29-41 - Alexander Material


29-41 - Alexander Material
As this is the first Questions and
Answers issue since publication ofEarthly
Cycles, many of the questions arise from
the book's material on karma, the higher
self, and so on. I hope these representative questions will speak to the common
concerns ofmany read~
If one does not perish at the same
time as one's spouse does that mean that
the likelihood of the couple being reincarnated together again is slim? How can
one be truly emotionally healthy with the
uncertainty that one may never see loved
ones again after death?
A.D., Greensboro, North Carolina
The timing of a couple's deaths has
no bearing on the likelihood of reincarnating together. The only determinant is
whether the overall "residue" of the relationship is positive or negative. If negative, the couple will be bound to other
lifetimes until all negative karma is dissolved. If positive, the pair may release
each other at death or they may choose to
continue their romp through time. Many
relationships have this "cosmic companion" foundation, where two higher selves
cast offshoots into a multitude of times
and places, donning various costumes and
roles, to observe how they play out different relationship constellations.
You most certainly will see your
loved ones at death-though they may
well be an illusion! The death passage is
eased by the presence of those one loved
in life, appearing in familiar form. This is
part of the "welcoming drama" hastening
the soul's transition. Oftentimes, if much
time has passed, the actual "soul" of the
beloved has ascended from the astral level
and the apparition is fabricated by the
entities hosting the "welcoming drama."
You need not worry that we are "spoiling
the surprise" by telling you this in
advance-for the intensity of the actual
experience will not allow for recall of
what you read many years beforehand!
suicide, only the imperative that any
In what way does suicide compliegregiousfviolation of the "rules" be
cate the soul's progress after passage?
clearly a~d absolutely understood by a
How is that violation healed?
A.Z., Boonsboro, Maryland soul violating them, so that this learning
is absorbed into its higher self, there to
Suicide violates the "rules" by
other offshoots from committing
which the earth incarnation game is
played. One of these rules is that the
higher self, and only the higher self,
In Earthly Cycles Alexander explains
determines when an incarnation has
is not the individual soul that has
fulfilled its purpose and can be released.
the karmic braid that reincarnates,
The ego-the waking-life navigator
offshoot. 1¥hat happens to the
through physical reality-has much
"weaver soul" (me) when it (I) am
power and responsibility, but determin"dismissed" from the theta level? Where
ing when to release earth life lies outside
the "weaver soul" (where do I) go?
its authority. For suicide is when the ego
L.B., New Zealand
can no longer bear the pain it has itself
created-the "mess" it has gotten itself
(and a related question)
into-whereas the higher self has many
In Earthly Cycles Alexander
other purposes for an incarnation,
dropped, almost casually, something of a
many of them hidden from the ego's
cosmic bombshell. He states that the souls
who generate karma through violations of
Suicide complicates the soul's
others are "dismissed" to new planes and
passage because it compels the soul to
challenges while "karmic braids are
remain in "ego consciousness" for a
impressed upon fresh offshoots" whose
considerable period after death. In a
task it is to repair the harm another has
natural death transition, the ego is
caused. This turns all traditional karmic
shucked off fairly quickly, the soul
and reincarnational data heretofore
restored to its true essence, and ascenreceived upside-down. Doesn't this
sion to higher states easily embraced. A
basically mean that those who commit the
post-suicidal ego must retain its fleshworst violations never really have to pay
bound identity while it is led through a
their debts?
comprehensive and somewhat painstakB.H., Houston, Texas
ing "review" of the rules governing the
These questions spring from a misearth incarnation system. This becomes
understanding of who "you" really are.
something of a strain because the soul
"You" are not what your ego would define
no longer "sees" and "hears" through
corporal senses, no longer thinks of
you as: a certain sex, age, race, occupaitself as having gender, age, and biogra.tjon, partner of so-and-so, political affiliaphy, even as it must retain those human
tion, etc. These are the external, physical
p,arameters through which the "real you"
attributes until its "review" is complete.
It is as if you were locked in a
• operates, the disguise, the costume it
room and required to relive being age
· assumes to participate in human/earthly
five with such intensity and realism that
life. The real you is your higher self, of
which you are one offshoot, along with all
your body and mind literally operated at
your probable and parallel selves. The
that level. Sustaining such an atavistic
ego's awareness is but a tiny fraction of
state would be a considerable strain. The
the totality of consciousness which
strain is even greater for a discarnate
comprises "you."
soul to operate through the trappings of
the flesh and ego when such should have
Since linear time is a parameter of
been long abandoned. There is no sense
the physical system having no validity
of "punishment" for having committed
outside the. space-time framework, and
because the higher self hovers outside the
space-time continuum, to the higher self
all time is simultaneous. It has no sense
of past, present and future lives, except
that it recognizes this is how its offshoots
experience reality as they gather their
stores of experience. If all time is simultaneous, how could it be possible that
one offshoot be continually projected,
again and again, into the earth plane to
atone for its "past" misdeeds? To require
that each offshoot suffer penance for its
misbehavior by repeatedly reincarnating
violates the inviolable principle that all
time is simultaneous.
To the higher self-the real youall offshoots are simultaneously gathering experience, with the understanding
that all negative karma accrued by its
offshoots must be dissolved !:>efore the
higher self can release the earth plane as
a crucible of growth. Shifting a karmic
braid from one offshoot to another is like
you waking up to find last night's dirty
dishes in the sink, which you must wash
before making breakfast. Do you wail at
the injustice of this, of having your fresh
clean morning sullied by last evening's
careless irresponsibility? To the higher
self, shifting karmic braids is as inconsequential as this.
Remember also that a karmic braid
is dissolved not by restaging the original
crime, with the participants switching
roles, but by the erstwhile perpetrator
offering healing, loving energy to the
former victim. So the offshoots "saddled"
with a karmic braid created by other
offshoots are "forced" to endure an
intensely healing, loving relationship.
The injustice!
Within the question also lies the
determination that those who do wrong
must be punished. This is an ego concept. Eyes for eyes and teeth for teeth
may be the ego's idea of justice, but such
retribution has no place in karmic justice. Negativity is balanced not with
further negativity, but with healing.
Otherwise you are trapped in an endless
cycle of retribution and reprisal. This is
the ''justice" of baby and young souls, not
those trying to evolve toward higher
states of consciousness.
As to where each individual soul
"goes" after completing its work at the
theta level, the driving impulse of all
souls is to ascend into ever higher,
greater bodies of consciousness where
individual identity is surrendered to the
greater complexity of group consciousness. Naturally, the ego trembles at the
concept because it wishes to think itself
immortal. It is immortal in the sense
that an energetic "record" of each
incarnation remains at the astral level,
but consciousness itself naturally seeks
its highest potential, meaning everexpanding bodies of consciousness in
which individual identity is but a trace
Ramon Speaks:
Alexander suggested I add a few
words about my experience as the
"recipient" of a karmic braid which
binds me to my friend Paul (as
recounted in "The Preacher and the
Widow" chapter, I was a minister, he a
young widow, who had an affair which
ultimately led to the widow's beating
the minister to death). While the first
few years after our karmic braid
"erupted" brought a series of puzzling
and even terrifying experiences,
through it all we felt an intense warmth
and closeness for each other. In the
years since, the initial stormy energy
has mellowed into a deep and abiding
love. Our past-life romance bleeds
through as uninhibited affection and
uproarious "gay banter." Neither of us
feels "saddled" with the "burden" of
our relationship; we feel blessed by it.
We are fortunate to understand the
karmic history of our relationship, but
we feel no compulsion to devote our
lives to dissolving our karmic braid.
Knowing that the wound is healed with
every hug and kind word, we expect to
spend the rest of our lives enjoying our
deep communion. If this is being
"burdened" with a karmic braid created
by another offshoot, I wish my life were
full of such burdens.
Discuss possession. If it occurs,
haven 't we given permission on a
certain level?
L.C., Haymarket, Virginia
First we must consider that there
are many degrees of what, in its most
extreme state, might be called
"possession." Since thoughts have an
electromagnetic reality and are broadcast into the atmosphere, and since like
attracts like, there is a natural tendency
for sympathetic thought-forms to attract
and bond. This is most apparent
between friends and lovers who share
common outlooks and interests. There is,
however, a great deal of free-floating
"thought" in the atmosphere, since every
living person issues a constant tickertape stream of thought into the global
stream. Everyone regularly taps into this
swirling pool of thought on the likeattracts-like principle.
As an example, oftentimes an
invention or artistic creation will be
simultaneously created by far-flung
creators with no awareness of each other.
Artists and inventors, keenly attuned to
the free-floating pool of consciousness
swirling about the globe, will simultaneously tap into thought-forms congealing
toward expression, and render them in
their unique styles.
In a sense, the earth's atmosphere
is gelatinous and retains the tracings of
all thoughts and events generated by
physical beings. Where an event is powerfully violent, an energetic matrix of
intense negative vibrance will lodge in
the atmosphere, retaining the circumstances of the event and particularly the
identity of the participants. For those
who have read Earthly Cycles, this is the
physical expression of a "karmic braid"
which remains in the earth's atmosphere
until dissolved by healing energy shared
between the participants.
At any given moment, therefore,
the atmosphere carries many dark,
violence-soaked energy matrices awaiting release by their perpetrators. In a
limited sense, they are "conscious" and
"alive." They naturally seek out sympathetic bodies of consciousness, particularly those in human form, for they can
"feed" off the energy of human bodies,
revitalizing and amplifying themselves.
This is as close to the popular conception
of"demons" or "evil spirits" as the system allows, for there is no dedicated
source of "evil" in the world, only freefloating pockets of negative energy born
of human-created violence and hatred.
Since like attracts like, the nature
of one's consciousness determines what
"flavor" of free-floating consciousness
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels through
Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are $12 per year
(six issues, first class mail); $13 Canada/Mexico;
$14 Foreign Air Mail. For a free brochure of
Alexander books and tapes, call or write
Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box 422, Ojai,
California 93024/ (805) 640-8883.
one is open to. A positive, sunny, optimistic disposition naturally attracts
events, persons, and consciousness of a
similar nature. A dark, confused,
troubled, hostile, powerless, vindictive
personality will naturally attract sympathetic fields of consciousness. In a perverse symbiosis, each feeds the other: the
pocket of dark consciousness feeds on
human vitality, while the dark personality finds itself validated by waves of
energy confirming its dark view of
Projection is a basic and well
understood psychological defense
mechanism: what one finds unacceptable
in oneself, one projects onto others.
Impulses and desires which violate personal and cultural taboos are dissociated
from oneself and projected "out there,"
onto other persons, "foreign" groups, or
mythic sources of evil.
Even as one is willingly surrendering to the influence of a dark pocket of
consciousness, welcoming its refreshing
and validating energies, one rejects the
notion that anything inside oneself might
be opening the door to such influence.
The stage is set for a sharp split between
oneself-which the ego always struggles
to uphold as "good," however heinous
one's behavior-and the "foreign"
negative influence.
In extreme cases the ego
"collapses," shrinking down to a shell
and allowing the negative consciousness
full command of the body, a final desperate defense against having to face the
source of evil in oneself. The ego agrees
to "share" the body with its negativeenergy cohort, cleanly absolving itself of
responsibility for the destructive behavior
the body commits. Here is where classical "possession" occurs-the ego
relinquishes control of all behavior and
allows its partner in crime, an "evil
spirit," to commandeer the body, with
the ego secretly delighted in its despicable behavior.
"Possession" is more common in
cultural milieus rich with gods and
demons and their struggles to win the
human race to their side. Here the culture grants "permission" and validation
for such experiences. In modern rationalist society, with Jehovah and Satan
reduced to mythic symbols, the culture
has no place in its cosmology for
demonic influence. Hence, the everrationalizing ego looks elsewhere to
project the blame for its self-created
misfortune; currently fashionable is the
endless litany of "victim" syndromes:
"battered wife syndrome," "adopted
child syndrome," etc. Rather colorless
compared to a full-bore medieval
satanic possession!
When one gives blood, what
psychic ramifications-if any-ensue.
For example, does the blood of an
Avatar carry more ooomph than that of
a baby soul knight? Does soul age,
aspect or family of consciousness affect
donor/recipient match-ups with bone
marrow or organ donations? Are the
two souls thereafter connected?
B.H., Houston, Texas
The body is pressed into physicality by the intent of its nonphysical
"twin," an energy matrix hovering
outside the .membrane of physical life.
This twin body provides the instructions to each cell as to what part it
plays, what its condition is, what its
immediate circumstances are, andrelevant to your question-the nature of
the mind animating the body. The body
is-must be-exquisitely sensitive to
the mind of its master.
Each "beat" of the pulse between
physical and nonphysical bodies carries
a "consciousness update" which
apprises the body of its circumstances
and the thought-streams of its master.
Because the cells depend so greatly on
clear reception of this information, they
"tune" themselves to wave-forms identical to the mind's thought-stream, a
process akin to tuning a radio for clearest reception. This, by the way, is how
beliefs are literally etched into the cells.
Because the cells are sensitive to a
dynamic and ever-changing flow of
thought from the mind, there is no
great disruption when blood or an
organ is transplanted to another body.
Granted, it is a bit of an abrupt shift
and may require a few seconds of
adjustment to retune to an entirely
different thought-stream, but once this
brief transition is made the blood or
organ settles readily into its new host.
The donor's and recipient's disparate
consciousness play no role in
acceptance/rejection of the transplant,
and no relationship is forged between
their souls.
Alexander states that the higher
self "doesn't care" whether we succeed
or fail, yet elsewhere it is stated that
the higher self hopes we will meet the
challenges set, and evaluates our
progress in dreams. This is confusing!
G.S., San Luis Obispo, Cal.
Part of the problem lies in projecting
human qualities onto nonhuman bodies of
consciousness such as the higher self. A
higher self neither "cares" nor "hopes."
It sets up each lifetime as an experiment-can this blend of body type,
gender, personality, and cultural milieu
achieve happiness?-and observes with
interest how the offshoot progresses. It is
a source of"delight," one might say,
when an offshoot manages to overcome
challenges to happiness; but there is no
sense of "disappointment" if the challenges are too great to surmount.
This question and others lead us to
conclude that some have mistakenly construed ourdi:iJiction of the universe as
cold and stark, where human beings are
the impotent and ignorant pawns in a
cruel and manipulative game. Nothing
could be further from the truth. The reason the higher self does not "hope" or
"care" is that it must abide by the rules of
the camouflage system, the absolute foundation of which is privacy of thought and
freedom of choice. It liberates you at
birth, not out of cruel indifference to your
fate, but because it must. The whole system rides on a warm, loving, nurturing
energy which suffuses all beings within it.
Your higher self regards you, its
precious offshoot, as you regard your
children as they scurry about eagerly
exploring their world. You realize you
must grant them freedom to explore on
their own, and this will naturally result in
some scraped knees, broken bones,
bruised feelings, sexual and psychedelic
escapades, and so on. How "loving"
would it be to shield your children from
such dangers by locking them in a box for
their first 18 years? Just as you make
yourself available to your children for
consultation, so do you consult with your
higher self in the dream state every night,
where it feeds you encouragement, support, and direction. What it cannot do is
force you onto a path of happiness, or off
one fraught with danger and heartache.
Just as you must liberate your children for
their own good, so does your higher self
liberate you to chart your own independently created path.
Consider for a moment what our
presence in your lives indicates. Why
would a discarnate entity with no direct
connection to earthly life bother to offer
education and support to those in flesh,
unless the underlying essence of the
entire system was one of grace, love,
respect, and encouragement?
According to Seth and Alexander
as well, there have been numerous
advanced civilizations that have come
and gone on planet earth-why have no
artifacts of any of them ever been found?
Where should we look? Also, just how
old is the earth?
B.H., Houston, Texas
The earth is eternal. It rides in a
universe without beginning or end.
While it floats in a sea of linear time,
which demands beginnings and endings,
like your immortal soul it survives even
its destruction. It survives as an idea, a
matrix of poter-t.i~l, ·.vhich N.R.gneJicallv
attracts to itself the elements needed to
"flesh out" its form. Some civilizations
have been so dark with warnings of
apocalyptic calamity and widespread
hysteria that they indeed created that
experience for themselves--on a scale
more severe than the recent comet striking Jupiter. This is one answer to your
question-from time to time the earth
has been "destroyed" partially or totally,
later re-forming itself by pulling its pulverized elements back into place.
Another answer relates to the fact
that the eatth rides through crests and
troughs of rising and falling vibrational
frequencies. The human species appears
during a narrow window of accelerating
frequency, toward the "top" of the cycle,
then tracking the downward deceleration
until the human form can no longer be
Obviously, human civilizations
reach their "peak" of technological,
artistic and spiritual sophistication at the
zenith of earth acceleration. Matter
changes during this accelerationdeceleration process as well, becoming
lighter, more malleable and flexible,
toward the zenith.
You cam10t "find" the artifacts of
civilizations at their peak because the
present earth frequencies are slower and
denser than those existing at the time of
such objects' creation. In a sense, they
must remain in a state of uncrystallized
thought-form for they cannot manifest in
a denser medium. If you were given a
hunk of granite and told to weave a shirt
with it, could you? No, you could not
translate the thought-form of the shirt
into physical reality because the medium
of the granite is too dense and inflexible
to be fashioned into supple cloth. The
same process is at work with ethereal
artifacts of civilizations past, which
must wait until the earth's rising
frequency allows them to crystallize
into form. Only then can they be
Finally, of course, some stories of
ancient civilizations have been carried
over in racial memory from different
probable earths-which means the
artifacts are not present on your version
of the planet and can never be found.
How can we not hate and despise
our higher self when we realize that
satisfying our wants is "irrelevant" and
often an "impediment" to the life plan
of our higher self for us, and when we
realize that all human misery is the
result of insufficient awareness and
hideous life themes given to us by our
higher self ... is not our higher self the
most hideous abomination imaginable?
D.P., Temple, Texas
Perhaps you deliberately intended
to offer a caricature of an outraged ego
furiously resisting the knowledge that it
is not the omniscient center of the universe, but in fact is rather limited in its
awareness. For most of human history,
knowledge of the greater reality behind
day-to-day experience has been hidden
from awareness, the ego has reigned
supreme (as long as it made alliances
with its culture's gods), and people
were trapped in a web of illusion. The
information we and others provide now
offers you the opportunity to free yourself from the web, from the illusion.
Doing so means that some longcherished concepts must be released,
among them the supremacy and
omnipotence of the ego.
If anything, such knowledge
lightens your journey for it bleeds the
intensity from the ego's concerns for
security, wealth, love, and immortality.
True spiritual masters are always serene,
gentle, and compassionate, offering gentle humor, for they see the essential illusion of earth experience and cannot place
too much stock in the ego's desires,
knowing that everything the ego so
craves-fame, fortune, love and adoration-will fall to dust on death' s release.
Part of living in this consciousness
is recognizing that you are a precious
offshoot of higher bodies of consciousness, which have carefully fashioned
your life situation to allow for learning
and growth within a specific framework.
Each offshoot is a "scout" sent to earth in
circumstances designed to gather a specified field of experience. Since soul
growth comes from challenges met and
overcome, life circumstances must contain roadblocks to happiness, whether
mental, physical, or emotional. It is
through meeting and overcoming these
challenges that the human spirit demonstrates its resilience, its tenacity, its flexibility, its power of will.
Some observe this arrangement and
express gratitude at the opportunity to
participate in such a wondrous realm.
Others call it an abomination. Among
your many freedoms is the choice to live
either in a state of higher consciousness
-which deflates the ego's importance
and with it some comforting illusionsor to remain in lower consciousness and
staggerabout in "why me?" confusion
and fear. The choice is yours.
Meet Ramon in Cyberspace!
Ramon Stevens will be the featured
author in a live on-line conference on
Compuserve's New Age Forum to be held
September 18 at 9:00PM Eastern
Standard Time. For info, GO: NEWAGE.
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You know that you live in a time of
great upheaval, of cultural decay and
transformation, religious fanaticism and
spiritual renewal, economic insecurity,
and general revulsion toward political
leaders. All this plays out against a backdrop of ecological devastation wreaked by
human activity, the most deleterious
effects of which have yet to manifest.
The planet itself, and all species upon it,
appear joined in a convulsive trauma and
the struggle to heal.
It is human nature to establish
stability and security through political,
spiritual, and technological systems that
endure beyond the life span of any individual, providing the sturdy foundation of
culture. Human consciousness is unique in
that it does not rest on a base of pure
reason-as does any fruit fly, jungle cat,
or sea slug-but rather on myth. Human
consciousness requires that certain metaphysical questions be answered before it
can feel secure; these questions relate to
the origin of humanity and the universe in
which it lives, humanity's special purpose
and meaning, and the search for immortality. Because human consciousness cannot grasp the ultimate answers to these
questions, it settles for stories, myths,
which soothe the anxieties over identity
and meaning; these myths; when ·un:iv-er~·
sally accepted, become the foundation of
Naturally, in a long-ago world
peopled with scattered tribes, each clan
could spin its private web of myth and
those myths supported and nourished their
peoples through countless generations. In
today's world, where the ease of travel,
human overpopulation, and the furiously
growing web of communication links
bring even the remotest tribes into contact
with the dominant culture, no longer can
each tribe cling to its cherished myths in
blessed isolation. Wars over religious and
cultural conflict litter the 20th century's
blood-soaked history, as cultures strive to
prove superiority over other mythic systems.
If humanity is to survive on the
planet, and to evolve toward its highest
potential rather than devolving to the
primitive code of the jungle, it faces two
principal tasks: it must learn to live in
harmony with nature's ways, and it must
meld its many discreet tribal myths into
one globally shared mythic framework.
The first task addresses the simple
mechanics of surviving on the planet,
the second speaks to humanity's spiritual essence.
You live now in a time of transition, between a past when nature could
easily heal the scars of human activity
and each tribe rested on private myths,
and a future when humanity lives within
nature's limits and shares a global
mythology. Such times of transition
place great stress on the psyche, for they
strip away the bedrock security of cultural myth, while the undeniable evidence of ecological devastation threatens
individual health and the species' future
survival. Maintaining sanity, reason and
psychological flexibility amid such circumstances is challenging, and many
surrender to the security of religious or
scientific fa:aaticism, or throw up their
hands in nihilistic despair. Our purpose
in this issue is to offer practical suggestions as to how you can maintain a clear,
flexible, and balanced consciousness in
the midst of global upheaval.
For consciousness to participate in
and manipulate the earthly system, it
must be anchored to form. Each such
form detenhines the nature of consciousness that animates it; as a creature
passes through its life cycle from conception to old age, its bodily condition
calls down certain strands of consciousness which support it at each stage.
Further, the body's condition, vis-a-vis
health or infirmity, further shapes and
colors the quality of consciousness. This
is a key understanding, often overlooked
by those who pursue "enlightenment"
strictly from a mental approach: the
body must be humming at peak vibrational harmony to draw down the clearest flow of consciousness. Blockages and
hindrances within the body impair its
ability to maintain the clearest channel to
higher sources of consciousness.
Now, the greatest determinant of a
person's consciousness is his or her birth
date: for the earth's vibration at the
moment of birth is indelibly stamped into
the body as its vibrational "set point."
This corrals each generation into a shared
framework of spiritual and technological
potential, keeping the race on a common
cultural path. The body's set point automatically calls down consciousness of a
congruent nature, defining the upper and
lower boundaries of an individual's potential experience.
The body is conscious and alive in
its own right, of course, apart from the
nature of its waking mind. Even the most
severely retarded persons, or those insensate in coma, have smoothly functioning
bodies maintaining themselves without
conscious direction. The nature of the
body's condition-healthy or ill, secure or
imperiled, loved or abused-affects its
consciousness, which in turn influences
the nature of consciousness animating the
waking mind. A program designed to
maintain a clear and flexible consciousness must therefore begin with the body.
Take a Plunge
As you know, water is a highly efficient conductor of electrical energy,
meaning it transmits electrical current
with a minimum of resistance. The same
holds true for any type of energy: water
transmits vibrational patterns cleanly,
without alteration or degradation, over
great distances. By soaking in water, the
body gradually entrains to the vibrational
patterns present in the water, which in
turn reflect the energetic "atmosphere" of
a place as well as any significant shifts
occurring within the earth. (Animals
detect earthquakes and storms "ahead of
time" because they sense such vibrational
shifts as pressure changes in their cranial
fluid and sinus membranes.)
A dedicated program of "body balancing" should therefore include regular
soaking in water. In order of preference,
bodies of water used for this purpose
include: the ocean, lakes, rivers, outdoor
pools, indoor pools, hot tubs and bathtubs. As you can gather, natural bodies of
water are preferable, and the deeper the
better, for they carry vibrational patterns
from deeper strata of earth. Any time
there is a firm barrier between water and
the earth-as with a swimming poolthe fidelity of transmission is impaired.
And when the body of water sits above
the earth and is sealed off from the natural world-as with a second-story bathtub-the vibrational patterns are further
It is only natural that you would
wish to keep your head above the water
line most of the time, but it is critical
that the crown of the head be submerged
for at least part of your time in the water.
This creates a complete "circuit" between
your highest vibrational center, located
at the crown, and your abdomen and feet.
Otherwise, the water's vibrational pattems are only able to "dance around"
you, rather than insinuate themselves
into the body's core. Floating on your
back, with your head tilted back to keep
the crown under water, is the best
position to create a prolonged "circuit"
giving passage to water's vibrational
We left hot springs off our list
above because they are relatively rare
and not accessible to most on a regular
basis. We do want to make special mention of them, though, because hot springs
are a special case offering greater benefit
even than the ocean. The fact that the
water is emerging hot from the earth
means, first, that it is always fresh, never
stagnant; and second, that the area of its
emergence is an earth "hot spot," a crucible of especially dynamic, volatile and
accelerated energy which "charges" the
water passing through it with special
vitality and a vibrational richness not
found in more prosaic bodies of water.
Soaking crown-to-feet in a hot spring is
to vitalize the body with a vibrational
tune-up unlike any other.
Match Diet With Lifestyle
Current debate over the "ideal"
human diet obscures the fact that there is
no universally ideal diet. There is an
ideal diet for each individual, which
takes into account a number of factors:
age, activity level, regional climate,
season of the year, body type, natural
energy level, and so on. Not only does
the ideal diet vary from person to person,
but seasonal change~ affect the body's
nutritional needs as well, so that one
may flourish on a vegetarian diet during the warmer months but feel the
need for supplementary animal foods
during the winter.
The human body is designed with
extraordinary elasticity, allowing the
species, with proper shelter and
clothing, to survive in virtually every
climate. As part of this malleability, the
body's digestive process carries a
spectrum from relatively constant, light
feeding (like birds or cattle) to an occasional huge consumption followed by a
languorous digestion (like jungle cats).
It is no accident, then, that in the
harsher northern climates, where fresh
produce is not available during the
colder months, bodies have adapted to
consumption of whale blubber or buffalo meat; whereas in equatorial climes
bodies are nourished by the year-round
profusion of fruits and vegetables.
This spectrum of digestion is
deeply ingrained in the human
"package," and recent establishment of
transportation networks which allow
produce to be transported around the
globe cannot override the body's natural expectation of a certain diet in a
given climate. Canadians can easily
maintain a vegetarian diet through
their long, cold winters, but their bodies expect a diet more closely linked to
their environs, meaning an occasional
feast of animal flesh. Equatorial peoples may seek to emulate the western
lifestyle by increasing their m,eat consumption, but their bodies expect a
lighter; vegetable-based diet.
We are not endorsing any diet
over any other; we are simply pointing
out that the human body, bathed in the
vibrational atmosphere of its home
climate, naturally expects a certain diet
and operates most efficiently when fed
that diet. The body's extraordinary
adaptability ensures that it can, indeed,
survive and even prosper on any type of
diet anywhere. But for maximum efficiency, and for the body to be able to
feel most "at home," diet should match
Another influence on ideal diet is
activity level. Here is where western
culture faces its greatest challenges
vis-a-vis its diet, for a largely sedentary
population consumes great quantities of
meat, fat, and sugar. A meat-based diet
is appropriate among peoples whose
circumstances require strenuous efforts
to survive. The Plains Indians, for instance, living in a harsh climate and
chasing buffalo for food, could consume
vast quantities of their prey and scour
their arteries clean with the next hunt. A
modern office worker, whose most strenuous activity is reaching for the electric
pencil sharpener, never approaches the
level of physical activity necessary to
cleanly process a meat-based diet. The
more sedentary the lifestyle, the more the
body benefits from a light, plant-based
Age also plays a role in selecting an
appropriate diet. When puberty triggers
bodily growth, especially in males, leading toward development of adult form
and sexual maturity, a meat-based diet is
appropriate because animal flesh is a
complete protein, with all other nutrients
in proper balance, ensuring that the body
is being adequately nourished. In traditional societies, young males are the
hunters, gatherers and protectors, and
their need for powerful and wellnourished bodies again points toward a
meat-based diet.
Young women of child-bearing age
benefit as well from a meat-based diet,
both for the complete and balanced nutrients, and for the extra fat which their
bodies need to help sustain a growing
child. In later years, when males become
grizzled elders and women the clan's
wise matriarchs, the need for a meatbased diet diminishes and a greater proportion of plant foods may be consumed.
Much of this may not be relevant to
modern western culture, with its multicultural gastronomy, but it is important
to understand how the human body is
designed to function in a natural tribal
setting (where the vast majority of the
species' time has been spent), and how
this design affects the ideal diet. As mentioned, the human body's adaptability
ensures that it can prosper on any diet
anywhere, but the natural diet for a
given age, locale, and activity level
varies from person to person, and those
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels through
Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are $12 per year
(six issues, first class mail); $13 Canada/Mexico;
$14 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box 422,
Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883.
concerned with balanced and harmonious bodies will give this due consideration in fashioning their diets.
Eat Living Local Foods
Every living organism is composed
of two elements: its physical structure
and its vital life energy, its body and its
consciousness. Vital life energy is fed
into the earth system by bodies of consciousness standing above the earthly
system, animating the various species
scurrying about the globe. Every living
organism has a "twin" energetic
blueprint in the nonphysical realm,
which "blinks" on and off into physical
life; each blink "on" brings with it a
thrust of vitalizing life energy. At death,
the twin blueprint no longer blinks into
physical form, the vitalizing life energy
is lost, and decay sets in.
Since all food comes from living
organisms, the time elapsed since a food
was severed from its vitalizing source
determines whether it offers both physical nutrition and vital energy, or simply
the inert nutrients. Once an organism is
cut off from its vitalizing source, its life
energy dissipates at a steady pace irrespective of any efforts to preserve the
food (canning, freezing, drying, etc.).
Certainly within two or three days from
"death," all vitalizing energy has been
lost from a decaying organism.
It is possible to sustain the body on
"dead" foods, because all nutritional
requirements are met, but overall zest
and vitality will suffer if there are no
living foods in the diet. Vital life energy
does not address a specific nutritional
concern, as the various vitamins and
minerals do, but instead suffuses the
body with an overall burst of vitality
carrying with it the vibrational patterns
extant in the area of the food's origin.
This is why it is most beneficial to
eat foods grown in the local area, for in a
sense you ingest the vibrational atmosphere of your home area, charged and
vitalized with the plant's life energy.
This helps both to keep your body at
peak vitality and to apprise it of information carried in the vibrational patterns of
the food (especially food anchored to the
It is not necessary that most of your
diet consist of living foods; even a small
fraction will be sufficient to vitalize the
body and apprise it of the area's vibrational intelligence. Growing a garden is
the best way to ensure a steady supply of
living foods, espec.ially a salad garden
blending tastes, colors and textures
from a variety of plants. At the very
least, anyone can grow sprouts in the
kitchen, and as sprouts are newly
vitalized, eagerly growing young
plants, alive at the moment of ingestion, they pack a powerful wallop of
vitalizing energy.
Weave an Aural Cocoon
In a recent issue of the Journal we
discussed music's power to heal and
balance the body, and we do not wish to
reiterate that material at length here.
We would only point out that the body
automatically entrains to the sounds in
its environs, striving to harmonize
external sound with internal patterns.
Thus, music can be a powerful tool in a
program of "body balancing" because
you can consciously choose which
music to expose your body to, a rare
instance where the conscious mind can
deliberately alter the body's energy
Two significant aspects of any
musical piece influence its effects on
the body: the time of its creation, and
(if recorded) the time of its recording.
Music reflects both the extant earth
energies and the cultural milieu at the
time of its creation. When you play
Beethoven or Chopin at the piano, you
call forth, in attenuated form, the energies of those composers' environs as
well as the cultures in which they lived.
In this century, with the advent of
recording technology, a performance
can be captured and replayed indefinitely. Ea.ch such replaying carries the
consciousness of the individual musicians as well as the cultural atmosphere
at the time of its recording. This is a
much more powerful and direct effect
than a modern musician playing an
18th-century piece.
