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Click here - BREAKS Magazine
CLEAN AIR TO SKATE, CLEAN WATER TO SURF, SNOW TO RIDE, ROOM TO THINK // WWW.BREAKSMAGAZINE.COM // // BAGUIO, PHILIPPINES // 10 34 12 36 16 // SECTIONS // //Cover photographer// Julius Chui //Back photographer// Herman Jimenez 20 //Thank You// BOB CARLSON GUY OKAZAKI JOSH BERMUDEZ JAMES LUHRSEN MARCELO MALINCO 26 JACK BAILEY HERMAN JIMENEZ JOSUE ZETA ROJAS RUBEN PACHECO NICK SMITH STEVE VAN DOREN 30 //Photographers// Herman Jimenez Elsv Josue Zeta Rojas Tim Peare //Editor// Kyle Beckmann C Monk //Founder//Publisher// Eugene Lee //Interviewers// Elsv Ruben Pacheco // MARCELA // 8 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5 BOOK #16 // BRIAN ORTEGA // took me a half hour. I started to get hit by so many waves, that I started to ditch the board. My goal was to just make it out. James was like, I’ll walk you through it. BREAKS // You and James Luhrsen known each other for how long? BRIAN // 4 or 5 years? I met him through one of my friends Mike. I went to the Redondo Breakwall. I was eating a burrito with some thugs that I know. I recognized him, and I was like, “Hey, what’s up you remember me? He was like, ³+H\:KDWDUH\RXGRLQJKDQJLQJRXWZLWKWKHVHNLQGRISHRSOH"7KDWZDVWKH¿UVWWLPH KHOLNHVFROGHGPH/DWHURQ-DPHVZDVGRLQJVRPH¿OPLQJDYLGHRKHZDVGRLQJ+H wanted me and Mike to do some Jiu-Jitsu for the video. We started, and he was like, “How GR\RXIHHODERXWER[LQJ"´,VDLGWKDW,OLNHGER[LQJ,¶YHEHHQLQDFRXSOHVWUHHW¿JKWV+H just kind of laughed at me. So, he was like, “Tomorrow morning, let’s do a boxing segment. We’ll go to Scott Park. Be at my house around 10 o’clock. I said “Alright.” I don’t think he thought I was gonna show up. His brothers are all kind of scary looking, all buff. I think I was 18 or 19 years old at that time. I was still skinny, you know. I went over there. He was like, “Oh, you showed up! You actually did it. Ok ok! Let’s do this, let’s go.” So I went with him to the boxing gym. He made me box all his brothers. I boxed Jude, I boxed Michael, I boxed James. They were kind of messing around with me, you know. James ZDVOLNH³<RX¶GEHDEHWWHU¿JKWHULI\RXNQRZKRZWRER[´6RHYHUVLQFHWKHQ,¶YHWRRN my whooping from the brothers. But then James showed me how to whip them, which I do now, hahahaha. Just kidding! But he said to me, “You got a good ground game, but you need to learn how to stand up. So now, we have this bond. It came from learning how to box, teaching me about life, and just becoming like a mentor to me. He’s like a father to me. I’ve spent a lot of time with him. Very grateful that we have met. We’ve told each other that God put us together for a reason. I really believe that. Now, we are here as a WHDP:HKDYHIRXJKWWLPHV-DPHVDQG5HQHU*UDFLHKDYHWUDLQHGPHIRU¿JKWV,W¶V been a movement going ever since. JAMES // Pretty much his other half training is with Rener Gracie of the Gracie family. They are the best. I have my son training over there. I only see positive, good things with those people. I’m grateful to be part of this. It’s a beautiful thing that we connected. Nothing but respect for that family. %5,$1%HIRUH-DPHVDQG,PHWLQD¿JKW,¶GKDYHWRJHWWKHPWRWKHJURXQGDQGFKRNH KLPRXW,WZRUNHGIRUPHDVDQDPDWHXUVXEPLVVLRQ¿QLVKHV stor 2ndURXQG¿QLVKHV but once you turn pro, the levels of the guys, it goes up. These guys know how to stop the takedown. James was like, “You are going to be in trouble if you can’t take the guy down, if you are forced to stand up with him. If you can’t stand up and throw punches, you are gonna get beat. Your attacks have been neutralized. BREAKS // Brian, you grew up here? BRIAN // I grew up in the Harbor area. I started off in the San Pedro projects. It was kind of a bad area. So, I moved over here to Carson behind the General Hospital. %5($.6)LUVWWLPHVXU¿QJ" %5,$16R-DPHVWDNHVPHGRZQWR7UHVWOHVIRRW0\¿UVWWLPHVXU¿QJ,ZDVORRNLQJ at the waves from the cliff, and I was like those waves don’t scare me. I’ll triangle these waves, I don’t care about that. I was talkin’ smack. Then James was like. “Be careful don’t talk to mother nature like that. She will punish you.” BREAKS // Ahaha BRIAN // I’ll choke her out. I was just playin’. I was pumpin myself up you know. We get out there, and James gives me his board. I didn’t know how to paddle. To paddle out, it 10 JAMES // I started paddling toward him and I saw him just get smashed. BRIAN // I went over the falls you know. Not going for it, just still paddling, the wave took me backwards and “BOOM” slammed me. I’ve never been hit like that by the ocean. So, I was in what James calls the “washer machine”. He told me when you are in there, just be relaxed. I tried to relax and all, but I needed some air. I didn’t know which way was up or which ZD\ZDVGRZQ,¿QGP\HOIJRLQJXS\RXNQRZ While I’m going up, another wave hits me down again. I was like no way, I’m gonna die. That was the second wave to hit me and I haven’t surfaced \HW,¿QDO\SRSSHGXSWRRNWKHELJJHVWEUHDWKZDV so happy! Then, I took another wave on the head. After I recouped on that, I was just really humbled. I apologized to mother nature. JAMES // Pretty much he has it down now. He is one of the boyz at the breakwall. Having fun! 6XU¿QJLVWUDQTXLOLW\IRUD¿JKWHU<RXUHOHDVHDOO\RXU WHQVLRQ7KDW¶VZK\,LQWURGXFHG%ULDQWRVXU¿QJ %5($.6:KDW¶VWKHSKLORVRSK\DERXWDVD¿JKWHU" BRIAN // Being comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Whether it comes from training, ZKHWKHULWFRPHVLQVXU¿QJZKHQ\RXJHWKLWE\DELJZDYH\RXU¿UVWUHDFWLRQLVWRJHWXS %XWLQVWHDG\RXVKRXOGUHOD[(YHQLQ¿JKWLQJEHUHOD[HG/HW\RXUWUDLQLQJWDNHRYHU I’ve been at the bottom thousands of times. You become mentally strong. The body can withstand a lot. The mind... %5($.6%%6%ODFN%HOW6XU¿QJ" JAMES // It’s not about having a black belt in martial arts, it’s about having the mentality of wanting to be good enough at something like if you were trying to get a “black belt”. BRIAN // Persistance. It’s a goal. I’m lucky I had James and Rener to guide me. The youth today, they don’t have the type of guidance for the right way. JAMES // I am always there for Brian, bottom line. Win or lose, I’m there for Brian. Win or lose. There are people who all they see and care is him winning and winning, that is all they care about. BREAKS // You guys have not had a lose yet? JAMES // No. He’s undefeated. %5,$1,NLQGRIGLGKDYHDORVH,KDGDFKDPSLRQVKLS¿JKW\RXNQRZDQGXK,ZDV on top of the world. I was winning, and I was the new kid comin’ up. I was in this &KDPSLRQVKLS¿JKWDQG,GLVORFDWHGP\VKRXOGHULQWKHIRXUWKURXQG'LVORFDWHGLW,ZRQ WKH¿JKW3XOOHGRIIWZRURXQGVZLWKRQHDUP$IWHUWKDW,IHOORIIWKHIDFHRIWKH(DUWK, couldn’t train. I couldn’t do my job. I teach Jiu-Jitsu at the Gracie Academy. I couldn’t do a lot of things. All my so called friends, they were gone. The only ones around were my friends from the hood. I was around with James even when I couldn’t train. We talked about everything, we went through a lot. My whole world got taken from me. James use to call me a poo butt, like a wimp, you know. Cause I was like boo hoo me, and boo hoo this. It really snapped me out of it. Shoulder was bad, so I might as well do something. So ,KHOSHGNLGVZLWKF\VWLF¿EURVLVRI7KH0DXOL2OD)RXQGDWLRQDQGLQUHWXUQWKDWJDYHPH VWUHQJWKDQGMR\$IWHUZDUGV,WRRNDQRWKHU¿JKWEXW,GLVORFDWHGLWWKUHHWLPHVGXULQJWKH FDPS:HFDQFHOHGWKH¿JKW,WZDVDWKRUQ\RXNQRZ,WZDVDSUREOHPP\VKRXOGHU With no health insurance, no nothing, how was I gonna get surgery. It was rough. I couldn’t do what I wanted to do. Finally, we had surgery, but after surgery, you still can’t do what you want to do. You have to go to physical therapy. You can’t move your arm. For eight months you are not yourself. You have to train differently. BREAKS // How bad was the shoulder? BRIAN // The bone was chipped, I got a screw through it and everything. But during that time, I had a family to support, no job, My world got shooken. I took alittle reality hit. James just kept it positive, just feed me good things. Here we are now. Like you said, it’s a long journey. photo // Kyle Beckmann // SCOTTY VINE // photo // Kyle Beckmann BREAKS // Where did you grow up, and at what age did you get into snowboarding? Who or what got you interested in it? SCOTTY VINE // I grew up in Crestline. It’s a small community about a thirty minute drive across the ridge from my local resort, Bear Mountain. After spending eleven years on planet Earth, my mother forced me to WDNHVQRZERDUGLQJOHVVRQV6LQFHP\¿UVWVHDVRQLQ 1998/99 it has been a big part of my life ever since. BREAKS // When did you realize, you wanted to be pro, or for it to be a career? 6&277<9,1(:KHQ,¿UVWVDZDVQRZERDUGLQJ video I wanted to be a pro, but I also wanted to be a professional soccer player, and a pro skateboarder. I was just a kid who liked to dream. At age fourteen, I began competing and trying to turn snowboarding into something more. I turned it into my main hobby for having fun, and my attention was diverted. So my high school grades, and I dropped out of soccer leagues and stopped skating as much. The turning point was when I was seventeen. I lied about my age and won a Superpark Superpass event and attended Superpark 9 at Lake Louise, Canada. That event had such an impact on me at WKHWLPHWKDWLWVROLGL¿HGP\GHFLVLRQWRSXUVXHDFDUHHUDVDQHQWUHSUHQHXULQWKHVQRZ industry as a professional athlete. BREAKS // Was there ever any distractions on the way that might have killed the dream? SCOTTY VINE // Yes there were distractions, but nothing would have changed my end goal. To me, snowboarding grew into something that has no true substitute for the JUDWL¿FDWLRQLWJLYHV1RPDWWHUZKDWKREELHV,SLFNXSLQMXULHVRUOLIHHYHQWVWKDWRFFXU,¶OO continue to slash the white wave until I can’t anymore. BREAKS // Are you a competitive person or easy going? 