cimbria news - Cimbria Heid Kaack


cimbria news - Cimbria Heid Kaack
Cimbria produces equipment and complete process plants to the
agro- and bulk handling industry
Page 4
The Cimbria Group
Page 5
New silo projects in Egypt
Attended by approximately 120 delegates from no less than 42
different countries, Cimbria International Sales Event – CISE 1 –
was held during the period 13-15 November.
CISE is a sales seminar in which representatives from Cimbria’s own companies, dealers and network of agents meet to hear about and see the latest
developments, and to exchange experience concerning technical and commercial matters that cut across defined business areas and geographical
Each day of the 3-day seminar had an overall theme.
Under a headline of ‘Past, Present and Future’, the first day represented a
presentation and status of the results that Cimbria has already achieved,
expectations with regard to the future and the new strategies that are currently being implemented.
A number of speakers from all corners of the globe contributed with particularly fascinating presentations on a wide range of topics such as challenges
resulting from global climate change, an analysis of customer satisfaction
on the Canadian market, a win-win situation on the Egyptian market and
coffee plants in Mexico.
Read more on page 2
Page 6
Cimbria activities with the Ukrainian
company Nibulon
Page 11
Vibha Seeds in India inaugurated their
seed conditioning facilities
Page 13
Produttori Sementi - Italian leader in
the Seed Sector
Page 14
Moduflex loading solutions
Page 19
G2010 - the newborn dryer generation
Page 24
How to get the liquids mixed?
Page 26
New maize seed processing plant in
Page 28
Bunge expands in Poland using
Cimbria technology
Page 32
Silo and steel constructions
Page 40
Cimbria new website
20th Edition 2010
Published by Cimbria
Cimbria House, Box 40,
DK-7700 Thisted
Phone +45 96 17 90 00,
Fax +45 96 17 90 19,
Editing & Layout
Jytte Nielsen
Phone +45 96 17 90 22,
Communication Matters,
DK-9430 Vadum
Phone +45 28 11 97 27,
Typed with Verdana and printed by
Mediehuset Mors, DK-7900 Nykøbing
Phone +45 97 72 10 00
Delegates at the CISE meeting. From the left: Josef Kolar - Cimbria HMD, Czech Rep.,
Zoltán Horvath - Cimbria Heid Hungary, Lars Nørgaard - A/S Cimbria, Andreas Frölich
- Cimbria Heid and Otto Straka - Ingotto Spol, Slovakia
Number printed: 4500
Day 2 focused primarily on technology in products and processes and
took place at Cimbria’s factory in
Thisted. There were opportunities
to take part in a number of different
seminars within Cimbria’s 5 business
areas of Turnkey, Seed Processing,
Drying, Conveying and Storage.
The CISE tent
A 400 m marquee had been erected
for the occasion, which, in addition
to being used as a meeting place,
also housed an exhibition in which
a selection of Cimbria’s products
were on display. Guided tours of
the production facilities were also
organised to show off the many new
and comprehensive investments in
production equipment, in addition
to which the fully operational and
impressive test facility in the silo
was demonstrated by a number of
expert Cimbria personnel. Day 2,
in particular, in Thisted was thus
deemed to be very instructive and
The final day, Friday, was headlined
‘Marketing & Trends’, where topics
included a review of the new features of Cimbria’s electronic production configurator/pricelist, ESOP.
The new website for Cimbria, www., was presented and
launched during the course of a
day that also offered an analysis of
developments in the global economy
and changes in the buying behaviour
of multinational customers.
Drawing on feedback from similar
events held in previous years, extra
time was set aside during the day for
individual meetings.
There was great interest in the exhibition of Cimbria's products in the 400 m2 big tent
set up for the occasion
Interested audience during the tour in Cimbria workshops
This opportunity was fully exploited, with many exciting topics being discussed and a lot of experience exchanged in meeting rooms on site.
For further information, please contact Lars Nørgaard,
“Cimbria Awards”
CISE also hosted the “Cimbria
Awards”, which celebrate some
of the excellent results and efforts
in sales within the following three
Cimbria Sales of the Year:
This award is presented to a person
or organisation which has secured
an important order. This may mean,
for example, a particularly big order,
an order which is highly significant
in terms of its reference value or
an order from a new customer or
customer segment.
The nominees in this category were:
Mettco (Egypt), Oksana Stretovych
(Cimbria Unigrain Ukraine) and
Wieland Bogdan (Cimbria Heid).
The winner was Oksana Stretovych
for securing a string of impressive
orders to Nibulon.
From the left: Darin Stutler - representative of Cimbria Bratney, USA, Oksana Stretovych - Cimbria Unigrain Ukraine, Franz Harold - Cimbria Heid and Karsten Larsen
- A/S Cimbria
Cimbria Dealer of the Year:
Dealer of the Year is awarded to a dealer or agent that has generated noteworthy results and development in sales
and collaboration with Cimbria. The nominees in this category were: Mettco (Egypt), Bratney Companies (USA)
and Cimbria Heid Hungary (Hungary). The winner in this case was Bratney Companies, which, with a year-on-year
growth of 45% in what is otherwise a consistently high level of turnover, has achieved excellent results on the difficult US market.
Cimbria Honourable Award:
This award is a form of recognition for prolonged and unique efforts with regard to sales of Cimbria products and
technologies. This category had no fewer than 6 nominees: Arne Mose Sørensen (Cimbria Unigrain), Geoff Nuske
(Cimbria Australia), David Thompson (Cimbria UK), Franz Harold (Cimbria Heid), Henning R. Bukh (Cimbria Unigrain)
and the partnership of Roberto Arcozzi and Adolfo Zuddas (Cimbria Heid Italy). Choosing a winner in this category is
particularly difficult, since all of the nominees fully live up to the requirements and expectations of this honourable
award. The tiniest of margins resulted in the award deservedly going to Franz Harold.
The final evaluation amongst the participants revealed a high degree of satisfaction with the seminar as a whole, in
addition to which plenty of good, constructive input was received which helps point the way to what we can further
improve on in the future. Such a successful event can only be achieved through the tremendous efforts of a large
number of people, and I would like to express my great thanks to everyone involved for their invaluable help.
For further information, please contact Lars Nørgaard,
The Cimbria Group
Cimbria was founded in 1947 and is today one of the world’s leading suppliers of processing technology for grain
and seed.
Cimbria’s mission is to help create a sustainable link between efficient production and optimum utilization of agricultural crops, with due regard to humans and the environment. We call it “Grain Care”.
Our primary customers are within the grain and seed industry, although our equipment and plants are also used in
breweries, malting plants, feed factories, fertilizer storage, biomass processing facilities and the like.
Thousands of successfully installed projects around the world, operating under widely different conditions with a
broad variety of products, are the result of our intensive research and development over a period of more than sixty
years. This is our best reference for our expertise and competitiveness on a global market.
In this magazine you can read about a few of our recent installations. We design, develop, manufacture and install
customized solutions, whether these are individual machines, complete processing lines or large turnkey projects
including advanced automation and management information systems. We master all disciplines and expertise within research and development, crop knowledge, engineering and manufacturing, as well as project management,
consulting services, training, site supervision and construction.
Cimbria’s total project competence provides our customers with a high level of safety, comfort and attentiveness to
their project, ensuring qualified performance in every aspect and complete integration and coordination of functions
and components. Our project managers are responsible for overall project management, and will follow the project
as our customers’ personal contact from the engineering phase all the way through to commissioning.
Today, more than 500 highly qualified and motivated employees work at our company locations, whilst a large number
of dealers and agents are present in many parts of the world in order to ensure close contact with our customers.
Head Office
Cimbria companies and dealers
Continued on next page
The Cimbria Group of Companies in:
Denmark • Austria • Czech Rep. • India • Italy • Kenya • Malaysia •
Russia • Thailand • Ukraine • United Kingdom
Agents and dealers in:
Argentina • Australia • Bangladesh • Belgium • Brazil • Bulgaria • Canada •
Chile • China • Egypt • Eritrea • Ethiopia • Finland • France • Germany • Greece
• Holland • Hungary • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Japan • Kazakhstan •
Lithuania • Mexico • Montenegro • Pakistan • Peru • Phillippines • Poland •
Portugal • Rumania • Russia • Switzerland • Serbia • Slovakia • Slovenia •
South Africa • South Korea • Spain • Sweden • Taiwan • Thailand • Turkey •
United Kingdom • USA • Vietnam
For further information, please contact Karsten Larsen,
New silo projects in Egypt
Cimbria silo construction work in Egypt is an ongoing process. Ever since 1988, Cimbria has been active with some
kind of construction work for either the milling industry, seed sector or storage facilities.
Some years ago, the government of Egypt presented a national plan, a so-called 50 Silo Complex Plan. This entailed
the construction of a total capacity of 50 x 30,000 tonnes, corresponding to 1,500,000 tonnes, subject to financing.
Cimbria has to date proved to be the most successful player in the market.
During the last 4 years contracts for
a total capacity of 630,000 tonnes
have been awarded following international tenders, and Cimbria
has won more than 80% of these
The latest tender awarded to Cimbria consists of 2 x 30,000 tonnes
to be constructed in the Nile Delta
between Cairo and Alexandria.
Moreover, a 60,000-tonne silo complex is to be built in Assiut, north of
Luxor. Shipment of the new order
will begin by the end of this year.
Transport capacities are provided
by 200 tph conveyors and elevators
with a Delta 167 cleaning plant,
JKF aspiration, Unitest temperature
measurement and Unitronic MCC
with PC and SCADA control system.
For further information, please contact
Henning Roslev Bukh,
Ongoing construction work at a 60,000-tonne silo in Qena near Luxor
Cimbria activities with the Ukrainian company NIBULON
The cooperation between Cimbria and the Ukrainian company “Nibulon” increased considerably in
2010, which had a major influence both on previous projects and on new ones.