Armed with this knowledge, you
can deliberately fctshion an aural environment Which speaks to your body's
needs. In times of anxiety or stress,
when you seek "grounding," a classical
piece centuries old would offer that
deep rooting born of ages past, as
would a modern piece recorded by a
gentle, calm soul. If you have been ill
and are returning to health, the robust
power of rock and roll would vitalize
and stimulate the body. If your life is
entirely too routine and complacent and
you need to shake things up, punk or
heavy metal music will effectively shatter
your body's stability.
Obviously, your total aural environment consists of much more than music.
Consider what sounds unconsciously
accompany you through your days: traffic, wind, people talking, silence, trickling water, bitter arguing, lawn mowers
blaring, the radio. All of these affect your
body's vibrational cocoon, which in turn
affects the quality of consciousness the
body can support. Once you have determined what your body needs in the way
of balancing and vitalizing, make an
effort to design an aural cocoon which
enhances that desired condition.
Water, diet, and music help you to
balance and stabilize your body, keeping
it harmonious and flexible. But the point
of maintaining such a vibrant body is to
enable it to draw down the highest,
clearest quality of waking consciousness,
allowing you to navigate a tumultuous
era with sanity, reason, and good humor
intact. Let us turn now to consider some
of the ways you can keep your consciousness as balanced and flexible as your
Listen to Young People
This is not the usual plea for knowit-all adults to stop and listen for five
minutes to the concerns of young people.
This is to urge that you listen to young
people. Not just their words, but the
deeper themes shaping those words.
Youth is the age of greatest psychological instability and openness, when the
inwardly focused psyche of childhood
crumbles to make way for youth's vigorous explorations. No one, no exalted
professor emeritus, is as attuned to the
undercurrents flowing beneath society as
those between the ages of 13 and 20. The
paradox of youth is that while they are so
attuned to these subterranean cultural
currents, they lack the mastery and
knowledge to translate their deep inner
knowing into effective action, resulting
in the existential despair and frustration
which so often marks adolescence.
Every young person is unique, of
course; not all of them are equally
attuned to cultural currents, and upbringing influences their ability to recognize
and express their awareness. If you seek
young prophets, look for artists and
trouble-makers. Artists naturally tap into
deeper veins of cultural potential than
the mainstream; and youthful artists
have their fingers on the very pulse of it.
Delinquents and drop-outs are often
bright, thoughtful, insightful youths who
cannot warp their inner knowing into
bland, socially approved expression, who
find the gap between cultural ideal and
cultural reality painfully unbridgeable:
they can only lash out in anger at the
world that fails to validate and honor
their insights.
In conversation with young people,
remember that it is not specific knowledge or wisdom that you seek; rather,
you would coax out a general thematic
impression of their thoughts on life,
society, and the future. See if you can
hear those deep undercurrents bubbling
just belm~ a young person's thoughts.
Make an effort to suppress your natural
desire to impart knowledge, and take the
role of active listener.
One of the best ways to get such a
conversation rolling is to ask what art
forms appeal to him or her, music being
the most powerful and universal unifier
of youth. Listen to the music with them,
ask them what the lyrics say (since you
probably can't discern them!), and ask
why the music appeals. Later, ponder the
music in all its aspects: its harmony or
disharmony, whether it assaults or
soothes, whether the lyrics are lifeaffirming or -denying. Knowing that
favorite music provides a direct mirror
image of the contours of the psyche,
consider what thematic messages are
being conveyed. Not only will your
respectful listening to a young person's
music evoke astonished delight on his or
her part, it will open the door to future
exchanges of even deeper and more revealing intimacy. With a handful of
articulate young confidants, you can
keep your finger firmly on the pulse of
cultural transformation.
Abandon the Search for Truth
As mentioned earlier, it is human
nature to assuage existential insecurity
by weaving myths which answer the
eternal questions of who you are, where
you come from, and what your purpose
is. Every culture, from the most primitive
Stone Age tribe to modern science, has a
myth of the universe's creation and a
myth of human emergence. Building on
this mythic foundation, elaborate cosmologies are spun which form the foundation of culture.
You live in an age when countless
discreet mythologies are grinding against
each other as the world grows toward
creation of a unified global culture. So
fundamental are these myths to personal
and cultural identity; and so threatening is their Joss, that tribes and nations
go to war and spill their sons' blood
over defense of what are, in truth,
bedtime stories chasing away the
demons of human insignificance and
inescapable mortality.
Myths are like weeds: you can
uproot them but they sprout right back.
When one abandons the religion of
one's childhood, the "mythic vacuum"
in the psyche cries out for something or
someone new to believe in and soothe
its existential insecurity. It comes as no
surprise that the era of mythic transformation through which you pass should
spawn countless little religions and
cults, some with self-appointed messiahs and prophets, others worshiping
ideas, products, or lifestyles as divine
revelation. The New Age movement is
crowded with such little religions;
indeed, it is the Mythic Marketplace
where those who have abandoned
mainstream myths can browse among
innumerable sects touting their flavorof-the-month route to salvation.
The stark fact is that human consciousness is incapable of comprehending Ultimate Truth; this is why
you must spin myths, symbolic stories,
as a way of hinting at the deeper truths
which lie unknowable beneath your
existence. The truths themselves cannot
be apprehended in their absolute totality by any human mind. Anyone who
claims such knowledge is either a madman or a liar. .
The healthiest approach to take
during this period of transformation is
the most difficult, fot it requires that
you override your psyche's deepest
need: to rest on a sturdy mythic foundation relieving existential insecurity. It
means you must float in a haze without
answers to life's most pressing questions. This may not sound attractive,
but it is healthier than latching onto a
little religion which instantly narrows
and misshapes your perception of
everything you read and hear. To stay
open, flexible, and balanced, the best
approach is to freely sample the wares
of the truth vendors-whether they
peddle salvation or blue-green algaewhile holding fast to the understanding
that no human mind can grasp ultimate
truth, and therefore every cosmology is
limited and incomplete.
What you are driving toward is
creation of a global cosmology which
supersedes all current religions,
reconciles science and spirituality, and
embraces all persons and living creatures as members of a common family.
This cosmology is just in the initial
stages of construction; you can catch
glimmers of its outlines in books delineating the similarities between physics
and eastern religions, in the work of
those building co-creative partnerships
with the spirits of nature, in the animal
rights movement, among peace activists
bringing previously warring peoples
together, and anywhere people reject
violence as the solution to conflict.
These trends represent the cutting
edge of a new global cosmology. Recognizing that these initial pieces of the
puzzle are but glimpses of a universal
cosmology not likely to manifest in your
lifetime, the best course is to "float" in
mythic uncertainty, appreciating the
pearls of wisdom offered by cutting-edge
thinkers while resisting the siren songs
of self-appointed messiahs.
The Power of Positive Thought
The most significant contribution
you make to the world's condition and
future events is not your actions but your
thoughts. A steady ticker-tape stream of
energy flows skyward from the crown of
your head, there to join the global pool of
human consciousness which encircles the
globe. This blended pool of thought
attracts mass events reflecting its condition, following the rule that you create
what you think.
The most powerful offering you can
make to the world as it struggles through
its transformational phase is a clean,
pure, balanced, optimistic, loving, peaceful flow of energy. This contribution
surpasses in effect everything you do
physically to bring about a brighter
world. If you feel dark with despair over
the earth's fate, angry at the relentless
flood of bad news, or pessimistic about
the species' future, you automatically
help bring about a more traumatic transition. Similarly, even drinking in images
of violence and destruction, whether or
not they trigger despair or anger, fortifies
the self-perpetuating cycle of violence
(violence occurs, your awareness of it
and resultant anger is released to the
atmosphere, which draws down future
The best antidote to despair and
violence is to pursue the activities that
bring you pleasure, to nurture relationships, to laugh often, to avoid doomsayers and prophets of destruction. Far
from being a selfish retreat from the
problems of the world, pursuing pleasure
and fulfillment alters the flow of energy
you contribute to the global pool, cancelling out the negativity of others and
helping to hasten the birth of a transformed, vibrant and peaceful planet.
janrmry 1995
Issue No. 31
From time to time people ask what
Alexander thinks of astrology; I always
reply, "I don 't know, I've never asked. "
Having never heard a credible explanation for how distant celestial bodies could
influence human personality and earthly
events, I've dismissed astrology as a
harmless entertainment, not worth
bothering Alexander for his perspective.
(And being a properly stubborn Taurus, I
didn't want Alexander relieving me of my
long-held disbelief!)
Still, as the Journal's purpose is to
explore a broad range of topics, and
astrology remains a perennial fascination
for many, I inquired as to whether
Alexander had anything to say on the
subject. The results, as you will see, draw
from a rich and hitherto untapped vein of
knowledge filling this and the next issue.
•!• ' •!•
As is the case in many aspects of
life, "popular" astrology-with its zodiac
signs, houses and cusps and retrograde
planets-is a facile, and easily digestible,
system hinting at a deeper reality. Like
any religion, it seeks to reduce the infinite
and unknowable to manageable, comprehensible rules and principles by which
humanity might live at harmony with the
universe. Rather than assembling a pantheon of gods to influence human affairs,
astrology proposes that the planets, stars,
and other celestial bodies determine each
person's personality traits at birth and
sketch the likely events unfolding in the
Rather than examining astrology at
the "popular" level, we propose to delve
into "deep" astrology, the ancient knowledge of the relationship between humanity
and the cosmos, which gave birth, through
millennia, to its popular stepchild. This
knowledge has been held by advanced
civilizations enjoying heightened perception and an awareness of energy as the
basis of the universe, rather than the
matter-based perspective of modem
society. Because this knowledge of
deep astrology retains full vitality in the
collective human consciousness, it
gently bleeds into awareness, misshapen as it is to conform with western
principles of structure, hierarchy, and
cause-and -effect.
The Cosmos as Energy Ocean
Because your eyes perceive the
universe as a great black void punctuated by occasional planets and stars, you
assume that the space between celestial
objects is "empty." Given the western
emphasis on using evidence of the
senses as the arbiter of reality, such a
perspective makes sense. It is, however,
wrong. Using "evidence of the senses"
as the criterion for reality while employing only the five sharply focused senses
results in an incomplete, impaired perspective. What is missing is the "sixth
sense" available to the species: the
body's ability to perceive energy fields.
To be fair, this ability cannot be
fully developed in your time because the
earth's energy patterns and frequencies
do not completely support such development. As the earth's vibration accelerates, humanity's latent ability to sense
the ocean of energy in which it swims
will grow. Among the advanced civilizations which developed and refined deep
astrology, the earth's frequencies were
in much greater alignment with the
ability to perceive energy fields.
As with any human characteristic,
there are many levels of natural skill,
coupled with training and focused study,
leading to degrees of competence in
perceiving energy fields. The high
priests of such advanced civilizations
were those born with heightened sensitivities, honed through years of disciplined training, resulting in exquisite
sensitivity to the most minute shifts in
energy, both local and remote. Because
the earth's vibrational patterns supported such awareness, all members of
such societies had at least a rudimentary
sense of the play of energy around them,
and this common awareness became the
basis of both scientific and religious life.
The difference between such a perspective and the modern western view
boils down to this: you see empty space
broken by occasional clusters of matter;
they saw an ocean of vibration permeating
every inch of creation-here a thin,
vaporous mist; there a coagulated, dense
form. They saw that the ocean of energy
washes through every form, no matter
how seemingly solid to the senses; that
even a stone is but occasional clusters of
dense vibration (subatomic elements)
dancing through a subtle mist. They saw
how events occurring inches or light years
away send ripples throughout the universe, bathing everything they touch with
their energetic residue.
The universe was understood to
manifest as two primary densities of vibration: mist and form. Mist is the ocean
of vibration permeating the universe, the
subtle carrier of energetic information.
Energy pulsations travel most quickly
along strands of mist. Form is clusters of
thickened vibration whose decelerated
pulsations are perceptible by the five
senses. Because the human body is form,
it hums at the same approximate frequencies as other clusters of form, allowing
humanity to manipulate and work with
form in caring for the body's needs and
building the infrastructure of civilization.
It is important to recognize that the
pulsating waves of energy washing
through the universe are not simply "felt"
by the body in a blind, diffuse way, but are
also seen and heard. The body's energy
sensors work in cooperation with the eyes
and ears to weave a comprehensive picture of the vibrational information washing through the bpdy's environs. At this
level of perception, sight and hearing
contain levels of richness and complexity
which lie beyond what you presently experience; as if three-dimensional sight and
stereo sound expand into multiple dimensions of deeper, more complex vibrational
patterns. At this level, the sharp distinction between sight and sound dissolves;
each of the senses contributes its discrete
focal awareness while blending its perceptions with other senses and the body's
A given field of vibration can be
examined and manipulated from any
number of perceptual focuses. Just as you
might study an object by staring at it,
sniffing it, tasting it, shaking it, and
poking it to determine its nature, from
the level of multidimensional perception
one can examine a vibrational field from
a range of perspectives. A field can be
beheld from any of the discrete sense's
perspectives, or a combination, or
enriched with the body sensors' subtle
detection of fluctuating energy patterns.
An "object" can be experienced purely as
sound, as sight, as smell, or simply as
vibration. Those familiar with psychedelic agents may have experienced this
multidimensional perception, though the
scrambling of perception can be frightening to western brains unaccustomed to
interpreting such richness of sensation.
As mentioned, in such civilizations
as have possessed multidimensional
perception, a wide range of such abilities
prevails. At the novice level, one may be
able to perceive only the workings of
one's own body; to detect a tumor, a
nutritional imbalance, or an emotional
wound. Moving up in the hierarchy of
gifted and disciplined perceivers means a
gradual expansion of perception, both in
the distance at which events can be perceived and in discerning increasingly
subtle fluctuations carried in mist-borne
vibration. The "high priests" are those
from whom virtually nothing is hidden
for they perceive all: tl1e thoughts and
body states of those they meet; events
occurring at great distances; even events
not yet manifested, congealing toward
expression in the collective unconscious.
Among the caste of the most adept
high priests, it was natural that they
would seek to expand and refine their
abilities by putting them to use detecting
ever finer and more subtle vibrational
events. This meant leaving the earth
plane entirely-for detecting its swarming fields, mist and form, came as second
nature-and reaching further into the
cosmos. Over time, as certain patterns of
fluctuation were linked with earthly
events, and as repeating annual patterns
had observable effects on the bodies of
those born bathed in those patterns, the
link between distant celestial bodies and
human personality and experience be-
came clear. This led, over generations,
to a discrete field of study, available
only to the most gifted of perceivers,
which grew into an elaborate system of
cosmic-human influences, their timing
and effects. This is "deep" astrology,
the ancient foundation oftoday's
popular astrology.
One thing should be immediately
apparent: Because the cosmic influences studied are so subtle, discerned
only by the most advanced perceivers,
they were understood to play a minor
role in the development of personality
and life's unfolding events. The rigid
zodiacal signs oftoday's astrology,
with their crisp lists of personality
attributes, are but crude replicas of
what was then understood as a more
subtle and dynamic interplay between
cosmic and human forms.
To begin with, the moment of
birth was not given the all-supreme
importance it plays in popular astrology. It was understood that a growing
fetus is constantly bathed in vibrational
fields-the most significant being its
mother's, of course, as well as her
physical and emotional environment,
her life companions, and so on. The
moment of birth is significant in that it
involves the sudden expulsion from one
primary vibrational environment to
another: the womb to the atmosphere.
There is a tendency, whenever a body
experiences such a rapid vibrational
shift, to open itself up to the energies of
its environment as a way of quickly
entraining to them and restoring symbiotic balance between body and environs. This "openness" to external fields
is never as pronounced as it is at birth.
This does not mean that Jupiter or
the Big Dipper plays a formative role in
the child's development. It means that
distant and subtle cosmic events can
impress themselves upon neonatal
energy fields with a force they will not
again have. Far more significant is the
child's immediate birth environment.
Babies in general, and newborns in
particular, cry until they are held
because they feel "out of sorts" in their
bodies: synthesizing a soul, a mind, a
body, and its environment does not
come easily. Babies anchor to human
life by entraining to human energy
fields, especially mother's comfortably
familiar patterns.
The child's overall experience at
The Alexander journal
birth is overwhelmingly shaped by the
mother's emotional and physical condition, by the loving touch of others
involved, by the immediate entraining to
solid adult bodies. Into this powerful
event, pulsing as it is with emotional and
physical energy, the influence of distant
cosmic bodies can be slight at best. For
to the extent the infant's body seeks to
entrain itself not only with its immediate
enviromnent, but with the universe at
large, it is unusually receptive to imprinting by such influences. Let us look
now at how such influences operate.
The Cosmic Web
From your earthbound perspective,
it is impossible to study the universe in
its entirety and observe the intricate
patterns of planets, moons, stars, and
floating debris which form the "matter"
of the cosmos. They appear as randomly
placed, scattered clusters of suns, planets
and moons. The Big Bang creation myth
supports this perception of haphazardly
placed celestial bodies, as all matter was
supposedly spewed at random from the
primordial explosion. We have dealt
elsewhere with the Big Bang theory's
creative fiction and need not elaborate
here, except to point out that believing in
it hinders perception ofthe true reality of
the cosmos's design.
The universe is eternal and without
beginning or end, in the sense that it was
not "born" and will not "die"; these are
anthropomorphic projections of your own
mortality. Since ultimately all "time" is
simultaneous, the universe has "always"
existed as a venue of activity for bodies
of consciousness seeking to explore
matter-based existence. Like any physical structure, the universe must be
organized into coherent, stable, selfsustaining patterns which endure
through time, while allowing sufficient
flexibility as to weather the likely events
and fluctuations inherent in the system.
Thus, the placement of celestial bodies is
not random, but follows patterns and
principles ensuring the system's stability
and endurance.
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels through
Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are $13 per year
(six issues, first class mail); $14 Canada/Mexico;
$17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box 422,
Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883;
E-mail: 73074.1516@COMPUSERVE.COM
There are two basic types of celestial body: energy-absorbing and energyreleasing. We might call the former
"sponges" and the latter "generators."
All solid objects are sponges: planets,
moons, asteroids, human beings, etc.
They absorb energy from the cosmos in
far greater proportion than they release
it; they transmute cosmic and solar radiation into the building blocks of solid
matter. All energy-spewing bodies are
generators: stars, for the most part, with
an occasional exploding supernova or
meteorite flaming to earth. Because the
single most important principle of nature
is balance, the universe as a whole, and
its many smaller regions, must maintain
balance between sponges and generators.
Thus it is no accident that your sun
is surrounded by planets, some with their
own balancing moons. A star must
always be balanced by encircling sponges
which absorb and neutralize the star's
furious shower of radiation. A universe
composed entirely of stars would soon
overheat into a torrid atmosphere
incapable of sustaining even stars'
dynamic form. Each star's radiation
must be "contained" within its localized
area and not allowed to spew unhindered
into the universe at large, there to stimulate other generators into vaporizing.
If you could build a threedimensional model of the solar system,
including the planets' gentle north-south
rocking and their rotations around the
sun, the relative positions of the planets
and moons throughout the year, and the
flow of solar radiation, you would
observe a highly efficient and intricate
system in which a generator is surrounded by a cooperating network of
sponges which absorbs and neutralizes
virtually all of the sun's emissions. Each
planet, given its distance from the sun,
absorbs a certain range of energy emissions, and uses its rotation and (with
some) its north-sound rocking pattern, to
prevent itself from being scorched to
oblivion by the sun's fierce heat.
To elaborate on the range of energy
each planet absorbs, every planet carries
a certain density, a precise mix of elements in its body and its atmosphere, a
unique size and volume, and a distance
from the sun. These factors determine
the range of solar radiation the planet is
designed to absorb. Solar radiation tends
to decrease in intensity the further it
travels; thus the closer planets are
formed of rock and iron, absorbing
highly stimulative energy, while the
distant planets, largely liquid and gas,
"mop up" the decelerating solar
Most of the sun's energy spews
from its equatorial region, along the
plane where the planets generally lie.
Solar radiation flowing from the poles
tends to arc back toward the planets'
gravitational pull; and what little
escapes this pull is easily absorbed by
the meteors and cosmic debris swarming through the system, acting as a
kind of "floating sponge blanket." By
the far reaches of the solar system, an
average of 99% of solar radiation will
have been absorbed by planetary, lunar,
and other sponges.
The planets themselves follow an
intricately choreographed dance in
which each is aware of the position and
condition of the others. If for some
reason a planet is temporarily unable to
absorb its "quota" of solar radiation,
others will attempt to "pick up the
slack" to the extent possible. This
might involve a planet temporarily
increasing or decreasing its surface
temperature, to alter the range of solar
radiation it can absorb. It might mean
expanding the area of its surface
covered by water, as water absorbs
radiation more efficiently than bedrock.
Because your planet is unusually
flexible in its blend of bedrock and
water; can quickly expand its watercovered area with a well-placed flood
or decrease it with a timely drought;
and can shift its water stock from liquid
to ice to gas with relative ease (over a
few millennia in the case of an ice age);
and because Earth's relative "midpoint" position is crucial to sustaining
the balance of the solar system, Earth is
among the most dynamic of the planets.
The fierce electrical storms, volcanoes,
earthquakes, floods, droughts, freezes,
heat waves-all the charming meteorological and telluric eccentricities which
endear you to your celestial homeserve both to maintain intraplanet
balance and contribute to stabilizing
the larger solar system. It is unusual for
a body composed largely ofbedrock to
know such constant dynamism in its
surface and atmosphere, but the placement of Earth in the larger system
makes it essential.
january 1995
The Lunar Connection
Except for one of Jupiter's satellites, Earth's moon is the largest in
proportion to its host planet of any
moon in the solar system. This bespeaks
the central importance of the moon in
balancing and stabilizing Earth's vast
liquid seas. The relationship between the
moon and Earth permeates mythology
and folklore, even if it is not rationally
understood beyond calculating the rise
and ebb of tides.
Earth's central problem is that it is
bombarded with solar radiation, which it
absorbs primarily in its bodies of water,
and this radiation must be "organized"
into fields of energy which can either be
released to the atmosphere or dispersed
gently through bedrock. The vibrational
frenzy of solar radiation is such that the
earth's crust is not dense or thick enough
to offer a counterbalancing influence
sufficient to decelerate and organize
solar radiation. Left alone, this situation
would lead inexorably to a dangerous
rise in aquatic temperature, along with
a fierce atmospheric electrical static
precluding development of complex
life forms.
Into this quandary rides the moon.
The moon is solid bedrock with a virtually cold core (unlike Earth). Its function
is to balance and organize the shower of
solar radiation bombarding Earth. The
rise and fall of the tides is like a great
breath-inhale, exhale-as the moon
helps arrange scattered solar radiation
into coherent patterns. Since most such
radiation is absorbed in bodies of water,
here is where the moon's effect is most
apparent. The moon suffuses Earth with
a steady rhythm of tension and releaseinhale, exhale-as the dangerous solar
frenzy is captured and tamed in its
rhythmic lunar cadence.
This process allows solar radiation
to be "cooled down" to the point where
Earth can effectively handle it. One of
water's greatest strengths is its ability
to disperse radiation rapidly and in all
directions, minimizing i!s potential danger to life. Earth's crust pulses with a
deep, steady rhythm, further slowing
solar energy to rhythms compatible with
life. What energy cannot be neutralized
through water and bedrock is released to
the atmosphere, where electrical storms
flare without cease, dispersing highly
charged energy with minimal risk to
living beings.
As you know, the moon passes
through a 28-day cycle of waxing and
waning reflection of solar energy onto
Earth. In a sense, this reflected solar energy serves as an "attractor" to solar radiation swimming within Earth's seas,
"beckoning" solar energy to entrain to its
patterns. Because those patterns are heavily weighted with the moon's bedrock
stability, solar radiation trapped in the
Earth system is slowed and organized into
gentle, cohesive fields.
Chaos and Order
Essentially, what the entire universal
system boils down to is the tension between chaos and order. This is the fundamental dynamic of any physically based
system, and it pervades not only celestial
bodies such as stars and planets but is the
root dynamic of any consciousness or life
form woven into the system. At a physical
level, any species must have sufficient
flexibility and spontaneity that it can
break old patterns (chaos) and adapt to
changing circumstances, but such flexibility must rest on a sturdy bodily organization (order) ensuring survival. At a cultural level, what are questions of liberty
vs. oppression, war vs. peace, capitalism
vs. communis-m, anarchy vs. fascism,
individualism vs. communitarianism,
marriage vs. singlehood-what are these
deepest of human issues but expressions
of a deeper dynamic tension between
chaos and order?
Within the solar system, and the
larger universe of which it is a tiny corner, the tension between chaos and order
plays out on a grand scale. The sun is
chaos-a fierce random shower of sizzling radiation. The planets and moons
are order-stable in their sizes, their
orbits, and their cores, even as their
surfaces play host to the eternal dynamic
between chaos and order. The aim is
balance: finding the proper mix of generators and sponges to ensure the system
is constantly invigorated with fresh
energy and yet stable enough to endure
through time.
Planets and moons forge pathways
of energetic communication across the
solar system as a way of strengthening
the sponges' power to neutralize solar
radiation. Basic geometric shapes are
often employed--circles, squares,
especially triangles-as a way of transmitting and dispersing solar energy. The
ancient human game of playing
"connect the dots" with celestial bodies
to discern the emerging patterns is not
so far-fetched, for sponges and generators do the same. The shapes employed,
and their relative sizes, change with the
planets' rotations, bathing Earth in an
ever-shifting energetic "atmosphere."
Another way of looking at the
universe is to perceive it as a web of
physicalized information-an intricately
woven network of energy, energy being
excited vibratory patterns, those patterns
being symbols, those symbols reflecting
deeper meaning. That meaning arises
from beyond the physical system, in the
nonphysical realms from which physicality springs, and is carried symbolically on energy currents.
Stated more prosaically, the vast
network of mist-borne vibration streaming throughout the universe carries
information about events and thoughts
occurring at distances both near and
remote, both physical and mental. You
derive information through your senses:
by observing events directly, by hearing
others' speech, by reading words printed
on a page. In every case, your sense
perceptors are receiving vibratory information which your mind uses to weave a
cohesive picture of reality.
The essential meaning of the
universe, then, is the dynamic interplay
between chaos and order: striving to find
the proper balance allowing for both flexibility and stability. Such a system operates
most effectively when every element is
apprised of information, both remote and
local, which may bear a direct impact.
Every planet communicates with every
other planet, each with its moons, and all
of them with the sun, the better to maintain the proper "mix" of chaos and order,
generator and sponge, that sustains the
solar system. More distant objects and
events play less of a role, but can be
critically important if their residual energy "hits" at a time of temporary stress
or weakness in the system. Mist-borne
vibration travels vast distances throughout the universe so the larger picture can
be discerned at all times.
Into this picture strolls the human
race, standing atop a buckling, belching
crust and below an atmosphere sizzling
with storm and fury, on a planet whipping through day and night, winter and
summer-and trying to make sense of it
all. Like any form in this dynamic universe, the human body is exquisitely
sensitive to the swarms of vibrational
information bombarding it from near and
far. We have seen that the newborn infant
is especially sensitive to the influence of
remote events and energy projections, yet
such sensitivity endures throughout life.
In our next issue we will examine the
precise mechanisms through which such
influences affect human personality and
life experience, exploring further the
ancient knowledge of deep astrology.
P. tJ. iS'n 422
Printed on recycled paper
with soy ink
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II if: I
Issue No. 32
March 1995
In the Journal's last issue we began
an exploration of the rich and ancient
knowledge of "deep" astrology, the progenitor of its modem, less sophisticated
stepchild, "popular" astrology. Because
this knowledge was refined by highly
sophisticated civilizations, whose knowledge lives still in the collective racial
memory, it gently bleeds into awareness,
shaping the popular conceptions of
modem astrology.
We described the two classes of
celestial objects: generators and sponges.
Generators are energy creators, spewing
furious showers of radiation into their
zones of influence, while sponges absorb
more energy than they release. The universe is sustained over time because of a
relative balance between sponges and
generators: energy spewed equals energy
absorbed. The single most importance
influence on a celestial body's contribution to the cosmic stew, therefore, is
whether it is a generator or a sponge.
This basic division can be further
broken down into finer classifications.
Among generators, some are stable
throughout millennia while others are a
brilliant flash in the pan. The "temperature" of their radiation varies widely, as
does the strength and consistency of their
emissions (some steady and invariable,
others explosive and random). All these
factors influence the extent to which
nearby objects can entrain with the
generator's energetic shower.
Among sponges are variations based
on the ratio of energy absorbed to energy
released, their size, their constitution
(rock, liquid, gas), their rotational velocity, the magnetic strength of their poles,
whether their cores are solid or molten.
Perhaps you can begin to appreciate the
complexity offactors which blend to
create each celestial object's unique
contribution to the cosmic soup.
Cosmic Geometry
One of the most readily observable
patterns in the night sky, and one with
apparently consistent effects on human
life, was the complex energy matrixes
arising whenever celestial objects formed
geometric patterns. These basic patterns
are the line, the circle, the square
(rectangle), and the triangle. Because
the cosmos was perceived as an ocean of
energy, its inclividual members were not
accorded the importance they hold in
modem astrology; rather, individual
objects were seen to contribute characteristic ingredients to the greater cosmic
soup. It is the.soup, the blending of
discrete vibrati.onjil flows into a richer
stew, that carries effects on all members
within its sphere of influence.
The most basic relationship between bodies is the line, a simple flow
between neighbors. This offers a good
starting point for exploring cosmic
geometry. The first factor building the
relationship is whether the flow is onedirectional or two-directional. A onedirectional relationship almost always
arises between a sponge and a generator:
the sponge can only passively absorb the
generator's fierce shower, offering but a
thin vapor in response. The generator
cannot perceive this slight mist over the
noise of its own cacophony. This is,
indeed, the most fundamental relationship in the universe: between an object
generating energy and another absorbing that energy. A simple, one-way,
straight line links these two objects.
Two-directional relationships
almost always arise between bodies of
the same basic type: two generators or
two sponges. It is between sponges,
which are far more numerous, that genuine two-way relationships can develop.
Such relationships can be classified,
first, as eitl1er equal or dominantsubmissive. (Now the cmmection to
human life becomes clear!) This classification is based on size: bodies of equal
bulk emit energies of relatively equal
intensity; while between bodies of different sizes, the larger "dominates" its
"submissive" partner, and an unequal
energetic flow arises between them.
There is no real sense of "power"
or "domination" involved here, simply
the physical fact that a larger body emits
a stronger flow of energy and greater
gravitational p,ull than {!: smaller one.
Any linear relationship can be
described by the nature of the energy
exchanged: either sympathetic or discordant. Sympathetic bodies share a common
core vibration which they use to stabilize
each other. When one suffers a temporary
fluctuation or weakness, the other offers a
"helping hand" of restorative energy,
bringing the weakened partner back to its
native pattern. Discordant relationships
are between bodies of markedly differing
energetic qualities. The most obvious is
between a sponge and a generator, but
even among sponges the vast range of
vibrational qualities ensures that some
will clash and grate against each other.
Discordant relationships between
sponges tend to weaken their energy
fields. Particularly in relatively equal
relationships, where each giyes as good
as it gets, the constant bombardment by
a foreign and discordant vibration forces
protective measures which drain energy
and stability. In a dominant-submissive
relationship, the submissive partner suffers under the constant strain of trying to
assert and maintain its native energy under the ceaseless onslaught of inimical
energies. Even the dominant partner
suffers to some degree, as there is no
"confirming" response from the submissive partner, only a weak scrambled
There are further refinements to
relationships between sponges, of course,
but we will not delve into them here. The
point is to recognize that the dynamic of
"order versus chaos," which suffuses the
universe and all its inhabitants, holds true
for relationships between celestial bodies
as well. A mutually reinforcing bond of
common vibration strengthens and
stabilizes each partner (order); while a
discordant clash of antagonistic energies
weakens both partners (chaos). From
here, more complex relationships among
celestial bodies arise.
The next step up in complexity is tl1e
triangle. Here, three bodies join in a threeway flow of communication. Each body
shares linear relations with the other two,
while subtly aware of the flow between its
partners. As with linear relationships,
triangles offer a spectrum of relationships, from the tight cohesion of three
partners sporting equal size and constitution to the chaos of three disparate partners engaged in an endless turmoil of
dominance and submission. Here, two
partners may "gang up" to offer mutual
reinforcement while besieging the third;
or one (particularly if a generator) may
dominate the others, while the two submissives transmit reinforcing energy to
each other.
