AUGUST 2013, Electronic Edition of "Tips and Trips"
AUGUST 2013, Electronic Edition of "Tips and Trips"
Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society *Atlanta, Georgia* GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7:30 pm Monday, August 5, 2013 Georgia Mineral Society Building 4138 Steve Reynolds Blvd. Norcross, GA. 30093-3059 Metalworking! Presented by GMS member Phil Herren, expert metalsmith and lapidary The program will cover hot connections (soldering), cold connections and forming of metal. There will be a discussion of the tools used (torches, hammers, anvils, jewelers saws, files, texturing, doming, anticlastic and synclastic stakes, etc.) in the various types of metal working and examples of the things that can be done with forming, soldering and cold connections. Did you know wire wrap and chain maille are cold connections? Did you know that what we call soldering in silversmithing is actually brazing since it is high heat? Join us for the program and learn the differences in the various types of metal working and how you can learn how you can learn metal working skills. Please join us for our August meeting! Carl Ziglin, VP of Programs President’s Message Greeting to all: The heat of the summer is upon us and creek collecting is recommended. Maybe the rains will slow enough for the flow level to recede, exposing those hidden treasures on the stream bottom. The high water may have exposed new materials, eroding them from the banks and bottoms. If the water will now just go down enough for us to collect, I will be happy. As we get older and wiser, change happens all around us. Dylan Porter is being pulled in several directions at once. Dylan’s company seems to want to keep him very Volume MMXIII/Eight August 2013 busy. He is resigning as Editor effective the publishing of the September T&T. Dylan has served admirably in several jobs with GMS and will receive an Honorable Discharge with many heart-felt thanks. This brings us to our next opportunity: a new T&T Editor. It is an Executive Board position and is vital to the success of the Society. I will gladly double the salary of this volunteer position to entice highly qualified applicants. The Editor position is responsible for the monthly publishing of the Tips and Trips newsletter. Dylan has quite a library of past editions both hard copy and electronic. A new Editor has the authority and responsibility to maintain a historic format or design a partial to entirely new format. GMS has been blessed with skilled (not necessarily at first, but improving to highly skilled) editors for many years. We solicit your contributions and efforts to continue the distribution of our news and activities. Fulfill that yearning to be a writer and editor or simply explore something new. Either way GMS becomes a winner. Please thoughtfully consider your personal schedule, and then volunteer to help us continue our efforts to “...educate the youth of the state and the members of the Society in the field of Earth sciences.” With new faces and familiar faces, GMS is a dynamic living organization. We try to let everyone be involved to the best of their abilities and to the fullest extent of their interest. It is always sad to have someone move on, but very exciting to watch the new folks become involved. New talents and interests fit right into the evolution of our Society. They help us grow and learn new things while enjoying our friends. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the workings of the Georgia Mineral Society. Without you, we would not be. Respectfully submitted, Bill Waggener, Page 2 Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society August 2013 The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. A Non-Profit Educational Organization Seventy Years of Tradition Objective and Purpose To Educate the Youth of the State and the Members of this Society In the Field of Earth Science AFMS Education - All American Club 2003 President Bill Waggener 1909 Moores Mill Road Atlanta, Georgia 30318 404.354.8752 Executive Vice President/ Membership Ron Holt 4138 Steve Reynolds Blvd. Norcross, GA. 30093-3059 Vice President –Programs Carl Ziglin Secretary Mary Porter 196 High Creek Drive Roswell, GA 30076 770.317.2158 Treasurer Mary Gurney 1814 Wilson Wynd Way Lawrenceville, GA 30043 678.985.9129 Correspondence Secretary Kristen Blackwelder Field Trip Chair Charles Carter Facilities Chair Elizabeth Lamb 404.542.2044 Fossil Section Chair Gail Leadingham 4138 Steve Reynolds Blvd. Norcross, GA. 30093-3059 Gem Section Chair Carl Ziglin Junior Section Chair Roxanne Lopez 2550 Cumberland Blvd #504 Smyrna, GA 30080 678.491.0489 Micromount Section Chair Dave Babulski 2677 Colony Circle Snellville, GA 30078 404.405.0635 Mineral Section Chair Tom Batcha 2300 Oakland Chase ct Lawrenceville,GA 30044 678-407-4224 Tips & Trips Editor Dylan Porter 196 High Creek Drive Roswell, GA 30076 770.317.1893 Webmaster Jim Flora P.O. Box 605 Hiawassee, GA 30546 706.896.8040 Education Chair Bill Waggener 1909 Moores Mill Road Atlanta, Georgia 30318 404.354.8752 Immediate Past President Bill Waggener 1909 Moores Mill Road Atlanta, Georgia 30318 404.354.8752 Trustee to 2013 Martha Brown 4837 Greenway Road Norcross, GA 30071 770.448.0876 Trustee to 2014 Kim Cochran 2695 Van Court Snellville, GA 30278 770.979.8331 May Show Chair Sand Section Chair Lori Carter Committee Chairs Adopt-AHighway Awards Carpool Curator/Gem Box Casey Sosebee 706.635.3246 Open for Volunteers Cheryl Dalton carpool@gamineral .org Kim Cochran 770.979.8331 Roxanne Lopez 678.491.0489 Hospitality Shirley Parker 404.906.3763 Librarian Anita Westlake 404.761.7849 Historian Parliamentarian Open for Volunteer Refreshments Shelley Stubbs Special Events Kim Cochran 770.979.8331 Sunshine Susan Filak 404-634-6931 Telephone Frankie Burks 770.978.2117 SFMS Rep. The article submittal due date for the September 2013 newsletter is August 15, 2013. Open for Volunteer Open for Volunteer Trustee to 2015 Carl Ziglin May Show Committee Chairs Show Chair Open for Volunteer Dealer Chair Lawrence Parker 404.213.9727 General meetings are held on the first Monday of each month. In the event