6&277<9,1(3UREDEO\ERWKLQWHUFKDQJHDEO\0RUHRIWHQTXLHWO\FRPSHWLWLYHWKRXJK I am my own worst critic and compete with myself in an attempt to always improve every year. It is important for me to know when to be competitive, and when to be easy going. BREAKS // The Postcard Series, 1, 2, 3, 4, do you have a favorite spot or trip? SCOTTY VINE // Each stop for the series offered a different variety of snowboarding so I have favorite aspects of individual episodes, but not an overall favorite one. I feel like Tahoe (1) was the most well rounded episode of the series. Bear Mtn & Mammoth (2) are two of my favorite places to ride. Boston & New Hampshire (3) was incredible to see so many feature options in a city because it wasn’t something I was used to seeing. I felt like a kid in a candy store there. And Washington (4) was the perfect way to end the season with fresh powder and so much fun with a solid crew. BREAKS // Snowboarding has become a multi faceted culture. You have the street, park, and backcountry. How do you make it all gel? Do you try what works on the street in back FRXQWU\":KDWFRPHV¿UVW" SCOTTY VINE // Because I am based out of Southern California, I need to travel to make ¿OPSURMHFWVSRVVLEOH:KLOHWUDYHOLQJWKHVQRZFRQGLWLRQVKDYHDGLUHFWLPSDFWRQULGLQJ plans and paying attention to the weather is mandatory to maximize time and effort. When WKHUHLVIUHVKSRZGHUEDFNFRXQWU\ULGLQJXVXDOO\LVWKH¿UVWSLFNRYHUVWUHHWDQGSDUN because it doesn’t stay prime for long periods of time. Street features are nice when the powder gets too warm or the snow level is dangerously low in the backcountry, and park riding is available in just about any condition so it is often the last priority.The tricks in each GLVFLSOLQHRIWHQFDUU\RYHU3RZGHULVLW¶VRZQYDULDEOHWKRXJK,WUHTXLUHVUHOHDUQLQJKRZ to spin off and land in a wider variety of snow conditions to be able to ride it all. Essentially trick vocabularies work in all sections that overlap in feature similarity, but that doesn’t happen all too often. BREAKS // What kind of music do you prefer when getting amped up to ride? SCOTTY VINE // I enjoy a wide variety of music from classical symphonies to hip hop, and many genres far and between. If something is well composed and has a good vibe, it 12 usually makes me stoked to ride. BREAKS // Traveling a lot, does it get old? Where’s the next trip? What are you going there for? SCOTTY VINE // Traveling can be tiresome at times because of schedule deadlines and ORQJGULYHVRUÀLJKWVEHWZHHQFRQVWDQWO\EHLQJRQWKHPRYHEXW,IHHOPRVWDWKRPHZKHQ I’m around new scenery in an environment with snow. The adventures never get old and I have become more culturally aware because of traveling. Right now, I’m in Mammoth for the opening weekend as I write this. The next trip on the radar is Tokyo, Japan for the Burton Rail Days event, and then I’ll be attending Bear Mountain’s opening weekend. After that, I will probably be checking the weather forecast to follow the snow before working on my next web series. BREAKS // Do you compete in contests? Do you like getting judged? SCOTTY VINE // I do compete in contests, but I have never been particularly interested in many of the bigger contest series. That takes time and money away from my efforts to ¿OPVLQFH,HQMR\WKDWDVSHFWRIVQRZERDUGLQJPRVWDQGKDYHVHWLWDVP\PDLQIRFXV$V far as being judged though... a judge, or panel of judges usually give scores based on their SHUFHSWLRQRIDULGHU¶VFUHDWLYLW\ERDUGFRQWURORYHUDOOFRQVLVWHQF\DQGWULFNGLI¿FXOW\,I my riding stokes out the judges at a contest, then I’m glad they liked the riding. It creates mutual stoke. BREAKS // What do you think about the Olympics and what it is doing for the culture? Do you think of it as a sport vs a culture or does it even matter? SCOTTY VINE // Having snowboarding showcased in the Olympics is good because brings more people to snow resorts and helps the industry grow, but not as much as it really could. It is a sport, but more so it is a culture. In the Olympics, it is just a sport, and that doesn’t help the snowboarding