(We should note that we are projecting anthropomorphic qualities of
personality onto nonhuman celestial
bodies simply to ease your understanding. There is no real "antagonism" or
"dominance" among celestial bodies; we
are simply describing the nature of their
energy flows in familiar terms.)
Squares offer still more complexity
in that, in addition to each body having
linear relationships with two partners,
there is a fourth partner with which a
body has no direct contact. (Opposite
partners could forge a direct linear bond,
but then the "square" would devolve into
two triangles!) A four-way relationship
multiples the possible combinations of
relationship type: from four congruent,
reinforcing bodies to a cacophony of
dominance and submission.
The final elemental shape to consider is the circle. Here again, partners
could simply form linear flows between
themselves, but there is a special strength
derived from more complex constructions. A circle's energy can flow clockwise, counter-clockwise, or both directions simultaneously. Each body receives
energy from its nearest sending body,
flavors it with its own unique vibrational
essence, and passes it along to its neighbor on the other side. Energy flows
quickly and smoothly within a circle, a
continuous rush of vibration. Circles are
where the cosmos comes to dance.
Whatever the shape of relationship
among celestial bodies, the field created
between the partners hums with the
essence of their energies. The field inside
a triangle racked by dominance and submission is choppy and unstable. The
field inside a square of sympathetic partners is smooth and steady. The field
inside a circle of blended sympathetic
and discordant energies dynamically
fluctuates between chaos and order.
Every celestial body is simultaneously engaged in many relationships. A
given star, planet or moon is a participant in linear, triangular, square, and
circular relationships, all at once. The
entire universe is stuffed full of threedimensionally overlapping shapes
forged among far-flung partners. Of
course, as the fields within each shape
blend with intersecting fields, the cosmic soup becomes ever more complex.
But we shall not delve further into this
infinitely complicated universal architecture!
Natal Influences
We mentioned in the last Journal
that the importance of the moment of
birth has been vastly overstated in popular astrology. Since you swim in cosmic vibration from conception to death,
choosing one particular moment as the
"defining" one which marks you for life
is simplistic at best. Still, the moment
of conception and the time of birth can
be two pivotal points in which cosmic
influences carry disproportionate effect.
Let us examine each of.these moments
in turn.
Conception is significant because
it is the moment when two cells-egg
and sperm-fuse to forge potential new
life. Until that moment, gametes are
merely cast-off cells within their parent
body; "cast-off' in the sense that they
play no essential role in maintaining
the health of their progenitor. Their
purpose is to beget the next generation,
not to sustain the current one.
At the moment of conception,
sperm and egg suddenly change their
status from cast-offs to a new, separate
life form. The mother's body instantly
knows conception has occurred and
begins the all-encompassing shift to
nourishing and sustaining the fetus.
Larger influences come into play as
well, as souls hovering on the astral
plane, searching for appropriate host
mothers, become aware of a woman's
pregnancy and evaluate her suitability.
So conception, however private an
event it may seem, generates ramifications at many levels.
The newly formed zygote has its
own primruy tasks: blending disparate
genetic codes into a unique bodily template, multiplying its cells, and entraining to the energies of its mother and
her environs. This latter element is
where cosmic influences may play a
role. From the instant of conception, a
living body seeks to entrain itself with
its environment; to harmonize internal
and external energies. This is especially
crucial at conception, for a woman can
be anywhere in the world-even on a
boat at sea or soaring in the strato-
The Alex:ander journal
sphere-at conception. With some
urgency, the zygote must entrain itself to
its mother's environment as a means of
stabilizing itself (since failure to stabilize
often leads to spontaneous abortion).
Because the zygote urgently seeks
stabilization, and because it is "wide
open" to energetic influences from within
and without its mother, any particularly
strong cosmic influences can bear an
impact. The moon, for instance, in its
cyclical waxing and waning, offers a
blend of stable and volatile energies. The
fuller the moon, the greater the "chaos"
in its beams as the sun's discordant
shower is reflected in greater measure.
A new moon offers quiescent
stability as the moon's bedrock flow is
not "excited" by the sun's random
shower. A new moon therefore helps a
zygote to stabilize and to "convince" it
that the universe is a calm and ordered
place; whereas a full moon offers a more
volatile energy, representing a fragmented, unstable universe. In very subtle
ways, lunar influence can affect body
consciousness for better or for ill and tip
the balance between a stable, eternally
healthy body and one more susceptible to
Another subtle influence ·is the
effect of the cosmic geometry in which
the earth is involved. The earth may be a
partner in various configurations; and it
may pass through a plane created by a
larger pattern. In either event, the energies involved can affect a zygote seeking
to entrain with its environs.
The single most significant effect is
the relationship between sun and earth, a
classic example of a dominant/submissive relationship! The earth can only
strive to protect itself from the fierce
electromagnetic shower streaming from
the sun; it cannot answer in kind. The
side of the earth facing the sun is more
or less in the sun's grip; though deflecting some radiation through the atmosphere and absorbing some in its oceans,
nonetheless the earth's sunny side must
passively absorb the solar shower. You
rise with the sun not only because you
see better in daylight than at night, but
because your body is stimulated to action
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels through
Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are $13 per year
(six issues, first class mail); $14 Canada/Mexico;
$17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box 422,
Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883;
E-mail: 73074.1516@COMPUSERVE.COM
by the sun's dynamic energies.
Thus, conception is more stable
occurring at night than in daylight.
There is a reason why you tend to feel
most romantic and sexual in the evening
rather than at noon, a reason transcending your workday schedule. By making
love before falling asleep, with conception occurring within a few hours, the
zygote has the rest of the night, while the
earth is restored to its native bedrock
energies, to stabilize and entrain to the
earth. This provides a solidity, a calming
and balancing effect to the freshly
minted form. Conception occurring
during daylight offers instead the struggle between solar and earth energies, a
more volatile environment to which the
zygote must entrain.
Another cosmic influence is the
geometric relationships the earth is
involved in, either as direct participant
or when simply floating through the
fields oflarger patterns. As might be
expected, if such relationships are sympathetic, reinforcing the earth's bedrock
energies, they tend to enhance that stability. If the earth passes through a phase
of multiple discordant relationships (the
cosmic precursor of the dysfunctional
family), the earth's energy is suffused
with a theme of assault-and-defense and
a general volatility. To the extent zygotes
seek to entrain with the broader reaches
of the universe, the degree of bedrock
stability or cosmic disorder can influence
the growing form toward equilibrium or
How significant are these influences?
Very subtle. They are nuances, shadings
and hues gently coloring the potential
body, still blending its genetic codes and
multiplying them into cells. They are
more significant where there is greater
difficulty in fusing two genetic backgrounds; where the parents are of different races, for instance, or come from
different generations. As the genetic code
is woven into a unique pattern within the
zygote, a strong cosmic field of stable or
volatile energy can influence, to a small
degree, the basic constitution of the body
growing from that pattern, with ramifications for later health or infirmity, as
well as basic personality traits.
Far more significant in forming the
template of personality are the choices
made by the higher self much farther
down the line. As a rule, no soul fuses
with a fetus until at least the third month
of pregnancy, as so many fetuses fail to
survive to that threshold. These choices
are sculpted by the higher self into the
body's energy fields and help to focus
consciousness toward given themes and
experiences. The higher self must fashion these energy fields in harmony with
the patterns already extant in the growing fetus, which may either harmonize
or conflict with the higher self's plan.
A higher self seeking an incarnation as a restless, rootless, rebellious
iconoclast would do well to marry its
consciousness to a form already suffused with volatility: where conception
occurred at a sweltering noon followed
by a full moon, all bathed in overlapping fields of discordant cosmic geometry. A higher self determined to fashion
a calm, sede.ritary, placid incarnation
would do better to fiitd a fetus conceived in late evening under a new
moon while the earth floats through
fields of cosmic concordance.
Some cosmic events play out in
the universe~s languid conception of
time: where a'cosmic'instant grips the
earth for a human generation. The rise
in the current younger generation of
attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity, psychological quirks and frailties; can to some extent be attributed to
a particularly "rough" cosmic sea
through which the earth has been
sailing for the last few decades. There
are larger forces holding more direct
responsibility for this situation, but the
subtle cosmic influences can "tip the
scales" where a zygote hovers between
stability and volatility.
In addition, because making a boy
is more complex than making a girlsince all fetuses begin as females and
males must make a hormonally mediated "switch" to maleness-boys are
more susceptible to volatile cosmic
influences as they pass through the
complex process of gender conversion.
The second significant moment in
a developing life is the time of birth.
Here the nature of cosmic influence
differs: unlike conception, where the
zygote seeks to entrain itself to its
universe, by the time of birth a child
knows full well where he or she lives.
The issue here is that the transition
from an aqueous existence of constant
comfortable temperature to an atmospheric environment of fluctuating
temperature, along with the loss of
mother's comforting heartbeat, is
profoundly wrenching. Having been
expelled from its blissful warm cocoon,
the neonatal body is almost desperate to
regain its lost stability by entraining to
its new enviromnent. Cosmic energies
March 1995
are one ingredient in the vibrational stew
the newborn struggles to open itself to
and entrain with.
The same principles hold here as
with conception: while cosmic influences
are slight, a highly volatile, discordant
pattern can exacerbate any tendency
toward bodily stress and illness; a stable,
soothing pattern helps quickly stabilize
the body. In cases where the young body
is already somewhat unstable, cosmic
influences can be strong enough to "tip
the scales" one way or the other.
Cosmic Personalities
So far we have discussed the influence cosmic effects may have on the
body, its relative stability or imbalance.
What about consciousness itself, though,
as expressed through personality? Is this
also open to cosmic influence?
To an extent, yes. Since personality
is sculpted into the body's energy fields
by the higher self, a strong cosmic influence can subtly imprint the auric fields
with its flavor. Again, because the fundamental dynamic of any physical system is
the tension between chaos and order, this
manifests in personality terms as stabilizing or destabilizing effects.
Traditional astrology often posits
four main types of personality aligned
with the four elements: fiery, earthy, airy
and watery signs. This has validity in
that the tension between chaos and order
is expressed in personality terms as the
volcanic hotheads (fiery), the stable but
dull (earthy), and those in between (airy
and watery). Where a cosmic flow is
particularly strong, or where the nascent
personality template is unusually receptive to outside influence, cosmic energies
can "tip the scales."
Whether subtle or pronounced, the
state of the cosmos always leaves an
imprint in the personalities of those born
during its reign. Because your body is an
electromagnetic entity, exquisitely attuned to the state of its environment, a
body is most "alive" and "charged" when
cosmic conditions match those extant
during conception and birth. An extra
"push" of vitalizing energy resonates
with the body during such periods; one
feels more "right" and "at home" in the
world. It is well known that jails and
asylums roil with turbulent ferment during the full moon: naturally, for already
unstable personalities are affected by the
destabilizing solar energy as reflected in
greatest measure by the moon.
The notion that cosmic influences
determine one's fate at birth, or that tl1ey
dictate life events, is simplistic fatalism.
Cosmic influences are too subtle to hold
such power. Nonetheless, they do influence one's overall feeling of comfort or
discomfort; one's ease in the world;
one's sense of hope or despair. Life just
"works" better when the cosmos is
aligned witl1 conditions extant at
conception and birth.
Toward a New Astrology
You may have noticed that we have
refrained from describing cosmic influences in traditional astrological tern1s:
delineating signs of the zodiac, ascribing
personality traits to planets, granting
signal importance to the "ascendant"
sign of one's birth, weaving a complex
tapestry of houses, signs, cusps, etc.
There are three reasons why such a
system falls short: one, it grants too
much importance to individual celestial
bodies; two, it forces cosmic rhythms
into the earth-year calendar, a gross
distortion; three, it breaks cosmic influences down too finely and distinctly, as
into the twelve zodiac signs, each with
its unique characteristics.
While we hesitate to presume to
offer our own "system" to replace current
astrological notions, in fact we are offering nothing new, just a restatement of
ancient wisdom long lost to your civilization. A true "deep" astrology would be
founded on these principles:
1. In order of importance, these are
the influences on human personality and
life events: higher-self choices; mother;
family, culture and environment; earth,
sun, and moon; other cosmic influences.
2. The foundation of deep astrology is the principle that the primary
dynamic of all physical systems is the
tension between chaos and order. Cosmic
influences are not so specific that they
dictate personality attributes like the
"stubborn" Taurus or the "diligent"
Virgo. Rather, cosmic energies influence
personality by either stabilizing or destabilizing the body's energy fields, pulling
them toward chaos or order.
3. Principal classifications of astrological "types" would fall into these
categories: earth types, sun types, water
types, space types, star types. Earth types
resonate with the earth's and moon's
stable, languid energies. Sun types
fulminate with erratic, dynamic energies.
Water types achieve synthesis between
earth and sun types: reflecting water's
dynamic motion and adaptability as well
as its deep tranquility. Space types are
those (rare) souls highly attuned to cosmic events, who feel shifting cosmic
energies more acutely than even the
rhythm of night and day. And star types
carry stars' dynamic and volatile energies but encased within a stable shell,
tamed and well contained.
4. An astrological chart of the
highest accuracy would require information both from the moment of conception and the moment of birth. In
highly advanced societies, where the
importance of knowing the time of
conception was recognized, women
developed acute sensitivity to the time
of conception and could feel the body's
sudden shift to maternal alertness.
Factors to be considered would include
time of day (night or day), phase of the
moon, season of the year and latitude
(as the angle of the sun's·rays affects its
influence), and the existence of powerful cosmic fields affecting the earth.
Tlus data would be woven into a chart
indicating the "type" likely to emerge
from the womb, forearming the parents
with reasonable expectations for their
child's personalicy. .
5. Cosmic geometry was studied
meticulously and constantly. Some
patterns and constellations exist for
moments; others take millennia to play
out. Gone is the simplistic earth-year
chart with its 12 zodiac signs. In its
place, a much more complex and
dynamic tracking of cosmic geometric
figures and their effects on the earth
was developed. This required the insights of lughly adept energy sensors
who could detect the minute vibrational
essence of distant celestial events. By
tracking the shape, size, and distance of
celestial constellations, determining the
nature of the energy fields and their
angles to the earth, as well as the more
obvious solar, lunar, and planetary
influences, a highly sophisticated picture of the cosmic "soup" in which the
earth floats could be devised for any
given moment. Meticulous records were
kept, and over time certain patterns
emerged which seemed to lead to consistent effects on human personality.
6. The predictive powers of this
information arise from the fact that any
individual's "birth type" can easily be
charted, and the earth's travels through
fluctuating cosmic fields can be predicted
with fair accuracy. Thus, there are anticipated periods of "congruence witll the
universe" and other phases of "discordance with the universe." Obviously,
one would focus on making major decisions, changes in life direction, and holding reins of power and leadership, during
one's "congruent" phases. One would be
advised to lay low and refrain from major decisions and changes during periods
of discordance. One could thus chart
one's life "in advance" to the extent that
one knows when the cosmos is likely to
reinforce and stabilize, and when it is
likely to besiege and destabilize.
These are the basic principles of a
"deep" astrology system. The overarching principle is that while cosmic influences are genuine, they are also subtle.
They do not indelibly mark the personality at birth in powerful and immutable
ways, nor do they rigidly determine the
course of life. Still, understanding the
nature of such influences and how they
operate can be of value in understanding
oneself and charting the most effective
and fulfilling course through life. It is to
. be hoped that such a system may again
arise to replace today's simplistic popular astrology, and once again restore you
to your true and proper relationship with
the cosmos.
Printed on recycled paper
with soy ink
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A friend recently introduced me to
flower essences, ofwhich I knew little.
Reading that they work on the body's
electrical system, I took a few boxes with
me recently when giving a series ofprivate sessions. Normally I feel drained and
foggy after a day of channeling, but by
using the essences before and after each
session, at day's end I felt utterly normal
and alert-a remarkable improvement!
I encourage you to acquaint yourself
with these subtle yet powerful health
Using flower essences for health and
healing may seem a bizarre and bewildering notion to many, even within the
"anything goes" New Age movement. Yet
the earth has provided for all of humanity's needs; and skillful preparation and
preservation of flower essences allows
humanity to benefit from the heaiing
properties of flowers regardless of their
seasonal blooming cycle. Used properly,
flower essences can be one element of a
program utilizing earth's gifts to enhance
stability, balance, growth, and healing.
We will begin our discussion with a "bee's
eye view" of the natural world and the
role of flowers within it.
The Living Lattice
The major divisions of earth's creatures-mammals, insects, amphibians,
birds, and fish-represent more than
classifications ofbodily structure and
function. Each division offers a starkly
unique experience of the world. You swim
in an electromagnetic ocean swarming
with interpenetrating layers of information, forming a multidimensional world
whose complexity escapes your senses.
There are entire dimensions of structured
vibration in which other creatures live and
thrive, about which you sense nothing. In
a sense, you live not in one world but in a
multiplicity of worlds, overlapping and to
some degree commingling, while each
family of creatures lives confined within
its uniquely private "version" of the
multidimensional world.
Because you structure the world
primarily' through the senses of sight
and hearing, which render small bands
of vibration as picture and sound, it is
difficult for you to imagine the sensory
experience of insects. Insects navigate a
world crackling with vibrational information, an energ~:;tic lattice of extraordinary complexity. What to you is
empty space, air, is for insects a threedimensional ocean of vibration. That
vibration is not the random, disorganized emissions of plants and animals,
but a highly structured gridwork with as
much solidity and endurance as stone
and brick appear to you.
The energetic grid or lattice which
fills "empty space" provides signposts,
navigational indices, well-worn path~
ways, and carries trace memories of
recently occurring events. More, it pul~
sates with life, with the living essence of
all beings whose energetic emissions
contribute to its vibrational structure. It
is a three-dimensional map honeycombed with networks of information. It
is the dynamic, pulsating, living realm
of communication among plant, insect,
bird, and amphibian families.
Your experience of this "living
lattice" is to perceive visible light and
sound waves through it. In both cases,
vibration is traveling along channels of
vibratory networks, but the process is
invisible to you. More, the vibrational
information seems to fade instantly; a
voice falls silent, the sunset fades, and it
appears the sensory experience has forever passed, for "empty space" appears
to retain no imprint of what passes
through it.
This is the human experience of
the living lattice: it transmits vibration
for immediate sensory perception. This
is hOw human perception is structured,
for humanity is intended to live largely
through symbol rather than through
direct engagement with the vibrational
ocean. Tl:te larger picture is lost, unde-
tected by your senses. You do not directly
perceive the life essence of the living
world around you; you cannot read the
thoughts of others unless they reduce them
to symbolic transmission. You are sealed
off from the living lattice even as you live
in its embrace, unawares.
The living lattice is not "empty," but
is a gelatinous medium of sufficient density that it maintains solid networks and
corridors of vibration, yet fluid enough
that it carries the volatile pulsations of
living beings. It "updates" itself in every
moment, insinuating into its patterns the
vibrational contributions of plants and
animals, and retaining traces of any creature passing through it. It is solid but
dynamic, stable yet ever-fluctuating.
Insects do not navigate through
"empty space," but through a threedimensional grid laced with tunnels and
energetic signposts. Any time an insect
flies a certain path, it makes it easier for
ot.'lers to follow that path, for they can
sense the "opening" in the lattice left by
the guide insect. It may seem striking that
bees can find their way to patches of
pollen-swollen flowers miles distant from
their hive, but this is no more remarkable
than your driving from your house to the
store. Landmarks, signs, and sturdy ribbons of roadway ease the passage, whether
for you in your experienced realm or for
insects in the living lattice. Bees in the
hive do a "dance" indicaiing the location
of food sources, the dance being a series of
ritualized signposts indicating which
coordinates to follow to reach the fecund
The Verdant Symphony
What creates the living lattice, that
floating three-dimensional grid of vibrational structure? The first element is the
earth itself. The earth emits a deep, steady
pulsation, linked to a greater universal
rhythm. As this primal pulsation rises
from the core toward the surface, it is
sculpted by the rock and soil it encounters.
As it nears the surface, and rises through
water above or below ground, it assumes
certain qualities of the water. By the time
the earth's energy meets the crust and
rises into the atmosphere it has been
etched with the vibrational qualities
unique to the area of its emergence. In
this way the earth becomes a medley of
richly diverse energetic atmospheres.
The next foundational element of
the living lattice is the location of an
area in relation to the equator and poles,
for this determines the overall weather
patterns and temperature of the area, as
well as the nature and extent of exposure
to sunlight. Rainfall, sunlight, cloud
cover, the seasonal cycles, all determine
the nature of plant life which can sprout
in a given area. For it is plant life above
all else that creates and sustains the
living lattice.
The living lattice exists principally
as a means of communication for plant
life. Before there were any creatures on
earth there were plants, and the living
lattice is the means through which they
organize and sustain their networks of
information. Each plant contributes its
unique energetic voice to the larger
verdant symphony of life. Plants do not
perceive reality through a few slender
bands of vibration, as you do, but are
bathed in the full vibrational spectrum,
perceiving the complete richness of life
around them.
The earth's energy imparts a
certain basic structure to the atmosphere,
a sturdy, elemental foundation. This
framework is "fleshed out" by the contributions of plant life in a given area; each
plant is recognizable to others by the
unique tones of its voice. Its genetic
structure, its life-cycle stage, its relative
health, the soil in which it stands: all
these contribute to the unique inflection
of a plant's voice. A plant makes no
effort to communicate with others; it
naturally and effortlessly emits into the
atmosphere a steady stream of vibration,
a song bespeaking both its elemental
nature and its condition from moment to
Blending the individual voices of
thousands of plants in a given patch of
soil creates an energetic matrix, a vibrational atmosphere which becomes the
native "tone" of an area. The deeper,
enduring elements of an area's tone arise
from long-lived plants such as trees.
Plants whose life cycles follow the
annual cycle of seasons-sprouting,
growing, flowering, and dying within a
Most plants flower in the spring, after
the winter's dormancy, filling the living
lattice with rich networks of shared
information as to who stands where, who
survived the winter and who did not, and
who is new to the area. This helps establish the channels of information and
overall "tone" for an area during the
summer growing season.
As you know, the earth's flowers
range from seemingly simple designs of
a ring of ideirtically shaped petals to
blossoms of extraordinary complexity
and intricacy. The shape and hues of a
flower determine the "floral imprint" it
projects into the living lattice. As a general rule, flowers project their essence
into the atmosphere in a conical shape,
with the strongest bursts of energy projecting from the center of the flower,
tapering off at the edges of the cone. The
projection from the center of the bloom is
strong enough to etch a lasting trace into
the living lattice, such that flowers which
close up at dusk still project their existence and "hold their place" in the night
atmosphere. This powerful, narrow projection also serves as a beacon attracting
bees or other insects if they are needed
for pollination, and provides "directions"
to the blossom.
Depending on the complexity of the
flower, the energy projected into the
atmosphere may either be a simple
straight line of uniform energy or may
develop into a richly complex threedimensional grid. Remember that the
living lattice is not etched in stone,
immutable over time, but is fluid and
malleable, fluctuating by the moment. As
such, it requires the projection of density,
of structure, by at least some of the life
forms contributing to it. Some must contribute the "structure" to the lattice,
others the "nuance." So the great variance among plants as to the complexity
of their flowers reflects the need for a
variety of structural complexities to be
projected into the atmosphere, sustaining
the lattice's networks.
Your experience of flowers is
largely reduced to two of your senses,
year-contribute a lighter, more
volatile energy to the mix. An area's
tone makes it easier for some plant
species to sprout and thrive, while
others, whose natures clash discordantly, will find it more challenging to
gain a roothold.
While plants have no choice but to
contribute their unique voices to the
atmosphere, and to perceive the full
verdant symphony thundering about
them, in a sense they take "pleasure" in
certain blendings and combinations of
tones. A patch of similar genetic
makeup, like a field of daisies, forges a
powerful and enduring "daisy song"
which encourages the- successful sprouting and growth of other daisies while
discouraging aspiring interlopers.
There is a thrill to the blending of an
ancient oak's deep rhythm with a rose's
fleeting trills. A carpet of tiny flowers
low to the ground blends with towering
sunflowers to fashion a verticai melody
thrilling them both.
Plants, you see, are alert, aware,
vital, super-conscious. They perceive
the world around them in far greater
richness than your senses grant you.
They do not "think" in rational terms;
but they are aware of themselves as
individuals joined in a communal sea of
vital life energy. They know "pleasure"
in the sense that they feel vitalized and
invigorated in certain circumstances
while other conditions debilitate them.
They are aware of the identity and condition of those around them and seek to
vitalize their neighbors, for a communal atmosphere of vibrant, healthy life
benefits all. Plants live a richer, purer,
truer existence than you know, for they
perceive a structured, dynamic atmosphere swarming with life vitality
where you see and hear emptiness.
A Blooming Racket
Let us narrow our focus to the
process of flowering, the "essence" of
our discussion. Flowers.are the conduit
through which plants thrust their vibratory essence into the atmosphere with
supreme strength and vigor. Flowers
are the means both of announcing one's
presence to the larger community of life
and of receiving a richly detailed map
of a plant's environs. Flowers are the
plant world's satellite dishes, beaming
signals of celebratory existence and
drawing in traces of neighboring life.
The Alexander jour.nal
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels through
Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are $13 per year
(six issues, first class mail); $14 Canada/Mexico;
$17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box 422,
Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883;
. E-mail: 73074.1516@COMPUSERVE.COM
sight and smell. At base, both sight and
smell are sensory receptors drinking in
narrow bands of vibration and interpreting them according to the species's
prewired template. The deepest purpose
of all your senses is to steer you toward
life-giving and -enhancing experience
and to avoid life-threatening phenomena.
Your eyes and nose recoil at a putrid
garbage dump because they are interpreting the chaotic, toxic, death-bearing
energies of the scene. Your senses help
you navigate safely through the physical
realm by guiding you toward lifeenhancing experience and away from
threats to your well-being.
There are few sights your rich earth
offers that carry greater power to attract
and hold you than the display of flowers
in bloom. A single rose at the peak of its
blossoming radiance can stop a grown
man cold in his tracks. You bury your
nose deep into flowers and inhale the
heavenly ambrosia they offer in almost
narcotic intensity. You see a field of
flowers or a garden of multihued roses
and are almost overcome with rapture.
Flowers play a central role in the human
courtship ritual, for when a man brings a
woman flowers he says, "I bring you
health, I bring you abundance, I bring
you life."
Knowing that your senses attract
you toward life-enhancing experience,
the singular rapture evoked by flowers
reveals your awareness that, even though
the greater reality of blooming plants
escapes your notice, what little your
senses offer grips you with the decisive
recognition that this is li,fe energy in its
highest, purest, truest essence. Any plant
is a vital, conscious being floating in a
sea of life energy; a blooming plant
draws all that awareness, all that vitality,
all that deep knowing, into the exquisite
patterns of its blossom and says, "Here!
Here is the meaning of life as I know it!
Behold my rapture!"
Making and Using
Flower Essences
While procedures may vary among
flower essence practitioners, their aim is
to select blossoms at their peak of
potency, to "capture" their energetic
essence in pure water, and then preserve
the solution for indefinite use. Let us
examine this process in some detail.
First, it is important to understand
the distinction between life energy and
life form. Life energy is the vitalizing
force flowing from the unseen realms
underlying your experienced reality, the
primal consciousness and energy animating living beings. Life form is the
organizing patterns energy assumes in
order to construct physical reality; the
templates of plant and animal life
energy can animate within the physical
system. In simple terms, life energy is
the soul; life form is the body.
Life energy can never be captured,
distilled, or preserved. It is married to
form as long as form serves its purpose
within the earthly realm; upon form's
death,, the life energy is released. So
flower essences do not contain the
vitalizing life energy of flowers. What
essences contain is the energetic patterns projected by flowers into the
living lattice, of which the visible blossom is one small portion. Because the
blossom~s vibratory template has an
electromagnetic reality, it can be
"captured" in a fluid medium.
Water is a highly efficient conductor of electrical energy, as you know,
but it also has a less recognized ability
to hold the energetic traces of any
living being immersed within it. Water
can be thought of as a denser version of
the living lattice, a sufficiently congealed version that you can perceive it.
Like the living lattice, water serves as
the transmitter of vibrational information; whales and dolphins use their
fluid environment to communicate
across hundreds of miles. As with the
living lattice, vibrational information
does not simply pass through water; it
etches its patterns into the fluid
medium, leaving a vibratory imprint.
When flower petals arc placed in
pure, fresh water-meaning water as a
vibrational "blank slate"-the energetic
patterns the flower was projecting into
the atmosphere are insinuated into the
water. This means that the structural
"essence" of the plant-at its most
powerful and celebratory phase-is
captured in the water. The life energy
dissipates, as it must, but the energetic
patterns remain.
One difference between energetic
structure and physical structure is that
physical form occupies a certain volume of space and cannot multiply itself
infinitely (when a few fishes and loaves
of bread are multiplied to feed a crowd,
it is called a miracle). Energetic struc-
May 1995
ture, by contrast, does not occupy space
in the same way and does not depend on
atoms and molecules to express itself. It
stands above the play of atoms, pulsing
in the living lattice, and is free from the
laws governing physical form. As a
result, it is possible to dilute the water
containing a flower essence in almost
infinite degree while retaining the full
strength of the energetic imprint imparted by the flower (this principle is
familiar to homeopaths, of course).
This is important for two reasons:
one, it allows a small batch of flower
essence to last a lifetime; two, it means
that essences can be further diluted when
taken, rather than dropped on the
tongue, allowing the essence to more
fully insinuate itself into the body. An
essence dropped on the tongue has an
immediate and powerful effect, but that
effect is initially localized, later rippling
to fill the body's energetic bodies,
affecting the body from the outside in.
An essence diluted in water before being
swallowed is absorbed into the blood and
travels quickly to the body's far reaches,
insinuating itself from the inside out.
What might the benefits of using
flower essences be? After all, plants and
flowers are the eternal living carpet of
the planet, while humanity makes occasional appearances on the scene. Flowers
obviously exist for purposes other than
human use. Yet human ingenuity has
allowed people to utilize flowers for
other than their original purpose, just as
fruit and vegetables existed long before
they were cultivated as human food.
What do flower essences offer?
Remember that a flower is a plant's
broadcasting apparatus, its means of
transmitting and receiving vibrational
information within its local area. A
flower signals the plant's existence,
location, and condition, while absorbing
great swarms of vibratory intelligence
from neighboring plants. A flower is a
plant's contribution to the living lattice,
whether structural or nuance. A flower
helps encourage the healthy growth of all
plants within its broadcasting range.
Because plants are the primordial
life form, because they are such alert,
vital, conscious beings, and because
flowers represent the zenith of their lifeaffirming vitality, the energetic projections of flowers have the principal
quality of reinforcing the life-enhancing
energies of any being coming within
their sphere. Their patterns are much
closer to the fundamental structural patterns of living beings than those carried
by nonplant species; their energy carries
a high, pure, clean structural symmetry.
Your body is an infinitely more complex
structure, of course, and its very complexity allows it to stray far from the
ideal of health and vitality. Ingesting the
vibrational essence of flowers helps to
restore that primordial vitality, the deep
original patterns of life at its most elemental purity. So flower essences offer
structure, balance, and stability.
Atop this basic quality of flower
essences arise many nuances. The deepest difference is between flowers of fruiting plants-where the flower precedes
fruit formation-and flowers of nonfmiting plants. In a sense, the flower of a
vegetable plant is not an end in itself but
the first step in a process of creating seed
for the next generation. Plants cannot be
"selfish" in human terms, but there is a
degree of self-interest in flowers of fruiting plants, particularly those needing
bees or other insects for pollination. The
focus is on projecting clear corridors of
attraction for insects to follow to the
flower, and less emphasis on transmitting and receiving general information
among the local flora.
As a result, the essence of fruiting
flowers carries a very powerful
"attractor" drawing in life energy, but
offers less in the way of an overall balancing and stabilizing effect. Flowers
which exist simply for the sheer zest of
living, and for communing with neighboring companions, are more likely to
offer that general balance and stability.
One of the difficulties in
"practicing" flower essence use is the
tendency to make broad generalizations
about the effects of various flowers.
Some are said to enhance certain emotional states while others correct bodily
imbalances, and so on. If you consider
what happens on a deeper level during
the process of ingesting flower essences,
you may realize the hazards of such
A flower plucked from a certain
plant, in a given area, on a specific day,
has its essence captured in water. Days,
months, or years later, that essence is
ingested by a human body, the embodiment of enormously complex energetic
patterns whose nature changes subtly
from moment to moment and drastically
over a lifetime. To say that a given
essence will have a consistent effect
regardless of who is taking it, at what
age of life, and in any health condition,
is a gross simplification.