that the first Monday is a holiday, the meeting will be held on the third Monday of the month. General meetings are held at the Georgia Mineral Society Building in Norcross, Ga. Exhibits Martha Brown 770.448.0876 Demonstrations Anita Westlake 404.761.7849 Hospitality Open for Volunteers Any deviations from the above schedule will be announced in Tips and Trips. Treasurer Open for Volunteer Advertising Open for Volunteer GENERAL MEETINGS The Georgia Mineral Society on the Internet: E-mail Early Notification Program: A field trip and club news update service. To join, members are requested to send in their current e-mail address to: Dealer Dinner Roxanne Lopez 678.491.0489 Database Mary Porter 770.998.1018 Auction Kim Cochran 770.979.8331 Set Up/Take Down Open for Volunteers Announcements for educational publications, continuing education classes, and shows or exhibits are provided in Tips and Trips as a service to GMS members. Appearance of the above in Tips and Trips does not constitute an endorsement by GMS. Tips and Trips Page 3 August 2013 The Georgia Mineral Society Sand Section Fossil Section For our July Sand Section meeting Olga Jarrett gave us a preview of the Teaching Ideas workshop she will be presenting at SandFest in November. It's going to be a really fun and helpful workshop! Olga and Bob brought us some sand from Colorado that will be part of her workshop presentation. We had a grand time viewing it through a microscope and running magnets over it. We are still seeking volunteers for SandFest, so if you are interested, you can check the volunteer section on the SandFest website: For our August Sand Section meeting, Bob Jarrett will be practicing his Lunch & Learn session for SandFest. We will be trading sand collected from the Tennessee border to the Georgia coasts. Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 Time: 7:30 Location: GMS Building Speaker: Bob Jarrett Topic: "Sand-making in Georgia: From the Tennessee Border to the Coasts" Lori Carter, Sand Section Chair Mineral Section Wednesday, August 21, 2013 7:30pm The GMS Building Martha Brown was the speaker at the June meeting of the Fossil section. She brought fossils, mainly large Oysters, from the only know area in Georgia where fossils from the Cretaceous period can be found. This area is in Lumpkin County, but Martha reports that much of the collecting area has been destroyed by road construction. We meet July 8th and enjoyed a program by Bill Waggener. He discussed the fossils that he found in Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Several of the items that he brought were geodes. Some fossils remain unidentified, such as the second picture which appears to be a trace fossil, maybe of some worm like animal’s burrows. Our next meeting is August 12th and Mike Reagin will do the program. Since he is a world traveler, we are looking forward to see the fossils he chooses to share with us. The meeting is at 7:00 and everyone is welcome. Gail Leadingham, Micromount Section In August we will have the second in a series of three talks on geodes. Our speaker will be Bob Jarrett. Bob will be telling us about the geologic origins of the Woodbury geodes and the minerals found in them. You can get a preview from the July Tips and Trips. I would like to thank Wayne Dodd for his talk on Keokuk geodes at the July meeting. Plan to mark your calendars for our September program. This will be scheduled on the fourth Wednesday of the month, September 25th. The talk will be on how to crack open and clean your geodes by Charles Carter. Happy Hunting, Tom Batcha, Mineral Section Chair 678-407-4224 (Home), Over the last year the micromount Section has been very sparsely attended. It is my hope to raise interest and attendance over the coming year. The section will resume meetings in September. The meeting date will be September 13th at 7 PM at the GMS building. The topic will be minerals from the Point of Rocks Quarry in New Mexico. Hope to see you at the meeting. Dave Babulski, Page 4 Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society Junior Section No Junior meetings for the month of August. Call me if you have any questions. Roxanne Lopez, 678-491-0489 Gem Section Next Meeting: Monday, August 26, 2013, 7:30pm The GMS Building Workshop Night Join us in August for a night of fun and learning about the GMS workshop! Carl Ziglin August 2013 Sunshine News Hope everyone is continuing to have a Happy Summertime, and that all is going well ! We're all glad and thankful that our dear friend Kim is okay. Please send anything happening with you and your families, or any news that you would like to share with your GMS family, to or phone in to 404634-6931. All news is welcome ! Stay Cool. Best Wishes. Be Well. Susan Filak August Birthdays Adams, Wesocsor Ayotte, Miranda Baranski, Jessica Membership Report Barwood, Jane C. Blackwood, Rick This August welcomes 12 new members! Cecil, Jeff We welcome the following to GMS: Daniels, Crystal Ellis, Jane Stahl, Yvonne Knoxville TN Ford, Theresa C. Stahl, Marc Knoxville TN Freeman, Jane Hubler, Dianne Lawrenceville GA Gruber, III, Martin R. Hubler, Jerry Lawrenceville GA Harris, Lynn Coheleach, Linda Loganville GA Hightower, Richard P. Adams, TJ Lawrenceville Hubler, Dianne GA Jackson, Gayla S. Adams, Wesocsor Lawrenceville Krebs, Roynan GA Libby, George A. Ryan, Maureen Atlanta GA Madden, Robert Hotard, Justin Atlanta GA Masemore, Duncan Wilson, James Tucker GA Mcnamara, Sandra Wilson, Debra Tucker GA Nichols, Ethan Wilson, Christopher Tucker GA Phai, Rady Riviears, Khyiah Let’s Welcome these new members and our visitors when Schoppenhorst, Andrew we get the opportunity! Shriver, Beate Please help us keep updated on any changes to your Smith, Ron information. We value your membership! We want to stay Souter, Julia in touch and keep your Tips and Trips coming on time. We Swanson, Sam want you to be able to join us at the meetings, events, and Tarantino, Marilyn field trips! Trentini, Cindy Thank you so much for those of you renewing and updating Waggener, Peyton Lathem information! We had several renewals this month! :) Please Weathers, Peggy feel free to share questions or concerns. If