First of all, there was a substantial extension to the previously signed contract in 2009 that included the construction of 7 new silo complexes. In 2010, even before their construction was complete, it was decided to expand these
plants and to build one more plant. The total storage capacity of these facilities amounts to 0.5 million tonnes. The
length of chain conveyors delivered to each plant is 555 m, belt conveyors make up 280 m, and the height of the
elevators (if added together) at each plant amounts to 411m, which is 111m higher than the Eifel Tower in Paris.
By the middle of 2010 the construction of the seven plants was complete and the plants are now in operation.
These plants were constructed under stage 1 of the “NIBULON” investment project concerning the revival of navigation along the rivers of Ukraine. Cimbria is actively participating in this project by supporting financing insured
by EKF. The project covers the construction of 57 non-self-propelled and self-propelled vessels (24 have already
been built), 14 sea and river tugs (3 have been built), 16 storage plants, of which 10 are grain terminals along
the Dnipro and Southern Bug rivers. Logistics will be as follows: barges are to be filled with grain and transported
along the Dnipro, the Southern Bug and other rivers to the port terminal in Nikolayev on the Black Sea coast and
unloaded into the large facility there.
The final stage of the process involves discharging the grain into large ships for transportation to export markets,
primarily through the Bosporus Strait to the Middle East. Due to its importance, the project has acquired the status
of a national project in Ukraine.
It should be noted that this 100,000-tonne port terminal in Nikolayev was the first example of cooperation between
Cimbria and Nibulon. The terminal was built in 2003, and since then Nibulon has exported more than 10 million
tonnes of grain via our conveying equipment. This proves that Cimbria equipment is ideal for heavy-duty industrial
Karsten Larsen (left), Group Manager,
A/S Cimbria, shakes hands with Oleksiy
Vadaturskyy, General Director and owner
of Nibulon, Ukraine
At the opening ceremony in Gradizhsk. From the left Oleksandr Udovychenko, Head
of Poltava Regional State Administration, Viktor Slauta, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine
on agricultural issues, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, General Director, Nibulon, Henning Roslev
Bukh, Sales Director, Cimbria Unigrain A/S, Oksana Stretovych, Director of Cimbria
Unigrain’s representative office in Ukraine, Grygoriy Kaletnik, Head of the Verkhovna
Rada Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations
The next step in the high level
cooperation between Cimbria and
Nibulon was the signing of a new
contract on 30th July 2010.
The new contract was signed for
8 new 75,000-tonne grain storage
facilities and on this occasion the
scope of Cimbria’s supply covered
intake conveying equipment with
a capacity of 250 tph and loading
conveying equipment with capacities
of 500 tph. Moreover, the agreement
included huge maize dryers with a
total capacity of 200 tph at each
of the eight sites. The dryers are
double column dryers with 5 zones,
type DMG 26.
It is a great opportunity for Cimbria
Nibulon silo plant in Kamenka
to show its revolutionary technological
solutions, and the first dryer of this nature in Ukraine will be installed at the facility in Nova Odessa town.
According to the contract, delivery was due to commence in October 2010 and will be completed during the course
of 2011.
The long-term cooperation between Cimbria and Nibulon is also based on the same principles of environmental safety. Cimbria’s aim of achieving maximum machine utilization with minimum environmental strain matches Nibulon’s
principle of preserving the unique nature of the region.
For further information, please contact Oksana Stretovych, or Henning Roslev Bukh, hrb@
Nibulon silo plant in Vitovo
Nibulon silo plant in Globino
Lithuania - Silo plants
2010 has been another good
year for Cimbria’s distributor
and agent in Lithuania.
KB „Kedainiu aruodai“ Babenai
and Krekenava
UAB Dotnuvos Projektai was awarded the contract for 10,000-tonne
and 20,000-tonne silo projects on
a turnkey basis.
The new facilities are both with a
Combi Cleaner, Cimbria chain conveyors and bucket elevators for handling 100 tonnes of wheat per hour.
At Babenai a Cimbria dryer with
cyclofans and line gas burner have
been installed, whilst at Krekenava
a Cimbria dryer with cyclofans and
direct furnace have been installed.
The silos are equipped with a Cimbria PC-based temperature monitoring system and JKF aeration fans.
”Kedainiu aruodai” Krekenava
For both plants, UAB Dotnuvos
Projektai was responsible for the
complete service: engineering, civil
works, delivery of equipment and
steel structures, supervision, mechanical and electrical installation.
UAB „Zvalguva“ silo plant
”Kedainiu aruodai” Babenai
UAB „Zvalguva“ silo plant
UAB Dotnuvos Projektai secured an order for a 12,000-tonne silo installation.
For this plant Cimbria chain conveyors and bucket elevators for conveying 100 tonnes of wheat per hour were supplied.
The silos are equipped with a Cimbria temperature monitoring system with a central read-out unit and JKF aeration
For further information, please contact Arne Jensen,
Leading coffee house, Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, inaugurates new coffee facilities in Honduras
With a monthly milling capacity of
as much as 130,000 bags of coffee
and adequate warehousing space,
Becamo is ideally positioned to
become the largest green coffee
exporter in Central America.
On March 27th 2010, the Neumann
Group export company in Honduras,
Becamo, inaugurated their new office, warehousing and milling facility
in Villanueva, a stone’s throw from
San Pedro Sula, the nation’s commercial capital. Executive management groups from a number of Neumann Group countries in the region
and South America attended, and
in his inauguration speech, David
M. Neumann emphasised that this
major investment by NKG conclusively demonstrated the company’s
and the shareholders’ total commitment to the entire coffee and
business sector.
New coffee facilities in Honduras
Mr. Emilio Medina, General Manager of Becamo, pointed out that these new state-of-the-art installations represented
a milestone in the development of the company and the Honduran coffee sector as a whole, and that innovative
techniques had been applied in all processes and installations.
Cimbria has made its contribution to these innovative techniques, providing equipment such as belt conveyors,
elevators, one Cimbria pre-cleaner, and one gravity table which we sent for trial purposes. We were also involved in
solving part of the factory dust extraction system by installing a Super Cyclofan with accessories. The whole coffee
processing line has a hulling and cleaning capacity of 10 tph.
For further information, please contact Wieland Bogdan,
Kelang Beras P.C.K., Malaysia
Kelang Beras P.C.K., located in Alor Star in the north of Malaysia, has successfully installed a new paddy seed plant which is capable of processing 30
tonnes of paddy seed per hour.
From the pre-cleaner the paddy seeds are received at the fine cleaning station, which consists of 2 x fine cleaners and 4 x gravity separators. Separation of the dust from the air is performed by cyclofans.
With this new installation, the company now has the biggest capacity for
processing high quality, certified and registered paddy seed in the Far East
New 30 tph paddy seed plant in Malaysia
At the same location the company has a production of white rice at a capacity of more than 10 tph.
For further information please contact C. T. Ooi, or
Bjarne Svendsen,
Cimbria plants for handling of wood pellets
LAXÅ Pellets, Röfors, Sweden
Cimbria has received an order from LAXÅ Pellets concerning the extension of its existing wood pellet storage
facility prior to dispatch.
LAXÅ Pellets is one of Sweden’s major producers of biofuel pellets, with an annual production of approx. 95,000
tonnes manufactured from dried waste products from
sawmills and the timber industry. LAXÅ is owned 100%
by Norturll Energy AB, which is in turn a fully-owned
subsidiary of OK in Sweden. In 2009 Cimbria Unigrain
supplied a large conveying system for wood pellets to
Helsinge Pellets, which is a subsidiary of LAXÅ Pellets.
The new plant consists of a silo of 4,750 m³. The silo, which is galvanised, is erected at field level on a cast foundation plate and is filled by means of chain conveyors as an extension to the existing system.
The silo is emptied by means of a chain conveyor which leads the product out to the existing discharge system.
Complete emptying of the silo is ensured by means of a mechanical silo discharge mechanism, a so-called sweep
auger, which is fitted at the bottom of the silo. The sweep auger starts and stops automatically and ensures that
the silo is completely emptied of the remaining wood pellets once the pellets no longer run out of their own accord.
The new silo installation is equipped with Cimbria Unitest® temperature monitoring in the form of electronic cables
with electronic measurement points, which hang down from the roof of the silo into the bulk of the wood pellets.
There are 7 electronic cables providing a total of 56 points of measurement. The temperature of the pellets is constantly monitored by the plant’s SCADA system, thus minimising the risk of spontaneous combustion of the pellets.
Furthermore, in accordance with ATEX regulations, the silo is equipped with pressure relief panels which open as
the weakest element in the structure in the event of a dust explosion in the silo and conveying equipment. The
panels are installed in the roof of the silo and the risk of injury to personnel and damage to surrounding facilities in
the event of fire and dust explosions are thus negligible.
For further information, please contact Niels Christensen,
WASA Pellets, Mora, Sweden
In collaboration with the engineering firm J. Mared AB in Huskvarna, Cimbria has delivered conveying and discharge
equipment for a new production facility for wood pellets to WASA Pellets, which is a department within WASA Byggträ.
Timber waste from WASA Byggträ’s sawmill and wood planing facility is used as the raw
material in the production of pellets.
For this new production facility Cimbria has supplied the conveying system running to the
plant’s hammer mill and onwards from here to the pellet press, the reverse flow cooler and
the finished goods screen, after which the finished wood pellets are conveyed to an outdoor silo.
A big-bag filling plant consisting of scales and a control panel, also supplied by Cimbria, is installed after
this silo.
For further information, please contact Niels Christensen,
Mission accomplished - worthy of an Indian Oscar?
One of the world´s largest state-of-the art multi-crop seed conditioning facilities from Vibha Seeds
inaugurated . . .
. . . was the header of the press release of Vibha Seeds.
As mentioned and announced in the previous year’s edition
of Cimbria NEWS (2009), Vibha Seeds finally inaugurated
their facility. Unfortunately, printing deadlines meant that
a full report was not possible in last year’s edition.
Cimbria enjoyed the great honour of being invited as a VIP
guest in the same row as high-ranking guests representing
Indian politics and the economy. The chief guest of the day
was the honourable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Dr.