Any flower essence will have a
stabilizing, balancing, neutralizing
effect. Essences smooth out the rough
edges, pull the body toward balance,
heal incipient illness, and calm jangled
nerves. Differences between essences
beyond this are real but subtle, and vary
from person to person, day to day,
essence to essence. If flower essences
are to be used effectively, each person
must form his or her private knowledge
of which essences seem most beneficial
under diverse conditions. Many practitioners utilize a form of ritualized intu~
ition, in which essences are selected for
each session through asking a series of
yes/no questions and ascertaining the
answers through kinesiology.
With this understanding, for the
sake of example we will offer our p~_r- ..
· spective on a few esseuces asin,gesrea ~­
by our host. It is necessary to know that
he is in his thirties, in good health,
living in the geological instability of
Southern California. The effects of the
essences before him are as follows:
Basil. A sedative effect. Unlike
flowering vegetables, basil and other
herbs flower at the end of their life
cycle, so their essence does not contain
the full zesty vitality offmiting vegetables. Calming, stabilizing, good for
emotional crises.
Peace Rose. The floral equivalent
of chiropractic. Realigns and restructures the body back into its true patterns. Works vigorously to promote
realignment. Stimulative.
Tomato. Soothing and stabilizing.
Tomato flowers are hermaphrodites,
containing male and female parts, and
require no insect pollination. Thus they
do not project a sense of "need" through
their flowers, but offer an internal balance, whole and complete. Particularly
effective when traveling to restore innate
rhythms and balance.
Oak. With their roots burrowing
deep into the earth and their branches
lifting toward the sky, trees are the
earth's means of balancing earth and
cosmic energies. Any tree essence will
offer a sense ofbalance and harmony
with the universe, a sense of feeling
"right" with the world. Oak offers a
deep, almost slumbering energy, reestablishing the body's deeper rhythms.
Peppermint. The mints offer
unequalled zest and vitality, working
directly in the physical body rather than
its broader energy fields. Stimulative,
almost inflammatory in effect, it can
overpower a diseased body if overused.
Best used to heal minor ailments in an
otherwise healthy body, particularly
those affecting the mucous membranes.
The jalapeno of the essence world.
Flower essences are best used as one
element of an overall health-enhancing
regimen including diet, exercise, mental
clarity, and warm relationships. They
work best as stabilizers and balancers
during times of stress or minor injury;
and can be used daily on a prophylactic
basis, smoothing out the rough edges in
heart, mind or spirit. Too subtle to be
used as powerful medicine or cures for
major 1llness, they nonetheless are a gift
from the plant world to humanity, a reminder of the pure, unblemished, carefree zest for life you knew as a child. Use
them and cherish them in appreciation
and reverence.
/D. tJ. i$'a:t: 422
Printed on recycled paper
!; ;'',V
July 1995
Watching the movie Outbreak, about
an airborne virus threatening to decimate
the country within 48 hours, was like seeing Alexander's material come to life on
the big screen in two respects: (1) the role
ofthe artist is to render in artistic form
the probable futures looming if we do not
change our ways; (2) AIDS may be but the
precursor of more virulent, and more
easily transmissible, viral scourges.
I thought it would be helpful to have
Alexander explore the issue of viruses in
greater detail than he has offered before.
Humanity's domination and decimation of nature at times seems unstoppable.
No terrestrial predator, no leviathan of the
sea can survive against man's cleverness
and cunning, his limitless capacity for
devising creative means of slaughtering
beasts possessing many times his size and
strength. If nature seems weak and ineffectual against humanity's rapacity, it is
only because nature's cleverness andresilience elude man's comprehension. For
the earth system is set up with many
checks and balances to ensure that man
never overwhelms the earth's ability to
heal and restore itself. Humanity may
have devised means of controlling everything it can see, smell, and touch, but
nature holds the trump card: the virus.
Since there are no accidents in the
earth's design, and all of nature is a pulsing, living fabric of symbiotically dependent life forms, the relationship between
man and his viral partners is no fluke, no
thoughtless oversight in nature's grand
design. Rather, the human-viral relationship is fundamental to the earth's design.
Allowing a rational species into a natural
system always carries potential dangers;
and nature must have a means of keeping
such a species in check.
The Virus Examined
It may seem paradoxical and ironic
that humanity's seemingly unstoppable
conquest of the natural world could be
checked by so lowly and seemingly
primitive a construction as a viruswhich one would be hard pressed to
consider a genuine life form-but there
is a greater wisdom at work. In order to
serve as the ultimate check on man's
rational brilliance, the "check agent"
must be so simple in design and function that it has the following qualities:
1. It can survive for long periods
in a dormant state. With no need for
specific food sources or environmental
conditions to sustain itself, a virus can
survive anywhere, matching man's
global mobility. A virus can reside under a rock, in the air, beneath a snowpack, within the intestines of terrestrial
and aquatic animals, frozen in ice for
centuries. Its very simplicity and lack of
means for reproducing itself make it the
ultimate survivor in the natural world,
for it is infinitely adaptable to any enviroumental conditions.
2. Simplicity means mutability.
The more complex a life form, the
slower it is to adapt to changing circumstances, for complex organ systems cannot radically evolve ovemight. Simpler
life forms can adapt to changed circumstances far more readily; and since the
"check agent" must be able to adapt
itself to rapidly changing conditions, it
must be as simple as possible. A further
benefit of rapid mutability is the ability
to outpace man's medico-technological
arsenal by constantly mutating into new
genetic configurations.
3. Indifference to survival. Every
bona fide life form rides on a current of
vital energy and a thrust toward fulfillment of its highest potential. For that
potential to be fulfilled, an organism
must survive and flourish. Thus, the
instinct toward self-preservation is the
highest and strongest of all instincts. In
the case of the virus, there is no thrust
toward fulfillment, no overriding desire
for survival; once its reproductive activity is triggered, and its furious expansion ravages its host, the virus is simply
extinguished along with that host.
4. The human body may not recognize the virus as foreign. A healthy, wellfunctioning immune system is designed to
recognize all foreign threats to the body's
health and survival, and to immediately
trigger full-scale assault on any microbial
agent threatening harm. There are several
"triggers" which alert the body that an
invading agent is a foreign entity. These
triggers arise in microbes bearing a certain level of complexity as revealed in
their size and the vibrational emanations
of their nuclei and other components. A
virus is so simple in construction that it
often slips under the threshold of recognition, a stealth agent slipping undetected
into the body, with no noticeable vibrational qualities betraying its presence.
Thus, a virus may endure quietly within
the body for years, triggering no state of
alarm, no antibody antidote.
5. A virus becomes reproductively
active only when so "invited" by its host's
body. Long-term carriers of the HIV virus
are testament that a virus can survive for
years inside a human body without triggering the massive reproduction 'that interferes with the immune system. There
are several reasons for this, one benefitting man, the other benefiting viruses.
Viruses benefit because their ability
to remain latent enhances their zone of
contagion; whether airborne or passed
through bodily fluids, viruses can insinuate themselves into large populations
before the first illness triggers awareness
of their presence. Man benefits because
carrying a virus is not an automatic sentence to illness or death; an individual
must allow the virus to switch on from
dormancy to reproductive activity, a process we will explore later.
It might be apparent that there are
curious parallels between man and virus:
both stand apart from the rest of the natural world, man with his rational focus and
intelligence, viruses with their rudimentary form releasing them from the purposeful activity which defines living be-
ings, lacking a "heart"-the nucleusthat marks living form.
In a sense, man and virus are symbiotic partners, in but not entirely of the
natural world, the microscopic partner
keeping its larger, potentially troublemaking comrade from destroying the
earth on which both depend.
Triggering Viral Onslaught
As mentioned, viruses can survive
for years within a host's body, to no
apparent ill effect. What, then, is the
trigger that allows a virus to suddenly
reproduce without restraint, destroying
the body's cells and organs and overwhelming the immune system? And why
can't the body stop the assault once it
As pati of the originally established
relationship between man and virus, a
virus requires the body's "permission"
before it can awake from dormancy. The
body contains "firewalls" which prevent
viruses from reproducing beyond a certain baseline dormancy level. There must
be holes in these firewalls before a virus
can leap into reproductive destruction.
What are these firewalls? They are
chemical, cellular, genetic, energetic,
hormonal, and psychological "virus birth
control devices," preventing large-scale
viral reproduction. Briefly, here are a
Chemical. A well-balanced diet
supplies a continuously replenished supply of vitamins and minerals. Ideally, all
requisite vitamins and minerals will be
present in proper number and proportion. When the ideal balance is achieved,
the body's fluids carry a certain "tone,"
actually an electromagnetic matrix of
harmoniously intertwined vibrations. In
very simple terms, this creates a "shield"
protecting the body and its fluids from
viral activity. If one or more elements is
missing from the shield, there is a
"chink" in the body's armor which can
invite viral reproduction.
Genetic. Every cell carries the full
package of genetic information forming
the body. This genetic mosaic, if normal
and healthy, emits a vibrational barrier
protecting both itself and the larger cell
of which it is part. If the genetic bands
are weak, broken, or severely abnormal,
the strength of the emitted field is compromised, and with it the resistance to
viral invasion.
Energetic. The multilayered auric
fields rising above the denser physical
body are the nexus between mind and
body, the intersection of spirit and
flesh, and play a profound role in the
body's health. A tightly cohesive, integrated, harmonious field ensures
against injury from within or without.
Where there are chinks in this annoremotional trauma, festering anger or
envy, hurtful memories, or contact with
others of negative energy-viral activity may be accelerated.
Hormonal. This is most relevant
in persons suffering constant stress,
triggering the body's "fight or flight"
mechanism, flooding the blood with
hormonal alarm, only to have that rush
of strength and alertness wasted and
dissipated. Persons suffering constant
emotional or physical trauma quickly
wear out their bodies by regularly
washing them in powerful hormonal
defenses. This hormonal imbalance and
attendant weakening of the body may
invite viral activity.
Psychological. Mental states are
reflected in most of the systems mentioned above, especially the chemical,
energetic, and hormonal systems. Prolonged periods of depression or anger
dampen the auric field's natural vitality, upset chemical and hormonal balance, and open the body to infirmity.
Having illustrated the negative
effects if these many firewalls are
breached, let us sum up with a positive
affirmation: When a body is supplied
with adequate nutrition, forms itself
from a sturdy genetic foundation, enjoys a dynamically harmonious auric
field, engages its hormonal alert systems only in times of genuine threat,
and is guided by a balanced, mentally
healthy mind, no viral agent can awake
from dormancy to activity and breach
these defenses. This is an absolute
statement and we knowingly include
HIV within its reach.
Breaching the Firewalls
Having laid out the factors which
influence whether or not a virus can
spring to reproductive destruction
within its host's body, we must point
out the obvious: it is virtually impossible for any member of an advanced,
industrialized society to have all such
firewalls fully intact and protective.
The assault on every level of your being-psychological, emotional, physi-
The Alexander journal
cal-is so all-pervasive that the body
constantly struggles simply to maintain a
baseline level of health, with precious
little energy left over to restore its firewalls to optimum fortification.
In deeper metaphysical terms, you
create your own reality, and no one is
ever assaulted by a virus or any other
agent without willingly agreeing on
some level to participate in the experience. Because the human-viral relationship is so fundamental to your existence
as a species, it follows that viral infections tend to reflect not only personal
psychological states, but larger conditions in society as a whole, with each
aftlicted individual serving as a unique
thread of a larger cultural fabric. Viral
epidemics have swept through large
chunks of human populations, only to
end as quickly and mysteriously as they
began. The same viral agents responsible
for the mass plagues of the past are with
you now-in some cases literally so,
carried inside you.
So one element of the permission
granted by the host body is a deeper
awareness of the cultural framework
which invites viral scourge, and a personal reason for choosing to participate.
Coupled with a body whose firewalls
have been compromised by stress, poor
living conditions, or inadequate nutrition, the stage is set for permission to be
granted to a virus to begin its reproductive assault.
Something shifts in the body. The
cell wall which previously stood impermeable against a virus seeking to inject
its genome now offers a weakened membrane. The cell "allows" its reproductive
machinery to be commandeered by the
virus, cranking out genetic copies of the
virus instead of reproducing itself. Each
newborn viral copy bursts from the cell
and seeks its own host cell in which to
reproduce. Conducted on a mass scale,
with the body's willing participation, the
virus soon wreaks severe internal damage and overwhelms the immune system.
It is crucial to recognize that, unlike some agents of disease, viruses do
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarl)ate consciousness who channels through
Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are $13 per year
(six issues, first class mail); $14 Canada/Mexico;
$17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box 422,
Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883;
E-mail: 73074.1516@COMPUSERVE.COM
not attack the body in a specific, targeted
way. They do not attack specific organs.
They simply reproduce madly, bursting
their host cells as they search for new
hosts, in the process damaging or liquefYing internal organs. The overwhelmed
immune system, working frantically to
repair multiple massive injury, is laid
bare to any opportunistic disease agent
burrowing into the body. This understanding is important for several reasons.
First, it underscores that there is no
malevolent design in the human-viral
relationship. Viruses are not set up to
target and destroy specific organs or
systems; they simply wait for the cue to
begin reproducing.
Second, it gives viruses great flexibility and adaptability as they need not
search out specific areas of the body to
attack; more, they can survive in a multitude of animal and plant hosts, not requiring unique and specific conditions to
Third, it makes the process of isolating, targeting, and destroying viruses
all the more challenging, for they are not
concentrated in one small area of the
body; they are everywhere. Again, the
point is to have an agent so tiny, so simply designed, so flexible, so quick at
mutating and reinventing itself, and so
adaptable to an abundance of hosts, that
it can serve its purpose as a ubiquitous,
immediately available "check" on human
overpopulation and destruction of the
natural world.
Going Airborne
One of the greatest fears of virologists everywhere is of a lethal virus going "airborne"-transmitted through
casual contact, through the air, through a
sneeze or cough. If there is a saving
grace to most viral onslaughts, it is the
inability of a virus to survive exposure to
oxygen. Having come this far, you know
this is no accident. Since most viral
transmission occurs through sexual contact, there is indeed an element of
"permission" involved in the decision to
engage in the virus-transmitting act,
even if the permission granted is to
something else altogether! It ensures that
only those individuals who have agreed,
on levels unconscious, to participate in
the mass event of viral plague will do so.
Frequently, as with AIDS, sexual issues
are themselves woven into the larger
cultural meaning of an epidemic.
It would be helpful to recognize
that, at the root of it, all viruses spring
from a common source, what we might
call the "viral template." This template,
designed to interact with the human
species in its experiences within the
earth system, carries within it all possible potentials of expression.
This means that every virus
carries potentials for every level of
engagement with the human population: (1) latent dormancy; (2) selective
attack on already weakened individuals,
such as the infirm and elderly;
(3) broader assault requiring transmission through bodily fluids; (4) first
stage airborne, transmitted through
sneezes and coughs; (5) second stage
airborne, meaning longer survival in
the atmosphere but requiring that a new
host be infected quickly; (6) third stage
airborne, meaning free survival in the
atmosphere with no time constraints on
finding a host body.
The gradations between airborne
levels are not sharply demarcated, but
represent a gradual evolution of a
virus's ability to survive outside a host
body. Because viruses are configured to
precisely reflect their needed role in
personal and collective illness, this
evolution is mediated not by the virus
at the individual level, but by the bodies
of its human hosts.
Just as the body must grant permission to a virus to begin its destructive onslaught, so is the evolution of a
virus moderated by humanity at the
level of the collective unconscious.
Even as it appears the virus is invading
and destroying the body's cells, at the
same time the body is shaping the evolutionary progress of the virus, subtly
manipulating the virus's protein coat to
enhance or inhibit its ability to survive
while airborne.
A viral plague always has a meaning, and that meaning is manipulated
by humanity even as it appears humanity is the helpless victim of a virus ferociously assaulting the race. If it serves
the plague's meaning to have the virus
remain at the level of intimate transmittal-this is especially true where
sexual issues are involved-the viral
coat will be "tuned" to wither when
exposed to ox)' gen. If a broader, more
generalized condition is involved, the
virus can become slightly airborne. If a
full-scale, take-no-prisoners epidemic
july 1995
would best serve the plague's meaning,
the virus is altered to allow easy airborne
transmittal. In every case, it is humanity,
not the virus itself, that determines the
virus's evolution.
Frequently, a plague begins with a
virus tuned to the level of "intimate contact" transmission, and if the larger culture awakes to and resolves the issues the
plague brings to light, the contagion is
contained, the virus goes dormant, and a
changed society is set on a stronger,
healthier path. If the pertinent issues are
not responsibly faced, humanity "ups the
ante" on itself by retuning the virus to
allow some airborne transmission. If this
larger plague still does not resolve the
deeper issues involved, a widespread,
global epidemic may be triggered as a
means of focusing humanity's attention
with the crystal clarity that only imminent mass death can bring.
So every virus rides a continuum of
expression, from dormancy to free airborne transmission. Where the lessons
carried in a plague are quickly learned
and assimilated, the virus drops back to
latency. Where the lessons are not
learned, or are resisted by a sizable portion of the affected populace, the virus is
promoted to airborne status. Humanity
pulls these strings; not the virus, not
We have warned before that HIV
need not remain forever at its current
level of transmissibility, that being the
"intimate contact" level; perhaps this
essay offers a broader context for understanding our admonition. Without repeating prior material at length, the HIV
epidemic is intimately interwoven with
issues of sexuality, responsibility, love,
and tolerance.
Much of society has been transformed since the plague's first appearance, evolving from unconsciously ingrained homophobia to conscious acceptance of sexual diversity; the gay community and larger culture have recognized that compulsive promiscuity is not
the highest expression of sexuality, and
this has helped keep a damper on HIV's
more damaging, airborne potentials.
Compounding the issue, however,
is that your culture now passes through a
difficult transitional age from a separatist
worldview to a holistic worldview; the
disparity between the two is so great that
a sizable portion of society is reduced to
increasing fear and hysteria, clinging
ferociously to the old order even as they
feel its energy draining from under them.
Though small in number, the intensity of
the energy this group spews into the
cultural atmosphere is substantial, and
carries political clout. This powerful
consciousness-"We refuse to learn the
lessons of HIV and would rather silence
and murder its carriers"-perverts hu~
manity's overall approach to the virus,
and almost demands that it become more
easily airborne. For if the lessons cannot
be learned when only a few of them are
affected, they must be learned when you
are affected-your children, spouse,
siblings, friends-or infected.
At the same time, that the bulk of
mainstream society has radically revised
its thinking toward sexual minorities and
personal responsibility alters the virus in
a different way. Even as its modes of
transmission become broader, HIV's
relationship with its hosts becomes more
fluid and individual. In the beginning of
the plague the vims was a certain death
sentence, for the equation "HIV=Death"
was necessary to get the larger world's
attention. With that attention won, and
with the healthy shift in consciousness
toward sexual issues, the virus need no
longer carry lethal imperative.
Now it takes its cues more from its
individual hosts than from humanity's
collective unconscious. It is far more
mutable and plastic in its expression,
meaning it can remain latent forever, or
for decades, or for years, or for mere
moments. The automatic death sentence
is lifted, and new lessons are now to be
learned: about proper nutrition, about
cherishing and caring for one's body,
about personal responsibility, about the
effects of building a toxic society, about
the mind's effects on the body, about
creating one's own reality.
suit. Rather than lying latent in infinite
variety, however, most previously
"undiscovered" viruses are little more
than carbon copies of the primal viral
template. Only upon contact with human bodies will that template take a
specific form that exploits whatever
firewall breaks most seriously affect the
people in that area.
Upon first encounter, such viruses
by default go into dormancy mode.
When the natural environment is damaged or decimated, when life becomes a
misery of poverty and chronic hunger,
when the thrust toward fulfillment and
happiness is a crude mockery, then
conditions are ripe for humanity to
invite its viral partners to stop it short
and force it to take stock of itself and
relieve its pressures on the natural
It is an automatic system of
checks and balances. The natural world
is seeded with viral templates which lie
dormant for millennia until the first
contact with humanity. Any human
population has certain weaknesses in its
viral firewalls, and upon first contact a
virus configures itself to take advantage
of that particular weakness. The virus
then goes dormant within its human
hosts; as long as the natural world is
largely unscathed and the culture involved allows reasonable opportunities
for health, happiness, and fulfillment,
the virus remains forever latent.
When conditions of stress on the
natural world and stress within society
sufficiently weaken the body's firewalls, the virus begins to move into
activity. Permission is granted by the
individuals involved, who participate
for their own reasons, and by the larger
Spirit Wisdom Arrives!
Alexander's newest book arrives in
mid-July. If you haven't yet ordered
your copy, call or write today!
$12.95 + $2.00 ship (CA 7.25% tax)
Call for Questions
The September issue will offer our
annual Q&A dialogue between
Alexander and Journal readers.
Please submit questions for
Alexander's consideration by July 31.
The Earth Bats Last
Virologists worry that, as previously unbroken wilderness is clear-cut,
trampled and plowed by humanity's
exploding numbers, new viral agents
seem to spring from the wounded earth,
confounding health officials with previously unknown viral enemies. The image
is of a world teeming with viruses of
infinite variety, which humanity will face
one by one as the earth gradually succumbs to humanity's relentless march
toward world domination.
It is true that viruses are everywhere; they must be, since they are partners with humanity and man can survive
in any climate, thus viruses must follow
body of humanity for the larger lessons
to be learned. If the lessons are quickly
absorbed, the virus returns to dormancy.
If not, it ratchets up the tension by becoming ever more easily transmissible
until, at the final stage, an entire population is decimated by a free airborne
virus. The lessons are still learned, in the
sense that the collective unconscious of
humanity benefits from the experience,
but unfortunately the members of the
culture involved do not survive to rebuild
with their new understanding.
Thus, the earth bats last. To the
extent humanity lives in harmony with
the natural world, honoring its wisdom
and keeping human numbers reasonable,
viruses remain dormant and invisible.
When humanity runs roughshod over the
earth and founds its cultural framework
on principles contrary to natural law, two
processes occur: (1) the body's firewalls
begin to deteriorate; (2) man grants permission to viruses to switch from dormancy to activity. In the long run-over
days or decades-humanity will be restored to its proper place in the natural
order by its ubiquitous and infinitely
clever companion, The Virus.
Printed on recycled paper
IssueNo. 35
September 1995
Regarding the approaching "shock"
that Alexander spoke of in a tape four
years ago, by my calculations, the shock
should be upon us before the end of next
year. I am sure all readers would appreciate an update on the time and nature of
this shock and any suggestions for dealing
with it. B.H., Houston, TX
Would you settle for a series of small
shocks rather than a single gargantuan
,shock? For the process of social change is
not accomplished in one fell swoop, or
shock, but as a gradually accelerating
intensification of the friction between a
declining worldview and its ascending
successor. Our point is that it is better to
take note of the many important shifts
taking place in your society rather than
twiddling your thumbs waiting for the big
pyrotechnic display promised by Alexander or anyone else. Larger shocks may lie
in store, to be sure, but they will merely be
intensifications of trends already evident.
Here are recent manifestations of those
The fragmentation and disintegration of large governmental bodies.
While the federal government still commands an enormous share of national
wealth and wields formidable power, it has
become the butt of scorn and derision, and
calls intensify for diminishing federal
power and returning that power to the
states. Large government is seen as unworkable, unresponsive, imperious, and
trampling on individual rights. Because
the centralization of power and energy
(money) is contrary to natural law, the
disintegration of federal government will
accelerate, driven in part by a declining
economic base. This will provide many
comic moments to those with a keen eye
for irony, as lifelong politicians spew disdain and threats of dismemberment toward
the government which has been their
beloved home and source of self-worth for
so long.
In a more serious vein, the
Oklahoma City bombing (itself a shock)
revealed a nationwide militia movement
holding government in its cross hairs.
Far more shocks, more explosive ones,
lie ahead as the struggle between government power and individual autonomy
intensifies. It is regrettable that the
movement to wrest power from government and restore it to individuals is composed of disaffected, angry, powerless
persons increasingly given to paranoid
conspiracy theories and violence. But, as
we have stated ad nauseam, when you do
not choose to make a shift in a rational,
intelligent manner, the shift will unfold
in a messy, chaotic, often violent fashion. The choice, as always, is yours.
Concurrent with the demise of
large federal government is the shrinking
of the artificially constructed middle
class. Government wealth-transfer programs-designed with the best of intentions to ameliorate the harsh polarity of
pure capitalism--do not cure the underlying violations inherent in capitalism.
Ultimately, therefore, the Band-Aid
approach fails and the deeper systemic
pathology erupts. This is apparent in the
rising numbers of the homeless, and of
those who struggle through two or three
jobs and just barely maintain a livable
What the ruling class inevitably fails to recognize is that it can
squeeze the lower classes only so long
and so hard before they refuse to further
support the system. At that point, the
system can simply collapse-as occurred
with the Soviet Union--or revolution
erupts-take your historical pick! The
ultimate outcome is that capitalism must
be replaced with a more humane economic system in harmony with natural
Deterioration of weather patterns and imperiling of food production.
Every time we mention this issue we
have fresh evidence at hand: at this point
it is the recent heat wave in the Midwest
which killed hundreds, and an unusually
vigorous hurricane season spawning in
the Atlantic. There will always be fresh
evidence, for the collapse of traditional
weather patterns continues to accelerate,
driven by human deforestation and electrification of the globe. At this point, in its
initial stages, food production has not been
greatly affected, but eventually chronic
and severe shortages will occur, with
unpleasantly predictable effects on social
order and cohesion.
These are some of the smaller
"shocks" already evident. With the passage of time, and given the strength of
resistance to changing the social order, it
can be anticipated that the nature and
severity of shocks will increase.
(A final hint: if you must have a
gigantic "shock," it will involve humanity's greatest violation: nuclear fission.)
What is the source of the "Taos
Hum" in New Mexico? R.S., Novi, Ml
We have written before that the earth
is one small element of the larger organisms of solar system, galaxy, universe,
etc., and that as the universe shifts its
vibrational patterns and frequencies, the
earth must contribute by similarly altering
its frequencies and patterns. Several miles
below the surface, the earth carries huge
"sensors" which harmonize the earth's
vibrational qualities with those of the
larger universal system. The sensors are
fields of various mineral materials, detecting the complex variety of cosmic transmissions streaming into the earth at every
As the earth makes the transition to a
higher vibration, as it is currently doing, it
is natural that there will be some "fits and
starts" in the process, for the earth's
bedrock resists a quick and smooth transition to a new vibrational order. Like an
engine coughing and sputtering to life, the
earth sometimes suffers pockets of resistance and sudden acceleration during the
transition to a new vibration. What occurs
in Taos is a rather unique situation in that
a clear and strong channel of accelerated
energy has been opened in the bedrock
lying above the earth sensor in that area.
As a result, a stream of accelerated energy is pouring forth in a relatively narrow band while neighboring bedrock
resists this accelerated flow. The result is
a vibrational friction which some can
perceive as the "Hum." For a person to
hear the Hum, he must carry a vibrational
matrix sensitive to the frequencies of the
discordant energy of the area. The inner
ear is stimulated, as well as portions of
the brain responsible for auditory perception, so that no external source is apparent because the Hum resonates only
inside the heads of those sensitive to the
relevant frequencies.
As time passes and the earth's
acceleration continues, it will naturally
unfold that more and more locales play
host to those hearing a Hum, bewildering
themselves and scientists who can find no
external source of their perceptions. Once
the emth has entirely shifted into its new
vibrational patterns, the hums will cease.
Is a sense of humor related to the
human experience (and those who are
connected to it in some way) more so
than other modes of being? Does it exist
informs unknowable to humans in the
noncamoujlage physical experience, for
example? Does it exist at all outside the
human connection? B.H., Houston, TX
A sense of humor is a fairly rare
quality, for it requires certain features in
a host species: (1) a camouflage reality
blocking awareness of others' thoughts;
(2) language; (3) advanced reasoning
ability allowing comparison and contrast
of abstract concepts; and (4) an innate
bodily outlet for energy triggered by
humorous events._ Most humor arjses.
from the unexpected: a clash between
expectations and actual experience.
When the unexpected arises in a context
that portends no grave danger, laughter
releases the sudden psychic friction generated between expectation and reality;
the body expresses and dissipates the
mind's brief psychic turmoil, "clearing
the deck" and restoring psychic equilibrium. Laughter provides a great internal
massage as the body revels in the sudden
infusion of rippling, dynamic energy.
Humor is unknown in a noncamouflage or "direct" system, where thoughts
are transmitted in complete fidelity from
one mind to another. For here there can
be no friction between expectation and
experience; everyone knows exactly
what to expect! Humor is also not native to our level of existence. We use it
just as we use our host's facility with
language in order to transmit our material; it is one tool available to us and we
use it when it seems most appropriate
and effective. Though we use our host's
"humor machinery," all responsibility
for bad puns lies with us!
The last issue dealt with viruses
and man. What about the viruses that
attack our domestic animals (cats and
dogs) and the animals raised for food?
What are we to learn from this aspect?
CS., Winnabow, NC
··· Viruses serve the -same purpose in·
any species: as checks-and-balances
against overpopulation and against
living conditions contrary to those
allowing reasonable possibilities of
leading fulfilling lives. We mentioned
the many human "firewalls" which
prevent viruses from springing to destructive activity, and these hold true
for other species as well. Abandoned
animals living in squalor without sufficient food or quality of life will suffer
impaired firewalls inviting viruses to
spring to destructive activity and eliminate these pockets of suffering. Even a
domesticated pet living a pampered life
may find the suffocation of its wild
animal nature so intolerable as to cause
the breakdown of emotional and corporal firewalls, leading to viral infection.
Above all, viruses maintain
"quality of life" in the species they
affect by accelerating the release of
physical form once conditions no longer
allow hope of fulfillment. . .
How can a karmic braid be
formed in the taking of a life (or many
lives) when, at the deepest spiritual
level, both parties (or all those involved) have previously agreed to the
act? R.S., Novi, MI
The issue is who is agreeing to the
forming of a karmic braid, and who is
carrying out the act. The first who is the
higher self, determining that for the
sake of fulfilling its earthly experiences,
it wishes to participate in a karmacreating act, either as perpetrator or
The Alexander journal
victim. The second who is the fleshbound
soul expressing that desire in physical
terms. Any act of violence or violation
creates a matrix of energy binding the
perpetrator and victim, and only those
souls can dissolve that karmic braid
through future acts of healing and succor.
Until a karmic braid is dissolved it remains lodged in the earth's energetic
atmosphere, and no higher self whose
offshoots are linked to a braid can release
the earth as an arena of experience until
all such braids are dissolved.
In other words, the decision to
create a karmic braid occurs at the level
of pure consciousness, while the act
creating karma occurs at the physical
level. Once that physicalized braid is
created, it must be dissolved at the physicallevetThe fact that the higher con- . ··
sciousness of the parties involved
"chose" to share the act cannot override
the principle that negative energy created
at the physical level must be released at
the physical level, not through force of
consciousness. Thus, the higher selves
involved must set up future encounters
and, possibly, future lifetimes in order to
dissolve the braid created. The higher
selves make the decisions, the offshoots
(individual lives) implement them.
If such a debt can be repaid only
when the killer seeks and obtains the
forgiveness of the killee, how is the Oklahoma City bomber ever going to obtain
release from all those people? Or the
pilot who rained nuclear death on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki? R.S., Novi, Ml
As described in Earthly Cycles,
karma accrues only in a direct assault
between perpetrator and victim. A
"second-hand" assault, such as a pilot
dropping a bomb, does not result in direct, personal karmic braids with those
affected. Instead, a more generalized,
amorphous cloud of suffering lodges in
the perpetrator's soul and must be
worked out through successive events of
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels
through Ramon Stevens. Subscriptions are
$13 per year (six issues, first class mail);
$14 Canada/Mexico; $17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press,'P.O. Box
422, Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883;
healing, whether in the same lifetime or
From the rape theme, what learning
do oversouls receive? So many seem to
arrange for their personalities to partake
in it in one form or another. What is the
fascination for oversouls for rape?
M V., Brookfield, IL
Rape is so prevalent because it is the
ultimate act of contempt and control one
can perpetrate against another. More so
than merely beating someone senseless,
rape violates the body at its most deeply
private level, the sex organs, and turns
sexuality's purpose inside out-from the
richest and most intimate sharing to the
deepest. and most humiliating violation. In
a society that stunts healthy expression of
masculine power-in that most men lack
genuine autonomy and self-directed initiative at work and at home-it is natural
that the unsatisfied need for control and
power becomes intensified, in some to the
breaking point. In those with poor impulse control, the need can be fulfilled
only in a brutal act serving as a metaphor
of control and domination, a temporary
reprieve from a lifetime of powerless
Some higher selves learn their
lessons in soft, gentle ways; other choose
high drama and intensity. For the latter
whose life themes include issues of control, power, and respect, rape is the most
powerful, distilled essence of those
themes one can experience. Higher selves
have no "fascination" with rape; they
simply employ it as a means of fulfilling
their quest for earthly experience.