I can’t help you, Zeyher, Billy we have many great members who would like to help. Ron Holt Aultman, Shelda Bailey, Jean Baranski, Joshua Baxter, Gaye Buckels, Carolyn Coheleach, Linda Davis, Catherine Everitte, David Fousek, Dianna Galloway, David Halpin, Lola A. Hebert, Aimee E. Horton, Will Hyaduck, Josh Kirkwood, Karen Lee, Chris Love, Phyllis Maddox, Lory Mcnamara, William Nehrling, Chris Nims, Zak Raby, James Michael Root, Jordan Seabolt, Nolia M. Shriver, Jonathan Sosebee, Casey Stewart, Sherion L. Swierczek,Ruth Tirik, Kwesi Trentini, Sharon Warley, Thomas Xiang, Jeremiah Fan Tips and Trips Page 5 August 2013 July 1, 2013 GMS General Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order at 7:48 PM by President Bill Waggener at the GMS building. Approximately 40 people were present including five new members. SPEAKER Carl Ziglin introduced Dr. Pamela Gore as the speaker of the evening. Dr. Gore is a geology professor at Georgia Perimeter College and co-author of Roadside Geology of Georgia. She provided an overview of the recently published book (available for purchase toningt) that she cowrote with Dr. Bill Witherspoon. In appreciation of her talk Carl presented Dr. Gore with a specimen. COMMITTEE REPORTS (8:45) Carl Ziglin - Programs – in August Phil Herren will talk about metal working. Carl Ziglin - Gem Section – the next meeting is July 29 and will be a night of show and tell; bring a specimen. Mary Porter - Secretary – minutes from the June picnic are published in the newsletter. There was a motion to dispense of the reading of the minutes, that was also seconded; the motion passed and the minutes were accepted as published. Mary Gurney – Treasurer – Mary provided account balances. Charles Carter – Field Trips – Charles gave a report of the trip to Woodbury, TN. There is a GMS trip to Andalusia, AL on July 14th for marine fossils. There is an educational tour for teachers and students at Wells Creek Basin on July 20th; RSVP required. There is a Cobb trip for fossils on July 27th; a DMC trip to Summerville on July 28. On August 3rd a VA club is sponsoring a trip in Spruce Pine, NC. There is a DMC trip to Chunky Gal Mountain on August 17th. There is new material in the field trip display case for next year’s show. Fossil Section – the next meeting is on July 18th. Junior Section – the next outing will be on July 16th at the Palisades Entrance of the Chattahoochee River. Dave Babulski – Micro Mount Section – there will be no meetings this summer; they will resume in September. Tom Batcha – Mineral Section –the next meeting is July 17th; Wayne Dodd will be showing geodes from Keokuk, IA. Tom may have 2 or 3 meetings on geodes, each from different sites. May Show – Bill announced that Tom has resigned as show chairperson; he will be soliciting for a new chairperson. Bill thanked Tom for all of his past work running the show. Lori Carter – Sand Section – the next meeting is this Wednesday; Olga Jarrett will go through her Sand Fest workshop. Tips & Trips – please have all reports and articles to Dylan by the 15th. Bill Waggener – Education – Bill thanked Kristen for joining him for talks at the Cobb County Library. The Georgia Mineral Society Adopt A Highway – Casey Sosebee – the next event will be the weekend before Halloween; we will be dressing in costume again. Kristen Blackwelder – Corresponding Secretary – we now have a face book page; Carl is an administrator. She requested pictures and stories for the page and will need to add a link to the GMS website. Lori stated that Jim Flora is still receiving the general emails and it will take time to transfer them to Kristen. Kim Cochran – Gem Box – tonight Kim has specimens. He will be buying new stuff this month. Kim Cochran – Special Events – the next event will be the October banquet. Anita Westlake – Library – she has received donations with no names; she needs to know who is giving donations. The library is running well. Shelley Stubbs - Refreshments – refreshments were provided by Shelley and Richard Graveline. She needs volunteers for August, September, and November. Sunshine – report is in the newsletter. Send your sunshine news to Susan Filak. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bob Jarrett – announced that he found another error in his recently published article. Lori has added the article in its entirety to the website. Lawrence Parker – stated that there were a lot of people at the show that he did not have time to talk long with or answer all of their questions. He was sending these people to Richard (without his knowledge) at the hospitality table; Richard did not catch on to this for some time. Lawrence thanked Richard for being a good sport. Lawrence also announced his and Shirley’s 23rd wedding anniversary this coming weekend. Casey Sosebee – announced that he won the grand door prize from the Tellus Rock Fest. Bill Waggener – Facilities/Workshop – Elizabeth got an estimate of $1,779.00 for updating the electrical capacity of the workshop (3 circuits to be added). This needs to be done in order to up to code. Bill sent an email to board members for a vote; 19 votes authorized the work to be done. Workshops are getting crowded and Bill requested suggestions for additional days to hold sessions. Donations – Bill announced that there have been several donation made that we have not sent thank you letters for. He requested Mary Gurney and Kristen Blackwelder to meet with him after the meeting to discuss. Sand Fest – Lori announced that registration is open and volunteers are needed to help out. DOOR PRIZES – guests and new members get to choose first, and when they are called. Shirley Parker called door prizes by rows. A motion was made to adjourn meeting at 9:32 PM. It was seconded, and unanimously approved. Graciously submitted, Mary Porter, Secretary Page 6 Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society Executive Board Meeting Next Meeting will be Sunday August 4th. Potluck lunch at noon. Meeting will start at 1:00pm. Grab Bag Material Please remember to pick up material for grab bags when out collecting. Seashells, pieces of geodes, quartz crystals, granite, and small chunks of