K. Rosaiah. This fact alone justifies a report on the occasion, although it is really difficult to describe our amazing
Mr. Vidya Sagar Parchuri (Chairman and Managing Director
of Vibha Seeds), a techno-commercial entrepreneur, placed
great value on a perfect combination of almost unlimited
hospitality (exclusive lunch for approx. 5000 guests protected by approx. 500 policemen) and the extremely well
prepared technical start-up of the machines.
M/s Vibha Agrotech Limited – one of the World’s largest multicrop seed conditioning facilities
M/s Vibha Agrotech Limited – Equipment bay length of 175m
Using remote control on notebooks, the chief guests started the CIMBRIA plants (installed in the 175m long bay)
mouse click by mouse click.
Vibha Seeds had thought about everything and we, as Cimbria representatives, had a really proud feeling in our
hearts when we discovered that the CIMBRIA name ranked first on their banner “THANKING all those who made it
On behalf of Cimbria, I would like to express our great thanks to Mr. Vidya Sagar, Vibha Seeds, for having been a
part of this impressive event with our Cimbria equipment. We wish all the best and success for the future.
For further information, please contact Rajiv Iyer, or Franz Franer,
M/s Vibha Agrotech Limited – 5000 excited guests inspecting
the modern CIMBRIA equipment
M/s Vibha Agrotech Limited – Equipment bay length of 175m
Nadeau Seeds Inc.
Nadeau Seeds Inc. was established by Gilbert Nadeau in Fannystelle, Manitoba
in 1967. In October 2010, Cimbria Canada commissioned new processing
equipment in a renewed 15 tph seed grain, canola, and soybean plant. This
was the first major plant upgrade since it was built. Over the years it had been
modified with smaller capacity equipment. Brian Nadeau took over the family
business from his father. Part of the operation includes an 1800-hectare seed
farm, seed processing operation, canola seed treating and management of
seed sales.
The seed processing and seed treatment business is the core for Nadeau Seeds.
Nadeau Seeds has built their business on being leaders in providing high quality seed and sound agronomic advice based on their own field research. Brian
felt the need to upgrade their equipment to keep up with the demands of the
industry in terms of quality, efficiency and specialty seeds.
With growth in volumes, a focus on quality and an aging facility, Nadeau
elected to undertake a major expansion project. The existing building was
expanded to accommodate larger equipment, including a new Cimbria Delta
Super Cleaner, Cimbria Heid indent cylinders and gravity separator, a Cimbria
de-awner, spirals for canola and soybeans, and a Cimbria cyclofan providing
the exhaust air. Cimbria equipment was selected because of Cimbia’s years of
experience in seed equipment and the high quality for which it is known.
Super Cleaner for Nadeau Seeds in Manitoba, Canada
Design of the plant layout was developed with the collaboration of Nadeau and his team including Cimbria Canada,
local plant construction contractor Charlie Parent and several other key contributors for electrical work and control
systems. The new plant layout is highly flexible, allowing for various machines to be included or excluded from the
flow depending on the product in process and the level of cleaning required. Automation is also a major theme,
with a custom-designed control system which automates the plant. The system features one or more programs for
each product processed in the plant, sequentially starting and stopping the equipment required for the job at hand.
Future planned expansions are colour sorters and de-stoners, which Brian believes will be necessary in the future
as the seed cleaning industry continues to evolve.
For further information, please contact Mark Metcalfe,
Expansion At Syngenta
Although Syngenta has previously
used a lot of our competitors’ machines, in their latest expansion in
Thailand all machines originated
from Cimbria, e.g.
Gravity separator
Super fine cleaner
Maize sheller
By the beginning of November 2010
all the aforementioned machines
had been commissioned by our
For further information contact
Seen in the picture is a Centricoater CC 50, which is the 2nd unit to be used by Syngenta (Thailand). The first unit was a CC 20 dating back to 2006/7
Produttori Sementi - Italian leader in the Seed Sector
Improving agricultural production through research and transfer of innovation
This has been the mission of Società
Produttori Sementi di Bologna (PSB)
since 1911. Thanks to its own research
activity, aiming to create increasingly
innovative and high-yield varieties as
regards both production and quality,
Società Produttori Sementi di Bologna
has become a leading company in the
wheat sector today.
The long-term relationship between
Cimbria Heid Italy and Produttori Sementi, in addition to the customer’s
comprehensive trust of the high quality of Cimbria machinery, made it easy
for them to decide which manufacturer
to go for when planning their new seed
processing plant in Argelato.
Cimbria installed a complete intake
section including pre-cleaning, a
2,500-tonne square silo, as well as a
12 t/h fine-cleaning and 18 t/h treating section with modern Centricoater.
Complete intake section for new seed processing plant in Argelato, Italy
Aspiration systems with bag filters as
well as a central SPS control panel complete Cimbria’s scope of supply.
For further information, please contact Friedrich Kienmeier,
C.P. sets up Cimbria drying & cleaning facilities in
Last year, orders by C.P. Vietnam included the installation of a Cimbria drying
plant with a capacity of 50 tph and 2 Rotocleaners with a combined capacity
of 200 tph at DAKLAK in the central region of Vietnam.
Having been satisfied with the performance of Cimbria’s dryer & Rotocleaner, C.P. Vietnam once again chose Cimbria as their equipment supplier in
their recent expansion that took place in early 2010. Commissioning of the
aforementioned equipment was carried out by Cimbria in July/August 2010
to C.P.’s full satisfaction.
Daklak is a small town situated in the central region of Vietnam. It is a hilly
region and maize is grown abundantly in and around Daklak. It is from this
location that C.P. acquires most of its maize supply.
It is hoped that C.P. Vietnam will add more drying & cleaning facilities in
Vietnam in the near future.
Drying & cleaning facilities in Daklak,
For further information contact Chanin,
New seed cleaning line
in Krasnodar, Russia
Cimbria signed a contract with the
company “EU Imtex” for the supply of a seed processing line with a
capacity of 10 tph of wheat.
The new line consists of a Delta
Super Cleaner, indented cylinder,
gravity separator with partial dust
hood and a Centricoater.
Cyclofans are installed for aspiration
For operation and control of the
plant, Cimbria MCC, PLC and PC
control systems have been supplied.
For further information, please contact
Arne Jensen,
Seed processing line with a capacity of 10 tonnes of wheat per hour
New integrated filter solution for Moduflex chutes
Built-in height is often a problem in existing installations, where the
customer wishes to install loading chutes as part of the need to create
a better working environment by keeping dust to a minimum during
the loading process.
At the same time, the customer also wishes to have a chute with an
integral filter solution in order to avoid – often costly – installation of duct
work to a central filter bag housing and to ensure that the product falls
back into the flow.
For many years Cimbria has supplied loading chutes with an integral filter, where
the filter module is part of the inlet construction. This is a well-proven solution
in terms of functionality, but of course requires a certain built-in height for installation.
Cimbria has – along with its German partner, Agrichema – developed a solution
where the filter is side-mounted such that the built-in height is virtually the same
as a non-filter loading chute. At the same time, it has been possible to increase the filter surface area, which in some cases is required when
handling particular products.
The filter is mounted on a rectangular flange built out on a transition piece from
the inlet part of the chute. The filter can be supplied in different sizes and in
ATEX configuration and can handle almost any type of product. The filter can be
supplied as standard with the 300, 400 and 500 series of loading chutes.
The filter must be supplied externally with 3-4 bar of compressed air, and control of
the filter is normally performed by the PLC in the control box of the loading chute.
For further information, please contact Henrik Frandsen,
The K300 is an example of a loading chute with a
side-mounted filter
Loading into closed and open rail wagons from the
same installation
In co-operation with our Finnish partner, Mega Mänty, Cimbria has recently
supplied a loading solution to the company Raisio Malt Ltd., Finland’s largest
producer of brewing malt.
The company needed loading equipment with a high degree of manoeuvrability for loading malt into both open and closed rail wagons and open trucks.
The solution was the delivery of two Moduflex loading chutes of type S300
each fitted on positioning units. To solve this task the chutes are supplied
with a multi-outlet which is a combination of a tank outlet and a flat outlet,
i.e. the outlet is equipped with both an outlet cone and a dust skirt.
The installation also required a high degree of manoeuvrability, since the
discharge installation is situated in an area of the factory where the railway
track curves. In order to compensate for the curve, each loading chute is
fitted on a FlexPositioner of type P1000HR, a motorized positioning unit that
reduces road and rail tanker truck loading turn-around time and increases
safety. Instead of the tanker truck or rail wagon having to stop precisely under
the chutes and the discharge outlet connected by hand to the loading hatch,
the outlet itself is manoeuvred by a remotely controlled integral positioning
unit. In loading situations where a long train of rail tankers is being loaded
and therefore has to be driven into a precisely determined position, the unit
can offer effective savings in terms of total loading time.
Both the loading chutes and the
positioning units are controlled by
wireless remote control. A screen
on the remote control unit allows
the operator to monitor the loading
rate and total quantity loaded at all
Requirements for both open and closed
loading are easily met by supplying a
loading chute with a multi-outlet
For further information, please contact
Svend Christensen,
The FlexPositioners solve the problems
of placing the installation on a curved
railway track
Delivery of two V800 loading chutes for Dong Energy’s distribution port in
Aabenraa, Denmark
In August 2010 Cimbria delivered two V800 loading chutes with 14 modules for the loading of coal into ships in
Aabenraa. The loading chutes are part of a major refit and optimisation of the port’s former loading solution, and
the new loading chutes were necessary due to problems of dust and noise.
In order to take the current equipment and the variation in the size of the ships into account, there were special
requirements with regard to built-in height, and it was therefore necessary to make a special outlet and carry out
other modifications. In order to withstand the wear and tear from the coal, the inlet and guide cones were produced
in 6 mm and 4 mm Hardox respectively.
The loading chutes hang on each side of a mobile belt conveyor and load up to 1500 tonnes of coal per hour.
