fall harvest guide - Oregon Farm Bureau
fall harvest guide - Oregon Farm Bureau
Fall harvest Guide Fall harvest from the field to you 2011 Fall Harvest Guide listed: • By region • Open thru Oct./Nov./ Dec./year-round • Alphabetically Searchable guide at oregonfb.org Protecting and promoting Oregon’s greenest industry Searchable guide at oregonfb.org F a l l / W i n t e r 2011i Retail price $2.50 Fa l l / W i n t e r 2011 Volume 24 • Number 2 Autumn’s bounty Contents Farmer profile: Greg & Kim Johnson of Wasco County2 Recipe from a Century Farm 6 Fall Harvest Guide 7 Member Benefit Programs 16 Cool online games for kids & info for “foodies” 27 What is Farm Bureau, exactly?28 On the cover: Squash is a favorite of fall harvest. Find a recipe for butternut squash on pg. 6. Photo courtesy of @ iStockphoto.com/MKucova. Insuring your operation doesn’t have to be difficult Talk to a COUNTRY® Financial representative about AgriPlus®, the policy that fits your operation and offers higher limits on the coverages most important to you. At COUNTRY, we’re helping you achieve financial security, no matter where you’re starting from. Policies issued by COUNTRY Mutual Insurance Company®, Bloomington, IL. Editor: Anne Marie Moss Designer: Cheryl McLean • ImPrint Services Copyright © 2011. Oregon Farm Bureau Federation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Advertising carried in the publication does not constitute an endorsement of the products by Oregon Farm Bureau. Exceptions to this rule are products and services sold by Farm Bureau affiliate companies carrying the full backing and endorsement of the federation. For advertising information, contact Anne Marie Moss, (503) 399-1701, ext. 313. ISSN 1040-5909 Published biannually by Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, 3415 Commercial Street SE • Salem, OR 97302 (503) 399-1701 • annemarie@oregonfb.org Controlled circulation. Subscription included in annual dues. Produced by Travel Oregon, Oregon Bounty is an annual statewide promotion celebrating Oregon’s culinary abundance during three months of unique travel experiences, tastings, and fall harvest events. Start planning your getaway at www.TravelOregon.com/Bounty. 0310-586HO Searchable guide at oregonfb.org Thanks to our rich landscape and varied climate, Oregon boasts 14 agricultural crops that are Number 1 in terms of U.S. production, three at the Number 2 spot, 12 at Number 3, and four at Number 4. Not bad for a state with approximately 38,553 family farms. Of these, fall and winter bring out some favorite seasonal items that we eagerly await all year. Take hazelnuts, for example. Our official State Nut, Oregon grows almost all of the hazelnuts in the entire United States. Hazelnuts are grown on trees and start to fall from the branches around the end of September, signaling harvest time. Specially designed tractors sweep the nuts from the ground, and they are cleaned and shipped to distributors. This fall, when you sprinkle hazelnuts on your salad, include them into a luscious dessert, or add them to your Thanksgiving stuffing, remember that you have Oregon growers to thank for their delicious flavor. Christmas trees are another commodity where Oregon reigns supreme. Christmas trees are a crop just like any other, and when one field of trees is harvested, another field is planted for future holidays. The Beaver State is Number 1 in the country for Christmas tree growth, and we can take pride in the Noble or Douglas Firs we purchase directly from a Farm Bureau member this winter. In the Oregon’s Bounty Fall Harvest Guide in the following pages, farms that offer Christmas trees, pumpkins, harvest festivals, and wine are indicated with colored squares so readers can locate them easily. Other fall and winter goodies where Oregon tops U.S. production include cranberries, onions, and Austrian winter peas. There are many more farm-fresh veggies, meats, and other items perfect for warm, hearty meals available from now through the spring. Please continue to enjoy Oregon’s agricultural bounty from the many Farm Bureau members listed here, starting on page 7. 1 Passion for ag education culminates during fall harvest By Anne Marie Moss The Renken Farms Pumpkin Patch is open on weekends throughout October. This fall is looking like a great year for glorious gourds. T hro u g ho u t O cto b e r , v i s i tors w i l l f l oc k to R e n k e n F a rms i n T h e D a l l e s for a g r e a t k i c k off to O r e g o n ’ s p u mp k i n s e a so n But you certainly won’t find anyone “old” running the farm. Although the family operation is helmed by its fifth generation (once removed), the proprietors — and Wasco County Farm Bureau members — Kim and Greg Johnson are a cheerful, energetic couple who take care of two teenagers (Laura and Mark), multiple crops, and myriad (and quite vocal) barnyard animals. Through Farm Bureau, Kim has demonstrated a passion for agriculture education for decades, engaging her community and encouraging elementary school students to tour her family business. Throughout the year, 2 an estimated 500 kids will venture out to the farm, established in 1863, to see first-hand a pig pen, goat corral, chicken coop, cherry orchards, and a lush garden. “It’s a great opportunity to show kids, even the ones who live in a rural area but who still may not know much about agriculture, what farm life is like,” said Kim. “That’s what we try to communicate, a little about ag as a whole. Families also like to come out to see us, and we remind people where their food comes from. It’s all grown or raised somewhere!” Photos on page 2 from Renken Farms A visit to Renken Farms is like the favorite schoolyard tune “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” come to life. As you stroll through a series of well-kept barnyards, you will most definitely hear a “cluck-cluck” here and an “oink-oink” there, on this bucolic 148-year-old farm tucked in a cherryorchard-lined valley in The Dalles. The 2011 Renken Farms Harvest Fest is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 15. Check on pg. 22 in this Oregon’s Bounty Fall Harvest Guide for times and location. Make a scarecrow, pick a pumpkin, take a hay ride, or simply enjoy a day in the country. O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Through the month of October, weekends on Renken Farms come alive with visitors of all ages searching for the ideal squash or perfect pumpkin from a hearty patch, which is expected to be particularly bountiful this fall. But the seasonal fun will culminate with the 6th annual Harvest Fest, scheduled for Saturday, October 15, (see pg. 22 of this guide for times and location). The Renken Farms Harvest Fest is a great day trip for families, featuring scarecrow making, a hay slide, tractor rides, pony rides, pumpkin bowling and launching, a petting zoo, carnival rides, music, entertainment, and innumerable tasty treats. And the event, expected to attract thousands, is all for a great cause: the Mid-Columbia Health Foundation. “Harvest Fest has become a major fundraiser for the health foundation, and it’s a great way for us to give back to our community as well as expose people of all ages to agriculture,” said Kim. “It’s all just about celebrating the fall harvest.” Harvests throughout the year Besides the Harvest Fest and the pumpkin patch throughout Octo- ber, Renken Farms shares its bounty directly with consumers through a booth at The Dalles Farmers Market. It features sweet cherries, a variety of garden-grown vegetables (carrots, peas, lettuce, etc.), and free-range chicken meat and eggs. The farm also sells goats for meat, as well as goats and pigs alive for 4-H kids needing livestock for animal husbandry projects. The future may hold a market in some of the pigs for meat and also for the small herd of Scottish Highlander cows on the farm. Showing dairy goats has become a new family project, with most of the Johnsons helping to display the animals at county and state fairs. In fact, this summer at the Oregon State Fair, Mark won the 4-H Intermediate Dairy Goat Showman award. While walking through the various pastures at the Johnsons’ farm, the animals may make a lot of noise, but they are manageable enough in number that almost all of them have a name. For example, as a way to spark the interest and imagination of school children who visit, the goats are given monikers with special themes. This year was all about candy. There’s Jelly Bean, Milky Way, Greg and Kim Johnson chose the name “Renken” Farms after Greg’s great-grandparents and grandparents because “ ‘Johnsons’ are a dime a dozen,” he said. From left, the fifth (and sixth) generations to run the family farm are Mark, Greg, Kim, and Laura Johnson — and about a dozen curious goats. Searchable guide at oregonfb.org 3 Mr. Goodbar, Lemon Drop, Dove, and a few other sweeties that delight many a youngster. While some of the animals are raised for meat, there are a few that are designated as “retired” and have become lifelong pets. One example is Sweat Pea, a massive 7-year-old sow that the Johnsons were given after a family of 4-H students were finished raising her as part of an educational project. The one condition was that Sweat Pea would never be sent to market. She may look intimidating as she waddles and grunts her way toward you, but she’s a sweetheart and has become one of the family. “We actually have a number of 4-H ‘retired’ animals on the farm,” laughs Kim. Whether raised for meat, eggs, or pets, all of the Johnsons’ livestock are treated well, with the utmost care and respect. Many of the animals are fed alfalfa grown on a nearby sloped field, which during Harvest Fest, is transformed into the famous “hay slide.” “This way we know exactly what we’re feeding our livestock, and ultimately what we’re eating,” said Kim. While Greg handles most of the horticulture side, the rest of the family, including Kim and Mark, help care for the animals, which include meat and dairy goats, chickens, pigs, and Scottish Highland cows. 4 Renken Farms’ primary crop is sweet cherries, which are hand-picked over the summer. Greg takes a look at a recent harvest before the fruit is shipped to a co-op. While some of the Johnsons’ crops are sold directly to consumers, a sizeable portion of the business is geared toward commercial sales. There are about 130 acres of sweet cherries grown on the orchards surrounding the farm. “We have a large variety of cherries — Bings, Rainers, Royal Anns, etc. — which helps us through the season and gets us into different marketing times,” explains Greg. The majority of the fruit is sold via a co-op. A true Farm Bureau family Greg and Kim Johnson have dedicated many years to Farm Bureau, advocating for the betterment of Oregon family farmers and ranchers in the public, through events and tours on the farm, and in the political arena, working with legislators and speaking out on behalf of critical agricultural