pyrite are always a welcome sight to the kids. Kim Cochran Special Events Chairperson GMS Workshop "Do you still need to be certified on the GMS lapidary equipment? Call Martha Brown, John Iacullo (770-978-1668), Anita Westlake, or Phil Herren (616-869-9997) and make an appointment. Certification entails learning to use and care for the equipment, and make a calibrated cabochon. Proficiency will come with practice. "Once you're certified, you can make future appointments to use the equipment. You won't want to miss this opportunity to learn a new lapidary skill from teachers who know their stuff!" Anita Westlake, Cabbing Instructor to the Stars GMS Event Tuesday, August 6, 2013 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Roswell, GA The Roswell Police Department along with Roswell Target stores is hosting an event called “National Night Out”. The event is FREE and will be held at the Roswell City Hall, 38 Hill Street. For a second year, Charles and Lori Carter will be there to represent GMS by raffling a mineral or fossil specimen, giving away stickers and tumbled stones, and telling people all about GMS. There will be food, drink, games, prizes, and a climbing wall – lots of fun things to see and do. Please let other people know about the event and stop by yourself to help support our club! August 2013 Juniors July Outing Bill Waggener and I had our grandkids with us on this outing to the Chattahoochee River just off of Hwy 41. The river was alittle too high to go collecting along side of the banks, but we had a great time playing and getting wet in the cold river. Tips and Trips Page 7 August 2013 The Georgia Mineral Society MICROMOUNT CORNER MIXITE By: Dr. David Babulski from the Gold Hill Mine in Utah. Magnification 50X and photographed with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera using eyepiece projection with a Motic K400 stereo microscope. Figure – 2 Figure – 1 In the world of micro minerals there are some mineral species that are highly sought after because of beautiful crystals and rarity. The mineral Mixite has both of these characteristics. It is one of the very few naturally occurring Bismuth minerals. Unfortunately Mixite only occurs as micro crystals and is not found in abundance in the occurrences where it is found so it is not a useful ore for bismuth. Chemically it is a Hydrated Bismuth Copper Arsenate Hydroxide. The chemical formula is: BiCu6(AsO4)3 (OH)6-3H2O. This mineral is typically found in the oxidation zone of copper arsenate deposits containing primary bismuth sulfides such as emplecite. The most famous of this type deposit is the Gold Hill mine in the Deep Creek Mountains of Tooele County, Utah. This mine is now closed but has been the primary source for much of the Mixite miromount material. The Tintic mining district in Utah is also famous for beautiful Mixite specimens. Two of the more well known localities are the Carissa Mine and the Northern Star Mine. Mixite is named after the mining engineer, A. Mixa from Jachymov, Czechoslovakia which is the type locality for this mineral species. In terms of crystallography Mixite is in the Hexagonal Dipyramidal class with 6/M crystal symmetry. The hexagonal nature of Mixite crystals is difficult to see as the crystal tends to be very tiny and almost hair-like in appearance. Color of Mixite crystals varies from blue-green to Yellow green, light green and a pale blue. Mixite an occur as crust-like aggregates on matrix to fine acicular crystals that radiate from a center but do not produce stellar forms. Note that this mineral is rather soft and the fine acicular crystals will break very easily. A check with several mineral dealers shows ready availability of mixite specimens for micromounts. Shown below are some photomicrographs of Mixite. Figure – 1 is a beautiful spray of Mixite crystals in a Chrysocolla lined vug Figure – 2 is Mixite and Azurite in a Quartz vug from the Carissa Mine, Tintic mining district, Utah In this specimen tiny crystals of Azurite are impaled on hair-like crystals of Mixite. Magnification is 50X and photographed with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera using eyepiece projection with a Motic K400 stereo microscope. References Internet: hill References Books: Ford, W. E., A Textbook of Mineralogy, 1966, John Wiley & Sons, NY, Page 736 Smith, O.C., Identification and Qualitative Chemical Analysis of Minerals. 1945, D. Van Nostrand Company, NY, Pages 226-227 SFMS Stamp Program Please continue to bring in your stamps to the General Meetings and give them to Anita Westlake. Mark your envelope or plastic bag with your name & Georgia Mineral Society, and she will forward them on to SFMS. Dylan Porter, Page 8 Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society August 2013 THE MICROMOUNT CORNER Minyulite Dr. David Babulski – Chair Micromount Section This month we will examine a rare potassium aluminum phosphate called Minyulite. The mineral, first described in 1933, is named for its type locality; the Minyulo Well in Western Australia. Chemically speaking Minyulite is a basic potassium aluminum flouro hydroxide hydrate with a chemical formula of: KAl2(OH,F)(PO4)2·4(H2O). In terms of crystallography minyulite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. This crystal system is characterized by three crystal axes all perpendicular to each other and all of different lengths. The resulting crystals are lath like prisms rectangular in cross section. Crystal symmetry is mm2, meaning two mirror planes perpendicular to each other. Physical characteristics of minyulite are: Figure – 1 Figure – 2 Color: Colorless/transparent to white and greenish yellow. Crystal Habit: Radiating fibrous to prismatic crystals Luster: Silky in fibrous form to vitreous in prismatic crystals. Hardness: 3.5 Caution is advised in handling specimens as Minyulite is soft and britle. Cleavage: {001} Perfect. If not handled carefully crystals can easily break Minyulite occurs as a secondary phosphate mineral in primary phosphatic rocks. It occurs in association with dufrenite, apatite, fluellite,wavellite, variscite and leucophasphite. This is a rare mineral and is not all that readily