Continued on next page
The total value of the order was DKK
1.3 million, which represents an excellent order for Cimbria, and once
again goes to prove that flexibility
in terms of design and construction
enables us to arrive at the right
solutions in partnership with our
customers, thus retaining our good
position on a market that is characterised by considerable pressure in
terms of prices.
The port is Scandinavia’s biggest
transit port, and DONG receives and
distributes coal to power stations
that are fired with coal. The harbour
has a depth of 18 m and can accommodate vessels weighing up to
180,000 tonnes.
For further information please contact
Kasper Hansen,
Following delivery of the Moduflex loading chute, Dong is able to live up to the authorities’ restrictions with respect to dust and noise when loading and unloading
Supplying a loading chute with low built-in height
In cooperation with our German
Moduflex partner, Agrichema GMBH,
Cimbria has won an order for a loading chute with integrated filter for
loading malt into open ships. The
task was to supply a loading chute
that could fit into a relatively low
built-in height.
In cooperation with Agrichema, Cimbria designed a shiploading chute
with an easy-to-fit filter outlet which
makes it possible to assemble the
chute outlet once the fitting of the
upper part of the chute is complete.
The easy-to-fit outlet is a further development of the Moduflex shiploader with a filter unit mounted on the
chute head.
The loading chute delivered is of
the type V500FF with an integrated
The customer is quite satisfied with the replaceable outlet, which he describes as a
fully self-contained filter on a flatbed
outlet. The loading chute is equipped very practical solution
with 22 modules providing the chute with an extended length of nearly 17,000 mm.
Due to the nature of the product, the loading chute is provided with explosion-proof components in accordance with
the ATEX directives.
Mounting the loading chute without the outlet reduces the built-in height by more than 2300 mm, which enables it
to fit into the installation.
For further information, please contact Svend Christensen,
Institute Osijek & Cimbria going hand in hand
Countries in the former Yugoslavia always were, and still are, among the world leaders in seed quality. In particular,
the primarily state-owned agricultural institutes in this region, led by the agricultural ministries, have the best agricultural engineers among their employees, and thus continue to develop new unique cultivars of various crops that
are famous all over Europe, and even in Asia, exhibiting excellent germination capacity even in difficult climates.
To achieve their self-imposed extraordinarily high quality standards for their seeds, these agricultural institutes
have decided that Cimbria should be their preferred supplier for seed processing technology, thus enabling them
to fulfil their targets.
Band dryer
Complete universal turnkey seed processing plant in Croatia
Elite seed plant
This year, the Agricultural Institute of Osijek in Croatia installed a complete universal turnkey seed processing plant
for grain, legumes, maize and also fine seeds from Cimbria. The high hourly capacity of 12 tonnes based on wheat
is combined with very gentle and genuine handling of the product by means of pendulum bucket elevators. Stateof-the-art aspiration systems, all with bag filters, are of course part of the plant.
Great attention was also paid to ensuring maximum flexibility in the plant flow so as to be able to treat
the various crops at maximum purity and hourly capacity, further reducing downtimes for crop-change to an absolute minimum.
Chemical treatment is of course realized with Cimbria Centricoaters, incl. a chemical mixing room in order to achieve
excellent results on all the varieties of crops processed.
Next to the brand new seed processing plant, Institute Osijek is also running an elite seed plant, a complete maize
shelling line, as well as a band dryer, all designed and delivered exclusively by Cimbria during recent years.
The fact that Institute Osijek, an absolute expert in the seed sector, prefers Cimbria as their supplier of all
kinds of seed processing equipment represents a certificate of quality for which we are very proud and thankful.
For further information, please contact Borut Drnovsek,
Growing with care - Growing with Cimbria
”Growing with care” – this headline is part of Nuziveedu Seeds’ company logo.
Being one of India’s leading companies in the seed sector and at the same time one of Cimbria´s long-term Indian
clients, Nuziveedu Seeds reconfirmed their confidence in our company and our equipment by installing three seed
processing plants (two facilities for 10 tph capacity based on wheat and one for 17 tph based on wheat) at different
sites at almost the same time.
During the course of the last few years, Nuziveedu Seeds has purchased
Cimbria equipment on a frequent
The speciality this time was the
fact that the client decided to go
for turnkey solutions; the challenge
was the short delivery period for
the machinery which filled more
than fifteen 40-foot containers; the
mission was to provide solid, stateof-the-art production conditions for
Nuziveedu Seeds in accordance with
their motto of ‘growing with care’.
Our vision? To convince Nuziveedu
Seeds that ”growing with care” is
best achieved by ”growing with
For further information, please contact
Rajiv Iyer, or
Franz Franer,
Nuziveedu Seeds - 17 tph plant based on wheat
Switzerland - Who said only mountains and cheese?
Talking about Switzerland, we all know about its nice countryside and beautiful mountains, as well as cheese, chocolate and the world famous banking system.
However, we at Cimbria have to see agriculture in Switzerland as an industry highly focused on quality, so absolute a
country that should be on our radar.
Along with our Swiss partner ISB, we
realized a silo plant for mixed fodder
owned by Landi Mühle Thun in the
summer of 2010.
The 3 silos, each with a holding
capacity of 1,000 m³, are complete
with intake pit, aeration system,
temperature monitoring and Cimbria chain conveyors for filling and
emptying, both in connection with
the existing facilities.
The silo business is becoming increasingly important to Cimbria,
so this is a nice example of a small
plant where Cimbria was successful
in winning an order.
For further information, please contact
Andreas Fröhlich,
Silo plant for mixed fodder, Landi Mühle Thun in Switzerland
G2010 – the newborn dryer generation
Almost a decade ago the national, and indeed multinational, centralization within the agricultural
business provoked a strong demand for higher and higher handling and drying capacities, and since
then Cimbria has increased its efforts to meet these demands in the most practical and economical
Our goal was to combine the necessary renewal of the dryer with the
benefit of rationalization and technical improvement, simplifying the
process of choosing the right model and size and reducing the
environmental impact of the drying process through massive
heat and power savings.
The challenge
Knowing exactly what is needed to create the perfect dryer,
the hard work is to get all the ideas realized and reliably
tested at an acceptable cost. Since in many cases dryers
only run for a few hectic and stressful weeks per year,
testing, interfering with and perhaps even interrupting
the drying process is very difficult and unwelcome.
However through the joint efforts of Cimbria Unigrain
and our local UK Office, we did manage to find 2 clients interested in our new technology and willing to
allow an almost unlimited test run. (See separate
article elsewhere in the magazine)
Both models, a DEG-12R and a DMG-18R, are
designed to dry wheat at very high temperatures
of up to 125 °C (this is a client request – and not
recommended by Cimbria).
Specification & Technology
Both dryers are equipped with the new standardized
energy saving system and both dryers are kept
virtually dust-free by the new air stop/discharge
system, which in reality is not new at all, but has
been refined by Cimbria to a very high standard,
comparable and even more efficient than aspiration
with Cyclofans.
The single biggest advantage of this system is the
considerable reduction in electric power consumption, close to 50 % compared to the well-known
Cyclofan technology.
Having said that, we still need to point out that no meDMG-12 (Oil Fired)
chanical system for dust separation works 100 %, and the
previous treatment of the product before drying, including pre-cleaning, aspiration and careful handling absolutely
supports a dust-free drying process.
Continued on next page
The most important step in this renewal process is the change from active separation of dust from the exhaust air
to simply avoiding extraction of dust into the exhaust. As experienced throughout many years of practical drying,
dust is released whenever the product in the dryer is moving, and no mechanical separation system except filters
can guarantee any specified residual amount of dust in the exhaust air.
All systems, such as Cyclofans, Venticlons, Centriclons, or whatever name these separators may have, are limited
to a certain percentage of separation depending on dust load, particle weight and particle size. These machines are
sensitive to the moisture/dust combination in the air, covering the inside of the separators with a sticky layer of dirt,
which has to be removed constantly or all separation ability is lost. Furthermore, these separators need a very high
level of power to create the necessary air speed/rotation to separate dust particles through centrifugal force. On
average, the kW consumption of such a system will be twice as high as the power consumption of an ordinary fan.
Filter systems, on the other hand, can guarantee a specified
max. dust content in the exhaust air, simply based on the filter
clothing type.
The disadvantage is the extreme filter cost, caused by the very
high air flow with high moisture content usually associated with
the drying process.
The conclusion must therefore be not to separate dust from the
exhaust air but to avoid setting the dust free!
Several dryer manufacturers have already practiced this idea
with greater or lesser degrees of success. Cimbria began to study
these types of dryers in order to try to pinpoint the differences
between a well-functioning system and those that do not work
well enough.
The result soon became clear: the key is the correct timing in the
air stop/discharge sequence. Without going into detail, Cimbria
has found a way to considerably reduce the issue of dust in the
drying process, and the first official stack emissions testing report,
performed by the authorized company Catalyst Environmental
Ltd., confirms this.
With the new G2010 dryers we have seen a dust emission level
of 5-10 mg/m3 when drying in continuous mode in standard
pre-cleaned grain – a result which we are quite happy with and
which supports our conclusion 100%!
Meeting the request for higher capacity resulted in the development of double-column and even triple-column dryers with a total
width of 6.6 and 9.9 metres.
The principal performance of the dryer columns hasn’t changed,
but both the hot air chamber and the wet air chamber have been
redesigned to improve the equalization of the hot air temperature
by extended hot air channels and reducing the air velocity in the
exhaust, thus avoiding material, which might have entered the
chamber when filling the dryer, exiting through the fans.
Access for cleaning and maintenance purposes has been improved
by additional access doors and internal platforms.
Dryer Modules
Dryers of the new generation will always be equipped with a standardized energy saving system,
optimizing the saturation of the drying air and
reclaiming energy from the cooling area.
A new electrical service, control and dryer management concept completes the technical configuration
and secures easy operation and functional safety of
the new dryer generation.
The Cimbria Full Dryer Control PC with SCADA system includes the electrical panel containing Omron
PLC, main switch, emergency stop, motor circuit
breakers and frequency inverters for fans, granting
full control of the dryer with built-in process control
and all necessary interlocking for safe operation.
