantry, erudition, and reveals itself through
awareness, exchange, and experience, syllogistic and inductive. Hindu
Sanskrit philosophy, ritual orality, recites seers’ Vedic knowledge by Rig
Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda ... in their culminations
and singularities, the parallels portray knowns, at once, simple and
immense. K. Gandhar Chakravarty unfolds Vedic in verse, in a
karmic journey to green maple, sugar maple and pine, venturing on
foot, on wings, on the back of moose, swimming, canoeing, wandering
throughout the eastern lands of the northern North, New Foundland,
Niagara, and westward to Vancouver. All along the while, opening
concealed fruits evident in the chance meetings between Hanuman,
Shiva, Chrisna, Rhanna, Kali ... and Moose, Mallard, Dragonfly,
Wasp, Loon, Grasshopper, until their propensities disclose tenets the poet
hears and jointly speaks to.Thus leading us to accompany the seeking on
this image-ridden journey into solar lights shining only for us, versified,
and swimming for all time, here and now. An amazing display of
talent, Chakravarty synthesizes life and times through transmigrations
for the beautiful secrets and freedom offered there. The branch of the
Maple Vedas extend to a musical fifth, an opus, a poetic Smriti, where
we wind ourselves into hearing position by the strum and tone of the
turning page, seeking our own genus through the words of surrounding
companions—delightfully charged!”
—Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Poet,
Selected Poems 1990-2010
by Jason Price Everett
Language: eng
150 pages
BISAC / Subject:
POE011000 / POE011000
1st Edition
Pub. Date: 21020513
8.0 in x 5.25 in x 0.3484 in
179 gr
Also Available in:
E-book formats
$18.88 CAD
novelpoemsymphonydancealbumoperapaintingphotographtvshowmotionpictureSELECTED POEMS 1990-2010 "Begin anywhere.
Stop anywhere. Everything that can possibly be written now is a
drop of rain upon its vast syncretic ocean. The interior of this network is the ur -Art: permanent and all-devouring until the power
goes out. A universal forced collaboration consuming the individual
artist, drowning out spirit and talent alike against the background
tone, incorporating everything that can be communicated into that
which we do not have a name for yet, as art. Self-induced personalized sequences of aesthetic meaning arranged at will. Incorporeal
tesserae for the personalized mosaic of a deity. This future of our
shared media Byzantium is obscenely bright."
“Jason Price Everett's poetry explodes from the page with the raucous
power of industrial machinery and strikes its targets with the rapier's
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 POETRY
8th House Publishing - CATALOG 2014 fine point. Honing in on the chaos of the past two decades, Hypodrome
charts the growth of an artist searching for an aesthetic position and
documents the plastic, the sadness, the spittle, the losses, and the
frustrations accumulated throughout that time and presents itself to
readers to behold its achievement. - Editors”
Our Authors
Cameron W. Reed
Cameron W. Reed is an investigative journalist and a novice
investor. It was as an investor doing due diligence that
Cameron stumbled upon a criminal trail of international
duplicity and fraud. Piecing the bits together, a compelling
and alarming story began to emerge that foretold the current
global economic crisis. She has been working with James
Cummins to bring this story to light.
Charles Talkoff
Charles Talkoff is from New York and currently resides in
Baltimore. His short stories and other works have appeared
in such publications as Undergroundvoices, the Urbanite, the
Midway Journal, JMWW, and 3 Quarters. “The Love Song of
J. Edgar Hoover”, is his first novel.
Claudia Serea
Claudia Serea is a Romanian-born poet who immigrated to
the U.S. in 1995. Her poems and translations have appeared
in 5 a.m., Cutthroat, Word Riot, Ascent, Meridian, Mudfish,
Harpur Palate, Exquisite Corpse, The Fourth River, Ezra,
Zoland Poetry, among others. She is the author of two
poetry collections: Eternity’s Orthography (Finishing Line
Press, 2007) and To Part Is to Die a Little, forthcoming
from Červená Barva Press. She is the co-editor and cotranslator for Vanishing Point that Whistles, an Anthology of
Contemporary Romanian Poetry, forthcoming from Talisman
Publishing House in 2011. Claudia lives in New Jersey and
commutes every day to New York City where she works for a
major publishing company.