issues. In the 1980s, both were very active in the Wasco County Farm Bureau. Ultimately, Greg was elected to represent the statewide OFB Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee and its work promoting the next genera- O r e g on ’ s B oun t y tion of ag producers around Oregon. He also earned a position on the OFB Board of Directors. As a winner of an OFB State Discussion Meet, Greg and Kim were able to travel to the American Farm Bureau Annual Convention so he could participate in the National YF&R Discussion Contest. After that, Greg served a term on the national YF&R Committee. Today, while still a member of Wasco County Farm Bureau, Greg serves as chair of the Oregon Cherry Growers organization. For her part, beyond constantly planning and volunteering at various Farm Bureau events, Kim served as chair of the OFB Women’s Advisory Council for four years. This honor also secured her a spot on the state OFB Board of Directors, working with members from different regions across the state. Their daughter Laura “was raised in Farm Bureau” attending monthly county meetings and events along with her parents and lending a hand when she could. “Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization that helps farming and ranching families get out and tell our side of the story and promote agriculture, which is really important to us,” said Kim. “Frankly, there are also a lot of great discount programs for being a Farm Bureau member, which come in handy.” (See full list of OFB member benefit programs on pg. 16.) Said Kim, “Basically Farm Bureau is like one big family, and we’ve gained a lot from it.” FARM BUREAU MEMBERS Actual Savings of 20-25% Enjoy Life’s Special Moments Again... Don’t Let Hearing Loss get in the Way! Is Hearing Loss Affecting Your Life? Do you often ask people to repeat themselves? Do you have a problem understanding speech while you are in crowds? Do people seem to mumble or speak in a softer voice than they used to? YES NO YES NO YES NO Farm Bureau Members guaranteed Free pre-approval Professional Audiologists & Specialists Statewide Free Hearing Aid Assessment Discounts on Hearing Instruments 60 Day Trial / 100% Guaranteed Custom Fit 1 Year FREE Supply of Batteries (1 case per instrument) Your Hearing is your most important sense for Communication and Quality of Life. The ClearValue Hearing program is the most comprehensive program available. Activate your FREE Membership TODAY! (888)497-7447 toll free www.clearvaluehearing.com Hearing Healthcare Benefits Plan *Activation mandatory for enrollment, scheduling and listed discounts and services. Searchable guide at oregonfb.org 5 A griculture is perhaps the most sustainable industry in Oregon, playing a crucial role in our economy, culture, and landscape for more than 200 years. The Century Farm & Ranch Program celebrates those families who have worked the same land for at least 100 years — and some for more than 150 years. To date, 1,128 farms have stayed in business for more than a century, and 23 have reached the sesquicentennial mark. Enjoy this fall favorite from Paula Bangs of Lane County Farm Bureau. Her family farm was established by Frederick and Daisy Bangs in 1903. Get you own copy of Eating It Up in Eden for $18.95 (plus $2.50 for shipping) by contacting Sharon Leighty at (503) 400-7884, cfr@ oregonfb.org. Congratulations to the Farm Bureau members who earned an honorary Century Farm & Ranch status during a ceremony at the State Fair this August: Bierly Farm, founded in Linn County in 1911 by Mary S. Bierly. Chegwyn Family Farm, founded in Yamhill County in 1909 by Herbert Chegwyn. Flowers Farms, founded in Klamath County in 1911 by Francis Flowers. Mader Farm, founded in Marion County in 1858 by Reuben Dickens and William Thomas (TB) Patton. 6 Paula’s Butternut Squash Soup @iStockphoto.com/Sarsmis The Century Farm & Ranch program offers Eating It Up in Eden, a wonderful compilation of favorite recipes from the families who have grown their own food for generations. Regional Index 4 or 5 cups butternut squash, peeled and chunked into 1- to 2-inch cubes 4 cups chicken broth (or just enough to barely cover squash) 1 large shallot, minced fine 1 tablespoon butter ½ to 1 cup low-fat sour cream Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste ½ cup grated sharp cheddar cheese (optional) 2 pieces bacon, fried, drained, and crumbled Green onions, chopped (optional) Combine squash and broth and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, sauté shallot in butter 5 to 7 minutes, until translucent, and add to the squash. When squash is boiling, cover and turn heat down to low and simmer for 1 hour until squash is very tender. Using immersion blender (or use regular blender, blending in batches), blend soup until smooth. Add sour cream, salt and pepper, and optional cheese. Stir until cheese is melted, but do not boil. Top with bacon and optional green onions. Serves 4. O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Portland Metro Willamette Valley Columbia Gorge Oregon Coast Central Oregon Southern Oregon Eastern Oregon 7 12 21 23 23 24 26 Fall Harvest Guide listed: • By region • Open thru Oct./Nov./ Dec./year-round • Alphabetically n Christmas tree growers n Pumpkins, harvest festivals n Wine sellers Access a searchable online version of the guide at oregonfb.org. How to get in the guide: Current voting & supporting members are eligible to sign up for the Oregon’s Bounty Guides. To request a sign-up form, contact Anne Marie Moss at (503) 399-1701, ext. 313, or e-mail annemarie@oregonfb.org. Searchable guide at oregonfb.org FALL harvest Guide PORTLAND METRO Try a Century Farm’s favorite fall recipe! P O RTLA N D M ETR O Open thru October/November/ December/year-round A Maze In Grace Gardens: Pumpkins, corn maze, hay rides in Oct.; apples Farm at 2985 SW Golf Course Rd. in Cornelius Mid Aug.-Oct., Tues.-Sun., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 939-7050, redwinemarion@verizon.net Website: amazingracegardens.com n Alpaca Forest Ranch: Alpaca products, males for fiber & breeding stock Ranch at 19025 SW Hillsboro Hwy. in Newberg All year, 7 days, 11:00-7:00 Contact: (503) 476-5041, rsakelik@verizon.net Website: alpacaforestranch.com Alpen CJD Gardens: Annuals, perennials, flowers & seasonal produce Hillsboro Farmers Market Farm at 12010 NE Flett Rd. in Gaston Sept.-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 662-3951, info@alpengardens.com Website: alpengardens.com Baggenstos Farms: Pumpkin patch & Christmas trees Farm at 15801 SW Roy Rogers Rd. in Sherwood May-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 590-4301, jimbaggenstos1@verizon.net Website: baggenstosfarms.com n n Bella Organic: Pumpkin patch, hay rides, corn maze, farm tours, CSA, carrots, onions, squash & more seasonal produce May-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Farm at 16205 NW Gillihan Rd. in Portland Contact: (503) 621-9545, johnny@bellaorganic.com Website: bellaorganic.com n 7 PORTLAND METRO EasyGo Farm: Alpacas (breeding stock or pets), wool & alpaca fleece, yarn, alpaca products & freezer lamb in fall Ranch at 16430 SW Holly Hill Rd. in Hillsboro All year, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 (call first) Contact: (503) 628-2023, bolewicz@netzero.net Website: easygofarm.net Big Meadow Farm: Game birds, eggs & dog boarding Farm at 34201 Big Meadow Lane in Deer Island All year, Sat.-Mon., 10:00-4:00 (call for appt.) Contact: (503) 366-3565, citrine@citrine.net Website: citrine.net Furrow Farm: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees (Nobles, Douglas Fir, Nordmann Fir, Gand Fir), wreaths, garland, mistletoe, boughs & hayrides Farm at 25877 NW West Union Rd. in Hillsboro Nov. 24-Dec.25, Mon.-Fri., 10:00-dark; Sat.-Sun., 9:00-dark Contact: (503) 647-5288, furrowfarm@gmail.com Website: furrowfarm.com n Black Angus Farms: 4-grain feed, livestock feed & Black Angus meat Astoria Farmers Market Ranch at 49552 NW Pongrate Rd. in Banks All year, Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 324-1811, bylocal@blackangus-farms.com Website: blackangus-farms.com Bushue’s Family Farm Market: Pumpkins, bedding plants & nursery stock Stand at 9880 SE Revenue Rd. in Boring Oct., Wed.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 663-6709, hbushue@comcast.net n Columbia Farms: Pumpkins, seasonal produce & flowers Farm at 21024 NW Gillihan Rd. in Sauvie Island June-Oct., fall: Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 621-3909 n Dairy Creek Farm & Produce: Pumpkins, CSA memberships & seasonal produce Stand at 23295 NW Hwy. 47 in Buxton Mid June-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 324-7819, dd@dairycreekfarm.com Website: dairycreekfarm.com n Dinihanian’s Farm Market: Pears, apples, free-range chicken eggs, onions, squash, beans, potatoes, carrots, herbs & more seasonal produce Stand at 15005 NW Cornell Rd. in Beaverton Oct., Wed.-Sun., Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: csainfo@yourcsa.com Website: yourcsa.com Duyck Family Farm: Walnuts, tree fruits & seasonal produce Stand at SW Tualatin Valley Hwy. & SW 331 St. in Hillsboro Aug.-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 8 G. M. Farm: Seasonal produce, honey Farm at 15330 NW Sauvie Island Rd. in Portland July 15-Oct. 31, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 621-3177 Giusto Farms: Potatoes, squash & more seasonal produce Stand at 3518 NE 162nd Ave. in Portland Mid July-mid Feb., Mon.-Sat., winter: 10:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 253-0271 Heiser Farms: Pumpkin patch, petting zoo, corn & hay mazes, hay rides Farm at 20900 Grand Island Loop in Dayton Oct., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 868-7512, john@heiserfarms.com n Hippocrates Secrets Health Foods (B&B Ranch): Grass-fed beef & health food store Store at 19142 S Molalla Ave. in Oregon City All year, Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 632-3445, dave11@bctonline.com Joe Casale & Sons: Onions, flowers & more seasonal produce Farm at 13116 NE Denbrook Rd. in Aurora July 6-Oct. 29, Mon.-Sat., 9:00- 6:00 Contact: (503) 678-0291 Karam Farm and Garden: Pumpkins, beans & more seasonal produce Farm at 16408 S Hattan Rd. in Oregon City June-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 793-0663, karamfarmandgarden@gmail.com n O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Kruger’s Farm: Farm stand & events Stand at 17100 NW Sauvie Island Rd. in Portland May-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-8:00 Contact: (503) 621-3489 Website: krugersfarm.com Nobles Only: U-cut Christmas trees & wreaths Farm at 18240 NW Dixie Mt. Rd. in North Plains Nov. 26-Dec. 24, 7 days, 8:00-4:00 Contact: (503) 647-7625 Website: noblesonly.tripod.com n L Bar T Bison Ranch: Buffalo ranch, meat & more Ranch at 43465 SW Hiatt Rd. in Forest Grove All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-4:00 Contact: (503) 357-5141, tom@efnursery.com Oregon Brooks Prunes: Oregon brooks dried prunes & misc. bulk dry food Farm at 21070 SW Tile Flat Rd. in Beaverton All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-4:00 Contact: (503) 628-0703 Lakeview Farms: Pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bales, gifts, corn maze, sternwheeler & train rides Farm at 32055 NW North Ave. in North Plains End of Sept.