industry grow as much as it could because it creates a perception to the public eye that doesn’t accurately portray snowboarding for what it truly is. To really get people interested in learning how to snowboard or want to become emersed in the culture there needs to be a bigger focus on the fact that snowboarding has so much more to offer. BREAKS // Future for Scotty? Target clothes? Big sponsors or just cruising? What are your dreams? Have they already come to fruition? SCOTTY VINE // Being involved in more web videos, the repeat production of a new Postcard Series that Arbor and I are trying to take globally, and my Full Part 4 are in the future if everything works out. My dreams now consist of staying on the progression side of snowboarding for as many years as I can, and also give back to snowboarding. If I ever gained a massive corporate sponsor I would be able to put more focus into giving back to snowboarding on a large scale. The Postcard Series was my way of trying to start giving back to snowboarding by involving friends and giving them an opportunity to be involved in a fun project for exposure and learning experiences. So far it’s a start, but there is always room for improvement. photo // Kyle Beckmann 14 photo // Kyle Beckmann photo // Josue Zeta Rojas // DELTRON 3030 // seem fake. If I had nothing Sci Fi, it would be like, “Aw, who is this fool”. Like if you trying to talk about hip hop or something and you don’t know nothing about hip hop you feel me. I threw some of that in there but that is just periphery shit. I don’t care what people get out of it to tell you the truth man. They could get whatever they want to out of it, but I put LQVRPHOLWWOHMHZHOVµQVWXIIRIVRPHWKLQJVWKDW,WKRXJKWFRXOGEHFKDQJHGRU,IHOWLVD problem in the world. I’m not gonna be like here trying to urge nobody to look for that or to ¿QGLW,ISHRSOHORRNLQWRLWDQGVHHZKDWHYHUWKH\VHHWKDW¶VZKDWWKH\VHH,WU\WRPDNHLW entertaining, that’s my job, I don’t care if you learn anything off of it, that’s there if you want WR¿QGLWLW¶VGH¿QLWHO\WKHUHEXWWKDWDLQ¶WWKHSXUSRVH7KHSXUSRVHLVIRUHQWHUWDLQPHQW I want people to be entertained. Cause even if I do have that shit there, and you ain’t entertained who gives a fuck. You know what I’m sayin’. RP // So what does your music mean to you? DEL // It’s expression you know what I mean. Things frustrate me, so music is an outlet for me to get some of these frustrations out. A lot of things that are not fair, like that matters, but for me what is not fair, or if it could be done better or I just want to get some frustrations out. Instead of punching someone in the face or something, music is a better outlet. Feel me. That is what music is for me. I like hearing music. I like hearing sounds. That is just what I am into. 53:KDWPXVLFGLG\RXJURZXSRQ":KDWLQÀXHQFHG\RX" DEL // Parliament, Funkadelic, before hip-hop. Hip-hop pretty much, primarily was what I grew up on. Some jazz, I dig jazz or whatever. I dig reggae, all Black music. I fool with hip-hop primarily. RP // My name is Ruben Pacheco. I represent Breaks Magazine. I was born in Inglewood and raised from Lennox to Venice, and that’s how I got hooked up with Breaks Magazine reppin’ City Meets Sea. Please tell us a little about who you are, and where you come from. We are also interested in hearing about Deltron 3030. '(/$OULJKWZHOO\RXNQRZ'HOWKH+LHURJO\SKLFV¿UVWDOEXPFDPHRXWLQµ&XEHKHOS me put that out, Ice Cube. I was down with the Lynch Mob, you know what I’m saying. Street Knowledge records put my record out along with Electra and from there we put out Hieroglyphics that Souls of Mischief Casual, Pep Love and Jbizz and from there they albums came out in like 93, that’s how it started. RP // When and how did Deltron start? DEL // Deltron started like around probably like the late 90’s. It was an idea I had you know what I mean, I was fooling around with it. Domino actually made the liason between me and Dan the Automator. Me and Dom used to talk about a lot of stuff you know what I’m saying, creatively, and I let him know about the Deltron idea. He let Dan know and Dan was like down to do something with it. I had already worked with Dan on Handsome Boy Modeling School that was Dan the Automator and Prince Paul. I guess he liked my work ethic or whatever from that and thought it might be interesting from whatever I had on my mind you know what I’m saying judging from what Dom had told me. That’s how it started off man. It didn’t take that long to record. I already had a lot of stuff written. He already had some beats. We really didn’t have a problem working