available from mineral dealers. When in well developed crystals, which almost always occur in micro form, Minyulite has a sparkly appearance which is quite attractive. Shown below are three photomicrographs of Minyulite from the type locality; Tom’s Phosphate Deposit near Minyulo Well, Kapunda, Dadaragan, Western Australia. All three specimens were Photographed with a Motic K400 microscope at a magnification of 50X. The camera was a Nikon CoolPix digital camera using eyepiece projection. The photomicrographs show Minyulite in radiating crystal form. References: Figure – 3 Tips and Trips Page 9 August 2013 The Georgia Mineral Society THE MICROMOUNT CORNER Serpierite Dr. David Babulski – Chair Micromount Section There are many sky-blue minerals but none quite as pretty as the rare mineral Serpierite. Chemically speaking serpierite is a hydrated calcium copper zinc sulfate hydroxide with a chemical formula of: Ca(Cu,Zn)4(SO4)2 (OH)6•3H2O. Almost always occurring as micro crystals that are in the Monoclinic, pseudo-orthorhombic class; Serpierite crystals appear lath-like elongated on the C crystallographic axis and exhibiting 2/m symmetry. This mineral also occurs as tufted aggregates and botryoidal masses. Care needs to be taken when handling specimens as this mineral is quite soft with a harness of 2 and crystals will crush easily. A unique color characteristic of Serpierite is dark sky blue to medium sky blue in reflected light and a pretty greenish blue in transmitted light. The mineral is named for Giovanni Serpieri (1832 – 1897), Italian mining engineer who was responsible for re-opening the ancient silver mines in the Lavrion District, Attiki Province, Greece. Both the re-opened mines and the ancient slag piles have become a treasure trove of copper and zinc secondary minerals. The premier locality for Serpierite is the Kamariza and Serpieri mines, Laurium District, Attiki Province, Greece. Although a rare mineral species, Serpierite has been reported in select localities world –wide; usually as a secondary mineral in the oxidation zone of primary copper and zinc deposits. A check on-line with several mineral dealers shows the availability of Serpierite specimens from diverse world-wide localities. Although a bit expensive for really top quality specimens, this mineral species makes a valuable addition to a micromount collection and is well worth the investment. Shown below are two photomicrographs of Serpierite micromounts from the Kamariza mine, Laurium District, Attaki Province, Greece photographed at a magnification of 50X with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera and eyepiece projection. Refrences: Figure – 1 Figure – 2 Page 10 Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society August 2013 BENCH TIPS by Brad Smith FOREDOM MAINTENANCE If you have a Foredom flexshaft, it makes sense to check it over every so often to be sure it's running properly. But how to do that? You've probably lost the little booklet that came with the unit. Well, being the good company it is, Foredom has put together an extensive set of videos on how to do it. I-75 Exit 293 Cartersville, Georgia 770-606-5700 Special Event: Night at The Museum V The series covers set-up, lubrication, replacing a sheath, motor maintenance, and handpiece maintenance. Few if any special tools are needed. You can watch the videos at and repair parts are available from most jewelry supply catalogs. JUST A DROP Hobby shops and model airplane stores carry small plastic dispenser bottles that are handy bench items for putting a drop of oil or glue just where you want it. The small metal tubing lets you squeeze out very small drops and reach into tight places. Saturday, August 10 6 PM – 10 PM August 10 isn’t just any old night at a museum; it’s Tellus’ annual Night at the Museum, an evening of fun unlike any other. The fifth year of this staple event will feature unique guests from the worlds of science and science fiction that will delight fans both young and old. All children will receive a special autograph book to capture the signatures of everyone from Amelia Earhart to Darth Vader. I use the small one on the left for oil when I'm sawing or drilling harder metals like steel. And I use the bottle on the right from a plastics store for the fast drying glues used to join pieces of acrylic. More BenchTips by Brad Smith are at BenchTips/ or MiniMiners Monthly Courtesy of Mini Miners Monthly A Monthly Publication for Young Mineral Collectors Vol. 6 No. 8 August 2012 ©2012 Diamond Dan Publications. All pictures and articles in this newsletter are property of Diamond Dan. Publications and cannot be copied or reused in any format (printed or electronic) without written permission of Diamond Dan Publications, P.O. Box 143, Manchester, New York 14504 or More than 30 characters will be wandering the galleries of Tellus educating visitors on how science and science fiction often intersect and influence each other. From Star Wars to Star Trek, from physics to aviation, all the bases are covered at Night at the Museum. Kids and kids at heart are encouraged to talk to the characters, take photos and, of course, collect autographs. Also returning this year are the infamous Tellus Mad Scientists. They will be back with more zany and unique experiments in the Theater. There’s no telling what will pop up (or explode) during their demonstrations. Children 12 and under are encouraged to dress up as their favorite science or science fiction character and be part of a special parade at 8 PM. Please no adult costumes; let’s avoid confusing the crowd. Night at the Museum runs from 6 – 10 PM. The Café will be open until 9 PM. Tickets are Tips and Trips August 2013 $10 for members and $20 for non-members. Advance tickets are on sale now! Call (770) 606-5700 ext 431 to purchase your tickets. Keep an eye on this page to see a list of characters as they are confirmed! Special Event: Micromount Gathering Friday and Saturday, August 16 and 17 In conjunction with the Mineral Symposium, we will be holding a two day gathering for micro mineral collectors beginning Friday, August 16. Micromounters interested in attending the two day Micromount