-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 647-2336 Website: thelakeviewfarms.com n Lamon Bee Acres: Honey, bulk bees wax & bees wax candles Gresham Farmers Market Farm at 31833 SE Kelso Rd. in Boring All year, Mon.-Sat., 11:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 348-2119, lamonbeeacres@gmail.com Marquam Meadows Fruit Co.: U-pick, we-pick apples; eggs & farm-raised poultry Silverton Farmers Market Stand at 9924 Marquam Circle in Molalla Aug.-Nov., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: (503) 829-5047, sjkirk@molalla.net Website: marquammeadowsfruit.com Mike & Debbie’s Produce: Pumpkins, winter squash, fall décor, carrots, onions, potatoes & more seasonal produce Stand at 2330 NW Cornelius-Schefflin Rd. in Cornelius June-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 359-4739, duyckfarm@juno.com n Mountain Meadow Honey: Honey Oregon City Farmers Market May-Oct., Sat., 9:00-2:00; Wed. 3:00-7:00 Contact: (503) 824-3456, mtmeadow@colton.com Mountainside Herbal Nursery: Herb & vegetable starts, fresh & dried lavender, in-shell hazelnuts & walnuts Hillsboro, OHSU, Orenco, Sherwood, Tigard Farmers Markets May-Oct., Mon.-Fri., 9:00-4:00 Contact: (503) 709-6947, jko452@aol.com Website: mountainsideherbalnursery.com Searchable guide at oregonfb.org PORTLAND METRO Bernards Farm: Winter squash, seasonal produce, bedding plants & more McMinnville Farmers Market Farm at 18755 SW Hwy. 18 in McMinnville April-Oct., 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 472-4933, mjbernards@onlinemac.com Website: bernardsfarm.com Oregon Heritage Farms: Apples, cider, produce, pumpkins & more, Applefest 2nd Sat. in Oct. Stand at 22801 SW Scholls Ferry Rd. in Hillsboro Late Aug.-mid Nov., 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 628-2775 Website: oregonheritagefarms.com n Oregon Walnuts: Walnuts shelled, half & full-pound bags Portland/PSU Farmers Market April-Dec., Sat. Contact: (503) 628-2798 Oswego Hills Winery: Large variety of wine Winery at 450 Rosemont Rd. in West Linn All year, Sundays & 3-day holiday weekends, 12:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 655-2599, jerrymarshall@comcast.net Website: oswegohills.com n Patchwork Farm & Nursery: Horse boarding & blueberry plant nursery Farm at 5750 SW River Rd. in Hillsboro Call for appt. Contact: (503) 642-9297 Pete’s Mountain Alpacas: Alpacas as breeding stock & fiber animals, sweaters, hats, scarves & yarn McMinnville Farmers Market Ranch & store at 18100 S Hwy. 99 W in Amity All year, Fri.-Sat., 10:00-4:00 Contact: (503) 835-6220, mihnos1@aol.com Website: oregonalpacas.com Plumper Pumpkin Patch & Tree Farm: Pumpkins, winter squash, corn, apple cider, hayrides, animals, mazes, Christmas trees, wreaths & Santa Claus Farm at 11435 NW Old Cornelius Pass Rd. in Portland Pumpkins: Sept. 19-Oct. 31, 7 days, 9:00-5:30 Christmas trees: Nov. 26-Dec. 24, Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 645-9561, jim@plumperpumpkins.com Website: plumperpumpkins.com n n 9 PORTLAND METRO Pressly’s Hill Top Farm: U-cut Christmas trees Farm at 2800 NW Dorland Rd. in North Plains Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 381-5462, mrpressly@msn.com n Pumpkin Patch: Pumpkin patch, maze & seasonal produce Farm located at 16511 NW Gillihan Rd. on Sauvie Island June-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 621-3874, info@thepumpkinpatch.com Website: thepumpkinpatch.com n Pure Pork: Naturally raised pigs & pork Farm at 45305 SE Marmot Rd. in Sandy All year, 7 days, call first Contact: (503) 720-8992, sales@purepork.net Website: purepork.net Quail Creek Ranch Christmas Trees: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees & wreaths Farm at 9949 NW Kaiser Rd. in Portland Nov. 25–Dec. 25, Fri.-Sun., 8:30-5:00 Contact: (503) 629-5464, qcrxtrees@comcast.net Website: qcrxtrees.com n R. K. Farms: U-pick walnuts Farm at 20707 Hwy. 99 E in Aurora Oct.-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 678-5641 Sauvie Island Lavender Farm: U-cut lavender, dried lavender bundles, dried lavender buds, culinary lavender, lavender plants, lavender products; U-pick grapes Farm at 20230 NW Sauvie Island Rd. in Portland May-Oct., Tues.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 577-6565, admin@sauvieislandlavenderfarm.com Website: sauvieislandlavenderfarm.com Schmidlin Farms: Christmas trees Farm at 44101 NW Woollen Rd. in Banks Nov. 26–Dec. 23, 7 days, 9:00-dusk Website: schmidlinfarms.com n Sherwood Orchards: U-pick apples, pears, quince & honey Farm at 23995 SW Pacific Hwy. in Sherwood July-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 (call first) Contact: (503) 625-7705, mail@sherwoodorchards.com Website: sherwoodorchards.com 10 Soggy Feet Enterprises: Grass-fed & finished locker beef, haylage (grass, red clover, oats), dry hay (grass, alfalfa) Ranch at 13831 NW Charlton Rd. in Portland All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-8:00 Contact: (503) 522-7168, soggyfeetfarms@msn.com Website: soggyfeetenterprises.com Spiesschaert Farms: Pumpkins, gourds, squash, carrots, sunflowers, beans & more seasonal produce Stand at 42440 NW Purdin Rd. in Forest Grove Aug.-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 12:00-dusk Contact: (971) 235-2845, fgvikings23@yahoo.com n Starr U-Pick Farm: Winter squash & more seasonal produce Farm at 8330 SW River Rd. in Hillsboro July- Oct., 7 days, daylight to dark Contact: (503) 642-2024, cklstarr12@verizon.net $700,000 Sturm’s Berry Farm: Jams & syrups Lents, Manzanita, Parkrose, Tillamook Farmers Markets June-Oct., 9:00-3:00 Contact: (503) 695-2743 Website: sturmsberryfarm.com Swan Estate: U-pick, we-pick juice grapes, apples, pears & wine Stand & u-pick at 33443 S Sawtell Rd. in Molalla June-Oct. or Nov., 7 days, call for times Contact: (503) 829-9019, terryswan@hotmail.com n The Barn (Trapold Farms): Pumpkins, fall décor, orchard fruits, squash & more seasonal produce Stand at 5211 NE 148th Ave. in Portland June-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 253-5103 n Thompson Farms: Pumpkins, seasonal produce, Christmas trees & flowers Stand at 12405 SE 242nd Ave. in Damascus Stand at corner of Hoffman & Pioneer Blvd. in Sandy June-Dec., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 658-4640 n n TNT Nursery: Christmas trees, retail & wholesale Nursery at 4135 NE Laurelhurst Pl. in Portland Nov. 15- Dec., 7 days, 10:00-7:00 Contact: (503) 238-0404, hagetnt@msn.com n Twigg Farms: Orchard grass hay & alfalfa hay Stand at 31500 SW Firdale Rd. in Cornelius All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 936-6861, twiggfarm@aol.com Website: twiggfarms.com O r e g on ’ s B oun t y Fall Harvest Guide $70,000 Find more value. Owning an exotic car that goes zero to sixty in a heartbeat would no doubt be exhilarating. For that same feeling on a grander level, you could use a fraction of those dollars to give hundreds of kids the educational support they need to really accelerate. The Oregon Community Foundation can help you create a charitable fund for the causes you care most about. Learn more at 503.227.6846 or visit us at www.oregoncf.org. Verna Jean Nursery: Small ornamental trees: Japanese maple, dogwood, magnolia, beech, monkey puzzle. Small to large, landscape-ready trees. Nursery at 8325 SE Altman Rd. in Gresham All year, call for appt. Contact: (503) 663-4486, sales@vernajeannursery.com Website: vernajeannursery.com Winters Farm: Seasonal produce, herbs, honey, flowers & jams Beaverton, Fairview, Portland Farmers Markets April-Dec., Thurs.-Sat., 8:00-8:30 Contact: (503) 970-4719, marvenw@wintersfarm.com PORTLAND METRO W ILLA M ETTE VALLE Y Open thru October/November/ December/year-round Across My Heart Miniature Horses: AMHA/AMHR mini ature Appaloosa horses; lessons for horses & handler Ranch at 9760 S Alder Creek Ln. in Canby All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-9:00 (call for appt.) Contact: (503) 266-3955, kandm@canby.com Website: acrossmyheart.com Adair’s Orchards: Apples, pears, Asian pears, honey, flowers, nuts & more seasonal produce Farm at 36452 Hwy. 226 SE in Albany June-Dec., 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 928-6606, abh_adair_2596@msn.com Aragon Alpacas: Alpaca yarn, roving & fleece for spinning & felting, alpaca sales, boarding, breeding & education Ranch at 33005 Dillard Rd. in Eugene All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00 (call for appt.) Contact: (541) 912-0782, ann@aragonalpacas.com Website: aragonalpacas.com Arbutus Garden Arts: Japanese maples, dwarf conifers & garden display Nursery at 24639 NW Gerrish Valley Rd. in Yamhill Mar.-Oct., Sat.-Sun., 11:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 662-3704, jaczav@europa.com Website: arbutusgarden.com 12 Arcane Cellars at Wheatland Winery: Pacific NW wines Winery at 22350 Magness Road NW in Salem All year, Sat.-Sun., 12:00-4:00 Contact: (503) 868-7076, jeff@arcanecellars.com Website: arcanecellars.com n Brooks Gardens: Bareroot & potted peonies Farm at 6219 Topaz St. NE in Brooks Call for avail. Contact: (503) 393-7999, brooksgardens@gmail.com Website: brooksgardens.com Carol’s Rocky Acres Ranch: Pasture-fed beef, lamb, pork & horse boarding Ranch in Salem All year, 7 days, 6:00-9:00 Contact: (503) 749-1827 B&P Hitz Fruit Farm: Walnuts, pears, apples & more seasonal produce Stand located 2 mi. east of Woodburn on Hwy. 214 11 mos., Tues.-Sun., 1:30-5:30 Contact: (503) 982-9307 Buona Terra Farm: Organic seasonal produce & fruit, free-range brown eggs Stand at 10307 Whiteaker Rd. in Dallas All year, 7 days, 7:00-7:00 Cascade Buffalo Ranch: Buffalo meat by the pound or package Salem Saturday Market Ranch at 11320 Waldo Hills Dr. SE in Salem All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: (800) 381-4779, sales@cascadebuffalo.com Website: cascadebuffalo.com Bauman’s Farm & Garden: Pumpkin patch, apples, pears, squash & more seasonal produce Stand at 12989 Howell Prairie Rd. in Gervais All year, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00 (winter closed at 5:00); Sat., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 792-3524, baumans@baumanfarms.com Website: baumanfarms.com n Binkley Ranch: Beef, pork, goat, lamb & Muscovy ducks Ranch at 7864 Olney St. SE in Salem All year, 7 days, call for avail. Contact: (503) 749-1827, mc78bink@aol.com Block Brothers Cattle Co.: Locker beef, grass fed, corn finished, no antibiotics or hormones; quarters, halves, whole Ranch at 18755 Zielinski Rd. in Sheridan All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: (503) 871-3247, blockbrothers@gmail.com Blue Acres: Frozen blueberries, strawberries, marionberries & blackberries; seasonal produce McMinnville Saturday Market Stand at 391 N Scott St. in Carlton All year, 7 days, dawn-dusk Contact: (503) 852-6221, blue_acres@yahoo.com Blue Raeven Farms: Seasonal produce, baked goods, jams, syrups & more Stand at 20650 S Hwy. 99W in Amity All year, Tues.