In light of the current popular obsession with biological determinism (e.g.
justifYing racism dhd €!x1Jldining homosexuality in terms~of~nes), just what is
the role of genes upon human personality
and behavior? J.C., Santa Barbara, CA
We have written before about the
nonphysical "blueprint" of the body, an
energetic template containing every possible variation and maturational stage,
pulsing into physical expression with
each beat of the primal pulse. Genes serve
as the material "anchor" to the blueprint,
its physicalized handmaiden helping to
make manifest the body's ever-changing
condition. Genes weave an energetic
template which organizes the atomic
and molecular constituents of the body.
Elements are attracted and held in place
by the vibrational tapestry woven by the
genes. They also help form the larger
energetic bodies lying outside normal
awareness: the auric fields, etc. So genes
are the mediator between the nonphysical blueprint and the physical
world: they create an energetic tapestry
of vibration which attracts and holds
elements needed to sustain the body's
Attempts to link behavior and
genes merely highlight how narrow is
the framework through which science
perceives reality. Genes play no role in
psychology, in behavior, in mental.function. They are merely the deputies of the
higher self and the nonphysical
blueprint, accurately expressing in physical form the expressed intention of the
blueprint to manifest a given bodily
shape and condition. Where science
grants no validity to such higher realms
of consciousness, it is natural that it
must reduce its scope-thus the term
"reductionist"-and search for final
causes among the mere subordinates in
the process of body creation and consciousness. You know better-knowing
that the body and its consciousness
ultimately spring from nonphysical
realms, it is there that you must search
for the ultimate origins of consciousness
and behavior.
Alexander plainly stated that
killing another human being is always
wrong. What ofa suffering animal?
What ofa horse that fell into a pit and is
thrashing about with a broken leg? Or a
belovgd pet, now blind and slowly dying
an agonizing death?
B.H.,,{louston, TX
The J,aw against killing other
. beings is absolute and allows for no
'"me'tcy" exceptions.
I would like some revelation of the
blocks (psychological? emotional?) to
spiritual growth. I have intensely studied spiritual paths for more than a
decade but have received very little
September 1995
inner confirmation as to my spiritual
nature and identity. I seem to have an
impenetrable wall between my flesh and
my spirit. Why?
D.S., Apache Junction, AZ
The problem appears to be one of
definition, and from a faulty conception
that one can magically "become more
spiritual" and in the process carry the
wisdom of the ages through daily life.
There is also a longing to emulate the
innate spiritual nature of those belonging
to the Avatar family of consciousness. Let
us address these issues in order.
Everyone has a wall between the
flesh and the spirit. It is called the ego.
The ego mediates between the higher
realms of consciousness, where your
"authentic self'. resides, and the. physical
body and its daily travels through physically grounded experience. Many factors
influence the "thickness" of the ego in
terms of its relative permeability between
the two levels it straddles: soul age, family of consciousness, beliefs and values
inculcated in childhood, etc.
Above all, the ego's highest purpose
is to secure the safety and continued viability of the physical organism; and only
when this is assured can it release its grip
a bit and allow other considerationssuch as spiritual growth-to command a
share of its attention.
Perhaps you can see the irony in
your expressed desire to commune more
directly with your spiritual self while the
ego-barrier seems to block that desirefor the desire itself springs from the ego:
it sees others of advanced spiritual nature
and wants to be like them, even as it
blocks realization of its own aspiration.
For the ego knows that a heightened
spirituality brings with it certain costs: a
sloughing off of desire for material comfort and with it the security of a steady
paycheck, indifference to the opinions of
others, a lessening of ties of love and
affiliation with circles of family and
friends. Knowing this, the ego may well
feel threatened by the prospect of making
such a shift, and blocks the spiritual
progress it so ardently claims to desire.
The ultimate irony, of course, is that
your body is your spirit made flesh, so
even when pursuing the most mundane
tasks, you serve as the beacon of your
soul, expressing your higher selfs
essence as made manifest in your form.
You cannot help but do spiritual work in
every moment, for the fact that you are
alive at all means your higher self values
the experiences you provide it, that you
authentically express its desired growth
for your lifetime, and that your life benefits the larger human community. "Being
spiritual" is not something you must
work at; it arises organically and without
effort simply by being alive.
The Avatar family of consciousness
hosts those most comfortable with spirituality, who most easily grasp and implement spiritual principles in their lives,
and whose loosely_permeable egos allow
steady infusion of spiritual energy into
daily life. Other families of consciousness have different focuses, and one
insults oneself through comparison with
those whose innate nature allows for
more consciously spiritual living. Each
person has his own strengths and focuses,
and will be happiest when vigorously
pursuing those ends arising organically
from within.
Ours is described as a "free will
universe. " What other kinds exist? Please
describe and compare some to ours.
R.L., Louisville, KY
A free will universe is a
"camouflage" universe such as yours,
meaning thoughts are "camouflaged"
from one another because you carry no
perceptual mechanism which apprehends
thought waves in full fidelity. Thoughts
must be reduced to symbols to be transmitted to others through language or art;
.or, in the case of animals, through vocalizations and gestures. A noncamouflage
universe is one in which "group thought"
rather than "individual thought" is the
essence of experience. In such a reality,
the brain's surface is covered with sensors which detect the thought waves of
others as fully as one's own thoughts.
The emphasis, therefore, is on group
endeavor, the united forging of great
civilizations, conquests, etc.,_with each
member dedicated to realizing group
ambitions rather than seeking fulfillment
of private ambitions. You can look at
some insect species-ants as an example-to see how such social orders work.
Another "twist" on the camouflagenoncamouflage polarity is a rather dark
and primitive arena where creatures (and
some intelligent species similar to humanity) are blocked both from thoughtwave perception and from symbolism,
because they lack the "symbol making
mechanism" through which thought can
be translated into symbol. As a result,
each individual lives almost as if in a
prison of his own skull, devoted exclusively to satisfying his immediate needs
for sustenance and reproduction without
regard for the needs or feelings of
others. One communicates one's unhappiness with having food snatched from
one's hand only by snatching it back or
assaulting the snatcher. The mating
process would offend the sensibilities of
sea-frustrated sailors. A setting of
communication at its most elementary,
primitive level, a realm for consciousness desiring a dark and rudimentary
experience of existence.
Working in a long term health
care setting I am curious as to how
illnesses such as Alzheimer's Disease
and diabetes are created. Can Alexander offer any insight into the thought
process that goes into creating these
specific maladies and what we as care-~
givers can do to ease their suffering? ·
A.D., Greensboro, NC
At its base, Alzheimer's is a
"power" issue. Since knowledge and the
ability to manipulate it effectively is the
basis of power, Alzheimer's scrambling
and diminution of knowledge and memory renders its sufferers increasingly
powerless and unable to effectively
manipulate the world~_;·~>;':'
There are several reasons why this
path may be chosen; One is· if power is
a central theme of a lifetime, particularly where power has been used abusively and without sensitivity to others.
Second, if there are echoes from other
lifetimes in which power was wielded
thoughtlessly, slipping into the impotent
haze of Alzheimer's toward the end of
life may "balance" those other lifetimes.
Third, if a life theme carries an emphasis
on the body, the loss of bodily control
may provide a broader overall experience. Fourth, where the higher self
wishes to prolong the life of an offshoot
while the conscious mind is weary of the
battles inherent in living in complex
modem society, Alzheimer's is a means
of creating "conscious amnesia" which
sustains the body for further experience
while closing down mental function.
Because there is such a variety of
reasons for slipping into Alzheimer's,
there is no one "right way" of handling
those afflicted. In any event, attempts to
restore brain function to previous levels
are largely futile and counterproductive
to the larger reasons for choosing the
experience. The best approach is to offer
an environment of safety, security, and
kindness, so that the loss of powei' does
not trigger panic over possibly not having
one's needs met; instead, the afflicted
rests securely on a foundation of physical
comfort and loving support.
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lssueNo. 36
November 1995
Anyone who has ever loved a pet cat
or dog knows the special qualities of such
a relationship: the unambiguous love and
devotion the pet offers its master; the easy
and uninhibited affection; the steady companionship; and, for some, an almost
telepathic link between human and animal,
bypassing language in favor of pure
thought exchange. Dogs and cats offer a
purity and clarity of relationship rarely
found among your fellow humans. As with
any other aspect of existence, this is no
accident, no random crossing of evolutionary paths leading to "domesticated"
animals. Rather, the canine and feline
families have developed branches of consciousness intertwined with the human
family, building bridges of consciousness
which manifest as pet cats and dogs enjoying life among humanity. Let us look at
this more closely.
Cats, Dogs, and People:
The Primordial Bond
The earth system is set up to host
innumerable species of plant and animal
life. Each plant and animal springs from a
nonphysical source, a family of consciousness which holds the master template for
its physical expression in the earthly
medium. The template holds all probable
variations of its earthly manifestation,
ensuring adaptability to a range of environmental conditions. Some species have a
broad, diffuse template allowing its offshoots to range widely over the globe,
developing subspecies in diverse ecological niches; other species' offshoots are
tightly focused on a specific small area. As
a general rule, a family of consciousness
will look to enhance its viability and
endurance by stretching the boundaries of
its form to their utmost potential. Species
may appear to "evolve" over time as
various probable variations manifest to
synchronize with changing environmental
Feline and canine families of consciousness have developed a unique slant
on this process: rather than stretching the
boundaries of form to ensure their adaptability, these families have forged
unique strands of consciousness which
intertwine with that of humanity.
Humanity is a recent arrival on the earth
scene, of course, and the feline and canine families thrived for many millennia
before human appearance. But once it
was clear that humanity was established,
spreading, and likely to become the
dominant creature on the planet, the
unique potentials among feline and
canine families were triggered into
A number of factors come into play
when considering whether a species can
potentially form such an intertwined,
hybrid consciousness with humanity.
First, the animal must be considered
attractive by people. It must be the right
size: not so small that it is easily and
accidentally crushed; not so large that it
towers over man and crowds his living
space. There must be a sympathy or
mutually reinforcing reward to the overall life purpose of animal and man. And
the animal must possess sufficient
"rational" intelligence that there can be
some meeting of minds across species
lines. The number of species meeting all
these criteria is fairly small; and only the
feline and canine families have developed such potential partnerships to the
Let us turn now to examine each
family of consciousness more closely.
The Feline Family
Of all terrestrial creatures, cats are
perhaps the most firmly anchored in
"predator-prey" consciousness. If
another creature is smaller, they instinctively torture and kill it; if larger, they
expect it to do the same to them. Cats
will reflexively flee from the sight of
their approaching masters after a lifetime
of loving care, so rooted are they in the
expectation of attack from creatures
larger than they. Cats are built to express
"predatory-prey" consciousness to perfection: they can leap many times their
height, race at furious speed, climb trees,
swim (under protest), sink their claws and
fangs into prey, hiss and scratch at attackers. The cat is the most sublime expression
of"eat or be eaten" consciousness.
It is generally not "natural" for cats
to form relationships outside their family,
as every other creature is perceived as
either dinner or danger. Still, at the level
of families of consciousness, the bond has
been bridged with human consciousness as
a way of "piggybacking" into areas settled
by humanity which might not otherwise
support a cat population. This broadens
the potential experience available to feline
consciousness. In addition, it provides a
setting of security, abundance, and consistency, which allows cats to fulfill their
deeper mission.
Cats are the explorers and philosophers of the animal world. For the most
part they never get the chance to express
their deeper nature, for as long as they are
caught up in the predator-prey dynamic,
they cannot relax their guard long enough
to explore and contemplate. Of course we
are anthropomorphically projecting human
qualities onto cats-they are not really
philosophers-but there is a sense in
which cats serve the function for the animal world that the Watcher family serves
for humanity: that of keen-eyed observers,
feeding back to higher realms of consciousness a constant narrative of earth's
unfolding events. On the surface, cats'
vigilance serves their predator-prey nature;
more deeply, their acute perceptual skills
and stealthy patience render them the perfect "eyes and ears" of the animal world.
Because cats are so rooted in the
predator-prey dynamic, they are especially
keen in observing relationships: in noting
how human families and friendships form,
grow, and decline. They are upset by
angry voices and stomping feet because of
their great sensitivity to such issues; they
will flee from overwhelming displays of
emotion. Enhancing their observational
prowess is the ability to perceive the
energy fields surrounding the body; to
watch the auric fields flow and flux in
response to environmental and human
stimuli. This ever-shifting display offers
a more truthful picture of others' emotions than words or tone of voice suggest,
so it is here that cats place the most stock.
Anyone with a cat knows that cats
consider an empty lap a wasted lap, and
they will promptly make proper use of it
by filling it. Cats seek out close physical
contact because they perceive such a
richness of information by bathing
directly in the energy fields of their chosen "subjects." Yes, they enjoy the sheer
physical warmth as well, but more important to them is the whole-body stimulation and depth of information gained by
direct perception of human energy fields.
As the "observers" of the animal kingdom, they seek out the highest quality of
information to pass along to the higher
realms, and this they gain while curled up
in your lap.
This brings us to another universal
quality of cats: their love of napping and
sleeping. This isn't laziness, but is rather
the compromise solution to a paradox of
feline nature: on the one hand they are
keen-eyed observers of the world; on the
other hand, they are immersed in the
predator-prey drama, requiring an alertness and attention which preclude passive
observation. As with any creature, sleep
is possible only when the ego is certain
that danger is at bay and the organism
will not come to harm while sleeping.
Domesticated cats seem to spend
an inordinate amount of time in sleep
because this is the only way they can
suppress their all-consuming predatorprey vigilance and fulfill their role as
observers. In sleep, experiences and
observed events are processed and transmitted to the higher realms of consciousness. Cats take "cat naps" throughout
the day to send off quick dispatches of
unfolding events.
To some extent, the human family
of consciousness has come to rely on the
observations of the feline family as an
auxiliary source of information on manifested events. There is a neutrality to
cats' observations, while ego-based
human consciousness often colors and
distorts its transmissions. In some cases,
a family constellation will agree before
their births to include one or several
feline observers as a way of recording
in meticulous neutrality the relationships forged among themselves; to
round out their higher selves' perceptions with their pets'. In a limited sense,
a higher self can project consciousness
into a feline offshoot, so that a member
of the constellation not choosing human
birth may participate as the feline observer. This comes perilously close to
suggesting that human souls incarnate
as animals, and this is not our intention.
A higher self may simply contribute to
the consciousness of a cat by projecting
a strand or two into an already established field of consciousness designed
to animate a given cat.
In their natural, wild state, cats are
completely immersed in the predatorprey dynamic, and their powers of observation are largely limited to ensuring
their safety and hunting prey. Linking
with humanity broadens feline consciousness in allowing it to develop its
powers of observation to the point
where cats make a significant contribution to the earth's unfolding events by
feeding a steady stream of observations
to the higher realms of consciousness.
They particularly specialize in relationships, both relationships that they
develop with people and those developing among people. They benefit humanity in providing an impartial, neutral
store of observation which rounds out
human higher selves' perceptions of
The Canine Family
As opposed to the passive, observational role of cats, dogs have linked
with humanity to play an active, pmticipatory part in human life. Let us see
how this has developed.
In their natural state, dogs are
immersed in the predator-prey dynamic
as are cats, but the difference lies in the
degree to which this "kill or be killed"
thought pattern consumes waking consciousness and is reflected in form. For
cats, this thought pattern engrosses
them completely and their form reflects
it precisely. For dogs, issues of hunting,
eating, and avoiding predators are
important, but less so. Their form is
well designed for chasing prey at top
speeds, but they cannot leap, climb
trees, or sink razor claws into game
as cats can; their form less perfectly
The Alexander journal
reflects the predator-prey mindset. Dogs
pour their energy into other areas, especially building complex hierarchies of
relationship among themselves, and in an
earthy physicality, reveling in the natural
world with a lusty exuberance.
So where feline consciousness is
passive and observational, canine consciousness is active and participatory. As
with cats, dogs flourished for eons before
humanity's appearance, but once this
strange, awkwardly designed, two-legged
creature began to master its environs, the
benefits of linking with humanity became
apparent and the latent link between families of consciousness was activated and
expanded. Joining w'ith humanity allowed
dogs to place less emphasis on hunting
and protection, and more on the other
aspects of their nature-relationships and
earth-revel. It also ensured their continued participation in the earth scene, and
that their numbers could increase and
diversify under humanity's protection.
Canine relationships are complex,
but the hierarchies are always clear. The
dog world is a status culture, where
proper deference must be shown to those
of higher status, and groveling and obedience are expected of lower-status members. Dogs must always know who the
boss is, the "alpha male" to whom they
express obeisance. Because dogs must
always have a master, it is natural that
they seek out such a master within their
human family. They naturally defer to the
one who provides the food, for this is one
function of the alpha male, to ensure that
the pack is properly fed. Once they have
chosen their alpha male, and it may be
one or several members of a family, a
dog's loyalty, deference, obedience, and
even reverence are set for life.
Looking at the human-canine
relationship from deeper levels, several
issues are involved. One is that the relationship between dog and man is mutually rewarding. As opposed to cats,
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels
through Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are
$13 per year (six issues, first class mail);
$14 Canada/Mexico; $17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box
422, Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883.
E-mail: pepperwd@rain.org
Web: http://www.otisnet.com/pepperwood
whose detached observations do not
directly benefit humanity at the earth
level, dogs are able to bring qualities to
their relationships with people that offer
tangible benefit. Perhaps of greatest
importance is dogs' protective nature,
drawing a circle of safety around home
and family against the dangers beyond. A
dog can easily repel or kill intruders, even
human intruders, with a swiftness and
certainty no unarmed human can match.
It is canine nature to defend the pack, and
this trait easily carries into relationships
with people. There is a measure of selfinterest as well, of course, for a dog protecting its master is protecting its own
supply of food and care.
There is a simplicity to dogs'
emotions; an unambiguous purity of love,
devotion, and adoration. No human relationship, except that between parent and
very small child, offers such unadulterated purity, for as soon as a child is old
enough to express his independent will,
that will begins clashing with the world,
and those clashes continue to the last
breath. As part of the original caninehuman partnership, therefore, it is understood and expected that dogs will provide
the distilled essence of love and loyalty as
a buffer against the bruising emotional
tangles that often cloud human life.
Dogs provide a refuge, a safe haven
where one is always welcome, valued,
and loved just for being oneself. Small
children especially benefit from canine
companionship, for their simple, pure
emotions blend well with canine nature.
And men, whose emotional lives are often
stunted in western society, may look to
dogs as their truest friends, finding in
their four-legged companions a loyalty,
consistency, and unambiguous love they
cannot find among men and women.
Thus, dogs provide an emotional
buffer to human life, feeding into the
human circle a purity of love and devotion that balances the bruising complexities of human relationships. The intent is
to provide an external source of warmth
and love independent of other people,
ensuring that no one need be completely
bereft of loving companionship as long as
a dog is within reach.
Dogs are no substitute for the richness of human relationships, of course,
but they offer a cushion of emotional
security against the vicissitudes of life.
Especially in a time of social and familial
upheaval, dogs' emotional buffer helps
keep humanity more stable and
grounded than it would otherwise be.
Again, without suggesting that
human souls reincarnate as animals,
there are situations where a higher self
projects a strand or two into a canine
offshoot as a way either of experiencing
human emotion from the dog's pure
simplicity, or serving as a companion to
a particular individual (or both). Higher
selves specializing in the emotional
domain may well seek to experience
emotion from all possible angles, and
the dog's emotional clarity, and participation in the complexity of a human
family while not operating through such
complexity, helps to "round out" a
higher self's store of emotional experience. At the same time, if a higher self
desires to participate with another soul
in an earthly experience without manifesting in human form, projecting
strands of intent into canine form may
provide enough of a connection that the
relationship reaches satisfactory fulfillment.
The Spiritual Life of
Dogs and Cats
In Earthly Cycles we described the
many qualities of the soul that the
higher self manipulates in creating the
personality template of a given offshoot,
one human life. Among these qualities
are family of consciousness, soul age,
soul aspect, life theme, and more. To
what extent are the animal families of
consciousness governed by similar
matrices? What are the differences?
Several points should be immediately apparent. One is that there is
greater variability in human personality
than among the animal families.
Animals may be high-strung or relaxed,
friendly or reserved, trusting or suspicious, but they generally do not reach
the extremes of autism, manicdepression, bulimia, suicide, or
schizophrenia that mark the far reaches
of the human psyche. In animals the
psyche is constructed with a large core
of species uniformity, atop which are
sprinkled unique variabilities; in humanity the core of uniformity is relatively
smaller, while the area for variability is
much larger.
In part this reflects the greater
complexity of the human psyche-a
November 1995
rational mind anchored to a maladapted
animal body in a challenging physical
environment-and in pmt it reflects
humanity's greater emphasis onemotional life. Whatever the fruits of man's
technological prowess or intellectual
mastery, in the end it is the content of
one's emotional life that determines the
ultimate meaning of a lifetime, for
relationships are where you live, suffer,
triumph, and grow.
In dogs and cats, as we have seen,
the deeper purpose for participating in
earthly life lies elsewhere: in the
predator-prey dynamic, in raw physicality, in hierarchies of relationship. So the
many soul qualities manipulated by a
human higher self are not available in
such richness to the canine and feline
families of consciousness. Thus, there is a
greater "sameness" of personality among
those families than among their human
Where variability is expressed in the
canine family, it is through the different
breeds. Here the differences are inform
and function rather than emotional variability. Whether dogs fetch downed
geese, herd sheep, detect cocaine, or
guard their family, form is matched to
function. Size, shape of ears and noses,
and so on, are varied to precisely reflect
the aptitudes of a particular breed. Each
breed, developing as a subspecies of the
canine family, develops a distinct personality template as well. Some breeds are
noted for their gentleness and ease with
children; others are high-strung and
vicious toward strangers.
When humanity develops dog
breeds through controlled breeding, it
controls the form, which in turn calls
down certain personality strands matched
to that form. Thus humanity can control
the "soul qualities" of its canine companions by manipulating the forms those pets
can take. This mirrors the division of
human consciousness into seven families
of consciousness, but without the sharp
divisions of working and intellectual life
marking the seven human families.
There is less variability among cats.
Because dogs are active participants in
earthly and human life, their variety in
form ensures adaptability to a wide range
of environmental and working conditions.
Cats, the cool observers, need only one
bodily template that works well in a
variety of climactic conditions. Because
they do not participate in human activities, they do not require the canines'
broad variability of form.
There is a progression of "soul age"
among companion animals, but less so
than among humanity. Again, the boundaries of variability are more tightly
drawn. A "baby soul" dog might focus
on raw physicality: the hunt, mating,
protection of pack are the all-consuming
focuses; among domesticated dogs, the
more savage breeds, and those loving the
master and distrusting all others, are the
"baby souls" ofthe breed. "Young soul"
dogs are more playful, easier of temperament, more generally welcoming of other
animals and people. "Mature soul" dogs
are often the alpha male or his mate, for
their greater wisdom and cunning, and
ability to command and control the
complex relationships within the pack,
serve the pack well.
Among domesticated dogs, mature
souls tend to shy away from raw work,
instead putting their energies into "supervising" the lives of their masters' families
by looking after small children, fetching
the paper, and so on. And "old soul" dogs
can hardly bring themselves to lift a paw
unless genuine danger threatens them or
their families; they expect to be treated as
equal members of the family and will not
stoop to cheap circus tricks like fetching
sticks or rolling over.
Interestingly, the continuum from
baby souls to old souls is reflected in
form: baby- and young-soul dogs tend to
be smaller in size; mature- and old-soul
dogs are larger. This arises, in part, because smaller animals have to focus more
energy on establishing and maintaining
their territories and rights while larger
animals take their security more for
granted and can relax their guard.
Of the two, cats are more "spiritual"
than dogs because their role as cool
observers of earth and human activities
carries with it a direct connection to the
higher realms to which they feed their
flow of observation. In this sense, all cats
are "old souls" because they directly and
deeply sense the larger bodies of consciousness from which they spring. They
observe, they sleep, they keep themselves
clean and above the fray.
Do animal souls reincarnate? In
Earthly Cycles we proposed a new model
of reincarnation which abandoned the
traditional notion of a single soul recycling itself into a succession of bodies;
rather, the higher self projects offshoots,
single souls, into a number of simultane-
ously occurring lifetimes. The soul of
an individual does not "come back"
time and again, but is reabsorbed into
the higher self, with any unresolved
karma projected into other offshoots.
The higher self cannot release earthly
experience until all karma created by its
offshoots is dissolved.
Perhaps you can see how the soul
life of animals differs from the human
reincamational process. What compels
humans to return in body after body is
karma-and karma is created only
when the intent to cause harm is
married to action causing harm. Are
animals capable of such deliberate
infliction of cruelty on others? They are
designed to kill, yes, but only for sustenance or to protect themselves or their
pack. They lack the complex emotional
and rational qualities that allow humans
to murder over money, jealousy, or
revenge. They do not kill for sport.
Because animals' psychological
nature is so much more elementary and
instinctually rooted, the key element of
"intent to cause harm" is largely absent.
Thus, dogs and cats do not build karmic
braids among themselves which would
compel reincarnation.
As a rule, the souls of individual
cats and dogs are reabsorbed into their
higher selves with no need for returning
to the earth plane to resolve unfinished
business. At times, however, given the
number of cat or dog lifetimes that can
play out across the span of a human life,
a pet enjoying a powerful relationship
with its master can, upon death, project
certain strands of intent into a successor
offshoot. This provides a base of continuity, an easy familiarity, with whieh a
kitten or puppy works its way into the
heart of its new owner; a person may
feel a tinge of recognition when meeting the eyes of such a new pet. It is not
accurate to say the old pet has
"reincarnated" into the new, but that
certain strands of consciousness have
carried over into the new form, providing a foundation of familiarity between
pet and master.
Pet Hints
Given the material we have outlined thus far, we can close with a few
suggestions on how to enhance your
relationship with your pet dog or cat to
ensure that its soul purpose is being
For cats: Recognizing that cats are
here to observe your life and the space
around you with cool impartiality, first
ensure that your cat feels safe. To fulfill
their mission, cats must feel sufficiently
secure that they can relax their predatorprey consciousness and bring calm
"observation" to the forefront of attention. A physically abused cat is miserable, for it depends on its abusive master
for sustenance and shelter while the
abuse renders it incapable of relaxing
into observational calm.
Next, to the extent possible, allow
cats to be in close physical contact with
you. The direct immersion in your energy
fields offers them the highest quality of
vibrational information, which they in
tum transmit to the higher realms. Allow
as much lap sitting and shared sleeping as
you can stand.
Finally, talk with your cat. Tell it in
rich detail and extravagant emotional
gestures what is happening in your life.
Notice how a cat will hold its attention on
such soliloquies long after a fellow
human would have fled or fallen asleep.
The words may not be understood but the
emotional content is, and serves to enrich
the eat's picture of what happens in your
life beyond the confines of your shared
For dogs: Dogs are here to revel in
earthly physicality and to serve you as
faithful companions. The best way to
fulfill these needs is to have them accompany you in physical activity: taking
walks together, going shopping, swimming, hiking, working in the garden. If
they cannot directly contribute to the
work at hand, at least do not exclude
them for getting in the way; they are
miserable if they feel they have violated
their covenant of service. Find ways for
your dog to be useful, or engage it in
mutually rewarding play, to allow it
fulfillment of its dog essence.
Because dogs are physically oriented, they don't require much in the way
of monologues. They resonate more with
action. For them, love is action, loyalty is
action, friendship is action. Find active
ways of having them fulfiii their desire to
serve and they will reward you with selfless love and devotion.
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Alexander and Pepperwood Press are no]
on the Internet! Join us at our new World
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january 1996
JssueNo. 37
The hoopla surrounding the new
Beatles music and documentary seemed to
trigger some "bleedthrough" information
from Alexander about the nature of music,
the role of musicians in cultural change,
and the special magic of the Beatles. r
Crank up Abbey Road and enjoy! /
A Fable
In the beginning there was vibration,
a vast cosmic sea of pulsating consciousness. As the cosmic sea swirled and
pulsed, in its eddies it formed pockets of
stability, dense and enduring, in which
creatures might come to play upon the
surface of seemingly solid spheres of
matter. These creatures, emerging from the
womb of creation, would possess consciousness, not the Consciousness from
which they sprang but a consciousness of
inverted awareness, in which the remembrance of their origin would fade to nocturnal glimpses in sleep while the narrow
fractured scope of waking awareness
became their more compelling reality.
Emerging from an infinite sea of
vitalized consciousness, these creatures
would carry the power to absorb and transmit information, processed through the
narrow prisms of their senses, and thus to
fashion families and tribes and magnificent
cultures in shared frameworks of knowledge. Recognizing the danger of building
such frameworks through rational mind
alone-a narrower scope still-the creatures fashioned conduits through which
information emanating from Ultimate Consciousness could engage and impress itself
upon them, to bathe them in the pure wellsprings of their origin. These conduits
carried information so powerful that the
rational mind could not fathom it directly;
it could only reduce these streams of
knowledge to symbolic fragments stimulating the senses.
Painting, dance, sculpture, poetry,
drama: all these were mediums through
which information could be symbolically
shared with others; for within the consciousness of each creature the symbols
would be translated, shorn of their glittering wrappings and restored to their
primal, original meaning. And musicthe greatest conduit of all for transmitting information flowing from Ultimate
Consciousness-music would engage not
only the mind but the entire organism,
for each cell carries the ability to translate musical symbol into original meaning; to transform the organism into a
pulsating absorber and transmitter of
vibrational intelligence.
In one small corner of the manifested universe, on one mid-sized planet,
a pool of these creatures lived and loved
and warred and ultimately prospered
through millennia: some in small isolated
tribes; others in vast civilizations rising
to prominence and crumbling to dust
with the inescapable rhythm of birth,
growth, maturity, and death. One such
civilization grew and flourished and
prospered; though the locus of its political and economic power shifted over the
centuries from capital to capital, continent to continent, the underlying framework of ideals and values, political and
religious structures, endured.
As time rolled forward and these
structures fell out of rhythm with the
shifting spiritual flows infusing the
creatures, a crisis arose: persisting in
operating through the structures of the
past portended great turmoil and chaotic
upheaval; a massive cultural shift was
required, and in a very compressed slice
of time.
It was decided that many specialists
in all artistic mediums would midwife the
rapid transition to a new cosmology and
consciousness. The birth dates of these
specialists were synchronized so they
would reach their phase of greatest
receptivity to higher consciousness-late
adolescence to early adulthood-within
the same decade.
Still, a trigger of sorts was needed:
a revolutionary blast of fresh energy
and consciousness so compelling and
irresistible that the younger generation
turned its backs on the values of its
elders and followed the Pied Pipers of
the new order. Music, of course, would be
the medium for this revolutionary trigger.
Rather than flowing through the symbol
making talent of one individual, it was
decided that the cultural shift required was
so all-encompassing that several individuals would be involved, each a specialist in
one aspect of the revolutionary energy.
The birthplace of this musical trigger
would be Britain, straddling the cultural
frameworks of monarchy and democracy.
The soul constellation designated as the
revolutionary trigger would find birth in a
city by the sea. The souls involved would
lead relatively conventional lives, not
knowing each other until adolescence,
when they would be drawn together by a
common love of music and a sense of
warm, intuitive sympathy among themselves. They would call themselves John,
Paul, George, and Ringo.
Music as Vibrational Information
As mentioned in our fabled introduction, music can be understood as information expressed in symbolic vibrational
patterns. Each cell of the body carries the
"key" to decode the information and
absorb its meaning. Body and ears work in
tandem: the ears hear the musical stimulus
and the brain decides whether it finds the
stimulus attractive, neutral, or repugnant.
This decision is based on the degree of
harmony between the body's innate vibrational patterns and the patterns through
which a musical idea is expressed. Just as
the body seeks out food, drink, and sex,
the body also seeks out music which
resonates with its internal rhythms, for the
body is stimulated, reinforced, even
healed, by immersion in harmonious
musical atmospheres.
Because each new generation carries
a distinctly higher vibrational "set point"
than its elders, music is a primary medium
through which a generation creates and
shares its common essence, its sense of
purpose. The music created and listened to
by a generation is their communal
"library" of knowledge and information
which apprises them of who they are,
reinforces the distinct tasks and purposes
of their era, and offers a glimpse of the
road ahead as time unfolds.