The system includes a PC complete with LED monitor,
mouse and keyboard, software for monitoring and
data logging, adjustment and historical logging of
process parameters.
There is an option of pre-setting parameters for up
to 10 drying recipes for easy changeover of product
The dryer programme
Last but not least, Cimbria decided to simplify the
dryer range, reducing the number of models to 21,
which thus now consists of 7 versions of single-column dryers, 7 versions of double-column dryers and
7 versions of triple-column dryers. This simplification
or rationalization will massively improve the general
picture of the range of dryers for both clients and
sales representatives, thus enabling them to achieve
greater agreement with regard to dryer performance
and function.
Furthermore, it will increase production speed due
to ready-made drafting and planning work, increased DMG-18 (Gas Fired)
production series and a more or less complete lack
of special production, which should bring positive results, both in terms of price and delivery time.
Having mentioned all the benefits and advantages of the new dryer generation, please note that this is not the end of
the road; there is an ongoing process of innovation in the world of drying agricultural products. Cimbria will remain
involved in this search for improvement, based on experience and our high ambitions for environmental care, and we
will strive at all times to remain one of the market leaders in energy-saving industrial quality drying equipment.
For further information, please contact Palle Dybdal, or Wolfgang Zamastil,
Cimbria conveying systems
Conveying system for sugar beet sections
Cimbria has delivered a conveying system to Nordic Sugar A/S, Nykøbing
Falster, Denmark.
Designed to convey hot sugar beet sections, Cimbria has delivered a special
edition of a 100-m long belt conveyor. The top cover of the belt conveyor
is fabricated in perforated sheet, which allows steam and heat to escape.
The delivery also includes a 100-m long steel structure with walkway and
Cimbria has previously supplied similar equipment to Nordic Sugar A/S.
Top cover for belt conveyor in perforated
sheet for Nordic Sugar, Denmark
Conveying system for woodchips
Cimbria has delivered a woodchip conveying system to Dong Energy A/S,
Masnedø, Denmark.
Designed to supply fuel to a new boiler plant, Cimbria has delivered a new
conveying system consisting of a 750 mm Contec screw conveyor and a 40
m long belt conveyor with ancillary supports, steps and walkways.
The belt conveyor is the newly developed type GTH.
Silo installation for sand, lime and cement
Cimbria has delivered a silo and discharge installation to Mira A/S, Norway.
Woodchip conveying system to Dong
Energy, Denmark
During the last 15 years, Cimbria has delivered a number of silo and production plants to Mira Byggeprodukter. In 2010 we installed a silo facility in
Lillestrøm, Norway.
In addition to the silo installation itself, Cimbria supplied injection pipes, filter
system, bucket elevator, pipework and Moduflex loading chute.
Weighing system for sand, lime and cement
Cimbria has delivered a silo and discharge installation to Hey`di A/S, Norway.
In conjunction with a major silo and production plant sold to Hey`di A/S,
Frogner, Norway, Cimbria has delivered 3 weighing systems designed to
weigh different mineral products. 35 Contec screw conveyors with variable
speed of rotation have been installed to convey the material between the
silos and the weighing systems.
In addition to the weighing system, Cimbria has delivered silo, injection
pipes, filter system, bucket elevator, pipework and a discharge system for
road tankers.
Silo and discharge installation to Mira,
For further information, please contact Børge H. Svendsen,
Silo and discharge installation to Hey`di,
Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
Coffee is native to Ethiopia and is the
country’s number one export. Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative
Union is a cooperative owned by
171 small farmer-owned primary
cooperatives. Each of these primary
co-ops is owned by 300-500 farmers
and serves as the processing centre
for its owners’ coffee, as well as an
educational resource on quality coffee farming. The primary cooperative is also where its owning farmers
meet to decide how the Fair Trade
premium they earn is to be used.
The ‘Oromia’ name comes from
the name of the tribe of Oromia in
the Oromia region of Ethiopia. The
Oromia tribe is the biggest ethnic
tribe in Ethiopia and is comprised
mostly of farmers, many of whom
rely on coffee as their primary cash
crop. While only 25% of farmers in
the region are members of OCFCU,
the union is growing through its success in exporting quality coffee and
improving farmers’ lives.
New coffee processing mill to Oromia Coffee farmers Cooperative Union in Ethiopia
This new coffee processing mill is among the most highly-automated in the world and includes the latest Cimbria
equipment and advanced technologies. The mill was built and commissioned by Cimbria in cooperation with Cimbria
Ethiopia in 2010. It was engineered by our Project Manager, Mr. Ernst Halper, and supervised by Mr. Tadele Dargie,
who has been working for over 12 years as Cimbria’s installation engineer in Ethiopia. Our goal was to coordinate
the production line process by means of optimizing space and resources, resulting in greater manufacturing capacity.
The equipment installed includes Cimbria’s pre-cleaner, Delta grader, de-stoner, coffee beater, huller and gravity
tables. Elevators, belt conveyors and cyclofans are also all Cimbria equipment. The specified cleaning capacity for
green coffee is 5 t/h with a hulling capacity for parchment coffee of 5 t/h.
For further information, please contact Wieland Bogdan,
Paddy seed and sunflower seed dryers to Russia
In 2010 Cimbria delivered an AEG-28 dryer for paddy seed. This dryer is
currently undergoing installation in the Krasnodar region in southern Russia
and is expected to be ready for operation by the end of 2010.
For a client in Barnaul Cimbria supplied an AMG-20 dryer for sunflower seed.
Along with this dryer, we delivered a number of Cimbria bucket elevators
and Cimbria chain conveyors.
This installation is also expected to be ready for operation by the end of 2010.
For further information, please contact Arne Jensen,
How to get the liquids mixed?
Mixing of chemicals for the coating process is a big challenge for our valued customers. High accuracy and reproducibility are the keys to this process. To boost our scope of supply in terms of chemical treatment, Cimbria Heid and
Cimbria HMD have recently carried out a lot of R&D to develop fully automatic mixing systems.
In March 2010 the biggest challenge to date for Cimbria with regard to coating and mixing systems was commenced.
Bratney won the order for the installation of a complete seed line for DOW Grand Rich, including two CC250DUOs
(each with 2 MASS D25 dosing lines) and 3 worktanks (on load cells) feeding these four dosing lines. Each CC250DUO
has its own operating panel, with a 10” display and AB control system.
Furthermore, a complex mixing & pumping system was installed. It includes a washwater tank, 3 mixing tanks (each
able to supply all three worktanks), and a total of 6 air pumps for feeding each chemical from the bulk containers
into each of the three mixing tanks.
All tanks are on load cells with their
own transfer pump. An integrated
panel (also with 10” display and AB
control system) is used to operate
this M&P system, communicating via
LAN with both main panels of the
CC250DUOs for preparing only the
necessary amount of slurry in each
tank for the Centricoaters.
Due to the perfect cooperation between DOW, Bratney, and Cimbria,
the project was fully operational by
the end of October.
At the same time, a 2nd project for
DOW was delivered and has now
also been started up. Based on good
cooperation in previous projects,
Bratney is currently finalizing the
next two projects with DOW, each
similar to the first project, only using
two CC250s instead of CC250DUOs.
For further information, please contact
Michael Augustin,
Cimbria Mixing System for DOW Grand Rich
Post-harvest equipment for seed corn project for PT Brantnita in Mojokartyo,
In 2010 Cimbria completed the first phase for post-harvest equipment for a seed corn project for
PT Brantnita in Mojokartyo, Indonesia.
The project scope of works included design, engineering and construction of 20 square bins, a mechanical conveying
system, an aeration system for shelled corn seed and receiving ear corn belt conveyors for the ear corn drying system.
Manufacturing began in December 2009, erection commenced in mid-February 2010 and the project was completed
and commissioned by November 2010.
Continued on next page
Cimbria Scope of Supply
• 20 square bins 3 x 2
metres each holding 36 m³.
• Roof structure and additional building structure.
• Cladding, windows, doors,
gutters and downpiping.
• Letdown ladder for each bin.
• Low speed shelled corn belt
conveyors GT.
• Ear corn reception belt
• Dryer loading conveyor, incl. tripper car, shuttle conveyor withlet-down belt.
• Dryer discharge ear corn
• Inclined ear corn conveyor to sheller
• Cob conveyors
Dryer filling conveyor with tripper car and let down belt
Also undertaken were the supervision of local installation of all mechanical equipment, commissioning, staff training
and full project documentation.
For further information, please contact Arne Mose Sørensen,
Delivery of chutes to the Hungarian market
Despite a relatively small market for loading chutes, over the past few years
Cimbria has delivered several loading chutes to Hungary in collaboration with
its local partner, Holimex.
Magyar Cukor Zrt, which is part of the company Agrana, needed equipment
for loading sugar into tankers and wagons. The solution was a delivery of 2
Moduflex loading chutes type S300 in stainless steel, AISI 304. The chutes
are equipped with food grade modules, and as the product has a high risk
of explosion, the chute is configured for ATEX zones. The chute outlet is
equipped with a FlexFill which optimizes filling by spreading the material
inside the tanks and also functions as a closing cone, which means that
besides ensuring that no foreign bodies can get into the chute when not in
use, it prevents residue material dropping out after loading. Furthermore,
the chutes are equipped with a FlexVib, a vibrator that is activated after
loading has stopped and which considerably reduces the residue material in
the chute. The chutes have a maximum length of around 2,900 mm and a
minimum built-in height of approx. 1,300 mm. Loading capacity is approx.
150 m³/m with a particle size of 0-20 mm.
The Hungarian company Hungrana Kft needed discharge equipment for
loading powder and gluten into both open and closed trucks from the same
installation. Both products are fine powders which generate a lot of dust
and are particularly difficult to load onto flatbed trucks. The solution was 2
Moduflex loading chutes type D300 with integrated filter and multi-outlets.