-Sun., 6:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 835-0740, blueraeven@cs.com Bridgeport Gardens: Organic seasonal produce, raw honey, Nichols seed, worm composters, organic grass/clover hay & gifts Stand at 16385 Bridgeport Rd. in Dallas All year; Mon.-Fri., 10:00-7:00; Sat., 9:00-5:00; Sun., 1:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 623-6522, bridgeportgardens@yahoo.com O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide BTN of Oregon: Christmas trees Farm at 7544 Jordan St. SE in Salem Nov. 26-Dec. 23, 8:00-5:00 (daylight) n Bush’s Fern View Farms: Pumpkins, apples, hazelnuts, apple cider, winter squash, gourds & more seasonal produce Stand at 90536 Territorial Rd. in Junction City June-Oct., 7 days, 11:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 935-4083 C.W. Baggenstos Tree Farm: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees, wagon rides; pumpkin patch, corn maze & haunted house at 23707 NW Dairy Crk. Rd. in North Plains Farm at 20200 NW Murphy Rd. in North Plains Oct.-Dec., Fri.-Sun., 9:00-dusk Contact: (503) 648-8011, chuckbag1@aol.com Website: cwbaggenstostreefarm.com n n Willamette Valley willamette valley Usher’s Tree Farm: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees: Noble & Douglas Fir, Blue & Norwegian Spruce & Scotch Pine Farm at 27252 S. Pelican Ct. in Canby Nov. 25-Dec. 23, 7 days, dawn-dusk Contact: (503) 266-2485, kusher@canby.com Website: usherstreefarm.com n Cloudrun Farm: Seasonal produce Corvallis Farmers Market Aug.-fall, Wed. & Sat., 9:00-12:00 Cox Creek Nursery & Produce: Pumpkins, beans, herbs, baked goods & more seasonal produce Stand at 35500 Kennel Rd. SE in Albany Mid July-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-dusk Contact: (541) 926-7500 n Daiker & Sons Angus: Black Angus bulls & heifers, beef Ranch at 19305 S. Unger Rd. in Beavercreek All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 (call for appt.) Contact: (503) 632-6873, stevenpangus@hotmail.com Buy from a farmer, or try these winter markets Most farmers markets close in mid-fall, but there are a few open into the winter months. Visit oregonfarmersmarkets.org for locations and times. •Lane County Farmers Market (thru Nov. & dates in Feb.) •McMinnville Public Market (yearround) •Salem Public Market (year-round) •Wellspring Saturday Marketplace in Woodburn (thru Dec.) •Beaverton Farmers Market (thru Nov. 19) •Oregon City Winter Market (Nov.-April) •Hillsdale Farmers Market (year-round) •Lloyd Farmers Market in Portland (year-round) Searchable guide at oregonfb.org •Peoples Farmers Market (year-round) •PSU Farmers Market (thru Dec.) •Ashland Tuesday Market (thru Nov. 22) •Grants Pass Growers Market (thru Dec. 17) •Rogue Valley Growers Market (thru Nov. 17) •Albany Farmers Market (thru Nov. 19) •Corvallis Saturday Market (thru Nov. 19) •Corvallis Wednesday Market (thru Nov. 23) •Creswell Farmers Market (thru Dec. 20) 13 Del’s Japanese Maples: Japanese maples Nursery at 30050 Heather Oak Dr. in Junction City All year, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 998-6753 Detering Orchards: Pumpkins, fall décor, apples, apple cider, Apple Daze 1st Sat. of Oct., wagon rides on Oct. weekends, school tours; brooks prunes, winter squash & more seasonal produce Farm at 30946 Wyatt Dr. in Harrisburg June-Dec., 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 995-6341, deteringorchards@aol.com Website: deteringorchards.com n Drakes Crossing Nursery: U-cut Christmas trees Farm at 1700 Silver Falls Dr. NE in Silverton Nov. 26 – Dec. 24 Sat.-Sun. or by appt., 9:00-dusk Contact: (503) 873-4932 Website: hupptreefarm.com n Eggers Acres: Walnuts & hazelnuts in Nov. Stand at 20040 NE Trunk Rd. in Dundee Nov.-Aug., 7 days, daylight hours (self service) Contact: (503) 538-5496, meggers2@verizon.net Evans Farms: Ornamental nursery stock & garden center Nursery at .5 mile off Leland Rd., south of Oregon City on S Hwy. 213 All year, Mon.-Sat. 8:00-6:00, Sun. 10:00-5:00 E.Z. Orchards: Fall harvest festival with pumpkins, corn maze, school tours, petting zoo, pears, herb plants, squash, nuts & seasonal produce Stand & nursery at 5504 Hazel Green Rd. NE in Salem All year, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00; Sat., 9:00-5:00; last 3 Suns. in Oct. Contact: (503) 393-1506 Website: ezorchards.com n Farmer John’s Produce & Nursery: Pumpkins, corn maze & hayrides in Oct. Beans, winter squashes, sunflowers & more seasonal produce Farm at 15000 SW Oldsville Rd. in McMinnville May-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 474-3514 Website: farmerjohnsproduce.com n 14 Farrier Farms: Honey Stand at 4284 Jefferson-Marion Rd. in Jefferson All year, 7 days, daylight hours Contact: (541) 327-2673 Granny’s Gardens: Bedding plants, squash, onions & more seasonal produce Stand at 13160 S. Pacific Hwy. in Monmouth April-Oct., 7 days, daylight J. Kuschnick Farms: Natural brown eggs Stand at 8000 Stratford Dr. NE in Brooks All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-8:00 Contact: (503) 792-4235, jkspray@xpressdata.net Fawn Meadow: Containerized shade, flowering & ornamental trees, shrubs, emerald green arborvitae & boxwood in all sizes. Landscape design & delivery. Nursery at 40780 24th St. in Lyons All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 580-5852 Website: fawnmeadowfarm.com Green Gate Farm: Eggs, apples, pears & more seasonal produce Stand at 3085 NE Garden Ave. in Corvallis Feb.-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-9:00 Contact: (541) 757-8347, maryeichler@juno.com Janzen Farms: Christmas trees & wreaths Farm at 11460 SE Eola Hills Rd. in Amity Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 10:00-7:00 or dark Contact: (503) 835-3008, janzen@afo.net Website: janzenfarms.com n Greens Bridge Gardens: Pumpkins, carrots, potatoes, winter squash, wheat, apples, pears, grapes & more seasonal produce Farm at 3730 Jefferson-Scio Dr. in Jefferson May-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 327-2995, gbgardens@hotmail.com Website: greensbridgegardens.com n Joe Casale & Sons: Seasonal produce Farm at 13116 NE Denbrook Rd. in Aurora July 6-Oct. 29, Mon.-Sat., 9:00- 6:00 Contact: (503) 678-0291 Fordyce Farm: Pumpkins, seasonal produce & flowers Farm at 7023 Sunnyview Rd. NE in Salem June-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 362-5105, rrsfordyce@aol.com n Fort Noel Christmas Trees: Christmas trees Stand at Circle Blvd. Safeway in Corvallis Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-8:00 Contact: (541) 602-6526, garyhorton@hotmail.com n French Prairie Gardens: Fall festival, pumpkins, hay rides & seasonal produce Stand at 17673 French Prairie Rd. in St. Paul April-Nov., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 633-8445, info@fpgardens.com Website: fpgardens.com n Fresh To You Produce & Garden Center: Pumpkin patch, Christmas wreaths, produce, nursery, jams, syrups, cheese, nuts & gifts Stand at 41639 Stayton Scio Rd. in Stayton All year, 7 days; May-Dec., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00, Sun., 11:00-3:00 Contact: (503) 769-9682, ftyp@wvi.com Website: ftyp.com n n Gramma’s Farm Market: Pumpkins, birdseed & seasonal produce Stand at 17795 SW Scholls-Sherwood Rd. in Sherwood May-Oct., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 625-3312 Website: gotbirdseed.com n Grandpa’s Fresh Market: Pumpkin patch, seasonal produce & baked goods Farm at 36483 Hwy. 226 SE in Albany June-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 8:30-7:00 Contact: (541) 928-8778, mcccacmc@aol.com n O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Hammelman Farms: Dried & preserved florals Farm at 14477 Dominic Rd. NE in Mt. Angel All year, Mon.-Fri., 8:00-3:00 Contact: (800) 884-4730, bernadette@hammelmans.com Website: hammelmans.com Hari Nursery: Conifers, maples & ornamentals Nursery at 7793 Silverton Rd. NE in Salem All year, Mon.-Sat., 7:30-4:30 Contact: (503) 580-3935, info@harinursery.com Website: harinursery.com Harmony Jack Farms: Organic, grass-fed beef, goat, turkey & chicken for direct sale (retail & restaurants); aerated compost & compost tea All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 910-5690, awestl1@aol.com Website: harmonyjackfarms.com Herrick Farms: Pumpkin patch & seasonal produce Stand at 88088 Millican Rd. in Springfield May-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 741-1046, vpjbears@worldnet.att.net n Hunt’s Hazelnuts: Flavored & candy-coated hazelnuts, diced nuts, flour, pancake mix, butters, syrup, other nuts, flowers & seasonal produce Salem Public Market Stand at 1240 Rural Ave. SE in Salem All year, Sat., 8:00-2:00 Contact: (503) 393-4232, pihunt@juno.com Website: huntshazelnuts.com Searchable guide at oregonfb.org Johnson Brothers Greenhouse: Shrubs, trees, vines, annual bedding plants, perennials & herbs, poinsettias, indoor plants, citrus & tropical edibles, gifts & seasonal events Greenhouse at 91444 Coburg Rd. in Eugene All year, Mon.-Sat, 9:00-5:00; Sun., 11:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 484-1649, jbghinfo@gmail.com Website: jbgreenhouses.com Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Damascus Fancy Plants Garden Center: Ornamental maples, grafted fancy plants, broadleafs, conifers, perennials & grasses Stand at 11750 SE 242nd Ave. in Damascus All year, 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 849-1701 Johnson Farms: Seasonal produce Stand at 89733 Armitage Rd. in Eugene June-Nov., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 343-9594, sande.johnson@gmail.com Jones Farm Produce: Pumpkins, apples, pears, grapes, winter squash, herbs, jams & more seasonal produce Stand at 10325 River Rd. NE in Salem May-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 393-9451, jonesfarmproduce@msn.com n Kenagy Family Farm: U-pick, we-pick pumpkin patch, gourds, squash, Indian corn & broom corn Farm at 1640 Nebergall Loop Rd. in Albany Oct., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: (541) 926-8038, kenagy@proaxis.com n Landgren Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees: Noble, Nordmann & Grand Fir; wreaths Farm at 32600 Church Rd. in Warren Nov.