Darren C. Demaree
Darren C. Demaree’s poems and works have appeared in the
South Carolina Review, Meridian, Grain, Cottonwood, The
Tribeca Poetry Review, and Whiskey Island among others.
His upcoming collection currently entitled “As We Refer to
Our Bodies” is slated to be released in the Fall of 2012. He
has been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize and deserved
to win each time. He is currently writing in Columbus, Ohio
where he lives with his wife and daughter.
Diego Cupolo
Diego Cupolo began his journalism and photography careers
in New York City and has continued his work while residing
in Montreal, Quebec and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Today, he serves as Latin America regional editor for
Global South Development Magazine and works on the
road as an independent journalist, having reported on Syria,
Turkey, Bulgaria, Nicaragua, Peru and Chile. His written and
visual work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic,
The Associated Press, The Village Voice, The Australian
Times, Discover Magazine, The Argentina Independent and
Diagonal Periódico.
For more information, visit [http://diegocupolo.com]
Frederick E. Bryson
Frederick E. Bryson brings a curiosity about the Quiet
Revolution that swept Quebec, and the October Crisis that
followed. “Society in flux is always fodder for storytelling,”
he notes, “but Montreal in October, 1970, may be the closest
we’ve come in North America to outright insurrection since
the American Civil War.”
Geoffrey Alexander Parsons
Geoffrey Alexander Parsons (or GAP as he likes to sign his
manuscripts) was born on Christmas Day, in Halifax, Nova
Scotia. He’s played in a grunge band called P.E.T.M.I.S.
(People Escapes That Mental Institution Somehow)—and
lived on various peoples’ couches until he came to Montréal
at 18. He has been hitch-hiking ever since, and greyhounding
back and forth across the country working dishwashing, treeplanting, fruit-picking, telemarketing, home-security systemselling, stadium-set-up-break-down, and garbage-sorter
jobs... none of which he’s kept longer than two months.
James Cummins
James Cummins is a five time author, and winner of the
Canadian Authors’ Association BookTelevision Emerging
Writer Award for 2009. His previous books have included
a history of Electronica music (Ambrosia: About a Culture)
and his co-authoring of the autobiography of House music
inventor Jesse Saunders. He is an investigative journalist
for U Magazine in Jordan with a degree in philosophy from
Concordia University in Montreal where he currently resides.
He is also a composer of classical music and playwright, and
is originally from Edmonton, Alberta.
Jason Price Everett
J A S O N P R I C E E V E R E T T was born in Orlando,
Florida in 1972. He was educated at Lafayette College,
Cornell University and the University of Paris. He has held
twenty-seven different positions of employment to date,
one of the more recent being that of English professor at a
university in Xian, China. His first book, Unfictions, was
released by 8th House Publishing in 2009. His collection
Hypodrome: Selected Poems 1990-2010 will be forthcoming
from 8th House in the fall of 2011. His work has appeared
over the years in such diverse publications as Si Senor, Hubris,
CRIT Journal, The Mad Hatters’ Review, BITEmagazine,
Writers Notes Magazine, Farmhouse Magazine, The
Quarterly Review, The Prague Literary Review, City Writers
Review, Riverbabble, The Maynard, Underground Voices,
BLATT, Brand, The Alchemy Review, Carcinogenic Poetry,
hardbrackets, Interrupting Infinity/Third Party Poetry, KGB
Bar Lit Magazine, Ronin, Revue Mètropolitaine, CV2 and
the Show Thieves Anthology of Contemporary Montreal
Poetry. He currently lives in Montreal.