The Moduflex loading chutes are manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304 in full
ATEX configuration
The chutes are equipped with a multi-outlet for both open and closed loading,
and a rotating indicator mounted in the chute outlet acts as a level control. The chutes have a loading capacity
ranging from 100-250 m³ depending on the powder being loaded.
For further information, please contact Svend Christensen,
Turnkey seed corn project, Panangasinan, Philippines
In 2010 Cimbria received an order for the first phase of a turnkey seed corn project for Syngenta
Philippines in the Panasinan province of the Philippines.
The project scope of works included detailed design, engineering, procurement, implementation and construction
works for a new ear corn reception, sorting, drying, shelling and conditioning line on a turnkey basis.
Manufacturing began in February 2010, erection commenced in mid-February 2010 and the project was completed
and commissioned by December 2010.
• Cimbria Scope of Works
Project Management of Entire Project.
Full and proactive design and project management.
Contract administration.
Health and safety (HSE).
Chairing site meetings and project reporting.
Programming, cost and quality control.
• Site Works Civil Works
Site works, footpaths, driveways, drainage, etc.
Fire-fighting system, water tank, and deep well
Intake foundation, dryer foundation,
sheller building foundation.
Intake and sorter building, sheller building, etc.
New transformer and transformer pad.
New canteen building.
LPG tank.
Intake & sorting, ear corn dryer and sheller building
Maize conditioning, treatment and packaging line
• Mechanical & Electrical Works
GP 650 green corn reception belt conveyors & sorting table, inclined belt dryer loading conveyor, incl. tripper car,
shuttle conveyor with letdown belt.
Ear corn drying bins with heater and fans.
Dryer discharge ear corn conveyors and inclined conveyor to sheller.
Sheller and aspirator.
Cob conveyors and cob loading bin.
Jumbo bag filling and emptying station.
Conditioning line, grading.
Chemical treatment line.
Packaging line.
Dust control system.
MCC, PLC and PC control system, including all power and control cabling.
Also undertaken were the supervision of local installation of all mechanical equipment, commissioning, staff training,
and full project documentation.
For further information, please contact Arne Mose Sørensen,
New maize seed processing plant in Törökszentmiklós, Hungary
Törökszentmiklós Mg Zrt. is an
agricultural company situated in the
eastern part of Hungary, handling
some 4,300 ha. A further increase of
the production area for hybrid maize
of approx. 1,500 ha is scheduled
for 2012.
The decision concerning investment
in a new seed processing plant was
made in 2008, together with Limagrain Central Europe, the fourth
biggest seed company in the world.
The first processing line of this new
plant was equipped exclusively with
Cimbria technology, installed by
Cimbria Heid Hungaria KFT.
Cimbria equipment and engineering
in this new plant raises the customer’s seed processing facility to a
completely new level of both output
quality and capacity. The maize
calibrating system, in particular, is
Maize seed processing plant in Hungary
unique in Hungary, using only Delta
flat screen cleaners at this stage of the plant.
Cimbria machinery included 3 Delta cleaners, 17 conveyors, 3 JKF filters and 1 Supercyclofan.
At the end of the process, the material can either be filled into Jumbo bags or directed to the coating and bagging
plant. JKF filters with sound insulation technology reduce dust emissions to an absolute minimum.
Relaunch for Cimbria on the
Hungarian dryer market
After a number of very tough years in the industry, Cimbria Heid
Hungaria KFT managed to revitalize
Cimbria’s dryer business in their territory. Hungary is one of the biggest
markets for dryers with an annual
demand of about 30 dryers.
Therefore this positive development
for Cimbria means good prospects
for the future in this important
For further information, please contact
Friedrich Kienmeier,
Twin towers of Jaszapati (Middle Hungary) 2010
Bunge expands in Poland using Cimbria technology
Early in 2009, Cimbria’s representative in Poland, Buttimer Polska Sp.
Z.o.o., signed a major contract for the
supply of materials handling equipment, loading chutes and JKF filter
systems to Bunge’s brand new storage
facility at the Port of Swinoujscie, thus
allowing Bunge to receive vessels of
the Handymax and Panamax type
and strengthening its presence on the
Polish market.
The Port of Swinoujscie was found
most convenient by Bunge’s management due to its good location on the
Baltic Sea coast. With more than 12
m draft it is suitable for loading and
unloading of large vessels such as
Handymax, which is typically 150-200
m in length and between 20,00030,000 DWT, and Panamax, which is
typically up to 275 m in length and
between 45,000-55,000 DWT.
A view alongside the 182 m long GV-140 belt which is placed directly at the quay and
which will be used for unloading the ships at a capacity of 800 TPH Soymeal
The facility was initially designed as a single flat warehouse with main dimensions of 132 m x 50 m x 32 m holding
45,000 T of soy meal typically imported from Bunge crushing plants in Argentina and Brazil.
Shortly after commencing construction of the main store, however, Bunge increased the storage facility by another
5,000 T by adding a new building of 32 m x 30 x 23 m. This store will primarily be used for the export of rape meal
from Bunge plants in Poland, but will also be used for other types of grain.
The facility, which is scheduled to be put into service on January 1st 2011, will handle a total of 1 million tonnes
annually, 700,000 tonnes as import and 300,000 tonnes as export.
The new facility has been built in accordance with the latest standards, including ATEX classification, whilst at the
same time also complying with Bunge’s internal company standards on equipment, as well as to local port authority
requirements, a challenge which has required a good degree of co-operation between Cimbria, Buttimer Polska and
Bunge. However, these technical clarifications have been solved in a constructive and open dialogue between the
parties, and solutions have been found relatively quickly after any problems were discovered.
Cimbria has supplied materials handling equipment as follows:
4 x GV-140 Belt Conveyors, 1400 mm belt width, Capacity 800 TPH / 1330 m3/h
3 x GV-100 Belt Conveyors, 1000 mm belt width, Capacity 500 TPH / 775 m3/h
4 x GV-80 Belt Conveyors, 800 mm belt width, Capacity 200 TPH / 334 m3/h
4 x RM-16 Chain Conveyors, Capacity 500 TPH / 834 m3/h
2 x RM-14/16 Chain Conveyors, Capacity 300 TPH / 500 m3/h
6 x RM-14 Chain Conveyors, Capacity 250 TPH / 417 m3/h
2 x RM-12 Chain Conveyors, Capacity 160 TPH / 267 m3/h
2 x EE-40 Bucket Elevators, Capacity 500 TPH / 834 m3/h
2 x. EE-32 Bucket Elevators, Capacity 400 TPH / 667 m3/h
2 x EE-20 Bucket Elevators, Capacity 250 TPH / 417 m3/h
Continued on next page
Cimbria has supplied several chain conveyors and bucket elevators – these are used when loading from the flat storage area
Furthermore, Cimbria has supplied Q-piping systems, including diverters and connecting boxes in sizes of Q40 and
Q55, all manufactured in 5 mm hot-dip galvanized execution. In addition, Cimbria Moduflex has supplied 3 x HDF400
loading chutes with integrated filter units, and multi-purpose heavy duty outlets have been supplied, whilst JKF
Industri has supplied an intake filter and 5 spot filter units. The total contract for the materials handling and related
equipment is approx. 3 million EUR.
It is worth noting that all the materials handling equipment has been chosen to comply with Bunge’s own design
specifications calling for very low conveying speeds, e.g. all the belt conveyors run at max. 2.0 m/s, the chain conveyors run at approx. 0.3 m/s and the elevators at approx. 2.5 m/s.
Of course, these requirements necessitate the use of “oversized” equipment in order to meet the requirements of
Bunge, just as a number of technical modifications on the handling equipment were required before Cimbria was
able to qualify as a supplier to Bunge.
For example, all bearings and drive arrangements are equipped with Food Grade oil or grease, just as the drive
drums on belt conveyors and elevators are coated with a special antistatic rubber lining. The list of special requirements is longer, but Cimbria has managed to develop solutions acceptable to Bunge and we are therefore now quite
excited about commissioning the equipment.
As one of the major agro-industrial players with more than 400 locations in more than 30 countries, 30,000 employees
and handling more than 140 million tonnes in 2009, Bunge is a very interesting client for Cimbria, and we naturally
hope that in future Bunge will continue to use Cimbria as a reliable and competent partner on selected projects.
For further information, please contact Palle Dybdal, or Mr. Mateusz Olejniczak,
The Cimbria Inventory Management System (IMS)
IMS provides the financial and materials manager with an integrated information management platform, providing real-time, accurate and repeatable
information with regard to stock quality and quantity.
The system automatically conducts daily stock reconciliations, and highlights
where deficits and surpluses occur. The primary objective of the system is the
eradication of deficits and the identification and preservation of surpluses for
the benefit of the operating company.
The IMS software is the interface between the silo manager and the laser
measuring architecture installed at the silo facility. The layout and functions of Inventory management system can be
installed in any storage facility, incl. warethe site are programmed into IMS so that the software is representative of
each grain silo facility where it operates, in addition to which each silo bin is houses and silos
surveyed and its unique configuration is programmed into the IMS software
at each site.
IMS offers the following direct benefits:
• Daily reconciled inventory.
• Product and quality focus.
• Head office awareness of inventory management on site.
• After-hours alarms for unauthorized movements of grain.
• Surplus and shortage management and oversight.
• Prescription blending by having all data on one platform.
• Eradication of stock theft.
• Indication of possible illegal storage practices.
• Site open and close with password protection and alarms.
• Traceability and accountability, with user interactions log of all actions taken.
IMS is a very dynamic information generation and management platform that will change the focus of any business
incorporating it into their management programme. IMS is ideal for companies with multiple silo or warehouse facilities and/or companies with either a high storage capacity or many bins at the facility.
For further information, please contact Lars R. Jensen,
Management system with integration of headquarters
AFGRI’s Headquarters, Pretoria
One of South Africa’s biggest grain companies, AFGRI in Pretoria, has successfully installed a similar management
system, but with full headquarter integration from which AFGRI is reaping the benefits of being able to monitor all
movements in every one of its 65 silo plants. An impressive 1,300 bins are integrated into the same software, and
one person at head office is in charge of monitoring all movements at the 65 silo plants in “REAL-TIME”.