-Dec., weekends, 10:00-4:00 Contact: (503) 439-8340, cs.landgren@gmail.com Website: landgrentrees.com n Lone Pine Farms: Seasonal produce, playground, goat barn & walk, cow-train rides, hay rides & corn maze Stand at 92019 River Rd. in Junction City May-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-7:00 Contact: (541) 688-4389, lpffarms@aol.com n 15 Member Benefits Save big with Farm Bureau How to access your benefits: Farm Bureau members receive information on how to access their benefits when they get their membership card. You also can find discount codes, phone numbers, and instructions on the members-only website at ofbinfo.org (register with your nine-digit OFB membership number) or by contacting OFB at (800) 334-OFBF (6323) or melissa@oregonfb.org. COUNTRY Financial offers insurance for auto, farm, home, life, crop, identity theft coverage, and more. Country’s insurance and other services are available exclusively to Farm Bureau members. Call (888) 211-2555 or visit countryfinancial.com. Members that activate a new satellite Internet account with HughesNet will receive 10% off monthly service fees. Three levels of service plans are available. At Grainger, Farm Bureau members are eligible for a 10% to 50% discount on many purchases, from power tools to hardware to material-handling supplies. Delivery is free for orders made online at grainger.com. While on a trip in the United States or abroad, Farm Bureau members can save 20% at 5,000 Choice Hotels, including Sleep, Comfort, Clarion, Cambria, Suburban, EconoLodge, Mainstay, Quality, and Rodeway hotels. The Wyndham Hotels program offers a 20% discount off the best available rate at 6,400 hotels worldwide, including AmeriHost Inn, Baymont, Days Inn, Hawthorn, Howard Johnson, Knights Inn, Microtel, Ramada, Super 8, Travelodge, Wingate, and Wyndham hotels. If you want reliable mobility on your next vacation, remember that Farm Bureau members can receive up to 20% off the cost of car rentals through either Avis or Budget. Also get a 15% discount on Budget Truck rentals. The OFB Prescription Discount Program gives an average savings of 30% (and up to 75%) on brand and generic prescription drugs at 551 pharmacies in Oregon. There is no red tape and everyone is eligible. Through the T-Mobile program, Farm Bureau members can save 12% on recurring monthly charges, get a waiver of the $35 activation fee, enjoy free two-day shipping, and receive quarterly discount promotions. Look great and save money; Farm Bureau members can save 10% on quality clothing from Lands’ End Business Outfitters and can get a discount on an optional Oregon Farm Bureau logo. No minimum order is required. Especially for Farm Bureau members, AmeriGas gives a 5-cents-per-gallon discount on propane. Customers are eligible for an automatic delivery option, 24/7 emergency service, and a variety of payment programs. ClearValue Hearing: Save up to 25% off on Starkey Hearing Aids and access significant savings on other hearing healthcare needs, including ear protection and ear molds from Westone EarMold Laboratories. Life Line Screening: Take advantage of mobile health screenings at a reduced price. Four types of painless, quick, non-invasive screenings seek out the potential for strokes, aneurysms, and other vascular diseases before they become life-threatening. More discounts are available from the PacificSource Dental Plan; Farm Employer Education & Legal Defense Service, to help ag employers avoid costly labor mistakes; Joe Hobson, Attorney at Law; FoodHub, an online marketplace for wholesale food sellers and buyers; Farm Bureau Bank; FB Apparel; OFB Theft Recovery Plan; and the AgriPlan/BizPlan tax deduction program. Learn more at ofbinfo.org. Benefits are subject to change without notice. McKenzie Alpaca Breeders: Alpacas for pets & breeding stock, fleece, yarn & knitwear Ranch at 37730 Worth Rd. in Springfield All year, 7 days, 10:00-5:00 (call for appt.) Contact: (541) 988-0885, alpacas@nu-world.com Website: listed on alpacanation.com Midway Farms: Milk, eggs, seasonal produce, herbs, jams, jellies, gluten-free products, lotions, soaps, garden art, meats, handmade toys, cards & more Stand at 6980 NW Hwy. 20 in Albany All year, 7 days, Mon.-Sat., 10-6; Sun., 10-4 Contact: info@midwayfarmsoregon.com Website: midwayfarmsoregon.com Morning Glory Farm: Organic seasonal produce, honey, jams, eggs, herbs & more Stand at 19540 Hwy. 126 in Walton All year, 7 days Contact: (541) 935-4093 Facebook: Morning Glory Farm & Espresso Muddy Mountain Farms: Natural, grain-fed pork Farm at 18995 NE Williamson Rd. in Newberg All year, Sat.-Mon., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 538-7380, tim@breedingconstruction.us Northern Lights Christmas Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees, pumpkin patch, farm animals, hayrides, group tours & more Farm at 36777 Wheeler Rd. in Pleasant Hill Oct.-Dec., 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 746-5161, labschutte@aol.com Website: northernlightschristmastreefarm.com n n Oak Park Farms/ Stems & Stuff: Wreaths, flowers & grass seed Open house on first Fri. & Sat. of December. Farm at 31310 Peoria Rd. in Shedd Contact: (541) 936-0074, stems@alyrica.net Oakhill Organics: Seasonal produce McMinnville Farmers Market Market at 18705 SE Upper Island Rd. in Dayton June-mid Oct. Website: oakhillorganics.org 18 Oakley Farm: Seasonal produce & flowers Stand at 35401 Santiam Hwy. SE in Albany Aug.-frost, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 451-2196 Patton’s Country Gardens: Florist shop, nursery, u-pick or we-pick seasonal produce Farm at 80432 Delight Valley School Rd. in Cottage Grove July-Oct., Tues.-Sat., 10:00-5:00; Sun., 12:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 942-7672 Pearmine Farms: Pumpkins, ornamental & edible gourds & ornamental corn. Pumpkin patch & corn maze with proceeds going to Farmers Ending Hunger & Marion Polk Food Share Farm at 12223 River Rd. NE in Gervais Oct., 7 days, 10:30-6:00 Contact: (503) 409-8954, pearminefarms@meritel.net Website: pearminefarms.com n Peoria Road Farm Market: Pumpkin, pumpkin patch rides, fall décor, apples & seasonal produce Stand at 33269 Peoria Rd. in Corvallis May-Nov., 7 days, 8:30-6:30 Contact: (541) 207-3327 n Perfection Farms: Jams, jellies, canned vegetable products, arts, crafts & event space Sherwood Farmers Market Farm at 24835 SW Labrousse Rd. in Sherwood Seasonal, Tues.-Sun., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 880-9779, perfectionfarmsore.com Website: perfectionfarmsore.com Peters Farms: Pumpkins, squash, whole wheat flour, culinary herbs & more seasonal produce Stand at 1584 SW Levens St. in Dallas July-Oct., 7 days, daylight Website: petersproduce.blogspot.com n Piluso Vineyard & Winery: Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Dolcette, Blanc de Noir, Marechal Foch, ice wine & port. 3-day event on Thanksgiving Winery at 6654 Shaw Hwy. SE in Aumsville April-Dec., weekends, 11:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 749-4125, pilusovineyard@pilusowines.com Website: pilusowines.com n Pleasant Hill Orchard: Apples, filberts, pears & more seasonal produce Lane Co., Eugene Farmers Markets Stand at 35031 Fremont Ave. in Eugene June-Dec., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:00 O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide PumpkinFest: Pumpkins, corn maze, hay rides, tube slide, cow train & more Farm at 33814 S Meridian Road in Woodburn Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Corn Maze Haunting: Oct. 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 6:00-10:00 Contact: (800) 711-2006, iverson@monitorcoop.com Website: woodenshoe.com Follow us on Facebook. n Queener Fruit Farm: Apples, blackcurrant jam & spread, coulis, apple butter, cider, cider vinegar, apple cider syrup & seasonal produce Stand at 40385 Queener Dr. in Scio July-Dec., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-5:30 Contact: (503) 769-8965, pvdkfarm@wvi.com Rain Shadow El Rancho: Natural bison, chicken for meat & eggs, turkeys, rabbits & Shetland sheep Ranch at 40556 Providence Dr. in Scio All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-4:30 Contact: (541) 259-5006, rainshadowrancho@aol.com Website: rainshadowelrancho.com Rancho Tres Potrillos & Munoz Trees: Christmas trees, Andalusian, Friesian & Azteca horses Farm at 33280 S Sawtell Rd. in Molalla All year, 7 days, 9:00-8:00 (call first) Contact: (503) 829-2139, info@ranchotrespotrillos.com Website: ranchotrespotrillos.com n Red Prairie Ranch: Natural beef by the whole, half, or quarter; grass hay & highland brood stock Ranch at Red Prairie Rd. off Hwy. 18 in Sheridan All year Contact: (503) 843-7175, redprairieranch@yahoo.com Website: redprairieranch.com Rick Sonnen Farm: Pumpkins, apples, gourds, ornamental corn, onions, potatoes, squash & seasonal produce Salem Wed. Farmers Market Stand at 8644 Broadacres Rd. NE in Aurora June-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 982-9570, vic62376@yahoo.com n River Bend Farm: Hazelnuts, seasonal produce, jams, jellies, cheeses, beef, lamb & bakery goods Lane Co. Farmers Market Stand at 35027 Fremont Ave. in Eugene May-Dec., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:30 Contact: (541) 520-2561, a.pershern@comcast.net RLM Farms: Landscape plants Farm at 34590 SW Tongue Ln. in Corvallis All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 357-2725 Searchable guide at oregonfb.org Rosse Posse Acres: Elk ranch featuring elk meat sales, tours & gift shop Ranch at 32690 S Mathias Rd. in Molalla May-Oct., Sat., 10:00-5:00; Sun. 12:00-5:00; call for appt. Contact: (503) 829-7107, alan@rosseposseacres.com Website: rosseposseacres.com S&C Tree Farm: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees, treats & more Farm at 38980 S. Sawtell Rd. in Molalla Nov.-Dec., weekends Contact: (503) 829-9402, momclaire@molalla.net Website: sandctreefarm.com n Saginaw Farms Nursery: Perennials, shrubs & trees Coos Bay, Cottage Grove, Eugene Farmers Markets Greenhouse at 89260 Forest View in Elmira All year, Wed.-Mon., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 935-0105, saginawfarms@netscape.com Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Lost Valley Alpaca Ranch: Yarn, roving, raw fiber, breeding alpacas, pet alpacas & alpaca products Ranch at 81990 Lost Valley Ln. in Dexter All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 937-1343, lvar_alpacas@hotmail.com Website: alpacanation.com/lostvalley.asp Saginaw Vineyard: Tasting room, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Rose of Pinot Noir, Marechal Foch, Chardonnay, blueberry & blackberry wines, gifts & live music Fri., 6:00-9:00 Winery at 80247 Delight Valley School Rd. in Cottage Grove All year, 7 days, 11:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 942-1364, saginawvineyard@epud.net Website: saginawvineyard.com n Santiam River Ranch: USDA-inspected, lean beef Ranch at 13813 Westside Lane S in Jefferson All year, call for appt. Contact: (541) 730-5107 Santiam Valley Ranch: Warm water fish for pond stocking: largemouth bass, bluegill, crappie, pumpkinseed, bullhead catfish, channel catfish & mosquito fish Aquaculture facility at 6516 Hunsaker Rd. SE in Turner Call for appt. Contact: (503) 743-2931, kathybridges.santiamvalleyranch@gmail.com Website: fishsvr.com Scenic Hill Farm: Japanese maples, trees, shrubs, grasses & plants Nursery at 2820 Scenic Dr. NW in Albany Feb.