When we say music is information,
what do we mean? We mean that, apart
from any meaning carried in the lyrics, a
musical melody is a pattern of ascending
and descending tones, separated by
silence, which express a concept, a unit of
information. That information may be
philosophical, emotional, sensual; it may
trigger new conceptual frameworks
through which technological and artistic
innovations arise; it may predict a future
event; it may fulfill some or all of these
purposes simultaneously. A musical
pattern creates a vibrational atmosphere
which entrains any organism within its
reach, apprising the organism of the
information it carries.
Musical Prophecy
One of the most important purposes
of music, as we have seen, is that it can
contain patterns not yet manifested in
mainstream reality, the better to prepare a
culture for impending evolutionary
changes. In this sense, music is prophecy,
vibrationally encoded prophecy. Does
this mean that every piece of music produced carries the unabridged Future of
Humankind embedded within its melody?
Of course not. This brings us to a consideration of the process through which
artists-in any medium-render their
inspirations in tangible form.
Artists forge their creations through
a marriage of innate talent and a clear
connection to the higher spiritual realms,
which we will call communion. Both
aspects are necessary for an artist to successfully express his inspirations. Itmate
talent means a highly developed capacity
for using one or more senses to forge
tangible symbols of inner vision: an eye
for color and perspective; a sense of
depth and spatial relations; or an ear for
musical tones and patterns. The ability to
perceive and manipulate the symbols of
an artistic medium, with greater facility
than among the mainstream, is the mark
of innate talent.
Many artists enjoy broad acceptance
of their work while they are alive and
creating, but their work fails to stand the
test of time, fails to compel and inspire
future generations. Other artists, the Great
Masters, fashion works which remain
seemingly immortal through time,
embraced by centuries or even millennia
of subsequent generations, in cultures far
removed from that of their origin. What
lies behind this broad range of ephemeral versus enduring works of art?
The difference lies in the degree of
communion, the connection to the
higher spiritual realms, the artist enjoys.
We might classify the range of communion as low communion, mid communion, and high communion. The very
greatest artists, the masters, enjoy the
highest possible connection, perfect
Everyday "pop" artists create from
the low communion level: they tap into
the extant currents of society, the
vibrations of the mainstream, and render
them in symbolic form. Their creations
are often pleasing and uplifting, easy to
digest and enjoy, and as enduring as
bubble gum. Ironically, low communion
artists are frequently the most commercially successful in their day.
Mid communion artists dive a bit
deeper into the currents underlying
society. They offer not only a symbolic
digest of mainstream vibration, but
flavor it with a tinge of future potential.
Often these artists, confused by the tug
between mainstream and volatile energies, vacillate between them in their
creations, offering some reasurringly
mainstream works while interspersing
them with less comprehensible products
of deeper visions.
Artists enjoying high communion
must live with the irony of serving their
cultures so well as specialists in
prophecy, even as that culture scorns or
dismisses their work. For high communion artists plunge headlong into the
currents of potential events swirling in
the vast cosmic sea, and struggle to
render their profound visions in tangible
form using the tools and techniques of
the present. They are rarely satisfied
with their work, haunted by the gap
between the vision and its manifested
expression. Their works are incomprehensible to the mainstream; they are
frequently dismissed as lunatics or
thrown in prison for the vague threats to
social order carried in their work.
Rarer still are artists endowed with
the curse and blessing of perfect communion. These artists don't just bathe in
the currents of spiritual truth and then
return to everyday reality; they spend
every moment of their lives suffused
with such powerfully compelling urges
toward artistic creation, flowing directly
from Ultimate Consciousness, that they
know nothing else; they eat, drink,
The Alexander journal
sleep, and breathe their art. Whatever task
is at hand, their minds are always swimming with fresh impulses toward creation
and they cannot rest until they wrestle
them into form. Their work is both prodigious in output and blisteringly revolutionary
in meaning. In all of western history,
perhaps a few dozen perfect communion
artists have graced the world, serving as
beacons illuminating the culture's evolutionary path.
The Beatles as
Soul Constellation
Let us examine more closely the
nature of the soul agreements binding the
four young men constituting the Beatles.
As mentioned earlier, an agreement was
formed before their births to blend their
disparate energies into a unified gestalt
serving as the primary revolutionary
trigger for the Sixties. That is, in order to
avOid the catastrophe of a culture suddenly collapsing as its cosmological pillars crumble-as western society's core
value of separation violates natural law
and must lead to cultural disintegrationa trigger was needed to ignite the revolutionary fires of incendiary social change.
The need was urgent for an irresistible
force to wrest young people away from
the values of their elders and larger
culture, to enlist them as foot soldiers of
The breadth of the requisite cultural
shift was so vast that one soul, however
perfect its communion, would be hard
pressed to serve as the revolutionary
trigger. To ensure that the audience
reached would be as immense and diverse
as possible, what might be termed the
"Beatie soul constellation" was fashioned
in the realms of spirit. The constellation
contained a primary dyad, a secondary
triad, and a foundational quadrate.
The primary dyad-John and
Paul-formed the basic foundation of the
constellation. This was a marriage of
structure and artistry: while both were
creative and carried immense innate
talent, Paul's soul nature was ordered,
grounded, structured; he served as the
planner, organizer, future-thinking half of
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels
through Ram6n Stevens. For a free brochure
of Alexander books and tapes, contact
Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box 422, Ojai,
California 93024; (805) 640-8883;
E-mail: pepperwd@rain.org
the partnership. John's soul nature was
more airy and ethereal, less rooted and
rationally focused, more comfortable·
floating through clouds of inspiration.
Together their blended energies formed a
metaphor of the human experience: you
are spiritual beings and you are physical
beings. Thus the elemental essence of
humanity was expressed in the Beatles'
primary dyad.
More was needed, of course, for
what lay beneath western culture's
malaise was spiritual impoverishment. A
tired old religion, ossified into dogma and
hostile toward genuine mystical experience, had shrunk its followers' spiritual
lives to stale rituals of worship practiced
one morning a week. Above all, what the
culture hungered for was spiritual illumination, shedding the straitjacket of traditional religion and liberating the primordial sense of wonder, awe, reverence, and
direct communion with the divine.
Enter George. George's soul
essence, though of the Innovator family
of consciousness, was skewed strongly
toward the spiritual soul aspect. Any
good artist enjoys easy communion with
the higher spiritual realms, but one whose
soul is already aligned with spiritual energies plunges straight to the heart of Ultimate Consciousness. This was George's
soul nature; and despite the prominence
of the primary dyad in the group's prodigious output, in fact John and Paul rode
George's coattails to the heart of Ultimate
Consciousness, there to drink from the
very deepest wellsprings of inspiration.
George provided a spiritual atmosphere,
an access to the depths of creativity,
which enhanced the primary dyad's
This, then, is the essential construction of the Beatie soul constellation: a
primary dyad containing the hybrid
essence of human experience-spirituality and physicality-supplemented by a
spiritual ambience enhancing the dyad's
ability to reach the zenith of creative
In truth it was not predestined that
the fourth Beatie, the drummer, would be
Ringo. What was needed was an anchor
to the others' soaring inspirations; a
sturdy foundation of mainstream energy
and essence. Recall that perfect communion artists often fail to reach the masses
with their prophetic visions; thus there
was a danger that the Beatie soul constellation, in its essential triad, would soar
too high to captivate the mainstream. The
drummer-providing the foundational
rhythm beneath soaring inspirationtherefore needed to be solidly grounded,
mainstream in outlook and temperament. As you may know, the core triad
of the Beatles played together for years
until bringing Ringo on board just before they "took off." Ringo's personality was more in harmony with the
Beatles' overarchingpositive energy;
they required a rhythmic foundation of
upbeat, amiable, optimistic energy, and
this they found in Ringo.
The Beatles as
Revolutionary Vanguards
With their soul constellation established, the Beatles-to-be accepted their
marching orders, a plan enabling them
to lead the revolutionary shift to unfold
in their early twenties. Like any good
storyteller compelling an audience, they
would proceed as follows: (1) get their
attention; (2) hold their attention while
weaving rich tapestries of symbol
and myth; (3) leave them energized,
inspired, and certain of life's goodness.
Nineteen sixty-three was the turning point year, when forces and events
aligned to trigger the sudden and dramatic cultural shift. Until this point, the
Beatles had spent their working lives as
a bar band, and while they were popular
entertainers in this limited realm, they
had shown scant promise of what was to
come. For it wasn't until the revolutionary trigger was activated that the
Beatles' essential soul essences could
emerge, blend, and form the whole that
was so much greater than its parts, a
group soul-gestalt enjoying perfect communion with Ultimate Consciousness. In
this year the agenda was finally put into
play, and step one was activated: get
their attention.
Youth is the age of deepest communion with the currents flowing
beneath society and with the higher
spiritual realms; young people are able
to tap into these currents as at no other
phase of life. Female consciousness is
spiritual, while male consciousness is
physically grounded. Thus it is no accident that when the Beatles began fulfilling step one of their agenda, it was
teenage girls-the most intuitive age of
the more spiritual sex-who felt the
strongest pull toward the irresistibly
compelling energy produced by the
Beatles. For while the Beatles' songs at
this point were simple love songs and
january 1996
older rock standards, the energy produced
by the group was of an altogether higher
order. It said, to those who could hear its
subliminal message: We are the messengers of the new order, follow us, the times
will be challenging but you will be safe,
better times lie ahead.
Who could resist? Who among the
super-intuitive young female population
could tum her back on such a sweet song
of promise, when parents and teachers
offered such stale gruel by comparison?
And so the Pied Pipers worked their
magic, loosening the ties between generations, magnetically pulling their young
followers onto a new path, a different
path, uncharted but glowing with
promise. And the young boys began
marching to this new drummer as well,
both to please the girls they longed to
impress and because their young souls
ached for a more genuine and authentic
life than what their elders offered.
Within months after the dashing
young American president was murdered,
a nation deep in mourning was witness to
the first American visit by the Beatles.
The fate of the old order was sealed:
What young person would submit to the
hoary imperatives of old-guard custodians
when new myth-makers had arrived, so
fresh and exuberant and full of optimistic
vitality? For this was the essence of the
Beatles: a relentlessly upbeat, sunny,
hopeful zest for life. For the revolution to
sound attractive and worth the struggle,
the fence-straddlers had to be convinced
that a better life, a life more authentically
and happily lived, would result from
breaking ties with the old order and
embracing the new. This the Beatles,
with their seductively affirmative energy,
By 1965 the first step ofthe agenda
was complete: the Beatles had the world's
attention. Now they could deepen and
broaden the message, imbuing it with
subtleties and nuances, offering encoded
prophecy and poetry. Their musical
repertoire broadened: for some songs they
traded the electric guitars for acoustic;
others were expressed through voice and
orchestra. Their sophistication in the
studio grew as they struggled to find the
closest musical expression oftheir inspirations, flowing as they were from the
heart of Ultimate Consciousness. The
rhythm of their music, previously a raw
sexual pulse (get their attention, remember?) mellowed to entrain with higher
levels of being, with the heart and mind
evolutionary energy, which buoyed them
still, to create a masterpiece called Abbey
Road. As all final acts should, the album
sewed together the various themes and
styles of the prior acts.
It was all here: the transcendent
three-voice harmonies of Because, which
resonate with the promise of a cohesive,
harmonious world; the affirmative, optimistic message of Here Comes the Sun;
the love and commitment of Something
and Oh! Darling. Peace, love, joy,
harmony: this is the promise the Beatles
dangled in first enlisting the world's
youth as foot soldiers in cultural revolution; and in taking their farewell the
Beatles' expression of these themes
reached its zenith.
In the fmal song of the closing
appropriately titled The End, the
"[The Beatles] had an empathy ~
the world their marching
and a kind of mind-reading
orders: We've done our work, the old
business, such that when they
· .
order is on the wane, the revolution is
were together they seemed to
under way, be of good cheer, now we
become another dimension. "
release you to the hard but essential task
Producer George Martin
~ of building a new world. And they did so
both as a group and as individuals: above
the blistering two-chord rhythm, each
member of the triad played a guitar solo,
By the time the Sgt. Pepper album
was released, the Beatles had fulfilled
and the drummer his only drum solo, as a
way of taking leave of the group and
the first two tasks of their agenda: they
had won the world's attention, then held
introducing themselves to the world as
it as they spun increasingly rich and
the independent musicians they would
esoteric tapestries of myth and song,
soon become. Their fmal words neatly
weaving in imagery mocking the
expressed both the law of karma and their
rational mind's limited scope, embracown experience as band mates: "And in
ing the insights of the East. What
the end, the love you take is equal to the
love you make."
remained, then, was to wrap it up, to
offer gratitude and farewell to the world
That the Beatles' music should still
which adored them and thrilled to their
be so popular reflects two things. First,
music, and to do so in a way that undertheir perfect communion with Ultimate
scored the eternal optimism permeating
Consciousness means their music carries
their music. Though their communion
meanings so deep and complex that
with Ultimate Consciousness began to
decades, if not centuries, must pass for
decline, this period saw creation of
mainstream society to catch up with their
some of their greatest work.
prophetic inspirations; just as you are not
yet finished with Beethoven's visionary
In short order their manager died,
The End
they felt unfulfilled in exploring conthunder.
Of course the Beatles did not create
sciousness with an eastern guru, they
Second, the process of cultural transthe revolution of the Sixties; they served
produced a haphazard and poorly
formation is long and hard and often ugly;
as the revolutionary vanguards for a much
received film, then attempted a filmed
despair, hopelessness and resignation sap
deeper process of cultural evolution.
rehearsal and concert which instead
the energy of those struggling to forge a
They rode the waves of transformation
recorded the onset of dissolution. The
new order. What better way to refresh
several leagues ahead of mainstream
energy beneath their united efforts was
one's flagging vitality than by immersion
society, calling back in irresistible musiwaning. On a personal level, as they
in the musical atmosphere of the relentcal symbolism the events and themes
reached the cusp of 28, with its shift
lessly joyful Beatles, the oracles of optilikely to unfold; but ultimately, as the
toward the stable energies of middle
mism, in messages ringing with hope and
revolution permeated every nook and
age, their focus shifted away from the
promise. For they peered far and deep
cranny of society, their role as vanguards
Beatles' "group marriage" and toward
into the future and their vision was crystal
would no longer be required. By 1967 the
fulfillment in families of their own.
clear on this point: No matter how chalrevolution was well under way as eviSensing this, they roused themlenging the road to cultural transformadenced by nationwide protests against the
selves for one final album, called back
tion appears as you write the next chapter
Vietnam War; rising feminist, civil rights
the producer who had overseen their
of your unfolding fable, you can take a
and environmental movements; the
great earlier work, and rode the crest of
sad song and make it better.
and spirit. The first biting strains of a sitar
were heard on a Beatles song as George,
the mystic, introduced the Indian instrument as a symbolic forerunner of the
flood of eastern spirituality soon to wash
through western culture.
About this time the Beatles began
experimenting with hallucinogenic
drugs-a quick and powerful tool for
shattering a staid and constricted consciousness-and weaving the fruits of
their psychedelic visions into their music.
Whether those listening were themselves
moved to similar experimentation is
beside the point: the Beatles provided it
for them.
The hypnotic, trance-inducing,
single-chord song, Tomorrow Never
Knows, alters the consciousness of anyone within earshot, for the unfamiliar
drum rhythm, odd sound effects, and
entrancing vocal sedate the body while
stimulating mind and spirit. The overtly
psychedelic lyrics of Lucy in the Sky with
Diamonds shatter established rules of
language-newspaper taxis, marmalade
skies, a girl with kaleidoscope eyes-just
as LSD shatters the structures of the
rational mind. By offering these hallucinogenic symbols the Beatles said: here,
you see, it's all an illusion, reality is how
you choose to construct it, if you don't
believe us try it for yourselfl And a generation did.
By the time of the Sgt. Pepper
album, not only was hallucinatory
imagery permeating the Beatles' work,
but the introduction of eastern spirituality
was made manifest with George's song
Within You Without You. Here was a
dreamy, flowing river of poetry and music, a blend of western and eastern instruments, and one of the most blatant artistic
predictions in history: "And the time will
come when you see we're all one and life
flows on within you and without you."
embrace of eastern and native spirituality; sexual freedom; drug experimentation; and so on.
Between 1963 and 1967 the Beatles enjoyed perfect communion with
Ultimate Consciousness; their blended
energies soared to the very wellhead of
creative and prophetic inspiration. Once
their role as vanguards was fulfilledthe revolution was well under way and
rolling forward on its own momentumthe deeper energies of cultural transformation shifted toward the next phase of
evolutionary growth. The perfect synchrony between Beatie consciousness
and the deeper consciousness guiding
the process began to wane.;.04.0444
J'3 -
JssueNo. 38
March 1996
The world's mythology and literature
are haunted by spectral visitors from "the
other side," ectoplasmic presences helping, warning, guiding, and terrorizing
humanity. Every culture, from the aboriginal to the technological, spins folk tales
featuring such vaporous apparitions,
testifying to a ubiquitous awareness of
the often-permeable boundary separating
souls freed of flesh from those still
encased within it. If death silences the lips,
whence arises the ceaseless clamor from
beyond the veil?
Swimming in Gelatin
Your senses deceive you. They convince you that you live in a world of rock,
water, and air; and that living creatures
draw upon these three basic elements to
f01m their bodies. As we have discussed in
greater detail elsewhere, and as modem
physics confirms, the various densities of
matter you perceive are in truth swirling
fabrics of vibration. The rocks and soil
beneath your feet are not hard and dead
and static; they are pulsating vibrational
fields, densely packed and relatively
quiescent so as to forge an apparent
consistency at the physical level. Their
"cells" are drawn together in a fierce embrace of attraction.
Water is a much more dynamic field
of vibration, suffused with the dance of
attraction and resistance among its vibrational cells. And air-that blanket of atmosphere enveloping you with life-giving
oxygen-appears entirely empty, and only
a cooling breeze or fierce wind hints of the
swarms of high-velocity energy which
escape your senses' notice.
Rather than moving through an
"empty" atmosphere of air, it is more
accurate to say you are swimming in
gelatin. That is, air plays host to highly
energized particles swirling in unstable,
dynamically shifting fields of vibration
knowing much more resistance than
attraction. This has several effects. One is
that it allows life to flourish-a carpet of
verdant plant life supporting ambulatory
creatures. Because bedrock, soil, and any
durable substance, including the foods
you ingest, an~ heavily _skewed toward
"attraction," they provide the stability
and consistency physical beings require
to survive. Yet without the moderating
influence of air-the swirling dance of
resistance-your body and those of all
other beings would soon slow to the
deadly static pulse of bedrock.
There can be only so much of a
"gap" betweeq the vibrational qualities
of a substance and the consciousness
which animates it. A stone cannot ponder the meaning of its existence. It is
conscious, yes, in its way, but in a
dreamy, quiescent slumber, never knowing the complex consciousness animating living beings.
To "lighten up" the bodies of animate creatures, they must regularly
ingest the fiercely dynamic fields of
resistance swirling in air. This process
invigorates the body, stimulating the
bedrock elements to greater dynamism
than is their natural state, keeping the
body supple and swift. In tum, the
lighter, more dynamic vibrational quality
of the body allows a higher, more complex consciousness to animate it; to
reach the lofty realms of human selfawareness and intellectual prowess.
We will offer a new word describing this gelatinous field of vibration you
call air: gelair. By inventing a word we
avoid having to use familiar words in
unfamiliar meanings. Gelair is the apparently empty an9 invisible field floating
above bedrock, host to a crackling
vibrational swirl of resistance essential
for living creatures to balance the static
pull of bedrock.
Going Astral
Death is a sequential process, of
which only the first step is apparent on
the physical plane. The consciousness
animating a body departs, leaving a
decaying corpse behind. This is how you
define death. But there are many steps
beyond this initial liberation of the soul.
It does not instantly shuck off the trap-
pings and qualities of physical existence,
but gradually releases them as it rises
through a series of increasingly rarefied
vibrational fields. It is important to understand that these fields are not literally
tiered in ascending steps toward some
distant heaven; all fields are interwoven,
overlapping, immersed in one another. It is
the vibrational quality of the vehicle canying consciousness that determines which
vibrational field one "finds oneself' in and
can competently manipulate within.
The first field beyond the physical
level is the astral field. The astral field is
one vibrational "step" away from gelair.
Because it does not play host to bedrockbased creatures, it is relatively devoid of
the play of attraction and resistance which
suffuses the grosser physical level. There
is, however, enough of a vibrational sympathy that some of the "waves" of resistance and attraction wash through the
astral field, creating an attenuated replica
of the physical field. This provides a degree of comfort and familiarity to souls
departing the physical level; they find their
reflexive ways of operating still hold to a
limited extent. Because the astral field is a
"way station" both for souls preparing to
leap into physical life and those releasing
it, its faint echoes of attraction and resistance offer a gentle "bath" resonant of the
energies of physical life.
You are certainly familiar with the
common experience of near-death survivors: the ascent through a tunnel toward
a bright light, being met by deceased loved
ones or religious avatars, feeling suffused
with ineffable love and acceptance. Most
of what the soul encounters immediately
following physical death is a hallucination,
manufactured both by the soul itself and
by its guiding spirits responsible for assisting the transition.
When you are severely injured your
body automatically goes into shock,
anesthetizing and immobilizing you so
you are not racked with unendurable pain
nor can you flail about, fmther injuring
yourself. A similar process is triggered
upon physical death: the soul "fools itself'
into carrying its sensory equipment into
the astral level, though there are no
bedrock objects to emit light and sound
waves perceptible to eyes and ears. The
higher vibrations of the astral level are
reduced to familiar sensations, easing the
soul's transition from physical life.
A soul's attachment to physical life
and willingness to release it determine
how long it persists in operating through
earthbound sensory processes. A sudden
death, particularly where the body is
severely mangled, may propel a soul to
the astral level with such force that some
time passes before the soul even realizes
it is no longer bound to an earthbound
body; it simply thinks it is dreaming.
Dying in old age with a lifetime of
regrets, of bitter grudges zealously nurtured, of thoughtless insults and abuse
hurled at loved ones, may leave a soul
reluctant to release the earth plane for it
wishes to set right its many wrongs, to
avoid the inescapable karmic imperative.
Souls living good, decent, honest lives
and consciously participating in the dying
process are much more likely to accept
their condition and to shed the artificial
crutches of the senses once arrived at the
astral plane.
One is bound to the astral plane
until one has fully understood and
accepted the fact of physical death,
understands the process through which
one will now proceed as mediated by
spirit guides, and has released the dependence on processing experience through
sensory impressions. A soul accepting its
situation and eager for spiritual growth
will move beyond the astral plane to
higher realms. Those souls unable or
unwilling to understand their situation, to
accept it, and to embrace the spiritual
path, will remain at the astral level. It is
here, at the astral level, that the legions of
ghostly visitors to the earth reside.
Seepinz Throuzh the Cracks
Gelair's structure, while highly
dynamic and unstable, nonetheless has a
relatively uniform consistency (as does
gelatin), a "structure" forged of thenarrow range of vibrational frequencies
found within it. It is a blanket of vibration, a blanket knowing form and structure. Just as the earth's bedrock crust is a
solid, dense series of layers, here and
there riddled with faults and fissures, so
are there "cracks" in gelair's otherwise
homogenous consistency. Like lightning
rods, these fissures are capable of
carrying vibration of a much higher
frequency than gelair itself. Through
these fissures, vibration can travel from
astral plane through gelair to bedrock,
without the deceleration usually
required for transmission of vibrational
information from higher to lower fields.
Highly accelerated vibration can
directly impinge on the bedrock level
only where such fissures allow.
These fissures are oftenknown as
"power spots," areas of unusual electromagnetic activity, recognized by native
peoples as sacred for the richness of the
visions and prophecies received there.
Often such fissures are linked with
underground pockets of air, either caves
or rock fissures, for the presence of
gelair' s frenzied dance of resistance
provides a "link" to highly accelerated
astral-level energy. This is not always
the case; there are many more fissures
in the gelair layer than tMre are recognized power spots. Such fissures, like
the arteries and veins of your body,
range from wide "pipelines" to tiny
As mentioned, what separates the
earth level from the astral level is simply the difference in vibration. They
both occupy the same "space." One is
bound to bedrock, the other floats
above it. The fissures between the
planes allow a restricted flow of vibration between them. The flow goes both
ways: in the dream state or in heightened inspiration your consciousness
may ascend a fissure into the astral
level, there to swim among knowledge
and experience unavailable to you while
earthbound. And the downward flow
allows those souls on the astral level,
under certain circumstances, to descend
to their familiar earthly haunts.
Makinz a Specter of Oneself
Why would an astral-level soul
wish to return to earth? We have
already mentioned a few possibilities:
sudden death, keen regrets. Resolving
unfinished business, bidding a final
farewell to those especially beloved,
checking up on spouses and children
left behind, are several other catalysts
for breaching the barrier. Particularly
unhappy souls, or those stubbornly
refusing to accept the fact of their physical demise, or those frightened by the
prospect of spiritual enlightenment and
The Alexander journal
its attendant lo'ss <'l,f individual identity,
return to the earth plane as escape from
the inevitable. There is no timetable set
for any soul to complete its astral-level
process and move on; complete freedom
is granted every soul to progress at its
desired pace. Some, faced with the
choice, choose to duck tail and run back
to the familiar. Their ability to do so,
however, is severely limited by the vibrational disparity between earth and astral
levels, and the constricted vibrational
flow through gelair fissures.
The success or failure of an attempt
to return to the earth plane depends on
several factors. One is the nature of one's
intent: is it simply to check up on those
one left behind, or is it a more direct
intervention-making oneself visible to
those in flesh, manipulating physical
objects? Obviously, the former, merely
returning to the earth plane for a scan of
current events, is more easily conducted
because it does not require manipulation
of matter. Loved ones may feel a
"presence," a subtle featherlike brush
of a familiar hand, as consolation from
the departed to the grieving. It is fairly
common for a departed soul to remain
earthbound for a day or two or three
following release of the body, keeping a
foot in both realms as a way of easing its
own transition and sending consoling
thoughts to its loved ones.
Direct manipulation at the physical
level is more difficult to achieve successfully. Several conditions must be present:
gelair fissures of sufficient number and
width that they can transmit a strong flow
of energy from the astral level; presence
of"magnetic" energies, either inanimate
objects or living beings, which anchor
and amplify the astral energy; and a
psychological openness on the part of
those fleshbound souls participating in
the experience. Let us look at these conditions in more detail.
Astral energy cannot simply be
projected into the bedrock realm anywhere and anytime an astral-level soul
desires to make contact. Certain barriers
are set up to minimize the cross-barrier
The Alexander Journal publishes material
received from Alexander, a discarnate
consciousness who channels through Ramon
Stevens. For a free brochure of Alexander
books and tapes, contact Pepperwood
Press, P.O. Box 422, Ojai, California 93024;
(805) 640-8883.
E-mail: pepperwd@rain.org
Web: http://www.otisnet.com/pepperwood
contact; else your lives would be quickly
taken over by swanns of souls eager to
remain ensconced within their familiar
physical environs. The presence of gelair
fissures allows a limited opportunity for
such contact, but the fissures constrict
and attenuate the astral energy so that it
does not overwhelm the denser physical
realm, nor can its intrusion be widespread. Think of a dam holding back
acres of water, with a few small cracks
allowing a trickle of water to escape. This
is the effect gelair fissures have on constraining the flow of astral energy to the
earth plane.
Like lightning searching for a
"ground" to anchor its electrical sizzle,
astral energy is most effective at linking
with the earth plane when it links with a
magnetic ground. Rather than being randomly diffused and dissipated without
effect, a magnetic ground pulls the
energy in a clean, direct path to the eatih.
Such magnetic grounds can be either
inanimate objects or living beings. Rocks
witf a high metallic content, crystals,
some hardwoods, fabricated metals, all
serve as effective grounds. Possessed of a
certain vibrational matrix, they play welcome host to the compatible frequencies
of astral energies.
Living beings, particularly those
offering powerful flows of "excess"
energy that the organism routinely expels, are also effective magnetic grounds.
An organism in good physical and psychic health and at a stable stage of life is
enveloped in a self-contained shell of
vibration, not amenable to serving as an
anchor to astral energies. Unstable organisms, spewing excess or random energy,
serve as "attractants" to astral energy.
Human adolescents are particularly effective magnets for astral energy, with their
dynamic sexual energies, rapid growth,
and psychological instability all blending
to fonn powerfully unstable vibrational
fields spewing into the atmosphere.
One of the "rules" governirig the
physical system is that, while there must
be allowance for some contact between
physical and nonphysical realms, for the
most part earthbound beings are to be left
alone. In order to make contact with the
physical realm, therefore, astral-level
entities seek "permission" to intrude.
That pennission may be consciously and
openly granted, as with couples seating
themselves at a Ouija board and seeking
direct intervention; or it may arise subconsciously from a troubled, unstable,
chaotic personality whose many
energetic fissures and eruptions fonn
"openings" through which astral entities
can link with a host body as a magnetic
So astral energy must be grounded
to earth before it can effectively manipulate within the physical realm. This
linking allows the astral entity to make
itself aware of its environs, to detect the
inanimate and living entities in its surroundings. In many cases this is all the
astral entity desires: to gather information on loved ones left behind without
physically intervening.
In cases where such an intervention is desired, a more complex process
is triggered. Here several conditions
must be met before an intervention can
be successful: the flow of astral energy
must be sufficiently powerful; gelair
fissures of sufficientmii:nber and width
must allow the flow of such energy; a
powerful magnetic ground must anchor
and amplify the energy; and, most
important, no harm can befall any
earthbound creature.
This last is particularly important.
As you know from reading Earthly
Cycles, karma is incurred only by entities at the physical level, and must be
resolved at the physical level. For an
astral entity to cause deliberate physical
harm to an earthbound being would
violate this inviolable law. Such intentions are "choked off' as energy flows
through gelair fissures; energies imbued
with the "intention to cause harm" are
not allowed passage.
At best (or worst, depending on
one's perspective), an astral entity may
cause some psychological distress to an
earthbound being, simply by manifesting itself or rattling doors. This is not
direct physical harm, as a knife in the
back would be, because the recipient of
such unwanted attentions can respond
in any way he chooses, and can always
shield himself from further disturbance
by defiantly commanding the intrusive
spirit to depart.
Taking Possession
We have mentioned that unstable
personalities may serve as attractants
for astral entities seeking an opening, a
magnetic ground. What about full-bore
March 1'996
possession, however, in which the body
seems to be entirely taken over by a discarnate, often evil, personality?
We reaffirm that you create your
own reality and that such possessions
would never occur without the expressalbeit unconscious-permission and
acquiescence of the possessed. Not only
that, but much of the expressed behaviors-shocking and blasphemous-are
instigated by the host "victim." Again,
no astral entity could ever completely
take over a living being's body and use it
for its own pleasure and benefit.
In cases of genuine possession,
where the possessed demonstrates
strength and knowledge of which the
possessed is normally incapable, a pact is
struck between possessed and astral entity. The terms of the pact are that the
possessed appears to surrender his will
and control over his body to the intruding
spirit; the spirit uses the host's pennission to manipulate within the physical
realm, blending its energies with the
host's to create superhuman strengths;
and ultimate authority over behavior rests
with the host. That is, no behavior is
expressed without first passing through
the filter of the host's mind, which retains
control of all behavior.
Oftentimes possession is a mutually
staged psychodrama in which the host
liberates himself to express thoughts and
feelings considered taboo within his family or culture. With all impulses toward
such behavior blocked by convention, the
host's psychological chaos may "invite"
an astral entity looking for a marionette
to manipulate. Together they stage a
drama in which the host seems to relinquish all control over speech and behavior while the "evil" spirit takes over.
Vulgar language, fascination with sexual
and excretory functions, and religious
blasphemy are all released in a torrent of
long-pent-up energies now suddenly
liberated. The family is shocked and
scandalized, of course, providing secret
delight to the host.
Possession may dissipate on its own
as the astral entity has its fill of naughty
child's play or the host's long-repressed
emotions are spent. Or the psychodrama
may continue unabated until an exorcism
is staged. An exorcism is simply a
mythodrama staged to answer the host's
psychodrama. Where the host feels helpless to express himself openly, where he
feels unvalued and afraid and worthless,
an exorcism pits the host as the nexus of
the ultimate battle of Good versus Evil,
Jehovah versus Satan. Who would not be
flattered to have such Personages battling
over one's soul?
The exorcist takes the role of proxy
for God; the host plays proxy for Satan.
Together they duke it out, though the
outcome is always certain: Good triumphs over Evil. Ultimately the host's
body is exhausted, his worth and value
affirmed by God's direct intervention,
and the psychodrama is drawn to a close.