together. Same way with this one. RP// What were the concepts behind the record and what did you do to come up with the lyrics? DEL // The concepts was mine basically. I basically had to research. I had to read a lot RIVFLHQFH¿FWLRQVWXIIORRNHGDWWKHQHZVDOLWWOHELWWKLQJVWKDWFRQFHUQHGPH5HDOO\ it originated from things that concerned me in the world. From there I put it into a Sci Fi context, but I didn’t want to do too much to where the average layman couldn’t get into it if they wanted to. I tried to keep the language still conversational but you know I still was ÀLSSLQJVKLWEXW,GLGQ¶WZDQWWRJRWRRIDUZLWKLW7KRVHZHUHWKHWKLQJVRQWKDWZDVRQP\ mind coming up with the content. RP // You put a lot of awareness of what is going on in the world, using science, WHFKQRORJ\UHDOLW\DQG¿FWLRQLQDIXWXULVWLFWDOH:KDWGR\RXZDQWIDQVWRJHWRXWRIWKRVH topics? DEL // The peripherals like that, nothin’. It is what it is. It’s pretty much just ear candy or whatever to make the story futuristic to make it seem authentic as far as that’s concerned. I got to be into Sci Fi somewhat trying to write some Science Fiction. Otherwise, it would 16 RP // For DELTRON 3030, how does the music happen? DEL // I come up with the concepts, Dan kind of directs it. At one point, he was like, “That’s cool, but too dark, not too dark, but add some other colors to it, don’t have it all be so dark.” He wasn’t trippin’ hella hard, but you know, you might wanna. I listen to him, I hear what he is trying to say. So, I made a few adjustments. I’d do it later when I’m in a different mood or whatever. But concept wise I come up with that shit. From the musical stand point, he comes in and starts adding shit, he might be giving me beats and shit. I’m done. Then for a couple few months, you might not hear from him. He might be adding live instrumentation or adding other guest vocals or he is coming up with skits to go in between NLQGRIOLNH¿OOLQWKHSLHFHV2QFH,KDYHJLYHQKLPWKHEDVLFEDUHERQHVZLWKP\O\ULFV and I’ve talked to him of what the concept is gonna be, he takes that and musically makes LWKDSSHQ6RPHWLPHVKHGRHVJLYHPHPXVLFDW¿UVWWRVKRZPHZKHUHKLVKHDGLVDW, would do something, it would go back to him, this would be going back and forth for like damn 10 years. I might have been not in the mood to write that shit you know what I mean. Like I said, this shit takes like research. It’s like a drag writing these lyrics. I’m on Earth, the here now. RP // What do you think of live instrumental type music versus computer electronica type music? DEL // You know what, I love computer made music. To me, live instrumentation music is boring. I’ve heard all those sounds already. I want to hear some new sounds. Some crazy shit. But don’t get me wrong though, the instrumentation we have on stage is incredible. We have some really good musicians on there. Don’t get me wrong, shit is bangin’. But I think it’s beyond hip-hop. It’s pretty much a rock opera. I’m rappin’, but I guess it could be any kind of vocals, but the presentation is on some other type of shit. It costs money! But yo, we trying to get it out there saying, this is what we can do. So muthafuckas with bread can come out and say, yo, we support that. RP // What are you using to make beats with these days? DEL // OCTATRACK, it’s like a new sampler. That’s what I’m using to make beats with. Shit is tight man, it can do anything with a sample. So no longer are you trapped with just using a loop. You can slice up a loop, I mean it will do that for you. It will randomize the slices for you. It time stretches the shit for you. So whatever tempo you are going at, soon as you put it in, it will be on beat. It doesn’t matter what it is, so that eliminates a whole lot of work. So now that I’m using this now, I couldn’t go back to what I was using before. Now, if I don’t have my OCTATRACK, it’s like going back to the stone age. Why would I have to do all this shit again? Why do I have to move this shit here and it’s like a drag! So, OCTATRACK is my shit right now. photo // Josue Zeta Rojas 18 // ASHLEY MARIE // photo // Herman Jimenez 20 photo // Herman Jimenez 22 photo // Herman Jimenez photo // Herman Jimenez 24 photo // Tim Peare // PAT MOORE // BREAKS // Where’s home right now for you? PAT MOORE // Kind of a mix between Venice, CA and Tahoe for the winter. BREAKS // Could you give an example of a trick that you learned in backcountry that you tried in town and vice versa. 