Gathering should contact Curator Julian Gray directly at Page 11 The Georgia Mineral Society Lineup: 10 AM – Around the World in 80 Minerals, Jason Smith, Classroom 3 11 AM – Georgia Calcite Localities, Jose Santamaria, Classroom 3 2 PM – The Roadside Geology of Georgia, Dr. Pamela Gore and Dr. Bill Witherspoon, Tellus Theater 3 PM – Book Signing in the Great Hall Free for members and included in regular admission for non members. Lecture: Roadside Geology of Georgia Saturday, August 17 2 PM Book signing to follow Hear geologists Pamela Gore and Bill Witherspoon share an extraordinary tour of Georgia’s varied landscapes, and their rocks and fossils. After the lecture, they will be available for a book signing of their new publication Roadside Geology of Georgia, a fullcolor guidebook written for the general reader that uncovers the many fascinating stories that lie beneath the state’s surface. Lunch and Learn: Hot Month, Hot Foods! Wednesday, August 28 12:15 PM Members: Free Non-Members: Regular admission What makes peppers hot? If you eat something spicy, what cools off your mouth? Learn the science of spicy food when Please note: The Micromount Gathering is open only to our Marketing Director Joe Schulman shares the secrets of registered participants. hot peppers and the Scoville Scale. $20 registration fee includes space for setting Lunch and Learn takes place the fourth Wednesday of up microscopes and specimens, as well as refreshments. every month at noon in the Private Dining Room. Lunch and Learn is free for members and included in regular Special Event: Mineral Symposium admission for non-members. No outside food is allowed, Saturday, August 17, 2013 but everyone is welcome to bring in food from the Tellus Enjoy a day full of enlightening Café. Presentations are recommended for ages 8 and up talks on a variety of geological (unless subjects during the annual Mineral Symposium. This year’s featured speakers will discuss their recently released book, “Roadside Geology of Georgia.” Dr. Pamela Gore and Dr. Bill Witherspoon will talk about the state’s diverse geologic history and will sign copies of their book, which is available in the Tellus Store. Page 12 Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society An Official Field Trip of the Carroll County Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. (Carrollton, GA)(HOST) An Official Field Trip of the Georgia Mineral Society Patty Construction Quarry Summerville Lace Agate Chattooga County, GA July 28, 2013 9:00 AM EST MEET: At the site, on US 27 in Chattooga Co. Ga. This is in the NW corner of the state of Georgia. WHEN: July 28, 2013 TIME: : 9:00 AM EST Directions: From Summerville, Ga. follow US 27 South for 2.20 miles. The site will be on the right between the county owned waste dumpsters and the US Forestry office. Coming north from the Rome area, the site will be on the left side of US 27, and approximately 3.0 miles beyond the intersection of Gore Subligna Rd. Tools: Eye protection is a must for anyone wishing to break apart material with a rock hammer, or sledge. Chisels would be valuable, as would small ground shovels and rakes. A small cart or hand truck may be useful for hauling larger pieces of take home material. Much of the material is covered with a chalky white chert, and a pale of water is sometimes handy for dipping and identifying the better material. Other: Bring plenty of fluids. This is a good site for children. Any pets MUST be on a leash at all times. Facilities: In town about 2 miles away Special: THIS IS AN ACTIVE QUARRY. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE NEAR ANY OF THE MACHINERY ON THE PREMISES. ANY VIOLATION OF THIS RULE MAY JEOPARDIZES FUTURE FIELD TRIPS TO THIS SITE. DMC CONTACT: Kelsie Grizzard, President CCGMS, 770-328-1217 August 2013 DMC Program of the SFMS Field Trip Committee An Official Field Trip of Northeast Georgia Mineral Society, Cornelia, GA (Host). GMS Field Trip The Gem & Mineral Society of Lynchburg, VA. Inc. The Roanoke Valley Mineral & Gem Society, Inc. Have invited the Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. on their OFFICIAL 9th ANNUAL MINERAL COLLECTING FIELD TRIP AND GEM SHOW WEEKEND (This will be a go-on-your-own trip) 56th Annual North Carolina Mineral and Gem Fest August 1st thru August 4th, 2013 Spruce Pine, NC. ----and---The 29th Annual Grassy Creek Mineral and Gem Show July 27th thru August 5th, 2013 Spruce Pine, NC. IMPORTANT: Sign-up required by July 31st for this trip…call or e-mail Charles Carter THE TRIP: You should plan to drive down no later than Friday, August 2nd and return home on Sunday, August 4th. If you want to allow extra time to see the Gem and Mineral Shows, plan on driving down on Thursday, August 1st and see the show on Friday. LODGING: You will be responsible for your our food and lodging. Do not delay in reserving your room. There are several motels in Spruce Pine but they fill up fast. Marion, NC is 20 or so miles to the south at I-40 If you would like to camp, the near-by Bear Den Campground is a great place. Go to and make your own reservations. We will not try to reserve the group camp site this year due to lack of sufficient interest. We would need at least 6 tents to justify the group site cost. Individual camp sites and cabins are available but you must make your own reservations. Chamber of Commerce Mine Tours: The Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce may be offering mine tours this season but to date, there is nothing posted on their web site. Please contact them yourself if you are interested in attending these trips, usually on Friday and Saturday. There are many other area attractions going on so there will be a lot to see in the area. Reservations are required for the mine tours. Call the Chamber of Commerce at 828-765-9033 for reservations and information as space is usually limited. They always charge a nominal fee for these trips. FIELD TRIPS: Saturday morning, August 3rd we will depart at 8:00 AM from the Spruce Pine Wal-Mart parking lot by the gas pumps. Wal-Mart is located off Rt. 226 in the Grassy Creek area. Dave Callahan, field trip chairman of the Lynchburg Gem and Mineral