The host returns to the arms of his weeping family, cleanly absolved of any responsibility for the chaos he orchestrated.
Making Contact
Perhaps the most propitious experience available for direct contact with
astral-level entities is using devices
allowing them to transmit messages with
a minimal expenditure of energy. The
widespread use of pendulums, dowsing
rods, and Ouija boards testifies to the
eternal fascination with communication
with the spirit realm, and the spirit
realm's eagerness to participate.
In the case of a Ouija board, an
astral entity has an opportunity to speak
directly, letter by letter, offering a more
comprehensive and precisely focused
message than a slamming door can provide. There are potential dangers, however, to be aware of.
The first caution is to recognize that
astral-level entities are just that: souls
lodged in the "way station" between
physical and spiritual realms. An astral
entity possesses little more wisdom than
the human being it animated just
recently. How wise is the Average Joe?
Send Average Joe to a weekend seminar
on spiritual growth and you have an
astral entity. What great pearls of
wisdom will issue from a disembodied
car mechanic? He may be able to offer an
"insider's perspective" on the death transition process and his current environs,
but that is as far as his spiritual education
has progressed.
Average Joe's banal prose aside,
there can be something of a danger in
using Ouija boards, where the human
hosts are too unstable or too trusting.
Normally, when a pair sits beside a Ouija
board and opens themselves up, that
openness is expressed vibrationally as a
slender tendril rising from the auric
fields, breaking the "seal" of the selfcontained energy fields, making the hosts
available to the spirit realm. The tendril
provides just enough of a bond that the
astral guide can link with the neurological processes feeding brain impulses
to the arm and hand. In an unstable
individual, or one desperately open to
advice from beyond, a larger spout of
energy erupts from the astral field,
meaning the astral entity can command
more of the neurological machinery.
This can result in automatic writing, in
direct voice transmission, in glossolalia,
or in convulsive seizures.
A rule of thumb to use in working
with Ouija boards, therefore, is to judge
the flavor of the material. Is it respectful, genuinely helpful, perceptive,
addressed to the issues raised by the
pair whose hands rest on the planchette?
Or is it nonsensical, vulgar, rambling,
pointless drivel?. If the former, pursue
the project; if the latter, find another
source of amusement.
Closl'! Enco\mters
What is the best approach to take
if one is suddenly aware of a spectral
presence, and one wishes it to depart?
Remember that astral entities may
make contact and participate in earthly
events only with the permission of the
fleshbound beings they contact. Reacting with fear, itself a volatile field of
highly charged energy, m(ly;only further feed an unwelcome ~~sitor. The
best approach is two-pronged: attempt
to make calm conversation with the· ..;..:<presence, then insist that it depart th~'o~;'··: ...
earth plane and return to its delayed~·"::.··-.
spiritual evolution.
>l~·> ·
It may be that a spectral presence
has a specific piece of information it
wishes to impart, or it seeks information
about a specific person. Rather than
shooing the ghost away on sight,
attempt to engage it in "conversation."
Speaking calmly and rationally informs
the specter that you are aware of its presence even as your lack of fear withholds
any vitalizing energy. Tell it that it is the
soul of a deceased person and that it does
not belong on earth; what, then, brings it
here? Is there something specific it
wishes to impart? Finding a way for it to
answer a series of yes-or-no questions
may elicit the information.
If attempts at communication are
unsuccessful, or the being seems to have
malevolent intent, cut off dialogue and
announce firmly that it is time for the
presence to depart, that it does not belong
among the living, and that it must continue its spiritual growth by rising above
the earth plane. You might repeat a
phrase like, "You are no longer a living
person, you must leave the earth level
behind, I offer my blessings as you move
toward the light.;' Repeat the phrase until
the presence has dissipated.
c.Our hope is that this essay has illuminated the process through which souls
of the departed may make contact with
the earth realm; and to reassure that you
have nothing to fear from such contact as
long as your intentions are pure, your
psyche is relatively stable, and your wits
,a:re gathered about you. The next tin:H~
yo'u fed an inexplicable presence; S(mse a'
:depmted loved one close by, or hear the
dinirig room furniture rearrangihg.it~lf
in the dark of night, recognize that ail~ ..
such are natural expressions of the vast
commerce raging across the leaky barrier
between earth and spiritual realms. Boo!
!$'ox 422
'P. ().
Ojat. (!A 93024
.,.81 ._,
Pr. . - v
Issue No. 39
May 1996
The traditional scientific view of the
brain is that it is the creator and mediator
of all experience, all thought, all sensation:
the very font of consciousness. Given that
consciousness untethered to form is banished from consideration, this reverential
elevation of the brain as the source of all
human thought and experience is natural
and inescapable. It is also, however, limited and incomplete. For the brain is not
the creator of human experience; rather, it
is the mediator of experience. It serves as
the gateway between the physical and the
nonphysical realms, between earthbound
experience and the higher realms of consciousness. Let us explore the brain and its
miraculous workings, the better to restore
it to its proper place in the creation of your
The Gray Filter
The primary function of the brain is
to filter information. As the mediator
between physical and nonphysical realms,
in every millisecond the brain is bombarded with countless neuronal impulses
rising from the body, as well as swarms of
information streaming from the higher
realms. The brain's primary purpose is to
sift through these raging floods of information and to sort them appropriately:
what can be handled subconsciously; what
can be ignored; what should be retained
for future action; and what must be presented immediately to the conscious mind.
Let us look at this more closely.
Waking consciousness is a state of
outward-directed awareness in which the
body receives information from, and acts
upon, the physical world. The body spends
about two-thirds of each day in a state of
fluctuating outer-awareness. During this
time the body's needs for food, shelter,
clothing, and rest must be secured; relationships must be renewed through speech
and touch; plans for the future must be
contemplated, discussed, and implemented. In other words, the body must be
cared for, the circle of family and friends
renewed, and one's contribution to the
larger human culture proffered.
Obviously, for such an outwarddirected state to be maintained, information streaming from the higher realms
must be suppressed. As well, most of the
lower body's functions can proceed
without conscious awareness. For there
can be only "so much" information presented to the conscious mind at any time.
Think of the conscious mind as a jar and
each neuronal impulse as a grain of sand.
The jar can hold only so much sand.
When new grains demand entrance,
other grains must first be removed.
The conscious mind always contains a blend of externally originating
impulses (a picture of the physical world
carried through the senses) and inner
streams of thought descending from
higher levels of consciousness. Because
maintaining focus on the external world
is more of a "strain" than inner reverie,
the relative proportion of inner and outer
impulses determines the quality of waking consciousness. Where the focus is
entirely external-as in a physical emergency-there is scant room for philosophical abstraction; where the external
world is quiescent, the higher orders of
thought and contemplation waft to the
The brain's job is to mediate this
dynamic flux between inner and outer
worlds, sifting their flows of impulse to
paint a seemingly consistent picture of
the physical world and a stability of
one's thought processes while operating
within it. The brain allows enough
information about the external world to
ensure the body's awareness of its
surroundings and security within them;
once bodily security is ensured, higher
flows of thought are granted awareness.
The brain fills the jar of conscious
awareness from the bottom up: first all
necessary information from the body and
external world is projected into awareness; and what space remains unfilled in
the jar is given to higher thought.
How does the brain decide what
information is crucial, what is of moderate importance, and what is irrelevant?
There are two sources of such information:
certain hardwired "templates" built into
the brain's structure, and a larger field of
knowledge carried within the energetic
fields encircling the body. The templates
are universal, species-wide reactions to
specific stimuli portending pleasure or
pain. When such stimuli are perceived and
transmitted by the senses, the brain
matches them with their templates in its
brain stem library and reacts accordingly.
The roaring crash of a tree, the sting of
skin on hot metal, the amorous touch of a
lover-all these trigger universal reactions
of embrace or flight. In the case of great
danger, there is no time for contemplation:
impulses toward flight are immediately
triggered, without the higher regions of the
brain even considering the wisdom of such
a course.
Beyond these hardwired templates,
decisions as to whether stimuli are to be
presented to the conscious mind are made
by a more elaborate and sophisticated
process involving the energy fields surrounding the body. For here is where the
higher self has imprinted its intentions for
a lifetime upon the body; here the relative
interest levels of various stimuli are
sculpted into permanence.
Stimuli rising from the senses which
don't match any hardwired template are
passed on to the upper part of the brain,
the cerebrum, which serves as the interface
between physical and energetic bodies. In
a process difficult to describe, the cerebrum serves as a "screen" on which
sensory impulses are projected, while a
layer of energy floating just above the
cerebrum scans the projected impulses for
their relative importance to the higher
energetic fields. Where a powerful
"match" is found, the sensory impulse is
stimulated by a burst of accelerated
energy, which alerts the brain that it is to
include the impulse in its constanly
updated picture of conscious awareness.
Take the everyday example of walking down a city street. You are bombarded
with stimuli pouring through every sense,
on top of which you must maintain at least
a minor stream of higher thought as you
navigate your course. If you are hungry,
visual and olfactory stimuli carrying
images of food will trigger hardwired
impulses toward eating. If you are
looking for a friend, anyone of similar
appearance will trigger heightened
scrutiny while others pass by unnoticed.
If you are childless and aching for parenthood, images of strollers and toddlers
will trigger swoons of longing. If you are
roiling with anger, the emotion may so
crowd out external stimuli that you step
in front of a car without even seeing it.
Thus does the brain "create your
reality" by sifting and sorting through the
infinite reams of information bombarding
you. Beyond those hardwired impulses
universal to the species, each person
carries a unique energetic template specifying which impulses are of interest and
which are not. The brain is not the source
of such decisions; it simply projects the
external impulses it receives and asks:
Are we interested in this? It is the
energetic field that makes such
Wakefulness is actually an artificial
state in the sense that in deepest terms the
physical world is an illusion, a projection
of consciousness of apparent substance
and durability. One's natural state, or
aboriginal state, is of pure consciousness.
Where consciousness projects itself into a
physical medium and seeks growth
through manipulation within that
medium, it is forced to operate through
processes foreign to the native qualities
of consciousness. Thus it is a "strain" to
manipulate within the physical world,
and that strain can be sustained for only
so long before it must be relieved by
restoration to a state of pure consciousness, as in sleep.
Wakefulness is a strain because the
physical world vibrates at a much slower
vibration than pure consciousness. Consciousness must "step down" many levels
of frequency in order to manipulate
within the physical world. Imagine talking v-e-r-y s-1-o-w-l-y all day so that a
foreigner could understand you. You
would quickly tire of the strain of speaking slower than your native pace. The
same holds true for consciousness, decelerating to operate within the physical realm.
Brain and Body
Given the materialistic perspective
of modem science, it is natural to assume
that all of the body's various functions
and processes are regulated by the brain
through hormonal and biochemical
messengers. Response to injury, maintenance of internal rhythms like the menstrual cycle, and sensory receptors, all
appear to have specific governing sites
within the brain and to be mediated by
observable biochemical processes. All
this is true, but the picture is incomplete. Let us sketch it a bit more
As mentioned, the physical body
is but the densest of the cocooned energetic bodies forming the greater physical self. Among the invisible energetic
companions of the body is its energetic
double, its nonphysical twin. This twin
is not a precise replica of the body at
any specific stage of life, for it contains
all potential expressions of the body
from conception to death. It might be
thought of as the probable body, a body
of infinite potential, of which the physical body reflects just a sliver in any
moment. As a physical reflection of this
process, each cell of your body carries
the genetic information needed to build
the entire body-thus each cell carries
the probable genetic blueprint of the
body even as it manifests only one
highly specific cellular form.
It is the probable body that regulates growth and development, maturity, and aging. It is the probable body
that instructs the cells of the budding
embryo whether they are brain, skin,
muscle, bone, or organ (a process still
perplexing to science). It is the probable
body that decides when puberty will
begin, when the vigor of youth mellows
to the industrious energy of middle age,
then to the quiescence of old age. It is
the probable body that shuts off the
flow of life-sustaining energy and triggers release of earthly life.
Where is the brain in all of this?
For the most part it is simply taking
orders. When the probable body determines that puberty shall be launched, it
sends energetic stimulation to the hypothalamus, which triggers a hormonal
flood throughout the body, initiating the
vast changes transforming the child's
body into adult form. The brain does
not "decide" when puberty should
begin; it simply processes the decision
once it has been made elsewhere. Its job
is to regulate the process and ensure its
smooth fulfillment.
The Alexander Journal
The relationship between probable
body and the brain might be compared to
that between the president of a company
and its floor managers. The president sets
the overall course and tone of the business; the floor managers handle the many
minute details that arise every day in
manifesting the president's vision. So the
probable body sets the overall look and
dimensions of the body, schedules its
growth and maturity, and implements
physical release when so advised by the
higher self. The brain implements these
broad plans with the precise, intricate,
multifarious processes involved in keeping the body alive, alert, healthy, and on
the schedule determined by the probable
The brain also apprises the probable
body anytime something out of the ordinary occurs. This happens automatically
as any unusual condition-such as a
sudden mobilization of the immune
system in response to attack-generates a
frequency perceptible to the probable
body. Any time the brain goes on alert,
the probable body is instantly apprised of
the nature of the crisis condition as the
brain generates "crisis" frequencies.
While the brain is entrusted with
immediate handling of the situation, any
long-term, chronic condition would also
be mediated by the probable body as it
tries to restore health and function to the
body. Again, the brain's repertoire is
rather limited to "first aid" responses,
while the larger healing process is mediated by the probable body.
Anatomy of the Brain
As you know, the brain is not a
homogenous mass of neurons equally
sharing all of the brain's functions.
Rather, the brain is divided into regions
specializing in various discrete tasks and
processes. Let us explore the brain with
an eye not only toward anatomy but also
to the higher energetic bodies with which
the brain works so intimately.
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels
through Ram6n Stevens. Subscriptions are
$13 per year (six issues, first class mail);
$14 Canada/Mexico; $17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box
422, Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883.
E-mail: pepperwd@rain.org
Web: http://www.otisnet.comlpepperwood
The brain is often viewed as having
distinct regions called the brain stem, the
cerebellum, and the cerebrum. The brain
stem is the most "primitive" area of the
brain, controlling basic physiological
processes, experience of pleasure and
pain, hunger and thirst, the sex drive, and
so on. Most of the brain stem's activities
take place beneath conscious awareness.
The cerebellum, nestled behind the brain
stem, controls balance and coordination.
The cerebrum, the uppermost layer of the
brain, is where human thought and
artistry reside.
In addition, the cerebrum is cleaved
into two halves, the right and left cerebral
hemispheres. In general the use of language and logic is centered in the left
hemisphere, while the right hemisphere
hosts artistic ability and spatial visualization. The two hemispheres communicate
through a bundle of nerve fibers called
the corpus callosum.
This is the map of the brain as
drawn by modem science and it is valid
as far as it goes. It is true that discrete
regions of the brain specialize in mediating various functions and processes. What
is missing from this picture, however, is
the recognition that the brain itself is, in
tum, mediated and directed by still higher
fields of energy. In other words, the brain
is not the ultimate arbiter and creator of
experience, but is one link in the chain of
processes through which experience is
As with the rest of the body, the
brain has a duplicate "twin" within the
probable body. It is through the "probable
brain" that the higher self sculpts its
intentions for the nature of experience to
be gained in a lifetime. Removed from
the skull, all brains look pretty much
alike: the brain of a mass murderer is
indistinguishable from that of a saint.
What can account for the stark contrast in
behavior? The answer lies not in the
physical brain but in the probable brain.
Each region of the brain hums at~
distinct frequency and with certain signature patterns. This specialization is what
allows for differences in thought and
behavior, for the probable brain can stimulate certain areas while suppressing
others. The probable brain, which encases
the physical brain, emits frequencies
designed to stimulate various regions of
the physical brain. Through "mixing and
matching" the suppression and stimulation of various regions of the brain, the
probable brain enforces the higher selfs
design for the psychological foundation
of waking consciousness.
Almost everyone is granted a full
and unrestricted flow of stimulating
energy to the brain stem and cerebellum.
After all, these are largely unconscious
processes necessary for the survival of
the organism. It is in the higher brain
centers, the cerebral hemispheres, that a
more precise and sophisticated blend of
stimulating energies stamps the template of personality onto the brain and
As an example, think of the broad
continuum of human sexual behaviors.
Everything from long-term monogamy
to the rape of strangers lies along this
continuum: from the most sublime
expression of lifelong Jove and commitment to the brutal violation of another's
bodily integrity. Realize that the originating impulse in the brain stem is identical in all cases: "we want sex now."
What moderates this broad, diffuse,
imperious urge? The cerebrum, where
lies all morality.
The probable brain, stimulating
the physical brain with lesser or greater
flows to the "morality" regions of the
cerebrum, moderates the brain stem's
urgent desire: insisting that it be fulfilled in a loving, mutually agreed encounter; allowing some leeway, some
duplicitous Casanova smooth talk to
land a one-night stand; or placing no
restrictions at all, even on the brutal
taking of another. The strength of the
moderating stimulation from the probable brain determines the extent to which
a brain stem impulse will be directed
toward socially validted expression.
This is how the various soul ages
are imprinted onto the brain and body.
A baby soul is virtually unhindered by
moral inhibitions, meaning the probable
brain emits only enough stimulation to
the cerebrum to ensure that one's
socially unacceptable violations are
hidden from view. If sex is in deepest
terms the desire to incorporate another's
essence, then a baby soul may murder
and cannibalize his "partners," since
there is no stimulation to the cerebrum
telling him not to. It is a logical way of
fulfilling the brain stem's impulses
toward sexual union and incorporation
with others.
A young soul would receive more
guiding stimulation from the probable
May 1996
brain, leavening brain stem impulses with
recognition of his culture's moral code. A
young soul may try to "work around" that
code, paying it just enough heed to
remain within the boundaries of social
approbation. The eternal hustler and
charmer of women, whose love life is
sprinkled with brief romances and onenight encounters, is a young soul whose
moral center receives just enough stimulation that he at least acknowledges the
ideal of long-term commitment even as
he has no intention of realizing that ideal.
Young souls play by the rules even as
they try to squirm around them in search
of immediate gratification.
Mature souls enjoy a full, rich flow
of mediating stimulation from the probable brain to the cerebrum's moral center.
In fact, their morality is so deep and
unimpeachable that it frequently clashes
with the cultural moral code du jour.
Theirs is a universal, timeless morality
rooted in respect and allowance for all
beings; it cares nothing for the shifting
legal proscriptions of younger souls
legislating their restrictive moral code.
Sex, to a mature soul, is a rich, warm
exchange with another who is cherished
first as a unique and precious soul, and
only secondarily as a source of sensual
Old souls enjoy what might be
called "complete sympathy" between
probable and physical brains; that is,
every stimulating spark of the probable
brain triggers an equally powerful
impulse in the physical brain. There is no
mediation or diminution of the flow
between probable and physical brains
where the moral center is concerned. As
the probable brain itself receives impulses
from higher fields, it stands with floodgates wide open, feeding an unhindered
flow to the physical brain.
Thus the old soul's morality is even
more timeless and universal than the
mature soul's. The old soul does not clash
with the cultural proscriptions of the day;
it simply ignores them as irrelevant. Suffused with the wisdom of the ages, the
old soul's cerebrum smothers any brain
stem impulse under a blanket of ageless
morality. Sex is frequently abandoned
altogether by old souls, for they recognize
the oneness of all creation and feel no
need to "incorporate" the essence of
others who, they recognize, are already
carried within theselves.
This process of variable energetic
flows stimulating the physical brain
carries into all other aspects of human
personality and ability. Where artistic
talent is desired by the higher self, the
probable brain offers high stimulation to
the right cerebral hemisphere, as well as
to the regions of the brain governing the
particular talent sought: visual artistry,
musical talent, writing skill. By manipulating a number of such energetic flows,
the higher self can imprint both the quality of artistry and its particular medium
of expression.
The impulse toward artistic
expression is, at base, a desire to plunge
into the spiritual realms, the womb of all
creation, and to fashion the gleanings
gained there into symbolic fragments;
then to share such metaphorical insights
with the larger culture. Thus the probable
brain acts as a gatekeeper between the
physical brain and the higher spiritual
Where little artistic talent is
desired by the higher self, the probable
brain offers little stimulation, little
access to the higher realms, forcing attention on the gross material world. Where
true artistry is sought, the probable brain
"opens the gate" to the upper realms,
allowing a steady flow to directly stimulate the cerebrum, which in turn sparks
the urge toward artistic creation; to "step
down" the spiritual flow into tangible
artifacts of inspiration. Obviously, the
flow can be adjusted to produce anything
from mild "pop" talent to thundering
We have used the examples of soul
age and artistic talent to underscore the
understanding that the brain is not the
ultimate creator of personality and experience; rather, it is the handmaiden of
greater energetic fields and the higher
self, which determine personality and
experience by stimulating or suppressing
various regions of the brain. The brain is
like a computer, albeit an extraordinarily
complex one, in that it faithfully carries
out the programming imposed by others.
Once the door is opened, however
Humanity is unique in that it is
given a maladapted body for the planet
slightly, to realms of the spirit, even
those few slender strands pulsing from
on which it lives, which forces creative
adaptation and use of tools and materithe probable brain are enough to trigger
als to fashion shelter, clothing, acquire
at least a modicum of spiritual longing in
the heart of every person.
food, and so on. This requires a region
of the probable brain devoted to intelIt is not intended that every person
realize enlightenment; in fact, such would
lect, to decision making, to projecting
contradict the purpose of earthly life,
the consequences of actions.
Once such a region was estabwhich is to operate through the facade of
material substance. The spiritual realm is
lished, it opened the doorway to still
meant to be kept largely out of sight. As
more refined and abstract uses of
thought. It was decided, in establishing
a result, but a tiny region of the brain is
the para-meters of earthly human life,
receptive to the ethereal stimulations of
the probable brain; just enough to allow
that a few strands of the probable
brain's flow would offer a higher, more
for contemplation of the Great Questions
while blocking access to the Answers. So
refined quality of energy permitting the
highest levels of abstract thought, the
spirit and brain join in allowing an occasional peek behind the illusory curtains
realm of the spirit. Questions such as,
Who am I? why am I here? are we
of material existence, a glimpse of the
deeper realities whirring beneath your
alone? where do we come from? would
everyday experience, the better to enrich
be triggered by these strands of what
might be called spiritual cogitation.
your earthly journey.
As with every other quality of
In summation, we regret that we
thought, the relative intensity of such
spiritual stimulation varies from indihave chopped a few legs off the pedestal
on which the brain previously rested,
vidual to individual as part of the higher
selfs template for each lifetime. Baby
exalted as the ultimate creator of experience. In fact, it is the mediator of experisouls, whose energy is focused at the
brain stem with little stimulation at the
ence, the interface between physical and
cerebrum, care nothing for such quesspiritual realms, one link in a chain of
tions, while old souls care about little
processes creating earthly experience.
This in no way diminishes its extraordinary capacities and super-efficient proWhat is curious is that, while individuals blessed with powerful spiritual
cessing of vast swarms of information.
flows are relatively rare, almost everyRather, we hope to paint a grander pieture of your being than has traditionally
one feels some spiritual urgings and a
been painted, one in which the brain and
desire to answer the gnawing Great ·
Questions. Although the brain devotes a
body are enveloped in ever greater fields
minute fraction of its energy .to conteny . of energy and consciousness. The brain is
plating such issues, such conteinphitiori· ··'diminished in such a picture only because
rises in prominence because it is so
your true reality is so much grander than
much more compelling than the huma three-pound globe of neurons. Think
about it!
drum mechanics of the brain stem.
P. ~. '8ox 422
~fat. eA 93024
Brain and Spirit
We have observed that the brain is
largely devoted to ensuring the security
of the body housing it and facilitating
effective manipulation of the material
world. Yet the brain also supports philosophical musing, ethical abstraction,
future projection, and spiritual longing.
How can the same gray matter handling
such mundane functions as heartbeat and
blood pressure soar to the lofty heights of
spiritual and philosophical refinement?
Pnim:u un recycled paper
Issue No. 40
July 1996
The news media are filled with
stories of violent, almost feral, young
people brutally assaulting each other, their
parents, their teachers, their world, in
paroxysms of mindless savagery of an
intensity rarely seen in prior generations.
Less well noticed and publicized is the
presence of a counterpoint to these amoral
warriors, a stratum of young people carrying the perennial wisdom as their innate
field of consciousness; bringing a wisdom,
a sensitivity, a holism to their dealings
with the world, that has likewise rarely
been seen in prior generations. Why the
dichotomy between these emerging clusters of young people-savages and starbabies-and what is the overarching
design lying behind their appearance?
Soul Clusters
We have written elsewhere about the
fields of consciousness from which individual souls spring. Briefly, the soul animating a human body is an offshoot of a
greater "higher self' which contains the
soul-offshoots of all earthly incarnations.
In turn, the higher self is embedded within
a still larger family of consciousness
which provides the basic essence of consciousness for all of its members; a unique
slant or focus contributing to the stability
of the larger human culture. It is most
accurate to visualize such relationships not
as larger bodies of consciousness standing
above and apart from smaller units but as
concentric circles, with each division of
consciousness embedded within still
greater fields.
There are no barriers or boundaries
within the realm of pure consciousness, no
restrictions on association. Where pools of
consciousness form, they do so based on
natural sympathies, as like attracts like. All
the offshoots of a given family of consciousness cluster together because it is
most natural for them to do so. There are
other natural clusters of association arising
as well, which often cross "family" lines.
For instance, all the souls born within a
given time frame carry a natural sympathy
because they are embarking on a common
experience: emthly incarnation as a
single generation. Another natural association is among souls incarnating in
particular regions: all Americans,
Swedes, Peruvians, Japanese, Somalians,
enjoy a common bond for sharing a
language, culture, and geography. A
given soul, a given higher self, carries
many such associations simultaneously,
just as you may belong to a number of
organizations with which you share
common values and purposes.
The astral level is the "way station"
between incarnating souls and physically
based experience. The vibrational frequency of the astral level is sufficiently
decelerated that consciousness at that
level may "peer into" earth events to
determine what is happening where. This
aids in choosing a birth mother-the
springboard for experiencing a specific
cultural framework-on an individual
soul level. On a larger level, guides from
higher strata assist in assembling and
preparing the souls of a common generation for their experience as brothers
and sisters of a given age. These higher
guides examine the current conditions on
earth, observe the trends most likely (but
never fated) to unfold, and educate souls
seeking birth about their likely experiences in a given age.
It may be that a soul being so
apprised decides it would not be fruitful
to incarnate at a given time. An old soul
seeking a quiescent lifetime of minimal
strife to "wrap up" a few loose ends
would not find fulfillment in an age of
social chaos and cultural breakdown.
Conversely, a young Agitator soul eager
to wreak havoc and ridicule on a staid
culture would do well to avoid eras of
such institutional repression that any
budding agitator is quickly squelchedon the rack if necessary. There must be
at least some potential for fulfillment of
life purpose for a soul to choose incarnation in a given age.
Ask yourself what the higher
guides, peering down at the events of the
Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties, might
have to say to souls seeking incarnation in
the last several decades. What sort of
world would they be born into? Which life
purposes could potentially find fulfillment
within this milieu? What larger trends
would such souls expect to play a part in?
What would you say to a soul asking what
the world was like, what it could expect to
experience over the 60 or 80 years to
The Age of Polarization
It is apparent to any reasonably conscious person that yours is an age of turmoil and transformation. Surrounding you
is the evidence of a culture fragmenting as
its foundation rots beneath it. The power
of the church, respect for government,
faith in technology, the cohesion of the
family, economic security-all these are
crumbling, are they not? And looming
above all societal concerns is the greater
ecological crisis, portending degradation
or collapse of the life support systems on
which humanity, and all species, depend.
All this is the natural and inevitable
result of founding a culture on the core
value of separation. This core value
underlies your political, economic, religious, and technological systems. As it
must, it can only lead to fragmentation and
dissolution of those very structures. Yet
these systems still wield enormous power,
and their prized offspring of democratic
capitalism now spreads across the earth
like an uncontrollable virus, sundering
families and communities, enriching a few
while enslaving many, and despoiling the
natural world wherever it takes root.
At the same time, a new consciousness settles upon the globe, a consciousness imbued with a new cultural premise:
holism. Working more in obscurity than in
direct opposition to the prevailing cultural
powers, the holistic worldview sprouts
roots in the dust of the crumbling separatist worldview. In politics, in economics,
in spirituality, in technology, the holistic
paradigm offers an alternative, a new way
of seeing and thinking and being in the
As the old culture's decline accelerates, those clinging to its premises
naturally react with fear, struggling to
shore up its crumbling foundation. Reactionary cries thunder through the social
conversation, with calls for "back to
basics" education, "family values," and
chastity until marriage leading the charge
backward toward a memory of a stable,
orderly society.
This, then, is the setup for the current era and the decades to come: the
"final showdown" between the old separatist order and the new holistic worldview. The outcome is not in doubt; the
separatist culture must collapse under the
weight of its own faulty premises.
Humanity, if it learns its lessons, will
embrace holism as the foundation of a
self-sustaining, self-renewing culture in
harmony with the natural world.
Who would choose to be born into
such an age? Who would choose to don a
mask and costume and slip into the
amnesia of human incarnation, playing a
part in the unfolding drama of polarization, collapse, and rebirth? Such an era is
attractive to souls of many life purposes,
given the inherent drama of the background atop which such lives are played.
But an era of turmoil and transformation
is of particular interest to two types of
souls: primitive baby and young souls
attracted by the scent of chaos and violence, and mature and old souls offering
healing to a wounded, staggering world.
The Savages
In a stable culture whose strong
families patiently mold their children into
respectful, productive citizens, a baby
soul seeking to experience violence is
often stymied by cultural mores and the
development of conscience (save in war).
In a declining culture, where families
splinter and parents abandon their
responsibilities, little stands in the way of
a baby soul's thirst for raw physical
expression. Where a critical mass of such
unshaped, amoral young people arises,
the law of the jungle takes root, the
values of the larger culture are scorned,
and allegiance to peers becomes
paramount. This scenario breeds mindless violence, attracting souls seeking to
express their wants and impulses without
restraint of conscience or morality.
This is not to suggest that there is a
rogue family of consciousness feeding its
violently amoral souls into an otherwise
peaceful society. In fact, the behavior of
violent youngsters holds a mirror up to
the culture that bred them and shouts:
Hypocrites! This is how you live your
life too! The paper in your books and
magazines comes from murdered trees!
An entire ecosystem was swept away to
build your house and sterile lawn! The
clothes you wear are sewn by virtual
slaves, some of them small children!
Your economy allows a few to revel in
unimaginable wealth while many suffer
to enrich them! Your religion has tortured and murdered millions through
the ages! Every aspect of your culture is
founded on violence! And you know all
this and still you do not change!
The violent young savages, then,
are not a mutation on the body politic,
not an accident of birth. They are here
as mirrors of the culture that created
them. They force attention to the violence that permeates every nook and
cranny of your culture. They shock,
horrify, and repulse; they main and kill
younger and younger; they trigger a
frenzied search for the source of their
brutality; whatever it takes to jar awake
a culture slumbering in denial of the
violence it employs as it consumes the
The Starbabies
The second soul cluster attracted
to an-era of turmoil and transformation
is that working on the "other side" from
their violent brethren: the starbabies
carrying an accelerated consciousness
suffused with the promise of a world
founded on holism. These are the
weavers of the new order. The challenge they face, ironically, is that while
they hold the brightest promise for the
future, there are few extant cultural
patterns through which they can express
their highest, purest selves. Baby souls
find limitless opportunities for committing mindless violence-for the culture
is "set up" for such behavior-but
where are evolved, holistically minded
souls to express themselves?
The result is a fairly high degree
of frustration manifesting as learning
disabilities, attention deficit disorder,
behavior problems, and alienation. The
starbabies are saying, "We can find no
outlet for our energies and yet we cannot force them into your systems." The
result is random, chaotic energy spewing forth in physical and mental spasms
The Alexander Journal
for want of an appropriate outlet.
It should be noted that this is not
true of all starbabies, yet there is an undeniable rise in the incidence of children
with learning disabilities, ADD, etc.
Those who cannot adapt to extant cultural patterns, who cannot force their
accelerated energies into anachronistic,
old-order social structures, find themselves with no other outlet but the
random expulsion of their energies.
In adolescence, such starbabies
often find their frustration so intense that
they simply abandon all hope of fitting
themselves into society in a meaningful
way; instead they sprout purple hair,
disfigure themselves with tattoos and
pierced body parts, and scorn academic
and career achievement. If such young
people look like mutations, that is their
intent: to scream that their evolved spiritual natures cannot and will not be satisfied with the stale life path offered by
mainstream culture; if this is the best the
world has to offer, they will abandon it to
develop their own alien species.