-Dec. 15, Tues.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 990-6099, claussen@peak.org Schipporeit Christmas Tree Farm: Christmas trees Farm at 4455 27th Ave. SE in Salem Contact: shprite@aol.com n 19 Seki Farms: Pears, apples, grapes, herbs, cut flowers & more seasonal produce Stand at 5518 Hwy. 211 in Hubbard July-Jan., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-5:00 (call for avail.) Contact: (503) 634-2920, sekifarms@mac.com Select Seed: Grain for feed or planting Ranch at 14870 SW Bellevue Hwy. in McMinnville All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 (call ahead) Contact: (503) 835-3548, selectseed@onlinemac.com Springhill Organic Farm: Organic seasonal produce Beaverton, Corvallis, Portland Farmers Markets May-Nov., Sat., 8:00-1:30 SuDan Farm: USDA lamb (wholesale & retail), duck & chicken eggs, pastured turkeys & geese, pastured broilers & wool products Portland/PSU, Milwaukie Farmers Markets Farm at 32285 S Kropf Rd. in Canby All year, 7 days, call first Contact: (503) 651-5262, susdan@web-ster.com Website: oregonwool.com, tricountyfarm.com Sunbow Farm: Organic seasonal vegetables, fruits, grains & dry beans. Orders, pick-ups & deliveries available. Corvallis Farmers Market Farm at 6910 SW Plymouth Dr. in Corvallis All year, Mon.-Fri., 8:30-6:00 Contact: (541) 929-5782, sunbow@peak.org Website: sunbowfarm.org Sunnyview Farms: Pumpkins, carrots, potatoes, squash & more seasonal produce Farm at 5670 Sunnyview Rd. NE in Salem June-Oct., 7 days, 12:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 378-1723, shprite@aol.com n 20 Wet Rock Gardens: U-pick flowers & plants, nuts & produce Eugene, Lane Co. Farmers Markets Farm at 2877 N 19th St. in Springfield All year, 7 days, 5:00-10:00 (u-pick Oct., Sun.,Wed., Fri., 9:00-6:00) Contact: (541) 746-4444, gardens@wetrock.com Website: wetrock.com Woodland Meadows: Alpacas for sale, breeding & fleece sales Ranch at 31542 Camas Swale Rd. in Creswell All year, 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 895-0964, sherih@woodlandmeadows.com Website: woodlandmeadows.com T&P Farms: Flowers, herbs & apples Farm at 4925 Rockdale St. NE in Brooks June-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 393-1077, snofarmer@gmail.com Website: oregonfruitfarm.blogspot.com Willakenzie Lavender: Lavender products, alpaca apparel, blankets, rugs, yarn & décor Farm at 19700 NW Adcock Rd. in Yamhill Nov. 25-Dec. 18, Fri.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 662-4297, dlgorham@verizon.net Website: willakenzielavender.com C O LU M B IA G O R G E Tanglewood Timber Tree Farm: Sawmilling, custom cutting, wood products: burls, table slabs & all types of woods Farm at 2171 Pioneer Rd. in Dallas All year, 7 days, 7:00-7:00 Contact: (503) 623-2015, tanglewoodtimber@aol.com Website: tanglewoodtimber.com The Chick Inn: Hens, coops, chicken tractors & eggs Farm at 14580 Airlie Rd. in Monmouth All year, open house on Sat. 10:00-4:00, or by appt Contact: (503) 917-9968, the_chick_inn@yahoo.com Thistledown Farm: Pumpkin patch, rides & hay maze in Oct., farm animals & seasonal produce Stand at 91455 River Rd. in Junction City April 15-Nov. 2, 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 689-2019 Website: thistledownfarms.net n Turpen Family Farm: Eggs, onions, squash, beans & more seasonal produce Stand at 25354 Alsea-Deadwood Hwy. in Alsea All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: (541) 487-4418, turpenfarm@peak.org Valley Flower Garden: Pumpkins, herbs, vegetable plants, shaped shrubs, seasonal produce, Tillamook ice cream, & Christmas trees. Pony rides on Sat. 2:00-4:00 weather permitting. Stand at 6755 35th Ave NE in Keizer Mar.-Oct., Dec., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 463-5197, valleyflowergrdn@msn.com n n Vincent Woods Farm: Pumpkins, gourds, ornamental corn & items for fall decoration Farm at 6435 62nd Ave. NE in Salem Oct. 10-31, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00; Sat.-Sun. 10:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 393-0120 n O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Willamette Edge Nursery: Pumpkins, Gravenstein & Golden Delicious apples Stand at 6460 Corvallis Rd. in Independence July-Oct., Mon.-Fri., 8:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 843-3415, brownbrownme@msn.com n Willamette Valley Fruit Co.: Harvest festival, corn maze, pie, fresh & frozen fruit, baked goods Farm at 2994 82nd Ave. NE in Salem All year, Mon.-Fri., 7:00-6:00; Sat., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 362-8857, info@wvfco.com Website: wvfco.com n Willamette Valley Vineyards: Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling & seasonal events Vineyard at 8800 Enchanted Way SE in Turner All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 588-9463, info@w v v.com Website: w v v.com n Wine Country Farm: Chardonnay, Riesling, Mueler Thurgau, Pinot Noir & sparkling wine. Grape picking & wagon rides in fall. Country inn. McMinnville Farmers Market Vineyard at 6855 NE Breyman Orchards Rd. in Dayton All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 864-3446, jld@winecountryfarm.com Website: winecountryfarm.com n Wistful Mist Farm: Naturally raised, grass-fed beef All year, call for appt. Contact: (503) 706-2128, wistfulmistfarm@yahoo.com Website: wistfulmistfarm.com Wood Family Farm: Pork, beef & lamb Albany, Corvallis Farmers Markets Farm at 13184 Woodpecker Dr. SE in Turner All year, call for appt. Contact: (503) 769-5000, woodfamilyfarm@wvi.com Searchable guide at oregonfb.org Open thru October/ November/ December/year-round A & J Orchards: Pears, apples, direct & wholesale Gresham, Hood River Farmers Markets Farm at 4600 Kenwood Dr. in Hood River Sept.–Oct. 15, Tues.-Sun., 10:00-4:00; call after Oct. 15 Contact: (541) 386-1974, samasai@gorge.net Alice’s Orchard & Fruit Stand: U-pick tree fruit Farm at 1623 Orchard Rd. in Hood River Oct., Fri.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 386-5478, fruitstandken@aol.com Website: alicesorchard.com Cody Orchards: Pears, apples, conventional & organic seasonal vegetables, honey, canned fruit, jams, jellies, pies & cider Hood River, Gorge Grown Farmers Markets Stand at 3475 Graves Rd. in Hood River July-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 354-1085, codyorchards@hrecn.net Website: codyorchards.com Columbia Gorge Spring Creek Holly Farm: Christmas trees, cut holly, wreaths, swags & decorative greens Stand at 43111 McKenzie Hwy. in Leaburg Nov. -Dec., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 896-3473, dick@schf.com Website: springcreekhollyfarm.com n Sunrise Tree Farm: Christmas trees, wreaths, garland, tree maze, snow castle, store, petting zoo (1st 3 weekends), campfire & tours Farm at 24048 Maxfield Creek Rd. in Philomath Nov. 24-Dec. 25, Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 929-2289, sunrise@peak.org Website: sunrise-trees.com n Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Schlechter Farms: Pumpkins, onions, squash & seasonal produce Stand at 10143 86th Ave. NE in Salem Aug.-Oct., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: (503) 792-3328, jim@schelchterfarms.com Website: schlechterfarms.com n Joseph H. Hobson, Jr. Attorney at Law r Suite 700, Equitable Center 530 Center Street NE Salem, Oregon 97301 phone: 503-585-2236 Fax: 503-585-1006 21 Draper Girls Country Farm: Pears, apples; nonpasteurized apple, pear & cherry ciders. All natural lamb, goat, pork & beef. Farm at 6200 Hwy. 35 in Mt Hood All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 490-8113, draper.girls@yahoo.com Website: drapergirlscountryfarm.com Columbia Gorge Evans Fruit Stand: Seasonal fruits & vegetables Stand at 2416 E 2nd St. in The Dalles June-Oct., Sun.-Fri., 10:30-5:30 Contact: (541) 478-3309 Good Fortune Farms Alpacas: Alpacas for breeding, products & wool Ranch at 6385 Dee Hwy., Mt. Hood/Parkdale All year (call for appt.) Mid June-Oct., Thurs.-Sat., 11:00-4:00 Contact: (541) 352-7925, cccastle@gorge.net Website: goodfortunefarms.com Green Ridge Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees & wreaths Farm at 3715 Brown Creek Rd. in The Dalles Nov. 26- Dec. 24, 7 days, 9:00 to dusk Contact: (541) 296-3036, treefarm@qnectf.net n Renew your FB membership online Did you know that you can renew your Farm Bureau membership online at oregonfb.org? Just have your OFB #, member type, and a credit card ready. No more need to send in a check. For assistance or questions, contact us at (800) 334-6323 . 22 Moore Orchards: Apples, pears & seasonal vegetables Stand at 3017 Hwy. 35 in Hood River July-Nov., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: info@grandmamarysfruit.com Website: grandmamarysfruit.com Alpacas at Tucker Creek: Alpaca breeder Farm at 36281 Tucker Creek Lane in Astoria All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: (503) 325-5725, peggy@alpacadigest.com Website: alpacadigest.com Mt. View Orchards: Pumpkins, u-pick, we-pick apples, pears, cider, canned fruit, jams, honey, dried fruit, fudge, animals, play areas, hikes, tours & more Farm at 6670 Trout Creek Ridge Rd. in Parkdale July-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: (800) 529-6554, lylem@gorge.net Website: mtvieworchards.com n Don’s Waterfall Farms: Herbs & seasonal produce Tillamook Farmers Market Stand at 4940 Brickyard Rd. in Tillamook All year, 7 days, 12:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 815-8142, donswf@earthlink.net Website: donswaterfallfarms.com Polehn Farms: Potatoes, pears, seasonal produce, certified goat meat, jams, jellies & herbs The Dalles Farmers Market Stand at 5th & Union at the City Park in The Dalles Memorial Day-Columbus Day, Sat., 8:00-1:00 Contact: (541) 296-1813, polehnfarms@hotmail.com Sleepy Hollow Christmas Trees: Nobel Fir Christmas trees Farm at 243 E. Lakeside Dr. in Waldport Dec., weekends, 9:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 563-7778, phils@casco.net n Renken Farms: Harvest festival, pumpkin patch & seasonal produce The Dalles Farmers Market Farm at 3050 Three Mile Rd. in The Dalles Harvest Fest, Oct.15, 10:00-5:00 Oct. pumpkin patch, Sat. 10:00-6:00 & Sun.1:005:00; groups by appt. Contact: (541) 296-3024, renkenfarms@gmail.com n Sandoz Farm: Beef, pork, seasonal produce, fresh & dried flower, fall décor The Dalles Farmers Market Stand at 5810 Mill Creek Rd. in The Dalles June-Oct., Thurs.-Sun., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 296-6291, tsandoz@rdoequipment.com Smiley’s Red Barn: Apples, pears & preserves Stand at 2965 Ehrck Hill Road in Hood River July-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 386-5989, info@smileysredbarn.com Website: smileysredbarn.com The Gorge White House: Jams, sauces, artisan cheese, sausage, local wine, craft beer, grapes & pears Stand & winery at 2265 Hwy. 35 in Hood River Oct., Fri.