Society, Inc. and the Roanoke Valley Mineral and Gem Society, Inc., will have maps available for the Ray and Sinkhole Mines (that’s why you need to sign up – so we will know how many maps are needed). If you are familiar with the area, you may choose to visit the Sinkhole first before things heat up. Then come Tips and Trips August 2013 to the Ray. This would also relieve the limited parking situation at the Sinkhole. Our first stop will be the Ray Mine in Burnsville and hopefully find some nice beryl, tourmaline, apatite, garnet, mica, feldspar, columbite - tantalite, and other minerals. The landowner, where we will park for the Ray Mine, did charge about 2 or 3 dollars to park along the left side of the roadway and in designated places near his yard. The current fees are posted on the box. Do not block any driveways or roads or park in people’s yard. Be sure to have the correct amount of currency. There is an honor system parking fee collecting mail box near his house. The fees are per car, not per person. There is space for 3 or 4 cars in a free parking area provided by the Forest Service. You may use this if there is available space. Do not block anyone. There is a rather steep foot trail to the mine. The walk is about 20 minutes, but the potential for some nice beryl crystals makes it worthwhile. No special equipment except hard work is required. Just wear comfortable clothes, comfortable hat, good strong boots, bring snacks, water, bug spray, backpack and / or buckets, hammer, chisel, safety glasses, and wrapping paper to protect any nice crystals you will find. I usually take a hoe to turn over rocks and scrape away the soil. If you dig in the dirt, a hoe or a small shovel will come in handy. YOU MAY NOT COLLECT IN THE CREEK OR DISTURB THE CREEK IN ANY WAY. IF YOU DO, WE MAY LOSE ALL OUR COLLECTING PRIVILEGES AT THIS SITE. THIS IS A NEW FOREST SERVICE REGULATION. If you plan to spend the day there, be sure to bring food, bug spray and water. You can stay as long as you want and leave any time. Some people will choose to spend the day collecting at the Ray Mine and others will leave for the Sinkhole. There is very limited parking at the Sinkhole so it in best that we all don’t try to go at one time. We will not to leave as a group, everyone will be on their own. After you leave the Ray Mine, you can stop at a fast food in Burnsville and then visit the Sinkhole Mine in Bandana, NC. You should be able to park close to the dump. Here you may find apatite, mica, feldspar, garnet, thulite and smokey quartz. If you like beautiful yard rocks, this is the place to go. The same tools you use at the Ray Mine can be used here. SPECIAL NOTE: It ALWAYS rains at some point during this Gem show weekend so bring your rain gear. Sunday morning, on the way home, you might want to stop by the Thermal City Gold Mine just south of Marion, NC, on Rt. 221 and do some gold panning. There will be some vendors still set up at Grassy Creek so you might find some great mineral and fossil specials. DISTANCE: From the GMS building this trip is approximately 240 miles and should take about 4.5 to 5 hours. CONTACT: Charles Carter, Field trip Chair, 770-9987949, Sign-up is required by July 31st. Page 13 The Georgia Mineral Society An Official Field Trip of the Georgia Mineral Society 10:00 AM August 17, 2013 Chunky Gal Mtn., Corundum Knob Clay County, North Carolina NO FEE WHERE: Corundum Knob (also known as Chunky Gal Knob), Clay County, NC. WHEN: 10:00 AM, August 17, 2013 COLLECTING: Ruby corundum (pink to red), Spinel (black to brown "galaxite" and magnesio-chromite), Sapphirine, Talc, Serpentine, Brucite (white to blueish chalky chunks), Tremolite, Actinolite, Smaragdite (chrome-emerald green amphibole), Pyroxine (chrome diopside/sparse green micro -crystals of weathered amphibolite matrix), Fuchsite and Dunite. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: This is a Forest Service site: surface collecting only, no screening. Watch for fall hazards. BRING: Rock picks, crack hammers, wedges, chisels, gloves, heavy shoes, bug spray, drink. DIRECTIONS: Meet at the intersection of Buck Creek Rd. and Hwy. 64 (no sign at Buck Creek Rd. which is 2 mi. east of overlook). From Atlanta take I-75 north then follow I575 to St. Rd. 5 & US 76. Follow past Young Harris then left on St. Rd. 17 into NC. In NC changes to Hwy. 69. Turn right on Hwy. 64 to Chunky Gal Mtn. DMC CONTACT: Kim Cochran at 770-979-8331 Corundum Knob\Ruby corundum (pink to red) Brave souls at a winter Field Trip Page 14 Tips and Trips The Georgia Mineral Society August 2013 August Shows Georgia State Parks 1-4—SPRUCE PINE, NORTH CAROLINA: Annual North Interpretive Hike Saturdays 10 AM - 11 AM Elijah Clark State Park - Lincolnton, GA Take a guided hike through the unique and diverse ecosystems of the Georgia Piedmont. $5 parking. 706-359-3458. Stargazing Saturdays 10 PM - 11 PM Elijah Clark State Park - Lincolnton, GA Get to know the night skies. We'll find constellations, stars, and planets, and learn stories and facts behind each. $5 parking. 706-359-3458. Paddle Under the Perseids - Meteor Kayak Tour Saturday, Aug 10, 2013 to Sunday, Aug 11, 2013 10 PM Hard Labor Creek State Park - Rutledge, GA Join a park ranger on this kayak tour of Lake Rutledge as we watch the night sky for the Perseids Meteor Shower. This is considered by many to be the year's best meteor shower because the meteors are often bright and leave long trails. Will meet at the Lake Rutledge boat ramp. Register in advance. $20 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001. Carolina Mineral & Gem Festival; Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce; The Bridge Coliseum; 97 Pinebridge Ave.; Thu. 10-6, Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12:30-5; adults $3, seniors $1, children (under 10) free; minerals, jewelry, gemstones, stones, beads, crystals; contact Patti Jensen, PO Box 858, Spruce Pine, NC 28777, (828) 765-9033; e-mail:; Web site: 9-11—DALTON, GEORGIA: 22nd annual show; Treasures Of The Earth Gem & Jewelry Shows; Northwest Georgia Trade & Convention Center; 2211 Dug Gap Battle Rd., I-75 Exit 333; Fri. 2 -7, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-5; adults $3 (all 3 days), children (under 16) free; beads, pearls, gemstones, wire wrapping, wire sculpture, silversmiths and goldsmiths, custom work and repairs while you wait, lectures on metorites, door prizes; contact Van Wimmer Sr., 5273 Bradshaw Rd., Salem, VA 24153, (540) 384-6047; e-mail:; Web site: 9-11—FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Annual show; Exhibit Group Inc.; Fort Smith Convention Center; 55 S. Seventh St.; Fri. 11-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; admission $3; beads, fine jewelry (gold, sterling silver), diamond jewelry, fine jade jewelry, bead supplies, findings, pewter findings, gift items, free beading class; contact john Su, 13337 South St., Cerritos, CA 90703, (714) 4944546; e-mail:; Web site: 16-18—BRIDGETON, MISSOURI: 19th Annual Show; Greater St. Louis Assn. of Earth Science Clubs; Machinists Hall Auditorium; 12365 St. Louis Rock Rd.; Fri. 3-8, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11 -5; adults $4; contact Jerry Kubat, 1712 County Acres Dr., St. Peters, MO 63376-33390, (636) 928-4938; e-mail: 16-18—LEBANON, PENNSYLVANIA: Wholesale and retail show; Mid-Atlantic Gem & Mineral Assn.; Lebanon Fairgrounds; 80 Rocherty Rd.; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; adults $6, children (under 12) free; Gem Miners Jubilee: gems, minerals, beads, jewelry, classes, demonstrations; contact Teresa Schwab, 2740 Garfield Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910, (301) 706-7757; email:; Web site: 17-18—BOSSIER CITY, LOUISIANA: Annual show; Arklatex Gem & Mineral Society; Bossier City Civic Center; 620 Benton Rd.; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; adults $4, students $1 with ID, children (6 and under) free; custom and unique jewelry, gems, minerals, educational exhibits, demonstrations, door prizes ; contact Del Glasner, PO Box 6633, Bossier City, LA 71111, (318) 965-1989; e -mail:; Web site: 24-25—MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Annual show; Ozark Earth Science Gem, Mineral & Fossil Club; Cooper Park; Van Matre Senior Center, 1101 Spring St.; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; adults $1, children (12 and under) free; gems, minerals, fossils, rock-related gifts, crafts, jewelry to view and buy, hourly door prizes, grand prize, Spin to Win game for children; contact Edward Hakesley, 821-1 Alexis Circle, Mountain Home, AR 72653, (870) 424-0956; e-mail:; Web site: 24-25—PEORIA, ILLINOIS: 50th Annual Show; PAS Geology; Grand Hotel; 4400 N. Brandywine Dr.; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-5; free admission; rocks, gems, minerals, fossils, kids' area, fluorescent display, demonstrators, more than 20 dealers, panning sluice; contact Jim Travis, 2812 N. Peoria Ave., Peoria, IL 61603, (309) 645-3609; e-mail:; Web site: Other Regional Interests: Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History Smith Hall, University of Alabama Main Campus Florida Florida Museum of Natural History Georgia: Macon Arts and Science Mueum Anniston Museum of Natural History Kentucky: The Clement Mineral Museum (Marion, Kentucky) North Carolina: Colburn Earth Science Museum (Ashville, NC) Discovery Place (Charlotte, NC) Franklin Gem and Mineral Museum (Franklin, NC ) South Carolina The Bob Campbell Geology Museum Tennessee: Frank H. McClung Museum Gray Fossil Museum Virginia: The James Madison University Mineral Museum Wildacres 2012 Tips and Trips Page 15 August 2013 The Georgia Mineral Society August 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 Field Trip 4 Exec. 5 Board Mtg. 11 6 7 General MTG GMS Workshop 7pm-9pm 12 13 14 8 9 10 15 16 17 Sand Section Fossil Section 18 25 19 26 Field Trip 20 GMS Workshop 7pm-9pm 21 27 28 22 23 24 29 30 31 Mineral Section Gem Section Fernbank Museum of Natural History 76 Clifton Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA (404)929-6300 I-75 Exit 293 Cartersville, Georgia 770-606-5700 Upcoming Lectures All lectures are free for members and included in the cost of museum admission for non-members. Galleries will remain open until the start of the lecture. A few of the Permanent Exhibits: A Walk Through Time in Georgia Giants of the Mesozoic The World of Shells THE GEORGIA MINERAL SOCIETY, INC. 4138 Steve Reynolds Blvd. Norcross, GA. 30093-3059 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name: __________________________________________________________________________Birthday: month/day____________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse: _________________________________________________________________________Birthday: month/day____________________ Spouse’s email:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Names & Birthdays: mo/day/yr (residing at home): __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________________________ State: _____ Zip+4: _________________________ Home Phone(s): _________________________________ Cell Phone(s): ________________________ Office Phone(s): __________________ Occupations:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies, Interests: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS AT GMS: (Check all that apply) _____Mineral Section _____Micromount Section _____Junior Section _____Gem Section _____Fossil Section _____Electronic Newsletter Dues for New Members (Single, Couple, Family) are $25.00 per Society year. ($20.00 + $5.00 Initial Processing Fee) Renewal Dues are $20.00 per Society year. (due 12 months from the date of joining and every 12 months thereafter) Reinstatement Dues (For Expired Membership) are $25.00 ($20.00 + $5.00 Reinstatement Fee). Mailed copies are $10+Dues (electronic copy is still free). FAMILY MEMBERSHIPS ARE FOR THE IMMEDIATE FAMILY INCLUDING CHILDREN RESIDING WITH PARENTS. CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE ARE CONSIDERED JUNIOR MEMBERS. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE GEORGIA MINERAL SOCIETY, INC. THE GEORGIA MINERAL SOCIETY, INC. 4138 STEVE REYNOLDS BLVD. NORCROSS, GA. 30093-3059 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED PLEASE FORWARD FIRST CLASS
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