Of course not all starbabies exhibit
the vivid frustration evinced by children
with learning disabilities or Mohawk
haircuts. Some find that a few of the
traditional avenues offer enough of an
outlet for their accelerated energies that
some satisfaction can be won by working
within the mainstream. Young people
tirelessly working on behalf of environmental protection and restoration, caring
for the poor and sick, working with AIDS
sufferers, or involvement with church
youth groups, all find venues of expression for their energies within traditional
culture. They have a nagging sense that
this is not enough, that this tinkering
around the edges of an earth-devouring
machine is insufficient to truly heal the
world, but they accept that their tender
age inhibits making a broader impact.
So star-babies tend to fall into two
categories: those so frustrated and alienated that they abandon all hope of meaningful participation in traditional culture;
The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly,
publishes material received from Alexander, a
discarnate consciousness who channels
through Ramon Stevens. Subscriptions are
$13 per year (six issues, first class mail);
$14 Canada/Mexico; $17 Foreign Air Mail.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box
422, Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883.
E-mail: pepperwd@rain.org
Web: http:l/www.otisnetcom/pepperwood
and those fmding outlets for their energies within the mainstream, while biding
their time to make a greater impact later.
Both live with the deeply felt certainty
that the culture in which they live is
deeply and irredeemably flawed, yet they
lack a clear blueprint for transforming the
world in accordance with their inchoate
The Mainstream
We do not mean to suggest that all
young people fall into the categories of
savages and starbabies. In fact, the bulk
of the young generation falls squarely in
the mainstream, quite content with extant
cultural practices and institutions, expecting to live out their lives within the familiar patterns of traditional culture. While
this may seem surprising, given that the
traditional way of life is ultimately suicidal, the fact is that most souls choosing to
participate in an age of turmoil and
transformation want to experience its
chaos and upheaval directly, without
foreknowledge. They want the events of
cultural transformation to fall on their
heads, as it were, without the intellectual
insight that would allow them to recognize the larger process in which they are
embedded and to prepare themselves
If physical life is meant to be a
medium of learning and growth, then the
most powerful learning arises from direct
experience: from the joys and heartaches
of romance, the frustrations and rewards
of parenthood, the struggle to forge a
successful career, the challenges of disease and disability and growing old. The
more direct and powerful the experience
of these issues, the greater the soul's
learning. As a result, those with keen
intellects allowing them to step outside
their culture and observe it as would alien
anthropologistshave a secondhand experience, a diminished experience, for the
intellect cheats them of pure, raw, animal
encounters with the world. Where one is
prepared for looming events, and intellectually processes them as they unfold,
the soul's direct learning is diminished.
If you are reading these words,
coming as they do from an unorthodox
source and offering glimpses of the
future, chances are you have experienced
the frustration of trying to convince
others that the world is on a path to certain destruction, that you must change the
way you organize society, that there are
new and better alternatives for living in
harmony with the natural world. And
you have been met with blank stares
and shrugged shoulders: What are you
talking about? Whatever goes wrong
will be fixed by technology and the
government. They fix everything. What
is there to worry about?
If you can set aside your anger and
frustration in facing such willfully
bovine ignorance, recognize that those
who toddle along unconcerned with the
ozone layer, the rain forests, or spiritual
poverty, do so because that is precisely
what their souls want them to do. Their
higher selves know as well as any
prophet's what looms on the horizon if
your course is not righted, but their
incarnated offshoots are "tuned" to
repel any such awareness. They are here
to directly experience an age of turmoil
and transformation, not to philosophize
about it; they must have famine and war
and plagues and viruses and cultural
collapse; they must be swept up into the
maelstrom and feel its full effects with
every fiber of their being.
So the majority of the young
generation follows in its forebears'
footsteps, accepting without protest the
life path laid out for them and dutifully
plodding along it. This great mass
resists the prophetic cries for transfmming the world. They roll along, flanked
on either side by the brutality of the
savages and the visions of the starbabies. When the savages so assault
their sensibilities that they decide something must be done, they cock a receptive ear toward the starbabies.
When children wantonly kill without remorse, seemingly bereft of all
moral fiber, and it is revealed that
almost all such killers had no fathers in
their lives, the starbabies chime in to
urge a more involved fatherhood than
has traditionally been the standard. You
mean fathers are more than a paycheck
and health insurance! cries the mainstream. You mean they should spend
less time making money and more time
hugging their children! What a radical
notion! And the mainstream shifts a
notch or two toward the visions of the
This is the grand seesaw dynamic
of social change: a great mainstream
army marching along familiar, wellworn cultural tracks; to one side a small
band of savages expressing, through
July 1996
their violent pathology, the darker
aspects of the culture; to the other side a
chorus of starbabies urging a shift toward
more evolved cultural patterns. When the
mainstream is sufficiently provoked and
repulsed by the pathologies of the
savages, they become receptive to the
prophecies of the starbabies, evaluate
them, and if they deem them worthy, the
mainstream shifts onto a higher road.
The challenge in your era is that for
the first time in your recorded history,
humanity threatens the ecological fabric
on which your lives, and those of other
species, depend. Damage to the natural
world is more insidious and less obvious
than the ravages of the savages, meaning
that by the time awareness of such degradation registers, it is often too late to
repair the damage, and great calamity
Who sees the ozone layer diminishing day by day? Who notices the voices
of the songbirds falling silent as their rain
forest refuges are slashed and burned?
Who observes the erratic weather
patterns portending diminished food
production? None but the starbabies
notice and warn and urge remedial action
while the mainstream plods on, oblivious
until disaster crashes through the roof.
Bringing Up Starbaby
If the young starbabies are the
promise of the future, a cluster of souls
whose accelerated consciousness perceives the cultural crisis and carries
potential solutions, how can such
children be encouraged to develop their
intuitive natures while still functioning
reasonably well in mainstream culture?
While such questions may be of greatest
interest to educators and parents of young
children, even a brief encounter with a
young person in which his perceptions
and visions are validated by an adult can
make the difference between despair and
hope, between alienation and commitment. Here are some suggestions for
encouraging the highest and truest
expression of starbaby consciousness.
The first suggestion, a broad one
which holds true for all children in all
ages, is to offer them respect. By respect,
we mean that a child be accepted for who
he is, without being told in word or deed
that he would be better off being something or someone else. It means refraining from suggestions, however seemingly
helpful, unless the child asks for them. It
material substance, a hybrid token of
means abstaining from comparisons with
the soul's revelations. The "brilliance"
other (more compliant and successful)
of a work of art depends on the depth of
children. It means burying lectures and
the artist's communion with the spiritirades in the compost heap. It means
cherishing the unique spark of divinity
tual realms. Such cutting-edge ati is
often offensive or confusing to the
afire in the child's soul.
This does not mean that children are
mainstream, plugging along in its traditional ruts.
not trained in the path of conscience, that
they are free to run amuck without
By encouraging artistic expression
in children, their soul vitality is nourrestraint. Certainly morality and social
ished and strengthened. A careful
standards must be inculcated. The respect
balance must be struck betw~en offerwe speak of is an allowance for the child
ing no guidance at all and providing just
to find his own way in the world, to
enough direction and help that the
express his inner nature without being
child's visions can be made tangible
squeezed into a socially approved pattem
while true to their origin. Obviously, a
contrary to his life purpose. Parents and
educators create a safe space in which the
coloring book and box of crayons won't
satisfy a starbaby. Providing raw matechild freely explores his potentials, rather
rials--clay, blocks of wood, paints and
than forcing a child to tread the straightbrushes, string, paper-then allowing
and-narrow path of culturally determined
the child to fashion them however he
A good practice to get into, then, if
, ,~
pleases, is the best approach.
you would be respectful friends with
The ultimate result is irrele~iiitt.
The average 5-year-old starbaby will
children, is to get into the habit of seeing
them as teachers, and you the student,
not produce works threatening Picasso's
rather than vice versa. Recognizing that
place in art history. It is the process that
matters: teaming to make inner visions
they bring unique soul qualities to the
tangible, and doing so in a safe and
world, and have a consciousness more
encouraging environment with the guidaccelerated than yours, open yourself up
to being educated by asking questions,
ance of respectful adults. This process
probing the recesses of their psyches,
tells the child that his inner visions are
drawing out the secrets of their souls.
valid and valued, that time and materiYou do this by asking questions and
als will be provided for their expressimply nodding in reply to whatever they
sion, and that adults appreciate the
say. Any judgmental response will immefruits of his labor. This sets the stage for
. diately slam the door closed on further
much richer and more meaningful
expressions of the soul later in life.
As an example of the disrepect
L Hr J-1 i' P.:'~ -~st H~f'V~.Ij~t:fttf.for\Jl ..fpr,
expression of starbabY C'bfrstioush&§_is .t·-!f
well-meaning adults offer youngsters,
music. Music is the body's way of
there is an unfortunate tendency to
immersing itself in energetic patterns;
squelch the aggressive nature of children,
especially boys. The campaign against
weaving a cocoon of vibration carrying
"war toys" seeks to dissolve human
the energies of distant people and
aggression by depriving children of toy
weapons. This crusade reveals a pro74e Ate~ fhwutat
found ignorance of childhood and its
purposes, and a great disrespect toward
'P. (). ?l(.l.:t: 422
the children involved.
Ojai. eA 93024
Children seek to find their place in
the world by donning a thousand disguises, acting out the behaviors of
diverse social roles. Good guy, bad guy,
doctor, teacher, parent-they play them
all, and through their play come to know
what feels n<Jtural for them, what resonates in their soul. Where such explorations are restricted by misguided adults,
shame settles in the soul, shame for being
a "bad boy" in wanting to explore
weaponry as the answer to conflict.
One of the most powerful tools in
raising starbabies is art. At any age, art is
"•~(; . Printed on recycled paper
the maniage of spiritual insight and
!i' Hi
places. The conscious parent of a
starbaby strives to fill the house with
music from all eras and cultures, so the
child's vibrational field can sample the
energetic pattems leading up to the present. Music canies information, cleverly
disguised as catchy tunes and thundering
symphonies, and the starbaby wants to
soak up the musical knowledge of his
culture's past and pres~:;nt.
It is seemingly curious that many of
today's young people prefer the music of
the Beatles to that of their own age; for
the Beatles were the premier expression
of the energies of joy, affrration, peace,
and love, and their songs validate and
reinforce the higher frequencies of
starbaby consciousness.
We have offered three techniques
encouraging the accelerated consciousness of starbabies. Offer them respect and
allowance. Talk with them, ask them
questions, elicit their deepest wisdom.
Encourage artistic expression. There are
many other techniques which wise and
respectful adults use in encouraging children's soul growth, but the point is made:
Because starbabies' consciousness is so
accelerated, care must be taken that their
highest essence be cherished and encouraged lest they collapse in frustration and
alienation. For from such young people
will arise the new order, the vaunted New
Age, for which the weary world yearns .
.l \;
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annual (and final!) Questions & ·•
Answers issue. Please submit
questions by August 1 ..
IssueNo. 41
September 1996
In Spirit Wisdom, Alexander states
that one is defined by his/her moment of
birth at a characteristic vibration. People
born closer to the present have a higher
vibration than those born earlier, and this
core vibration cannot be changed. People
born later are the ones who are really
creating their own reality, while people
born earlier have trouble because their
bodies are not in sync with their thoughts.
The idea that this cannot be changed
seems to contradict the very idea that
there are no limitations-that one can
create one's own reality.
- T.A. (via Internet)
This is a common cry of protest from
budding metaphysicians, who mistakenly
assume that "creating one's reality" means
the ego, the waking self, has absolute
control over the events of one's life. When
it fmds its authority is not supreme, it
protests in outrage. As we have discussed
elsewhere, it is the higher self that creates
the overall template of one's life-making
choices such as age, sex, race, time and
place of birth, soul qualities, etc.-and
with the exception of family of consciousness, which never varies, the higher self
has unlimited liberty to fashion each offshoot as it sees fit.
The waking self has a great deal of
freedom within the parameters established
by the higher self For example, the higher
self always chooses a life theme, expressed
as a polarity such as intimacy-isolation or
wealth-poverty, with each offshoot set at a
"default" point somewhere along the continuum. It is possible to override that
default set point, to slide along the continuum to a stage of greater happiness, and
the higher self expects to see such movement. Use of affirmations and visualizations can bring pronounced change to the
parameters established by the higher self.
So there is a great deal of flexibility built
into the system.
Certain things, however, cannot be
changed. Among them is the vibrational
set point determined at birth. There is a
larger issue here, the importance of
corralling each generation into a common
vibrational/psychologicaUspiritual framework, and no outraged ego can nullify
this overarching principle.
Is there an appropriate level of
forcefulness to use in speaking an
affirmation? How loud and at what pace
should the affirmation be spoken? When
I speak louder and faster there is more
tingling sensation in my head but less
"body sensation. " When speaking softer
and slower there is more "body sensation" but less tingling in the head. How
can I tell which is having more effect?
- A.J. (via CompuServe)
An affirmation should be spoken as
if one is forcefully making a point in
conversation; generally this means fairly
loud and deliberate in pace. Remember,
at the outset of inculcating a new thought
pattern, one is having an "argument"
with one's own brain and its neuronal
wiring. To overcome this, one must employ tactics of persuasion-firm, clear,
loud affirmations spoken deliberately,
repeatedly, and with conviction.
Can you discuss the value of meditation and review the fundamentals? Can
you also describe what goes on in the
mind and body during meditation. Can
you also discuss how it can be used to
uncover blocks and gain insight into life
purpose? - A.J. (via CompuServe)
The primary purpose of meditation
is to quiet the conscious mind sufficiently that one can link with deeper
aspects of oneself while in a conscious
state. In a sense, meditation brings about
a state of wakened dreaming. When the
conscious mind's vigilant concern for
safety and security can be relaxed, the
membrane between waking and deeper
selves becomes more permeable, and
strands of intent more easily drift across
it. When practiced regularly, this
"loosening" of the membrane can
become permanently established, so that
even when not in a meditative state one
enjoys a higher, clearer flow between
waking and deeper selves. This tends to
reduce anxiety, to bring a "higher"
perspective to life issues, to disengage
ego from body, and to promote the body's
health and healing.
Meditation cannot really be "used" to
uncover blocks or gain insight into life
purpose, because to enter meditation with
the intent that this will be the result negates
the very purpose of meditation, which is to
quiet the conscious mind completely,
silence the ego, and simply be in a state of
heightened communication between waking and deeper selves. It may well be that
such benefits result from regular meditation, but one cannot force such results
without compromising the process. If one
has specific goals in mind along these
lines, it is better to use affirmation, which
begins with creating a meditative state but
is then guided by the conscious mind to
specific outcomes.
In the 9195 Journal, Alexander says,
"The law against killing is absolute. "In
reply to another question, he talks about
higher selves agreeing among themselves
to acts ofviolence to be acted out by "the
fleshbound soul." Well, don't the higher
selves know about the law against killing?
Aren't they knowingly violating it by setting up circumstances in which the
"fleshbound soul" as either perpetrator or
victim will participate in a killing or rape
or robbery or any other kind of violence?
- J.G. (via Internet)
Higher selves are well versed in the
laws of karma. They also know that the
creation and dissolution of karmic braids
provides one of the finest opportunities for
soul growth available in the earth plane.
To start from a primitive murder and gradually grow toward the dissolution of the
karmic braid through love and healing, not
retribution, is a fiercely powerful lesson
like no other.
It should be noted that higher selves
never dictate the specifics of a karmacreating act. It may well be assumed that
two baby souls set up to clash repeatedly
and ferociously against each other may
well end up with a karma-creating act of
violence, even murder. The specifics are
determined by the conscious choices of
the offshoots involved, not the higher
Many people sit in armchairs at
home and plan "adventure travel" trips
which will force them to endure great
miseries, to push their bodies to the limits
of endurance, all in the name of adventure, personal growth, and triumph of the
will. The same holds true for higher
selves designing the lives of offshoots:
from the pain and misery comes deeper
Could you elaborate more on the
growing phenomenon termed attention
deficit disorder (ADD)-its causes and
the most appropriate way to deal with its
effects. Are ADD symptoms indicative of
· a different wavelength or vibrational
frequency on some level?
- C.P., Cedar Rapids, lA
The symptoms of ADD include
distractibility, forgetfulness, wide-ranging
curiosity, high energy, and difficulty
making transitions. Apart from innate
neurological causes, there are two
"higher" causes of such symptoms. One is
the Agitator family of consciousness. Of
the seven families of consciousness, the
Agitator family has the most volcanic,
dynamic, even chaotic field of consciousness, as befits a family whose members
are forever chipping away at ossified
dogma and convention, shrilly protesting
against authority, and igniting chaos at
every opportunity. When such a consciousness marries its human form-its
sturdy, consistent, bedrock body-the
consciousness finds it cannot smoothly
integrate with its fleshly anchor. The
deep, sturdy rhythms of the body are too
uniform to harmonize with volcanic consciousness. As a result, mind and brain
never fully mesh, and mental qualities
others take for granted-the ability to
focus for long periods of time, to pursue
tasks to completion, to remember minor
and major details--elude the Agitator's
mental processes.
As mentioned in the last Journal, a
second family of ADD members arises
from the disparity between the consciousness of the Starbabies (highly evolved
souls) now incarnating and the extant
energies of the planet. We peg the
Starbaby generation's first members as
incarnating about 1967. While the Star-
babies come prepared to ride accelerating energies to a new cultural order, as
of today the energies of the old order
still largely hold sway. Starbaby consciousness cannot mesh with presentday energies; thus such young people
have the same difficulties with certain
mental processes that Agitators have
always suffered. In the meantime they
act as Agitators, disrupting families,
classrooms, and Sunday schools across
the land, and in the process helping to
crumble the foundations of these institutions. Once the dust has settled, the
Starbabies can assume their rightful
place as leaders of the new order.
Should visualization be done until
the specific results appear or discontinued when it is sensed that its "message"
has been accepted by the psyche?
- A.J. (via CompuServe)
The latter-since one never knows
the precise form in which the visualized
images will manifest. It is best to allow
some "leeway" and not insist on concrete images as the only acceptable
manifestations. Allow the psyche and
higher self to assist you in manifesting
what is in your overall best interests.
Are we born with an inherent moral
code? Are we "good" from birth and
some simply become corrupted and
confused? - C.P., Cedar Rapids, lA
Humanity is too complex to be born
with an intrinsic moral code that holds
true for all cultures in all times and
places. Human children are born with a
feral morality, shared by your animal
brethren: that one should respect those
bigger and stronger, and not worry
about the rest. Each culture must impose
its own moral code on its children. In
even the most "primitive" human
societies, the child is taught to sublimate
immediate desires to the greater good of
a healthy, smoothly functioning tribe.
Gradually the child learns that it is in his
interests to maintain the health of the
tribe, for from such a secure foundation
one more easily meets the body's
requirements for food and shelter, finds
love and companionship, and a skill at
which to excel.
When a culture breaks down-and
particularly when men abdicate their
role as carriers of the moral codechildren remain forever at the level of
feral morality, seeking immediate
The Alexander journal
gratification of the body's pleasures,
incapable of feeling empathy for those
they hurt as they wantonly seek fulfillment of their impulses.
In Alexander Journal #13 you speak
about generating electrical energy by use
ofsound Can you elaborate on this
mechanism? -S.M., Denmark
As we have discussed before, energygenerating devices utilizing sound lie in
your future because the vibrations of the
planet do not currently allow for such
technology. Technology always rides the
planetary energies as they accelerate and
decelerate, so technology "advances"
during rising acceleration and "declines"
during deceleration. Where you stand
now, any physical substance being stimulated by sound vibration "captures" most
of the sound energy and releases either
none or a trickle.
As earth energies accelerate and
metals can be produced whose pattern
allows more "air" between molecules of
denser materials, metals will take on more
of the qualities of air and less of bedrock.
Since air is an unstable, high-energy field,
whereas bedrock is a solid, low-energy
field, their relative proportion determines
how much energy is captured by a metallic substance, and how much is released.
When metals can be produced with a
greater proportion of air, they will capture
less sound energy and release a greater
The design of a sound-driven,
energy-amplifying technology includes
the following: Sheets of paper-thin metal,
translucent and almost invisible, are
arranged about an inch apart inside a
chamber whose walls are made of the
same substance in thicker, sturdier form
(many such sheets bonded together). At
either end are small openings. When
sound is injected into the chamber
through one end of the chamber, its
waves bounce about the walls and among
the metal sheets, stimulating them to
vibrating. Because air is the primary
constituent of the metal, each sheet
releases almost as much energy as it
absorbs. Each sheet is further stimulated
by its neighbors' vibrations, which in turn
are reinforced and enhanced by the vibrations swirling about the chamber walls.
For a free brochure of Alexander books and
tapes, contact Pepperwood Press, P.O. Box
422, Ojai, California 93024; (805) 640-8883.
E-mail: pepperwd@rain.org
Web: http://www.otisnet.com/pepperwood
The net effect is that air's highly
stimulative quality, when anchored to
bedrock molecules to just the right degree
so as not to instantly dissipate sound energy, results in an amplification of the
sound energy, an increase in total energy
over the original sound stimulus. This
energy then travels out the chamber on a
wire, some of which can be routed back to
restimulate the chamber. The result is a
perpetual energy machine, one producing
more energy than it takes in. Perhaps your
great-grandchild will win the Nobel Prize
for designing such a contraption!
My question is related to the subject
of" dowsing, " i.e., the use of a dowsing
rod or pendulum for the purpose of connecting with the psychic realms or contacting the inner self Is this a valid art?
Can it be used to determine what vitamins
or flower/mineral essences the body could
benefit from? - L.K. (via CompuServe)
The use of dowsing rods, pendulums,
and other similar devices reflects an understanding that the body's energy fields
are carriers of electrical impulses born of
mental activity, including subconscious
activity. That is, one can use such devices
to access realms of information normally
not accessible to the conscious mind.
There is an especially strong flow of energy leading from the head down the arms
and ending in mid-palm. Thus, a device
held against the palm is especially susceptible to influence by these energetic flows.
It is most fruitful to seek answers
through the use of yes/no questions. A
"no" thought pattern-a falsehooddisrupts the smooth flow of energy. A
"yes" thought pattern-a truth-invigorates the flow. Holding the expectation in
mind that a "yes" will trigger a certain
response in the device, while a "no" triggers either its opposite or no response at
all, informs the mind/body how it should
manifest a yes or no. The subconscious
mind's response is manifested according
to these consciously held expectations.
Dowsing is useful for much more
than locating water underground; it is
applicable in almost every situation where
one seeks guidance from the inner self.
Rather than holding a device, one can
simply state aloud that a finger on the left
hand signals "yes" while the same finger
on the right hand means "no," then pose a
question and observe the body's response.
Such a process is especially helpful in
seeking information about the body and
its condition and possible treatmentswhether certain vitamins, minerals,
flower essences, herbs, or allopathic
treatments should be applied. The
"respect" inherent in asking the body's
perspective also helps to open and
vitalize the mind-body channel.
It has been stated that our
perception of time as linear is merely a
convenient illusion; that all time is truly
simultaneous. I have read that a soul
spends "time" reflecting on its life, and,
aided by master spirits, spends much
"time" deciding on specific events and
circumstances for the "next" life. Does
this mean that there is actually some
sort of linear timeline on the "other
side, " or is this another illusion created
for convenience's sake, or is it a place
where time really is simultaneouswhere you're coming as you're going
with everything in between?
- C.D. (via Internet)
Any level of the spiritual dimension
which is involved in earthly experienceincluding the astral plane and the levels
above it, where souls rest and study
between incarnations-is to some extent
affected by the parameters of earthly
life, including linear time. It is most
"comforting" to an individual soul,
freshly departed from its body, to have
its surroundings "work" as they did on
earth. So the illusion of linear time holds
true for levels of the spiritual dimension
to the extent that they are involved in
earthly life. Above such levels, of
course, linear time has no validity.
In issue #35 Alexander states, "The
law against killing other beings is
absolute and allows for no mercy' exceptions. " This puzzles me because
elsewhere he states that raising animals
for food is acceptable. Also, life on this
planet is based on a food chain, so that
killing is a built-in pattern. How can
there be a "law" against it?
- G.S. (San Luis Obispo, CA)
Perhaps we need to clarify the distinction between "killing" and "taking"
life. Taking life means ending another's
life so that one may feed oneself. It is
the immutable basis of physical life, this
recycling of corporal constituents, and
carries no karmic weight. "Killing"
means the deliberate destruction of
another life not out of physical need, but
because one has arrogantly assumed that
September 1996
doing so is in the best interests of oneself
or the world, with no regard for the
victim's right to life. Whenever one
decides that another being is better off
dead, and proceeds to terminate that life,
one has assumed the mantle of Godwhich no mortal may wear-and committed
an act of murder. In one case, the taking
of a life perpetuates the greater cycle of
life; in the other, killing disrupts that
cycle. Therein lies the karmic distinction.
Is some rough quantification possible
of the population of the earth today in
terms offamily of consciousness?
- B.H., Houston, TX
The proportion varies from culture to
culture. A highly technological culture is
heavy on Directors and Builders; a
"primitive" culture has a more even
spread. The average "template" ofhuman
society holds approximately these percentages: Directors, 30%; Builders, 30%;
Cradlers, 20; Innovators, 10%; Watchers,
5%; Agitators, 5%; Avatars, 0-1%. These
can be considered the "ideal" proportions
for the healthiest, most balanced culture.
The extent to which a culture varies from
these percentages indicates imbalances
likely to result in social dysfunction.
Your technologically sophisticated
culture, where Directors run at or above
50%, leaves less room for the emotional
balm of the Cradlers, the creative genius
of the Innovators, the shrill prophecies of
the Agitators. As a result, the culture is
slower to recognize its problems, slower
to act on them, and less likely to forge
genuinely creative and lasting solutions to
In Conscious Life Alexander outlined
the desired characteristics of the evolved
soul and the "true revolutionary."
Serenity seems to be the watchword.
Where does this leave the Agitator family
of consciousness? Its very essence seems
to be the antithesis of such serenity. What
place will there be for Agitators in the
new order, once it is well established?
- B.H., Houston, TX
It is true, the ideal "revolutionary" of
the new order is one who meets rising
social chaos with equanimity and inner
peace. These qualities, alas, are not the
hallmark of the Agitator family. Agitators,
however, are infinitely adaptable, and
where a culture is harmonious and
balanced, they'll tum their attention
elsewhere: on the family, for instance.
Agitators love being born to parents
enduring a cold marriage, and raising
such a ruckus (through misbehavior or
disability) that the parents' uneasy truce
is shattered: they must either forge a
closer bond or split apart.
And as the "new order" slowly
ossifies into yet another old order, the
Agitators will have their work cut out for
them, frothing over pockets of decay,
conuption, and stale dogma. No need to
wony about the Agitators' employment
prospects in the new order: an Agitator's
work is never done!
I am reading the Koran because of
the presence ofIslam in our world. Thus
far I have found it to be incredibly repetitive, nearly devoid of authentic philosophy, saturated with threats .and menace
while constantly boasting of "mercy, "
and backward in every way. Alexander
once stated that longevity was a measure
of the degree of truth a religion contained. How can this be true of Islam?
Also, I question Mohammed's status as
an avatar. Was he? What was going on
back then? (Name withheld)
It is axiomatic that when the western
mind meets the Koran, it is rarely a
smooth or pleasant read. For the Koran is
meant to be recitzd, not read, and carries
its power in the intonations of Arabic, its
language of origin. It is not meant as
literature, but as a series of proscriptions
as to the imperatives of a moral life.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam form
a triumvirate of great religions arising in
the Middle East. In all cases, the founding
fathers of these religions were born into
corrupt and decaying societies, given to
worship of many gods and idols, holding
the sanctity of marriage in mocking contempt, given to sexual and intoxicant
excess. An avatar must speak in words his
culture can hear, at a level of spiritual
development just a few notches above the
extant cosmology. Moses, Jesus, and
Mohammed did just that, addressing
themselves to their followers in terms
resonating as "truth" for its relative
refinement compared to the prevailing
Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed all
affirmed, first and foremost, that there is
only one God. "Allah" means "the God,"
underscoring that there is only one. This
is an intermediate step between the
Greek/Roman worship of pantheons of
all-too-human gods, and the realization of
Universal Oneness which lies before you
in time. Moses' Jehovah was a wrathful,
fear-inspiring God, as was necessary for
the people of his time to listen and obey.
Jesus offered a revised version, a more
loving and forgiving God, as the next
step. Given the licentiousness ofhis
times, Mohammed's projection of Allah
was a combination of Jehovah and New
Testament God, both merciful and
punishing. Each "picture" of the creator
spoke directly to its time and place of
The Avatar family has two
branches: a very few genuine Avatars,
and a larger body of Teachers. You
know Mohammed was a Teacher, not a
genuine Avatar, for two reasons: (1) he
had wives; (2) he wielded earthly power
and led armies in battle. Genuine
Avatars exist in a rarefied realm where
all beings are seen as elements as one
indivisible gestalt; and no one individual may be singled out as a special
companion, a wife (Buddha left his wife
upon realizing enlightenment; Jesus
never married). In addition, romantic
love involves fantasy, projection, and
individuation, all psychological pro~
cesses unknown to genuine Avatars.
And no genuine Avatar would wield
earthly power, the administration of a
political realm, and certainly would
never lead troops in battle.
Mohammed was a Teacher, then, a
highly inspired intuitive who often went
into a trancelike state while dictating the
Koran. His accomplishments were
remarkable, for within his lifetime he
united an enormous empite"and. wrought ·
profound improvements in the personal
and cultural life ofhis'people.
The Middle Eas(birthplace of
great religions, is today the birthplace of
many baby and young souls enthralled
'P. ().
tJjM. eA 93024
Printed on recycled paper
with personal gratification and tribal
identification. Orthodox Judaism, orthodox Christianity, and orthodox Islam are
powerful forces, for they mold baby and
young souls' selfish urges into socially
validated expression. Lest they become
wild savages, baby and young souls often
need a boot camp of some sort, either a
genuine military or a religion demanding
strict obedience and brooking no questioning of dogma. Militant Christians,
militant Jews, militant Muslims are all
juvenile souls struggling to sublimate
their impulses into a larger, grander
scheme, and for this they willingly
surrender their individuality and die for
the glory of Jesus, Jehovah, or Allah.
Thus the "truth" contained in the Old
and New Testaments and the Koran still
rings true for legions of baby and young
souls, for whom the rarefie.wisdom of
Buddhism and the Tao seems so foreign
it's almost extraterrestrial. It is best to
respect the soul qualities arid paths of
others, and allow them their truths,
however foreign they ring in refined
western ears.
A prophecy is that the earth is coming into a ''photon belt" soon, which will
render all electricity inactive. What does
Alexander have to say on the subject?
- C.H., Cincinnati, OH
Our readers would be better forewarned about the "nonsense belt" which
aP}5toa~hes with the coming millennium~
which may render all rational discourse
Dear Readers,
This issue marks the end of our journey together via the Alexander Journal. It is our host's
desire to move on to new realms of endeavor and of course we respect and support his
decision to do so. We appreciate the support he has received from many of you in this
matter, and the gratitude you have expressed for the material we have been able to deliver
through the Journal.
Taken together, the information contained in the Journal and our books is intended not so
much to offer a radically original cosmology as it is to restore you to your innate knowledge
and wisdom which is often smothered under the precepts of a western upbringing. The
internal spark of recognition you may feel when reading our material and that of others
reflects that inner recognition of aboriginal knowledge lying latent beneath consensus culture.
Our purpose in delivering this information has been to reawaken your greater self, restore
your self-awareness to a broader field of being, and to urge embrace of a richer, more
comprehensive worldview, one which can carry you through an era of turmoil and into a new
age of cultural transformation.
In the deepest sense, then, we are simply restoring you to yourself. For that process to
continue, you need not look to Alexander or any other external source of guidance, however
helpful it may be to have such illumination on the path toward transformation. The time
arrives when one must take the knowledge one has gained from outside sources and take
responsibility for one's own journey. To put a positive spin on the Journal's cessation, then,
you may view it as a "graduation" from the ivy-covered halls of book learning and a gentle
shove toward direct encounter with the real world, with your inner self.
In our realm of existence it is considered a rare privilege to be able to communicate directly
with your distant world. We have been fortunate to have such an eloquent and tireless scribe
as in our host Ramon Stevens, and to have you as the recipients of our collaboration. As
each of you learns and grows from our material, our purpose is fulfilled; and as you spread
the fruits of your growing wisdom among your circles of friends and family, you yourselves
become the bearers of enlightenment and transformation.
Our blessings on your journey.