-Mon., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 386-2828, info@thegorgewhitehouse.com Website: thegorgewhitehouse.com n O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Open thru October/ November/ December/year-round C E N TRAL O RE G O N Open thru October/ November/ December/year-round Breese Beef: 100% grass-fed beef Ranch at 5400 SE Ochoco Hwy. in Prineville All year, Mon.-Sat., call for appt. Contact: (541) 419-0169, jere@breesebeef.com Website: breesebeef.com Bridge Creek Bison: Bison calves & yearlings Ranch at 74963 Bridge Creek Ln. in Silver Lake April-Oct., Thurs.-Sat., 10:00-4:00 Contact: (541) 576-3532, bridgecreekranch@aol.com Website: bridgecreekranch.com Chotard Farms: Alfalfa hay, weiner pigs & slaughter hogs Ranch at 9227 NW Boise Dr. in Madras All year, 7 days, 7:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 475-3615, edchotard1@aol.com Fields Farm: Organic seasonal vegetables Bend Farmers Market Stand at 61915 Pettigrew Rd. in Bend June-Oct.; Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.; 9:00-5:00 Contact: fieldsfarmdeschutes@gmail.com Searchable guide at oregonfb.org Fisher Ranch: Pasture-raised & grass-finished lamb by the cut (hard frozen, USDA inspected), whole lambs for freezer; fleeces, roving, breeding stock (registered Targhees) & eggs Klamath Falls Farmers Market Ranch at 41837 Hwy. 62 in Chiloquin All year, 7 days, call for appt. Contact: (541) 281-0809, fisher.brett@centurytel.net Heart 7 Hay & Livestock: Hay & livestock Ranch at 2500 SW Stagecoach Lane in Terrebonne All year, 7 days, 5:00-8:00 Contact: (541) 548-7143, tom.kelley@hotmail.com Kimberly Orchards: U-pick, we-pick pears & apples Farm at junction of North Fork & John Day River in Kimberly Mid June-Oct., 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 934-2870, thomasorchards@excite.com Website: thomasorchards.com Leaning Pine: All natural, grass-fed beef & spring lambs Ranch at 53405 Pine Crest Ln. in La Pine All year, Mon.-Sat., 6:00-8:00 Contact: (541) 536-2891, halfcourthatcher@gmail.com Prineville Lavender: Dried lavender, lavender essential oil, lavender hydrosol, gifts, soap & culinary lavender Prineville Farmers Market Stand at 409 NE Short Lane in Prineville All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00, call ahead Contact: (541) 447-6217, prinevillelavender@gmail.com Remuda Ranch: Lean, grass-fed, grain-finished Piedmontese beef by whole, half, or quarter; calves, bulls & breeding stock Ranch at 14449 SW Hwy. 97 in Culver All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: (541) 546-6778, jnremuda@gmail.com T-Bone Hay & Cattle: Natural, grass-fed locker beef: whole, half, quarter, or by the cut Ranch at 3604 SW Park Ln. in Culver All year, call for appt. Contact: (541) 546-9446, tbonehayandcattle@yahoo.com Website: tbonehayandcattle.com Central Oregon Kiyokawa Family Orchards: Pumpkins, U-pick, we-pick apples, pears, Asian pears, winter squash, cider, potatoes, onions & seasonal vegetables Beaverton, Gorge Grown, Gresham, Montavilla, Lake Oswego, Parkrose, Hood River Farmers Markets Farm at 8129 Clear Creek Rd. in Parkdale Aug. 28-Dec. 31, 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 352-7115, info@mthoodfruit.com Website: mthoodfruit.com n O RE G O N C O AST Oregon Coast Kerslake Farms: Pumpkin patch Farm at 2028 SE Christensen Rd. in Corbett May-Oct., Tues.-Sun., 11:00-6:00 Contact: (503) 695-5473, kerslakelek88@aol.com n McCurdy Farms: Pears & apples Stand at 2080 Tucker Rd. in Hood River Sept.-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 386-1628, mcfarms@gorge.net 23 Taylor Farm: Breed stock sheep in Lincoln, Montadale, Natural Colored & Romeldale breeds. Hand-spun fleeces in ¼-pound and 1-pound packages. Dying available. Locker lambs. Farm at 246 NE McKay Dr. in Prineville All year, call for appt. Contact: (541) 447-7556, ktjones@crestviewcable.com S O UTHER N O RE G O N Open thru October/ November/ December/year-round B&K Natural Farm: Pasture-raised chickens & turkeys Farm at 158 Thomas Rd. in Sutherlin May-Dec., Fri.-Sun., 9:00-7:00 Contact: (541) 459-0830, kolson@oregonfcu.com Belweather Farm: Seasonal produce Klamath Falls Farmers Market May-Nov. Contact: (541) 539-0175, belweatherfarm@gmail.com Website: belweatherfarmdays.blogspot.com Caprice Vineyards & Rolling Hills Alpacas: Wine, apples, pears, seasonal vegetables & alpaca products Farm at 970 Old Stage Rd. in Central Point May-Dec., Thurs.-Sun., 11:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 499-0449, rollinghillsalpacas@yahoo.com n 24 Bradford Family Farm: Chickens, turkeys, rabbits, lambs, hogs & eggs Rogue Valley & Grants Pass Farmers Markets Ranch at 9100 W. Evans Creek Rd. in Rogue River 10 months, 7 days, 7:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 582-2487, hello@bradfordfamilyfarm.com Website: bradfordfamilyfarm.com Bridgeview Vineyards: Wine Vineyard at 4210 Holland Loop Rd. in Cave Junction All year, 7 days, 11:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 592-4688, bvw@bridgeviewwine.com Website: bridgeviewwine.com n Bunyard’s Barnyard: Culinary herbs, native plants, seasonal greens & cut herbs Umpqua Valley Farmers Market Nursery at 1201 Harlan St. in Roseburg Oct., by appt. Contact: (541) 672-9380, janice@bunyardsbarnyard.com Website: bunyardsbarnyard.com Combe Bros. & Sons Farm: Beef & grass hay Ranch at 6211 New Hope Rd. in Grants Pass All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 476-2812 Cron Produce: Pumpkin ride in Oct., seasonal vegetables & flowers Stand at 22995 Redwood Hwy. in Kerby Brookings, Gold Beach Farmers Markets July-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-8:00 Contact: (541) 660-7902 n Ediblearth: Organic salad mixes, cut culinary herbs & potted herb plants Klamath Falls Farmers Market Stand at 9th & Main in Klamath Falls June-Oct., Sat., 9:00-1:30 Contact: (541) 331-2392, ediblearth@yahoo.com Website: klamathfallsfarmersmarket.org Fir Meadow: Dairy goats, herbs, essential oils, herbal de-wormer & herbal livestock products Ranch at 5595 Kane Creek Rd. in Central Point Mar.-Nov., Mon.-Thurs., 1:00-4:00 Contact: (541) 855-2561, firmeadow@charter.act Website: firmeadow.com Fox Run Farm: Apples, cider, organic eggs, preserves & more seasonal produce Stand at 3842 W Main St. in Medford May-Dec., Tues.-Sun., 10:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 608-7886 O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Hillcrest Orchard: Pumpkins, apples, pears & wines Stand at 3285 Hillcrest Rd. in Medford Aug.-Jan., 7 days, 8:00-6:00; wine tasting 11:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 608-3898 x1, ashley@hillcrestorchard.com Website: hillcrestorchard.com n n Horse Motel 10 & Boarding: Board horses & sell pastureraised, grain-fed beef Ranch at 109 Miller Island Rd. in Klamath Falls All year, 7 days, 9:00-9:00 Contact: (541) 273-5528, tiptothewind@wmconnect.com Hubler Orchards: Figs, apples & pears Stand at 1841 Serenity Dr. in Medford Mid June-mid Nov., Mon.-Sat., 7:00-1:30 Contact: (541) 772-4809 JB-Ang: Hay & cattle Sprague River Farmers Market Ranch at 19355 Sprague River Rd. in Chiloquin All year, 7 days Kerbyville Farm: Pumpkins, seasonal garden produce, flowers, bakery & gifts Crescent City, Calif. Farmers Market Stand at 23790 Redwood Hwy. in Kerby June-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 592-2638, dale@cavenet.com n Kruse’s Farms: Pumpkin patch, corn maze, squash, alfalfa hay, apples, prunes, onions, carrots, turnips, rutabagas, more seasonal produce, baked goods & green house Stand at 532 Melrose Rd. in Roseburg April-Jan., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: (541) 672-5697, info@krusefarms.com Website: krusefarms.com n Liongate Farm: Navajo churro sheep, blue-faced Leicester sheep; meat & breeding stock; fiber, raw & washed; processed fiber: roving yarns, needle-felting supplies, crafts & classes Ranch at 14314 E Evans Creek Rd. in Rogue River All year, call for appt. Contact: (541) 582-2431, liongatefarm@msn.com Website: liongate.org Searchable guide at oregonfb.org Mountain Valley Gardens: Annual, perennial & vegetable starts, trees, shrubs & seasonal produce Klamath Falls Farmers Market Nursery at 4800 Washburn Way in Klamath Falls Feb.-Dec., 7 days, 8:00-dusk Contact: mvgardens@aol.com Peerless Produce: Squash & more seasonal produce Coos Bay Farmers Market Stand at Hwy. 101, 2500 block in Florence; Hwy. 101 & 2nd St. in Bandon July 15-Oct. 20, Tues. & Sat. Florence; Fri. Bandon; Wed. & Sun. Coos Bay; 9:00-3:00 Contact: (541) 784-1427, jakalee@charter.net Pennington Farms: Jam, fresh & frozen berries, baked goods Grants Pass, Medford & Ashland Farmers Markets Farm at 11341 Williams Hwy. in Grants Pass Mar.-Dec., Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00; Sun., 11:00-3:00 Contact: (541) 846-0550, pnnngtnj@aol.com Website: penningtonfarms.net Plaisance Ranch: Organic beef, wines, wine grape plants, organic hay & “Wine Down” May-Sept. last Friday of month Ranch at 16955 Water Gap Rd. in Williams Rogue Valley, Grants Pass & Williams Growers Markets All year, Wed.-Sun., 12:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 846-7175, info@plaisanceranch.com Website: plaisanceranch.com n Rogue Valley Quail & Feeder Mice: Quail eggs for human consumption, quail eggs for hatching, frozen & live cortunix quail and mice for animal food Ranch at 13794 Perry Rd. in Central Point All year, 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 826-1499, quailandmice@aol.com Website: quailandmice.com Rosella’s Vineyard: Red wines from Cabernet, Merlot & Zinfandel grapes Vineyard at 184 Missouri Flat Rd. in Grants Pass All year, Thurs.-Mon., 11:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 846-6372, sandig@peak.org Website: rosellasvineyard.com n Ruben Ranch U-Cut Tree Farm: Christmas trees Farm at 31302 Cow Creek Rd. in Glendale Nov.-Dec., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-dusk Contact: (541) 832-2813, bspenders@yahoo.com n Southern Oregon Southern Oregon Central Oregon Bigham Farms: Bedding plants & seasonal produce Grants Pass, Rogue Valley Growers Markets April-Oct., Mon.-Thurs., 10:00-4:00 Contact: (541) 621-5441 Brosi’s Sugartree Farms: Pumpkin patch, hayride, apples, squash, beans & more seasonal produce Stand at 540 Winston Section Rd. in Winston June-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 679-1472 n 25 Eastern Oregon Snyder’s Greenhouse & Nursery: Wholesale & retail of evergreen, deciduous & conifer trees Nursery at 7160 S Myrtle Rd. in Myrtle Creek Call for hours & avail. Contact: (541) 863-4153, wayne1@pioneer-net.com n Southern Oregon Sales: Old-fashioned mercantile-style store & seasonal produce Store at 18 Stewart Ave. in Medford All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:30-6:00 Contact: (541) 772-6244, diana@sosales.com Website: sosales.com Shamrock Garden Nursery: Perennials, trees, shrubs, heaths & heather ground covers Douglas Co. Farmers Market Farm at 2689 Wild River Dr. in Roseburg Feb.