3$70225(,ZRXOGQ¶WVD\WKDWWKHUH¶VDQ\VSHFL¿FWULFNVWKDWWDNHIURPRQHWRWKHRWKHU but just how to look at the terrain. I think cause I ride both backcountry and street stuff, I see stuff that draws inspiration from each other. I can see big stuff in the streets that make sense to me because of what we ride on the mountain, and I also see the fun of jibbing around in the mountains. BREAKS // A lot of the video parts you are involved in, how calculated are they in terms of preparation of the kicker and the landing. You guys doing math and shit? Drawing them out? 3$70225(1RDORWRILWLVMXVWDJXHVVWLPDWLRQVRWKRVH¿UVWKLWVDUHDOZD\V LQWHUHVWLQJ6RPHWLPHV\RXZDQWWREHWKH¿UVWSHUVRQWRKLWWKHMXPSIRUWKHIUHVKODQGLQJ but other times you’re stoked to go second if it’s a big gap or something. BREAKS // What do you think about snowboarding in the Olympics? PAT MOORE // I dunno, I’m kind of indifferent. I’m stoked to see my friends do well and get the opportunity to go. BREAKS // At some point we all get old, what do you wanna do when your body starts to tell you chill on the riding? PAT MOORE // We’ll see if I make it that far. BREAKS // Music preferences? Only metal? PAT MOORE // No, a lot of different stuff. I like good country like Hank III, GG Allin’s country album, and acoustic stuff like Roky Erickson and Neil Young. But mainly Metallica, Slayer, Suicide Contest- Thrash. %5($.6$Q\FXUUHQWSURMHFWVRUUHFHQWO\¿QLVKHGYLGV" PAT MOORE // We just got done with a new online part for Volcom called IP3, but we are gearing up for a full video this season, so I’m stoked to get going on a full project, not just a part. BREAKS // Nature is so unpredictable, meteorology must become a second hobby for people like yourself? What sites do you use? PAT MOORE // Haha, ya basically. I use Noaa a lot, they have the best weather forecasting, and then different avalanche forecasting websites for different areas. BREAKS // Favorite mountain, if you had to choose one? 3$70225(,I,¶PRXW¿OPLQJ,¶GVD\WKH7RUGULOORPRXQWDLQUDQJHLQ$ODVND,I,¶PDWD UHVRUW,¶GVD\6TXDZ9DOOH\LQ7DKRH BREAKS // Do you skate or surf? And how long ya been doing it? PAT MOORE // Ya, I’ve been skating ever since I started snowboarding, and ya I surf a little, but probably just call it paddling. I’m a full turkey in the water. Albino Dolphin is my surf nickname. 26 photo // Tim Peare photo // Tim Peare 28 photo // Tim Peare photo // Chad Wells // TEDDY NAVARRO // BREAKS // Where did you grow up? TEDDY // I didn’t grow up in Huntington Beach. I grew up in Whittier. %5($.6+RZGLG\RXJHWLQWURGXFHGWRVXU¿QJ" TEDDY // My Brother and Dad always brought me down to the Ocean. So, I started like any ordinary kid, going down to the beach on the weekend. Just using the sand toys, the boogie board. I tried to knee board. Went through the whole nine. So yeah, I eventually JRWVHWWOHGLQWRMXVWVXU¿QJ BREAKS // Did it come pretty natural? TEDDY // Yeah, I won the US Amateurs. I think I was already 19 or 18 years old? 6RPHWKLQJOLNHWKDW,VWDUWHGVXU¿QJZKHQ,ZDV BREAKS // Didn’t know that. 7(''<<HDK,VWDUWHGVXU¿QJZKHQ,ZDV,WZDVRQHRIWKRVHKDELWV,WZDVOLNHWKH JQDUOLHVWKDELW\RXFRXOGLPDJLQH,OLYHGEUHDWKHGVXU¿QJ0\ZKROHOLIHZDVVXU¿QJ BREAKS // Local level? 7(''<<HDKORFDOOHYHO,WULHGWRGRWKHµ46EXWLWZDVVRKDUGWRJHWWKHXSSHUOHYHO events without a seed. A couple years ago, when I was moving from sponsor to sponsor, ,ZDVRQWKHµ46DELW)O\LQJWR-DSDQ,KDGD-DSDQHVHVSRQVRUIRUOLNH\HDUV,KDG WKDWLQP\FRQWUDFWWRÀ\RYHUWR-DSDQWRGRDFRXSOHFRQWHVWVD\HDU6R,ZDVGRLQJ Australia, Spain, Japan, and France. I was sponsored by Reef at the time. I mean, shoot, I KDGDELJELOOERDUGDW-DFN¶V,KDGWKDWELJZLQGRZ,WZDVGXULQJWKHWLPHZKHQWKHVXU¿QJ community was going the opposite way, you know. There was that big spike for awhile and guys were making good money. I was making good money from Reef. I was doing contests. I was living here in Downtown Huntington Beach, running the vibe, 110%. My parents were happy, everybody was happy. I was about to have my baby girl. You know what I mean, I was going on trips to get photos and stuff like that, then Boom! I got hit with WKHORRNLQJIRUWKHVSRQVRUWKLQJ'XULQJWKDWWLPH,KDGDEXQFKRIµ:46SRLQWV,ZDV getting seeded into events. Times became so tough, I couldn’t make my membership fee. So I lost all my points that year. BREAKS // Yeah. TEDDY // Like shut everything out. Just focus on one type of thing. BREAKS // What? Just because of a fee? Like that? 7(''<6R\HDUVRIFRPSHWLQJRQWKHµ46DOOJRQH7DNHQDZD\8OWLPDWHO\LWZDV my fault. I didn’t stay on top of it. I could have hustled and paid the membership fee, but normally I was getting that set up. BREAKS // Do you ever go back and visit Whittier. See your old neighborhood? TEDDY // I’ve always kept in touch with a couple good friends. I hear about a lot of my friends that I hung out with