K. Gandhar Chakravarty
K. Gandhar Chakravarty is a poet, scholar, and musician. His
poems have been published internationally and some have
been translated into Bengali, the mother tongue of his most
immediate ancestors. Kolkata Dreams (2009) represents his
first full-length work of poetry, a collection of travel writing
developed in 2001. Maple Vedas (2010) his most recent
collection has won critical acclaim.
Mark Foss
Mark Foss is an Ottawa-based writer whose journalism and
short fiction have appeared in such publications as The Globe
and Mail, The New Quarterly and Blood and Aphorisms. In
1997 he began work on his first book, a collection of linked
stories entitled Kissing the Damned, which was published in
2005 and long-listed in 2006 for the ReLit awards. Kissing
the Damned was praised by the Danforth Review, Embassy
Magazine and Ottawa Life Magazine and was featured at your
10th anniversary Ottawa Writers Festival in the Fall of 2006.
His short stories have also appeared in two anthologies, and
a radio drama was aired on CBC New Voices. Spoilers is his
first novel.
Paul Catanu
Paul Catanu has written on the history of metaphysics,
ontology, the history of ancient philosophy, the philosophy of
mathematics and logic, pedagogy and the philosophy of the
Renaissance. He presently lectures at Champlain College in
St-Lambert. Heidegger’s Nietzsche: Being and Becoming, is
his first book. Paul is currently working on a research project
he is calling the “Ontology of the Image” which traces the
dualism of the image and the idea in Western philosophy and
civilization, back to Plato.
Richard King
Richard King owned Paragraph Bookstore in Montreal
and is a former President of the Canadian Booksellers
Association. His first novel, THAT SLEEP OF DEATH,
was on the Gazette bestseller list for nine weeks. In his spare
time, King does Bikram Yoga, runs with a group from the
Westmount Running Room and volunteers in the Emergency
Department at the Jewish General Hospital. He insists most
of the characters in Accounting for Crime are fictitious.
Richard Rathwell
Richard Rathwell was born in Ottawa, ON, in 1947. A
student of Robin Blaser and Jerry Zazlov at Simon Fraser
University in Vancouver, BC, Rathwell was arrested for his
active life leading political organizations which ran afoul
with authorities. Denounced in the Canadian Parliament as a
revolutionary, Rathwell has since taught English in Canada,
Ireland, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho, and has worked
in development aid in conflict areas, serving as international
operations director of large NGO’s based in Vienna and
London. Rathwell has channelled his experiences into poetry,
children’s drama, short stories and novels, which have been
published in Canada, the US, UK, Ireland, and Albania, and
have won various national awards in Ireland, Nigeria, and
Zimbabwe. He is currently a Doctoral candidate at Anglia
Ruskin University in Cambridge, UK, and divides his time
between London and Southern France.
Rolli (Charles Anderson)
Rolli (aka Charles Anderson) is an author/illustrator hailing
from Saskatchewan, Canada. His work has appeared in literary
magazines across North America – Quarterly West, The New
Quarterly, subTerrain, The Antigonish Review, Grain, Byline,
Stickman Review, Feathertale Review, and many others. Rolli
was the recipient of the 2007 John Kenneth Galbraith Literary
Award; and as a winner of the 2008/2009 Commonwealth
Short Story Competition, his work has been broadcast in over
30 countries. “Plum Stuff” is his debut collection of poetry
and artwork. Visit his blog here.
Samuel K. Vincent
Mr. Vincent has written numerous articles on the esoteric
sciences and has been lecturing on the Qabalah for over 15
years. He has contributed to the establishment of schools in
California and Vermont and provides instruction by private
appointment for earnest students. His latest work - a treatise
in the Qabalah - is a mystical account of the development
of Language throughout History, tracing the evolution of
the Roman Script and the English Alphabet with an expert’s
touch. Published for the first time with this book, is the Key
to the English Qabalah - a development without parallel in
2000 years of its history.
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