One of AFGRI’s silo plants equipped with one laser or laser scanners in each bin
Temperature Monitoring System
In 2010 many of Cimbria’s clients applied their focus on quality control and saving costs throughout the storage
time. Among the issues they considered was the Temperature Monitoring System, i.e. having a solid and reliable
Temperature Monitoring System to prevent losses during storage time. The statistics actually make shocking reading,
with more than 25 % of the world’s harvest still being lost due to bad or incorrect storage – this corresponds to a
figure greater than the entire harvest in Western Europe.
Renovating and extending an
old system
In 2010 the Solae Company, Aarhus,
Denmark (Oil extraction from Soya
beans), decided to upgrade and extend the old Foss Electric Temperature Monitoring System. The current
system contained 18 old Foss Thermo
scan temperature cables. Following
the upgrade, the system is extended
to 34 temperature cables, each with
16 sensors, thus making a total of 544
sensors. The upgrade was carried out
in November and December.
For further information, please contact
Lars R. Jensen,
The Solae Company, Aarhus, Denmark
Cimbria silo plants
Graintec A/S
Along with our long-standing partner in silo installations, GRAINTEC A/S, we have been working on the following 3
projects during 2010 consisting of a total of 4 silo installations and various steel structures.
GRAINTEC is one of the world's leading total suppliers of state-of-the-art production plants and lines for the production
of fish feed and dry pet food. The company’s primary fields are engineering, contracting and project management,
in addition to the design and installation of production plants and production lines.
Biomar Myre, Norway
The biggest plant is to be delivered to Biomar A/S in Myre, Norway, and comprises a silo installation of 5,830 m³ for
raw materials and a final product silo installation of 3,520 m³.
The final product facility for pellets has 18 cells. The silo is installed above
an existing bulk storage facility, with the silo’s base structure being led
down through the bulk storage facility. This solution was chosen due to
the tight confines in which the silo had to be located, whilst providing a
good logistical solution with respect to the discharge system at Biomar.
The raw product facility has 24 cells and is installed between existing
buildings and equipment. The facility is connected to the existing raw product intake, with the production plant, which is designed to produce fish
feed in the form of pellets, connected after the silo. Several of the machines are erected outside in the harbour environment on Norway’s west
coast, which carries with it the associated problems of a high content of
salt and humidity in the air.
The walls for both silos are sandwich elements – with smooth walls in order to prevent bridging inside the silo bins
and to ensure that no products remain inside the bin after emptying.
Both silos have been dispatched by ship to Norway, which has proved to offer considerable advantages due to the
fact that it has largely been possible to complete the construction of feed hoppers and steel structures at our factory, which could thus be sailed to Norway without having to take into account issues of excessive width and height,
which normally place restrictions on road transport.
Havsbrun, Faroe Islands
In conjunction with an efficiency
drive concerning the packing plant at
Havsbrun on the Faroe Islands, a silo
tower was installed as a product silo
and dispensing silo for an automatic
packing system for big-bags.
The silo tower is constructed on a steel
structure and runs up through the factory roof, such that there is sufficient
clearance beneath it for the weighing
and packing system.
The silo tower is covered with standard
steel cladding similar to the existing
cladding of the building.
Skretting, Tasmania
We had the pleasure of delivering a
silo plant designed for the storage of
ingredients for fish feed to the Skretting factory in Tasmania.
The silo plant is installed inside and
consists of twelve bins with a total
volume of 120 m³.
The picture is from loading at Thisted Havn where silos were sent by ship to Norway
Mira, Norway
At Mira, a manufacturer of different kinds of cement and similar products primarily
produced from cement, sand and additional ingredients, we had the pleasure of
supplying a bank of silos for indoor installation.
The silo consists of four silo cells with a total content of 220 m³. The walls are
all constructed as 160/50° trapezium profiles.
FK, Trondheim, Norway
For an entire grain handling system, we had the pleasure of designing and supplying a steel construction for lifting up a grain dryer in order to maintain an
internal road below the dryer, as the discharge facility is just behind the dryer.
The steel construction is designed according to local regulations and manufacturing processes.
Ukrsemprom, Ukraine
We delivered a silo installation consisting of 15 silo bins for the storage of seed
to the Ukrainian company Ukrsemprom. The total storage volume is 1,510 m³.
Cimbria delivered the walls and deck from our factory, and the components for
the hoppers were finished in size and shape ready for local welding and finishing.
Havsbrun, Faroe Islands
Along with the above, we delivered design and manufacturing drawings for the
steel support and roof rafters.
Robinsons Family Brewers, England
In collaboration with Bulk Storage and Processing Systems Ltd., Gomshall in
Surrey, UK, a silo installation was delivered to Robinsons Family Brewers in
Stockport, Cheshire.
The silo consists of three bins, and the scope of supply included components for
the hoppers for local finishing, walls, deck elements and accessories.
The design of the system was performed in close collaboration with BSPS, and
the details of the silo and construction were adapted to the existing building.
Engineering and design
Along with the aforementioned projects, we have developed our design manuals
according to the new EU standard, i.e. EUROCODE, which is a common set of
rules valid for all EU-countries with respect to:
Skretting, Tasmania
Uniform system for design of buildings, etc., containing:
• Static calculations
• Material characteristics
• Natural loads
Our standard software for calculation and documentation of steelwork has been
revised accordingly in order to fulfil the above criteria.
The EUROCODES are also accepted in several counties outside the EU, although of
course we are also able to deliver according to most local or regional standards.
For further information, please contact Niels Christensen,
Mira, Norway
Cimbria in Norway
Steinkjer Kornsilo
This year Cimbria delivered a new seed corn plant with an hourly capacity of 10 tonnes to Steinkjer Kornsilo. The
plant consists of an intake with a Rotoclean pre-cleaner with ancillary hopper and 70-tonne-per-hour conveying
system. Six square silos have been delivered, three of which are used as intake bins and the other three are used
as three finished goods bins prior to onward transport for dressing. A small dryer has also been delivered. A Super
Fine Cleaner and Heid indented cylinders have been installed. The Heid seed dresser has been moved from another
facility that has now been taken out of service. The facility has to a certain extent been built into existing buildings,
which makes it a somewhat atypical installation.
Cimbria has been involved throughout the entire project development phase
and has been responsible for the final design and complete installation of the
Since the facility lies on the same degree of latitude as Fairbanks in Alaska and
Nuuk in Greenland, it may well be the world’s most northerly seed corn plant.
Felleskjøpet, Ila, Trondheim
Cimbria has delivered a 50-tonne-per-hour dryer to Fjelleskjøpet’s facility at
Ila in Trondheim. As can be seen on the photo, conveying equipment running
to and from the dryer has also been delivered. The conveying equipment has
a capacity of 100 tonnes per hour. It begins underneath the silos and runs up
to the dryer, before running from the dryer up over the silos with a connection
to the existing distribution plant over the silos.
The dryer is gas-fired and equipped with a line gas burner, and the cyclofans
consist of 6 Super Cyclofans. As space is limited at the site, the dryer had
to be installed on a large platform whereby the vehicles bringing/picking up
grain drive underneath.
Cimbria was responsible for the design of the plant and the installation of the
dryer and conveying system.
The dryer at Felleskjøpet in Trondheim
Felleskjøpet Grue, Norway
At Felleskjøpet Grue, Cimbria has delivered and installed two new hoppers with extraction, and a new cleaner, also
with ancillary filter, which is also used
for aspiration from the plant.
The intake capacity is 100-120 tonnes
per hour, and conveying equipment
has been delivered which supplies the
existing silos, in addition to which a
waste conveyor system has been supplied that is connected to the existing
Cimbria was chosen as the supplier
after we had shown the customer a
number of plants that have been built
in a similar manner to the plant delivered here, in which material is tipped
backwards into the hopper rather than
driving over the hopper, which carries
with it the associated risk of dragging
sand and snow into the hopper.
As the plant is located in the middle of
the town, the fact that extraction has
been established from the hoppers in
order to minimise dust emission represents a major environmental benefit.
For further information, please contact
Willy Jensen,
The new extension at Grue can be seen here with the two hoppers. In the background
is the new elevator that takes the products into the existing plant
Cimbria jumped on the Kazakhstan train
As mentioned in the last edition of Cimbria News, Kazakhstan has a booming
economy. Cimbria has been engaged in several sales activities such as exhibitions, in-house training events and promotion of the Cimbria brand through
improved penetration of the market.
Our efforts are starting to bear fruit. During the last few years Cimbria has
been able to supply seed processing plants, small silo storage facilities, dryers,
stand-alone equipment, etc.
We made a big step up with one of our Kazakhstan clients, Atameken Agro,
which is already successfully working with a Cimbria seed processing line.
This year we were able to commission the first Centricoater (CC150 - for rape
seed pelletizing) in Kazakhstan at Atameken Agro. Based on a deserved level
of confidence, Cimbria installed three more or less similar 50 tph wheat grain
facilities at different locations for Atameken Agro, featuring pre-cleaning, drying
and storage. Installation is almost complete. Commissioning and start-up will
take place on time before the start of the next season.
At this point I would also like to welcome a new member of our Kazakhstan
Cimbria team, Mrs. Tatiana Sadvakassova ( She is
and will be in charge of sales administration tasks. We wish her all the best
and success in her future assignments.
Atameken Agro–Sagat 50 tph pre-cleaning, drying, storage facility
For further information, please contact Nurlan Sadvakassov, or Franz Franer,
Sudan The biggest country in Africa
A former British colony, Sudan has
been independent since 1956.
In terms of area, Sudan is the biggest
country in Africa, and indeed exceeds
the size of Germany by a factor of 7.
Its topography is very versatile, with
high mountains, deserts and the very
varied Nile area, in particular around
the capital, Karthoum, which is also
Sudan’s most important centre of
agriculture. Being one of the world’s
poorest countries, Sudan of course
depends on seeds and its own seed
production, so as to be able to ensure
sufficient food for its population.