have either moved on, done the family thing, or gone down the wrong path and chose drugs or gangs. So I’ve had numerous amounts of friends pass away, get shot or killed. My sister and brother still live there, so I go back there periodically. BREAKS // If you don’t make the payment? TEDDY // If you don’t pay your membership fee before the year is over for the next year, you lose all points. So, in 2007 or 2008, with zero points. So, I’m eliminated from the latter SDUWRIWKHµ46 BREAKS // Your last name, Navarro, what nationality is that? TEDDY // It’s Spanish. BREAKS // That’s bullshit! TEDDY // Start over from scratch. Grind out the 2 stars and 3 stars. The ones you can get into. BREAKS // From Spain? TEDDY // From Mexico. My mother side is from Texas and Mexico. My father’s as well. BREAKS // Do you speak Spanish? TEDDY // No, I’m so bad with the Spanish. BREAKS // Do you still compete? TEDDY // I try to compete as much as possible. 30 photo // Chad Wells %5($.67KDWPDNHVLWPRUHDERXW¿QDQFLDOPHDQVRYHUVNLOOOHYHO 7(''<:KHUHLVWKHVXSSRUWIRUWKHORFDOSURIHVVLRQDOVXU¿QJ"7KH(DVWFRDVWKDVLW going , but California? There are no professional tours...during the time I was doing the µ46WKH\KDGWKH6DQ'LHJR(]HNLHO3ULPH7RXU,ZDVPDNLQJDPRQWK MXVWRIIRIFRQWHVWHDUQLQJVMXVWIRUWKHORFDOHYHQWVRQWRSRIWKHµ46ZLQVKHUHDQGWKHUH 7RJHWLQWRWKHELJJHUµ46\RXKDYHWRJULQGRXWDQGWUDYHOVWDUVDQGWKDW¶VVXSHUKDUG Plane tickets, your accomedations, your food, your rent-a-car, your surfboard bags before photo // Chad Wells TEDDY // I was working in the Ambry Genetics lab for 3 years. I was entering data, and I was entering information into the computer system. It was gnarley, but those guys have always given me support with my VXU¿QJ6LQFHGD\RQH6R,KDYHDFRXSOHMREV,ZRUNIRU$PEU\ I work for Mauli Ola Foundation. I’m a still a professional surfer. Still have my sponsors. So, I’m so blessed man! My kids are healthy. I’m just blessed man. It’s awesome. BREAKS // So they let you surf when you wanna surf? TEDDY // Yeah! They are so cool man. The best company, the best vibe ever! 100%! BREAKS // Could you talk a little about what you’ve experienced with helping Mauli Ola Foundation? TEDDY // As a parent, I’m a parent , I have 2 kids. When I go on the hospital visits, I see how precious life really is. From a baby level all the way up. These are life shortening diseases that these kids are dealing with. Life’s a good thing. Life is precious. The surf experience days over at the Foundation are...the kids come in and get to hangout at the beach with professional surfers, other professional athletes in other action sports, movie stars. We have Kala Alexander, Sunny Garcia, Kalani Robb, Gavin Beschen, Hans Hogen, Brett Simpson comes out. 7RUUH\0HLVWHU&-.DQXD6KDZQ%DUURQWKHOLVWJRHVRQ00$¿JKWHUV like Brian Ortega. We take them out into the water, and their sickness becomes secondary. All of a sudden, it’s about the surf. They are VXU¿QJ7KH\DUHJRLQJRXWZLWKDFHOHERUDSURIHVVLRQDOVXUIHU7KH\ come back into the beach with smiles. It’s realy cool to see! BREAKS // I see on Instagram, you and Kalani Robb are doing work with the GoPro. How’s that going? TEDDY // I don’t know man? I have a bunch of photographer friends, and we are their worst nightmare? BREAKS // ahahaha TEDDY // We are our own personal photographers. We have this thing called AJAM, capturing those moments. Those moments you always see, paddling back out and your buddy is doing somethng super gnarley. We have some angles that are insane. We do that follow cam, where it’s WKDWVNDWHUIHHO/LNHKRZVNDWHUV¿OP you leave the country. BREAKS // Sounds crazy expensive! TEDDY // It’s nuts. You need a good backing, but if you prove yourself on the local ones. If \RXZLQVRPHDURXQGKHUHLWJLYHV\RXPRWLYDWLRQ<RXNQRZOLNH³,¶PUHDG\IRUWKHµ46´ <RXVWDUWPDNLQJVRPHTXDUWHUVVRPHVHPL¶V<RXVWDUWPDNLQJWKHPRQH\<RXJRWRWKH next event. When you are on that roll, it’s good. But to get to that roll, it’s tough. %5($.6:KDWGR\RXWKLQNDERXWWKHµ:&7FXWRIIV"6HHPVEUXWDO TEDDY // Yeah, Brett Simpson is cut next year. I mean, he’s top 10 in the world potentially. I see him and surf with him all the time, you know what I mean? He was by far one of the best surfers on tour, and on this coast. That just goes to show you man, competition is just a completely different beast. Competition is jut cut throat. Guys are putting their necks out there. It’s insane. I couldn’t even explain it. BREAKS // So what are you doing now? TEDDY // So, 4 years ago, when I just got sponsored by Alpinestars, my good friend Kalani Robb, I’ve known for 8-10 years now, called me up one day, “Hey I think