-Nov., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 496-3045, shamrock@glidecable.com The Garden: Beans, squash & more seasonal produce Stand at 1395 Brownsboro Hwy. in Eagle Point June-Oct., Mon.-Sat., dawn-dark EASTER N O RE G O N Open thru October/ November/ December/year-round Bruce & Renae Corn Farms: Wheat, dry beans, corn, bread mixers & grain mills for milling your own flour All year Farm at 650 Hwy 20-26 in Ontario Contact: (541) 889-5728 Website: cornfarmswheat.com Southern Oregon Crown Cattle Co.: All natural, grass-fed & finished beef available by whole or half Ranch at 57088 Scotty Creek Ln. in Seneca All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 542-2608, crowncattle@gmail.com 26 Davis Orchards: Apples: Gala, Golden & Red Delicious, Cameo, Braeburn, Granny Smith, Fuji, Pink Lady, Jonagold & more; pears: Bartlett, Comice, D’Anjou & Bosc; Italian prunes Stand at 53285 Appleton Rd. in Milton-Freewater Sept.-Dec., Sun.-Fri., 9:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 938-7093 Website: applelovers.com Harrison Ranch: Seasonal vegetables John Day Farmers Market Stand on Brent St. in John Day June-Oct., Sat., 9:00-12:00 Hill’s Country Supply: Wheat grinders, bread mixers, food dryers & seasonal produce Stand at 61502 Union Cove Hwy. 237 in Cove All year, Mon.-Sat. Contact: (541) 568-4772, ilene.hill@gmail.com Website: mixersbybosch.com Houck Cattle Co.: Alfalfa, hay & weaner calves Farm at 70984 Reed Rd. in Burns. Sept.-Oct. Contact: (503) 589-0123 Louie’s Cattle Service: All natural beef (whole or in cuts), water troughs for stock & Kozgro organic fertilizer Ranch at 30886 Eben Ray Ln. in Burns All year, 7 days Contact: (541) 573-7888, melodi@centurytel.net Stargazer Perennials Farm & Nursery: Seasonal produce, vegetable plants, perennial and annual ornamental plants, Fall Festival, Winter Festival Stand at 69611 Summerville Rd. in Summerville March-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: (541) 786-1791, info@stargazerperennials.com Website: stargazerperennials.com n Tuckness Farms: Delivery of onions & potatoes Sept.-Nov., daylight hours Contact: (541) 889-3511, kathy@farmertuck.com Website: farmertuck.com Watson’s Lost Spring Ranch: Alfalfa hay & cattle Ranch at 40637 Hwy. 20 E in Burns All year, 7 days Wilde Ranches: Purebred heifers, bulls & beef Ranch at 18048 Middle Rock Creek Lane in Arlington All year, 7 days, 7:00-6:00 Contact: (541) 454-2995 Farm Bureau Scholarships available OFB offers scholarships for Associate, or non-farm, members as well as for those pursuing agriculture-related careers. Awards are typically in the $1,000 to $750 range and applications are normally due by March 1. Visit the OFB website for more information at oregonfb.org. O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Making ag fun, discovering the finest flavors O n l i n e g a m e s , a ct i v i t i e s for k i ds & f a m i l i e s – a n d a n e w s y b l o g a b o u t tr e n ds for food i e s – a r e g r e a t n e w w a y s to e n jo y a g T he American Farm Bureau offers great resources for kids and adults to learn more about agriculture and how it enriches their daily lives. Each of the following is accessible at the OFB website, oregonfb.org — or in the case of Foodie News, also via email from OFB (send a request to annemarie@oregonfb.org). For kids & families: My American Farm Games Solve a mystery, learn about the food groups, and become a chef — all while learning about agriculture. The My American Farm project offers 13 fun, interactive games for kids grades 3 to 5 to help them learn about the food farmers grow, what farmers do to protect the environment, the life cycles of plants and animals, and much more! The site also features family activities and book ideas to continue the learning offline. And for teachers, there are excellent lesson plans and resources to help put games and projects involving agriculture to use in the classroom. For adults with discerning tastes: Foodie News Created especially for aficionados of exceptional food and drink, the Foodie News Blog at oregonfb.org offers the latest in culinary trends and how discriminating tastes affect the food that farmers and ranchers produce, market, and share with the community. Recent topics on Foodie News: Back-to-school food trends for lunches, the increase of kids’ food allergies, how mead (honey wine) is making a comeback, the latest uses of fresh culinary herbs, and all about CSAs (communitysupported agriculture). Find out what’s hot and happening in the world of chefs, top restaurants, and the agriculture community. Sign up for a bimonthly Foodie News Briefs email sent from Oregon Farm Bureau by sending your name, county, and email address to Anne Marie Moss at annemarie@oregonfb.org. The audio Foodiecast scans the nation’s food scene to talk with leading producers, chefs, marketers, industry representatives, and consumers to bring you the latest in food trends. Listen in! Or you can read (and print, if you’d like) the monthly Foodie Newsletter. All versions are available for you at oregonfb.org! Searchable guide at oregonfb.org 27 What is Farm Bureau, exactly? Keeping Oregon green and sh a r i n g O r e g o n ’ s b o u n t y O regon Farm Bureau is the state’s largest general agriculture organization, representing about 8,000 family farmers and ranchers who raise everything from cattle to hazelnuts, wine grapes to pumpkins, sheep to potatoes. But we also are proud to have many more members who aren’t directly connected to agriculture. These are people in urban areas all over the state who play an important role in keeping family agriculture sustainable and viable — and who also get to take advantage of superb membership discount programs, including services from COUNTRY Financial, T-Mobile, Choice and Wyndam Hotels, Budget and Avis car rentals, Grainger, Lands End, and others listed on page 16. Every year, Farm Bureau members also receive: • An award-winning Oregon’s Bounty Calendar ($10 value) Oregon’s Bounty 2011 Calendar Oregon Farm Bureau also helps: • Non-farm members connect with family farmers and ranchers through the Oregon’s Bounty guides (printed and online at oregonfb.org), a Foodie News blog at oregonfb.org, fun online ag games at oregonfb. org, Ag Fest in Salem, county fairs, Facebook (facebook.com/ofbinfo), Twitter (twitter.com/orefarmbureau), and YouTube (youtube.com/oregonfarmbureau). OFB Board member Dean McAllister of Wasco County helps teach kids about agriculture during Ag Fest in Salem. • Farm and ranch families keep Oregon green and remain good caretakers of land, water, and animals. • Connect farmers with charities such as Farmers Ending Hunger and the Ronald McDonald House. • Preserve Oregon’s admirable agricultural heritage through the OFB Century Farm & Ranch Program. • Provide more than $70,000 per year in scholarships to students from across the entire state. • Educate teachers through the Summer Ag Institute. • Farm and ranch families keep the land, water, and production tools they need to raise the highest-quality and safest food possible. For more information about Farm Bureau, its member benefits or programs, call us at (800) 323-6323, email melissa@oregonfb.org, or visit oregonfb.org. • The spring Oregon’s Bounty Farm Stand Guide ($2.50 value) • The fall Oregon’s Bounty Fall Harvest Guide ($2.50 value) So what is Farm Bureau, exactly? Protecting and promoting Oregon’s greenest industry First established in Oregon in 1919, Farm Bureau is a grassroots, nonprofit organization that represents the interests of family farmers and ranchers in the public and policymaking arenas. Our goals are to keep agriculture thriving for future generations, expand its economic opportunity and viability, and educate society about why ag is important. As a grassroots organization, the state Board of Directors and all County Farm Bureaus are comprised of volunteer leaders — family farmers and ranchers who take time away from their field or livestock to make a difference for their industry and way of life. More than 97% of All of our policy and political priorities develop from a Oregon farms and time-tested, democratic process, beginning at the county ranches are family owned and operated. level. Positions, ideas, and initiaNearly 1 out of tives then make their way to the every 8 jobs in OFB annual convention, where Farm Bureau members Oregon relies on from around the state meet to discuss and vote upon the agriculture. organization’s goals for the coming year. 28 O r e g on ’ s B oun t y fall harvest Guide Meet the family farmers and ranchers of the OFB Board of Directors: front row from left: Barry Bushue, President; Roberta Valladao, 4th Vice President & Women’s Advisory Council Chair; Barb Iverson, 3rd Vice President; Tracey Liskey, 1st Vice President; and Peggy Browne, 2nd Vice President. Standing from left: Dave Dillon, Executive Vice President; K.C. VanNatta, Region 14; Lyndon Kerns, Region 4; Mike Hathaway, Young Farmers & Ranchers Chair; Peter Kenagy, Region 10; Pete Postlewait, Region 7; Dean McAllister, Region 6; Bruce Chapin, Region 15; Jeff Thomas, Region 3; Sharon Waterman, Region 12; Dean Freeborn, Region 9; Wade Flegel, Region 5; Dale Buck, Region 8; Eugene Hawes, Region 2; Bill Ryan, Region 11; Larry Lear, Region 1; and Rick Epp, Region 16. Not pictured: Dan Anderson, Region 13. Searchable guide at oregonfb.org 29 RET U R N S ERV I CE RE Q U E S TE D PAID Oregon’s Bounty Fall Harvest Guide Salem, OR Permit No. 526 Non-Profit ORG U.S. Postage Oregon Farm Bureau 3415 Commercial St. SE Salem, Oregon 97302 Need to renew your Farm Bureau membership? Renew it online at oregonfb.org with your OFB #, member type, and a credit card. Also follow OFB on Facebook (facebook.com/ofbinfo) and Twitter (twitter.com/ orefarmbureau). Store this guide in your glove compartment for easy reference! From O r e gon Far m Bur eau With Oregon roots dating back to 1919, Oregon Farm Bureau was established as a statewide organization in Umatilla County in 1932. With over 8,000 member families professionally engaged in the industry and a total membership of over 61,000 Oregon families, Farm Bureau is the state’s largest general agriculture organization. Virtually every aspect of public policy touches family agriculture in some way. Farm Bureau employs a time-tested, open, democratic annual grassroots process to reach its public policy positions. Members in all 36 Oregon counties then work to implement these objectives in the public policy arena. The ultimate aim of this process is the survival and success of the family farm and ranch in Oregon. Thank you for supporting Oregon’s family farms and ranches with your membership in Farm Bureau. For more information, visit oregonfb.org or call (503) 399-1701. Protecting and promoting Oregon’s greenest industry