Continued on the next page
Seed processing plant near Karthoum in Sudan
Unfortunately, Sudan has been the object of tragic worldwide attention through the gruesome war in Darfur, which
has led to scarcity of food and starvation for hundreds of thousands of Sudanese, which again highlights the absolute
need for seeds. As a result, The World Bank and a number of well-known aid organisations are making great efforts
to improve the general situation of the poor Sudanese population.
Along with our local partner CTC (Central Trading Company), Cimbria managed to build a universal seed processing plant near Karthoum last year, mainly focusing on wheat, but also legumes, maize and several fine seeds. The
growing number of international tenders for agricultural investments supported by The World Bank has raised our
expectations for positive development in Sudan and thus greater potential for more Cimbria installations.
For further information, please contact Andreas Fröhlich,
Supply of solution for loading grain product into ships
Cimbria’s partner in France, Tripette & Renaud, has recently placed an order for two Moduflex
loading chutes type V500FF.
They will be used to load Distiller's Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS), a by-product of the distillery industry, into
Due to the nature of the product, the
loading chute is provided with explosion-proof components in accordance
with the ATEX directives. The chutes
are equipped with 17 chute modules
with antistatic strips, which give the
chute an extended length of nearly
13,000 mm.
The chutes are equipped with an
integrated fully self-contained filter
consisting of 5 antistatic filter units
mounted on the outlet.
The filter units each contain a 7 m²
filter cartridge providing the chute
with a total filter area of 35 m².
Each filter module is fully self-contained with its own filter, pressure
tank, fan and diaphragm pulse valve.
Normally, the filter modules are supplied with a compressor. However, in
this case the filter module is supplied
without such a compressor due to the
fact that it is not available in an ATEX
execution. Instead, the chute is equipClose-up of the chute outlet head with 5 filter units
ped with a flexible pressure hose
for separate air supply to an air distribution system for the five filter units complete with oil/water separator and
pressure-reducing valve placed on the outlet.
To ensure dust-free loading into ships the chute outlet is equipped with a heavy duty dust skirt in order to trap the
dust generated when the product falls onto the peak of the product pile during the loading process.
The order follows a series of orders for Moduflex ship and stockpiling loading chutes, all designed to meet requirements for dust control in areas in which the risk of explosion is high.
For further information, please contact Allan Flyvholm,
2010 has again been a good year for Cimbria in the UK.
An encouraging aspect of the year is that once again sales have been spread throughout the country, in addition to
which our relationships with long-standing and new engineering companies continue to grow.
Single machine sales have been very good in 2010, and particularly pleasing is the amount of cleaners and conveying
equipment sold on to farms through agricultural dealers.
Other stand-alone machines supplied this year include one of the new type 60 tph oil-fired wide-bodied dryers, a
gas-fired dryer for drying rice and peas for human consumption, seed cleaners, de-stoners and gravity separators.
New seed plant for GFP Agriculture Ltd
After visiting the Cimbria factory
in Thisted, Denmark, GFP chose
to invest in Cimbria seed cleaning
equipment for its new facility in
Cimbria supplied the complete cleaning line, including a Pre-cleaner,
Super Cleaner, indented cylinders
and all of the conveying equipment.
Particular attention was given to
quick and efficient clean down of
the equipment between different
varieties of seed.
New drying plant for North
East Grains
Working together with Yorkshire
Storage Systems Ltd., Cimbria seNew seed plant for GFP Agriculture Ltd.
cured a contract to supply one of the
new type Cimbria wide dryers (please also see article on the new wide-bodied
dryers). Incorporated into the dryer is an energy-saving system comprising a
recycling section which takes exhaust air from the cooling zone and transfers
it through the dryer column to the hot air plenum. In addition to recycling
of the air, the hot air plenum chamber is insulated.
The dryer was sold primarily for handling malting barley and is a gas-fired
version using a line gas burner offering even drying temperatures and clean
combustion gases.
Also supplied to North East Grains as part of this project was the complete
transport system rated at 120 tph, a Rotocleaner and 2 x de-awners.
New oat intake system for Quaker Oats
Once again working with an engineering company, Graintech Ltd, we supplied a new oat intake system for the Quaker Oat factory at Cupar, Fife. The
plant consisted of conveyors, elevators and a Mega Cleaner plus a waste
product line.
For further information, please contact David Thompson,
New drying plant for North East Grains
Extracts from Cimbria in East Africa
Cimbria successfully handed over a silo installation to Capwell Industries Ltd.
in Thika, Kenya.
The request from Capwell was not only to receive, dry, clean and store grain,
but it was also important for them to have information concerning the weight
of clean grain that was bought and sent to the silos, in addition to how many
kg were sent to the maize mill and an update at the end of the day on how
many kg were present in each silo.
Today, even if the owners are away for a week, on their return they will be
able to trace how much grain was purchased every day, or for that matter at
any given time during the day, the stock level in each silo every day, as well
as the amount of grain transferred via belt conveyors to the milling facility.
The operation can be compared to a bank where at the end of the day the
manager knows what each cashier has received and paid out.
Apart from the usual belt and bucket elevators for conveying, Cimbria supplied a Delta cleaner to ensure clean grain entering the silos, Unitest grain
temperature monitoring and silo control system, in addition to two highly
accurate belt weighers.
Capwell Industries also asked us to supply a separate cleaning plant for pulses,
including green grams, beans, finger millet, etc.
This involved not only cleaning, removing stones and weight separation, but
also a requirement that some of the
grain dispatched from the plant had
to be shiny!!
Hmm… You have probably all seen
cartoons where apples and tomatoes
look better when they are shiny and
attractive. And indeed in the real
world, supermarket shoppers are
attracted to and buy the beans and
green grams that look good and shiny
in their clear plastic bags.
To attain this “attractive look”, we
pass the grains through Cimbria’s
brush machine, but with additional
aspiration in order to keep the grain
and the machine totally clean and free
of dust at all times.
The computer control plant is preset
with speed, screen size, angle, etc.,
for the individual machines.
Cleaning at Capwell Industries in Kenya
Construction of silos for Capwell Industries, Kenya
Rwanda is recognized as a rapidly developing and modern country on the African continent, and any visitor who
visited this land-locked country 10 years ago will today be astounded by its rate of development, not only in terms
of new roads and buildings, but also cultural changes, as evidenced by the fact that 10 years ago the languages
spoken were only French and the local Rwandan language. Today a major part of the population also masters English and Kiswahili.
In the past, the Ministry of Agriculture relied on neighbouring countries and other imports for their seed production, but a decision was taken to be self-sufficient, and even to export their products in the very near future. We at
Cimbria East Africa are pleased to have reached an agreement with the government of Rwanda for the installation
of two 10,000-tonne silo installations, including drying and cleaning, as well as a maize seed cleaning plant that
includes shelling, cleaning, gravity separation and seed coating.
When you read this, the equipment will have reached Kigali, with installation and commissioning due to take place
in 2011.
Kenya / Tanzania
Louis Dreyfus Kenya and Tanzania
entered the coffee business about
one year ago, and in order to improve export quality they selected
Cimbria as the supplier of new
equipment to be installed in Dar es
Salaam and Nairobi.
The coffee is mainly bought pregraded, but in order to improve the
quality, our supply includes grading
by size and gravity (for Tanzania also
drying), colour sorting and bagging
off or bulk loading.
For bulk loading the silo is placed
on a load cell and thereby weighed
before its contents are blown into a
sealed container for export to any
destination in the world.
For further information please contact
Jørgen T. Nielsen,
Coffee equipment installed in Nairobi
Cimbria attends annual International Seed Federation World Seed
The International Seed Federation (ISF) World Seed Congress was held in Calgary during the period May 31 – June
2, 2010.
By any standards, the event was a great success. 1,078 delegates and accompanying persons travelled from 57
countries. When guests, speakers and other personnel are included, the total number of participants rose to 1,212.
The “better than expected” attendance
was matched by reserved trading
tables, private meeting rooms and
exhibitor booths all being “SOLD OUT”.
Cimbria was well-represented, with a
total of eight people attending during
the week. The exhibition provided
an opportunity to discuss processing
requirements with many interested
players concerning a wide variety of
Next year’s meeting will be held in
Belfast, Ireland, and Cimbria is once
again planning to attend.
For further information, please contact
Mark Metcalfe,
World Seed Congress was held May 31 – June 2, 2010 in Calgary, Canada
In conjunction with the recently held Cimbria International Sales Event – CISE 1 –
Cimbria launched a new website.
The structure and design of the website have been based on a number of simple and
well-defined requirements:
• One company indivisible:
It should be made clear that Cimbria is a single entity with a shared
vision, set of values and standards.
• Format:
The website must clearly show that Cimbria is a globally competent
operator within all its business areas, and a market leader in its core
business areas.
• Visibility:
It must be easy for the user to find us
via standard search engines.
• Navigation:
The user must have easy access to
the exact information that is required.
Focus has been applied to 2 types of
user in particular: the technician/engineer, who requires simple and quick
access to technical specifications and
information about each of the products and processes, and the senior
decision-maker, who needs to feel
confident that Cimbria is a competent
and professional business partner.
In addition to the visual and graphical
changes, the new website distinguishes itself not least in its use of
social media such as YouTube, Flickr
and Slideshare, which, via indexing
by Google and other search engines, thereby increases the chances of being found by these search engines, thus
adding extra value to the website.
Search engine optimisation is incorporated into all functions and designs, since headlines, texts, navigation, captions,
etc., are indexed via the structure of the website. Affiliation with the company’s customers and business partners
is also boosted by the option of subscribing to newsletters and RSS (feeds from the News section).
A website is never “finished” – certainly not in a dynamic enterprise like Cimbria. The next tasks on the horizon
include the introduction of a Russian language version, better handling of data sheets and reference sheets, better
knowledge-sharing of the news module and general ongoing optimisation and enhancement of the site.
For further information, please contact Lars Nørgaard,