you should come down and surf Creek with me. I was like cool! And at that time, I knew he was working for the Mauli Ola Foundation. We surfed with James Dunlop. He’s the President of the Mauli Ola Foundation. His brother Charles is the CEO of Ambry Genetics. I came to ¿QGRXWWKDW,ZDVRQDMRELQWHUYLHZZLWK.DODQLDQG-DPHV6R,PHW-DPHVDQGKHOLNHG me and said, “Why don’t you cruise to Ambry tomorrow with pants and shoes, and I’ll give you a job. So, I had just had my baby girl, and I was expecting a son at the same time. So, everything meshed together at the same time! It was really cool! That was the next phase in life. BREAKS // What did you do? 32 photo // Chad Wells photos // Elsv // STEVE VAN DOREN // BREAKS // Honor to meet you Steven! How did you get involved with shoes? 67(9(1:KDWKDSSHQHGZDVEDFNLQWKHµ¶V,ZDVRQO\\HDUVROG0\'DGVWDUWHG Vans. He was a shoe maker from Boston. He made shoes for 20 years, not Vans. When he came to California, he decided to do his own company. I was 10 years old. For the last 48 years, I’ve been working for the company that my Dad started. The passion for him, ZDVPDNLQJJRRGTXDOLW\VKRHV$QGZKHQKHGHFLGHGWRVWDUW9DQVKHZDQWHGTXDOLW\ shoes, selling them direct out of his own stores. It had not been done during that time. Today, we have thousands of great accounts. It could be from a core Skateboard shop up in Santa Monica, or a Fred Segal’s, Conveyor, or a Mom and Pop’s BMX shop. The SDVVLRQFDPHIURPWKHµ¶V$ERXW\HDUVLQWRWKHFRPSDQ\ZKHQZHZHUHMXVWVHOOLQJ sneakers, tennis shoes in California they call them, in Boston we call them sneakers. The skaters started wearing the shoes. That’s when I met Tony Alva, Stacy Peralta, and the DOGTOWN guys. They wore our shoes because they lasted longer, and they weren’t that H[SHQVLYH)LUVW\HDURIWKHVKRHLWZDVVRLQWKHµ¶VLWZDVPD\EH:KDW happened at that point was, we started to notice that the skaters and surfers liked our shoes. The slip ons for the surfers. The deck shoes for the skaters, for the sole. We weren’t a traditional company. We were just a struggling business and we noticed that they were always wearing our products, so at that point I was 20 years old. I’m going to be loyal to who is loyal to us. BREAKS // That’s right! STEVEN // Skaters, musicians, artists, surfers that kind of culture started to become instilled into me. They are liking my products, I’m gonna like them. So, we started VSRQVRULQJVRPHVNDWHUV&DEHOOHURDQGDOOWKRVHJX\VFRPLQJRXWRIWKHµ¶V:HVWDUWHG PDNLQJRXU¿UVWVLJQDWXUHVKRHZLWK6WHYH&DEHOOHURLQWKHODWHµ¶V:HVWDUWHGGRLQJ 9DQV7ULSOH&URZQRI6XU¿QJ6NDWHERDUGLQJ6QRZERDUGLQJ0RWRUFURVV%0;,QWKH last 10 years, we started to get more artsy and put the House of Vans for 3 years into New York. So people in New York would know what Vans is about. We did the Vans Warp Tour. I’m doing year 19 right now. A musical festival that travels to 50 cities in 60 days. And we see 600,000 kids every summer. 34 BREAKS // Wow! STEVEN // So, if they are loyal to our product, I’m going to be loyal to them. At our US 23(1RI6XU¿QJZHEXLOWDELJDUHQDDQGDELJERZORQWKHVDQG,¶PMHDORXVWKDW9HQLFH has one buit permanently on the sand. My goal in the next 3-6 years is to convince the City RI+XQWLQJWRQ%HDFKWRDOORZXVWROHDYHZKDWZHEXLOW$TXDUWHUPLOOLRQGROODUERZODQG they have to tear it out once we leave. BREAKS // What, leave it for the kids! STEVEN // That’s what they should do! Like Venice, it’s awesome! It was a replica of a ERZOIURP0DUVHLOOH)UDQFH7KHJUDI¿WWLDUWLVWVZRUNHGRQLW7KLVLVDUHSOLFDRIWKDW:H just took the far bowl off. But it’s the Marseille bowl. BREAKS // Amazing! STEVEN // We had this Vans Custom Culture tent where kids come in and paint on cardboard. When you are done, you can fold it into a shoe. It’s creative, trying to get the creative juices out of them. BREAKS // Could you talk about the stores? STEVEN // If we didn’t have our stores, we might just have been a wholesaler, selling to stores and retailers all across the world. But then, we wouldn’t have the connection to our customers like we do. By having our 300 stores here, 50 in Europe, 50 in Mexico. China now has 500 stores. That’s a direct connection we have. Thousands of accounts with core shoe outlets Active and Nordstrom’s. In Laguna, Thalia Street, in New York City, The General. We are partners. We are opening a new one in Boston. It’s cool that we have this kind of connection. We put 5 stores in the Boston area. We feel the connection. // WATCH THE FORT // Ah she bangin’. I got this. Look at this fool! rippin over you fools! FUCK YOU FOOL! Ah, like that? PSSST! EEEHHH! That crib over there looks mighty tight! Go check it out. 36